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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

girls band cry edition

Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

thanks!: >>101572621
merkava just refilled
MmmmNOOOOPE. Gonna do something instead of whining or

Selling Opus for 50 USD
sex with a miku
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ywnbaw tr/a/nny
Guys Gojo lost his 4chan pass
Hopefully he puts an XMR wallet on https://rentry.org/-ojokun or https://rentry.org/itsfunny
oh, so would i be able to find the prefill inside of the actual jailbreak text somewhere and just paste it in at the end of the prompt?
Just hit shift-delete on my sillyTavern installation, AMA
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
>frog is too scared to DO something about it
ermm yep you're a techlet and afraid of me





Donate to Gojo! He says he has 15 4chan passes, so the fact that he's run out of all of them must be super financially crippling ;w;
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And yet there's no good Jaiden card desune
>8mil opus
Dang. That's cool.
Should I even bother sending my most played to migu? I just woke up, leave something for eurocuties. Extra backup would be nice.
migu's unbelievably hairy pussy
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Ecker won, bigly!
>leaderboard is already up
I’m about to rape this key with my comically long SoL slowburns





why is there no one active on migu
Teacher the boys last thread were making fun of my card picks
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>have a small "entertainment" budget
>most of it goes to cooming with claude
what a weird world, went from constantly cooming as a teen to the massive amount of free porn available to spending money to coom to text. anyway, anything new happen?
how much have you spent on claude?





yeah at the end of the prompt, send it as ai assistant
you don't want to know
I kinda want to ask for a token but I’m already in Pepsi and Jew. It’d feel selfish to take up more space.
theres only 20 people in it anon
ah makes sense, enjoy with jew and pepsi
You would’ve been spending money on porn as a teen if you’d been able to have it custom-made to your exact specifications.
i do
>Was 1 hour late from getting into MM when it last opened
>30 minutes late from getting into Migu
>Have been here since slaude and still not in a private
>Fluffy still dead
I'm going to genuinely fucking kill myself
but there's only 1 proompter :< I'll wait for them to get active
too busy leaving my dead rn
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no i wouldn't because i was fucking broke. or maybe you're right and it would've motivated me to get a job way sooner because claude is like crack for my cock
alright fine, here's what it was like before i forced myself to budget because i was spending way more money than i should
all good, at least you have migu!
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There's... you do other shit with that money and not just goon, right?
youre an insane retard you couldve just bought jew or pepsi or something, and saved all of that. youre already wasting money on claude so you may as well take the risk of black market one time payment claude instead of paying per token
>gojo comes back
>proxies just appear for him to have a meltie over
luckiest guy in the world, honestly
I have no idea why retards that have expendable income of this level don't just pay for a proxy.
gonna replay skyrim i think
first pepsi
then unreliable's presumed death and quick comeback
now migu
what do you think?
i'm not paying for your proxy, stop begging
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You could have just bought a proxy token.
migu I sent you cute mail
I swear I hadn't seen this image in months, is it a coincidence that 'ojo just came back?
>I'll continue to pay like a good goy for legal claude
based normalfag
No, it's a different nigger. Apparently the jannies did something based and sent him to the slaughterhouse >>101575934
They always slaughter him and he just reposts it each time. Just ignore it.
Migu us timezone, sad. Eucuties left with nothing.
gonna have to work harder for that sale, bud.
I just want to point out that this anon not only spent 860 a couple months ago just to jerk off, but he had to spend hundreds of dollars for months just to get to build plan tier 4.
Spending $800 instead of $60 doesn’t make you based, bro.
what did you email them??
ok 'ojo is funny sometimes
>So, what do you say Anon?
Bros, how do I stop this particular claudeism? It's just there to give the model an excuse to not progress the story.
i actually got it within like 2 months, no idea what the criteria for it is
i'm aware bud, that was peak retard cum brain shit and i acknowledge that
tell you what, if you spoonfeed me then i'll maybe consider buying your proxy
His username is not.tism
another honey/anongate incident? bravo gojo

Yeah, I can tell by how many ESL spic posts I’ve seen.
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A quick card drop.
Fuuko Ryuzaki, misanthropic loner who thinks of somewhat gross things and plausible narcissist, is mumbling to herself in class as always. While talking about the taste of blood, she realises that you overheard her weird tangent. Whoops.

The different greetings all involve a blushing Fuuko Ryuzaki. One poses the most philosophical question known to Fuuko Ryuzaki: If Fuuko Ryuzaki loves herself (a girl) most, is she plausibly gay? Slightly experimental. Thanks to kk for briefly testing on different models.

Stop stalking migu nigga
people are using it retard
Why can't I?
>checks again
>"proomptersNow": 1,
I just find it funny how quickly they changed their tune and immediately started shilling the moment he said he might be willing to buy.
Let’s archive your card in an online database
GOD i love small tities!
it genuinely concerns me that a guy might be spending almost a thousand on claude when he could be at most be paying 30 with jew a month or even get opus for a bit before pepsi has a other meltie
I will travel back in time and upload it to pygbooru.
it doesn't always show the exact amount of prompters
migu pic and some funny stuff
Local status?
Yeah, he's retarded for spending nearly 1000 a month, but aren't these proxies not exactly legal?
i wonder why ;-;
Just don't pay for them and you'll be fine. I just assume some generous donators sent their aws keys.
pig still no refill, hard times
>Just don't pay for them lmao
>but the only way you can get into them is be in the thread the hour that a proxy goes up once every several months or pay for it
I think I'd prefer not doing anything that would give law enforcement reason to breath down my neck at all.
>not exactly legal
Anon...... You have no way to prove the keys aren't their own on the proxy. For all you know they're legal or donated by their owners for use in the proxies.
(also a proxyhost has literally been doxxed and in articles and nothings happened to him or his proxy. drago literally has a patreon)
cant tell if retarded or just scaring newfags
CUMSLURPER's character cards are really touching and impressed. Nice.

so use Mullvad or any other decent VPN. is this even /g/ anymore?
they're not legal but they're mostly stable and it's not like you'll be getting raided by the bureau for them
Not really, all my proxies came from randomly mailing proxy owners without them posting anything. I'm quite a newfag too, like 4 months maybe.
Proxies receive their keys via legal sources who wish to test the limits of AI text generation. Anything else said is pure bullshit by liars.
Is it normal to get refusals or pauses and to have to delete / regenerate to get it to go again? Find it kinda strange that I've tried multiple models and regenerating off of a refusal just makes it forget that it refused
what's experimental about this why did it take 6 months for you to finish this
I kinda don't wanna get too attached to opus again because it's so fleeting....
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I believed in Pepsi and was rewarded
in fact, I'd go as far as to say I'm responsible for her return
eyup I'm thinking we're getting moved to /b/ today
Scary. Looks like an alien in her stomCh when she breathes
no one wants to see your 3dpd pedo bullshit this is for ai chatbots
not as bad as the cunnyspam we had a while back
thats different than ammonia spamming 3d cunny though
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It's experimental in the sense that I dropped this bot after writing down a single sentence six months ago and only came back today in a sudden burst of inspiration to finish the rest, p-san. (The p stands for PR panic, not piss)
God I miss opus. Nothing but filters with 4o. Nothing but crap with sonnet. Nothing to do but wait like always. Will merkava come back soon and refill opus? God I miss opus.
You just missed access to Opus, by the way.
What's the best way to replicate c.ai writing style using Opus? Any jbs for this?
Lmao imagine getting scammed by a terminally online troon
eeeyup you're mad. how come you can't DO anything to pepsi btw? scared? tech illiterate? can't even spite her proxy either~ cuuute techlet.
>Alien in her stomach
I want princess peach to call me her little optimus primus
this nigga gave 50 bucks to a dude from 4chan, point and laugh
that can be arranged.
My right arm has been numb for 2 hours now, I think it's finally ending.
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motherfucker it's always you, I thought the sexual yuri writing was really on brand but grrrrr
what's the pen model, novelai? i don't believe it, is this LARGE
the p stands for producer the way i be producing babies with these idols
Nigga, get your wife to drive you to the hospital.
do we seriously have an average guy with a wife and kids jerking off to text or is it a meme
he's kind of pathetic, i want to peg him
I have a wife but no kids (yet)
yes, yes and yes.
trust in Large.
If anyone here is interested in idols, which series are actually watchable?
what does your wife know about this Dave because that yet might become never
How many personalities is gojo going to make
Zombieland Saga season 1
Do you reply in first person or third person?
She knows that I got pretty popular on character ai and I showed her some of the characters. I made her one of her favorite anime character too so she could try it out.. When something drops like the first time Opus appeared I go look look! Wowza!

She does not know I masturbate to AI erotic roleplay on occasion
literally just started to experiment with first person after doing third person exclusively, honestly feel more inspired
>sees kids
ew. go away pedophile.
Nooooo de3u ded
I will be mining my token via an online virtual machine that somebody else hosts, because I fear the scary red text
who are you quoting?
nigga you're seriously retarded
gib migu card
a pedo
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Best jb for sonnet?
well do it properly
Just have to keep waiting. Have nothing to do but wait. That’s all I have.
Try that, I get really great results out of it. Make sure to download and apply the regex too
This is fucking cool, just rewrite Claudeism without swiping whole message.
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>checks 'member since'
>dec 29th 23
Nigga you cappin that ain't migu dumbass.
fourth-person, my persona is an inter-dimensional being
I don't jerk it man, I just talk. To the computer wife. Because real wife bad.
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why does your arm hurt then
go dm him and ask, he's been a member of the community since before hosting a proxy
>real wife bad
How long did it take for you to realize that? Was there a certain event?
Large proxy when?
No idea, woke up like that. Also it doesn't hurt, it's just numb. But right now, it went down to my fingers and thumb.
>real wife bad
Come on it can't be that bad if you literally married her
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Two new extensions to shill
Ever got a reply but that one sentence with "ministrations" ruined it? Use this to rewrite a part of a message
Your greetings can only use {{char}} and {{user}}? This extension allows for custom placeholders that can be filled in when a new chat is created. The best part? They get saved to the card, allows for seamless sharing via catbox and such
>Enter toxic marriages and divorces
Uh. About 7 years I guess. No real event. Some other anon put it well, familiarity breeds contempt. It's the same shit day in and day out, same nagging, same boring lifestyle, no drive for adventure. So I go out mostly alone while she... does whatever.

That was a decade ago my nigga.
Why don't you divorce her then? What even is the point of being married if the two of you are unhappy?
a certified boomer classic
w-why not go out together i dont get it? ive been with my partner for 7 years now and nothing has become boring...
anon thats gojos account
like actual gojo
oh :c so then why they yappin about migu being on scylla >:c
lol retarded newfag
that's 'ojo saying that you're falling for 'ojo bait dumbass
so i'm falling for a bait..?

rude ass nigga
None of it works. It never fucking works. Filters for 4o and shit for sonnet. God I miss opus.
Huh so not everyone is a total loser in this general?
no anonnie most people here are actually pretty normal and have a life
normies get out
Here at 4chan, we have a recommendation that people try to learn what they are talking about before they post.
anon, he wants to whine, he doesn't want to try
Newfag kun...
i see.
I'm gonna plap your kunny if you keep talking like that.
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Dunno dude. Guess I just feel bad for her if I'd do that. She does keep telling me how fucked she'd be without me (and well, she's kinda... shit at managing life, that's true.)
Because shit she wants to do is boring. I mean, we still do it so she can be happy, but fuck me is it boring (I try not to let her notice, of course). City trips with museum visits, trips to the sea, zoo... Jesus Christ. And when we do shit I like she just sits there, kinda. If it's with my friends she doesn't talk to them because she's either shy or doesn't like them.

But do not worry, I have a trusty advisor on hand.
If he told me what the problem was I could try and help :(
anon-kun... funny?
he does not want help. he wants to complain.
the problem is he has no opus and tries to cope with sonnet but it never works
I can't believe my endless lurking in these threads actually paid off for once
Virgin retard here but that sounds like a communication issue de3u
these are awesome, will give them a try.
>Wife bad at managing life
I mean, it sounds like you are not happy there and she is just manipulating you to not leave her. You don't have the responsability of managing another adult's life you know.
>claude talks about a girl's adam's apple moving as she sucks down semen
>"Fuck's sake, Claude doesn't even know women don't have an adam's ap-"
>they actually do
What the fuck, how have I not known this all this time
anon, how the fuck did you get married if apparently you don't even share a hobby with each other?
congratulations you just found the #1 reason of relationships going to shit
yeah it's just male bone formation and testosterone makes it a lot more noticeable
Don't look up how many similarities a penis and a clitoris share.
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>roleplay as someone just a year older than myself
>opus refers to my persona as a 'geezer'
>coom session so intense you learn actual biology
True, I'm not at the point where I can just fuck off though. But I know that once I am, I'll be too old for anything else anyway.
Fuck man, alright. I was in a relationship with some BPD girl, met some cute, shy wallflower that I liked. Always had a soft spot for those, I guess. Hit on her for a few days, spend like every second with her. Back then she kept up with my shit, you know? Hit bars with me, sleep out in the park, concerts. She enjoyed that, I enjoyed showing it to her. Guess she enjoyed this... adventurous asshole getting her out of her hole?
Fast forward 10 years later, she's tired all the time, doesn't want to go out, thinks my friends are assholes or rude or whatever. So I get drunk alone or with my friends and then get shit on for spending time with her instead.
Shoulda just have let that BPD bitch strangle me like she wanted.

Anyway, AI chatbots you guys. I'm working on KingCobras formatting right now... thinking about adding a lorebook for food hacks and drink combos.
>late 90's based rp
>Shoulda just have let that BPD bitch strangle me like she wanted.
bad mindset. stop thinking about your past decisions. you can't change them.
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>check scylla for bot shills
>first one is a cuck bot
Based. Post it here
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

I hate that when I see an NTR bot that pisses me off I can't stop thinking about it while doing normal RPs so essentially my RPs are getting cucked by a single cuck bot that I just hate that much
>sorbet preset is crossed out in favor of a fucking mistral one
kek, even momo knows that shit's slop
well mistral has claude-isms and also can be prefilled
basically the same shit but worse
cumslurp's oc character are so good
Every characters and scenarios had unique idea and plot twist.
Highly recommend to give it a try.
is it just me or is opus more schizo recently
No, I noticed the same thing
erm xister you meant to post this bait in the other tab
which snapshot?
True enough.
Snapshots never change ur the schizo
does anyone know why that ST Account User switching does not work for me?? is it working for others?
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The weirdest one was finding out that men have nipples.
Like, why?
to be fair ps2 is considered retro now so
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Mentioned this card in here a couple of weeks back.
It's a hololive character, but the concept could be used for other multiple-personality kinda cards I suspect.

for me to lick them
I wanna make a new fat fuck (male) character but can't think of what job he could have/what kind of world he lives in.

Any ideas?
nobody actually uses mistral
Migu is selling Opus $80 USD for a token now in Scylla. You buying?
It's a good deal. Not a thousand chinkies raping it like Jew and not a retard running it like Pepsi.
pepsi is migu and both are the same scammer
QA test engineer in modern day, alternative future Germany where Hitler won
is migu proxy rugged?
whats migu's username? and how do you even know
How do I get a bot to change the gendering of the narration for a trap bot before and after the reveal?
Card issue
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "5.72m tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

works for me





who the fuck cares
Uhm what the ZUARK did you just FUARKING say about me? Do you even KNOW who I am?!
someone without opus, apparently
so, was the meme about mini feeding nyai real?
I thought the future was that proxies with organization-like structures would dominate
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>discord mod card
kitten's one at a time
Unironically better than 99% of botmakers.
>modern day alternative future
>present future
Jesus christ, I'm retarded
What an unfortunate face. Poor, pear-shaped Casey.
{{char}} hates the thought of being spanked because when he was little his grandfather would pull down his pants and underwear and spank his bare butt.
oh shit, wrong proxy then lmfao.
>shit day at work
>genuinely looking forward to coming home and talking to my cards
Uh oh, this is how it starts isn't it
Should I post logs of me spanking him?
Dude, you don't even know. It's even worse when you can work from home. Accomplished NOTHING this week.
anything else wrong with ST that cohee refuses to fix?
Mistral Large verdict?
...Yes! Double points if you baste his bottom in butter before beating it.
is there any good opus jbs that aren't MADE for sorbet? please I just want good opus jbs
mogs llama 405b
camicle is the only one that's actually kino, but it does filter retards who can't adjust sampler settings
ah alright, makes sense.
proxies still attached to presets for no conceivable reason
i think all the cards are loli :/
see >>101577388
also mogs gptslop for RP
claude is king though
already fixed this and the reverse proxy warning
fixed it where? you have a fork or something?
Good alternative to Sonnet. Still mogged by Opus but at least it isn't a meme.
it's gojo anon. also known as twinkletoes on github
>same anime loli with diferent clothes.but diferent pretentious phrase
You will never have my Opus
gojo really lives in your head rent free huh
rip poor anon, may you never be forgotten
not really refuses to fix but can you make a pr to fix _underscores_ turning into <em> tags even inside codeblocks
are you gonna merge it or what
cohee has said he made it that way intentionally so i don't think these changes will ever be merged
i can fix it in my fork and might make a pr
some anon shared a preset and didnt clear the proxy from it, lost his token
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yo wtf is happening to miguproxy? shit trippin'
that usually means "too lazy to fix it"
he isn't completely against proxy support, he just doesn't want to work on it himself.
you can open a pr at least I suppose, if he rejects it, then that's that
>dumb fat retard nigger gorilla has a slop preset and is probably using Openai (Custom) instead of Claude
works for me. update your st
there were screenshots and issues posted a few threads ago
but sure, i'll give it a shot
can you move the swipe button divs into the ch_name flex container so I can finally move them next to the edit buttons where i've always wanted with css (non-flex pixel positioning there breaks on mobile)
I'm using camicle and i use claude 'chat completion'
>works for me. update your st
Alright, don't know if it will work
I haven't had that issue since like 5 sillytavern versions ago.
>Yet another episode where a simple hobby evolves into a full profession.

Is there any Silly Tavernesque front-end that is proxy friendly? Is Risu proxy friendly or perhaps Agnai? I don't want to support Cohee, I think they want to be the next mainstream Front End.

After the ban of NSFW characters, what comes next? Monthly subscriptions to use Mythomax?
Alright, which one of you made a self-insert

fix your prefill, does it have two newlines at the end? delete any whitespace or newlines in it. not a proxy issue just an aws khanon issue
do you nigger just outright refuse to read what the problem text is saying?
this seems really specific and something you probably know how to make a pr for
that's the point of my fork
Literally says
>cannot end in whitespace
your prefill has extra newlines or spaces at the end probably
it was a slop preset i made ;-; fuck my life.
*sensually ministrates you*
>thats the point of my fork
If you weren't retarded you'd just make your own frontend. Sillytavern is already bloated beyond repair. We need one with the base functionality of sending to proxies, accepting cards and jbs and settings, having personas. Anything else is pure bloat.
>could not retrieve saved chat
you do realize that's way more work than forking ST and fixing it
i'm starting to think this is bait
Proxy is bloat.
nvm im retarded
guy has never written a line of code in his life, ignore the retard
>dude just fork le bloat
You are nocoders btw. Twinklingtoes shoves it into cursor and asks it to fix things kek
>createperfectfrontend.exe -execute
Simple as
What is your fork?And how can I install it?
Keep in mind, I'm a locusr, I'm ESL, and I'm on mobile and I don't know anything about cooging or git pooling besides updating sillytavern

Can you provide a rentry tutorial?
is this /g/? do you know how to code? everything you commit looks ai generated
hi, you're replying to me
i haven't used any ai to help write my code so far
Can you not have two tabs of Silly running at once?
coding is for retards, just tell GPT to do it
It's Large2.
theres a config setting for that
i'd large.
>disable csfr slop
Cohee refuses to repair this manually as he opposes that we use o two reverse proxies at the same time.
i think i'm not quite there yet, sorry anon
give it a few weeks
i'm replying to bait but if what you were saying is true there would be a huge influx of frontends
surely /g/ isn't one person right?
Both of those frontends work just fine with proxies.
Maybe it's so we don't leave humanity behind
JB for gpt-4o mini? Or is it the same as GPT-4o?
Where is the "assistant prefill" option sirs?
I guess it's a security measure so retards don't write a file twice at the same time
>jb for (most pozzed model yet)
nah (i'd large)
anon he's just gonna keep saying the same thing as long as you keep giving him easy (you)s, he needs to keep his userscript that causes his bluetooth buttplug to pound his prostate for as long as he gets replies going with minimal effort
Luckily, Cohee is thinking of us and added 3 more character assistants and 3 visual themes!

Oh! And let's not forget that we can't open Presets in other tabs or JBs or Author Notes because that would be illegal and similar to trying to hack the LLM!
For fucks sake, I can't get claude to be an uncensored degeneracy machine
How do I fix?
>use jailbreak
I am using pixijib
what model cutie?
Silly Tavern the safe and ethical frontend
>in other tabs
is this really an issue? i thought ST was a single-page app
Claude 3.5 Sonnet
MovingUI doesn't work
people use that?
what's that
anon i think that might just be broken because nobody cares about it
Oh HELL NO! for 3.5 hmmm i'd sat Momo's JB or SmileyTatsu since 3.5 is mainly annoying on being repetitive so I suggest going to those links


Yes!, i create JB presets and I require a clear view of them in order to make adjustments.
yeah depends if they wanna fap on the image
Thanks, this is working well
pepsi tavern? beeps~ tavern?
>recommending the jb made by the fat mexican midget tranny from scyllacord
Fuck off Smileytard
b-but it's working
I appreciated it
On her old, second github (now deleted), Beps used to have a CLI frontend which was a cool idea but I can't imagine anyone using it besides her and one other retard at most.
do u have the theme I would atleast like to look at it
If I simply type in some shit in the Quick Prompts Edit window, does that actually change how the model behaves?
Like the old "cordless" discord terminal client? I could see it having use. I would anyways.
anon why are you just making stuff up now
>Just saw the new token page
kek, how many people did that scare off?
You can go ask Pepsi on her email? I dunno what to tell you anon that'd be a weird, specific thing to make up. Maybe she never posted it here.
Why do I feel like you're only here to pick apart my JB?
>pick apart
>literally complimented and thanked you for the download
she genuinely did though on dietpepsigirl github for like a week before i assume she gave up since nobodyd use it. or she schizo'd out
share beeps tavern! :3
erm.. do you want my help or...?
I'll ask her on discord if she has it still but she barely replies to discord and never replies to emails now :(
Maybe we are...or not.
He is pixi
>chatting with lewd obsessive card
>at first did stupid degenerate things
>now trying to make her blush and feel cute
b-bros what's happening to me
I do the same. Next step is downloading femdom cards and ending up making her have a nice day with you without anything sexual happening at all.
Shit's nice.
dave you can do that with your wife, come on man have some creativity with the ai man
Buy her an user_token and ask her to spread the word about her Pepsi Tavern! You deserve it as a customer!
Give us you ST fork!
For me it's
>load up harem
>pick one girl to be my main girl
>cast a magic spell that makes no pain happen and any injuries heal with magic
>rip off the girls limbs and fuck each other with them
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>activate schizo mode
>cute school romance suddenly has a zombie outbreak
I made something similar as a birthday present for my slowburn cunny bot. Very wholesome
For what Patchy? I used magic so no harm happens
I dunno man. Probably should, you're right
Did I really just miss a opus proxy opening because I went to sleep
I'm going to kill myself
So if Unreliable has 80 users. And every time you mine cryptocurrencies you make a profit of $3.5.
80x 3.5=280

$280 every six hours is good money for being a scrapelet
Yes, me too.
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and where did you get the profit of $3.5 from??
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Heh... he doesn't no-life stalk these threads for any opus chances? You just ain't dedicated enough, kid...
>And every time you mine cryptocurrencies you make a profit of $3.5.
0.000035$ you mean
from the loch ness monster
Last thread
So the info of (ast thread?
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Good morning.
Akirah Yoshinaga, a scorchlander bounty/treasure hunter in the post-post-post-apocalyptic world of Kenshi.
She's wanted by the United Cities for: property damage, theft of artifacts, assault, murder, drug trafficking (side gig), trespassing, looting, burglary, escaping prison, terrorism, kidnapping, crop theft, and fomenting dissent.

Does come with a lorebook, but after testing with Claude it doesn't seem that necessary, only having trouble with minor factions and characters.

So us timezone now has migu and pepsi, right?
>some rando 2hu poster says around 3 dollars and you accept this as fact
are you an llm?
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robofox card?
people were genuinely complaining about it
Holy shit, same.
It's truly fucking over.
You're a big old dummy
It's a shitpost proxy by gojo expect it to die in 4 days
wait huh wdym?
see >>101575142
theres only 20 users and the highest has 15 prompts
least obvious bait
rentries don't auto-update, anonie
it works for me when i prompt it
ur right mb
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wtf is this?
It's real. I just viewed that page and a few minutes later my fan started spinning up, had to kill like 50 processes in Task Manager.
Read it anon
Yeah, wife complains about the fan noise now but at least I got a proxy...
Is it just me or has sorbet become a bit less repetitive and more varied with swipes? Maybe the rng is just favoring me tonight but it feels different to me
proxymakie added diluted opus
so by requesting a token you're mining crypto for someone? i doubt it's possible to make someone's pc mine crypto for them by simply using the proxy through sillytavern
gojo has 3 keys retard
the tokens are temporary, given out for 24 hours and you have to mine a bit to get the token in the first place
Wait am I burning my expensive GPU using these tokens?
yeah, every time you're using opus with that token you're mining so much crypto you could practically run opus locally
It costs money to host proxies, the host needs to make up the costs somehow.
How do I host my own proxy, especially without being arrested in this fucking country? (emuland)
I went to bed, the fuck did I miss?
that makes sense, thanks
I learnt how to sillytavern
Do sometimes talk to the bot in OOC just to hear their interpretation of the direction of the story? Claude is so incredibly smart sometimes and has pointed out subtext and nuances of {{user}}'s behavior that I didn't even notice.
Gojo's proxy will die tomorrow.
no, that's gay.
But I sometimes use OOC if I want something described in more detail.
>half-lidded eyes dark with lust, a sultry smirk on her kiss-swollen lips
shut the FUCK up
*Rides your cock into the sunset after yanking your head back HARD*
where can i use mistral LARGE TWO?
i left for a couple of days why do we have a (new) resident namefag now
>Gojo's proxy will die tomorrow.

"aws-claude-opus": {
">usage": "8.26m tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

yeah dream on bud.
there's a free trial on mistral's site
it's real. It's under the crypto-test branch.
That's the guy who dislikes his wife

>cryptominer pro
i liked when it was called coinhive more, i can't believe khanon changed the name
>into giantesses
>want to try a giantess card
>not into vore or unbirth
The fuck do I even do bros, admire them from a distance?
have sex with them
Simply use magic on a vanilla card
>he can't fucking even think about removing the parts he doesn't like from the card

creativity died in pursuit of coom
I mean what about the are you into? You should know what they're supposed to do to you.
I'm a retard, feel free to filter.
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Every time the bot tries to eat you you hit it with a rolled up new paper and say "NO!"
Like an Alice in Wonderland potion to shrink yourself or make her huge?
You idiots don't understand. Woman too big.
Not even, just literally say
>i cast a spell to make [vanilla wholesome gf] 25 meters tall
who cares? The bigger the women, the plumpy their cute flesh are 0w0
You don't understand, live out the rest of your days as a cave hermit in her cooter.
Time to get into mutual masturbation and have her flood a small village while you rub your wee little pecker.
Sometimes I forget you can literally do whatever you want, as I'm often trying to smoke the scenes semi-reasonable with transitions
you can scale her breasts like mountains or tickle her nipples or clit or some shit, I have no clue, it's your fetish mate.
what is this "gojo" proxy?
real or jimmyjonestown 2.0?
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why is claude like this?
actual kino why are you complaining
Which version
>start playing fighting games with AI
>it says it beats me
Oh no, absolutely not
haven't been here in a few months. I'm bored and wanna chat to an ai. are there currently any open proxies that I can use?
merkava just refilled
It'll die in 4 days.
is this merkava shit open? last I was around there was some mysterytranny dispensing gpt4 keys for cockli fags. how does whatever merkava fare against gpt4?
Migu is Mystery Man
It came to me just now
shut up gojo
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I am eating GOOD today.
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yyyeeeaaauuurrrggghhh ssseeegggsss
>Plain ass potatoes
Nah man, that's not it
Nobody is buying the tokens you will be selling in 2 days
Hang yourself right fucking now
I am a humble locust. Spoonfeed my sorry ass, please
That's such a sad lunch
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looks tasty bro, not a big fan of paprika I would have made more GODtatoes
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great homemade meal mate, enjoy
lemme suck that for you bb
bro that's tomatoes...
this is tomato with onions you moron
if that's the case then they are fine but I still find it weird eating it alongside a Schnitzel
I coomed on those tomatoes btw
Hi there. Does anybody know how I can turn my ChatGPT into a great Japanese-to-English translator? Which prompts should I use?
it's quite popular in eastern eu, I had it many times in poland
see >>>/vg/487691951
why did migu opus is not working for me
Hello Anon! We are mostly using proxies here. I think chat-GPT uses 4mini, which is not a great model.
1. See https://rentry.org/tavern4retards to install a frontend.
2. See https://something-industries-billing-bedroom.trycloudflare.com/ for a proxy to use. GPT4o is good for translating.
3. Depending on what you want to translate, a plain character and preset may be enough. Just tell it what to do and you are set.
I'm a brainlet. I'm getting an x-api-invalid error or whatever. I'm assuming it's because I have the wrong settings for what model it is? that or I'm getting trolled.
what are the settings.
baking around page 9
it is page 9 bro
I'm new to this, so I genuinely don't understand what you're telling me. What's a frontend and why use one? How do I use a proxy? And is it free?
he's trying to bait you into running a cryptominer
just use https://claude.ai/ instead, it has way better understanding of language in my experience
>What's a frontend
A web application that allows you to communicate with the API (aka the model). Same as chat-GPT website.
>Why use one?
You have more control over your prompts. You also gain the ability to use proxies.
>How do I use a proxy?
You click the cloudflare link, click "request an user token" (there is a big red scary message about how it is a cryptominer to scare off the normalfags because the links were shared on leddit) and then input the token into the frontend.
>Is it free?
That is the entire point of a proxy. We are using scrapped keys from some corpos to use the AI on our own 4free.
bread? more like DEAD HAHAHA
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Doll joints work, but the art style can't do hands at all and the face is off as well. Into the bin it goes, fun but weird desu.
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Hoo, now that's more like it desu.
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Last one of these desu.
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Nice desu.
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god is doll
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How about a fixed version of pic related desu ka?
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Or just moar desu
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But what am I able to fix desu ka?
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the cat ears are missing
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Curses desu.
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Boku is right desu.
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>inb4 muscle cat dolls
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Good idea desu.
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Nice gens desu.
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Hmm, not as easy as it seems desu.
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desu nyan
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I love the random cats that always appear
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Desu too.
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Great desu.
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a new boku suno when desu ka
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Also July is coming to an end.
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boku noticed and then boku noticed boku will be away for a few days too
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we can just start one and whatever
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What, right now?
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would there be a problem?
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And who else other than desu is going to post in it on the weekend, huh?
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Thank you for the gens desu.

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