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IP edition

previous: >>102122157

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Home_server#Custom
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
PCIE info: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf
>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
>For more SATA ports, use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
poast racks
Maybe a longshot, does anyone have the image of dr. strangelove but instead of riding the nuclear bomb he's riding a server/computer?
Any one here run a BSD server? If so, why did you choose a BSD and what do you use the server for?
I want to make a WireGuard network with dynamic IP assignment. Clearly there is no easy way to do it with wg-quick. Is this something Tailscale could help me with? Does it do dynamic IP assignment?
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Regarding mergerfs, which create policy would be best if I want to achieve the following:
>pool consists of 2 drives, drive1 and drive2
>downloading to tv/show/, all files are created on drive1 until minspace threshold is reached
>after drive1 is full, relevant paths are created on drive2 (tv/show/) and is drive2 is populated with the rest of the data, as if it were overflowing
I'm currently using epmfs with a minspace of 30G under the impression that this would work, however it appears that despite reaching minspace, files are still being created on drive1.
I've considered using the mfs policy, however if possible I'd like to keep related files as close together as possible, for autism sake.
Sorry for being a retarded anon, these create policy descriptions aren't making sense to me
that's a nice op pic
I run a web server for a chat platform, an irc server for the neighbourhood, an ftp server for sharing memes with the friends, and a searxng instance on an old laptop running NetBSD because linux will deprecate my cpu soon and major distributions dont support it
What do you mean dynamic IP assignment? Tailscale gives each of your machines a "LAN" IP that doesn't change regardless of how the machine moves in the physical space, you can configure one machine as exit node to serve things from.
I'm saying that I want to assign those "LAN" IP addresses using DHCP for v4 and SLAAC for v6 instead of using static assignment.
>an irc server for the neighbourhood
That's nice, does it get much use?
tailscale has a default assignment (that's probably randomized), so if you don't care you don't need to think about it, but maybe you can customize it?
I'm moving states with a home server and lots of HDDs. I've got the original boxes for each drive and I plan to remove them from the server, put each drive in its box and package all the boxes up nice and safe. Anything else I should do aside from running a backup?
>linux will deprecate my cpu soon and major distributions dont support it
wait what, which cpu
that's overkill, hard drives are pretty shock resistant if they're powered off, I'd leave them in the server
how long does it take to learn ansible
I know Xeon v3s are done.
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This is my current plan for my storage. Are there any obvious things I'm doing wrong?
>chat platform
Which one? I struggle with trying to figure out which one to host for family. We end up defaulting to iMessage bc everyone has idevices, but I'd like something that's self-hosted and secure.
>>What software should I run?
I love wordpress
based Loop enthusiast
Dumb question about CPUs. I have an E5-1620 v4. It's 4 cores, 8 threads. Proxmox is showing I have 8 cores. If a VM uses 5 cores, will it be okay? I don't really get cores vs threads. I only gave my Win10 VM 2 cores since I assumed it would be half of my cores gone already.
Should I have separate hardware for different services I want to run, or should I just run everything on a single server and virtualize it all? (e.g. media server/seedbox on one one pc and game server on another pc). Maybe a separate pc for everything I want to allow friends access to and one for internal services only?
cores = threads in proxmox. That has 8 threads so 8 cores to assign.
you could have a lot more on the v4 platform if you run out anyway.
>linux will deprecate my cpu soon
cant one still get linux to run on motorola 68k's
What does Sockets mean when making a VM? I'm assuming the actual CPU sockets my motherboard has?
Could funnel be used to expose a MC server to the Internet?
Looking at the usage examples, it seems possible.
having a fucked hard drive as a samba network share on my home server also fucked my desktop to the point the DE wouldn't even come up because the auto mounting of that share blocked the entire kernel from functioning (from what I understand)
not something I was prepared for my guys
Is there any reason why you're not just using the fast nvme as a zlog? Could also use the ssd as a l2arc
I didn't know you could split metadata specifically from the pool like that, I'll have to tinker with it
It's how Proxmox presents the "motherboard layout" to the VM. For most workloads it doesn't matter, just go with one socket and then X cores you need on that one socket.
For the split metadata, what I'm trying to indicate is https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/man/master/7/zpoolconcepts.7.html#Special_Allocation_Class basically following https://forum.level1techs.com/t/zfs-metadata-special-device-z/159954

My understanding is that you net a reasonable speed increase by storing the metadata on a faster medium like an SSD, and the 2x1tb NVMe seemed like the best coordination of the devices I had available available.

I'm not yet sure if I want a zlog or an l2arc, really. The documentation was rather circumspect about potential benefits, so I was leaning against it
For database workloads (or any synchronous workload), a write will land on the zlog before it flushes down to the pool. So a zlog write on that big 36TB array (but with a nvme zlog) is no different than a write to the nvme by itself.
On the read side, a 4TB SSD will be more than enough l2arc that the majority of your reads (when not coming out of ram) are going to feel like ssd reads from the l2arc.
>Sun Sep 1 03:11:36 2024 daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: using only locally-known addresses for test
>Sun Sep 1 03:11:36 2024 daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: using only locally-known addresses for onion
>Sun Sep 1 03:11:36 2024 daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: using only locally-known addresses for localhost
>Sun Sep 1 03:11:36 2024 daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: using only locally-known addresses for local
>Sun Sep 1 03:11:36 2024 daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: using only locally-known addresses for invalid
>Sun Sep 1 03:11:36 2024 daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: using only locally-known addresses for bind
>Sun Sep 1 03:11:36 2024 daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: using only locally-known addresses for farai.org.zw
>Sun Sep 1 03:11:36 2024 daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: using only locally-known addresses for zororomemorial.co.zw

two wild niggers appeared
Yea i have like 3 active users
I'm so in over my head trying to set up backups, and it's stressing me out. Like most things, I can solve it with either more time or more money, and right now, I have neither.

Can someone tell me that it'll get better or send me some good luck/energy? Thank you.
Im stuck between a 3500x and 4500 ryzen for my home lab, obviously the 4500 is the better choice but the 3500x is abit cheaper, do you think i could still get away with running VMs on the 3500x despite the thread differences? also how much does the 32mb of L3 cache actually help virtualization?
It doesn't get better. Just accept now that one day all your data will be lost. Backups are just there to push that inevitable further into the future.
I barely back up my stuff. I would say 95% of it is replaceable media, like things I already downloaded off the internet. And my thinking is that if it's in the internet I'm okay with losing it since I just need to track it down again. The last 5% are personal media, things like family photos and videos, data I will never get back again if I lose it.

Just make a tier list on all your data. Rank them from importance.
Tier 0 is irreplaceable stuff. These are things where I cannot afford to lose them; family photos, videos etc.
Tier 1 is also irreplaceable stuff but still able to get them again through some hoops. Things like tax documents or tax slips from the government.
Tier 2 is replaceable media but things I really, really enjoy. Games, music, movies, shows etc. The things I really like. An example would be LotR movies and books and audio books. I love the whole IP so I back that up.
Tier 3 is replaceable stuff again but for things that if I lose them I would get annoyed and have track them down again. Example are niche books or music or movies.
Tier 4 is super replaceable stuff. This is like Tier 3 but if I lose them I can't be assed to track them down again. Example would be normie movies and music. Media so popular it will never disappear from the internet.
Tier 5 is my garbage tier. If it's here it means I plan to delete them anyways. Things I am not interested in anymore.

That's my list. Then depending on your budget start going down the list to back them up. Right now I only have Tier 0 is backed up with 6+ copies, 3 different media (digital, physical and cloud). And all are in different locations. Tier 1 is just physical copies and in an HDD, also different locations. Tier 2 is just in an offline HDD, in a box, in my closet.
gonna replace my fire 4k stick with a n6005 thin client
fuck all armshit
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is there an actual miniitx board in the s940?
could you easily replace that with a modern board?
>wiki.installgentoo down
thinking of setting up a basic bitch media center server with jellyfin, where do i get started? will be giving it to boomer parents so want to be able to control it with a remote, and network it so i can remotely put shit on there
Anyone use these two for automated remote decryption of LUKS drives?
Is Dell PowerEdge T430 Intel Xeon E5-2620 V4 a good buy for 800bux?
Get your barents goyflix, if you want them to have jellyfin, you can ssh into the system or scp files into it.
I used to run a setup with USB pendrive that had the Luks key in plain text. If the pendrive was connected, it would read the password from there and decrypt. No pendrive, enter luks key manually.
I have a scuffed mdadm raid assembled from drives in external USB bays on my Manjaro machine (the drives and bays were free and I didn't have free SATA ports or physical space for the drives). Anyway, every time the machine goes to sleep and wakes up, the raid becomes inaccessible. System reboot fixes it every time. I've done some basic diagnosing and the raid and the drives seem healthy. Maybe it's a power management issue, or something to do with the USB controller?
for that cash should have 128G ram and a bunch of sas drives
64gigs and one boot drive I think.
So with my Supermicro CSE-815 chassis, I want to place a 2.5" SSD in place of one of the DVD drive blanks. My two options are
>2.5" hotswap bay that's meant for the DVD mount
>2.5" tray DVD blank
I don't need it to be a hotswap bay because it's $60-80 and it's just going to have the server OS on it. The 2.5" tray on the other hand doesn't have its own backplane, which would mean I'll connect the SSD to one of the motherboard's SATA connector. What I'm unsure about is how I'd power the SSD. Would I be able to use the 4-pin CD/Floppy power from the SAS backplane or is a molex to SATA (non-molded) cable the way to go?
i have now realised its probably better not to try to do both things at once
just want to set up a basic media center server with jellyfin on it, and will use firestick or something for actually connecting to it and playing shit on the tv
whats good entry level hardware for this?
Bros, I'm building a smol NAS with 3x 12TB drives in a ZFS pool with TrueNAS. I bought two Exos X18 12TB (ST12000NM000J) drives from different vendors for the different batch factor. For the last one, is Toshiba MG 12 TB (MG07ACA12TE) a good match?
I'm confused with the 512e vs 4Kn thing. For Exos, it supports both according to the datasheet but Toshiba's only 512e (for this model). Some forum mentions that 512e means backward compatibility and that it will use 4K sectors for modern devices but I'm not so sure. Can you help me get this sorted?
sorry, forgot to post link
and looking at this extended one, it seems 4k sector size is supported here.

toshiba's datasheet: https://storage.toshiba.com/docs/enterprise-hdd-documents/ehdd-mg07aca-product-manual_r2.pdf
You have up to 8 threads available to each and every VM. 8 for VM1 + 8 for VM2 + 8 for VM3 + ...
The hypervisor kernel will intelligently allocate workloads on threads, overprovisioning too.

Read the documentation next time before asking stupid questions. If something remains unclear after reading the documentation, then ask.
>Dell PowerEdge T430
13G e-waste with an EOL iDRAC8 (a security liability).
You can run up to Windows Server 2019, which is still getting security updates (but should not be green field deployed anymore).

14G and later are not e-waste (yet).
Absolutely not worth it.
>cant ask for server recommendations in the server thread
The cables have their own SKUs too, but the hotswap tray SKU is the way to go.
Here's a recommendation: Keep your hobby as a hobby, do not get others involved, and give your parents a Netflix subscription. It'll do everything they want, better, with external support to call when things go wrong, and it'll be way cheaper than what you can do at home with hardware.
seems like a lot for that.
I picked up a v4 system for ÂŁ110 on ebay in May.
maybe look at desktop form factor stuff?
netflix is garbage and has nothing useful, right now i already have to torrent random things for them all the time and bring them it on a usb
just give them access to yours.
>right now i already have to torrent random things for them all the time and bring them it on a usb
Cuck. Not your problem.
dont worry i will just find some suitable mini pc and use that
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do you know a cheap way to conduct a bit error rate test? I wanna find ethernet cables with electromagnetic interferences.
Why anon, what's wronk with it?
Use diagnostics on your managed switch for packet transmit error counters.
Rent/loan an Ethernet cable certifier (Fluke).
would you need a 4k@60hz dp to hdmi converter to connect a mini pc to a 4k tv? or is 30hz sufficient?
So should I expose my SSH port to the internet or not? I currently have it behind WireGuard and I see conflicting opinions on this topic.
>general about self hosting
>"just buy Netflix"
Quite bizarre.
30hz will be sufficient
if you make minimal efforts to secure ssh, it's completely safe to expose
Is there a way to do
Split-horizon DNS properly (for LANs / internal networks) with Cloudflare such that DNSSEC validation continues to work properly?

Right now I'm using Negative Trust Anchors (NTAs) in Bind but this is such a ball ache to maintain.
I should add that Bind is essentially acting as a forwarder but it returns internal IP addresses from the LAN.

iPhones and other devices that validate DNSSEC properly really don't like this without the NTAs.
Kind of a retarded question, but I've added my two wireguard interfaces to NetworkManager as connections. NetworkManager for some reason consistently starts the wireguard interface named "wg1" before the one named "wg0". So if I type in ip a, wg1 shows up before wg0, which kinda pisses me off. Any way to fix this?
whoa they got internet there?
Its always so hot in my room and its unbearable in the summer on hot days.

I have my gaming PC which is beefy and outputs so much heat during gaming.

Then I have my tower server which is my NAS and host other docker containers like CCTV, uptime kuma, dns resolver etc.

My UPS says in total they are outputting in the range of 500-700w and my room is 34 degrees while other rooms in the house are 22-24 degrees.

Not sure what to do as I am sweating hard
Don't have much storage needs: Mini pc (micro sff)
Don't really care about redundancy: SFF
Lenovo, HP, or Dell. Maybe Fujitsu if you're a foreigner. Check ebay and find something with an intel for quicksync.
You might be able to add a IR/BT remote control on a usb stick and just run Kodi at the TV on something small, but you'll probably want a way to continuously add slop for them to consume. You'll have to decide how to do that but you won't need to do it over usb stick.

Close vents in unused portions of the house.
Duct your PC+server exhaust right into the return vents.
move to alaska
My colleague had a bad luck setting up a nested ESXi lab recently, but that's not the story.

When we were trying to diagnose the installation, I'd came across the ESXi's requirements page and it'd said
>To support 64-bit virtual machines, support for hardware virtualization (Intel VT-x or AMD RVI) must be enabled on x64 CPUs.
"Whoa! May it mean that VT-x is actually not mandatory for 32-bit VMs?", I thought, and a quickly-googled Reddit thread confirmed my assumption. "Hmm, I have an Intel D945GCLF2 lying around anyway, which is quite descent (relatively to my other embedded-class mobos), and "this is VMWare" can it effectively host a bunch of retro/lightweight VMs like Minix, ELKS, 9front, FreeDOS, etc. on it?"

The question now is: are 32-bit VMs accelerated by software somehow anyway, like it's done in MSVPC and early versions of VBox/Workstation/GSX, or it actually would be a "proprietary QEMU/TCG"? Moreover, ESXi 3.5 is 32-bit itself which means it can utilize V8086, but how probable that it does?

BTW, have found today tha Intel BIOS is even more buggy than it appeared to be when this system was actually actively used. Is it worth trying reflashing the D945GCLF2 with Coreboot at home?
>when this system HAD BEEN actually actively used
Mis-tensed a bit. It'd been a good Samba host, print server, seedbox, a VPN gateway, and also had been going to become a Fideont node.
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is a dell poweredge r630 a good buy for 100$ if it comes with 64gb ddr4 ram?
Has anyone tried converting a Toshiba 512e drive to have 4k logical sectors? Does hdparm work for this or is there any vedor-specific util from Toshiba (I couldn't find any)?
Isn't the ram more than $100?
consider your storage requirements. 2.5 inch disks max out at about 10% of the capacity of a 3.5 disk.
thats what i thought too

im probably not going to purchase it
>im probably not going to purchase it
I currently have one wg port exposed and everything is behind it, and I've been fine. Don't do a honeypot, do a nonstandard port and keep it behind wg, and you're probably fine.
are the ubuntu US mirrors super slow for anyone else right now? im configuring some weird AD DNS shit right now and im wondering if i fucked something up.
oh no i def fucked something up :(
would something like this make a good first server? planning on seedbox and NAS to start
Which cloud storage do you use for backup (in a 3-2-1 scenario) ?
I'll be just above 1TB and I don't know if I go with Synology C2 Storage or something else (Backblaze maybe ?), I'm in Europe.
backblaze personal
if only those were 3.5" bays
>twoOStwo, as well as VMware Workstation, Virtual PC for Windows and QEMU with the kqemu add-on, take an even more optimized approach and run code directly when this is possible. This is the case for user mode and virtual 8086 mode code on x86.

Hmm, as I read it: "Parallels WS (as a SVISTA and 2OS2 derivative), as well as 32-bit VMWare WS, MSVPC and QEMU/kqemu (and not QEMU/TCG) utilize VTx-less acceleration techniques, and even that very V8086".

IIRC, ESXi, ESX and GSX have been introduced after Workstation... So, looks like it's worth a try.

P.S. An "real" powerful host with AMD-V is also present but since it's "powerful", it has stricter workhours and thus dedicated to "heavy but occasional workloads" like VDI or GNS3, and always-on services are kept on embedded-ish thus "energy-efficient" hardware (except services used only by VDs).
That's fine, then. I'm also looking into the SuperDOM option, which doesn't sound like a bad idea either
I picked up a dual socket 2667 v3 for $100, I wouldn't touch that for $800
> smartctl queries wake drives from sleep
is there a way to query hdd temps without waking them up
too many tiers. utterly retarded. why set up 6 levels of stuff you plan on having 6 different setups one for each tier? stuff changes all the time there is stuff i didn't care about 20 years ago because i could just download it again, does not exist anywhere now. just backup everything and stop being a pussy.
Tier 0: stuff i need
Tier 1: stuff that dies with me
Tier 2: stuff that i will probably never need
damn those are 2.5 inch bays??
raspberry pi and temp sensors duct taped to drives
It's really just 3.
1. Stuff I can't lose/don't want to lose. (0-1)
2. Stuff that would annoy me if i lose it. (2-4)
3. Stuff I don't care about. (5)
I only broke it down that way since it's easier to rank your stuff if you have more tiers.
any input on this?
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any particular reason youre trying to turn a router into a server? for $200 you can get a "real" server.
i wanted the 3.5inch bays and was going to eventually turn it into a router.
youll probably get more bang for your buck if you buy a regular poweredge or whatever. they can have 3.5 bays on them, and you can use it as a router, but you might have to invest in more ethernet ports via PCIe.
but if you cant find anything that you like in that department, then i would only suggest making sure the BIOS on that machine doesnt lock you out of booting from different OS's.
cool thanks, i'll take another look on ebay
Noise and power consumption are the main reason I will never buy an enterprise-grade rack server.
enjoy your noise kek
does anyone know how to use the --principal flag when exporting kerberos keytabs with samba AD? i have a user with "two" SPNs:
User CN=nfs-host,CN=Users,DC=sub,DC=domain,DC=com has the following servicePrincipalName:

if i run
samba-tool domain exportkeytab krb5.keytab --principal=nfs-host

i get three keys (which i believe are the three different encryption types, not the user + two SPNs):
Keytab name: FILE:krb5.keytab
KVNO Principal
---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 nfs-host@SUB.DOMAIN.COM
2 nfs-host@SUB.DOMAIN.COM
2 nfs-host@SUB.DOMAIN.COM

but if i run
samba-tool domain exportkeytab krb5.keytab --principal=nfs/nfs-host

nothing gets exported. i also tried nfs/nfs-host@SUB.DOMAIN.COM, nfs/nfs-host.sub.domain.com@SUB.DOMAIN.COM, and every other combination i could think of, but nothings gets exported. what am i doing wrong?
maybe dont post a link shortener you fuck
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man the schizoid problem has gotten so bad since covid. meds?
was posting the real link so arduous?
anyway no its shit and this is even worse >>102193405

stop buying decade-old e-waste
dont even bother with anything pre-skylake and even that is at a push
I finally got my garage wired up, mainly for the rack. Got 4x 120v 20a circuits, each dedicated to a 120v 20a double conversion UPS. That's ~35a of clean, redundant power. I'm still waiting for a few rails to arrive, but I will go rack all the servers I can as soon as it stops raining. I didn't get to run fiber out there today, planning on getting that done by next weekend. I will be running an armored trunk with 2x LC OS2 for a QSFP+ 40Gbit connection between my home switch and the switch in the rack.
Thanks for reading my blog.
You don't know what a schizoid is. I will shove my meds up your bussy you dumb faggot
Will move to 240v when needed. Might be soon because I'm looking at GPU servers for some language model fun
Never really interested in AI, but I'm glad you're having fun.
Thank you for laying that out, but I'm struggling with the automation of backups given my setup. I want to backup my Tier 0 data. It is a photoprism container running on an Ubuntu VM on a proxmox host. So I want to setup PBS to get backups, but I think I need to make another server to host it.
I run FreeBSD on mine since the e-waste PC I'm doing this shit on won't even boot a modern Linux distro without panicking. It works surprisingly well but I can say goodbye to virtualization/containers for a bit.
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help, why is snapraid so slow when syncing?
I'll add that I could probably set up jails to kinda isolate my services but it's not like any of this is exposed to the internet. So far I've got it doing the following:
>generally shitty NAS
>navidrome server
>syncthing backups
>dns through dnsmasq, might look into dhcp to automate even more stuff
Don't even know how healthy the hard drive it came with is, I'm probably going to upgrade it all soon.

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