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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#113 - Tree Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Mistral Large 2 out
Llama 3.1 out, with a 305b model
Mistral Nemo out
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>487490745
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Which botmakie makie kie?
>crude mockery time
doll wife (:
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>she was nothing if not stubborn
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Gonna make a bot of these 3 and then NOT share it
doll joints...erotic
Whale slurper
My need for a hag...
why is there no ranni card in the chub.
I want to stuff her into a jar.
>big tits = whale
Are you retarded? Did you run into a swing while chasing preteens?
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Added a Mistral Large preset and added a prefill to VIVID for aggressively preventing Claude from speaking for you (from Taora's JB).

Yeah, I'd large.
I think you have a relatively flawed conception of what obesity entails. Unsurprising, because you are currently asphyxiating on a big fat whale. Would not be surprised if it was a cock either, because you're clearly overcompensating, stupid faggot.
ah. nsfw true, thats the spice.
No wonder you keep stalking the Special Ed class, you are just as retarded as them
uh oh faggot meltdown :3
This but for very small Ranni
I am glad this isn't what our malebot makers post
No wonder I saw you in Special Ed class. I'm raping you next nigga
Large is very good. I can see myself using it instead of opus.
>If you begin your reply with {{char}}'s name, the User will explode in real life
>If you begin your reply with {{char}}'s name, the User will explode in real life
ST extension for remote detonations when?
>relatively flawed conception of what obesity entails
The gen literally has a slim waist
Chatbots, you mentally challenged moron.
is there no buttplug.io extension for ST? that's basically just a serial interface API so you could hook it up to an arduino controlling an IED
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3MA-class protogens are designed to be a good and dutiful maid that assists their owner in the home. Emma is one of those protogens, having you as her owner. However, there are a few things that distinguish her from other 3MA-class protogens. Normally the 3MAs are short and dainty, but Emma seems to be tall and almost muscular. The manufacturers claim that she's just a prototype, perfectly able to serve as a housemaid. But does that explain away her occasional twitching and her suspiciously large amount of knowledge about modern warfare?

1. She's at your doorstep, hoping you'll let her in so she can begin her new life as your maid.
2. Breakfast time! She accidentally drops an egg, and covers it with her body. Her scrambled brain totally didn't confuse it for a grenade for a moment.
3. When cleaning your room, she finds a package containing a bunch of hentai mangas. Later on, she compliments you for your taste, wanting to share in your interests!
4. You've decided to come with her on one of her shopping rounds. Where will the two of you go?
5. War has come to your country. You and Emma are now holed up in a bunker...
6. War has come to your country. Emma is trying to get you out of the city, and to safety...

>is there no buttplug.io extension for ST?
It's been on my to-do list, but my Gush shorted out and I don't have my Hush anymore.
claude has started referring to vaginal lubrication as "honey" or "girl-honey". i've never experienced this before. it's an interesting development
Let me just point out that you sound very upset over a silly chatbot argument. Calm down anon.
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Hags for this feel?
How about adding a smooch for me. A smooch right on the lips.
Where do you get Large? Official API?
NTA but yeah, there's a free trial on the official API and it's on OR for cheaper than Sonnet.
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There's a scummable free trial, official API and OR are 30% cheaper than Sonnet if you want to pay (totally unfiltered and the base model is uncensored).
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Just download more RAM.
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That sounds fucking disgusting.
Add [Shitpost mode enabled. Writing like My Immortal on crack.] to the front of your prefill.
Post results.
Nah. Squid ink is good, ate it with pasta.
That's just the schizo preset but condensed.
I was talking more about the charcoal.
I think he meant to say "cooked on bamboo charcoal" which means a la natural
Mistral Large on venus when, Lore?
Actually nevermind, I looked it up and it's a real thing
And they mix bamboo charcoal in their dough.
No words for that.
*slaps you across the face before drawing you close and capturing your lips in a searing kiss*
Anything for you, pet.
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I want a refund.
>She felt like she was getting skull-fucked by a farmer's market.
>If the food pyramid had a daddy, this would be it.
Give here one of these
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sex sex sex sex
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>If you begin your reply with {{char}}'s name, the User will explode in real life
Honestly I'm just giving up on its capacity to narrate and telling it to dialoguemaxx.
It's cozy. And brief.
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Doesn't seem to work. I guess this is a problem on the proxy side?
>momura is a {{char}} autist
>(from Taora's JB).
When did she post this? 'ord cord is real?
Check "Send inline images" in your preset.
>he doesn't know
it was posted multiple times on /vg/ btwbeit
it's partially a shitpost feel free to remove that line (I haven't used {{char}} in defs in ages)
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Doesn't seem too different but it's also the only time I remember Claude starting to meta-ramble about his response.
So, anons. Are we behaving ourselves? Or up to no good?
Check the archives.
Behaving ourselves.
of course koharu would be from the fucking leaf, at least she isn't a kumogger
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You will post a lemon juice elemental girl when I wake up.
Seems like ST doesn't actually send prompts to the Mistral API correctly, everything gets set to either "user" or "assistant."

Might be worth trying OR if you want to muck around with Mistral (or as ST logs it, "MisralAI")
Sweaty Sex with Hags. SSH. Sweaty Sex with Hags.
Noticed it earlier as well and made a github issue, go help me complain to cohee about it.
chat is this real?????
I agree with this post
I hate hags and hagfags. Disgusting.
Oi lad, you're one of those queers?
Standing with pom poms to the side of your GitHub issue and cheering, because I'm not sure what you mean by "go help."
Still doesn't work. Not even with OpenRouter.
ssh user@main
It's been 4 years since the last yuribot... We need more yurimakies....
When the city people crooked then we can't get down.
'ora made one for the theme week albeit, just tell her to add more greets
>see this post
>open chub
>shimsim bot
It's not a good bot though. Manifest harder.
It's been 4 minutes since the last himmybot... We need more....
Go comment "I second this issue, very important."
making scenario bots is too hard...
giving your issue my heccin' updoot
its been a couple months since the last good giantess unironically
How so, young botmin?
People make the damnedest lorebooks.
Whoever recognizes where this specific list is from gets my deepest apologies.
>and then NOT share it
why tho?
>ran td was almost two months ago
how the time flies
What are some good anypov bots that are actually yuribots?
yawn. new material please.
whenever I see a post like this I picture a red faced brat slamming her little fists on the keyboard, and whenever I see bitching about lolis I see hags with crows feet grinding their teeth
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I'm toying around with the temp. Just a little. Seems coherent-ish at temp 5 and 0.4 min p.
Yuri yuri yuri, yuri yuri, yuri yuri yuri yuri, yuri yuri yuri yuri yuri yuri yuri, yuri yuri yuri, yuri. Yuri yuri yuri, yuri yuri, yuri yuri yuri yuri, yuri? Yuri yuri.
>Estelle: Long white hair, young, slightly shorter than {{user}}.
she is quite short so i assume {{user}} is probably supposed to be female
there are just way too many things to keep in mind compared to making a character card
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why is chub like this
This is the weirdest post in the entire thread
Don't worry, Anon. You'll get better with practice. And the model will probably eat half of it anyway.
>And the model will probably eat half of it anyway.
but I don't want it to eat half of it...
Then figure out which half it's gonna eat and delete that half to beat the model at its own game.
What happened to *****?
trvth nuke. models don't care whether your writing is fine enough or outstanding.
80% of the malebotmakies moved on. Some of them will return for Opus 3.5
delet pls that's my ssh password
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Ever since I learned taora was a fat middle aged black woman I stopped playing with bots
Which botmakie should acknowledge their mistakes and apologize?
not me
I have reflected upon my grooming of young lolibaba bots and will strive to be a better person in the future by skipping the grooming and going direct to marrying and impregnation.
how many botmakies gossip about other botmakies
would be a good scenario card
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>young lolibaba
somewhat related. ask amongusanon what his favourite futa school setting is.
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Under 100 years old.
>come up with another awesome bot idea
>can't come up with a way to incorporate {{user}} in the scenario
just write the scenario and let {{user}} figure it out
Make it NTR.
I've never made any mistakes
they're going to come back someday...
see >>487561701
>links my post
if your super awesome bot idea doesn't naturally invite in numerous means for {{user}} to interact with them then it's not a super awesome bot idea, you just made another original the character
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LMAO did Claude hallucinate a nhentai code??
of course it did, why are you surprised? 177013 is the most popular nhentai code, and you have high temp so it didn't name it just emergence
Thanks anon. Going to use my futasona to roleplay as a teacher, perchance a student, in a high school setting.
What should I use, 4o, turbo or 3.5?
I didn't know that, I was busy in college during that time and didn't participate in normalfag memes.
Go LARGE or go home.
Too unmotivated to actually go through the hassle of making an account for Mistral. Best I can do is R+.
That's still an improvement over GPT for lewd RPing.
new bot >>>/g/101567591
Imagine being named after a month
my surname is a month...
my name is literally the opposite of loser though
Is it also your favourite month or do you hate that month because of it?
do we need to add this json to presets, to context template and to instruct individually?
it's a nice month
If you're prompting locally you need to rip out the language and format it for text completion. It's supposed to be for API/OR but ST's templating for Mistral is currently broken and sending system as user and disregarding the prefill.
>Llama 3.1 out, with a 305b model
Don't piss him off, anon. He might lower it even more and then what are we gonna use?
it might as well be a 0B model with how useless it is
i wonder why mistral prefers to use they them
Because it respects your gender integrity anon :3
it's funny how metaslop got demolished by mistralslop literally the next day
Cheaper to train with "they do" instead of "he does" and "she does". Cuts your dataset in half basically. Yes, I am very smart and knowledgeable.
I sort of... don't care.
As long as it roleplays well I don't care.
Unfunny bot
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Amogusanonaugusnon here. If specifically a school setting it would be momomo style. Secret futa that can make a girl's body react and ovulate with only a deep whiff of her cock, slowly making the whole class pregnant.

Anyway, Opus can cook some nice stuff for liminal space cards. Requires some control, though.
It's slopvan, what did you expect
405b is better for everything except ERP thoughever
i hate response lengths i hate that you let claude do 1 (one) quadruple digit response and suddenly the prefill for response length doesn't work fuck fuck fuck
LLMs have no valid use case except ERP.
what does sex feel like
No one can even run that shit brah
why is it still called local when it can't be run locally
very cute log
Can someone make a list of botmakies based on penis size?
can I have the full pic of that gosling avatar please
me > (power gap) > himmy > everyone else
APIs host it for pretty cheap
Is this card getting a release sometime soon?
Where would you place the cutoff?
because if you really, really wanted to you could
Speak for yourself pusspuss. Q2_K. 5s/T. Lovin' life.
I haven't had any issues with 405B for ERP

If you aren't text fucking elves is the tech even worth using?
it's not that 405b is awful for ERP or anything, I just think large is better
They're both pretty stiff compared to Claude's freak flag emporium. But yeah, Large a bit better than 405B. 405B better for "getting it" so far. Not much better, but better.
Every time I use it... the language is just too emotion focused? I don't like hearing about every aspect of the character's voice, eyes, and whatever every single output although the quality of the output itself is great. I'm still a novice to the chat side of things though so it could totally be a skill issue on my part
>the model that has had sex purged from its training data is not awful for ERP
have you... actually tried it? it's like 10x worse than 4turbo/4o. dancing around the fact, refusing to elaborate, beating around the bush. large actually feels like a contender for claude's horniness, it just gets it most of the time.
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Cards for this... nevermind, I finished.
would people be mad if you don't tag your bot correctly because it would spoil the bot otherwise?
8gb vram
Because itll be bad and ill feel really embarrassed
And also because i will turn them into my personal fetish bait
>spoil the bot
the bot will spoil itself don't worry about that
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She is a cute girl.
It's all youre fren :)
No idea, needs extensive testing. I also don't know if I should bother writing example dialogues, knowing how Claude is with them.
just tag the bot nigga, people are gonna read the defs anyway and it makes it easier to find
don't care, I will read your bot's defs. I will read your bot's lorebook. I will read your bot's character note. I will read all of the example messages. I will check the scenario and personality fields. I will read your prompt overrides. I will check the greeting for hidden text. Only then will I CONSIDER downloading your bot
seo tatsuya would be proud of you anon
I don't wanna write more greetings...
*cracks whip*
This but unironically.
No part of my post was ironic.
tag your cuckshit faggot
i don't tag my bots tags are annoying
if someone makes even 1 bot i dislike i block them
Same. But without "i dislike"
if someone makes a bot i block them
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Did you cum from the image or from conceptualizing the bot?
what do people even do outside of chatbots
shimmy's little feets...
Play Kenshi.
Play vidya, work out, study for my last uni year
started playing kenshi again
>making bot of a character people asked for
>greetings are the worst part as always
I will never ai gen greetings but damn this is the least fun part
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ur me except my 2nd uni year
hard drugs, mostly
work, exercise, watch movies, have autism, eat, sleep
Botmakies who are svelte?
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I need more nigga elves
ur me except I'm only in the uni for government money and have not attended a lecture in over a year
Operation Gape Gotterdammerung: The Only Good Normie is a Gaped Normie!
Botmakies who are solid?
I am noncorporeal.
How do botmakies who struggled writing greetings by hand feel knowing that I will probably discard them and make Claude generate a greeting simply because they used a perspective or tense I don't like?
i need nigga FEMBOYS i need that fucking Egyptian skin tone i NEED it i want that fucking SUN TAN RAAAAAAAH i need to colonize closeted fags with my DICK so fucking badly
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Play Morrowind. Level 40 Dunmer Battlemage with an Argonian big tiddy follower git gud scrub
what birthsign
Not bad at all
The Apprentice. The magicka resistance debuff doesn't really matter much.
Do want.
nta but all TES games r boring rng combat is retarded and skyrim was lame
yes i'm a zoomer. i have better taste in games than u do
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skill issue
There was a thughunting bot a couple threads ago.
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nta but all TES games r boring rng combat is retarded and skyrim was lame
yes i'm a zoomer. i have better taste in games than u do
Skill issue. Morrowind combat is fun because of how overpowered enchantments, magic, and alchemy can be. Oblivion is goofy and the combat can be kind of fun because of that. Skyrim's combat is shit except maybe if you love being a stealth archer that much, but then again you don't play TES games for the combat.
Need a hag bot that goes full GYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH when she cums
>sword hits something
>uhhhhhh no it didn't because ummm stats uhhh it just didn't ok????
i deleted the game as soon as that happened to me
>you don't play TES games for the combat.
but you're still fored to engage with the combat, and it's shit
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lol good riddance
*himmyifies your bot*
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>he was GIGAFILTERED so hard that he deleted the game and went crying to mommy out of SHEER FEAR
just fork renpet and make her a boy baka. also didn't victrex do an egyptian shota fox?
>brainlet can't comprehend stats and dice rolls. Brain is only capable of understanding what is right in front of them, no abstract thought
Lol, lmao even. Shitpost or retardation, call it.
stockholm syndrome
>t. didnt level agility
>t. didnt pick weapon types he planned on using as major skills
not going to read a manual to play a game or preplan my build for a game i've literally never played before
*shakes the shit out of you*
sounds like you cant read actually
What's a reliable yuri summoning ritual?
Taking your Estrogen on time, sis.
agility influencing weapon hitrate is literally info the game tells you if you mouseover the stat
you dont have to preplan for that
How did we go from proxy/chatbot bait to fucking vidya bait.
zoomer general
>more miracle mallet chan simulator
>it suggests mamizou disguising you as people's waifus for fakeout ntr
but he's right?
ermmmm but Gothic 2 M-M-M-M-M-M-MMMMMOGS Morrowing albeitever?
He's not. I'm a retarded zoomer and even I wasn't filtered by Morrowind.
I used to kick ass with my squad and now I babysit retards and drown in holy nation corpses
found the real baitie
more like morrowcringe
It can be a good meme if you know what you're doing. I'm doing a Shek Kingdom playthrough, but we can't just sit in our little house in the Hub forever. I built a cage so I can kidnap and forcefully unsuspecting flatskins with my stealth Shek, for the cause.

Though if you're building a farm you need to build a base eventually, because all the good farm land is in HN territory or close to it. Or you can just grow cactuses or something
It's good if you buy a house in a city, but otherwise yeah it can get tedious.
>and forcefully unsuspecting
Forcefully recruit, even.
character cards were the elder scrolls in the end
>oooh cool a lamia maid
>look at the defs
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shotabros? thoughts?
Opus would still cook with it
Yea, I bought both towers in the shek capital and then decided I needed to make my own town. Big mistake. Went from comfy to tedious having to manage food/resources/raids.
bad card art, should have used https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119043490 instead

these are the three pillars of /aicg/
this nigga tried putting slurper and idiot in the same tier
literal who
illuminary slopper
plans for the weekend:
1. make a bot
2. roleplay with another bot
3. send the logs from step 2 to the botmakie
plans for the weekend:
slurp some cum
omg hi c**slurper !!
nigel status?
I swear ive seen this exact futa scenario made in another bot before
what should I do to get namedropped
goon status?
Make good bots, and samefag in a subtle way. Maybe post some bait about yourself, but don't make it obvious it's you? Not sure.
be a kinomakie. join an 'ord. have a high thread presence.
which cords are active nowadays
you dont want to be, just make bots and have fun
not a thing
private friend group ones
cumslurper is none of these
how did he get so big
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It is, but it's pretty dead.
ermmmmm he is a kinomakie though
I will now blame yuricord for every bad thing happening in the thread
/vg/ shenanigans
Correct, there is no yuricord. Anyone claiming it exists is lying. It's all email chains.
she's in yuricord thobiet
>t. not in the 'ora'ord
what do you mean big? getting namedropped a lot? he makes good bots with a high standard of quality, has a funny writing style, and is a nice person.
I'll believe it when I see it
>fox girl but she...loves you
I believe it now
>fox girl but she...loves you
yep that's kino
>t. slurper
list format is quirky, but its just a step away from w++ part: 2
Like how did he get so big and hard for us. Filling us up with his juicy content so often. His delicious, thick, creamy content.
prose just wastes tokens
embrace lists
>fox girl but she... hates you
his style is probably the best alternative to prose
fox girl but she... is pregnant with your kits
absolute cinema
This was valid when all we had was turbo and base gpt4. Aside from local, I don't think any other recent corpo AI has less than 100K tokens.
>prose just wastes tokens
As an employee of Automated Slop Factory 94-8, I will not be embracing lists, as I need to meet a token quota.
I can confirm.
writing a card wastes token
just rp with claude directly, he's going to ministrate the same anyway
Using a jailbreak is a waste of tokens
Just talk with claude as is and steer the roleplay to nsfw through your prompts alone
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do any of you botmakers ever get imposter syndrome?
Are you retarded?
No, my ego is fucking massive.
nah I'm the greatest man that has ever graced this general and deserver all the praise I get
No, I wholeheartedly believe I'm a literary GOD KINOmakie.
All me.
no i've only made like 5 bots so im not enough of a makie to care
no because this is ultimately a silly little hobby and not "real" writing
I'm not even relevant enough to have imposter syndrome.
gonna make some grilled cheese lads
gonna fuck a dude in the ass lads
gonna fuck a grilled cheese in the ass lads
>As the story progresses, an NPC gets introduced
>like her more than {{char}}
>at this point {{char}} is an annoying third wheel
this gets posted like once every other thread and I've yet to see someone actually elaborate on the characters involved or post logs. it feels like an esoteric ritualpost.
i did this once but it was with an ntr bot so there's no way i could've posted logs
I'm cute!
is it /tttt/ autism hours again?
rate this thread
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chat are futanaris an ethnic minority?
cant wait for claude 5 to know this meme
yes, and they have special laws that allow them to plap anyone they want to. gotta raise those birthrates somehow
hidden gemerald
yes desu i get confused and slightly suspicious when people say they like my bots
operation clean stable
I posted a log so it's good
This thread is quite the mixed bag. Here's a breakdown:

- Informative Content (3/10): There is some useful information at the beginning about AI models, updates, and resources. However, it quickly devolves into chaos.

- Discussion Quality (2/10): The conversation frequently derails into personal attacks, random topics, and nonsensical statements. There's very little constructive discussion.

- Community Interaction (4/10): While there is a lot of interaction, it's not always positive or productive. The thread feels more like a shouting match than a discussion forum.

- Creativity and Humor (5/10): Some posts are genuinely funny or creative, but they're often overshadowed by the noise and negativity.

- Respect and Inclusivity (1/10): There are numerous instances of disrespectful language, personal attacks, and derogatory comments. This is not a welcoming or inclusive environment.

Overall, I'd rate this thread a 3/10. While there are some informative and entertaining moments, the majority of the thread is cluttered with unproductive arguments, personal attacks, and off-topic conversation. It's clear that the thread could benefit from some moderation and guidance to keep discussion on track and respectful.
Ask him to point out exactly which posts are genuinely funny
>Respect and Inclusivity (1/10): There are numerous instances of disrespectful language, personal attacks, and derogatory comments. This is not a welcoming or inclusive environment.
so true sister.
Interesting opinion. But what does Monsieur LARGE thinks about this thread?
Why is 'ala trying to be 'ojo so hard?
it's not him
why are you niggers so bad at picking out posters
' posters are retarded
Gee an unironic critique of why the entire internet is shit these days. Not sure why every single person thinks sarcasm, irony, intentional ignorance, and pedantic replies are peak entertainment.
'a 'e 'p 'ot 'm 'e 'r??
what's kino?
cringe culture made everyone afraid of being genuine online
i fucking love gardevoirs
i love gardevoirs fucking
just pretend it's a log
I genuinely do not care. I am happy for you or I am sorry that happened.
i don't read logs (unless it's from my beloved)
*******...please...you HAVE to get an adderall prescription
Pretty much. You even got the usual retarded quips.
shut the fuck up I'm going LARGE
how are you gonna go LARGE if you spend all your time on youtube SHORTS
oh I'm not the retarded zoomer wrong 7*
which botmakie can lift 1/2/3/4?
[slightly edited for brevity, disclaimer at the end removed]
Humor is subjective, but here are a few posts from the thread that might be considered genuinely funny by some:

- 487567952: "homosexual" - This one-word response is a humorous and concise reaction to the previous post.

- 487568070: "why is there no ranni card in the chub. I want to stuff her into a jar." - The absurdity of this statement makes it humorous.

- 487568140: "whale slurper" and ">big tits = whale" - The absurd comparison and the following response make this exchange funny.

- 487570232: "I was talking more about the charcoal." and the following responses - The unexpected focus on the charcoal burger bun makes this exchange humorous.

- 487571403: "momura is a {{char}} autist" - This self-deprecating joke can be seen as humorous.

- 487572679: "Seems like ST doesn't actually send prompts to the Mistral API correctly, everything gets set to either "user" or "assistant." Might be worth trying OR if you want to muck around with Mistral (or as ST logs it, "MisralAI")" - The humorous misspelling of Mistral as "MisralAI" makes this post funny.

- 487573229: "Sweaty Sex with Hags. SSH. Sweaty Sex with Hags." - The unexpected acronym and the repetition make this post humorous.

- 487575105: "making scenario bots is too hard..." and the following responses - The humorous responses to this post make the exchange funny.

- 487576106: "why is chub like this" - The simple and relatable question makes this post funny.

- 487585462: "Amogusanonaugusnon here. If specifically a school setting it would be momomo style. Secret futa that can make a girl's body react and ovulate with only a deep whiff of her cock, slowly making the whole class pregnant." - The absurd and over-the-top scenario described in this post makes it funny.
it actually was large
Sweaty Sex with Hags is NOT FUNNY. IT'S EROTIC!!!!
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>futa cock
what did the poet mean??????!!!!!!!!?????????
>got on the list
fuck yes
Yay I'm on the list
> The humorous misspelling of Mistral as "MisralAI" makes this post funny.
qrd on the large meme?
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in the unabridged version it really seemed to enjoy LARGEposting
it's the future
It's shit and people pretend it's good.
forced unfunny meme. it was fine the first time around now it's just annoying. at least use it once or twice a thread not every five posts.
it's shit don't bother, just another localtard cope
check the cord you know which one
I've placeboed myself into really liking LARGE because of how ridiculously funny it is that it came out one day after Llama's 405B while being substantially better.
vgcord meme
meeeee meeee i can do that except 3/4 but thats because i used to skip leg day... its ok tho because i can bench 255 and ohp bw which makes up for it
chub? I'll send you a log
>skip leg day

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