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We're conducting a performance review. What would you say you do here?
Previous Thread: >>102144851
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Engineering bros is it over?
I'm a tech worker, hello
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Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102144851
We're left behind. They want us gone. It's over.
god, each and every day at work serves to compound and reinforce the realization that i'm just a god damn genius. it's actually unreal. i'm so fucking good at what i do. i honestly feel bad for anyone who isn't me
Can I cope with some book recommendations ?
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>The ultimate struggle book
Yeah that is accurate.
>americans pay taxes on property
wtf. is it unconditional?

>their taxes are half of what they'd pay for renting similar property
these are the retards telling us to but houses with mortgages lmao!
You pay property taxes when you rent. It is all included. Owning a house aside from property tax and repairs is a fixed cost.
>got my FE cert
>got my side projects done
>gonna take CCNA
>working on fake website for a fake job
I'm ready. About to reach a 2 year gap and I'm somehow still getting calls every once in a while. Once my website is ready, I'll plug it up.
I. Will. Get. A. Job.
>You pay property taxes when you rent. It is all included.
yeah, and if you have to pay 2x what you'd pay in taxes then owning is not really that great.
meanwhile, I don't pay shit in my country unless the construction is too big, and even then you pay tiny amounts of $$ a few times a year.

>Owning a house aside from property tax and repairs is a fixed cost.
meanwhile, you can pass costs of fixing shit to your landlord (by either passing the bill or just leaving the place).

if the difference in spending was actually considerably larger then I guess owning (and taking a mortgage, with all the risk it implies) would make sense, but having to pay such large taxes makes everything relative..

again, these are the people giving advice in places like >>>/biz/
the reason why tech labor market sucks is because of salary expectations. Min wage and you won't find a lack of work because bump it up too high and then oversea workers feels more attractive
enjoying your friday night, /twg/?
I work in law currently. I want out. I learned Perl in 2008, then mainly did C and a bit of Python starting in 2014. However, I have no paper that proves anything and I never bothered learning modern shit like node.js, k8s and Docker. I do know my way around {Free,Open}BSD and Solaris.
What do I study?
How big is the corporate ladder these days? How low is say Revature hiring a grad to an internship?
How is it that even nowadays Boomers are STILL insulated from job market trends?
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I have 0% experience programming and everything I've learned was from trial and error on a system I'm not familiar with. So, whats makes me more qualified than you?
What profession is the easiest to be over employed in (have more than one job)? Web dev? Dev ops? Cyber? I need to know
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only for pythonbros (nobody uses dart)
time for another round of h1b hires

welcome sir!
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yes, some of us here are cute /g/irls, anon.... terrifying, i know.........
Good luck Anon, I've been studying for CCNA even though it has minimal relevance to me because the only joy I get from tech is screwing around with my home lab.
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yep, you sure are
me @ all the anons ITT
Imagine having a cs degree only to end up working in QA. Neck yourself
this isn't really a thing that happens, right? r-right?
A white American was just added to my team. I think he's the first since 2015. He's by far the best new hire I've seen since then.
how do i avoid getting rapied by indeans
I feel stuck. I worked my way up from QA to Sysadmin, started studying while working and got my BSc in CS in my mid 30s to get a job as "IT-Specialist", now pushing 40 and about to finish an MSc. Switched companies a couple of times along the way, 7 years in the current one.
Government work, so pay is not great but on the scale they offer I am doing well.
But at some point I went from actually doing things to endless meetings and consultations and bureaucracy, without even having a management role (which would not get me more money and while I would like to organize a team or group of teams, I don't want to deal with the actual mess that are people).
It feels like nothing ever gets finished, we are talking and preplanning stuff until we tell our service provider to do it, which leads to more meetings with them because it does not fit their vision of how things should be done.
What will i get if i spend the next 5 months studying C#, .NET, and leetcode?

A software testing job using Selenium, Katalon, Postman, and Excel.
I'm a people person.
I used to have a gf like that. No idea why I pushed her away.
>fight years to get new laptops at work
>get nice ones worth 3.000 $
>new Indian hire gets one as well
>one week later his is already "slow"
What the fuck. I am sure it must be retardation. What can you even do to fuck it that fast.
one million tabs
for some reason jeets are massive tab and window hoarders

one time a jeet spent a good 2 minutes looking for a specific tab when he tried to show me something, and he had several windows with 30+ tabs open. chrome as well.
I suspect he might have cooked his hardware.
I recall he complained about his laptop bag getting extremely hot in the middle of the night and if he could get a new one.
I'm White and I do this.
Linux has good window managers that can cope well with thousands of windows. It's hard to adjust to OSX.
>try to order some hardware internally
>our department's CICD/lab support guys give us a link to a portal for the entire company to order new hardware
>raise a ticket
>"you didn't follow the template"
>"you didn't set the correct priority"
>"ticket type is incorrect"
>"we don't handle these types of requests"
>go back to our department's guys
>"Yeah actually you have to raise it within our department and we'll redirect it to the correct area"
This has been going on over the course of a month. How do these giant corporations even function?
>t. White American
Shut up, mleccha Pakistani dalit.
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Any good jeet stories? I have too many.
>get nice ones worth 3.000 $
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what project should I create for my portfolio to get my first tech job, hopefully senior full stack developer
I have a tech job also extreme anxiety and depression wtf do I do?
>What would you say you do here?
Help retards install software.
Your portfolio should contain years of prior work experience
I got told in a meeting that basically I "speak too insecurely" about my work and then got told a lot of things were wrong with something I submitted. It's 100% true but I still felt a bit shitty. What do?
>speak too insecurely
Sounds like nothing to me, was that person shifting the blame on you for something he messed up?
I've had this feedback too. All you can really do is start speaking in absolutes.
Actually no, he is 100% right that I submitted subpar work and that I couldn't really justify myself when questioned about my decisions.

What does that mean exactly?
i should try to do this but i never really understood subnetting with binary
tbqh I would be happy you're making a good living. take it from someone who made every mistake along the way
get another job and tell just that person specifically before you leave to go securely fuck himself
desu, most of the time I would agree with this sentiment but the guy who said that to me is actually a super great guy and I generally enjoy my job. I just felt shitty about the sudden realization that I'm kind of dumb or maybe got impostor sindrome after he told me that.
anyone working with openshift here? how different is from kubernetes? got an interview coming up about that shit
Here's are retards and fall for pork site download ads
Currently in Germany doing an apprenticeship in helpdesk a d system administration I guess .

Teaching myself .Net core and angular to vet against the pajeetPT and learn how to help and trouble shoot software dev colleague problems.
you are better off learning unix -> building and running software -> containers -> devops. That's more like what your dev colleagues will want
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>What would you say you do here?
Absolutely nothing. All of my typical daily tasks are done through PowerShell and Bash scripts, which I am the sole maintainer of. I'm the only one who knows how they work.
This anon is right you kind of have to be an asshole about it. I got handed a landmine of a task and I knew when I took it for review every little faggot in the company would have their own special snowflake opinion about how it should have been done. I just didn't give them the chance. We ARE doing this, this IS the solution, this may not be ideal but it WILL function and is the most practical solution within our limitations. Not a single nigger dared challenge me. Can recommend.
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Yeah it entirely depends. The biggest factor in the US is your job. If you need to be more mobile then a house barely makes sense. Only reason why it would make sense is if your willing to deal with the hassle of renting it out and having money saved incase something breaks.

Like I said though rent taxes are all included. You are not going to see that in the rental agreement or payment plans they have. You will however always pay there split of the rental tax between tenants or if its a house the entire amount.

Another factor for ownership is rental inflation. As it currently stands you can on average see 100-300$ a year increase on your rent regardless of the actual market conditions. Only exception to this would be your entire town emptying from people leaving.

Again though this is all a matter of your circumstances.
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Absolutely. Confidence is a culmination of your skills, experience, knowledge and aggression. The key with the aggression is that you are willing to tell retards at work that they fuck up without hurting there ego. Its may be there fault but its up to them to fix it. Being an asshole would be shitting on someone for fucking up instead of making them own up to there mistakes so they can fix it.
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>be analyst for gov contractor
>cool manager intercepts all requests for me, even chewing out an officer trying to go around her
>return to office so over half my team (5/8) quits, including cool manager
>be de facto interim manager after working there for 18 months - wut.jpeg

>poor one-person helpdesk is overwhelmed, so I write a detailed email with prepared technical and administrative solutions that just need approval before firing off
>CEO is a moron and ignores it until it becomes a crisis
>made me join a meeting to listen to him business-speak ramble in circles with some cold caller trying to sell an AI "solution" entirely unrelated to anything we do
>forgot I have 'tism and that you're not actually supposed to correct the CEO when he's mistaken lol

>of the five different HR apps we use, the PTO tracker just literally doesn't work for 8 months, meaning I have to manually track my PTO
>tracker finally works again, but turns out I lost a week of PTO over the new year
>rage quit on the spot and let everything burn

enough savings to live off for the next few years
just getting high, playing minecraft, and working on projects
going steady with really sweet blue collar normie that helps me get outside and be social
Stop taking emotional responsibility for shit that isn't yours. Also it's 2024. You shouldn't stay at an IT job for more than 5 unless it's a really good fit. Jump around a couple time and double your salary. The whole underpaying people meta only continues to work because employees are too mentally trapped in routine to do anything about it.
There is a certain point in pay that people hope to achieve in there life and just coast the rest of there lives. That and the location gives alot of that routine most people would rather have. High risk and reward jobs work you to the bone but pay you accordingly. They also require alot more upkeep and spin up time to stay in those positions.
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good morning sirs
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I don't think I could survive working under an Indian boss
>work at a big name chip company
>company pushes for cloud platforms as one of its core business models
>new webshits start showing up at the campus
>a good chunk of them are wearing those rapper sneakers
>even spot an indian dude with the fucking broccoli hair
it’s fascinating how you can tell webshits apart from “real” engineers just by looking at them
they probably get paid more than i do so the joke’s on me i guess
good morning sir
i have to have 5 tabs open for different intranet web tools every time i check in my code
i can easily surpass 30 tabs on a bad day
A handful of people become go-to storage of knowledge, then everything functions fine while they're around and everything goes to shit for a few years after they retire or quit
I think they mostly don't function and nobody cares. The shareholders would care if they weren't retarded, not that they could do anything about it.
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>>"you didn't follow the template"
>>"you didn't set the correct priority"
>>"ticket type is incorrect"
Hello frens! I am going to start applying for my New grad job. I am not too worried because I have several projects and 3 internships completed. How are my other new grad's experiecne with the job market? I am talking about the US btw.
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>found a job that I can actually get
>it's in the exact industry I have done
>I can basically drop in running and managing projects
>the company is just as toxic as the one that laid me off
Fucking fuck. I gotta eat so I'm forced to do this aren't I? I'm going to lose my mind in this career.
I can do that in addition after building enough experience.
Thanks and noted when I am ready to do more than use docker to run an enterprise container to code in abap.

I also need to check out signalR for bidirectional data transfer in real time.
That said, I am scared about the next time the government says "fuck them unvaxxed" and creates another CC season.
are most companies really that toxic? maybe it's just because i got lucky with a small company (~100 employees), but i love literally every single coworker in my office and have fun at work every single day. we fuck around and many days i end up laughing until my stomach hurts
i think managers and the owner have more control over hiring at small companies. instead of bitter HR cat ladies having a say, you get company owner Chudwick IV hiring whoever he likes.
own your own companies then you can be as toxic as you want. it's very fun!
Everything nobody else wants to do. Fire me at your peril, you will have a mutiny on your hands.
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man i love money
So I'm moving over to Cali for work and I'm gonna be made to do roommates (price differential is about 1k) which is fine but I do feel guilty as fuck for my cat. She's used to a bigger living space and complete freedom to move around while at my rooming area, she'll have access to the commons area for a couple hours a day when I'm home which is nice but my bedroom is like 3/4th the size which I'm hopefully gonna make up for with vertical space. I'm watching her lay around peacefully in a second room right now. Maybe it won't be as bad when I'm down there but dang.
LMAO. It's a bit rough bro I'm ngl. What major? I had 3 years of coop + 1 internship at another company with several projects. Took me about 7 months to find a job when I graduated. However, I only intermittently sent out job apps for the first 4 months because I was vacationing at home so in that period I sent out like 150? Then in the last 3 months I sent out about a 150 per month so 450. I got a job that I *really* wanted so I'm very happy.
go into defense if you value career stability. trust me. it's vastly underrated. if you can't stomach defense, gov jobs in general are like defense lite
got promoted to the team lead of 4 people. how do I allocate resources and what kind of information should I look for and learn from? also, how do I not fuck up the team?
EE here, same person as >>102173090.
Market is rough for new college grads but lots of hardware hopium right now if you have some YOE. We always have the option of going into power industry (70k starting) as backup but it's definitely rough. I had the option of going into semiconductor engineering and jesus christ thank god I avoided that train.
lots of EE jobs paying more than that if you know where to look (hint: >>102173140)
This anon knows it. However do note that defense jobs are a bit hard to get into FOR NOW. Lockheed mass hired last year and probably won't be hiring in masses for a bit, I was intern there last year. I've applied to over 75+ LM jobs in the last 3 months to no luck, I did get some screening but they really did overhire last year. NG pretty much only wants 2+ years minimum atp and hard rejected me. I ended up with another defense.
Oh I know, but thanks for offering the advice anyways, you're really sweet hehe. I worked in defense as an intern / half my graduating class went into defense and were former interns as well. We're looking at entry of 77-85k. I got a bit higher than that but mine was adjusted to COL. I think that new college grads (AMERICANS ONLY) should all go into defense to avoid h1b competition or people who think their boot camp is a replacement for a degree. Just avoid systems engineering job title like the plague.
don't go for megacorps. my company >>102172323 is trying to hire as many people as possible. the only limiting factor is the number of applicants who can actually pass the technical challenges (not particularly difficult, and not ridiculous leetcode bullshit - it's actually important skills which are relevant to the job - but enough to filter out the bootcampers and nocoders)
i recommend looking around at https://clearancejobs.com/
although, my company doesn't actually post there. we usually hire via referrals or word of mouth
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>What would you say you do here?
Wreck all the shill threads on 4chan part of the day. Have a few wanks. Take a nap. Play vidya games.
My cleared job was highly sterile, though not bad. I'm just having a lot more fun at my new job outside of the defense industry.
Was it easy for you to transfer out of defense? (Are you CS or EE) I heard that for CS it's way harder to develop transferable skills due to a older tech stack
My company thankfully was on top of using modern C++ with python integration for analysts, and my new job similarly requires performant C++ and python support for the quants. In general I think interviewers were mildly impressed by me having a clearance, even though it's just a hassle and filling out a giant sf-86.
i don't think i could do one of the sterile jobs. to co-opt a ridiculous faang phase, we move fast and break things. it's genuinely a lot of fun. i think i would have a lot of trouble with more traditional/restrictive companies
depends a lot on your contract. i know with mine, we're working with the bleeding edge of technology (literally as it is being released) and utilize e.g. C/C++ 23, with all it entails
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I don't think that this career will be viable anymore given that both parties want to give unlimited greencards to Indians and Chinese tech workers. Competition will soar and salaries will tank. What we can we do to prepare ourselves?
Oh, and I'm CS. No idea about EE. Pretty sure 99% of people who post here are CS/CE people.
see the dozen or so posts above you
How do I write and walkthrough test cases in the interview efficiently? I feel like it is art in itself. Like, how do I walkthrough and traverse a binary tree on google docs?
>how small can the data go
>how big can the data go
>can the data be negative or empty
>can the data be duplicate
that's all I do for technicals
jeets are spineless code monkeys, so you need to get experience in leadership and optimize your resume as a jeet wrangler
Can you comprehend what I asked?
its honestly so over for SWEs in the next 5 years.
if you're a middle of the pack engineer either get better or learn plumbing because its over. i can't believe you guys are still leetcoding WAKE UP being a code monkey today won't help you at all in 5 years
The ones that talk about going into a dead-end government job? No thanks.

There are plenty of people in tech management that are Indians on visas and the best jeet wranglers are literally other jeets.
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>barely do any coding anymore, go days and even weeks just jerking off at home and writing a bunch of confluence pages
>boss schedules 1:1
>it's over, isn't it
>he asks me if I want to take on a PM role on a new project
>all coding will be done by contractors, just write tickets and make sure they do them
>comes with 20k pay increase (I'm Europoor so this is a big deal)
did I just get promoted due to my own incompetence and laziness?
The PM role is for nocoders who just like to talk dumbass lmao, he just found a better fitting role for you
You got the job they give to hot chicks, so your boss must be into you
>Ctrl + f "database"
>Ctrl + f "SQL"
>0 results
I see that I'm unwelcome here.
my boss is a woman so that could be it
There are people who design vehicles, and people who drive vehicles. This general looks down on the bus drivers and lauds the engineers.
>No thanks.
make your own company then
>we can do if they cut out the bottom 99%
there is literally nothing you can do except be in the top 1%, and that is not viable obviously
this also is now an existential question, are you selfless enough to realize the quality of life improvement for an Indian national (and extended family) and a quality of life decrease for yourself, a white american man, is a net increase in happiness for the human population?
database? you mean like a headless spreadsheet? i already know excel COM interop.
actually delusional lol
is this some mormon bullshit
oh nevermind it's a jeetcorp
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good morning sirs
how do I deal with women rejecting me because Im software dev
>Key skills salesforce
Yeah 20k sounds about right for that
Closed. Marked as duplicate of "What are some good gay dating apps?"
>Closed. Marked as duplicate of "What are some good gay dating apps?"
I want a family
>Government work
shit nigger what are you doing
you can have a basement family
there is only one solution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uddSYBb9W1E
Why is every 30+ y/o a fucking narcissist in this industry?
there's nothing much outside the self these days. everybody's guarded.
>going steady with really sweet blue collar normie that helps me get outside and be social
Very nice, anon
Considering alot of Mormons live in Mexico did they post this in the wrong country?
find a cute trans girl :3c
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Anyone else putting random shit they learned on there resume? I have been putting Edx and Coursera course on there. At this point I am thinking of putting books on there since there job related. I am just throwing shit at the wall at this point.
I know exactly what kind of person you are and if I saw this on a resume it would go in the trash. Not because there's anything wrong with actually doing this, it's kind of endearing, I just know you're going to be a pain in my ass.
I need some self reflection here, how am I going to be a pain in the ass in the work place.
You're going to eat up way too much of my time in unnecessary reviews and feedback sessions. and you'll be a stickler for procedure not, I think, out of autism but out of a sort of ass-covering cowardice. I've worked with a few of you.
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Stickler for procedure nah I am far more flexible. Its called a guideline for a reason I even work outside of my contract like the rest of my coworkers. Now reviews is absolutely an issue I have. Main reason being is that I want to get to know the work well enough to train people and once I do I end up picking up the training responsibilities for the new guys. I do that entirely for the reason that I hate being called in when coworkers don't know shit. That self education insecurity bleeds into the training role.

Good info that is what I am looking for.
DB work is important but not all that exciting, nor is there much to talk about. I guess I could say "I love postgres" more.

You should kill yourself
any tips on how to kill yourself in VBA? that's my favorite database script
>5 years
it has been already over for the last 2 years.
>speak ramble in circles with some cold caller trying to sell an AI "solution" entirely unrelated to anything we do
LMAO when are AI retards waking up to this scam. It is just another SV fad. Fake money is being pumped. Snake oil is being sold. FF 2 years and it's over.
I cascade of for and with statements, with an and thrown in there, as a treat. I love vba. Fuck msoft for kneeling to the cloud obsessed project managers with their waterfall diagrams, automation illiteracy, and need for spoonfeeding.
> had the option of going into semiconductor engineering and jesus christ thank god I avoided that train.
why? i'm in semis and it's quite comfy desu. i'm getting insane pay, fully remote, and not completely saturated like web dev shit.
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our VP of finance got his account compromised Friday and the attacker was able to register an enterprise app in azure with his account and make a backup of his entire mailbox. all because the fucking absolute retards in other departments set it so that ANY user has permissions to set up an azure enterprise app and give it permissions

sometimes I have imposter syndrome and then I get reminded I'm surrounded by retards in moments like this.
Going to apply for the Meta Rotational Product Manager job lads, wish me luck. Any tips?
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You can do it! You'll fit right in with your colleagues.
Is a "team lead" a manager, a tech lead, or both?
am I the only one without a degree with a job here
I dont have a degree, but I might return to school as soon as I get the chance to finish it out. I want to work at disney and I think its filtering me out
do second/third shift software jobs exist? besides on-call rotation IT shit
New jobs process for making db changes is bizarre and I don't get it

>Check script into source control, want separate script for each table changed
>Create an ini file in separate location telling what script to run
>Run some batch process that moves the scripts in a folder for the DBA to run
>need a script for dropping everything as well as they drop/recreate dev every day

Is this a normal pattern? It seems really overwrought
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>I love postgres
same. love me databases.
my job lets me work whenever i feel like it, and i usually go in from 3-11
been looking for a job that lets me do this for like 2 years. Why is my luck so ass?
is there a particular domain or tech stack where this is more common?
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>only 3 people have applied to the job post
>it has been up for over 24 hours
Well shit bros, I might be able to bag an interview
>as a new grad, couldve gotten a c++ job at lockheed martin through a guy whos a tech lead there that I game with
>declined his offer cus its c++ and I wanna do web dev. he just told me they hired a junior this week and that couldve been me
wouldve had to relocate 3 states away though away from my parents comfy house. should I have gottenit?
share em, heres one in my folder:
did you get your webshitter job?
yeah anything that supports 24/7 critical software. DoD has it. normal to have places with offices open 24/7 to support.
>anon applied to the $20k posting above
>nooo don't give me comfy defense contractor jobs doing fuckall for nearly six figures + benefits
>I wanna do that thing that jeets and AI are replacing instead
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>nearly six
damn anon grow a backbone everyone but juniors makes over 100k now in defense
any 9/80 kings also enjoying this 4 day weekend?
Bro... the best jobs are always offered by buddies.
feels good to not need interviews anymore

anyways I don't wanna write C++ anymore, don't get me wrong I love C++ but it's the part of working with others that tires me. I don't understand why my boss won't let me write everything myself, why do I need to read other people dog shit code and fix memory leaks. I want a Rust or C-like job, any jobs for Zig or C3?
i'm >>102172323 >>102173140 >>102173458
i think it's a small company thing more than any other aspect
last one was meant to be >>102173477 lol, sorry other anon
interesting work week, anyways I work 7 to 9 and this Monday labor day so it's a 3 day vacation
yeah you fucked up as >>102178780 the best jobs you get from family and friends
you shouldn't pollute your resume with theory, instead use the skills you learn from the course and book picrel to build something
>inb4 I don't know what to do
that's a you problem. Also the picrel book is a meme btw.
it's a defense thing, i've always worked whatever hours i wanted and did basically nothing wfh for 4 years at my bigcorp. we do have to charge time which gets very weird because i've faked my time for 9 years now and nobody ever cared but everyone acts like they take it so seriously and surely those dumbshits aren't actually tracking their hours yet i see a few people literally doing that
besides linkedin, wtf do i use?
none of the other job sites, yes even indeed, yes even dice, yes even ziprecruiter, yes even monster
DON'T WORK nobody messages me back or send me reject emails

i'm only successful at getting viewed and rejected in linkedin
yup no one gives a fuck unless you forget to fill it out
linkedin is probably the worst one to use, spammed by constant "sponsored" job postings that stay up/get reposted despite there not actually being a job behind them.

Indeed and Ziprecruiter have led to the most responses for me, aside from just directly applying on the company website. If you aren't getting ANY responses outside of linkedin, then you need to revisit your resume. No point in continuing to send it out when its filtering you out before anyone actually sees it
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I normally don't get many pings on my website portfolio but I had 5 yesterday. That's really high for me. I don't know if I should be excited or scared.
The key to C++ is that you gotta get in on the project early (or be the person starting it) and funnel bullshit out ASAP. All the static analysis you can stomach. ASan, TSan (tons of false positives but at least it forces people to think about what they're doing). You can assume 99% of the people you work with have never used gdb, valgrind, helgrind, etc. Obv need a linter. I don't know what it is about C++ but it attracts people who are OBSESSED with wasting time talking about aesthetic bullshit. If you're insistent about code style I don't want you anywhere near my project. And it's kind of unavoidable if the project predated C++11 but if people are sprinkling raw news/mallocs anywhere but near a C API boundary then that project is already sunk.
well I just got put on a "new" project, essentially a demo for customers and now my job is refactor and build it into a full fledged product.
>code style
I use clang-format
clang-tidy and cppcheck get it done
>gdb, valgrind, helgrind
I have specs on memory usage and wrote a script to run with valgrind and error if too many allocations/memory

Project is in C++17 and we are limited by the compiler unfortunately, I would love to use C++23.
devops doesnt give perms only on request?
nope, still looking
apparently fucking not, it wasn't even limited to certain admin groups or PIM groups lol. whoever set this up really fucked it up
All sounds good to me. What exactly are you aching for in C++23?
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does anybody here have their CISSP? how hard is the test actually? it seems like its sort of over-hyped online with its difficulty
All of the web dev jobs I've held have a lot of flexibility assuming I don't have any meetings I can probably disappear for the day (teams on my phone in case I need to respond to someone) and then do work at night. The issue is that most jobs I have had also have on call rotations or some days with a shit ton of meetings, so I can't really plan on having it consistently. If something goes down that's another story

Local government and small state agencies that I've worked for have pretty low oversight. I had one where my two week check ins with my boss were basically the only interaction I had, so I was just free to do the work at my pace. I haven't had any private sector jobs with that level of flexibility
>Boomercorp can't adapt to agile
>This is somehow agiles fault
do i literally just host a website thats a blog and portfolio to get a job? I'm not a webdev but I guess showing projects off and writing things about them is a good look
ranges and spans, but most important of all std::expected because it would simplify error code handling. ATM I created a lightweight Status type.
I host a git server and use it as my personal website. Like on GitHub, on your profile you have a description. I put my resume there and link to repos etc.
I fucking hate github actions. If you're one of the jeets who are involved in it: fuck you.
SAAARS give me job
Just pay for CircleCI
I am not established enough to publicly show my resume like that
Why would you give a shit? The point of a government job is being paid less so you don't have to care about your job at all. Punch in and punch out and get some hobbies
>ranges and spans
Aren't these in C++20? Personally I just wedge Abseil into everything for absl::flat_hash_map and then use the span types that brings along.
Ditto for absl::StatusOr<>, though its status codes are trash. I think rolling your own is fine as long as the whole project is consistent about it.
>I am not established enough to publicly show my resume like that
I'm a nobody, I just my Git link where they ask for personal website link
thank you anon, I use absl but I didn't know about that. The Status type I mentioned is just a type alias for a enum lol, and a bunch of statusErr(...) inline functions and macros
>new job
>you WILL rotate your password every calendar month
>you WILL have one character from every Unicode character class
luv me defence industry
luv me 20 year old best practices
mine uses 2fa but all its web 1.0 pages still need a password and if you retrieve the password the proper way you have to 2fa every single time. not doing that lol so,
>password on stickynote
simple as.
I don't get why you retards are so against basic password hygiene.
data breach? not my problem. chinese hackers? NOT MY PROBLEM. if they really gave a shit they'd stop hiring chinks and iranians altogether.
>going to college for the first time at the age of 27, hoping to get a CS degree eventually
>only on week 2 and I'm already about to quit
I didn't do a single writing assignment in high school (I ate a 0 on all of them) and the bullshit they want me to do for this college English class is driving me insane. Fuck it, I guess I'm staying poor for the rest of my life.
You might still want those depending on what you mean. Internally Google has a bunch of macros (ASSIGN_OR_RETURN, etc.) for working with status-wrapper types but didn't externalize them for whatever reason.
I'm guessing you don't use Apache Arrow but it has a similar status type (arrow::Result<>) and some useful macros that you can copy off of https://github.com/apache/arrow/blob/main/cpp/src/arrow/result.h#L454
if I were you I'd ask your friend again
defense jobs are lax, but if you put in a tiny bit of effort, you can start to lead projects
in any random webdev shop, you have a 50/50 chance of having bad management/mentors, and another 50/50 of never having impact on projects, and a final 80/20 on permanent ticket closer duty
what i dont understand is the emails warning me my password is going to expire in 2 weeks. why would i change my password a second earlier than necessary?
using 4-5 alphanumeric words is way more entropy than the bare minimum 12 character 4 class password that these policies encourage, and rotating passwords that frequently is theatre because it just encourages people to increment the number every time
>guess im poor forever
yep and probably its not from a lack of college
plus you'd already have instant name brand company that HR roasties love
you don't want this to happen:
>2 years of Java experience at DurgaTech Systems
you want this to happen:
>2 years of... Name Brand
>oh I've heard of that one!
>encourages people to increment the number every time
Glad I'm not the only one. One job I was only at for 18 months and my password number got up to 53
rotating passwords is policy because if users get their password stolen by phishing it reduces the risk that the stolen credentials can be used before the password is rotated. its not "theater"

why is so much of /g/ this retarded when it comes to security?
im at 36
>why are anonymous actors encouraging bad security practices on a public forum of employees for american companies
security is a spook and phishing victims deserve it
Reading through absl::StatusOr<> and the error codes are fine. Most of error code handling is just "log it and retry, or clean up and exit". Those codes are general enough for that, since they convey the severity of the error and not the actual specifics of what went wrong.
>Interviewing for FAGMAN
>So how much do you make at your current position
>uhhh 75k
She fucking laughed at me before collecting herself and telling me I'll make a lot more. She didn't even give me a number.
I unironically spent more time on writing papers for English 101 than I did on even the month-long OS and networking projects. I assume people majoring in humanities have the same feelings about linear algebra or whatever their freshman math is
rotating passwords is fine
rotating passwords on a frequent basis with no significant difference requirement between them, as I said, just created situations where people only change one character
if they've been phished, most "password changes" don't make enough difference that they can't just be brute forced
You’ll make more and move and get taxed more and live in an area with higher rent and higher cost of living and a large portion of your income will be tied up in RSUs
Yeah, it's English 101 that I'm taking. I didn't go to college out of high school because I didn't want to do any more shit like this, despite people telling me college would be different. Turns out I was right, and it's just more of the same time-wasting nonsense that nearly got me to fail in high school. I'm losing my fucking mind over how stupid this shit is. I've been staring at my screen for 6+ hours without doing anything. I don't know what's wrong with me, but this is just fucking impossible for me to do. I suppose I'm just stupid.
hmm good point

I dont wanna move so far away tho

but much more fun than being unemployed
>Those codes are general enough for that
Yeah, I guess "how specific should status codes be" is always going to make someone unhappy. They also try to keep it aligned with gRPC's status codes IIRC, so their rationale for a bunch of the codes is understandable. I do a lot of data processing and there are a lot of data scenarios which aren't "invalid arg" or "failed precondition" but describing them as "out of range" is almost as bad
I like my current defense job but I’m really hoping to transfer over to a defense job that involves FPGA or ASIC design or firmware development
Currently in a role where I’m doing so much software design from a systems engineer perspective. I painstakingly research everything and clearly and concisely tell the coders what to build to and I get paid 20% less than them. Like bruh
I want to say I only had to take that shit freshman year though. Just chatgpt it, manually shit it up a bit so they believe you really wrote it, and move on. Don't let them filter you. Cheat however you have to.
Not going to be much FPGA outside of defense or very high paying and niche positions, but it's achievable with persistence and enough talent IMO. I actually work with some of those, it's pretty cool if you can manage to nab one. They gave a presentation on implementing a cuckoo hash map in a FPGA, seems like fun work.
I don’t care about income that much but it’s just dumb to me that systems engineers get so much less
Like bro vhdl is not even that hard and I have to know how the code works anyway
I’ll write the for loops myself for 20% bigger paycheck sure why not
Honestly everyone hates system engineers just like everyone hates project engineers. They both exist to keep things coordinated but often end up being an annoyance.
you'll probably make 2x
Im a nigger dumbfuck shithead who wasted his entire parents lifesaving and time.

Instead of raising a tard compsci graduate who cant even code they could've get a yearly yacht trips and keep their marriage intact.
granted you're probably a faggot but boomers are insane and would have destroyed their marriage anyway
To be fair, having you was their decision. Not yours
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>job is consistent, but in person
>live in the absolute middle of nowhere, multiple hours from anything relevant
>mom keeps asking for grandkids when all the women i know around here are either in long term relationships, or they are single mothers
ive been distracting myself by diving into an mmo a few months ago. how long will it be until im no longer able to distract myself?
the one thing i have going for me is that people at work finally stopped calling everything a "wifi issue"
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Can Powell cut the rates already
I'm tired of being stuck at my shit job
Ask mom if she would help raise your kid when you're busy with work.

Asian families are like this. The first 5 to 10 years of their lives are spent bonding with their maids and grandparents
is it REALLY the interest rates
everyone's parroting the interest rate meme while the MBA monkeys tell us straight to our faces that otusourced work simply got better and we can't compete
I suspect other industries will pick back up (marketing, finance, etc.) but not tech.
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it's so over.
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As a Dad, we make the call when the pussy is feeling that good to accept 19 years of hell just to coom in it.

Dads get what deserve unfort.
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shut up nigger not clicking.
Now feed my next grift by watching this vid!
>basedface thumbnail preview

Not me, not never
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go to college bro. take the loans bro.
Dad and mom nowadays rather have orgies with their workwifes and workhusbands on their business trip instead of being parents at home. You either go home to lash at your kids or do shopping sprees with them.
Any Canadabros here? How is $110k a year in the prairies with a few years of experience?
Start going for fat women
How to stop caring in reviews about irrelevant things. Like a developer that changes parameters to enumerables or changing a ToList to a ToArray because he thinks this is faster.
It's so fucking dumb to waste brain cycles thinking about that stuff. It makes mad seeing those trash changes.
Oh, now the junior accidentally passed a queryable into your enumerable method signature that you changed last sprint. Guess all your irrelevant hypothetically time profit is gone now.
And in the same pr they insert a one liner that does like 6 things.
Tell them you're not approving that shit. An optimization isn't an optimization unless you can evidence it, and I'll call you out for premature optimization if you do appear with microbenchmarks out of nowhere. Tell them to keep each PR focused, they're practically free. (Assuming your CI isn't coarse and expensive)
never answer that question, retard. look at the OP of the usual twg threads
save ur money and do online uni. some of them has none of this bs english req
I am doing online courses. My plan was to start at a technical college doing online courses to save money and get general education bullshit out of the way, and then attend in-person once I transfer to a proper university and start taking classes that actually matter. It seems that I might not even make it that far in the first place.
What can I lie about on my resume, and get away with?
has anyone here pivoted from traditional engineering to SWE within defense? I have a TS/SCI, aerospace engineer by education, the only parts of my job I enjoy are programming
If i ended up working in QA should i neck myself?
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Director just messaged me asking what date I started working here, out of nowhere. How over is it for me?
how much after taxes? don't give me irrelevant numbers
>proficient in Microsoft word
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My main jobs include putting emoji reactions on teams messages and merge requests (which I approve without reading). I also slowly clean blu tack from outside of people's offices and roll it into balls while I relax in front of my light box.
Well, 3 months into my new job and I'm already drinking
Like $75k a year after taxes
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did my Certificate III in IT
how do i get le helldesk job???
>Start going for fat women
already tried, already cried (inside)(wake me up (cant wake up))
Any UK bros here finding it impossible to find a new job?
Been applying to all sorts of software jobs but no one is getting back to me.
Is this industry dead now?
Yep it's over
Especially over in europoorland
I fake trooned to get past the anti white male filter. How do I signal to my coworkers that I'm not actually an uptight leftist tranny without giving away the rush?
>did I just get promoted due to my own incompetence and laziness?
Yep, welcome to corporate.
just chatgpt your way through ge credits
change a few sentences and their shitty checker software will be none the wiser
outsourced to Rajeets, wait for the collapse
kek it's over, they'll ask about your polycule soon enough
offer to suck them off in the men's bathroom?
>I fake trooned to get past the anti white male filter
How did you do that? Do you have to wear dresses and shitty makeup all the time? Do you go by a female name to them? If so, how does that work with all your documents/bank account being in a different name?
Depends on your experience and where you're based. I definitely think that hiring is slowing down a little, especially in more junior roles.
Who is retuning to the office this week?
My team is going to implode.
Finalized guidance is 3x a week which is a hell of a lot worse than the 1-2x a pay period they were pushing for.
No one is happy but management is trying to soften this by bringing in doughnuts. It's weird they thought that would make it cool to go back on site.
it'll go back to 5/week in a few months, that's what my company did. i was smart enough to move out of state and get formally marked as remote back when it was normal. hope you did that too! ;)
welcome to government work. Every process needs 3 signatures l to get to the next level, and then needs to be transcribed to the format of the next level where it'll sit in a pile because there's only one person who can sign for each of the 3 signatures needed and they're gone for a week. By the time it makes it to the final level, they'll spend more time looking for a petty mistake vs. the time it takes to approve something and send it back down the chain for you to start all over or just give up.
You beat the system.
I'll have to do that once I transfer out of here.
There is a huge disconnect somewhere that management is not understanding people are just not going to go back and will find something else instead.
>and will find something else instead
they're betting that there is nothing else since management is a midwit hivemind and they're all doing RTO at the same time. furthermore they're trained as MBAs to *insist* that people are all interchangeable (even if they know that's not true there's a "they'll leave eventually so better rip the bandaid off now" philosophy) so they think they shouldn't care if they lose key personnel over some arbitrary decision.
Some days I really regret defaulting to software engineering as a clueless university graduate. Most of my colleagues code like a fresh grad and using LLMs as a crutch. Some of them have been coding for like 5-6 years and still codes like a junior
I’m mid level at best but I still put in the effort to read up on engineering best practices and design patterns but at work I have to be the one pointing out bad coding practices. Code review is a fucking joke
Tha majority of devs out there are shit. Especially if they got into it when it was the trendy way of making a lot of money.
How do we stop the indian menace? From tech to anime and manga, they made the majority of the buzz.
Why do you care so much?
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>apply to a position
>barely anyone is applying
>1 has a PhD
>5 have a Masters
>2 have Bachelors (including me)
No. Not like this. I don't want to compete against unfounded confidence of an academic with zero industry experience.
Is a Master's degree worth it these days?
I'm not an opportunistic normie, I grew up in front of a computer and genuinely enjoy tech. I have two jobs atm, one remote and one on-site.
Would love to improve my credentials, but not if it's going to make me "overqualified" for better jobs.
Whenever I look through or apply through LinkedIn there are swarms of Masters holders applying. They're always the largest group of applicants. They're like necromorphs coming out of the damn walls.
In my specific systems eng role I have to be a SME in everything relating to
my system, everyone relies on me to know everything about everything when it comes to all the systems connected to my system, constantly travel etc

Not sure what other programs are like but I have to talk to dozens of different teams and be ready to answer literally any question . It must be comfy writing vhdl and just talking to like one other person every day
thinking about quitting to work minimum wage at the supermarket
>It must be comfy writing vhdl and just talking to like one other person every day
I'm mech eng but yes it was very comfy. I got shanghai'd into a senior design role this year which is basically systems engineering and where I have to interact with actual (((systems engineers))) and I'm bitter as hell.
Someone explain how you're supposed to find an entry level role when there's barely any and the ones that exist have 100s of applicants
Lie on your resumé.
Anon there are dozens of postings for cash register operations engineer at Walmart or package retrieval specialist at Amazon. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
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ask dad or uncle
What does it mean to be Shanghai’d and why don’t you just transfer back to writing VHDL
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I came in one day to find my old job was gone and I was """""promoted"""""
It did come with a solid pay bump but as usual not commensurate with the work
I've solved today's daily LC question. Fuck I'm smart.
> 9 years in defense
> apply to Amazon
> get heemed by take home test
How, it's take home
Time limit
doesn't sound like much of a take home test now does it
"Ugh. That's my deadname. I just transitioned very recently and haven't had a chance to correct the cisshit system yet."
>get offer from a company
>A substantial pay increase
>Shit ton of bad Glassdoor reviews
>Remember last 2 places I worked at were the same and both of them were easy as fuck

I'm not sure bros, most of the time bad reviews are just retards that are too dumb to do their job right and get filtered, but I'm afraid.
See if you can find the names of the executives. If there's a Cohen or a Mishra, the bad reviews are legit.
That's how I feel with one company I applied to the other day. Bad reviews but I worked at a similar company and it was manageable after I got my bearings. There are more retards out there in this world that can't fucking do their job. Why do you think FAGMAN has so many?
SWE? no
Data science? yes
>be retard
>talk like a nigger
>fail test
Neck yourself if you want, but I don't see what working in QA has to do with it. No reason to be ashamed of how you make your living.
>No reason to be ashamed of how you make your living.
This might be true for noble professions like ditch-digger or janitor but QA is the scum of the earth.
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happy labor day chuddys.
you niggas have the day off? damn lucky
yep labor day is a core holiday like 4th of july most jobs are closed.
Im working in industrial automation as a C/C++ dev for over two years now. I have a bunch of toy projects on the side. In general, what are the chances of me landing a USA based remote job? (I'm in the EU)
Junior jobs are over. Start a masters degree and try to apply to student positions.
Why would an American company hire you directly? Name one reason.
They might have you as a freelancer, an outsourced employee, or just hire you to their European division if they have one. You can't eat the cake and have it too. You won't get US salaries while living in Europe. Hell even American remote workers get their salary lowered considerably, especially if they live in rural areas.
Even if you manage to land a job which 6 million Indians are applying to every day, you will have to work as a contractor.
>bear full tax and insurance load
>no job security
Slowly migrate

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