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>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)

>Emacs Distros

Docs: C-h f [function] C-h v [variable] C-h k [keybinding] C-h m [mode] M-x ielm [REPL]

>Common Lisp





>More Lisp Resources

(set! prev-thread (quote >>101469195))
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Kino scheme
>what package for this nice formatting? lines

>and interpreting \vert to | ??
I'm not sure what's doing that, but it only happens in org-mode. It was the first time I had ever tried it, and it just worked.
The rendering looks very clean.
Honest question: why is Guix part of this thread? I completely understand why Emacs is there, but Guix simply doesn't make sense.
Thanks mate
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I found out what makes org render symbols specially.
M-x org-toggle-pretty-entities
I also found a table of other symbols it recognizes.
>why is Guix part of this thread?
Isn't it configured in Scheme?
(define-public hello
(name "hello")
(version "2.10")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-" version
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(synopsis "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package")
"GNU Hello prints the message \"Hello, world!\" and then exits. It
serves as an example of standard GNU coding practices. As such, it supports
command-line arguments, multiple languages, and so on.")
(home-page "https://www.gnu.org/software/hello/")
(license gpl3+)))
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This is very nice. How did you find this?
Shit toylang shilled by nocoders taking their CS 101 in racket
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gotta automate trading
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You can always do [-] when you see a thread you don't like.
vanilla emacs + meow or Doom™ for a beginner with 0 experience with vim/emacs
using dvorak*
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You're doomed anon
I'd favor Doom, because it can show you what a well-configured Emacs is capable of, but try both and see what you like. Starting with Emacs 29, they introduced a --init-directory option that makes it easy to maintain and use multiple independent configs. You're not locked in with one config anymore.

Also, if you go the vanilla route, add which-key too. It's so useful for discovery that it's being added to Emacs 30.

Also, if you don't even know vim, I'd play with vim a little bit too.
Hull Moving Averages hug the price so well sometimes.
One of the most important skills for a new emacs user to learn is to learn how to ask emacs questions about itself. I recommend getting very comfortable using the five keybindings listed in the Elisp section of the OP which I'll repeat here.

Docs: C-h f [function] C-h v [variable] C-h k [keybinding] C-h m [mode] M-x ielm [REPL]

My understanding of emacs grew tremendously once I started using these regularly. Ask emacs first before going to a search engine for answers.
>why is Guix part of this thread
closest thing we can get to a lisp machine currently
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>>Hy faakhead
literally unusable
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Uh... no?
are you telling me you have one of those sitting in your room, retard?
"we" as in "average person"
It's written in lisp and configured using lisp. Just like emacs.
I actually can't think of any reasons why you would conclude that it doesn't belong? Did you think it was written in C or something?
Frieren kawaii
The rest function was hiding out in hyrule.
(import hyrule [rest])
(setv a [1 2 3 4])
(rest a) ; <itertools.islice object at 0x15e41b8>
(list (rest a)) ; [2 3 4]

I don't know about car or first though. This was my first time trying hylang out, and I found it frustratingly different.
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He's right. The only similarity between a LISP machine and Guix the fact that they use some LISP dialect to customise things. The OS itself is written in C, not Scheme. You only use Scheme to interface with the OS.
No, it's not. You only use Scheme to customise the behaviour, but the OS itself is written in C and Assembly. See: Linux Libre Kernel, Gnu Hurd etc. You see Guile being used in Gnu Shepherd though, but that's it.
emacs core is also written in c and interfaced with through elisp so i guess that doesn't belong here either
this is such a pointless argument
>No, it's not. You only use Scheme to customise the behaviour, but the OS itself is written in C and Assembly.
That's the same as emacs. It's ultimately built on top of C, but most of the relevant shit is written in lisp.

In Guix obviously the relevant stuff MUST be written in guile or you wouldn't be able to modify it through your config.

But I'll also just say this, I am not interested in debating over some imaginary line of how much lisp software needs to contain before we are allowed to discuss it here.
If you want to make some argument like that feel free, and I'll just ignore you because that sort of thinking is how good threads like this turn into shit really quick.
As far as I'm concerned if it has ANY lisp at all, and people are talking about it because of the lisp that it has, then it's welcome in this thread in my book.
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what do you think of my idea of how a hash set looks like?
My first thought was to make it look like a funnel of sorts, but that seemed impractical.
So I opted for making it look like a bowl or something.

I feel like I'm going full circle back to Egyptian hieroglyphs here.
hmm thanks. I just ended up using cut. ya it seems like its just python. at least hyrule has inc though.

(defn merge [left right]
(let [res [] i 0 j 0]
(while (and (< i (len left)) (< j (len right)))
(if (< (get left i) (get right j))
(.append res (get left i))
(setv i (inc i)))
(.append res (get right j))
(setv j (inc j)))))
(if (< i (len left))
(.extend res (cut left i None))
(.extend res (cut right j None)))
(merge [1 2] [3 4])

(defn sort [arr]
(if (<= (len arr) 1)
(let [mid (// (len arr) 2)
left (sort (cut arr 0 mid))
right (sort (cut arr mid None))]
(merge left right))))
(sort [5 4 3 2 1])
I haven't used it, but as I understand it, Hy isn't trying to be a full-blown lisp (like a python equivalent of what Clojure does on the jvm) but rather just let you write Python with Lisp syntax
What's the Clojure code equivalent of the data structure in that image?
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#{[y 9] [z 55] [x 4]}

#{{:red 222, :green 40, :blue 99}
{:silver 55, :gold 25, :bronze 20}
#{:derp 48 99 22}}
good morning sir, take a peek in the needful
can't believe I'm just finding out about winner-mode

fuck man
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M-x spook
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>M-x spook
CIA Soros Recruitment Trojan 9/11 Subway Connections 
Mossad FEMA New World Order Unix UFO illuminati terrorism
M-x toaster-eject-toast
What variant would the Omnissiah use?
looks like they moved first and cons into toolz

(import toolz [cons first])
(import hyrule [res])


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That's me. I discovered that javascript/typescript lsp was fucking with everything. I can try any other language and it works perfectly. Watching to lsp-mode in debug I can see that there is some throttle while fetching from server, that's why it "blocks" emacs for a few milliseconds while typing. Well, nothing I can do, thank god I only do web stuff for my blog, so I can bear that.
Judge me
;; masterpass@servicename
(defun passman (x)
(interactive "sPass: ")
(kill-new (base64-encode-string
(rot13 x)))
(message "Pass copied!"))
I am trying to get my uni O365 email work with smtp. While I can sync with the imap server I am unable to get oauth2 authenticated with smtp when sending an email.
I am using this https://github.com/harishkrupo/oauth2ms/blob/main/steps.org.

I was wondering if there is another way of oauth2 authentication since the one mentioned above seems too hacky
What do you do with the encoded password string afterward?
Can I do HtDP using SBCL or am I going to have a bad time?

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