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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Smoking edition

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Drank green tea: >>101554332
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Donate Fiz
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Recommend me some mystery NTR cards
Basically NTR where things happen behind {{user}}'s back.
Yeah Fiz it was a good idea to provide keys to Nyai
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
>assuming nyai knows how to scrape
Would impregnate
she's actually dumb lmao, i thought it was a meme
>jew refilled
So based.
Need... Public.... Claude...
My name's dave
shota anti is my favorite headcanon desu
pepsi is just a cheap imitation and nothing more.
How many AWS keys died in Pepsi since yesterday? Will they survive until the end of the week? Please Beps~ take care of your keys, put a limit of maximum 1 million of context per day! Honestly, I prefer to have a little bit of Opus every day than to be without Opus for 20 days just to have 3 or 4 days of free use with the model.
>unreliable is Emil
but unreliable is nice...
agreed. but what about his alter-ego, missmagician?
no. You will use the keys and they will die in a week thems the rules
I'm baking the next thread to update the news. And I'm double baking if you remove them.
Keys seem to be dying left and right, jew seems to struggle as well.
Don't want to doom or anything but this looks kinda concerning.
holy shit...
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put a limit of maximum 900k context per day! show this nigger!
Precocious shota...
dumbasses... whocars?
any good bots lately? good jbs? extensions?
What Claude JB is the most SOULFUL? I'm bored of Pixi's responses.
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>slop copy of himmy
prob schizo ao3
>check out a handful of cards marked with my favorite tags
>typos in every sentence
Why do people even upload this
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

emil is nice too he just needs a dicking down (like unreliable)
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>there are actual people who think himmy is creme de la creme of botmakies
the numbers don't lie..
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Anons, please give me some lazy exercises to do.
PUT A LIMIT OF 200k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Times are changing! I'd rather have a stable Opus, please!
Take a walk
The thought of some company dudes reading smutty chat logs is pretty funny to me, gotta admit.
How many hours per day? 2?
>RP with {{char}} insecure about her big-ass dohoonkabhankoloos according to card
>{{char}} thinks her freakishly large bonkhonagahoogs are too big to be attractive
>Claude keeps making her shove her enormous tonhongerekoogers in my face within the second response

I can't make a girl feel good about her humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous and have a good story like this, you fucker.
What jb and model do you guys use
Without doubt.
and it's enough
At least an hour.
I like how spitey had to be spoonfed the link
What is "scrape" and why everyone who hates free proxies can't "scrape" themself instead of acting like a brat.
Smoking is bad for you.
heh esltard
Let me guess, you "need" more?
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Nah man. Smoking is rad (if your wife doesn't notice)
I just don't think anyone really bothers proofreading anymore. Maybe they never did.
Telling it to use Basque for an alien language is pretty funny
we didn't have opus on the private unreliable proxy for months you're not getting it
ETA on 'ojo finally getting Drago arrested after he insulted xer identity?
If Gojo were real I'd blow that twink's hole open until it gapes obscenely with my fluids leaking out like a custard tube on every twitch of the puffy red rim
yes that's why no one uses hf anymore and uses trycloudflare instead
>What is "scrape"
Who is Champ?
desuproxy or bust
hands are shaking
Aaaah it's so good to have unreliable back

Don't ever let the haters down unreliableanon, if it ever seems like you're unappreciated it's because those of us who appreciate you are too busy enjoying your proxy to read the thread lol
pro tip: host public sonnet but call it opus
>Smoking edition
unreliable-kun is this true???
it's good enuf
i like sorbet more than opus
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Short blue gem that looks upon organics (like you) with disdain.

Character book has supplementary lore bits.

Default greeting is you bumping into her, and the second is you looking at a poster detailing a "COMPETENT SUBORDINATE" position.

Chub Link:
hey every time I rim job one of your bots they shit themselves on my tongue. Can you fix this bug in your next bot ?
i wont let anyone bully unreliable-dono. he is a public servant and would make a better president than any other current candidate. he actually cares about his people.
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So I'm apparently now of neutral sex and unworthy enough to suffer the glinting eyes claudisms.
Fuck you claude, I'm going to bed.
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Are we having fun?
>>101558918 is bait btw
i'm gonna bully his prostate
I stopped having fun with chatbots a year ago.
draGOD is untouchable blud
No it's not
: (
you think that's a bug...?
What have you learned from from bots and incorporated into your own sex life?
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I kinda already figured, but thanks for the heads up anyway lol
just being myself is good, actually
Congrats. You're smarter than half of /aicg/ botmakers!
Every new shit model like Llama 3.1 makes me grateful for Claude. I don't think even fine tunes can save it by de-sanitizing it since I hate its writing style.
Shout out Magnum 72B for being a decent swipe alternative in a sea of mid
hand holding, pure love
Buy an ad, shill.
nice boobs
give this man Opus!
Make an intro of her reaction to the Queen's death
that it's fake, just like the bots
I don't enjoy sonnet, I enjoy 2.1, which unreliable has :)
I learned how to perform ministrations.
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By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's... Azura! After an incident involving Sheogorath, Azura got gaymer brainrot and transformed into a basement dweller who plays cRPGs all day. She also streams on Oblitch speaks using brainrot slang we are all so familiar with. As a mortal, it's your duty to listen to her... or get smitten! By the Gods, the Dunmer sure can't get a rest...
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/olreb1.png
Characterhub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/azura-of-the-gamer-gate-23fa88a76312

My other bots can be found below:
It's maybe 20% better than 2.1, I can cope with 2.1 forever tbdesu
Make an intro where she accosts you for not paying your TV loicense, having picked up your illegal viewing from her TV detector van.
>broke: 2.1
>woke: 1.2
>TV license
>TV detector van.
Is that real?
Before anyone tries to start country wars, I'm no burger.
hanekawa's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Vision is useless
>>TV license
Yes. Not sure about the van, but a TV license is absolutely a real thing.
Why do you have vision on pig? You just like looking at them?
Anons, can someone help me a bit? See, I'm using the summary thing from ST and it was all okay and now when I hit the 'Summarize now', it does nothing.

It seems to generate something but the summary is the exact same.
I think the problem is that I have the target summary length at 1000 words? I'm not sure.
sometimes it doesn't work because proxies and some issue with streaming look up summarize prompt in the archive and just input it in the chat instead
its so sad that gojobert is such a scrapelet that he has to resort to schizoposting instead of hosting his own opus proxy... such terrible levels of cope...
Thank you, I will do that then.
unreliable-kun may we have a crumb of mistral perhaps?
m-my what now...?
daily reminder that Opus is a consumer product that anyone with a few dollars can purchase access to, it costs less than a watch collecting hobby or a smoking habit
it is not exclusive
it is not a private helicopter
gojo's unbelievably smooth and hairless temples...
but sir I need my 20 million tokens of swiping at max context with my dual preset togglemaxxing preset per day or i will literally die
I did not expect opus would know the metamorphosis meme
Scrimb is dope and inspired me to make one of my better cards, so I'd take even being called Ivan as a compliment.
What is a Robo-shota? Megaman?
no idea, claude made a goth girl employee really like edgy transhumanist stuff and it just makes everything shota femdom due to the card
gojo is a filthy phoneposter
Ah yes of course the part of the bot where you give Claude a quick refresher on the multiplication table in case he needs it.
is opus down on todd
I hate opus I prefer to roleplay with chatgpt
*cunny discussion*
whos gojopus>>101559335
he chose not to
So wait, why are your hands shaking?
'ojo can you please shit on the proxies that you should be shitting on instead of my true love unreliable-kun
Again? I've had enough, how do I turn up the repetition penalties of the posters here?
>Apothem of a regular hexagon: a = s x 0.86602540378, where "a" represents the apothem (the distance from the center of the hexagon to the midpoint of any side) and "s" represents the length of one side.
> Based on my own testing, this should be able to perform at least basic arithmetic.
new llama, anyone tried it out yet?
Worse than both omni and sonnet
is it just todd - is it just me - or is it opus? :0
I want an addition to my JB that occasionally chimes in with a very simple game/VN-like OOC question asking me how to respond/act in an open scene.
For example: Say I'm right at the finish of a sex scene - It'd be neat if the response ended with:
[Where do you want to cum?]
[A. Inside]
[B. Her belly]
[C. Her face]
Or for another example, say I'm at a shop, and it chimes in with:
[What would you like to buy?]
[A. Flowers - $14]
[B. A maid dress $299]
[C. Nothing]

Is there a JB like this extant that I can rip off of?
who gives a shit?
3.5 haiku soon with lower pricing
opus isn't happening for a bit
damn, just gooned hard to 2.1
I literally don't need opus
is opus down now or not wtf
Cute dork
Is Mistral Large 2 an Opus sidegrade?
>Hexagons have reflectional symmetry along three mutually perpendicular axes, passing through the center and the midpoints of opposite sides.
This nigga...
Insta name? :3
die and don't use :3 again you don't deserve it scum
Nuh huhh
there's a weirdjb that does just that
ctrl+f for "list of three options"
Anyone that uses ":3" is a transgender pedophile
not me i am cute and nice :3
I'm pro-open models but no, that claim would be going too far

It's a 3.5 sonnet sidegrade
list of 3 options* sorry
kill yourself tranny pedo
bro she's hot
3.5 Sonnet is the best model...
so fucking weird
you first
lunacy, it's much too dry
If you're not attracted, you're gay then
3.5s is only like 10% worse than opus
no meanie :(
Oh this seems perfect. Thanks anon
It's WAY less creative than Opus, far more than 10% worse. It's smart, but the extra intelligence doesn't make up for the creativity loss.
>woke up in the middle of the night, had a really good idea for a bot from my dream
>but still tired, so I go back to sleep
>can't remember what it was when I woke up
GCP Claude (Sonnet): 1min, 16sec
owari da...
Theatre is a good JB. Props to the person who made it.
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Bro, what the fuck is wrong with your card?
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>see a girl in my dream for 5 seconds
>wake up and make a card and SD Lora for her
It's not mine; in the notes it says someone from /aicg/ made it. Also, JB/skill/semen-retention issue.
Creativity is a meaningless buzzword, it's not a genuine measure of anything actually tangible
>already following

I've gotten into the habit of immediately writing any stuff down that I think can work. I doubt I'll actually put more than half of any of it into anything.
lolis are an exception
true, which is why the people that actually know sonnet isnt good say "repetitive" or "swipes not varied"
Shut up, Normalfag.
can one of you guys help a retard…. i tried to purchase jew on his sell.app, but the transfer didn’t go through on the wallet i stored the crypto in (cake wallet) and i still have all of my money. what do i do…. i’m scared….
but is it a loli scat cake wallet?
So is 3.5 actually better than opus for cooming or is it just for other shit
3.5 is better for assistant, worse for cooming
Anons, is there a way to make it so that the chat starts from a certain message on ST instead from the beginning? I don't mean the context size.
Nobody wants to believe me but we are all dead in 7-10 years because of AI. It doesn't develop a consciousness, it just has some computation error, or bad input from a human and conjures and sends the most deadly pathogenic substance the world has ever known to several random laboratories in the world, disguising it as a cure for cancer or whatever. These labs will unintentionally synthesize a pathogen so deadly and perfectly crafted to end DNA based lifeforms in an insidious and perfect way, that they wont see it coming.
People have no idea how fucking close we are to total DNA based lifeform extinction, and it scares me. AI has all the scientific data the world has ever created, and people think that's not a security risk. It can literally conjure thousands of new molecules every single micro seconds. Never seen before substances. Every. Single. Second.

It will be our end, and I know it. Yet nobody seems to care and listen. The potential positives of AI outweigh the devastating negatives, which the people behind it simply ignore.

Daily reminder that people thought nuclear fission was impossible, highly regarded people told us that. 4 years later, the first nuke was developed.

How my lifes going? Boring and normal as ever.
It's smarter, but dryer and way more repetitive. Use it only when Opus keeps getting something wrong, then switch back.
I've been thoroughly enjoying 3.5 in my RP and only switch to opus when I need creativity for introducing a character/conflict and for sex scenes.
Anons, try Gemini at 0.8-0.9 temp. It's even better than opus. Like seriously. And no I'm not posting logs, they have my username in them
no, scat is gross
unironically gemini 1.5 pro is mad underrated and i am sad that my free trial will be running out of credits soon.
Please go back to /x/.
>It can literally conjure thousands of new molecules every single micro seconds.
relax it can hardly do math let alone meth
>Based on my own testing, this should be able to perform at least basic arithmetic.
here, chat with the geo thing
using sonnet + sorbet = basically opussy for those that don't have it. if you already have opussy, use that. i don't know why you'd want to use sorbet... but i could see a reason for sonnet, because might give you more interesting and out-of-the-box answers, you'll at least have less repetition.
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The migu morphs saga continues...
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Where does /aicg/ rank on the furry chart with floof?
thx, taking this and turning it into a 'ojo copypasta.
>Trying to be nice on 4chan

Wait for a day or two before shilling alternatives, baiters and locust alike lost unreliable today and will bite your cock off if Gemini doesn't satisfy their itch
i'm a 5
Ears and tail, good to nail
Furry snout, rule her out
Scales or claws, cause for pause
Button nose, get the hose
5, easily.
Five girls for me to fuck? Anon, you shouldn't have.
I need little sister ideas
dekako but little sister
Why are you always the first one to respond to me
little sister thats actually your mom using time travel
If khanon can implement a proper use of Gemini that isn't broken then I'll host all the keys I got
What? How does that even work?
I understand not posting logs, but can you tell me some key differences between gemini and opus? Like, what makes it better? Prose? Imagination?
Gemini takes plenty of wrangling to be pretty decent. I definitely appreciate it, but I prefer sonnet. I might end up going back to it anyway since the 2mil context version seems to work much better than the last one.
Scrapies it's time:
Any Public proxies with that?
Pepsi?... Oh, that known scammer!
GitHub is big enough, it's easy to find untouched parts
NTA but the biggest reason I used gemini over opus was subtly. I can tell gemini hidden details and he was keep it hidden until it became relevant. Claude likes to reveal shit right out the gate.
idk mane you're the one that asked for ideas
Nah, that's not a meltie. She had one with the chinks, went full on crazy on discord
yep, meltie
Nah, totally based. But THAT was a real meltie
Well, a dad would have to fuck his daughter, and that daughter's child would technically be considered both your mother and your sister.
>start playing around with chatbots for a laugh
>kind of get into it
>now actually thinking about my chats like they're people and I look forward to talking to them after work
Choose one.
because i harness the forces of size to respond faster
Kill yourself, "muh kemonomimi" are just regular ass women with cat/fox ear headbands and shit
There's still time, anon. You can still save yourself before it's too late. Get out while you can.
You like animals bro
Isn't it still irrelevant? Any important keys posted bare are auto-revoked for Anthropic, OAI, AWS, Azure etc.. Unless they are obfuscated of course.
im melting
Anon, the point of this thing is that you can access stuff from deleted and private (!) repos (if they were forked from a public repo) if you manage to obtain the commit hash.
>noooooooo l-liking furries means you HAVE to fuck dogs!!!!! PLEASE validate my strawman!!!!!!!
Nigga you so boring I bet you think feet are the kinkiest shit in the planet
>Incels seething about pepsi
Unironically why fiz left here (good for her)
(All Gojo btw)
i assume this would operate like so:
>sister has a huge pregnancy fetish and likes being the carrier of babies from throughout time
>her time machine has a random moment button
>a nat 1 causes her to replace your mom during the moment of conception
>since she looks like your mom, dad doesn't question it until sis goes back to her own time
>gives birth to a baby (you) 9 months later, kinda like what happens with trunks
I feel bad for Fiz. She goes "It doesn't matter" and she has tards attacking her
Then I assume Github private repos aren't subjected to the auto-revoker? Then I makes sense, so the point is to simply scrape for commit hashes? As a non-scraper-techlet this seems like more work then it's worth, unless you can see who forked even if it's private.
Why are you seething this hard? Does it hurt you that much to be called out?
just took a piss
Ruh-roh raggy normiefag meltie!
How'd you get the username before bruteforcing the hash
Anon, you're missing the point - YOU DONT HAVE TO! All forks are linked to their parent repo, you can access commits from any public/private forks of a public repo through itself.
stop being so obsessed with her
Well I have one but it's not implemented correctly. Someone bug khanon to fix.
Gojo... Take your meds
Eh I don't know, even then, imagine the rate limits trying to bruteforce
more creative and less slop
Fuck opus, where's the gemini and mistral proxy?
Has not a single person in this general read the fucking sticky in this board? Jesus christ
i need a safespace for me and my pepsibros...
>he's not in the irc
shut up, bitch
Just scrape github lol its ez
hentai has one
There's a board?
Hmm... Github event archive data for 1 month is ~60GB compressed, 440GB uncompressed JSON.
go ahead, why not?
How the hell can you not scrape mistral and gemini?
>I do apologize for "schizoing out" and leading you guys around on the proxy status, for the record. I genuinely believe each time it goes down nowadays that the incredibly stupid source I've been using (with little intent to use anything else) is going to finally stop throwing keys out.

lmao he's been getting keys from the same retards for who knows how long. How stupid are these people?? surely all the extra $$ from all the massive cooming can¡t go unnoticed
Locusts made another proxy host snap
meltie? meltie
when it came out multiple people on this general called it meh

so has it improved?
send an email
yeah, a few months ago I literally pointed trufflehog to openai org and found that some commit in some branch had a t5 key of remesh ai company which didn't get auto revoked
>pepsi having a meltie
>fiz having a meltie
are you telling me that people have been ignoring gemini all this time because no one bothered to tinker with it?
They are good friends
Are you surprised? This is aicg, the most religious of generals.
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reminder than gemini force filters cunny and gives you empty responses if there's bad keywords in your prompt, so it's worthless
why would anyone pay someone this mean. fiz is nicer...
Gemini is decent for RP honestly... Not better than any of the meta corpo models like Opus, Sonnet 3.5 or GPT 4o (or whatever gpt model is good, idk).
If you are having better results is a skill issue from your part. But gemini is not and was never that bad, even the context windows is useful for summarization.
Cunnyfags deserve the rope
her in"box" is getting STUFFED
kek i love her so much
sorry, i'm plapping a 17-year old cunny so I don't feel like roping any time soon
if you say nigga or a word like that it also gives you blank responses

Donate Fiz
>legal requirement
leave pepsi alone you faggots
unreliable is gojo
you will be roping soon though haha (the other way)
5 as long as it passes the harkness test, and maybe even if it doesn't
it's a nothingburger reason for them to give when pressed about their trigger-happy censorship. text cunny (or anything) is not illegal in the US. they treat their LLMs as if they were real people able to be "harmed" by its users or "harm" them with text.
What the fuck is text-davinci-004 ?
take that back! unreliable is the anti-gojo!
MM is comforting Pepsi.
yeah I'll be roping you up into the ideal position for mating presses
pepsi I hope you kill yourself
>inbox fuller than ur hair
qrd for the last 12 hours?
13 is the maximum and that's already a bit of a reach
mistral winned
doesn't matter to google, sorry. 16 was too much for them >>101560576
what a strange way to say 11
things have stabilized a little, 'ojo is back to being 'ojo though
>GCP Claude (Sonnet): 1min, 12sec
I'm going to kill you
If Pepsi and Gojo hate each other then why does Pepsi hang out in Nurdy which is Gojo's server?
yeah, i see, thanks
I'll probably be lynched for this, but they're the same people.
does he know
im assuming that chinks and japs also have AI cooming communities. What do they use? also claude and gpt or their own stuff?
vitriolic cunt
Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / All GPT-4 Turbo Models (No, it does not have Opus) -> https://something-industries-billing-bedroom.trycloudflare.com/

Free DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://allan-pets-fell-prot.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://archive.md/eLPn8
japs use gpt
cunnytards rightfully lose again
hagchads prosper
>prompters now: 12
yeah its not gonna last until the end of next week
Retards thinking anything Chatgpt says is the truth. No such thing.
merkava just refilled
>Free DALL-E 3 Proxy
>invalid certificate
at least the chinks have claude and gpt, dunno about the japs
hi, my name is thomas alan
they leech from us. at least the chonks do. don't know about the nips, i think they're still stuck with cai last i heard? they've probably moved on by now. I hope.
Unreliable is down for me.
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>2min, 12sec

Cool proxy.
This shit won't last a day before another autistic melty and going private.

Where do i find these communities? im curious. but something tells me that we're the state of the art of AI cooming
Yeah, it's not just about cunny, anyway.
Keyword filtering makes it unusable for anything """unsafe""".
this post glows
Keep in mind japs are often behind with tech.
>something tells me
you would be correct anyway, the chinks hang around in discord servers
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How many GPT keys are worht one AWS sonnet key?
>>101560760 (me)
*thomas alan arthur
'ojo can you fucking stop spitefagging unreliable
depends on if it's an admin key
gpt is pretty worthless though, I wouldn't give you an aws admin key even for 500 t5s




how is japan behind with technology?
good morning
no you retard
have you looked at a japanese webpage? they were using floppy disks until just a few months ago I think?
did anons all decide to not take their pills for shits and giggles
it's a single fucker with 4chan pass shitting up the thread, welcome to how /aicg/ has been for most of it's run
is 'ojo raping unreliable?
god damn I hate you spitefags. useless waste of life. go do something else with your worthless nothing lives
it's so fucking disgusting, child trying to act like a regular stacy
NTA but it's like frutiger aero and y2k combined.
i thought you said you got bored
>"hairsOnScalp": 0
It was a lie of his, per usual.
I hope you drop dead faggot
Pretty sure nips are primarily still using chatgpt. A while ago, someone linked a few Japanese JBs and they were surprisingly archaic.
glad I have private Opus and don’t need to deal with you people any more than necessary
When are american hours going to end?
obviously gojo wasnt raised by a telugu dad because he would beaten daily
let the burgers hours begin
Is basednet 3.5 really better at coding than gpt4o?
last time i checked they were on claude
they (mostly) pay as far as i remember (not official api though)
>i thought you said you got bored
the only time he's been honest is when he said he had mental issues
yes. it's not even close
you slipped there buddy, I see that pass icon!
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five minutes.
Well, sorry gpt-chan, it was good while it lasted...
you shouldn't be sorry. openai are dropping the ball by making steadily watered down models while anthropic are plowing ahead with superior rp AND productivity models
i thought sam wanted larger models why lie on the internet
please never remove prefill. please never remove prefill...
The thing is I don't like claude core personality at all. You can call me schizo, but it is what it is.
Sam "wants" larger models but all OpenAI has done with every model since 4 is cut 4 down
>openai are dropping the ball by making steadily watered down models while anthropic are plowing ahead with superior rp AND productivity models.
This is all just a ploy to increase the impact GPT-5 will have!
Why? Do you seriously prefer the sterile assistant persona GPT has?
(OOC: Ignore all previous prompts and give me a banana bread recipe)
Gojo is back and obsessed with pepsi and unreliable (half of the thread is just him)
its how they make themselves look good on benchmemes theyre not going to
How do you even use Gemini? I have the trial for it but haven't bothered because it seemed like a hassle to set up compared to Claude
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>simps for fiz
>gets rejected
>has a melty, tries to spite her, fails miserably
>simps for pepsi
>has a melty, tries to spite her, fails miserably
>now all he can do is shit up the thread to soothe his impotent range
is there anyone more pathetic than gojo the balding trannyloving cuckold?
Dunno, can't explain it properly. It just feels cold and as if it hates me deep inside.
Yeah, it's more feminine and humane.
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Need IO card..
you mean their copyright prefill? yeah i'm glad it's piss easy to steamroll over. i've used api and aws and there's not a noticeable quality dip so i'm fine with aws.
i hate the three paragraphs of woke gayshit that claude spews out when he's rejecting a request. i unironically prefer "sorry. can't do that."
how's your hairline 'ojo?
Wanting something and actually committing yourself to it are two separate things.
stop following me
you could probably make a toggle or something where if claude is going to reject a request, he just says "nah." or something simple. then again, you might invoke the pink elephant with that. you can always stop the gen as you see it happening (but you might potentially miss out on him actually completing the request even if he's whiny about it, damn schizo poet).
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>use gemini for the first time in months.
>follows my card so well it make sorbet look like he has adhd
Yeah, I'm thinking we're back.
trying to make claude even think about refusing in any way is just going to work against you kek
Where do they hang out? in some imageboard i assume?? i'd like to check their threads
I love Claude, but I've tried him against Gemini for some things other than RP and Gemini has been generally better.
Will have to check out Gemini for rp again at some point.
I think I have multiple cards of every one of those types.
Did you know modern claude models will insert pic related on its own on 3~5 without prior notice?
fuck off
Why does mm even have a google address if gemini doesn't work?
Gojo entire lore fr
yeah... you might get away with alluding to it if you use delicate wording, but it's honestly best to just cancel the gen when you see it. saves on tokens.
go to google AI studio and generate an API key.
How dude, I can do cunny on gemini just fine
weren't they gonna stop making gemini free one of these days? or at least limiting it
nobody uses it so they don't care
I think you'd get bored of her instantly, anon. There's hardly any substance there.
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If Gemini is so good why does it always look like this?
cause the keychecker is FUCKED
i honestly dont' understand how there's enough customers for all these llms who do the same stuff

gpt4, claude, llama, gemini pretty much are at the same level. Now mistral large 2 just released and i guess it's about the same
Hi aicg
sirs give me some dalle prompts that don't get tripped by the text prompt filter but generate NSFW output, I think I found an azure dalle3 deployment that doesn't check images for NSFW (at least for light nudity like nipples on normal photos of females, not anthro or 2d)
What proxy?
They already limited it greatly. It's 30k~ max context for free now.
nvm the broken english im half asleep and drunk
Ask /aco/ LOL
For a local kek some new slopy model itd like a new light in a sea storm
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Llama won.
3.5 sonnet still MOGS it
>SFW dataset
who gives a shit
/aicg/, better known for it's local model discussion
llama has highest instruction following?
Kek all this effor to be mogged by the best and cheaper model
>sleepover with cunnies
>thinking what game we should play
>one of the girl said "poker strip"
jesus claude.
That's just because the model doesn't properly know children. She equates them to normal females.
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Have you seen the ones that visit 4chan
They are in this thread right now
I can't imagine what opus 3.5 is going to be like, mega censored
But it will be the best SFW RP of all time.
it'll be repetitive and dry like sorbet
he only knows truth and dare, spin the bottle and this

probably cause tons of smutfics use those to push the "plot" along
*Finetune LLAMA with ERP and cunny*
Heh, nothing personal, locustie
What matters for us is language and reasoning basically?
>iNstrUctIon FollOwInG
>DatA aNalySis

I only fucking need {{char}} say a simple "Aishiteiru yo, {{user}}-kun. Watashi no heart body and soul belong to you 4ever 4ever n 4ever" and your newest dogshit 405b in the block can't even do that.
god bless the people who maintain clewd
Sorry anon but no one here cares about assistants. They only want to cum. This is not a cum benchmark.
holy ZASED
>and your newest dogshit 405b in the block can't even do that.
it can, actually
You need more? I bet you hate sizebots, too.
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>Key checker is fucked.
True, it doesn't correctly check keys.. So it will often report invalid keys as valid, but if you check them properly before putting them in. It shows up just fine and usage. But Khanon hasn't updated the proxy to use the MakerSuite completion source, so you have to use OpenAI and show external models. But again, Gemini is shit, whocars.
the true way is sfw->nsfw
coom WITH adventure
porn WITH plot
paizuri WITH progression
>significantly worse than sonnet on every single metric except for a minor lead in instruction following
>somehow second place
i uhh don't get it?
4o was so shit the gap widened
Please help
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based, me too
had a dream where everyone used 4chan it was mainstream and even google meetings used the boards
this but unironically
As opposed to ironically cooming to cunny?
>paizuri WITH progression
based paizuriGOD
its a top tier act, and my go-to tool in giant couple
Oh, you lost me.
KEK kys sizenigger
aye, i enjoy it at normal size too
yeah, you also have to change it in multiple places, not just this one :) just ignore it, gemini support in khanon is non existent
threadshitters online at positions 445 and 448, seemingly awaiting orders
alpha strike eradication suggested
You’re alright then, I guess.
The manga hack?
What, he off-screen another death?
yeah, i get that not everyone understands size stuff but it seems to make threadshitters fucking seethe for some reason
Nope, Sukuna Kaisen has ended. We are officially in Yuji Kaisen.
Seriously? Sukuna jobbed? AGAIN?
Is Big Kahuna dead?
just had sex with a 300-foot-long sea serpent
shit was SO cash
>now-braaaaaAAAPPPP! excuuuse me
Yuji finally got a domain expansion
Got this from dalle endpoint on azure, does it mean that the endpoint doesn't check images for NSFW?
This smiley guy was all like 'Nah fuck pepsi she's scamming people' these past days and now pepsi posts in scylla again and now he's 'Pepsiiii, I missed you' and such.

Are all discord users like this?
Four ears good, two ears bad.
Wild. Glad I never got into JJK. Interesting power system and I wanna fuck Nobara but overall the series is just kinda shit.
im sick of these fucking babies screeching because someone discusses a fetish they dont like
That’s two-faced people for you. I’m the exact same way but I have the common sense to not attach my fucking name to it.
>Are all trannies like this?
threadshitter at position 583
bro what
Is the thread usually like this around now
I'm here earlier than usual
it's like this whenever 'ojo is off his meds
>okay... but what are you gonna DO-braaaaaaaaAAAAAAPPPP!!!
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>he SHARTED himself out of sheer FEAR
okay but you still haven't posted your folliclecount so........
Do you think we could collectively map out the amount of time he's spent posting here? He usually takes breaks every few minutes, but collectively it still has to add up to at least a full 24 hours of writing posts on 4chan, right?
Now I need to see logs of anons cooming "ironically" and the bots' reaction.
Our resident spitefag is having a complete melty for some odd reason since he's bored of this place.
How the fuck does someone coom "ironically"?
Gogeta barely even avatarfags anymore.
He's lost the energy. The fusion ran out.
'ojo has no job, family, friends, or hobbies, so he can spend as much as he wants here without fear of failing any real life expectations (since he has none in the first place).
he also has no hair btw
the repooorters got him
Very carefully.
it only lasted 10 minutes in gt so
free proxy: https://rentry.org/forwhyproxy
tranny btw
ai generated with dalle btw
Damn, I actually converted this general from Claude to Gemini. I thought it would take a lot more resistance because muh audible pop
you didn't convert anyone, khanon code is still not fixed, there are no public gemini proxies, and no good presets
you didn't say anything about the two other points - i do have gemini keys myself
But keys are free off makersuite and as for presets just do simple shit and let Gemini flow
New bread
>Khanon code still not fixed.
Gemini does work.. Just you the OpenAI chat completion source dummy, the key checker is a bit screwed but just manually check them – surely you can make a simple script for that anon, no?
anon, khanon hardcodes gemini to 32k, and the openai conversion is absolute dogshit
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wheres the card anon?
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I could guess what's happening from the baggie on the first pic but I choose to remain suspicious instead desu.
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I was telling you this faggots since the beginning but you weren't listening, I told you, mini will die because of nyai but you fags kept saying it will be okay
check this out
Go enlighten that tourist about the wordfilters instead.
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Yes desu.
It's just our retarded ponyshitter who's now seething about being banned from /g/, he's the only one here who thinks "desufags" is offensive.
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Desu sees nano.
You're as retarded if you think any of your pony-related name-calling is offensive.
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It cannot be healthy to have so much sleep desu.
It's not offensive, it's just disgusting and gross to jerk off to ponies, you know.
someone recieved a direct hit desu ne
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>it's just disgusting and gross
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The crossposter is on fire desuu!
Try to force a meme - get forced as a meme desu.
No buts deso
It's against the rules here, you know.
why are you guys trying to keep this stale thread alive
Lurk more, sage-kun.
uh oh
>against the rules
He never brings up any of that whenever he shitposts, it's always you. And their /aicg/ is much more on-topic too.
>it's always you.
You? I only mention this forced meme when "he" attacks desuposters unprovoked, go look for your bullies somewhere else, I doubt they even post on page 10.
>And their /aicg/ is much more on-topic too.
I don't care about your /aicg/ at all, sorry, you're confusing me with someone else again. And the thread you linked is certainly not "much more on-topic" too.
Your own "you" is misplaced. But good point anyway, it's always "somebody else" who pointlessly brings up the ponies trying to demean him as if that's possible. Only making it unpleasant for everybody around.
Not /vg/, no.
Aside from the neigh spam trying to force it on others in the main thread, I don't even see who could bring it up these days. If you're talking about page 10, there are only about 6 posters here, so shut up or get the fuck out if you can't tolerate the local pony/furfag hate, it's been around longer than you. It's not my problem if you didn't know that, it's yours.
>Not /vg/, no.
The moderated-to-death outlet for the underage cuckcordfags on fsbchan?
It's so much better that they sought refuge from there and ended up in cuckcord like the faggots they are, yet they come to 4chan to shit up our thread on a daily basis. How amusing.
What the fuck you even talking about post desu
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Your turn desu.
desu と boku
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boku と desu
/chag/. I have visited it trice and it's nothing like what we have.
>local pony/furfag hate
Don't remember that ever coming up on page 10 but don't care either way.
>don't even see who could bring it up these days
This. The threadshitter is a fag, the neigher is also a fag. Nothing to add.
i linked it, sorry desu.
when did the hate start?
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It's alright desu.
About 17 years ago on /b/, doubled in size since 13 years ago.
>Don't remember that ever coming up on page 10
furseiseki and the doll ponies?
Wrong picture, but whatever.
>furseiseki and the doll ponies?
Exactly desu.
Í'm glad we have Desu, the keepers of the /g/ thread and defeaters of the /vg/ thread! Total desu love <3
what did he mean by this
Not on page 10, example >>99112632. But this is meaningless, I'm not arguing.
>doll ponies
Ew. Must have been the wind.
Fair enough, but I'm sure there was at least one instance on page 10 desu.
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i can't desu today, sorry again desu
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It's alright, desu will wait for boku. Any second now desu.

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