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What are you working on /g/?
>no previous thread link
dont link it, dont link it right now.
previous thread: >>>/diy/2757813
How do you even put code here, there's a pretty crappy line limit.
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We had many fights over the previous thread link, i purposely refrained from adding it, the current thread is the current thread no need to talk about the previous thread, i made the previous thread btw
a dl chrome userscript that filters tranime threads out
osdev niggers want to jedimindtrick you into thinking that acpi is hard
acpi is a JJoke, tranni IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII es just want to write bloated software that nobody will read or use, fuck, Linux doesnt do that... ECI NONsenseIIIIIII . Anyway, I am writing an acpi ""inTerpreter"", the word they use IIIIII IIIIII to trick your FFucking mind fhm IIIIII IIIIII
anyway, not today be IIIIIII IIIII I IIIIIIIIII because i am tired, i speedran writing a UEFI a bootloader in (un)HolyC(++) the past couple of days or so
oh well uhh
first rule of fight club is don't talk about programming
Fuck, Terry was more coherent than you, and he was certifiably schizophrenic.
dont EVAR fucking forget because God... he will fucking blow all you c.i.aniggers on a whim. Yeah.. God could have a whim and wipe away the cia
, bill gates can fuck all fucking fbicattle he wants because i have God
We've literally always had the previous thread link. It's nice to go look at the old thread after waking up or something to see if you were replied to, without having to fuck around with the archive.
It's not something "controversial" like the other crap people try to put in the OP.

Otherwise your OPs are fine.
i am not schizophrenic, i am just having fun
>muh coherence
you live in a world of lies and treachery and this is the nonsense that you dare mention, certifiably goycattlenigger
At least you learned how to write "schizophrenic".
not everybody you talk to is the same person, i just happen to be the same person, you are not smart or anything for having understood that since you didnt even understand* it...
>not everybody you talk to is the same person
>i just happen to be the same person
whatever, you are a niggermonkey having fun not giving (You)s to people because it gives you some sort of false conformation that you are better than them, i hope you get gutted by a cartel member
>be the anon from a few threads ago who got sick of trying to learn complex languages like Rust and Zig and just continue to use C because I'm retarded
update, I'm working on a remake of an old project of mine written from the ground-up; a launcher for a video game. I've successfully done some good string handling that allows long strings of user input to be parsed into appropriate arguments.
Did you mean: confirmation
False deformation? I can live with that.
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Hey, as long as it's false.
Eh well I already built my hobby site, it was tedious with many details and assests, and today I have begun building websites for my future business endeavours to keep me motivated.

I am working on a game but I am still in the conception and planning stage, next step would be creating assests. I know I can program at least some of the game but I am stuck now because I don't have a computer to support the programs like unreal engine. But I am learning how to use it.

I know games are in C but shit I can't say I know this language
C is simple:
>don't use malloc
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Daily Remind Chatgpt had already replaced most of you and if you think you're in some little niche sooner or later someone will tip off management that you do nothing and you'll be made redundent.

Code monkeys first to go when cost cutting starts
my webphub app is working everything started to work properly, i'll do more work on the ui to make it look prettier
i uses cwebp and other parts of google libwebp, i'll move soon to create a bulk encode and decode functionality
>Daily Remind
Hey, Yevgeny, you've doing a fucking terrible job at demoralization.
>Chatgpt had already replaced most of you
its coding solutions are full of errors and don't work properly though?
Have they managed to solve the halting problem yet?
No, but who needs that in the first place?
So how do you know that AI code does what you asked it to, if you don't even know if it's not going to just get stuck in an infinite loop?
Not my problem.
What do you think of this?
function r(x) if not v then v=0 end v=(v+0.191471894719279)%1 return x*(v*4915.1852717*(v*5612.3232516*(v*9147.1612791%1)%1)%1) end
bundled my first program with an icon
I am using Python with Flask.
I have no idea how this alert is even called. How do I approach this? It looks like it must be some kind of javascript crap but I have no idea
forgot the screenshot but already figured it out by myself.
Ignore my dumb ass
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#define maybe if(rand()%2==0)
int main(){
when using a socket, is there something I can do to query it before I read to ensure that my read call will not block?
read(sock, ..., ...)

I know there is epoll but that seems like extreme overkill, I just want to know if there is data once
select(), or do you find that overkill too.
but select man pages say not to use it since if you get assigned a fd greater than 1024 it will break?
Do you have 1024 files open then? You don't get a random file descriptor 1024.
oh, I thought they were universal
>The file descriptor returned by a successful call will be the lowest-numbered file descriptor not currently open for the process.
Every new file descriptor takes the lowest number slot possible. And accept() will already fail if there's no more, not select().
You could also just change the socket to non-blocking, then just try reading it to see if there's data or not.
select() is ancient crap. Use poll() in this situation.
No, he's right, accept will keep working but select will fail (but it doesn't matter if you've only got a few sockets). If you've only got a few sockets though I wouldn't even bother with select/poll/whatever, just switch to non-blocking and read every now and then.
The reason select fails btw isn't because there's a limit of 1024 file descriptors, it's because (on linux) select takes a fixed size bitset that's 1024 bits wide, with the positions of the 1 bits signaling which fds you want to check. So if you've got an fd higher than 1024 it won't fit in the set. As another Anon mentioned poll doesn't have this problem.
Congratulations, what language did you write it in? Is it bundled in the traditional installer?
what's the right way to switch a socket to non-blocking? I see people using fctnl() ut every example I've looked at so far uses different arguments...
>every now and then
That is a horrible way to do shit.
The real advantage of poll() and friends is that you get to block in a sensible place while nothing is happening, and you still get to react to events.
"Just make them all non-blocking and check them" as a general solution sounds like a very dumb busy loop. Non blocking definitely has its uses, but that is not one of them.
For most situations (a handful of fds) it works just fine.
my use case is a unit test. I want to write 1 message and I want to read 1 message. if it fails then I don't want to be stuck blocking forever. I wanted to do something like
>sleep 100ms
>try to read
if there is no data consider the test failed
You can just pass SOCK_NONBLOCK when you create the socket using the "socket" function.

I said if he's only got a very small number (like one or two). If you've got more than a few sockets then yeah obviously poll (or epoll) is better (I still always set my sockets to non-blocking as a general rule though).
I just finished this magic 8 ball program. I kinda wanna add a gui, but I don't know where to start. I've been learning c for a few weeks now
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
char * m8b[] = {"It is certain", "It is decidedly so", "Without a doubt", "Yes definitely", "You may rely on it", "As I see it, yes", "Most likely",
"Outlook good", "Yes", "Signs point to yes", "Reply hazy, try again", "Ask again later", "Better not tell you now", "Cannot predict now",
"Concentrate and ask again", "Don't count on it", "My reply is no", "My sources say no", "Outlook not so good", "Very doubtful"};

char ques;

int r = rand() % 21;

printf("Ask the Magic 8 Ball a question: ");
scanf("%s", &ques);
", m8b[r]);
well what do you know
Ask the Magic 8 Ball a question:
Is >>101543894 a faggot?
It is certain
>I still always set my sockets to non-blocking as a general rule though
This is good because even when select and poll return readable, the socket can block in special cases (such as a queued connection on a listening socket that has been removed after the select or poll returned but before the accept).
Non-posix standard, but widely implemented:
Do it at the same time you make the socket
// The question wasn't about CLOEXEC, but it's a idea to set it 99% of the time.
int sock = socket(domain, type | SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC, protocol);

int client_sock = accept4(sock, NULL, NULL, SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC);

standard fcntl way:
int flags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL);
fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);

You can just use the timeout argument to poll for that.
You could also block inside of recv, and wake yourself up with a SIGALRM.
>scanf("%s", &ques);
Nice buffer overflow there.
it really is magic, huh
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whoops, forgot a newline in the final output:
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
char * m8b[] = {"It is certain", "It is decidedly so", "Without a doubt", "Yes definitely", "You may rely on it", "As I see it, yes", "Most likely",
"Outlook good", "Yes", "Signs point to yes", "Reply hazy, try again", "Ask again later", "Better not tell you now", "Cannot predict now",
"Concentrate and ask again", "Don't count on it", "My reply is no", "My sources say no", "Outlook not so good", "Very doubtful"};

int r = rand() % 21;

printf("Ask the Magic 8 Ball a question: ");
scanf(" ");
printf("%s\n", m8b[r]);

huh yeah, whadda you know
well, i'll just get rid of it. not like i was doing anything with the question anyways
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Tnx! Golang, just binary in folder, no installer
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Tokio soup isn't safe anon, imagine the world being dependent on a third party library because Rust async is borderline unusable
what is boost
Could probably replace the hardcoded 21 with sizeof(m8b)/sizeof(char *), no? Or something like that.
Always hilarious to see people call themselves professional programmers.
Why? Is it derogatory? Is it a lie? Is it a wrong term? Do professional programmers not exist? Do you think they should not call themselves by their occupation? Please clarify.
Why the fuck would you want to write async code in a real programming language. I can understand being forced to write async in javascript or python or some other scripting language, but this is rust?! If you really need asynchronous IO, then write your asynchronous IO without the retarded async/await syntax.
Calling malloc is a firing offense at any real software company.
consteval not constexpr

struct dpp8_param{
uint8_t shuffle[8];
consteval dpp8_param(/* params */ ) : /* initializers */ { /* validate */ }
consteval uint8_t operator[](size_t idx) const noexcept { return shuffle[idx]; }

i might be misremembering, and might've used it as a non-type template parameter but I think this worked as a const ref, it's the same idea as std::source_location
also there's __builtin_constant_p or whatever that forces constant folding
>sizeof(m8b)/sizeof(char *)
sizeof m8b/sizeof m8b[0]
yeah, i hadn't even heard of sizeof until now, but yeah that's a better option. i also just realized that arrays go from 0-20, and rand starts at 0, so i only needed % 20 in the first place.
what is the difference? does m8b[0] just specifically refer to the m8b char * array?
Why not just set all pointers to 1 instead of 0? No more null pointers!
Can you start using a trip so your dumb shit is easier to filter?
you want your program to stop if it does something unintended
that way you can pinpoint the exact thing thats going wrong more easily.
otherwise you get something thats called a "silent failure".
when your program continues to run, but you dont get the output you wanted.
there you must first begin with finding what went wrong exactly, as opposed to your program stopping at the exact moment something did
and if it stops when you dereference 1
you just recreated dereferencing
>you just recreated dereferencing
you just recreated dereferencing a null pointer
It's because people who start off a post with "as a software engineer/professional programmer" are usually the dumbest retards on the planet and have no clue about what they're talking about.
As a woman, it is very similar to retards and trolls posting with the template "As a <member of group X>, <bad opinion Y>", where X is some elevated/protected group, and Y is a brave statement designed to collect as much upcummies as possible in combination with X. As an ESL, i think it is also grammatically incorrect.
wtf did i just read
no you for you, anons
only the eternal fire of the pit of damnation
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in honor of dumper-kun (who has thankfully kept the thread cleaner than usual by not talking about the nuances of malloc for 82 replies) i have written a registry dumper for TempleOS, not even sure if i could call it one since all it does is expand DolDoc trees so you can see every entry, but it still counts as "dump" i guess
U8 *MemMCat(U8 *a,I64 i,U8 *b,I64 j) {
U8 *new,*orig=NULL;
if (MSize(a)<i+j) {
return a;

U8 *StrMCat(U8 *a,U8 *b) {
return MemMCat(a,StrLen(a),b,StrLen(b)+1);

U8 *StrSwp(U8 *s,U8 *what,U8 *with,Bool free=TRUE) {
U8 *cur=s,*res=CAlloc(1),*match;
I64 what_len=StrLen(what),len=StrLen(with),cur_len=0;
while (TRUE) {
if (match=StrMatch(what,cur)) {
//not invoking strlen->100x speedup
//no strlen in hot loops!
} else {
if (free) Free(s);
return res;

U0 RegDump(U8 *reg="~/Registry.HC") {
U8 *s=FileRead(reg);
if (!s) return;

null pointers (and other variables) arent necessarily initialized as zero, if the stack is allocated over previously used memory then they contain whatever the memory used to contain
a lot of people initialize a pointer to NULL, but this takes an extra operation
null isn't zero, it's a symbolic constant representing an invalid address that converts to zero
zero is a valid address on a lot of systems just protected by the kernel
and the guaranteed invalid address can be something else like 0xFFFFFFFF
>if the stack is allocated over previously used memory then they contain whatever the memory used to contain
ik but it garbage values so you dont want that.
unless youre a hakerman
What's the runtime?
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any number below the first line of /proc/self/maps on linux may be used as null for professional enterprise purposes
like a hundred microseconds? nothing you can notice, and the HPET latency probably takes up a significant portion of this measurement.
also you could just do

but this takes around a few milliseconds because DocCollapse applies for the entire Doc and does a whole lot more.
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toylang progress, tables
indexing always gives an optional, you can also define a default value
And the size of the dump?
I made a tool called pepe eyes to encourage me to take a break from my screen every 20 minutes and if I ignore it for 30 minutes it shuts down my computer.

The thing you quickly realise is just how quickly 20 minutes goes by when you're shit posting.
Reading pbrt v4's thread pool implementation so i can use it for my game engine
rolling for total rust troon death
peak retardation
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>What are you working on /g/?
Attempting to get the cs50 library to work with my IDE, CodeLite. Downloaded from source and installed it and it works from the command line. Attempting the same in CodeLite: go to project settings, passing the same compiler command and I get
"undefined reference to 'get_string"
In Linker Settings:
Library Search Path: "/usr/local/lib"
Libraries: "libcs50.a"

In Compiler Options:
C Compiler Options:
>acpi specification withholding information on how data objects are linked to name objects
>"no why would you ever need that goy? just be a good goy and usa acpica"
atrocious, all of these comminties need []
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Just started with Harvard CS50.
Will knowing Binary actually help me be a better programmer?
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someone post what a real programmer who uses FORTRAN can do.
>Will knowing Binary actually help me be a better programmer?
>snatch DSDT data from the Registry,
no wait because the registry dumper guy is actually making money
I want to start contributing to open source, specifically agpl3 code, but I hate c and c++ (subjectively). What should I work on? Language doesn't matter so long as it's not php ruby or the aforementioned.
No, it's bloat that web "devs"(heh) learn to pretend that they're real programmers when they're centering a div. It's about as useful to programming as calculus is, just junk math that you'll never use.
I've just discovered I can use environment variables in my esolang to keep global variables.
What does /g/ think of using such a method?
func setter:
@function that sets a global variable via environment vars
env "gvar", "12345678"

func tester:
@when env gets only one arg, it returns the var value
print env "gvar"

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I chiefly write object-oriented code where I work but would like to know how to approach problems with a functional programming mind set. My main language is C#. Where do I start anons?
>Never explains why
You know why.
Depends on what you are doing but sometimes yes.
Not a bad idea.
Is Rust community ivory tower?
I don't think an average person could handle Rust.
The average person is too smart to give a shit about static analysis.
no, definitely not
they're terrified of actual system access
i'm like 90% sure the rust community (the loud part at least, i'm sure there's plenty of people who know what they're doing) is a bunch of webdevs who only know surface level shit and larp as systems programmers
the kind of people who jump on the latest new javascript framework, the kind of people who import a library for two line functions
the fact that what i'm pretty sure most people use as the main rust UI framework, tauri, is webview based, does yield credence to that
also everyone knows the ivory tower fags are the pure functional programming fags
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>What are you working on /g/?
Absolutely fucking nothing. I can't motivate and I don't fucking care no more. I need new purpose in my life.
So why aren't you working on thermonuclear devices?
Functional Programming in C#
How to write better C# code
Enrico Buonanno

August 2017 ISBN 9781617293955 408 pages

printed in black & white

Available translations: Polish, Simplified Chinese

Microsoft & .NET
>but would like to know how to approach problems with a functional programming mind set.
as long as you're not learning it through C++ template metaprogramming (like i did) you'll probably be fine
>My main language is C#.
that makes it easy, F#
same runtime different syntax
i haven't written much of it but i've written a bit and have been meaning to properly pick it up
the tutorials aren't as good unfortunately
how do I learn to make a new coin?
the field is riddled with grifters so I'm hesitant to open youtube
is it as easy as downloading bitcoin source and modify something
>>>/biz/ was created specifically to contain you kids
Because it's a very nice way to write code.
"coins" are some sort of pattern you can find within a randomized string
You are going to invert the pattern, then simply use a randomization evaluator and boom

It really is this easy

Also fuck, some niggers actually got rich off of this shit
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I'm not interested in grifting, never even bothered to learn about cryptoshit, just having some idea rn
>another day wasted thinking of what project to start

How do I get over this? I want to start a long term project but get discouraged when I don't see the fruits of my labor quickly. I suffer.
If you knew how to start you would have done so already. Reconsider what you're actually capable of and go back to grinding your fundies.
Installed emacs on my smart phone.
I'm going to make the next punnet from my smart phone.
can someone give me some advice on this https://pastebin.com/nWdE42mT I want to multithread both producer and consumer but the consumer is reading chunks not just one element at a time. I have a working example but it sometimes shits itself. Also why does it take so long to compile this? Nearly 4s when using g++ -o main main.cpp -lfmt -std=c++20 -pthread -fuse-ld=mold
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I'm thinking about writing a driver for an arduino-type board. It's basically going to be a simple sound card. My idea was basically plug it in -> gets recognized as the correct type of device, likely a cobbled-together snd-usb-audio type of device and I can manipulate it with alsa from there.
However, the actual connection is done through a USB-to-TTL cable, meaning that Linux primarily recognizes it as the FTDI FT232R chip. How do I handle this? Do I unload the FTDI driver, do I incorporate it in my own, or is there some override I should use? I still need to use the actual FTDI driver to send my data from USB->TTL, so it seems like I should be able to write my driver so that it boths incorporates and takes precedence over the FTDI driver, without me having to unload anything.

I don't think this should be particularly difficult but I'm curious about the "proper" way to handle this
Where is your synchronization?
not reading it because you waste too much vertical space but stop using 6 headers for a 40 line program and instead use syscalls
I guess like this but I sure there is a better way of doing this https://pastebin.com/x4y9j6EQ I imagine going back to this after a week/month will be a pain in the ass to read.
It's a very nice way to make sure every useful networking library has a badly written async copy that lags 10 years behind on fixing all the same bugs and edge cases, usually with maintainers abandoning the project 3 years in.
its right there
        while( i * chunk_width > data.count) {

works for my usecase the consumer will wait until producer catches up. The only problem occurs when the producer thread is much faster than the consumer but that doesnt happen for my usecase.
>works for my usecase
Yeah, until it doesn't, because the OS scheduler decided to fuck you over.
I guess in a "real" product you'd just rewrite the vendor ID etc on the chip? If that's the case I'll try to figure out some workaround/hack and not bother doing it "properly"
I tried making a CLI program with Swift because I liked it a lot when making an iPhone app.
Turns out it actually sucks. All I was doing was downloading some data from a web API and storing it in an SQLite database. That's when I found out the standard library's JSON functions are somehow slower than Python's.
Apple sisters, it's over.
OS dev anon here, i finally got my setup working with hello world and shit, i need an implementation book now, any reccomendation?
mind you that i already have a theoretical background, the dinosaur book which quite frankly was not that big of a deal, too shallow.
i was thinking about the tanenbaum's MINIX which was the one torvalds used, i also tried https://littleosbook.github.io/ but does't go very deep.
i appreciate any input, thanks.
Is that Julia or Lua?
Say I'm making the exact same GO http request (same body and headers) locally and it works fine but the moment I deploy the code to an AWS lambda function and run it there I get back a 401 error what could possibly be the cause?
It's the exact same code and request body/headers.
Could they have blacklisted us-east-1 or something?
User agent?
Doesn't change any of the outcomes with or without it, but good guess.
Another endpoint required that even though it wasn't mentioned in their docs at all...

Thinking about trying some github library to make the request instead of the default GO "net/http".
Or perhaps setting a proxy?
In that case I'd fiddle with the TLS ciphers. A couple years ago I discovered that Cloudflare distinguished people using the Tor Browser by the cipher suite.

Back then I promised the Tor people that I wouldn't make this public knowledge, but since Cloudflare has changed their mechanism yet again I don't feel like honoring it anymore ...
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>inline constexpr /* unspecified */ split = /* unspecified */;
>(((since C++20)))
here are your docs bro
>clownshow: the C++ standard
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How do I make this also fetch .webms? I thought just adding
 || hyperlink.href.toLowerCase().endsWith('.webm')
to line 25 would be enough but apparently it breaks the script.

it's an invokable immune to argument dependent lookup referred to as a neibloid
i believe there's multiple ways to do them, and you're not suppose to use the views invokables for anything, aside from actual function calls which is why they're never specified in that way in the standard, but usually they're implemented as a stateless constexpr object with a constexpr operator()
What else is it supposed to say?
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I don't even know what is happening with this language anymore. don't even care.
I can't blame zoomers for not wanting to participate in this clown show, chopping their dicks off, and running with rust.
they're named after the person that made them, they're a hack to break argument dependent lookup
it's not something you're expected to know, you don't get to know how these work because if you want their internals you're assumed to be abusing them or working on the STL
it's not relevant information and this is honestly more on cppreference than anything else, they should represent them as normal functions
When are we comfortable admitting that the only reason we continue with C++ is because of the time and effort sunk into learning this prolapse?
bets on what the next constXXX is going to be?
when someone actually makes a decent C++2? like D but without the brainlet pandering and explicitly pandering only to people who use C++
seriously i can't believe it's really only now that something like carbon or cppfront were being discussed
no, not rust
ignoring all the other problems i'm sick of faggots trying to get clever and mixing ML and algol syntax, they're both fine on their own
Jai is a thing. If you don't have access to it yet, then C++ shall suit you.
i've seen his talks on vulkan
johnathan blow is an actually worthless retard who should kill himself
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Ziggers, explain this stupid syntax
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Should you let your players do the needful?
constreflect or constasync
or constract
im not a dirty zigger but i think this is like for takes the items and then a lambda, so its like for_each(items by ref or value, [item or &item] ...
>Assigning strings to "\0"
>What are you working on
A friend of the family wants to get me a job on his company but I haven't messed with programming since 2015, is learncpp still good?
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nothing, it makes perfect sense. unspecified split is unspecified.
the point is what matters is what it does not how it is implemented
How can a lambda be an argument if it's outside the parentheses? And how can it be a lambda in the first place, that's the bitwise OR operator.
its whatever zig wants it to be retard
how do i use c
"just start coding stuff with it" how where would i start
how would i know what to do
how would i know what to type
wtf do i do if i dont have any ideas (ive become retarded)
should i just stick to making garbage in vb.net
what about c++
what about assembly for beloved reverse engineer(ing)
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update: made nested assignments work. I had no idea how to approach this initially, especially because I was trying to solve the issue at the evaluation stage, and found little help online. ended up solving it at the parsing step, by backtracking on an indexing expression and saving the indices I find along the way in a vector. by backtracking I mean ???[6] = 7; => ???[5][6] = 7; => x[5][6] = 7;

Assembly is fantastic but not available on codecademy. Not sure if there are good sites for it outside of YouTuber scams.
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How fucking hard is it to google "c tutorial"?
Has bad memory management, even if everyone pretends to ignore it.
You can use inline assembly in gcc.
this guy's M68k assembly tutorial is apparently pretty good
Can't you literally use C code inside C++?
languages like C would evaluate a[b] to a ptr then a[b][c] is just that ptr[c]
similarly in C++ you could have references
You can, but you shouldn't. Not only will C++ devs filet you, but C++ has implicit garbage (constructors, destructors, exceptions, etc) that doesn't exist in C. In C you only pay for what you explicitly use.
will check it out tomorrow, thanks
very hard to google c tutorial saar
also may i ask why you consider it had bad memory management
whats so wrong if it does
i mean i guess ill check that out too since i dont think i did so far
There has never been a less capable or passionate generation than you lazy fucks
>whats so wrong if it does
Not her, but the difference between C++ and C is that under the hood, C++ calls malloc and free, which, as you know, are a communist psyop to slow down computers, undermine the Third Roman Empire, and trick people into thinking we landed on the moon
the next one
But the fact you CAN manage memory manually with free/delete, malloc/new, makes it kind of moot I would think.
C/++ attract mad left-leaning political activists, so take their criticism with a grain of salt.
Are python yield generators thread safe? for example if I call this test function from multiple threads/processes they would have all seperate generators and the variables in it aren't shared right?

def test():
total = pre_add = 0

while True:
params = yield

if isinstance(params, dict):
key_1, value_1 = next(iter(params.items()))

if key_1 == "pre_add" and isinstance(value_1, int):
pre_add = value_1
elif key_1 == "add" and value_1 is True:
total += pre_add; pre_add = 0
elif key_1 == "get_total" and value_1 is True:
yield total; pre_add = 0

generator = test()

generator.send({"pre_add": 15})
generator.send({"add": True})
generator.send({"pre_add": 5})
generator.send({"add": True})
print(generator.send({"get_total": True}))
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Just curious, but why do you assume I'm female?
haskell is like C++: it has too much damn stuff
But you shouldn't. Like, *really* shouldn't.
>need an implementation book
nigger just figure shit out as you go, i would stay away from anything linux is doing, those niggers couldnt into arrays and now they are changing everything
celebrated too early, the correct behavior should've been
x[_][3] = 4;
[0: [1: 2], _: [3: 4]]

thankfully it was easy to fix
true enough, if I decided to support pass by reference I could just do this
>not answering the question
I'll enter a plea of "insanity" on your behalf.
C++ is the only language that allows you to not wrap the preprocessor with your own, C projects do that shit all the time
Every modern language is bloated horseshit and keeps adding shit every year. That's why i stuck with C. If only C had memory safety that would be the only feature i would like.
>please suck all the joy out of writing an OS for me because i am a limpdicked faggot
no, if you dont like it give up.
Not everything is targeted at you, insane-kun.
they don't have any thread related behaviour at all, you could reference a shared mutable variable or not, same as a regular function
if you mean the state that says where in the generator you are and what the local variables are that comes from calling the function, if you call it multiple times you get different ones
generator1 = test()
generator2 = test()
but if you did generator2 = generator1 it would be the same
>If only C had memory safety
What would this look like? Austral with curly braces?
4chan is literally a honeypot of federal agents built for me, i play along
Why can't I stop doing Advent of Code puzzles? I want to start and work on other projects, but it is just so FUN!
I looked it up. There's a big list of anti-features. That's the spirit. But i like my curly braces indeed.
Not just the sunk cost of personal time invested, but the availability of best practices that have been developed by people who have spent their whole life figuring out the best way to do things and freely sharing it.
i want a language that optimizes operations like

b = map(a, f)

where a is never used again, to an in-place

for(i = 0,len(a)-1) a[i] = <body of f(x)>
you do not need to hit me with that
There's nothing wrong with C++. Or rather, there are many, many things wrong with it but you can still use it in a way that is mostly correct.

The alternatives are all literally worse. Including C.
>who have spent their whole life figuring out the best way to do things and freely sharing it
Can you point to some of these best practices? And what do I get if my practices beat theirs swimmingly?
>The alternatives are all literally worse. Including C.
And how do you know this isn't already happening in cases where it is practical?
i haven't used sepples since, i don't know, 2010?
Java mogs your language when it comes to literally anything except embedded or gamedev, and even then most people still don't gamedev in C++
that is the fault of cretins using the standard library, not the language
kinda pointless instead of just having an explicit map assign function
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I finished the the ui i just need, few tweaks and i'll be done
Now give me a head pat for my hard work
What alternative would you propose?
Link to your conference presentation?
yo good job
Is Rust the future?
No bias, what do you think? Is it to become the C++ of 2040? Is it inherently better as a language and just merely limited by lack of development of features and compiler optimization?
Not that trannon, but the best practices of C++ is literally:

>No templates at all
>Write your own containers if you need to, just no fucking templates
>Stay the fuck away from TMP
>Don't use fucking smart pointers everywhere, they are completely unnecessary most of the time
>In fact, understand RAII but don't blindly follow it
>Focus everything on data, your specific data, and how to transform it. Programming is just transforming data. Nothing else.
>OOP is short for OOPs I ruined your codebase.
>Seriously, focus on data.
>And make as few memory allocations as possible, that way you won't have to worry about lifetimes, ownerships, fragmentations and won't suffer from cache misses which slow down your code heavily.
>No fucking polymorphism. The 'P' in Robert C. Martin stands for "Professional Programmer".
>Seriously, stay the fuck away from TMP.
Post best practices.
Looks like someone is stupid. And it isn't the language.
Java is a Pajeet language for tards who goes "OOPs" all over your codebase.
As long as they're running with the "object equals allocation" paradigm I'm not interested.

Why not use C at that point?
handle memory manually, i like dynamic allocation on per-type arenas with a side array of bytes to check for free spots faster
Sure, but I don't understand why you're talking about yourself in the third person.
good shit bro
>dicks you down

>no polimorphism
you are retarded and cant into unions
Because C++ is more flexible and allows for more tools than C does. There is nothing wrong with Objects just because OOP sucks. There is nothing wrong with using parts of the STL as long as you don't blindly do it and know what the fuck you are doing, OR for a very good reason don't give a shit about compilation time and performance. Etc.

C++ is a good language filled with retarded stuff and always makes the wrong thing by default.
>Because C++ is more flexible and allows for more tools than C does

>There is nothing wrong with Objects just because OOP sucks
I never said anything about objects, my concern has always been memory allocation.

>as long as you don't blindly do it
Orrrrrr I can simply stick to see and keep my life simple.
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What about these are specific to C++?
>that image
fucking cancer
Ok, let me rephrase that. No virtual. But if you know about tagged unions you don't need the best practices.
I don't even know what that means, and considering that I don't I apparently don't care, neither.
i expect rust's compiler does it

i don't even want to think about it, i just want to express some code in the idiomatic way. if i can see that 'a' is obviously never used again in a scope, then it should be just as obvious to SSA-based passes. and surely every map can be replaced by a loop and a lowered function, right?
lmao now he's pissed, look you have NOTHING to share, nobody cares
I used objects as an example.
What's your concern about memory allocation?
Wow yes very sophisticated opinions there
>everyone is the same person
Are you being mentally ill again?
I don't need to explain why OOP is shit, do I?
It's like Haskell, aka a research language. Not for real use
Have you ever overloaded malloc/calloc/realloc/free in any program of your choice, logged every single instance of them being called into a file, and then seen how completely fucking retarded the allocation patterns are? Because I have.

>also multithreading
>organizing your code is uhhh bad because i said so, okay?? modularizing is bad because I SAID SO!!!! STOP PUTTUNG YOUR CODE IN OBJECTS I DONT LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!
Sorry buddy but real software is object-oriented for a reason
you're projecting and deflecting. just admit you have nothing to share and nobody cares about your opinion compared to somebody who has worked decades in the industry at a high ranking position and has generously shared their knowledge with the world free of charge even if you disagree, nobody cares because you have no proof just baseless narcissistic claims of superiority with nothing to back them up
You sound easily impressionable.
which alphabet agency do you work for? Dont worry, this is 4chan noone will come and find you
rust is the future in the same way that the next year is always the year of the linux desktop.
Becuase of overreliance on STL, OOP-mindset and RAII? No, I haven't done it myself but I can quite imagine. Point is, you don't have to do it like that.

In ten years or so you'll realize how horribly wrong you are and how much time you've wasted being a bad programmer.
>Point is, you don't have to do it like that.
Then why would I use C++ in the first place? I still don't know what this means: >>101556418
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i'm tired of real software
>Sepplesfags arguing about "my subset of C++"
That's one of the main reasons it's such a shit language.
my personal and private assembly implementation of virtualalloc replaces all of that.
Because I have more tools available. Just because the STL is shit doesn't mean that I can't use it in moderation if I'm smart about it. Just because OOP is shit doesn't mean that combining data and methods are necessarily a bad idea.

I don't know what that means either, didn't write it.

And honestly, main reason for using any language is just that you learn it for a job, project or whatever and get used to it. I don't have any reason to move over to C or anything else that doesn't provide any great benefits over what I'm already used to.
>he doesn't know you can't access kernel structures even with assembly
Cool story, bra.
>Because I have more tools available.
>some preprocessor garbage I don't care about and apparently no one can explain either, and objects, which are traditionally retardly allocated on C
There are no tools, are there.

>main reason for using any language is just that you learn it for a job
For you, maybe. For me it's also a pride thing. Do your fucking job properly, or don't do it at all.
350M lines of code for Office??? How???
premature encapsulation and enormous teams
God fucking damn.
i did virtual alloc with sepple
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>the "object equals allocation" paradigm
>Such as
Any of the many features C++ has over C. They are all tools that may be used. I don't see any reason why this needs to be elaborated on. Just because you don't see any value in it doesn't mean that others don't.

>For you, maybe. For me it's also a pride thing. Do your fucking job properly, or don't do it at all.
Language is not a job, it is a requirement for a job. As a programmer you don't decide what languages are used in the codebase.
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Sure thing.
>In ten years or so you'll realize how horribly wrong you are and how much time you've wasted being a bad programmer.
In ten years java will have added value types, made the GC 90% faster, added more FP principles and will still have Clojure/Scala/et al. when you feel like being more fanciful than practical.
Meanwhile, you will still be ignoring the standard library of C++ because of how horrible it is and somehow think you're still winning.
>Any of the many features C++ has over C.
Since you won't list them I'll assume that you know how shittily they're all implemented, which tells me that the only reason you'd ever use C++ is if you're literally too stupid to do it properly in C.

>As a programmer you don't decide what languages are used in the codebase.
No, but as a project lead you do. Guess what I am.
>made the GC 90% faster,
OK lol.
I don't need to list them. You know what they are.
>No, but as a project lead you do. Guess what I am.
No you don't, unless you work at a small company or on a greenfield project and most of those times the decision is made far above the team lead. I've been a developer, team leader, project leader, product owner and now I'm a manager.
>malding about his low iq
top fucking lmaos
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In 2034 Java will actually be faster than C++ because Oracle pumps hundreds of millions into making Java faster, stronger, and better, meanwhile Bjourne will be jerking himself off over what completely unnecessarily complicated new thing he will come up with, throw into the standard and force compiler devs to implement
Your language is a joke, at best merely a happy accident. You will die doing embedded or as an overworked gamedev because C++ has no reason to exist in any other space
>No you don't
So now you're at the stage of reality denial.
I rest my case.
Let's say that you wanted to implement your next project in Ruby. And next one after that you'll give Zig a go, or maybe Fortran. That wouldn't raise any eyebrows, would it?

You are free to make those decisions yourself, right?
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>In 2034 Java will actually be faster than C++
That is possible, but not due to the virtues of Java (as the original statement suggested), but due to the fuckups of C++.
>Your language is a joke
I'm regger anon. I despise both Java and C++.
>Let's say that you wanted to implement your next project in Ruby.
No, because I know what I'm doing.
>And next one after that you'll give Zig
No, because I know what I'm doing.
No, because I know what I'm doing.
You mean no as in no eyebrows raised or that you wouldn't ever do that?

Because one of them is a lie and the other is a concession.
i stumbled upon this
could you two go and take your meds now, please?
>You mean no as in no eyebrows raised or that you wouldn't ever do that?
Both. Since I'm the lead I get to decide that. But I wouldn't switch to any of these three languages.
bring back the ip coutners, it had been me all alogn
so what do you program in, larper-tan?
Nah, my orthography is marginally better.
Why don't you guess, considering you're baking your own version of reality again?
No, you wouldn't get to decide that. You are in the lead position because you wouldn't decide that. Because you act like a good boy who thinks he calls the shots when he does what the masters want.

That is literally one major part of effective leadership. Gather everyone under you around the goal and mindset so that even when they think that they have good ideas on their own, in reality they are just already made for them.

But go ahead. Try it as an experiment, see how long it takes before you're fired.
>orthography and posting snippets of a game he didnt program is all he has
i know you use c++ dumb fuck
Curious. I've been doing that for the last five years, and somehow - *somehow* - I'm still not fired.

The reality denial is strong in these threads, holy Christ.
>i know you use c++
Wrong. Care to take another guess?
You've been changing programming languages in your projects willy nilly? No, you haven't. What you have done is looked at existing tech stack, talked with managers and other stakeholders, and "together" come to the conclusion to either use the same languge as before or "boldly" try a new language as an experiment for a shorter project that is either similar enough or basically the same as what you already have.

But go ahead. Suggest Ruby next time and see how that flies on your meeting.
>You've been changing programming languages in your projects willy nilly?
Certainly have. Right now I'm up to four.

>"together" come to the conclusion to either use the same languge
Nope. I made those calls. Competency breeds trust.
pajeet here is chest-beating about the food he ate to generate the stool samples he produces for stakeholders
Bloat begets bloat.
That means that either you work at a smaller company that doesn't maintain or support your projects (for long) after release and certainly don't have future development of either, or you work with non-technical people. Because no way in hell would any other company eat that cost.
The fact that this seems so unbelievable to you tells me you've never worked in a company that trusts you. I wonder why.
if you don't use the language *i* learned as a freshman and the text editor and other tools that *i* feel comfortable with, then you've never worked on *real* software with big boys like me
It's real funny you say that, because I started out with C++ and C#. And then I dropped them because they were garbage.
Companies that trust their employees are increasingly rare. Maybe she wasn't around for the good old days before the Nixon Shock anally unbirthed the entire economy.
something something I don't know. I embraced the lifer life.
Lol major cope
What did the passive-aggressive schizo work on today?
as i thought.
Yeah, that's what your post is.
I thought Tokio was bad, but then I started looking into C++ coroutines... Async programming is generally a hard to problem to solve in any native/compiled language because you need to have some kind of global runtime/thread pool/etc. It definitely violates zero overhead, compared to threads, because the cost of thread scheduling is minimal. I am still a fan of async though, even in C++, because it really encourages good practices like structured concurrency and cancellation.

At least the Rust standard is flexible enough you can even use async in bare-metal applications: https://embassy.dev/
You've probably flown in hundreds of planes where your life is literally in the hands of C++. These are some of the best programming languages in the world.
>You've probably flown in hundreds of planes
do americans really?
I probably haven't because I don't fly.
If it's not segmentation faulting, I'm not going
I don't get why c++ is supposed to be bad when combined with clang-static tidy and format you get all the perks of new managed languages while losing none of flexibility. It's not like crazy shit ever gets merged into develop (formerly master) nowadays without them and I've seen enough initiatives of changing language vs updating and patching the codebase to see latter wins.
>(formerly master)
not on my watch
>I don't get why c++ is supposed to be bad when combined with clang-static tidy and format you get all the perks of new managed languages while losing none of flexibility
Mate, what the fuck do you want from us? The arguments are all there: >>101556195
I don't understand how that's relevant. That's about C and you can have an arena if you need it in C++ just as well. I was more speaking against C++ is bad because rust linter does things that are supposedly unthinkable.
No, it is because I've worked with maintainance and support. I know the price of introducing new technology in an existing codebase in larger applications. It doesn't come cheap.

You need:
Developers who are proficient in the language both for development and long term support.
Compilers, tools and frameworks for build, test, static quality etc.
Set design and design rules and works well with the language chosen
Which means that the language needs to make up for all this overhead cost compared to what is already known, used and working.

This is not something done willy nilly unless you work at a small company, or in a greenfield project. Knowledge isn't cheap.
>he doesn't know how C++ works under the hood
News flash: new/delete go through malloc/free. If you don't believe me: >>101557183
>anon doesn't know what interfaces are
This is getting embarrassing for you ...
Alright, you're just going deeper, that's fine. I was talking about one thing and you're promoting the other. I'll even agree, but job requires the subject and will for long. If anything I do like being pulled into a project with void* params and abstracting them away :).
>job requires the subject and will for long
... I guess I understand now why other anons in this thread don't have their companies trust them. :) Setting up a Windows server with a C++ backend is the sort of decision that wouldn't instill trust in me, either.
And I also agree there, but it is what it is. Why would you set up a Win Server for anything new nowadays?
No part of my text had anything to do with interfaces. I do not want to work in the company you work in.
Coincidentally I perused a job website today, and you wouldn't believe how many companies out there have done or are planning to and need help with exactly that. Azure, MS SQL, C#, Kafka, the works.
Yeah, that makes sense. We only hire good people, after all.
You, of course, being the one exception.
the jobb( hav)er thread is this way
I've been writing about the current project, but I've worked on a monolith where the idea was to pinch away at things it doesn't have to know always and else be deployed as dockers wherever. First steps were hard but we got a good framework and a bunch are now communicating over web. All linux there though and all C++, also the microservices. Don't know about their overhead lol. But that's web, I'm on desktop now.
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Naturally. Hence my track record of five years and the complete trust that I enjoy.

But I've already said, /dpt/ grip on reality isn't so much loose as it's been flung around like a piece of ape poop in the jungle.
there is always a best tool for the job, rust fills in the gap where people want high security from memory issues while still having high performance.
unfortunately it seems like performance is not as important as people think, and languages like python or javascript are fast enough for most jobs, rust is not actually as easy as JS or python, and the security given by rust for memory actually gets in the way of writing high performance code since a lot of performance that could be extracted in high performance code is actually locked behind custom memory allocators and structures and rust and C++ stl containers / RAII is not as easy to use / customize as C in this aspect (but C lets you shoot your foot, but when something happens in rust or C++, you blow your whole foot off because you need to understand what your code is actually doing, but this also applies to C and C isn't an easy language either).
Just because C++ is worse doesn't mean Rust gets a pass for being bad
You never contradicted me on that you are either working on a small company or with non-tech people. You never contradicted me on the overhead cost of introducing a new language. You never contradicted me on, well, anything of importance.

You're a joke.
shut the fuck up you retards
>You never contradicted me on that you are either working on a small company or with non-tech people
Why would I? It's just another piece of fantasy your feeble mind has made up to protect yourself from the ugly truth that you're middle class at best. It doesn't require acknowledgement.

>You never contradicted me on the overhead cost of introducing a new language.
No need to. Because you're middle class you don't know what interfaces exist that allow components to be rewritten. The fact that you didn't even make the connection told me all I needed to know: >>101558973
, and it didn't require acknowledgement.

>You're a joke.
OK, middle-class-at-best.
As a kid, like many others, i played videogames with my friends, in that time i quickly came to realize that he who cannot compete with skills competes with money.
What's wrong with being middle-class, your ideal is hard to come by at job.
How am I supposed to know? I'm not his mind which is trying to protect himself from that realization. Not everyone can be a super hero.

But at least listen to people that are better than you, rather than ignoring reality time and time again. I didn't do it either: >>101558166
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Just make a new thread anons
fuck off
Like I said, my post had nothing to do with interfaces and don't get solved by interfaces. If I have a code checker for a specific language, that sure as hell ain't helping me if I decide to write in another language. If I have a tried set of design rules for a language, that sure doesn't help me for another language that may or may not work different in key areas. Etc.

Like I said, you're a joke.
>fuck off
Why are you upset?
>Like I said, my post had nothing to do with interfaces and don't get solved by interfaces.
They do, though, and the fact that you ignore this simple fact repeatedly really shows not just me, but everyone in this thread just how middle-class-at-best you truly are.
>but everyone in this thread just how middle-class-at-best you truly are.
you are coping for something, care to share?
Pray tell, how is a set of design rules designed for one language helping me when I write in another language? What does the "interface" do?
>you are coping for something
>I don't know what though
Real judge of character, aren't you. No wonder you don't instill trust.
>What does the "interface" do?
Providing a set of rules that act as glue between different languages or modules, like XS for Perl, or a calling convention for C.
And adding to this, lets say that we have Sonarcube as a static code analyzer, but for whatever reason you come along and decide that the next project will be done in Ada of all languages. What does the "interface" do?
>for whatever reason you come along and decide that the next project will be done in Ada of all languages
I love your strawmanning, but I've already said that I know what I'm doing: >>101557740
Which is not what I asked for. Like I said, my post had absolutely nothing to do with interfaces. This thing you have written here, this is just basic stuff that everyone knows.
Just answer the question. What does the "interface" do?
>Which is not what I asked for
It's exactly what you asked for:
>What does the "interface" do?

I'm done with you. Unlike you I have to work tomorrow.
Nope. It is not. Try again.
>I'm done with you. Unlike you I have to work tomorrow.
Yeah, that company ain't gonna bankrupt itself.
>claims he will finally leave
>doesnt leave
I think he got mad and left. But yeah, his idiotic responsed just prove what a joke he is. The "interface" he keeps bringing up is not solving anything regarding the overhead, it is just extra overhead required to make different languages mix well, it doesn't take away any tooling or rules needs.

If anything it just proves that you are limited in what languages you introduce. Well, unless you are incompetent.

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