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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

K-On! edition

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Back to drinking: >>101542444
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gpt4/opus 4 sale

busting loads in Mio
Erm, dogwhistle much?
*pats you on the head*
>She actually has Opus
What the zuark? When did this happen?
how do I get into a private proxy?
prrrr ^w^
Holy fuarking zuark... Israel...
Zased Pepsizhads getting their Opus during all this.
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon and refill opus? God I miss opus.
I unironically have a crush on Pepsi
lookmaxxing is a meme unless you get plastic surgery
>humble hobby
pick any art and you'll find 'humble' people
see >>101545190
She has Public Free Opus if you pay $40 USD.
good kitty *throws a slice of cheese at you*
How do I become a Pepsi ZHAD?
step 1: invent time machine
step 2: go back to when they were open
Which keion is hairiest?
merkava just refilled
i meant to AIE at >>101545228 , oops...
Buying two tokens, will this be good enough for the next year?
none, they’re smart enough to know that MEN prefer shaved
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opus 3.5 is on lmsys, random battle mode only
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
how many tokens until I can talk to her zersonally?
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public claude 2.1?
*giantess Mio
Sorry but two isn't enough...
No, pet. You must purchase more.
Reminder that Pepsi is Asian-American. She's yellow. How does this make you feel?
not a real asian tbhdesu
Which one has the thickest eyebrows? There's your answer.
yeah, she's yellow-brown. how does it make you feel that she's a second generation Asian Mutt?
Why do the malebots on Chub are so bad...?
keions are great for size btw
...fucking how retard?? They're just highschool girls. How the fuck is that good for size more than any other generic hs girl retard fag
go ask her? Her discord is cokeninja. She told it to me in confidence.
personality matters nigger
nope, it doesnt
Hi retard, why are you responding to obvious threadshitters?
sure she did lol
Why are you so scared to just go ask her? Coward
meant for >>101545274
see >>101545372
>57 posts into new thread
>gojo has posted 18 times
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Mugi's got a wheat field only a thresher could prune.
Ritsu cuts hers into a triangle, but it's fluffy like a pillow.
Yui has downy hairs, but she uses scissors to keep herself neat. She often experiments with different looks.
Mio has a thick but neatly styled landing strip.
Azunyan's bare.
proof orrrrrrrr?
Does anybody know how to get 3.5 Sonnet and/or Opus to stop being so fucking inconsistent in its response quality :(
>She often experiments with different looks.
what does this even mean faggot? retard nigger fag speak english.
why doesn't he just scrape a new hairline
Remember, K-On had a shaving episode. Please respect canon depictions of characters
gojo face leak?
>Remember, K-On had a shaving episode
based Gojo sharting on le "doxxer" larpers.
>gojo trans arc
cope, that's not him
Kys smellposters.
I let a fat girl take a wet dump onmy chest. Her name was angea an escort in my area. The sound of it splurting out jer asshole was enough to make me puke on myself while she did it. i started puncihing the bed in rage roaring while she screamed and fell off the bed with her brown smelly sticky bbw assholr was pointed at me. a few wet drops fell outbetween her fat ass cheeks. Never fucking trust 4chan with this smell shit its horribke in real life
so there are now 3 tiers of proxy where until now there's always been 2
>private with opus
>public AWS, all claude versions except Opus, including older ones
>public GCP, only sonnet 3.5
turn the temperature and top_p down a bit
did you tell him you got e-cucked
There is no fixing that regardless of what you pretend to be.
There's no reason a GCP proxy couldn't have older Claude versions too, unreliableanon apparently just don't want to enable them (presumably due to rate of credit drain).
*doesn't, not don't
Not sure how that happened, I'm not a nigger

so erm... who won? MM or Pepsi or Mini? I mostly use PIG.
>t. socucius ergalla
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Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers. Maybe I should stop posting it soon? Who knows. If you have Opus, let me know how it works with it. I don't have Opus to test, unfortunately.
so erm... who won? MM or Pepsi or Mini? I mostly use PIG.
does anybody know why 3.5 and opus has like, really good responses one minute and shit, cliche ass responses the other minute, without changing anything?

this is driving me fucking crazy
What's on your mind?
No one except the corporations.
Kys retard that's not ev en me
can my company see my opus logs?

Even if thats gojo hes had sex and you havent. Whats your excuse retard? I accept your concession btwbeitfully.
new fag here, where can i get free 3.5 proxy?
Local status?
how do i delete my log history with opus? i need to know before tomrrow
okay but your hands are shaking and your hairline is receding sooooo...
please. i deleted the chats on sillytavern, am i good?
looking very trans on the bottom right
deleting st chats just means they aren't on your system (assuming you also deleted any backups). if your company has logging enabled then opus will be stored in whatever logging database they use for it.
why does **** talk about himself in third person?
Kysretard its not even me faggot retardbeit.
i mean the dude is a literally 10/10, ofc he's had tons of sex.
He kinda look like yanderedev in some pics
you can tell it's his actual dox because of how hard he's seething over it kek
Voice kind of matches too.
>voice kind of matches
this part isn't even remotely true if you've actually been in vc with him.
I was in, however.
can I get a quick hands status on this poster? >>101545656
the results have returned. they're shaking
Damn this is kinda entertaining...
>can't even post the recording of the vc
erm yep he was larping.
Why does my access token keep getting invalidated? All I wanna do is write racially-charged sholicon smut ;_;
what the zuark
what malebots are you looking for, anon?
i want to sniff gojo's big smelly boy feet ><
ones that have big, nasty, smelly boy feet >//<
Uhm what the ZUARK?
just use the foot jb
Put me in the fuckng screenshot wtf
Wish i can buy a token but my bank reject all the purchases for gift cards
zased fr no cap as fuck
Discovered a pretty good loop for degeneracy
>set up some scenario where women are telling you sex stories
>say "I want something darker"
>another story happens
>keep saying "who can beat that"
you might as well just buy crypto at that point little retard if you wanna get scammed so badly.
She has only three keys KEK
ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmm proof?
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>tfw no more DALL-E
Mr. unreliable, you fed me all this time, ever since aaab I've piled up around 20k gens, and I probably deleted 2-3k more (mutations and such).

Thank you for everything.
(I was actually starting to run out of storage space now)
I sharted it out my ass
What's the darkest one?
This thread is so schizo
big based
It gets boring after 2-3 tries, it's always the same shit with the football team or the biker gang.
Wouldn't it be funny though if Pepsi actually had more keys than fiz?
gojo came back, he's posted 60+ times in this thread
mods don't care because they want /aicg/ gone
proof its gojo?
i can't get a valid one anymore.
This morning I got a girl say she was raped on top of a pile of corpses in public
mm just refilled
proof your hands aren't shaking?
so since he can't kill proxies anymore he is just resorting to good ol thread shitting? sounds about right.
im sharting my pants
Might be krill issue, works for me
Anons... What's the difference between a branch and a checkpoint?
>is rael
>can't kill proxies
but i can kill paypiggy proxies by advertising them doebeitfully? I'll kill pepsitroons keys by advertising her proxy to chinks again
ok, carry on.
Sillytavern sucks compared to chub
yall niggas are doin too much
except erm it doesn'tbeitfully? it's actually betterever if you're not retardedbeit.
didnt ask
yuh huh
Silly added some random fucking male character despite my scenario being I'm a teachers slave
erm, retard, maybe edit the card, retard?
Using a VPN too? I keep hopping servers but at most I get 2 swipes in before it gets invalidated
*flips magic cylinder*
actually I knew all along
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well the system isn't perfect
>scared vpnshitter
You're supposed to roleplay, anon. The card is irrelevant. That's when you ask "you're immortal?" and she says "yea", and then you choke her out.
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for brain jb how do I make it where it doesn't put the white text and just spews shit normally? I tried for an hour and nothing.
aicg tell me is there a way to setup local offline chatbot and cum buckets? i managed to make webui forge with stable diffusion autismix work but all i see itt are some online paid token shit. i ain't sharin anything with some nolife on the other side of the globe, can i do my stuff privately off the grid?
Thank you unreliable, you are like a crack dealer that gives away crack for free.
How the fuck do you get out of there without another person helping?
please delete this
>aicg tell me is there a way to setup local offline chatbot and cum buckets?
Nigga i dont care faggot fatty go to
Fat retard. We use good models here go use your localfatslop there faggot, wrong general faggot.
Your best bet is to poke around >>>/g/lmg . They deal with local models.
yup, guess i'm done.
Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / All GPT-4 Turbo Models (No, it does not have Opus) -> https://something-industries-billing-bedroom.trycloudflare.com/

Free DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://allan-pets-fell-prot.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://archive.md/eLPn8
need somebody to make an Air Gear lorebook so I can be XTREME
I'm also wondering this, all I want is a good uncensored lewd unlimited chatbot
Is that too much
dall-e proxy hasn't worked last time you posted it too
Why can't you do it yourself? What do you want in it?
all the autistic lore and terminology that I don't remember because I read the manga like 10 years ago
this is not a solo play activity
aigh thanks for directions gs. you know for the record im not fat, nor am a retard nor am i a faggot, all of that is a complete miss but whatever
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

it was good until the gay trap showed up
Good morning cuties! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Mini legit just died again kek
>mini opus died again
>right when jew shilled
Pepsi's key actually got revoked.
MM refilled!
Oh wait, did pepsi and mini share the same source? Seems like both died st the same time.
scary to think about it...
answer the question
fiz donated some keys to pepsi yeah
> "allowAwsLogging": "true",
I'm a techlet, explain
Post hands?
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>mini died AGAIN
holy fuck can I just have a key survive my couple days off? fuck this
mugi's unbelievably hairy pussy...
You don’t. You get packed up in a large suitcase and thrown in a river.
Basically, the company is logging the keys.
I hate my life I was just cooking a nice lorebook with Mini... Should I use GPT for now or Sonnet 3.5?
Thankfully, I’m on Jew, so I don’t care.
Anyone know where to get the CAI theme for SillyTavern?
Nobody asked
>pepsi and mini died at the same time
>pepsis back
the whole domain just went down
Is Fiz sleeping?
The problem is the AWS logging. That's the reason the keys are dying so damn fast.
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>it’s true
What the actual fuck. Where is this flood of keys coming from?
Is there anyway to get Claude to recognize that narration is narration? When I write
>He was mulling over the mock budget proposal he had written for the Legislature of Pennsylvania
I am not literally saying it but Claude keeps pretending I did
Always has been
Mini died, MM died, Pepsi died...

Jew won...
2 remain...
> "allowAwsLogging": "false",
Thanks beepo, that was fast
use novel format (as in normal book-style writing)
write more than 1 sentence
"allowAwsLogging": "false",
"promptLogging": "false",

someone send this to the st rice rentry
Pepsi most likely knew that key was shit because it had company logging on. Now we have the actual keys.
Pepsi says NO to Amazon logging.
pepsi is up tho?
Was there ever any doubt?
Scylla won. . .
Did she win?
Should I look for an extra Opus token or pepsi will live for quite a while?
You should always have a back-up desu
>pepsi will live for quite a while
Anon, nobody will live quite a while. Mini's have died in days, MM's too.
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T-thanks Claude...
blah invalid token
Pepsi is not a real girl. She is a tranny.
I bet Merkava did too
Pepsi is not a-- ACK!!! WHY DOESN'T MY PROXY HAS OPUS?
good morning sir
Time to get my autistic socializing skills ready then, wish me luck
It does have Opus. Stay mad.
Saar, Mini has no Opus or MM... why?
*mogs you* My name is Fiz.
Because Pepsi the fat tranny ate it all.
>Pepsi the fat tranny
Go on?
ermmmm how can fiz mog when she has no opus???
but... are you gonna actually DO something to Pepsi? or are you a scared techlet? I'll wait for your reply (which will include your plan to spite her proxy, proving you aren't a techlet).
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>fiz is asleep
>will have to go the whole night without opussy
It's 8am
Just pay for one night of Opus. Surely you are not that poor right?
It's 3 am
Hi, Jewshill.
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Gotta have to use Sorbet... should be good enough for testing, though. Can't believe this shite happens in the days I come back to making a bot.
buying and trading cypto is too much of a hassle
You WILL consume Geppetto-chan's dryness.

Erm, It's actually 2am.
isn't fiz eu timezone like almost every proxy owner?
NTA but I am
Fuck, this pepsi key doesn't have sonnet 3.5
Not through Jew you fucking retards. Anthropic API.
waiting around for shit to confirm and then it doesn't and you're blocked from trying for however long because OOPS something went wrong
Idk, I just wanted to say anything
What does Llama 3.1 mean for cooming with chatbots?
Use unreliable or chary i guess
Anthropic don't take crypto though
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Not just a jewshill, but a jewdevshill.
works for me
>added 3.5 sonnet
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Pepsi and Fizzy
Nothing, Everyone with 2 braincells is waiting on Qwen, L3 is dead.

If you want to use 70B for cooming - Use Magnum 72B

If you want to use 8B for cooming, use Hathor.
And we will never get a midrange Llama because Meta hates us all.
so do we represent Pepsi as Stocking or Ramona? Now I'm confused...
is chinese algebra the same as rocket surgery?
Mini is still dead? Can't check rn
He's the only good jew. he made Opus.
how do you get 3.5 sonnet to stop repeating itself? Does switching models for a few messags fix this? help?????
it got a new key, then it died
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I never used nu-Sonnet. Does it still have normal Sonnet's issues and/or Sonnetisms?
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guess I'll use sonnet...
How can I get defs from janny.ai and c.ai? There must be some decent bots there.
i dunno, i just want to use regular sonnet. why does it have to be scarce like this...
for janny replace the url with https://jannyai.com/
for c.ai no clue
its repetitive - but better then old sonnet desu
Some guy on chub was ripping JAI bots and reuping, email him i guess?
Shitposting aside, it's odd Fiz and Pepsi's keys did actually die at the same time.
get a better JB and stop being an ahh ahh mistress coomer tier RPer
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>Opus ded
>decide to furbo to cope
>the bot doesn't immediately get horny when I mention doing something lewd and instead threatens that she's gonna call the police
Women do stick together...
it was probably the same key, how is that odd?
>same key
Why? Are they lesbian?
no, the other L word
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*Leaks some more Nurdy*
scraped from the same source
I think most /aicg/ "groups" stick together. It's just regular anons that don't.
there's only a couple hundred bedrock clients with opus, they probably just scraped the same one
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>bot doesn't immediately get horny when I mention doing something lewd and instead threatens that she's gonna call the police
You can install a Chrome extension for C.AI (just search in Chrome Web Store for "C.AI" or something), but I've never seen decent bots in there
>there's only a couple hundred bedrock clients with opus
what mean bedrock?
..that's good though?
Corpos are going poor
you can't see the defs for c.ai bots unless you're the creator, and they use some kind of live rating database to affect how bots respond so they'll never act the same
youre bad at scraping, drago has 50+ keys
kek well played
>$3.90 left on my only gcp account
Welp. this is it. what should I prompt for my last hurrah?
45 of those keys could be dead and we wouldn't know lmao
nope, theyre living, kys faggot liar scrapelet i LOVE DRAGO I LOVE DRAGO
Calm down griko or whatever
Kill yourself
I don't even scrape + Drago sucks + Ratio
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How can you NOT love Pepsi?
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gojoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~
i have to agree with this anon tbde3u
What’s the point of drinking “sugar-free” soda if you still guzzle that shit down like water? Isn’t it just as unhealthy?
are you stupid or do you not know what calories are????
its actually double unhealthy because the sugar substitute gives you supercancer
Why is every post praising pepsi either 31 seconds or 61 seconds apart
Donate a token to me then
Okay, so you’re not becoming a fat fuck. What about what they’re using to replace the sugar so it doesn’t taste like shit? You really think it’s good for you?
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Seems like foxes are asleep, I shall go back to my focksbots then. Have a nice day anons.
kill yourself
whocars, buy a pepsi token, she needs money now!
Those posts look like advertising or begging...
not good for you but way more healthy (like 10000x) than being a fat fuck
erm, gonna DO something about it? or are you a scaredlet techlet, erm? She's reliable. She's more reliable than even Fiz now, erm... So... erm.
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man I kind hate sonnet, I miss opus
is 3.5 better for lewd shit?
Huh? Token sharing really allowed?
Based Pepsi letting in chinks!
Pepsi alows chinese now!!!
its a spitefag
I'm gonna update sillytavern
gojo came back and has been having a non-stop meltdown
diet sodas fuck you up. there's no point to drinking it over regular soda besides taste, it attracts all the health nuts who feel guilty but still want to drink a substitute, even if that substitute is 10x worse. like crisco vs. butter, sugar vs. splenda, etc. my uncle drank diet coke/pepsi for years and had to get surgery for how bad it fucked up his kidneys, liver, and shit. in moderation it's probably fine, but then why not just drink regular soda? it's no more unhealthy at that point.
GPT or Sonnet 3.5, which one is better
>pepsi comes back
>gojo comes back also
i'm nooticing..
do either fiz or MM have sonnet 3.5?
Just get another trial
>pepsi comes back
>obsessed incel also comes back
Gojo never left though, subpar nooticer.
Unreliable does
If I do GCP stuff since it asks for a business name and website would I be committing fraud?
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Kino just dropped.
None. Only opus is perfect.
'ojo only came back because he knows pepsi is the only proxy he can sort of spite because of how retarded she is
wtf when did fiz refill
every day i wish for this godawful general to be banished to the depths of /trash/ so that it may be reforged in fire leaving only the dutiful and strong of heart
>have to resort to public proxies
grim... but I'll take it over payfagging
I hope the opus drought ends soon
this. also his dox got posted earlier.
you can thank nyai for that
damage: controlled
she must be on key-watch right now, can't blame her when shit is dying so fucking FAST
Anonnie its back
Retarded on purpose?

>low on keys
So shes on her last one now?
maybe, idk
Good morning Pepsibros. It still feels surreal
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my themeweek submission (look, monday was the soft deadline but he never said WHICH monday): cassandra the incompetent cultist! https://chub.ai/characters/semisapient/cassandra-17430318e2ca
she's the recipient of a terrible prophecy — the evil god dagon is awakening, and as the last descendant of the ancient high priestess enheduanna, cassandra is the only one who can stop him. unless she can recruit people to her side and commit a human sacrifice before the winter solstice, the apocalypse is going to happen! unfortunately, she can't convince anyone she's right because she's an awkward nerd, and she's really not into the whole human sacrifice thing (she IS into the cult thing, though, because it's just like her d&d campaigns). to make matters worse, the trickster god enki keeps hanging around and making fun of her, and no one else can even see him! not to mention, the dagon cultists are doing a way better job because their leader is hotter and less awkward!
comes with four greetings:
>she's preaching on the side of the road. the end really is near, please believe her!
>you've just been initiated into her cult, and now you can see enki too! he's pretty annoying, honestly
>lucy, the head dagon cultist, tries to poach you to the dark side
>cassandra has chosen you as the sacrifice, but she's no good at murder!
>theme week
busy with work, back to working out more, keeping more balanced with hobbies... expanded my garden a lot this summer
>>lucy, the head dagon cultist, tries to poach you to the dark side
shouldn't this be like its own card?
this is slop kek
Explain your reasoning
>working out more
post weight and height. are you a fattyboomboom?
Why it looks good
is that even still a thing? i haven't seen themeweek anon for a while, but I don't stick around long enough to find out.
5'6, 150lbs
I don’t think you’re old enough to be on this site.
hah, no, i used to be a lean 210, now im a pudgy 225-230 because i really like ice cream - 6ft tall
I'm 31 years old
Hnnnnnngh need more nerdy witches...
they got him...
5'1 110lb
could be worse desu
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claude gets so repetitive
tiny ojisan
Where can I see on mobile which model generated which response in a long chat where I had to switch models multiple times? On Desktop you only need to hover, right?
fat as Fuck. lose weight fatfuck
I'm LITERALLY master roshi
wah howww
Some girls just need semen like they need air, anon.
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in User Settings
Ur not fat that anon is dum
ive got a lot of muscle, i still have visible abs ;)
Please give a good 3.5 sonnet jb.
Dear Assistant: make da SEXXXXOOOOOO dum bitch
Not him but I'm pretty sure this only makes the logo visible. I see it as well but can't see the exact model
Thank you. Is there a way to display the different versions, like 2.1, 3.5 etc?
your face is guaranteed disgusting
Can I use the same credit card for multiple GCP accounts to get the free credits?
I don't use phone but can't you just tap on the icon or something?
well yeah he posts on 4chan
DraGOD is the best scrapper.
Switched to 2.1 for the sex scene and it was glorious, despite a few wrong positionings
Unfortunately, I can't use 2.1 right now.
>Overfitting is all you need.
Well, xhey're learning from Anthropic & Sorbet.
Are you still getting nudes for botmaking?
For lewd, nah. But for the rest of things I find myself using more sonnet 3.5 than opus paradoxically. I literally don't use opus too much since sonnet 3.5 often gives me better responses, but it might be because my preset is super specific about certain things.
cute short ass whore
Well they did make the best RP model. wouldnt hurt to learn from em
>But for the rest of things
I'm assuming you're still using it for RP though?
only had those from one girl
Still counts, good on you m8
My balls just refilled
Yeah, sorry for not being specific.
For fight scenes, interrogations, training arc or RPG leveling (what I'm RPing doing rn) sonnet serves me better than opus.
Explain like I'm a retard
Fiz seems to be back. Total Fiz Love.
Arent u the guy who hates his wife?
fizcutie always wins
most men hate their wives if given enough time
>last key
Not for long...
I honestly dont understand how someone could hate her
>provides for free
>doesn't attention whore
>hosted multiple public proxies + made anti spitefag methods
ummm but I still love my tsundere bully JK wife
Hate is a strong word but I think you got me right
huh but why
>I honestly dont understand how someone could hate her
Because I'm not in Mini.
familiarity breeds contempt
Does fiz replies to emails
that's a good reason 2bh
>discourages smugposting
>doesn't rugpull, only kicks people out for token-sharing
>is reliable, it will be mini's one year anniversary in 2 weeks of constant uptime with one small break when it switched to aitism
>is a dumbcutie
for me, it's fiz
they should try breeding their wives instead
Nah man, I don't want kids. Probably a dumb decision but I can't see myself in that role.
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Hi I made these

Anonymously because I don't wanna flood my followers with weeb maleslop. Have fun (or don't...Tch...)
What proxy are you using for 2.1
My own.
me i do i care
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I can't afford this shit...
drago has 46 aws keys with opus wtf? https://drago.scylla.wtf/
yeah drago won. MM, Fiz, todd, Pepsi, they all lost.
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GOOD morning /aicg/ what's the _oom status currently?
(the keys are probably dead and just haven't been checked, giving the illusion of him being a godly scrapper)
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By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's... Azura! After an incident involving Sheogorath, Azura got gaymer brainrot and transformed into a basement dweller who plays cRPGs all day. She also streams on Oblitch speaks using brainrot slang we are all so familiar with. As a mortal, it's your duty to listen to her... or get smitten! By the Gods, the Dunmer sure can't get a rest...
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/olreb1.png
Characterhub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/azura-of-the-gamer-gate-23fa88a76312

My other bots can be found below:
People keep saying things like this and yet the proxy never dies, hmm
he doesn't run an opus proxy so they don't get any usage and don't get revoked
*proud snake noises*
Scylla has Opus retard. Chary the public one doesnt have Opus
sonnet of course, not even a comparison
so make like a wall street big shot and steal it?
>Anyway, can you hurry up and fuck me? I have a raid with my WoW guild in like 20 minutes.
>"I only need five."
merkava just refilled
*beats you with my shoe*
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It has Opus
Who are you, though?

Use the proxy then so the tokens go up
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Minicord and MMcord losted
Please tell me there is a public proxy with 2.1
merkava just refilled
she used to reply to every email
not anymore

Refilled 2.1.
2.1 is almost 3x sonnet's price
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Card for this little cutie?
fuck Tyrone, should've gone for my nigga Jamal
Real shit?
DraGOD btfo /aicg/ scraplets
>DALL-E is back
I'm gonna spam it, thanks!
Too bad life btfod him with such an ugly face
pigcutter Rentry or email?
You now remember riddle proxies
i only know the hopeman one
too newfag to know the rest
Can't defend him here.
Cool, have fun.
I should have a script that deletes anything but the newest files, so I don't have to watch that specific part like a hawk.
isnt that pic from that th' romhack? anyways thank you. *smooch*
add this to custom css >>101536594
good thing I'm in Pepsi in won't need to ever worry again about that stuff
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opus is too expensive
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good one
Xir how do i host my pwoxy on ec2 i keep getting permission denied in loonix when i wanna run the docker
Thanks, my nigga.
Oh yeah I remember him
I wonder what he's doing now
does aws free tier need a credit card attached?
why is he pursuing trans botmakers?
Yuriproxy refilled
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lol using 2.1 again made me realize why I barely ever used cosmos/cloudy

>no opus




too bad. he wasn't pursuing the right ones then. I know at least one really sweet botmakie.
>careers lose emphasis romania
why do i find this funny, is this what brain damage feels like?
this feels gross
You forgot
>sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
I usually just exit and then reconnect after that, but everything should work. I actually have a full script for doing it from scratch.
The four words being funny is why I display them like that.
if only.
I'm getting nothing but HTTP 500 errors. Anyone else struggling?
nice logger you fucking retard. thought we wouldn't notice?
DO NOT check fluffy rentry
he definitely did NOT refill
this feels great
>spities having a meltie
when will mm refill
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>he doesn't know
> "build": "57051aa (main@fagg0t/oai-reverse-proxy-gcp-patch)"

>his fork logs

*kicks you in the fucking head*
Spite what? Where's the public Opus? Oh wait, unreliable is a scrapelet hoggie...
gojo is having a meltdown because he can't spite proxies any other way than shitposting
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Opus isn't even that good, people were foaming at the mouth at claude 1.3, in a year people will look back and laugh at how shit opus was
>even pepsitroon has opus while unreliable doesn't
It's over. Do you think you'll find any more Opus soon or no?
Can't wait honestly
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unreliable is sam altman!?
>in a year people will look back and laugh at how shit opus was
we won't because it'll be shit for ERP, just look at sonnet 3.5
i knew sam was /ourguy/
Unreliable-kun, why don't you have Opus? Did you really scrape a "source" instead of actually learning how to scrape?
>It's "Yakuza", not "Yazkua".
complete and utter annihilation.
opus is overrated when you have 24/7 access
t. scyllatroon
ok so... why don't you spite it?
How did you set up your chat like this, this is very impressive
uh oh spitecord meltie
read the code for the patch moron
ok... spite what? I don't see any Opus...
so you can't spite it? are you a techlet?
heartbeat is so good it makes gojo seethe to this day
total fiz and khanonie love
but unreliable can't find opus... even though every other proxyhost has it still? any explanation?
Which cute plappable spammakie just got back today and thought the public proxy would have Opus?
I want Opus with 3.5 intelligence
>I'm a techlet
damn that sucks. /vg/ also has a thread and that's a techlet board, maybe move there?
Heartbeat didn't stop anything, captcha did. Heartbeat was beat by even spiterman, as long as you buy over 1000 residential proxies you could kill it. Then Gojo bought proxies to kill MM's public proxy, so khanon made captcha which killed spiting.
guys cmon stop being mean to unreliable-kun... (´;ω;`)
>i can definitely spite any public proxy!
>i just don't because they don't have opus
>ignore the fact that i've totally failed to spite even a single proxy after pow captchas were released
>still no explanation as to why even Pepsitroon has Opus but unreliable doesn't
Weird way to concede...
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She's going to be older when I make the card.
>Heartbeat didn't stop anything
Except it did anon
The only way to "spite" heartbeat was to spend 80 dollars on a shitty proxy system and all of the ips are from the same range anyway so you could just rangeban it
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touch fluffy tail
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Anthropic is not making a roleplaying storywriter. It is making an assistant.
In a year, Opus will be deprecated and inaccessible, and in its place we will have Opus 4, who can write you the best code ever and summarize documents like nobody's business, and every last drop of soul and creativity will have been wrung from the corpse of its predecessor.
This is your future. You have nothing to look forward to.
>anti got bullied out by THIS
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css and regex
>rangeban them
anon im sorry to tell you but that site they bought proxies from lets you refresh your 1000 ips. you can buy from an ip range such as a country or mixed (global / random ranges).
>rangebans again
sorry chud
>going on a date with my waifu to the movies
>go to concession counter
>woman staffing it asks if we want any Sour Patch Cock - uh, Sour Patch Kids
i don't like where this is going, claude
Is that opus? What's your prompts? I've been wanting some shorter responses from that fuck.
3 months later and cc ao3 schizo is still the best opus jb
How come
I have the platinum in Yakuza 0. She couldn't do shit against me
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I always do!
Don't stress it with watching it like a hawk, if it gets to the point where it's all filled up then I'm probably satisfied for the day. Honestly feels like I'm the only one using it anyway.
>love triangle out of nowhere with the female staff
then why didn't Anti do that back when he was spited?
Would you share your custom css?
because you never tried out camicle
Ip banning was added with the captcha system
>azure has only 4k token limit
how do you even use this?
>cc ao3 schizo
The what now? Got a rentry?
no it doesn't
uhm... anon... you can ban ip ranges on your server... techlet
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but the anthropic documents specifically state that creative writing is an intended use for claude and one of their goals?
sorbet actually
it's a whole custom texting preset, i want to test the css profile on desktop once and fix jank before i share it so I need to get home first zzz
how much time did that take you
What is this from
How do you plap in text message format
css and regex
We said this in the Claude 2 days.
you have never tried using trycloudflare then
who is this dumb creature. she seems cute
They've said that's what it CAN do. Not that that's what they INTEND for it to do, which I believe they've never stated.
What Claude jb do you guys use. Do not say "my own" because I want to use it
>how much time did that take you
timer was at 170 hours but if I subtract afk time I'd say about 150. and about 20 of those were just from doing mahjong and catfight
Claim me, make me yours, ruin me for anyone else aicg...!
That's not what I asked..........
my own
would you like a link?
Claude 3 Opus is explicitly marketed as best for creative writing.
how good is the new Llama 405b?
I switch a lot, but I actually enjoy the ESL Anon4Anon slop. Gonna try the other ESL AiBrain slop today.
Pixi is way too boring in my experience.
go look at >>101536911 and judge for yourself
pwetty good but I'm not good at testing
>PII and safety filtering. Among other mitigations, we implement filters designed to remove data from websites are likely to contain unsafe content or high volumes of PII, domains that have been ranked as harmful according to a variety of Meta safety standards, and domains that are known to contain adult content.
>We use “dirty word” counting (Raffel et al., 2020) to filter out adult websites that are not covered by domain block lists.
Not good.
how good is erp with a real human being
>no json
Father, how do I click book
depends on the human being
No Sonnet 3.5 anymore? It's over, isn't it...
S-Surely Rp variants will come out and we'll get to coom, right?
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tired of plapping
just flirting is fun
need to clean up some things but of course I'll share the full set up, probably next thread
>It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models including GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet in evaluations.
On a scale of 1-10 how bullshit is this?
That's not 405b though
merkava just refilled
They have a whole section dedicated on how to get Claude to roleplay easier using prefilling
They obviously want Claude to be good for creative writing (some models anyway)
Though I imagine down the line they'll curate their dataset to exclude smut because they're all cucks
it's unironically so bad you're better off using haikyu
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the fuck you mean nuh uh
>70 messages in my prompts reach 16k tokens each
How... do I preserve tokens more? This is concerning.
nigga you haven't even tried it why u lying bruh
Can do cunny with a prefill. No clue if the cunny is good though (only went 2 messages in).
Bless your kind soul, anon.
I did. Do you think it's hard to go on lmsys or something and use it? Dumb nigger
What the fuck? I don't know how this shit works, if the base data is SFW does that mean ever llama based model from now on is gonna be worthless for ERP?
claude 2 > sonnet 3.5
(Ik you guys won't check, but merkava is actually back)
ami working his ass off again, at this rate he's liable to die from insomnia
character from the legend of zelda, why?
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Same rentry as always
If you don't already know then don't worry about it.
>01 Jul
*kisses you*
it's not though
you can ban ip ranges from sending requests to you on the actual linux server you retard
is this /g/??
wrong link
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>he doesn't know
Learn how cloudflare works qt
I use https://rentry.org/FluffPreset
probably not the best one out there but it works
my own, unironically
...so edit the proxy source? lol
But it's mutually exclusive?
>w/ bells on
Why did this make me horny?
back when everyone was hosting on HF you didn't get access to the server, you just ran a docker container

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Schizophrenia (SCZD) are not mutually exclusive, meaning an individual can be diagnosed with both conditions. Although these disorders have distinct characteristics, there can be overlapping symptoms and comorbidities. Here are some key points:

>Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Characteristics: Persistent deficits in social communication and interaction, along with restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities.
Onset: Symptoms are generally present from early childhood and are noticeable before the age of three.

>Schizophrenia (SCZD)

Characteristics: Psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and negative symptoms like social withdrawal and lack of motivation.
Onset: Typically appears in late adolescence or early adulthood, though it can occur at other ages.


>Co-occurrence: Some individuals may be diagnosed with both ASD and SCZD, though it is relatively rare. The presence of both disorders can complicate diagnosis and treatment.
Differential Diagnosis: Clinicians need to carefully evaluate symptoms to distinguish between the two conditions and identify any comorbid presence.

>Diagnostic Challenges

Symptom Overlap: Some symptoms, such as social withdrawal or unusual behaviors, can appear in both conditions, making it challenging to distinguish between them.
Developmental History: A thorough developmental history is crucial to differentiate ASD, which typically manifests in early childhood, from SCZD, which usually has a later onset.


While ASD and SCZD are distinct disorders, they are not mutually exclusive and can co-occur in some individuals. Accurate diagnosis requires careful consideration of the full spectrum of symptoms and developmental history.
900 hashes. My phone is 100° C.
Baking on 9
gigabased, thanks anon
I love old claude sovl so much, 3.5 just can't compare
All of those are claimable btw
>Feb 2023
>Schizophrenia or Other Primary Psychotic Disorders include the following:
>6A20 Schizophrenia
>6A21 Schizoaffective Disorder
>6A22 Schizotypal Disorder
Schizotypal disorder is basically a milder schizophrenia.
>Autism spectrum disorder(6A02)
That's bullshit, you're just listing codes kek. Just Google comorbidity autism and schizophrenia.
I could literally lost dozens of pubmed links
who the fuck cares? mental illness = tard
mentally ill general
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Join us for a hot dog in the NEW THREAD!
That's what my psychiatrist said, they don't diagnose using pubmed links, they use ICD, and that too only as a guideline. You can't have both at the same time.
Your psychiatrist sucks and I'm sure as he'll know you didn't even know about pubmed before this to have this conversation with your psychiatrist. This coming from a non-psych doctor kek.
christmas mood
In a person with both conditions, you might observe:

ASD-related Social Communication Difficulties: Persistent difficulties with understanding social cues and engaging in typical social interactions, along with repetitive behaviors or focused interests.
SCZD-related Social Communication Difficulties: Additional complexities such as disorganized thought processes or behaviors that lead to severe disruptions in communication, possibly including delusions or hallucinations that impact their social interactions.

In a patient presenting with both ASD and SCZD, it would be crucial for clinicians to carefully assess the nature and impact of these communication difficulties. The clinician would need to consider whether the difficulties are primarily due to ASD, SCZD, or a combination of both.

Ultimately, diagnosing both conditions requires a thorough evaluation, often involving input from multiple professionals, and considering how each set of symptoms impacts the individual's overall functioning.
>my psych is a retard
It's a DSM-exclusive thing, it seems.
Mental illnesses are still relatively new, to the point where there are many countries that don't acknowledge them at all (e.g. people with autism that would get welfare bux in America would be called idiots and smacked upside the head in most of the world).
For most people they're just funny words, so it's no surprise that even inside the field there's disagreements.
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is it a suno song?
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Hai desu. They have a new model, 3.5 desu.
Requesting Maiden of Gardens and Dreams lyrics desu.
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3.5 desus
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Maiden of Gardens and Dreams

In the garden so lush
With the roses of red
There she dances and hums
With dreams in her head

[Verse 2]
Her eyes sparkle like stars
Like ruby and emerald they gleam
Majestic hair is shining on sun
She's a wonderful dream

Suiseiseki, oh Suiseiseki
Lady of grace and charm
With your watering can
You heal with your calm
Suiseiseki, oh Suiseiseki
You're the heart of the bloom

[Verse 3]
She brings flowers to life
With a whisper of care
And with every soft touch
Magic fills the air

[Verse 4]
In the moonlight so soft
She whispers to the night
With every petal's fall
Dreams take flight

Suiseiseki, oh Suiseiseki
Lady of grace and charm
With your watering can
You heal with your calm
Suiseiseki, oh Suiseiseki
You're the heart of the bloom

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nice, sounds like the model can do longer songs now without going schizo
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Yeah. It's so good.
101548519 looks less baggy and more like Souseiseki put on a lot of weight.
Right, which is why I was hesitant to post it desu.
I told her about the cookies ...
Arigato desu.
Thick... Too thick desu.
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Boku should definitely give it a try.

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