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I use Twitter for work. I need to be able to access it. They are banning X and also claiming to fine anyone a huge amount for accessing it with a VPN. Is this enforceable or bullshit? I use Mullvad. What workarounds are available?
Voting booths.
Culpa do cabeça de ovo lex luthor tupiniquim

Hardly someone is fined for a vpn, we are not china yet
mr de moraes went too far, soon will be revenge time
Who the fuck cares about twitter anyway jesus christ grow the fuck up.
>i use twitter for work
>i need to be able to access it
it's this shit mindset that will ruin us
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The only people who "use twitter for work" are onlyfans whores and russian shill bots.
Nooo not the heckin twiterinno!!!! How will my 15 followers know that I'm cooking a delicious sopa de macaco rn???
>using twitter for work
And what the fuck you do on twitter to "work"? All twitter "workers" that actually get some money are those whores who sell their pictures on the internet. Besides that I don't know.
Also, I'm not advocating in favour of Moraes, I don't think a social network should be banned just because, but I don't know how can an honest make money out form twitter.
Try getting a real job, that might fix your situation huenigger.
Jump borders to URgay or EventuallyGreatForOnceina.
Lol no. Dude pulled a bunch of shit out his ass to scare people. He's like one step away from ordering Agent Smith to go after offenders.
Hey man, all my favorite /m/ artists are there and I don't want to use Artstation.
The guy who is enforcing this is a permanent member of the judiciary and a chud, good luck trying to get someone who can go against him
Being high up in the totem pole doesn't let you magically detect people through VPNs. I mean, he does look like Lex Luthor so maybe he's hiding some kryptonian tech that lets him do it but most likely he's just another boomer who doesn't understand tech.
that's not possible to enforce unless he is banning vpns altogether which isn't the case, your ISP knows that you're using a VPN, but not what you're doing while using it. plus, the idea that the state is going to mobilize people and resources to check, police and prosecute random nobodies is laughable.
bro, just wear a black hoodie and sunglasses.
Are you kidding? Brazil is hot as hell
they're ordering apple and google to remove all vpn apps
Xitter was dead long ago anyway. If you rely on that shithole for anything you deserve whatever befalls you
Aircon, bro.
Using mullvad is good enough. Pay it using xmr for an extra shit on politicians.

This is the mentallity that allows tyrants to gain more power.
I've never used twitter but if it was to be banned in my country i would riot.
>i dont care that politicians are taking away my freedom because im not using it anyway
Frogs in the boiling pot are gonna frog-in-the-boiling-pot
no? the order is to remove twitter app from the google and apple store, not VPN apps.
It is not possible to block all VPN activity.
It is possible to arrest and fine you the individual if police see or detect you using a VPN.
These are different things.
Check my answer at >>102161206
https://x.com/SamPancher/status/1829609887623708789 2nd image. VPNs are backdoored now and they'll snitch to Alexandre. It's over. Unless you find a shady russian VPN and go full stealth and even tho it's risky.
The same fag who precised a validated the last election is now responsible for shutting down twitter.
The same election who elected a convict who was in jail for the BIGGEST CORRUPTION CASE IN HUMAN HISTORY (this is no exaggeration look up Operation Car Wash, also "Mensalão"), this same judge set free just a year before the last election. And is throwing anyone in jail who says the voting machines (there a literally impossible to be audited) are shit or want paper voting ballots.
And now they are constantly running propaganda in every single tv station saying that the voting machines are really good, secure and impossible to be hacked because they are don't have wifi and the source code is closed source and in a "vault".

Democracy only "works" in majority white countries with no illegal immigration.
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Daily reminder that Olavão was right once again. RIP.

If only k had abandoned us too...
just don't use apps from the google/apple store then, there is nothing written there about vpns being forbidden.
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can't you read or what?
I miss K's 55. That was by the best hueBR IB
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May he fuck horses to his heart desire wherever he is.
Fode sim Rei Marinho!
holy lack of reading comprehension, you WILL get fined ONLY if you use a VPN in order to acess xitter.
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I think this based judge should also ban Steam, 4chan and all public trackers so I'd never have to talk to a brazilian ever again.
4chan isn't your lawyer.
>The only people who "use twitter for work" are onlyfans whores
You're seething because you don't have nice feet.
And how the fuck would they even know that if the entire point of VPNs is to hide where you go and what you're doing?
If you access X through a VPN after the censorship order, there's a real risk of X delivering the login dates from the users to the Brazilian state and then having your ass fined more than a year's salary for most people.
they won't, that's my original point. this it's just bs to scare the laymen away like OP.
Portugal bros, now is your time.
Use a VPS
after all this noise with rocket man refusing to comply to some minor requests, do you seriously believe that he is going to allow twitter to snitch on people?
and even if he does, who would even request and prosecute all of that. STF ain't fucking DETRAN.
That's no longer in effect, OP just use a VPN.

>3rd world shithole acts like a 3rd world shithole
Xandão baseado ao extremo
People are still forbidden from using VPNs/other methods to access X though. My guess is that they want an excuse to go after public figures posting things on X.
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Just kill yourself, petista.
could ECH prevent the ISPs from blocking X
And that's a good thing
>vc precisa ser petista para querer que o twitter se foda
A absoluta mentalidade do piá
Me olave você mesmo
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I ask again, how the fuck are they going to track that? How are they going to tell whether or not you go to a specific site with the VPN? The entire fucking point of a VPN is to make sure they cannot track that.... My local library specifically blocks 4chan. If I feel like posting while using their Wi-Fi I just boot up my VPN. How the fuck is the library supposed to know I'm going on 4chan? My connection gets routed through the library wifi -> VPN Server -> 4chan. How is the library supposed to know? They don't
Democracy gotta be the most crazy delusion from the millenia.
And people think you can have a dialogue with those retards lefties lmao
The only solution for Brazil situation is a civil war, execute all those Vermins.
They would do it to you if they could.
>how the fuck are they going to track that
If site X is blocked in a country, and you have an account on site X, an account with your name on it... it's pretty simple actually. If you keep posting on it, you're violating the law.
>Is this enforceable?
Just don't have your real name and face on your goddamn account, you retard.
What are they gonna do? Ask X for your info while in the process of banning it from the country for not giving them info on you to begin with?
>Ask X for your info
I mean, yeah? Wouldn't X be forced to give them information?
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Total Left Death now!
The site is getting blocked exactly because they weren't complying with shit.
For anyone that is non-Brazilian, check out a post on Blusky to understand whats happening on Brazil with a Twitter.

No, you idiot. That brazillian judge is banning X in Brazil because X refuses to comply with his demands to take down right-wing accounts/disclose user information.
Nice propaganda piece.
>random commie troon post
lolno monkeynigger
Why X hand over the login dates from the users to the Brazilian state
Noooo, not like that, Musky save meee
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>the 8 January was a coup attempt narrative
Please everyone, ignore this retard. For anyone wanting to actually know what is happening, I would advise to see what Glenn Greenwald said about the issue.

I'm trans btw
Trabalha com Twitter? Vai mentir pra outro, viado mentiroso
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What I come to learn about living in this dictatorship is that journalists are demons. They are demons. Literally demons. Truly Satanic creatures. Alexandre de Moraes could rape a child with a katana and those demons would be justifying how the child sorta deserved because the kiddo would grow to be a bolsonaro supporter.
Ustra vive am i rite?
marielle status?
Journalists and artists
>woman/trannie fanfic
Nada que juche necromancy não seja capaz de resolver
ter a chance de tomar multa de 50mil reais por dia só pra poder acessar o twitter, quem é retardado pra fazer isso? não há nada de valor naquele lixo de site de qualquer maneira.
>tfw fucking faggots are cheering for this because Elon bad
>posting a literal tranny commie
Fuck off
Quando o telegram foi suspenso ainda teve um bocado de gente que burlou o bloqueio mesmo com a multa de 100 mil reais.
O bolsa de cocô perdeu. Saiam da internet e vão trabalhar, bando de vagabundo. Emprego não falta desde que o baseado Lula gahou.
Also, o Musk é um chud drogado com parafuso solto, todo mundo já percebeu isso. No Brasil tem lei e o baseado Xandão esta fazendo a lei valer. O choro é livre.
baseado companheiro, estou até tomando uma cervejinha em homenagem ao nosso grande líder Lula
Não acredito que chegou internet no nordeste...
Not a reason. You must become terrorist and die unarmed to a gun for freedom and blackwebm sause.
Isso, só que não ironicamente
provavel que essa multa seja so pra impedir politico e subcelebridade de ficar de cu doce. se pa da nada
i don't give a fuck about twitter, i just find this shit ludrious.
no one is going to get fined, your ISP does not fucking know what are your twitter profiles, your ISP only knows what sites you're using, and they stop knowing that the second you start using a VPN. anatel doesn't have the means to track people to find out who is bypassing the block, this ain't fucking CCP china (yet).
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If circumventing it is as easy as using a VPN then of course most of them are just going to do it anyway. For example torrenting copyright content in the US is technically illegal and you can receive cease and desist letters, be fine, have your internet access cut off, or all of the above if you're caught (primarily through not using a VPN and having your IP address leaked or "leaked") yet many people still do it. Some don't even bother using VPNs depending on what the content is because some copyright holders don't care THAT much, especially if it's really old content (unless it's Nintendo's shit You're trying to download and share. Rip Gary Bowser)
>Is this enforceable
of course it is
why do people keep thinking they are more powerful than the government they elected
Most people do not use their government name Northern primary email address for social media websites, dimwit. They could maybe figure out if Brazilians are using the site by forcing X to fork over a giant list of emails, except they can't even do that because Musk would just refuse to comply out of spite.
So please tell me /g/ how does this work? If I use mullvad am I safe?
The chinese have the literal CCP and they VPN into the regular internet so I ask, is it enough?
Is there a way for the government to know even using mullvad to access it? I do not have any indication of where I live on my account of course.
Why do you want to use twitter so much?
Why wouldn't I? That doesn't answer my question.
"jUsT vOoT yOuR wAy OuT oF tHiS GOY"

lmaooooo hope you bought some G&A to protect your family sir
>Why wouldn't I?
There are people from here that use twitter?
>Is this enforceable or bullshit?
If you're using an account that is connected to you or your workplace in a professional manner then yes it is certainly enforceable, I mean if they see you posting and they know it's your account then the technical shit doesn't matter, they will know where to come calling and for who to ask.

If you've made some random account through a VPN and use it through a VPN and do not post anything that can identify you then I imagine it would not be particularly enforceable, at least not at a level where they'd care to put in sufficient effort to track every random citizen who posts whatever over there.
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They just wouldn't. Like the guy literally just told you, they are getting booted for non-compliance with censorsh..... I mean "not stopping fake news". South American market share for Twitter as well as pretty much any relevant tech company is practically non-existent anyway so it's not like he has to worry about taking them seriously. Unlike in the northern western hemisphere Brazilian internet is mostly dominated by Old fags and most of them don't even know what the hell Twitter is. It is literally, and I mean LITERALLY only naive teenagers who are making a big fuss about Twitter being banned from Brazil. Those idiots genuinely believe musk is the one banning twitter from Brazil and not the other way around because they are just that stupid.
>disclose user information.
What specific user info was he asking for?
Seu tipo seria o primeiro a ser executado em uma guerra civil. Kys raça inferior favelado
they're angry at him for he told them the truth
Niggerzil is the 6th largest market for twitter with over 21mil users you're full of shit.
Speaking of China, how are they able to block VPNs? Apparently if you use one over there, regardless of who it's made by and what you're trying to connect to, you are put on a list, after the fact they can toss you and gel at any point (they typically don't do this immediately unless they need to make an example out of somebody. I guess they assume anyone using a VPN is likely to spread wrong-think)
Full names and IP addresses, so he could send the federal police to their doorsteps at 03:00 AM without a warrant (and force entry if they have to) in order to confiscate all of their devices and maybe even arrest them.
Citation needed
In that case Muskrat may actually be a little based for refusing to comply, as immature and foolish as he is most of the time
Please reply, niggas. >>102164185
>that journalists are demons
Most of them are kept alive by state money so, yeah? More news at 11
>I don't use it so nobody should use it
Please man, I want to keep my braincells, you clearly aren't using them.
just move to Threads, same shit
>why wont you people use the leftwing censored platforms ?!
So the government can block my posts without any hurdle ? Go shill your shitty censored alternative elsewhere.
All of this is happening because of a major information leak about a week ago from a phone belonging to one of Moraes' subordinates. The information found basically proves that he (and the rest of the supreme court, really) has been silencing, persecuting, and arresting political opposition to the current government without due process or trial, illegally, for years. To do this, they've secretly demanded various social media platforms to not only erase certain people's accounts without prior notice or valid reason, but also surrender their personal information, so that they may also be, shall we say, "unpersoned" in real life as well.
X is the only platform to refuse these orders, because these brazillian judges are literally breaking the law by doing what they're doing. An American journalist by the name of Glenn Greenwald got hold of this leaked information and has been releasing a series of reports exposing all of this, and since Elon's X is the only major platform in Brazil that's not under the government's thumb, people are becoming increasingly aware that their country's bill of rights is pretty much non-existent, and their overlords don't like it when they start sharing news reports about how truly corrupt the system is.
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Thank you for this very informative blog post. Very much appreciated
Ban Brazil from steam and 4chan too and maybe the internet will start healing. Need to get rid of the Russians too.
why would anyone shill Threads lol, you're mentally broken
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It's over.
and Australia, America too
The traffic characteristics of mainstream VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, etc.) are very obvious and can be detected using deep packet inspection and IP traceback. This is why there are specific obfuscation protocols like Shadowsocks and v2ray to make it look like visiting a normal unsuspecting website.
>Apparently if you use one over there, regardless of who it's made by and what you're trying to connect to, you are put on a list,
Situation like this is mostly due to using shady free VPNs that could sell information. The likelihood of trouble is lower if you build one yourself.
This sort of thing is starting to happen around the world, with France arresting the guy who owns Telegram and Facebook subsequently ratting out on Biden's attempts at censorship. Do your best to keep your freedoms, wherever you live.
I thought they would do the blocking through DNS.
>Biden's attempts at censorship.
Requesting citation for informational purposes
they would not. being banned from brazil would make complying with brazilian law pointless.
>Mark Zuckerberg says Meta was ‘pressured’ by Biden administration to censor Covid-related content in 2021
>[spoiler]And also leaked videos of Biden's son's underage sex slave[/spoiler]
But twitter is leftwing you dumbfuck, so its good to have it banned
Wait, but is this based or cringe? Explain to me in chud terms
based: no more twitter screenshot threads by hues
It was a lot less leftwing than the alternatives brazilian lefties are trying to shill for.
i agree
t. brazilian
They should be banned from here too. Push them to reddit where they belong.
I dont give a fuck about your sopa politics just get out of my board
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>everything that a 3rd world corrupt government says must be true
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Tor has got your back.
Extremely based. Xitter just lost 21M users. Muskito will fry servers tonight trying to spin bots to make his online sewage seem unfazed by it. Everything's fine. Everything's beautiful. What a lovely day.
>Xitter just lost 21M users. Muskito will fry servers tonight trying to spin bots to make his online sewage seem unfazed by it
brazilians are basically meat bots
complaining about musk on X (formely twitter) is such a comic thing
Tor could also get him fined too.
bridges and relays
Any kind of technological subterfuge to access it is subject to fines according to written order.
Tor is made for this unlike vpns
>claiming to fine anyone a huge amount for accessing it with a VPN
Unenforceable bullshit that moraes is claiming to scare the average joão from trying. What makes you think that brazil's government can stop people from using vpn if china and russia can't do it?
It's a weird claim too because unlike the US brazil doesn't even enforce laws on pirating content
How are they conna track VPNs of all things?
>An American journalist by the name of Glenn Greenwald
A Jewish Faggot(literal faggot) btw
Reading his wiki article he seems to be one of those Chomsky-types who appeared to be ''le based jew'' but most likely is a controlled opposition/actor
Doomers don’t even realize you can just vote for a based local candidate to bypass federal faggotry.
If Weedtards get to have their own non compliance movement in US states then I’m sure X fags could get their own provinces for that in Brazil.

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