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old >>101561169
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Using FreeBSD (from a jail in TrueNAS)
Why does daemon only work for my node server when -r isn't specified?
Might have better luck in /flt/
why the fuck are more dead pixels keep appearing on my monitor? It's 2 years old.
How do I price old monitors?i cant find any for sale that are the same model. It's a 32 inch ips 1440p model (viewsonic VX3209-2K) and the others are 2 dell u2412mc
i like old 80s and 90s era computers and want to get a few eventually that arent shit and work
my only standard is that it doesn't look like a commodore 64 or some of the amigas where the keyboard is built into the keyboard
first one i'm considering is a macintosh plus
if you could buy it, what antique computer would you get?
Thinking about jumping from firefox to chromium, what do you guys think?
I don't like Brave's meme coin, deceptive marketing, or the fact there is telemetry that you have to turn off to begin with. I'll try librewolf and basilisk though.
>or the fact there is telemetry that you have to turn off to begin with
isnt it just the option on the very start that you click?
also you can just ignore the coin shit. what marketing do you mean?
Mac SE and Classic should be easier to get peripherals for and actually use. Toaster Macs in general aren't very interesting outside meme value. They look different and make super kino noises, but you can run all the old software in emulators. A PowerMac would be more interesting from a retro computing perspective.
I use uBlock on Chrome, and I was on Instagram when a speech bubble box popped up in the bottom right corner of my screen saying something about AdBlock on Microsoft Edge stopping blocking pop ups. I don't use Edge. I'm running a full virus scan, but there didn't seem to be anything dodgy in my processes. Could this just be an Instagram bug or something more sinister?
chromium is faster
they aren't much different otherwise
How do you enable h265 hardware acceleration on MPV on windows? Everything I try to look up either tells them they have a GPU that doesn't support h265 or they're using a Linux distro and I have no idea what they're talking about.
My GPU is compatible (RX6600XT) but it's still only using my CPU for decoding.
I did nothing and it uses hardware decoding
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I'm using
Youtube Player Controls below Video
by CY Fung. (Code openly available)
Is it possible to make the middle part of the bar (or the entire thing) click-through? It interferes with Enhancer for Youtube's custom controls. I can't click on them.
I recently bought a prebuilt computer, new from HP.com.

I've had it for about a week, and I am getting a hard freeze every now and then. Keyboard and mouse don't respond at all, it's just like everything stops entirely and only holding down the power button will get you out.

Sometimes the lights on the keyboard stay on while it freezes, but sometimes they go off, like it itself has lost power as well.

It doesn't seem to matter what I'm doing. The first time it did it when I was away, another time I was typing here on 4chan, another time I was playing a game. The system just like stops for no reason.

And then some days nothing happens at all.

Getting super agitating. Any help would be appreciated. I really don't want to try to fight the warranty on this one because "trust me bro it'll freeze in 6 hours or so" probably won't be easy.
Is aac 96 enough
How can I install a Windows Store app on a secondary drive without having Windows shit up that drive's root with like 10 different folders?
Is there a name for some usb-c which is thinner/longer/somewhat compatible?

For example I have hyper-x keyboard. It has usb-c on keyboard side which I can connect to normal devices. However normal calbes can't be fit inside because their outer exterior of plastic hit into the wall around the hole too soon and it's the only usb-c cable I can fit inside.

Second device of interest is steamdeck: it seems usb c port got overused and now that extra long/extra thin cable is the only cable out of 6 I tried that steam deck can be charged with, so I kinda need extra such cable if I want to use caable and charge deck at the same time (I don't want to replace charger port yet)
First test the drive, the ones with defects fail early. If that's not it try a full stress test (AIDA64 or something) and see if causes it to freeze, that's a good enough reason to RMA no matter the reason. If that doesn't work either it's probably some bullshit like a loose/frayed wire/connector and you'd need somebody competent to have a look.
For speakers, sure. For headphones, maybe.
I don't think there's a specific name for them, you can search for "slim" or "low profile" but there's a lot of garbage to sift through. Also one of the main points of Type C is that the cable should wear out, not the port, so I'm not sure how you managed to fuck that one up.
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Filenames with encoded URLs (sound files) on Firefox download as pic related instead of %3A%2F%2F etc., is there a setting in Firefox to revert this? It seems to have been a recent change in Firefox.
Well, ask valve. The same cables work well with my phone which I use longer than deck and charge more often.
ps2 bios, doko
I just downloaded the newest version and it's still using 100% CPU. I did notice though that GPU usage is still 10%. The video is 8k 11000kbps and stored on an SSD. Not sure if something else might be limiting.
You can find console BIOSes on most ROM distribution websites.
fps? that card doesn't support >30fps
8k60, yes it is in fact VR porn
Bought my old man a laptop, but instead of the specified 8gb it has 6gb ram. I want to test it with memtest, what's the difference between memtest and memtest+?
Is it possible to find public repos in github that contain a specific code snippet?
show the snippet
No I don't want to be doxxed
Github search function sucks ass
Is there any way to change the potplayer images playlist default time from 10 seconds to something else?
Or, is there any media player able to do playlists with images and videos that isn't vlc or potplayer?
Everytime when I play with my PS5 I love to leave the screen on at the console HUD as some sort of wallpaper while eating or having dinner for around 20-30 min

I notice this creates image-retention despite I have turned on a setting for the brightness to turn down if left inactive for 5 min
I have a LCD screen, now I know image-retention/image ghosting is harmless per se and eventually goes away after a few seconds or minutes (last time took around 10 min to fully go away)
My question is: Will doing this repeatedly will become harmful for my tv in the longrun? Should I change my habit and turn off the screen instead? I know burn-in is basically non-existent on LCD so I shouldn't be worried about that, but I feel a little paranoid about this
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Do these cause sound quality to be worse? I have headphones and speakers I want connected to my computer at the same time, but one of the ports is broken. I was thinking of using one of these if they are fine.
Might as well, it's a waste of electricity. Your TV doesn't have a screen saver?
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>Your TV doesn't have a screen saver?
Doubt, it's almost 20 years old, but I do not want a screen saver anyways, otherwise I would just turn the tv off

I mean, I like to watch at the game's "wallpaper" while eating, it's not like if I go to another room in the meantime
I'm not concerned about if it creates a image-retention because I know it will go away shortly after, but I'm worried if image-retention is a bad thing if done daily and if it might damage the tv eventually
I need to buy 4 ish video cameras for cheap, 4k 60fps, as small, easy to travel and discreet as possible. Should I just get 4 gopros, even if most of the other features like waterproofing, image stabilization and highlight reels is useless to me?
Can gopros capture directly to PC without going having to use a memory card?
How long is a 4k60fps video on a gopro, is the video compressed or not?
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>How long is a 4k60fps video on a gopro, is the video compressed or not?
Meant to say how big is a 1hour of that quality video, not how long
I don't need additional screens either, long battery life or record while charging is fine
i know the mac SE is superior from a hardware standpoint than the macintosh plus, but i like the look of the macintosh plus and 512k a bit more
the power mac 9500 is also pretty interesting looking for a 90s model, but if i get a PC meant to look like a 90s one, i'll probably go all the way and build one meant to run windows 2000 instead or maybe an ancient linux distro
i guess that goes counter to what i said since i was interested in 90s PCs, but i should specify that i'm kind of more desiring 80s computers
overall though, maybe i should just get an SE instead of the plus or 512k
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I recently picked up a Dell PowerEdge T610 and I want to host an in-person video game tournament where the players don't have to bring any equipment. Can the server host VMs that handle all the processing and the user just uses a cheap potato computer to remote into the server VM? Im talking games like Unreal T ornament 99 or Counter Strike 1.6. Maybe a little more recent if possible. Am I thinking about this correctly or is there a better way to host something like this in person?

Specs are:
384 GB DDR3 10600
2x Xeon x5690
It might depend a lot on what speakers and headphones you're plugging into it, although I'd imagine you're going to have the issue of sound coming out of both at the same time.

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