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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102081516
Remember to EQ to Endgame IE Target
Remember to poo in the loo.
remember to gangrape

Gatobros, how do we compete with that? I can't even put more cum in the pos let alone more drivers.
the S12 is still, to this day, the best IEM ever made
Obsoleted by fox IEM.
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plenty of room for some nice crystals in there still
a tranny and a pajeet walk into a bar...
>they don't sell a package with all the colors
That's some fine audiofool shit you got there. I'm curious about who's buying this crap.
definitely darkoaudio. dude puts a big paperweight on his completely digital DAC to control vibrations
it's slop
also sharur blocked me for some reason
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Can't believe this meme machine got his own collab. I guess Chinese companies will collab with literally anyone.
/iemg/ collab where they just take random suggestions when?
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>buy chu 2 and gato
>they are both muddy shit compared to my hd600
anyone else fell for the pos meme?
What Android music apps do you use?
Wanted to use the default Sony music app but it's severely lacking in features.
Tried to use black player, but that hasnt been updated and is bugged for me.
Currently using Musicolet and it's pretty good. It's free, has no ads, a nice ui and is feature rich.
I'll give poweramp a try later since they have a free trial.
edc pro is a stealth collaboration with greymousetaxi
You fell for the hd600 meme kid
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just hit play and enjoy
too much fucking uncontrolled treble
either use tips that soften treble response or use eq like a coward
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*Thieaudio Prestige LTD*

Reconnect with the cosmos, you are an alchemist and a starchild. Unlock your latent powers and travel back to save the universe from the 2012(CERN event)
I used musicolet a lot but ended up switching to poweramp because it feels faster and more fluid, but musicolet has really good features that poweramp doesn't have mainly regarding queue and lyrics
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It's levels of based you wouldn't be able to understand.
Kino comfy
>Want to get into IEMs
>Every product has some weird pedo art on the box
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Based chinks.
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Start with KZ. They aren't degenerates.
Filtered, try buying some Apple products if you want a bland box
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Greed and lying are sins.
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Heck yeah! Amazon's best-seller for a good reason
>a12t is $2700 in my county
I hate import taxes
$2700 here also, but that's just the conversion rate. No shipping fees. No duties and taxes. No shipping insurance. etc
>first time in years hearing actual bass
>calls it mud
it's too late
we're delta sigma males
NOSbros I'm sorry, I'm back to Fast Linear filter for techs > tonality
USB Audio Player Pro. It simply is the best. Expensive but only a one time purchase.
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Just bought the HIDIZS S8 Pro Robin dongle. Btw Coupert browser extension is good. I didn't know any coupon codes and it tried every one until I got the best discount.
quit shilling that fucking retard pls. I don't want to see his face. if I wanted to watch his shit I'd subscribe.
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2x shit = MASSIVE SHIT.
fuck you for filling up landfill with more junk.

PS: are you so fucking retarded that you can't even read the OP post and see what's recommended? Anyway, your rupees jeet.
A few years ago I considered the a12t but then found out the qdc VX is like $400 cheaper here so I went with it. It's still going strong today.

My guess is there's less taxes for Chinese stuff compared to the US.
Both Gate and Chu II are in Honorable mentions thoughbeit.
Also what does this image even supposed to conclude? That iems owned by someone who seems hygenically challenged don't last very long? Gee, I would've never gussed.
>Honorable mentions thoughbeit
not in OP.
whats the purpose of these instead of real headphones
why do you want things that go into your earussy
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Imagine being mogged by $2 pos
>2023 CRA
That was post revision anyway, garbage kz shitter
The last real cras stopped being made around November 2022 iirc
you're just a shitter trying to justify his shitty purchase. your rupees.
Headphones sound like shit.
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Im gonna fucking say it, post rev CRA is better than pre rev CRA. Still shit but at least the 5K rape spike is less prominent.
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Final buds came in. Measurements will follow after I do my first impressions.
God damn look at the kilobuck treble extension on the original
I get hard every time I see that thing graphed
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$2 vido wins again
Meh, about on par with each other so far. Nothing amazing for the both of them.
Also don't know why you're using that measurement when kr0mka already has a Vido measured.
>get the s12 for cheap
>get a set of medium density tuning foams from aliexpress
>take off filters from nozzles with a duck tape
>put tuning foams inside nozzles, one per earpiece
>slap the filters back on
enjoy your S12 Pro
The revised version has better extension, the original jist has sibilant rape hiss.
Are crinnacle reds still the best neutral iem? Is it an upgrade from the wan'ers?
Best in its price range sub $100*
Putting them on while not listening to anything is a -20dB earplug
It's summer, headphones are unbearable.
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It wasn't that bad. I heard worse on ew200.
Surfans f20/Eros q or something else in the price range? I want a dedicated player for field recordings of storms, ocean etc for my kid to sleep to.
>field recordings of storms, oceans
there are a lot of choices here
They're recommended by the same person writing the Rentry which the OP just mirrors its HoF section.
You faggots need a reality check if you're comparing headphones to earbuds. Next thing I know you'll be claiming iems are better than speakers.
iems are way better than speakers, speakers suck ass and are even worse than dentpos
Is there anyway to fix channel imbalance in IEMs?
Earbuds are just little speakers in your ears you dumb faggot
And yes vidos mog most speakers
to beat vidos with secured thick foam and eq you would need to spend 4 digits minimum on speakers
If you have a rig then you can fix it quite accurately. Otherwise most operating systems have a channel balance slider, you can adjust it by ear.
That's if the IEMs came imbalanced. If they used to be balanced then you just replace the nozzle filters.
What do you guys suggest for USB-C to 3.5mm dongles? I read one of the links in OP and it suggests the apple adapter but regardless of which version you get it's not going to provide enough power.
You are mentally ill
Unless you're using a planar iems or other hard to drive ones, power doesn't matter
can't wait to see some xmems shilling by retards that don't know why it's being developed
I feel like I can hear the difference between .flacs on my phone and spotify high quality (free, 160kbps). Sometimes I just listen them side by side and I suddenly notice a little detail here and there. If I actively listen then the difference is even geater. Very happy I got a phone that can accept a sd card and I can just slap in 1TB extra storage for losless audio.
the lonely retards will tell you to show abx results
the normal people will tell you to enjoy
i'm telling you that we don't care, go fuck yourself
>inb4 retard posts gay study
it's like saying jacking off is the same as stickin your dick in some pussy.
Streamniggers get the rope.
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Kys jaded faggot
Prove it isn't
Good for you but also fuck you
These are $179 , $239 and $389 in my third world shithole.
Wich one do i get?
You should get KZ EDC Pro, I think it'll be a lot cheaper.
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KZ Edc Pro is $239.
Wich one would you get? Value for money?
I need an IEM so I can stop hearing my parents fight in the next room. What do you guys recommend?
Air Pod Shotty to the head
Etymotic ER2XR
You have 2 options
>Closed back headphones with anc
>Wearing airport ground crew grade hearing protection over iems
5k peak ruined it booo
Also if u dont live in bumfuck nowhere go to your local university/college library and chill. Most are open till 12 am or some even 24/7.
If ur in asia, pc bang is nice and cheap. And a way to socialize.
If ur in europe ring up the sugar mother/aunt fb group to find a place to stay.
Meme drivers annihilated all EQ potential before that.
is xmems driver a xmeme driver?
>If ur in europe ring up the sugar mother/aunt fb group to find a place to stay.
what's that?
i'm in europe, and I've never heard of such a thing
Extra meme driver.
Just got mine this week. Have been loving it so far.
Have you noticed any stuttering playback with Poweramp? Wondering if there's something wrong with my unit (bought used) or something in the OS that I need to disable.
Bro... do you live in like Venezuela or what?
Anyways, I'd still get the EDC Pro because those multi-driver type of hybrid iems shit themselves more often than single DDs, not to mention them being KZ hybrids, so it comes into question if all of those BAs are actually being used. It's easier to trust KZ with single DDs.
Easy fix just don't fucking buy KZ sloppa, there are plenty of recs in the OP and all are better than any KZ.
based. no matter how many reviewers say stuff like KZ AS24 Pro or CCA Hydro are great I just can't trust that fucking company
Anybody who says AS24 is great has brain damage, it's so fucking bad its unreal.
>stuttering playback with Poweramp
once or twice, not to a point that made me do something about it yet. How frequent those stutterings happens for you? Did you tried to update poweramp, restart the device, change poweramp audio settings?
Not frequent enough that I'm too bothered by it. Quick restart seems to clear it up for a while. Starting to think that it's got something to do with visualizers since I'll sometimes let them shuffle in full screen. Oddly enough though when I disable the visualizer it continues to stutter until I restart the device.
What audio settings would you change? I've looked through them but didn't see anything that stood out that could be causing it.
>Soda Stereo
if you turn off the visualizers and restart the device, does it start to stutter eventually? If not, than that might be it. I don't use visualizers. I would change something on resampler or output settings, but honestly idk, if it were something that would bother me a lot I would probably try to change everything until I got it or got tired. I think is very hard to pinpoint what the problem is in these cases. I have a lot of listening sessions that I don't notice any stuttering, so I'm ok until now
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Wrong 'Zo
Haven't noticed it stuttering until I enable a visualizer but I'll have to test to really know for sure. I'll start there and fuck with the audio settings if needed.
Thanks anon. What headphones are you using btw?
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1USD = 5.56BRL
Yes, it sucks.
Theres two cables available,
silver makes any difference?
>silver makes any difference?
It makes the sound a little brighter. Copper is safer and a bit bassier.
thumbnail looks like a trannyjak.
Not the same anon from earlier, but also a shit worlder whose bank blocked aliexpress.
The only chi-fi I can find here are shitty very low end KZ for about 4x the price, (zs10 pro X for around $100 instead of $25)
Question is, which one do you anon recommend?
I was originally going to get the Kefine Delci AE since I preffer a bassy neutral sound and I'm a tad sensitive to treble if the driver is not a really good one.
The closest non Kz stuff I could find here are the Kiwi Ears Cadenza for about $170
I'm really attracted to the Cadenza, but considering I need to spend at least another $80 on a semidecent dac (Tempotec Sonata HD pro or HD 3), I would like Anon's opinions.
no problem, its nice to see someone with a m300 and poweramp.
I'm using truthear zero red
>I would like Anon's opinions.
sucks you have to deal with the worst pos. spending a little more gets you far better stuff than kz or those older tempotec dacs. look at op shopping rentry. there are a lot of websites to order chifi from besides aliexpress.
I've heard very good things about the delci/delci ae.
I have not and will never ever ever ever fuck a dog, promise.
>i saw the thumbnail and immediately think "'ACK 'ACK 'ACK 'ACK 'ACK 'ACK!"
God help me.
i dont see it
you are not ready yet, my apprentice.
>M300 and PowerAmp
Same. I've been using PowerAmp for many many years. Been a rock solid music player app all that time.
Have not heard of the truthear zero red. How do you like them?
Just got a pair of Kefine Delci's after seeing them in the OP. So far I'd consider them an upgrade over the Shure se215s I was using from back before I got into desktop audio.
IEM market has changed A LOT since then and it's been fun to see all the new options.
it's R$ dumb nigger
Who's the dumb nigger now?
robux isn't real.
confirmed deaf my nigga gato has about the same midbass bleed and more 5khz brightness than hd600
nothing beats a quality single DD chugging away
so why aren't they at the top of the reviewer ranking lists?? hybrids and full-ba are the real deal but you can't afford them, confess
So what's the final consensus on Tanchjim 4U? How does it stack up? Is fit and sound good?
nightjar singularity.
>ranking lists
it's a quality affordable 1dd. low THD, solid FR. tuning dial is a gimmick. prob doesn't fit as well as delci but it's fine. pray to the gods you get asano tanch stickers.
i said top not middle
It's a big IEM.
it's not 4U
is the artti t10 a good pickup if I want to try out planar iems?
I know I like planar headphones already
So nothing special from what I gather. Seems like fit is also not particularly good.
ask yourself why you want to pickup a planar iem
planar iems still aren't ready yet
The fit is above average despite how it looks, it's pretty small so it shouldn't give too many people trouble. But yeah it doesn't really have much to set it apart from the Delcis and EA500lms of the world.
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So what's the point of flatheads in this day and age? Do they do anything better than IEM's or are they pure nostalgia bait?
u can hear outside environment more at the expense of extension on both ends of sound spectrum. some people have weak earussies that can't handle insertion
Mainly for convenience (no isolation, very easy to put on and take off) and comfort. They are far from ideal for optimal sound quality, but they can be surprisingly good.
Depending on how you use them and position your perspective, they either contain the negatives or positives of headphones and IEMs.
I personally use them a decent amount for music that is less "demanding", so stuff like classical or ambient music is perfect, especially if you're using these for background music/noise.
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Your loss of rupees. Go away.
Flatheads are basically an equivalent of open back headpos.
They generally have wider soundstage and arguably better comfort (esp for longer sessions) than most iems but this comes at a price of non-existent isolation and generally wonkier fit-dependent FR. Also as mentioned above they are bad at sub-bass (no exceptions here) but treble extension can be quite nice and smooth.
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I love my Gates.
>rock solid music player app all that time.
thats how I see it too. A well polished player.
>truthear zero red
I like that it doesnt have mids and treble too forward.
>Kefine Delci's
I was interested in that iem, because aperenttly it has a similar sound signature as the zero red and also can be more confortable and more discrete when in ear
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>dogfuckerzo no. 2 is a gatefag
gatoxisters we fucking lost it's so fucking over
I swear you truthear shills cannot catch a break lmao
watch out anon, your happiness is gonna make some spendthrift people silly and they are gonna try to attack you...>>102129375 damn its already happening
What's going on here
>noooooooo you cant like *insert brand here* and express you feelings towards it you must be faking ittttttt its the only possible explanation
no one can, this is a super vindictive general
that's why I just

hit play and enjoy the music
My Audio Bible?
/irmg/'s EQ Guide.
I'm dimb...
its so fvcking over
we are so back
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>pray to the gods you get asano tanch stickers
tfw I wasn't chosen by the queen
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There isn't a no.2. It's just me again
dogfucker no. 1 is the foxfag
>Lossless audio
>Ripped from a vinyl
>300 MB for a single track
Going to order spinfit tips for them and I think they'll be more comfortable. Ear tips that were included weren't fitting me too well. Definitely not as comfortable as my se215s but we'll see with some new tips.
First impression of the sound was impressed by the detail and clarity. Bit on the darker side sound wise but that's my preference. I'll get back to you on the comfort when I get the new tips in.
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in ear monitors more like up butt monitors lol
>ripped from a vinyl
lol enjoy your crackles. i hate that shit
Ever since I got better iems I started to hear crackles and other issues in badly mixed/ripped/recorded audio.
>t. un******* listener
techs are a blessing and a curse
Anyone knows if there are white colored BT adapters that's not moondorp?
What's that little device in there?
better iems = upper treble
>found Simgot EA500LM at local outlet for $46

Worth it as first IEMs?
arguably the perfect beginner iem
>premium all metal build but still a relatively simple and classy look
>good ergonomics
>removable nozzles for potential maintenance and modding
>good accessories
>pronounced V-shape tuning with extra brightness (wow factor for beginners)
>good overall QC
i'd say go for it, especially if it's brand new and they accept refunds
i'll tell ya niggas somethin', truthear gate is fuckin' based yo
Oh my fauci did this right wing nazi chudcel really just heckin mention the chudear gate? You can't heckin do that chuddie you need to buy KZ the trans ally xister brand.
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gato sexo is so fckng based omg
i love my niggas getting gatos anal sexo
we pajeets we gato bros
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I/O Sogno no nononono
sogno balls
sm4 shill, eat your heart out
Real music.
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>Have retarded ears that can barely make out any appreciable difference between IEM's, TWShit, and headpos despite constantly trying A/B tests
>Come to the realization that this is actually a blessing since now I don't have to autistically obsess over barely perceivable differences and can just use whatever's more comfortable/convenient
I've discovered the true endgame lads
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Good for you. For me 1DD pos are smeary and I need quadbrids.
I haven't found any twshit comfy for whatever reason. They all give me ear pressure issues even with ANC off.
To that favella monkey ITT
Get vidos instead of iems
Spending a months salary on entry level pos that will clog/die in your disgusting climate would be painful I bet.
Vidos are 3 bucks and sound excellent, and will last significantly longer, especially if you know how just solder a new cable when/if the stock one kicks it.
You aren't ready for real music
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So this is the power of extreme memes.
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>treble extension off the charts
EShiTters BTFO'd
Gimme one of these that's better than my HE400SEs
Shouldn't be difficult, /g/ tells me chifiman is the worst
>but shitty $3 headphones
>just works
>get headache
also IEMS are based because the NSA has recently started doing a push to NOT use bluetooth headsets lmao
any pos. there is a whole shopping rentry
Need new filters for my IEM. Does the filter I buy have any significant effect on the sound or can I just by whatever and be fine?
>Does the filter I buy have any significant effect on the sound
yes. more damping reduces 2-5khz, which also has the effect of greater bass perception. depending on the iem, there may be a greater or lesser dependence on such damping to achieve the stock tuning
What filter should I buy for a Tangzu Wan'er SG if you don't mind me asking
genuinely no idea sorry. generally a 400 mesh filter is a decent middleground
Thanks man
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how many carrying cases do you guys own? do you use them for anything?
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300€ max - eurochad here
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
computer, bus, sex, and mostly work
i don't want to hear anything around me.
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
Sony WF-1000XM4
Sony WF-1000XM5

what are your advices anon-san?
>how many carrying cases do you guys own?
a fuckton. nah most are empty because it's too hard to remember what's inside when they are opaque. only keep a few around that i consider ideal size for taking pos outside / traveling

>300€ max
so you mean wired? ziigaat estrella, aful performer5, myer cklvx d41, simgot supermix4 are all decent. pick by what you want to wear (aesthetics)
>what are your advices anon-san?
Keep Snoys, try Pearl Pro and Technics 80s, downgrade to Linkbuds S.
I have tons of them from previous pos but they're just inconvenient to use.
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*taps shoulder*
Doesn't have the revolutionary xMEMS technology.
but it is an extreme meme
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So my Artti t10 died. I only paid $38 for em so I'm wondering if it's worth paying for shipping back to China for RMA or should I just take the L and move on?
>cadenzo for 170$
Jesus fucking christ do you live on antarctic ice sheet or something?
this nigga using the dollar sign for his toilet paper currency
>bought moondrop space travel
>it can't stand wind (i cycle a lot)
>anc is a meme on downhill (only works inside)
sound is great, but the wind issues are a nono for me

i read that samsung buds 2 / fe have a good anc.... might just get it. any cons?
Never heard ANC that handles wind properly, you'll have to test it yourself. I heard snoys do it better than most.
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The only valid iem is Tanchjim Origin, everything else is self-destroying POS.
snoys? i can't find it
just for reference, i need a wireless pair that can handle wind cuz i go out on a bike a lot
Snoy means sony.
In XM5 wind noise reduction does not exist in Ambient Mode.
I've only tried Linkbuds S for a short time few months back and mostly indoors so I can't tell how it is there.
so whats the deal with balanced plugs?
They're louder.
it improves techs by 1.7x
something for audiofools to feel different and superior
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when did they released this pos..
about a year and a half ago. Basically a wan’er for $50. it was an utter flop
what a pos
There was a retarded guy whose life’s mission seemed to be posting teardown pictures of IEMs, and he created a huge drama because the DD in this IEM was similar to the one in the wanker. Besides the quality of the shell, tuning, and damping were different, and people were actually enjoying the sound. But after his drama posts, everyone started saying, "Oh no, a wanker driver for $50? Are you kidding me!? Scam!". Tangzu is passive af and couldn't explain properly in English and made the situation worse by saying that was a batch mistake instead of saying the whole acoustic chain was more important but too late for the Southeast Asia Chink Cancel Gang. Pity.
New Tangzu omggg
pos on arrival?
It's a BCD Piezo, I believe it's meant to vibrate the shell like a mest rather than make the treble worse.
this gonna cost like 300 then
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N8 finally arrived. Customs are indeed quite comfortable, the fit seems good, they don't fall out or misallign and I hear practically no outside noise with the sound on.This is going to be my setup for many years.
Would be weird if customs didnt fit. Congrats anon, hope you enjoy the musc.
IntraRectal Masturbators General
I've heard horror stories about ciems not fitting and going back and forth several times between the manufacturer and the customer.
Fit security and seal are almost always perfect but the long term comfort depends on the weight. They can shave off the shell a little but there's not much you can do to make plastic comfortable. Another issue is ear molds are usually done with your mouth open, makes sense for musicians but not for music listeners. If you don't need the isolation of customs regular IEMs can be way more comfortable.
nah not worth sending back. just try your best for some kind of partial refund or replacement
Stop lying.
If the tuning was better it wouldn’t have been as much of a shitshow but it was basically a wanker with even more shout.
>the diaphragm is 90% the same
uh oh someone doesn't know the meaning of 'same' or percentage. The premium build and 10% difference warrant the price difference. And they don't even measure the same because different shell and nozzle means different insertion depth and coupling.
>Premium build
Pffft lol
Pretty close actually...
We have penguins and stuff
Good morning autists. Leave whatever you're doing rn and tell me what iems/headphones and amp/dac to buy for casual listening at home 1-2 hours. Budget is $200 freedombucks. I was thinking Sony MDR-7506 + Moondrop Dawn pro + TRN Conch
PS. I'm a Chad so I need a flat sound.
Any jcally less than $15
You're a retard and you don't know what "flat sound" is.
Skip the headphones unless you really like the form factor. Skip the Moondrop Dawn Pro, you have no use case for it at all. Invest most of the money into the IEMs, although most <$20 IEMs are all you really need unless you value build quality. Conch are a decent option, but Delci is probably a better option in terms of comfort.
Use the EQ guide in the OP. EQ is the single most useful and impactful tool you have. Read the guide all the way through if you're not a retard and can read.
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Fox IEM, endgame.
Trying to figure out what to get, my primary focus is YouTube editing, gaming, and watching movies on my desktop.

Hyper 4
Kiwi Ears Orchestra Lite

Sennheiser HD 800S
Dt 990 pro

I'm feeling like I'm just looking at the high budget ones and not really realizing how much more I can get for a lot cheaper. Any thoughts on these and and maybe some stuff that's a lot cheaper that works for my use case. I like a lot of bass.
See >>102140382
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My fellow 64chud
>I like a lot of bass
Orchestra Lite is definitely out. The others are fine, better with EQ. Fatfreq and their IEMs like Scarlet Mini are at the forefront of huge bass, even too much for some people.
>maybe some stuff that's a lot cheaper that works for my use case
Generally yes. Diminishing returns for IEMs hits pretty hard. Picking a decent overall IEM (sub-$150), a few extra pairs of ear tips, and achieving secure comfortable seal gets you 80th percentile audio already. EQ, good source (clean low-noise DAC AMP), and the resolution of media you play scales the experience up. For budget picks, Kefine Delci is a good bassy balanced sound.
your budget is too small for any good headphones, let alone the rest all together. apple dongle + truthear hexa. report back if you really like "flat" sound (bet you don't)
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This is all I need for a DAC, right?
u gotta enable dat 7.1 surround sound to hear the opps footsteps in fortnite g
Foxchad, can you help with images of OG elora from spyro, kurisu from s:g and chidori from full metal panic?
I just can't get them to look right even after 1 gorillion hours in gimp
You send a rough sketch to epz and they do everything else themselves.
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Whenever I see those snoy daps your opinion on audio is immediately garbage.
You bought something with a highly colored output, no way to fix it "le mrwalkman save me doesnt count, its just a different kind of colored", and no parametric eq.
If you want a gimped android phone you could have gotten an ibasso
If you wanted a real pmp you could have gotten an f20/eros and installed rockbox.
Instead you decided to be a snoy.
Many such cases. Sad!
>zeos farming affiliate links = omg what a shill and blatant conflict of interests, so untrusty!
>Super* Review farming affiliate links and literally shilling hifigo on squiglink = omg what a trustworthy reviewer!
why is this hobby like that
cute fox
Super isn't a disgusting fat ass, looks relatively normal and isn't overly shilly
super shits on both dunu and thieaudio so he's pretty based
idgaf who affiliate links. it's more like
>zeos: "wow sounds different between these 5 DACs" + wildly unreliable 9/10s handed out
>super: decent production and format to make an actual show and give opinion on the various aspects of the product + has squigs
which differentiates the two in terms of worth
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eksqueze me but thats the wrong chidori
dunu est 112 was his yearphone of the ear at some point and he loved the glacier harman tuning
thiefaudio mmk2/hype2/4 4 stars
is 64 Audio the best kilopos brand?
>what a wonderful sound, music to my ears, I love it
mark "Mrs." (Mistress) ryan
>four stars out of five, it's decent because I say so
that's the difference, one of them is well-aware of his own subjectivity, while the other is either a narcissist or not fully grown-up and considers his opinion an absolute fact
You forgot midwit wannabe statisticians from headphonesdotcom and one fatso who claim that there is some objective target and pos should follow it to be good (usually ones that aim for it are incidentally sold by them), they even made quite big pseudoscience cult around it.
>my retard is better than your retard
Shanling M0s
or if you prefer, one of them is worse
can we all agree that all of them are retarded in one way or another?
this includes us too
my retardation >>> your retardation
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Probably, everything they make I can wear for 8 hours without discomfort and they use metal shells. Unfortunately their tuning of everything except the U18s isn't to my preference but its nothing a bit of EQ can't fix.
>Want to get into IEMs
Don't. These threads are consumerism masquerading as a hobby.
Buy a set of IEMs for £50 max and only come back here to laugh at the shitflinging by third worlders. These threads are 99% South East Asians or Indians who buy IEMs because they can't afford headphones.
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We have a new king
$999 EQ + $1 pos
EPZ Q1 Pro + Qudelix 5k. Simgot EA500LM if rich.
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Upper mids and treble is actually bretty decent. Some weird bass rolloff although it’s super subbass so not really going to make a huge difference
>Want to get into IEMs
No you don't, getting into audio equipment as a hobby will make you enjoy music less because you'll constantly start chasing highs and get to the point where you use music to listen to your equipment rather than the other way around, ignorance is pure bliss.
dentcans are obsolete
Where to buy this EQ thing you guys talk about?
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I wanna give flatheads a try, should I go for the FAAEAL Iris or the Nicehck ydx for only like $3 more?
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Wait a bit for cute pink edition
you must have a lot of USD then, because it's the unit for measuring retardation
For me Iris is early endgame if you don't want to spend more on buds. The next big step up is vents and dyi stuff.
that is where the techs are stored
I need wireless recommendations for the gym. I lift run and bike.
just remember and play the song in your head
techs would be too overwhelming
good point...
Roseselsa Ceramics X maybe
I use Soundpeats Free2 Classics for that, they're pretty decent
Anyone use a USB c splitter? Recommendations for charging and using headphones at once?
Looking specifically for c and c ends*
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First impressions of the moondrop block... It's bad. Would not recommend.

The mic is bad, not useable for calls, sound is muffled, and the fit is nonexistent, feels like they will fall out any moment. Surprised by how much better the space travels are at almost the same price. I think a big miss from moondrop
So what you're saying is... MOONDROPPED
buy a phone for humans, not for subhumans
more like... moonBLOCKED!
Why are tws all bluetooth? Why aren't there any dongle based wireless buds?
because that's the antithesis of a small form factor and very power inefficient
There's jbl quantum tws and a couple of others, they're marketed for gamers
Shame considering most the issues of tws comes from the fact that bluetooth is shit
China will save us with NearLink.
Very neat, thanks anon
if you dont want it to fall out, stuff with attached earhooks like beats powerbeats pro. could also try open ear or bone conduction. open ear is cheaper, neither have great sound quality but they allow you to hear surroundings
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Hype4/MKIII would be your best bet from what you listed. I reckon you will be more than satisfied with the Hype4, only go expensive if it’s within your budget. You can also get really good sets for around the $150 mark.
Well, looks like I found my endgame tips. The sancai's fit really well, dont make my ears irritable, seal well and avoid overpressure on bass heavy songs (my iems have a vent but somehow I feel like this helps).
There are only 2 tws currenttly from moondrop worth using.
>Space travels
>Golden ages
Everything in between is a space travel reskin
And golden ages arent even good value for your money.
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guinea pigs were injected in a lab for you to enjoy those ear tips
thank you ratzo for your participation
May those pigs rest in animal heaven. I currently have my endgame for pretty much everything:
>Good cable
>Enjoy the iems
>Found the correct eq
>Use phone with sd card as dap
>Comfortable tips
Only missing a portable dac but desu I feel like it would not add much to my listening experience overall.
Poll: how long do you spend with your pos inserted each day
new bread >>102147686

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