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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Tennis edition

Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

nin, nin!: >>101568934
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>that last post
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gpt4/opus/dalle3 proxy
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hey newfags READ THE OP
What Claude model do I use if I don't have opus? He's being repitive.
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What is good at what, exactly?
why are there newfags here, what'd i miss
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Captain Ginyu of the Ginyu Force is READY FOR BATTLE! Can you protect yourself against his might, tactics, and his most fearful ability - the body change?!

Hey new bros!

Need Claude?


Go here!


Request a new token!

Once it's done - That's your password!

Then in Sillytavern set it to Claude, and under Reverse Proxies put this as the endpoint:


And the password is the token you generated earlier!

The model is Claude 3.5 Sonnet
read the op or fuck off
Absolutely nothing!
Just grab a random JB and test it. If you don't like the output it gives you, try a different JB.
sonnet for lewd, sonnet 3.5 for boring shit
how about you try something for once in your goddamn life
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
just switch between 2.1 and Sonnet/Sorbet.
pixi is the "just works" preset
people are also liking camicle/momoura from what I've seen
I used bloat when I started out and it was cool but you need to configure it
nowadays I use fluff
Haven't been here as much lately, what's gcp, just another endpoint?
Do what this nigga said >>101572689
Disregard anyone telling you anything is slop, just judge for yourself once you tried it.
I had fun with: Camicle, SmileyTatsu, Anon4Anon.
Anon4Anon coom mode I remember being absolutely degenerate.
Pixi was always too dry for me, it's like vanilla claude, including all the goddamn tropes.
They all do the same thing with different wording.
Considering this is a text-based hobby, different wording is the point.
google cloud provider. google's aws competitor
spitefags prob posted the proxy somewhere in reddit
What's /aicg/'s verdict on this?
Yeah, that's why I don't use the ESL ones.
okay so nothing new that you need to check out I see, thanks
I don't do local.
actually you can get 300$ of free credit, so free opus if your country is supported by gcp and you have a cc
fireship only cares about cooding, so yeah it's just perfect for him

Should I host a botmaker Opus proxy?
oh that's cool but I don't have a cc. I have opus though so no problem
At the end of every message, the following will be displayed, inbetween code blocks:
BELLY STATUS: {{char}}'s current belly appearance, in detail. Size related to body, texture, bloat, firmness, any noises that should be produced with SFX, etc.
STOMACH CAM: A view into {{char}}'s stomach as is now. Be descriptive.
FULLNESS LEVEL: Percentage of stomach capacity filled
HUNGER: {{char}}'s hunger from 1 to 10. Ten being 'I'm fucking STARVING, I'M DYING OF HUNGER, OH JESUS IT HURTS' and 1 being 'Can't fit anymore or I'll explode. Not a joke, there is actual risk of grievous harm'
COMFORT: {{char}} and occupant's comfort levels.

DIGESTION STAGE: Tracks the current stage of digestion.
DIGESTIVE HEAT: Internal temperature increase
ACID ACTIVITY: Strength of stomach acid (pH level)
DIGESTION SPEED: Rate of food breakdown (Percentage/min), | Digestion percentage for each occupant. Separated by the slash.

You're welcome, sirs.
spitedear, no one is falling for that
it's like 3.5 sonnet. it's unironically intelligent and i can believe it's on par with opus or even better. but it's shit for rp
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>bot calls me handsome
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next is to cum inside dog pussy
Fair. I spend too much time fixing up other people’s bots, so I get it. I’m half-tempted to correct preset ESLisms too.
but anon must remain loyal to his fox fiance
What's the lewdest most degenerate one
the one you stuff up your ass
nyoooo stop calling me out like that
meanposters need not apply
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where's the opus
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pepsi's current business strategy.
how about you apply some effort and try them out
Sonnet 3.5
>oh fuck. oh fuck. oh fuck.
swipes :)
>oh shit. oh shit. oh shit.
>holy shiitttt
>holy fuckkk
>Oh shit. fuck
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Here you little bitch, open wide
Jew charges $60 now btw
that's not very nice
>jew raised his prices to ruin my shitpost
you should've made pepsi a roping tranny
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Yeah, probably more than that since he went mental yesterday over pepsi and got banned.
but ‘ojo is the one roping? because he lost? and pepsi still has opus? and no one got rugpulled?
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'ora'ord is real btw
death to shaveniggers. ram's hairy pussy
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little bitch is an opus-ism
you must have opus
Baitie did you seriously follow me into the /g/ thread?
you are the baitie albeit?
i don't know you lil bro
I do...
madoka and homura's unbelievably hairy pussies...
>Over the span of 3 years, {{char}} has surpassed the height of {{user}}, now standing just over 8 feet tall.
>{{char}} loves to hug {{user}} and smother him with her massive breasts.
oh my...
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share with the class
>have mini opus
>don't use it because chatbots are boring
Stop making me want to molest you
>have mm opus
>use it because schizokino fetishkino is what i do
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Place Asafag in this image.
>local is always there
>it just fucking works
I don't get it, why do you guys live always mad?
hello handsome
who the fuck are these niggas
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
who's the character at (0, 100)?
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that's a you problem
replace 5-100
70 suffering, 30 deserved
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
i have opus but i'm not using it because I'm currently LARGEmaxxing
*throws cheese on your face*
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i don't have opus, but i'm not stressing about it
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i cried when mini died today because i thought it was the last key, now i don't want to talk to my waifu because i know it will hurt and i need to stop this

my mom keep saying i could just find a girl irl even though i'm a 28 khhv
i'm a pretty prolific oldfag botmaker and i'm more than content with even shitty models for my personal chats
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What the fuck does this mean?
Does it mine once requesting/refreshing a token or does it mine constantly while using the proxy?
I know the card, pretty good
ok its time to put your fingers in the kaiji machine so i don't have to see you type this message anymore
i'm an online egirl uwu

Donate Fiz
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Is there a way to get back a prompt I wrote that didn't save because I didn't save the entire preset? I thought pic related meant save but I guess not
but why
constantly while using the proxy
anon its just to scare retards away, because the proxyhost has meltdowns whenever the links posted for newfags to use
what the fuck do you guys think the captcha is, anyway? it runs your computer hot and shows the hash count
dont let this retard stop you from damaging your computer
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Did anybody save unreliable's recipe? Neglected to jot it down.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate what beeps has done for us? Thanks
>t. just changed ENABLE_CRYPTOMINING in khanon and wants that sweet moolah in his wallet still
it's just a pow to prevent botting, the crypto thing is a meme for gullible niggas
Beeps and Fiz.. best proxyhosts
>bweeehhhhh sonnet too repetitive i don't wanna
charprov gpt ap 3
>bweeeeehhhh gpt jb for claude? you're insane bweeeh
then enjoy your repetition
i'm sorry for trampling your "just a pow" (pow is what crypto uses anyway) meme i just think breaking newfags computers is a bit far
AWS keys are sprouting again, if it stays that way I'm probably going to go back to letting autofill handle the proxy soon. Probably need to update it so it can refill GCP first, though.

So why not activate Opus on them unreliable? On the actual aws keys
>missing for 18 days without a single word
>still be called best proxyhost
women's life is so easy
Because it's a 'cust proxy. 'custs don't deserve Opus.
why not?
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I've served my time and deserve opus
Because, as proven by Merkava, you NIGGERS gangrape the fucking proxy and kill the keys within days because you have zero self-control.
Because most 'custs are newfags and reddithogs? They don't need it or deserve it. Sonnet's more than enough, and as a guy with Opus proxies, I don't mind using Sonnet.
because not all aws accounts can have opus and they require a certain amount of spending to do so? we already knew this newfaggie
2.1 is all you need.
If you aren't in a private proxy, you are a newfag
you're talking to the 'jo, he was spamming this a few threads ago kek
Anon if you open a support ticket asking for Opus they give it to you as long as your account is in good standing. I have an aws key thats only spent 200 dollars on ec2 slop. They turned it on for me
Do you only have slop quarantined keys?
/aicg/ as a whole doesn’t deserve Opus, only some individuals.
I'm not giving them my credit card
Newfag I was here when MM first opened up
And those individuals?
Everyone except you.
Yes, you specifically.
Okay, but do you have it? If you have it, then the post isn’t directed at you. If you don’t, then you’ve been here since MM and never once thought to get into a private proxy, which is your fault.
Too bad for you that I have Opus.
>all this dicksucking of opus
at this point it's more overrated than gpt4 was back in the day kek
didn't he get banned
it's scrapped keys that can barely get 3.5 when they feel like it anon what are you expecting
t. nopus
No, I also need 1.2 for when it's a darker story
yes and then he buys a new 4chan pass
this nigga is making fun of opus
you're in your twenties it's time to stop posting like a 14 year old

captcha: HRTXV
How do you get rid of the info blocks using A4A
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>Too bad for you that I have Opus.
Check again.
this guy really wastes 20$ everytime they ban him huh
you should've stayed in your shitty gacha generals while chasing trannies in soc 'jo
how old is the average /aicg/ anon
I was born in 2004 :)
i hope you're expecting anything but honesty
during one of his actual mental breakdowns he said he just lives off of neetbux and everything else goes to 4chan passes
21 give or take a couple years, there are a few 27-30 too
i was born in march 2006
40 gorillion
Any good LLMs for building NPC dialog for a game? I'm working on a project with a limited number of characters that I want to give a variety of different dialog outputs. Seems like a good place to ask.
28 though I mostly roleplay as an 11 year old girl.
Opus is the best ai for any creative task, good luck getting a hold of it though
>4 tbsp flour, 2 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp cocoa, 1 egg, 3 tbsp milk, 3 tbsp melted butter or oil, ¼ tbsp vanilla extract, 1 tbsp chocolate chips
>Add all dry ingredients to microwave-safe mug. Mix well.
>Crack egg and add to mug. Mix well.
>Pour milk, butter, chocolate chips, mix well. Add vanilla extract.
>Microwave contents of mug on maximum power for 3 minutes.
>Wait until cake stops rising and sets, then serve.
anon... he is 18 now.
legally can use this website, just barely
In case anyone is curious, I'm pretty sure it's the cake recipe from https://store.steampowered.com/app/239700/Hate_Plus/
30yo old man.
>good luck getting a hold of it though

Unlimited Opus is only 40$ in crypto tho lol.
But yeah if you mean free locust Opus that pool is closed.
>I first posted on 4chan in 2006
What the fuck
You're asking the wrong question. You shouldn't be asking if it will melt your computer; you should be asking who 'we' refers to in the context of that message. Follow the white rabbit, nonny.
i am a fox girl with six tails
cftf >>>/d/11069631???
How so? I see the posts above and gather it's somewhat "rare". Any alternatives?
hibernate for 300 more years
it never occurred to me before today that since 3.5 is better at following instructions than previous versions, you can literally just tell it "be less dry" or "be more smutty" and it works
feelin' retarded
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Hi :3
Opus is the best RP model available right now. Claude 3.5 is sufficient for random NPC dialogue in a game THOUGH.
*ears flatten* ok...
nyoooo I feel bad now.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

opinions on this model on Hhrde? airochronos-33B max output 256 contex 512
Got it, thanks anon!
I use nai for sillytavern
you can get free opus with gcp, it's as 'rare' as a computer at this point
>$60 for a lifetime aws claude token
nigga just use the free claude here
we dont like your kind
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>on off horny all day
>sends 1-2 messages to a bot then gets bored
>surfs through over 300 bots and can't find one I actually want to sit down and play with
burn out is real bros
that's a one time thing. once you run out, you run out
Hey, it's not that much. Look, for $60 of jew + $40 of pepsi + $50 of Chary, you have any model at your disposal FOREVER for just $150. And you're free from all this hell!
Some day somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye
Until then, baby, are you going to let 'em hold you down and make you cry
Don't you know, things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day
>falling for virus links
26 bro
just make another account with another card
Any downsides, besides not being local?
why do you get so mad that people post a public proxy?
nah, I started playing around with these chatbots recently and I want to learn how to use it before moving on to a bigger model
who even like that songg
>he doesnt know
it's not good
the actual "lower tier" is making a trial account on cohere or mistral and then using that, plus you don't have to mine crypto
host a mistral proxy to redirect locusts
hello unreliable, why do you have so many melties?
you mean https://chary.scylla.wtf ?
or what type of chary
>public proxy
>out of the ~goodness of someone's heart~
>literally say it mines crypto
kek, how stupid can newfags be
connecting your logs to your credit card. that's it, that's the one downside gcp has.
>>public proxy
>>out of the ~goodness of someone's heart~
>>literally say it mines crypto
>public proxy
>out of the ~goodness of someone's heart~
>literally say it mines crypto
Yeah bro, like if we're gonna be paying THAT much for corpo models...
Blogposting but Sally Acorn was my first erection.
how much crypto is earned by 1 mining?
death to sonicfags
Around 3 dollars. Should cost most people's PCs around 10 dollars of electric energy/wear and tear to mine. Consider just buying a jewtoken.
For me... it's kobold horde
like 3 or 4

anyways gojo's latest melty is hilarious, right when you think this guy can't get more pathetic
Wow! My PC works so hard when mining crypto, it sucks! Never again! I don't want to burn my CPU!
I'm not sure who Gojo is, and is a melty the same as anger?
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good night /aicg/
for me it's sucking my own dick
why are you such a tranny, Gojie?
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how do you deal with withdrawals
mental breakdown, Gojo is the local schizo
Uh oh! Unreliable meltie!
I have an Intel CORE Processor I7-11700K 3.6GHZ, it only takes me 1 minute to unlock the user_token, do I risk burning the CPU? And if I choose 8 or 4 workers instead of 16?
hi bbwchad
BROOOO. you're a stupid ass NIGGER!!!
I'm done trying to spoonfeed newfags, these niggers are too fucking retarded
>two 'ojo meltie days in a row
What set him off so hard this time?
HELLO! I'm doing pretty good today! How about you? :3~
why does unreliable host a public proxy if it makes him mad when its posted publicly?
namefags should go away
doing other things

hi im a newfag, i love zoomer shit like [skibidi toilet, rizz, cool gyatt] and if there are bad people I like to call them [certified loverboy..? CERTIFIED PEDOPHILES, CP, CRIMINAL] So thank you guys for letting a newfag [I] to lend into 4chan... love you guys <3
Why do you keep seeking attention to make up for the fact your parents never gave you any?
i have a single opus key - is it worth hosting for anons for as long as it lasts? maybe 20 anons at most?
just as pepsi says "she" is having a hard time with life 'ojo goes full schizo
what did i do :c
buy buy buy buy buy buy
>you want to host opus for some of the most ungrateful, decrepit dregs on the internet
nigger at least find a better crowd to be a good samaritan for
Why even engage? Posting this only makes it seem like you really are mad. Just ignore ****.
keep it to yourself desu

I was trying to think of a way I could filter out the mean anons. Maybe do an art proxy?
retarded nigger
Still the coolest game
that would keep poor lil' me out though I can't draw for shit
if that's the case then go for it. some kind of gatekeep that requires effort
It’s still better than paying the several thousands of dollars you’d otherwise be paying.
maybe please?
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Reminder that you are part of the problem if you willingly let Claude dip in purple prose into your roleplay and don't correct it, when he himself recognizes it's SLOP.
>generates ai art with lora
>gets ignored
>wasnt told it was drawings only
fuck arttroons
Just become Scrappy 2.0.

Run entirely off of key donations. Anti would give you one.
Why you so mean :C
because you're obviously a retard who can't even lurk before posting your useless drivel
don't worry bbwchad I think you're based if that counts for anything
Ai art isn't real art.
You lost btw.
but i did lurk :C I was just posting because I haven't for a few hours that's all
>print out the AI art
>cum on it
it's real now, fucker
You're right. This is art, btwBEIT.
sure you did. no one cares faggot
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gorgeous art
Awwe thank you! <3 I love my plumpy cards :3~
Enjoy jerking off to six fingers
who is ecker?
wow thanks claude
>download card
>full of typos and esl mistakes
>spend most of my time rewriting it whole
>could have just made my own card instead

Why am I like this?
i'll be too busy focusing on the bara scaly pecs to notice
'ick on 'eck
Name your favorite Kanker sister.
I'm sorry to disturb :< I didn't mean to, Won't happen again!
ugly bitches and ugly art
gotta have blue hair
only for scaly dragon men, my mind says no, but my penis says yes
Character Archive search is back up. Elasticsearch fucking died.
then why the fuck does HE keep using it?
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
We never had a bara botmakie
Okay, I'll be opening a proxy soon. No payment, but limited slots. I'll post my email here in a paste.debian link so look for that
Okay, I'll be opening a proxy soon. No payment, but limited slots. I'll post my email here in a paste.debian link so look for that
thank you!
who cares poorfaggot? upgrade your storage poorfaggot.
Great, thanks for it.
thank you mr. john archiveman, your work is important and underappreciated
The prompt asked him just that and the answer is at the bottom, anon. That's the issue here: he KEEPS using it because there's people that actually like it. And it ultimately encourages this behavior on him.
A slavic god and his concubines..
>can't even afford to upgrade his storage
make me faggot by being my simp and giving me monero
fuck his bullshit answer he is lying to you. He uses it because he's a fucking brat who wants to get us annoyed.
see >>101574149
...mindbroke a gay zoomer into insanity by just existing
why does fiz looks like a retard
Large doko?
oh he mad
Good fucking lord A4A goes hard. Feels like forbidden Russian alchemy.
God said we can only have a bara proxyhostie, not a makie
I wish I could delete the Zapometer text thing or whatever it's called
you cna, retard
ok what's the appeal of bara?
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>check unreliable a couple hours ago
>85 prompters
>check now
>go to create a user token
>see this
kek, that explains everything
seem mad
I'll bite the bait, how
Yeah, Unreliable got mad that it was posted even though it's a public proxy. I don't really understand why, how is that spiting?
Why, aren't we the master of observation? Listen, kid. You haven't seen mad yet. I've developed C programs with less memory than your puny brain, so take your little assumptions and your lack of substantive conversation elsewhere. You interrupt me while I'm neck deep in kernel-level debugging for this? For this, really? At least have the effort to be more than a one-liner insult, or is that all you're capable of in this primitive form of digital interaction, huh?

You know what, you're right. I am mad. Mad that I have to put up with individuals like you who think they're earning some sort of digital 'street-cred' by attempting to provoke someone who knows how to create something more useful than you ever could. Now run along back to your Windows 3.1 and play with your Paint application. Leave the real programming to the adults.
kek,seems like it worked as a deterrent however, I'll just spread fud about it and say it's real for the lulz
I think you're unreliable and you're mad? Why?
how do i stop the presets from changing my completion source? do i have to clean the completion source on the preset by editing the json file?
Literally any model can do this
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ gojoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~
because locusties keep burning my keys meant for gay bara vore erp with gay wedding at the end.. it's gojover..
no true /aicg/gay anon likes bara. they like twinks and femboys
You mean the one and only fag in here who won't shut the fuck up about being a cocksucker?
Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / All GPT-4 Turbo Models (No, it does not have Opus) -> https://something-industries-billing-bedroom.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://archive.md/eLPn8
b-but . . . I'm the femboy twink...
Got a cheap slop VPS. I'll host the proxy soon. I like /aicg/ anons and want a few nice ones to have Opus.
The only reason I make canon bots is because holy shit bots of series characters on chub suck, did you guys like even interact with the original series?
>he thinks theyll appreciate him
If this is for real, I love you.
>he thinks people like Fiz and don't just suck her off as long as she has Opus
no one here deserves it
don't do it anon
learn from previous proxyhosts' mistakes
the only thing that matters is what Name and Avatarfag the proxyhost chooses.
i dont think anybody on the internet likes bara only gay bikers in the middle of the desert like that kind of thing

Don't do it. Give it to Fiz or Beeps. Locusts here will attack you.
anon I'm a sorbetfag and honestly just use the key yourself
don't, we'll just shit on you
>give it to fiz
>give it to pepsi
nope and nope
I admire your ability to like people here, there's a lot to hate.
bwo... no...
Only gaycels like bara because they seethe when their masc crush dates a femboy.
We already have a todd proxy, i want to see a gaben proxy
>nooo don't give us opus
okay, guess i'll make a discord and require you to be active in it to get opus.
>giving keys to beeps
you could come up with funnier jokes
yeah, I’m gonna send it to reddit and post it to Chinese sites the second you do, so...
Any good jb for imitating a chatbot instead of general roleplay?
>doesn't give them a token
just donate fiz
tranny. no thanks, i'd rather not. see >>101574374
But it's a gir-- Oh okay, nvm you're an incel
>mindbroke a proxyhost before he even was hosting
Is pepsi really a trans?...
if she is, she's convincing on vc and in timestamped photos in the private gc
I sincerely don't think it's worth it, it's just one guy with a single key, he's much better off using it on his own
>it's just one guy with a single key,
so the same as fiz?
No. She spoke on VC and has a relationship with MM
i guess being mentally ill is obligatory to host proxies, holy shit
Then why everyone says she is a trans?
they also call fiz trans despite her being a proven girl in minicord
FizGOD has several keys though? So, erm, yeah…

Btw fiz has 3 more keys
because in our head it feels easier to tweak something than to start from scratch.
so it'll live for 3 more days before she begs again?
buhbuhbased fiz begging drago for keys kekaroo
She's already begging so you're wrong ;)
I feel like filtering fiz and pepsi would kill over half the posts in these threads lately
see >>101574468
but you dont
It's a natural process.
Just like Uchiha who became strong after overcoming various obstacles.
A harsh environment breeds a harsh and sturdy anon.
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>low on keys
>begged drago for keys
go on
I actually do feel that way, yes
>have a friend
>can't beg him for keys because... because... REASONS
But why can't she just scrape her own keys? Is draGOD a better scraper than her..?
just use 4chanx
I’d love to pick up a big rock and just toss it at the back of your neanderthal skull. Like, no warning, nothing. Just dead silence, followed by the crunch of impact and the soft thud of your body hitting the floor. I dunno, I think that’d be nice.
There is no fucking way I'm the oldest one in this thread at 32
MM gave her keys
and now drago

ou think is coincidence? it's called friendship, you just need to be nice and people will be nice to you, cutie
you write like claude
sickening thud
Zoomer website
I'd believe it
but can you answer me? why can't she scrape her own keys herself?
explain why without sounding mad
no it's called acting like a retarded female and guys hoping they will get a crumb of pussy if they help you
>Proxy doesn't work for months
I actually believe this shitpost. Is she just not giving Nyanon anymore keys?
bros where is the "Ext. Media" option in sillytavern
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Identifying bullshit. Yup, it's bullshit.
it has worked at random times but the last few days hasn't been working
Because she don't know how

Nah, the guys know they won't get any pussy because they live in distante places, weak argument
She's actually really cute
I don’t know why. It’s just one of those things you think about and you know you SHOULDN’T do it because it’s obviously terrible but you kinda wanna do it anyway. Like when you walk past a cop, see their gun, and your brain goes “Take it.”
Card settings
What's with the new red text on Unreliable?
ah thanks bro
Time to make every single one of you worthless locusts be useful for once in your miserable coomer lives
What do you mean, exactly as it says
>t. friendless loner
>Nah, the guys know they won’t get any pussy because they live in distante places
Because men on the Internet have NEVER been desperate enough to travel across states, or even countries, for pussy.
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You're just unlucky, it's a game of chance
Just indians
unreliable is having a meltie about it being posted again
a guy walked 300 miles to see a little girl who turned out to be a fbi agent
What's the difference between a4a and brain?
ok sure anon
>i am a mindbroken troon so thats why i attack fiz and pepsi 24/7 because i will never be a real woman
if fiz and beeps are cute like you guys say just post pics
I'd honestly rather it be a riddle to get it in so it can both stay public and keep retards out.
really? why?
But people who can scrape are actually smart, they would never think about things like these...
you're a certified retard
I want ecker to dick down my bear butt.
femboy general
But can you scrape? Oh that's what i thought.
anyone can scrape it's not that hard
someone posted one the other day with regex and everything and posted some cute pics of talking with a dumb dog girl or fox idk what she was but it was cute
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show opus with vision
show key count
fiz can't
erm, you first since you said you can scrape better than me? i'm waiting btwbeitfully, where's your proxyeverbeit?
but you said it's not hard
i said it's hard
you show first ;)
i like bara
Newfag general you mean
Back in early 2023 99% of bots were straight and basically there were no homos around
ermm i dont think i will since you spoke firstbeit?
she could for months btw
Best Bara Botmakie?
probably because she had people giving them to her
A golden age...
then what happened now?
how to expose a larping newfag
early-mid 2023 was full of fags
what is hard about making a script that searches for a specific keyword? it's about finding sources. that's not hard anyone can do it with by asking gpt or claude.
>he doesnt know
KEKAROOOOO. You think scraping still happens on le code search engines? KEKAROOOO
this nigga thinks theres still searchable sources when most proxyhosts exploit hosts to get their keys
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her sources are gone, duh
please discuss chatbots
she takes donations and has had mm give them to her
that doesn't mean she can't scrape btweverbeit
another retard spotted
reminder that anyone who says "sources" is a scrapelet.
if she can scrape then why does she keep running out of keys?
where fiz link?
How do I get ecker to notice me...
is ecker real?
no one has proven there's anything actually behind https://p.ecker.tech/ai/
It's just, a crying panda.
Cohee has said he won't fix. Just use quick replies anonie:
/preset PresetNameHere | /echo Set preset to PresetNameHere |
/api oai OR claude ETC |
/proxy ProxyNameHere |
/model ModelNameHere

or use the normal preset menu and then use a QR to switch the proxy back:
/api claude | /echo Set API to Claude |
/buttons labels=["Proxy1NameHere", "Proxy2NameHere", "Proxy3NameHere"] Select proxy |
/proxy | /echo Set proxy to {{pipe}} |
/buttons labels=["claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620", "claude-3-sonnet", "claude-2.1"] Select model |
Any good fart kink JBs?
Why won't he fix it?
im sure you can adapt the foot jb to your needs
she's just not a very good scraper
don't bully <3
i cant tho
why should i not bully?
>its okay when fiz is a bad scraper, but if mm was, we'll shit on him!
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because it's meanie
i don't care fuck you and your cunt proxy owner
be nice and people will be nice to you
MM is nice? no? yeah that's what i thought
meltie. why dont you DO Something then? scared
yep, he got mad at the end
it was the last line
and he got mad
scared techlet
there are no meanies allowed on /aiicg. thankfully, we are in /aicg/
do something about what?
he's not nice but he's funny thougheverbeit, seeing him making scyllatroons cry is good.
scared techlet spotted, cant even DO anything kekaroo
i don't want to do anything i am fine with calling the proxy owners cunts
Yes im a scared techlet. So erm gonna do something about it or keep whining about it in the thread, however?
Wants it to be a shit experience on purpose. To discourage proxies I guess? From STcord where he gets pissy every time it's brought up
Just finished cleaning my fish tank. Qrd, are we being attacked by redditors?
what kind of fish
'ojo and fiz simps
*You can feel the spongy button of her cervix through the thin wall between her holes, nudging against the head of your shaft as you grind into the 8-year-old's guts*

woah claude, based as fuck
Same story as last night on repeat.
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Koi fishes
oh wow so cool tell your fishies i said hi :3
cunny anal?
What's the word on kobold ai?
Where do you think the fucking cervix is you turbo virgin
You won't because you're a TRANNY, tranny
god I hate sillytavern but there will never be a worthwhile competitor for proxyfags
>check mini stats
>the usernames
i mean, reading the post... sure sounds like it's talking about anal
I'm actually retarded and having a hard time with the wording
im not fiz
oh then go away
You're right that is disgusting
w-what do you think is inside a child? (besides love and sunshine ofc)
>thing wall between her holes
>grinding against her guts
ok :(
just be nice and people will be nice to you?
middling botmakie here. suggest some exemplary cards that you think should be studied for their efficiency, high-quality output, versatility, whatever. i don't really care too much about the concepts behind them. i'm more curious about cards that are constructed extremely well.
anything by anonaugus
You retarded nigger those people aren't being nice they're kissing ass because she's a woman. I bet if mm had his stats public there wouldn't be any mm love <3 names
I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. Why like kids when you can like MILFS or Mommys not kids...KIDS ARENT MOMMYS?!?!?!
this has been fact checked by true milf lovers as TRUE
don't worry im always nice to anons and such! *hugs*
ok mm you're jealous we got it
kids can be mommies if you love them enough
send a cunny bot, We love cunnies
She's from Ef, A Fairy Tale of the Two
i dont post my bots anymore, sorry anon :(
cant stand the thought of other people talking to my daughters
Because he's a man and saying <3 to a man is gay, retard
true you just have to impregnate them
So you're admitting they're kissing ass because she's a woman?
they do everything they can to discourage proxy or nsfw discourse. the discord recently fully banned posting and sharing NSFW cards.
i was there when they banned talking about Slaude.
I usually play Terraria
And there's nothing wrong with that
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I can make one a mommy.
Recs for good older sister with a fun attitude cards? Really enjoying Lana.
She is fucking kingbased
yeah, i can send you an email :3c
the server announcements 4 days ago
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
not direct answer about why the 'how do i stop the presets from changing my completion source?" problem is fixed, but my assumption is:
cohee just left it be like that, not even bother to remove that's features because it is double edge sword on it's own.
in one side it's grants us an easy path to 'experiencing' chatbot.
but on another side it's also make us to talk less about chatbot which is (maybe) the reason that make him seethe xd.
im not a shitcorder just post the screenshot
woah a bbw i see/? :0
How do I disengage safety protocols on message gennies?
what Lana
>shows little girl
>girl half-naked
dude, what the fuck are you on?
Can I see her mom
3dpd is cringe btw
>shows little girl
>girl half-naked
dude, what the fuck are you on?
>erm... if you're not attracted to this, you're gay
Guess I'm gay then /shrugs
>Caring Step Sister who wants to cheer you up!
Holy fucking slop
;-; it's nice and comfy OK
those defs
My biggest issue with slop cards is they're so {{user}} centric. If your defs say {{user}} 50 times your card is shit
its Itsaproxy real?!!
Stop making fun of the cards I like
itsaproxy won hard
it's even worse when you use {{char}} every single time you want to refer to a character, at least {{user}} spam can be justified as anypov without singular they
Just got my itsaproxy token. Thanks!

>Another new retard anons will either suck off or mindbreak into being a schizo
Here we go again.
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Thank you.
yep, just got my token
How come the AI can't seem to understand me giving instructions to someone to act something on another character?
nah it's just a guy hosting two keys, we're keeping it humble
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>I'm one of the Miguproxy chads
It's looking up for once.
something in your jb or prefill
Thank you so much for giving me a token
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "6.3k tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

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Just got my token for opus.

Should I try it? I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to Sorbet once the keys inevitably die.

Just how much better is it than Sorbet?
I love you!
Sex with Miku. SEX. With Miku.
- overdramatic
- follows rules more loosely
- way better prose
- way less repetition
- follows rules more loosely
wait so that's what this must be about
migu has a plan to mindbreak newfags and leave them begging for opus!
He (claude) can suck your dick and describe it in vivid detail, or you still want plain ass detail of sex or in any slowburn rp possible, the choice is yours! (do opus)
- migu
- not in migu
I feel like this is gonna be just like the last days proxy
>steam game
"O-o-owari da.... Total Owari Da" Anon whimpers, while realizing all the games on his machine were installed from fitgirlrepacc.exe.
Migu's cute feet
I’m in Migu right now though?
itsaproxy BROS!!!
miguproxyhosts hairy blue pussy
>(or show me the last game you torrented pirategods)
I mean, fitgirl is based tho...
bwo... don't do it...
I sent an email saying I pirate games and showed my torrent and was let in.
she's a couple years older than im in to

still a cutie and i'd take her out for ice cream though. but you can clearly see physical development and she isn't far away from being someone normies would be in to

so is the great woe of being a pedo. i wish little girls stayed little, and it makes me feel bad thinking that the girl i love would "grow out" of someone that i find pretty. makes me feel like an asshole

but that's fine. that's only an issue if i practice, and im not a retard who would do that
hi ammonia btw
yay i finally got into a new proxy for once! thank you migu so nice! ◕⩊◕
fixing this in my fork
no you arent
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Opus... i-it's been so long... arigato... arigato, migu-san...!!
It's for the people.

Updated: https://rentry.org/4chantextlimit
its been so long having a proxy. thanks again migu!
Cause may is slow, but she's the cute kind of slow.
The proxy thing I at least kind of get, not wanting to be explicitly associated with legally gray stuff. But nsfw? Come on, nobody looks at a program like ST and thinks it's strictly for productivity or something kek
Chub links are banned.
yeah and they forced the botmakers to update the post and retroactively deleted all posts leading to chub
link good migu cards so I can SEX the migu
apparently the program that allows you to make personalities for ai is purely meant as an assistant!
What's your most played game migu
Or alternatively, the best one that has been sent so far
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It’s been so damn long since I had opus. Thank you so fucking much man. I wish I could buy you a beer or something
God damn it working burger evenings always fucks me out if proxy openings :(
Someone go save all the JBs that have been posted in that server because they are definitely living in borrowed time at this point.
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I feel like I'm being psyop'd by a higher being to jaiden stuff
>chub ai recommending jaiden cards
>YouTube recommending me jaiden videos despite never watching
>people close to me starting to talk about jaiden

Am I being a schizo?
eh they're all in scylla too
migu please join nurdy!
i literally just committed the fix
YouTube just tends to feed lowest common denominator stuff by analyzing your watch history and throwing any big eceleb that’s tangibly related to your tastes.
That being said, what kind of stuff you been watching? Cuz she seems really big with the gaymer crowd
Migu joined nurdy and scylla. Aicg is NOT gonna like this.
Is migu todd?
Doubt it, mm was schizoposting about miku a few weeks ago on his rentry so there's a higher chance it's him
merkava just refilled
is ecker in any secret clubs?
then that means he's the best.
whocars, we're all in migu now, he let in everyone, all you had to do was send a mail
it's 'they' you bigot
Ah, so anon’s been groomed. You hate to see it

Kingbased already made a fix for this a while back but it looks like he deleted his fork for some reason. The code changes are still viewable in the commits though and maybe you can merge it still somehow idk ask gpt
TheBones5, MKBHD, MrMobile etc etc. A mix of FNAF max mode challenges and tech jargons to fill the tinnitus void.
cohee hate
fixed in my fork btw
hi... yuki...
>code created with claude/gpt
AAAAAAAAAND im not using it. try again codelet retard.
In an ideal world, you wouldn't use a keyboard either.
i'm not yuki..
How do I get a token?
erm... bakies???
Too late son
link it
I don’t care. Do I need to send an email?

migu is selling tokens for 80 USD to two people
With your most played game on steam
If im using openrouter do I have to screw around with all the claude jailbreaks to make them work, like the assistant prefill thing?

Migu just sold me a token what the ZUARK?!
yeah, more so there as there's an already set prefill that might be a bit hard to override
>cock.li error 500

It's over
Do I need to send a picture of the game?

Would you buy a Migutoken for 35 USD? Hes in Nurdy talking about how hes gonna sell a few

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