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old >>102044762
fugg, appropriate picrel. august will be over in 5 days.
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>2007 was 20 years ago
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how long would it take to learn c# + unity + blender and create a mmorpg
Creating an mmorpg takes forever.
Even once you've got it running, you're never done.
Repostan because I want to make sure:
I need an audio editing software to help me split up big mp3 files to smaller ones and do some light editing like crossfade and stuff. Right now I'm writing .cue files and splitting them with a .cue splitter and it werks but I can't edit the audio this way.
A colleague of mine recommended me Audacity, but he said that I shouldn't get the latest version due to it being "bad", and he didn't elaborate. What the heck was he talking about, does anyone know?
>it's good but it has telemetry
Well, doesn't that suck. Can someone confirm that the latest version doest have this stuff anymore?
I want to get an MA Mac mini but I know macOS looks like shit on lower resolution displays.
I want to buy a 2k or 4k one but I need integer scaling for best performance. Can you suggest a resolution-scaling combination that doesn't look minuscule?
seriously what the fuck search engine is worth using in current year
censorship / lack of privacy
just repurposing above
constantly broken
useless for anything other than reverse image, at least its not censored i guess
so whats the go-to torrent client these days for windows
dunno look at your mobo manual and check in bios
Yo. I've made a thread about it earlier because I didn't know the existence of this one.

I wanted to ask for some information. I think my SSD died, but I'm not sure. Yesterday I was playing on my laptop, and then I turned it off for a while to rest. When I tried to turn it on again (at most an hour later), it started to only turn on in the BIOS. I tried to check the disk using GParted, and it showed that its maximum capacity is 37kb and that the disk is "unrecognizable".The image is in Portuguese, but the 7GB partition is my pendrive with GParted and below is my dead SSD. Is there anything I can do to save it? I don't have much knowledge on data recovery.
https://imgur.com/a/j2TWAiv the image
I need to rent an online server that offers at least half a terabyte of storage. Which providers are the best? Looking for very short-term while I get my backups in order.
Do you have anything important on your SSD? If not, ditch it and get a new one. If you've got important stuff on there don't power it up until you install your OS on another SSD. Afterwards, connect your dead SSD and see if you can initialize it or if it even shows up. If neither, you'll probably need to get professional help, but in cases like these, it's best just to reinstall your stuff and move on.
i don't really understand why you'd want to upload 500G of data short-term versus just buying a cheap second hand hdd for that purpose
as in just write your data, read it back to make sure it's good, and that should do the job
but otherwise, check out lowendbox.com
Just ask chatgpt whatever you want
If anyone has one, how's the acer swift x sfx14-41g-r1s6 for gaming?
Am I missing something stupid? What's the difference between DAC and Fiber? Is DAC just a patched cable with SFP+ on both sides and Fiber requires 2 SFP+ transceivers and an OM4 cable in between? Do the SFP+ transceivers heat up like the RJ45 ones do?
Just reading the specs, I can tell you that you'll get 1080 60fps, but the disk size is going to be a problem, depending what you're playing, after installing all of the windows updates and your game, your disk is likely going to exceed 75% capacity, and that's going to hurt your read/write speeds. $1,000 for 128-bit memory bus and half a TB of disk space sounds like robbery.
Why does porn always have a share button
Anyone got that "UX in 2018" webm?
You're an antisemite
what's the best /g/ archive and is there a way to search for images on it that all have the same prefix in the filename?
DAC just lets you connect SFP+ ports directly with wire adapters. A passive DAC assembly costs as much as one active transceiver.
>does it heat up
Recommended site for downloading youtube videos?
>using PIA vpn
>speeds are great
>people say its shit though
>see protonvpn is highly recommended
>switch back after years
>choose fastest connection
>super slow
>watching a stream of something often freezes video but continues audio
what the hell, this is garbage - why isn't it better.
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Anyone know what this port inside my mini pc is? I can't find the device spec sheet for it anywhere
also, there're GUIs for ty-dlp if you want
That's a 22 pin SATA cable, it's basically just the normal sata data and sata power cable but terminated as 1 end plug, you see them in small form factor stuff like laptops and mini pc's (like yours)
Very retarded question,is warm or cool air supposed to exit on the pc's rear fan? Cool air exits on my pc,i think i installed the fan wrong and i realised this only after 2 years.
I spilled a glass of wine on my laptop and many keys don't work now. I tried the wireless Apple keyboard I happen to have but Linux Mint doesn't see it
what do now?
where do I enter the url?
Well,close it and hold it upside down.You are going to have to change the keyboard most likely.
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I have a docking station for USB's and sata HDD/SSD
bought an SSD where I want to stash all shit I don't actively use to free up some space

I've stuck the SSD into the dock, device manager recognizes it, but I have no idea how to utilize the drive, as it seemingly isn't as easy as just plugging it into the dock and being able to access the drive

do I have to do something here? Something like, create a partition to the disk, and how can I do that? I did that when assembling the PC, but can't remember how and where to do it, whether it was through the OS or BIOS
It's a command-line utility, you just write
 yt-dlp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 

will automatically grab best audio + best video and merge them into one file
If I want to easily crop a video, add audio to it, etc, what's the best program to do that? I'm tired of using online tools
I just want to make short videos + sound added
The PC makes the air warm not the fan. If the PC isn't doing anything the air won't be warm. If your PC has no balls it'll probably never get noticeably warm.
Ah ok then,thanks a lot.
Use Disk management on windows. You might only wanna allocate 90% of the drive so there's still some space for the ssd to work when you fill it up.
If air enters and exits, you did it right. What you want to avoid is having the same air simply whipping around inside the case. You want a constant, even exchange of outside air moving through the case and exiting.
You might wanna reduce the fan speeds if the pc is slightly loud. My pc is basically silent at idle
New SSD, first time plugging it in to that dock (and pc)? Format the SSD.
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should i be enabling any of the "_____ ready" power saving options in my bios?
why aren't they on by default?
I asked for a site though
To be honest,i think i did something wrong when i installed my pc.I can only change the speed of my cpu in the bios,and of my gpu with msi afterburner.The case's fans work,but i have no idea at what speed,they are not loud.
Just run yt-dlp in termux retard.
>>102095346 meant for >>102095192
plugged it immediately to the dock once i opened the package
Where can I even format it, only device manager detects the SSD, can't find it on Disk management
nvm, got the disk to appear on disk management
My suggestion was blatantly general (lacking specific instructions). I knew you'd figure it out.
Who has the ddossecrets archives?
Last year I used https://github.com/glomatico/gytmdl to rip a ton from YT music.
It doesn't seem to work now, was some exploit fixed, is this just a cat-and-mouse game between developers?
Any other tools to download straight from yt music or spotify? I have access to premium accounts on both
yeah, all i really needed was to be reminded of disk management and I managed to figure it out
It's in-browser thoughever
Is it safe to leave Copilot installed
It's not safe to use a Windows that comes with copilot.
Why not? What does it do?
install gentoo
neat, thanks
Does she know a lot about technolocchi?
I did a factory reset on a tablet a tenant left me and now I can't get past the add gmail account screen.
I have checked several times if my password was right and then changed it to a different one just to make sure I wasn't winging it from memory and still nothing.
What is happening and how do I fix this?
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bros, you know how TikTok videos (used to) have a split view where the top was the actual content and the bottom was some mobile game, and apparently this helped brainrotted zoomers pay attention to their fucking TikTok dance videos or whatever the fuck it was they were watching? If I'm endlessly reading some really boring documentation and the words are just sliding off my brain, would something like this help? I'm 100% serious, as it is now I'm absorbing like one sentence at a time and I don't have decades to get through this.
Kill me
Is there a workaround for youtube's anti-adblock yet?
what is usenet and how do i use it to download shit replacing torrents?
every single link I click is a wall of text babbling about newsfeeds, users posting text messages and indexers that are not servers
where do i click download?
uBlock Origin works for me, on >Chr*me.
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I have an AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-core, it overheats like crazy when I try to play almost anything now. It didn't do this before, but lately it's just been completely BSODing or just outright shutting my computer down. I've swapped out the heatsink & replaced it with a liquid cooling system. It helped a little bit, but if I still try to run something as strenuous as Warthunder of all things my CPU overheats. Other than undervolting or buying a new CPU, what can I do to alleviate this? I'm going to attempt to reseat the liquid cooling system's connector & all, but I'm just losing it, bros.
I have a Python module that uses print() instead of loggers, how can I attach a logger to all of that module's print()s?
Are you sure? They're rolling it out gradually. I only saw it for the first time today (using uBlock Origin and Pale Moon).
It hasn't given me as many issues lately but I haven't been watching many videos on desktop either.
Yeah, but if you haven't seen the anti-adblock warning, you can't know if it's being blocked or if you're just not being shown it yet.
I went through some short videos and opened a couple of longer videos, IIRC the video was blocked at the start or some minutes in, and I still got nothing on my end.
And as I just said, "getting nothing" doesn't mean anything if you're not being shown it yet.
Well, I'm not getting any videos blocked yet.
However, I'll say that on mobile shit's unbearable. Ads everywhere.
1. it will not help
2. the split videos also had the purpose of evading content detection algorithms and copyright takedowns
3. it will not help
Huh, maybe your thermal paste dried out or something? or maybe you aren't using enough?
Put it back where you found it. Sticky lingered mutherfocker
Why did nigga producers release some B&W music videos for which they never release the color version?? I get the artistical part and etc but cmon. "2brothers on the 4th floor - never alone" to give an example. Don't tell me they switched some camera setting then filmed it in B&W bcz I don't believe it. 100% they film it normally then convert it afterwards. "Robbie Williams - Feel" have both B&W and color videos released for everyone
is voicemod as shady as people make it out to be or am i just paranoid? i was thinking about trying it out since our dnd group is going digital but half the discourse online seems to be about whether or not its actually safe
how much is that?
But he gave it to me.
My monitor broke but my PC is a potato.
CPU is shit, GPU is decent.
PC upgrade funds are now new monitor funds.
1440p isn't much more expensive than 1080p.
But current potato has issues at 1080p.
Would it be worth buying 1440p monitor and just downscale it till I can upgrade?
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been messing about with an old camera and im puzzled by the resolution options
>8M F
>8M N
8M is 8 megapixels id assume, but what do the F and N mean?
1. fuck
2. oh for real? I totally misunderstood that for years
3. Time to abuse Adderall I guess
fat desconhecida... yeah thats what we call brazilian girls around my part of town heh heh
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asking again because no one answered the first time. really need help. what are some absolute baby beginner concepts to learn for someone who knows notbing of computers on a deeper level? i dont know logic gates, dont knnow circuit design, dont know how a project is made, dont know how to create a video game, dont know how ides relate to compilers and how a game is made at all, and dont know which projects/dubjects to learn to at least get a foot into the door. i want a background in circuit deisgn, game design, clean code, and all basic computer shit. very broad, but thats as stupid a question as i can get. for coding, i want a background in c, want to know what it does, and how to make games in it. thats what i want. those are my stupid questions in the /sqt/. thanks for reading.
tldr; what do i do, where do i start, what are some good fundamentals to get down, what do i avoid?
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Theres a book called "But how do it know", its relatively short, easy to read and you can use it as a guide to simulate a basic CPU simulation on a spreadsheet or in Minecraft or something. Whatever you imagine a computer is, its actually far simpler than that.
If i rip some files from a dvd that i got from the library, will the original files on still be on the libraries dvd?
Does anyone have a VPN with ex soviet countries like Azerbaijan, Georgia, etc IPs.?
There's a playlist I'ld like to archive using yt-dlp but I don't have any working IP from those. I'd appreciate the help.
I'm a former pro photographer/photojournalist, and from '06 to about '14 I did my work on Mac because it was what my employers were set up for. Because of this all of my archives from that era are on Mac-formatted Firewire 800 drives, about 6TB total. I'd kept my last MacBook Pro, a 2011 model, specifically to use for transferring files from those drives onto my network but it had no USB3 and outdated network connectivity, which meant every method was extremely slow, so I didn't copy my whole library over. That Mac was recently stolen and I no longer have a way to access those drives because of it.

What's the best way these days to get those files onto a windows-formatted external without having to use a Mac as the go-between?
What's the best kindle model? for books only.
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Bought a GPU, should be here on weekend. First time upgrading gpus.
Do I need to reinstall my OS to avoid driver conflicts or something?
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In Tor browser are you not supposed to be able to download files? Getting 0 bytes/second and have tried a different identity 8 times now.
I think catbox just block all tor exit nodes. Cool Internet we have...

Is there a proxy download service?
5th gen Paperwhite. 3rd and 4th are good if you're going to buy used. Earlier ones don't have high PPI screen and the firmware is kinda fucked. Basic Kindle is worthless. Special edition ones are dicey b/c strange shaped one-off body.
What are the most basic steps I can take to increase the security in my in home wifi. Not doing anything spooky and don't need to be wearing a tinfoil hat, just want to make sure neighbors or random people can't access my shit.

Advice on how to prevent someone using a wifi blocker would be helpful too.
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I can't get to the internet from this VM I created. Never had this issue before. Fresh Fedora install.

What am I doing wrong to cause the VM to be unable to access the net and have an "unknown" IP?
Richfag solution would be to limit all access points to 5/6GHz and have them on low power. This physically limits the attack surface but requires loads of money as you need a wired backbone and many access points. (5GHz access points aren't exactly expensive but cabling could be)
What does the VM itself say? Looks like all you need is to request an IP from the DHCP server of your VM software.
(fresh Linux installs rarely do it on their own)
How do you label saved pictures. I save so many pictures Ive just started banging on the keyboard to get a unique file name. There must be an easier way.
Is FxSound safe and/or useful? I would like to know if it helps at all in improving audio quality and doesn't fuck anything of the sound system configuration, I'm asking since i've seen in some other sites that the program sometimes fucks the audio settings or mutes your mic, speakers, etc. Anyone can give me some insight on it?
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Is there a Chrome extension to just block usage for a set time? I wanna use it with my Pomodoro timer, but all the extensions are put a time limit on your websites for the whole day.
I just want Chrome to block all websites for 25 minutes at a time
i always name my files something useful so that i can actually find them later. what's fastest for me is opening the image in a new tab, pressing ctrl+s, naming it for example "laugh999", then hit enter. then after the save dialog closes i press F1 for which i have bound a firefox-addon to open the last saved file in the default software on the system. the image then opens in my image program that i can use to give it the correct number.
it sounds tedious when i describe it but everything is done with the keyboard and only takes 2 seconds top for me after years of doing it and several thousand images saved.
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>turn on pc
>doesn't boot
>turn it off and on a few times
>same thing
>not even the motherboard message shows up
>tried to go into the bios menu
>realize the keyboard isn't plugged
>plug it
>pressing f2
>for some bios now the motherboard message shows up
>pc starts as always
Anyone knows what happened? I have the latest Windows 11 update btw, is that the reason?
you don't happen to have apple hardware that bricks itself if you try to do anything that they don't make money from?
what the shit is .webp and why so popular?
wut wrong with jpg?
No, but my keyboard is Razer.
Micro-optimization faggotry. 2% smaller images means they can load another 20k lines of javashit to track your masturbation habits.
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>be me
>using Plex
>doesn't load correctly
>check speed connection
>wtf I pay for 1Gbit/s the fuck is happening
>chek other devices
>80Mbit/s on my Xbox
>check my modem page
>apperantly the port I use is now limited to 100mbit/s
>change it to other port
>1Gbit/s again
WTF happened? yesterday everything worked fine
is there a way to disable pip installing packages to ~/.local?
i have a base anaconda environment that users have r-x permissions for. users can use the base environment to run code, but if they want to install packages they need to make their own venv. if they try to install a conda package in the base environment, conda complains that the user doesnt have write permissions and fails, good stuff. however, if a user tries to install a pip package, pip will try to write to the base env, fail, and then *suggests that the user uses the --user flag* to get the install to work (those fuckers). if the user does use the --user flag, then pip installs the package to ~/.local, outside of any venv. i can already tell is this going to break shit. how can i force pip to only install to the environment, and not to user-site?
do you have a router? your computer and the router agree on 10/100/1000 limit from time to time depending on how smooth things are going. maybe it decided to cap you on 100 for some reason? you can turn off the "agreement" thing and just set a speed in your driver config. it was a while since i did this so i cant remember terms or names, so excuse me being vague.
How exactly are tiling window managers so incredibly light to run compared to a traditional desktop environment? My tiling window manager has transparent windows, I can stack windows just like a regular desktop env, multiple workspaces, I mean, what exatly does something like gnome or KDE Plasma have that makes it so much more resource intensive? A file browser?
WM and DE are different things
I am not aware of any.
do you need the network to be up while focusing?
or write a small script that moves the chrome executable and only moves it back 25 mins later?
>use computer for 10 years+
>50 WPM for a year, can't break it anyhow
any tips?
most basic: hidden SSID, WPA3 if supported, complex long and random password.
From what I remember, most WPA2 attacks were about capturing the encrypted password and using more or less elaborate bruteforcing methods on it.
that is impossible on WPA3 and with WPA2 and a long password (preferrably random and complex, but a mangled phrase should do), that is not getting bruteforced either.
>wanted to upload an image
>click 'Post'
>displays 'Sending'; '100%': returns to 'Post'
>upload a different image
>try again the one before
>same crap
>close browser, clear cookies, whatever
>try again
>same crap

Does 4chan block the upload of certain images? If so, how do they determine which one to block?
do you use typing trainers? that have you doing drills nonstop?
my answer is kinda autistic. 4th gen non touch basic kindle. yes the screen isnt super high res, but the font on it and the fact theres no layer between the eink and you (ie the digitiser layer or whatever) makes it look ultra crisp. its simply unbeaten by touch kindles.
Checksums, probably
how do anime streaming sites host all the files? it's must be 6 gorilion TB of videos.. and for free? how? i need it for my site, i need less than 50gigs total
it aint free, your just blocking their ads. their files are usually super shit quality too
nah, at least not standard ones which only check content for being identical. I converted the image and still the same.

I remember in the past there was an auto-warning issued if you tried to upload content subjected to copyright infrigement claims. This was different.
I know bro... That's why I'm asking what the core differences is...
You can get that from a shitty cPanel instance, most VPSs start at 480gb unless it is SSD space.
There was some steganography drama on /g/ a couple of years ago, if there are some filters mods are not gonna give you details on their implementation.
>solution would be to limit all access points to 5/6GHz and have them on low power. This physically limits the attack surface but requires loads of money as you need a wired backbone and many access points. (5GHz access points aren't exactly expensive but cabling could be)
So I have a handful of wifi extenders laying around, would that do the trick or does it need to be wired for this? I have 3 I feel like that should be enough.
done. thank you.
so is it true that signal client is free software? meaning i can be sure its not rigged, even though i dont know what happens on their servers, i can stay calm because encryption happens on the client?
can i verify that somehow?
if so, is it the most private of apple store messengers?
>inb4 you already use apple why do you care
Signal, Threema and Telegram all have open source clients with reproducible buids. So there are many interested eyes on it to look for weak spots.
Most used attack vector in that constellation is to get your private key from your phone or in some other way to look at the data before it enters the app (keylogger, for example).
I need to buy a powerful wifi adapter and antenna in order to pickup wifi from a shed that's quite far from my house. Because such things are used by hackers, does it look suspicious purchasing such equipment online?
how exactly NAT works? there are many machines behind a single address and when i send an http request for a page, when the packets with wanted data arrive at my gateway ib response to my request, how does the gateway know which machine to route data to?
i thought maybe it remembers the last machine wich communicated with the server but then watching youtube at two machines simultaniously would be impossible. maybe it just routes all incoming traffic to everyone?
Why do anime stutter in panning shots? Are my downloads bad or is it something I can tweak on mpv? My pc is not a potato for it to make sense as a hardware problem.
nvm found this great video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01ajHxPLxAw
IIRC the nat device sends from different ports and maps the ports to internal IPs when that port gets a reply
what are cssclass properties for, in Obsidian??? Ah dun get eet.
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Extending Wi-Fi is the absolute worst you can do. Extender is just an access point and a client in one box that taps as a client to a parent access point.
But I'd like to see those devices, usually they are just something I call a "Wi-Fi box" as you can simply set them to play any role. Picture relates.
where do I even begin if I want to understand audio/video codecs, muxing, containers, etc.?
I've only just reached the point where I realized that file extension doesn't tell you everything about a file and that two .mp4 files can have different encodings
Do bans use IPv4 or IPv6? Can mods even see my IPv6?
I ask because on ID enabled boards, I seem to get a new ID in the same thread when my IPv4 address changes, but my IPv6 has stayed the same.
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Non-authoritative answer:
Name: boards.4chan.org
Name: boards.4chan.org

Appears 4chins v4 only.
Do I have to disable Secure Boot before installing Windows with Rufus?
I seem to have chanced upon a ban-evade tech then. I will now begin planning what I should spam first.
I have windows 11 on ssd1 and mint on ss2
If I get a virus on windows, is it possible that it affects my linux drive somehow? Currently Im opening the case and pluggin the drive I will use
Its not very convenient
Can't I just disable the drive i wont be using, through bios?
Provided I don't share identifiable or local information, how can I make it harder for authorities find me for posting wrongthink on Twitter? Intuitiveley, one might use a VPN to hide their IP address, but I've read that they're useless for privacy anyway. I assume these platforms also detect what device you're using, can anything be done to counter this?
v6 addresses are usually banned in blocks, like /64, /48, etc...
Install mediainfo and start looking at what's inside the files you download using it. Maybe learn about some common tools like ffmpeg, yamb, mkvtoolnix, etc...
Try turning off hardware decoding in your player if it's on.
Nobody cares even though it may technically violate the rules of whichever government agency regulates the use of radio in your country. There's a very small chance you can get in trouble with such an agency. The best advice I can give you is not to cause interference to other people's networks or other radio equipment.
how do i bankrupt microsoft?
to learn c# + unity + blender is possible, it depends on your experience.
but an mmorpg is more. you have game logic and you have designers making the models,
the world. you probably would have to drastically reduce the complexity.
(mo-rpg at first! massive, hm let's see...)
I want to know if Apple users are people who couldn't figure out what was an .exe when using limewire and thought it was Windows' fault when their PC broke
Nowadays they host pretty high bitrate videos
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How can i make gallery-dl write the path and filename of a downloaded media in my log-file by using gallery.conf?

I thought I just need to find a {String} and put it output.logfile.format.
I was wrong.
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I use blockada 5 and it sucks. Is there a free android add blocker app that: works across the entire phone and not just in a browser, allows me to see web requests by app, and allows me to manually add blocked domains so I can do stuff like *amazon-adsystem.com or even just *ad* (how using blockada with 5 different blocklists activated can't filter this out on it's own is beyond me)?
i asked my manager for a new computer. he told me i can have his son's old (1yr) gaming pc. apperently it has got an intel i7 and expensive gfx card (total build was about 2k€).
how much of heresy is it that it's future is to become an office pc with linux and deafult drivers?
why are tech youtubers so fkn gay? i see some reasons here: 1. they are so fkn gay and have a boring life with no friends (because 99% of normal ppl do not want a faggot fren) therefore plenty of free time for filming shitty yt videos. 2. there are also plenty of normal non-faggot tech youtubers but are not promoted by yt algorithm bcz they are not gay. 3.?

8bit gay
technology connections
linus seems to have a very gay face as well
who gives a shit
learn to type like a human
Nope, it's off.
doom9 probably. Also just Wikipedia to learn what basic terms mean.
Just turn the rear fan the other way, bro
depends on your bios if you can disable drives there.
windows does not not natively bring ext4 support, which is probably the filesystem for your mint install. so a virus would have to bring its own tools for that, which is unlikely. malware tries to keep a small footprint. so it cannot read your files there.
however, if it were evil, it could format the drive or overwrite the partition table, which means you might be able to safe some data, but with a lot of effort. not usually what malware does afaik, but possible. plugging in and out is paranoid, but very safe.
if you dont mind the messy look, keep your SSDs outside the case and run the sata cable out the front or back for easy access.
How hard is it not to get detected with selenium? The website doesn't have any CAPTCHA, but I'm scared I might get blacklisted o
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of the work pleases the omnissiah, all workload is good workload.
Just toil harder to make more use of it.

However, the Codex Astartes does not support mixing personal and corporate assets. What is your overseer doing? That sounds like a case for the tax inquisition.
How do IP bans work? I’m a complete and utter retard when it comes to tech.
youtube is automatically opening videos when I hover one of them (firefox with ublock)
why does this happen, is there any fix?
>However, the Codex Astartes does not support mixing personal and corporate assets. What is your overseer doing? That sounds like a case for the tax inquisition.
a donation to the company is ok
Anyone know how to stream something as MP4 with ffmpeg? Like, is there a specific name or term for it I should be looking up?

For context, I'm playing some shitty game that can display videos in-game and I want to tune into always-on streams on it live. Issue is it only takes .mp4, and I had given up on the idea until I learnt Picarto does serve streams as MP4 (among other options, such as the usual HLS), which the game is able to tune into perfectly fine.
So far I've got this, which works on ffplay, VLC, MPC and Firefox the same way picarto streams do, as far as I can tell, but fails to work on that game:
ffmpeg -re -i https://streaming.meteonews.net/hls/stream.m3u8 -preset ultrafast -listen 1 -c:v h264 -c:a aac -f mp4 -content_type video/mp4 -g 60 -movflags faststart+frag_keyframe+empty_moov http://localhost:8080/test.mp4
Your house has an IP address given to you by your ISP. Every time you connect to a server on the internet, you provide that IP address to them so they know where to send the requested data.
IP ban simply means the website/server has blacklisted that IP and refuses to serve it.
Does anyone have that video of a guy soldering a tiny display to a laptop (probably a thinkpad) that has its monitor detached before proceeding to code on it
this guy?
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wtf is this tranny fox ? also i have only 5 tabs open
why does your company need donations for that level of expenses? that would worry me. and if it does not need it, why accept it? that just opens you up to claims and counterclaims in case of a termination.
personally, unless this is a very small endeavor, it is a huge red flag.
I changed my router's DNS server from ISP assigned to manually assigned and now my Cloudfare problems are gone. I couldn't see images on many websites but mainly 4chan. I could still see webms (from the is.4chan domain).

Can anyone explain why this fixed the issue?
I don't know if my router caches DNS queries, it doesn't provide much technical info, it's a low end model. The problem had been affecting multiple devices on the network so I know it was the router.
I think adguard works in most apps, but I think it requires a subscription for that
As in, a preview or literally clicking them?
how can one watch porn without revealing their activity to some entity? is using a VPN, enabling DNS tracker/ad blocklists, force strict https use, randomized fingerprinting, enough? just want to wack off to consensual adult intercourse video without fear of being tracked.
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I can't get Windows to recognize Disk 3 as a Volume. It won't show up in Disk Management, it only ever shows up in list disk.
Is there a way to mount it like that?
It is a new drive so I was wondering if it is dead.
where am i supposed to publish my gpg keys for signing emails?
I have a mini fridge in my room and whenever the freezer thermometer stops cooling inside it briefly makes my monitor go black then back on. anyone know why that is
RAM is meant to be used. It will free some if needed, otherwise it is kept in memory to speed things up.

You can go to about:memory and press the "minimize memory usage" button if you want to have idle memory for some reason.
hdd/ssd space
I've updated Firefox recently, and i've been getting this weird problem where, at random, sites will randomly stop loading completly (+plus on yt specifically, sometimes one tab will just stop listening to my commands due to lagging to shit, while other YT tabs work just fine):
YT videos stops buffering, imageboards wont update when i press the button, new tabs wont finish loading etc.
Seemingly this only gets fixed when i restart my browser, but that's annoying to do any time it happens.
Has anyone else who uses firefox been experiencing that? any tips on how to stop it from happening if so?
>wack off to consensual adult intercourse
just hire a hooker
i search for something, then i hover over a thumbnail and it opens the video as if i clicked on it (but i didn't)
Nvm, I used bootable drive to format.
about:performance and sort your tabs/processes by memory usage, get rid of whatever's eating up too much ram.
Thoughts on those empty power banks that you put your own 18650 cells in?

Great idea to get around planned obsolescence?
Or housefire waiting to happen? What's the safety design and quality control like on those things?
how the FUCK do i get firefox to stop putting bookmarks into my bookmarks toolbar
i don't fucking want them there, i want them in my goddamn bookmarks menu
set the value to

(i think)
Why can't I post a comment on youtube at all? Sometimes I see the comment when logged in but not when logged out, other times the comment is gone either way after I refresh the page
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Is there a preferable comic book reader to YACReader?
>I'd like to see those devices
Hmmm I see. They are the ones from Xfinity, these things https://www.xfinity.com/learn/internet-service/wifi/xfi-pod
Do SSDs fail?
the tech job market is saturated. Anyone know a good niche with low supply that I can break into as a jr backend dev ?
the strategy is to workaround the oversaturation in upwork by standing out as someone who has skills with emerging tech in order to get hired in niche jobs with less than 10 proposals.

>inb4 "you'll compete with pajeets willing to work for pennies"
Yes, I know. And I'm fine with that because i live in a third world country and working as a freelancer getting paid in USD is infinitely more lucrative than waging for a local tech company in my shithole of a country.
Any tip for getting a PS/2 Mouse working? Even though I have a PS/2 port, it doesn't work. I got it working once last week. I just plugged it in and it worked. Now after unplugging it and plugging again it not longer works again. Yes, I know I have to restart the PC. Still nothing
I literally dont know where to ask
There's been a few studies and articles Ive seen here and there about reading faster and one of them demonstrated putting circles inbetween groups of words, like - this would be - an example of - the circles inbetween - words but Im using - hyphens instead

Anyways, since then Ive been trying to find software that can just take a textfile and do that, but I havent found it. Does such a software exist yet?
Elab pls.
Why do generals have acronyms inside // on 4chan?
can I use windows recall to roast me on my internet habits and call me pathetic?
Sometimes you turn on the drive and it doesn't run or it loses data.
Links to articles/studies?

English is a mess but this sort of thing is why we have punctuation and ought to write clearly. Did that sentence need a comma? Fuck knows.
Depends how you're wanting the groups of words to be separated. Linguists have systems to break sentences into components (e.g. clauses) and I'd be surprised if that hasn't been automated already.
If it's where the stress or key points go, that falls to the writer, or think how it could be interpreted differently depending on the reader. "Gen Z are smoking less - tobacco companies are becoming a thing of the past." Positive health news or negative business news?
For natural speech I swear I have seen text-to-speech software that highlights chunks as it goes along. Not just a single word, like karaoke, but the current 'breath'. I might be misremembering but maybe someone knows what I'm talking about.

Anyway there's whatever this is:
Demo of itself at the top. The colour and gradient thing just doesn't work for me. I just rambled on for a few paragraphs and would seguing from black to red to blue make it 'more readable'? Fuuuck knooows.
I want to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 11 on separate drives. I'll be erasing my old 128GB SSD with Win7 on it to make way for Ubuntu. Is this a good idea or is there anything I need to be aware of? I'm afraid of accidentally erasing my C: drive or any of the other HDDs when installing Ubuntu.
Also, is Ventoy safe or are the blobs just fearmongering?
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How likely is it? I last built a computer 12+ years ago so I'm out of the loop on this one. Pic related.
>The high-end 80GB SSDs, or the new generation of 50GB SSDs, typically cost $200.
Went with a 100 GB SSD a couple years after this guide, when prices dropped and the common wisdom was SSD for OS, mechanical for storage.
Now we're even further in the future and $200 can net a 4 TB SSD. No intentions of leaving it unpowered in a magnet factory then hooking it up to a car battery. Does being non-mechanical lower the degradation that comes with constant read/writes, moving parts?
Just need new PC for work, few/no games. Plus it turns out I didn't NEED to hoard lossless music albums and BD-Remux movies.
If only someone did studies on this you could find with Google
>comes with packs
>doesn't say "mesh" anywhere
Wonder what those things really are. Do they have a configuration page? Do they perform nicely?
Fuck me if that's a $100 fucking repeater.
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>Thoughts on those empty power banks that you put your own 18650 cells in?
Your usual power bank uses the same cells, no difference.
>Great idea to get around planned obsolescence?
"Planned obsolescence"? Cells fail and then you have to change the damaged cell at least.
(I know there's a whole lot to matching cells)
>Or housefire waiting to happen?
Don't pull too much from those whimsy lithium ion cells, they are unstable as fuck. This is why chink e-scooters and some super autistic e-cigarettes tend to burst into flames. Pulling 100 watt from a single 18650 cell will make it explode but the vape-people wont listen.
tl;dr don't make your DIY power bank too powerful in relation to the amount of lithium.
Images worked briefly the other night but broke again on my PC. Is it the jannies again or is it something server-side?
Further info:
If I'm on a page and I bookmark it from the bookmarks menu/address bar star/ctrl+d, it goes into the bookmarks menu.
but when I Right Click>Bookmark This Link, it puts it into the bookmarks toolbar.
changing browser.bookmarks.defaultLocation to unfiled_____ make them go into the "Other Bookmarks" folder, not the base bookmarks menu. (why the fuck does that folder even exist in the firstplace, it's pointless)
A site will do the same exact fucking thing but with ads, you might as well do it yourself
Try changing your DNS
don't care
I'm not installing your bitcoin miner on my computer
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That fits the description, thanks
orrrr you're just too stupid to use it
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Why dont mid and high end laptops come with GPS?
>portable electronic device that jigaboos like to steal and dumb women like to lose
You would think a company like Apple and their FindMy network would make the macbook compatible with FindMy like their airpods and other shits but even they have not bothered.
F = Fine
N = Normal
Fine uses lower JPEG compression rations, meaning higher quality and bigger file sizes. Normal uses higher JPEG compression rations, meaning lower quality and smaller file sizes.
This better be b8 nigga. If not, you must be 18 to post here.
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okay fellas. the time has come to ask the fundamental question:
what the fuck is a monad?
Don't listen to >>102104130. Leave SSID visible and rename it to picrel and nobody will touch your network.
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does anyone have a handy list of search provider proxy websites? I'm trying to think of one that ended up getting banned from the default linux mint search suggestions by the mint dev but I'm struggling to recall the site, think it was made by some 4chan fag
I have been working in tech for 5 years and still don't use vim for my day to day. I use a trackball and split keyboard and don't have RSI. Should I bother learning vim?
A good VPN and Brave browser, or TOR. Someone wants you bad enough, they'll find you either way.
>what the fuck is a monad?
A monoid in the category of endofunctors. Everyone knows that.
you can type that into the url bar and it'll filter out other threads...well, I thought you could do that. I swear it used to work.
>In functional programming, a monad is a structure that combines program fragments (functions) and wraps their return values in a type with additional computation. In addition to defining a wrapping monadic type, monads define two operators: one to wrap a value in the monad type, and another to compose together functions that output values of the monad type (these are known as monadic functions). General-purpose languages use monads to reduce boilerplate code needed for common operations (such as dealing with undefined values or fallible functions, or encapsulating bookkeeping code). Functional languages use monads to turn complicated sequences of functions into succinct pipelines that abstract away control flow, and side-effects.
>*compression ratios
Fuck autocorrect, yes I'm a filthy phone poster.
of course
so...a functor?
yea, Draft, Normal, and Fine were (are?) common terms for digital camera quality, which mirror printing terminology. while with printing this refers to the resolution, on cameras this affects the jpeg quantization level
>"why do you want a case with glass sides, who would want that?"
I just installed a 6600 XT gpu on a mobo. I plugged in the "very fast" HDMI cable from the 2010 made monitor to it and I get it to post the mobo start screen but then it switches to no HDMI signal before it loads the OS.

Could the monitor be too old?
Check the HDMI Cable:
Even though you mentioned it's a "very fast" cable, it could be that the older HDMI cable isn't fully compatible with the newer GPU. Try using a more recent HDMI cable, ideally one rated for HDMI 2.0 or higher.

Try a Different Port:
If your monitor has multiple HDMI ports or other inputs like DisplayPort, try using a different one. Likewise, if your GPU has multiple HDMI outputs, try a different output.

Boot into Safe Mode:
If the system posts but loses the signal when the OS loads, it could be a driver issue. Try booting into Safe Mode to see if the OS loads. If it does, reinstall or update the GPU drivers.

Check BIOS Settings:
Sometimes, the BIOS might be set to output video through integrated graphics instead of the dedicated GPU. Enter the BIOS during boot and ensure that the GPU is set as the primary video output.

If your motherboard's BIOS/UEFI is outdated, it might not fully support the new GPU. Check the motherboard manufacturer’s website for a BIOS update.
Monitor Compatibility:
Since your monitor is from 2010, it might not fully support the newer resolutions or refresh rates the 6600 XT is trying to output. Try lowering the resolution and refresh rate in the OS settings (if you can get there in Safe Mode).

Test on a Different Monitor:
If possible, test the GPU with a more recent monitor. If it works fine there, it suggests the issue might be due to the older monitor not handling the signal correctly.

Re-seat the GPU:
Power down the system, re-seat the GPU in its slot, and ensure that all power connectors are properly connected.

Check for Firmware Updates on the Monitor:
Some monitors, especially older ones, might have firmware updates available that can improve compatibility with newer hardware.
I did, and I rafted through a ton of content mill articles I could write on autopilot. SSD failures can be caused by product defects, improper installation, power surges, bad sectors, or malware. Worried? chkdsk /f /r /x. Desperate? With DiskFixIt Pro, the industry standard nobody has ever heard of, you can...
Some old forum articles. Clearly outdated. Trying to appeal to common wisdom again here, anon. Technology has improved and I'm asking for a quick rundown in the stupid questions thread. Will a modern SSD live longer than a mechanical HDD, with fewer problems?
that's the entire point of this thread
spoonfeed or fuck off, no one needs your half ass help
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any idea how to move the "full screen" button in chrome next to the address bar so I dont have to first click through the 3 dots to get to it

youd think you can just drag drop it but it doesnt work

I found an extension that allows a full screen button on the toolbar but I wonder if its possible to do without one.
just press F11?
its convenient to be able to do it with mouse only for me
no idea then
This extension seems like overkill but it can do what you want:

Did Chrome USED TO have the Firefox style drag-and-drop customization? I just opened Chromium for the first time in years, The only thing I found was a toggle for 'Show Home button'.
>opening chrome
wow what a faggot
What video editing software should I get? I've got Adobe Premiere, and wondering if there's something better I should be using.
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Well, that was a faff but it works. For each button, you install ANOTHER extension because I guess that's the only way to get a button on Chrome's toolbar. Clever workaround, but Christ.

The extension also requires you to run a random .exe. If I wasn't in a botnet from opening Chrome, I'm sure in one now!
>The extension also requires you to run a random .exe.
based guineapig
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I just installed pic related for the 1 button I want
Capcut or Filmora if you're a brainlet
DaVinci Resolve otherwise
after effects
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I put the s in sqt.

Yeah. well, my fullscreen icons are nicer than yours. Enjoy your green speck.
Don't mess with Davinci or Premiere unless you have A LOT of time on your hands to for the HUGE learning curve, and bunch of hair you dont like anymore because you will be pulling it out. I wasted so much time just learning to do basic stuff in Resolve and Premiere, its super easy is with CapCut or Filmora.

Downside is Filmora will try to get you to buy it and the company behind it is scammy

Capcut is free
someone help
i cant login league of legends on win x lite vm
what to do
use this opportunity to quit that pos game
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some generals have names that occur frequently in random words as well, so searching the catalog specifically for /word/ will only return that general, instead of a bunch of unrelated threads
look how many results you get if you go to /vg/ and search for the elden ring general, /erg/, without the slashes
going to https://4chan.org/g/sqt will open up a catalog search for sqt
without the slashes though
What would you even do if you were an assembly and reverse engineering whiz?
best I could find is this faq page and then the manufacture site.
https://www.plume.com/legal/regulatory/ (scroll down on this one for the open source components)
Despite being able to download at around 5mb/s pages take forever to load. Is there anyway to know if its my DNS thats fucked?
Can I use Signal to privately share cunny with my friends for private consumption without any hassle from the glowies?
No, they will get you. And you deserve it.
try a different dns? and/or browser. I noticed that chromium opened barely any pages when I had my vpn active and was torrenting. thought my vpn provider was being blocked by some content provider bullshit.
then i tried firefox and everything worked. chromium had some "secure dns" stuff enabled that flat out refused to work with the vpn.
My ISP recently doubled the monthly price for my Internet. If I call them and threaten to cancel, will they drop it back down? I figured at this point, that's such a common bluff that they'd just immediately forward me to the actual cancellation people, since they'd know that I don't actually want to cancel.
Is MX Linux closest to Windows. How's the stability? Will I need to expect many problems if I switch over? I just want it to werk.
>Explain the situation
>Ask if there's a contract that offers a lower price
>If there isn't, change ISP for a month and come back when you qualify for discounted contracts again
thank you, unfortunately nothing worked. The only thing I haven't been able to do yet is update the firmware of the monitor.

I have to reinstall the old gpu to have access to the OS for that which I'll try later today.

I think the monitor is just too old.

The gpu works with a different recent 4k monitor with all 4 ports (HDMIs and Displayports) and boots into the OS.

With the old monitor, trying different HDMI cables (2.0 or 1.4) doesn't work. Trying different HDMI ports on the GPU doesn't work. Flashing the bios with new firmware doesn't work. Installing the gpu to the latest drivers doesn't work.
I would like to think Mint Linux Cinnamon would be along the lines of what you're looking for. Then look around at desktop environments examples and pick one that you think you'll like. I typically stay with Cinnamon, but Gnome and Budgie might be good for laptop/tablet experience.

>Install Mint Linux
>sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
>Enable snapshots
>Create snapshot
>apt search desktop
Try brave, pages load remarkably fast, and consider setting up PiHole and/or Bind
are mini-pc's good for gaming?
Maybe old games, but I wouldn't expect good performance on anything over 1080p.
ok thanks
Should it responsiblity of the program to provide a --work-dir option or the responsibility of the user to figure out a way to run the program in another work directory?
im troubleshooting a chinkshit smart tv called EXPOSE and its remote control has stopped working so it has become pretty unusable. i have in the past paired my phone to it via bluetooth but since it isnt my TV i unpaired it and now it wont show.

what are the other ways to be able to remotely control TVs? apparently it can be through IR, bluetooth or wifi, i am ruling out bluetooth for now, i just need to access the settings menu for this and the buttons on the tv dont allow me to do that.

so to ask, what are some apps you recommend for connecting to TVs through IR or wifi? ive tried mostly useless ones that have tons of ads and are barely functional
>Should it responsiblity
Should it be the responsibility*
Computer specs, what what monitor?
Extremely comfy
Depends on the OS it's running, I would think you can use the GoogleTV app or Roku app as a remote via wifi
best season of the year
Sorry, I could have been clearer in my first message aobut my intentions. I've read from you guys, Anonymous on /g/, that systemd is bad and that I should avoid it. That's why I brought up MX Linux and that it was supposed to be the closest to windows as well from other sources.
Do you think I should ignore this and go for Mint Linux instead?
okay. ill try those, but it is using "Wisdom Share" and it seems to be a silly proprietary android fork.
I think you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable, and I'm using Mint Linux because I'm comfortable with it.
Where does Firefox store all its settings, cookies, open tabs, etc?
I've been using an outdated Firefox fork for years now but more and more sites are breaking and I think I should just bite the bullet and switch over to a custom Firefox, but I would like to keep my cookies, open tabs etc. and would like to just copy them over
don't want to discourage you, but making a NEW mmorpg in 2024 is pretty fucking difficult. With any other game you do have competition, but also people aren't married to their favorite games. If you release a new game and it looks cool, I don't mind taking a break from my favorite game and give yours a try.
But everyone who might be interested in your mmorpg already has one they're playing full time
Is it possible for me to "install" an app from one phone to another, and keep it's save data? I have some apps that I didn't get from the app store and I want to move the data to a new phone. I tried installing the apk directly but due to some kind of security update to the newest android they aren't compatible. As well as another game with some save data.
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Any WAF chads here? Do you use any statistical methods to detect bots?

This graph shows the requests made in a day for a certain server. Each point is an unique IP, on the y axis you have the frequency of the requests made by that IP, on the x axis you have the number of requests. Ideally I'd like to remove the ones on the top right, right?
Data is like this:
ip count f
IP1 3 3
IP2 24 0.025
Best open source font?
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>save data
Called "user data", all operating systems do that. You can grab it using picrel for example.
>system itself exists
>separate application trees exist (they have icons and shit so you can tap/click them)
>user fires up an application
>application wants to write stuff
>writes it to the user's home directory
thanks anons
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man, even with the highest quality setting i cant really get better quality than this , could it be a lens problem or are old digital cameras this bad? its from aroudn 2008
How do i check how much "battery life" a battery bank has left?
Any recomandations for a front/back dashcam with motion/impact recorder when the car is off. My budget is around 200$ +/- 50$
2 more weeks
Survey says probably, but your sample size of, I'm guessing <5, can't be expected to conform to statistical norms anyway. So who gives a shit? Just have redundancy and offline backups.
Some of these questions are pretty stupid.
>2 days later...
I acquired a 2k monitor for free last year. I use it with my potato at 1080p, no complaints here. I'm going to get a better gpu eventually (current gpu amd r7-250, looking at rx-580s).
My monitor was free. I'm a potato collector. The only thing I buy brand new is storage.
Your keyboard was unplugged - no user interface detected - so it splashed the bios/maker display and logic'ed there is no user and turned off.
How do cloud gaming streaming services work? Obviously they can't be buying a GPU for each consumer, so how do they do it?
Did I fuck up my motherboard?

Got a new AIO yesterday (ryuijin 360) and got to installing it, no issues here. When I tried to boot this morning, the pc lit up for a split second before going dark, and I wasn't able to get any sort of reaction from it after that. No sound, no lights, no fan movement. Afer spending the day troubleshooting I found that all the components turn on once the CPU is removed. I checked all other components, starting at only CPU with CPU+24pin cable in the mb, then adding all other components. GPU, RAM, PSU, drives all seem fine.
So I went out and got a new copy of the CPU and put that in, same result. As soon as the CPU is in the socket and the retention arm is on place, no power or signs of life. Once the arm is lifted and I push the power button, everything turns on (obviously except the CPU, I also get the proper LED indication for CPU issue on the diagnostic LED).
I tried cleaning the socket and CPU with alcohol, no difference.

Did I fry my motherboard by somehow installing the AIO incorrectly or carelessly?

Ryzen 7 5800x3d
MSI b450 gaming pro carbon ac
Rtx 3080
Gskill trident z ddr4 3200mhz
Seasonic focus gx850
2 Sata SSD, 1 m.2 ssd
Is the mouse old? The cable connection at the mouse is usually the one to lose connection from wire fatigue. You can tell if you look closely, there will be a bulge or discoloration on the cable where it enters the mouse. Also the cable will have ridiculous bendiness wire the conductors have broken. I've taken apart several mouses, shortened the cable an inch or 2 for fresh wire, desoldered the old, soldered the fresh back on.
Are the ports (you mentioned using different cables; HDMI & DP) on the monitor visually in good condition? I had an issue similar to yours with a monitor that had been stored for 3 or 4 years and the contacts in the port had oxidized just enough that sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. A little careful scraping and vinegar dabbing cleaned it up and smooth sailing for over a year.
There's various means, but most straightforward way is to have a bunch of virtual machines, each started when the user logs in, with whatever one of many graphics cards isn't in use at the moment. Qemu will let you do that if you start the VM by feeding it a bunch of XML telling it what to do.
Straightforward as in you can do it with consumer hardware too if you really wanted to.
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Yahoo mail's spam filter straight up doesn't work anymore, which is a major problem because my yahoo account is my primary email address. Are there any aways to transfer my entire inbox to to another service like Gmail? What I mean by this is that I essentially want to copy paste my sent mail, received mail, drafts, ALL of it, to another service that doesn't have a lazily programed spam filter

>Why are you on yahoo mail idiot

It was chosen by my mom when I was like 8 so I've been using it ever since, but it looks like I have to jump ship now. Any suggestions?
>Obviously they can't be buying a GPU for each consumer
not everyone will be using the GPUs at the same time.
Firefox uses 'profiles', go to about:profiles and explore those folders.
This breaks down the structure a little. Maybe you could just copy-paste the pieces you need into a fresh profile.
Will it all just werk? Who cares, LIVE LIFE ON THE EDGE.
should work well enough I hope. Besides, it's not like I can't run the two side by side and fuck around with it until it does work.
The main things I don't want to lose are my 4chanX cookies, so I still get (you) notifications on some 1 year old threads from super slow boards and my open tabs, because I'm an imbecile who has a few dozen tabs open in a new window that I want to remember but aren't important enough to be bookmarked
Most people only play a few hours of games per week
This is how I move to new Firefox installs for almost instant old stuff saved and moved.
your computer, /home
first folder, something like: 40jxeim1.default-release-164460065789
copy that folder, when new firefox is installed delete the folder in that same directory and paste the copied one in, close FF and open. It will be janky at first but it will smooth out with use.
Use Thunderbird to download and archive everything, the archive part is important since sent emails are stored on the server most of the time unless you archive them.
Did ya look for USB ports, you can plug a mouse and keyboard on most TVs.
Another approach is to
Firefox (fork)
More Troubleshootin Information
Profile Directory, Open Directory
Now you are in the same folder as I suggested previously. Copy everything in that directory and then after installing the new Firefox (fork) you go to the same directory, delete everything in it and paste ypour copied info into that directory. Close FF and reopen. It's almost the same as the earlier suggestion except the folder containing your multi-paste has not changed name and FF likes that a little more.
consumer digital cameras from 2008 aren't amazing, no
I'd like you to try MX and then report back. Distrowatch always shows it as the top download but I have never heard anyone mention it.

A while back I was Live Disc'ing a dozen distros to pick one for a laptop I acquired. I have the MX 21.3 disc in that dusty pile but I have NO memory of what it was like. That being said, not every distro ISO is a live disc. Maybe that's why I don't remember. I'll try it now and report back.
More likely a combination of things.
1. Skill issue
Examples: what does Av and Tv mean on this dial? What does aperture mean? Isnt that the same as Tv?
2. Cheap camera with next to no manual controls.
3. Optical vs digital zoom, especially on an old cam with no image stabilization.
>Distrowatch always shows it as the top download
Distrowatch doesn't track downloads of distros, it tracks how often anyone visits the distro's page on distrowatch. People tend to click on the number one page more often.
I've read that MX was wget'ing its own page for a while (the number one before that was manjaro, I think), but I've been repeating that far more often than I've read it now.
Good to know, thanks anon.
What exactly would this do in vim?
:echom "xd" + 10
:echom "20xd" + 10
:echom "xd10"

I know echom evalutes before printing, but I'm left clueless about what the characters are. I can only suspect it's some ebin rm -rf type deal
Does anyone track and compile totals of all the distro's ISO downloads?
File: debian stable.png (181 KB, 1500x2122)
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181 KB PNG
Where do people find these silly meme distros? Go for something mainstream with actual support.
In Linux-talk it means *package stability*, ignore the word unless it's relevant to you.
Gaymers particularly don't want that as it often translates to OLD STUFF.
Open it up and stress test individual cells.


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