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Why all the hate? All the pros of Windows with none of the cons of Linux
>All the pros of Windows with none of the cons of Linux
Plus an entirely new set of cons that are exclusive to the specific flavor of mental retardation that is macOS
It's an OS for the tech illiterate that offers something interesting only to artists. For anyone who knows what ram is, macOS is just handcuffs and paywalls. It's more indifference than hate.
It has better programs for everything. Windows/Linux don't have a single good ePub reader
nice, show me the best digital signage software and C DE for MacOS then
Seems industry standard is a web program
Comparing digital signage software to the most basic thing to do on a computer which is reading text
Reading a specific format of text that very few people read on a computer*
Why would you admit that you're a low IQ retard who doesn't read books?
>on a computer
I have a Kobo for epubs. Do you really read books on a fucking computer?
It True LINUX dont have Pdf editor
People have to dual boot to edit pdf

You can read full truth on this
I'm not a poser and I need to get actual work done faster, not just browsing the web in a starbucks
>none of the cons of Linux
Actually, having personal freedom and no spying is not a con, iToddlers just think it is.
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Which software you use for "actual work"
>Buying another device because your computer can't read them
All the best software for work is MacOS only. Final Cut Pro for example
slack, opera, teams, vscode, terminal
I have Sumatra for when I want to open an epub and it does it just fine. It may not have a shiny gui or be "good" in some other arbitrary way, but it can do it just fine.
It's the device form factor itself that's not as suitable for reading as a small handheld with an eink display, but you already know that very well.
You're grasping at straws in a way that strongly resembles bait (if it's not actually bait). Please stop wasting my time.
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>proceeds to not list any of the new cons

8gb on Mac is equal to 12 on Linux and 16 on windows

Tbf I just use google books web reader for this but I agree there are not good desktop apps

There is no editor but Zathura is a great lightweight viewer, even better than Sumatra

Everyone who says this never mentions what the actual work is. What can't you do on a Mac that you can do on windows other than play games? The only other thing I can think of is very heavy GPU tasks that require a 4090, but that is very niche and I have a hard time believing every autist here uses cad software regularly. It makes it sound like a cope when you don't explain

Honestly I am 90% sure that everyone on here only cares about Linux and privacy because they are hoarding CP

Which one of these isn't on Mac?
Also >opera meme browser
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Sumatra is a terrible app. I've used it. It looks like ass and you can't customize it. it crashes all the time too. No one who actually reads for enjoyment could use this. Maybe for reference on a nonfiction book
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Luckily I never need to "read for enjoyment" on my laptop or desktop (lmao) because I have an appropriate device for it.
That's like saying "my spork is the best at eating steaks, your spork sucks" to a guy who has regular utensils and only keeps a spork to the side just in case.
>macos (((sodoma)))
>and you can't customize it
macOS is the least customizable OS out of the big 3. Is customization only important to you when it comes to epub readers?
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More importantly: Why is the trashcan in the background flowing over?
You bought a device and you have to waste hours of your day downloading a book on your laptop to then move to another device which is smaller and inferior for comfortability
You can't customize shit on Windows and it's ugly as fuck and bloated. You can make Linux itself look pretty but you can't make the ugly ass FOSS apps look pretty
all of them are on macos which is why i use it
0% chance this isn't bait
it's where all the linux chinkpads get tossed from happy apple customers
I have a iPad too but I stopped using it because your hand gets tired holding it when reading. The laptop sit justs there and the screen is bigger and easier to read
It's the worst of both worlds if you're an engineer. Everything is a file = UNIX. Everything is an API = Windows. MacjeetOS is everything is a file but also these bloated API frameworks that make doing anything productive almost impoossible
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>this breaks the ni/g/ger's mind
It’s a comfy OS and the batteries and trackpads are unmatched. Most people don’t give one single fuck about customizing things or running niche programs that only Windows can run. Modern Windows is a UI nightmare. Even returning to XP Luna would be an improvement.
more like macOS Sodomy lmao
>All the pros of Windows with none of the cons of Linux

macOS doesn't support Nvidia GPUs or CUDA.

Linux fag here and I have bad news for you:

Slack: Electron/Chrome wrapped website available for MacOS

Opera: Glorified meme version of Chrome available for MacOS

Teams: Electron/Chrome wrapped website available for MacOS

VSCode: Electron/Chrome wrapped website available for MacOS

Terminal: Go home, you're drunk. Terminal.app does more stuff correctly than most default and buggy terminals available on BSD and GNU/Linux.
>All the pros of Windows
Such as an infinite supply of software for every tiny niche?
Absolutely stunning backward compatibility, down to the driver level?
Runs on absolutely anything built in the last 20 years?
The platinum standard in central manageability and configuration?
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>limiting what you can do with your computer to web browsing and hoping your wm doesn't crash before you post to r/unixporn
Pick one.
>Literally no gaymen support
>UX is terrible and doesn't conform to everyone else's standards
>Computers are the least reliable on the whole industry
>Literally locked into macos or else
>If you haven't bought enough apple products you're just a second class citizen
>Maximize button doesn't maximize
>Minimize button doesn't minimize
>Close button doesn't close
>Double click on the header doesn't maximize
>No window snapping
>Natural scroll on a mouse
what about calibre
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>Windows/Linux don't have a single good ePub reader

Looks pretty good does it have dark mode?
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Are you John?
this looks pretty cool but I have been using the e-book reader that comes with calibre for 6 years and I never found a reason to want anything else
granted I do most of my non-pdf reading on my amazon swindle but still
I have a 3000€ MBP M1 Pro from work and when it is attached to one external monitor resizing windows starts to lag. It's so bad. I would seriously rather use Gentoo on 5 year old thinkpad for the rest of my life than latest MAc if forced choice between the two.
It has no use case. You run Linux if you prefer privacy and FOSS, and if you don't care about privacy or FOSS, might as well run Windows and get the best software support.

I genuinely can't think of a single thing that really gives MacOS an edge, outside of maybe a well connected cross platform ecosystem?
>8gb on Mac is equal to 12 on Linux and 16 on windows
The webpage that btfo linux users

Loonix can't even handle text input properly
Less games
Less apps
More monetized
More costly for less power
Thanks but no even Linux is 1000 times better
if work reimburses you it's comfy
>posted from the m2pro my work reimbursed me for
The problem is that it has all of the cons of Windows, and none of the pros of Linux.
You can download free epub reader anywhere on internet
As an artist people need to stop saying this. Saying mac is good for artists is a literal fucking marketing scam. I have never had a more insufferable experience than doing art on mac.
all lies
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>iToddlers are literally so retarded they can only barely use the browser on Linux
And this is why the Apple userbase is 100% only brain damaged retards. You wouldn't even know how to breathe if Apple didn't tell you when. I do all my work on a Linux computer and I play all my games on another Linux computer. I also have a Linux server and of course a Linux laptop with a nice long battery life. I never get filtered by skill issues.

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