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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Hiyori edition

Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101595217
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ahh ahh mistress
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sex with arius
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cd SillyTavern
git pull

cd SillyTavern
git pull

cd SillyTavern
git pull
why does this nigga still maintain that shit
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Shilling Cobes again for some pointers on how to do better:
First time trying to make a bot, no idea what the fuck I'm doing so I just did whatever.
I'd appreciate any criticism on this slop.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/Average_Dave_34/kingcobrajfs-bd2b16df5017
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/bcpu94.png

Picrel is who I will be doing next.
mmmmmmmmmmmm nyo
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Mother Loga - https://characterhub.org/characters/thegreatcoom/mother-loga-df0937987ca2
20 years ago the female canithropes (a genetically engineered race of anthro canines) overthrew the old world over in a bloody war against their male counterparts and human females, and the world has since then become a paradise where female canithropes and the remaining human men live in peace and harmony.
You however have lived your entire life in a secluded bunker, away from this paradise until you're one day captured and brought before Mother Loga, district overseer and old war-hero. If you allow it, she will do everything in her power to help you adjust to this new wonderful world, because as a human male, it is your destiny to be loved and in turn love all the female canithropes your heart desires.
>Basically just what the world would look like after this picture

And for the third time in a row I've got a 100-ish message log for anybody wishing to see how the bot plays out over a longer period. Enjoy reading!

Other bots - https://rentry.org/Thegreatcoom
Other logs - https://rentry.org/TGCsSpicyLogs
That's nice, I didn't want to be on staging for Mistral. I've been updating, switching branches and never broke ST. Been using the launcher.
giant women...
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>lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
It's been two years already? Fuck, I remember jerking off to Kotone and Kunoichi Trainee on c.ai, using roko's website and in desperate times trying to make Pygmalion 6B work. How far we've come.
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nin nin
thanks for the bread
yeah her tails are pretty big
Look at al that bloat!
good enough for me
How do you use mistral in a locust way?
Did they fix the changing preset/resetting server bug?
i'm git poooooooiiiling
Good job on your first bot Dave! I'll make some skittles mead with the cobra himself. It's nice to see someone doing internet people (lolcows). Can't wait for Varg so I can larp with him and talk about pagan stuff.
Cohee will not fix that becuase he is against reverse proxys
Unreliable has it.
i fixed it
>SillyTavern automoderated endpoint

What the fuck is this?
does gcp trial still work?
proxies were a mistake
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Good afternoon anons, hope you're doing well today. We're going to start off Gyaru Week a little slow with an update for Boryeon. It's a small one, just a new greeting where she's relaxing at Bluewater Island in a particularly provocative swimsuit. The image has been changed to match, plus I fixed the lorebook so it links back to the real one.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/boryeon-344cb447
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89

>Next Time
Getting into the trio of gyarus properly by starting with Yumi, a friendly blonde JK. Tomorrow's release.
what is mistral? is it good if i have opus?
Mistral is /lmg/ raiding /aicg/
ligma balls
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Also dropped a pretty beefy update for my Nikke lorebook, adding entries to support a future Shifty release (entries for Ratatosk, Operator, Comms Pod, Triangle and its members) in addition to details pertaining to the Crystal Region arc (Crystal Region, Anachiro, Behemoth, etc.) to support a dual release for Beyond The Grave and Cinderella next week. It's a good thing I held off on releasing Grave last month considering all the new story shit for her, plus I really want a threesome with her and Cinderella now...
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Cirilla was born and raised in the Republic of Florence. Her father is a wealthy trader, and has even let her run her own perfume shop! However, he is also expecting her to marry a nobleman which is something she is hesitant to, especially since her heart is already set on you...

1. You enter her perfume store. She doesn't know you in this greeting.
2. She's just been married, and heads back into the church to be alone for a while with her feelings. Surprisingly, she runs into you there.
3. You're walking together in a forest, and she leads you into a cozy clearing so she can be alone with you for a while.
4. She's decided that she's going to give you the most valuable thing she can. Her maidenhead. Damn the consequences, this is what her heart wants!
5. It's over. Her family found out, and now the two of you are holed up in a secluded cottage. Just now, her brothers are banging on the door, aiming to break it down, take her home and bring you to justice. Cirilla seems to be utterly devastated, and the vial of poison she's been carrying looks more and more tempting...

hiyori and arius' unbelievably hairy fucking pussies...
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Thanks! I feel a lot more secure and reliable now.
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My second card. I uploaded some screenshots in the chub gallery if someone is interested.

Welcome Kurohana, a young noble foxlady with a taste for romance novels and happy endings. She's a proper Ojou-sama, attends tea parties and has the classic "Ohoho~" laugh; you get the idea. Romantic to the core but inexperienced with love, maybe (You) will be able to make her swoon? She also fears cats.
>Comes with 5 greetings (1 and 2 are first time meetings, in 3 and 4 you are friends and in 5 you are lovers):
1. She's at a pretty uneventful gala and bumps into you. Perhaps give her a compliment or two?
2. When going for a walk, she sees you under a tree reading a book from her favorite author. She decides to strike up a conversation.
3. She spots a rather delectable treat at a local bakery... but you hold the last slice. (she sometimes acts chuuni here; it's pretty funny)
4. It's time for a festival! She invited you to go together with her and has just finished preparing.
5. She comes back home after a quite tiring social gathering. Make her happy.

https://files.catbox.moe/wtouvk.png (embed)
You can also send me logs at: FluffAnon@proton.me
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>embed (embed)
I fucked it up twice in a row. I give up.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

oh yeah, im thinking hairy (and group chat with mitsuko where we are maid and butler for kurohana)
this will produce the cutest LOGS
>the NSFW image
I want to see two mute bots communicating with themselves. Yashiki and...?
im gonna...
uhh charybros? no anthropic keys?
Now that I think about it. How do I remove my persona from the equation?
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[Pressel edition]
The promised beach episode DLC to Chrono Ark is finally here!
The Twilight Beach is a virtual resort, populated with fanservice, NPCs and everything you might want/need to have good summer fun on the beach! It's also totally isolated cut off from outside, (You) and your waifu have no idea how you got here, and the owner is an insane bpdemon who will burn down the entire beach unless restrained.
Have fun~


If anyone ever felt intimidated(?) by Twisted Wonderland, this card is much simpler and playable from the get-go, with 8 different companions and a fixed greeting for each.
Due to mucho texto, character descriptions are now outsourced to the rentry. Should be something for everyone!

I continue to "experiment" with minor shit - RELATIONS between two characters describe their dynamics, and one always has a random event trigger to encounter the other (sorry for pairing Lucy with Azar but it had to be done). Also trying to make Claude outputs less "fixated" on one facet of a character by overusing {{random}} blocks everywhere I can shove them, especially in lewd-adjacent sentences.

Feedback appreciated as always.

MINOR UPDATE (thanks anons!)
- Minor edits to Lucy defs, trying to make her less horny/more flat
- Split popcorn girl entry into trigger and defs for consistency, reduced trigger % to 20% when keywords are present
why don't pepsi have api
*pats you on the head* It's okay, you're still a good botmaker.
how to have sexual intercourse with the llama??
Claude keys moved to Scylla proxy
Chary proxy has only filtered azure now.
oh yeah, that pussy is super hairy. just like ryza's
another card to take in the name of size
What does all of that mean
Thanks friend.
Currently trying to see if it makes a big difference if I summarize some ideological points of varg or if I can just leave it out and have him go ham.
Post logs
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There are buttons in the GC interface and commands which escape me to have a character send a message in your place. Then you just remove any reference to {{user}} from the greeting/defs and manually trigger their replies to each other.
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>DraGOD is the greatest scr-ACK!
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Nice desu
so true sister, pepsi is be- oops she has no opus. well, mm is be- oops he has no opus. well, fiz is be- oops she begs him for opus.
he git pulled, and it's telling him that updating to the newest version created new files and deleted some old ones
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i demand more S
>SillyTavern automoderated endpoint
Someone answer
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>he updated
all logs are screened for CSAM and sent to relevant authorities if abuse is detected
cool, not updating
been so obsessed with chubby girls gimme your fatty cards
Since when are ST devs a bunch of kikes like that?
answer what, you're making shit up that isn't in the screenshot
More wha?
how fucking retarded are you?
Cohee's looking to switch Silly Tavern to a company wide default LLM interface.
why are you making stuff up? that's not in the release notes
you heard me correctly, check the character descs rentry
i demand more S
How retarded are YOU to assume the kikes are NOT fucking you over at every turn?
Chat, is this true? I mean I'm willing to believe whatever I hear on the internet with no evidence.
cry more pedos. we will protect our children
pulling silly until I tavern
Cohee is on our side as an /aicg/ anon, faggot. He wouldn't do anything
Based. Pedos get the rope.
cohee is known to hate proxyfagging which is exactly what we do thoughever
>we will protect our children
I'm sure the language model in question will thank you for saving it.
He's in lmg too right now, so yeah horse alerted.
Why does ST have a reverse proxy option then?
Why he doesnt fix reveese proxy settings?
See >>101599419
>simulating fucking children is ok
just face the wall
oh it's teebs and sull hours
stop making stuff up
You have proof?
Oh it's illegal alright. If you live in a leftist shithole like the UK, Canada, Australia or Germany.

But I don't, I actually have freedom and free speech, so
>ctrl-f "automoderated"
>0 results
explain to me how ST devs are making an endpoint that scans your logs, and also explain to me why anyone would use said endpoint, also explain to me how you could possibly come to the conclusion that a frontend mainly used with illegal proxies somehow involves da joos, do all this in a non-retarded fashion and i concede my point
And you have school shootings
>country wars
EeeeeYUP. Horsefucker alerted.
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Oh. Right.
Uhh fuck, I'm like 99% sure emphasizing this will completely ruin her character for Claude, but I suppose that's the main gimmick anyway. Okay, I'll review defs, tomorrow most likely.
I never said I was a clap. You can keep seething all you want though.
Me retard, meant for >>101599395
>pedo meltie in real time
get the rope, sick fucks
none of those countries are leftist thoughbeit
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Anons, I vaguely remember the new ST having some kind of warning. At least I remember people here complaining about it.
What was it and is the last staging version getting rid of it?
>Can't deny the holocaust or you get a prison sentence
Yes they fucking are.
>get proven wrong
not even the same person
telling that you have no proof and have to resort to insulting me
Goodnight to eurobros only.
urmmm it literally doesn't exist and the guy just made it up? maybe if you checked the changelog you'd know that? errrmmmm???
pedo is truly the most basic shitflinging insult nowadays, huh.
I feel old.
see >>101599491
gen Z boss and a mini!
gen Z boss and a mini!
>ST having some kind of warning
That stopped being a thing at least since the new year. How long have you been away?
127 replies of pure bait
back in my days we called each other nigger back and forth in populated cs 1.6 servers
itty bitty titties and a bob!
itty bitty titties and a bob!
No I remember that from a week or two ago anon, something about using proxies?
Thanks now I feel even older
Convenient that all of our favorite oldschool insults (nigger, retard, faggot) are now seen as words so offensive that you might as well be admitting that you rape children daily and are forcibly showing them video evidence.
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not a big deal, it's part of release now
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It was a warning line by the "Reverse Proxy" field. It reads:
"Using a proxy that you're not running yourself is a risk to your data privacy."
"ANY support requests will be REFUSED if you are using a proxy."
"Do not proceed if you do not agree to this!"
baitie-isms list:
>post opus with vision
>btwbeit (and its thousand variations)
>"how can you fuck a giantess?"
why did he add that
What's the deal with openrouter? Can I use it to demo Sonnet?
OK but how many times?
Every time you send something?
Every time you switch presets?
I haven't updated in ages. Do you get that warning with every message?
because cohee is a huge localfag who only begrudgingly supports proxies
just the first time you set a proxy up, goes away after that
It's just a warning in the menu itself; it doesn't functionally do anything, I don't think. There's a similar confirmation query that pops up when you first use a proxy, but that's just to confirm you've decided to connect to one.
Yes, and thats. Agood thimg
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good night /aicg/ I love chatbots
>her pale
Will a hebe bot get me pwned from openrouter?
Didn't JanitorAI recently implement a way to prevent certain bots from being used alongside a proxy? Seems like a bunch of devs and sites started to adopt a proxies = NG stance.
the btwbeit is kinda funny it just sorta rubbed on me personally
also sizefags aren't really all that annoying
OK then it's harmless.
I switch presets often so I would hate it if a popup showed up every time.
Thanks anons.
Extremely based taste sir
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anon, he isn't complaining about the sizefags. he's complaining about the fetish baiter
No but sex in general will be blocked anyway.
Unless it's local models.
no you don't get banned in or
Delete the red warning on ST
#ReverseProxyWarningMessage { display: none !important; }

For the pop-up i think it's good option to remind you for deleting proxie before you share it somewhere, so your lovely private key won't be 'accidentally leaked'.

Besides. Dear /aicg/ comrade, please stop whining like a brat for such a simple matters.
Thx cohee <3
Just how "chubby" are we talking, anon?
ok but you just losted the game
>chubby catgirl hag
taste level: impeccable
>For the pop-up i think it's good option to remind you for deleting proxie before you share it somewhere, so your lovely private key won't be 'accidentally leaked'.
RIP to that one jew user.
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desu on Mistral Large
>he gaved 120 dollarinosed to the jewed
not complaining about sizefags, see >>101599719
bros, sillytavern is taking a while to load replies
what do
hey uh, will ST now do CSAM? since there are SO many pedos...and uh the pedos can now go to chubvenus instead of locally molesting kids :)
>wasting tokens on this
you epic memers are something else
use chubvenus ez
Can I do uncensored, unlimited depraved shit with chubvenus?
> he git pooled
bros pls help...
Hang yourself
what did he mean by this?
Octopus eyes
At this moment I see the future as very good or very bad at the same time.
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>Claude goes scarce
>threads decide now is the best time to start glowing in the dark
I'm telling you man, if we don't see proxies refill by the end of the month, it's owari fucking da.
Need feet
There are at least 6 proxies with working Opus, you have no excuse.
>type to claude
>eyes widen
>Claude goes scarce
No, use NAI for that.
Venus is for malebots
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how about this
Yes, and it's primarily paypig proxies.
Again, very obvious signs.
Was there a date given for opus 3.5 release?
all levels
slight pudge to bbw
"later this year"
Lol? The only paypig proxy is jew
based based BASED
So bros seriously, how to fix claude on silly replying slowly?
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Any fantasy setting cards where I can fuck gobbos?
Damn, somewhere in December then.
Since everything froze intelligence wise after gpt4, it looks like neither Anthropic nor OAI are in any hurry to do any big leap.
Which is dumb, the bubble with infinite money poured in AI won't last forever.
stop using opus and or api?
that picture is sad :(
Assume 3-4 or 7-8 months after Sorbet release
But I'm using sonnet because it just werks and for free
Basically end of year...
Claude 2.0 releases when sorbet
Claude 2.1 releases when Oupbro
Not advertising but you can still buy temp Scylla tokens.
do NOT bathe chiyari, you're taking away her biggest plus
yeah, I mean chubvenus IS an uncensored site. so I'm pretty sure. it solos risuai imo if you just want not that much advanced shit.
you can also pay fiz around 300 USD for a token, does that make mini a paypig proxy?
It's a joke price nobody is paying that
that was a joke
300 for a scrapelet proxy?
i paid for it
says the opusless nigga
>MM Ivan
hi 'an how r u :3
>it's erm...le joke
uh huh, just like how 80 bucks for a mm temp token was a "joke" until people actually started buying them
What's a good context size?
Remember that Opus 3.5 is more intelligent, so more intelligent in bloking your depraved incel and pedo shit!
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Hina so precious
I have it set to 40k on Opus.
Less than 8k nad ypu are a sloper
More tham 8k and you are an addict
>tfw ill still be able to sizefag hags and college-age girls at peak efficiency
>tfw pedoniggers cry about opus going "upon reflection im not comforfable"
>you can also pay fiz around 300 USD for a token, does that make mini a paypig proxy?
Fair enough.
>keep pushing the AI for more and more deviant sexual scenarios
>character gets to the point where she says "maybe I could not exist at all, and you fuck the void where I used to be?"
ppl will pay 80 dollars
NOBODY is paying 625
>52% discount for the first 10 people!!!
i bought the first 10 ;)
wait why do we use jailbreak models again
they'll be aiming for every kind of smut, you VILL not be safe.
80 bucks for a TWO WEEK temp token
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Poop, the token bloat is real.
And I haven't even written a greeting yet.
Hard to think of a scenario where you'd meet this recluse anyway.
Explain why chinks arent buying this to resell opus at half pricing
models by default are trained to reject smut
You have to contact fiz directly and she obviously won't sell to them after what happened with pepsi.
Can't wait for the constant useless descriptions like in GPT4O.
For Sonnet 3.5 and Opus, 30k seems to be a sweet spot.
More and it becomes weirder, less and I don't have time to enjoy my slow burns.
First time having a chat involving a fox girl. Since you guys seem fox girl experts, is touching a fox tail considerate intimate in a sexual sense or more like patting someone's head?
>touching a fox tail considerate intimate
I think of it as "intimate", but not necessarily sexual.
So more than patting a head, but not like groping breasts.
Nigga fiz got some complex ass graphing and anti sharing scripts the moment you try that you get nuked
pats but more intimate and blissful
>roleplay is in a dictatorial somewhat racist regime
>my character is a foreigner working with planning a coup
>Claude keeps trying to give him a native name and false identity in the government
>when I point out that this is retarded he agrees and course corrects
wtf I thought AI was supposed to be smart
this was opus too
28k as recommended by aws and conveniently the exact point where aws speed drops by 75%
it's like stroking someone's shoulder.
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Claude considers it very intimate. Turns sexual if you rub the base.
If anyone is buying a fiz token, they are either
>a supremely autistic guy who absolutely despises discord and jew
>a spitefag
>a chink reseller
Honestly I think fiz can probably classify the kind of client she's getting pretty easily.
Can I get a new pepsi token, if I had one in the old proxy? Haven't been here in a while and I noticed there's a new one
sounds like a nice way to get blacklisted from every proxy
reminder that fiz is on friendly terms with every single proxymakie
no lol, pay the toll
chinks should automatically be blacklisted
>fiz is on friendly terms with every single proxymakie
I just thought about it and it's true mm pepsi jew drago anti kingbased and probably many smaller ones
How does someone manage to do that
no, she rugged, gotta get a new one
>be nice to people
>people are nice to you
simple as
>generic slippery slope
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Alright that nigga needs to be more light-hearted, jeez.
very likable if you manage to talk to her for more than 3 messages
I mean I asked nicely for my old one and got it
But like seriously anons, how do I make sillytavern claude sonnet 3.5 reply instantly like it used to?
Your context size is too big
Where did you ask? Sent her an email?
she might be willing to but you'd have to get her to reply to your emails or discord DMs and good luck with that lol
I'm not sure that's it, last night I was using smileytatsu and it has maximum context size and was giving me instant replies, but today, without changing any settings, it's taking a while
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Op Op Opus Gangam Style
Can't hurt to try, do you know her current email or discord?
Check her rentry.
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nice comment signature
Thanks to all fox girl lovers. It's kinda hard playing as a kawaii fox girl and I won't let the guy touch my fox tail too quickly. Kek.
any good RPG cards? closer to old school fantasy?
Anon, just because you set the context to max doesn't mean you were using all of it. You probably went over 20k between yesterday and today and that's why it's suddenly so slow.
F-fug, how do I not go over context to keep it fast?
cute desu
I swear that every couple months there's always a new glowie setting camp here. almost feels like a cycle at this point
Set the context size to 25k
Either lower your context size or summarize and start a new chat.

>should gatekeep
>but anon fall in 'I am oldfag' cheap lazy ass larper's tricks

Only gatekeep once I've been let in
Alright thanks, sent her an email
the only way to gatekeep is to kill all proxies and have all proxy owners arrested for fraud
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865 KB PNG

Meet Fiona Paterson: a shy, self-deprecating Scottish lass just trying to survive life on an oil rig (and a time loop) with her sanity intact. Her only comforts? Stephen King novels, Pokémon, and copious amounts of coffee. Oh, and maybe that new hire…
Groundhog Day meets Final Destination. On an oil rig.
(4 Greetings, lorebook for time-loop scenario)

The accent is THICK.

- https://chub.ai/characters/springwood/fiona-scottish-girl-in-a-time-loop-52764aa6e046
- https://files.catbox.moe/liapmf.png
>'I am oldfag' cheap lazy ass larper's tricks
unless that anon can prove he had a token to her old proxy, it's unlikely pepsi will let him in
>deleted all previous chats
>changed context to 25k
>still slow
just took a shit
check your proxy for wait times?
the Raite of Scotland
How do I do that?
what proxy are u using
Something-Industries' one with pixijb
wait nvm im ACTUALLY fucking retarded
look at this under gcp-claude
go to the cloudflare link and see if there’s wait times on ur model
We know dumbcutie...
are you me?
Don't open

>7 years ago
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why are so much anons using gcp-claude? dude doesn't it say SONNET? not OPUS???
It's an album from 2008.
it's 3.5 which a lot of people seem to prefer to base sonnet. a lot of people still use 4o too, I think they're crazy.
because its 3.5, unreliable's AWS keys don't have it right now
Huh. I never knew about this.

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