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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102172370
First for chu 2
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Second for oxidation
What's the difference.
Permit me to remind you, that your prospects of engaging in any lascivious encounters with female adolescents that you so desire are irrevocably doomed should you persist in your pathetic reliance on in-ear monitors. I would earnestly suggest a pivot toward the exalted domain of loudspeakers, for only then might you harbor even a fleeting hope of igniting some semblance of desirability. Alternatively, if you deem yourself incapable of such an intellectual leap, perhaps you might contemplate a more drastic course of action, such as procuring a length of rope to orchestrate a tragic demise, ideally shared through a live stream solely for my amusement. The audacious spectacle of your finality would surely provide me an oddly satisfying diversion.
>Permit me to remind you
why are speakertrannies like this
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what's a good all-black iem up to $70
final e500
Kefine delci
7hz sonus
>still no better pos than S12 Pro
every pos is better than s12 pro
do better
almost, at least it's better than thiefaudio prestige ltd
IEMs are microscopes among all listening devices... or so they say. Meanwhile it's HD800 that retrieves the finest, microscopic details, way beyond any IEM ever could.
Macroscopic tinnitus peak is not detail. People are laughing at dt990 but this shit is up there.
Based and unfortunate truth
>apply a sharp 6k peak boost with eq
>make the bass flat with rolled-off sub-bass
enjoy the finest and microscopic details a la hd800 with IEMs
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You haven't heard details in decades bro.
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Gatos or Wanker studio?
Chu 2 sir
It is almost amusing to entertain the utterly preposterous belief that IEMs, those woefully inadequate toys, could ever be considered the auditory microscopes within the grandiose hierarchy of listening devices. Such an assertion is so farcical that it strays into the realm of farce. Even the much-lauded HD800s, which seem to revel in their self-importance, are nothing short of an abysmal joke, even when juxtaposed against the insipid "In Ear Monitors"...if one dares to dignify these pathetic gadgets with the term "monitors." It is a farce that deserves nothing less than scathing contempt. If you genuinely wish to extricate yourself from the pathetic abyss that is your current sonic existence, I fervently urge you to procure a pair of Revel Salon2 speakers, which effortlessly offer a level of detail and a natural sound signature that put your current choices to utter disgrace. Fail to do so, and I may be left to suggest that a more decisive departure from this wretched existence could be your only viable option.
let's see how long prosezo actually lasts
$0 IEMs sound better than $100000 speakers.
he's using AI so he will continue until people stop replying
Tangzu wan'er sg or moondrop chu ii saars?
What cleans this?
I have some ancient mmcx cables with this shit near the terminals
I wan'er to gatos
Blue vido mogs all speakerpos and all head denting pos
>wanker sg
cheap ugly plastic build that can crack under any stronger pressure
>chu 2
built like a tank but its filters clog and its nozzles oxidate

sound-wise I'd say both are equally good depending on what are you looking for
Chu 2 more fun tuning
That's like deciding whether I want to drown in acid or suffocate in a vacuum.
Is the kefine delci still worth it bros or has it been replaced by another pos?
Light, 0.5m cable recommendations, please.
just the shape alone makes it worth it
Hey guys so I’m researching for a video, what are some tips/audio life hacks that every audiophile needs to know?
The EQ guide and how to get fox IEM.
reading the eq guide and how to maximize audio (ie custom faceplate - no Isabella or fox dogshit)
silica gel packets for storage, and how to remold ear hooks on cables (heat gun or hairdryer if poorfag'd)
Tip rolling, ear tips matter most for different sound signature, way more than dacs, amps, cables combined
EQ is the most useful tool bar none, so understanding and using it is imperative. Also learning how to read graphs is very important.
So yeah, read the guide, it's bretty gud
clean your earussy
the techs are stored in the pricetag
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Slight eq and you got the same thing.
Is the new Dusk worth it or nah? Did the fat singaporean man finally fail?
Both of those are horrible
Didn't he quit the IEM review space after getting backlash for shilling too hard
all moondrop shills deserve the rope
He only posts positive reviews now, for the stuff he happens to sell in his store. Mask completely off.
do not redeem sar
how will chang feed his children then
>EQing 8k by graph
its deafzo what do you expect
711 is only accurate upto 3kHz
No meds can restore your hearing.
it's not me, chinkzu.
im happy with gate and chu 2 and i don't eq cuz eq is cope
>doesn't eq
definitely deafzo
bros, there's no eq being applied...
We are implying that he would eventually, thinking it will work the way he desires. It won't. You got to graph the pos by ear and then make adjustments to the 5 to 14kHz range. That's where the techs are stored.
i have the utmost confidence in anon not being a retard...
too big of a wager
EQing one IEM to another is a certified retard classic. You can always do better than any physically existing pos.
I physically mod my IEMs to achieve the freq response I want, digital EQ is a cope
You can always EQ better than any physical and even electric mod.
i believe...
sure but that doesn't seem like what anon is trying to achieve...
I'm too lazy to EQ all my devices anon, this was easier and works on things I can't EQ
>sure but that doesn't seem like what anon is trying to achieve...
He said CRA+EQ is the same as estrella, as if estrella is any good without EQ.
It's okay good audio is not for everyone.
Post your favorite IEM and a picture of your hand anon
sure, but that's their prerogative...
post yours and he'll post his...
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Part 1/2
New noteworthy release post. A decent amount of releases but I haven't been keeping up with much.
Price in ($USD with sales*), [driver configuration]
>Shanling MG20 ($40) [1DD]
Looks fine, no graphs yet.
>TinHifi P2 Plus ($530) [1PL]
Crapshoot in terms of tuning for TinHifi releases. Super expensive so probably bad.
>Kiwi Ears KE4 ($200*-230) [2DD + 2BA]
Very compliant with the new "meta" target.
>Kiwi Ears Canta ($90) [1DD + 2PL]
Not a great looking graph.
99% sure this is just the Singolo under a new Linsoul company lol.
>Tangzu x Dethonray Yu Xuan Ji ($?) [1DD]
Looks expensive and that shell design is fantastic. Dethonray is a rather niche brand, only having released one pos (10mm planar, Tender 1)
>Tangzu Bajie ($600) [1DD + 4BA + 1PZ-BC + 1EST]
Delayed to September because of overwhelming demand after their demo (their words). Comes included Vortex cable and so many tips (all three Sancais, and Azla Origins)
>Simgot EW300/xHBB/DSP ($70-80) [1DD + 1PL + 1PZ]
Already been out for a while, do your own research.
>Moondrop Ultrasonic ($70) [1DD + 1BA]
TWS by Moondrop. Seems rather expensive considering the similarities to the Space Travel
>Moondrop Block ($70) [1DD]
Essentially a Space Travel earbud.
>Dunu Vivaldi ($40) [1DD]
Dunu TWS earbuds, go figure.
>Xenns Mangird Tea Pro ($360) [2DD + 6BA]
Graph looks fine, but it is really different from its predecessors (RIP)
>HeartField SilverSmith ($500) [1DD + 2BA] & Silberia ($400) [1DD + 2BA + 1MEM]
Seems interesting.
>LimeEars pos
Seems like a new brand, and wow are they expensive.
>"Obscure" brands (INTUAURA, CKLVX, PULA, NiceHCK, Raptgo, XINHS, QoA, Tiandirenhe, LUN SHENG, FLOAUDIO, Kefine, etc)
I can't do it for all of them, sorry :(
>TRN, KZ, CCA, CVJ, NiceHCK, FiiO, etc
You know the drill, not posting any of these. As always, beware of KZ/CCA stealth revisions.
Part 2/2

>Kiwi Ears Allegro Mini
Novel form factor
>Tanchjim Cable X
Looks interesting. Hopefully better than Moondrop's DSP cable implementations.
>Tanchjim Luna
Again, nothing particularly worthwhile, but damn does it look good. APx555 measurements show excellent performance.
>Fiio BTR13
Looks great, and could be the Q5K replacement everybody's been waiting for. Good BT codec support, good DAC chips, and decent PEQ implementation. Battery on other models in the same family has been lackluster.
>Too many dongle DAC/amps
Not listing all of them. A lot of CS43131 being used, and they're getting cheaper and cheaper.

News and events:
Nothing new really.
New paper (Harman - Sean Olive) on 5128 targets coming this AES convention in October.
A blowjob from the local whore.
Only if you can get it on sale at regular Blessing 3 prices. Because I unironically cant hear the difference after EQ.
By spending 40$ more you can get a Thiefaudio Hype 4. Or you can spend 60$ less for the Dunu Davinci with far better accessories.
The DSP cable is a meme, and the app is dogshit. The base cable feels cheap so I swapped it for my Awful P5's cable.
Sound quality overall is good. It's Blessing 3 tier.
Any EQ only makes my gato sound worse. It's also the most comfortable pos I have.
Actually got zero issues on cra's 8k sibilance after some mod.
>t. doesn't know how to use EQ
i recommend a thorough reading of the eq guide, followed by an in-depth analysis of the eq guide
The block is $20 (still not worth it)
The new paper on 5128 will be interesting
Ill wait and see if the BTR 13 has battery passthrough when connected to a desktop pc/charged to full. And whether the battery can be swapped as easily as on the Q5K. With these things the battery dies before the actual unit and Im not gonna let my perfectly fine electronics become e-waste on a landfill.
Damn it, forgot to change the price tag there. Will do in next thread
Also agreed on the paper. Pretty sure it doesn't have MoA but it should still be interesting to see how different targets compare to one another.
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>if the BTR 13 has battery passthrough
bro didn't read the product page
Lower price = better techs. You just can't top Chu 2 EQ'd to 5128 diffuse field with room curve, euphonic distortion (techs) added in software and enhanced soundstage and imaging with Hesuvi. It's possible only because unlike kilobuck pos, Chu 2 is 1DD, which means it's minimum phase, therefore there's no interference of any kind. Just remember to use it with top tier eartips such as Feaulle H570
based shortbus
8.5/10, too much proper ponctuation and capitalization. missing filter list as well
Have been enjoying my Kefine Delci's on a Hiby M300 recently. Any other cheap(ish) IEMs I should check out?
Use EQ, or get anything in the OP.
>What cleans this?
Brasso, Autosol etc.
are there any good flathead buds that use a shell like the apple earpods instead of the mx500 type?
the latter doesn't really work with the way my ears are shaped, I need something that fires directly into my ear canal
Apple earbuds themselves are excellent by earbud standards. Every earbud that imitates that shape is very "diy-ish" and only sold on Aliexpress by random sellers. I'll probably get one soon to measure, but that might prove to be a bit difficult without a pinna.
For what it's worth, most people invested in flat earbuds usually recommend users to point them diagonally straight into the canal instead of letting it hang in the concha.
>raise midbass a bit
>roll off subbass
ahh perfection
The Delci AE is a better Delci in every single way except for the color.
And in my humble opinion, is the best chifi under $100.
aren't they the same?
Thanks for the spoonfeeding. Also did they show off how the PEQ was handled?
I miss the simple days of the tin t2
Ignorance really is bliss
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The budget market is basically irrelevant now since EDC Pro exists, only idiots are paying the dumb tax for something more expensive and objectively worse.
wow, im buying one right now
Mogged by $2 blue vido
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My Golden Ages simply died.
I received the package like 2 weeks ago, and it's been a great experience, no problems whatsoever. I was listening to some music when the battery went low, after some hours, pretty normal until then. So I put it back to charge and after 2 hours I took them out to listen to some music again but I noticed that there were basically no sound or return from the device. Strange because the charging case i working, blinking the green light etc.
So I thought, hm maybe the charging case went shit, then I tried to charge the golden ages with the space travel charging case and didn't charged a bit. Strange, so I tried to charge my space travel inside the golden ages charging case and it charged normally.
So I think my golden ages simply don't get charging anymore. And yes, it's clean, no dirt whatsoever in any hole or connector.
What should I do now? I don't want to send to China because it will cost more than the earphone itself.
Fiio is also, some time this month, releasing the DM13.
Just use the space travel. Ive been mistreating it for 6 months in my gym bag and it works flawlessly, sweat dirt and all.
>2 weeks
Moon... DROPPED!
No, it has better tuning, a more clear and separate bass, and way more clarity and sparkle in upper mids and treble.
Also comes with a second pair of nossles that makes it less bassy and more bright, if you feel like listening to something that will benefit from that.
They changed the color to a more light silver and the cable to an ugly silver-white, which for me is a massive downside, the og Delci has one of the most premium looks, idk what were they thinking.
There should be a free return option no? Contact the seller via the platform u boughy it on. Also this is why you buy moondrop off amazon. Even my irrelevant country has them on our amazon site.
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Because I bought in the first day, it wasn't in Amazon yet (Europoor here). So I needed to buy from Aliexpress.
To be honest, I kinda liked the Golden Ages, the sound felt more clear and natural than the space travel, but I have to admit that this situation sucks. I wanted to keep on using the Golgen Ages, but that's life
You could always contact moondrop directly. My experience with chifi companies are they are quick to respond. Theres a chance they ship you a replacement
>Apple earbuds themselves are excellent by earbud standards
30$ every time i break a cable is a lot though, I can get 10 chinkshit buds for the same price
>most people invested in flat earbuds usually recommend users to point them diagonally straight into the canal instead of letting it hang in the concha.
can you elaborate?
>Tip rolling
could you expand on that? does it make a difference? how?
>physically mod my IEMs
could you tell us how you do that please?
Yeah, the price and all of the fakes are rather annoying, especially considering the cable quality.
For the angle thing, it is rather hard to visually show what I mean and it might not fix your fit issue, but hopefully the pic is clear enough. Do note that this works best with earbuds that have foams on. The angling of the earbud ensures a more stable fit due to more compression on said foams.
The guide actually goes a bit into tips which is nice, but here's a recap
Tips will mainly affect three things: the resonance peak location, which will rise in frequency the deeper an IEM is inserted; bass leakage, where better fitting tips will result in less bass leakage (ie more bass); and SPL differences due to air volume changes.
Therefore, the major changes occur in the treble region past 5khz, and in the bass range. These differences are sometimes negligible, sometimes massive, which is why people generally recommend trying out different tips to find something that works.
Depending on the IEM design and resources, there are a few mods possible that can drastically change the FR. Playing around with filters, vents, and eartips are good starters. Having a measurement coupler is necessary if you want any guidance beyond your hearing.
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Forgot pic
I can't do that, i actually can't move the buds in any way at all even without foams
I have a big piece of ear cartilage that ends up under the upper part of the earbuds, which causes lack of seal, I can't hear any bass unless I keep the earbuds pushed in with my hands
>Item you insert into an enclosed humid area
>"Guys, what if we made the nozzles out of a material that doesn't handle humidity well?"
The fuck were they thinking?
Everyone has that that's why we moved to iems
yeah of course everyone has that, retard
but looking at google images, like 90% of people have it way higher than me, so it's not an issue
and I don't like having shit stuffed into my ears
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>Moondrops best tws is also a fraction of the price of all their other tws's
It legitimately doesn't make any sense, what was the logic here? Create a gateway drug and hope people will just make the assumption that "more expensive = better" so they'll just drop money on a nekocake or golden age?
yes, this is how the audio market works in Q3 2024
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Hmm, that seems fine to me, although maybe your outer ear is overall smaller. That part for me is a bit higher as you said.
Having foams significantly increases bass, so try it on. Also, the angling of the earbud is very minor, way less than in your pic. Picrel shows the pressure points of the earbud (especially on the little ear bump thing).
But if you don't like stuffing your ears with foam, then it's probably best if you take a look at Aliexpress options. The only ones with detachable cables I've managed to come across all use MMCX connections, so keep that in mind as well.
this is the logic >>102193101
>"in ear monitors"
>it's just chinese earbuds
Why are you still doing this in 2k24? Aint nobody "monitoring" shit on earbuds
>Having foams significantly increases bass
I know that, but it's still barely an improvement, there's just too much of a gap underneath
plus they fall off easily with foams, they fit very tightly without
>the angling of the earbud is very minor, way less than in your pic
i'm just wearing them normally in this pic, I can't even get them to fit in any other way
>But if you don't like stuffing your ears with foam
no, foams aren't the problem, it's iems in my ear canal that i don't like
>then it's probably best if you take a look at Aliexpress options
such as
>The only ones with detachable cables I've managed to come across all use MMCX connections, so keep that in mind as well.
why would i care about mmcx detachable cables for 5$ buds
you mean there are earpods clones with detachable cables? well aren't mmcx cables relatively expensive still?
Fit is off the table then.
I see two options for you: bulk purchase cheap "clones", or buy one with a replaceable cable.
For the first option, you can just search "apple earbuds/earphone" in Aliexpress and you'll find plenty of options, although they're not perfect clones in terms of shape since the stem and main body of the earbud usually isn't matching. The overall design of the part going into the ear seems to be good enough.
The second option includes the following from a brief "mmcx earbud" search:
The reason why I personally recommend the second option is because the issue you seem to be having with the Apple earbuds is that their cable is the weak point. I doubt these cheap clones will last as long, so you'll inevitably have to repurchase a bulk. The problem is recurring investment, especially on Aliexpress where shipping times can be annoying.
Having a replaceable cable eliminates a weak point, since most aftermarket cables will not break, but also allows for more fit customization/optimization. MMCX allows for earbud angling, and most cables have ear hooks that can allow for an over-ear fit that is more secure. The total cost for the earbuds and one cable will usually be equal to or less than official Apple earbuds anyway.
how do I know which of these has passable sound quality though...
the only ones that get measurements/reviews are the mx500 clones
That's the neat part, you don't lol
But seriously, unless you have a pinna fixture + coupler, you're at a dead end. Not to mention that these don't really work with foams, and you get what is essentially a very fit dependent earbud, which means that any review/measurement will really, really, really vary and be inconsistent (at best).
Earbuds are a game of compromise. Either you try to make one sound as good as possible given the inherent limitations of earbuds, or you use them as "casual" sound systems without being too picky.
thanks anon
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I am thinking of buying some space travels because I'm sick of having to buy new headphones every year or two when the wire stops working. Am I right to think that wireless IEMs will last longer or indefinitely?
who's telling him...
correct, because lithium ion batteries have always been known to not degrade in any way shape or form
so retarded i want to punch you through my screen
Batteries WILL degrade over time, any tws will eventually get to the point where it no longer holds a charge long enough to be practical. That being said most people highly exaggerate the rate at which this happens, most will last you 3-4 years before this point and then you just spend another $25.
Real issue is you're playing the Chinese QC gacha, some Chinese shit will last you as long as it's supposed to, other will die in like two weeks.
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why don't we have a tws with picrel tech?
i want to punch you too
>That being said most people highly exaggerate the rate at which this happens
well, it depends on multiple factors
if good quality batteries are used, the bms is smart enough, and the peak charge voltage is lower than 4.2 volts, then sure, 3-4 years might even be pessimistic at that point
the problem is that manufacturers like to maximize battery life to the max by pushing the cells to their limits all the time (you want the earbuds that last 30 hours instead of 15 don't you?), plus cutting corners wherever possible when it comes to quality (which will sure be a thing on 20$ chinkshit)
even sony's WF-1000XM3 are notorious for battery failure after just a couple of years
...we do
fairphone fairbuds
RIP LG phones you were too good for this shit world.
Ok thanks. I am a pretty heavy user and fixated on stuff lasting forever so maybe I will just look for something with super durable wires.

Do you need a hug anon?
Typing from my phone, had to get away
man tip rolling is a fucking chore sometimes. feels like nothing works for some iems
ever tried tip slipping? works better on my end
> what were they thinking
bad in this case but in general it's a good thing changs don't imitate Apple
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ivipQ Smurf product photos show InAwaken branding on the BAs. They're Bellsings and companies can stamp whatever they want on them, odd coincidence that the name would show up in a random ivipQ. As always, the incestuous nature of Chi-Fi manufacturing runs deep.
And to further elucidate, the previous batch of ivipQ Conch IEMs were certainly manufactured by Kiwi Ears OEM, and Kiwi Ears is a known sub-brand of Linsoul. Inawaken Dawn first showed up and still seems to be primarily sold by Linsoul. Anon suspects the build and driver appearance to be similar to Singolo, and it's probably not far from the truth.
Let's be honest, we're being played by one chang entity that is effectively manipulating the market for optimal profits. Every flaw and price and performance is carefully thought out in order to imitate a real market when there is none.
And no, KZ is not independent, they are just as implicit.
Are there any good "sticky" ear tips like Penon Liqueurs? I've figured out I need ones that really grip my ears and am curious if there's any others like that.
spinfit w1, spinfit omni, softears ultraclear, azla sedna crystal
Are Galaxy Buds 2 Pro worth buying?
trn t ear, 7hz h-07 (dark gray-red core ML size only), feaullr h570
I've heard good things about the spinfits, didn't know they were sticky. Thanks anons!
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I have them and they're fucking shit. Poor fit, constantly slipping out if I yawn or smile and thin sound like those shitty wired earbuds we used to get with phones like 15 years ago.
They came with my phone, and I also had the jabra elite 85ts until one of them fell out at work and I never found it. The jabras were better in every conceivable way, and the only reason one of them fell out was because I was pulling myself up into a roof and my left shoulder brushed up against my ear. They fit well, stayed in at the gym/work, they were comfy, and they sounded good, better than the sony xb700s I had before them. The buds 2 pros are worse than the xb700s were.
I'm actually going out to buy a pair of xm5s in like an hour because I don't want to keep using the buds 2 pros, I'll let you know if they also suck
aieee its a white man everybody run he's coming for our cheap chinkshit sloppa
Good bluetooth earphones that will block interference in an urban environment?
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my fiio fh3's seem to be dying, what can i buy that is similar/better? shill to me /g/
needs to be mmcx and the bass can't be worse than the fh3
>Simgot SM4
Please convince me not to get them. Budget goes higher but I don't want to spend more with limited returns.
>prog/psych rock
>classical (mostly marches lmao)
Yes I will EQ.
Lord Greyrat is the best for me. Despite owning kilobuck pos, he's settled on KZ pos and is content with it. He has achieved literal enlightenment, the first step towards true happiness.
Enlightenment = hearing loss, the more hearing you lose the more enlightened you are.
Doesn't matter how good your audio equipment is, it's worth jack shit if your ears are so fucked you can't even listen to it properly, so take better care of your ears and clean them regularly.
i just mainly use my single dd sets. like libra, fd5, fd15 and my modded ink. fd15 is my current favorite. im waiting for edc pro to arrive
if they sounded good we'd have the actual endgame
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it's the second/third FH3 dying on its user itt in this year, at least from what I noticed
nevertheless, if you like its W-shaped tuning then planars can be a good option as they tend to have similar tonality in general, Artti T10 is always a good pick for its price but if you prefer metal shell there's Letshuoer S12 Pro
cheers anon, im kinda happy the fh3's have lasted this long, i do literally use them 24/7 and sleep in them so it was bound to happen eventually, not sure how long iems last for most people but i seem to go through them pretty fast
we all either hit play and enjoy music or just store our precious pos with silica gel and shitpost here, but how many of us use in-ear MONITORS for actual MONITORING?
Nobody in the history of mankind has ever used in-ear "monitors" for monitoring. It's just a made up expression for people to feel superior
And it doesn't sound good even before all that happens
The name only exists to not confuse them with flathead which are the default "earbuds"
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Retard moment.
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Updoot: The snoys are alright, the fit isn't quite as good as the 85ts but I haven't tried the other eartips yet. Sound quality is better, but it didn't blow my mind. I kinda wish I got the jabra 10 gen 2s but idk, I kept seeing reviews saying they're worse than previous jabras, and it's not like the xm5s are bad.
Nvm guess I'm getting the Nova now. Also 30% off on Ali.
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That's some weird-ass seemingly all-in-one driver in TRN white tiger, anyone had hands on that yet?

captcha: TRNT
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I enjoy monitoring my stuff
Aww, I wanted to buy Hexa but after reading a bit I'm on the edge... they're supposedly really... boring?
only for those who don't like neutral sound with all its pros and cons and look for more explicitly fun V-shape tuning, for me Hexas are very good and I enjoy them even after experiencing pure fun with Simgot LM, I consider both sets two different flavors for different moods and purposes, the LM excels in techs, note weight and clarity, but when it comes to versatility and transparency, Hexa is better
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guys this came off
how do i glue it back on
>Playing around with filters, vents, and eartips are good starters
besides tip rolling, the only physical mod I know of for iems are those mesh filters you can buy to put on the iems vents. Are these the ones you are talking about when you say "filters" and "vents"? I would be interested in knowing more ways to do psysical tunning on iems if there is more ways
Any bluetooth earhook adapters that can do very low volume? Bought KZ AZ09 but they are twice as loud as they need to be and I can’t use most of my sets because of it.
Does the Q5k ever go on sale?
nta but I recommend watching videos of Shortbus on YouTube, guy knows his stuff when it comes to physical tuning of IEMs and you can learn a lot from him, just mind that lowering ear gain is his personal bias though and may or may not align with your preferences
thanks will look into that
also, I remembered some people saying you could cover the vent of iems or enlarge the vent to change the sound
For filters, yes, but for vents, I'm talking about front and back vents that are usually present on IEMs with a DD driver. The vents are mainly for pressure relief, but are also sometimes used for tuning purposes, so playing around with that by blocking them completely or partially (with mesh filters) is possible, although most differences are minor.
If you're fine with opening up the IEM, you can also remove/add filters on the driver enclosure itself. As anon said, Shortbus has a few videos that are a nice intro to how to approach mods.
I will say that EQ is by far way simpler and impactful than any physical mod, but hey it's still fun to experiment.
one thing that I find hard when changing the sound of iems through eq or physical changes is trying to determine if the thung I don't like is on the iem tunnig or on the music production
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I don't want to read the eq guide. What should I autoeq my pos to?
autoeq to eq guide
>will cover my whole ears
to the /hpg/ it goes
yea I fucked up. No /hpg/ today to I posted on /sqt/.
Deprecated thread.
>cover my whole ears
Why is music enjoyment these days driven by how much an IEM is “compliant” with “the meta”? Why are we being forced to like a particular graph drawn up by some Indian who doesn’t even listen to real music? Where’s the FUN?
brute force it (test all the popular targets and iems) and settle down with the one you like the most, it's so simple
stop consuming reviews retard
"the meta" is just a diffuse field with room curve, so it's the neutral sound, perfect for monitoring because that's what in-ear monitors are for, if you don't like it there still are many different tunings like V-shape, W-shape or Shartman
It's not that simple. The bounds are so large that calling it "meta" has very little meaning. Tuning the bass and upper treble wild-west style despite having mids 5128 hrtf-y adds more confusion than helps. Davinci sounds unnatural as fuck despite being labeled as 'meta'.
Does anyone know a 3.5mm - 0.78mm cable with a good mic?
Its just balding retards trying to fomo people into consooming more pos. The "meta" is fucking shit, its better than shartman but not by much.
I just found out there are adapters between 0.78mm and MMCX. Now I'm interested in any cheap cable with a known good mic.
why isn't there any budget $25-35 iem earbuds that have good audio quality and good microphone?
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Yeah it's the worst. Warm mids and sensible ear gain is truly horrible for this market. I wish we could go back to egregiously v-shaped slop.
>not liking metaslop means you need to like this random iem
Kys metafag.
Nova is a good choice. Pula pa02 also on sale for 150, another good iem I'd take over sm4
Okay, what iem do you like?
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>receive new pos
>immediately throw away everything that depicts an anime girl
>post an anime girl here regardless
Fatfreq scarlet mini
>not in guide
Thanks for the other rec anon.
>not too much treble
>that extension
Your first mistake was thinking anyone who treats iems as a hobby enjoys listening to music.
People who like music will just buy whatever tws is on the shelf and doesn't care about autistic shit like frequency response and technicalities
Buy a new TWS and don't give Moondrop your money again.
>massive unit variance in $350 sets
i love this hobby
Out of curiosity is there any tws that competes with the space travel at that price point? $25 for a decent tws seems pretty hard to beat.
>item more expensive than galaxy buds and air pods combined has the exact same qc issues as $20 sets
Holy shit, this is a true MOONDROPPED moment
KZ Carol
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if shitposting was an audio experience
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To be quite honest I like both products I bought, the Space Travel still works after more than a year, the problem was only with the Golden Ages. If they solve my problem I don't see a reason to not "give Moondrop mine money again".
However, if Moondrop's products are overpriced, I'm all ears to know about better options. By the way, I have EUR 100 to spend in a new earphone. It doesn't need to be TWS, I'm okay with cables, in fact I even prefer cables because of the Bluetooth delay.
Do you have any recommendation for me?
What music player is that? I use poweramp, but I never tried any other before.
>What music player is that?
USBAPP. I would only recommend in specific scenarios.
>about to go outside
>still unsure if I should bring iems with me versus my normal airpods
Ive never seen anyone with iems outdoors what do
TWS, how is it even a question? Convenience > audio quality when out.
you can continue living your life in fear of public humiliation, or realize that nobody gives a fuck about what you're wearing. in fact i wouldn't be surprised if nobody realized you exist given your awfully pathetic concerns of fitting in with the crowd
but yes, use airpods because tws > wires
perpetually buying chinese landfill isn't a hobby
cringicle doing his best tyvan impression
Come on, show the normies what autism looks like.
The Airpods and Galaxy buds already beat like 99% of chifi slop anyways
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Get IEMs worth using outside.
finally finished reading the eq guide. diamond needle in a haystack of shit
skip most of it, only start from "personal measurements" onwards (skip dsp shit, useless)
Now read the Color Calibration Guide and calibrate your monitor according to your ERTF (Eyes related transfer function) and remember to use a good colorimeter
Tried twshit outside and didn't understand "the convenience". When you're just walking there's no difference. When you need to talk to someone wired IEMs are better. The fit of wired IEMs is better. Battery is too small. Gestures as slow as fuck, cable buttons are much better.
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Who the fuck is Jays Audio? do chinks just collab with anyone now? I thought Hawaiian Tinnitus Boy was already pretty low.

>captcha: DYNG
imagine putting shit in your ears at home
the current generation (w1, omni, superfine) is sticky, previous spinshits were not, the redesign is significant and they went from being okay to really great
another youtube reviewer. infamously kinda hates crinacle i guess. estrella seems well regarded.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i don't know what to buy. there're too many conflicting opinions
I can't believe I'm in the timeline where Crinacle is now universally hated by the IEM community, I'm actually proud. I might check out Estrella then
Most people don't continuously spend the entire day with their IEM's in, if you have to repeatedly put on and take off IEM's throughout the day not having to fuck around with a cable is much more convenient.
least retarded /iemg/tard lmao
can this be avoided? was thinking of buying them.
Whatever you say Crinacle, go back to your store already
Brass is an alloy of copper mixed with zinc. Copper turns green when it oxidizes. You might prevent this by applying a clear coat beforehand.
You can avoid that by not buying them.
go back to shilling your shit collab deaf twink
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I actually kinda want to visit his store in-person, but I'm afraid I'd spill my spaghetti and reveal my power level
they'd definitely smell your "power level" lol
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But other anons told me even the space travel beats the galaxy buds and any $20 IEM will absolutely destroy the most expensive tws.
Is that all just a cope?
>anons told me
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What are /iemg/'s current rotations looking back on August? Post your top three most used sets.

1. AFUL MagicOne
2. NiceHCK YDS
3. Tanchjim One DSP
kind of an odd list cause i returned 2 of them for different reasons, but
1. Artti R1 - 3DD is interesting, but it had too much bass for me and weird timbre in the treble so i returned it (maybe i had a bad set)
2. Sivga Que - actually great refined Blon BL03
style, but had some weird QC issues in the shell that turned me off so i returned it also. (might buy again in the future if they go on sale)
3. Ikko OH10 - old reliable fun set with kinda stupid bass but also sometimes hot treble. these always end up my go-to because they fit me really well and i generally like the tuning.

for now i'm saving up for 11.11. maybe i'll finally get a really nice set
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
A variety of stuff but a lot of acoustic stuff like blues, folk, and psych/prog rock, ambient, field recording, audio books.
>Frequency response preference (in order)
I really hate some high hats and the way some singers sing the letter s it's sharp and high pitched and I'd like to avoid that.
Warm sound
Good bass is a must
Good soundstage and imaging is nice too
Changeable cable is nice too in case they get caught on a door knob
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
Moondrop Chuu: hated the cable, better sound quality than the cheap stuff I've been using until then
HBB Blon Z300: Cable was a lot better and the sound quality was great (compared to other things I've used)
I was going to get another pair of the z300s but figured maybe it's worth seeing if there's anything new or better with a wider budget.
HyperX Cloud 2: used to think they were great but recently started to hear half of the notes (like they would appear at the peak of the note and disappear quickly, as if you chopped off both ends of the note and kept just the peak, making them sound choppy)

I'm looking at the KZ DQS and they seem really interesting because they have(?) almost an open back design

I'm also looking for a good 3.5mm to USB C DAC, and if ever you don't have a rec, is there anything I should be looking for in a graph to see if the IEMs would fit what I'm looking for?
>Shozy p20
Nice slam, thicc warm sound, I robbed linsoul by paying only $70. Different tuning than my harmon and V shaped and I've come to appreciate it
Replaced my hd6xx for recording music, can't hear shit with the senns when my AC is on
>Space Travels
Use it 6 days a week for physical activity. Yes this is better sounding and more comfortable than the galaxy buds pro 2
Would this oxidation apply to other IEMs such as QKZ x HBB, Zero 2, and Wan'er?
>Good soundstage and imaging is nice too
useless, don't chase the dragon
>they seem really interesting because they have(?) almost an open back design
not open design, in fact you won't find an open design because it's retarded
>I'm also looking for a good 3.5mm to USB C DAC
what's the issue with your current source? if nothing, keep using it.

stop buying shit, and don't fall for the "audiophile journey" myth. use EQ (see guide in op)
Waners have nothing to rust, whole thing is plastic. Probably the same thing with Zero 2 (I assume so since I don't have it).
Just be aware the cheaper chifi single DDs have tuning filters at the nozzle that can get clogged (channel imbalance, loss of sound) in the long run anyway, unless it's from Tanchjim, in which they use some higher quality ones that resist clogs.
I talked too soon, waners have metal nozzle, but mine haven't rusted, and since nobody really complained so far long after release, I assume they don't rust.
is the AP80 Pro-X notorious for having a garbage bluetooth connection, or did I just luck out with a dud?
hooked up new space travels and audio just keeps cutting our or becoming a garbled mess. happens in both ldac and aac mode.
The iems work fine on my phone and PC.
>kz edc pro
>nicehck yiddish
god i wish there was something that was the same form factor as the chu 2 without the moondrop qc issues
Interesting, what do you like about them that sets them apart from IEM's?
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>I'm also looking for a good 3.5mm to USB C DAC
Jcally JM20 is recd here a lot these days.
You're probably not going to find much better than what you have in your price range. I would probably learn to EQ then save up and get something potentially double that much.
>I really hate some high hats and the way some singers sing the letter s it's sharp and high pitched and I'd like to avoid that.
Female vocals gets up to max about 10kHz which is getting out of AutoEQ territory but still absolutely EQ'able. Start by reducing that and come back when you know how much reduction you like.
They're comfortable, non-isolating, and the cable is nice. All perfect for taking walks or when I need something to play in the background
Why is reverse polarity not discussed often? Is shartur wrong that it ruins the IEMs?
To be fair, Chu 2 nozzle oxidation and paint chipping are more related to poor design choices than QC. LAN is the premium version of that shape, with an actual stainless steel nozzle and MIM steel shell instead of a poor cheap cast with cheap paint.
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Top three hasn't changed, check archives for impressions:
1. Hisenior Mega5-Est
2. Ziigaat Cincotres
3. Simgot Supermix 4

Though I am getting the S12 2024 next week and hoping it's good enough to replace the SM4
Because it is a non-issue. Absolute polarity is audible, but not really linked to preference, and the reason is simple: it is mostly tied to very low frequencies, so most instruments aren't really affected, and most importantly, there is no way to be sure that you're actualy getting "correct" phase from the recording to reproduction stage.
i was thinking of getting the LAN, but it seems really bright. and the 4u looks similar but seems to be bigger both front to back and depth wise
So it's just another shartur
>not variations its bad
If it can't be linked to preference then why do manufacturers reverse the polarity in the first place?
Your guess is as good as mine. Could be lazy engineering, could be manufacturing optimization, could be a neglected factor
Interesting thanks
it increases techs
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>EPZ G10
>JBL Endurance Run 2
Although I have been opening up a lot of my budget DDs to mess with their tuning.
Right. Thanks anon.
>lazy engineering
That's my fear. Is it worth dropping $100+ on an IEM if they can't pay enough attention to detail to just match positive on a driver to positive on their input?

Are the techs in the room with us?
I really just think that manufacturers have learned to not give attention to it because it's not useful and worthwhile to implement on a large scale assembly process. In the end there are tons of other factors that require more attention from r&d to assembly to qc/qa.
And that anon is most probably joking about the techs, but it can be formed into a reasonable argument.
no because your pos is non inverted
Okay, so I'm looking for a Portable Audio Player and some IEMs, I really don't want to spend over 200 US but I can stretch to 250 US if I have to, cheaper would be great.
My only reference for Hi-Fi are some FiiO F9 I had a long time ago (I thought they were really good, but I don't know much about this whole thing, I just heard some instruments I never heard before in Bohemian Rhapsody and I was impressed)
And as a Portable Audio Player I had a LG G8 ThinQ and a FiiO M3 (Entry level little thing but I loved it.

What should I get?

If I can use the Portable Audio Player as a USB DAC for my PC that would be even better, but then again I don't have the greatest budget.
Thieaudio prestige LTD

You are...
A Saint, a Grandmaster, an Alchemist
Yup, one with the Cosmos
originiggas, it's over...
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Where do I go from here?
Jay is pretty much the only guy on youtube exploring ultra high end with magicos, wilsons, and boulder amps.

He was very impressed by the new andrew jones mofis.
A collab is him showing you what he likes in a tuning.
It is not the brass itself it is the brass catalyzing a reaction in the wax deposition, which can be easily cleaned with iso.
Blacks know better than to consume sound isolating strangulation wires around niggers.
>Phoenixcall probably has a busted driver
I think I don't like multi driver iems...
Been away from these threads for over a month
Just passing by to say Truthear Gate is truly a budget endgame
I don't see myself needing anything else (including lurking this place) until I can afford the more audiophile stuff
But damn I have absolutely 0 complaints about Gate
Buying another Golden Ages when yours breaks in two months
Those Planar IEMs (any of them) BTFO every hybrid and single dynamic kilobuck IEM, so nowhere
What are those IEMs?
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hit play
enjoy ze tunez
I only listen to real music
i have both
Wanker studios mog the gatos
>In what aspect, anon?
build quality and cable options
they're both built like shit but the wankers dont feel as flimsy as the gatos
add the fact that gatos have limited cable options
Does anyone know if there's a massive difference between Spinfit CP145 and W1? I'm thinking of buying new tips for my Hexa's because the default tips are too hard for my ears, I have to use old Moondrop tips to have some comfort.
Can you explain how inverted polarity improves techs?
When something sounds bad it's techs. When you hear flaws in the recording that aren't even in the recording - that's techs.
To a medical hearing professional
Are Galaxy Buds 2 Pro worth buying?
Everyone in the thread who has them will say yes, everyone who can't afford them will shill a moondrop product
For me, isolation is the most important when out. This is why I always bring my Etys when going out. Or are there any tws with anc that have (almost) as good isolation as Etys?
NO shill here but after using them for almost 2 years i can say yes, they sound terrific for what it is, of course they will never reach cable tier iems but for convenience is endgame

nah i dont think so, etys are deep and block everything in the ear so... also the sound quality is in another level
I don't really understand how anc sounds like. Since you have those normalfag buds 2, what's different between those and normal cable pos when being in a busy city and not playing any music? Is everything just quieter, or only some specific sounds?
cable is just a tip blocking sound into you ear

anc uses mics in the device to block outside noise so even if you are not playing music they keep you isolated, thats the diference
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Can someone please explain how these shit are so good? I'm going insane here.
Did they find some crazy high quality driver and just decide to sell it for cheap?
I doubt thats the case since it's been around for a few years now and there doesnt seem to be any steal revisions.
Maybe somehow just got really lucky with the tuning?
Stock they sound good.
With thicc foams they sound great.
With eq on top of that they sound excellent, end game head pos mogging tier.
You just have nothing to compare it to
I do
They mog headdenters up to hd600
They mog the majority of low to mid end iems, in a quiet room. Obviously isolation is an inherent advantage to iems.
You can eat with these on, and hear the doorbell etc so its like having an open back without a big dent and bald spot on your head kek
>no pics
Schizo babble
You can eat with IEMs, you just have shit IEMs.
Buds have no tuning to speak of. The difference from fit is higher than difference between different buds. They have no bass and no treble so there's nothing to fuck up, as long as you're fine with hearing 50% of music.
So my inverted polarity IEMs will actually sound worse but that's just better techs?
Yes. For maximum techs invert the polarity in one channel only.
It is well known that good gear reveals how poorly the music is actually recorded. If everything sounds bad then your IEMs just revealed all flaws, naturally.
you just gotta love the IRM baby
you just gotta
Forbidden Brand, not allowed to mention in this general.
it's one of the ways to align phase of multiple drivers when one of them has longer way for its sound to reach the nozzle output, if the difference is exactly half the cycle you invert polarity and it's aligned, it's a clever alternative to using long tuning bowels which would make the shell huge, besides it makes less of a problem than using multiple drivers in the first place
Galaxy Buds topped and ended on FE and Pro 1, any newer ones are disposable shit unless you can and want to solder when you need to replace batteries, still much better than apple garbage though
> HiBy M300 - $200
>Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
>Tempotec V3 - $200
which one is better between the three?
how much do they pay you to make these posts
>>102203895getting wet/dirty to bother with anything other than something like airpod pro or momentum4
w1 wider bore, sticky material, longer stem. good match for hexa provided you get the right size for your ears
see op guide. kefine delci iems, shanling m1 plus or hiby m300 for the player would be my recs. most audiophile players are capable of switching to a usb-c dac mode, but you should double check the marketing material / user reviews if that's a feature you want
But the wavelength depends on the frequency so you can't really use it to sync your output.
new bread >>102214646

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