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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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$ man %command%
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$ %command% -h/--help
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$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

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GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>102151935
First for trannies and troons
>install a game on Heroic Launcher
>game's Wine prefix is almost the same size as the game itself
how the fuck is this even worth it?
If you're saving a file but change the directory, when you start typing the text goes into search rather than filename field. How can I make the cursor stay in filename field when changing folders?
Can't you just use the same prefix for whatever else?
When I used Bottles I just made one for most games, then some for specific games that were difficult
Kde with dolphin? I've noticed that too. Try a different file manager. Dolphin sucks
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best not gnome distros (with blur)?
there is no good gui for linux
With blur? Fuck do you mean, blur?
There is no Linux user who is not constantly bitching(other than me)
Therefore you use the best and follow along with its developments.
I actually like Cinnamon
I mean it has its flaws but I actually like Cinnamon
Some people are masochists. They use GNOME.
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If you're using the file system gui, select the directory (folder) you want it to go in, then type in the file name (or just leave the name it had). It's the system you have now, with different behavior than you are accustomed to.
Nobody tell this retard about the CD images Debian still produces (yes, it's 2024 and nobody knows what a CD is anymore but they still make these images) or rsync (you can quite literally mirror the entire repository if you want it. I have Debian and Gentoo and Arch all rsynced to my home server so I'm not dependent on anybody else's mirrors)
>I have Debian and Gentoo and Arch all rsynced to my home server so I'm not dependent on anybody else's mirrors
You'd still have to rsync it regularly from a mirror though right?
I thought about doing something like this as well but i might just settle for a proxy cacher like apt-cacher-ng or nginx instead
I have not used linux as a desktop OS since 2004. I liked it, but I couldn't game on it at all past tuxcart and tuxsweeper.

Has anything substantial actually changed?
Unless you have a lot of storage then a proxy like APT Cacher NG is better.
haven't heard from those guys in a while lol
would 1tb for just amd64/x86_64 be enough without filling the whole drive?
You get what you need from the internet the use it locally. How is that any different than windows? Windows gives you all the bloat, some you will never use, plus nagware, involuntary updates, forced cloud storage... . Linux let's you choose what you want to use, get rid of bloat you don't want, go back for more bloat if you want it, disconnect from the internet with minimal or no nagware ... . My point is, compared to Windows, one could use GNU/Linux on the internet like a shopping list to get programs to use, install them and disconnect from the internet for the life of the hardware. How is that any different than Windows?
You can play most Windows games on Linux now.
Damnit, you told him. So much for filtering, I mean if someone wants to gatekeep themselves, fucking let them.
Not really, Debian is huge. Distros like Arch have smaller repositories though (note: I exclude the debug repositories because these are massive and I don't generally need them)
2TB in total just for amd64 debian?
What about without src packages?
Which distro are you using on your server? just debian?
Gentoo, because I'm an idiot. But I build a lot of containers, and also use my own mirror for my VPS servers, etc (just because I can. I could use deb.debian.org but by using my mirror it means everything is in sync and also packages theoretically cached by Cloudflare).
I have maybe 30 DVDs of Debian (and other linux-ware) packed and stored. Yes, 3 desktops and 2 laptops with optical drives. 1 even has floppy drive.
Honestly if the Internet died tomorrow, I'd stop using technology regardless.
Why are file permissions so strict in this git repository? It produces artifacts I want to extract, move, delete, etc. But it's all permission denied. Is this typical when running a programs that create files? Is it a default permission config?
I'm sure I can figure out how to chmod my way to success, but I'm just curious if there's something special about git or something special about the way these artifacts were created.
I wonder how much of the internet hardware (data transmission) is shared with cellular phones? Cell towers aren't magical antennas, every call, text, browser view, goes through thousands of miles of cable/fiber-optic. Is it multipurpose cable at some point?
How do I encode with Jpegli? is it part of some JXL package?
All of them are good,
I'm a debian kinda guy... but should I install gentoo to learn linux with?
if you want windows type packages appimages exist.
I apologize. My query does not belong here.
I too am Debian familiar. That experience made me a better computer user so I would like to experience gentoo and Arch.
Not yet. In the future.
If you kept only stable/bookworm and didnt sync testing,sid,experimental or src/debug packages you might drop that number from 2tb by a lot
enjoy your spyware faggot
Pretty much all game console emulators work best on Linux. Almost all Windows games work.
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What file managers can show me images like this?
we're still like over half a year away but the new apt stuff in debian sid is very pretty. trixie is gonna be good.
arch is better for this. gentoo is great for learning how to compile, but if you're a debian user who just wants to learn more about how your system works under the hood do a manual install of arch.
arch and debian are almost identical in how they work. slightly different package management, and arch is rolling, that's it. so almost everything you learn with arch can be applied to debian later.
gentoo you'll learn a lot of stuff that's very gentoo specific.
also read: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/File_manager_functionality#Thumbnail_previews
most file managers can display png images like the one you posted.
I've only used Dolphin and my terminal for file management so I don't got much experience on this field
Thank you anon
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Talking about file managers, why the FUCK is firefox using zathura for my file manager? Out of every possible app? Dolphin?
/root is a directory. Why can't I switch to this directory with [root@hostname~]# cd /root or [root@hostname~]# cd ~/. If I type this nothing happens, no return and the working directory is unchanged.
root users ~ and /root are the same thing, what exactly did you expect from changing to it when you already are in that directory?
try echo ~
>trying to troubleshoot something
>search up "how to ..." in linux
>tells you to open up "Options"
Use case for blur?
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I just realised it does the same thing when I try to change into the home directory of a "normal user". I didn't know a terminal is always open inside a directory and not only when I explicitly cd into it.
Yeah, I am mentally challenged.
How do I make programs which can open files in the terminal recognize that I'm using tmux and properly open the file in my current session? File managers never do this properly (they simply bring up the terminal window), while something like Awesome's 'edit config' button opens an entirely new terminal window detached from my tmux session.
Do you have more than 1 DE (or file manager) installed? I'm not being condescending here, I'm just a few years with Linux and early on I installed MATE DE on a distro that had Gnome. I ended up with ALL the packages for both and my system tended to default to MATE packaged even when using Gnome DE. I remember clearly, being in Gnome and saving files from firefox and MATEs file manager would open. Frustrating at the time but ultimately a good learning experience.
Try just:

Careful, it will blow your mind.
I don't have any DE's downloaded. Dolphin is also all I have
Is Nobara a good distro for someone new to Linux? I want to game
Oh and I should mention I use nvidia drivers
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Does anyone know when the Install Gentoo Wiki that is stickied to this board will be back up? I keep getting this error screen:
Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.
Try waiting a few minutes and reloading.

(Cannot access the database)

Please help saars!
Yeah nobara seems alright but honestly just know that if you ever experience problems they are most likely nvidia's fault, not linux.
I'm using Raspbian. For some reason I cannot use the keyboard once I am logged in, and I cannot figure out why. Help, please.
pwd exists
Why aren't you using Nix?
I'm not gay
Yeah I've been learning that the hard way
how many times did you call linux gay before switching?
I am happy with Arch. Maybe I try Nix some day, but I mostly surf and game so any distro with KDE and newish kernel and drivers is good enough for me.
Seconding pcmanfm.
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So I've accidentally pressed ALT+F4 on my VM thinking it will be passed inside during update, giving me 1 hour of joy fixing shit...
today i feel smarter than 95% of humanity because I set up i2pd and privoxy
On this topic, does anyone know if there's a way for lutris to use the same wine prefix for all games?
This is kind of annoying, but how painful would it be to install windows after linux on a dual boot setup?
If you have two physical drives it's easy. If not it's less easy.
Yeah that's the issue
As an adult who has money to buy an extra drive to install linux on, I don't know why you'd dual boot from a single disk in the year of our lord 2024.

If you need to do this, I'm sure you can find a tutorial telling you how to do some fucking messy shit.
No, I also don't like using those.
Ok, no DEs.
Somehow you ended up with at least 2 file managers.
the sad part is that you probably are

Yes, it's probably the best option for new users.

Why would it be an issue? If Windows destroys your bootloader you can just re-install it / repair it. Linux Mint has a tool for that in their Live USB from what I recall, so other distros might too.
You could look into making a VM with a GPU passthrough instead if you fear Windows will kill your Linux partitions randomly.
Apologies for the delay. I had to go touch grass (with the lawnmower).
On Mint 22 and wanna see how the newer Nvidia drivers fare.
Should I go with 555 or have the 560 issues been fixed up?
Im trying to read a character device for a pen but I cant parse the output, where can I find the driver for my device (galaxy book 2 pro 360), this is a 1024 read: https://pastebin.com/K3wgS0iq
And the code I used
import struct
with open('/dev/input/event13', 'rb') as device:
data = device.read(1024)

# Define the record size
record_size = 26

# Define the format string for unpacking
# The format string should match the structure of the record
format_string = '6s 8s 6s 2s 2s 2s'

# Calculate the number of records
num_records = len(data) // record_size

# Parse each record
records = []
for i in range(num_records):
record = data[i*record_size:(i+1)*record_size]
unpacked = struct.unpack(format_string, record)

# Print the records
for record in records:

I been worried about this, I think it's a legitimate issue g tards just brush aside with muh it just werks. I really think the hard answer is learning how to implement things yourself from scratch worse case scenario so that for whatever reason, you can also write the necessary glue to get your program working without internet
There is no issue, it works as well without internet as windows if not better.
>as windows if not better.
this isn't about windows, it's about getting software to work without internet. Sometimes things go down and disappear and you're stuck with software that just doesn't work but this isn't an issue if you know enough to decompile, inspect how it works and write the necessary glue to get it working again.
Less likely to happen with something like red hat linux
for all openrc bros
There's nothing stopping you from having a local repo mirror. Most distros actively encourage it.
You know you can use AppImages, right? And Flatpaks support offline installs.
can .deb do this as well?
bought zorin pro to support the devs and is kino, everything works out of the box.
Yes lol. You can pretty much play all games with same or better performance than on windows. The exception is games that use kernel level spyware (anti cheat in multiplayer games).
>Making up an unrealistic scenario to argue against a phantom of a strawman
this nigga paid for a linux distro
I just recently installed LMDE Cinnamon, but the most annoying thing is i cant middle mousewheel up my firefox windows to shade them.
I believe this is because FF seems to not have a title bar.
How do I force title bars in Cinnamon?
Sorry to tell you, but you also cannot install software on windows without an internet connection.
inb4 pretending you still have a cd drive
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Try customizing the toolbars in FF and enabling it
thanks anon, that worked
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he cute
Debian still has full repo optical image sets like it's 1998
>systemd service
>needs to run as a seperate user
>make user
>put in wheel group
>i am in wheel group
>setup program and service file
>go to access files
How do i easily manage this,this will be a daily use thing
The user has to be in a group that has access to the files for it to do what you're looking for. If you want the service to run "as you", then run it as a user service instead of a system service.
I want it to run as a system service, i dont want my user being logged in being dependent on the service running in the background.
I put my self in its user's named group but same problem too
>yes i logged out
mine are around 350MiB, you can minimise this to almost nothing using deduplication tools since it's mostly just copies of files from the installed wine package (if you have a capable filesystem, such as btrfs)
The only things can be going wrong is that the user that it runs as either doesn't have access to the file(s) in question because of permission bits, or one of the directories back to /, or you're running SELinux and that's fucking with it. In the former, su as the user and try ls'ing/cat'ing to find where it stops having access and fix it w/ chmod, and in the latter, good luck, you're on your own.
Same as the other anons said. If you do it through steam it is braindead easy. But you can also use lutris or another launcher to run windows games locally.
No selinux or apparmor

I only want the 2nd user to have a .config with the setup for the service in the folder folder in /home/user2 and run the service accordingly

I want to be able to access the data that is output from user2 without having to chown everything every time to my user.
The data from that service belongs to user2:user2 and i put my self in user2 group but it still denies my main user access to it
You probably need to set up a default file manager application
that means that either the file itself is missing the group read permission bit, or one of the directories its in is missing group read and/or execute (search) bits.
How do i dynamically set 755 on new folders/files?
Is there such a thing as a liveboot ISO for *BSD? If there is, I think it would fit in a CD.
GhostBSD and NomadBSD have live environments
The default permission bits are called the "umask", which you can set via "Umask" in the unit file, or via the "umask" command in teh shell, though this is just a default, the process can choose whatever bits it wants. I think you can also do this with ACL's, but I've never done it.
Do you mean the file manager or the file picker?
Even ancient shit like ROX supports image miniatures just fine as long as there's a thumbnailer installed (pretty much all distros have one for FOSS formats, you'd only miss miniatures for PSDs, HEVC and shit that you'd have to install separately) but the file pickers (the dialog to pick files i.e. to post here) are fucked, courtesy of GTK. You have to use some awkard xdg-destkop-portal workaround
I hope they stay on Plasma 5.27.11, Plasma 6 stability has been abysmal for me so far. First time since KDE4 that Dolphin has randomly experienced file copy bugs and shell randomly freezes case it can. Maybe that's Arch being Arch, to be fair.
Are distros and desktop environments closely related? I thought that you could customize your DE no matter your distro, but looking at all the distro spinoffs that just change the DE, that must not be the case?
How hard it is to get into dual booting?
Will this cause compatibility issues of any kind?
I want to experiment on a linux distro but have windows at the ready for videogames.
DEs are just collections of binaries put together to create a working GUI on top of the tty and Linux kernel. It all comes down to the distro what DE they want to use and focus on developing their own branch of, or ones like Arch where it gives you stock binaries for basically every DE and lets you install them in a modular way.
What I gathered from /fglt/ it seems KDE specifically gets different packaging depending on who made it.
>I thought that you could customize your DE no matter your distro
>but looking at all the distro spinoffs that just change the DE, that must not be the case?
Meaning of those spinoffs is to provide out of the box experience.
Im retard and accidently autoremoved networkmanager packages from my debian install.
I now have no internet on laptop. I have another computer running wangblows. My plan is to load up the required packages on a usb using windows pc, then bring that to debian laptop and install from USB.
How do I do this without fucking it?
My main concern is that I'm not going to bring over all the required dependencies or they arn't going to be compatible with other packages I have on my Debian install. How do I ensure I get the right versions and the right dependencies so I'm not playing trial and error trying to install network manager, and how do I even get all the packages and dependencies on a USB in a format I can install from debian?
I'm using Linux Mint. I just switched to it last year, so what's a file system?
One day we'll crack the hardware and run it like any other ARM hardware.
Using an M3 Pro CPU+GPU in parallel with an array of actual accelerators would be insurmountable.
Mint is a good place to start.
A file system is the way the file hierarchy is stored. For example Ext4 has journaling but not inherent snapshots, which means that recently used files are stored at the "front" making them faster when frequently used, but in exchange, uses more disk space when making snapshots in say TimeShift, which ships with Mint.
On the other hand there's filesystems like BTRFS, which has inherent snapshots, but no journaling, so everything loads at the same speed, but system snapshots take up significantly less disk space because they're built in to the file system.

What the guy who responded to you mentioned was a file manager, however, which is the GUI you use to browse your file system. Nemo is default in Cinnamon. Dolphin is the default for GNOME. I assume that KDE has some K-App that does the same, but each have different features. For example, Nemo is more feature rich than Dolphin, so i use Nemo as my default file manager app, even though I use GNOME.
Vanilla 2 seems like Nix, but I can export a text file for reproducibility instead of learning a one-time use language. Can anyone confirm or am I just misreading surface level knowledge.
look at the convo these anons were having >>102174363 >>102174406 >>102174426

I haven't went into that usecase so I don't know how you'd make a .deb out of 1 package while keeping the dependencies
They really aren't, the main difference between distros is the culture behind their packaging, which leaks over to the DEs themselves cause well that's what they are, a collection of packages. The main problems you are likely to face are the configuration files for each DE and how well packaged are those DEs on each distro. If you install multiple of them at the same time, sometimes they clash (i.e. different GTK settings) or you could be forced to deal with multiple apps that do the same thing cause the DE can't work without them, like Nautilus with Gnome.
Also some distros just treat some packages differently due of cultural reasons or lack of manpower. OpenSuse i.e. that distro is swimming against the current if you're not using Plasma or Gnome, with Cinnamon being their lowest point; Debian is also mostly land of GTK DEs (Gnome as VIP, the others less so) LXQt or Window Managers, all the other DEs are packaged in a half assed way there (LXQt technically is half assed too, but is a stable enough DE that it just works) Ubuntu makes Plasma some justice, but is still cucked by being a Debian base and also for some reason their LXQt packages have ugly regressions sometimes; Arch works the best with Vanilla Gnome, XFCE or WMs right now, mostly cause the Qt ecosystem is going through some volatile changes. Gentoo is basically free for all, everything is as good as you can build it. People tend to favor WMs there if that means anything.
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Abstraction layers bro.
There are block devices such as hard drives. Usually these devices contain a partition table. The table defines areas on the device and it exists so the HARDWARE can load bootable crap. These areas may or may not contain a filesystem. A file system is what hosts files and directories so the OS can present them to programs. Then the programs read and write files without knowing anything previously mentioned.
(many people on /g/ talk about partitions when they are in fact talking about file systems)
And oh, on Linux you don't necessarily need a table, you can mkfs whole devices and it will work.
NTA but I'm curious about this. I found only one instance of this on aksubuntu forums saying you can download a .deb file from a usb if the .deb file was downloaded onto a computer with the same version of ubuntu (in their case). Idk why this would be an issue though. Maybe you could download deb package onto usb via VM on your windows comp.
I did it /g/. I built the PC and booted the Mint. Microshit, Crapple, and HP in absolute shambles rn
what USB sound card is most widely supported by linux.
my PC just has a single port on the back, and a single port on the front. but my stereo system is 5.1.
Cheers for the help, I hate to say it but I ended up just seeing if chatGPT could help and holy fuck I could not believe how helpful that shit was. Legitimately made solving this problem fun.

The steps were simply:
1. Use apt to work out what package(s) you actually need
2. DL them on windows
3. Move them to debian laptop
4. Install
5. ???
6. Profit

It originally had me doing a lot of work manually, but I managed to get (Chatgpt to get) each of those steps down to a single command.
For instance, getting URLs for each of the exact packages I required was:
apt-get --print-uris --yes install network-manager | grep ^\' | cut -d\' -f2 > /tmp/package_list.txt

and then I just move that list to wangblows computer (I even told chatgpt that I normally use a filemanager to mount my usb drives, but while we are here you might as well teach me how to mount a usb via command line) and wget that list from windows(gave me the powershell command).

And it did all this immediately, while I made it autistically explain each command, and also responded to random side quests and annoying questions I had without hesitation.
Congrats bro.
ip l set up dev eth0
ip a a dev eth0
ip r a default via dev eth0

Or a systemd unit

Will fire up DHCP on all Ethernet devices.
For Wi-Fi you need to establish the link too but that's the basic idea.
LLMs like that are honestly pretty alright with most code questions
Nice, I am glad you were able to figure it out. I've found chat gpt to be more helpful than search engines for many things, as of late.
>Win update bricks dualboot
>company panic switches to fedora because hurr shim,4 is on it so SB werks
>nvidia drivers break wine on x ~70% of the time
>nvidia drivers break usb-c docking
>dnf is missing some niche C++ libs, so have to sideload from Debian
>Company said fuck it - we're returning to debian with temp fix from M$
>Debian testing
>drivers on x11 just werk
>drivers on Wayland just werk
>no usb-c problems
>all required shit is already in the official repos
How is fedora prod ready again? Outside of pretty graphics it's fucking garbage and debian testing is more stable than fedora stable. We made the same mistake with panic switch to Rocky on servers, when we should go Alma from the start.
Howdy, do Intel cards play nice with Linux?
pretty sure the installgentoo wiki is mirrored on github or some other git site
What are you trying to do in the first place?
A better idea would be to get a livecd and chroot into the debian install to reinstall the packages instead
>Intel cards
You're going to have to be more specific.
this wouldnt be a problem if you used NixOS™
If he used Nix he would have at least two problems.
ETA of proper fedora cosmic spin? or just use copr repo for it? Ive had bad experience with installing a DE on top of another
>fedora cosmic spin
I have no clue, but I wouldn't count on it before it's at least out of Alpha.
Maybe someone is crazy enough though, who knows.
>still shilling a desktop that isnt even out of alpha yet
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Best MILF distro?
They'd use Ubuntu, obviously
he would just re-add networkmanager to his config and the package would still be available
what are you guys using to stay on top of malware besides safe browsing habits? when i was using windows i would at least once in a while rkill into adwcleaner.
i see stuff like chkrootkit and lynis but this is all pretty heavy when you're kind of just looking for a thumbs up that that suspicious link that instantly closed a window didnt actually do anything
>bricks dualboot
Could create a CSV file that makes UEFI regenerate the entry.
IIRC my Fedora install had one and it kept recreating the entry. Or did Windows remove the whole \\EFI\Fedora directory?
Arc, likely.
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>getting triggered at the mere mention of a desktop environment
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What do I have to do to start a wayland compositor? When I attempt to launch one it complains about a no backend problem
the desktop that you've been shilling for the last several months despite not going into alpha until recently yet is the only other viable desktop alongside gnome and kde because muh wayland even though xfce, cinnamon, budgie etc are perfectly fine and useable
you also for some reason pretend hyprland, sway and every other wlroots desktop doesnt exist
if you are using nvidia, have you added

to your kernel commands (through grub or otherwise)?
I just installed Pop_OS!, I like it so far. What am I in for, bros?
my arch won't run without nomodeset
what does it mean tho
Puppy linux
A pretty good Ubuntu fork with a great DE in COSMIC.
Self nuking OS
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I'm running on a intel igpu. This is the wrapper I'm using in my greeter. Copied it from here https://man.sr.ht/~kennylevinsen/greetd/#how-to-set-xdg_session_typewayland
why tho? I'm a casual user, I don't even do work on my PC.
>a great DE but isnt even out of alpha yet
A famous eceleb youtuber uninstalled their whole desktop because of a fuckup popos did once
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I tried looking into the hikari matrix room and there doesn't seem to be any activity whatsoever. I think I bet on the wrong horse
Is there any performance difference between using wine from terminal to run games and using proton from steam? When I try to run games from steam they don't work.
What is the likely hood of a linux computer running 24/7 being hacked? To be exact i have a computer which has Debian installed on it that i used as a 'smart tv' extension. I have gotten a little paranoid about the security of constantly running systems and i have even taken down my home server. As for the 'smart tv', it only had firefox and steam on it, no ports were passed through the router and everything was on the defaults. How can i do a through analysis on it? I know that cmalAV is not very good and that logs can be manipulated.
Add a game to the steam games list, then right click on it and in properties pick a different proton version
The only way you're going to get hacked is if you have ports exposed to the internet through the firewall
Is systemd-homed viable to use for encrypting user files with btrfs on a homeserver or would i be better off using fcrypt(or whatever it's called) with ext4?
Do gentoo users also compile stuff like firefox and ffmpeg?
Is there any performance difference?
Nix is cross platform
proton should have better performance, but a regular wine with dxvk setup shouldn't be too different.
Hi, I am looking for an **budget** (as in no need for gaming, just for watching 4K videos) AMD GPU that works with Linux. Do you guys have any suggestions?
I do. There are binaries for Firefox if you don't want to though (these are binaries built by Mozilla). Gentoo as a project now also has a lot of binary packages of their own since they made their own binhost. That binhost has been a huge help on my home server. I don't use it on my desktop though.
Are appimages just a dead format? Appimagelauncher looks like a dead project and is apparently broken with a lot of newer appimages, and appimaged, as far as I can tell, only works for the developer's autistic live-ISO-only configuration. Not to mention, it looks like he (the creator of appimages) uses FreeBSD now anyway.
The BTRFS support is unencrypted. You'd be better off doing full disk encryption and encrypting everything.
Do you do anything special for your firefox? I would consider building from source if I could somehow get rid of the built-in gtk filepicker without thumbnail supports. Although now that I remember correctly firefox added support for portal via about:config but not every DE has a portal backend that supports custom filepickers
>Do you do anything special for your firefox?
I build Firefox with JACK support (disabled by default in Mozilla's builds and most distros) but beyond that, not really.
>if I could somehow get rid of the built-in gtk filepicker without thumbnail supports.
You can use portals for that:

You're right that not every desktop portal supports this but if you configure your portal.conf file then you can tell it to use a different portal for the file picker only.

I run KDE so don't have to deal with any of this crap.
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Does Ubuntu still have the bugged updater which can't update certain packages?
If that happens it's because you're a PPA using retard that didn't run ppa-purge before upgrading.
i'm talking about the ones that show up immediately on a default install of ubuntu
What does JACK support allow you to do?
It allows me to not use the shitty PulseAudio backend which I've had issues with.

I run PipeWire but use its JACK emulation layer for Firefox instead. I hope eventually somebody from Red Hat contributes proper PipeWire support (Mozilla won't do it themselves) but for now JACK will do.
My WiFi signal level is -78 dBm (very bad) but the bit rate is 43.3 Mb/s (not bad)

It's magic. The bit rate does fluctuate but it's usable.
Anything GCN 1 or later. Consult the List of AMD GPUs article on Wikipedia.
43Mb is actually pretty bad, but good for you as long as it works.
Appimages arent supposed to be compared to package managers
They're just an easy way for a developer to distribute a binary that should be able to work on any glibc distro with fuse2 installed
I'll just use the ext4 method then
I think it's about 5.4 MB/s, which is not amazing sure, but I'm just glad it's working at all

I might get a repeating router to boost the WiFi. Ethernet isn't practical for me. I've tried powerline but the connection drops frequently.
Well, you see, when we dive into the intricacies of software distribution, it’s crucial to consider the quantum mechanics of library dependencies and the thermal equilibrium between binary blobs and package management systems. While AppImages indeed provide a polymorphic encapsulation of a pre-compiled binary, ensuring a stable quantum state across multiple Linux distributions, one cannot ignore the entropic decay of compatibility over time due to the inevitable divergence in the glibc shared object versioning. The convolution of a containerized application ecosystem with the kernel’s syscall interface also adds an additional layer of non-deterministic behavior, which, while mitigated by fuse2, doesn’t fully eliminate the potential for cosmic ray-induced bit flips.

THAT SAID, all this mambo-jumbo aside, the real GIGACHAD move here is to ditch this noise and USE XUBUNTU WE XUNBUTING RIGHT NOW, BRO.
no thanks
You might suffer from high latency if you wirelessly repeat the signal. I have my AP linked via cable to my main router
Why the fuck would anyone use Xubuntu instead of Mint XFCE?
I don't think that will worry me very much, I don't do online gaming. I would very much like to use ethernet of some kind but it's definitely not practical at the moment.
Run qbitorrent-nox and another service file as another user and set them as the systemd system service file so if my ups dies and the pc comes back up(set in bios) the qtorrent-nox service and other service will start with the system while its sitting at the tty1 waiting login
>i dont use a login manager
>i use startx
What's the simplest way to set up a monthly reminder for a user that will ask them to do a backup? I know about MOTD, but the person in question is not a power user. Ideally it'd act like a popup, maybe even ask for a confirmation to go away. Distro is Ubuntu, just in case it matters.
I'm not comparing it to a package manager. Those two projects I mentioned are for integrating appimages into your desktop, and both are dead/non-functional.
I hope you're enjoying your drug-fueled long weekend, my friend. I really like Xubuntu too, it's giga comfy when you replace the window manager with Openbox.
Set up a cron job (or a systemd timer, if you'd prefer) that runs monthly and calls 'notify-send'. You can dismiss it like any other notification, and there are various options to make the notification more persistent.
Is there any downside to disabling AppArmor on a desktop install of Ubuntu? Every other fucking day my applications will break, and when I trace down the issue, it's always an AppArmor problem.
Cron job or Systemd timer that sends them a notification using notify-send.

You will probably have to export some environment variables for the users DBus socket though and this can get really ugly/hacky fast.

This is what earlyoom uses to send notifications over the system bus:
Why not use Ubuntu, it just works

Although I guess Debian testing will have more recent packages
dolphin is so fucking ass holy shit
cant run it and drag files around without it crashing unless i run it as root
when i fucking close dolphin it doesnt open the folders i had open from the last session, it opens the folders i had open from the first fucking time i ran dolphin
and it also doesn't save the sort by setting of each folder so i have to fucking reorder it every god damn time i go to the folder
>cant run it and drag files around without it crashing unless i run it as root
That sounds like something wrong with your system. Have you tried backing up your config files, etc and starting from scratch. There should be no obvious reason why it'd run fine as root but crash as your user (unless you have some dodgy ulimit configuration which doesn't apply to root).
i can move files around properly through the terminal as user, and user has proper permissions, its just dolphin
occasionally when i first start up dolphin it'll let me click and drag around files, then after a few minutes of working perfectly fine, it crashes when you try to do it again
also, I'm not reinstalling this system, because i'm on fucking gentoo, fuck that
i'm just gonna switch to a better file manager
any idea for ones that don't look like ass
I want something like ranger where its terminal based but I'm not autistic enough to use a file manager without a mouse
PCManFM-Qt (LXQt's file manager) is decent. It runs good on KDE too because it's still Qt based.
take your meds retard
i'm not on KDE so compatibility with it doesn't really matter, i'm on bspwm (which might be why dolphin is broken)
Fair enough. I'd say give it a go anyway, it's a decent file manager that's designed to be a bit more generic. When I ran Sway, i3, etc, I'd always use PCManFM-Qt.

There's a GTK version too (different project, same name) if that's your thing.
Have you tried that solution?
>and another service file
>wheel group
Why is there gypsy symbolism in your GNU/Linux system?
>i dont want my user being logged in
You don't need to log into a DE for it to work. Right?
Yes i have made qbitorrent user and they reside in /home/qbitorrent with their config settings and i start/enable qbitorrent-nox@qbitorreent.service and it runs without my main user being logged in
The other service file is setup a similar way but without the @user part just a normal systemd service file i made user2 for
its run as a simple systemd system service file and that user has a .config folder with the settings and its run as that user2 but i cant access the data as it belongs to user2:user2 in my /data folder
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Does Celluloid (the MPV frontend player that comes with Mint) has the yt-dip integration or should i mandatorily use MPV?
When running a node.js game you have to install nwjs on wine rather than natively right?
It does indeed support yt-dlp. The flatpak bundles it if you're using that.
What's the issue exactly? that you want the files to be owned by a different group instead of user2?
You will have to change the umask and add the group sticky bit to the /data folder
I would assume so, even if it could somehow use your systems version it'd probably be incompatible (excpects an older version) or the compiled modules won't work on Linux because they were built for Windows (in theory that means that native nodejs could work if you could somehow rebuild those modules to target your systems version of node).

I've not seen any games like this though. Do you have any examples?
The files are owned by user2:user2,i added my self to user2 group and set the GUID bit on the folder the data is going to and its 755 but i cannot move or delete the files for example. user2 and my main user are also both in the wheel group so shouldnt i have access to the files?
Neat. Might have to put yt-dlp on a more discoverable place, i guess, I try to avoid Flatpaks unless is necessary (like for WPS Office, which is annoying to set up and would rather put in a sandbox that restricts its network access, even though Flatpak's isn't that good is convenient and keeps up with the latest version).
That's not how the wheel group works
You will need your main user added to the user2 group
You also need to set the umask to 003 or 002 i think so that the files get written with the permission of 775 (rwx for group user2) instead of 755 which is r-x for group user2
I do not
I have been planning for few years to switch to GNU/Linux on my next PC build, but seems like that build is just getting forever postponed. I'm still running Windows 7 and it's getting more and more inconvenient all the time. For example Firefox is dropping support after this month.

So I started thinking that I should do dual boot (though mostly switching to Linux) with this old PC. Probably going to buy another dedicated SSD to avoid messing with partitions and install Mint or Xubuntu (had it on a laptop before) on it.

The problem is that all my storage HDDs (2x4TB and 3TB internal + couple backup drives) are formatted to NTFS and it would be a major pain in the ass to try to migrate all the files somewhere to reformat the drives. Aside from just feeling comfy on Win7 the drive situation has put me off from switching. So how is the NTFS support on Linux? Am I going to shoot myself in the leg trying to use my NTFS storage HDDs? Also what are the odds that I would mess up something with the drives on Linux or if/when booting to Windows it messing up the Linux drive? Should I expect problems with my 10+ years old hardware (Nvidia GTX 970 by the way).
>it would be a major pain in the ass to try to migrate all the files somewhere to reformat the drives.
And then windows wouldn't be able to use them anymore. If those are just media data or something it probably will be fine, steam games is tricky last time I checked (years ago). I don't have experience with this though, back when I switched I got more storage space in the new system than ever before and just copied the stuff I wanted to keep.
>Should I expect problems with my 10+ years old hardware (Nvidia GTX 970 by the way).
Not really that much, at some near point in the futurse that gpu might be dropped to legacy driver support though. Never had problems with my GTX 960, switched to AMD for my current system though for various reasons.
You can access NTFS drives just fine
Get a Ubuntu or Debian based distro if your hardware is old, constant version jumps from more fast moving distros might cause regressions like ugly resuming from supsension bugs.
Newer versions of the Kernel have a built-in driver that supports NTFS but it hasn't passed the test of time yet, it used to be an out-of-tree driver that was maintained by a third party called Paragon, they suddenly pushed it into the Kernel but its status is somewhat uncertain; some people have reported bugs and there haven't been any new user space tools for it. Debian has the advantage/disadvantage of still using the old NTFS-3g user space driver, which for all its perfomance faults is stable and maintained.
Alternatuvely, you could get a cheap box to run W10LTSC and set a SAMBA share to access all your files from there.
Fuck off 7troon, we don't want your kind on linux
Why do GNOME and KDE use JavaScript and QML?
GNOME uses JavaScript because they're retards
KDE uses QML because it's a declarative UI description system that keeps the UI design out of their source code. It's a better way of doing things, more friendly for designers, etc.
>Windows 7
Why? If you haven't had any malware then I'm amazed
>You will need your main user added to the user2 group
It has been and i have logged out/in and 'groups' shows me in user2's group,and i've set the root folder /data to be 755 with GUID set and set -R but acess is still denied for the main user
Yeah, switching the filesystem(s) would also make the drives unusable for the odd case I might want to use Windows. The files are mostly media anyway, I barely play games and the few I have are on the OS SSD.

Accessing is not really enough though, I'm planning to write on them too.

>Newer versions of the Kernel have a built-in driver that supports NTFS but it hasn't passed the test of time yet, it used to be an out-of-tree driver that was maintained by a third party called Paragon
I heard something about that. It being possibly buggy doesn't sound promising though. Either way I'll probably go with Mint or Xubuntu as I mentioned since I have some familiarity with Ubuntu based distros.

I have thought about the NAS(-esque) option too but honestly I'm just too lazy for that stuff and would rather just build the new PC and migrate the files over to another filesystem at that point.

Not my problem.

Mostly just pure laziness and procrastination. Also internet is just getting shittier every year and I'm spending less time on PC (in peak years I spent about 4k hours active on my PC, now more like half of that). Haven't had malware issues that I know of at least, but I also avoid installing those hot_girl.jpg.exe files and use NoScript and adblocker. Recently disabled IPv6 because of the CVE-2024-38063 bug.
One thing I've learned about linux after switching from windows is most distros are held together by glue. I've done distro hopping but part of that is because something eventually happens to the partition. Mint has held together more than the others. I'm copying 120k images from one NTFS to another while I'm laying down, I get up and wake it up from being suspended and LInux EFI drive is messed up. I live boot with it doing nothing and go to the store, computer suspended, my monitor now gets no signal. Never have problems with my monitor or GPU. I'm just going to turn off suspended mode for now on. I never have it on when running windows so I probably should do the same for Linux. Not mixing and matching distros btw
Never had such problems, but I also don't use suspend, hibernate or any other of these fancy turn off but don't really turn off sheaningans.
After a lifetime of Windows use I really want to switch to Linux. I tried a few distros out and landed on Mint. Doing my testing on an old laptop I keep in my media room to look stuff up while gaming or search stats while watching football.

Think I may try to move my desktop to Mint, I have a few questions. How does Proton work for Steam games? Do I just download steam and it works? Or do I go gotta do stuff? What about a Paint replacement? Something super easy and basic to resize and crop images for posting? For example this screen grab I had to email to my Windows PC to crop out my name. Also i'm looking for a good media player, I sometimes take this laptop with me on vacations and use the HDMI out on hotel computers and play movies/TV shows on local storage, looking for something no fuss

Finally, is firefox the way to go on Linux? Not sure what other options I have.

Thanks for reading
And even with my editing my first name is still in my photo, ohh well
>How does Proton work for Steam games? Do I just download steam and it works?
Pretty much yes, you can check game compatibility here https://www.protondb.com/
>What about a Paint replacement?
https://flathub.org/apps/com.github.PintaProject.Pinta Personally I just use Gimp but it does have a very steep learning curve
You need it to be set to 775 not 755
User2 also needs its umask set to 003
And how would one do that anon :))))
I've set the main folder to 777 GUID UUID and its s till not working :)))
Rumors say Paragon did it out of spite, because they also had a paid driver for exFAT like other vendors, which Samsung made obsolete with their own exFAT driver that got mainlained in the kernel (probably cause they need it).
Anyone ever mess with this? https://github.com/DualCoder/vgpu_unlock

I would love me some vgpu action, even if I have to get an older card.
is red hat pay only or is there a free version, other than fedora?
what does it do, give you better type 2 hypervisor performance?
>I've set the main folder to 777 GUID UUID and its s till not working :)))
Because you need to set user2's umask to 003 otherwise any new files it writes will revert back to rwxr-xr-x
You have to do it either through systemd service if possible or through the users .profile
>The tool requires the NVIDIA GRID vGPU driver.
ah fuck that. gonna stick to kvm
using sdorfehs, a ratpoison fork. The bar uses dzen2 and I would like to use my favorite bitmap font with it, 9x15. I can't figure out how to do it. `set font "*-fixed-*"` does nothing. I seem to only be able to set non-bitmap fonts.
Can't find any config files of other users using a bitmap font with this wm, but I've seen a couple screenshots showing it.
there is a free version, but there's also alma linux and rocky linux which are the exact copies of rhel, but much more readily available.
>set user2's umask to 003
I set it in the service file and restarted it but its not active at the moment
How would i set it individually?
What to do to get even more knowledge about linux in general? My own machine is so stable and does what I need it to, so I don't have anything to tinker around with, currently using gentoo.

I'm considering getting a cloud server to tinker around with, would that be a good idea? I'm just in dire need of some projects to work on, since I have the motivation.
Get a mini pc and hook it to your tv for a home theater, also make your own jellyfin server for it.
If you're running a shell script you can set it in the script itself otherwise you would have to set it in the ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile for the user itself
Otherwise look up how to change umask for user service or something
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Well done, anon.
You dont need a jellyfin server if you're hooking a minipc up directly to the tv
i think that was a joke. i do the same with a 50 dollar 910q. with a 1tb SSD i torrent or SSH into my server to grab stuff.
Thunar or Nemo?
Nemo because it has nemo-terminal
I like the idea of gnome's dynamic workspaces, do any other DE's have something similar?
If you're willing to go refurbished, eBay has RX 470's (1440, 60 Hz refresh) for $45. I'm getting one, maybe 2 (I have 2 machines, no games).
Cosmic copies them exactly.
i3 and sway also have dynamic workspaces but they work a little different, only being created when you go to them instead of always having an empty one.
AppImage is just an archived tree. Used to extract a couple when I didn't feel like installing FUSE.
Thunar worked better for me
I like pcmanfm-qt as well
You can get a loicense that allows you to run up to 16 rhel installations for free. But like the other anon said there’s clones so I wouldn’t bother unless you’re making it your career.
this was the best distro i ever used, is there any way to download this and use? none of the links work anymore
Is there a way to view what mobo I have in mint?
Question: What Linux distro is good for HP laptops or does it matter at all?
I hate it when I ask stupid questions and don't realize it till its answered...
mint doesn't show mobtherboard when you neofetch
do you know any good software/workflow for efficiently extracting precisely cut clips from a long video without reencoding?
nice UI/UX but electron and sometimes the videos come out kind of corrupted at the beginning
can't zoom in on the timeline so it's hard to cut long videos, also preview is super janky, sometimes doesn't show up or update despite using OSS AMD drivers
technically enough, would like to use it but can't figure out efficient workflow, have to switch between terminal and mpv a lot which doesn't have zoomable timeline, not ideal for iteratively finding good cut point
It's not a stupid question
People just underestimate how much info about your system neofetch shows
Maybe try inxi then
>Maybe try inxi then
That doesn't show it either, lol.
It might not be available. I believe tools read the motherboards firmware for this and not all hardware exposes it. Mine does:
$ cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_{vendor,name,version}
Rev X.0x
If you want mobo info put
 sudo dmidecode -t 2
>run PopOS 24.04 with Cosmic alpha on my lurking station for shits and giggles
>new updates and fixes every day, sometimes bidaily
>no updates today, very confusing
>realize it's sunday and the devs actually get paid
what distro
The only bad one is GNOME
Does the distro use AppArmor or SELinux? I ran into an issue with AppArmor recently that was restricting access to sudo (this is normally a good thing but I was doing something custom in my own plugin).

I took me ages to debug it because there were no denial logs for some reason. Normally these show up in aa-logprof but not this time for some reason.

I still have the program in complain mode until I figure out what changes I need to make to the profile to allow sudo to work.
You can probably find an Mpv script to crop video to avoid the context switching. I actually like doing it manually with Ffmpeg though, the context switching isn't too much of an issue for me.
>have to relegate a small obscure browser to shitposting-only because bookmarks are too basic
>too codelet to contribute to the PR that would greatly enhance tab functionality
bookmark functionality not tab functionality*
why is your shit so blurry
>arch maintainers STILL bundle VLC with plasma
I wish I could get my hands on that fucking retard
can install fedora in this shit?
has anyone experienced issues with steam freezing the OS or other applications (spotube) starting but never opening? i'm on debian stable gnome. i don't know if any combination of those is creating the issue, just curious if others have run into this.
paru phonon-qt6-mpv
Also don't forget to vote for it so a retard repo jannie notices it and moves it to the Arch repos some day.
maybe, check mrchromebox or chrultrabook, will it have full support, we don't know, you might the only guy in the world doing this, hf with your chromeshit
>share their experiences
I love ubuntu LTS
alacritty is glitched likely because of my lack of nvidia drivers, are there any terminal emulators that wont give me this issue.
Afaik, beef with canonical. Apparently splunk caught some very sus logs.Canonical responded with "Drop us if you don't like it" so execs got buttfuck mad.
There is no stable version of Fedora. It's rolling with a fixed release schedule.
Sure, whatever - doesn't matter in the long run. It still fucking sucks.
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i'm running fedora and gnome and i have a small script that launches comfy-ui in a terminal window when i press a keybind. what would be the best way to get the terminal window to appear at for example the top left corner of my third monitor every time it's created?
i don't think there is an usecase to launch program in specific place, maybe an extension otherwise
New thread:
>sddm breeze theme doesn't apply the breeze cursor theme
i know it's autistic but god it pisses me off

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