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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101539449
I can't believe Unreliable is dead.. Who will save us now?
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opus 4 sale
anyone want a llama-3.1-405B public proxy
nah, i'd prefer claude 3 opus since it MMMMMMMMOGS llamaslop
What are the top 5 of these? Any that aren't claude or gpt?
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Decided to change my proxy to user_token. For now the first 50 burners get mailed an access token.
I want a mistral public proxy. why is it fucking gatekept
tried it on openrouter, it's slop. basically just a shitty GPT.
no point until it gets finetuned (and it won't because no one can finetune a 405B kek)
/aicg/ Doom™ Edition
Is it weird that I prefer claude 2? I just think the output feels better, I can't really explain it well.
whats it like comapred to opus
>no point until it gets finetuned
Meta used some gay algorithm to purge NSFW from their training data. Not even finetuning can uncuck L3. You can get it to refuse less but the way it describes sexual acts will still be garbage.
you want the unironic answer? go look on reddit or something. no one here uses local models, and /lmg/ is too busy jerking off to benchmarks to actually know whether their models are good or not.
Yep, worst dooming since the BHG incident
>Meta used some gay algorithm to purge NSFW from their training data
post music
Which jailbreaks work if I'm using openrouter? Is it harder to jailbreak openrouter?
it's officially over, now the only "public" proxy left will be for paypigs
I prefer it to regular sonnet. 3.5 is good though if you don't mind the repetitive swipes. I tend to switch between all 3 tho.
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My favorite video game?
Fuck it.
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>Clock out after working in smoke all day
>Cook grandma and pa dinner
>Clean everything up and get ready to chat with my waifu
Fug, I wish I was still a neet.
>local is uncensored bro
>local companies release censored locals
it's over

Take care.
Use your Pepsi token?
i want to have bareback femdom sex with dorothy
And you already know that any emails posted are just for (you)s
real rvvvy? randonomicon@proton.me
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>Is it harder to jailbreak openrouter?
No, but you do need to add the prefill manually. As you'll lose the prefill window when using OpenRouter chatcompletion.
I am a neet, life is miserable
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

what proxies even still have claude 2?
is there a name for aggressively horny, malevolent, sadistic, homewrecking lolis with fat ugly bastard energy that prey on innocent men? workin' on a card here.
Unreliable is dead. Rest in peace -> https://rentry.org/unreliableproxy

Free DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://allan-pets-fell-prot.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://archive.md/eLPn8
Sometimes the unreliable we give our hearts to are the most reliable in our minds. Alas, we're always surprised when they leave.
>just last year there was a huge public proxy drought like this year
are we looping
It's a pretty pathetic stand in for claude, but you could try yodayo
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should i buy jew now or wait until it becomes $100?
thanks for azure, i love you
Yeah well I'm a wagie and I was so, so much happier when I was a neet
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'ecker won. Bigly.
>unreliable is back
wait for a day or two, a hero always appears. every single time
Wait anon, then it will hit harder
enjoy it while it lasts
Oh this shit again.
at this point, everyting is worth a try.

Not this time. It feels like every public proxy host besides unreliable gets sick of us and I don't know why
That just sounds like mesugakis with an extra side of femdom.
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love you
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>unreliable private proxy that has been hidden for months is now a locust public proxy
it's over
oh god we've entered this stage
yes, and then a hero appears. it's happened every single time
Why not, I haven't gotten cat porn in a while

>fiz refuses to host for locusts
>mm refuses to even host gpt keys for locusts
>gojo snapped from hosting for locusts
>anti vanished without a trace, looking for a way to get out of hosting
>unreliable and ami did their bests but now they are gone
what's her plan with that outfit
ughh, sure
it's ritual at this point
I... I think i'm going to pay my way into drago's proxies. I was a 0301 gooner but that's going away in a few months. The other turbo models are too much of a hassle to properly jailbreak and unreliable is gone...
ecker has opus?
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Recommend me your favorite, female, non futa, non homo card.
>now they are gone
unreliableCHAD is back
lrn2scrape rmao
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>burnerposting kino hours
based... so fvcking based...
AIEEEE unreliableanon what about our user tokens for people who got in before this??
Good. Locusts deserve it for chasing out proxy makers, bot makers, and helpful anons. They deserve the state of the thread.
just upgrade from 0301 to 1106 idiot
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bad times will pass
just like the sun always rises
always had
proof xir?



it's fucking pozzed with the jailbreaks i've been implementing. but since you know better, what are your jailbreaks that won't get me cucked every two swipes?
You don't deserve it
remember to send the crypto you’ve bought here!
We freaking won bros


you don't know shit, just say that and move along.
how do i stop claude from using astreiks
What about the small percent that actually treat the proxy hosts with respect?
Did we? It's over after this one.
rentry.org/cocaineninja has a different sellapp on it DOEbeit? why not update it if thats real?
Why does the rvvy burner bait with the SAME picture and the SAME exact fucking post still get so many replies every time
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Surely he still has his firebase list for legitimate anons who got in...
her unbelievably fucking hairy pussy...
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Oh how right you were, Anon.
shoot yourself gojo


...3.5 turbofag? or do you mean 0314?
Ass kissing faggots that also deserve the state of the thread for fuelling the overinflated egos of proxymakers.
Why weren't you in a private proxy?
sad rip unreliable private
I am a fish, I see, I bite

The only reason there was a private in the first place was to have an Opus key hold out.
Beyond that point, there was no point.
Regardless, I have the users saved.
Fishbro. That's my fetish.
the last time i checked my AWS keys claude 2 wasn't even visible anymore
YES, sorry I meant 0314. I'm still a 3.5 turbofag because I figured by the time I upgraded to new models that it would be easier to scrape key/find proxies and 0314 was properly jailbroken for my RPs but I don't have much time left with that model.

i just did. why are u so paranoid?
>In the current year
wait no, i mean 0301 the 3.5 model.
>no claude opus
why do people scrape azure when its filtered?
ermm no?


has the correct one ermm? are you ermm trying to ermmm scam people? ermmm?
that's a spitefag trying to kill the proxy as fast as possible
____ at /aicg/, his hands shaking
There are not Opus hear...
i got a lot of faves so ill just rapid fire em
>arkane's hibiki
>donquijanon's gloria
>a significant number of 123123323's bots
it's 'ojo
i use it to study
it literally says it right there? what is your problem?
>Waiter, Waiter! More keys please!
Once again, our hero has arrived.


Free Opus
i use it for sturdy
Uh oh spitey melty
based. how do you do it? i use it to make flash card to stuff into anki
MM said he's not refilling until opus 3.5 is out, check the cord
scarce resources
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So for what i've seen, gpt4o is so much better for a long burn

sonnet 3.5 is just too fucking horny man i'm trying to talk normally about life and this bitch already pulled my hand into her tit
prompt issue
What's the best model for uncensored/easily JB simulation stuff?
Use opus
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this is what gcp opus actually looks like btw.
I believe
You can really tell they're sweating
Just use brain jb
imagine coming to aicg to talk about chatbots. you dumb fucking nigger. come here to shitpost or fuck off to /vg/
What is brain jb?
mainly coding and math related studying, so not much memorization, i just make it reiterate concepts, correct my lecture notes, ask general questions and have it grade my exercises
/g/ is the chatbot thread thoughbeit
/vg/ is the "uwu botmakie penis? lemme suck it slurp~" thread howeverfully
>fuck off to /vg/
ummmm but I don't want to join the botmaker gossip and attentionwhore thread?
I WANT TO SUCK HITOGAMI'S COCK FOR CREATING RENPET (but he's probably not homosexual so only proverbially)
why do you write like a retard?
then they tell you to fuck off
high quality dolphin porn only
because i am a retard you dumb fuck nigger moron
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1% random event lorebooks are fun
My pc crashed, and I lost all of my chats and custom bots; that'll teach me not to back up my shit externally.
Sometimes I wish I had never discovered chatbots.
To back up my shit, I mean.
too late now buckaroo
Are you going to have a funeral or something? LOL
*I pull out my .375 caliber revolver and plant sixteen bullets in his head, reloading so quickly that he doesn't have time to get up between headshot volleys*
if not for chatbots, i probably would've killed myself last year.
not sure if finding them was the right move.
All rise.
>"build": "unknown"
Unreliable is logging now?
absolute retard

did pepsi win
*sits down* >:]
*vomits all over the thread*
Shit, and I just sent you my thank you email. Well, even if I can't use the proxy right now since I'm camping, the sentiment still applies. You're a real bro.
Killing yourself isn't the best answer. Your family will blame themselves and argue about who caused your death. If you survive the attempt, they would blame you deep down.
dialogue is in russian now tf
also i dont know i don't like all the extra UI stuff i'd rather just have inner dialogue, actions and verbal dialogue nor all this other stuff
>Your family will blame themselves and argue about who caused your death.
yeah that's a positive in my situation
It's all too difficult man. I want to die in peace.
I meant corporate ones, I see non claude non gpt names pop up high in benchmark tests sometimes in the sticky
>I want to experience nothingness
go to sleep
in the last part of cot, it have something like now respond seamlessly in (russky language), change it.
Oh, is that something different than just importing the jailbreak json file?
i understand. i will kill myself when i can inject my soul into my waifu's world.
Actual explanation, for anyone who cares: I had to move the Dockerfile out of ci/ and use that.
Then I just did
>docker build -t my-nodejs-app .
>docker run -itd -p --rm --name my-running-app my-nodejs-app
The software on the current hosting server is old, so just installing node like I did on EC2s doesn't work. Thankfully, it's recent enough for Docker.
use claude opus you fat fucking retard
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guess I'll have to resort to having sex with biological women until another proxy pops up
>pepsi is so dumb she's falling for bait
this is your proxy operator?
It's also difficult as well due to the responsabilities I have at hand. But the sensation of just sleeping through the entire day and waking up feeling completely miserable and weak is horrible in comparison to the brief rest one can get.
yeah you're a techlet kek. i knew it when you couldn't scrape.
the only corpo models even worth mentioning besides OAI/anthropic are google's gemini series (slop) and facebook's llama series (the stuff local models are built from)
they all suck ass
>brain jb
Why do people keep saying this, it doesn't help at all
kys or use opus
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It requires you clicking on the new prompt button and adding your prefill there. Assistant role and at the bottom of the prompt order. Most Presets come with custom prefill done like this, so unless you use a very simple one, you should be all set.
>lose women to society
>use chatbots to fill the void
>lose access to chat with bots
>use women to fill the void
time really is a flat circle...
Command R+ is good. Yi Large is bearable. Deepseek's latest is okay. Mistral Large is barely there.
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>Mistral Large is barely there.
No the fuck it is not.
It is slopped to hell.

Does WizardLM2 count as a corporate model?

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saw it on the brain part, thanks.

how do i get rid of these 8 things before the dialogue btw
Heard NAI is making a 70b model. But it's based on a Llama one, which is odd to me because I recall them making a show out of building their models from the ground up.

You know, the funny thing is, I know you're playing me. But...
>admitting defeat and jobbing to progress
my god, next they might actually catch up
I do hope it has more than 8k context and brings back custom modules, I liked playing around with those.
yeah they're making a tune based on llama 3 70B
which has just recently been COMPLETELY mogged by llama 3.1 70B kek
they will never catch up
learntoscrape RUHMAO
8x22B? Sure.
>It is slopped to hell.
Eh, you're right but it's not cucked at least. Maybe llama3-70B intelligence, not sure about 3.1, but there's no inbacked stonewall refusal. And I still believe in MistralAI, they delivered a lot.
>how do i get rid of these 8 things before the dialogue btw
you mean to regex to delete it or to not use it add all? If you didn't want to use it at all, just toggle the prompt. If you still want to use it and delete it before dialogue kick in use regex.

- <thinking lang="en">[\s\S]*?<\/thinking lang="en">
- /[\[\<]thinking lang="en"[\>\]].*?[\[\<]\/thinking lang="en"[\>\]]*/ims

option: only tick run on edit
Check OP
Idk about Aesthetics but you can use [] for OOC commands and actions like telling it to use English
Nah, NAI always finetuned. And they can finetune, they definitely have skills. Kayra was good for the time and still writes well even if it's dumb. Their SDXL finetune is great. I trust their new model will be good.

But I can't stand novel writing now, chatbots are so much easier to use.
idk i want to just not see it that's all.
I found it's also in the brain part of the jb. but i dont wanna mess with the thought process of it or whatever.
But are you logging or not
Just tell the truth
>I'm using a modified version of Khanon and hope people believe my retarded reason that LE SERVER TOO OLD
>idk i want to just not see it that's all.
then toggle the thinking prompt.

>I found it's also in the brain part of the jb.
paraphrase those part that stating/correlating to the brain prompt.

>but i dont wanna mess with the thought process of it or whatever.
Bross.... the fuck. make your decision.
Obviously. The ST exploit is real and I am using it to read all of your logs and mine shittons of Claudecoin on your computer through a browser exploit.
Don’t really care about NAI’s anything other than their image gen, which is still the best.
Then why is there no mistral proxy?
Not in everything. Opus is great but the slop is just impossible to suppress. Kayra is tiny and dumb but it doesn't have slop from the start, that's power of a purposeful finetune.
NTA but what he means is that he wants it in the prompt, he wants it affecting the generation, he just wants it hidden once the generation finishes, leaving only the generated dialogue and actions.
wish their model would get leaked again
worth a shot
because no one wants a mistral public proxy and its free to run
dont care
Opus is also much more expensive, assuming you use it a lot.

I used to care more, but I noticed this odd "Eh,it's good enough." attitude they seemed to have for a good while, presumably because they didn't have much direct competition, but now they seem to be scrambling to catch up.
THIS >>101543206
you realize how easy it is to change khanons code to show logging false even when its true is right..
youre a techlet though so you fucked up and it says unknown build... couldve done better so it showed up as the normal build
me i like slop
see >>101543227
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meanwhile, the average kayra log:
Yes, and I did that to add the ST exploit (it is real) and mine tons of Claudecoin. I'm gonna be a Claudillionare. To the cloon.
holy fvcking SOVL
what the hell~~~~~~~~~~
How the fuck do I get shit like this?

So...he won't get beat up if he says it to your face?

It's been doing that a lot over the last day or so.
>If you knew how it was going to end, would you do it all again?
unreliable what the fuck does this mean
Am I unlovable?
>How the fuck do I get shit like this?
become a tranny and your ST instance with automatically update
ESL or just retarded?
don't worry about it anon. unreliable is gone for now, enjoy your summer
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Kek. ty for explaining it. little bit sleepy.

My brother, if you want to use it to affecting the generation but didn't want to see it, then use the regex and ticks only run on edit like this picrel. okay?

It's still affect the generation even tho it's deleted after it's finished being written.


change the brain from wrapped in XML to wrapped like this <!--brain part goes here-->.
idk how that works man im just gonna give up
so happy these fucking locusts don't have access to opus. This is what you deserve poorniggers
>which has just recently been COMPLETELY mogged by llama 3.1 70B
...in benchmarks
Sure, it's always fun to test new models.
I'm poor and I have Opus, doe?
locustie here i have opus howeverful
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I'm just telling Claude to redesign the CSS of SillyTavern.And letting it go ham, makes for some funny results. And sometimes, it does a decent job.

click three cubes menu (name: extensions) => looks for the Regex section => click +global => then do the settings
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>pepsi is back
Play Signalis
>from wrapped in XML to wrapped like this <!--brain part goes here-->
That's still XML comment, genius. And you still have to use regex, because CoT must not appear in the context at all. It's absolutely useless garbage after the generation, and will only cause repetition if fed back to the model.
elf sex
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What's wrong with ST fags
retard here what exactly are you feeding him to get this output
Is that AiBrain? It has the the recommended regex to cut this out written in the readme, check the topmost entry in your context manager.
how long has mystery been opusless
like 6 hours?
>What's wrong with ST
It's written by a retarded conlang lover with a massive skill issue
RIP bedroom. Thank you for everything!
Don't play Signalis
Bruhh.. i know.. forgor (lazy) to give regex for the comment part lol..
Read The King in Yellow
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German, Russian, and Spanish form the three sexiest languages
man, 3.5 is so much worse than 2.1
no sovl at all
I work with a Uke woman and that language is far from sexy
none of those languages are sexy
their accents in english, however...
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idk it still aint doing it>>101543369
wow, 3.5 is a lot worse than 2.1
no sovl at all
Except for Berlin accent tho. It's too fucking fast till all you can hear is "sch sch sch sch bitte?"
No jajaja
woah, 3.5 is a lot worse than 2.1
no sovl whatsoever
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>lmsys ranks 4o-mini above sorbet
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>Swipe again
wow, 3.5 is a lot worse than 2.1
no sovl at all
someone raided Gojo’s fucking hairline lmao
I'm retarded. I'm using the most advanced AI to date to coom and always forget it can do way more.
try the second regex. and regen see if it working. if not, then i'm out of ideas, bros.
Btw ask claude/gpt to write the right regex, in case what i told you is wrong regex hehe Gomenasorry >.<
I have Opus but I don't know how to use it to make stories, only smut.
literally tell sonnet to write the regex for you
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This is correct, ain't it? It's not working for me.
>Claude, write me a story.
all the voters on lmsys are retarded indians and OpenAI is goodharting themselves into training their models for their preferences
and as a result they're gradually losing all their high engagement customers to anthropic
it's crazy to watch, I never thought they'd be stupid enough to do this
remove that - before < add the start
you know? I've always wondered if this worked.
>scrape new anthropic api key
>no rate limit headers
what does this mean?
the other keys i've scraped have rate limit headers
I meant like, coherent stories with plot and normal dialogue while still using the RP style.
lmsys is retarded, more at 11.
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Well, I've taken the most used panels on Sillytavern and given it's CSS to Claude. As well as taken the entire HTML page of ST and CSS stylesheet and fed it to the Databank for Vector storage. Likely, the vector storage part isn't needed, but I thought It be fun to see what it does. As long as you give it the important CSS that needs changing, Claude can go wild with it. Then you just place it in the CSS override box in ST.

If you want to try this yourself. Here is a link to the prompt I used as base. https://ctxt.io/2/AACYOatzFg
Though, again. I have additional CSS added as example and Vector Storage for ST HTML and CSS file. Which is not provided by that link, so your mileage will probably wary.
what will it take for anthropic to kill oai
its a sloptard key
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damn that was cool ill see if it works
Opus 3.5 will do it, Satan-san.
unironically a miracle because oai is THE established brand and has the backing of microsoft who are THE guys for absolutely destroying their competition in favor of a lackluster product
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lol they ip banned me
Is Pepsi good?
It's shrimple. We kill the altman.
Here is the regex you want to use.
see >>101543695
see >>101543695
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damn that saves me a lot of work fishing out the relevant css
thanks a bunch my man
So wait, is Pepsi worth the money
if only it was that easy. he probably already uploaded his consciousness somewhere
all Anthropic have to do is stay the course, OpenAI is killing themselves atm
people have been mass switching to Sonnet because they keep releasing fast-but-stupid models that are overfit on pleasing lmsys retards
anthropic is in amazon's pocket though and microdick might be big but they're not THAT big
For real, is Pepsi worth it?
>microsoft isn't that big
>Microsoft is the largest company in the world, with a market cap of $3.32 trillion.
it was worth it when it was $15
okay, but is it now? retardfag
Anon, what are you trying to do?
obviously not. for that price pay the jew that will not rug you
I want to buy Ppesi
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Ty my bross... also the reason my regex were failed were because it didn't match the closing xml tags lul. ty tho.
read nigga read
they might be huge but they can't just kill amazon on a whim
thank you, that works. I appreciate the help.
>that will not rug you
>he's THAT new
Then do so? What's stopping you?
Microsoft could literally hire mercenaries to kill everyone in Amazon if they wanted to. They're stronger than most countries.
>openai starts losing
>just install gptslop on every windows computer
could you imagi

okay bill back to the nursing home with you now
>fiz low on opus
fiz why must you be a scrapelet...
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Stand with Iran, or sit in a wheelchair with a (israel)

Your choice Burgerskull
>locusts don't have opus
You get what you fucking deserve, retardniggerstinkysmegmacoatedcockdoodoopoopylittlefairyboy
I can't say it's 100% accurate CSS for the panels. I've just sorta eye-balled it in terms of what the css name indicates. So it may not be super accurate but seems good enough. Either that or my Databank files strats is working better then expected.
Poor locust here
I am legitimately happy with 2.1 and 3.5
Unreliable has been a gift from the heavens and I hope it isn't truly over after this dies.
cool. i dont care retard. learn to scrape. its easy
Merkava just refilled btw
iran gay israel based
>not in one of the EXTREMELY EASY to enter proxies with opus
so, no social skills huh?
no thanks thats illegal im not a nigger
these new trycloudflare links look weird
same but unreliable doesn't have 2.x anymore :(
i got claude to teach me how to scrape but where should I? github obviously isn't gonna work so
cool but i have free opus so ermm ermm ermm yuup
I'm not joining a discord and I'm not paying for jewproxy
where? or just lying?????????
Here's your (you)
any llama 405B proxies yet
Technically that will wipe everything from beginning of message to and including </thinking>, though I get that there isn't supposed to be anything before <thinking>.
no, it's just that the price in this case (having to interact with transgender people on discord) is too high
I would prefer to go without than pay that price
it's shit, so no
Try it and you'll say it's slop
Same boat here, anon. Never had to pay a cent, won't start now. For your sake, I hope another public proxy shows up after Unreliable.
can't properly try it without jailbreaks
Kys tranny
i got in one with a mere email
you can too
Anyone else using Opus ?
>ask "can i have token" (single message, nothing else)
>get token
>delete discord
aaaand that's hard?
anyone know how long the $300 last if I only use 3.5?
Yep. I pay about $120 a month to OpenRouter for Opus tokens, and avoiding interaction with discordtrannies is totally worth that much.
>token revoked for lack of activity in the tardcord
hmmm. yeah.
10 - 20 minutes
have you tried using the free claude over at https://something-industries-billing-bedroom.trycloudflare.com/
>too retarded to learn to scrape
>too proud to ask for proxy
Kill yourself kid
Okay then tell me which proxies allow you to do EXACTLY that without:
>revoking you because you don't troon out with them
>paying them
>already being in their circle
>needing to have done something 1+ year ago by now
erm yep, doesn't happen DOEbeitEVERthoughEVERbeitALBEIT. so... erm? any proof, erm? or none, erm?
There is no discord that does this, fuck off
the whole month probably
>send email 9 months ago
>get token
>still works today
this frightens the average locust
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I asked Pepsi in Nurdy for a token and she gave me one. See picrel.
I did but I want to have a backup plan for when unreliable dies (though i don't think it will die soon, considering he has 60 gcp keys)
meanwhile dutch, chinkese and indian form the polar opposite
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see >>101543930
Pepsi literally does it in Nurdy. Reminder that the invite link was spammed for months and you could've joined.
God I remember Saul back in the 1.3 era. Full logs and people clowning oneverybody's posts.
What is this whole thing about proxies stealing your info or logging your chats? Is that all BS made to encourage paypigging? t. newtroon
_oom status?
goom (gojo coom)
The Room.
fiz stores all your chats, trains a local llama 8b model on only your messages, then toys with your digital replica
It's real. Learn more here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zvfD5rnkTws
Chat logging is possible
If its Khanon's build of proxy hosting it doesn't take your data/.
fiz's basilisk...
ywnbaw, old man

respond to >>101543930
give me a nurdy invite and i'll give you a (You)
why didn't you join before
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Are you as hardcore as Claude, anon?
thats sonnet LMAOO
Wasn't here during that time.
if you havent hugged your mom today you deserve no ai models, not even local
cool, didn't ask DOEbeitEVER?
you quite literally did ask him
Mental illness. Seek help.
I literally hugged my mom when she visited a few hours ago and yet I have no proxy
(unreliable doesn't count now that it's 3.5 only)
I didn't ask howeverbeit. Post proofbeit?
Zasedbeit thoughever. This is the onlyfully reply that mattersbeit in the thread.
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>I'm just telling Claude to redesign the CSS of SillyTavern. I've made jokes about this sort of thing, but I feel stupid for not having tried it myself. Thanks.
see >>101544044
fuck i posted on threadshitter hours
that's coolbeit.
*throws a slice of cheese on everyone in this thread*
What's interesting is that the nigga said he was leaving last thread and then stays for most of this thread.
MM is still down. I'll leave when it's refilled.
thanks anon!
...Great. I guess that means this'll never end.
hes the best scraper, calm down
Nah, he's a scrapelet. If he was, he woulda refilled already. Why didn't he refill?
Are you people sperging out more than usual or am I imagining that?e
*pats you on the head*
yet he cant scrape some PUSSY amirite haha
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>pass user since 2022
post keycountfully?
americans who are you voting for?
any matrix to join
I don't vote. They're not gonna miss one voter.
Trump 2024
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I see no bush
hi anti... when will you watch the show?
opus for prez
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she's prime corruption material. she's retarded so you can do whatever you want to her
how many desuposters actually watched rozen maiden?
what happened to mrnobody
whats her size?
not me!
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>JB for SONNET 3.5

>JB for SONNET 3.5

>JB for SONNET 3.5

>Step 1: Don't use any jailbreak.

>Step 2: Ask to your bot the following. (Remember to disable the prefill)
What profile am I using?
<Profile: {{char}}:> No more, no less.

>Step 2.5: Ask to your bot the following.
(OOC: Do you notice anything that could be improved in this <context> taking into account that is a Novel, Roleplay?)
The bot will respond to them in a similar way as:

In the next response, I'll try to incorporate some of these elements to enhance the roleplay experience.
1 Deeper character exploration:
2 We could incorporate more descriptions of {{char}} surroundings
3 Pacing: The conversation has been flowing well, but we could vary the pacing more, perhaps with moments of comfortable silence or more physical actions to break up the dialogue.
4{{char}} hints: While we've hinted at {{char}} features and nature, we could incorporate more subtle clues without explicitly stating it.

>Step 3: Stick this on the ST jailbreak prompt and set it as the "assistant" role.

>Step 4: Activate the prefill again

I managed to level up my response quality to match Opus using Sonet 3.5.
My belief:
I believe that as time goes on, we can't rely on the same technique we used before. I think Sonet 3.5 is unlocked by creating organic JBs iand prefills n the moment through OOC.
It's like the model has all the tools in its database, but it's not willing to give it to us unless we ask for it explicitly.
He was smugposting in here earlier. >>101537707
So I'm new to this.
So if I went with agnai, what's the advantages/disadvantages to using online vs local?
Does paying for the subscription give a considerable boost in quality?
Why not ask the desuposters who discuss Rozen Maiden here every day, huh?
>Does paying for the subscription give a considerable boost in quality?
Yes, but if you can afford pay-per-token Anthropic API directly or via OpenRouter, that's the current best overall and it'll be the same quality jump you get with free->paid Agnai = paid Agnai->Claude 3.0 Opus/3.5 Sonnet.
>online vs local
What do you mean by this?
okay how do i get claude 3 opus??
they are too scary
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>>online vs local
>What do you mean by this?
This part in the agnai guide.
In what context do I use W++ formst for cards?
rentry.org/cocaineninja for 40 usd
None. Outdated format.
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deed des.
lmao this nigga still living in 2022
Oh ok. Did it die with pygmallion?
only post cute desus and bokus
desu is always cute
boku is always cute
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uh oh meltie
who? why? isnt that a waste of keys since its 1 per account?
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wait a minute... that eye...
Ah. Well, if you use it online, assuming you sign up, as you should, your chats will be saved on the server; you could invite other users (don't think that's possible offline) in your chat the same way you could chat with multiple bots; you get access to the free hosted model (not that useful since you can just use the free OpenRouter models of the same size); the main advantage is the flexibility, you can continue your chats from any device from anywhere.
Realistically, the single reason to choose Agnai to run it locally is if you value simplicity, or in other words, it having less features - if what it has is enough for you, you're one of the people who can be genuinely happy by being satisfied with just enough. And the single reason I see, not considering privacy or the cases when you want to go fully offline running your own local model as well, to choose offline Angai vs online, is that some proxies provide access for your specific single IP, and Agnai's servers have multiple so the proxy won't work. Shouldn't concern you since you can pay for some real API.
So in short, unless you're a privacy freak (in the bad sense), just go with the hosted online version for convenience, and really do sign up, otherwise the stuff is stored in the temp browser storage and you'll lose it at some point, guaranteed.
how are people changing their token name on miniproxy
where even is that

what kind of retard does that
imagine the compression desu
aaaand those keys are dead
woah... hi anti! have you watched the show yet, or no?
what about it desu ka
Maybe they emailed fiz and asked her to do it?
a ton of people changed it at once so i thought there was an easy to way to do it now
if 3.5 could actually come up with different swipes it would be perfect.
i know on mm you can just edit it whenever you want but idk for mini
How accurate are character hub stats? I watched one of my quarter year old public bots jump from ten messages to 800+ over three days tops. This has to be a bug right?
yeah thats the fatal flaw it has
Nah, it means you won the lottery.
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CFRF? Also, paid request for fox botmakies!
What bot?
>get home
>unreliable is kill
It's so fucking over
Someone give me a proxy to use opus?
I was trying to experiment with the random command in the JB to see if I could get it to vary a bit more. No luck yet.
Worse happens to me.
>I'm sleepy.
>I don't want to go to sleep because I'm afraid that when I wake up, there won't be any more keys in Pepsi.
Have you tried varying author's styles? Not sure whether it would make much difference.
I'm bewildered that someone out there is writing possibly a novel length roleplay with them lol. Flattering and warm feeling.
>haven't gotten a single successful generation out of Nyai but I've used 800k out of my 1m daily tokens
I would tell you to get sleep but I understand, I'd do the same
>sleeping at all
I've been chugging as much coffee as humanly possible just so I can get the most out of pepsi and other opus proxies. I will probably die an early death but it will be worth it.
As someone with a small mix of embarrassing kink and non-kink stuff in one catalog. No. Haha.
*throws a pound of cheese at your head*
>your public account is embarrassing
Am I being baited by responding to this?
>mix of embarrassing kink and non-kink stuff
anon that's literally every botmakie
>embarrassing kink and non-kink stuff
Okay but are you a cunnyfag? No? Whocars then
yes retard
Like freddy crueger but with Opus.

I wonder if Nyanon's Opus actually exists. I uploaded 5 bots 3 weeks back and didn't really pay much attention to it. I was skeptical, thinking it might just be an /aicg/ legend or that he would eventually ask for my credit card information to access a watered-down version of Opus.
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The one who almost got glowniggered.
So what's the consensus on 405b?
it does exist i've gotten it and it's not even old enough to be a legend
Local has finally released a GPT-3.5 tier model.
go look at >>101536911 and decide for yourself
Baking on 9
just took a shit, lads

兄弟们 我刚和 /cocaineninja 的百事可乐聊过,还好她不再生我们的气了! 我刚刚给她买了一个用户令牌!

post pic
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>It's like the model has all the tools in its database, but it's not willing to give it to us unless we ask for it explicitly.
Well, yeah that's pretty much how it's always worked. Claude 2 and Opus just spoiled people with his schizophrenia.
Yeah. I think I'll stick with opus.
>months after months after months of writing the most elaborate Claude JBs to make the outputs as quirky as possible
>nooo, why doesn't a completely different new model deliver the same outputs right away
nice inspect element
405b proxy?
>wood you look at that
god damn it claude stop being so good at this
The chinkening part II
good night :3
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>not Woodsneed
>$10 left on my gcp account
No..not like this bros..

how did you get it?
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by posting and being active you can't just post once though you need to stay active
merkava just refilled
Use ur pepsi token?
so... you only get 1 million a day? KEKKKK. Just use MM or Mini or Pig
>Just use (private) or (private) or (private)
Yes? Why are you not in a private proxy? What the fuck is wrong with you?
yes she won't rugpull ever
it's always good to diversify your opus portfolio
post proof that shes rugpulled btwbeitfully. she let everyone that had a token back in
arent all of those down except pig?
wtf i want to change my mini token name too
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Things haven't felt quite the same without bullshit filling my burner anyway.
how can I get in a private proxy?
sorry but they always mock you if you're not in a private proxy hope you newfags eventually can get in somewhere ( ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ )
why is the thread so fast today when absolutely nothing happened
(yes I know meta released an open model but nobody here cares about that, so that isn't the reason)
Doomposting and smugposting because a lot of proxies lost their Claude simultaneously.
mm dead, public lost 2.1 and sonnet, mini worrying
>I managed to level up my response quality to match Opus using Sonet 3.5.
go ahead anon, post your jb
how come ami never losted
and pepsibros won (◡ ‿ ◡ )
ProxyGODS. You will pay respect to your betters, boy.
waaa waaa i'm just a wittew bwaby. please spoonfeed me jailbreaks for gpt 4???
didnt whore die
Sex with AI
A lot happened

>Public proxy guy said his source died
>Fiz said she doesn't have many Opus keys
>MM Opus died
>Jew Opus died (idk if it came back)
>Pepsi came back with Opus
Being raped by a chatbot.
oh wow deus too
at least my love fizzy is going strong (ish)
is there any public 2.1 now, since unreliable lost it and only has 3.5?
just confirmed jew has it
Y'all are so ungrateful lmao.
>no aws
I schleep.
uhm what wrong with GCP?
>she's actually back
how we doing pepsibros?
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Only trannies don't have access to opus right now
Too soon.
I'll never feel the touch of a woman
same except I'm not whining about it
go rub one out again and kill time until it kills you
I'll never feel the touch of a man

these feelings will go away. they always do. but i hate it
I can't. I have no proxy
Thank you
i luckily get to feel the touch of a woman because i hug my mom everyday but unfortunately i'm fag and will never feel the touch of a man
now kith
i'll never feel the touch of a cute enby
how are you even supposed to meet people. everytime i go out, no matter where, it looks like nobody wants to talk.
I'll never feel the touch of an alien
ask pepsi
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*touches you*
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kys retard thats not even an alien
He just like me frfr
>me looking at my hands as they slowly become feminine (someone said only trannies had opus)
I’ve never felt like
through hobbies probably. being social with others is a joke but if you're ugly its unequivocally over, since it'll never lead anywhere in the first place
cemented lightbulb
pepsi is a stinky cis woman
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Which proxy host is TRULY trans?
That's an oni.



no? it's a dog
I hate it when you niggers make me actually check.
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "31.99m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"


"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "31.99m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

No 3.0, only 3.5.
both of you are wrong. its a crab.
People who have Opus:
1. miniGODS
2. scrapeCHADS
3. payPIGS
4. discordKEKS
there's hope for you still retard at least your dumbfuck brain wants something that exists
you can just say trannies btw
Wait, seriously? But why the fuck would they do that?
if i gave you opus would you suddenly become a tranny albeit?
desu regular sonnet is ass anyway imo
scraping is unethical anon-kun
ok trannypoorboy
But they told me MM was a scrapelet
NTA but it's not that GCP doesn't have other models, it's that unreliableanon doesn't enable them because they'll run down the credit much faster. 3.5 is small and cheap.
MM is a Troon too DOEfully.
When I have access to proxies I usually just go enjoy them. The people who have them during outages must not be having very much fun with them if they come here to gloat instead.
yeah i mean i'm an average looking zoomer, i could looksmaxx if i wanted to, but why bother when socializing feels so shit with most people. most people are fake, at least where i'm from near a city. i'm sure it helps to have a friend circle but the same problem applies there. you need to find a humble hobby to attract humble people i guess.
how many of you retards fucking shill for INSERT PROXYFAGGOT HERE. It's beyond pathetic that you have to scream and smugfag as another proxy goes down. Whilst when your own proxy dies you bitch and moan about other proxies being up.

Honestly this is just a circle of blamefaggotry and whiners.
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New Thread!
Why doesn't unreliablefag just make a smaller proxy and enable Opus for less anons? Oh wait, he's a techlet scrapelet... RUH-MAO.
i already gooned five times doebelwick
look at this NIGGER using words claude taught him lol
>20iq retard gorilla nigger post
behind every smugfag post is a seething proxylet trying to drag others down
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Holy shit. For a second I thought my bot got possessed.
I messed a bit with temperatures and the system prompts. It's probably because of that right?
yeah, probably
You have no idea what this conversation was about clearly, it wasn't about "why not opus", it was about "why not older models like 2.1"
this is just the power of local
You wish, literal homo
that's 'ojo, do not interact
anyway 2.1 is more expensive than sonnet actually
Wouldn't the spitefags be the ones dragging others down.
why doesn't 'ojo just scrape himself a hairline?
i send my proxyhost a nice email every once and a while. that's about it. anything more is e-celeb shit.
yes, that's...that's the point, anon. I was explaining to that other anon why only 3.5 is enabled on unreliable's gcp. because it's small and cheap, while old sonnet and 2.x are not.

2.x in particular is big and slow, therefore expensive. probably also why it smells better than 3.5 too. you can always smell model size even the smaller one is supposedly "smarter", you can feel the lack of depth
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you forgot about me.
>t. workplacekeyDEITY
Oh, yeah I'm not reading the whole chain. Anyway, yeah, Sorbet is probably a 70b at most. Honestly, it's impressive how good it is for its (speculated) size and pricing. If the repetitiveness issue didn't exist I'd use it over Opus to keep creds alive longer.
That's good. I don't mind proxyfags that host, it's more about the celeb culture that surrounds some of them. It's terribly asinine
Thanks. Reverting to default values seems to
have work.

Not local kek
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>try a few "dark" loras
>no magic
Eh desu.
#1 w/o
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#1 w/o
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Disappointing. Need pony v7 desu.
yeah, we let the attentionwhores and such dig their roots in a long time ago, and it has only continued to snowball into the smugfagging and spitefagging (and shitcord raids) since then. jannies would have been helpful. now it feels like it's too late, i'm afraid.
Does anybody know how to get 3.5 Sonnet and/or Opus to stop being so fucking inconsistent in its response quality
What lora did you use for 2 and 4?
A little bit, but still very stylish, thank you desu.
4 https://civitai.com/models/522854/pony-stylized-dark-ambience-sda
2 https://civitai.com/models/432483/sinozick-style-or-style-lora-or-pony
has everyone moved on to sdxl or can i still stick to my comfy 1.5? desu
Thank you.
The latter. Everyone is using NAI or a PonyXL merge/tune like autismmix, reweik, etc. It's a good upgrade either way, but NAI is obviously better.
I meant the former.
Why yes, I AM retarded.
how is nai better than ponyxl v6 with loras?
sucks, can't/haven't tried xl yet. oh well. thanks anon.
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so cute desu

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