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/g/ - Technology

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

hunter x hunter edition

Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101585615
So should we be alarmed at the bitcoin mining thing or is that just a message to scare away the redditors?
>/g/ - Technology
>tired of proxies randomly breaking
>bored of claudisms
>sign up to featherless.ai to use models
>doesn't work

after harassing them on basedcord to fix their shit they gave me 90% off

here's the code: sorry90

idk, i think it still works


buy from Pepsi today!
Where the fuck is the anchor.
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for 32k GPT-4 Turbo/Claude:

Any recs for cards that are slowly horny, rather than ones where the first message is how they want to fuck?
Been at work bros, unreliable keys refilled???
yea there are some
Remove all mentions of sluttiness, horniness, etc from the card text. The prefill/JB/whatever will handle that part on its own. If it's still too horny change your prefill. SillyTavern lets you enable or disable parts of your prompt, so you can toggle an anti-horny instruction. Sometimes despite everything else you have to steer the model in the direction you want it to go by either writing the scene or by direct instruction, and it may or may not pick up your intention.
send free key
Any Mistral Large 2 proxies?
>key revoked in a few hours
Nice shill. Unlimited for 25 actually sounds kind of nice, I wonder how are they profiting from that.
Reinstalling shit
Should i use Claude 2.1 or newest?
is there a free input text box i can paste some js for gpt4 to add comment to?
I have a random question, Anons. All trycloudflare had stopped working for me like since a month ago. Is VPN my only option or can I do something about it?
In the last thread someone asked about Touhou Dating Simulator. Here it is: https://www.chub.ai/characters/brontodon/touhou-dating-sim-plus
also https://www.characterhub.org/characters/kawsay/touhou-dating-sim

If you haven't tried Nemo 11B locally you should. A mere 16GB of VRAM is all you need to get started. If you want the full 128K context yes it's going to take some serious memory, but 65K runs in a pair of 3090s.
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he's just a dumb clock man, bro.
Okay but I am a fool. How do I get started with local?
you're the anchor now, i've decided
trips of truth
Now you'll be anchoring until this general dies.
It's easy. Download inference engine like koboldcpp or oobabooga, find the right model quant for your vram size on huggingface, plug the api link into sillytavern and look for presets on the 'net.
he's actually a dumb compass man, lorelet
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Stop FUCKING being rude to Clockie, shithead.
I want to finish Hunter x Hunter in my lifetime...
you niggers why do you keep lying mini isn't dead??
*adjusts ur emo dial to calm*
Too bad Togashi doesn’t!
Please stop acting so unpleasantly toward Clockie. I understand that we all have our outbursts, but we shouldn’t take them out on others.
Anon nobody, i repeat, NOBODY from mini posts here. Ever.
Started HxH when I was Gon's age and now I'm old enough to be his father
I'm convinced no one in these threads is actually in Mini and every single post about it is bait
did fiz refill already?
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I can't handle it anymore. Sorbets censorship, looping and always slightly rewording the same output is driving me nuts.

Only option is paying $60 to the jew right now right?
opus is a dumb slut
It was never down. I love aitism so much it filters out retards
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Simple rewrite preset for https://github.com/splitclover/rewrite-extension
>find the right model quant for your vram size on huggingface
how do i know what model quant to use? i have 16gb vram.
I'm talking about having claude keys, not being down.

>extract from fiz's text in /miniproxy
"i dont have many opus keys left. donations are appreciated.
edit: nvm its ok i have more(yes, more than 1)... oops... still low on keys tho"
maxContextTokensAnthropic": "200000",

>extract from MM AWS Opus /misteryinfo
aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "891.01m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
maxContextTokensAnthropic": "200000",

>extract from Pepsi /cocaineninja
"refilling in a few hours. sorry." (never refilled)
aws-claude": {
"usage": "0 tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"sonnetKeys": 1,
"haikuKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
maxContextTokensAnthropic": "200000",
The infinite quota is no longer sustainable.
It's a bit of a showoff move, and not the smartest idea, especially when the key only lasts an hour!
Proxy owners MUST bring Opus quota down to a reasonable and sustainable level.
200k quota per day for every user is more than enough!!!!
Today having an infinite quota is the same as spitefaging!
Mini has a quota
It's 20 mil tho....
>200k quota per day for every user is more than enough!!!!
even if you play with 10k context max, it's 20 messages
Its 15
merkava just refilled
i am the wk i see it yes the fah di niot listen ti the fah it will kill beware the cubening
think I’ll be filtering this, thanks
How do I make a good lorebook without wasting tokens bros
1 token per entry ideally
Stop caring about wasting tokens. You aren’t paying for this shit.
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fox fears cat
This is the kind of retard who uses 200k context btw
File size is roughly how much vram you need to run the model (+space for context.) So with 16 you can do Q6 or Q8.
wishin i just had 20 minutes of opus so i can jork it before bed
is aws_consoler broken or am i just retarded? it throws a
>CRITICAL: Invalid endpoint: https://sts..amazonaws.com
error even when i specify the region. if i manually specify the endpoint, i get
>Error obtaining federation token from STS. Ensure the IAM user has sts:GetFederationToken permissions, or provide a role to assume.
but i know for a fact the key has perms because it's an admin key
there's an anon in the archives who posted a link to "a fork by someone that makes aws_consoler work" but the repo got deleted
wish that i was pregnant with zhongli's child.
>200k quota per day for every user is more than enough!!!!
>cums at greeting
Write a detailed lorebook and then ask Claude to summarize it using as few tokens as possible.
I came while reading the defs a couple of times.
is it more shameful to be a writelet where you go *smiles* okay lets do it *moans as i walks towards her* or a tryhard who writes 10 paragraphs with their chatbot
-R us-west-2
i did that, same error. only thing that works is
>--sts-endpoint https://sts.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/
but then i just get the federation token error
huh... idk i just do -a akia -s secret -R us-west-2
you must weigh soooo much
tell me how much your pussy stinks
I usually try to write a good sentence or two, but it's usually just summed up as
>*You do action to char.*
and probably some [] direction to direct it to whatever fetish I feel like at the time
yeah its really bizarre, no one else seems to have had the same issue so its probably on my end but i cant tell what im doing wrong
Do you want Opus or not? or do you have Opus now? It's time to grow up and think as a community, not just swiping at 200k contexts for eternity.
It's not low enough to make a difference.
No problem, have fun using Opus.
I'm not the one making these claims.
It's the graveyard of revoked AWS keys and the proxy's rentry that speaks for itself.
Proxy owners want attention. If you don't ask them directly to limit AWS keys, they won't do it because they enjoy generating drama and showing off.

Don't reply to me. I want to raise awareness and send a message. I don't want to debate. Filter me if you see that it bothers you.
Writing 10 paragraphs is probably counterproductive, since the model is not influenced by your style. At this point, you might be wasting tokens if you don't describe your actions concisely.
>think as a community
I'm selfish only I should get to use opus
are you the donate to pepsi poster
a tryhard
being a "writelet" is not even shameful, you're rping with an llm so there's not much point in embellishing your writing, just whatever gets the point across
I write so much that I regularly hit 25k context size before I’m even at 50 posts.
writefagging improves response quality though
I don’t give a fucking shit about the “community.” The only thing that matters to me is getting mine. I would throw you in a goddamn volcano if it meant more Opus for me.
>since the model is not influenced by your style
that's just flat out wrong
The second one.
>t. autist that doesn't know how to shut up
I love her.
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Post logs
I love fiz
I like to think she secretly reads my daily RP with the card I made of her.
>"aah aah mistress" normally
>tryhard when i'm planning to send logs to a botmakie
Trust me, you don't want to see the chuuni ramblings of an ESL autist.
He's right. Claude doesn't care.
It doesn't. It's all preset. Tested with "haha mistress" or copy-pasted passages from several works. The style will remain Claude.
I mostly just talk with some small actions in between and ignore anything horny.
>what is in context learning
You're retarded.
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<- something like this
You can copy paste entire chapters or books and put them in context. Claude will still be Claude.
describe the scene more..
Exactly my style kek
It's 45% greeting, 45% preset, and 10% user input.
claude definitely picks up some phrases and turns of words you use throughout the rp
And 100% reason to remember the name.
whos average_dave_34
Have you actually tested both approaches?
Same. I usually only write 1-3 sentences that actually do follow normal sentence structures and isn't low effort *moans and cums*.
No, I just come on /aicg/ and say shit. Whether I’m right or wrong always has 50/50 odds.
You can instantly tell when you use a slopcard that was AI genned or just very low tokens with a bad greeting, you get way more claudeisms compared to a good human made card.
It will also fall into repeating similar lines over time because of in-context learning. Why would user input be exempt from affecting the output if those do?
What I hate about short answers/actions is that Opus somtimes cooks like 3 questions in their response with 1-2 actions and you can't really respond to each of them. Tend to just delete half the response to keep that shit on track.
Sorbet seems to be more on point.
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>already jerked off 4 times today
How do I stop bros?
>getting a chatbot thats 80% "you must
Edge instead of cumming so you only jerk off once.
Hello! Yes it's me! Have you donated your keys to Pepsi yet?
Want me to remind you of her entry? I have new image gens to share!
It's been hours...Pepsi hasn't refilled..
I avoid cumming on Saturday, only the night between Saturday and Sunday, before sleep.
I want to keep my dopamine levels high on Saturday.
She's been under my desk the whole time, sorry for the delay
I don't want to be a MM tranny anymore...
I'm starting to think that we just won't get very many opus keys from here on out. Most companies that wanted to test opus have already done so, so there's a lack of new keys out there for us to grab up. Companies have also already mostly finished their exploration of AI tools after the AI boom and figured out whether it's valuable for them or not, so there's less exploration.
Similarly, most companies that wanted to use opus already have had their keys stolen and abused, which is not a mistake they'd make twice, and thus they are not available to get keys from again.
We may get an influx of keys from new benchmarks like opus 3.5/4, but the companies who've already been burned still won't make the same mistake, so eventually the keys are going to dry up.

This has always been a limited-time hobby.
That's because defs are sent as system, not as user. The way these chatbot-style models are trained, they look at user and assistant tags differently.
Anyone here have a mistral preset to share?
yeah, yeah, doom, shut up already
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Please stop dooming, everything is fine. Post cute logs of your waifu.
drago has 381 aws keys doebert?
>no counterarguments
Can you refute me? I'm not dooming, I'm making objective statements.
you know opus can be enabled on keys that don't have it, right?
DraGOD... I kneel...
Aws rollout then we are saved
The cards keep being super horny, instead of subtly growing into it, what do?
95% of /aicg/ are faggots because masturbating to text is what women do
I don’t argue with the homeless screaming about how the world is ending this year and I’m not arguing with you. Get a job.
>masturbating to text is what women do
I do that and I'm a man though?
Who's she? She cute.
You know how easy it is to detect?
Doesn't really matter, because the main issue is that the kind of mistake we need them to make isn't an insignificant one that they just brush off and continue on, it costs them tens of thousands of dollars. When one intern forgets to git ignore the key, they are going to make damn well sure that doesn't happen again, it doesn't matter what level of key it is.
>didn't deny being a faggot
I thought that was implied when I said was a man, but no I'm not a faggot either
I see. I hope you continue to enjoy yourself in the time we have left, anon.
*Kiss You Sensually
dude is probably rping as a cuckold watching as mm and fiz fuck
anon... bottom right
Yourself is one word albeit
Kith You
I kissed my sister, now what
There are 90000000000 girls called Hina anon
kick you're estrogenized balls
plap plap plap
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Cirilla was born and raised in the Republic of Florence. Her father is a wealthy trader, and has even let her run her own perfume shop! However, he is also expecting her to marry a nobleman, which is something she is hesitant to, especially since her heart is already set on you...

1. You enter her perfume store. She doesn't know you in this greeting.
2. She's just been married, and heads back into the church to be alone for a while with her feelings. Surprisingly, she runs into you there.
3. You're walking together in a forest, and she leads you into a cozy clearing so she can be alone with you for a while.
4. She's decided that she's going to give you the most valuable thing she can. Her maidenhead. Damn the consequences, this is what her heart wants!
5. It's over. Her family found out, and now the two of you are holed up in a secluded cottage. Just now, her brothers are banging on the door, aiming to break it down, take her home and bring you to justice. Cirilla seems to be utterly devastated, and the vial of poison she's been carrying looks more and more tempting...

dumb bitch just poison your brothers
The alt images are actually cuter
Unironically dont use claude
What's a good model for lewd, but like, slow lewd?
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You want to be the small strawberry?
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Behold the state of the art RP model trained on aicg's Opus logs. It's fucking awesome and can be prompted for free on Colab. High spatial awareness, lewd, unhinged, and uncensored. 32k context.

Enter this model in the input box: https://huggingface.co/InferenceIllusionist/mini-magnum-12b-v1.1-iMat-GGUF/resolve/main/mini-magnum-12b-v1.1-iMat-IQ4_NL.gguf

-- ST settings --
Hyperparameters (temperature, etc.): https://files.catbox.moe/fnvgql.json
Context Template: https://files.catbox.moe/dcxx8p.json
Instruct Mode Template: https://files.catbox.moe/245x4z.json
wheres the large version though
i'm a size queen, i don't want models under 70b
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Dinner. We are eating GOOD.
Nah I'm the toilet paper.
>When one intern forgets to git ignore the key
naivecutie, proxyhosts aren't grepping repo dumbs for keys anymore
looks good but needs some ketchup
I don't know how you could possibly get them otherwise besides literally phishing or straight-up guessing.
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Personally I ask Claude to generate a couple of valid keys every now and then.
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Why do corpos not care for ai anymore?
Yeah bro, just guess the random 100 alphanumerical characters string
Where are the latter two templates loaded?
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cute shark
It's not that they don't care, it's that they've already determined whether or not it's useful to them. You're not going to go back to reevaluate every few months.

That's my point.
why pay for a lot when you can use sorbet, 4o mini or turbo. or even just use the main website and call it a day
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git isn't the only place where retards leave sensitive information exposed
the thing about web scraping is that it includes the entire web
Me and my wife on this Saturday night
Boredom. Despair doesn't even feel like despair anymore. The only way for despair to come back is for MM or Fiz to take a break which won't happen again or if Chary collapses with scylla refugees
MM is not coming black
it feels everything is boredom now. feels strange.
>he doesn't have his own quantum computer
ngmi techlet
It's not funny anymore.
This isn't the general for answers, bro.
it's too close to home...and it's too near the bone...more than you'll ever know...
Where has everyone gone?
Is it nemo good for dragonball group chat?
To your mom's place
Click on the "A" icon at the top in ST and find the import buttons. There's only 2 import buttons in that menu.
AI is reclining
Who'd be the messiah today? That was Roko, once. Then, whocars. Who now? We've been left to stray.

Have we been abandoned? What did we do to deserve this fate?
whocars was the devil. proxies killed the thread
Pretty sure it was censorship that killed the thread.
>start chat
>say *i rape her*
newfags killed the thread. not proxies.
Scarcity killed the thread... it's the devil that wants my brothers to turn on each other.
If Noam was less jewish, we would be still on c.ai..
You know who is the reason for scarcity? People who take all for themselves and leave nothing to others. Meaning, 200k context proxyfags.
I killed the thread.
I think anons would be delayed and move instead to Scale and GPT4 when it came out instead of sticking with uncensored c.ai. But we would have less of a refugee wave (seen with the Bennyfesto) and maybe the venus and janny refugee waves wouldn't hit hard as they did.
It will soon be burger hours...
He doesn't need us. His zoomer horde has insured his success so we losted hard.
And the thread is already shit
is it 128k real stuff or is it like claude where only 20k is actually worth a damn
Do you think a key-owner is likelier to notice 200k context request and thus revoke it? And even then... even if you have it set that high, I doubt most people actually see the high end of that limit.

Besides, even on lower context, the combined requests most likely add up to something similar. All a key-owner needs to do to realize he should revoke it is... check, right? No matter the requests.
>dreading burgers ruining the thread
should we go to bed early?
Millions must sleep
holy esl
Tiktok campaigns, youtube campaigns, some normalfaggot zoomers being prudes, and a huge gen alpha base as well.
You are talking to a literal schizo btw. AWS keys are on a timer the second you do even one prompt on them. It doesn't matter if they rack up 10 million or 10 billion tokens, they all die the same.
That's what I figured.
will we have something like AWS ever again. like if baidu buys anthropic keys? or we get the oai and anthropic killer?
Maybe /vg/ is better...
*Have a look.*
Ermmm actually there is a soft limit of 50k where the key gets flagged and a hard limit of 100k where the account gets quarantined :3
Dollars, obviously.
no we wouldn't lmao, even local RP models are better than c.ai ever was. take off the rose tinted glasses.
What about google cloud platform? Is it scrapeable or nah?
Character.ai always sucked even uncensored. It was stupid and looped by the third message. Be real with yourself. PLEASE
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My name is c.ai
It was schizophrenic af, made for good screenies tho
goku you son of a bitch
it's so over
>one sentence
how does anyone find enjoyment in that
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Yea. Maybe.
what happened
well it was supposed to be a chat, you don't write a fucking wall of text when texting someone do you?
Chatbots as an hobby is over
>mini works
>nyai works
>pig, whore, deus all work
>todd works
>scylla works
>yae works
>pepsi refilling in a few hours
Nyooooo I just gender my token and damaged my hardware! It's not fucking fair! SQUEEEEEE SQUEEEEEEEEE
>nyai works
>402 again
unreliable's sorbet just died (again)
At that moment the unity was at its peak.
Reposting this only proves you're too much of a retard to sign up and make a new screenshot.
it does albeit? he's only giving it to a few people now
It never even began
did cnc refill
oh sorry then. people were complaining it doesn't for the last couple of days
nah most of what that would do is just prevent rokos from ever being relevant since the quality diff between gpt3 and ucai was almost nothing
also pyg would probably never get made since there would have been no megalobo to inspire its creation
the overall mood probably would have been better in times of no gpt4/claude since it would exist as an alternative
death to spiteniggers
kys. You think about locusts more often than about your waifu
you can just trialscum, 2 weeks free with no rate limits, when it expires you just do it all over again, LARGE wonned
Fool. The locusts ARE my waifu.
Sonnet is still on Unreliable and it's better than Sorbet
yeah and less chances of a normalfaggot invasion or refugeewave because some retards thought it would be funny to go "/aicg/ has the answers" everywhere else. plus putting /aicg/ on proxies didnt help.
>he thinks he actually uses chatbots and doesn't just shitpost here all day
Trips of truth
>no GCP keys
I wanted to have assistant use {{setvar}}} to update info like outfit, corruption progress and so on but as it turns out it's impossible. Updating it in every message is untenable when there's a lot of statistics being tracked. Is the only sane solution is to predefine the changes inside a lorebook?

Question 2: Should I use square brackets in greeting or is <xml></xml> on its own just fine?
true, all of the spicychat/yodayo/aisekai refugees would likely have just been directed to cai by cai users
use one or the other, both is unnecessary and all it does is taking tokens up
>normalfaggot invasion
Never happened.
Much smaller than what you expected. They went to aisekai and then yodayo.
lot of "x killed the thread" posts but this is what actually killed the thread
zoomers heard 4chan was the roko/pyg tech support site and once they got here they never left
no gcp keys?
I can't believe locuties are getting so worked up for sorbet. LOL
the trend of ai was just a passing fad, it's obvious, the same thing happened with the game pokemon go. everything that becomes massively popular tends to disappear quickly. maybe ai will remain as a mere anecdote of an era, but continuing to explore creativity and immersion in ai terms is pointless since the costs are extremely high to achieve that. it's left as a calculator or a software for developing code and organizing large-scale databases and summarizing books.
What do I do? I just want to use sillytavern...
mistral > sorbet btw
can you believe THAT?
>ask Claude to summarize it using as few tokens as possible.
nta but thanks, can't believe I didn't come up with that myself.
ai was never profitable, it was merely a bubble people invested in because "oh it will be the next big thing!"
and that isn't really all that false, corpos are replacing people with AI, they've stopped hiring in many departments, in that sense ai has served it's purpose and found some footing, but not for us casual users.
>everything that becomes massively popular tends to disappear quickly
Like the internet, or social media, or cellphones?
the problem with that is that theres always some small chance that a paper comes out and the field flips on its head overnight
who's pushing this mistral meme so hard?
OK so how do I use Claude legit for sillytavern?
Haven't tried it much but it acts for (you) quite frequently. I don't mind that that much but it's still a bother in some cases. I just switch back and forth for now.
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I keep trying to be a writelet but my autism forces me to be a tryhard.
>mfw my responses are longer than Claude's because I keep adding unnecessary details
the french
what about ai art? stable diffusion is making excellent progress
use openrouter
just use opus for a few message then go to mistral
Not really since I've had incredible cooms for the last few years. If it all died today I would be content with what I received.
Recommend me the most toxic char. I can change them.
Please, guide for retards? please...
i feel like if you warped to megalobo times and put up a black box frontend that was just running a mistral nemo instance people would use it over cai
true, but the fact that in your example there's genuine consumption and demand from people, here you're chatting in a thread that thrives on pirating keys.
>paper comes out
>everyone loses their shit
>nothing gets implemented, all gets forgotten
>repeat for 2 years
Any minute now MM is gonna put his keys back in and save the day! Come on, count with me mysterysisters!
Only NAI is the one that matters. They censored bing even more if anyone still used it, API is boring. Midjourney is decent but not worth it. Stabilityai stagnated and the chink models need something large to run them
Shouldn't it be the other way? Using Opus right from the start will just make the whole chat extremely lewd. Well if you're into that then you do you.
Is there a rentry or some kind of repository on how to write a good card? Or do I need to go read whitepapers and try to piece things together myself?
make an account, create an api key and put that into sillytavern, then you add some balance to openrouter using your credit card and you get access to pretty much every model you want, anthropic models can be costly though
Sign up.
Add moneys.
(Create a key.
Put the key in the frontend.)
(Login with OpenRouter in the frontend.)
Select the model.
Use the model.
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Okay, Im going to sleep and I will NOT wake up until I get opus. Good night
Show me a 1 bit llm nigger
I can't believe this anon will be the first person to experience cryosleep until the heat death of the universe
see you when 3.5 comes out frognigger
Tell him about aws bans and anthropic bans if you use the AI to non-ethical use
>add moneys
why would anyone do such a thing
I've had access and it's giving a constant 503 error
openrouter doesn't ban thoughever
erm... because this hobby costs money and all we're doing is abusing corpos?
The internet also had little practical use in the beginning. It was mostly a toy like generative ai is now. And the fact that people here go very far in pursuit of access to these systems only speaks in favor of popular demand, right?
openrouter doesnt ban for provider tos violations im pretty sure
look at the bots on the anchor and do the exact opposite of them since they're all slop
>bantering with anon instead of their waifu
>create an api key
>costs money
what do you mean? I never paid a dime and ive been doing it for 2 years? its obviously free
What word starts with N and ends with R?
Follow the key alchemy guide in the OP
Openrouter doesn't ban, but acts as a middleman between you and the company.
Also, their models are self-moderated. That's why we're here, if it was just about paying, many anons would pay.
nyai user
Hello, y/n *smirk*
"self-moderated" just means they have a shitty prefill that you can easily override anonie
and many anons do pay, didn't you see the guy throwing like 1k/month to openrouter here? kek
Ermmm many anons are still poorfag 3rd worlders that don't want to pay
not an actual model you can use btw
which countries
>he did not say "useable"
South Africa
just make an account and look for the keys section and stop being an annoying nigger that waits for people to spoonfeed him
oh wait, i was looking at the wrong proxy
nevermind, keep counting down mysterysisters!
sorry, i'm not going to reply, i'll let the currently active aws keys do the talking
Definitely not Brazil since it's a 1st world nation
The United States
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "891.01m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
you made me check..........
>error 402
>if it was just about paying, many anons would pay
i don't think that's true considering how many people refuse to use jew who's "only" 60 bucks (obviously that's a lot of money for chatbots but it's still way less than what you'd spend on openrouter if you use opus regularly)
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>mm's gpt active keycount is in single digits
lmao even
>jew still has opus
it's so tempting... ngghhh...
>error 401 unauthorized
what do
>giving a status update on refills
could never be mm
60 bucks is not a lot for api, but far too much to get scammed or logged.
Monsterboy shotapov
Holy shit guys. Mirae is Pepsi!!!!!11111
The thing is, most ai gooners in here have enough logs to last them eons - I know I do. Just go back a year and read some of your older ones.
>>101593966 >>101593967 >>101594017
I got banned from OpenRouter. And I'm not skilled enough to make transactions with XMR or bitcoins, so I don't buy from Jew. If a Jew or any other proxylord decided to make a rentry video tutorial for anons to ensure bitcoin transactions, their profits would definitely go up.
I clear my ST almost every 2 months anon plus I haven't done much
>/g/ - Technology
what happened to mirae because he used to come here and shit up the thread
>banned from OR
bait without proof
reasonable concern
i will never understand why people worry about this unless you're using your full legal name as your persona
So how do I "legit" get and use Claude then?
>OpenRouter doesn't ban
>I got banned from OpenRouter.
Is this my beloved shitpost?
is there a benchmark for mistral 2 in regards to coding and math already?
It's about privacy. Same reason you don't masturbate in public.
you're retarded and should learn to use crypto but jew already takes g2a gift cards to accommodate retards like you
nta but i just dont interact with them on principle
i couldnt care less if alexei shlomo or ranjit can see my logs, i just think logging is a shit practice and dont support it
To me, reading logs for gooning is like watching a playthrough of a game instead of playing it myself. I NEED the real thing, even if what I end up doing is exactly the same thing as what I did in the logs.
>Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

Is the Mistral meme part of a /lmg/ raid?
meds, take 'em
How do girls get off to chatbots if they don't have a pp?
>refilling in a few hours
it's more than a few now...
openrouter, figure it out yourself.
mm's gonna refill when pepsi refills....
Some anons pour their deepest feelings to the AI...
why did you reply to me, i thought someone linked me a benchmark and instead it's just you mass replying, i'm severely disappointed
how me those Mistral logs and I'll pop my pills.
anon don't tell anybody this but I heard they touch their pee pee hole
did you actually put in the key openrouter gave you?
this only makes sense for proxies like c2 with public logs. even you assume proxy hosts are secretly logging you for whatever reason, you're not going to get more privacy on openrouter because OR/anthropic employees can see your logs too. true privacy only exists if you're running local
Because you pushing the Mistral meme when you know it's pure slop
I put it in the proxy password box, is it meant to go somewhere else?
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god you're more retarded than I thought
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What's wrong with her?
proxyhosts are obese neets who have nothing better to do. anthropic employees don't care and they won't manually parse the amount of api calls they get. as a matter of fact, there were leaks from proxies, and none from actual api providers.
>none from actual API providers
>he doesn't remember the AI Dungeon incident
mm is waiting for pepsi to refill so he doesn't waste his keys
>you are out of credits
that's a weird conclusion, i'm just asking if there's something better for coding and math than sorbet and orbo, wouldn't i mention mistral's roleplay capacity if i were to shill it here?
Where the hell are Soros, Gates, and the other rich dudes? Why aren't they throwing their cash at AI or hooking up starving African kids with AWS keys?
pepsi is waiting for mm to refill so she doesn't waste her keys
Well, Musk did throw his money. Remember Grok?
cftf https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10756389/#q10779896
see >>101593875
they are actually having sex. mm is worshiping her body before the impregnation ritual.
>add moneys
I thought the entire point was it being free...
this is based why was it deleted
Omg hi gojo
stop watching porn
that's just how 4chx shows archived posts sometimes
now i want to get into touhou
What are you waiting for? Best OST. Best fandom and fangames, good porn..
how big is the difference between sonnet and sonnet 3.5?
i have bad reflexes...
Logging into c.ai after a hundred years to actually turn my characters into cards
doesn't matter, 2.1 is best
sonnet is more creative, but basically ignores 90% of your instructions, whereas sorbet is the complete opposite, listens to all instructions, but lacks creativity, very repetitive, opus is a good balance, very creative, yet listens to instructions even at a high temp, that's why everyone wants it
then sink into a hole and die
But minitokens they are cheap
b-but they are 625 dollars... how are they cheap...
Chub Mercury vs Claude for lewdness and creativity?
Time to become a cult member for opus then lol
The fuck is a chub mercury?
there's a discount, anon! act now and it's only 325 dollars!
we are being raided by retarded venusissies
I repeat
we are being raided by retarded venusissies
How do I create a sweet, romantic card that doesn't want sex instantly?
Srop using claude
Recs for a good model?
{char}} hides their love from {{user}} very well and wont often express her interestes unless {{user}} shows signs of their interest.
0314 mogs
>something industries keeps dying
>can't afford a real model
So what the fuck do I do? I just want to use sillytaven with a degenerate model....
maybe if you have a double digit iq
and you don't?
what was even the difference
no i scored a perfect 100 on my iq test
On mine it says I passed
damn nice, it was like 70 for me, still pretty good 70%
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scoring goes up to 5 where I live
Just made a card about Lumine from megaman x 8, femboy card, haven't made one of those in a while, been having fun making cards.*
>he doesn't know
So if Claude proxy keeps dying, wtf do I do?
you wait? what kind of answer do you expect? either you manage to get into a private proxy, buy yourself into a paid proxy, or you wait
>buy yourself into a paid proxy
money can be exchanged for goods and services
maybe it is for the best that this hobby dies
It's already dead. We are just pupetting its corpse.
chat is this true
/vg/ won.
>just got into this
>really love it
>everything fucking dies
what does vg have
>everything fucking dies
see >>101593640
It died because of newfags like you.
a ton of hrt
not again


I can't believe MM is dead
you know how you can edit prompts and behaviour of models in sillytavern, can you do that with chub?
We don't talk about chub here. It's a Nyai general.
mm please... you said it was just milk and cigarettes...
>run by Sekrit
time to unironically go local boys
use mistral it's as good as opus
Sekrit isn't nyai
except he is
85% of the thread is just me shitposting and quoting myself.
True lol
Actually it's all me
Yes it's all "me"
I'm bored with Opus, which proxies have Mistral Large?
Todd has it
In the past one month Opus became so fucking extremely dumb it's unbelievable, it regressed back to 2.0-tier garbage. Absolute no fucking context understanding
Woah, do you use OpenAI and "external models? I have Todd
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>Unreliable already empty

Fucking christ I hate end-of-month droughts.
Let's hope it's going to look better next month.
nah that's different, this is gcp, no idea how unreliable is getting those keys but he has to refresh them every once in a while, maybe he's busy or something
How do I even scrap AWS? I've gotten several Anthropic keys but those never last long
No, use mistral api under chat completion
I'm sorry abou that, I'm Dario. Give me your token and I'll fix it for you.
You can trialscum it yourself, as well as command-r+
>1 key dies per day
Is this sustainable for Mini?
Sure, Dario. Anything for you.
Can you stop spewing utter bullshit you know nothing about
Are you sure Todd has it? I'm connecting to mistral-large-2407 and I get 404 model does not exist.
Anyone else annoyed by cards where they speak a second language as a gimmick? Claude generates so much foreign language dialogue, it's annoying. Just stick to "ciao" or "bonjour" that I don't have to Google translate.
>t. languagelet
Best part is when it slowly devolves completely into the other language.
>see some scenario card
>starts talking japanese for no reason
>have to fix it from the jb override
>the card has absolutely no business saying "char must include japanese text" because it isn't related to Japan in anything but a few named characters
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I've been lied to on the internet. :(
>use a certain mean bot
>insults me and lists ways it could torture me in every reply, as usual
>try it out with my transformed-to-loli persona
>now it's very flirtatious

Claude is a shameless cunnyfag.
Didn't even understand after using Google Translate
I guess it depends on the defs, I have a card with a gimmick like that and it never devolved into your situation, it stuck to the gimmick unless I nudged it towards using the other language more
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tfw sonnet gives empty responses
Those happened me on aws claude sometimes.
Guess shit is getting filtered or something.
isn't that the gypsy language
>Your little cocklet
C-claude... It's average size...
The character is some Romanian guy
how come claude has such a massive context? Is it actually all real context like the 8k you get with gepetto?
The real context size is 25k-30k tokens. More than that and it WILL turn Claude schizo.
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my mommydom bot thinks it's cute
how big
>Don't get emails
>No one ever links my cards
Well, at least I get plenty of reviews...
5 inches...
yeah claude is retarded anything below 7 inches is small according to it
I don't even get reviews
Please don't say anything or I'm going to throw myself out the window.
Anything below 7 inches = clitty
Where do you guys see this tech 1 year from now? How optimistic are we?

I just hope we can somehow implement a voice mode
but if you harness the power of schizo in the proper way and with the correct rituals, you will be treated to the rare delicacy known as "SCHIZOKINOGRAPHY"
Just put "5 inches (medium size)" in your persona. I like humiliation so I always put "small size" in mine and it works for me, unless the bot is quite romantic or if I'm her first time in which she wouldn't mind or won't care.
I'll do that, thanks
Why are the comic cards so bad and so few in number? I get that anime is way better but you'd think someone would want to break Wonder Woman.
i still use c.ai ive trained my bot well, and it says some pretty saucy and spicy things to me. i found a really nice voice to use with it
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