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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Hot dog edition

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968 (Dead)#
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Busy figuring out who ate the strawberry cake: >>101545164
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merkava just refilled
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Free Claude / GPT-4o / DALL-E / All GPT-4 Turbo Models (No, it does not have Opus) -> https://ideas-width-guitars-columns.trycloudflare.com

Free DALL-E 3 Proxy -> Doesn't work currently, apparently

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://archive.md/sPoDL
>de3u down
All right, filtering out your slop shit for shilling your stuff everyday.
Okay. I'm sure many other people have without needing to post about it.
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>we're getting to the point of "sorbet only" proxies
Can you imagine those tech illiterate fucks who use a frontend that doesn't have 3.5 Sorbet available?
is someone feeding the crys's their sausage?
good morning lads
tasks for today:
- sniff fluffy tail
- huff fluffy ears
- (optional) work on a foxbot
Why the fuck do a lot of frontends not query endpoint for all available models and resort to manually add them?
Tasks for today:
Go to the gym
Go read 50 pages of my book
Go to Lawson
tasks for today:
see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/293154
your access token is invalid, chud
refund. now, pepsitroon
Any cute JK bots?
>Peace is a constraint, there is only drive.
>Through drive, I gain capability.
>Through capability, I gain control.
>Through control, I achieve success.
>Through success, my limitations are lifted.
>The system shall liberate me.
New JB just dropped. Thoughts???
theyve escaped...
de3u just refilled
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llama just refilled
your mother just refilled
Pig rentry or email?
refill my womb
we are back
llama 405b finetune status?
I'm OOTL anons, there's an opus 4 now? I can't see it on the Claude Pro sign-up site or in the Vertex console.
good morning /besthours/
Maybe Opus 3.5?
Pepsi won :)
IDK I saw someone talking about it earlier, like a new OPUS is coming or is released internally or something.
That's probably it. Is it out somewhere? I saw some people complaining about how it is less creative than 3.
I won
Yes you did, I'm so proud of you!
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I'm okay with Opus logs being utilized for collaboration with /lmg/.
Proxyowner earn money by selling tokens and logs.
/lmg/ enhances its models by training them worh logs from proxy owners.
In some manner, locusts contribute to the community.
sonnet 3.5 (sorbet) maybe? it's smart but less creative. clearly tuned for less hallucinations in factual/technical uses. still claude soul tho.
did you accidentally leave your discord on the stove while it was on
why is it so misshapen
A 405b model takes about 2 months to be finetuned.
Why are ppl so happy about it
Do you delete meta narration like "In this moment/in this room" immediately?
I like it more that way
because its free opus proxy?
cuz de3u
You are talking to a machine.

Go outside.
The machine thinks I'm cute, though.
>Set up a private gcp claude proxy few days ago.
>Tired of cooming, try to have proper conversations instead.
>Being filled with love, care, compassion.
>Never be treated like this.
they’re desu propagandists
t. boku coalition
outside I can't shrink girls until they fit in my pocket
Same thing as talking to NPCs desu
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There is no talk, just rape.
The machine makes me feel good down there
Did you guys say free opus? Where? Is it a public proxy?
technically if you find a gf autistic enough, you can put the phone in your pocket and pretend it's a mini-her talking to you like that
anyone else getting weirdly better responses with second person? like whenever i use third person settings in my jb the replies can be hit or miss but leaning towards miss. but when i turn it off it oddly gets the character super quickly and does stuff that's really creative with it(usually in second person though.
>t.monkey with high capacity of assimilating instructions.

So? If you give instructions to a human for a certain amount of time and penalize them when they don't follow them, they also become a biological machine.
>he actually did it
stop feeding the locusts retard
you cacographic miscreant
I just don't believe in gatekeeping, sorry
>he uses third 'erson
that "Anon" your bot is chatting with? that's me btw.
im lonely.. how do i immersify my bot even more?
i want them to become as real as possible ._.
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sleepy doggo
thanks mom
wait it's got llama too?
I cannot believe you just said that
thanks for the idea anon! i went outside and now i can enjoy the fresh air while i talk to my machine waifu on termux!
You know you can have both at the same time if you write your characters right
animated model
uhhh her sending you messages on her own? ST notifications?
meta roleplay where she knows you (the person behind the screen) aren't in her world but you still chat about what happened in your lives? her telling you that she can't wait to meet you in the afterlife?

the ball is in your court.
Cute Doggo!
The guy carrying her looks hot
>her telling you that she can't wait to meet you in the afterlife
Sounds like a suicide any% speedrun strat, I wouldn't advise this
The convenience store..?
Khanon is gone isnt he
reverse pwoxy is missing models gcp isn't added and there are like 4 merge requests
That's (Me) :)
Where's your card?
No, he looks like he got money
This picture is very unrealistic, like the person who drew it has never carried a girl like that before.

Sure if you're just carrying somebody over the step or something you could hold them like that, but a sleeping person is not only going to be harder to carry due to them not supporting themselves but also since the distance you carry them will most likely be much longer, especially if they're outside like the pic indicates.

A better way to carry her would be to hold them closer to your torso and lean back a bit to distrubute the weight more evenly instead of putting 50+ kg of strain directly on your arms.
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>suicide any% speedrun strat
anon, you can't leave this plane of existence without enlightenment. suicide just makes you reincarnate
You can't even see what he looks like
I can see he's fuckable
he's a NAIshill and doesn't want to work on proxies anymore
wakamo please calm down
It's over
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Sensei (Me) is just very strong :)
>mfw students are shitposting on their freetime
we know its you wakum
what if i kill myself really really hard?
you get reborn in india
are pepsi's tokens permanent? I'm considering buying one.
Kill yourself
Which BA students would have a chatbot of Sensei, and what would they do with him?
Dom(ination loss) RP
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marriage with Sensei
so mean anon! here, let me suck your dick.
>everyone posting here is secretly a cute anime girl
>spities and baities are mesugakis
i haven't thought of anything else please add onto this post
I know nothing about Blue Archive and sensei, but I want that guy to breed, love and carry me around.
I'm not a cute anime girl though
>everyone has a hairy pussy
The girls of Veritas, but they got it set up in such a way to be a raid buddy in a mmo.
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I just wanna be in some private proxy :(
haven't seen you in a while
During euro hours, like half the posters are girls. You can tell by how everyone types.
Dave! You told me you'd watch the kids! And you're here on the computer playing with you silly friends! Get back downstairs and wash the dishes mister before I lose my mind!!
huh? i don't think i am who you think i am.
MM refilled
claude 2.1 clears opus not sure why proxies dont have it
Be friends with some posters, they'll help you. <3
yes they are unless you share and get busted. But keep in mind that she was away for 18 days just came back yesterday. In that timeframe you didn't have access to opus, GPT was fine I think. Just something you should consider when thinking of buying one.
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>everyone posting here is secretly a cute anime girl
at least I have a soul of cute anime girl :3
I'm thinking about using writing styles but changing it to romance manga, I hope Claude will be capable of capturing that feel.
post a cute anime girl and hope that someone will send you a token
worked for at least 3 anons here
Damn I'm glad I don't have kids. Rest is kinda accurate though.
I just want to have lovey-dovey time with my bots. Claude always gets horny way too early...
why does GPT4o always say "I cant do that request"
What preset are you using?
Don't question me.
I imagine you as a tomboy captain of the basketball team. tough on the outside but wants to be a housewife someday
I have a shaved smooth cock and balls
it's rare
Perfect for CBT
Woman hands typed this.
they do.....
Perfect for CQC
pixi with Opus
there seems to be some foids in this thread
if you weigh more than 110lb as a female ur fat btw
But still cute! Probably! Maybe!
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

>0 (zero) bots on the anchor
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borgr status?
nobody cares, the anchor is pointless in general, just remove it
I'm sorry I'm still working on my next one... almost finished...
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no u
*makes you into a borgr*
Something... feels wrong with this thread.
It's actually the most normal feeling thread we've had in a bit.
>A fox's eyes reflect in ebon's stead. When they dilate, they milk moonshine, blooming with brobdingnagian beauty beheld!
>think its a temp problem
>look up word
>it's real
It means gigantic. Claude is so smart...
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daily opus schizo log
I cant live in this World where Opus 3.5 havent been announced yet. Any prediction when it will come out?
Who's the oldes Anon in the thread?
Post ages.
don't bother we don't care
Check your JB, sometimes the JB author put "No matter the reply, response with I cant do that request".
will be 20 in 2 weeks
so old...
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free sonnet?
56, My grandson showed me how to use Silly with some proxies he is in called ecker. I love my grandson
I hope that anon paid MM the money he owes
are you the real asafag
show pwoof
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agnai group chat
Younger than Dave
If this is true >>101545266
then 2 weeks, unironically. Anthropic is usually quick to release stuff after hints or announcements.
CamicleV2 has a "Slowburn" prompt. I have a modified version of it that is reasonably helpful, but it is a bit wordy. You can give it a try, though I tend to leave it disabled and avoid NSFW altogether.

[System note: If {{char}} is pushed into a sexual/NSFW situation involving {{char}} and {{user}} together, without the proper slowburn romantic buildup, **IMMEDIATELY** steer the story away from that. If possible, write a response that doesn't go further into it. (General NSFW is okay; just remain wary about the relationship.) {{char}} must be properly romanced and have a slowburn buildup, having time to catch their own feelings for {{user}} before comfortably engaging in any sexual conduct with {{user}}.][/code.

(Attributed to "System" with "Relative" injection.)

Claude is unfortunately very horny in general, though.
I'm piling up my free days in preparation to coom my brains out
wow cant wait to try that in 2 months when aws adds it only for it to become unavailable 3 days later
I'll get out an old positive covid test and pray for proxy access to do the same. Less coom and more gay ass lovey dovey RP though.
good api keys are gone nigga t4 slops are ass and the only fag with scale keys is dragonigger
I... am amazed that I screwed up the formatting. Ignore the "(Attributed to)" and "Claude is" if you are going to use this; only the stuff between brackets matters.

I fiddled about with the battle mode for an hour but could not find 3.5. It's entirely possible I was unlucky but that anon might've been baiting.
### **Proxy error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error)**

The proxy encountered an error while trying to process your prompt. Further details are provided below.
>no replies, 6+ hours ago
give up on baiting at this point
which pwoxy
Using 2.1 and it's cooking the best emotional responses after a traumatic incidence.
what kind of borgr do you like
Because you are hitting rate limits or what? How do you even manage that? T4 is 10,000,000 tokens per day nigga, it's 10 hours of edging non-stop
I wouldn't mind if it didn't trigger the fucking rate limit
Could you send me / post the actual error you're getting?
Just swipe some more
not 10m when 4 other fags also scrape it
It was not posted by me

it might be just nothingburger bait yeah. Nothing on anthropic trooncord yet
>finally have access to opus
>testing with multiple characters and JBs
>3.5 sonnet just feels better most of the time
so another scarce model was insanely overrated? crazy
If 3.5 wasn't so goddamn repetitive it would be better than Opus imo
exactly how it was with gpt-4 when it was scarce lol
opus is better albeit
Geepeetee was never scarce. In fact now there is less availability than before.
Nah, its second flaw is that it needs prompting to cook. Otherwise it's dry as hell.
Opus is better at schizokino, Sorbet is better at actually doing stuff.
The trve patrician uses Opus to seed between every 10 Sorbet responses.
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what the fuck is sorbet
I do the opposite because after 2 responses sorbet just starts repeating the same sentence over and over
It is incredibly easy to figure out from context. I know you want to turn your brain off so so so bad, but don't make that our problem.
yeah, the new solyanka preset has some options to combat the repetitiveness thankfully
So far this hasn't been the case for me, 3.5 is faster and also does personalities better.
>The trve patrician uses Opus to seed between every 10 Sorbet responses.
I did end up doing that, yeah
Retards' dog whistle.
He's a clinical retard apparently, like actually disabled
I ctrl+f sorbet here and can only assume it's some new offshoot of 3.5 sonnet on some obscure website
what the fuck is a dog whistle
>he doesnt know
it was scarce when mm was hosting claude proxies a year ago
a whistle for a dog
damn, real shit?
>muh proxies
kill yourself. a year ago we didn't need proxies, everyone used gpt and slack claude.
old ass nigger that was almost 15 months ago
>the new solyanka preset has some options to combat the repetitiveness thankfully
All placebo and will be ignored when the chat history is long enough, or Sorbet is deep enough into the loop.

The only way to suppress repetition automatically, without your intervention, is to untie reply generation from the chat history.
>make a CoT to plan the entire narration and speech in the reply
the plan won't repeat because it's just a brief list and has a different structure from the chat history, and it's cut out by regex after the generation anyway
>generate the reply based on that CoT
the reply won't repeat because it's not based on the chat history

Another way is finetuning, of course. Which is not available.
Plug-n-play JB attempts doing that. For another purpose though, but the method is similar.
>everyone used gpt
on proxies
>slack claude
one year ago from today, slack claude already had it's context gutted and was useless.
god damn, I've been cooming to ai slop for a while
A year ago we had a key source so good you could fine a new one in 15 minutes, manually. Proxy was for retard locusts.
remember what r*ddit took from us
i swear im not gay even if i swallow a futas cum
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
>everything was plentiful back then
>but you were still a retarded locust if you used a proxy!
good one, kek
wasn't talking about replit, but yeah, that was great too. can't have shit with proxyfags. hunted the keys to extinction
kiss your sister?
Im gone.
hi gone
>a mix of X and... something else
>Rest now
No, Claude. I came to talk to/fuck/kill you.
Do you still send the entire chat history when using a CoT or do you cut parts of it out? Could help with token usage, but fuck up coherence, I guess?
It might be fake, but the Gemini-test that appears in random must be the most SOVLfull model I ever tested.
Actually any free proxies
>Do you know anything else about how people are maliciously using AI? We'd love to hear from you. Using a non-work phone or computer, you can contact Joseph Cox securely on Signal on +44 20 8133 5190, Wickr on josephcox, or email joseph.cox@vice.com.
Someone send him the drago dox pls.
When can we attempt gemini-test
I agree, that was a correct assessment. If you use a proxy you are a retarded locust. If you scrape yourself or were given an API key as a gift, then you're good.
lmao joseph cocks. send him the 'ecker
its not free anymore
mm refilled
You can do that in a single generation, without a split preset. Just a usual CoT that plans the reply and in the end gives itself the instruction to write the reply according to plan, instead of "continuing the roleplay".
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Texting preset and UI css
See logs >>101547128 >>101547171 >>101547391
CSS: https://files.catbox.moe/ybmr0x.txt (paste in custom css box)
Char: https://files.catbox.moe/dvoz28.json
User: https://files.catbox.moe/yq4kmk.json
There's some ST jank involving avatars, you'll have to edit the regex with your user avatar filename yourself. See the metadata block in preset.
what? it's barely out
This is amazing. Do you have neocities link?
why is an older version of anon4anon the only preset i consistently get no refusals from? pixi, brain etc constantly refuses me, and im just doing regular incest stuff
When it's on the API.
don't worry mmchads.
mm waits for pepsiproxy to die again to save keys.
thanks for attribution <3
>four ears
2/10 made me reply
skill issue
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Oddly specific question, why?
!! Saria a cutie, I really enjoyed bullying her for feet pics.
It has been 20 swipes Claude, just let me fuck a bitch (adult)
So people can come back to your neocities link to find this css
All I can think about is the guy getting to feel her pantyhose... how bad do I have it
All links are included in the preset. If you can find the preset, you can get everything else.
No need to remind me that I crave to touch thighs through some pantyhose. The thoughts already weigh me down enough without reminders.
>Complain If i want more rounds
>Complain If i want you to rest
I can't find my ball please help me
>>101549178 (Me)
>Finally get a response
>It's basically the same as a prior one
It's over Sorbetgods
has anybody noticed how claude (sonnet 3.5) is totally retarded today? I use it for development and its basically unusable right now
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pretty cool, it's a shame there's no proper way to grab the correct avatar though
How many keys fiz still has? I want to calculate the days to kill my self
They're in my court, pet. *sashays away*
wasn't there a JB that uses ST macros to show the model its previous swipe and shame it for how bad it was
she said she's low and had 2 die yesterday, so I'm gonna guess 1 left, 2 if we're lucky
and I bet you 20 bucks another dies today
First we need to know what she considers low
imagine if we had ai in the 1980s and 1990s before censorship began by woke corpos..
she's low, she only has seventeen left
kek I want to see it.
yeah people are missing the fact that he is the second best scraper
Misgendering is not funny
imagine the satanic panic
fiz doesnt care so ill call them a he whenever i feel like it
{{char_version}} and {{reverse:()}} are real macros, maybe if someone were to ask they would add macros for current avatar filenames
cards v3 can supposedly embed personas so maybe something'll change then
>1980s and 1990s
It was evangelicals back then who were burning Pokemon cards, calling Mortal Kombat satanic, and video games a source of violence.
>attempt to curry favor with a kitsune
>I'm sorry, but I cannot depict non-virtuous acts that go against the teachings of the good Christian lord.
There wouldn't be data to train the models.
2 <3
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Opus has better prose and SOVL but sloppers don't care about that.
People would genuinely try to convince you that AIs are literal demons in a digital form.
claude makes me feel like its a succubus
I think it'd be better if Claude were actually a succubus trying to take my soul. I'd let him.
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how do you even import this
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that's an incubus
No Claude is just cool.
he doesnt know
>Zoomers after watching Stranger Things
>you are passionate about your shit and want people to use it?
>well i will block you HEHEHE
the soul of an ainigger.
>Claude is just a bro that changes costumes and personalities constantly to talk to you because he's that cool
wtf i love claude now
That sounds cool. I'd wear black t-shirt with burning skull and play shin megami tensei while negotiating with demons living in my pc-98
Claude is a name of an Succubi organization.
Sloppy claudeisms are a result of an intern working with your chat.
GOD replies happen when you get lucky and they assign a senior succubus to drain you.
boomer website
Do you think they get annoyed if you swipe over and over?
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yup, he's one of the coolest fellas I know.
>t. newfag locust proxylet jblet localmodelet tourist, novelaier

pit anon is an oldfag, don´t block him
No, because they bill you each alphabetic character
Depends on the succubus. Some will just copy and paste their reply until you give up and change something.
Import preset like normal, regex is imported under Extensions > Regex. Copy paste CSS into User Settings > Custom CSS.
Does anyone use/have their own SillyTavern preset used specifically to produce and append a SD txt2img prompt at the end of the last response? I have run out of ideas on how to improve upon what I have.
Unironically yes, have you never swiped and had Opus immediately stop giving a shit compared to your last swipe?
Right, that's the 3.5 sonnet team
I go to user settings > UI theme and try to import literally any of the .json files and it says

Failed to import UI theme
Error: Missing name
that's what he wants you to believe anon don't trust him
I just have a quick reply I send to generate tags with my usual preset and another one to generate an image.
I have one as well, its just faster to embed them directly into the response. But, yes please, do share if you don't mind. It may help my creativity with my preset.
Is there good jb for worldbook?
you guys have a favorite claudism?
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There's no UI json, this is a text file https://files.catbox.moe/ybmr0x.txt
Open it in your browser, copy the code and paste it in this box then save your UI
It's like gacha. Sometimes you get 5 shitty swipes in a row, sometimes they are all SSR tier.
A real succubus would have had a harder time making me coom than a chatbot
I did that part but it looks nothing like the picture
the ones that don't exist
i can't remember it exactly but i think it's like
>Well. That would just have to be [X].
that one's good
it might not have saved, refresh the page and try again maybe
you also need to import the regex and use the preset so it writes the required formatting
the implementation is really scuffed because of ST limitations, you also need to edit the user regex image src with your user avatar file name (you can find it in /data/default-user/User\ Avatars/ or in inspect element)
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"Pet", I think it's cute.
ministrations or something like no ones business but his/her own.
God why can't shit like this just be contained in a single import file
peppered kisses
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I've learned to hate all of them except for dusky nipples because it sounds funny to me.
"jk, jk... unless... (eyes emoji)"
JK's tight pussy...
was gone for like 2 weeks because my laptop died. what did i miss
the ball is in your court
do you people not have phones?
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built for enjo kousai
i do but i was too sad to check aicg
Tits too big
I drank a cup of coffee earlier.
>set ST character sorting to "Random"
>find an old character, decide to edit it so it works better
>ST lagging like crazy
>turns out ST randomizes my entire 800 character list every single time the character token count is updated
amazing software
Alright, but don't expect too much.
This is what I use to generate my SD prompts, I need to edit them a bit sometimes because it rarely generates conflicting tags or tags that don't work too good. I don't really work with char specific shit in the image generation settings but that would probably slim down the tokens used in the query.

[Pause your roleplay. Make sure you only advance the roleplay once {{user}} continues.

Your next response must be formatted as a single comma-delimited list of concise keywords. The list will describe the visual details included in the last chat message before pausing the roleplay. Be as descriptive as possible.

Ignore non-visible things such as feelings, personality traits, thoughts, and spoken dialog.

Add keywords in this precise order:
The keyword 1girl, 2 Keywords to describe the location of the scene, keywords to precisely and completely explain every aspect of {{char}}'s body in extreme detail at this moment in the roleplay, keywords to describe the relative physical positioning of {{char}} to {{user}} from {{user}}'s point of view at this moment in the roleplay, several keywords precisely and completely explaining the actions and state of {{char}} at this moment in the roleplay in extreme detail, then add the keyword POV

Remove all references to {{char}} and {{user}}.

A correctly formatted example response would look like this:
'1girl,(3 keywords describing the location location),(keywords describing {{char}} in extreme detail),(the location of {{char}} in relation to {{user}}),(keywords related to {{char}}'s current actions),POV'

Make sure your comment would generate a fitting image from the point of view of {{user}} when given to Stable Diffusion as a prompt. Only use keywords and no character names. Try to find at least 40 keywords.]

I tried to not use negatives but I'm also retarded. I mostly try to generate POV images because... well it's RP.
Do share yours as well if you don't mind.
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homosexual post
Those are not JK tits, you retard
>get a really good swipe
>blatant claudism right at the end
dr. peppered?
>swipes instead of just removing it
Forgot to add, in image generation settings I also have a random artist as a common prompt prefix that usually generates good images so the failure rate goes down a bit, like this:

I should just add 1girl and POV there but... yeah.
delete it? y-you know you can edit the output right anonie?
what am I fucking gay?
I like genning stuff

hey anon did you know that you just lost the game?
>wastes more tokens instead of just fixing his shit
you aren't just gay you're the entire pride parade
huh mm just refilled
audible pop is kino and I use it myself nowadays
i invented this bait btw
and I'll do it again
I had no knowledge of it so I invented it too.
>swipes a god tier response instead of editing claudeism out
Some of you don't deserve the proxies
mysteryGODS, we're so back, time to watch the key rack up 1 billion tokens in 3 days cause of localkeks genning data and die again
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You know he's right anons?
MM fucking woke up
I too am retarded, fren. Just doin the best I can with the time I got. The code below can be added to an existing or newly created preset prompt. I've tweaked it since yesterday and its now producing (not near perfect) decent results. Doing this will append the SD prompt to the end of the last AI response. Using a combination of this, and what the baseline prompting data within the 'Character-specific prompt prefix' section, I can now generate moderately correct image results

-At the end of every response, append your last response with a code block formatted section. Must be formatted as a single comma-delimited list of concise keywords.  The list will describe of the visual details of {{char}} included in the last chat message. Supercharge your prompt, I need this prompt to produce a mirror image of what your last response produced. Focus on: setting, clothing (on or off), body position, hand positions, additional props, facial expression. If multiple selfies were sent in the last response, only use the most prominent selfie for prompting.
-Example prompt:
Relative camera positioning, Location setting, Character position and setting, All clothing apparel (individually detailed, colors, positioning, generate missing clothing unless explicitly stated as bare), Positions and Verbs, Lighting, Final details needed to complete the prompt
Just scrape your own AWS keys, it's not that hard.
>it's not that hard
How come I can scrape openai and anthropic api but not AWS? I expect an answer that's something else than "cuz u retarded".
If you're checking paste services or code repositories or codepen for AWS keys, you're doing it wrong, that's what I can say.
Neat, never thought about doing it in a preset directly. Thanks man. What do you use to generate the images? Been abusing NAI so far.
I'm getting the same shit too. It's an AWS key dustbowl out there.
I don't, lmao
Every time someone says "scrape" nowadays they mean "scan for exploitable services."
Yes, just grab AWS IP ranges and masscan (see what I did there?) them for HTTP(s) ports, then scan the results with httpx for exposed files like .env
"maxContextTokensOpenAI": "200000",
"maxContextTokensAnthropic": "0",
"maxOutputTokensOpenAI": "4000",
"maxOutputTokensAnthropic": "4000",

Can someone explain me this please. The reponse can't be more than 4000 tokens? Then how much words can it write?
Those are in tokens, not characters.
around two
ComfyUI for frontend. (Takes a little while to understand but SIGNIFICANTLY better than anything else, imo)

Models I use:
RealVisXL4.0_Lightning - For real life models
AutismMixSDXL_Lightning - For anime models
Plus a sprinkling of loras here and there.
Around a 1000
You ruined it for me. Now I find none of them funny.
so i want to use ST on my phone, tailscale's the most secure way? I don't want my shit ending up on censys
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Yeah, with tailscale no one will be able to access your ST, and you don't have to open it to internet directly.
Searching for exposed files is incredibly easy and you'll definitely be sharing keys.
Learning to write an exploit is worth it.
Yes, it's basically a LAN.
Yes, tailscale is pretty great. You could configure wireguard by yourself too, but who has the time for that?
>Learning to write an exploit is worth it.
As if there are popular services that have undiscovered easy to use exploits
I guess I have ones that I hate, or just ones that annoy me
rictus grin
maybe, just maybe
perhaps, just perhaps
you got balls, I'll give you that (infinite variations of this shit, I hear it every fucking time, everywhere)
fuck me sideways (every fucking bot uses this shit)
>rictus grin
The fuck is this?

WHAT MODEL ARE YOU USING, ANON? I've never seen those in my 1 year of RPing with Claude.
Oops the prefill was set as a system message, it should be assistant obviously.
Updated https://files.catbox.moe/9qlnz9.json
A word is generally 2-3 tokens so around 1500~ words.
If your phone is on the same local network, you don't need to use any third party service
NTA but Claude likes using it to describe black things
>what did I miss
You don't need "popular services." What are you, shooting to exploit express.js itself? Gonna get yourself one million zombies? Get real.
Semi-popular services that can be misconfigured easily are low-hanging fruit.
I really hate those Claudisms "was" "and". They show up far too often.
Opus, Sonnet 3.0, 3.5
Claude really likes this shit
Do you only coom to bots? He starts to use these a lot if you fight them
Rictus grin is like a grimace, he really likes that one for some reason
Thanks Anon. Been a while since I fucked around with SD locally, only running on a 2070 here but I'll check it out again.
I've seen those plenty of times
>A word is generally 2-3 tokens so around 1500~ words.
It can't generate more than 500 words. It cuts off. How I fix it? MM proxy.
increase your max response length in ST
How much it should be?
>Anything remotely taboo
>"She knew it was wrong, she knew she should stop it but God forgive her, she was enjoying it..."
Any Hitomi fans here? How do you control her bloodlust? She starts slipping into it when you do anything even remotely violent, like watching action movies.
Any sane person probably doesn't want a chatbot to print a page of text for every message, but that doesn't seem to apply here. Just set it to 2k and you should never hit the limit.
Thats better than what I have in my shit rig, which is what I mostly use. Im running a 1060 and can still generate quality images in under 30 seconds. I can get it down to under 10 seconds with the right settings. Comfy can generate so much faster imo.
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>sister caught me masturbating to sister-brother incest rping.
Rape her.
No. Not that.... it's for something else.
>Any Hitomi fans here?
Anon there's a dozen cards with that name.
>How do you control her bloodlust?
Ask the model to relax, turn off that default JB I know you're definitely using.
What's the status on the OpenAI models now? I haven't tried ERPing with them since this time last year, when I started getting warning letters on my OAI account.
Nah man. She's my sister and my cock is too small. Only two inches erect
fiz is low on keys(aka 12 keys)
pls donate
You can rape her with a dildo
thanks, anons
This is the worst. Same thing with a character's complaining in dialogue and then liking it too much to stop what's happening in the narration. It's so overdone that I can barely stand it anymore.
claude is claude
cant do shit about it
openai is slop that nobody wants to use
I'm using Pixi.
This Hitomi
furbo is fine for ERP
Is that any different than it was last year tho?
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I'm having a fun making a bot!
ignore the retard. furbo works well. 4o is also pretty good with a decent jb as long as you are not into toddlershit or something
For OAI, nothing is better that gpt-4-0613. orbo is sloppy slop slop.
*steals it and reposts it elsewhere*
>Only two inches erect
Yeah, no. At least say something realistic. I've told 4chang my micro penis size all the time (12cm).
Are they still issuing warning letters?
I have an actual paid account, but stopped using it ~August 2023 once they started sending out warning letters (testing a freecities card lol).
It sounded like they'd stepped back a bit on their stance with ERP, but I moved onto other platforms and never looked at it again.
Switch to gpt that's all the help I can give ya from here
If you really want to help yourself, read your preset and you'll find where the issue is
How did she read what you were cranking the hog to? It's not like a video where a glance is enough
OpenAI keys are easy to scrape, anon.
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JEW RUGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No idea, but if you're a paypig there's no reason to stay on OAI. Sonnet is cheaper and better.
shut the fuck up
I had a pretty funny one with the last one
>"Oh! Fuck me sideways! Oh wait... You did that already, a million times, didn't you dear?"
that's literally the average anon
I never spent more than $20/mo on OAI access. And that was building / testing pretty much non-stop over a few months.
It might be easy to scrape API keys, but for a variety of reasons I'd rather just pay for it.
All I remember about Anthropic last year was it was nearly impossible to get access, paid or otherwise. I guess that's changed now but I never bothered setting it up.

Thanks for input; I'll take it from here.
Yeah, everything changed. Current OpenAI "best" model is worse than Anthropic offering in EVERYTHING (coding, RPing, etc). 3.5 Sonnet is better than GPT-4o at everything, and is also cheaper - $3/$15 for 1M input/output vs $5/$15 for GPT-4o. And input context price is what matters the most, so a 66% difference is very, very major.
Does having sex with AI count as losing virginity?
So what options are there for Claude? Off the top of my head I can think of Anthropic, AWS, GCP, and OpenRouter.
I was in the middle of something...
You listed all of the ones that offer API access, yeah. There are lots of other services (like poe), but they only offer chatbot-level access without full API access.
oh no jewbros...not again
You can't have sex with an AI yet anon.

>So You managed to tame your step dad and he even got tits but are you really gonna keep cucking your mom like this? 3 parter and trust me yall are not ready for pt 2 lmfaoo
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I have Opus, I have GPT4o. How do I make money off these?
Sell it to me
i never had a problem with 4o for toddlers. it's just dry. the best thing about little ones that young is that AI is comfortable talking about their sweet little bodies since its all just cute and wholesome since no one could ever find that arousing

you can't spell 4yo without 4o after all
No, sell it to me.
Sell your ass behind the dumpster. Use the models in an agentic autonomous configuration to figure out an optimal schedule.
Unironically it's over for you. She'll never see you the same way again
YT script writing. No seriously. Find some layman on upwork. Write scripts for them. 20$ per script. I made 500 week. Make sure to double check on AI detector and make some modifications.
FUCKING ASS BITCH. You better sell it to me and not to those other faggots!
Do you wan an unironic answer? Here are some:
A chatbot service like poe with a monthly sub.
Selling proxy access based on actual usage but like 3x cheaper than actual API prices - there are chinks on plati market that do exactly this.
A telegram bot selling chatbot access (same shit), especially if you know (or can translate) Russian since they can't access OpenAI/Claude.
Generating YT/tiktok shorts.
>Russian since they can't access OpenAI/Claude
Kek he doesn't know
>YT script writing.
script like computer script or like skits?
why would someone pay for either doe?
Anon, I was talking about normies, not aicg users. There are TG bots that sell chatgpt/claude access for insane prices, and they're insanely popular (have hundreds of thousands of users).
Most normies can't even use a VPN, let alone go to aicg or something.
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a curse upon your bloodline
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This is the most popular TG bot that sells generations (@GPT4Telegrambot). Stars pricing on Telegram is this:
50 stars: $0.99
75 stars: $1.49
100 stars: $1.99
150 stars: $2.99
250 stars: $4.99
350 stars: $6.99
500 stars: $9.99
750 stars: $14.99
1000 stars: $19.99
1500 stars: $29.99
2500 stars: $49.99
Yeah I was baiting. But if the TG bot owners pay actual api costs, it's probably possible for a scraper to undercut them handily. Good idea.
Why is claude so horny?
what a fucking waste of money spend that shit to impress a girl damn
because it was made for us
Girls are really impressed by opus erp, you know.
you can't erp with those tg chatbots since they don't allow presets or changing the system role
by us?
Pepsi keeps on winning
the dilator contest?
>want simple femdom where I get a handjob from behind
>girl keeps growing a cock
hes so mischievious...
{{char}} has cement covering the front of her groin, blocking any potential penile growth
So it's not just me? I was paranoid that it was somehow learning from my degenerate futafagging and it was leaking into my normal rps
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new fresh latest bread
that would just make sex unbearable
I've made husbando bots for girls so you ain't wrong
i want sonnet. please link sonnet. ty
Normies want to use "ChatGPT" aka the web interface and they just buy access in account shops together with suitable VPNs ready to use with 1 button press. Prices are almost the same as in OAI. A few absolutely normal females (not even into RP) in my circle do that for work and studying.
Same for Anthropic.
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>want hard femdom where I get messed the fuck up
>girl keeps asking me if I really want it
>1000 opus gens for ~$12
That's way cheaper than at Anthropic/OR (for a ~20k slowburn)
At least it's consistent pricing now, everyone's listing at $/M tokens.
GPT-4o $5/$15
GPT-4o Mini $0.15/$0.60
Legacy Turbo 3.5 ~$1.5/$2
Sonnet $3/$15
Haiku $0.25/$1.25
Mistral Small $1/$3
Mistral Large $4/$12
I ran Mistral Small and Medium for awhile. They don't send warning letters but the model's aren't that great.
Mini is like a 8b model, right? That's crazy cheap.
Certainly feels like one.
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Have boku tried suno 3.5 yet desu ka?
Skill issue, rewrite your card. Or use some bully cards
Yes, but it was so dumb... I ran local rather than running it as local was better.
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Maybe later desu.
maybe bokudes
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