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old >>102088816
Is this a good question to ask in this thread?
Who makes good basic tech? Quality of everything, not just tech, has dropped drastically post scamdemic. Cords/cables, adapters, basic etc
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What's a good program to send files securely between two people? Preferably peer to peer.
I learned about Warp, from GNOME, but I don't know if it's secure because it uses a relay server.

I like to be able to share anime pictures and game-project files between my friend and I without having to rely on another person's service.
just open port 22 bro
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>Preferably peer to peer.
Hope at least one of them is connectable.
SSH eh?
Not sure if high or low IQ solution.
I'm retarded but not that retarded.
Thanks, anon, though I'm going to be honest that won't work. I'm working with someone that uses Windows, I don't think they'd even know how to begin with, thus why I asked for a program.
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>I'm working with someone that uses Windows
In the context of "networking with internets" it is the router that they be using.

tfw no /sqt/ sister

sftp does work but you'll want to make sure yo go through the whole rigamarole of hardening it and chrooting them and and so on.

Set up an FTP server and give him Filezilla? That's not what I'd call secure but if it has to be idiot-proof for a winfag you have no good options, definitely not sftp
Windows ships with SSH
Cool apps for note taking with sync between desktop/mobile? I need just a little bit more than plain text, like checkboxes, custom lists/folders or the ability to create templates.
I've been using Obsidian but I can't make the sync work (and I don't want to pay $5 a month) and I tried Notion but the mobile app is complete ass, I want something that works offline.
Nobody's forcing to use the port 22 for SSH. I know - security thru obscurity bad - but hey, at least you don't get the login attempt spam.
>sftp does work but you'll want to make sure yo go through the whole rigamarole of hardening it and chrooting them and and so on
Does the Windows fag want to destroy the SSH running Linux system?
>Set up an FTP server and give him Filezilla? That's not what I'd call secure
Yeah I wouldn't call it secure either.
I think at this point I'll have to risk the relay servers, it's pretty schizophrenic to worry about that anyways.
Literally torrent
/G/uys, how do I get Yt-dlp to download to the directory of my choosing.
Ive tried the .conf with no luck.
I use windows btw.
>>Nobody's forcing to use the port 22 for SSH. I know - security thru obscurity bad - but hey, at least you don't get the login attempt spam.
anon, anything that answers with an SSH banner on any port on any IPv4 address WILL get found. Scanning all of IPv4 is not just feasible, it's routinely done.
I have SSH open to the internet on a high (five-digit) port and I get chinks trying the door from a bunch of IPs. You're right, there's fewer of than than there would be if I opened TCP 22, but they're there, they do find you.
The solution is the same as it is if you do run it on TCP 22. Demand keys and disallow password logins, especially for root. Optionally use AllowUsers and Match blocks. Update your system promptly.
How do you do that? Apparently private torrents still require a tracker?
How do I transfer torrents from windows 7 to linux mint?
I'm back from >>102129994 testing MX 21.3 ISO to see if it was a working live disc. I'm pleased to report it is. I'm not going to comment on the test drive from live disc other than it's MX XFCE & Thunar. I'd prefer commenting after it's installed with all the updates and after some customizing. Most distro's look like ass (usable, but look like ass) in default install mode.
That is all.
What program are you using?
Do you still have the .torrent files?
change the shell directory to the folder before downloading
Anyone know what this telecom hardware might be? Big cast aluminum 2 part thing with bolts along each side, bolted over a piece of 100 pair telephone line. I think it's a splice box filed with dielectric oil for cooling. It looks a lot like a modern splice box but it's bare metal and has no heat fin grooves.
The downloaded files? make a windows file share. Make a folder, right click, somewhere in there is sharing options. Easiest to set access permission to "Everyone" and then access level read/write. Everyone on the network can access or mess with the files. Setting up a Linux file share is a big pain in the ass.
You decided to download and use the spyware after all eh? Anon was right yesterday btw, yt-dlp is the way.
What is a "Westinghouse BI" and why is it located on top of a 100pair telephone line? Is it a liquid cooled splice?
so i've got this hand-me-down fitbit charge 5, i tried jewgling it and i can't find anything on rooting it. is it even possible or worth it?
What do people use to edit pdf documents these days OTHER than adobe? For some fucking reasons when i save my forms with adobe every thing is blank except my signature.
I'm trying to fix my mothers laptop which is pretty much inaccessible.
It gives an error after entering the pin and being unable to log in, it says the profile is missing or something like it when trying to go to the "forgot pin" part, and basically no one can log in.
How do I fix this?
Have you tried booting it in safe mode?
We pretty much slammed down every single F number key we could during booting to try yeah, didn't really work.
could i get a list of programs that dont work in windows ltsc?
1.Give it back tyrone
2. Hiren's
I have been distrohopping back and forth for a while, mostly deb based because I like apt. like lightweight stuff, so xfce, mate, cinnammon, lwdm. but I kept going back to ubuntu or now mint. never like kde, gnome3 or unity.
got a new laptop a bit ago and tried fedora and debian stable, both not great.
Then I tried MX with KDE and I really like it. Plasma is much better than the KDE I remember, it is sleek and simple and so far everything works well. I am thinking about making this my daily driver.
in chrome I use reading mode
if I change tabs it doesnt keep where it was but refreshes and goes back to top, how do I make it stop and save my reading progress?

In chrome the reading mode opens this retarded side panel, how do I make it just make the entire screen reading mode without useless shitty side panels?
Go to chrome://flags
Search "Temporarily unexpire M112 flags.", enable it and relaunch.
Go back to chrome://flags
Search for "Enable Reader Mode", enable it and relaunch.

There is "Reading Mode" and "Enable Reader Mode", two separate features on the flags section, the first one is probably responsible for the side panel funciton and I don't like either, the second one is responsible for the book icon and sometimes it won't show up available.
I still need help/
Did I fuck up my motherboard?

Got a new AIO yesterday (ryuijin 360) and got to installing it, no issues here. When I tried to boot this morning, the pc lit up for a split second before going dark, and I wasn't able to get any sort of reaction from it after that. No sound, no lights, no fan movement. Afer spending the day troubleshooting I found that all the components turn on once the CPU is removed. I checked all other components, starting at only CPU with CPU+24pin cable in the mb, then adding all other components. GPU, RAM, PSU, drives all seem fine.
So I went out and got a new copy of the CPU and put that in, same result. As soon as the CPU is in the socket and the retention arm is on place, no power or signs of life. Once the arm is lifted and I push the power button, everything turns on (obviously except the CPU, I also get the proper LED indication for CPU issue on the diagnostic LED).
I tried cleaning the socket and CPU with alcohol, no difference.

Did I fry my motherboard by somehow installing the AIO incorrectly or carelessly?

Ryzen 7 5800x3d
MSI b450 gaming pro carbon ac
Rtx 3080
Gskill trident z ddr4 3200mhz
Seasonic focus gx850
2 Sata SSD, 1 m.2 ssd
buy new mobo
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I can't access my modem via ip when I'm connected to my router. if I plug the ethernet directly into the router and powercycle it to redo all the handshake stuff, I can open just fine, but if I try to access it while plugged into my router it just times out. I'm using a TP-Link AC1750 router and a Motorola MB8611 modem. any ideas?
Anon come on man I didn't steal it.
It's like a cheap only good for browsing laptop she just uses it to watch Boomer Tube, there's no valuable info there anyway.
Also there is one problem.
Hirens requires a minimum of 4 GB RAM.
This laptop, does not have that much left.

Is this from 2006? lel
just buy her a new cheap chinky tablet for bd
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>on the fly latin to non latin
problem is.. sh and ch skip +1 space (for h) if the text cursor is not at the end of the line
what do ?
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Anyone know what the fuck is happening here? DNS problem or what?
What does learn linux means?
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Is /g/ just filled with pajeets now?
Yesterday I made a thread about shitcoins and everything was going well, until soem faggots came in screeching about moslems.
I came back a few hours later and saw that some schizo was calling them all jeets and they kept calling him a paki.
So, now if I make a thread about CIAniggers spying on your chats, will they start saying "only abdols fear the CIA!"?
I don't know what you're trying to point out here
DNS issue would mean you wouldn't be able to resolve google.com
Pinging to a stable site like google, showing off massive spikes in delay.
some amount of jitter is normal
Between 36 and 545?
>open 4chan thread
>fans spin up on $2000 computer with $500 ryzen from 2023
>must be extentions
>go to random website
>fans spin up
>try a out of the box chromium
>go to a lightweight website
>fans spin up
>Grep from a gig of text, over the internet, fans don't have time to spin up
What is wrong with modern software?
How can I get JellyFin to recognize my music better? I already have an organized structure with nested folders for genres and stuff. I really don't want to resort to putting everything in a giant stupid folder unsorted but I have a ton of random music folders with nothing being recognized.

Are you supposed to just have a new JellyFin library for every miniscule subgenre of music or something? I really can't comprehend how browsing via already made file structure is just seemingly not an option
>but there's a folder view
not an option. it literally doesn't work and everyone on forums says it doesn't work
Is there a site for finding the demographic of countries that visited a site? For example
>Youtube = 50% united states, 20% england, 10% china, 10% zimbabwe, 10% india
Why modern apps and sites are so bloated?
I've read shit about different libraries that barely used, 8k rez pics to fit all devices and whatnot.
Or why the fuck Chromium should be used everywhere? Joogle monopoly or what?
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How do I fix this? The whole site's been like this for me for the past week now, and I haven't gotten any help from /wsr/. Looks the same on other browsers and devices too. Can't even browse from my phone.
reset your router and set a password
Blame web devs. They pretty much stop caring to optimize for anything but Chromium.
If I make a jpg and send it to someone, will they see my timezone in the embedded data, or will it be the exact time irrelevant to timezone?

In otherwords, does jpg count in unixtime I guess? Or is it relative to the timezone of the pc that downloaded / created it first?
[Solved] Thanks to the anon that told me about Hiren Boot, at first it didn't work because my RAM was not enough so I downloaded a smaller version and it booted and it recovered my data and now I'll try to recover Windows itself. Thanks to who told me about Linux Mint too, I'll probably install it in a partition
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I have a Surface Pro 5, with an i5-7300U and 8Gb of RAM. This shit is painfully slow, and can barely handle Discord + a browser at the same time.
Would it be a good idea to install Ghost Spectre? I want to try and get as much use out of it.
Why don't you go with Linux? Works on my machine.
I'm personally not a fan of Linux, unfortunately.
Did that, solved the issue. Old mobo seems dead indeed.
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My pc keeps randomly shutting down, at least once a day. Sometimes it's during GPU-intense tasks (but it never goes to max usage, like it's using 18gb out of 24gb), but other times it happens when I'm watching a youtube stream or something less intense than that. A friend of mine recommended me to check the event viewer, but I have no idea what all this means. I only found the following errors with timestamps that match the time of its last shuts down, but they don't mean much to me (no clean reboot, unexpected shutdown). Any pointers on how to track this error?
Don't know where to ask this, but here we go.

Can I use YOLO or any similar smart stuff to isolate cards (be it playing cards, magic cards, pokemon cards or whatever) from a photograph? Complete with skewing so that I get a nice looking rectangular card. I've tried finding edges and contours using opencv, but it's so hard to finetune. Especially when the background is noisy. I've managed to isolate cards and then classify them correctly using pHashes, but it's really hit or miss unless the lighting is perfect and the background contrasts to the card.
- foss
- peer-to-peer
- automatic discovery so no need to have a static IP or dynamic dns service
while it's technically a two-way automatic syncing program, that is, you set up a shared folder on each end, and it will sync any changes made on either end, this has advantages over something that just sends files to a ready recipient, such as;
- you can put files in there even if they're offline, or unavailable, and they will be synced when possible, no need to wait until you're both ready
- you can have folders such as your aforementioned anime pictures and game project files kept in sync between you both without worrying about who has what
data can be routed through public relays as a fallback in neither party can open a port, but for one, the data is encrypted end to end, and two you can disable this or run your own relay instead (if you can open a port, or use upnp, then just turning it off is fine)
>Can I use YOLO or any similar smart stuff to isolate cards (be it playing cards, magic cards, pokemon cards or whatever) from a photograph?
I'd personally use SAM2 for that.
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Sounds like a power supply issue.
Try using a wattage meter and stress test your PC twice.
If it happens again around the same wattage usage twice in a row, it's most definitely your power supply.
What the fuck do I really use a priority queue for? Can you name even one real life example?
Thanks for the tip! Speaking of power supply, I think I have too much stuff on a single power outlet, like lots of stuff... Maybe that's the issue? I didn't know that it could get this bad. I'll get a wattage meter just to be safe, but now that you mention it it seems like that could be the root of the problem.
Wait, you're using a power strip? Yeah, that could be it.
You should connect your PC directly to an outlet and see if that resolves the issue.
Alright this guy >>102133463 again I managed to boot into safe mode using shift+restart
What now dude?
Open a command prompt and enter: net user administrator /active:yes
Restart the laptop and log in as administrator
Go the profiles and change the password of your mother's account
Restart the laptop and log in as your mother
See if that fixes it
What exactly would this do in vim?
:echom "xd" + 10
:echom "20xd" + 10
:echom "xd10"

I know echom evalutes before printing, but I'm left clueless about what the characters are. I can only suspect it's some ebin rm -rf type deal
how do I stop 4chan-x from bookmarking every thread I reply to?
I can't find anything online, so as far as I can see all it would do is output:

The person who wrote those commands was probably trying to figure out how :echom combines strings and numbers (see how the second command returns 30 instead of 10?).
You either disable the thread watcher entirely or develop a sequel to 4chanX.
That makes sense, thank you
actually I just found it
the option is in the thread watcher itself
"Auto watch threads"
Thanks, I'll give it a go!
What the hell, there's a menu there?
Huh. I guess my eyes must have glossed over it during all the years that I've been using 4chanX.
God I wish this extension was still updated.
same here, I feel like the first ever anon to discover this menu even though it's just sitting right there
No one is going to be able to identify something like that from a description. Post a photo if you want anyone to be able to tell you what that is.
Literally just take a photo and send it over to chatgpt.
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So recently I decided to be a fucking retard and foolishly ran an js exe by a friend that got hacked on my actual PC connected to my home network and not a VM and it brought up this up after an initial window that says there was errors at certain code lines.
I reset all my passwords and enabled 2FA for anything missing it. I'm about to Clean Install W10 LTSC again since I notice spikes in Network on my task manager still, is there anything else I should do?
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whats the difference between flatpak, apt and snap?
i searched and cant find good explanations and this all confuses me and maby i dont get the concepts right pls correct me if something is not right
i have been a Linux user for only two weeks now and plan to use this operating system to finally get rid of data theft and expensive licenses.
still a linux noob but the more you get to grips with it the more fun it is. and i really want to understand this
i wonder if Ubuntu is the right distribution for myself.
many people criticize that Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, collects data but that's exactly what I want to get away from so I started looking for a way to change that. As far as I know, snap and apt both automate the installation, management and removal of software packages, but they work in different ways:
snap packages an application as an archive that contains the binary code, data and libraries required to run the application, including all external dependencies. When you run the application, snap unpacks the archive and starts the application in a sandbox environment.
apt is a linux package management tool like snap, every debian package contains the application code, data and libraries you need to install an application. apt writes the data permanently to the Ubuntu file system from which the applications are executed.
the applications run as standard processes directly on the host system and not in sandbox environments.
snap includes everything needed to run an application including dependencies in a single package, while apt expects users to provide the dependencies as separate packages alongside the application package itself.
i also read that snaps supports all binary packages including CLI tools and shared libraries
On the other hand, flatpak only supports GUI apps... Is that true?
can someone explain?
>is there anything else I should do?
Reset your IP, if possible.
Also those spikes are most likely from Microsoft, considering you're using W10.
The whole "Microsoft is spying on everything you do 24/7" stuff is not a meme.
I thought the LSTC versions minimized M$ annoyances like that, bloatware and the forced updates.
I did notice obvious performance hitches after the incident. Like before I had fuckloads of Firefox tabs open and multiple different softwares open no problem on 64GB of RAM but suddenly it hard freezes on just having like 10 tabs open.
LSTC does minimize all what you mentioned, but it still happens.
You can set most of it to minimal in the settings, but to actually turn it all off you'd have to explicitly disable it through the Group Policy Editor.
>performance hitches
It probably installed a crypto miner on your PC (alongside other stuff), that should all be gone after a complete wipe.
I have this 16:10 2880x1800 14'' laptop and I'm "downgrading" to a 1080p 15.6'' laptop for some reason or another
I have some application that really doesn't like scaling unless it's integer. Unless it's essentially 2x or 1x, it's fucked. So I have scaling set at 200% on Windows.
Anyways, since I'm going down on resolution, I'll have to set it at 100%. 125% would be more convenient, but I'd be looking at blurry fonts all over and whatever Windows does with older applications messes really hard with how everything looks in that application if I try to force scaling.
Is 1680x1050 on a 14'' the equivalent? I'm just trying to measure quickly how things would look, if at 100% scaling I would go blind on that shit or not. As far as I understand it's the same PPI, right?
>i wonder if Ubuntu is the right distribution for myself.
Ubuntu is perfect for beginners. Consider using Linux Mint or Bazzite if you just want to use Linux instead of learning Linux.

>Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, collects data
Correct, Ubuntu does collect user information. They collect basic install and usage count through snap, but they do not actually monitor anything you do.
They also collect basic information about your PC, but you have the option of opting out from that:

>while apt expects users to provide the dependencies as separate packages alongside the application package itself.
You can use "sudo apt-get -f install <name of thing you're trying to install>" to automatically install any missing dependencies when using apt.

>On the other hand, flatpak only supports GUI apps... Is that true?
That is not true. While most Flatpack apps are indeed GUI apps, Flatpack apps don't have to be strictly GUI apps.
Take Neovim for example: https://flathub.org/apps/io.neovim.nvim
Just wait until you find out about appimage, lol, they're all package managers, and if you're using a debian-based OS you're likely going to was to use a .deb file or apt search. I think snap is for redhat based, and pacman is for arch based, pkg is bsd based.

Some software developers push their latest updates to flatpak, such as handbrake and makemkv.

Any software you find via a package manager has been screened and compiled from source code by the OS devs. Stable releases are available, or you can find newer versions that are experimental by adding backports to your package manager repositories.

Not all flatpak software is verified, so use at your own discretion. I prefer getting a .deb file or adding a repo to source if that's a possiblity.
Appreciate the help.
If there's any way to show my gratiude let me know
You're more than welcome, anon!
Just pay it forward and I'll consider your debt paid.
Why do some applications on Gnome use legacy GTK theme. Is there a fix for that?
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noob here, how would i write a script to scrape and download all this stuff?
post the link and someone's gonna write it for you
Not necessarily, you can use qBittorrent as your own tracker (it's in the advanced options, need to enable it)
Although I re-read your post and it seems like torrent won't be a great choice for you since I assume you want to constantly share new versions of your game project files, torrent is comfy for sharing files that won't change, like sharing movies or tv shows or whatever.
I want to master my stack (hired as full stack dev working mainly with Vue.JS and Spring Boot).
I've got a month or two to train both of these. What path should I follow
> Doing all the "guides" exercices I can fin the docs
> Pick a big project that'll implement everything I want to know about these
> make a ton of smaller projects that will each implement some sort of features
Any tips? I've got the basics of these but I want to go deeper in terms of API, authentication, db stuff, etc...
Do the third option for a month, then do the second option for a month, based on what you achieved during the first month.
There is literally no better way to become better at something than to actual do it.
Oh, and try to think of an actual use case for every single project you start.
read a book
Also, don't be afraid to reuse code. If you've implemented a database in one smaller project, just copy and paste it into the next smaller project instead of rewriting it from scratch.
Unless your aim is to implement the database in another way, of course.
Do you have an anti-virus installed? Those things are resource hogs. Could always use the Reset This PC function and reinstall a browser of your choice and discord. Should improve speeds quite a bit.
Shouldn't time stamp it at all, depends on the metadata though. Could always do..
ffmpeg -i Input.jpg -map_metadata -1 Output.jpg
No anti-virus.
Sounds like your fan curves are way too aggressive. The browser does a lot of stuff, while you can grep in a few seconds
I don't know why I never thought about doing that test, oof. That's going to be the first thing I do when I get home today.
>>102139175 is most likely right. Check your bios for your fan settings.
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Both kuroba dev and regular kuroba now give me Error Posting anytime I try to use them. I have a 4chan pass so it's not captcha.
I've tried reinstalling them entirely from scratch and still get the issue!
I've tried other apps now but I can't stand any of them, their layouts piss me off. I just want Kuroba to work, what do I need to do, or is there a better fork that doesn't fuck with the layout? Please help me ;_; I spent money on my pass and want to use it...
Why does AMD only seem to support dual-channel memory?
>I have a 4chan pass
lmao dumbass
But to answer your question, as far as I'm aware KurobaEx (K1rakishou/Kuroba-Experimental) is the "newest" fork. Try your luck with that one.
Or you could just use Chance (moffatman/chan) and piss off the jannies by doing so (highly recommended).
Because supporting quad-channel memory would increase the cost of the motherboard by a pretty large amount, despite the gains being as good as negligible.
how loop through bits in a byte object python3?
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bumpan this questian
Unironically ask ChatGPT or Claude.
If you have the hardware for it, you could also set up your own model (ask /lmg/ for instructions).
I recommend CodeQwen1.5-7B for cards with 8gb of VRAM.
I don't think fitbit devices are rootable.
However, they do have a web API which you could make use of:
ah hell, well thanks anyhow
It sucks so bad
I still vastly prefer kuroba's layout and design but I guess I just have to adjust to how complicated Ex is. Oh well
Got lithum-ion (polymer) battery that is starting to swell.
Need to get rid of it but can't do it immediately, might have to hold on to it for a while first.

I read that for healthy li-ion bateries you should store them at 40-50%, that's where they are the most chemically stable.
Does the same apply to swelling ones too, or should I discharge it to 0%, would that be more stable?
well, if you discharged it to zero and stored with a resistor across the terminals there wouldn't be any energy left if it to start the fire. after that its just essentially a foil balloon with gas in it.
i should note that this will completely ruin the battery, however i'm assuming you don't intend to use it due to swelling anyways yeah?
>Does the same apply to swelling ones too, or should I discharge it to 0%, would that be more stable?
The best thing you could do right now would be to disconnect it from any power source and keep it somewhere so it discharges naturally and if it does explode, nothing gets set on fire.
swelling doesn't mean theres a short just that the inside got too hot, so it won't "discharge naturally"
>so it won't "discharge naturally"
What? All batteries lose charge over time due to the chemical reactions happening within them, the gas inside a swollen lithium battery does not stop this process.
If you keep it in your grill for long enough there won't be enough charge left to cause a (large) explosion, like >>102139992 said.
What are those applications
Are those prebuilt gaming pc's a scam? Picking every component is no longer a choice since I'm too dumb to understand the difference between a certain GPU and another one with the same name but with some more uppercase letters next to it, or which combination of components would result on a bottleneck, or what is compatible with what. On the other hand, those prebuilt systems sound like the perfect excuse to get rid of spare components and sell them way over their price.
Look for CPU+motherboard+RAM combos, that's basically the tricky part.
t. did that
Seems like getting a graphics card you don't have to hate yourself for settling for is way harder than that (if you're using pcpartpicker.com).
>be complete retard using Ubuntu
>tear it down and find out what makes it go
>apply settings to whatever else distribution
>works (to varying degree)
I don't get it. Pick whatever GPU suits your needs.
>Are those prebuilt gaming pc's a scam?
>Picking every component is no longer a choice
Use pcpartpicker.com, it will tell you exactly what you need and if there's anything wrong with what you chose.
Use ChatGPT to understand subtle differences in name.
The GPU should be the least of your worries, what will you be using it for?
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first time I've heard of this. where do anons even find out what new developments are happening on 4chan-related scripts/extensions etc?
why the fuck does blue clover force you to wait 60 seconds to post every time you restart it? I literally have to use an android RDP client to post without this annoyance
That has to do with how suspicious cloudflare considers you.
Desktop connections are a lot less suspicious in general than mobile connections.
what other anon said. when your devices ip changes often (phones give you a new mobile ip often), cloudflare will flag you and make you wait.
I mean it literally forces me to wait 60 seconds every time I restart blue clover, even on my home network
Yes, because it has to do with your device (and behaviour).
Cloudflare is weird like that.
delete your cookies
>the creator of Bitcoin is anonymous
>except he registered bitcoin.org with Namecheap on 2008-08-18
why in the diddly dick hasn't anyone working there dox his ass?
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Have you considered that your RAM might be fucked? Try using:
>visit iknowwhatyoudownload.com
>random shit I've never downloaded shows up
is that website broken or am I fucked?
Did in fact and no errors were found, plus while the issue is ongoing if I start it in safe mode it stops happening, though I didn't run it for long to know for sure.
But since it stops in safe mode it should indicate a soft issue, no?
you have a dynamic ip or you're on mobile.
>But since it stops in safe mode it should indicate a soft issue, no?
Correct. Do you have integrated graphics available, by any chance? If so, try removing your GPU and see if the problem persists.
I do, will try that and see if it's at fault.
I'm setting up an RStudio server for remote access. It's running inside a Docker container (the first time I've used it), it's going fine, I can access it — how do I add users/passwords so other people can log on at the same time? I can't sudo from inside the terminal, I can't figure out where I would add it in Docker. Is it just an extra line in the run command?
>I can't sudo from inside the terminal
Which terminal do you mean by this? The OS terminal or the bash terminal inside the container?
Considering it's your first time using Docker, you should know the following:
>make use of docker compose (let me know if you need a yaml file template to start with)
>"docker compose up -d" with the '-d' flag starts the docker containers in the background
>you can start bash within a container with "sudo docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash <container_name>"
Oh and
>"docker ps" allows you to see basic info about containers (like their names)
>"docker container logs <container_name>" shows the output of the specified container
I was trying to use the terminal inside RStudio. I would appreciate that template, trying to read up on docker compose now.
I have an SSH server running on my home server. (reachable through the internet directly) and I have a key for it on my phone. Now say I want to copy a file from my home server to some public Windows PC (i.e. to one in the library or somewhere else) or vice versa. What's the least retarded way to pull that off if I don't have a USB cable or a pendrive?
Here's one I still have laying around; it's for automatically downloading/managing media:
Every block you see in the docker-compose.yml file is a separate container. Remove every container you don't need.
Volumes are indicated by <local_location>:<location_in_container>. Any file you place at the local location is available in the container and vice versa. Ports work the same way.
All '${<variable_name>}' variables are retrieved from the .env file.

Back to your original issue:
Based on the docs you'd need to add the following container to the docker-compose.yml file (don't forget to remove the other containers):
container_name: rstudio
image: rocker/rstudio:latest
- ${RSTUDIO_PORT}:8787
- .env
restart: unless-stopped
Make sure the indentation is correct.

And add the following two lines to the .env file (remove all other variables that aren't in use):
The container will use all variables in the .env file due to the "env_file:" and "- .env" lines.

Now to add users, you should execute: "sudo docker exec -it rstudio /bin/bash" (not docker run, since run creates a new container, while exec uses an already running container).
Then execute: "useradd <username>", "passwd <username>", "mkdir /home/<username>", "chown <username>:<username> /home/<username>" and "exit".

Let me know if anything goes wrong or if you have any questions.
>(reachable through the internet directly)
I do hope you have a reverse proxy set up.
>What's the least retarded way to pull that off
By setting up an FTP server. Check out vsftpd.
If you're using Ubuntu, check out: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/set-up-an-ftp-server

You could also use the scp command:
To download from Linux server to Windows:
>scp <user>@<ip_of_server>:/home/<user>/love.txt C:/Users/<user>/Downloads
To upload to Linux server from Windows:
>scp C:/Users/<user>/Downloads/love.txt <user>@<ip_of_server>:/home/<user>
What are some good free VPNs that aren't the built-in one from Opera?
>good free VPNs
Choose one, then ask the question again.
does anyone remember the name of that program /g/ used to be obsessed with around 10 years ago where you'd recreate an image with polygons?
What SMTP providers allow cold emails?
Does anyone know how tomake those soundwaves things for music players?

I want to have them that very smoothly become waves for music playing qnd gracefully return to a line when the song is stopped and can be customised with css for color and opacity and size. I've tried with icons but it is really rough and distracting so instead I made a player that has a relaxed gif as static and a fun gif as active. But still I'd love to make an old school player like pic.
Or let's say this beautiful monstrosity
The first thing you need to know is that sound can be represented as a sine wave.
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrBZsUBibtk
This sine wave is what you see visualized on those "soundwave things".
What the program does is link each bar with a specific position on the sine wave.

So what you'd need to do is:
>create a number of bars with a default value of 0
>transform a sound file (or stream) into data
>make each bar move based on the value located at specific points within the data
>add a transition between bar movements
And there you go!
I did a test run and was able to do everything, but when I tried to add a volume I get an error, "invalid mount config for type "bind": invalid mount path: '2024-2025 mount path must be absolute"
Wow thanks! More complicated than I thought but a new project for me nonetheless.
Make sure the path starts with a slash:
For example, do this: "/path:/path", not this: "/path:path".
If that doesn't fix it, can you post the path that you're trying to add? You can change the name of the folders, just make sure the structure remains the same so I can see what's wrong.
You're welcome!
Sound engineering is a lot of fun once you figure out how the math works. I suggest creating your own little library, since you can use it for basically everything audio-related in the future.
Oh and word of advice: if you're really going to build it from scratch, use .wav files. They're the most straightforward audio file type to work with.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAV#WAV_file_header for the structure.
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Thank you, working perfectly now!
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Great to hear!
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I just bought a new USB 3.1 flash drive
for some reason my internet connection gets a lot of packet loss when i have high ram useage. wt is up with that?
>no intention of changing my 1080p monitor for my new gaming pc
>buy what's considered a budget GPU for 1440p systems
Is it a good idea? In my mind, I'll get more years of good performance than with a "high end" 1080p card for cheaper than a RTX 4080 or whatever is the standard for gaming at higher resolutions.
Are you sure? Like "I've tested this three different times" sure?
Because those two things should not be related at all.
Depends, are you using it for just playing vidya? Then go ahead and get whatever.
But if you're planning on using for running local models or something then you want to watch out with what you buy.
Nah, just vidya and some programming, but nothing gpu intensive. I was aiming for the RX 7700 XT since they recommend it in the /pcbg/ OP and it's quite cheap compared to other cards.
>RX 7700 XT
Oh yeah, you'll be fine with that one.
I have a RTX 3070 myself (which is slightly worse) and I can run basically anything at ultra while watching streams/shitposting on my second monitor.
Great, thanks anon
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>streamable no longer supports youtube
what other in-browser site can I use to clip/edit videos from youtube on the fly
My work requires insane ram, and when i take breaks to do other shit with the work still loaded in ram it has the packet loss problem. ive tried it in many configurations and its definitely the ram useage
>What program are you using?
>Do you still have the .torrent files?
How can I display offensive fortunes on my terminal?
Is there a way in which i can automatize the upload of r34 to the boorus (is not ai btw)
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It's a compile-time setting.
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Imagine these being FL keys
The inside of my computer keeps humming this tune constantly, sounds like coil whining, but has a distinct tune to it, and sometimes it changes notes inebtween

After noticing this, my computer started slowing down significantly, websites stopped loading, trying to save images would just get "internet connection error" during downloading, applications would freeze for +30 seconds at a time, trying to close the browser it took some time and then it says that pages are frozen and whether I wait or exit the pages
tried to open start menu and the whole bottom bar froze and wouldn't move
Shut down the entire system with a switch and rebooted. No more noise and everything works normally.

What was that fucking noise it was humming? It was like listening to old DOSBox games playing sounds through the computer when they couldn't utilize sound devices and drivers
Blue clover
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I been locked out from my outlook email and my hospital files is on it would microsoft customer service help? I'm desperate.
castle missing in asciiquarium. using kitty terminal.
is there a fix? I've read about changing the castle color to white, but I have no idea how to do it, found no config file.
Locked out how?
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okay fine, but why?
because woke
VPN providers need to make money somehow. If it's free to use, they're not selling a VPN, they're selling your data.
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I have a machine that I power on with wake-on-LAN. Normally, 99 times out of 100, this works great. But then every once in a while the machine not only won't power on from wake-on-LAN, it'll refuse to start at all, even from it's physical power switch. Either WoL or hitting the button, it won't start. Until I go unplug it (or hit the power switch on the PSU) and plug it back in again. This is infrequent but it never happens unless I'm using WoL. Wtf causes this? Is there any way I can prevent it? from happening?

(it's an ordinary consumer mobo, not some fancy server thing with IPMI or some such.)
Some peeps don't like it, I guess
Is there anything I can do with a Dell Optiplex GX110 (can run old OS like Win 95, etc.) that I couldn't do with VMs?
I'm being offered a working one, but the thing's pretty heavy.
does anyone remember how did Third eye guess the file extension from the MD5 alone?
I tried searching the source online but I can't find third eye proper anywhere, at best PEE which seems to be really big and I don't even know if it did it the same way (if it did at all, I don't see why would it tho, since you could embed a whole link, not just the MD5)
is the difference in power consumption between ddr5 16gb and 32gb enough to care about in a laptop? or is it negligible?
It's almost nothing, for ddr4 it was like 2 watts or something, ddr5 should be no different
There's some old PC games that depended on certain video and sound cards to work exactly right and those types of hardware aren't so readily emulated.
How can I just stream A SINGLE DIRECTORY from an external hard drive using KODI? I'm losing my mind with this shit, I've tried everything to filter shit out, menus, options, .nomedia, advancedoptions.xml or some shit with regex, I don't understand why every single fucking hosting app thing needs to have a million options just to obfuscate the easiest most important thing which is clearly allowing me to select what shit I want and what shit I don't want. It's tacking on a videos folder that just has every stupid thing in my drive, I don't even want the videos folder, I would be perfectly fine just getting rid of it entirely but I can't even do that.
I have a few shitty old android phones, how can I turn one into a dedicated high quality OFFLINE music player? Preferably without google/proprietary stuff on there, I literally just want music. If I just get a nice dongle will I be okay? What's the best music player for android, or is there something like linux for android still?
Is there even a way to block my device from accessing entire AS? Some of them like OVH and servers-com is full of DGA malvertising and I'd rather miss the good websites rather than constantly blacklisting each one by hand. :(
kodi is a piece of shit
make a small flask script if you want a fancy gui otherwise just use FTP
fuuuuck what printer do I get for my ***home office*** that isn't going to constantly be a fucking headache

all I need and want is
>low volume work related printing, no more than 100> pages a month
>black and white only is fine, but color would be cool too
>I seem to print labels once in a while, more than typical, so ideally laser over inkjet
>I literally don't need a scanner but if it has one, cool, but definitely not a requirement
flush dns cache
Not HP or Epson
I had a Brother MFC-J something printer that was still working for over 7 years before I gave it to my parents since I didn't need it anymore
What is the best general-purpose remote access tool for Windows that would allow both gaming and using regular programs without a static IP? My wish is to execute wake-on-lan via openwrt router with a telegram bot installed and then connect to PC using some tool.
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Youtube started fucking up their search results again. What's the ublock filter for "from related searches"
not using youtube search and relying entirely on watching your exististing subs
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Place of work has these old ebeam interactive styluses to use on a projector.
Problem is, company went under during covid and I can't find replacements.
So question is twofold, is there a compatible device OR something that works similarly that I can buy?

Bonus question: any reccomendations on short throw projectors? Again, hardware is showing its age and starting to snow and generally look like garbage.
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I want to generate a custom music playlist that will work on any system. Is it possible to create one without running into issues by using hard links?

For example, I generated a m3u playlist, and the first track points to this directory:

But naturally this will not load on someone else's computer because they have a different directory.
>how did Third eye guess the file extension from the MD5 alone?
It didn't, because that's impossible.
It probably made use of an external metadata database where it used the MD5 to look up the correct file type.
Replace stock Android with LineageOS: https://lineageos.org/
It has a built-in music player called Eleven.
>without a static IP
Take a look at: https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/services/ddns/client
Places like ebay are your best bet.
You're gonna pay top dollar for them, though.
I suggest looking for a replacement.
You have four options:
You set up a home server and share the folder with your music to all devices within your local network:
You do the same, but expose your file server (TCP port 445) to the internet so you can access it from anywhere (please also set up a VPN or reverse proxy so you don't actually expose your IP to the internet).
You set up a website that hosts all of your music:
Or you make use of a cloud service to host all of your music:
Using a cloud service for storage (like AWS) will be much cheaper than actually hosting the files yourself.
I still have the files if you need them
Thanks but I'll be sharing this as a bittorrent. So it will be locally downloaded.
I need a firefox extension that let's me download twatter/x images and videos in the original size they were uploaded in.
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Why does this happen? I'm using display: inline; and the contact and home words are at the top of the container instead of the bottom. Why are they sticking to the top?
Are they suffering from position: relative; top: 0; by any chance?
Posting the actual html + css would help understanding what's going on.
Give me one moment and I post the code. I'm losing my mind with something so simple.
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This camera has a 10x optical zoom, although theres also an option to enable digital zoom

and yeah i dont really know what Av and Tv means ... but i can learn!

eitherway, if i were to buy a better cam, which ones are sold at a good price second hand generally ?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Personal">


body {
margin: 0

.navbar {
position: fixed;
border-top: 5px solid #a0087a;
width: 100%;

ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 1rem 0;
display: inline;

li {
color: #20bb3a;
font-family: sans-serif;
display: inline;


div {
display: inline;

.navbar-myname {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 2em;
padding-left: 3rem

.navbar-options > li {
padding-inline: 2rem;
float: right;



<ul class="navbar">
<li class="navbar-myname">MyName</li>
<ul class="navbar-options">

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This user script works for me:
the AV out (NTSC/PAL) refers to a video output suited for plugging into a TV, namely a non-HDTV TV, you can still plug it into a modern TV, but it will look bad
usually this is in the form of CVBS (colloquially known as composite) or S-Video (better, but still not HD), and if you're lucky, component (which can be HD, but if it doesn't say it can do that, it can't)
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Use code blocks or pastebin next time, please.
>using anything other than div elements and flexbox
Common rookie mistake.

If you really want to keep what you have, you could apply transform: translateY(50%); to each nested li element.
is there any point to using a PCI soundcard nowadays? will it take off some load from your CPU or something?
Yeah I usually use div and flexbox, but I wanted to simplify the cose as much as possible. I suppose all of these are just obsolete (ul and li seems useless and they put bullet points I don't want by default)

I just want to know what it is doing. Does display: inline put the elements at the top of their respective boxes? And you recommend that I just use divs next time?
>just want to know what it is doing. Does display: inline put the elements at the top of their respective boxes?
I have absolutely no idea. It seems to me that the nested li elements are ignoring the origin location of their parent and are instead using the origin location of the root ul element to position themselves.
It's extremely hard to center stuff without flexbox without making a gigantic mess out of the code, so yes, I recommend just using basic div elements and throwing flex on everything that allows it.
So it is just the old tags being shit and I should just stick to div and flex like all people. Are there any more tags I should be aware of? If I'm not mistaken there is a nav tag exclusive for navbars
There's literally nothing you can't do with divs and flexbox.
The only upside to using the old decrepit part of HTML is that it allows for accessibility.
But most web frameworks have their own solutions for those.
...you are using a framework, right? Like Svelte?
I'm just trying to change a page I already have with more accurate tags. But if it's good practice to just use div I will do.

The thing I don't like about this language is that tags have properties by default, for example div has extra margins you have to remove by default, or the bullet points in li. So I'm always scratching my head because there is something out here that does what I don't want, like this inline display.

I just want to make a simple page that works. I was using bootstrap but I wasn't using something I couldn't do on my own, seems overkill and I want to be the one doing the CSS not bootstrap.
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why is my fucking microphone suddenly not working?????
Is another device already using it? Try restarting your PC.
If you're using Teams, the problem is Teams. Restarting your PC fixes it.
nah nothings using it,
it's mind boggling a device can work one day and suddenly not the next
saw there was an acer thread but forgot to ask there, but wow my acer swift x (5800u, 3050ti) drains pretty fast unplugged. like it will say at 60% that there's 1 hour and 30 minutes remaining. anyone have any tips to help improve it? it's my main driver for uni so i really need it be good. i've had the laptop for about 2 years now. if nothing else, ill do a battery calibration tonight to see if that helps
Where can I grab a nice pre-configured neovim config? Basically something that just has quality of life stuff like maybe autocomplete, syntax highlighting, a way to compile code within neovim itself, etc. I don't want an AI helper or someone's custom keybinds and stuff, just pure vim keybinds/functionality

I've seen 2 different "get started" guides for neovim but they're way too intensive and tinkery, I just want to use a nice default before I actually know it's worth it to invest my time into a custom config
Bad hardware.
THOSE THINGS are always bad. Whatever I try I always fall back to browsing files as usual.
If the drainage is that bad, your only real option is to replace the battery:
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My ISP has blocked porn sites, so I'm using mpv/ytdl proxy to bypass it.
I've made a script that go through a text file that has those links.
The thing is some of these links has the file deleted, and some fail for random error with proxy.
So how do I check this?
And how do i check the proxy is active?
>My ISP has blocked porn sites
that's fucked
which ISP and what country?
Just pay five bucks for a month of Mullvad.
Uhhhhh, a shared folder? You will need to use Samba on linux (to network via smb which window's shared folders use)
Might be a stupid answer, but it might be worth checking if the volume for it is at 0% in windows' sound settings.
Only suggesting this because every once in a while I find that happening to me for reasons I can't begin to understand as I never have a reason to adjust it there.
Wants a verification code but my outlook email isn't tied to another email to send a code
Sounds like you got hacked to me.
Contact support, they'll ask you to verify yourself through answering questions about the info you used to make your account.
Also, you can just ask the hospital to resend that stuff to another address. They'll probably won't even confirm who you are.
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How to play rtmp:// addresses? Assoomed there's a video.
Seems to work:
 www.youtube.com##.ytd-item-section-renderer:has(> #dismissible #title:has-text(From related searches)) 
Not really. Sound is like 5% of one CPU core at the high side.
VLC can probably do that.
Damn, guess I have to install it. Cool kids said MPV was best.
I have a home server that I host my website and media on, and I use a mysql database to keep track of music and such. The server uses m.2 SSDs for storage, so it should be reasonably fast, but some simple queries are sinfully slow (like 1.5s). Considering the query in question is just filtering IDs in a table with 500 rows, nothing should be slow.
The query is using indexes and only selecting columns I need, so I feel it comes down to the hardware more than my query.
The actual question: what does ideal hardware look like on a database server? Which components are most important for fast data retrieval? Is striping the data that important? Is tons of ram most important?
should test if the other things connected to the strip go out as well when it happens
will rule out if the strip is causing it or not
>if everything goes out then the strip's breaker isnt rated high enough for your pc, will need to upgrade it
>if not then likely psu issue, clean the intake out as it might be clogged with dust

i had the same issue a long time ago and took my psu apart and cleaned out the intake filter and sucked all the dust out from inside and it hasnt done it again in years
it was just overheating and triggering auto shutdown to prevent damage
Alright guys, I have two .py scripts in the same directory which have the exact same line
>import onnxruntime_genai as og
One runs fine but the other gives me this error:
>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'onnxruntime'
Can someone tell me what is happening here?
python tutorial, requests library
I copied the wrong thing. This is the error:
>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'onnxruntime_genai'
my GPU is pulling 120W when watching videos on main 1440p monitor, when I put the video tab on my secondary 1080p monitor power usage drops to 25W.
I guess it's the super resolution thing but should it consume that much or is it some bug?

GPU is 4070 browser is MS Edge
You want lots of RAM for database storage, because retrieving data from memory is faster than retrieving data from storage.
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What's the best HDD available?
It seems my WD Black 2TB (WDC WD2003FZEX-00SRLA0) has suddenly kicked the bucket.
No personal experience, but when I was considering it for my build I heard that on-board audio is as good as or better than cheap PCI audio cards, that you need to get into higher price ranges to get improvement over on-board audio, and that USB DACs are the go-to solution nowadays rather than PCI audio cards. Take it with a grain of salt as I haven't personally experimented with them.
>I guess it's the super resolution thing but should it consume that much or is it some bug?
Check your monitor settings. As in, by using the physical buttons on it.
Chances are the 1080p monitor has eco mode turned on, while your 1440p monitor doesn't.
Don't forget, having higher hz also increases power usage.
samsung 990 pro is pretty good
The best HDD are those with long-term warranty.
Not sure how old yours is or where you're located, but Western Digital provides a replacement if it dies of natural causes within five years.
So should I give the database as much ram as possible and cache as much as possible so it doesn't have to go into storage as often? Or am I giving it more ram so it can sort, group etc.?
Oops I mean to reply to this >>102157141

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What are the some online coding puzzles to help me become a better programmer?

Also, what's a good flashcard/study ios app that doesn't spy?
The former. The latter is done largely with the CPU.
In terms of hardware you want to prioritize the following (with the top being more important than the bottom):
>system configuration, aka your RAID level (RAID 10 writes just as fast as RAID 0, but reads twice as fast due to the system now being able to read concurrently vs sequentially)
>total amount of ram
>ram clock speed
>number of cpu cores
>base cpu speed
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What's the difference between these?

No compatibility with my mobo unfortunately (reduced speed), and ran out of PCIe slots for enclosures.

Six years sadly, and not where I live either.
>What are the some online coding puzzles to help me become a better programmer?
The number one way to become better at programming is to develop software, not to do puzzles.
You want to think up a few use cases and build small applications to solve those use cases.
If you're stuck, ask ChatGPT or Claude how to continue.

If you really want to do puzzles, check out the yearly Advent of Code challenges: https://adventofcode.com/ There are 200 puzzles in total.
If you're interested, you could join the leaderboard this year. During December, one puzzle a day (up to Christmas) is released at a specific time and user across the world do their best to solve it as fast as they can.

>Also, what's a good flashcard/study ios app that doesn't spy?
Anki: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ankimobile-flashcards/id373493387
Also available on desktop and you can sync your data between the two.
I have had absolutely no good experiences with Seagate, so I hope you'll reconsider, but to answer your question:
Skyhawk is built for sustaining lots of writes, not so much for reads. Ironwolf is optimized for reading, not so much for writing.
Exos is like Ironwolf, but will last longer.
How can you tell if a URL is a subdomain or a host? And I'm talking about obscure shit like a1 (dot) second-level-domain (dot) top-level-domain, how do I know if a1 is a host or a subdomain just looking at it?
Read the spec sheets and eliminate SMR drives. WRL / annual IO rating * warranty tips which mechanical binning the drive is in. 'enterprise' is a euphemism for 'fucking loud'. Surveillance drives have their firmware tweaked a little for constant write speed, but basically interchangeable with NAS for home users.
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'4chan.org' is a host.
'boards.4chan.org' is a subdomain to '4chan.org'.
'planks.board.4chan.org' is still a subdomain to '4chan.org'.
The entire part before the host is called a subdomain, no matter how many dots it contains.
Does that answer your question?
No, how do I know what is a host and what is a subdomain. Like 'www.secondleveldomain.topleveldomain' is a host right? But how would someone know that if they didn't know that www is commonly used as a host name for websites? What if it was zzz? Is there any way to know for sure whether that's a host or a subdomain?
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How difficult is it to (recreate) whatever is inside a garage door opener? Is this replicable in something like arduino and will I also be able to clone them similarly if I make a pair
maybe arduino is the right word, I meant to say raspberry pi but I don't know the difference between them desu
arduino isn't*
>What if it was zzz?
Ah, I think I get it. Time for a history lesson.

The "www" part you keep on seeing in URLs stands for "World Wide Web". It basically denotes that this URL will lead to a website.
However, websites didn't always used to be a thing. Before they existed, the internet was used in different ways with hosts providing many different services.
For example, instead of connecting to 'https://www.website.com', you'd connect to 'ftp://ftp.website.com' to transfer files or 'smtp://smtp.website.com' to read and send email.
The subdomains in the above URLs denote what content the website would be providing to the clients connecting to it.

The reason why we websites use the 'www' subdomain, is because this was the default subdomain for websites.
There's not really any reason why it couldn't be 'zzz', and you actually can just make your website return a valid HTML document at 'https://zzz.website.com'.
And while most website are content to provide their content on a 'www.*.*' URL, you can make your host return a website without it, just look at: https://shareprogrammingtips.com/

So to answer your question, ALL websites that start with 'www.' are actually a subdomain. If you want to be sure you're looking at a host and not a subdomain, just make sure there's just one dot in the URL.
Not hard at all unless you're a complete beginner to electronics.
Check out: https://gist.github.com/reid/1544666
If you just want a cool replacement, check out the Flipper Zero: https://flipperzero.one/
You can copy the signal it sends with it and reproduce it with the click of a button.
>flipper zero
didn't know this could also be used as a garage door opener.
It works for pretty much all electronic signals.
Hell, I've seen people at my office use it to unlock the electronically locked front door at a distance lmao
well, its a little out of my budget for now. But I'll bookmark when I can upgrade
>people at my office use it to unlock the electronically locked front door
what's a good image upscaler?

surely waifu2x is obsolete now?
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can any one fix this?

Python 3

4scanner has developed a bug.... was working up to a few weeks ago

Windows Install
pip install 4scanner
python -m venv AI
pip install 4scanner
cd .\AI\scrpts\
copy 4scanner 4scan.py

4scan.py -o G:\4chan\ G:\4chan\My_List.json

sample My_List.json

"imageboard": "4chan",
"folder_name": "_sdg_ - Stable Diffusion General",
"board": "g",
"keywords": ["Stable Diffusion", "AI"]


AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'split'
Exception in thread Thread-12 (download):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python312\Lib\threading.py", line 1075, in _bootstrap_inner
File "C:\Python312\Lib\threading.py", line 1012, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "\\\g\Pictures\Art\AI Art\AI\Lib\site-packages\scanner\downloader.py", line 111, in download
final_pic = os.path.join(self.out_dir, tmp_pic.split('/')[-1])
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'split'
Can I get a cheap VPN (or free) for temporary use. I just want to book some flight tickets.
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Next time, throw your code at ChatGPT (or a local LLM).
Search for the term "online proxy" and you'll find !notVPNs.
Keep in mind that any data you enter WILL be stolen.
Don't want that to happen? Throw five bucks at mullvad.
PIA, just pay the $11(?) and cancel a day before the end of the 30-day money back guarantee. You get infinite VPN for the same $11

I have done this literally for years.
>surely waifu2x is obsolete now?
Still works fine enough for me.
There are alternatives now though:
technologically speaking, how do I get rid of my yellow fever?
Exposure therapy to literally anything else for multiple years. Also take supplements for boosting brain plasticity.
It'll take much longer now since you no longer have a developing brain, but it can still be done.
Will AI girlfriends be able to suck my dick and make me dinner within our lifetime?
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thank you
Real esgran/animesharp
Foolhardy remacri

There's a lot of options out there if you just search upscale model lol
You really shouldn't care too much about stuff like racial purity, if that's what you're worried about.
Western culture will only get worse and even if racemixing won't happen to you, it'll happen to your descendants.
If I were you I'd worry about making sure you have plenty of those instead.
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Yes. We're like five-ish years away from AGI being achieved, so all we need to wait on is the development of humanoid robots.
We're still at least a decade away from those.
it's not about race mixing. I live in a euro country even though I have never been to asia, I am afraid that if I ever go there I will want to stay there. Which I can't do because I could never abandon my parents. Yet I find asian women, even the ugly fat ones, incredibly attractive, makes me feel like I am in the midst of puberty.
I would like to not have that anymore, the exposure thing makes sense, I should start browsing with images disabled. literally a few hours ago there was a thread with some japanese girl webms.
Is the 1440 high refresh rate?
>Which I can't do because I could never abandon my parents.
You really shouldn't sacrifice your happiness like that.
Besides, you could always just build up an existence somewhere else and make sure you buy enough land and have a small retirement home built for them.
>I should start browsing with images disabled
I've got a better idea, and I'm saying this without any sense of negativity: disconnect from the internet entirely for several months.
Run local LLM models (ask /lmg/ for instructions) and if you need answers ask those instead of Googling.
>We're like five-ish years away from AGI
More like 50. We don't even know what basic dumber than human AGI looks like. It's not these statistical correlation machines they're building now.
Anon, please don't speak about things you don't understand.
When I'm talking about AGI I am not talking about LLM models.
is Ghost path a decent VPN?
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>disconnect from the internet entirely for several months.
again, thank you. I've been thinking about that, it makes a lot of sense, funnily enough just yesterday I talked to a friend and told him that I am terminally online and while I find a lot of positive things there, it mostly shows you the ugliest side of things which just sets you up to have a very cynical world view.
I attribute this to my yellow fever issue, thinking in a "grass is always greener on the other side" kinda way. thank you very much for your time and I promise that I will take your suggestions to heart.
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>We're still at least a decade away from those.
>More like 50.
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Good luck, anon!
can someone explain to me why this ebay member has dozens or hundreds of the exact same feedback message but from all different buyers
That's a guy in a suit, retard
The fact that you're saying this means that we've already entered a new age.
Apparently it's real.
Probably a bot that is part of a network.
Doesn't necessarily mean the items they sell don't exist.
I just sold a $200+ item to them, and I am concerned they might try to scam me by claiming what I sent doesnt work or something.
I at least insured it and required signature confirmation
>I at least insured it and required signature confirmation
Well, you're already smarter than 95% of the people using that site, so I wouldn't be too worried.
I'd just forget about it for now and wait and see what happens.
Nobody serious is talking about on AGI on a 5 year timeline. Feel free to prove me wrong.
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Any way to bypass the login requirement to view Rumble comments?
Hows that smart if the scammer si gonna get away with it, still? Or how does insurance work?
both are 165hz
forgot to mention the 1080p one is positioned vertically so the video window is very small that would explain low power usage
just curious if the video enhancement features should use so much, over half the power of a 4070, or if there is something wrong going on
well, if the scammers thing is he claims damage in shipping, or stolen by porch pirates, then the insurance would cover that.

Since I got signature confirmation, it would make the getting stolen by porch pirates claim pretty implausible.

I also took a bunch of pictures of the packing process, so if they claim poor packing, I have evidence showing otherwise. especially if they remove packing material, *then* take a pic trying to pass it off as being the way I sent it.
Is there a userscript that converts automatically every WebP download to PNG?

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