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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

"Shit just got real": https://pastebin.com/rqrLK6X0
Cybersecurity basics: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_/sec/_guide
and armory: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_basics_and_armory
learning: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_Learning/News/CTFs
Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0): https://mega.nz/#F!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw
/sec/ PDFs: https://mega.nz/#F!zGJT1QQQ!O-8yiH845GN26ajAvkoLkA
EFF anti-surveillance: https://ssd.eff.org/
Other library: https://mega.nz/file/UCgEGAjb#rwNcnMAQCUUbSp8supsFvn9QEHCWUW86eLcZa16ZG4Y

Tools: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/tools/
Hitchhiker’s Guide: https://anonymousplanet.org/guide.html
Hardware: https://ryf.fsf.org/products
Frontends: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Privacy_friendly_frontends
OSINT Guide: https://inteltechniques.com/index.html
Firmware: https://libreboot.org/
RMS: https://stallman.org/facebook.html

--[/hmg/ Hackerman General]-----
http://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/ - easy beginner
https://www.vulnhub.com/ - prebroken images
https://www.hackthebox.eu/ - super secret club
Huge info dump: https://hmg.neocities.org/
is it ok to use discord

this is how i do it all >>102048670

if i had gpus i would run own, but i hate pcie as it is literally the intelaviv satan

we could get team 042 together and run shared gpu super computer for /cyb/ ai instance but probably we are all too poor to contribute anything

>>102067164 >>102067267
When will women wear cyberwear like that?
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Any one regularly reads this?
I hoenstly though it dies ages ago.
Good morning fren. I was started working on your award last night and had soo much fun and laughed so hard doing it. It's not ready yet, though. When I post it, it will be with much pomp and pagentry, so please have your virtual suit and tie ready to accept. In January, if we haven't been nuked back to the stone age, I will repost all previous award winners and honorable mentions. There are a few others who I feel need to be recognized, but fall into special categories that I'm having a bit of a challenge trying to come up with a meme for.

Is THAT all you think about? SEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEX?!??! Yea, me too.
=========================== News==================================
>Is THAT all you think about? SEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEXSEX?!??!
Not really, more about looking like the future we once were promised. That and women getting down to normal weights.
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HAHAHAHA! It's gonna be more like this picrel.
oh hey, maybe my distro will be ready for public use before january

CYBLOID IN THE SKY with the CD gun fire
You mention 'CD', and I have to tell you that one idea I had/have for /CYB/LOID/ was to make a custom ISO using QNX, Kolibri, or Menuet OSes, then making all of the content with the applications within them. The ISOs would be small and safely run within a VM. I remembered that Commore & Apple had diskmags, and think it would be cool to revive that experience.
They were pretty influential a while back. Their "smashing the stack for fun and profit" was a pretty big deal. But now it's all about buying estradiol online and shorting Nvidia FD's.
A distinctly horrific possibility, yes.
thats very easy, no need to use existing distro

sinit -> login -f -> x -> full screen pdf viewer
can put on some autistic animation before all of that
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Oh I know who they are! Now your spookin' me! I remember a few year ago there was a thread on /pol/ where the thread was presented with a challenge. My contribution to that thread was knowing the answer to 'I am that I am'. I didn't know about that ISO tho. Have you tried it?
the iso was part of the first one
it boots into shiny cicada image then starts counting primes
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On second thought, I'm d/ling the ISO now, and will take the opportunity to introduce "Project FAFO / FAFOBOX" and it's relation to /CYB/LOID/.

=====<THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF /CYB/LOID/ - mini update>=====
As some of you know, Deep /cyb/ Media has commited to producing one issue of /CYB/LOID/ Ragazine. I have tried to do this in Loonix, but skill issues, and a shortage of tools to realize my vision for the magazine have led me to frustration. All of the truly professional tools are only available for Mac & Windows 10+. No Windows 10 for me. Enter, "Project FAFO / FAFOBOX"
>"Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." - A badass general
A few weeks ago, I went /trashing/, and found a dead Dell Optiplex 790 (i3+3GB RAM)SFF PC which I revived. The idea behind this project is to install Windows 11 on it, keep it in isolation, and 'FAFO' - fuck around, find out - what the deal is with this OS, and run pinched, portable versions of the software I want to try to make the magazine with. Progress to date:
>FAFOBOX memory upgraded to 10GB from 3GB
>120GB SATA SSD installed along with a 500GB secondary spinny rust drive for data
>Win 11 Enterprise IOT - LTSC 24H2 (Massgrave) installed - NO Internet Access
>Have setup a shared directory on the FAFOBOX and connected my current MemeBox to it directly via PC2PC direct LAN connection on a different interface and subnet. I can push files to the FAFOBOX, but FAFOBOX can't see shit, and cries because it can't connect to the web.

Obervations so far:
M$ has built an impressive botnet that boggles the mind, with heavy web and AI integration deep in the OS, and has functionality to easily (((share))) documents and photos with family and friends across the world (via a M$ account of course) in extremely normie-freindly ways. I could go on and on about what I'm seeing, but it's best to build your own FAFOBOX and go behind enemy lines to understand what he is doing. Continuing in next poast.
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Interestingly, the inside of the removable side panel on the FAFOBOX has a sticker that reads,
>'ME DISABLED, 3, Dell LBL. PN TY132"
A quick search of that text lead to this:
Also interestingly, I updated the BIOS and one of the components that got updated was the Intel Manage Engine, and was the bulk of the firmware contents judging by how long the progress bar took to complete the updoot.

Other things I have installed on the FAFOBOX:
A massive collection of scripts for Win/Linux/Mac that supposedly enhance privacy:
and "StartAllBack" to fix shit that has alway been part of Windows that M$ thought was a good idea to take out, like being able to move the tastkbar to the top or side of the screen. As this box has integrated graphics, I've yet to test it's graphics capabilities, but this box can be upgraded to an i7, and accepts low profile video cards, so I'll see how that goes. As far as aesthetics goes, with the addition of StartIsBack, the OS is really beautiful after customising the colors to my liking, which is /CYB/LOID/ burnt orange, of course.
>I updated the BIOS
big mistake, microcode in the air
Remember the purpose of the box: "fuck around, find out!" I'm going to try running ME Cleaner at some point, as I've never tried using it. On to of that, I saw a trashbag outside my window, so I think they're on to me, or trying to get early access to my cartoons- those bastards.
now need bumper image like the one with faraday cage but instead one guy is talking about how its actually good idea to install windows 11 and microcode updates kek

>I saw a trashbag outside my window
obvious cover rf bouncer, soak all trashbags outside with strong hose to destroy their electronics
good choice
Basically, this design takes advantage of the excessive heat generated by these modern GPUs, and uses it to heat drinks that cal be served hot. I prefer Sake, but any good Vodka, tea, coffee, hot coca, etc. could be used. Not shown in that revision is the optional temperature monitor and fan control relays, essentially keeping the GPU fans from spinning. This custom proportional–integral–derivative controller circuit would be programmable so that you could allow the tasty beverage to reach the desired temperature of the liquid in circulation, but if the GPU began to overheat, the PID controller would bring the temperature down. Also not shown is the 2 liter reservoir that would hold the fluid, which also contains a liquid-level sensor that beeps annoyingly at you if the level gets too low. E-mail and Bluetooth notifications are optional.
>the excessive heat generated by these modern GPUs
I just wish they could get LK-99 to work; then we would have far faster computers, powered by small batteries and with no need for cooling or those noisy fans.
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>now need bumper image like the one with faraday cage but instead one guy is talking about how its actually good idea to install windows 11

This give me some ideas for the next series. Thanks.
I'm sure that if can accellerate the creation of mobile botnets, it will be developed. Not that they need any help as it is.
Botnets are there already, wall to wall and 24/7. I am not sure there is much left to lose at this point in time.
you vill not buy ze thinkpad
you vill not install libreboot

you vill buy new thousand dollar recycled aluminium garbage and donate

100% green
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I came to that conclusion long ago, which is why I think that camoflage is more effective that consealment. if you follow my meaning.
They will all fall inline with the globohomo agenda if they want to stay in business.
>They will all fall inline with the globohomo agenda if they want to stay in business.
frameshit was globohomo from the start, the ceo is jeet

you cant have sustainable computer that is new
the real answer is any old used computer, there are enough computers in the world for everyone, we dont need more botnet walking around
forgot to put "sustainable" into """"
they want you to think that producing low quality garbage is actually good and that you should donate to "CARBON CAPTURE FUCKING KEK" or whatever the fuck

your post >>102074953 proves you can just pull out any old shitbox and start working
True. I have found so many old "trash" computers that could easy run MXLinux or some other small footprint distro without breaking a sweat. It's really sad how much e-waste the world produces that can easily be maintained, but there's no money in doing that for the manufactures.
spec numbers go up
old computers unusable because numbers lower

btw there are few optiplexes and hps that support coreboot and libreboot, keep them forever if you got some

hp z220
hp elite 8200/8300
dell optiplex 7010/9010
dell precision t1650

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I'm on ubuntu. I've got wireshark running and I want to discover if any of the dodgy stuff I have installed is phoning home without my knowledge. I figure I'll just let my computer idle for a day with nothing running but wireshark. But

A. is there a guide on how I can identify what's spooky vs what's normal?

B. if I let it run all day, will it fill up 64gb of ram? Is there a way to tell it to write to a file as it captures instead of keeping it all in ram?
just running wireshark and idling will work

figure out whats legit traffic and slowly remove it from the logs

you could also mitm yourself on router level
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more info on
to be more specific,
I'm actually running llama 3.1 via llama.cpp and I want to see if it's somehow sending information about what I type/generate to meta. per
>everything you will do will be monitored and given access to 42 eyes

If I'm being monitored, I should be able to see that traffic in wireshark, no? It's nothing that would be illegal, just really fucking embarrassing and I wanna know if that's a liability I have to plan for. I use llama as a therapist to talk about things that make me feel pathetic. I could never be honest with a human.
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>you could also mitm yourself on router level
pls gib some breadcrumbs on how to do this.
>>everything you will do will be monitored and given access to 42 eyes
this was about duckduckgo, you interface via their llama instance over the internet so its obviously monitored

> just really fucking embarrassing
post logs

>I'm actually running llama 3.1 via llama.cpp and I want to see if it's somehow sending information about what I type/generate to meta. per
probably not
if you have time to spare you can setup vm with no internet connection and pci passthrough a gpu and run llama there, so it cant ping anything at all

but that wont setup itself and takes some knowledge to get running

you could also MAC or somehow restrict the llama process from having network connection on host

but just watch with wireshark for now, i doubt theres any telemetry
if you have generic arm router with generic oem firmware then i have no experience

i run x86_64 pc engines router so its like low power desktop and i can run all my software i know and love

>if you have time to spare you can setup vm with no internet connection and pci passthrough a gpu and run llama there, so it cant ping anything at all

yeah I'll do this if I find out it's phoning home, which I'm guessing it's not, but IDK enough about how it works to be sure it's not either sending packets or creating a file somewhere that will send packets at a later date.

>post logs
lol fuck no. It's stuff like
>'on date [specific amount of time ago] i had [specific romantic interaction with person identifiable to anyone who knows me] and I [fumbled in specific embarrassing way that only said person and I know about]. It still bothers me and I don't totally understand what happened and where I went wrong'

>i saw [cartoon/tv show] as a kid and had a sexual reaction to [thing] and I don't think I'll ever meet a romantic partner who can relate. how do I stop having/minmize [silly embarrassing kink] so I can pursue having a normal relationship

basically stuff that has come out in the past with friends when I got too drunk. It might not happen in the future if I can use llama as a release valve.
>x86_64 pc engines router
wait does this mean you have a router with an x86_64 architecture so it's just a computer with router hardware/capability? what OS do you run on it? This would be a worthwhile investment if I could use linux on there instead of whatever proprietary firmware my current box uses.
>it's not either sending packets or creating a file somewhere that will send packets at a later date.
check with wireshark
then just cause
disconnect internet when making prompts
maybe mount where ever llama is running as tmpfs so nothing gets saved on disk and everything will be ram

also post more 2d women
it has coreboot support so that makes it ten times more based
i run openbsd on it, might switch to ironclad kernel or something more esoteric for fun

i ran alpine linux on it before i installed openbsd
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>disconnect internet when making prompts
I usually do this. but who knows, maybe it makes a file that will phone home later. seems incredibly unlikely, but we're in /sec/ so paranoia is okay, right?

>maybe mount where ever llama is running as tmpfs so nothing gets saved on disk and everything will be ram
I'll look into this. I use all my ram for a 70B model though and usually don't boot just for llama, so that means I'd have to repartition and have llama on a separate partition that gets mounted as tmpfs, which is a lot of effort

>also post more 2d women

sick, ty
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>also post more 2d women
one more because yall were very kind and helpful, no more tho cuz I don't want to shit up the thread.
>so that means I'd have to repartition and have llama on a separate partition that gets mounted as tmpfs, which is a lot of effort
mount -o tmpfs tmpfs /llama/log/dir

>seems incredibly unlikely, but we're in /sec/ so paranoia is okay, right?
look into running vm with pci passthrough for running offline local models without network connection
vm running entirely in ram
i guess its a process

look into qubes perhaps maybe
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>mount -o tmpfs tmpfs /llama/log/dir
I'm not following, you mean I can mount a subdirectory as tmpfs? what exactly does that mean, like it mounts just that directory and its subdirectories to ram and removes access to them from the mounted partition?

:'( my mobo only offers up to 64gb which is already maxed. idk when ddr5 mobos will offer more and/or when I'll be able to afford one of those in sff.

yes having an extra couple feet of desk space is worth hundreds of dollars to me, I know that's insane.
you can mount any directory with any flags
thats how mount works, its not only for partitions but for directories too

ideas and examples

do not mount any important dir because you might nuke it from ram, i would edit llama settings and set dirs that dont need to be persistent to be somewhere in /tmp then mount those as tmpfs

>my mobo only offers up to 64gb
cheap ddr3 server motherboard with 2 cpus will casually have 256gb ram
ddr3 ram is also cheap and plentiful on used market
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>you can mount any directory with any flags
>thats how mount works, its not only for partitions but for directories too
>ideas and examples
>do not mount any important dir because you might nuke it from ram, i would edit llama settings and set dirs that dont need to be persistent to be somewhere in /tmp then mount those as tmpfs
nice, I learned something today.

>cheap ddr3 server motherboard...
this is solid advice, too bad I am going to not do it because I'm lazy
Quick tip, mount directories like /var/log and /var/tmp on tmpfs if you don't care about log persistence. WIll also relieve the stress on flash memory and the like.

Also, for more hardening, mount them with noexec nosuid nodev to prevent suid binaries (and binaries in general) from executing in there
i dont think anything in /var is meant to be temporary

does nothing, you would need to patch all interpreters to check mount options with findmnt and bail if its noexec
permission error

sh test.sh
It's called /var(iable) for a reason anon ;)

and yeah, noexec isn't a perfect thing, but it'll filter out a lot of basic shit (I have ran a honeypot for a while, only 13% of the malware that accessed it tried to look for mountpoints using noexec or tried bypassing it by calling the interpreter directly. Others just dropped a binary in /tmp and tried to running it
This was at the top of HN last week
>It's called /var(iable) for a reason anon ;)
iirc i had breakage because i mounted /var as tmpfs on some distro

though this problem doesnt exist if you make your own distro, because you can not include /var/ and /tmp at all, purely /boot /bin /mnt only
Yeah I broke my system by limiting /tmp to 500 MiB only, and QubesOS decided to download its entire kernel in there while updating. Naturally, it broke, and fucked my entire system up.
yep its always stuff like that
qubes, whonix
stuff that updates alot

thats why i wouldnt go beyond using tmpfs on dirs only you use

because you never know what devs of your distro will pull up with

but go all in if you have fully own system
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Any good opsec guides? Looking for something that covers more than just the basic "use a password manager, use throwaway emails, etc." kind of stuff.
https://eldritchdata.neocities.org/, "COMPLETE GUIDE FOR THE PARANOID USER"
buy thinkpad libreboot it and install fsf distro
then communicate over tor hidden services only, no online accounts only public keys

semi interesting thread unfortunately its about eceleb

also odd thing found on maps
some anons pointed out cia planes flying over
1. Don't post on 4chan
>Any good opsec guides?
1. don't do illegal stuff
the best security is having less tech
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*Drum roll*
It is with great honor that we here at Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International, /cyb/+/sec/'s favorite ethereal radio station, present the coveted Deep /cyb/ Dominator Award to anon >>102073515 for his outstanding AI generated script that bulk downloads a bunch of magazines from HackSpace & MagPi, the official RapberryPi magazine's website. See this post >>102066094 for more if you missed it. We here at Deep /cyb/ Media - International have verified that it does NOT install Gentoo on your router or DELET system32, but in fact works, saving time and effort manually downloading the 81 issues of HackSpace mag, and the 144 (and counting) issues of MagPi magazine.

Congratulations anon, and thank you for being a helpful & contributing memeber of this group therapy session and community. As a reminder, these awards are hand-crafted for it's recipient, suitable for framing, and can be printed and used as catbox liner, or folded to level-out that wobbly table or chair that we know you have. As is our custom, we play the station's official anthem and dedicate it to all award winners:

Failure to do so will VOID the certificate, and it will be revoked and confiscated by state police under the guise of civil forfeiture.
Deep /cyb/ Radio: "There is no other"
the state police wont void my certificate
>best practice internet security

enjoy having nothing load in 2024
I generated something like 40-50 iterations of "A hacker sitting on a cybernetic llama, etc... and each result was funnier than the last, and with each FagFlux warped the text I tried adding. Lot's of great results, but all flawed in some way. I almost called the award "Deep /cyb/ Llamanator because of of some of the text warping. Great fun. If you'd like to see them I'd be happy to upload them to catbox for you. Here's one. I almost used this one but didn't have enough space for the rest of the text I wanted to add, plus the one I did use was the funniest. Also, if you tell FagFlux to render a latop, it almost always renders a damn laptop with the apple logo- really annoying.
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What app store should I be using on GrapheneOS?
The GOS guys do not like f-droid
download app verifier and molly from there
anything else is bloat

zip it (tarlz) and upload it to the archives
i have experience with prompting flux with "thinkpad" just for it to generate a macbook
>IBM logo in the center
Can this AI slop not realize it went in the corner?
To what archives?
lol. I can barely read. I can make you a .rar or zip.
I'm guessing it's me not knowing how to craft the prompt properly, but many times, even a really simple prompt will botch the results for me.
tarlz is the superior format

also, the archives that dont exist
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I sometimes think you don't read my posts. As a reminder, I make all the content for this thread using a 15 year old AMD based, HP POS running Windows7 with a shared memory iGP. I could'nt even qualify to be a member of #TEAM-042, I'm basically the team's mascot and graphic autist.
>the archives that dont exist
*gives you a blank NPC stare because dont know what you're talking about*
As you know, FagFlux outputs files in .webp botnet format, which I can't use. So I batch uploaded the ones I liked to https://iloveimg.com and it converted and .zipped them. I just uploaded them to catbox for you just the way they were delivered to me:
It's not big- it's like 9MB.
tarlz runs anywhere, computer age is fake

>>the archives that dont exist
im talking about valis

i can run some kind of /cyb/ website where you can dump stuff

i had idea of running public sftp server in ramdisk where anyone can upload files to

then i would manually approve files and move them from ram to disk, everything on disk would be publicly downloadable
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VALIS? I don't have upload access to VALIS- unless you know something I don't, uploads are arranged with him via email, and in my case, that's been uploading to catbox and sending him a link that he then lets expire, LOL.

>Verification not required.
>Security does not exist
I don't allow anyone to send uploads because of disk space limitations, that's why I ask people to email me temporary uploads.
If you guys really want to, I can also link aggregate for uploads you guys host elsewhere I'm just super fucking cautious about getting party van'd because every single cool website I find like that always gets fucking raided and I don't have the patience to deal with that shit.

Once I have a more reliable source of income I plan on buying a much, much larger server and dedicating it to VALIS. Right now the poor sonnuva bitch is almost full.
oh shit forgot the shitpost I came here for when I noticed the word VALIS.

>half of 4chan nuked
>/cyb/ still survives
even retarded mods can't kill us.
HAHAHAkill yourself
All you have to do is pick a prime number and multiply.
That's where I remembered it.
As I said I was surprised it was still being serialized.
Any interesting talks at this years defcon?
>I'm just super fucking cautious about getting party van'd
yep thats why there would be upload only sftp to ramdisk, of which the ramdisk would be encrypted with luks using random key at boot and epoxy on ram

>I don't, uploads are arranged with him via email
thats why i suggested i could run more retarded archive that would work faster
amazing track btw
felt like on a stage with it playing

listened to it all night while working on distro
some of the sounds remind me of half life 2 for some reason
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Good morning to all our #TEAM-042 members and the rest of our dysfuntional family....
VALIS is right to be highly selective about what gets uploaded, for all the reasons he's stated and more. I'm surpised he hosts my trash. He should nuke all DCR images to make room for actually useful stuff.
>i could run more retarded archive that would work faster
We'll wait for your announcement, and I will promote it with memes!
>upload only sftp to ramdisk, of which the ramdisk would be encrypted with luks using random key at boot and epoxy on ram
Remember to use genuine Replikka® brand Honey Flavored Epoxy for maximum /sec/urity sweetness.
it would also be all hosted tor hidden service because the box would be next to where i sleep and i dont want random trolls ddosing my network

dunno how allowed it is to advertise onion services on 4chin

could also host mirror of installgentoo wiki
maybe make more advances topics there too
there was threadly troll begging me for rom epoxy pics so i might make autistic thinkpad guide
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I could help host some stuff, I've got a Pi 5 with a HDD and 1.8 TiB of unused space. Not gonna host it over the clearnets though
i plan on building giga libreboot server with 256gb ram and 32 cores and unlimited storage with backups done to optical media and paper

there is onion balance thing

i think you can host same tor url on multiple servers, so backups could be ran by multiple people
would have to trust them with the tor private key
the server that i want to build wouldnt be used for the archives only, i forgot to mention that my specs are overkill and your pi would suffice and is probably smarter for power draw

i would have other stuff running but there would be dedicated vm for autism archives
Wouldn't this setup also require me to have specs in the same range as you?
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I can promote within images, and can integrate urls as part of the #TEAM-042 comic series. Easy peasy.
no afaik onion balance would choose server with least load

we would have to sync archived files between each other so we would have to have same amount of storage

if we were serious about this there would be internal chat for moderation where we would all approve and discuss uploaded files together

though 1tb for start would be enough since most of the stuff is pure text + bumper images

desu cant wait to have rack full of boxes full of folders full of papers of cyberpunk magazines in my room
I'm available on fuckall, so goodluck with that lol. Could probably host some IRC or XMPP chats if needed.I don't have the best bandwidth though, but if we're hosting over Tor I don't think that it matters a lot.

I can get some more space if I start to clean my archive again, got a lot of dupes and useless stuff. Also got a 500 GiB SSD that needs some cleaning, could be used too, but I need a powered USB hub because the Pi doesn't provide enough to power a HDD and SSD
>I'm available on fuckall
my means of primary communications is posting on /g/

>Could probably host some IRC or XMPP chats
it would be one of those
or simple netcat where we leave notes to others
the chat would be separate tor hidden service with authentication so only those with the key can connect

thought all of this not now, give me some time to gather server parts
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I am usually lurking in this general, just lmk when you have a chatroom or something ready
give it loong time
im looking for https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=kgpe-d16&_sacat=0

i would buy it from gaybay but the custom fees from america or china would leave me homeless so im awaiting one to appear locally

i will signal when server is ready minimum 3 months

meanwhile things to save will stack up, more scripts will be made like the hackpi scrape one

could also scrape past /cyb/ threads from desuarchive and start saving new ones
Alright. Anyways, I updated the magpi/hackspace scraper a bit. Now works with curl, and skips already downloaded files

set -eu

which curl
if [ $? = 1 ]; then
echo "curl not found" >&2
exit 1

# Base URL for the MagPi issues

for i in $(seq 1 81); do
# Fetch the PDF download page
response=$(curl -s "${base_url}/${i}/pdf/download")

# Extract the download link using grep and sed
download_link=$(echo "$response" | grep -oP '(?<=<iframe src=")(.*?)(?=")' | sed 's|^|https://magpi.raspberrypi.com|')
filename=$(basename "$download_link")

# Check if the download link was found and no dupe exists
if [ -n "$download_link" ] && [ ! -f "$filename" ]; then
echo "Downloading PDF for issue #$i from $download_link"
curl -LO "$download_link"
echo "No download link found for issue #$i, or file '$filename' already exists"
thank you, knew it was missing the L flag for file download

i few it into markov chain again asking it to download in parallel and seems to be working so far

set -eu


fetch_download_link() {
local issue_number=$1
response=$(curl -s "${base_url}/${issue_number}/pdf/download")
download_link=$(echo "$response" | grep -oP '(?<=<iframe src=")(.*?)(?=")' | sed 's|^|https://magpi.raspberrypi.com|')
if [ -n "$download_link" ]; then
echo "$download_link"
echo "No download link found for issue #$issue_number" >&2

download_file() {
local url=$1
local filename=$(basename "$url")
if [ ! -f "$filename" ]; then
echo "Downloading $filename from $url"
curl -LO "$url"
echo "File '$filename' already exists, skipping download."

export -f fetch_download_link
export -f download_file
export base_url

issue_numbers=$(seq 1 81)
download_links=($(echo "$issue_numbers" | parallel -j 10 fetch_download_link))

echo "Download links:"
for link in "${download_links[@]}"; do
echo "$link"

echo "Starting downloads..."
echo "${download_links[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | parallel -j 4 download_file

maybe could raw libressl netcat to get the information, curl has bugs often, wget probably too

fastest way to download a file with shell? (i know if you download single file in browser it downloads it via multiple connections in chunks)

for pdfs, i would use https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-app-linux-pdf-converter which converts it into series of images of the pages with no executable code so it can be viewed safely
then alongside i would keep original pdf and extract all files and code from it into folder next to it all

then generate (probably blake3 because fast) hash https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3 to verify correct file is downloaded
(multiple people would download the files then everyone would cross check hashes to make sure all is fine)
then would be slapped into archival tarlz and signed

/cyb/ + web scraping general
new barrel in the sea

would also add shellcheck to the script and replace bash with oksh perhaps

downloader program could be written in c/c++/ada+spark/ocaml or whatever maybe instead of shell but this works for now
instead of hardcoding 81 as last number, it could be dynamically fetched and figured out

some watchdog program could be placed to auto update and download wanted resources so no need to rerun manually to get new issues
BLAKE is fast, but you should also add regular SHA256/512 for compatibility reasons. BLAKE also isn't fast on single core boards.

SHA256 for 32 bit boards, SHA512 and/or BLAKE3 for 64 bit

blake3 should be fine though, pi 5 should execute it instantly
i hate legacy hashing algorithms, sha-2 is NSA

i could provide static link musl builds (and scripts to reproduce them) with ofast. polly and openmp for max performance
True, but NSA is only there for compat reasons. Providing an industry-standard hashing algo for just a few cycles seems worth it.

Pi 5 would run it in a few nanoseconds yeah, but I would also like to verify the files on my Pi 1b+, and BLAKE is decent on that board, but SHA is faster.
blake3 hash
(blake3 hash) signed
(lots of hashes in one file) signed
(separate hash files) signed

vs vs vs vs
many ways to do this
Also, providing multiple hash digests increases resilience against collisions.

We should use atleast 1 SHA2 hash, 1 SHA3 hash, and maybe something really exotic.
also forgot to mention, signing a file generates a hash
so signing a file would be hash of a hash

so the hash could just be part of the signature, but then multiple people would have to have archival private key (the archive could have public key to put out messages and news, also sign the tars themselves)

i dunno if its possible to select blake3 or other algos with gpg or sequoia
ehhh, why GPG? OpenBSD's signify is much nicer and minimal. Only needs Ed25519 keys.

We can use Age for file encryption using the same keys (does need Ed25519 to X25519 conversion)
i use these, personally for backups

we could use signify
or we could make own program using liboqs for newer algos
I think using signify is much better. It has already seen real world use, uses a secure curve, is minimal and doesn't require us to work on more stuff than we need. Why reinvent the wheel?
liboqs is based https://github.com/open-quantum-safe/liboqs

the curve that signify uses, you can use with sequoia
i have nitrokey where i store em, so i dont need private key file anywhere on my disk

also there are pgp key servers which are for web of trust, signify doesnt have that

all ideas will be considered and forever stored in this autism general
hmm what about crc, its weak and small
but should be good enough if you quickly want to verify file on old computer, you can then compute bigger blake3 to be sure 100%

also tarlz has integrity checks against corruption in places

though generating hash of individual files should be considered something else
>new barrel in the sea
crc isn't for verification, it's for integrity. cryptographic hashes provide integrity, collision resiatance and by adding signatures, authenticity.

also, if your device can't handle SHA256, then you should really updoot.
>crc isn't for verification, it's for integrity.
yee thats the point

i was saying in the context of the script, hashes could be generated for each pdf, then cross checked with other people who ran the script to make sure all files are same and correct

though of course it should be provided for downloadable archive tars just cause

>if your device can't handle SHA256, then you should really updoot.
we should benchmark and analyze the ones best for shittiest and best computers

but maybe all of this is pointless
and just blake3 would suffice for checking files

or sha256
or crc

each website/whatever archive should have defined structure of how the files are stored and what extra things are done to it
(in the pdf example, convert pages to images for viewing without any fancy code execution, and extract contents of the pdf into separate folder)
we also need to think in terms of mass archiving, if we have 1k files, and we need to compute 3 different digests for every file (and maybe signatures), that's gonna be a FUCK ton of cpu cycles
well some things wont require manual hashing for integrity checks between people

for example git repos cloned with full depth could be straight up tard and signed as git already does integrity checks on the fly

does tls imply integrity checks when downloading?

also scripts that will be made for downloading stuff should be also put out publicly, maybe on git repo or separate ftp

also there should be more output saved from the scripts
(in the case of hackspace magpi downloader, list of download links should be included along side all the pdfs etc)

im too lazy to think too hard now
maybe there are resources on good archival guidelines out there

it will be done and figured out
i could host the server alone and others would juts contribute and redownload archive, maybe instead of onion balance each archive rehoster would have its own keys and onion url

many things to consider
you will not delete the bumper images from history

when i build the rack i will tape tons of /cyb/ memes and pastas to it
true, for directories we could
1) create a tar archive and compute hash of that
2) compute hash of directory structure, merkle tree style

tls does, I suppose, but Tor already provides the authenticity of the server. It's just that the files itself also need hashsums because of tampering and bitrot (btrfs and zfs mitigate this, but still)

yeah, a scraper archive is good too, I still have a ton of python scrapers I wrote for 4chan, pastebin, some coomer sites.

maybe we can use rsync for pushing/pulling updates. it would do most of the work for us.
>tls does, I suppose, but Tor already provides the authenticity of the server.
with tls i meant for when downloading files, we should print out fetched certificate for server when downloading and save that too

verbose netcat or something, also dump information about the server we are downloading from
past known information (dont know which but something surely could be useful to save about the domain)

>maybe we can use rsync for pushing/pulling updates. it would do most of the work for us.
look at ftp filesystem in gnu hurd

>and bitrot (btrfs and zfs mitigate this, but still)
time to invent new paper hard drive, fucking punch cards as storage
instead of plastering together a shit ton of tools and scripts together, a la unix style, why not just write a simple Python script?

then we can implement whatevs
python is literally hitler but if you must

>instead of plastering together a shit ton of tools and scripts together
in unknown state

if i decide to make watchdog to auto scrape websites (could include own 4chan archive too) then would have to use own technology anyways

i would make own to stay safe, either compcert with misra c or ada+spark or some autistic scraping unikernel
not a fan of Python either, I would much rather use Lua, but Python is installed on most systems, so why not?
i would only run own distributions
https://ironclad.cx/ has formally verified network stack so no tcp/ip rce

very important atleast for me and my autism, though the server wouldnt scrape itself

i would scrape from different computers and network just to be safe 2x

personally i would run scraper tools on safe os in vm aswell to be safe 3x and to practice

how can i be sure raspberry pi mag wont send me malformed packets and hack me?

everything running in ram and everything self compiled, 100% home made
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Maybe this would be helpful in some capacity?
+1 for vsftpd, but we might not want FTP. still a good daemon to keep in mind though
i would prefer writing my own ftp server
sftp might be too much, no need for encryption on public server (also tor is one layer already so would be double bloat)

will gnatprove all server software all static analysis will be thrown at it, no bugs allowed

personally i would use ftp or would make own file access technology

would be extremely simple
you would "echo 1 | netcat server" to fetch file number 1 from the server
you could request multiple files at once (1 2) or all (*)

would write spec for it and explain usage, though ftp just works and can be viewed using a web browser
also if we would use openbsd signify we could just use openbsd sftp to keep openbsd stack intact

but openbsd is not really secure, it has exploits every now and then as security is not a state but a process
also security does not exist

i would still much rather write my own server hosting tools and make them public
Tor does not encrypt traffic that enters the network in plaintext though, exit nodes can read it in plaintext
encryption is not needed for public website

>Tor does not encrypt traffic that enters the network in plaintext though, exit nodes can read it in plaintext
you are wrong and illiterate
>encryption is not needed for public website
true, but if you are gonna be using FTP over Tor, you'd want to do it securely (if authentication, and sending files that is)

>you are wrong and illiterate
instead of calling m illiterate, point me to some sources that proof that plaintext traffic ENTERING Tor, doesn't EXIT Tor in plaintext
>point me to some sources
fuck off source fag

i said tor hidden service (.onion)
it goes through 8 nodes on the network and full e2ee is estabilished

>(if authentication, and sending files that is)
tor already provides that
so does signing the files
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you know what, go fuck yourself. I am not helping a cunt like you. go figure it out on your own
you asked for proof i gave you proof
anyways all is figured out with other anon

space alien ship will be crafted soon
The other anon being >>102093250 ?
probably, his name is Anonymous
my name is Anonymous too
and it appears your name is Anonymous too

please dont make stupid comments like "tor doesnt do encryption"
tor when done over .onion is fully e2ee
(the .onion address is actually a public key)

its not done on clearnet because dns on clearnet is dont differently and there are no public keys attached to a website
(not including tls)
newsflash faggot, that anon is me too. goodluck with your project, I'm out
so do your claims about hashing algorithms hold any validity when you dont have understanding of the onion router?

ive read tor spec and have contributed several critical bug fixes to it and written personal use software that interacts with the control proxy

i only want the best
time to make cicada 3301 style recruitment

also i thought everyone knew how tor worked internally by now
The party van concern is secondary to already being at 99% disk usage because the scope of the archive went way beyond what I expected.
Go ahead and set it up man, I just don't know how many more files we're going to get introduced through the system.
She's full, she can't TAKE anymore. I need to buy a larger, slower server for her.
What is the traffic like? I am curious how much interest there still is in this field.
I have a bit more material, but it will take time to sort the new stuff out from what is already uploaded.
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The Solarpunk future is edging closer with flying drones:
Matching outfits is a must.
more thinks to archive or rather "host"
bitcoin blockchain
monero blockchain
Considering how obscure I ask people keep my site, and how good the general has done of not spilling the beans, a pretty healthy amount.
If you wanted to do something more large scale, you could probably make something the size of the-eye.eu or that other old file host some anon used to keep up.

There's also some guy spamming the ever living fuck out of the other site I host on the same VPS, so traffic data is a bit inconsistent.
Reposting the updated Data Broker Removal Links:
Seems someone is continuing support for more infrastructure:
>Sovereign Tech Fund (STF) to invest in FreeBSD infrastructure modernization
>The work commissioned by STF also aligns closely with the recent August 9, 2024 summary report released by the U.S. Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD), consolidating feedback from the 2023 request for information on key priorities for securing the open source software ecosystem. By enhancing security controls and SBOM tooling, the FreeBSD Foundation is helping to keep FreeBSD at the forefront of improved vulnerability disclosure mechanisms and secure software foundations.

Now, what are the chances that intelligence agencies are behind this decision?
=== /cyb/ News:
AI coming for white collar jobs, British unions react very predictably:
>Banks and accounting firms should brace for cost of AI job losses, unions warn
>“Congress notes with concern a report from June 2024 stating that up to 54 per cent of banking jobs and 48 per cent of insurance roles could be displaced by AI in the future,” according to the Accord motion published on the TUC website.

A lot of people will go from unemployed to unemployable, and this will impact the entire middle class. Yet I cannot see that people starting their studies have looked much at what work will be like when they graduate, far less what it will be like in 10 years time.
>In Stunning Letter To Congress, Zuckerberg Admits Biden-Harris Pressured Facebook To Censor Content
i asked this in another thread but it applies here too; I need to buy a powerful wifi adapter and antenna in order to pickup wifi from a shed that's quite far from my house. Because such things are used by hackers, does it look suspicious purchasing such equipment online?
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>does it look suspicious
make double cantenna at home, dont use chink antennas

bots are cyberpunk
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Cannot get more lighter than naked Debian + 1 text file server technology.
ACMEv2 is another textfile, if you need letsencrypt.
HSTS is another textfile, if you need it.
All optional.
>Cannot get more lighter than naked Debian + 1 text file server technology.
thousands of bugs in kernel
kernel config has like 11k options, is several megabytes in file size
bloated, backdoored and not using it

1 second compile time
under 400kb size

>text file server technology.
why use python then when its thousands lines of code
it doesnt get smaller than socket() accept() listen() send() recv()

does nothing for tor

going full gnatprove ada+spark and misra c stack running on hacked fighter jet
Do you keep an archive of these News sessions?
I often get some new RSS entries for it and I wanted to check if I am missing any article.
They kinda do dress like that with "athleisure". Its all just various polyester and elastic form fitting leggings. Its just way less cool because people do not engage in combat with firearms on the daily, especially women. it is instead designed to give you a wedgie and sexualize your body at all times.
Oh? I thought American women preferred to lay down some heavy suppressing fire between their crossfit and yoga classes, right? Right?
I unironically used to think that girls wanted to do cool, badass shit, and was endlessly enamored with this due to media implanting this idea in my mind. It turns out they just want you to be their dad but also have sex with you.

was a major blackpill for me honestly. No girls in hot outfits on a motorcycle who would shoot you if you acted up. instead they just cry.

I have accepted reality.
is safing portmaster good?
Is there a way to add a new login into keepassxc (using the browser extension) for the website you're currently on? Like if I wanna make a new account I can just add the entry on the fly. I know it can offer to save it after logging in but that's unreliable.
ssl mitm
physical wiretap
There's far too many sources and stories to keep track of. /cyb/ tried keeping archives (see "Shit just got real" link in the pasta). It's worthless, and the truth is that it's impractical to maintain somthing of that magnitude, imo. Articles of great significance to the reader should always be archived locally. I have seen imortant articles scrubbed, or re-written to change narratives, so, I would'nt rely on articles being there forever. These usually involve spook activites, or things to with /pol/itics and hacking.
>I have accepted reality.
You have unlocked Reality Mode: The Deeper things of /cyb/:
I recently posted a video of someone filling a fish tank half way with mineral oil and half with water. The mineral oil will not mix with water and forms a layer at the bottom. The fish cannot see the reality of that layer, but still 'sense' it. To them it does not exist, but also cannot cross it, for doing so would kill them. They live in both an illusion, and reality. We too, live in a similar paradox, where every culture on Earth has believed in some sort of life after death since before the beginning of recorded history. Now, with virtual reality, we add another ever evolving facet, or layer to these preceptions. Vid related:
"What is "real"? How do you define "real"? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then "real" is simply electrical signals intepreted by your brain..." - Morpheus
> http://www.jimpryor.net/teaching/courses/epist2001/matrix.html
What is 'reality' ? I think Terry said it best:
I tried it once. It's eye candy for sure, and supposedly open source, but they won't provide an off-line installer in spite of it being requested many times by users. Some think this practice is sus. I do too.
>I tried it once. It's eye candy for sure, and supposedly open source, but they won't provide an off-line installer in spite of it being requested many times by users. Some think this practice is sus. I do too.
it has telemetry which doesnt show in its own logs
also its pmuch corpoware classic "open source"

avoid non free software
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Hey chooms, what's the most /cyb/sec/pri/ distro for my soon-to-be-corebooted x230?
There must be at least some cultural differences here. Many women served during WWII. Seems the /k/ attitude is that soldiers have to lug fellow soldiers around on their shoulders in order to fight. In reality many women served in intelligence behind enemy lines, and had to keep cool.

Experience in Israel is that women can go on the rampage, and long story short, the Israeli government had to move women away from the front, many years ago. Things are of course still tense there, as the Israeli friendship song 2023 (no, I am serious) amply shows. The female of the species, is the deadlier of the two.
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>avoid non free software
Agreed, but remember: Freedom is also an illusion.
"Freedom exists until a totalitarian depot takes it from you with the stroke of a pen, or at the barrel of a gun." - DCR
Robert Heinlein said it best:
>"...violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.”
A.I.Joe reports on the unmasking of a hacker who was hacking the spooks- he got sloppy.
The FBI Hacker Turns Out To Be Brazilian
Deep /cyb/ Radio: "Trashbags hinding on my lawn!"
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Void Linux works for me. Corebooted+librebooted and upgraded T440p.

>runit init system, blazing fast and easy to customize
>XFCE(i still can't forgive them removing all other DEs in 2022)
>xbps package manager, fast as fuck though not asynchronous
>overall extremely lightweight and powerful distro, just werks
no no not literal freedom
software freedom

by definition software that doesnt control you
no telemetry no binary blobs

but i guess one day we will witness free software getting banned and ibm thinkpads will be contraband and you will need tpm chip to charge from the grid

no binary blobs, to fit coreboot
qubes os (not linux but xen distro) if you love binary blob malware

but if you lurk in this general for few more months you will see release of my https://ironclad.nongnu.org/ distro, 100% no bugs backdoors or nsa just pure autism

pointless distro
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I know. I was making a larger point about freedom in general. In Orwell's 1984, Winston (illegally) wrote in his journal, "Freedom is the freedom to say that 2+2=4”. Being able to speak the truth without fear of reprisal being the point. Today, saying, "Men cannot be woman" in the wrong places, can have severe consequences. Similarly, software freedom can be taken from people if the software is too poplular, or works too well and gets the attention of the powers that be, who would rather be able to see all things, while itself remains consealed. The TrueCrypt saga comes to mind, among others, as I'm sure you're well aware.
stop stalking me, i found the neverhood soundtrack from dominator vid

>The TrueCrypt saga comes to mind
/cyb/ cryptology tools will be released alongside ironclad distro. mostly because i need to write disk encryption for it
also just cause
more based games
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> 100% no bugs backdoors or nsa just pure autism
sounds like my kinda distro, choomba
/tpg/ said that was basically arch minus binary blobs. what kinds of issues to expect when removing binary blobs? (compared to some mainstream slop distro "just werking" re: mainstream software, hardware, etc)
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>stop stalking me
Nope. I'm going to find you, and leave you a signed copy of the extremely limited edition of /CYB/LOID/ Ragazine on a DVD that has custom graphics burned on it using the now defunct HP LighScribe tecnology.

That is beutiful. I was not aware of this. Will likely aquire. Thank you.
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all good things, i was also considering artix for exactly those aspects.
>xbps package manager, fast as fuck though not asynchronous
care to elaborate on the ramifications of "not asynchronous"? idk very much about the ins and outs of package managers other than "this distro uses this variety"
also do you know any official mirrors for void linux, the links on their site are failing to download the image
trisquel is fsf ubuntu
arch without blobs is hyperbola
btw imade that post in /tpg/ kek

>what kinds of issues to expect when removing binary blobs?
you need wifi card that doesnt need blobs, aka libreboot approved ath9k
"AR9462" on aliexpress, 5 bucks

the wifi card is the only hardware that will have issues, rest of your hardware (ibmpad x230) will work fine
also small fun fact, linux libre kernel is about 8 millions less lines of code
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>btw imade that post in /tpg/ kek
thx for having similar interests, you're the exact person i wanted to reach with my questions
>wifi card
finally a concrete reason to mod that, upgrading to ath9k was on my mind so i guess it's time to get around to it
more info

hyperbola has extremely based browser
and even more based beliefs

if you have your own dot files backup then slap them onto empty hyperbola install otherwise get trisquel with kde desktop
surprisingly old version of kde is awesome

they are both lts which means updates every 7 years or so, no updooting mental illness

i have experience with hyperbola on x60 and trisquel on x230

desu need bumper pics with samorost3 screenshots
i remember you talking about taking screenshots from some cyberpunk game for bumper backgrounds
it can be done

another important game, of which i own physical cd
legendary mention
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>i remember you talking about taking screenshots from...need bumper pics with...
First time I get a request like this- you honor me, sir. The only tie-in to the threads that I can possibly pull off is if one of the boys goes on a psychedelic trip, or another dream sequence. Samorost certainly falls under possible psychedelic experiences, but not really relevent to the thread. Since you asked, I'll give you and the reset of the thread a special sneak story leak with respect to the upcoming /CYB/BLOID comic series without spoiling it.
===========The ABSOLUTE STATE of /CYB/LOID===============
Mini update:
>The Continuing Misadventures of #Team-042
Series Three, Episode One: "Humiliation Ritual"
At this point all those interested, know about what happend to the boys when they desided to go on 'vacation':
>Boys get busted for thought crime
>Situation looks bleak, despare taking hold
>Other #TEAM-042 members don't yet know what's happend because the secure "AquaNet" infrastructure wasn't in place at the time of the arrest
>Expected redevous with the deep water DCR station didn't happen; DCRanon is wondering what happened
=======New Storylines=========
Anons like these -
...are the reason I make these. Thier ecouragement is the fuel that keeps me going. Without them, I loose interest. I work for (you)s and do it for free, like a janny trying to give thread sovl. Another anon mentioned something about using Windows, and the faraday cage. Little tiny things like this germinate into ideas that take on a life of thier own, as you will see. Those who follow my work know that I sometimes turn troll lemons into lemonade; #TEAM-042 is a direct result of skid general/butthair anon.
======Continued in next post========
I love security!
I love cyberpunk! I'm glad we're friends.
====cotinued from >>102113830 =====

If it wasn't for him, that theme would not exist. So, to that anon I say thank you.
======The plot thickens======
Another very important point:
I need to be careful here, because CIA trashbags might try and spoil the plans, but for the rest of you who are concerned about the fate of the guys, I have some important news that must be delivered in a cryptic cypher, and (you) have an opportunity to be part of their story. The following is an important plotpoint, and is already finished. In fact, 5 complete panels are done with TWO episodes being written in parallel, along with other surprises.
All of this should make sense after you read the relevant panel. If you can decode this cypher, (you) will in fact, help save our friends, and I will add an additional panel or two to reflect your contribution to the story. Our friends are in grave peril and have to make some hard choices. What would you do if you were in thier shoes? Would you fold or fight? Being over-confident and arrogant about your hacking skills can also be your downfall, as evidenced by the capture of that "USDoD" hacker, among many others. The boys are finding this out the hard way.
Intelligence and wisdom are not mutually inclusive, and no man is an island. Loyalty, friendship, faith, grit, laughter, and unity of purpose is what will see you though hard times, as the boys are about to find out. It's always darkest before the dawn, and holding fast to truth regardless of the consequences, builds character and defines who we will become as men. I'm really exited about this new series, and hope to share it with you guys soon.
Deep /cyb/ Radio: "Blurring the lines"
The echo chamber of the comments on Ars is hilarious:
ironclad compiling
time make

du -sh ironclad

its time to take over the world, this is infact absurdly small and fast

tommorow ill move from syslinux to limine bootloader and try booting into init=/bin/sh
ill try solving the cipher tommorow too
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i'm a university student. at the student gym, i swipe my card and a little gate opens to let me in.
it costs 10$ per day for guests.

i'm pretty sure it's just a magstripe card. could i buy a cheap reader/writer on amazon, clone my card, and it probably would work?

i live with my brother and he's not a student. i loan him my card sometimes to go to the gym but it's kind of annoying.

it seems like cloning magstripes is braindead. is it as simple to clone RFIDs? i go to a lot of festivals and it would be sick if i could dupe a band.
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RFID cloners are cheaper
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>care to elaborate on the ramifications of "not asynchronous"?
Not much proficient in it either, but basically it downloads all packages in a single thread/ Some package managers can spawn multiple threads, making use of your bandwidth and downloading shit faster.
>also do you know any official mirrors for void linux, the links on their site are failing to download the image
This one is the only one I know of.

>pointless distro
Best daily driver I found so far. Just werks.

My fault, really tired now. Just libreboot, with IME cut out and flashed with a programmer(picrel). Sorry for confusion. But hey, battery times got better somehow, and for whatever reason speakers are louder now, so I guess that's a win.
I'm surprised that clip worked. I had to replace mine with a Pomona.
Anyone has an explanation or write-up on how to deal with the stack canary?
This CTF I'm doing has explained it, but in such a way to spread even more confusion instead of clearing things up
Me too. Had to readjust it a few times, but the flashing worked from the first try.
not sure if everyone here is clueless ir tgey just dont want to share. anyways tgeres some good tools on nethunter for rooted phones and public wifi is very vulnerable. there you go.
>page 10
=== /sec/ News:
>Bug Bounty Programs Take Root In Russia (csoonline.com)
>From the report: "Given the current uncertainty that Russian bug bounty hunters and vulnerability researchers are facing when dealing with Western bug bounty programs, Russian IT companies have begun to fill that vacuum. [...] Russian bug bounty platforms have a high probability for substantial growth in the next few years. They provide a credible Western alternative not only to Russian hackers, but also for all other vulnerability researchers located in countries that could potentially face international financial sanctions in the future.
>From a Western perspective, a potential problematic development could be that Russian hackers decide to sell vulnerabilities found in Western products to Russian zero-day acquisition companies such as Operation Zero. Thus, instead of reporting them to Western bug bounty platforms for free, they sell to the highest bidder. Those zero-day acquisition companies in turn sell them on to Russian law enforcement and security agencies, which could lead to increased espionage campaigns in Western countries. Western policy makers would do well to keep an eye on the evolution of Russia's bug bounty ecosystem."
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What happens when I mix a /pol/ thread about coffee & Tesla?
Synergy - picrel.
Matt Brown - 'Using Linux to Intercept IoT Device Traffic'
'Monitor USB events and execute actions based on rules.' ;)
Let's share onions!
'Warp allows you to securely send files to each other via the internet or local network by exchanging a word-based code.'
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thx for link friend
nice clip in the pic, i'm going to try using the internal flash method on my x230 this weekend and pray i don't end up needing to buy a clip anyways
you cant internally flash x230
ivyrain doesnt give you access to full flash descriptor

>and for whatever reason speakers are louder now
thats the cia backdoor in libreboot so they can do binary acoustic data transmission easier
just like the new microcode updates leah was duped into adding

btw solder the chip instead of using the clip, its easier
my pomona clip broke after 1 use its all chinkshit, solder always wins and you can replace it with chip that has bigger rom size
forgot to mention this post >>102117729

>Best daily driver I found so far. Just werks.
its just renamed arch, no point
you should be using linux libre distro with libreboot
because why would you keep all the binary blobs in kernel when you removed them from firmware

pure insanity that some people go through

desu these birds have some kind of parasites
terry was going crazy aroud a bird too

or something we dont know
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>its just renamed arch
>pure insanity that some people go through
Fair enough.

No problem. And good luck.
if thats fast flux gen then its very realistic looking
basically real
i have used my highly advanced SIGINT code breaking skills


is that it? am i free to continue working on my stuff? or is there more
this song could reference that they quickly put message into bottle (while getting arrested) and let it flow in the ocean to deliver it somewhere

or the youtube vid code is not a secret at all
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Outstanding. I'll make some phonecalls...
GO #TEAM-042!
**[spoiler]Episode tangent UNLOCKED[/spoiler]**
yesterday when looking at the cipher i was expecting concurrency codes through external references attached to all the names that would decipher the odd string

today i realiezd the odd string is very short

ever since they dropped libressl and musl defaults and made BLM tweet, its basically arch reskin
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>thats the cia backdoor in libreboot so they can do binary acoustic data transmission easier


Just did a quick run on the article about that shit. Apparently, it doesn't really matter about the volume if both the receiver and transmitter(mic and speaker) are close enough - it might reduce data losses, but doesn't really affect the bitrate. Frequency does. I mean - if they really would like to do that covertly - they would use something ultrasonic, since it's already inaudible for a human, has higher frequency -> higher bitrate, and works just fine in closed compartments, So if you really wanna be secure from this shit, as I understood - just rip out your mic and speakers.

>ever since they dropped libressl and musl defaults and made BLM tweet, its basically arch reskin

Don't care about their political preferences, really. Didn't hear about the first two things happening. Anyway, if something happens to the development - I'll just go with Gentoo or whatever else is suitable.

And yeah, it's still an independent distro, not based on anything. I didn't personally compare the kernels of Arch and Void, but the absence of systemd on the latter is a "good enough" marker for me.
>if both the receiver and transmitter(mic and speaker) are close enough
you cant know, there are long range directional mics, it could help
personal testing required to know

>just rip out your mic and speakers.
webcam too
disable cpu fan too
put shielding over any cable present inside

then smash your computer with a hammer and hope it doesnt move on its own ever again

>Don't care about their political preferences
true, separate artist from art

actually its odd, i always see people using non free distros with libreboot

you install libreboot to get rid of backdoors, but then people install basically backdoored by fsf standards distro
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>you cant know, there are long range directional mics, it could help
Yes, and they will be used in case if you are being targeted personally. I mean, if they are really out there to get you - do what you must, but for avoiding mass surveillance and data collection - bandpass filter for hearable frequencies on both is more than enough.

>webcam too
>disable cpu fan too
First is reasonable, but I'll guess the good old duct tape/permanent marker will do. Second one might not be the option for most, including me - i7-4702MQ is hot stuff. Maybe low-noise fans or constant-speed auxillary-powered ones will suffice.

>actually its odd, i always see people using non free distros with libreboot
If people trust the developers and maintainers of open-source projects more than megacorps with proprietary products - it's their choice, and I'd say a good one. And it's also on the convenience side. But what worries me more is that most people don't actually research distros they are using, including it's history of development. Who funded them, who assisted, or who are developers are working for full-time.

>you install libreboot to get rid of backdoors, but then people install basically backdoored by fsf standards distro
Sad reality. But hey, pretty much everything, and i mean EVERYTHING can backdoored to some extent. From encryption standards like the DES controversy to even the lowest-level hardware stuff, down to transistor cluster levels. You can't fully trust something that you didn't build yourself from the very start, which means you would need to make your own hardware from sand and copper. So here's the question - where do you draw the line of possibly-not-backdoored-enough?
computer has no reason to know what i look like or whats around me

tape is for peasants, remove bezel and remove webcam physically, in thinkpads its held by connector you can remove with bare hands

>including me - i7-4702MQ is hot stuff. Maybe low-noise fans or constant-speed auxillary-powered ones will suffice.
i have 3615qe quad core in my x230, which draws 10W (45W) more than the stock cpu

it runs fine with fan off on powersave cpu scheduler
it can overheat with ondemand scheduler on max load with fan on max, casually reaching 105 C so fun fact
fanless setup is more comfy, also not having the fan running means less dust inside

>If people trust the developers and maintainers of open-source projects
open source is corpoware
only free software is acceptable

>You can't fully trust something that you didn't build yourself from the very start
technically if you physically own a motherboard then you have all the time in the universe to inspect it through electron and xray means

could it be... that he message in a bottle is in fact in a barrel? a new barrel in the sea?
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I soo want to post it all, but it's not complete - this is the last spoiler.
The idea came from something I read quite along time ago about Apple & Amazon's Bluetooth-LE mesh networks used spy on people. When I find the source, I'll post it. Can't recall if it was an article or a video.
amazon sidewalk if thats what you mean
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That was one of them, yea, thank you.
the apple thing is probably the contact tracing thing
but theres more
fun fact: iphones have always on bluetooth, even if you power them off
newer phones from samsung have the same
always on bluetooth is present in pixel 8 too
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No, not the contact tracing stuff, but it does have to do with the always-on even if off feature of the iPhones. That's what I was referring to. I was unaware some of new Android devices having the same capability, but unsurprized. It would be interesting to find out if that feature could be disabled on a rooted droid by ROM replacement, or deleting/disabling some BT support driver from the file system.
true mitigation:
no phone

the only choice i would respect
there are no binary blobs (aside from jewloader) so you have full control
you can disable modem via terminal, cant do that on graphmeme stuff
check your email. are you locally hosting your instance or using online generators?
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Message checked & received. Will reply in later in detail.
Currently using online gen, trying to work my way toward local.
Okay, THIS is ABSOLUTELY the last LEAK!
Updated Firefox Zero user.js
>not posting the original
update >>102117012

limine bootloader is good
builds instantly from source, good config guide

had to change few things from syslinux setup, boots linux just fine, trying ironclad now

his autism, antics, and images are a beloved part of the generals at this point.

sorry but to a lot of us, that image is just as iconic as the one you posted. Deep /cyb/ Radio anon has wormed his way into our hearts.

thanks choom. When I'm done playing with StableDiffusion I'll check my email again.
Checked Managarm?
does anyone know how people find stuff like this?
I need to wipe my ssd securely. DBAN or ABAN, which one is better?
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress
I prefer automated programs for these kinds of things considering I can do 2-3-n pass while I'm sleeping. I used DBAN in the past but I read on the ABAN homepage that DBAN is abandonware. I was wondering if anyone of you ever heard of ABAN. DBAN might not be in development but at least it has a reputation
>I prefer automated programs for these kinds of things considering I can do 2-3-n pass while I'm sleeping.

# Function to check if the script is run as root
check_root() {
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1

# Function to get the device name
get_device() {
read -p "Enter the device name (e.g., sdb): " device
if [ ! -b "/dev/$device" ]; then
echo "Error: /dev/$device is not a valid block device."
exit 1
echo "/dev/$device"

# Main function
main() {

echo "Warning: This will erase all data on $device. Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)"
read confirm
if [ "$confirm" != "y" ]; then
echo "Operation cancelled."
exit 0

echo "Step 1: Writing random data to $device"
dd if=/dev/urandom of="$device" bs=4M status=progress

echo "Step 2: Writing zeros to $device"
dd if=/dev/zero of="$device" bs=4M status=progress

echo "Operation completed successfully."

# Run the main function
Uh, that one isn't mine... picrel is an edit of *my* edit of that edit, featuring 'Heckerman', which was also used in the first Deep /cyb/ Dominator Award in January. I have a bigger unedited version of that edit somewhere. editedit
>https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/employee-arrested-for-locking-windows-admins-out-of-254-servers-in-extortion-plot/ HAHAHA!
Reminder that if your looking to get some /sec/urity cameras, always apply reverse engineering principals to shopping for elecronics.
The normie way:
>Oh, it's on sale! WOW! it has all has all these features! :O
>Purchases camera! :O
>Doesn't know it has a botnet, or finds out the hard way! 8.(
>Possibly buyer's remorse / no support FAFO !!!!
The Heckerman way:
>Research what open source firmware is available for all connected cameras, if any.
https://openipc.org/ is one example
>Research the varoius types of monitoring applications available to connect to your electric eyeball(s).
>Perform your due diligence, and select supported camera(s) based on your usecase™ and budget.
>Purchase camera and modify ;}
>Profit from your newfound /pri/vacy & /sec/urity ***
The /cyb/ way:
Yank old webcams from laptops and cobble together some ghetto-tier surveillence with various types of software that you can get your hands on. Old droid phones can also be repurposed to make an ad-hock system, but needs to be carefully /sec/ured.

**8. Privacy is an illusion, cybersecurity exists until a competent hacker proves to you it does not.
looks cool

im looking at ironclad because it has gnatprove network stack

if i wanted microkernel i would sell my soul and run sel4 or nova
Encrypt it with LUKS and destroy the key.

Only works for mechanical drives, thanks to wear levelling
use hamer*
that's just the tip of the iceberg
when you order electronic devices on the internet, is it paranoid to open the them up and check if any silliness has been added to the device?
>when you order electronic devices on the internet
dont do that desu
only buy locally used

>open the them up and check if any silliness has been added to the device?
do that always
Just take your meds everyday and this won't be an issue.
yeah, I live in a place where buying nice things locally isn't possible, it's all slop
Plenty of cool projects in this list
don't talk back when I'm defending you.

Also, I still associate that image with you since you're the one I generally see posting it, I'm not backing down on my blatantly incorrect statement.
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I peashe ate it, fen, but dat's disinfamaysions! I cannot live this lie, unlike our political candidates. Besides, I think you're still suffering from turbulent meatspace vortex syndrome when you phase-shifted back into this dimention. Did you not see the comic I made of you partially exiting the turbulent meatspace vortex? Even your ballons are not immune. I'll know when you're back to so-called 'normal' when you post 'Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.' in this thread.

This is an unmedicated thread that doubles as a group therapy session.
Most of us prefer to keep real schizo hours. Allopathics BTFO.
kek, i wonder why retards go in this thread and say TAKE MEDS
Dunno but it makes me imagine a shady drug dealer offering clarity of mind in a pill to people and it's a truly amusing picture.
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/cyb/ must fight if it wants to keep what's left of it's soul.
How secure is this setup for just a normal browsing? Be secure I mean secure from hackers.
>ios safari with JS disabled completely
>iCloud private relay (double-hop VPN with Cloudflare IP at the second hop)
>Lockdown mode (disables custom fonts, many image/video formats, etc)
I guess it’s better in security than Tor Browser? Privacy isn’t a big concern here
Tf are you doing
can someone tell me if mailbox is good?
its ok but safari and ios are gay, just use thinkpad with libreboot and fsf linux
it's a honeypot
>still undecided
Dude it's 10 dollars a month, not 50. Support your local gym, it's not like you're giving your money to microsoft
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>you cant internally flash x230
so this isn't possible then? sad
uhh actually not sure about that

could be possible
my experience with 1vy is few years old, there was issue about flashing coreboot from it and it was said not to be possible because the exploits doesnt give access to entire flash

have no experience with the thing you linked, i would recommend soldering if that fails
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Looks like AI bird slop is back on the menu, boys.
decide the fate its been months

or finish /cyb/ patch
i want pure /cyb/ patch, i will make it real and put it on my hat and post pics here

one barrel please
quit being a baby and learn how to do external flashing, it's not hard at all
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Happy Friday /cyb/!
Whoever that is, has to be a 4ch regular.
The fuck is this
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Looks like Cassette Futurism.

or stop being lazy.

he is, /k/ and some other board have a bunch of online stores made by channers where you can buy shit like this. I remember /g/ used to have something similar for stickers, I don't know what happened to that. That's how I got my
So, how about pateches for
Biopunk etc?

I guess Stagnationpunk would be a plank patch, perhaps with an interrobang.
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Hey choom, I think you got the wrong thread.
The Raging Faggot General is two threads down.
Gotta contrast -futurisms with -punks. The former is umbrella: it may be complacently general or generally complacent, active or passive, optimistic or pessimistic. The latter is fight or flight. As far as I know, solarpunk doesn't exist.
And bio- is never its own thing but a flavoring for other stuff when invasiveness doesn't feel invasive anymore. For instance, you may have dueselpunk (men are reduced to food for the machine but not literally) or you may have biodieselpunk (yes literally). When your audience is desensitized to bio-, the next step is recycling souls/SaaS.
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Listen, Mr... I seem to recall asking you a bunch questions, sharing some very detailed, technical thoughts on how high-detail patches might become distorted as they shrink in size, and unless I'm mistaken, you wanted to get some IEMs with custom graphics as well. I advised you on that matter, as well as making a template for your own designs. Did you give me the courtesy of a (you)? No. You & your autism disappeared, and now you resurface making demands. If Greta were here, she'd say, "How dare you!" As punishment, you are to go back into the archives, find those posts, and give me feedback, if you want a patch from me. Although, I have to thank you for the idea of a /cyb/ patch with 3 rusty, toxic barrels in the background. Truly genius!
Star Trek Deep Space Nine episode. It aired 30 years ago and in this episode they traveled back in time to the year 2024 where there was a homeless crisis in California, people used smart devices and cryptocurrency, and political movements could go "viral" online.
What did anon mean by this?
Based DS9 enjoyer.
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how do i get started??
Does a PRNG reach every possible combination in its cycle length regardless of the seed used?

For example if two PRNG's had different seeds but both ran until their cycle repeated would their outputs collide at some point or does the seed prevent certain possible combinations from happening?
Start with the links in the OP txt, and from the top.
>Did you give me the courtesy of a (you)? No. You & your autism disappeared
i did reply and i post here daily
>find those posts, and give me feedback
uhm will do later tonight

the barrels one is good idea
/cyb/ text in middle
some autistic text all around
ship behind /cyb/
barrels dropped behind ship
muted colors (and few colors) like old morale patches
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I was reading a little while ago about design considerations for converting images into code that embroidery machines can understand, and apparently the capabilities vary widely from machine to machine, and the software used. It's really fascinating. Check YT. I mention this aspect of it, because the shop you choose versus the machine/software they use will have a direct impact on design constraints, and the final appearance of a physical patch.
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> it's not that hard
no but internally flashing a custom bios is way cooler, why buy a new tool if i can make do without it
i love those stickers, I'm glad i bought a pile of them to slap on all my thinkpads
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Bro they are literally getting agro on homeless in SF this past month

i bet i could do the patch without any machinery
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Get started, and post results:
death cheating barrel tossing

same colors scheme like this

ill make the patch image i guess
post what ship model is in the bumper image with barrels in the sea

also i could get the machine, i wanted sticker machine while ago anyways

i could mass produce garbage like aho
I am studying cyber security in college, any help, advice or resources would be appreciated.
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>post what ship model is in the bumper image with barrels in the sea
You're gonna need to be very specific about what you mean by 'ship model' and bumper image. Are you referring to >>102074953 ? Or a sub?
Drop it and become a medical doctor.
thats the one
or we could change ship model to something specific
saint choom
needs good ship to reference something
but the one in bumper pic is good
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That's a pic I found searching for "Jaws t-shirt" or similar. You can get a better result if you d/l the movie, and grab your own stills, then you could clean up the pic, sharpen the contrast, and if desired, turn the resulting image into a template. I used that image because I liked that it was already a t-shirt. However, you should realize that the thread is always /sub/merged in the catalog, often crusing at page 6 depth or deeper. hence the need for a submarine. We just can't keep the boat floating. Fun fact: In the movie, the shark stays down with FIVE barrels, showing off is Chad shark prowess.
We are here:
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I just noticed I misspelled "Jaws", EFF'IN LOL!

what do you think about the text that would be around btw >>102157906
Just discovered the artist due to this post.
God that so sick.
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Everyone has different tastes, but what appeals to me most is contrasting, complimentary colors. For the text, the phrase would depend on the font size, and the size of the patch (3" versus 4"). I was looking for some design software that would emulate the look of a finished patch to get a better rough idea of what it would look like. This would really go a long way imo to try different styles quickly and allow for rapid developent. I found this, but haven't installed it yet, and don't know if it will run without a device yet:
brother is based
they are from my country and also make printers
if they make big automatic sewing machines for this kind of stuff then even more based

fucking windows only software though, good thing you made that windows 11 rape machine
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They've made soo many changes under the hood, and since I won't allow the rapebox to go online it complains alot. It breaks alot, too. I tried installing a GForce-8400 card in it, and it just shits the bed. Worse, the recovery options are garbage compared to what they are on win7. I've had to do two full reinstalls because I'm trying to FAFO, and it does not like it. On the other hand, it's pre-release, and has a ton of patches out for it already, but since I won't allow the box to go online, I can't updoot until I can find out if there is a way to D/L & apply the updoots offline, and in bulk. I'm also trying to figure out how to install WSL on the damn thing offline as well. I did find a tool to let me d/l WSL loonix images:
But, haven't figured out the rest. I'm like a cookie cutter fish, always biting off more than I can chew.
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Pinokio is NOT for WSL - It's for browsing AI models. If I wasn't so retarded, I would have posted the correct url:
ok cuck
>cyberpunk, security and privacy general
>nothing but AI slop and retards arguing over stupid shit
Yeah, I am not entering this general again
holy shit you are right, AI slop and stupid shit just flew over my house
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I saw it! You have a nice house btw
>hyperbola has extremely based browser
>last commit 2023-11-22 20:39:25 -0500
Otherwise HyperbolaBSD looks like the perfect kind of autism I need.
Tell us more, anon.
hyperbola is lts, its not meant to update
the browser uses basilisk engine with gtk2, none of which are meant to update

desu im homeless

i wish we had drawfag in this thread
stickerfag too
patchfag too
more aifags
more bumperfags
more therapy
i didnt get ironclad to boot to, its hard for me to debug currently

i cant tell if its miscompilation or something
i have idea how to debug now but ill need to write a program for it so i took break until weekend for it

the miscompilation is concern because i do weird hack

./configure --target=x86_64-multiboot2-elf ADAFLAGS="" LDFLAGS="-latomic"
objcopy --redefiny-sym lib__atomic__atomic_load_8=__atomic_load_8 obj/lib-synchronization.o

it actually errors when compiling because it tries prepending lib name infront of the atomic symbol for some reason, so i manually fix it with objcopy then rerun make and it builds fine
it builds but i dont know if it works

i could try booting with init=/bin/gcon where gcon is https://github.com/streaksu/gcon
but gcon doesnt want to build in my setup because it was made for odd versions of autoreconf so ill bother later
if i boot ironclad without cmdline, it just reboots my computer
if i run it with cmdline: init=/bin/sh it hangs on black screen until i forcefully power it off

its meant to have posix compability, the supplies sh is static linked oksh

i suspect the boot process is different and i cant just init=/bin/sh like with linux and need to init some stuff first (like gcon does fbdev stuff)
I thought replicant died years ago.
Whelp, with that supported devices list it may as well be.
how can it die if it just works?
the supported devices have replaceable batteries so they will never die aswell

easy to remove mic, cams, speakers
anyways the youtube video gave me idea, fully sealed samsung s2 mobo in epoxy

will be easy to do as experiment since its very small
optionally could remove some traces
optionally could build own hardened android for it with replicant as base since no binary blobs
next one up >>102161988
/cyb/ is your home now

What did that post(er) mean?
That's the problem with some of these projects- very small list of supported devices.
Be sure to build-in a battery bypass and two little holes that go strait to the battery terminals in case the battery dies, you can attach another externally, piggy back style.
>very small list of supported devices.
thats because of binary blobs

>in case the battery dies, you can attach another externally, piggy back style.
dunno if this is good idea
I forgot about that, but that doesn't address botnets built in to SIM cards, does it?
If the battery looses capacity, or dies, you can at least keep the phone working.
the battery is replacable, sealing the mobo in epoxy i would obviously leave out battery connector and charging connector

>but that doesn't address botnets built in to SIM cards, does it?
you can disable modem in replicant and reenable it whenever you want
Honestly, what would you even use that for?
I haven't used a smartphone for normal calls and SMSs for years.
The are skipping from 6 to 11 and that alone seems to be kinda dead, so, why have a smarphone at all?
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Oh, I thought you meant covering the battery too...oops.
>disable modem
What if you need to make a phonecall? Trashbags will triangulate you.
you can communicate over... bluetooth
youtube video code style
briar has that feature
you can also use it as camera since the old phones dont have ai garbage in camera yet, i took some pics yesterday with galaxy s2 and it makes beautiful pics

organic maps
sms calls
looking through some offline backup since sd card slot
its a phone... so phone stuff...
BT has a short range, 10feet tho- unless it's a Class1 tranceiver, which does 100 iirc. it's also a known, sniffable protocol. Trashbags are sniffing your packets right now!
briar does double ratchet, the point of bluetooth feature is to exchange information when internet is down
>double ratchet
what is him?
signal protocol
briar never transmits plaintext
Have you ever attended Battlemesh?
I always wanted to, but 2 pleb.
>Verification not required.
>Is Cyprus safe?
>Yes, it is. Although Cyprus has got left-hand traffic.

i never leave my house, so no
actually im homeless and war drive using parkour

i dont really like openwrt btw
Did you notice I wrote you into >>102157522 ?
I think I'm going to make you a regular in the comic.
yes i saw it, i didnt respond because... i have no excuse

i observe every /cyb/ post so that should be enough for you
Just so I'm clear, you won the last Dominator Award, and you have 2 cats?
and the compiler and the ai slop including music and probably something else
Cygnus?! See this is why I ask- I don't want to be any more schizo than I already am. I thought Cygnus was someone else... Since your award, I think of you as Llama Anon. LoL that pic. That's the pic I want to use.
i dont want to be represented as llm model
i stay as thinkpad on wheels, maybe tank treads
Do you draw as well and make >>102078702 and own the Thermal Cat printer?
>i stay as thinkpad on wheels
Okay, Fren... you got it. That Llama is funny, tho..
the post you quoted isnt mine, i replied to it though
i dont own the cat printer
cat printer anon seems to be dead
the cirno with fgc9 was from /jp/ draw thread, i requested it and someone else drew it
So it's been just 3-4 of us this whole time. We ARE THE BARRELS
3 barrels 3 posters whos gonna lead the way?
Well, we do have OP- unless he's Cygnus, too. Wait a minute! Maybe they're ALL Cygnus! Except for ==News guy. I think
actually everyone is llama anon running llama 3.1
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For me, it's Faskflux.ai
it is true, coreboot should be requirement
there are alot of cheap mobos that support it nowadays


is my favorite one since it supports 13W TDP xeon and has working ecc
also it can be flashed with software from os since assus forgot to write protect it, LOL
very good for fully passively cooled computer
seasonic makes passively cooled psu "prime fanless"
there are fanless gpu, if this board was for desktop and not server usage you will need one since xeons dont have igpu
gt 1030 fanless or palit 1050/1650 fanless

now you dont have fans, no binary acoustic data transmission, no dust, no noise only computing

dont forget to write protect the rom
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atleast i go out with my passion
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Amen... but I never lost faith in you, fren. Head for the surface..
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[Verse 1]
Oh, in a little while from now
If I'm not feeling any less sour
I promised myself to treat myself
And visit a nearby tower
And climbing to the top
Will throw myself off
In an effort to make it clear to whoever
What it's like when you're shattered
Left standing in the lurch, at a church
Where people saying
"My God that's tough, she stood him up
No point in us remaining
We may as well go home"
As I did on my own

Alone again, naturally

[Verse 2]
To think that only yesterday
I was cheerful, bright and gay
Looking forward to, well who wouldn't do
The role I was about to play
But as if to knock me down
Reality came around
And without so much as a mere touch
Cut me into little pieces
Leaving me to doubt
Talk about God in His mercy
For if He really does exist
Why did He desert me
In my hour of need?
I truly am indeed
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Alone again, naturally

It seems to me that
There are more hearts
Broken in the world
That can't be mended
Left unattended
What do we do?
What do we do?

[Classical Guitar Solo]

Alone again, naturally

[Verse 3]
Now looking back over the years
And what ever else that appears
I remember I cried when my father died
Never wishing to hide the tears
And at sixty-five years old
My mother, God rest her soul
Couldn't understand, why the only man
She had ever loved had been taken
Leaving her to start with a heart
So badly broken
Despite encouragement from me
No words were ever spoken
And when she passed away
I cried and cried all day
Alone again, naturally
Alone again, naturally
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