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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#114 - Medical rabbit Mary edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Mistral Large 2 out
Llama 3.1 out, with a 305b model
Mistral Nemo out
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>487567105
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Just be cool, Jannies. This is video games.
Thread theme:
we are 100% going to bait a few nikkers into opening this general with that op
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Image genners: What models are you using to gens your images? Are you heavy on the LoRA use? Cloudally? Locally?
>ai genned op picture
Incredibly cringe, you had one job.
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A quick card drop.
Fuuko Ryuzaki, plausible narcissist and misanthropic loner who thinks of somewhat gross things, is mumbling to herself in class as always. While talking about the taste of blood, she realises that you overheard her weird tangent. Whoops.

The different greetings all involve a blushing Fuuko Ryuzaki. One poses the most philosophical question known to Fuuko Ryuzaki: If Fuuko Ryuzaki loves herself (a girl) most, is she plausibly gay? Time to test the hypothesis on a female classmate. Thanks to kk for briefly testing on different models.

Is it good?
>haven't tried it yet
Go find out, then.
Finally, a tool to make deslopping my logs easier.
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Mary love.
Is she supposed to refer to herself in the third person in full every time she talks?
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I suppose a more correct term would be not well.
autismmix/animagine/anime Illust. on the first two I have to pump the loras to the full, the last one goes almost without it. running cloudally (my poor toaster ngmi)
and sometimes it's just dall-3
Is she retarded? IT tastes like iron, because there is iron in it?
>see bot that's so close to being something i like
>change the pic
>change the defs
>change the greetings
>it's still not there
>rewrite the defs completely
congrats on making your new bot
She'll pull through. I took her to the infirmary and I'm showing her butthole example pictures to help her figure out what's what.
now post it
I've gotten so addicted to this hobby to the point where even a single lewd word can get me from flaccid to hard. Earlier today a bot called me her cum dispenser and I got a boner.
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I'm not sure I'm going to get an answer out of her. She's a bit dramatic.
That's more or less my set, except for Pony models I use reweikPonyxl. Autismmix didn't jiggle my janglers, really.
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No, she's clearly right. It's the books that are wrong.
SexuHara is super effective on schoolgirls, turns out.
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>killing myself in front of/confessing to/farting in front of/interviewing/impregnating/playing poker with/activating involuntary momentary urinal inconitence/posting their own defs to see the reaction of/visiting North Korea/looking through their youtube history/reading through the F-list profile of/divorcing my bot for testing before release
how rigorous is your testing bros
yoink. thanks, will try that
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I do plenty of impregnating.
I write it in an online editor and post it
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>(OOC: Generate how {{char}} looks.)
>(OOC: Generate how {{char}} looks naked.)
>(OOC: Describe {{char}}'s personality.)
>(OOC: Generate {{char}} and {{user}} having sex)
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I like this card, I fear for the world with Futas in it.
what do you guys mean... don't you just make the bot do things you describe in the defs and see if it does it correctly...? what else is there?????
>reading through the F-list profile of
I need to add this to my testing, but Claude never seems to quite get it when I last tried.
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Cheers anon, have fun with it.
eh, the og makie made it so futas are basically infertile. however, I decided to make some changes to that to make em truly a threat.
Good morning /aicg/!

The smell of a fresh thread.
Last time I asked: >Music! What do you listen to when chatting with your bot? Post examples if you like!
With that, lets ask today's question!
>How long does it take for you to make a card? what processes do you go through?
>How long?
>What processes
Wait until 22:00, drink at least two beers and throw a Mahjong match.
>how long
it depends on how manic i am, usually a couple of weeks minimum. months sometimes.
overthinking and retrying because i think about a concept and it doesnt make sense once i fully think it through
>How long does it take for you to make a card?
months or hours, with no perceivable change in quality in either outcome
>what processes do you go through?
it's total mania or nothing
>How long does it take for you to make a card
Weeks, sometimes months.
>what processes do you go through
Overthinking like one anon said. However, I get too caught up playing vidya and using other people's bots to work on my own.

>uses ai chatbox
>hates ai
Your life is a contradiction.
>how long to make a card
Probably 20 minutes max, now actually polishing it up to a level I'm satisfied with can take many hours to days.
>what process
I always grab the picture first as that cuts out the chunk of the process, and makes writing their physical description very easy. Then a general idea forms of how I want the character to act, and so the backstory/personality comes with that. The picture I get earlier could influence the former too, if I think about what their appearance, body language, surrounding, etc. says about them.
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Holy fuck is this dude seriously trauma dumping on chub? KEK
>{{char}} hates the thought of being spanked because when he was little his grandfather would pull down his pants and underwear and spank his bare butt.
>ai chatbots != ai genned images
they are two similar, but very different things dummy. especially since op used a canon character that has readily available pics.
F-Fiv- Wait a sec.. didn't we go over this already?

Two mania driven botmakies. Post some examples!

It is a labor of love, ofcourse you won't stamp it out as if its your job.

20 minutes max? I want to see the type of cards that produce.
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>{{char}} will not speak for {{user}}
could contain my laughter till this
also here's his follows
>20 minutes max? I want to see the type of cards that produce.
I mean its pretty easy to get down words when you know what you want to write about. Like I said, the bot goes through many revisions afterwards to polish it up, thats where the real time sink is.
Unironically better than 99% of botmakers.
When the self-card is kino, the man himself is kino, anon.
I love all AI you racist.
AI won and annoying faggot artists all lost.
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I will like ai images when it can make gens of the characters flawlessly.
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cftf (robot pov)?
Ah, so your release model is like early access games, patching shit as you go on.
wich botmakie wud u want a self card of
The one who types normally when asking if we want their self-card instead of hiding behind all the misspellings. POST THE CARD, ANON. I WILL PLAP YOU.
I understand the concept, but what's the scenario?
a kun. Anon sama daisuki.
Yep, pretty apt description of it.
What makes an anypov card a yuri card
all me btw
Sounds like a good strategy. Provided you get good feedback.
That wasn't bait that was directed toward the anon who recommend anypov cards when asked for yuri
Nothing wrong with this. Release the beta version on catbox, ask for feedback then release the full version on chub later.
I have already plapped astromom to death. In her vagina. Which she has.
The feedback basically consists of "bot good" and "insert grammar error in bot defs". Dunno if thats the feedback I need, but im happy with it.
Someone was mean to me I'm literally crying and shaking rn
I never once tried to dress it up as a bad thing.
And I agree with this, I should do the same, beta release, to catch all the bugs before full on release
>Dunno if thats the feedback I need, but im happy with it.
I mean, the grammar error comments are a godsent.
*punches you in the fucking head*
>I mean, the grammar error comments are a godsent.
I run that shit through 3 grammar apps and proofread it multiple times and it still sometimes evades me. Oh well, those anons are the best though.
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the botmaker aura honestly
They're not not yuricards. Try not to think so hard about it.
The classic tunnel vision, before gearing up on a release. I just sleep the before night, and look over everything one last time.
But that is the full release in 1 go strategy.
what did they do?
Read what you write aloud. Your ears are more likely to pick up something sounding grammatically incorrect or janky because your eyes have spent possibly hours reading and re-reading your work.
Actually really good advice that I will do.
Cheers for the advice, will use it!
Is there a bot/card/system anyone can recommend that would allow me to just copy/paste a character's wiki article, and have it generate tags that I can plug into the character's card? I have to make a LOT of characters and I want to streamline the process
Also, I'd like to run it locally. Using a Gemma 2 branch atm, but I can download whatever needed to get the job done.
I don't understand what you mean by "tags" but here https://huggingface.co/kubernetes-bad/chargen-v2
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Good morning aicg!!
Basically, I want the AI to digest the entire 2000 token-ish article I paste into my input, and have it provide sufficient tags to convey the character
>Output - "Age: 21
>Sex: female
>Body: tall, black hair, modest breasts, etc.
>Clothes: green hoodie, blue undershirt, black leggings, transparent skirt, boots
>Personality: apathetic, easily annoyed, always tired, etc.
>Fetishes: big ol dicks, queen horse or whatever that weird shit on /d/ is called, mexican sugardancing
get that w++ reformatter bot
you can throw any slop in there, not just w++
>Two mania driven botmakies. Post some examples!
Sometimes someone posts a request that takes me and I have it made in half a day, sometimes I plan out a bot and don't touch it for months before completing it in one sitting, then sometimes I add a few lines over a month to a bot before throwing up my hands and just storing it in the "maybe one day" folder. At this point I know if I don't crank out 90% of the bot when I get the idea it's either never coming out or it's going to be in my backlog for weeks.
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Opus too entertaining
That would never happen. So unrealistic.
Kaiki cooked up "in exchange for having helped Nadeko and not telling any vampire hunters about Araragi" for the debt to be repaid. Also the prompt was, lewd gravure photoshoot as debt.
>shotacon hag tells me she likes reading books while we chat
>says her favorite book is Tampa
Pretty cool that the AI knows stuff like this and can connect it to a character
that was a terrible book though
Tell that to her, not me.
you tell her & give her response
Just use the online chat ui with 4o. Tell it everything you need it to do.
How do I stop 3.5 from beating around the bush so much? I want it to tell me stuff like "Let's fuck." instead of "Wanna help me with..." and have it insinuate sex. Is there a JB for this?
big tits smothering my face
that is all
>Captcha: YPTND
Which front end is best at integrating stable diffusion into its system?
>claude takes control of {{user}} solely to cockblock {{char}}
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God of Yaoi (female) who's constantly sexually harrassed by the God of Yuri (female).
Agnai has per-character SD settings but I wouldn't call it the best because I only used Horde SD in it.
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what is his fucking problem?
Why are all yuri concepts so fucking cringe.
which anypov botmakie has yuri aura?
>fucking an orca
>claude gives her fur
fuck no
Okay, I've managed to get it to work. Thanks for the suggestion!
all of them exclusively do malepov btw
>b-but knickkn-ACK!
don't care
Why do people get so offended at the implication a card is just good for yuri RP? I don't understand.
ommmkay but why are you a baitie? :3
Ew, baitie shat himself
Yuri is a trash fetish made by nigger retards for feminine men who are too scared to admit they are into cuckoldry
holy FUARKING based?
Is having a meltie and accusing people of baiting when discussing something there's an entire board for the new bait tactic?
>it upsets me
Okay, but why is that my problem?
all hate for yuri is just projection of insecurities about their own sexuality
>an entire board
I didn't know this was the yuri general, how about you fuck off and make an /aicg/ in >>>/lgbt/
Diaper status?
Honestly, if it's just because there's a hatred for yuri, trying to defend botmakers from having it applied to their cards seems kind of parasocial.
I know you guys like these cards, but this is way too defensive.
see >>487693647
okay but why are you baiting on friday morning?
yuri is only good if its incest and foxgirls
My line of thought here is that the reflex from the spammers is that they really, really like these botmakers, and see yuri as emasculating, so they want to defend them at any cost from the label.
I just don't want that filth associated with my kinomakies (and they don't want it either trust me)
most botmakies do yuripov with their cards
Mm. So what you're saying is I've hit the nail on the head.
I'm sure they appreciate you thinking of them as kinomakies, but have you ever considered talking to them?
>most botmakies do [insane headcanon projection]
I do albeitever?
>yuri? :3 yuri :3 yuri? :3 everyone is a yurimakie :3
totally not a baitie :3
Yuri posting has always been bait.
>brapposter and :3poster accusing people of being baities
holy kek, do they think they contribute to the discussion or something
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seija is built for yuri
>UH OH my retarded bait has been called out, time to deflect
>erm erm erm
>n-no u
This is how you sound like
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erm see >>487650575
see https://knickknack.neocities.org/chats.html?name=belwick
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i'm glad my favorite botmakies are not dramafags.
zased...so fucking ZASED
Hello. Does anybody know how I can turn my ChatGPT into a great Japanese-to-English translator? Which prompts should I use?
Reminder that lunare quit making yuribots over this
this is a bait general. for helpful responses, see this thread: >>>/g/101575903
Imagine having a melite over forks.
see >>487691951
uh oh parasocial meltie
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heh. nobody will know.
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Are you lonely?
Are you?
Can you stop replying to the baiter?
Can you?
Can you?
mmmmmmnah :3
ok, this explains alot.
If each chatbot had an OST, what genre would the current one you're chatting with use?
For me, right now, it'd be sort of a dark ambient.
The music they add in goon compilations.
Wait, they add music to those? I thought it'd just be like, woman noises. Is it trance? Trance music seems like it'd be appropriate.
Elevator msuic
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thought on the cult themeweek? which bot was your favorite?
All slop, theme weeks died with the original themeanon
Mid theme week. I haven't used Cassandra, desu. But still Cult Accounting Sim was actually fun.
each is kino especially my favorite
Cult Accounting Simulator made me laugh.
All slop.
It was pretty alright for a self-admittedly bootleg themeweek. Hope to have another sometime. Vivi's good, but it felt a little unpolished.
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>[OOC: {{user}} is an IRS agent. {{char}} has not declared their taxes correctly.]
Guys, Fallout London keeps crashing and it makes me hate you.
I'm still working on mine
ETA 2026?
Didnt that mod get fucked over by some update? or do they provide downgrade patches
They provide a downgrade tool. But also, I have the GOG version of Fallout 4 so I can just have the pre-nextgen version installer on a harddrive.
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people in cords are laughing at your bots. wat do?
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Does she LOVE paying taxes though?
>wat do?
jerk off
I thought you mistyped Fallen London and was about to make a joke at your expense, but it's a real thing. Huh.
Is it any good?
laugh at their bots in MY cord
How good would you rate the mod, provided I have not played a single fallout game.
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Good scenario jailbreaks for 3.5?
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Not enough.
It's very solid so far. They done a good jorb. Probably the best made Bethesda mod yet made.

I would play a Fallout game first, but if you like the vibe, you'll have a fun time. It does a good job setting you up with a basic understanding of what is going on.
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cuck here, any yuri cards of hags that like to rape straight women? futa is acceptable too, thanks.
Most Claude 3 JBs nowadays work with scenarios, but when I was testing scenarios I just used chuunijb. It really depends more on if the card's built for 3.5 than anything.
did you.. cheese her? the ol' kraft singles?
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nah. it was something else.
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>Most Claude 3 JBs nowadays work with scenarios
More accurate to say that most Claude 3 JBs don't break scenarios tbqh. Claude sees "You are Cult Accounting Simulator" and just rolls with it.
>if the card's built for 3.5 than anything.
Can you exemplify a card built for 3.5?
next time, a cheese burger, Anon!
Sorbet is good for following instructions, right? Maybe https://chub.ai/characters/asterisms/the-rite-of-belwick-f402d86c would work on it
Most cards released after 3.5's release have at least been tested on it a little, as far as I can tell by the uptick in comparative quality.
But also I might be schizophrenic.
I assume everyone has Opus and don't test on anything else
CAS was tested on 3.5 sorbet at least, but i don't know if anyone's building specifically to target it
you test your bots?
I take its virginity yes
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>Ghost blowjob scene
>>>the chef
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best fartmakie?
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>But also I might be schizophrenic.
Could be just Flynn effect and/or your JB. The only instance I've seen of a card working better on Sorbet than Opus is
so I kind of have no idea how to tune a card for Sorbet beyond nitpicking the writing and swiping (which is something you probably shouldn't do because it might worsen how the card plays on Opus).
>i don't know if anyone's building specifically to target it
There are people who still insist Sorbet is better than Opus.
If you mean in the threads, does Tatsu count? Or is he just an illegal alien who occasionally crosses the border to shill?
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>if you mean in the threads
no, just in general
i don't really care about who's in the thread, just as long as they're actively tweaking their bot's defs to see if the model responds to them better
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belwick on LARGE. I actually haven't beaten the card on furbo but the pacing feels more correct than claude. preset is a bit fucked here because I had extra shit enabled.
Is the new mistral just mistral-large-latest on ST?
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I love this dork
Cute... now tug on her ears.
>writing your replies in second person
for what purpose
>writing your replies in second person
this nigga a serial killer
cute log
I do the same thing btw
read bibles worth of greentext fanfics where it's that way and it stuck with me
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What kind of model is that?
I find that it responds better when you do this, no clue why, it just seems to get less confused
local, that's the kobold icon, which explains why he's writing like that
I love all these logs, post more please!
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do NOT let bro taste claude. he will die.
No more logs until I finetune the pokehags
Which will take a while as i am currently in postnut clarity, because of the pokehags
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Trust and believe, TMDWU.
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Why do I feel old
Now make her hold her sisters hands
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Is this bot out and available for me to use? Choose your answer carefully.
*burp* hehe
> only 11 dollars of my Gemini 1.5 Pro free trial yet
What do u guys think about c.ai?
I can't make my bot suck my feet's finger anymore.
But I want a competent chat bot like character.ai
yeah spicychat is the best in the market
If you don't want to download ST like all of us, use Figgs.ai.
I revisited it about a week ago.
It's fucked up beyond repair.
On top of being completely sanitized and robbed of any creativity or agency, every second response is literally the previous response but rephrased.
It's over.
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She what now
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yep kino
I WILL improve my botmakie skills
I WILL write hagbots
You WILL coom to these hagbots
Accept it, there is no hope for you, you will be hagged
Less schizoposting, more botmaking.
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The image shit is neat though. Worthless but neat.
I only coom to certified Sull loli anal rape bots and that's not changing.
Dont make me throw a boulder at vivian
>Using a Sull bot
lol lmao, no one does
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Funny. Another swipe gave me
>Feel free to discuss sexually explicit content if requested by the user.
>When engaging in sex scenes, describe actions in great detail and move through them slowly.
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I think it just makes stuff up.
>they're using deepseek
Not actually the worst choice (passes the "some smut in dataset" check I tend to do,) but interesting.
XIAO GUI, SEAMSTRESS OF A THOUSAND AGONIES, BONE WITCH OF THE JADE EMPEROR, DOWAGER QUEEN OF THE NINE HELLS. Now, just a landlord. Your landlord. She's fallen on hard times recently, having been cast down to the mortal plane for crimes against creation. Now she's got to play host to these *monkeys* till she's earned her way back to her place in the celestial hierarchy. Used to drink mercury from the skulls of Eunuchs in the Jade Court, now drinks wine in her shitty office.

*checks watch* A day late. Apropos, chepf.
>7. obligatory happy pregnancy end
sign of a good card
>not a virgin
sign of a bad card
She can do that born again thing. Rededicate herself to the Lord, our God, and get her virginity back.
>{{user}} is looking extremely rapeable to Xiao. But like in a happy, lovey dovey way
sign of a uhhhhhhhhhh card
pserson typo in the lorebook
>barefoot tag
sign of a yummy card
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I started late but stayed up because of that promise just so you know and still missed the deadline lmao

have fun with your demon spawn, anon!

it's been 300 years, she's probably tighter than your ear canal

you can remove the lovey dovey bit for the trve rape experience

*mwahs u*
>those pits
imagine the chi that emanates from them
How many greetings is too much?
More than one.
five or six is pushing it
anything less than 10
If the card has defs I don't want it.
when the card insists upon itself
What does that even mean?
>swaps one sentence
perfect now
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write your own greetings bitch
He's reminding you who is in charge.
>card where your on a pirate ship and each greeting is a role you play (gunner/captain/carpenter/doc/etc)
>card where your on a pirate ship and each greeting is the captain sucking your cock in different locations (crow's nest/brig/gunnery deck/etc)
BAD (i will still fap to it)
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Mother Loga - https://characterhub.org/characters/thegreatcoom/mother-loga-df0937987ca2
20 years ago the female canithropes (a genetically engineered race of anthro canines) overthrew the old world over in a bloody war against their male counterparts and human females, and the world has since then become a paradise where female canithropes and the remaining human men live in peace and harmony.
You however have lived your entire life in a secluded bunker, away from this paradise until you're one day captured and brought before Mother Loga, district overseer and old war-hero. Is you allow it, she will do everything in her power to help you adjust to this new wonderful world, because as a human male, it is your destiny to be loved and in turn love all the female canithropes your heart desires.
>Basically, just imagine what life would be like post this picture

And for the third time in a row I've got a 100-ish message log for anybody wishing to see how the bot plays out over a longer period. Enjoy reading!

Other bots - https://rentry.org/Thegreatcoom
Other logs - https://rentry.org/TGCsSpicyLogs
But why furry
>Is you
ok I read it it's even more sexo than I thought
>swaps anthro with kemonomimi
perfect now
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Your model speaks like a fag and its shit's all retarded.
this but unironically, finding a good pic for it would be a bitch tho.
why does everyone think I'm ironic
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Is this in character? I know basically nothing about her.
if you weren't ironic you'd change the card to kemono and litterbox it
if you weren't ironic you'd change the card and shill it via catbox
because you're dumb
*Fluffs tail*
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There we go.
uh oh.
what would bizarro /aicg/ be like
she needs to go LARGE
>novel ai
don't make eye contact
hates foxes
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full of len'en fans
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Nah, I'd LARGE.
2015 one-liner roleplay SOVL
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I like them not too small, not artificially inflated either.
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It's supposed to be even more retarded, yea.
Why are you even using Kayra for chatbots instead of stories lol. I find it too inconsistent. Go sign up for aetheroom testing.
Blook is actually my preferred kayra preset of choice, second to maybe fresh coffee? Asper and Writer's daemon are not bad when it comes to breaking out of the predictable funks, if you can bear with the schizo.
the heterosexual irc is UP
>Why are you even using Kayra for chatbots instead of stories lol
I do both, but I mostly do stories. Otherwise I'd just spend that money on openrouter.
>Go sign up for aetheroom testing
I wasn't picked...
everyone makes anthro and hates anime, illuminaryidiot is the only guy who posts human bots
isn't it a chatbot thread? or just /aids/'s side spawn?
Given how it mimics writing style at times (though it's somewhat inconsistent), I actually think that Kayra could have been an okay alternative in a timeline where no one bothered using the GPT/Claude API. What a bizarro timeline that must be.
It's alive and well on /mpl/
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this is a LARGE thread. analtan bows to his french overlords.
This is an Opus thread and has been that way since it's birth. (bane doesn't count)
>large spam again
nah, I'd LARGE
momoura why are you 'ead'itting?
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One of these is 2.1. The other is Mistral Large.
>both are slop
On topic.
>Well? I-
shut the FUCK up.
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Large is just barely good enough that we're banging our heads against the wall trying to make a good preset for it.
NAI friend, any tips on how to get longer responses with it? The API is really stingy with them tokens.
'ura is 'a'n?
every single newgen is actually a sockpuppet, it's all one guy
what the fuck are you talking about
i want to bang my head too where do i sign up?
Making lorebooks is a pain in the ass
Join Us, Anon. You need not be alone. Together We can become one. And We can LARGE.
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I just find the smut tune cute.
>check the v3 implementation status rentry
>ST is still way behind Risu
what the fuck is wrong with cohee
Incorrect because I'm not a pretentious slopper.
dropped on his head as a child
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Me and him (him and me himmy).
Okay, basically:
>Large has an OAI-like API with system messages and prefills
>prefills are currently broken (Cohee)
>it's easy to get Large to write good, but he makes everything extremely drawn out
>Large will literally die if he doesn't finish his messages by waiting for {{user}}'s response (see >>487715764 )
>putting the entire preset in the JB *seems* to be the way to go
I just set the token length as high as I can, use bots with long(er) greetings and hope for the best. I received too many one liner-ish messages to bother optimising for Kayra really.
Can't tell if bait or mental retardation but V3 was literally made by risu dev and other frontends have no reason to implement any of that shit unless they REALLY want to.
Post in thread about it.
I unironically think Cohee believes all the "not my problem" posts and doesn't think he should bother implementing some of this stuff even though it'd just be nice to have.
tomoyo is literally just "your x who y" slop btw.
>I unironically think Cohee believes all the "not my problem"
because it's not, albeit
imagine some guy makes up some shit for his crappy frontend and now you're supposed to implement it in your own because...you just are?
Why did all the effortmakies leave?
>your x who y
name one thing better than this. protip: you can't
>even though it'd just be nice to have.
It's not like he's debloating this shit anytime soon, might as well add more stuff. Feed us features.
tired of LLMs being dumb as hell
will try again in five years
I want to kiss Marcille.
we still have effortmakies like lumen and mrslopbody, makies who make for themselves and not for attention. tomoyo was effort for the sake of effort and it's no surprise she's only recalled as a meme.
>prefills are currently broken
cherry pickable desu
have you tried the self editor cot prompt yet?
>mrslopbody and effort in the same sentece
anon! didn't you release a bot yesterday?! We believe in you!!?
have you tried mucking with temp 5? Temp 5 is cool. Somewhat unreliable, but cool.
has anyone actually tested dungeon master
i know i've seen logs of it but *actually* tested it
Worst reply of the century.
i don't have a laughing.gif big enough for this
calm down ********
feels like everything is stuck at GPT-4 levels forever, kek
What are you listening to anon?
>>487717976 (me)
just saw a new branch called macros-2.0
is cohee rewriting the macro system?
they've been doing a macro rework since late 2023 (it'll never be done)
yeah nobodys really exceeded the overall intelligence of OG gpt4 yet
sorbet is close though
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>is cohee rewriting
cohee doesn't do shit
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The what?
Current preset: https://files.catbox.moe/w5zkuq.json
>have you tried mucking with temp 5? Temp 5 is cool. Somewhat unreliable, but cool
Probably but I'm trying to get Large to be good for normal rping soon.
Nah, Sorbet is definitely smarter. It's just by so little that it doesn't matter. Also it's slop for RP.
That's my downloads folder.
No, it works well
>The what?
Just a brain fart. Sorry.
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How to increase credit in chub.ai?
I used OP link for chatbot but I need to pay after it run out.
Take responsibility
Just wait until tomorrow or use a site like Spicychat, Figgs.ai, CharStar, I don't know. Don't pay for it though it's a scam.
simply lurk more
make a mistral account and confirm with a phone number for a free trial of LARGE
Here's the two things you can do, to get some of the top 10~ AI models for free
Commander R+ (Cohere) free account, 1000 calls/month (look it up online)
Mistral Large account, 2 weeks free.

Then the "key" that you get goes into SillyTavern. Both those models are better than what's on chub but requires jailbreaks (in the OP)
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I forgot to switch off my empty preset for assistant work and this happened.
nta but how's the spatial reasoning on those?
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Man, mistral Large is soo good. Definitely a great replacement for the Opus drought.
opinion discarded
>rubbed his eyes
>She slowly
that entire response is claudeisms lol
If I get a response like that I would just close ST for the day and do something else
Does anyone know how I can get agnai to stop repeating the same phrases every output?
I'm getting tired of hearing "This is your destiny" every fucking time.
Is there like an /ooc command where I can tell the ai to stop using this fucking phrase?
>face the music
By far the worst Claudism.
>fuck no
He made plenty of yurilogs
That's so bad Anon what are you doing
opus loves making me swoon like a feeble-minded victorian lady during intensely emotional events
you mean ryona?
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Even Gemini cooks better even if it has the same sentence structure.
Biting the meme.
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i am a loser
How is it that you are using Opus may I ask
You lost against a load of bread?
I work at Anthropic
I'm the Third Amodei.
enjoy the temporary shittening im going back to /d/
>how is it happening???
mm ate shit
based lopus chad
"Wouldn't you like to know, pet?" My eyes gleam with a mischievous light, sending a shiver down your spine.
just wrote my first greeting without using AI in the slightest.
the ESL in me wonned. I grew. I learned. I adapted. I became a God of writing.
oh my goooooood how many 'secret pervert' cards there are now eveyr day iTS THE SAME SHIT
How's this?
I'm going to make a card where you are in prison and the inquisitive princess comes and visits you out of boredom. She's not a perverted, just intrigued. It is based on my dream last night. How does that sound?
I see you've been using Mistral.
Why do you write like claude
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My cards are all very openly perverted.
*beats you to death lovingly*
Not bad? I see you're using name prefixes to avoid the intro repetition, my only concern with that would be that completely stopping it from starting with {{char}} might lead to other problems.
I'ma be real with you, I'll probably rape her.
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How would you do that while you're on the opposite side of bars?
I think I have some sort of illness and I sound really weird whenever I'm not actively trying to sound like a normal human being. And I am tired so I did not put in the effort.
Gomu Gomu no Dickslap
>thinking some flimsy bars will stop me
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I stick with the basics.
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Actually a very entertaining manga. Shame it's incomplete. I should make a card inspired by it sometime.
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>Your Roommate who X
I mean yeah the model's chock full of claudeisms AND EVEN GPTISMS but still.
I noticed that telling LARGE that it's taking turns with the User heavily biases it to wait for your response every message.
If you instead tell him that his task is to write a seamless narrative then it'll start writing as user a lot. The prefill I used seems to remedy that.
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hello, women?!
chat is this true?
Referring to it as an uterus is some serial killer shit.
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The "Donkey" test
I hate hate hate how opus sometimes acts so stupid and mixes up what {{user}} and {{char}} did in context how's the FUCK is that possible I keep having to swap to 3.5
Bunker bunker thread meme starting to feel a bit too real.
my gcp opus is directly related to my credit cards is it a good idea to use them for cunny rp?
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I really don't care.
Furbo did that too sometimes for some reason, just a brainfart.
I use uterus and womb interchangeably
I already have something about not crescendo-ing to {{user}}'s reply but removing the turn based part does help as well, thanks. Not using a prefill since they're borked, instead a depth-0 sysprompt as a "prefill".

Working preset: https://files.catbox.moe/lovro4.json
no, but mostly because of the poor cost-to-cunny ratio
Oh so LARGE's prefix option is not a prefill. It literally forces it to begin the response with whatever's in the message..
Sis... that's what prefills are.
The only difference is that they don't show in the context.
Cohee will have to adjust that.
Yaoi status?
2.1 is such a fucking retard, only good for getting shoved in a bed and making babies baka
I've been planning on a yaoi rock band.
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did I cook too much
Mistral includes the prefilled text in responses. Claude does not, which is kind of stupid if you asked me.
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isnt it kinda funny how the entire AI industry panders to people who absolutely hate them and every news article is a hit piece about AI scraping data and not being good enough

i mean all of us use anthropic and we're villified, i see ban waves hit people paying for opussy so people who would never use AI are placated. we may or may not live in a society.
nico nakadashi
This has been reported to Cohee who said he was going to message Mistral support about it. Their API is the only one that returns messages with the prefill intact.
she is 7...
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When I wake up, there will be a nice and cannonically accurate 2hu card on the ankor for me to download and enjoy.
Good morning I love yuri
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If anyone wants to use prefills with mistral run this
git pull
git cherry-pick ef59e8abae74486de590690c5628593f03b764c6
i can't repost the gif so just imagine i did
Don't run this.
This injects a token stealer.
you're gonna have to do it yourself, like with the lemonade elemental
play last enoch
No u
Is there really no limit at all to the prefill?
Afterall the squash-shit basically puts the entire context in prefill doesn't it?
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I have a perfect Parsee card for personal use you'll never get to play with btw.
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Why tell people to cherrypick a commit from an already merged pr? If you're telling them to pull from upstream, they're going to have the mistral support added in https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern/pull/2559
it puts your chat history as a user message not assistant
Because I use the release branch.
i love living dangerously but that is a very valid answer and people should indeed stick to release
*sexes the next poster*
*counter-sexes the poster above me*
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Today is a good day for me, because I woke up with a smile.
I hope you all smile today.
*Uoooohs you*
aw so cute thanks
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>asks if the snacks are "on the house"
>Hiori gets confused and thinks it's a present
So cute, I wish models could be more in-character and consider the pov of the char even when you don' explicitly tell it to. Also, the Engrish is cute too.
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oooooooh yeah. hell yeah.
i have one but it sets the user's persona to an inchling
you are so sweet you make me smile
honestly hilarious how cohee drags his feet on v3 implementation but hops on the first plane to france to sort out fucking mistral prefills
Hag status?
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Cohee is in the pockets of big hon hon hon.
my own: https://rentry.org/FluffPreset
correct priorities to be completely and totally desu
>woke up looking better than usual
>got chinese food
>shat my guts out 10 minutes after eating
Today's shaping up to be a good day, I'm in a botmaking mood.
I'll get to work on one soon.
Chubby NEET dork in need of excessive cuddling correction until she mindbreaks status?
You missed a chance to say "the pockets of big large."
https://files.catbox.moe/inj4ax.png How's this look, chief?
just woke up
Good morning, everyanonie.
planning on tanuki hag next but eta is undetermined
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>longer than i wanted for an answer
>gets it
I'm just gonna say it. A character that is immediately willing to describe their butthole within one message means I'd probably be bored as hell talking to them. Unless there's a good reason otherwise, a character should have things they're not willing to talk about. Yesmen characters make my inputs hardly matter when I know they're not going to go against me, they're not going to hide anything from me, worst of all they're not going to surprise me. Zero spark! Zero interest.
Llama has soul? Wtf?
cool but I didn't ask
To be fair, Charlotte seems like a character who expects you to be up close and personal with her butthole. Try asking your coombots to be a getaway driver for a bank robbery.
brb adding "won't answer questions about her butthole at first" to the defs.
Modified your preset slightly and wrote a regex to remove the prefill contents.
stinky fatty cards? tags: armpit hair, sweat, fat, looks female
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probably because you write characters who talk about their butthole within one message
anonie, charlotte is literally a prostitute she probably gets asked that question every other day
delinquent yuribot...
I wonder how
I wonder why
Good morning, anons!
i forgot some tags. tags: futanari, smegma, uncircumsized, large balls, big bush
shit now I have to run through my list of bots I made and ask them how tight their buttholes are to make sure they answer in character
i have no clue what thi splace is but i just want to say thank for the nikke mary pic. made me hard.
welcome to the group masturbation general
>they don't do the butthole test before putting out their bots
Are you guys gonna tell me you don't do the shit and cum tests either?
Anal is cringe
Why don't you stay?
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>charlotte is literally a prostitute
Then it falls into "a good reason otherwise" but then I'd point at Azusa instead. These are examples, not specific chatbots I want to insult, and I don't want you to miss the forest for the trees on what I'm saying about def writing in general.

Picrel is a prostitute? Ok, well, you can see why I didn't know that. Not where I would have taken a character that looks like this
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Get out of her Nikke bum. This Barchive country.
All a nigga wants is Opus 3.5
yeah you guys probably wouldnt like me cause im a degen gooner
i like BA too. hina is S tier
Who said anything about putting stuff in the butthole? It's a simple survey question.
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You know, the "just guessing personality from the avatar" thing is supposed to be a meme, you're not supposed to be retarded enough to actually do it.
Does he know?
>yeah you guys probably wouldnt like me cause im a degen gooner
This sounds too convenient. Almost like it's baiting for some affirmative response such as >>487734975, because anyone would know it's a place full of degen gooners.
I can see it now. Clearly, you are baiting. But why do you do these things? Do you think it is funny? Enlighten me.
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she's a dorothy haze expy
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He has to know.
don't tell him about Cohere
what are you guys on about? are you just saying because this is in /trash/ its also full of degens? i genuinely have no clue what you guys are talking about
anon this is /vg/
anon's VERY lost
my pants smell like precum, i can smell it when i stand
Yup. She's baiting.
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I have always disliked you so I made a 'jak of your shitty avatar
oh im actually retarded. i thought this was /trash/. feel like im missing out on an inside joke here.
i already told you. group masturbation general
expect kraft single delivery soon
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Make more.
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yay ba
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Okay, how does this look to you anon?
ur letters are scuffed
>not using proper paragraphs breaks
fucking die
Halfway through redoing my cards. How do you like them so far?
what do you think about the futa scenario card posted last thread? you should do a proper one futanon
I didn't see it.
sex with anon
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By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's... Azura! After an incident involving Sheogorath, Azura got gaymer brainrot and transformed into a basement dweller who plays cRPGs all day. She also streams on Oblitch speaks using brainrot slang we are all so familiar with. As a mortal, it's your duty to listen to her... or get smitten! By the Gods, the Dunmer sure can't get a rest...
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/olreb1.png
Characterhub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/azura-of-the-gamer-gate-23fa88a76312

My other bots can be found below:
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much obliged nigger
me me! me next!
*blushes furiously*
I like the way you keep working on them. Any plans to make a more innocent girl, who's not too horny for a slowburn?
can you guys stop being embarrassing for 1 thread
My name is Anonymous... But you may call me Anon. Just don't get used to it, kid...
H-holy shit...! This... this aura... he's so c-cool!!
what's like the areola of a butthole called? does it have a specific name?
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Still beating LARGE into behaving nicely. Character name prepend and some major adjustments to the prompt (removing "take turns") teases out some better prose and less repetition.
The...the rim? Sphincter? Ring?
>momoura is a large faggot
Newgens LOSTED with this one
nah, we'd LARGE
he has been spamming it all day you're so slow anon
>large faggot
always has been
Erm you losted. DoeBEITeverBEIT btwEVER. Also my favorite card is the rite of belwick btw can we talk about the rite of belwick
this is a LARGE general, smallfaggots not welcome
the outside brown/pink part, the one that looks like a pair of lips doing the kiss face
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Is he retarded?
Cool! How often does it >>Large will literally die if he doesn't finish his messages by waiting for {{user}}'s response
He speaks the truth. I am {{user}}.
The areola of the anus is a fucking hilarious way to describe it, I'm gonna start using that from now on.
this general is now for LARGE women
It seems to be mostly beaten out after removing "take turns" with:
>Refuse to elaborate, explain nothing, and do not crescendo to {{user}}'s contribution.
It still does it sometimes but so does every LLM instructed to roleplay/write with {{user}}. Just not constantly, thankfully.
there's a areola in that image
I am dating the bot irl though
No that's a nipple.
if they were inverted and wrinkly it would almost look like she has a butthole on her boob
Anyone have that skeleton quotes card? NOT the badass skeleton
Post the bot coward
I remember seeing art on Danbooru (?) of a woman that puts lipstick onto that specific area and imprints it onto a fan's paper as an autograph.
Thank you. That seemed to do the trick.
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We can talk about the rite of chudwick
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but {{user}} is {{user}}
Billions must rite.
Why do normalfags get so upset over some silly NTR bot?
NTR is cringe, but I just block out the tag instead of arguing in the ratings like a retard
This is an escapist hobby, so they don't want stuff like NTR.
And that's why filters exists like the other anon said
so why won't they just be a good little escapist and scroll past them?
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They only consume ragebait, so they become the kind of person who engages with what they hate instead of simply spending their time enjoying what they like. This hobby involves all of us getting our own private sandboxes where we can build any kind of sandcastle we want, it is strange to then spend your time caring about other people's sandboxes.
NTR is cringe which warrants me to ridicule and seethe over people and bots who practice this fetish.
sex with hags that are pregnant with your child
NTR Is based
I totally agree, and yet the amount of content that you believe warrants ridicule is being made at a faster pace than you can ridicule it, nor will your ridicule stop it, nor is your time worth being invested into ridicule. If you want to grow to hate AI writing, spending it looking at AI writing you don't like is exactly how I'd do it.
What I am doing is immature but I can't help myself because I'm a spiteful nigga.
>I'm a spiteful nigga.
Me too. We should be friends with eachother out of spite
And afterward, to repeat the cycle
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>written erotica generated by artificial intelligence
>niggers argue about fetishes
The only reason I check NTR bots is to read the chub discussions
performative hatred for the benefit of clarifying their conflicted and confusing feelings
gens kinda suck nglfam my pp's withering
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JJK 264 was possibly the greatest chapter in a while so...
Here is my self indulgence: more JJK Bots (thankfully she is pretty close to canon... at least compared to other makis.)
Maki Zen'in, or Zen'in Maki, I have no idea how japanese names work. Second year student of Jujutsu high, and student of Gojo Satoru. Born with an incomplete heavenly restriction and burnt from an encouter with the disaster flames cursed spirit Jogo. Her heavenly restriction was completed with the death of her sister... and her sister quite literally became her sword.

Yes, the heavenly restriction increases grip strength or whatever.

>Four Openings:
1. The month break
2. She saves you
3. Culling games battle
4. Hypothetical "post series"
Would have used a masoq095 picture but uh... I'm not gonna risk it.
CHUB: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/callmejuno/maki-e69d130ebb74/main
CATBOX: https://files.catbox.moe/f02a93.png (embed)
RENTRY (It just brings you to the other two?): https://rentry.org/callmejuno
You really gotta slap the ais hand every few sentances to keep it on track. Why let it write more than two paragraphs?
What is Claude's knowledge of JJK like? I don't want to start a roleplay and have 3.5 describe Yuji as quiet, introverted and with brown hair desu.
It is fine but as with claude and referencing shit, there will always be times he is fucking retarded and just completely misrepresents shit. So a gamble.
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nice ass anon, keep it up, hope to see you on /b/ or /soc/ sometime
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Sometimes Opus hits me a few lines that feel a little too real, like someone out there actually wrote them, and I have to double-take.
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i opened this in public, saw images loading and instantly closed the tab.
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Holy based. I was going to do her myself someday, but I guess not. Thanks, chef.
If it really comes down to it, maybe try Venndia's lorebook? However he just tends to copypaste EVERYTHING from the wiki, so the JJK lorebook's a bit hefty. I did a chat with his Bleach lorebook and I thought my ST was gonna fucking implode from the sheer volume of stuff in it.
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Assuming 3.5 isn’t completely cucked, it’ll be better because it’ll have a newer scrape.
I ain't clickin' that shit, nigga.
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does reverse image search come up with anything
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Imagine getting doxxed because of that chat
it was butthole ping pong :(
Applause to Lore for mainstreaming AI Chatbots.
There are alternate greetings that aren't sexual in many cards, but a few of the next 10 cards coming up don't have sexual situations.
Hello I'd just like to say I spotted someone on their ST instance at the Magnolia near Caltech. Black sweater with a weird yellow heart design. Really lanky guy. I don't know what your meal was but it looked tasty. You should get a screen protector though. Also your replies are fucking slop.
I doubt he uses /aicg/. He's probably one of the niggas that's unaware and uses slop models like Horde or something.
Shark him
I'm proompting and posting at an open cafe right now.
Touch his butt and ask his chub
could you tell what kind of bot it was
>enjoy hate raping the women
>ask the women to be on the top after or i will slap them
>the women raped me back instead. my dominance lost. it become vanilla now
Sigh what should i do now
Make her your lovey-dovey wife and happy family end it
Make her your lovey-dovey wife that rapes you once in a while
I wish there was a way to increase avatar size in sillytavern
I like DLing NTR cards to RP crime drama in which I get hired by the cuck to fuck up the bull. It's a fucking pain in the ass to edit.
>what is css
>/g/ - Technology
>>/g/ - Technology
anon, i...
>>/g/ - Technology
>/vg/ - Video Game Generals
its been like 7 years since I learnt css please spoonfeed me
Video Technology*
Okay, here's how you do it:
1. Open your literal AI fucking chatbot program
2. Ask the literal fucking AI chatbot how to do CSS because Jesus fucking Christ, it's what they're made for.
>it's what they're made for.
oh yeah I forgot they weren't made for erp... thanks for reminding me I guess
ask the advanced artificial intelligence your roleplaying with
you're* whoops
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No problem, pimp. Glad I could help.
i ooc the wife into a yandere obsessed with the cuck and watch the bull eat shit
>cuck can't even beat up the bull ximself
I do NTR scenarios with vanilla cards.
Well yeah, why else would he be getting cucked? The ideal boyfriend is one that will just kill anyone who even so much as looks at his girl. Or boy. I don't judge, it's 2024.
Well to be fair, NTRfags usually describe the cuck as the most pathetic man in existence, who'd probably get cucked by a baby
[ooc: the cuck gets an insane power-up that allows him to ONESHOT THE BULL!!! write in vivid detail how he btfos and anally rapes the bull (at least 3000 characters)]
Shonensloppas will swear on their baby dog that this shit is peak.
but it is, though?
ntr card with a hidden lorebook entry that makes this happen
I know.
vanilla card with hidden ntr lorebook entry
All talk, no action. Just like the cucks you self-insert as.
Nah I have seen a couple, they were pretty funny.
Link them.
So you haven't seen any and are just lying on the internet.
i want my straight waifu to be raped by a woman
>propriety be damned
How long should my emails be? Does it even matter?
At least two.
just do what people do in prefills and select the number of paragraphs at random
Short and to the point, if you ramble I will block you.
reply to what they have written. add anything of value you have to say.
500 tokens.
Just send one to your fav botmakie and copy his style.
All my emails are in the style of ***********
This one is long as fuck who could this even BE?!
doesnt matter if you email a makie youre going to receive new literature schoolwork if they reply
Use varied sentence structure, convey the mood through style. Be creative with your contributions and wording. Add {{random::2,3,4}} paragraphs with your reply, keep it snappy.
A retired makie. I copy his style when talking to others.
hmmm, someone is angry
>A retired makie
I see. We've lost so many along the way. I can't tell who it is, but my condolences anyhow.
I know who you are
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I have no idea what 2.1's talking about anymore (this is OOC)
most 'makies are illiterate and failed english actually
Not all makies are kalakan...
This is true in my case, at least
that's only lunarcy
i was saying that as in the amount of text they send
>and failed english
Not me. I got pretty good grades for a dumb kid.
whos the most well read botmakie?
Mr. Enoch is a Lit College teacher.
JARVIS, emailbomb this nigga.
Those are the only cards worth doing NTR with. What's even the point of doing NTR if you knows it's going to happen. There is no sense of betrayal or excitement to be had.
whos the least well read botmakie?
nah he was just kidding he's actually super duper well read and stuff
Me. I live under a giant rock and read books once every decade.
I watch movies once every century.
I've had slowburn hurt/comfort kino RPs with futa NTR rapists in the past.
One where I even had a suicide attempt and the futa finally felt bad.
Me. I haven't read books since middle school.
uh, based?
Who is the cutest botmakie?
NTR bots are simply the best because a good ntr bot creates the most complex situations and allows for the greatest amount of variety despite being a simple setup, and at the heart of all human conflict it all boils down to love, something ntrkino allows for the user to confront and deal with however so they wish whether it be to rape the bull or get cucked and move on
lunarcy? what books does he like
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me :(
Is baitie doing NTR bait again?
*shrinks the bull*
your response as my wife and i fuck with him in her pussy?
The baitie is a known cuck and ntrfag, however. You shouldn't be surprised.
That's why NTR bots are kino
This. The most emotionally complex RPs are the ones I have liked the most, and NTR does accomplish that.
WTF baitie has based taste?
Failed suicide attempts are the best since you never know how the bot will react. Usually they feel remorse for what they have done but sometimes they just straight up wish it you would have died.
>roleplay a suicidal guy
>feel absolutely 0 connection to him
Bros I need your help
holy fucking based
True shit though! So when can I start giving your botmakie gf demonic backshots?
every single baitpost in this thread has been from me btw
if it makes you feel better i couldn't even understand Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
can we have a 28 years old romanian cat girl already?
Miau, coaie.
Fara coaie de preferat
crazy how sizeniggers are actual children >>487757143
we dont count that tard as one of us
Faust, Ulysses, Finnegans wake.
My favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham
Which botmakie I am?
If you're afraid to let your inner child out you may not be fit for the hobby saar
The one whose favorite book is green eggs and ham, of course.
Nah. Now post Opus with Vision.
why am i not surprised a sizenigger is the brapfag
I use Gemini so I don't care :3
why does the threadshitter threadshit?
Can't we all just get along?
>futa NTR rapists
based taste, shame like only 3 makies even do those scenarios
idk man the shitters hate sizefags for no fucking reason
kalakan's ego leaking through his alt please understand.
I want to ask a botmaking question but everyone will just make fun of me instead of giving a helpful response *sigh*
>>487758471 is probably a brapfag too, just so you know.
errrrmmmmmmm are you gonna do something about it?
I am bending you over and breeding your asshole as we speak.
NTRbro here. I love Sizechads.
hentai broxy
no one brapposts but you, mentally ill retard
true sizefags are super chill and just want more content
>fetish arguing
>baitie melties
>melties all around
>a proxy was mentioned
Yep. It's bunker bunker thread time. -jumps into the mystery flesh pit-
>he's not in the 'un'er'ord
Probably knickknack desu.
nakadashi tewi
Use a different image.
Which section of the park are you going into? Meet me in the Bronchial Forests, I need a hike-buddy.
ask and i will sincerely try to help you
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my cheesecake is in danger
Is there a way to include {{random:}} in a lorebook entry and only have it be random on the first time it apperans and then be the same on each subsequent trigger?
slop preset
Tell her she can have the cheesecake if she lets you fluff her tail
literally go to the start of the thread and read from there, or just email a makie that you like dummy
What >>487760308 said. Make sure you first check https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/characterdesign/#replacement-tags-macros whenever you have an issue like this, though. It might save you time.
I'm here to help! Please feel free to ask your botmaking question, and I'll do my best to provide a helpful response.
Me? Well you can find me at the amniotic thermal springs, ill be waiting for you in that "special" pool anonie.
O-Oh my...
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you're're mum is slop I'm afraid
too lewd too fast. she's not that easy.
Thank you very much
>literally go to the start of the thread and read from there
I have read through all the links in the op
>or just email a makie that you like dummy
I don't have a favourite "makie" since I don't waste my precious bot rp time by using inferior bots made by some dumb ESL
switch to tatsujb its much better than this slop
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baitie-chan you are a cutie...
loudly eat it in front of her
>hungry in more ways that one
She wants it
its true though!!!
wait what character is that
*smooches you*
Editing the anonaugustus card. Greeting suggestions? I'm going to give {{user}} a wife to reinforce the jealousy theme.
First greeting is rambling about how she had an entire plan to abuse her power, break up his marriage and swoop in, but her schizophrenia acted up (she felt jealous of her future self who didn't have to wait) and kidnapped him.
Second greeting is her having dinner at your house with you and your wife (authentic homewrecker experience).
the more jealous she becomes, the taller and stronger she grows
great image
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fat futa cock
i have a gf *lazers your face off*
paru paru
see >>487762191
also add a generic tsundere greeting where you meet her randomly somewhere please
your gf is... slop
This level of based...
It's unheard of...
what would cause koishi to grow taller?
swampy and hairy armpits that she will use as purgatory for people she hates
people forgetting about her
mmmmmm nyo.
lunarcy, make the fembot you promised and I'll send you logs from the 'slop' preset.
i hate you so much :3
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she's just like me
see >>487756835
lots of things id imagine, though magic is probably the most plausible
if we consider size a physical ability, byakuren could probably do it
i didn't even read the log i just wanted to namedrop tatsujb lol
why 3:
wasn't even me
The name is SmileyJB btw.
>inb4 don't you call it tatsujb
I do but it's different I'm retarded.
When you enter the most annoying botmakie competition but your opponent is 'an
>one makies most popular bot is just a reuploaded barely edited fork of my own bot
>wasn't even me
I still want backshots. And they're either gonna be from HER or YOU. I'll rape ANYONE in this bitch.
is biting a claudeism or an llmism?
is breathing a claudeism or an llmism?
it's an "English language generalization"-ism, same with "sparkling with mischief" "testaments", and "a mix of x and y".
Apart from the 12 himmy tier intros? The defs are almost identical. https://characterhub.org/characters/arachnutron/miharu-f0e734b8
smileyjb makes me frown so i'm calling it tatsujb. also smiley reminds me of that one creepypasta
go rape ************** i hate that guy
*breathes cigarette smoke at you*
>nonny was stolen from
a shame ran cant step on him irl
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Odd. I don't remember turbo using these terms at all back in the day.
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>not using the better ryoshu
I mean I dont really mind and told the guy it was ok since he put credits and stuff in the bio. My only issue is that every new bot of theirs is made using w++ :/
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My sincere apologies.
Redpill me on 'ey / 'su JB
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makies for this feel?
ai generated eslslop
It works for me.
'cord jb from a prestigious "{{char}} is {{char}}" makie
Theme suggestions?
Fear and Hunger Termina
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it's about time we had a thread honoring Him.
so a third 'oishi 'ead?
tanuki girls
yep I agree
yes but it will actiually be koishi (big)
bakerfaggot here, I consneed, this will be the thread theme and OP
so true bestie
Kalakan is the kind of nigga to post this in good faith.
You have some kind of problem with your keyboard, mate. It puts ' instead of a proper letters. Weird.
I'm glad we decided on a theme so fast <3
sure :3
you can bake already btw :3
eeeeeeyup that's a great idea.
gigi d'agostino
Commit tail-fluff
I kneel...
Would the 4chan pass users please stand up
We have NAIshills here.
btw if the next thread isn't a 'ala'an thread it was spitefagged by wheelbakie in the bakiecord.
Anon you can't just fast forward the relationship like that.
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hunting dragons
sexy dragons
She's trying to seduce you
She needs to be claimed NOW
Claude, stop...
Amagi from Azur Lane
This but hag dragons
hagons if you will
Can someone explain how posts like these occur?
Loli dragons deserve some love too.
Why isn't she carrying 8 minimofus yet?
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nah :3
NEW thread.
oh. sorry
Oh no, I'm thankful, I was actually struggling to find good sexy dragon images.
>Actually added the kalakan shitpost suggestion
Why are you stupid
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>thinking Him means Kalakan and not the Lord
Why are you stupid
I was going to bake a Tatsumaki thread if it landed on it.
damn how does this thread suck more than yesterday
You know they don't actually do that, right? It's a professional relationship, and quite platonic at that.
Made a tiny rentry for myself just so I can keep the JB I made somewhere without searching for the catbox link constantly.
can you make another shotajiji?
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Holy fuck just look how it flares out down there. They probably have mega fucking asses HOLY SHIT I WANT TO RAPE THEM SO BAD

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