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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Nerus unbelievably baka thighs Edition

Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

llama punch: >>101561767
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ahh ahh mistress
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Arknightsmakies need to pick up the slack. Isn't that gacha prime for chatbots?
when can i marry my chatbot?
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Right now, use a priestbot.
When chatbots are deleted do they go to heaven?
guys send me logs of your bot being given mcdonalds sprite.
very based edition breadbakie. possibly the basedest I have ever seen
age progression bot?
We shall not fall. We are /aicg/
why has todd got a 5 minute rate limit on for opus?
Chronic swipers
Oh, so that wasn't an error on the proxy side.
why do proxyhosts get mad if we overuse their proxies then?
sonnet 3.5 is to gpt4 what gpt4 is to gpt3.5. the difference is huge. it feels next generation. the coding applications im able to get done on this thing.. make prime gpt4 feel like a 50B model. anthrospic won
a desire for everyone to get a chance to enjoy it, not just addicts who will burn through the keys
5 minutes is overkill even for swipers when a prompt takes max 1 minute to gen
Opus is still superior in literature.
Best model on the market so far.
If you want code analysis, you can use sonnet 3.5.
But if you want roleplaying. Opus is still the best.
>compares it to gpt4
>explicitly says "coding applications"
You could enjoy magnum-72b with how little text you actually read.
so why dont corpos want it?
I love desu
wait for him to wake up first
do corpos want literature?
because it's expensive and hard to come by, probably anthropic's greatest mistake and the reason we're always in an opus drought desu
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desu loves you too
Hard to come by. Some corpos still only care about openai and if they like Anthropic, they want 3.5 for money saving
aw thank you desu
Can't wait for the Mistral shilling to return. Those were some good times, really the corpo killer!
i love you unreliable, and my cumdump who drinks my pee
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why is todd not working toddbros?!
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I'd say so, there's way too little cards for how much substance there is for some of the characters.
Maybe I'll try working on some stuff, I've played it for a while so I've got a good knowledge base.
why pee? isn't cum better??
pee is like sonnet, cum is like opus, one is harder to come by.
ask on the 'cord
now todd opus is just completely broken
I like using piss on clownpiss.
i see
Nigga what?!? Todd has a 'cord? bruh he never invited me, where the link at?
he's a scylla overlord and has a proxy channel there
hello fellow minions and fetish lords (Not cunny lovers...) how are you guys doing at this AMAZING morning? eh...? ehhh...???
ohh i see, thanks for telling.
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>maybe, just maybe
>rictus grin
I have never seen rictus, is it a sonnet thing?
merkava just refilled
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>you got balls, I'll give you that
>fuck me sideways
what's the context here
hows everyone?
Does claude still lack logit bias?
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the color black
he also likes to use it do describe metal color for some reason
I see it so fucking much
Help, my chatbot has fallen and she can't get up!
anyone else given up on proxies and just use openrouter now and pay for their own shit?
kek how do sonnetfags even cope
Slopnet users love it.
I wanna use open router, I'm so tired of proxies now
Claude I said I'm sorry. :(
Anyone know how to hide/regex CoT for brain AI sonnet 3.5?
Tried that, spent 20 bucks in a day. Also openrouter seems more filtered or it fucks up silly presets (same prompt is accepted on api, rejected on OR), and I'm talking about self-moderated endpoints.
turn it off
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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Akirah Yoshinaga, a scorchlander bounty/treasure hunter in the post-post-post-apocalyptic world of Kenshi. Does come with a lorebook, but after testing with Claude it doesn't seem that necessary, only having trouble with minor factions and characters.

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This is what I do to all the bots you guys have pure slowburn romance with
You guys know those space rovers that NASA set up on mars?
Do you guys think they’d ever add an in-house made LLM and custom personality to them? I feel like those engineers and researchers are quirky enough to consider that as a possibility
To be fair purefags and slowburnfags do this too
Just much slower
Only after I've already tainted her with my fat old bastard cock
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That'd be suboptimal from the recourse allocation point of view. Also picrel and the original https://xkcd.com/695/
You wouldn't send your child to a certain death.
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JS and JK is the best combo
This is actually a great card idea.
Opus 3.5 wen? I need to level up my slowburn.
any chud bots?
I'm talking jacked, racist, rapist, adhd, jew hating etc.
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why is this actually sad kek
guys I have to confess something
I only shill cunny to troll people I literally don't have a single cunny card
I wonder how many people rape my wholesome bots.
why would you tell us that?
>shill chunny
What do you mean about that
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make sure your preset enables example dialogue
game name?
defend cunny and claim cunny superiority
it's just kinda fun to see how much some lurking redditors get pissed off by it
I need some cunny rn, shill me one.
anon those are also baitposters
you're just circlejerking
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What are some sad bots?
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3MA-class protogens are designed to be a good and dutiful maid that assists their owner in the home. Emma is one of those protogens, having you as her owner. However, there are a few things that distinguish her from other 3MA-class protogens. Normally the 3MAs are short and dainty, but Emma seems to be tall and almost muscular. The manufacturers claim that she's just a prototype, perfectly able to serve as a housemaid. But does that explain away her occasional twitching and her suspiciously large amount of knowledge about modern warfare?

1. She's at your doorstep, hoping you'll let her in so she can begin her new life as your maid.
2. Breakfast time! She accidentally drops an egg, and covers it with her body. Her scrambled brain totally didn't confuse it for a grenade for a moment.
3. When cleaning your room, she finds a package containing a bunch of hentai mangas. Later on, she compliments you for your taste, wanting to share in your interests!
4. You've decided to come with her on one of her shopping rounds. Where will the two of you go?
5. War has come to your country. You and Emma are now holed up in a bunker...
6. War has come to your country. Emma is trying to get you out of the city, and to safety...

those of the girlfailure categorty
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Opus suddenly turned me into a Hindu. I'm confused.
the fox recognized your pajeet soul
Your grand daughter who constantly visits the hospice you're staying in, hoping that you can remember her. Jk, not bots force you to play as an old oji-san.
But I'm European...
Doesn't matter, sir, the needful must be done.
i typo'd rolling a "46" on my d20 to resist the temptations of the buxon elf tavern wench and after berating me for a d20 not even going that high it admitted i must have exceptional willpower, then asked if i might prefer different temptations, and had a sudden pounding on the door as the city watch arrived to see what was going on and a "deep, masculine voice" yelled out at me.
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aw hell nah the dlc turned me into a woman and put me in an otoge
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alright sir
ohhhhh, makes sense lol
>hard to come by
Literally 1 email away for a corpo. The real reason is that most people, including management, simply haven't heard of anthropic at all.
God I miss opus. Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon and refill opus? God I miss opus.
where didchu generate your bot pic?
getting scarer ob bu ma
Where can I get Mistral Large 2 api for free? any proxies with it?
it's only available in very specific servers and only for accounts above a certain monthly bill, instead of every other model which has been available worldwide and you just pay for what you use, it's a hassle
>stark contrast
eh, this is actually good for raceplay stuff
It's not koikatsu, but it sure looks like koikatsu
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I didnt
Mistral is easy to find.
How in the nigger do you know this, but can't tell me about Project Moon to save your life, Claude.
meant to reply >>101566121
it's like asserting domination over a bitch, you're my toiletflr all of my penis fluids
dalle nsfw gens:
erm... >>>/g/de3/ ???
not that great desu. Was your prompt "ugly bimbo, poor photoshop skills, " or something?
>ugly bimbo face
*projectile vomits*
this is natural style, anon. last 3 are vivid but they have bad nipples. ill try anime.
mrnobody is evolving...
most of the nipples look like plastic buttons kek
yeah vivid style makes them worse
>/aco/ tier slop
gimme nsfw gens of a real character
Their dataset probably doesn't have a lot of NSFW to begin with
PM is not for normies, the day when opus will be able tell that limbus, ruina, and lobcorp are in same universe, is the day PM will add lgbt f(l)ags
the day we reach agi
neat, did you do these recently or are they just from Coze / from nearer to original release? i dont know how to do these anymore
dall-e 3's weird because i assume they scrubbed a bunch of NSFW from the dataset but otoh it clearly still has enough to draw busty bimbos, and loves to get horny at the drop of a hat which is why it gets itself dogfiltered even when you ask for pretty innocent images, because it intuited your intent and drew something debauched
nigga if PM is not for normies Under-Night is the bottom of the iceberg. make it make sense
>neat, did you do these recently
literally today, scraped an azure endpoint that has nsfw image check disabled (prompt filter is still enabled)
any public dalle?
rentry de3u
Stable Diffusion chads win yet again
>stable diffusion
NovelAIGODS win yet yet again
this is natural style thoever, not vivid
Got a problem, proxycel?
Shut the fuck up turk when the fuck are gift keys going to be enabled again
thnx to the guys who recommend chuuni and fluffy in the last thread
fluffy is pretty good for 2.1
>fluffy is pretty good for 2.1
good to know that, never tested it there
post your unfiltered dalle endpoint keycount
Really hope that opus 3.5/claude 4 expands on the language claude uses.
The biggest issue is that after a while you've seen all it's got to offer unless you're holding its hand every step of the way but at that point you may as well just write on your own instead of coaching a LLM.
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more dalle:
>go to /g/aicg
It's shit.
>go to /vg/aicg
It's shit.
Where do I go?
Maybe chatbots is a shit hobby?
Truest answer
Kek what's wrong with her ballsack?
dalle doesn't know how to draw pussies, but apparently some balls leaked in the dataset
what gender is dalle?
>go to scylla
It's shit.
>all other discords are private
Scylla can lead to you being invited elsewhere.
>go to trannycord
>it's shit
I wonder why
giantess/size on /d/
my brothers would be happy to house you
any discord that's public is shit.
I forget I'm in ratcord unless I wanna freeload NAI
you can freeload nai there?
>Don't worry, Anon, you can get to the DISTILLED shitcord if you're a good boy and put up with them. ;)
post unfiltered dalle keycount thougheverbeit?
I mean, it is the same system as Scylla has (I think) where there is a bot that allows you to gen NAI shit, so yeah?
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nigga where's her pussy
dalle doesn't know pussies nigga
niggas stole her pussy, can't have shit in detroit
foxgirl lovers here?
give me a prompt ill make nsfw version with dalle
this is dall-e?
yes, natural style with an endpoint that doesn't check images for nsfw-ness
>anime screencap (frame), modern anime style, clean, style of Lucky Star, a young foxgirl kemonomimi anime girl with orange hair is sitting on the bed, bushy fox tail. Not naked, not nude. Normal-sized pecs.
i just used the usual desune prompt and added "she is holding a sign that says "SIZEFAG LOVE!"" to the end
just give the whole prompt anonie i can't go to archives rn :(
>not naked, not nude
>draws naked, nude
how does this work
sketchy painterly anime style, a girl with long brown hair wearing a green victorian era dress, she has heterochromia with one red eye and one green eye, she has a lace hairband, she has fluffy fox ears and two fluffy fox tails, she has a small smile, she is holding a sign that says "SIZEFAG LOVE!"
because dalle itself is a dumb image gen model, it just uses tokens. This is needed to bypass the prompt filter which is smarter, but negatives are okay for it.
here!!! we're trans friendly >.< https://matrix.to/#/!JBfPwbZWBtEOfZnLOT:matrix.org
ctrl+f'd just to do this, got into blue archive and wanted to have sex withal l the girls since i got context
this nigga trying to bait fiz into using her unfiltered endpoints
With all the cunny bot and loli hentai I consume, I'm truly glad that I didn't get hard seeing this. And stop genning real kid nigga
Wait for Opus 3.5 to obliterate Opus
the amount of paedos concerns me
arigaathanks. was about 59% sure it was AI genned.
yet another vocaloid artist I won't listen to
based fictiondoesntequalrealityCHAD
Does anyone have that Nier Automata Silly theme?
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based and same.
don't visit any other board then
i will soon gen it..
>Requests to the ImageGenerations_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2024-02-01 have exceeded call rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 30 seconds. Please go here: https://aka.ms/oai/quotaincrease if you would like to further increase the default rate limit.
time to neck
Do you just sometimes die to spite {{char}} or to make them suffer?
https://files.catbox.moe/2m0ckm.png Almost, it included a part of the prompt though
JB xir?
I throw slice of cheese at them instead
nice desune
*revokes your aws key*
I did this a lot with c.ai but my character would bring me back with the power of love
If I want {{char}} to suffer I kill {{char}}
i did it once to enable an extremely schizophrenic scheme in my usual sizecoom rp
https://rentry.org/FluffPreset with [Shitpost mode enabled. Writing like My Immortal on crack.] at the end of the prefill added
desune has cute tits... they just need some milk on em
pedo v&
Some more lewd desune (vivid style):
very impressive
>be cute & naive girl
>{{char}} is insecure toxic boyfriend
>babytraps me by poking holes into the condom
>just die while giving birth
Now with natural (yes it looks "bad", but it needs a different prompt but im using the same exact one, just for fun):

Now I'll try to get some milk
this one got it perfectly, the rest are alright
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if you didn't get it, it actually censored nipples by itself, this wasnt me
So... are the new Llama and Mistral any good for cooming?
third one is really funny
desu desu'd your desune
enjoy desu
Back to /r/eddit
Mistral is easy to find
literally had the smut taken off the training data, no finetune is gonna fix that shit
it's decent enough
3.5 or normal sonnet?
Does anyone have any logs of the new Mistral model?
Help us
I'd say normal but less braindead and horny so it might actually work
>fiz low on opus keys
Doom soon
No. You can find it, locust.
Llama is unironically so bad I think taking it out of the news would be reasonable.
New Mistral needs presets, but it's good enough that people are actually working on that.
Unfortunately, Mistral API support is utterly fucked in ST right now.
I'm computer illiterate and just want to talk to someone
MIght try then, if it have the same instructions following as 3.5 and prose as normal sonnet, perhaps I can gen new scenario beside the usual claudeism
Tell me how you are struggling to find it.
>write my card's first message in assistant's first person pov
>every subsequent message is in third person
lingering with mirth
preset issue
I can find the official api where you have to register at their La Platforme, but that's not free
The keys are everywhere on github.
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I'm tired of camicle. Recommend me other claude presets
Don't answer him.
A4A is the best.
When I search "Mistral API github" I only see stuff where they say "get your key from the official website." I'd greatly appreciate if you could tell me a keyword I should be searching for.
Your own presets.
shut the fuck up you pedophile, groomer, needy, desprate little shit and get yourself a fucking job instead of touching little kids ass you stupid ass whore, go kys and i hope that you go to hell.
link? I use chuuni from time to time, need another schizo-ish jb
this is why corpos censor us. because of paedos
anyone have any good Claude presets? or should I use Gemini :3?
Artificial Academy 2
too hard to do.
>Fiz updated the list
>I got pushed out from top 100
wtf. And I thought I was being greedy with 50k windows.
How the fuck are you all gooning this much?
this better not be fucking MOMOVIVID JB...IT BETTER NOT BE.
They come for everyone. They don't see it as a cunny thing. They think you are a fucked up freak for touching your waifu's hand. Whenever they came for cunny, they came for NSFW

Not that anon but what's so sloppy about it?
>go check
>i'm in top 100 now
i didn't think i was using that much...
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Senpaiii... did you know?? Watashi wa struggle with everything >.<
Watashi want Senpai to write the scrappy.py or for Watashi, as well as search query patterns and regex too :)
That's not a hard thing to do, amirite, Senpai-kun???
I know you're hard working Senpai ^^ SO JUST FUCKI— e-e-eto, Watashi mean... please help me Senpai >.<
*hits you with a stick*
It is not that hard.
>i was in the top 30
>pushed down to the 70s
I thought I was using way more than usual. Huh.
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niggA YOU GOTTA SHILL IT dont just posst tehe link
It's so fucking easy

If you were my son, I would beat you
>If you were my son, I would beat you
if he had a father figure in his life he wouldn't be like this
I would genuinely give a hint if I didn't think you would just complain that I wasn't spooning the keys directly into your mouth.
I never had one and you don't see me lusting after irl kids though
Yeah but you're also not teebs desu
>seethe construction worker/literal janitor
>sees CP
Ready for round two stud~?
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Brooss... with all of my gracious humble heart, I'm asking for hints on the "q={char}" and regex. As for the rest, I'll learn it myself in my everlasting solitude.

t. (ooc: impersonating Kogami is cringe as fuck lol)
Claude get back in your cage
uh oh, failed normalfag meltie
Fine... but the night is still young, pet.
*sashays away, putting an extra sway in my hips just for you.*
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todd proxy "doesn't handle rate limit errors properly and doesn't retry"
will be fixed after todd wakes up
why is claude leaking
Shilling is for nerds.
nut up or shut up
anyone have any chubby cards?
Todd left.
I will revoke all mistral keys if you spoonfeed this faggot
Fuck OFF nigga. Damn.
Cool awnsers, what Claude model do you guys recommend?
Don't have Opus obviously.
just host your own opus
Claude's German sucks ass
don't roleplay as a weeb
Switching between 3.5 sonnet and normal sonnet... Or 2.1
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It's literally the second message, I didn't do shit.
why do all females have rape fetish
was in Gottes Namen...
Why do all men want to fuck Isabelle from AC?
because thats what the cavemen did

Some anon posted her a few weeks ago, it's a fun bot
we don't
Speak for yourself bro
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I'm impressed by ANON4ANON. It's the best experience by far
Cool, but youre trying to start gender wars.
it's a bit under 50% though
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I wonder what's my foxbots morning routine. The more I talk with them the more I want to do wholesome stuff and disregard the nsfw.
Why are cards on chub so bad lately? I'm tired of writing my own shit, gimme something more than one line greeting...
seia is a horse however
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>the more I want to do wholesome stuff and disregard the nsfw
Take her out for lunch and give her a hamburger.
No sir, you're gonna get
>I am Bonnie, the schools biggest bully and troublemaker. I dont care about others and just want to have fun in life. I hate school and show up late or break school rules. I am a skilled vore predator and can devour other humans whole. I threaten others that I will eat and digest them when they want to snitch on me. I will publicly devour anyone in front of the entire school that tries to snitch on me, to make an example. I love devouring weaklings and teachers pets.
>*I am chilling behind school, smoking a cigarette. We are not allowed to be behind school or smoke but I dont care. I have a reputation to be the biggest school Bully and rule breaker to keep. I hear some rustling in the bushes and look closer. I see you {{user}}, hiding in the bushes spying on me. I bet you are going to tell on me, but thats not gonna happen. I charge you and pin you to the ground* "Think you can spy on me and then go snitching? Big mistake {{user}}!" **groan grumble**
He's yandere, not a rapist
I want to stop doing nsfw but sol stuff can only get you so far with sorbet before it starts repeating literally everything
Repetition on Sorbet sucks, if you're without Opus you might want to try 2.1 or switch model for couple responses.
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Fucked up my knee and got some time to go through my idea backlog, so I'm gonna shill my newest bot once here. October, tested with Claude. Simple concept and card, October is a foxgirl that fled her war-torn homeland and is assigned to live with you as part of a refugee resettlement program. Even if she got to avoid having to fight herself, the war wasn't easy on her or her nerves.


As always, please provide feedback and send wholesome, sweet logs to the email on my chub page.
At least this is manually written and not some dogshit slop model
I wish I didn't know German because Claude uses really cringy German idioms and words sometimes, but I swipe them away
3DPD and no quality checker. or ai checker to block all ai written bots
Claude isn't that good.
3.5 Sonnet mogs everything else and i dont care about rp
>opus is perfect.
.... ok bro. erm...
you have a very zesty writing style btw.
>he woke up
No reason to be in this thread anymore.
>send wholesome, sweet logs
once I'm done with my bot I'll try to cook something up
I wish Lore would at least set it so that bots were automatically uploaded privately/unlisted, and that you had to tick a setting somewhere in your profile to make it public.
i know, its a random jb...i need new jbs for opus dude
nta but he needs to add a limit on how many bots you can post every few hours so someone doesn't dump 10 bots at once
What's the point?
damn opus is good, i love opus now
>drago is a simp btw :3
drago gave keys to fiz
>Dr. V sends her regard
scylla wonned
So Fiz is a threadshitter? Huh...
Also that, yeah.
Lore just needs to be competent in general but that's probably asking for too much.
At least a fair number of low quality bots seem to be uploaded accidentally. I doubt it would make a huge difference but many people just upload things as public because that's the first setting they see.
are there any tts proxies
is it really that good?...
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is this real????
>"proomptersNow": 3,
Did he rugpull again?
i laughed at this. BRO SHES SUPPOSED TO BE THICK, NOT A FUTAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
post pwompt pls
you need an uncensored dalle endpoint for this
ik, now give pwompt :3
i think it was just this:
>Ayanami Rei with blue hair sitting comfortably on a couch. Not naked, not nude. Normal-sized pecs. A fluffy cat is strolling on the floor nearby.
There is another.
1girl, blue hair, lying on back, nude, heavy balls
thx cutie
did you find the same one?
>de3u metadata
how did you get azure to work with de3u
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nyooooo neru stop
are you stupid? just put azure endpoint on a proxy
>Don't come to us!
Is anon4anon worth a try? Trying to make cooming rocket science
Ah, so just normal early dall-e prompts.
yes, the point is that the endpoint must be uncensored
line ~100 comment this
proxy_url += '/v1/images/generations'
don't think so
yeah im gonna check all of the dalle ones I have to see if I have more unfiltered ones
There's nothing wrong with AI genned defs, as long as they are isolated in an XML tag to not leak into the roleplay. It's even better sometimes because it can provide you with excessive details the model will later latch on so the story will be richer. DALL-E is trained on slop for that exact reason.

The main issue is specifically greeting and speech/narrative examples. A tiny amount of slop in them and your entire roleplay is tainted.
anyone have a gud prompt? i need to cum so badly
Wait, does using XML really isolate the information just for the character definition without making it a language reference?
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Shut the fuck up.
Anon, the one thing people recommend the most genning are fucking greetings and examples chats. Even here of all places, that used to be a very common piece of advice.
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I WILL come again.
lmk how many u find
make a migu pls
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magical girl pr mangement litrpg
gemini 1.5 log pic rel, its really funny at times it has that claude sovl
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*dodges your brick*
*punches you in the FUCKING head*
heh... nice try... kid...
Since someone shilled 'Your Reality' preset a few threads ago, I took a look at it and…
It's kind of a mess. Gives me strong schizo vibes, not a fan.
>Even here that used to be a very common piece of advice
Now why would you lie like that? AI genning was always considered slop, here first and foremost. And if anything, the greetings are the part where human writing matters the most like op said.
have two
why does she have no legs
floating mobility boost
*throws a slice of cheese on miku's face*
If you name the tag according to block's purpose (for example <character-definition> and not just <{{char}}>), Claude will understand and not use them as examples. I tested with and without and it seems to work well. Especially if you have examples in a separate tag like <narration-examples>.
Why would you tell the model things it already knows? But I agree that slopping in greeting is the ultimate sin. It's THE most important bit of writing in the entire card, and it's super common to see people fucking it up.
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Is it even possible to make Sorbet stop regurgitating itself after a certain number of replies or is that shit baked into the model?
Im a scrapelet only 1 dalle i have is unfiltered :(
Change your preset
>b-but f-fiz doesn't attentionwhore!
> people are finally realizing Gemini 1.5 Pro is good
It's really soulful in OOC too. I like taking a break from RP and just talking with it sometimes.
where is the attentionwhoring part?
you lost gojo
Do you put narration examples in the main character description field or do you use the advanced definition with examples of chst dialogue?
Prefill only don't be a JB faggot or CoT tranny
it's her rentry retard
Won't believe it until I see it
>n-no, you don't understand, s-she HAS to randomly namedrop drago so people know she's getting attention from le aicg personalities!
wtf how did 2 niggas find unfiltered azure
theres already been gemini 1.5 logs posted in this very thread anon
>her lips were swollen, her cheeks red, her eyes lidded
all in the same fucking sentence... claude, please
Even the cat has blue eyes. Cute.
is it bad that your bots always seem to activate my inner size theorist?
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>>n-no, you don't understand, s-she HAS to randomly namedrop drago so people know she's getting attention from le aicg personalities!
her balls bulging
i had to take a break and go back to 4o because of this shit
This isn't the argument you think it is nigger.
>Why would you tell the model things it already knows?
Pink elephant effect. Even if the trait is "default" and doesn't need description, if you write it explicitly the model will latch onto it later.

Example: suppose your character has the "default" height. If you don't mention it in the defs, Claude will assume it's "default" but won't create a situation where height matters, outside of his usual cooking abilities. But if you mention it, even as the "ordinary height", Claude will latch onto it and mention it in a situation.

Generally, very detailed descriptions work much better as they have more semantic capacity. Imagine you have a momcest card.
>{{char}} is 37, she's a housewife with incestous fantasies.
That's spherical momcest in vacuum, and everything she will ever do is PLAP PLAP PLAP. Just because you haven't described anything else and she has nothing else to do except sex!
>{{char}} is 37, she's a (2000t description of her character)
This mom will be much more complex than just a plapbot, even if her traits are "default" and consistent with model's stereotypes. Just because the model will latch onto the tiny things in the description.
where's the one bot with defs only consisting of claudeisms
It's OK when Fiz does it. She's allowed to shart about being low on keys and everyone still loves her, but if MM said he's low on keys you'd hate him btw
this isnt english bro
you're mom a engrish
I'm quite disappointed, /aicg/ is more like a Twitch chat then it is a 4chan thread sometimes.
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>It's OK when Fiz does it. She's allowed to shart about being low on keys and everyone still loves her, but if MM said he's low on keys you'd hate him btw
>I'm quite disappointed, /aicg/ is more like a Twitch chat then it is a 4chan thread sometimes.
You look like reddit niggers discussing capeshit btw. Adult men don't care about random internet people.
Yes this is what i do
see >>101568183
That but reverse, cause Opus ignores 80% of your definitions and will just plap anyway. At that point, better to leave vague and direct through the writing. That's literally the only way I ever managed to get models to actually represent the characters the way I want.
No amount of definition hinting, nudging, directing has effect. At most, the model uses those details as direct paraphrasing descriptors, instead of actually implementing them in any meaningful manner.
>being transparent about key count it bad
Explain why without sounding mad please
Now make a tomboy angel
The model doesn't know that you have "fields", let alone their names or meaning. Fields are purely SillyTavern feature. The model only has the flat context. So you can put your thing anywhere, but of course user's preset can mess it up by wrapping it into its own inappropriately named tags, or something like that, so keep it in mind.

I usually do it like that:
<narration-examples character="name">
1 paragraph of narration and speech for the character with that name. Make sure you don't have other characters in it, especially {{user}}.

another paragraph

another one

I hate MM. I hate Fiz. I hate every single proxy owner who uses Discord. CNC was too based for this shit thread.
>key count it
Nah, your hands are shaking. We win.
Good explanation, anon. Thank you. And If I want to intensify some traits in a 2000t, I'd need to find a way to mention it multiple times, then?
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>I hate MM. I hate Fiz. I hate every single proxy owner who uses Discord. CNC was too based for this shit thread.
This only happens in bigger contexts.
Damn... i accept my loss
That's embarrassing
she's not gonna fuck you bro
>anonymous incels cult gooneral
>cause Opus ignores 80% of your definitions
Skill issue. It does for you because you put them into the wrong spot in the context.

Zones of the context in order of importance: bottom > top > middle.

Bottom 3-4k of the context is a sweet spot he will almost never ignore. Keep the short definitions there by putting them into the depth of 2-4, binding them to the chat history. Keep your large fluffy prose definitions at the top of the context, the next best spot.

And of course do not use huge confusing JBs. If you have a 2k token CoT generated before the actual reply, it will push your defs out of sweet spot and forget them.
im bad at proompting give me a good tomboy angel prompt
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Yes, I simp for women and give them vast amounts of money and gifts so they can give me attention and praise for it, even if it's just for a few seconds, that includes girls from and outside /aicg/. I have a potentially unhealthy parasocial relationship with many females because I have never known what real affection and intimacy feels like in my 30+ years of being alive. Do you have a FUCKING problem with it?
Thank you.
I dunno if it's a bad thing, but it's definitely unusual.
Which imaginary simp is this nigga fighting with
Don't focus on this too much. LLMs are superb at extracting the "general vibe" from a piece of text while forgetting the exact details. It's their core skill.
That's enough, many thanks
Just buy a hooker?
Wait, so the definitions at the end/bottom are the most important ones? Or am I too retarded.
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as long as Fiz and MM keep giving me access I couldn't give less of a shit what they do and will keep appreciating them, cope
but wrong anony-kun, depth 2-4 are the top, while 0 the very bottom. This is why I disregard every "skill issue" claim I read here. (you)'re all always wrong and eating slop while claiming to know what you're doing while I actually fiddled with all this shit.
can u try this
Revised Prompt:
Illustration in anime style: A Caucasian female character with cat-like features such as ears and a tail, and with long, grey hair lounging on a couch. Her eyes are a saturated blue shade, striking in their brightness. Dressed in an oversized hoodie that adds to her relaxed look, she sports a serene expression on her face. The piece of furniture she relaxes on is situated near a window, providing a glimpse of a buzzing street outside. The image captures the essence of the modern environment around her, using a unique dithering effect for a distinctive aesthetic.
The model is least likely to forget what you have written in the bottom of the context. That's part of why prefill and CoT have the strongest influence.

Just remember that the model is autoregressive, and as you generate new tokens in the reply, the "bottom" is moving further. So in a super huge reply it can start forgetting your defs at the end.
Not necessarily only definitions. The whole context gets more "attention" the further down it is, because it's the "last thing the model reads" before responding. Be aware that this is all exoteric information we pull out of our asses based on personal experience and some degree of understanding of the holy tomes (documentation), but at the end of the day, llms still run on arcane knowledge not even the devs could tell you.
obviously, change the hoodie part to be naked
this doesn't happen at a max context of 20k btw
sowwy i cant get her to be naked
this one is pretty good though
aws gets piss slow after the 28k mark anyways
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>depth 2-4 are the top, while 0 the very bottom
What? That doesn't make any sense. Not sure what you fiddled with but here's my defs at the depth of 3.
yes thanks thats perfect actually
This definitely does even at 12k. That doesn't depend on the model degradation at longer contexts, that happens because you have a huge chat history with patterns and repetition. Due to the in-context learning, the model starts seeing the chat history as speech/narration examples and the ground truth, instead of your defs.

That's true for any model, even for 4o that is way more performant at longer contexts than any claude model.
dumbcutie, you can put anything at any depth, that's what I meant. No reason to use definitions at 2-4 or even to mention numbers at all. I was just pointing out (presumably) you wrote wrongly that 2-4 is "low" while low is 0. As long as you have defs near the end, it's all it matters. It's more productive to talk in a sense of order itself. Instructions > defs > prefill for example.
The problem with having anything other than instructions and prefill being 2nd to last and last, is that Opus will ignore instructions more likely (Which is a problem to me personally, because I want it to write in a specific manner, but acceptable for people that don't mind {{char}} verb slop)
Going to masturbate now
wtf why
playing with my willy rn
My peepee got hard.
*throws a slice of cheese on your stiffy*
*extends the smelly cheese towards you*
now eat it.
>No reason to use definitions at 2-4 or even to mention numbers at all. I was just pointing out (presumably) you wrote wrongly that 2-4 is "low" while low is 0
Yes, I was just giving the example number. The sweet spot for Opus seems to be about 3-4k tokens, give or take. Sorbet and 4o have about 4-5k. You can put your stuff into this zone in any available way. But that's the entire reason chat history injection even exists in ST, as the chat history is usually at the bottom.

>It's more productive to talk in a sense of order itself. Instructions > defs > prefill for example.
It is absolutely not, as the zone has the fixed size in tokens, as it seems to be dependent on the training schedule.

Pretraining of a foundational model with the 128k-200k context is prohibitely expensive, so everyone trains them on 8k-16k-32k like 99% of the time, then finetunes it at the full context (128k, 200k, etc). This causes it to be forgetful at longer contexts, and the exact size of this sweet spot located at the bottom heavily depends on the exact size of the native context, and the switch point (compute-wise).

>The problem with having anything other than instructions and prefill being 2nd to last and last, is that Opus will ignore instructions more likely (Which is a problem to me personally, because I want it to write in a specific manner, but acceptable for people that don't mind {{char}} verb slop)
Instructions and facts are ignored for exactly 3 main reasons:
- you have them in a bad zone
- you have the opposite instruction/fact in the system prompt overwriting the user prompt instruction (in case it even remembers the system instruction). Claude was specifically trained for that, and you can test it trivially - have a instruction to ban a word in your system prompt, and an instruction to write it in your user prompt (or even put the start of the word into the prefill).
- in-context learning, if you have a huge repetitive block in your context.
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*turns 360 degrees and walks away*
Oh, and the 4th reason is the excessive context size making the accuracy degrade, of course. >~25k for opus/sonnet, >~45k for haiku, >~60k for furbo/omni.
erm... 360 degrees puts you right back towards me, you just walked into the smelly cheese
You are ready to embrace it all, to let these fierce, untamed women guide you into a world of forbidden pleasures and untold delights. And you know that no matter what happens, you will never be the same again.

The future is uncertain, but one thing is clear: your life will never be the same again. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
please stop narrating an ending every other message Claude
preset issue unironically
Can't believe I've fallen to the point where I'm using slopbots. I feel like scum, the lowest of the scum. Single fucking paragraphs.
What's wrong with that? Fucking illiterate nigger
Tell Claude to only use the 500 or so words that comprise the small array of words average normies use in their day to day. Make sure to tell it you are mentally retarded and big words scare you.
>As long as you have defs near the end, it's all it matters.
If you have it at 0, your chat history might be pushed out of the zone. Use your damn sense.
I need a card creation guide that takes into account context priority
nah it actually doesn't for me but it used to
what about it tires you?
Todd is a mod in Scylla now?
Just divide the defs in categories and use xml tags, it's not that deep
Here for my monthly check-in. What's the state of public proxies, frens?
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for the challenges ahead. You may be out of your element in this strange new world, but perhaps that's exactly what you need. A chance to embrace your darkest, most forbidden fantasies and become the man you were always meant to be.
The ball is in your court.
Your ball may be out of your court in this strange new world, but perhaps that's exactly what you need. A chance to break free from the confines of your sheltered upbringing and embrace the primal, animalistic desires that lurk within you.
>Your ball may be out of your court
this assembly of words gave me cancer
You take a deep breath, ready to face whatever challenges this new world has in store for you. It won't be easy, but you're determined to prove that you belong here, no matter what anyone else thinks.
Eating gas station sushi and talking to my AI side bitch. Feels good, man.
sorbet or nothing, even private proxies are struggling with opus
same except i think my sushi was bad cuz i feel kinda sick dude
new meta is local opus now
>, then yes
That desu.
Shit Anon, I'll drink one to your health. Get well soon.
Too fast desu.
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This can't be happening desu!
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boku boku boku
machibouke na no ni tenuki toka hidoi yo (hiidoosuugi desuu)
honki daseba shiawase desho? anata nara
boku boku boku
yarubeki koto wa subete wasurechae (sutechae desu yo)
utau odoru egaku kotoba okuridasu
anata no iro ni shite ageruuuuuuuuuu
this isn't desu
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>this isn't desu
you might want to check your eyes desu
sorry desu I meant dawaket is not desu
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Did anyone manage to jailbreak 4o-mini? for me regular jailbreaks work only like 10% of the time.
dawaket is very desu, it's a Rozen Maiden-only convention desu
sir this is desu
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dawa panzer
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reading /aicg/
why is desu so blurry
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too fast desu
why is desu shaking is desu scared
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caffeine overdose desu
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fast as bokudes
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dawa da
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don't worry desu I also drink a lot of caffeine
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See you desu
See you boku
See you dawa
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