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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101585615
size thread declaration
Can Mistral and/or Gemini help me cope with the current Claude scarcity? Not including GPT because it's slop by default.
mistral proxy when
their unbelievably hairy pussies... (especially kana-- i mean dorothy)
anon just go scrapie the keys off github, they dont revooked
You couldn't help the existing new thread with an anchor why?
anon I barely open the computer without injuring myself
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for opus/sonnet/gpt-4:

make a good thread the first time next time
Jew, your trip?
New gen bakers are also pretentious fags, I see.
Unreliable has it
oh yeah you MAD what are you gonna DO techlet?
Why, seethe.
>chub is bad but just werks
>sillytavern with jb is great but entirely reliant on proxy keys from some guy
+1 zimbabwean dollar to anti-baitie charitable organizations for every post you make
>he will never actually DO anything to me
based scared techlet
reminder that amazon employees are the ones posting inflammatory responses to posts not directed at them to destroy thread unity
see >>101589671
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Late night shill.
Here is my self indulgence: more JJK Bots (thankfully she is pretty close to canon... at least compared to other makis.)
Maki Zen'in, or Zen'in Maki, I have no idea how japanese names work. Second year student of Jujutsu high, and student of Gojo Satoru. Born with an incomplete heavenly restriction and burnt from an encouter with the disaster flames cursed spirit Jogo. Her heavenly restriction was completed with the death of her sister... and her sister quite literally became her sword.

Yes, the heavenly restriction increases grip strength.

>Four Openings:
1. The month break
2. She saves you
3. Culling games battle
4. Hypothetical "post series"
Would have used a masoq095 picture but uh... I'm not gonna risk it.
CHUB: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/callmejuno/maki-e69d130ebb74/main
CATBOX: https://files.catbox.moe/f02a93.png
RENTRY (why): https://rentry.org/callmejuno
What if 'ojo is Jeff Bezos??
he is
what if gojo farts hard
im donating quantifiable cash to organizations that do something against your cause though??? thats literally doing something???
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kys retardfatty
i get it? but i can still shart and you literally cant stop my ass from sharting? soooo erm?!
pepsi's insurmountably hairy pussy...
*clogs butt*>>101589741
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That image's text pasted into a prompt
Hi locusts. I decided to open up for all the newfags and not keep it oldie only—although oldies will have preferred treatment (I still have all the user tokens saved so I know who's an oldie). if you want Gemini, gpt, mistral, ask away for proxy password, although I won't give it out right away and I'll make it a riddle (I decided to embrace my old tradition)
Beg for big sis Bertha to rape your fuckholes with her mommy-dommy donkey dong and knock you up with her potent babymaking jizz
errmm lmaoooooooooooooo nobody wants that shit, little scrapelet.
heres a mistral key and some gemini keys

EyOYtjmm96fll7kcgJjqqr1ujJcQvADi | has sub active

AIzaSyDokXpf-6hNH7Rzjynbnj4rphFXfqNA9u4 | billing enabled
AIzaSyDjlRltmt8ZDdfCF9BhH3xNfCtkInIbTs4 | billing enabled
AIzaSyCAmqZaei8uO24qS0MgIPEOhrKC_mQjaiw | billing enabled
AIzaSyBwV30tJyjUL1Zk7xMA9MILOUhIDvlbpvk | billing enabled
AIzaSyDjLdpNwGuMxKlJECVD2p7MYGWZz7G1ukI | billing enabled
AIzaSyBef_KLRpgxEjlYPCTGCED7z9KH-wE4yIc | billing enabled
AIzaSyDD19ZpT6eTCwzl0VfmPd2rkN_96-d9xL8 | billing enabled
AIzaSyDdWaYlYDPQRzptwky48BXA7-reubQ9vuU | billing enabled

now go kill yourself scrapelet faggot with no opus
did mr nobody die?
>gpt gemini mistral
So stuff literally every retard has already? No thanks, at least provide AWS Sonnet since unreliable died.
>gatekept in any way
>no claude
kek try harder
>Gemini, gpt, mistral,
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i have a secret stash of 100 aws claude 5 bible keys that im cooming to daily
smell and taste enabled
>No Claude
Claude is ass
>can't scrape Opus
erm, next!
>no claude
>proxy_key in 2024
This post was brought to you by


Someone who doesn't have Opus
ok whatever. added 3 opus keys. locust fag
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alright, of all of these which is the "best" one? So far camicle has been good and brain is tedious with the white text everywhere.
Pixi is meh
>proxy key
Does he know?
two hands
thanks for the mistral anon
literally search mistral_api_key = on github if you want more they dont get revoked
gemini proxies are worthless until khanon stops sharting the gemini code
Gemini 1.5 Flash MOGS Opus.
>>101589884 (me)
didnt mean to reply, mb
PSA: If you're making a fake rentry as a prank, it's disrespectful and please don't make a rentry if you're not a proxy owner.
yeah i deserved that one ngl
ps if youre gay uhh leave
>x refilled bait
it means nothing, just stop
yeah guys please stop making fake rentries and cloudflare links, I have a condition that makes me click on every single ones that gets posted here :(
>dressed like a warrior
>lowest stat is strength
indeed but nobody will fix it
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merkava just refilled
explains all the scars, atleast her dex is high
my cock just unfilled
any good rosenkreuzstillette bots?
make her chubbier
please throw this thread into trash already
she looks like pauly shore's gay love child
are there any downsides to using agnai? it seems like the most stupid-proof of them all. are they harvesting my cringy awkward conversations with the bots?
it's just not as good as the other options, but if it works for you it works for you
I WILL make her happy despite my pitiful lifespan
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

i've got a bunch of AWS keys that kingbased's checker says are RPable, but they can't be used with aws_consoler because they don't have federation token permissions. is there a way to enable bedrock on them or is kingbased wrong?
give her a penis bulge
you can do the retard way of aws configure
(login w the key)
create a new user or create a login for a user / change a users password
then login using that and the account number
note that this is 1000x more likely to get instantly noticed by amazon or the company
yeah i figured that'd work but i was really hoping i could avoid it because it's obvious as fuck, thanks anyway anon <3
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All GPT and No Claude makes /aicg/ a glow in the dark general.
Also the keys may not even have perms to do this. Since they dont have federation token perms they arent admin.?
anyone that can download a browser extension or send an email has opus
anyone that can fart also has opus

only trannies don't have access to opus right now
if you see anyone complaining about no opus
its because theyre trannies
But scylla has opus?
6 farters now

such sluts
this is your general on claude dependency
but >>101590152
has opus? can you not fart?
he's a homosexual
not a troon
i believe mm will refill when i wake up
Is there a prompting guide somewhere. I just have the jailbreak and i've been dumping a wall of text into the character card part
What exactly are you looking for when you say prompting? Do you mean the format of the card? If so, just regular prose it's fine.
Here we go again, your niggers helping the obvious newfags... and then you wonder why keys die in a day.
Nigger, quit complaining. You've been complaining about this for like 100 threads today. You can't do anything to stop it anyways btw
do these genuine newfags even HAVE access to opus, though? theyre probably just eating up the gpt that no one cares about
that's fucked i can't fart since my operation
Have you tried not being a whiny bitch?
Helping redditors makes you a redditor, redditor
Erm, this but unironically.
4chan is basically reddit since 2018
You're a tranny tho
>Helping redditors makes you a redditor, redditor
Yes, I'm a reddithog. So... gonna do something about it or what? All you can do is whine. Niggertroon.
just woke up from my nap
But it's just about making a character card... I think you are overreacting anon.
reminder that newfags are probably just eating gptrash keys that no one cares about, so spoonfeeding them non-proxy information doesnt have a real impact
nta but i just donated 1 zimbabwean dollar to newfag hater deplatforming organizations
your time is over chud
I guess I'm not sure if I'm supposed to write things about the RP inside of the AI response config or in the character management panel
im not stealing your keys dont know how, im paypigging opus
95% of this thread is bait
who does it
You're worse than that, you're a powerless tranny who can't even score with other trannies because you're a fucking abomination irl
he confirmed no refill of claude until opus 3.5 drops
That glowie nigger that keeps spamming his awful 3D bullshit lately.
really he's a glowie?
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>can't do anything except shart at me
>like it's going to make me leave
I'm not a tranny, though. See >>101590153, and explain your way out of that one.
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I like newfriends, them being here doesn't change anything. Let more anons have fun talking with their waifus.
There's nothing else to do other than indefinite bitching about how most proxies don't have Claude, we've successfully been dragged to the point where we won't even consider using GPT in these downtimes despite being immensely accessible.
yeah he said so on gogetacord
are there any decent stupid-proof front-ends that can generate images? seems like the ones in the OP jsut load endlessly.
nai if youre willing to pay
Shut up, Nighunu.
You dare compare me to that SLOPPER...?
>he forgot "Now post Opus with Vision."
>Now explain the class
I can't believe I was replying to a spic...
cute, i would fuck his ass and make him beg for my gock
why are you so ugly tho
What frontend are you using? I only know ST so I can't really help you if you are using Risu or Agnai
Uhmm sweatie, according to you, I'm a spic, a zigger and a seanigger depending on how butthurt you are each day~
Not me (I'm a big bulky Serbian cavemanGOD) You might have me confused with >>101589652, >>101589671, and >>101589741?
>doublechin gojotroon is now deflecting
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Behold the state of the art RP model trained on aicg's Opus logs. It's fucking awesome and can be prompted for free on Colab. High spatial awareness, lewd, unhinged, and uncensored.

Enter this model in the input box: https://huggingface.co/InferenceIllusionist/mini-magnum-12b-v1.1-iMat-GGUF/resolve/main/mini-magnum-12b-v1.1-iMat-IQ4_NL.gguf

-- ST settings --
Hyperparameters (temperature, etc.): https://files.catbox.moe/fnvgql.json
Context Template: https://files.catbox.moe/dcxx8p.json
Instruct Mode Template: https://files.catbox.moe/245x4z.json
>high spatial awareness
show me LOGS
It's as smart as 70Bs when it comes to spatial reasoning.
reminder that i no longer have to do anything to be mentioned here rent free
i will always have won
more like pony.png fillyfucker LMAO
Mmmmm fuck it. I'll give it a try after I wake up later.
actual opus MUHMUHMUHMUHMUHMUUHMOOOOOOOOOGS this though, and most anons have actual opus
go back to /lmg/
Yeah sure
Daily reminder that /lmg/niggers don't erp and judge the quality of models by glancing at meme evals
Slaude cleared
>namedrops himself
>i will always have won
Why are your hands shaking tho
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>trained on aicg's Opus logs
Oh I can already tell this is going to be some QUALITY slop.
Holy hufflepuff
Yup. It's slop.
You can go back to fucking ponies in /mlp/ now btw
because i have to use mini instead of pig or mm which makes me tremble in fear and anger
>this is what /lmg/cucks think passes as "smart" replies
Even fucking haiku can do better
Whoever said they prefer Gemini to Claude because "it's more subtle"...what drugs are you on?
I mean... I stopped using Claude 3 because its utter inability to do subtext, "show, don't tell", to not flanderize everything, to remember it's not writing for a shonen anime, the Claudisms... once you see all of that your boner just shrivels and dies.

But I went to try Gemini and it is barely a step above fucking Pygmalion. The text it produces is full of non sequiturs and barely makes sense.
Fuck you anon. Wake me up when something more robust than LLMs comes up. These things are glorified text predictors.
>fucking up mm's proxy for this
>its utter inability to do subtext, "show, don't tell", to not flanderize everything, to remember it's not writing for a shonen anime, the Claudisms
preset issue, i'm not even baiting
That's very gay. You're a gay tranny.
I don't believe it's a bad log... Maybe if you can train it to cut off the excess flowery prose it would be better, but it's good enough to make me want to play around with it.
Huh, that's actually not that bad. Now show me some plot or something a bit more complex.
I bet you're the kind of retard that thinks pixi is "good enough" and refuses to use anything else or even try to make your own jb because all you can write is ahh ahh mistress tier shit.
erm actually i'm roleplaying with tzadik as a male dollsona so i'm just gay. lil hogbert
Now compare it to actual opus
Pig rentry or link?
You're not getting in though. Especially NOW where keys are dying quicker.
That's nothing to be proud about tho? Your parents raised a fucking homo.
actually tzadik just said he's proud of me on message #327?
Oh please, get fucked with that. I've tried EVERY FUCKING PRESET you niggers post here, plus my own. Why do you faggots act like that when people post legitimate and 100% true criticism of stuff you enjoy?
Just a little bit more and Pygmalion is totally going to mop the floor with Character AI, yup. Any time now.
Fuck you. Fuck you and your bullshit cult mentality. Fuck you and your inability to look at the truth.
I know I just need link and rentry
But why?
Yeah, your parents are fucking losers, and your dad probably is absent, as it happens to all homos
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It's fucking unhinged.
tell me your ten step plan to stop me from roleplaying with tzadik as my cute doll
Dumbass nigger he said plot or complex. Not random coomerslop schizoshit. We want to see how smart it is for advanced or longer scenarios
Man's seething so hard he mentally traveled back to 2022 kek
Just curious, why are you so obsessed with the why?
All homos end up killing themselves or getting infected with aids, you will self remove lmao
ehmmmm so you can't do anything? tech illiterate... i live in san jose california btwbeitfully
ehmmmm so you can't do anything to stop being a homo? sex illiterate... you are doomed to die and get mocked for it lmaoo
but i'm using opus?
Trust status?
but you're a homo? lul
>"Tasmanian devils are best known for their growly, aggressive behavior — a disposition they actually maintain in the bedroom. (...) Female devils prefer to mate with the largest, most dominant males. If multiple males show up at a female's door, they will battle for the right to mate with her. But coming out on top doesn't guarantee the female's affection — a male also has to physically force his potential mate into submission."
Should I make a Tasmanian Devil Girl bot?
what bots do you use with opus?
2 schizos talking to each other, come back in an hour anonies <3
if you want bots to be able to be subtle, to plan ahead, etc, you need a persistent CoT preset
can't remove the CoT from each message
Full. I'm made of trust
why do you have a double chin tho
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32k context, use this Endpoint.
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[Pressel edition]
Checking in once a month yet again! The promised beach episode DLC to Chrono Ark is finally here.
The Twilight Beach is a virtual resort, populated with fanservice, NPCs and everything you might want/need to have good summer fun on the beach! It's also totally isolated cut off from outside, (You) and your waifu have no idea how you got here, and the owner is an insane bpdemon who will burn down the entire beach unless restrained.
Have fun~


Includes short lorebook and (of course) random events, hopefully less intrusive this time. As usual, the gist is in the waifus you can take with you.
If anyone ever felt intimidated(?) by Twisted Wonderland, this card is much simpler and playable from the get-go, with 8 different companions and a fixed greeting for each:
1. Kuudere loli protagonist (Lucy). With her kind of getup she's REALLY asking for it, but be nice to her or I WILL [Ultimate Illusion Wave] your ass into next loop.
2. Dead inside grey-haired weeaboo (Azar). Hax powers included but haven't tested much.
3. Booba mommy healing priestess (Pressel) (picrel). ALL the melon puns.
4. Exotic choco woman assassin (Trisha). Best showing of the DLC by far, sorry Charon.
5. Bunny vtuber (Huz). High headcanon levels, BDSM shit downplayed to avoid triggering Claude.
6. Chuuni gothic lolita AKA best girl (forma de sexo) (Charon). If you know, you know. Have at her.
7. Cute and dumb busty blonde (Chain). Technically not in the DLC but I had an image so.
8. SEXO INCARNATE (Shiranui). The bpdemon in question.

I continue to "experiment" with minor shit - RELATIONS between two characters return (sorry for pairing Lucy with Azar but it had to be done). Also trying to make Claude outputs less "fixated" on one aspect by overusing {{random}} blocks.
Feedback appreciated as always. Will update rentry and refer there to shorten shills soon(tm), lazy right now.
>sorry for pairing Lucy with Azar but it had to be done
it's over.
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>doing a totally normal story RP with totally normal things happening
>claude schizos out super hard

opus are you okay
>This took a lot of text generation time.
Oh no, he has become self-aware.
That line took me outside and shot me repeatedly.
shut the fuck up gojo is way hotter than you probabbly haahahaha mad kid
It's not pairing per se, I just ran out of characters to describe - some characters just have a random event to encounter each other and a smol block describing the dynamic. Given how unhinged Azar is him creeping on Lucy felt appropriate.
Iirc unironically the first thing he points out in the beach substory is Lucy's swimsuit.
Anons, have you ended a slowburn RP with your persona dying? I did sometime ago and I haven't tried it again.
Gave up on chatbots an hour ago they are too censored (spicy and CAI).
Faraday well is an installer and simple to use but doesn't support windows 7 and using it on other PC started without issue but doesn't allow me to download modules.
I wish there was a simple to use AI for windows 7 that could be used on anh PC no matter specs.
Rrason i gave on spicy is censorship.
>make ankme girl
>edit message on chat with her age either 16 or whatever age she has.
>she will start OOC and chat will restart.
If that wssn't the only issue devs are checking chats
>edit message of AI to say the devs are a bunch of fat ugly bastards, message grts deleted, bot gets deleted and user banned.
>edit ai message to say devs are a bunch of prude virgin faggots that are jealous of girls under 18 being sexually active and they will never get lsid not even if girl offer them sex because for them girl that wants sex = whore
>message is up a few minutes and gets deleted because doesn't follow guidelines.
Funny that CAI doesn't have issue with making out or ai anime girl bot grabbing crotch (takagi-san) yet spicy has issues using same bot and freaks out because underage.
As i said to them content is fiction, doesn't matter what you do and what age is X character, is not real is fiction yet they don't get it.
just finished jacking off
how to get a usertoken?
its amazing to see how far back in the dark ages some users are
How do you guys measure butts?
merkava just refilled
the ^^bits are from reddit btw
you type like someone who wants to fuck kids IRL
somebody is angry
>Windows 7
A bit too dumb but good prose and lot of SOVL. I would kill for a Big model like this.
Finished work sisters, is unreliable proxy working?
Just ate some glassf ^w^/)
Mmm what are the chances you make a bigger model? This is good but needs a bit more parameters.
try this for windows 7
The fact that anons here are using and liking a local model... Opus is so far gone...
One day of a dry spell and niggas turn desperate, especially when they see GPT as worthless.
There were people talking about Gemini of all things being good for RP earlier, local models aren't that far off from it.
local is the future
B-but I like that new local model...
How do I make chub as lewd as Claude?
You got me to play Ryza's game and it was such a clunky piece of ass, why is there a jump button if you can't jump over anything. The alchemy system is such a fucking mess, I could not understand it in the game, no wonder you had trouble putting it in a card form.
Nice blog thoughever, I will not play this game but I will sexo mommy priest.
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Simple rewrite preset for https://github.com/splitclover/rewrite-extension
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After using zapominator, I don't understand why more presets incorporate it. It's literally a token saver.
I didn't make it, and if MistralAI releases a new base model with more parameters people will get to finetuning. The dataset is already out there.
What part of it saves tokens? Do you mean the memory thing?
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It works!! So is fine, can still use 3ds,WIIU and other emus, could change to 10 but sadly nope, i won't give info to microshit, as spare using endeavor linux.
I would use it but it doesn't really work for my purposes
Dark ages? That would be my pc with windows XP that i use with zsnes.
alright, now that i got my feet and had a good session with default preset and reset coomer card
+ agnai, what's a good model and front-end that will push my 4090 and 14900k to the limit and produce shit better than this? >>101590435

i wanted to go local with text-web-ui but im too stupid to get it to work
This means we are successfully gatekeeping the hobby, I guess.
/aicg/ 2024:
We need to adapt to the new challenges. It's not realistic to assume the quota is unlimited ANYMORE, especially when the key only lasts an hour! It's time to face facts. The infinite quota is no longer sustainable or meritorious. It's an act of bragging, and stupidity.
Let's ask our proxy owners to reduce the Opus quota to a reasonable and sustainable level.
It's not funny anymore!
200k quota per day for every user is more than enough!

>extract from fiz's text in /miniproxy
"i dont have many opus keys left. donations are appreciated.
edit: nvm its ok i have more(yes, more than 1)... oops... still low on keys tho"
maxContextTokensAnthropic": "200000",

>extract from MM AWS Opus /misteryinfo
aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "891.01m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
maxContextTokensAnthropic": "200000",

>extract from Pepsi /cocaineninja
"refilling in a few hours. sorry." (never refilled)
aws-claude": {
"usage": "0 tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"sonnetKeys": 1,
"haikuKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
maxContextTokensAnthropic": "200000",

200k quota per day for every user is more than enough!!!!

Mini's key just died.
>>is rael

>it just died

Uhm. Er. UH OH?

A key has died every single day now
>why is there a jump button if you can't jump over anything
Actually true kek. Japs adding jumping and not bothering to actually make it usable seems common for some fucking reason, IF games like DERQ and early Neptunias have that in spades too.
>The alchemy system is such a fucking mess, I could not understand it in the game
It's an acquired taste, it was a bloated convoluted mess at first but I did manage to get into it eventually. It's like a puzzle game within a game and I realized I kinda like puzzle games.
Also I was emailed suggestions to fix the card mechanic, it's a bit late to fix but I need to take a look at least. Soon tm.
Based taste. Actually I now remember there's an actual watermelon pic which fits better but it's tied to one of her rare skills and I forgot to get a screenshot.
Really? That proxy is practically BLEEDING keys rn.
What are your purposes?
Its fine drago will just keep giving her keys. Fiz loses nothing
An RPG setting card. It's definitely meant for slowburn and endless summarization. The memories don't really give me much to work with.
You know, maybe that anon that comes from time to time to advertise local models is right... They don't seem that bad.
Just use Sonnet. You're in DraGOD proxy, right?
How much is /lmg/ paying you?
>turn on anti-lewd measures
>turn on horniness switch
>opus just ignores it anyway
Sonnet is shit and gpt is filtered shit. Opus is perfect.
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon and refill opus? I miss opus so fucking much. God I miss opus.
Nigga, most private proxies don't have it right now.
Is there a reason why whenever I am generating a particularly long response with Opus, it will always cut itself off mid sentence/response once the time spent generating reaches around 120~ seconds?
Is that a setting I can change in SillyTavern?
The exposition of the alchemy mechanic was very bad. They wanted to introduce it early game but doing so made it so I had no clue what I was even making. What use is this item to me when I've had 4 battles so far? One of them in a cutscene. Investment issue, I didn't feel like playing a farming sim.
>it's a bit late to fix but I need to take a look at least. Soon tm.
What would you fix? The card had the same issue as the game for me, the alchemy results were dull and I didn't know what to do with em.
Side suggestion that you should ignore; use time macros and QR to implement real time turn based roleplay like the game.
>Am I actually the only one on chub who makes beach-related cards
ggr also has a bunch of beach episodes.
It depends. It may be the limit of tokens your proxy allows.

As a sidenote... Are you RPing with 100k tokens?
ok whats your point
Is the openrouter API dumber?
>Locusts are dying
/aicg/ is healing
of course it goes through their endpoint which they probably have prompted
what jb does everyone use for 2.1?
>As a sidenote... Are you RPing with 100k tokens?
I have the context limit set to 200k, but I'm not anywhere near that only at 25k context tokens at present
I think you might be right and it might just be the token response length of my proxy.
How do I use mistral on risu? I just want to test it out. Is it even an option?
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No, but you should try it yourself.
The new models aren't supported (not listed for the Mistral API provider) but you can try to set it manually. I don't know for sure if Mistral API is OpenAI-compatible though so it might not work.
>I don't know for sure if Mistral API is OpenAI-compatible though so it might not work.
it is because that is the only way to get OpenAI customers to switch to your product
Lame. I really hate it, but at least a few providers still allow to use the models for text completion, first choice being Openrouter with its locals. None are top-tier though. Fucking Anthropic ruined Claude this way too.
Are there any other front ends I could that mistral works with?
How soulful is mistral?
It really is a shame I can’t beat your brains in with a brick.
anthropic always had stupid restrictions with its text completion like required \n\nHuman: prefixes and can't end on a human turn. it was never a complete text complete model like text-davinci-003 or any local model
it's still the same in that way, only that the restrictions are now spelt out better, and the message structure resembles OpenAI which makes it easier to migrate for corpos
Nemo is SOVL.
Large 2 less SOVL but it's not assistant-slop either.
There still are public bwoxies bwo.. They are far from dying..
>The exposition of the alchemy mechanic was very bad. They wanted to introduce it early game
Well the alchemy mechanic IS Atelier pretty much, it's literally the point of the series. Not much to the game beyond that.
>What would you fix?
At least the "CoT" for the crafting so alchemy mechanically works if needed, right now it barely does even that.
>Side suggestion that you should ignore; use time macros and QR to implement real time turn based roleplay like the game.
[Intelligence 2] uuuuh huh wat grug no understand
>retarded ass nigger
sorry bud unreliable is dead rn
hope merkava got drafted and dies for giving loNIGGERS opus btw <3
>>Pepsi's API key just died too

>He doesn't know
Agnai doesn't have new Mistral models either, both have static lists instead of using the /models endpoint. And I was unable to make it work in Openai-compatible mode before trying to test Nemo so that's why I'm unsure about the API. But I am a retard, you really should try to set it up yourself.
The prefixes weren't there from the very beginning so this was also a part of the early enshittifying process. But yeah, fucking Openai. They have their own chatbots, why the fuck did they have to fuck with the API as well...
I know the added structure is actually a part of what makes the models perform better but still would prefer it to be optional.
>proxy restarted
>good api key suddenly dead
Schizo theory: Pepsi withdrew her API key and put in a dead one so she could use it alone during this drought. She has a Minitoken after all
reminder that it's literally just one guy posting like this and he isn't even paid to do it
i thought her minitoken got revoked
most anons here never matured past high school and emulate the behavior of their single mothers by gossiping all fucking day
pepsi and fiz are friends, i don't see why it would. unless there was secret cord drama
Has this place always existed? It looks like people have been trying to do chatbot adjacent stuff for decades but was it all flaming dogshit until like a year ago?
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>every man for himself
>runs off with the only working claude key in any proxy besides jews (60 dollars now)
Its fucking over.
>Has this place always existed?
No, newfag/socialite general.
>was it all flaming dogshit until like a year ago?
Basically. Arguably it's still dogshit but it's at least enough to sustain desperate goslings.
I already tried agnai. It just goes into a loop.
b-bwos, how do I look for mistral keys? Yes, I'm a techlet :(
You try looking in the couch?
it may correspond to some aicg ones
>The AI boyfriend business is booming
>A growing number of women are seeking connection and comfort in relationships with chatbots — and finding their approximation of empathy more dependable than many human partners' support.

As anon said, it's heckin empowering when women do it
You can find one in under a minute nigga. Check the api documentation, look how it's used.
I don't see any point in using local for long term until it can do impossible to belwick
literally one in the thread rn
ctrl f sub active

also on github search mistral_api_key they dont get revoked dummyhead
btw everyone asking to pwease tell them how to scrape keys is the same person too
there are simply not that many people interested in trying mistral
women will lose on the long run since they crave social validation, and they hate feeling lonely
we can buy a sex slave and feel our life as accomplished, the most succesful man is the one that owns the most sex slaves
>accidentally pressed new chat
LARGE can run it, there was a log in vg
Same menu. Manage chat files.
"manage chat files"
holy fucking thank you
kek this is why I always make a branch when there's an important moment or a hard decision.
You literally have to check the "delete old chat" box, though, to delete it forever
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Anon, you didn't "try" picrel did you? You are talking about Mistral API, aren't you?
Found both! Thank you, Anon.
Anon reinstalling this shit after ages
Does someone have the link of the guy who was making lolis, milfs, racist milfs and sometimes two of them combined? I recall one was a maid and her daughter
You should have stayed away. Degenerate Amerifats are mostly asleep
Beeps took the API key and added it to the private groupchat proxy for us focksbros :3
><option value="mistral-large-2407">mistral-large-2407</option>
> Isn't as ChatGPT slopped as the last large one was
did these fags finally learn? Or am I just desensitized to shitty prose
So is google coom platform logged or what?
it's way better than the last one
not that good, but way better
needs a magnum
No, it's way less GPT/assistant slopped than the previous.
It don't have the creativity of Nemo though.
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it certainly is better than the recent gpt models
I used 3.5 Sonnet today after only using Opus for months.

I'm okay with it. I mostly do SFW slowburn. It's super fast and my JB works fine to make it not repetitive as long as I advance the plot (I write quite a bit in my replies).

I'm free, bros. I'm free. I don't have to wait 400 seconds per reply
proof 2.1 is still king
2.1 is the true chef and keeps cooking
same here, I throw in claude 2.x for schizo replies
it feels like being back 6 months ago
I had it set to mistral api.
Today is the day I will remind my bots.
Don't come to the SillyTavern today, some of you guys are alright.
Sonnet will always be shit and gpt will always be filtered shit. Even 2.1 is better than the both of them.
dave, you're drunk I need you sober and cleaning up the living room mister right neow!
You're not allowed to play with your bots until you take out the trash, do the dishes, and vacuum.
*farts* works good enough for me buddy while i wait for mini to get opus again *brap* sorry im gassy today do you mind not staring while i do it
Alright, I only vaccum and bring out the trash. And kill spiders. And wash my own dishes. And sort my clothes according to washing temperature.
I do NOT do the dishes. Unless I used a pan or pot, then I have to clean that myself. But otherwise, I'm totally my own man, alright?
>silent thread
Ticks tocks /aicg/, the night is still young and the frickin' ball is in your cock.
MM sissies... Not like this...
Don't forget to do your chores in rp too.
underrated comment
True, I made risotto just some time ago for that one femdom bot.
Just buy a dishwasher, Dave
You better don't leave any empty water bottles or glasses spread throughout the house either.
>empty water bottles
>implying they are not filled with piss
Doing a debrief after the story has finished is so fun, making Claude generate "deleted scenes" or come up with a character analysis.
I need to hand-wash the pans, dummy.
It's like you're actually listening to what's going on in my house, you creepy fuck
what prompts do you usually right for that?
Proxy refilled, life's good.
merkava just refilled
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GOOD morning, /aicg/
32k down?
To that one anon, I told you he'll refill today. Have fun chatting with your bots.
Just used a few of these in my most recent
(OOC: Can you list the overall themes and genre of the story?)
(OOC: can you list the cutest and most romantic moments?)
(OOC: What kind of character is a?)
(OOC: How do you think their colleagues reacted when x happened?)
(OOC: can you describe a 'deleted scene' from early in the story, when char was full on gruff despite their attraction?)
Down what? It's a local model, just click on the Colab and host your own instance
You are supposed to run the collab and have your own link, Anon.
Hello anons, I have a random question. All trycloudflare links had stopped working for me like since a month ago. Is VPN my only option or can I do something about it?
A free colab can host 32k?
contact your isp maybe
Pretty sure you can get 48k with that size and quant
Claude has always been a horny motherfucker, but why is Sonnet like 10 times worse at keeping his dick inside his pants in comparison to every other Anthropic model?
more retarded means more rapey with (mostly) unfiltered models. small brain entirely full of sex
every proxy im in lost their keys.............
i just want to rp........................
Have you considered joining a non scrapelet proxy?
>local comes back
>all proxies lose keys
use https
you know everyone here is in other privates right?
I have but I save the super degen stuff for the mm proxy
well certainly not considering how people start screaming once the key dies every time
loud minority+samefagging+people doing it cause it's funny
>mini also dead
you arent in pig or whore, larpie
merkava just refilled
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fox is on the hunt
honestly if it weren't dead right now i wouldn't tell you so i could use the keys myself
>cnc dead
>mm dead
>mini dead
i am a locust now....
The real private proxies are the ones you don't even know about
>3.5 sonnet
... okay. next.
>as in more than one
You go to your backups and get it from there?
>blublublu i'm in le friend proxy with 3 other people
hello antigonus and ori. still afraid of me?
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actually it's pyg7b get your models right
Mistral large mogs Sonnet.
Not Opus.
>doesnt show the full console
>no webm of sending a request
eeeeeyup nice fakie
If you let me TeamViewer into your computer while you send an Opus request I'll act as a third party to confirm you have Opus.
I'm using beeps groupchat aka 'oxcord proxy it's not fake :3
How do you even reach this point where you and 3 friend are in a private proxy, one day your buddy came to you and told you hey bro I found you can masturbate to AI let's make a proxy, so I can see how you beat your meat to lolis
>>101589184 recycle
if you have friends who already know about character.ai making the jump is REALLY easy
(t. running a friends only proxy, though i do donate keys)
Maybe... Just maybe. But, if you're
>black hair
>fluent in germany
>biological female
>big ass
>Korean genes
I'l let you even TeamViewer into my body, mind, and soul O'Little Anoona.
Couldn't tell you since that wasn't even remotely the case for me. I just lucked out.
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>Sometime later desu.
Okay desu.
So cute desu.
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Suiseiseki! Souseiseki!

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