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Relax edition

previous: >>102087392

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Home_server#Custom
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
PCIE info: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf
>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
>For more SATA ports, use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
Can you run ECC on a Ryzen 5500 and does the ASUS B350M-A boot without GPU?

I have a 4350G "Pro" that I'm looking to upgrade. 4650G and similar are absolutely overpriced and hard to obtain. The 5500 would be a lovely Cezanne with likely even less power draw and efficiency. Or would you go 5600 (UV + Underclock)?

The server was running on my old B550 "gaming" board that I'm looking to sell right now in hope of improved efficiency and money. The server runs idle most of the time, just TrueNAS and several ubuntu server VMs. I have 32 GB ECC DDR4 but wonder if I even need ECC, because I don't see why I should pay 150-200 € for a shitty old Renoir CPU that I could get an entire laptop with the same CPU for.
I already answered it >>102122068 bro.

NO. A 5500 will not run ECC. Need a pro or X version of the chip.

A quick goolge shows your board does support it. You need unbuffered udimm ram. The registered ram will not work.

Posting your question a third time will get you the same answer.
The board of course supports it.

So how much worse would a 5600 would be or should I just buy the 5500 and run it without ECC?
how do I host things on interet with https using reverse proxy? I have public ip. do I need public domain?
You can just hit the public ip, but a domain would make it easier to remember. Have the reverse proxy forward the request to your wsgi host. I do it via wireguard to prevent having to open ports on my home network.
SSL certificates are possible for IPs but not best practice and rarely used.
If you can buy a domain you'll be able to follow well established guides etc
if your proxy IP is static you don't NEED a domain. if it's not static then you probably should get one and set up DDNS
if the proxy IP changes you wont know which IP the proxy has, but DDNS will see the change and update DNS accordingly so you can always hit your proxy via DNS
not necessarily, if you have a static public ip
but getting an ssl cert for an ip is not easy
letsencrypt and probably other free ssl providers require you to use a domain
plus its easier to remember
just get a free one from afraid.org.
Just bought 30TB raw of SAS3 SSDs. Gonna try playing with Ceph
christ, what was the damage?
I would like to have a server that people local to the area can connect to and where they can view a private website and share files. What is this called and what is a good way to do this?
What's the minimum boot disk size requirement with Ubuntu Server (pure ext4, no LVM? I have one VM which uses 6,2G but I recall the installer doesn't like if you have less space than 50 Gb.
a lan server
how will local people connect to it? why will they?
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So I finally got my server hardware up and installed Proxmox on it. This is my goal.
Using OpenMediaVault as a NAS VM and use SnapRaid for a bit of protection and redundancy and MergerFS for a simplified pool. Then I use a Windows VM (or linux if I ever learn it) to download crap from the internet and store it in the OMV container. I would also add a couple more VMs or containers so it can read, not write, from the OMV storage.

I am very new and I don't know what I am doing but is something like this possible? how hard would it be to setup?

"Block probing did not discover any disks big eough to support guided storage configuration"

10G works fine with default install, I'm not bothering with minimal.

>time to get some cheap Optane boot drives
>guided storage configuration
yeah you dont need that
I would like them to connect via Wi-Fi. For why, maybe I can ask people IRL to try it.
>how hard would it be to setup?
piss easy

but dont use windows its bad.
just "learn linux" its not difficult
>just "learn linux" its not difficult
I will. Probably soon, like next week or so. I just need it to start downloading stuff as soon as possible and I'm very comfortable with Windows.
And thanks.
for the anons with massive 50 or 100tb+ nas arrays: how do you handle backup? tape? pay for offsite? that’s gotta get pricey, no? a second array?
>currently have 89TB of data
>only backup ~2TB of it
I only back up really important stuff. Like family photos, documents and stuff. One copy in my server (HDD). Two copies in my closet (HDD and Blu-Ray disks) that I check maybe twice a year. One copy on the cloud. One copy at may sibling's house (two siblings so one copy each, HDD, I sync and spin it up maybe twice a year). And the last physical copy in a safety deposit box in my bank.

Games, music, movies, shows, books, audio books, etc. None of those gets backed up. Because at the end of the day when I lose all those I would just get really angry and annoyed.
If I lose like, photos of my parents, I will never get those back since they already passed away and I would probably cry.
I don't practice the 3-2-1 method since a lot of my data is replaceable. But when they're not I go all out to make sure I never lose them.
it's nice to larp around with if it isn't much trouble but otherwise i don't think it's worth it for a non production server
https://piratebox.cc/ is one example of that. way outdated now though.

you just need to setup a wifi ap with your website advertised as a captive portal by dhcp
put some info there about what your server does and a web file manager or just simple file index.

https://gist.github.com/theprojectsomething/a8406ba6be3ed3335fb3a2e5efea4b41 explains some of it. of particular relevance is tls since browsers dont like when you dont have tls in current year, even if its a private ip and thus shouldnt be issued a globally-trusted certificate.
i wouldnt use networkmanager or snap (or ubuntu...) personally but thats up to you. fuck snap.
just use hostapd, make sure your wifi card supports AP mode. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Software_access_point
>does the ASUS B350M-A boot without GPU
re ecc: https://www.asus.com/us/support/faq/1045186/
extremely unhelpful.
other anon is wrong and ecc works on all ryzen 5000 cpus that dont have integrated graphics. whether or not that applies to the 5500 I don't know, given they're 5600gs with the igpu disabled.
maybe its possible you get a 5650g pro with disabled igpu instead and then ecc works or something.
Thank you very much senpai
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I have 12 days to go anywhere I want and do anything I want, but all I can think of is staying home and working on my home network and programs. Nothing is more thrilling that keeping services online and playing cat and mouse with malicious skiddies and glowies. Does anyone feel me?
what do you use for cloud stuff? I'm starting to feel the need for cloud but I'm not sure what to do
maybe build my own in AWS or azure or something but I'm still throwing ideas around
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Do I have to seperate my dual wan and my local network setup? I have them together in one router.
depends on your router but chances are if it can do dual wan its more than up to the task for home use.
I must build stuff. I feel compelled to
Beyond checking for bad sectors, is there anything I should to with a used enterprise HDD before adding it to my storage pool?
Article I found that I still do even on new HDDs.
Almost $1k. Got a really good deal on used 400GB drives. They were probably run into the ground so I guess I'll get a good chance to test how resilient Ceph really is.
my router is capable of doing both so I decided to let the router do all of the stuff.
thats a killer deal anon, nice
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>75 drives
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I guess kind of related but picked up an 8 port semi-managed tp-link switch for $27 on amazon.
I didn't want to go on vacation because I just wanted to work on my email server.
Thank you anon, that's exactly the sort of thing I was looking for
I have about the same as you (86tb of data) and ultimately the same approach as you. been looking into lto7 to back up the whole array but man those drives are pricey
Do any of you use mergerfs? If so, why?
I do.
Because I used it for a while and I don't want to switch.
>75 drives
what if you raid0 them all? you get 100gbps write speeds?
I do similar to >>102118227 but I use btrfs on bare drives, snapraid, and mergerfs on bare Linux. Works well imo, there are solutions to integrate btrfs snapshots with snapraid.
I can unionize disks while still having the raw disk underneath and getting near native performance. It was either the above solution or zfs, and I didn't think zfs made sense for disposable data storage where I would prefer more capacity.
Depends on the workload. Assuming that the dataset is striped across 75 drives with 100k IOPS each, that would come out to 30.72GB/s or 245.76Gb/s. Sequential performance should be double that or even more depending on the drives.
I am looking at 2.5 g unmanaged switches to connect 5 computers together. A few questions -
1. what brand should I get? There are 100's of chineese cliones on amazon, I'm not sure if this poses a secruty risk
2. Will my normal firewall work, or do I need to invest in something better? One of the ports will be used for wi-fi, but I'm not 100% sure if that is a vunerability
3. When looking at pipe-size, 1 gigabit vs 2g vs 10g, I assume that means the total bandwidth available, so even though I only have a 1gig fibre line from my isp, is it worth it to go 10g for file transfer, or will my spinning platter hard drives in my nas make this too slow anyway and it's just a waste of money?
The largest advantage to having a wider bandwidth on your switch is that you can saturate your server. If you have a lot of clients (either external or internal), then something like a 10 gig SFP+ port can get saturated by many several connections drawing off the server all at once, plus torrent downloads/seeding, and backups to external connections (if you're doing that, of course).
2.5 gig is nice because its pretty widely available from a consumer side, though you will have a hard time finding enterprise 2.5 gig gear (versus something like 1 and 10 gig).
I split the difference and ended up with a 2.5gig port switch that has an extra 10 gig SFP+ port that I plug my server into. So yeah, I'll never get 10 gigs direct to any client, but that's not the point. It just means I'll basically never saturate that 10 gig to the server, whereas with my 1 gig I actually managed to a few times.
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ty for the answer anon
I just ordered a 2.5g, I think it should be enough
Just make sure to check your connections once you plug everything in. I had a bad ethernet cable that was only negotiating 100mb when whatever cat number it was should have been capable of 2.5 gig. Of course your NIC also needs to support 2.5g.
You can do
ethtool <network interface>
to get a readout of the negotiated speed.
maybe amazon has a good deal. i got my refurbished ironwolf pro nas drives from there
That's what I recently built my NAS out using, except they went on a deal for 115 dollars a drive (currently at 130).
They're working great so far. SMART all checked out and they're handling everything well.
Is VMWare really worth $210/year over the alternatives?
im copying a fuckton of data from one part of a zpool to another part of the same pool. if i scrub the "new" data and theres no errors, im good to delete the original data right?
I think I'm doing something wrong. I set up a NAS using OMV and when I copy files I'm only getting 18-20 MB/s. They are connected with a cat6 cable to a 1Gb switch. I should be getting 125 MB/s, right?
I only have one disk in the NAS since I'm still testing things out and it's a pretty old HDD. Like 2008 old. Is the HDD my problem or did I fuck up somewhere? I don't know when the time HDD speeds go up.
test the drive with fio
>I only have one disk in the NAS since I'm still testing things out and it's a pretty old HDD. Like 2008 old.
read from /dev/null over the network, that should give you a better idea of your theoretical max speed.
I'm new to linux so I don't know how to do that. But thanks. I'll Google how to do this.
if your client is windows then i dont know either, i only know how to do it with dd
I managed to install fio in linux. I don't know how to point it to my HDD.
sorry, i was the guy suggesting reading from /dev/zero.
you can do this on the server instead:
mount -o size=1G -t tmpfs none /mnt/tmpfs

which makes a temporary ramdisk (until you reboot, or unmount it). share it with smb (symlinking it is probably easier), put a big file on there and download it.
Yeah nigger, yolo
fio --name=whatever_read ---filename=/mnt/data0/fio-test --bs=1M --rw=read --direct=1 --size=2G --numjobs=1 

replace /mnt/data0/fio-test with a path on that disk (the file will be overwritten if it exists)
you can check where a disk is mounted with df
then run it a second time but replace read with write.
should probably write first, then read right?
I won't get a 5650G PRO even the 4650G is like 150-200 € they are insane

I could get a 5500 for about 40 € and now wonder if I should just run without ECC
Or run TrueNAS with one core, do you think it suffices?

This array of 3 shit HDDs is a temporary solution until I can afford a 16-18 TB. Right now I have a B550M gaming board which I intend to sell, the B350 should be good enough and I paid 18 € for it with shipping included.
>I won't get a 5650G PRO
i meant maybe the 5500 you get could have originally supposed to have been a 5650g pro before getting its igpu lobotomised
the 5500 absolutely does not support ecc
but all other ryzen 5000 non-G do (except the 5700 and 5100, which are more lobotomised APUs)
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so rsync will just eat 100% of the memory you give it huh? what a little whore.
I226-V NICs are also unsuitable for 1 GbE. One-way TCP throttling issues with a Cisco Catalyst 1000 switch when EEE is enabled.
You don't. WireGuard is experimental and unsupported by Windows, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, FortiGate firewall appliances, and more. IKEv2/IPsec on the other hand...
Not a server build. Despite the ECC RAM, it's not going to be validated to be running in ECC mode for reduced risk.
>Is an Intel Xeon 1620 v3 enough to run a handful of VMs in Proxmox?
I did this formerly, and it's not with any Windows guests or something like GitLab. E-waste.
A confusing post. Are you implying you only have one server and you can only turn it off at night, meaning you don't have resiliency and failure tolerance? That's not good architecture, anon.
I have nothing against EPYC 4004 systems, but the Ryzen systems have no place here except for things like high frequency trading (HFT) where low latency is more beneficial over reliability or ECC memory support (which Ryzen doesn't have). Ryzen 4004 is also so new, there aren't many refurbished DIY servers or OEM prebuilts around it on the market, so historically the hardware anons use has skewed towards Intel on server platforms.
Intel has arguably better processor security and virtualization features on CPUs and way better documentation, while AMD currently has better architecture.
Low idle power isn't the goal, keeping the CPUs utilized 100% is.
People are unable to read OEM supported operating systems on those platforms, find out all those supported operating systems are end-of-life and often no longer receive security support. The CPUs themselves are usually EOSL'd too. iDRAC8 and earlier is also out of support; Supermicro typically doesn't provide BIOS/IPMI firmware updates after a CPU goes EOSL, meaning IPMI interfaces also no longer get support.
These things are toxic and present high risks for your data environment, and should be replaced.
>other anon is wrong and ecc works on all ryzen 5000 cpus that dont have integrated graphics.
4 GB for cloud images, 5 GB for ISO installs. Suggested minimum 25 GB.

(This page is relatively new, added late in 22.04 LTS lifecycle, around the time of Ubuntu 24.04 release.)
>but dont use windows its bad.
Shut up. Windows Server has its own uses for traditional AD deployments in environments where Entra ID can't be used, and PE server executable software (mostly gameservers).
I wouldn't virtualize Windows clients on a server because licensing their remote access is pain, but you can't argue with Windows being the most used and well supported and innovative client operating system. Heck, even Ubuntu Linux didn't have TPM-backed FDE boot as an option until many years later (since Ubuntu 23.10).
Literal days go by and I don’t even have to tweak or look at my server. Everything just werks. Only thing I need to worry about is fitting more drives in my case. Think I need a SAS card next for more sata ports.
What do you all prefer to use for notes/reminders? That and learning how to use paperless-ngx more effectively is all I can think of getting going right now.
>I am looking at 2.5 g unmanaged switches
Not server related. Switches must be managed for troubleshooting and utilize server grade NIC speeds.

You will not find 2.5 Gbps firewalls on the cheap and 2.5 Gbps on managed Cisco access switches costs money (including licensing costs), where 2.5 Gbps is for high density wireless APs and not home use.
If you have any Windows or RHEL guests and you're currently using virtio-win drivers, or you are following the "cattle not pets" paradigm with Terraform, maybe, it depends. But you'll need to setup vSAN from the get go with 3 vSphere hosts, or trouble yourself with Starwind VSAN Free's limitations and exporting iSCSI LUNs, or use hardware RAID from the get go.
>she doesn't have at least 128 GB RAM on a server
Unused RAM is wasted RAM. Free available RAM is used temporarily for caching.
I'll probably stick to my current setup then, thank you anon
Here you go.
i use mbuffer to replicate zfs snapshots at night and just noticed it regularly kills some of my containers on my 8G k8s head node
I love you, Home Server General anons
oyasumi <3
Hello anons.
I have a transmission daemon running on my home server but since I started data hoarding, I have been using qbittorent a lot on my faster machine due to its search feature.
Qbittorent has a torrent search function. I'm essentially trying to setup qbittorent nox so i can run qbittorent headless but I also need to be able to access the search engine feature. Is there an open source android app that is a qbittorent client that has the qbittorent search feature? Or is using the web interface after setting qbittorent-nox my best bet?
And of you guys have experience with virtualization on TrueNAS?
Windows server with AD unironically goes kinda fucking hard in a homelab, the ability to push certs out of the box and push them with GPO is rad as hell. Not to mention literally everything has LDAP integration, and integration is ez. Windows server core is pretty awesome too.
No, you can literally get a free license key by googling "esxi *version #" key" and there's tons in literally just a plain .txt file and they just work.
My experience was pretty bad desu, it worked great when I started using it in 2022 and one of the updates they pushed just completely broke it. Basically consigned myself to not using VMs anymore because everything else worked great in my lab. Recently made the switch to proxmox. It's a lot less frustrating.
Wouldn't this put insane stress on the HDDs making them age faster or something?
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I'm compartmentalizing my utilities and services/scripts by using a system with umask=027 and splitting everything into separate users/groups, and making sure these users have the least amount of capabilities to break out of their sandboxes.

However, I'm unsure on how to go about uploading/downloading data (git repos, downloads, etc) from my various machines/laptop/phone without first going through my user, then logging in as root and copying/chowning the files.

For example: I want to upload a git repo over ssh so that user "foo" can read it and run CI on it. Do I:
- Add my public ssh key to user foo and log in as him directly? (annoying as I'll have to add keys for different of my devices to each user I require logging in as, revoking keys being just as annoying)
- Add my user to the "foo" group, and create a directory under /home/foo with "rwxr-x--- myuser foo" perms and the setgid flag?
- Give the user "foo" access to a "git" group which I'll use to store git projects for read-only access in various services?
- Completely give up and break out the selinux/apparmor/bubblewrap/other container tech and just run everything under my user with a reduced filesystem view, and forget about users and groups

Honestly, I just want something simple that won't break my back trying to keep rogue/hijacked services from reading out all my data from different home folders.

What are other anon's approaches to sensible/easy security, using simple mechanisms?
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Where do I sell these? Found a bunch of them lying around waiting for me to take home
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>new server rack idle at 28W
I don't regret ditching the ancient professional equipment to replace it with refurbished office desktop machine
Is DVD/BD burning as a different-media backup a meme? I plan on getting tape drives sooner or later anyways.
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Finally I got swag and qbittorrent running rootless podman containers in Fedora with Selinux. And swag getting true source ips.

I had to use a parameter (-T) of pasta network and passing it to podman. I think Podman hadnt implemented this yet.

Hope I can get this with quadlets.
I don't know if it's a meme, if only because I don't think I've heard anyone unironically recommend it since Windows XP was new, but it's almost certainly not worth your time

Aren't BDs only like 25gb each? So you'd need 40 of them per tb of data. Even a modest NAS with 32tb of storage would require >1,200 of them
I dont know how much power my r440 uses, but it sips power. my power bill is cheaper now than when i was using my old nas, which was an 8600k, 32gb of ram, and the same amount of HDDs.
Am running OPNsense with a separate network for my homeserver. Now i want to lock down the possible outwards traffic.

this is easily done for static targets like debian or ubuntu repositories, but how do you guys manage your rules for e.g. docker hub with rotating ips?
>keeping the CPUs utilized 100% is
Why, on a home server?
fuck off enterpriseschizo

I don't dispute it. Anon made no mention of anything that windows is a lot better for (like AD).
I've never actually used AD.

if they're properly stored they can last a long time and hardware to read them will be ubiquitous for well into the foreseeable future.
trying to backup an entire raid array onto optical media is a huge meme though.
imo if an HDD fails that burn in test it's trash and needs to be replaced immediately, especially a new hdd. Better to die in a test than to die with your data.
I used similar tests when I first got my HDDs and I've been running them for several years now basically reading 24/7 and writing fairly often without any problems. But they are enterprise HDDs.
Would you have this Git concern if you would use GitLab and use its GUI to manage permissions?
Containers inside VMs or Kubernetes clusters per service.
Power to performance efficiency, of course. Unlock your capabilities and selection of software you can run, don't be constrained by it (e.g. don't choose cgit or similar because your hardware can't meet GitLab's system requirements for 2,000 users architecture).
Similar to this anon's suggestion - i haven't got time to manage file permissions for git users but i wanted segregated users for various things in git. I use forgejo and it's GUI to manage users and permissions - everything connects as forgejo@ over ssh
Explain to me how does libvirt NAT interact with firewalld. I don't understand it at all, libvirt places its interface in "libvirt" zone, which has an ACCEPT target and a 'rule priority=32767 reject' rich rule and some services allowed by default. What does that rich rule do? I can't access ports on the host from the guest, unless they're allowed in the libvirt firewalld zone, can access ports on the guest from the host by default, but can't ping the guest from the host (while the guest can ping the host).
Was this the wring general to ask this?
Maybe I should try /ptg or whatever torrent related general is up.
You're asking about about Androids apps, which is outside the expertise of this general.

You'd probably get better responses in /spg/
Love you too
le unused resources are le wasted resources
why dont you just use a different search engine
Why does RHEL only support XFS?
I'll bite for enterprise trolling. I have been in many board rooms where these things (tech/ IT budgets) are discussed.

Every person who knows tech manufacturing knows enterprise hardware is built to a better standard than personal computer, but its fractions of a percentage in terms of difference in quality. If at all. Thats a fact.

The real reason you are paying $20k+ for a rack server from Dell / HP is NOT for performance or reliability directly. Its an insurance policy for the buyer that they will get recompensated for this server blowing up on week 1 for the downtime caused by it should it happen. Dell is basically charging a highly actuarial based fee for this server NOT because of the hardware costs but for the risk of downtime. Thats what Enterprise schizo is getting his budget approved for $50k+ for his Magic the Gathering "critical uptime" forum requests from stupid CFOs.

The whole Epyc ECC validated vs Ryzen Pro non-validated is just stickers on a car. There is NO technological difference in the hardware underneath. Its just risk management.

So for a home server, I promise you if you bought that $20k Dell Poweredge to larp as a data center, I promise you that Dell ain't paying you shit for downtime because you CANNOT prove in court any damages when it goes down.

TLDR: Pic related is setting the price of enterprise gear in the link below; NOT hardware or reliability stats.

Why does the SPICE protocol suck so much?
Have any of you used https://stratis-storage.github.io ? I've never heard of it, but it's the only filesystem thing other than XFS designated as halal by the RHEL documentation
>Then I use a Windows VM (or linux if I ever learn it) to download crap from the internet and store it in the OMV container
Anon, Linux was made for downloading crap from the internet
linux is literally crap you download from the internet
except its good crap
>want to try out the new ksmbd kernel module
>its available on ubuntu 22
>but the userspace package for 22.04 is a minor version behind the 24.04 version
>fuck it, ill try out ubuntu 24
>package install fails
>its a known bug thats been around for months https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ksmbd-tools/+bug/2064694
welp, back to 22.04 for me
>home server
every fucking time lol
>linux is good crap
fair and accurate
real as fuck. that stuff is nice to have, but not necessary at all. i got by for years with a normal desktop as my nas.
A reminder that Ubuntu 24.04.1 is now enterprise ready (for servers) and truly "LTS".
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good times just keep on coming. I never even needed to leave my apartment!!
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good times sisters... I got too cocky
there we go (we're so back)
what do you guys use for monitoring? i want a sexy, customizable web ui.
Prometheus for metrics, Grafana for observability is the go-to or the most popular setup.
Give me something cool to install on my server
develop your own shit and deploy it on your own server
i personally like checkmk due to how easy it is to get going.
you can customize the different views somewhat but not as much as other solutions.
Host a Monero node
but how would i ever validate it for my enterprise hardware/environment????
thanks for the recs frens <3 they look cool, ill check them both out
nice setup bro
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Out of sight out of mind
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I started getting this when trying to use jellyfin (except on one roku). I updated the server using the command below and when i do it now it says "jellyfin is already the newest version (10.9.10+ubu2004)." but still im getting the error. What do i need to do to fix this? If i uninstall jellyfin and reinstall will my configs still be there or will i be starting from scratch?
curl -s https://repo.jellyfin.org/install-debuntu.sh | sudo bash
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What is the best Xiaomi Router I can run openwrt on?

If they have a 2.5gbe one i'd buy that instantly
I don't know anything about routers. Why that specific brand? It sounds like chinkshit.
But mine isn't really better since I'm using Amazon's Eero routers. I actually want to switch but hesitating since I don't know shit.
I just figured I'd get one considerably cheaper that does AX and 2.5gbe rather than spending £300 something on a Netgear
I have a 50tb NAS and a second 50tb NAS onsite. Some media like web novel translations are only hosted on a single site hosted in some guy's basement. Too much irreplacable stuff.
I don't back up the translations themselves but I back up the original. I was gonna save the translations too but I always thought it would be cheaper to just learn the language.
nice bro, I love you you're always encouraging. May your mommy cook good food, and your daddy make lots of money and take you on fun fishing trips (if that sounds fun to you)
what does your setup consist of?
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>Lenovo Think Tower (?) i5 9400F with a 1660ti removed at the moment cus its squeaking. Runs Ubuntu 22, wireguard n shit
>2012 macbook glow. Runs Ubuntu 22, wireguard n shit. Redundancy, you know?
>Archer C7 router running OpenWRT. Fuck off, it works great.
>Got a managed 5 port switch to isolate (using a VLAN) my network from my glowing work laptop. Wouldn't want them to see what I'm hosting.
>Desktop running Ubuntu 22 Desktop
>Laptop running Ubuntu 24.04.1 Desktop
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I have a server running truenas core (free bsd version) with an intel x550-t2 nic connected to my windows 11 pc via ethernet going to a marvel aquanita 10Gbe nic.

Up until recently it ran fine, but in the last couple months the speeds of the connection has randomly been dropping to 10 MB/s or 40 MB/s speeds. If I restart the server it seems to fix the problem.

anyone know what is going on or how to fix it ?
You update drivers recently or something?
I dont think i have so I was wondering if it's possible one of the cards is going bad.

marvell aqtion 10gbe nic driver is 3.1.7 from 6/2/2022

property settings:
Downshift retries : 4
Energy-Efficienct ethernet : disabled
row control tx & Tx enabled
interupt moderation: enabled
interupt moderation rate: adaptive
ipv4 checksum offload rx & tx Enabled
jumbo packet: disabled
Maximum number of RSS queues: 4
NS offload: enabled
Receive Side Scaling: enabled
Speed & Duplex: Auto Negotiation

It will show 10Gbe speed in true nas control panel even though it runs at 1MB/s max
Not sure if this is even the right place for this question because it's totally noobish but eh
>external hard drive hooked into pc
>pc is running kodi
>able to source a folder for videos
>able to stream
Awesome. But my problem is
>ENTIRE external hard drive data is also shared
>I can stop the sharing by removing/ejecting my external hard drive itself with a little plug icon
>however, doing this prevents my selected file from being accessable

To sum it up all I need is to host a single folder from an external drive instead of just the entire drive. Regular web searching for this question has given me fuck all so I'm here :p
just updated to the latest driver 3.1.10

I'll have to see if it fixes it.
really cool.
i only have one machine at the moment, a thinkstation p510 and it's just running proxmox with OMV in it. still trying to learn how things work.
Speaking of Proxmox, does anyone use log2ram?
I want to make my consumer SSD last longer. I disabled two logging services so far.
systemctl disable --now syslog.socket pve-ha-crm.service
systemctl disable --now syslog.socket pve-ha-lrm.service
I don't think if it's enough or if I should use log2ram also. I'm not using any ZFS in my servers.
any of you guys do cluster computing? im compiling trilinos right now, wish me luck.

What do you use your home server for?
newfag here. what's the difference between a NAS and a home server? I plan on setting up ps3netsrv to play games on my jailbroken PS3 https://consolemods.org/wiki/PS3:PS3netsrv
I thought about picking up picrel and storing all my stuff on that (games, MMA fights, movies, etc.) how should I go about doing this? sorry if this isn't the correct thread to ask.
Fuck you. Read the OP or just google it.
is gitlab supposed to be kind of a resource hog or did i fuck something up
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That netgear is useless for anything but larping in /aig/
there isn't really a hard line but generally speaking a home server might include nas features - the situation is complicated by traditionally what were NAS offerings expanding to offer home server like functionality such as virtual machines / containers.
>12TB+ drives start being worth it and are not CMR!
ok 12TB refurbished ironwolf it is
>use RAIDz2!
that's 4 of them...
>use 321 backups!
that's at least one more instance of it... also alternative media is either impractical or way too expensive (how are tape drive writers/readers so expensive??)
how does the average /hsg/ anon even afford this
that's like what $600?
also the enterprisefags are all larpers, every last one of them
600$ in new or refurbished?
Best I found was refurbished 12TB IronWolf drives for 160$ (converted from local currency) each
refurb HC520 go for about $75
I fucking love living in europe then because for me that's at least 150$ and sometimes warranty is questionable
While the $75 drives do have warranty I don't really care as I doubt the warranty will be honored without a ton of hassle.
If you're OK with no warranty you can try importing the drives from the us or china, both have them for about the same price.
bump. anyone?
I picked up some 14TB ironwolf pro new for GBP 200 each.
HC520 refurb or similar much cheaper but i plan to run these into the dust
I like to think i'm pretty nuts but i've never felt the need to do this - what is the threat you're trying to mitigate?
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I love my miniITX server, bros. Its aN Asrock J4125, 12 TB HDD plus 500GB SSD for dl cache. It runs Jellyfin plus the arr stack. And various other random shit from the awesome list. OMV7 (debian bookworm). 30 W usage at idle. I am a dyel when it comes to tech lol.
very neat anon, i've had a j4125 running 24x7 for over 2 years and that thing just keeps on chugging
nice, cool&quiet
>To sum it up all I need is to host a single folder from an external drive instead of just the entire drive.
you could partition your external drive into two drives so you dump all the shares into one drive and leave the rest on the other drive instead of diddling around with folders
I couldn't connect to my network with WireGuard from a hotel (but with OpenVPN I could).
What should I do?
Use port 53? Use udp2raw? Use both?
after rolling back my singular zfs pool has constant 100% disk io but reads and writes are low and so is bandwidth
disk performance is extremely bad
frag about 20% iirc
it looks a bit boring desu
something your gf/wife wouldn't nag about
30W is rather high also
I know that it’s a bit high. I fell for one of the meme PSUs by Wolfgang. Cooler Master MWE700. According to him (and the Cybernetics website) it was supposed to be around 78-82% efficient in the low 20W range. However it must be much higher than that. The previous PSU (a 15 year old FSP 300W) took up only 22W with the same system. It was a valuable lesson to learn that Youtube shills sometimes don’t know shit about shit. Still I kept it because the high age of the FSP.
By higher efficiency I meant lower of course.
Run iperf on the client and host. Report back what you find.
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Nice. No raid, just 1 hdd?

Post racks.
128 GB SSD boot drive
500 GB SSD as download cache
4 TB IronWolf, 8 TB Exos in a mergerfs pool. No snapraid. I use borgbackup to backup the OS weekly and rsync the images to an external drive as well as the family photos. The rest of the media is of no importance.

Nice unifi collection btw anon.
I too have a UDR, an AC Lite and two Flex minis.
If I want to """hide""" a service (to reduce the chance of getting immediately hacked if a vulnerability is found for services that are not running over a VPN for whatever reason) by choosing a non-standard port, am I supposed to use a higher port (i.e. in the 50000-65535 range) or will any random port do the trick?
Yeah, pick a random port over 30000 (number calculated by my ass). And use fail2ban.
>Realtek RTL8111H
But why 30000? I was using a port in 20000s so far and I'm wondering if it's worth the hassle to change it now
NTA 49152–65535 is free game to use for anything, without service registration.
>I too have a UDR, an AC Lite and two Flex minis.
hell yeah. Unifi is awesome. I used to hate on it a lot.
It's still "prosumer" class gear. APs are okay (when they work), switches and routers are lacking features. Firmware updates are a roll of dice, when it doesn't work your only hope is to post on their forums and hope an Ubiquiti developer pays attention to your posts.
why is it bad?
> what is the threat you're trying to mitigate

in case someone gets access to my servers, i don't want them to be able to connect randomly to every available connection or port.

currently i allow TCP traffic with destination 80 and 443 to any non RFC1918 address & DNS to google and cloudflare, but i have the feeling it still is a risk to allow a connection to any address
after updating to the latest driver it would only go at 100M but i rolled the driver back to from 6/2/2022 and it it connecting and running at 10Gb speed now....

Will have to see if it randomly drops to 100M again. i'm not sure what driver i was on before updating.

I also downloaded driver and have in the windows driver database for this card.

pic related on driver
Okay i see, i'd misunderstood your original question. The issue i think you'll face is that lots of specific services you might want to whitelist rely on cloud offerings so before you know it you'll be whitelisting all of AWS in your region.
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Nah it's not just prosumer. I'll agree that stuff is lacking more enterprise high-end features but don't conflate that with it not being enterprise tier because it's not on the /same level/ as Fortinet or Cisco. Consider the price to performance VS that gear - the new Enterprise Fortress is
>12.5 gpbs IDS/IPS for FREE
>has deep packet inspection
>90 days of free support included
The nearest equivalent Fortinet gear is like, $45,000 for the 1000f with similar IDS/IPS performance, and don't get me wrong - it IS much, much better - but it's 45 fucking thousand dollars. That's a lot of god damn money for JUST a firewall. You could build out several network closets in a medium-large company with Unifi equipment for what it costs for a SINGLE Fortigate. Some companies don't NEED what Fortinet is offering, nor do they necessarily NEED the features that are "missing" from Unifi equipment, which is legitimately not much these days. Most of the price comes from the support, but Unifi thankfully offers that as well these days.

Company I work for uses Unifi & Fortinet gear. I've gotten all of my Unifi gear from work, and I haven't paid a dime for any of it, I am no paid shill. But it's retarded to claim that it's not enterprise equipment.
Sorry for the wall of text i'm really bored at work.

>AP's are okay when they work
We've never had any issues with them at my company, nor have I in my home. I have several AC Pros, and 2 AC-HD's, although that's definitely overkill.
>Firmware updates
you're not wrong, this is a frequently brought up issue for a reason - but just turn off auto updates, you should be doing that already. I have them turned off and unless there's a critical vulnerability, I don't update them for months. Never had an issue, genuinely.
>when it doesn't work....
Just rollback. They all just run loonix.
>dev on forums
If your shit is bricked, they're really good about RMAing equipment. I've RMA'd shit I bought off ebay lmfao. I'm RMAing my USW-Flex that got pressure washed and bricked. It's really easy.

your concerns are understandable but honestly founded from issues that Unifi /used/ to have and aren't as valid anymore imo. Granted, i've made this long rant about how happy I am with my unifi gear, and it's all going to fucking explode now.
If I want every device in a WireGuard network to reach every other device in the same WireGuard network, am I supposed to designate one of the devices as a virtual switch for the network or am I supposed to just add every other device on every device as WireGuard peers? I know both options will work, but which one of these options did WireGuard devs really intend me to use? And which option is more common?
>one of the devices as a virtual switch
this is probably more common among home lab type setups
>every other device on every device as WireGuard peers
I would assume most people doing this are using some management layer like tailscale/headscale although i've seen it done with ansible
>Windows VM
Should I use SPICE or RDP (with group policy prefs set to enable AVC444, if it even works without a real GPU) to connect to it?
Make sure to check that your server version (and not just jellyfin) are the newest version.
For that you'll want to do:
sudo apt install jellyfin-server=10.9.10+ubu2004 jellyfin-client=10.9.10+ubu2004

I left out the jellyfin=jellyfin=10.9.10+ubu2004 because you already seem to have that.
The reason I know this works is I literally did this just day before yesterday because I had the same client issue.
You can read the documentation here:
im setting up active directory
just use RDP
have fun, its ez
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Sorry, typo, it would just be
But yeah, it was super annoying that just doing an apt upgrade DIDN'T upgrade the server version also, it seems it just does the jellyfin (whatever that means without the server/client stuff) version. I had to use that line given by the documentation to explicitly spell out the version to upgrade to for server and client.
Local hardware guy wants $300 for an i5, 500g ssd, 16 gigs RAM for a form factor pc. Seems a little high or is that just what it costs nowadays?
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forgive the mess of cables im still setting this rack up
what kind of i5? what kind of form factor? post full specs
>abundance of dirt cheap LGA2011-3 Xeons
>0.01% of boards sold at $50 by local clueless sellers (unicorn)
>99.99% of boards sold at the most Hebrewic markup imaginable
>nothing between

TDP be damned, they are attractive chips for multicore bulldozing, but you just can't get any boards at a reasonable price that aren't Chinese frakenboards. Am I missing something?
Just take a T430 from work when they're being decommissioned like I did.
>0.01% of boards sold at $50 by local clueless sellers (unicorn)
most likely Huananzhi trash
>have fun, its ez
the samba wiki suggested i disable resolvconf, but resolv.conf is still getting deleted on reboot :(
this may be the first frustrating experience ive had with systemd, i feel like ive joined the club.
fuck off, updooter. we only use CentOS 7 around here.
>am I supposed to just add every other device on every device as WireGuard peers?
Huh? You just add your gateway as a peer, then add the whole subnet as allowed IPs
Unfortunately units like that were already gone before my time there, might have to find some connections elsewhere.

No I mean actual branded boards. The cheap sellers get flooded instantly on classifieds so you have to be fucking quick.
>Unfortunately units like that were already gone before my time there, might have to find some connections elsewhere.
I guess its one of the perks of working for a company that never spends money on infrastructure. By the time something leaves the rack it's so worthless that no one cares if one of us just takes it home.
That's what I meant by the first option
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What's the best HDD available?
Alternatively, what's the best course of action to recover the data? Nothing critical, but would appreciate getting it back
It seems my WD Black 2TB (WDC WD2003FZEX-00SRLA0) has suddenly kicked the bucket.
most people i know swear on seagate.
i use whater happens to be the cheapest at the moment im looking. i had drives from all kinds of manufacturers fail on me for one reason or another so i have no real personal preference.
on windows what worked for me was either
>Active Partition Recovery Professional 14 + Serial Key [DTW]
>Disk Drill Enterprise
saved me a bunch of data once. I distinctively remember every other recovery solution too be absolute garbage except these two.
how do YOU apply geolocation restrictions?

For web services, I used GeoIP with Nginx, and it works OK. Some US IPs are blocked despite whitelisting US and CA. It's blocked a LOT of spammers.

I'm thinking of doing this for all ports. I just don't know how right now
What ports you need to have open?
what is better i.e. safer? molex to SATA or SATA splitter? and which manufacturers do you recommend? I don't want to cause a fire
Yeh sorry I dont know. We just spoke over the counter. I think it was 4 cores but I dont know clock speed. As for form factor it's really small. about the same width of a tissue box but half the length and about a third the height.
ssh (not 22)

I always see people trying to connect to random ports on my servers, so it would be nice to just block non US and non CA IPs
Has anyone here tried comparing hosting mattermost, revolt and matrix? I've tried setting up xmpp with prosody and ejabberd but I'm never going to get anyone to use it since all the frontends are too clunky and they're a pita to work with.
The usecase is an alternative voice/text chat for family only. Right now all I have is nextcloud talk but I want too keep that as a backup and have a separate chat service as the primary.
matrix/element works well enough for me
molex to sata is fine, just don't buy the cheapest possible cables, and don't use more than 3 way splitters per sata power
If you don't intend to do any federation (talking with other servers), i would strongly urge you to not use Matrix. It consumes resources and metadata like nothing i have ever seen before it. I haven't heard of revolt until now so i can't really comment on that. I would go with Mattermost, it is easy to work with and has all the features you would need for simple chatting.
Maybe try 443?
With smb it's simply a matter of selecting the subfolder rather than the folder, not sure how it works with other sharing methods.
this cat has uttered its last meow
hdd died btw
weird timimg after the rollback seemed perfectly fine before
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>most people i know swear on seagate.
I have a FreeAgent GoFlex Drive from 2010 that hasn't failed me (yet... knock on wood), so I guess I'll go with Seagate then.
I was avoiding them from 2015 because there were a lot of reviews shitting on them, did they get better since then or something?
Anyway, is there any difference between these? There was a guide, sticky, or prior reply to the same question here but I cannot find it.
I have a sort of love/hate relationship with matrix. Paired with element it seems like the best option but I don't like how they handle notifications and defaulting to federation with matrix.org. Is your instance federated?
Yeah this exactly, for a private server I'm not a big fan. For something like a vidya guild or place for friends of friends I would probably use it but for family only I'd rather use something more private.
>I haven't heard of revolt until now so i can't really comment on that
Revolt has shit documentation and actively hates selfhosters asking for clarifications. They'll drop selfhosting as soon as they don't need the label as a selling point anymore.
I read more about mattermost and apparently their newest version is going to kill group calls and screen shares, only 1 on 1 calls supported. That and they've been adding free tier warning messages and just making the free tier shittier with each update, I think I'll pass.
Looks like I'm stuck with nextcloud talk or I get normies to start using IRC and teamspeak.
would adding the entire network to a wireguard peer network increase performance? instead of having to proxy through the "server" vm, you can just connect directly to the service you want. only downside is that every machine needs its own wireguard client.

i might run some tests this weekend and see what the difference in performance is between the two.
What's the poor man's RM44? Similar dimensions, can be smaller but not bigger.
journalctl & being notified via something not working.
It's a shit system and I hate it.
Write an RSS feed generator and use it with yt-dlp to scrape audiobooks from youtube et al.
I feel like I'm going to die an old man before this disk burn in test finished.
>I don't like how they handle notifications
How *do* they handle them? I have people telling me notifications don't always work on their phones.
>defaulting to federation with matrix.org
You talking about the default homeserver in Element being matrix.org? Or them offering turn.matrix.org if you don't have your own? Or some kind of Synapse federation setting?
Is your instance federated?
>I was avoiding them from 2015 because there were a lot of reviews shitting on them, did they get better since then or something?
they had one model (3tb barracudas) with insane failure rates
and then they were first to market with SMR drives which are uniquely terrible for most applications. WD marketed SMR drives for archival/WORM-type storage which they're fine for. Seagate sold them in fucking external game drives (and still did until relatively recently).
nowadays it literally doesnt matter if you pick wd or seagate
toshibas drives arent worse than - but their warranty sucks seventy dicks
those are the only manufacturers out there, if they couldnt compete they wouldn't be making disks anymore.
Are you just after a rackmounted case? If so, I recommend Sliger. I the closest specific model to the RM44 is the CX4150a, but they have a bunch of 4u cases
>How *do* they handle them
This is for Riot Web not necessarily Element. I couldn't find how Element handles push notifications. Also it's a year old so idk if it's still accurate but it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.
Also some parts just feel like whining like complaining matrix.org uses cloudflare.
>Or some kind of Synapse federation setting
It has to do with matrix.org being hardcoded in certain parts of synapse like being the fallback keyserver. You can have an "unfederated" server but still be regularly in contact with matrix.org unless you make some config changes. The author of the above repo talks about it in #synapse-the-reference-server-implementation
Also to be fair I just double checked key.py source for the most recent version and they have a disclaimer explaining the keyserver problem now. I don't have the means to test if it still sends requests to matrix.org after defining a trusted keyserver but at least the disclaimer is a step in the right direction.
Guess I shouldn't use that paper as a source until verifying all of it against the more recent versions of synapse.
the estimation of the test I started to run was like 3 weeks
i stopped and I'm just using the drive, nobody has time for that
unless you have reason to believe the drive is damaged, I guess
They've all passed one full read/write without errors, but the burn-in I'm doing does three full passes. I am sorely tempted to just call it and move on with my life
Nice cat
Disk burn in tests are a waste of time . Just build enough redundancy into the array and warranty drives as needed
I always do them just because I don't want to deal with the hassle of returning drives as they fail one by one. I'd rather they all fail at once during a burn test and then return them in one go.
Paying shipping once for multiple items is better than paying shipping multiple times for multiple items.
But that's just me. I just let it run while I sleep and go to work.
Running OMV in Proxmox is so confusing but I managed to get it to work but I don't know if this was the proper way to do it.
I didn't mount my HDDs in Proxmox but I used it to wipe the drives and make a full partition. I got the UUID and told OMV that it could use the drives. Managed to get SMART working in OMV and used MergerFS and Snapraid to make a large pool and parity drives. Set up a schedule for syncing and scrubbing. Made a user (me) and now I can access it on any device.
I look up some guides on how to do it and then I follow it. Then I see another guide and they do it different. If there's a wrong way to do it I hope I didn't do it.
Also maybe I should install flashmemory so my SSD lasts longer, but I don't know if OMV is as bad as Proxmox.

I then moved on to installing a Win10 VM. I also followed a guide, managed to get it to work. It even uses the network share I made in OMV. Shutting it down via Proxmox doesn't work though. I have to force stop it or shut down in the VM itself. I don't know how to fix that. I also installed a torrent client inside the Win10 VM. Super dumb but I can't be assed to install it as a container, at least not yet. I just want to start torrenting now.

And lastly I am now trying to set up openrwt so I have a VPN when torrenting on the Win10 VM. This one looks more confusing since guides for this are kind of all over the place.
dude nearby is selling a Dell Precision 7910 server on facebook for $100
worth it?
Yeah, they're pretty good. They're like $500CAD on ebay. Ask what's the CPU and RAM and if it works. CPU and RAM are the most important since you can always use them again if you ever want to.
Xeon CPC E5 - 2609 v3
pictures show it working
That is actually fucking garbage.
No, don't bother.
I thought it would be like a 2680 v4 with at least 64GB RAM.
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one full height bracket comin up
nta but might as well save for newer desktop e-waste for a more efficient and fast build
how do I use Backblaze Personal to back up my Linux server? mount the network drive over in a VM or something?
1tb nvme
512gb nvme and 1tb ssd
What if he could talk them down to $50?
>VPN when torrenting on the Win10 VM
Why do you need openwrt for this?
Based? How did no one notice this lmao
1tb nvme, better 2
get the sata ssd later
2 x 1tb ssd
I've always wondered do SSD controllers reallocate stuff to save NAND wear on the free space, like if a 250 GB drive has 10 GB of free space and you read/write that 10 GB over and over again does the drive stuffle stuff around to reduce wear on that 10 GB space?
most of them do
Sure, why not. At the very least you could say the RAM and CPU are almost worth that.
Because I don't want to expose my IP address when torrenting. I could use the VPN client but I don't know how effective that is inside the VM.
And lastly I want to eventually move my torrenting off the Windows VM and make it a separate container so I save resources.
So the LBA's written attribute in SMART can be read as even wear across the whole drive and not just a simple total sum of written LBA's where some blocks have zero P/E cycles and some blocks million P/E cycles?
how could there be even wear if allocated space can't be rewritten
Anyone use these two for automated remote decryption of LUKS drives?
Isn't that 10 GB block which gets P/E'd constantly allocated space or did I misunderstand something?
>reposting from pcbg
Sup fellas. I want to build a mini/micro atx home server. Any recommendations for case and motherboard? Case has to fit at least 4x3.5 drives and ideally a 1080 founders edition that I plan to use for transcoding.
Any tips on making the build more efficient and quiet? Also share mini atx build if you know of any.
>This one looks more confusing since guides for this are kind of all over the place.
There's a lot you can do with a networking device. More possibilities means more examples, so of course you're going to come across a lot of varying resources.
But with OpenWrt, the official documentation is decent enough, you shouldn't need any other documentation.
>Because I don't want to expose my IP address when torrenting. I could use the VPN client but I don't know how effective that is inside the VM.
So instead of using a VPN client with a killswitch, you create a router with a VPN client, and route everything through that?
It might technically work, but you would save a lot more resources by just using a VPN client on the Win10 VM.
As far as the effectiveness is concerned, it all depends on what you're after. If hiding your IP is the main goal, it doesn't matter whether you have a tunnel originating from the VM itself or a router in front of the VM, it's still going to reach torrenting peers through the VPN server.
For HW performance, offloading the VPN client from the Win10 VM might offer tiny improvements for the VM itself, but if you're virtualizing an entire router on the same hardware, the savings are canceled out.
>And lastly I want to eventually move my torrenting off the Win10 VM and make it a separate container so I save resources.
Instead of trying to get the Win10 VM and the router/VPN Client to work as intended, go straight to containers. A torrent client with a built in VPN client, there's a ton of images like that.
>Any recommendations for case and motherboard?
Budget? Tower or rack mounted?
>Case has to fit at least 4x3.5 drives and ideally a 1080 founders edition that I plan to use for transcoding.
Drives aren't anything special, but the card will be a limiting factor. A starting point could be the case guide linked in the OP.
>Any tips on making the build more efficient and quiet?
Passive cooling, isolate the drive mounts.
>tl;dr the drive controlled *should* take care of wearing the drive evenly

Found this, sounds plausible.

nice mistery meat intel in this combo

also check this out for nvidia transcoding https://github.com/keylase/nvidia-patch
>Budget? Tower or rack mounted?
Ideally the build would cost >800$ excluding gpu and hdd
Has to be tower due to limited space in apartment, anything rack mounted will be too bulky and loud (or at least that's what I assume)

Thank you anon I'll check it out
I used an old laptop as my first home server. Figured most things out, like jellyfin and deluge ect. I want to upgrade now So I can serve my family too. I was looking at something like this? Any anons that know what theyre doing is this good for at most let's say 10 clients.
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I'd suggest getting a cheap modern cpu honestly
Oh so just build my own server. Thats a nice idea. Thanks anon
Too expensive
Find a sff optiplex 3080 or 7090 for that cash
meant for >>102170128
This >>102170620
More important than performance is the fact that those prebuilts may potentially have proprietary connectors.
You can easily get away with a cheap PC with the same perf, but:
>newer and better PSU
>more storage

If you can get newer parts for each that's even better, your wallet will thank you in the long run

>inb4 desktop e-waste is not server also >>>/g/pcbg
away schizo
Is Xpenology still the best?
I bought actual NAS boxes from Synology because it's just so easy and reliable. Poorfag Xpenology seems cool.
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It seemingly "fixed" itself and can access the contents without the errors. I'm frightened now, though, so what's the course of action to take to move the stuff to a new disk?
>simply move
>simply copy-paste
>cmd function
>clone using that Linux USB tool whose name I forgot
I had a similar incident that happened to one of my old laptop's 2.5" drives and I took one of the (last two) actions above to duplicate them on an SSD, but I forgot what was it I did.
please tell me you arent going to use the 1080FE just for nvenc thats retarded
Not server related.
I agree with this statement
>Is Xpenology still the best?
it's mature enough so the webUI seems rock solid compared to other stuff like OMV Owncloud Nextcloud but it's terribly locked down and has like zero powersaving features.
best case scenario you could either run it in a vm and passthrough a bunch of drives or dyi it on one of those 10W celeron itx boards (with a pico-psu even, for efficiencymaxxing)
i would definitely not throw it on some random old desktop or workstation.
>Shutting it down via Proxmox doesn't work though. I have to force stop it or shut down in the VM itself.
You have enabled the guest agent option in the host hypervisor, but you have not it installed in the guest.
>Dell Precision 7910 server
It's not a server, it's a workstation.
Plan is to use the 1080 that's in my pc for enc and upgrade to something nicer for pc. Ofc I can sell it and buy a cheaper gpu for encoding.
>Intel Core i7 4770
Yikes, big e-waste and this is not a server.
>what's the course of action to take to move the stuff to a new disk?

either clone the partition with Macrium Reflect (they used to offer a free version), or if not, use
robocopy S:\ D:\ /E /SEC /ZB /R:1 /W:5 /DCOPY:T /V /FP /BYTES /NP /ETA /LOG:D:\log.txt /TEE /XJ
to copy from S:\ (source) to D:\ (destination).
wdym? I need a card for encoding and I happen to have this one right now.
I've done shit like this way too often now. Full height, half height, Frankenstein abominations using lego pieces and zip ties to jury rig horizontal mounts, etc.
>Ofc I can sell it and buy a cheaper gpu for encoding.
for transcoding purposes just swap it with a intel arc
An NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 is consumer class desktop hardware and not supported on servers. The GeForce EULA also disallows data center usage.
fuck off back to /esg/
I don't want to waste one of my drives as a boot drive, but it seems sort of janky to permanently boot off of a USB. Is there a "correct" way to do something like this?
You partition your drive so that you allocate only the minimum required to the OS and leave the rest to your VMs, porn, data, whatever

>I don't want to waste one of my drives as a boot drive
You could waste a small partition of that drive instead
That makes no sense.

Lay down the crack pipe anon, we're talking home servers here. Most of us repurpose old hw for our needs.
>4-core i5
Intel stopped making 4-core i5 when AMD got their shit together and came out with Ryzen. That shit is ancient and not worth more than $50 just due to the cost of the ssd ($30 new) and ram ($20)

I think you're making this difficult for yourself.
Also to be certain, you put the VM's OS on a given ssd image and NOT on the storage drive you passed through?

Jonsbo N-series for case.
There's an amd mobile itx motherboard with 4 nics and two sata breakouts. Maybe even supports unbuffered ecc. But I forget the name/brand.
Get an A310 or A380 for encoding. May not even need it depending on what processor you get, new stuff has plenty of overhead. 1080FE is a waste for that and will make your case choice harder.

You don't have any m.2 slots for an nvme or attaching a u.2?

Don't put the OS anywhere near your fucking data you dumbasses. It can share a space with VMs
>That makes no sense.
it does, look it up
> You don't have any m.2 slots for an nvme or attaching a u.2?
There's one m.2 slot, but I was intending to use it as a ZFS metadata special device

new thread you guys:



Yes? That's a rackmounted workstation. Not validated for server workloads.
a rackmounted workstation that serves multiple users over network
a server, if you will

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