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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101544069

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>SV4D: Dynamic 3D Content Generation with Multi-Frame and Multi-View Consistency

>Open-Sora-Plan Report v1.2.0

>Official global launch of Kling AI's International Version 1.0

>INF-LLaVA: Dual-perspective Perception for High-Resolution Multimodal Large Language Model

>FoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation Model beyond Multimodal Siamese Network


>Mammoth - An Extendible (General) Continual Learning Framework for Pytorch

>Differentiable Convex Polyhedra Optimization from Multi-view Images

>Cinemo: Consistent and Controllable Image Animation with Motion Diffusion Models

>Automatic Generation of Fashion Images using Prompting in Generative Machine Learning Models


>Intel AI Playground beta Official Launch

>SD3 Unbanned: Community Decision on Its Future at Civitai

>GenTron: Diffusion Transformers for Image and Video Generation


>PhotoMaker V2 Released with improved ID fidelity

>T2V-CompBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Compositional Text-to-video Generation

>ComfyUI_FL-Trainer: Train Loras in ComfyUI

>Video Diffusion Alignment via Reward Gradient
>mfw Research news


>PartGLEE: A Foundation Model for Recognizing and Parsing Any Objects

>MovieDreamer: Hierarchical Generation for Coherent Long Visual Sequences

>DreamVTON: Customizing 3D Virtual Try-on with Personalized Diffusion Models

>Harmonizing Visual Text Comprehension and Generation

>DreamDissector: Learning Disentangled Text-to-3D Generation from 2D Diffusion Priors

>Outfit Anyone: Ultra-high quality virtual try-on for Any Clothing and Any Person

>Channel-Partitioned Windowed Attention And Frequency Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution

>CLII: Visual-Text Inpainting via Cross-Modal Predictive Interaction

>MxT: Mamba x Transformer for Image Inpainting

>Diffusion Prior-Based Amortized Variational Inference for Noisy Inverse Problems

>Fréchet Video Motion Distance: A Metric for Evaluating Motion Consistency in Videos

>Test-Time Low Rank Adaptation via Confidence Maximization for Zero-Shot Generalization of Vision-Language Models

>CatVTON: Concatenation Is All You Need for Virtual Try-On with Diffusion Models

>Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models: A Survey

>Image Classification using Fuzzy Pooling in Convolutional Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

>Is 3D Convolution with 5D Tensors Really Necessary for Video Analysis?

>HDRSplat: Gaussian Splatting for High Dynamic Range 3D Scene Reconstruction from Raw Images
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I'm curious why you leave the discord link in the OP despite getting banished from the discord, debo
why are you so butthurt over the discord link
why would I be butthurt over the discord link?
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I don't bake and there's no more obvious evidence that I don't bake than the discord link being in the op because, you're right, I'd remove it if it were up to me
you are a retarded troll?
It's widely accepted at this point you bake these threads
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what learning rates do you use? i just went from 0.0001 to 0.00005
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96m and 1m
1.0 and just let the optimizer deal with it
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Will StabilityAI be able to save Stable Diffusion 3?

also first for (tr)ani is literal human garbage
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>I've told the same lie so much that I think it should be accepted as the truth now
no one believes your lies. its baffling that you even still try
Ironic coming from the biggest liar in /sdg/
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SAI promised SD3 large in february, 6 months later still nothing, it's over anon, let it go
i dont understand why you would want to keep that narrative up
anons know you are "baker anon" and "schizo anon"
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no u
You look at other generals that keep the news consolidated into the OP or in a pastebin and you think "that must be nice"
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with nooz you looz
you mean to say you don't enjoy having to scroll through debo's news at the start of every thread?
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Imagine if just 1 (one) of these things was actually useful.
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Good afternoon, anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
>thread devolves into debo and pw talking to each other
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Wow, who hurt you?
>it's not an avatar :]
forgot your gen
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Thanks for reminding me, anon!!
Heya, Debo! Great to see you again as always! :D
I dunno if you ever had this in the news yet, but have you tried out Rodin? I heard about it last night! It works pretty well haha
It takes images and makes em 3D
Hello, anon! Great to see you :]
What motivates a grown man to behave like you?
LOL :]
Has someone else been wishing you dead too? :]
What's the mesh like on that?
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Your lyrics are always really good, do you write them?
Is it true that Trani's father killed himself because he found out about his son's... his son's tendencies?
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hey pw, nice to see you. hope you're chillin, maxin, relaxin all cool. btw, for some reason the schizo is really worked up today. I'd say avoid him
I dunno if I've heard of it. is it a model or an app?
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Doubt any father would kill themselves over that. At most disownment.
Not enough attention IRL or anywhere else
>furiously resets router
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I dunno what you mean, anon!
It comes with the territory, I guess! Hahaha
Here's an image of the wireframe!
I come up with a basic theme, write out what I kinda want the chorus to be, then have GPT fill in the blanks and I edit it a bit haha
Thanks :]
Btw, your gens are really cute!
Thanks so much, Quokkanon!! Same with your gen :D
I am! So far it's a great day!! I can tell hahaha!
It's an app :]
Amazing gen!
>why did all the good anons leave?
the good anons like pw, quokka, fran are still here tho
forgot your gen
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Lol yeah being a massive autistic faggot probably has its downsides LOL :]
Wasn't expecting a mesh that clean tbdesu.
Does anyone else think of PW as a young woman you'd want to violently rape?
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Hmm I dunno anything about that, but I hope you have your upsides as well, anon! :]
It really is! It works super well!
I might cave and buy the tokens for this too hahaha
It would be great for background assets!
No, I'm not Indian LOL :]
>the discord is harmless guise
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>source map
Yeah. No glaring issues other than wasting polygons in some low detail areas.
Makes me wonder what the best photogrammetry based stuff and whhat not is like these days.
does anyone else find that their Stable Diffusion starts to sort of take on a mind of its own after generating images for a couple hours?
Interesting... but what does it mean?
if you need to ask you're not going to understand the answer desu
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Yeah haha I figure it'd be a good idea to retopo anyhow if you're doing characters with it
I'm gonna test something simple to see how it does!
Oh no you got me!
There's heaps of open sauce projects like this. Why would you think this was special just because it's a paid service?
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always nice when you dont even need to register to know the requests, even better when the js is not obfuscated
what lol
just got a rtx4080ts purely for AI generation. am I gonna make it?
Why is it much easier to train loras for SD1.5 than for SDXL? Dataset that produced good results for SD1.5 does badly when trained on SDXL even though the settings are the same.
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Yup! I pretty much did the same thing LOL
I got a 4090 tho
Dear StableDiffusion,
Hi! It's me! Anon!
And I'm here to ruin your--- Ah fuck it I'll get to the point. That skirt, much like some of the absurly short skirts in anime, makes no god damn sense.

Aight, I'll see myself out. That's my stupid joke of the day.

kek. honestly though, I felt like I was walking on the crushed dreams of aspiring artists on my way home. fuck it, better just enjoy the fucked up time I live in.
you ever ganna post workflow
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Hahaha! I get that, tho honestly that's only if you're trying to make money or something from it
I just think it's really fun to play with!
is denoise absolutely required when img2img upscaling?
wouldnt the upscale model do all the work?
absolutely not, retaining my identity is important here sorry anon!
you're worse than debo
Without denoise, it would be no different than just resizing the image.
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I would keep the denoise pretty low if you're just doing an upscale! I usually do .32, but will go anywhere from .28~.44 while upscaling :]
3D burger!
Not the best haha but for something like this it'd be so small anyways that it'd work out pretty well
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I gotta run for a bit! I'll see you all in like 2ish hours :]
Have a great day, anons!
gotcha, i might have to do a 2 pass because this rip i downloaded is low res, and the aspect ratio is kinda weird, might have to find another download

that's insane, i don't even go that high for my prompts unless im hoping to fix something
you smell like debo
>powerful backlight
>ignored by the subject's shading
Needs more reruns.
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probably not, but I'll usually answer questions if I see them

impersonation is a serious crime, anon
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Do you enjoy talking to the local avatars? Please respond with a gen.
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Oops!! That was the initial gen LOOOL
Ok bye!!
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>tfw no likes
if i wanted to train a character pack lora.
like have multiple characters from an anime packaged into one lora, it's as simple as just making sure i tag each picture aptly before i throw it in training?
What are your thoughts on >>101558339
this general got too slow for me to come here often
Any chance of catbox for that OP?
debo post more music
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You either die a painting or you live long enough to see yourself become a fumo.
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just want to be in the trending datasets desu :(
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If you really want to be autistic, train a style lora on the ip you are training off of. Then train the characters in a separate lora. merge the character loras into the model you trained off of and remove the difference using the style lora you made. Then extract the remaining lora bits from the checkpoint and you have a character pack that is very good at doing different styles. use concept folders with the characters names as a trigger but don't have any names in the style lora
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ok, so to reiterate
>create style lora of anime
>create character loras and merge them into the base checkpoint
>remove the difference using the style lora (don't get this part at all)
>extract the remaining lora bits from the checkpoint (also dont get this)

how do you know all this? i wanna be as autistic as you
Awhile back I had the bright idea of dissecting a pixar/dreamworks style film, labelling and tagging each then training a lora on it.

I don't know what this would really accomplish besides top notch Tangled porn, but it seems like something a combination of OCD and autism would be really handy for.
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I like your sulky lolis.
i've been screwing with forge and before that automatic since release. Would comfy be better for pairing two unique characters together? what would a workflow look like? I'm currently using forge couple, before that regional prompter. couple is sorta ok but it's a real fight sometimes and i'm sick of it. if there's a better solution I need to move to it.
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i am glad, at least 1 person does
people compliment you all the time
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yeah yeah i was half joking, though not sure about all the time, whatever
I love every /sdg/ denizen. If you ever need to talk, I can be present.
Have you ever generated American McGee's Alice. That style feels like it would be perfect for her
Is that... A mini-sun? Or a portal? Or... What is that?
i briefly tried a while back, since her aesthetic i find quite nice, ill maybe try again, ill look for a lora or something
Just an error, I like mixed reality diffusion type content. A lot of them are likely just fragmented data stitched together by happenstance in the model. What do you think about it?
looking at the OP image is the first time I noticed how good AI shit is, like damn that's better than anything a human artist has done
What can I do if my generated image is at 100% but won't complete, and I do actually want to keep it?
I think it'd be cooler if that bug became a feature in the piece. Like a portal to an alternate version of that forest where it's a desert or something, hence the color and brightness of the ball.
whats the best voice cloning website/offline model?
play.ht new model is a big downgrade & cut in features
didnt hear anything about 11labs so no idea
the offline models I tried 6 months ago are shit
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notes are in here
Thanks do you have some ideas I'm trying to input non-machine tests for suno because of debo's weird data song. Nogen post because this is only vaguely diffusion related.
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rip another pixiv account. wasnt mindful they dont really allow anything close to realistic, even my completely nonsexual gens. wasnt getting hardly any likes on there anywho, oh well.
>be pedo
>get banned
what a surprise niggerlas
thanks again
my shadow, never far
you're one ugly piece of shit baldie
say something more mean, my obsessive fan
He's baldi and yet you're basic.
Man it's like a retard pile in here today.
Can anyone else hear how fucking stupid it hertz in here?
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Are you seriously going to do this every thread?
let anon tag if you're going to post some femshit garbage anime girl
Yes. I am 8D Rider. Bow, Bitch.
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for fun/education i spent today making a comfy workflow for posing a
consistent (anime) character in different ways

i know this has been done a million times before by smarter people than i,
but i wanted to do it myself


would something like ipadapter help with consistency? or is this the best it gets
Probably enough screenshots of the AMR game to pull from to get a good feel for it. (Which is a fantastic game, by the way)
Blonde hair, blue eyes, and extra fingers. We got royalty up in here.
People posted extremely photorealistic pizza when the whole AI thing started so they don't take any chances now
What does that even mean?
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oh, i remember
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>There can be only one
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Hello, anons! Great to see everyone again :]
Hahaha this is super cute!!
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Thanks. Me and the boys are working on fumofication but we don't have a database of 2d fumos yet so it's overfitting to our doodles so far.
Another copypasta song (schizo edition)
So the Novelai leak isn't happening any time soon right?
Damn man... Are the models on Civitai + Automatic1111 good enough compared to NovelAI now?
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Yeah gens often have extra fingers. I have an extra finger for you right now, too. I'm not doing inpainting on this because it's not the point, obviously, you fucking retard. I was just curious what helpful information the "people" here might have on consistent outputs.
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Uhmm what's Fumo btw? LOL
I just looked it up and it looks like cute plushies, which i'm all for that hahaha!!
Mouse anon!!! :D
Hello!! Omg I love this style hahaha
Idk if you heard my schizo song yet, but here it is!
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You must be a blast at parties.
Sorry, I realise this sounds quite bitter; I love and respect the people of the sdg community. AIDS is a terrible thing, that I would never wish on every one of you.
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Which one should I use?
specs : RTX 3060Ti and 5600X Ryzen 5
I hadn't but sounds pretty dope, for some reason it reminds me of switching back and forth between an old THPS song and something you'd hear from the new LoL kpop music vids for the chorus, nice job
c'mon man. I'm playing here. And the "you must be a blast at parties" thing is weak. If you want to actually reply then go ahead, and if not then don't. i spent a lot of my time making something, then asked the people here about it. you don't have to respect that. i'm obviously not going to post here again, you achieved that.
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Automatic1111 is the best
ComfyUI is pure autism
Yep, cute little plushies. Their appearance is based on a 2hu comic, so a lot of fumos are 2hu. Because fumos and drawings in their style aren't really all that diverse, we're gonna have to doodle new ones and then mix the doodles with a dataset of existing 2d fumos if we hope to make the fumofication model work.
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I would personally say to use Comfy, but it's really up to you, anon! There are many good things about all of them, though I haven't used the third option
A1 takes some time to set up, but it's easy to use
Comfy is easy to set up, but may have a bit of a learning curve
In my experience Auto is easy to use, but Comfy is better to finetune your proompts with your workflow
You can also download workflows from others, which kinda takes the hard part out of it, while also learning how it works :]
I'm so glad you like it!! :D
I remember playing THPS hahaha, had to look up the acronym, but the playlist was so good for each one! I've tried LoL a bit haha can't say i'm super good at it tho!
Thanks so much! :]
Ohhh!! I love it then!!
I hope your fumofications goes well! I would love to try the model out when you get it going :]
>good enough compared
No, one of the pony merges is as close as you'll get
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>lyrics have no barking
someone needs to get fired for this glaring oversight
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>Which one should I use?
>specs : RTX 3060Ti
ComfyUI if your noodle can handle it.
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This gen inspired me to make a 80s gamergurl bot obsessed with reclaiming her pinball highscore, ty.
someone stole your gen
Lmfao.. more like img$img.
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debo bakes these threads anon
What even is this? I mean, if I download the the file from there, what is it?
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I tried to get a remix going but the (egyptian, bossa nova) refused to come through
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a long time ago i genned some sort of haunted arcade room gens, the had these neat round ghosts, one anon cropped out of the ghosts, the ghost had a sort of funny orgasmic face, those gens are long lost, sadly. unless some anon remembers...
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Uh-oh, got a warning! You know what that means :]
Omg I love your version!!
That's ok hahaha I just throw together random genres to see what happens hahaha! Kinda how I proompt in SD too!
Decrepit arcade rooms are super fun hahaha!
This is SO cute hahaha
What's the thread theme today?
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>You know what that means
see you later pw, I'll let green cat know you say hello when I see them
>I love your version
I could swear there used to be a "remix" options. maybe I'm crazy? maybe I jumped timelines? or maybe they just removed it for some reason
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>You know what that means :]
she casts a spell and turns into green cat witch?
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whatever you want it to be
hahaha :]
1girls in arcade rooms
save PW ban me instead
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Awww did I miss PW again? Darn! Every single time :[
There's an "extend" option! Which kinda does something similar! Tho remix sounds cooler hahaha
I also noticed that if you hit the little three dot option thing, you can "get stems" which seperate vocals from instrumental! I'll do that now and send you the instrumentals and you can give it another go! :D
Any time!! I love it!
Perhaps! But first a dancing angel!!
I appreciate you, anon! ;A:
On PW's behalf of course!
But PW doesn't get banned!
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>you can "get stems" which seperate vocals from instrumental!
they just added that today, actually. super cool feature.
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Whoa!! Today?? That's so cool cause I just noticed it LOL
Try to extend that :D
Nice Luma, Koff!! It really captures her mood!
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dinner is ready
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Thanks, chef!! :D
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Kind of an obscure character from the movie Robot Carnival. Don't watch it though because it's really sad.
what did PW get banned for again?
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I've heard of a long face, but this is ridiculous
I thought suno reset at the same time every night, but I guess you have to wait 24 hours since you lasted used up your creds? Laaaaaaaaame
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I love sad movies sometimes tho hahaha!
I'm gonna have to put that on my 'to watch' list hahaha
Errr PW didn't get banned hahaha
but it's the same ol story!
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cant extend other peoples tracks :(

being too based

just make more accounts. they're free!
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awwww I just tried to DL it so I can catbox it but it's giving me an error for some reason
I'll try later tho!!
I use Prodigy so it's all 1.0 as they're adaptive.

A1111 has a hardcoded clip skip. It might not be noticeable depending on the prompt, models, and loras you use.
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t'anks, but i just let luma do whatever, not sure how best to direct it
me on left
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These chinese models are not that bad.
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>has vocals
Good job, Chang!
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I kinda proompt it the same was as SD haha
I endorse this message!
Hey Comfy!
LMAO ikr mainly just humming
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'old' gen.
nite. not sure we learned anything today.
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what model are you using?

also, what is the strategy between /Comfy-Org/ComfyUI_frontend and /comfyanonymous/ComfyUI? are these projects fully independent or will changes to ComfyUI_frontend get merged up into ComfyUI? if they're separate projects, will ComfyUI_frontend eventually become the main project?

also, hello. nice to see you
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Evening /sdg/! How goes the GENing!?
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Good night, sleep well! :]
Good evening! It's going great! I hope the same for you :]
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sup' gaywads?

later koff. miss u
this is neither purple, nor witch. smells like a CIA psyop to me.
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That's hunyuan-dit, still a bit WIP: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI/pull/4102

ComfyUI_frontend is going to be the official frontend once it's ready.
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So far so good! Just got home from work sooo trying to relax, lol.

Also dig the cat girl concert vibe! I'll toss in someone in the crowd lol
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too much news and heat to gen

its all green cats. I should make green cats

>ComfyUI_frontend is going to be the official frontend once it's ready.
awesome. he's been pumping out so many qol things I'm excited about
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i made that ages ago. glad to see the illuminati is ahead of the curve, as usual. hehe, checkmate, sheeple.
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Damn, that hot? I'll say it is 82 right now here at night buuuut at least got the AC going nice and cool.
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i've got you where i want

the council bade me tell you that you are the non-interventionist God's work! keep it up, anon!
>ComfyUI_frontend is going to be the official frontend once it's ready.
>awesome. he's been pumping out so many qol things I'm excited about

The schizo node ui keeps me away from it. This would be nice.
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Hey you!
LOL well, guess I am going undercover tho!
That sounds nice! It's always great coming back home after a long day and relaxing :]
Nice!! I love the vibe you have going on :D
Goodnight, anon! Sleep well!
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grr, forgot pic

at least it's cat girls. folks 'round here seem to be unhealthily obsessed with something called "fennec foxes". i guess they live in north africa or whatever. everyone knows catgirls are superior.
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we have all this power at our finger tips, yet no one has ever made sheeple before

>Damn, that hot?
my apartment gets nuked by the sun all morning then holds onto the heat the rest of the day


the modern frontend is still node and noodle based. its just got a lot of usability improvements
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i mean, have fennec foxes ever been domesticated? oh, you want a wild animal-gf? well, God have mercy on your soul anon. because you could have had a loyal catgirl instead. it sucks to suck, or so they say!
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Err thanks haha but I love fennecs! Your gen reminds me of an undead version of a soulless poster hahaha
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>you want a wild animal-gf
don't we all? everyones ideal gf is somewhere between manic pixie girl and druid hippy girl
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I try to do the Lord's work when I can, anon.

Yeeeeah, at least tomorrow is my Friday so one more work day. And yeah, it is a simple picture but figured it could go with your concert vibe, haha.

That is true fucking pain, Anon. I'm sorry.
i can see why you might think so. but you are wrong. domestic gf best gf.
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turns out the Lord doesn't care one way or the other. to him, it's soon to happen, happening, and already happened. don't ask me, i'm only mortal!
are you using a rave lora?
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manic gf is domestic and depressed half the time then interesting and fun the other half of the time. best of both worlds
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cat girls are slow and lazy, fennecs are pure energy.
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He does work in mystery ways and always sends his envoys!

I am not, no! Just prompting it.
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lmao she's supposed to be "waving".
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I think you've mastered the boob ribbons
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LOL you're right, I shouldn't be mean! I don't mean soulless! I just mean it's... lacking any emotional depth!
Ohhhh nice!! Today is my sunday unfortunately hahaha but i'm having fun :D
I love the colors!!
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I endorse this message!!
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A truly hard skill to master but I accept it.

Argh, thaaat fucking sucks. Ah well, at least ya had fun and it was good. And thank ya! The bright rave colors came out reallllly nice on that one, super popped!

I still dig your anime real vibes you got going on, really pretty stuff!

No cry smol witch!
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thats a high quality chibi witch

what is green catgirl had a plush witch toy
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he can send me envoys like that any day, fr fr, no cap, as the kids say.
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casting about--thrashing, really--for something, anything, that makes me FEEL. so far, no good. maybe the next gen
Wow no need to be a fucking dick
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ikr? he did apologize, >>101562360, thoughbeit. bless his little heart
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eat a barbie's ass or somethin
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the end is a ways away. it's not on me, I AM made it like this. go complain to That Which Is, see how much He cares (spoiler alert: he doesn't)
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i'll keep posting until the bitter end, though! never fear!
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don't concern yourself with the end. its just a new beginning. just like the old beginning. or the new end.
Is the vanilla ComfyUI still going to be usable after this happens? I'm worried.
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kamala is gonna make all your AI waifus real. trump wants to give your AI waifus to putin. russia russia russia

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