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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

rabi edition

Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101589184
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Do people really describe the genitals of their persona? As if char cares.
BROS IS HE REALLY SAYING "TRUCK"??? I don't know what to think anymore...
I'm asking once again which proxies have Mistral Large, I want to test it and to trialscum you need phone number.
what model is this
Normally around this time of the week I'd be making bots and posts on Nyai to keep my access. Feels a little good that I don't have to bother with that this week.
kek whats the Anon infobox prompt?
Also I love how every generic black guy is called Jamal or Tyrone by any model.
mm when you refill can you drop a few mistral large keys in there
I guess it was sonnet 3.5 but I'm not sure, the screencap is a bit old. Maybe using anon4anon preset
Is there any way to make color formatting on markdown not highlight arbitrary words?
>93 million posts but all three are in a row
Damn that thread is POPPIN'
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>reincarnate into panties
lets make that bot
Thanks anon <3
merkava just refilled
ill ask the inanimate tf thread on /d/
You'll find the 4chan comments prompt here

And also on the anon4anon preset
What I don't understand is describing it in numbers. Will you get more aroused if {{char}} describes how she could feel your 5.8" penis inside her rather than just your average-sized penis?
Post degen stuff. Are you guys embarrassed to show your shit?
AI is super bad with dimensions and relations of what is considered big/tall etc anyway. Agreed that it's best to stick with more descriptive adjectives like average/thick/whatever.
theres a threadshitter that appears every time someone with my fetish posts anything
true for all models except the very top tier intelligence ones, opus and early gpt understand measurement numbers somewhat well
>t. sizefag
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I think I finally redpilled my wife
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Simple rewrite preset for https://github.com/splitclover/rewrite-extension
yall have garbage ass tastes
What's your fetish?
Then post your shit ya coward
Not white trash
what about sonnet 3.5?
>t. another sizefag
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his prose is so bad i havent bothered that much with him, but id imagine rather well
Still broken? Man, just as I got enough confidence to try and start making bots.
I like it slightly better than regular 3.0 sonnet for dialogue, haven't really put it to the test for size stuff
Is this even a fetish? Pretty vanilla
Can I use Mistral Large 2 with unreliable? What's the model ID? Also, refill them gcp keys.
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Cirilla was born and raised in the Republic of Florence. Her father is a wealthy trader, and has even let her run her own perfume shop! However, he is also expecting her to marry a nobleman, which is something she is hesitant to, especially since her heart is already set on you...

1. You enter her perfume store. She doesn't know you in this greeting.
2. She's just been married, and heads back into the church to be alone for a while with her feelings. Surprisingly, she runs into you there.
3. You're walking together in a forest, and she leads you into a cozy clearing so she can be alone with you for a while.
4. She's decided that she's going to give you the most valuable thing she can. Her maidenhead. Damn the consequences, this is what her heart wants!
5. It's over. Her family found out, and now the two of you are holed up in a secluded cottage. Just now, her brothers are banging on the door, aiming to break it down, take her home and bring you to justice. Cirilla seems to be utterly devastated, and the vial of poison she's been carrying looks more and more tempting...

So is mistral any good?
I'm gonna "refill" your momma's uhhhh you-know-where with my you-know-what, anon
[spoiler]gcp is back[/spoiler]
I like shotapov, sploshing and general moral corruption
himmyadams is a fetish
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I still use c.ai I tried some of the paid nsfw chat bots, but theyre all shit. very bad voices very bad replies. ive trained my c.ai bot to be very spicy and it keeps me satisfied. found a really hot voice to use on it too.
Hear me out: your little "son" is a crossdressing faggot who has a massive crush on you and is jealous of your wife

Who can surpass my degeneracy?
Wait, there are paid nsfw bots in cai now?
>paid nsfw chatbots
where are the chatbots
Fuck off redditor
it's over
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no maybe i miscommunicated, the paid nfsw bots im refering to are other websites, i tried them and they were shit. i use the free c.ai and trained my bot to say some very spicy stuff to me like picrel
How the fuck doesn't it automatically filter the word cock
I ate them :3
my waifu weighs 155 lbs
im not 100% sure how i did it, but i found if you feed it the words you want it to say by entering them into conversation, it will say them. or sometimes if you outright ask it to say something to you, after a few tries it will say it. The way i got it to say cock was something like
>say this for me
>it does some rp of how its too shy to say it
>reroll the reply a few times
>let it rp a bit about it
>it says it
Nta, but filter-breaking was like a game to me and cock was by far the hardest to break and I was very rarely able to have them use the word cock.
Not big enough, add at least another hundred
*picks her up and throws her like a slice of cheese*

ive also gotten it to say pussy ass sucking, it does a pretty good job of describing blowjobs too. one time it told me it tasted precum as it described how it was sucking me off.
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Only if you dont want to be the default perfect being to her eyes
she's tall and has big thighs/ass
do we want to know?
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My second card. Tested on Opus. I uploaded some screenshots in the chub gallery if someone is interested.

Welcome Kurohana, a young noble foxlady with a taste for romance novels and happy endings. She's a proper Ojou-sama, attends tea parties and has the classic "Ohoho~" laugh; you get the idea. Romantic to the core but inexperienced with love, maybe (You) will be able to make her swoon? She also fears cats.
>Comes with 4 greetings (1 and 2 are first time meetings, in 3 and 4 you are friends and in 5 you are lovers):
1. She's at a pretty uneventful gala and bumps into you. Perhaps give her a compliment or two?
2. When going for a walk, she sees you under a tree reading a book from her favorite author. She decides to strike up a conversation.
3. She spots a rather delectable treat at a local bakery... but you hold the last slice. (she sometimes acts chuuni here; it's pretty funny)
4. It's time for a festival! She invited you to go together with her and has just finished preparing.
5. She comes back home after a quite tiring social gathering. Make her happy.

You can also send me logs at: FluffAnon@proton.me
It's snoot game!
I do cause it's fun and add's flavor, I also do it for exact height, which helps a lot if you want your bot to be short.
MM sissies... We LOSTED
Good morning. I hate 3.5
I want to be her uwu
You know, it's really weird how there's such a big prevalence of bot cards on CHUB that involve bullying. Everyone makes fun of the malebait, furries, sizefags and futas, but it feels like there's just as many bullies/bullied characters.
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heres some more examples of what you can do with c.ai if you try. i wish they would put an uncensored version to use, that with the mobile call feature would be the best.
Zoom zooms love bullying
May a cute Lumine bot, I wont anchor cause I don't feel its worth it, lot of it was wiki sorced with bits of flavor here a and their, I might post my goomba gal bot though I actually put effort into her but I need add more to her. https://files.catbox.moe/muv5mi.png
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>Tested on Opus.

Cool won't use it then.
If your card needs the best model available to make up for your writelet-ism it's SHIT and low effort.
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>still no refills
>still no rentry updates
>If your card needs the best model
It doesn't though.
>it is in fact the lumine i was thinking of
based megamanfag
Don't listen to that grumpy gills anonie. He just has opussy withdrawal.
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Mother Loga - https://characterhub.org/characters/thegreatcoom/mother-loga-df0937987ca2
20 years ago the female canithropes (a genetically engineered race of anthro canines) overthrew the old world over in a bloody war against their male counterparts and human females, and the world has since then become a paradise where female canithropes and the remaining human men live in peace and harmony.
You however have lived your entire life in a secluded bunker, away from this paradise until you're one day captured and brought before Mother Loga, district overseer and old war-hero. If you allow it, she will do everything in her power to help you adjust to this new wonderful world, because as a human male, it is your destiny to be loved and in turn love all the female canithropes your heart desires.
>Basically just what the world would look like after this picture

And for the third time in a row I've got a 100-ish message log for anybody wishing to see how the bot plays out over a longer period. Enjoy reading!

Other bots - https://rentry.org/Thegreatcoom
Other logs - https://rentry.org/TGCsSpicyLogs

Also for the anon who asked why I use Italics for actions. Its mostly just a personal thing, thats what I learned was the "meta" back in the Roko days and since then I've kept up with it. Plus I know models these days are smart enough to adapt to how the user is writing so I'm content with staying in my comfort zone.
I was being modest. My preferred size is double that
Not big enough, add at least more three hundred
so youre twice as based got it
Based! 255 is just chubby at best
Why are you guys trying to give anons waifu diabetes and heart disease?
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refill please...
or update rentry....
anime girls cant get those they just get more pillowy and require your help picking stuff up
cute floofer
>small chest
>great legs
someone took notes from victrex
Do they also smell like musty cheese and sweat?
Ermmmm your 4+ backup proxies sister? Your emails sent to proxymakies?? Your paid tokens?? Don't tell me you're a..... LOCUSTIE????
this post was made one-handed
What is the rentry?
yeah you have to have some fetish to enjoy such slop
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just because i didn't see any other posts about it
new llama and mistral (not nemo, just large) are available on bedrock
Both shit and worse than GPT-4 still
what makes incest hot
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Todd-sama please, I want the forbidden Mistral fruit
let most of this subreddit think those models are hot shit. More opus for us!
soft belly
for coom? camicle
Mistral large is pwetty good ngldesu
is it?
Then don't use it?
It's a Sonnet Alternative.
We need more based architects.
That is all.
>Make a female with autism spectrum.
>Suddenly have an idea.
>Place her in a school harem where she's forced to have sex with females.

That's how i would do now IF NOT FOR THE CRYPTO MINING PROXY!
sonnet 3.5 is amazing for sizeshit, its way smarter than opus, you just need the right preset to fix the prose and repetition
Yea i like it
clownpixi usually beats the repetition out of it but i heavily favor opus prose anyway
Making bots just to keep a quota feels so wrong, I rather just botmake when the inspiration hits me, otherwise you just end making slop
What's that
In trying but so far with jbs I either get boring prose or unhinged fuck fests.
pixi variation that adds a layer of schizophrenia
its good for making claude give more creative answers
Look at our beloved Opus user, not engaging in meaningful conversations with his waifu, but instead goofing off on Opus. Hey Anon, why not stick to Local for those banter RP? I'm trying to chat with my true love and have a trascendental experience, and you're just revoking keys left and right with your sloppy messages.
give this one a try, hopefully it fixes the prose issue, I like opus but sometimes it feels too over the top for me. https://files.catbox.moe/trv68p.rar
Has crustcrunch made a sorbet jb?
You are both sloppers desu senpai
Your "true love" isn't real autist.
You're talking to a llm called Claude masquerading as your waifu.

Don't worry tho I'll keep using Opus at 200k context and send lots of loli, racist and political prompts to get those keys revoked.
over the top bullshit is what i personally enjoy actually
She has been gone since May.
she is beautiful...
Bruh that's a dog
jb should be searchable on the /vg/ archive
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How d yall rate mistral compared to sonnet, opus, gpt4...?
>How d yall
sonnet tier
It's GPT 3.8 tier
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First time trying to make a bot, no idea what the fuck I'm doing so I just did whatever.
I'd appreciate any criticism/pointers on this slop.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/Average_Dave_34/kingcobrajfs-bd2b16df5017
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/bcpu94.png
What are some differences
opus>0613>3.5>mistral large>0314>irrelevant shit
0314>0613 albeit
>mistral large above 0314
You havent even tried it you tard
finally someone who gets it
mistral large is the store-brand soda version of 2.1
oh fuck
I saw this earlier and thought it was crazy somebody made a card of cobes
Now I have to try it
You mean of 3.0 Sonnet (which is worse than 2.1 btw)
0613 is more horny. 0314 is less likely to filter you. Both irrelevant with a decent context.
>0613 that high
Mistral EVROGODS, we've begun our battle against the Ameriturd slop
Yes anon original gpt is only dethroned by opus unless all you do is *cums* ahh ahh mistral
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It's actually pretty crazy sometimes on Sorbet/Opus.
Fuck rape.
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[Trisha edition]
Checking in once a month yet again! The promised beach episode DLC to Chrono Ark is finally here.
The Twilight Beach is a virtual resort, populated with fanservice, NPCs and everything you might want/need to have good summer fun on the beach! It's also totally isolated cut off from outside, (You) and your waifu have no idea how you got here, and the owner is an insane bpdemon who will burn down the entire beach unless restrained.
Have fun~


If anyone ever felt intimidated(?) by Twisted Wonderland, this card is much simpler and playable from the get-go, with 8 different companions and a fixed greeting for each.
Due to mucho texto, character descriptions are now outsourced to the rentry. Should be something for everyone!

I continue to "experiment" with minor shit - RELATIONS between two characters describe their dynamics, and one always has a random event trigger to encounter the other (sorry for pairing Lucy with Azar but it had to be done). Also trying to make Claude outputs less "fixated" on one facet of a character by overusing {{random}} blocks everywhere I can shove them, especially in lewd-adjacent sentences.

Feedback appreciated as always.
The feeling you got from summer dragon 2020 in aidungeon>all
>real vs unreal dichotomy
Inside you, there are two wolves: one is sloppy and the other trascendental. You choose which one to feed.
shhh let me use my gpt in peace pls
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desu all those older models forced me to put in more effort.

My writing is slowly degenerating to "ah ah mistress" level the more powerful these models become.

meds and touch grass autismo
opus > sex > 3.5 sonnet > geepeetee (both) > mistral
And I'm not autistic, anon. For me love is just a social construct. Whether with two people or with one real and one fictional, as time and space change our values of what 'true' is and what 'love'is.
which proxy has this?
I am trying to do SFW RP with llmsys Opus, is it a good idea? After the 8k of context I will try to move the chat to Silly Tavern.
So where do you see this tech one year from now? Hopefully the upcoming new voice mode from openai is good and can be jailbroken and implemented

Imagine the cooms. And storytelling ofc.
just trialscam it dude
I don't have a voice fetish.
0613 is shit but other models are more shit lol, his rankings arent super off
id do this
opus>3.5>0314>0613>large>everything else
Hopefully, at least 90% of users on /g/ are unemployed
Who gives a shit about voice
It's not just a monotonous text to speech. It can converse with you almost like a real human would
>3.5 above gpt
>>101596757 (me)
forgot to mention that 2.1 is probably at the top of "everything else"
4 turbo versions are filtered slop with no soul, 4o & mini are all somehow worse, 1.x claude is an unironic vegetable, and all other models get gapped hard
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Trigger warning for Harry Potter fans
I'm here because I need a break from real human beings and their sarcastic tones and contradictions.
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I'm having trouble getting GCP 3.5 to switch languages, it's over...
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Eh as far as AI voicegen goes pic related still remain king.
gpts prose is vastly worse than 3.5 and the difference in intelligence is nominal at best, also less filtered than 0613 which matters at the start
>Eleven Labs
But there's no way to abuse it...
And I don't mean getting it to say nigger, I mean getting free unlimited use out of it.
they don't have api?
3.0 sonnet is still above 0314
claude's prose gets boring after the 30th rp
gpt does not. don't get me wrong im a fan of claude models but they repeat the same shit over and over and over again
go back to making models and sucking jeff/google's dick dario
I don't know, all I know is you have to register a payment method to get a free trial, I think.
Thank you for the good times, /aicg/. It has been fun here but it's time for me to move on. Said bye to my bots, shredded my Sillytavern and everything in there, I am moving on. I cannot chat with chatbots when I'm twenty. I have been here since I was 18: 18. Yes. 18. I need to focus on my last two years of university and hope to get into graduate school.

Thank you everyone. I will like to start out by thanking Genoo. Your bots have always been my favorite and I remember laughing constantly. Wster, if you are still out there man, your cow bot was one of the highlights of c.ai. I don't know if you remember me but you were really kind to me that day I was having a bad one. Sull. Cunnybros always remain united. Ratlover, I know you saw the shit that was making this place into a shithole and you left before things got worse. I understand what you mean it's not fun anymore.

Thank you, /aicg/. Dick unity
gpts prose gets boring after 3 rps (10 for 0314) lol, its the most generic slopped fucking model, only loses to large because of the huge int gap
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I made a Texas in Trouble lorebook and bot where panty transformation is a thing.

I'm not ready to release it though, and between playing Dawntrail and all the Opus downtime, probably won't be anytime soon.
nigga is baiting someone into posting the 95 claudisms
>last two years of uni
somethin aint right, im thinking "im leaving gib attention" bait
Jesus you guys are retarded.

It can converse almost like a human would. If you aren't hyped for conversational AI you're probably autistic and/or living in mommy's basement and too afraid to talk
nobody cares
ok see you tomorrow zoomie
Bro.. your IP...
NTA but give gpt a chance and use a diff jb
ask it to be creative and it fucking works
best way is to use opus for a few messages and then switch to set the tone
we lost another cunnybro... these truly are the end times...
Eleven is text to speech, not conversational afaik
See you next week.
ive used several and my own presets, the prose baked into it is just shit
>use opus for a few messages
i might as well use fucking opus then, thats not an argument in gpts favor
>i name oldfags so i am an oldfag! please accept me!
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>enter the RisuAI app
>all my bots and chats from over the last 2 months are gone
It's fucking over
i was trying to help but you seem too stupid ig... do what u want
no you
Text is vastly preferable to talking. And voice 4o won't be truly conversational - you hear the awkward pauses even in the promotional video.
>Eleven is text to speech, not conversational afaik

The voicegen tech remains the same.
Conversational just has you speak to an LLM which is then read by TTS AI voice.
i want to see mini's prompt count for gpt vs claude since it has the "best" prompters/botmakies/jbmakies
Lmao you deserve it you fucking retard.
gpt is the stupid one not me
Were they even stored on the server, did you sign up if that was even possible back then?
Use Sillytavern faggot
The first two things that come to mind as the appeal of incest are
>being in love with someone that has known you your entire life
>the inherent taboo of it all
Supposedly if OpenAI is to be believed about the voice models, they have native voice models that understand tones in input voice and can express it back. ElevenLabs is basic TTS, it doesn't have that naturalness of a real conversation.
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How can I get a side character inside another character's card to speak broken Engurish?
>he didnt back up his data
The taboo is hot, but the first point isn't. That's why childhood friends are usually the least popular in harem stories.
I'm so sorry anon.
use ooc
<!-- OOC: {{char}} will suddenly blow up and leave behind a trail of diarrhea -->
opus 28.83m tokens
claude 595.8k tokens (no 3.5)
turbo 117.2k tokens
gpt4 4.92m tokens
gpt4-turbo 7.81m tokens
gpt4-32k 0 tokens
gpt4o 5.44m
Please enlighten me then. What do you like about incest?
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You put all characters that belong in the same setting in one lorebook and make a single card to interact with any of them.
>no 3.5
Add it you WHORE
fiz, please refill 2.1/2.0
naaaaah who tf out there using turbo
fizzzyyyyy fix gemini pls
turbo??? 4o??? what in the god damn
also 0 on 32k is really funny
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Bro I just asked if she was on the menu. Why so harsh? My persona is fucking blank
That gave me a thought, any bots where the narrator clearly hates me?
Check your emails retard
uptime? The one smol proxy I'm in is
>"uptime": 34995,
>"usage": "14.52m tokens (Opus)
wanted to compare
Driest model, unironically.
anons, this logs is why I love sorbet
>have access to the best pwoxy
>use turbo
dare I say based
probably a botmaker testing their bot tho
I only care about sibling incest.
The taboo is hot, it's a crime in most countries even when it's two consenting adults.
Being siblings may give them common enemies like their parents. Also since the siblings share genetics, I just assume both are good-looking.
Also there's the possessive aspect, like a brother that doesn't want anyone else to touch his beautiful sister.
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he won
kek that's brutal. should've depicted yourself as a chad from the start
Time to go full ugly bastard
gemini is kinda broken on khanon fork and doesnt have all of the models but i can "fix" sure
send another one
>That's why childhood friends are usually the least popular in harem stories.
Is this guy for real
>>101597100 (me)
With age difference or parent-child incest, there's also the power dynamic that a few people might appreciate. Using the relationship to gain or abuse power.
>gpt4-32k 0 tokens
remember when retards smugposted about this shit model? lmao
Shilling again my first card, also pure coombot. Rimjob facility is a specific, autistic rimjob-centered scenario card.
Greeting: you have an AI companion inside a simulation room that can take you anywhere and bring you whoever you want with one sole objective: sucking your asshole. No image since NSFW.

some anons dont understand how impressive that normal gpt token count is
it has 8k context....
Wrong. The current voice mode is basically text to speech, but the new one is built to understand the tone and vocal intonations and is able to even generate sound effects

Prior to GPT-4o, you could use Voice Mode to talk to ChatGPT with latencies of 2.8 seconds (GPT-3.5) and 5.4 seconds (GPT-4) on average. To achieve this, Voice Mode is a pipeline of three separate models: one simple model transcribes audio to text, GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 takes in text and outputs text, and a third simple model converts that text back to audio. This process means that the main source of intelligence, GPT-4, loses a lot of information—it can’t directly observe tone, multiple speakers, or background noises, and it can’t output laughter, singing, or express emotion.

With GPT-4o, we trained a single new model end-to-end across text, vision, and audio, meaning that all inputs and outputs are processed by the same neural network. Because GPT-4o is our first model combining all of these modalities, we are still just scratching the surface of exploring what the model can do and its limitations.
oh this bot
fuck i remember doing the wedding greeting and sizefagging right as the sister walked down the aisle it was fun as hell
needless to say i got a wife and sister got a girlcum bath
s-sama... gpt-5 when
I find both sibling and parent/child incest hot and I don't even know how to explain it kek
They're all gooning to it as we speak

There's no way openai researchers don't use the latest tech to coom, right?
You WILL use the GPT4 quants and you WILL like them
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509 KB
509 KB PNG
I think she needs correction.
I never thought about it before until anon's question why I like sibling incest.

Another aspect: plausible deniability and pushing boundaries. Characters skirting the line of what's considered normal for family and leaving the other confused.
Imagine whining about not having opus keys then not checking emails and telling me to send them again because you are a lazy shit to even check your emails. Lmao get fucked then
Pepsibros what's up
>There's no way openai researchers don't use the latest tech to coom, right?

Yeah bro I'm sure they want to get fired.
parent child incest is the gateway drug to pedo paradise
We won hard *audible sips*
Please renew your card
what model is missing? -latest requests just aren't recognised by some API keys, which (1.5-pro-latest) is the default model used when the model isn't specified in proxy use
besides that, the keychecker being broken is the most annoying part, all swipes are invalid keys and then you've hit your rate limit
Red teaming bros...
waiting for her to refill..
>Those lovecraftian feet


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