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Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous thread: >>101575917
>usually after about 2 years it's time to go.
I know this is what it takes to get bigger paycheck sooner or later eventually, especially for guys under 30, but is it worth it to deal with interviews and learning the new company culture all over again? The new place might have bigger bullshit than the previous.
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How to deal with a colleague that always gives his personal opinion on PRs?
Like, god that is so dumb, why did you do it A instead of way B?
Instead of, you can also do it B.
Tell him to do it himself then, my colleague and I said that to our PO saying we didn't need to do this and that to develop a solution. Do it yourself since you know better you fucking cunt.
finished the 60 "intro" arcade questions from codesignal in 4 days. the hardest one was probably on the same level as one of the more easier "hard" questions on leetcode, but my brain is still fried as fuck.

didnt really learn anything new as i was able to solve all of them without looking things up, but i can recommend it if you havent done DSA in a while to get back into the rhythm.
did we, dare i say it, peak in Q4 2024?
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My company overhired like crazy in non-tech roles, now they ran out of money and are freezing recruitments. We have yet to recruit engineers because we can't find good candidates, this is fucking over.
fascinating analysis, can you also plot /twg/ posting activity alongside it? ti would be funny if it spiked along with the interest rate. i guess you could normalize it relative to all samples averaged across time or something
twg wasn't established back then
Could we do a strawpoll or something, I'm really curious to know how many people posting in this gen are actually employed vs unemployed anons. I feel like the ratio of unemployed people is much higher but I'm curious.
oh i see, /twg/ *was* the reaction to the interest rate LOL
no just use the developers login, i didnt use their learning platform
i dont have job nor a job paying me to do leetcode
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It would be through OTS. The officer options you get with the military are varied and have different slot openings depending upon your entrance. Academy brats for example get there first pick so long as they meet the minimum requirements.

But so long as your willing to wait for your selected position to open you are fine. Having good fitness standards IE ideally 55 pushups / situps - 10 pullups(not on the test) - 10-11 min 1.5 mile run will help before you go.
I would also recommend doing 100, 8 count burpees before all of your workouts since it dramatically helps your endurance and strength.

You also need to study for and pass the AFOQT since that takes the place of the ASVAB and counts for job placement. Same goes with having a high GPA for certain positions like pilot and intelligence.
>see colleagues leetcode activity going up dramatically over the last couple of days
should i snitch?
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Why would you? What benefit is there to snitching on them?
>this pic
This was me when I was unemployed and living my best life, my cat keeping me company while I learnt to play the guitar. My father was still alive then.
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Work? never did it.
Time? never tracked it.
Reports? never filled them.
Parking? never paid for it.
Traffic? never waited in it.
Lunch? never missed it.
Farts? never held them.
Showers? never took them.
Mornings? never saw them.
Sleep? never skipped it.

My teacup is filled,
My lunchbox is packed,
Yeah, and my backpack is full
of stuff that makes me rule (badass)

This post is dedicated to all my neet bros
Neeting it up 24/7, it aint easy being neety
Always wagies trying to chum up my vibes
With their onerous wagecage diatribes
Some people are just born to be miserable bootlickers. Someone in my company got fired for badmouthing a colleague, he just said "ugh he's never around when we need him" and that was it. Hope this happens to that anon.
idk just in a hater mood
>all my neet bros
>tech workers general
legit why do you guys even hang out here
>Academy brats for example get there first pick
Doesn't that mean the glut of unemployable CS majors will take all the tech positions?
God I hope trump comes back and makes money free again
>Interview for niche job coming up
>Spending the weekend munching on Adderall and reading Wikipedia/asking ChatGPT about/looking at documentation of electrical and HVAC concepts
I don't think I'm going to get this job but basically all of this except safety regulations is interesting, good times.
what is the job
>interview for job coming up (Monday morning)
>spending the weekend literally not caring
uhhhh based department? id like to report an incident
>proceed to complain monday evening about the job market and nobody hiring
banger desu
Any recommended way on how to get into Kubernetes, AWS, Terraform?

This seems to be a requirement for any backend role recently.
What do you mean get into? How to use them as a dev? How to admin them? Your question is too broad.
Good morning sar
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I hate those things specifically because learning to use them for hobby/side/learning projects is vastly overkill, so the only way to get experience using them is via work. [spoiler]I'd argue they're overkill for most companies too unless you're truly global scale and need 24/7 uptime.[/spoiler]
Bootstrapping Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform
A project-based guide
Ashley Davis
January 2021
ISBN 9781617297212
440 pages
printed in black & white
Available translations: Korean
Just set up a cluster locally for some dogshit mini-project and play around with autoscaling, overlays, etc. Experiment with pod to pod communication, pod to external communication, etc.
Learn the basics and what the most used services do. Also some networking. If they ask for AWS experience, bullshit that you have experience in Azure and vice versa.
Idk nobody really asks for this specifically.
my bad
Bootstrapping Microservices, Second Edition
With Docker, Kubernetes, GitHub Actions, and Terraform
Ashley Davis

March 2024 ISBN 9781633438569 464 pages

printed in black & white includes free previous edition eBook

(not in korean this time)
Well, mainly to use them as a dev.
Goal is to learn how to deploy and configure the application in Kubernetes on AWS.
Completely agree. It's just that nowadays every single interviewer expects you to know more than just the basics.
Terraform in Action
Scott Winkler

May 2021 ISBN 9781617296895 408 pages

printed in black & white
isn't that a girl's name
You're unemployed shut the fuck up
books are scams lol
400 pages of a guy repeating the docs to you
>books are scams lol
books are FREE you dumbass how is it possibly a scam?
Babysitting a data center from what I understand
no they're not, and if they are they scam you out of your time
>books are scams lol
Unironically just give up on life at this point, there's no future for you.
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cost: 0$ (free)
knowledge: priceless
annoying yt grifters in my ear: 0
vague as fuck unhelpful docs: 0
scam udemy/online courses: 0
just me, myself, and a bunch of tomes that a bunch of people wrote their knowledge into so that I could learn in a pure and focused way. you should try it sometime
Books were relevant and very important before the internet. Now they aren't.
>now you can read a book on a computer instead of on paper
>this makes books obsolete because ???
It's literally written knowledge. You're a luddite faggot who probably worships chatgpt like it's some sort of machine-god.
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>we're looking for devops engineers
>yeah, the company has been outsourcing to India
>yeah, we could really do with getting some people state side
>no experience? nah, we can train you. No problem.
>1 week later
>yeah, comes out we would really prefer experienced engineers
>yeah, I know you have an engineering degree but we want people that really know devops
>you know, people that can hit the ground running
>we're a Series F startup so we can't afford to train
>you should try applying to an early stage start up
this cycle will never end of only wanting "experienced" applicants whatever "experienced" means to them
You wouldn't have this problem if you read a book
>like 10 developers
>40% is external
>barely any seniority
>company wants to hire indians so we get more developers
yeah, great idea. who is going to guide them because we can barely guide juniors, let alone indians
>hate women
>desperate for a job
they're literally like 90% of anons here
if they are asking you about hvac and electrical it sounds like you would be an onsite "engineer", aka glorified janitor

if you seriously want to do that you should join the building engineers union and make stacks babysitting a high rise
they're also ugly and brown
>whatever "experienced" means to them
It means they want 0 qualified applicants so they can buy an H1-B lottery ticket.
coping, grasping at the past
post your code
Is the job market actually that bad? I'm getting really anxious if I'm gonna end up being unemployed for months until idk, decide to work at a fastfood or something.
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I have a question fellow /g/ents. is it worth learning Openshift over Kubernetes? Some people tell me Kubernetes is the right choice because is widely used compared to Openshift, but others have told me that knowing Openshift is the right for making good money but not everybody uses it.
just realize how inefficient reading actually is
videos are 1000x more potent information and can convey in a minute what a book needs an entire chapter for
Which is fair, there is a reason Mr. Vance was picked, and that is because Indians are amazing tech workers.
Of course you're a tiktok fag that can't possibly read, you just had to be.
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I've given up /twg/. I'm not gonna work in tech anymore. I hate the tech sector so much. I'm gonna do side hustles online until I run out of money and then I'm going to kill myself. See you on the other side.
Meh, I probably don't have the right kind of experience for this job anyway, and idk why they're even bothering to interview me. I'll show up and do what I can, but I have low expectations. I'm not even all that interested in the role.
Unless they plan on having someone full-time wrangling them, it will fail. Offshore pajeets need strict written instruction because they will do the bare minimum to meet your requirements (if that).
Can't you just do something else instead of killing yourself? Trying to pick up another, more fun job instead of literal death doesn't sound too crazy.
It's fine I've had plenty fun in life. It's been getting old for a while. My passion for tech has died and along with that, as I have I.
Strawman argument...
>videos are 1000x more potent information and can convey in a minute what a book needs an entire chapter for
Solid bait.
Your brain's visual machinery is incredibly powerful (high bandwidth), while interpreting a long string of words is not (low bandwidth).
bros, I've been getting mixed answers. For Amazon interviews, are you supposed to literally name the leadership principle(s) you're referencing or do you just word your story so it's obvious which leadership principle(s) you're referring to and let the interviewer figure it out?

I have no idea, because all I hear about it on the Internet is that there aren't any jobs anymore but everything I hear about it at work is "Why is it so FUCKING HARD to hire someone" and our pay is pretty reasonable.
I feel like you'll see openshift in specific iaas companies or large enterprises while k8s could pop up anywhere
>everything I hear about it at work is "Why is it so FUCKING HARD to hire someone [who isn't garbage]"
openshift is k8s with extras, you need to know k8s to know openshift
Well, yes, for things that depends highly on dynamic imagery, the video might truly be better medium.

However, we are talking about programming, which is about reading and writing stuff. Written tutorials might be better fit there.

Also, it's not like written words don't go through the visual machinery you mention.

But I guess it depends on the person a lot.
What do you hate about working in tech?
i hope you're all prepared to be a pincushion for pharmaceutical companies bros. follow this anons advice so you can all be properly forcibly vaccinated for everything under the sun.
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>The number of students in the U.S. majoring in computer and information science has jumped 40% in five years, to more than 600,000 as of 2023. The number of bachelor's degrees conferred in those majors topped 100,000 in 2021, according to the Department of Education, a 140% rise from 10 years earlier.

the projected job growth between 2020-2030 is only expected to be about 400k for software dev. this doesnt even count h1b or bootcampers. even when rates go down and economy recovers a bit its still going to be very tough.
You are literally disabled
You use the visual machinery to identify words one by one, maybe 3 at a time, but you're required to read a thousand words across many pages to really get to the key information.
let me guess: you were held back in school because of poor reading skills? i can read hundreds of pages in a day. you are literally a retard who needs baby sensory videos in order to understand or process any information.
how did you know
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Mmm, after reading your posts I think I'll go for kubernetes and if my boss approves, I'll for openshift later. Thank u sirs.
Kys kike
Strawman again...
B-but I'm south american
Why isn't there a company like uber for software dev? It would be good for everyone, easy to find work, easy to find workers and cheap.
The anon who told you you were disabled wasn't joking btw, you might want to look into your issues. I mean it.
I wasn't joking, most people are disabled in some shape, they just learn masking from an early age.
Fiverr, Upwork, et al. exist. You're competing with 3rd worlders with zero cost of living. Also Upwork makes applicants pay to send applications. Not sure how that's legal. Fiverr might do it too.
I don't see the issue, that's the free market, if you can't compete with some third worlders you aren't fit for the task.
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>stay at job for minimum of 2 years per employer
>long enough to gauge whether or not it's somewhere i really want to work
>also gives me enough time to establish rapport across the whole company
>generally if I don't receive a raise >= 10% or a promotion around the 2 year mark I bail for money++ somewhere else
>repeat ad infinitum
>just passed 2 year mark at job i kinda fuckin hate
>get promoted to staff engineer, 12% raise and 20% bonus
>now stuck for another 2 years to repeat the cycle i created for myself
i think i've finally been golden handcuffed fellas. at 185k/year. not faang level by any means by for only 7 YOE i'm doing quite well. fuck. i really hate this job.
There are so many things you could like apart from tech, hell I don't care that much for it either anymore. Fuck around, find a new passion, try new things you got nothing to lose anymore anon

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