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>cures your distrohopping permanently
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I don't think distro-hopping exists, but if NixOS keeps adding maids I will distro-hop from Moebuntu to NixOS.
>cures your distro hopping
>because you can't move your config files to other distro
based rem distro
I love my blue distros like I love my blue haired girls
overcomplicated tinkertranny distro
If you're going to make this a daily NixOS general, you should link to the previous thread: >>101542420
You're not funny. Get new material.
>you're not funny
But your response is! I think that anon should stick to his material.
Nix is pretty much as simple as a language can get
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You can't cure what I don't have
lol filtered retard
I bet your hands are brown
I only use it to make containers.
that's about it.
I still don't feel good using it, but guix isn't as easy or complete.
and you don't know what you're doing or talking about, which isn't that surprising. NixOS does the most to cohesively blend all the shitty components making a fully functional system in one language + dependency tracking.
>you shouldnt have to CODE your OS you TINKERTROON
why not? use actual words.
Actual employed people use operating systems that work, not something that needs to be tinkered with and coded
you're literally retarded. you're dumber than the dumbest gorilla nigger and your post confirmed it for me. You don't know shit.

Retards like (You) code your OS just the same, but do it in the wrong way.
>waste your time
You need to configure the programs on your OS no matter what OS you use. Nix makes it simpler for those that know to program.
Guix is better
You have never used NixOS. You have to write some shit in what is basically JSON and the benefit is shit just works.
no it isn't.
guix eval is slower
guix does not have the equivalent of flakes. enjoy channel management I guess, retard.
Then why have you been repeating the same 3 unfunny jokes over and over again for the last decade? You /pol/tards should at least try to get a sense of humor. Right now you are like a human bot.
What a disgusting mind you have.

Give NixOS a try some time. It really has a lot of novel things about its design.
Imagine being this cucked. I'm going to have fun with innovative technologies on my personal computers, and no amount of your seething can stop me. You LARP as employed but were apparently never provided a work laptop?
nixos is for little sissy fags who can't unscrew a jar and don't even watch football
real men use gentoo
mind you, we won the euros and I use nixos, so your football argument is useless
>t-that's soccer
it's real football, fuck your amerifag shit
>Nigz os
>don't even watch football
What a strange accusation. I will always watch young muscular men playing with balls.
sisters of the snowflake... our response?
>install nixos
>can't configure dotfiles with homemanager
>need to install homemanager in a non-declarative way by adding new remotes defeating the entire point of the project
>can't install an appimage without spending hours learning nix language and creating my own nixpkg
>flakes suck nuts
didn't know that nix causes so much seething and coping from poltards
I should probably start using it, if these guys hate it then it must be pretty good
>Tranny distro
No, I will keep using my dual boot Windows 11 and Artix.
>by turning you into a troon
awful deal
my hotwife rem
lmao the coping moron is back again
I find it a bit funny that a distro which solves something I call the "snowflake server problem" has a snowflake as its logo.
seething retard lol
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>some random nobodies on mongolian basket weaving forums
I chuckled
That's funny because dimwits who concern themselves with such matters more often than not have nothing to contribute to FOSS. Free software is inherently communistic, high IQ strongly correlates with neurodivergence which leads to all sorts of obsessions and sexual fetishisms. None of the right wing FOSS crusaders ever contributed anything of note to free software. You might cry, seethe, bitch and moan endlessly, but at the end of the day, nerds rule the FOSS world. Don't know where you got the idea programming was ever compatible with the domain of normalfaggotry.
I accept your concession
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I hope you die in a fire, worthless subhuman.
lmao, imagine being so fucking retarded that you believe in a magical sky daddy
ITT: trannies and sharties arguing
They might as well get a room and have hot hatesex
The real cure for distrohopping is having something else to do on your computer.
As soon you get some project to do, the OS you're using will be good enough.
Unless it's an annoying piece of shit that keeps interrupting you the whole time and stealing your machine to do god knows what.
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amazing thread guys.
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Just get a room already you two
What does it do better than Arch?
Genuine question. I don't know much about Nix.
XY? What?
Tranny and chud sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Not OP, but
1) The Nix package manager is good at handling mixed versions of things. You can have some very recent stuff and some old and stable stuff on your system. It also deals well with conflicting dependencies, like different programs depending on different versions of the same dynamic library. On a conventional distro that's a hairy dependency resolution situation, but Nix does some magic to rewrite sources and binaries of programs so that two different programs can depend on two different versions of a library.
2) NixOS, the OS built around the Nix package manager, is good if you want to configure various aspects of your system in a single declarative file, rather than editing files scattered around /etc. You can already do that on a conventional OS with a tool like Ansible, but NixOS offers it as a built-in capability with some transactional properties.
I don't get what you mean.
NTA but XY are the chromosomes of biological men
Ah OK. But I am a man, how is that supposed to work as an insult? Usually people insult men by saying they are girly.
Now, the two of you, have sex.
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Chud x tranny romance when?
After seven years of Nix, I find guix easier for personal stuff. Nix is great for distributed projects. All the abstraction becomes unnecessary tedious overhead for personal work.
I'd imagine perspectives can be vastly different, especially since I came to Nix and Guix already familiar with Haskell and lisp, whereas many people I've read compare nix to json and have never used a lisp
blessed chud x tranny thread
this thread is so strange
/g/ood thread
Are flakes stable now, or still experimental?
>mention Nix on /g/
>get 50 posts from seething /pol/tards
is it really that easy to keep your thread bumped?
If you get a job you will be using windows or iOS

>muh pol
/qa/ lost
>felt the itch to rice
>installed awesomewm
>can't rice it cause its nixos
Yet another locked down pos
Also installing selinux/apparmor is a meme
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Wake up to see a bunch of deleted posts. Are the jannies trannies?
Thank you for the insight anon. Much appreciated.
I use Linux at work and have friends using Linux at work.
You are a coping retard and have never been employed yourself.
no, they're just cleaning up the low quality trash, like they should be.
Arch is my first and last distro

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