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Stat sheet edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102147686
remember to eq
The S12 pro are still the best pos ever made
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>costs $50
>complete package of HQ DAC, amp, media player, and even microSDXC expansion
>makes /iemg/ /pmpg/ and /hpg/ chuds seethe
>Gets rekt by a 5$ POS dongle made by apple (LMAO)
Reminder that it's essential to regularly clean IEM filters since impact of even a little bit of clogging is very significant.

And no, this PSA is not exclusive to Moondropped
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>crapple currynigger shit
>rekt anything except iNigger subhumans' rendie allowance
lmao even
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Mogged by Shiroi's 170cm.
Can you repost this without the schizo babble?
>im too poor to have ever even tried current year players to form a valid opinion comparing these devices, also im new
woah, been a while pal
Smaller is better.
If I use a hiby r3 2, am I still not allowed? :(
So I needed TWS IEMs for work and got Space Travels and Minos. The Space Travels get incredibly dirty and might not charge (the led flashes when I put each one back so I have visual confirmation of charge) and the Minos get slightly dirty and will definitely not charge (no led confirmation so no clue whether they're charging or not)

Is there any TWS IEM that just fucking works even if I'm in the middle of a warzone?
accept your loss
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endgame is here
>This anon is in Ukraine.
You shouldn't get TWS' for work for the reasons you described, get wired ones instead. Yeah running a cable is ass but it's the just werks solution
>Is there any TWS IEM that just fucking works even if I'm in the middle of a warzone?

You'll have the drones lock on you like you were fuckin' glowing with all the TWS emissions
there are IPxx ratings for water and dust resistance. neither you chose rate well. other cheap tws brands are jbl, soundpeats, qcy
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I got memed into buying picrel by you faggots a year or two ago. They're the worst headphones I've ever owned. Sound like fossilized shit rattling around in a coffee can. I used them once and threw them in a drawer and just found them while cleaning out my old desk. You niggers have no taste and just buy whatever asian garbage has anime girls on the box. You're not audiophiles, just autistic weeb trash overestimating yourselves like always. Fuck you, poseurs.
>350 dollars for a BA posalgamation
>got cadenza'd
also, post your other pos
>Another one fell for the toxic resins meme
Enjoy the brain cancer anon
Now you know you should've just gone with some KZ instead
>I got memed
Skill issue
>he redeemed
retards, lrn2read. i used them once and tossed them because they had the worst sound of any headphones i've ever owned. the sony earbuds that came with my $20 discman in 2005 sounded 10x better than this trash. IEMs are a total meme. just drop the $80 on a senn hd 280 and you will have 100x better audio for at least 4 years without looking like a flaming faggot with sparkling rainbow colored plastic in your ears.
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ur cxcrap has higher OI and shitty sinad when you aren't at the max deafening level
you are still seething over a $30 purchase u made 2 years ago? jesus how fucking poor are you
>hd 280
my sides
>Enjoy the brain cancer anon
Waaay too late for that if he got baited into buying that in the first place
Either you got a defective unit or just have a weak foundation of what "good" audio is. Cadenzas seem to have a more than safe sound signature that any turbo-normie could enjoy.
>being baited this hard
couldn't be me!
Sennheiser hd280s are the headphones they give to autistic people in the library lmao
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Hi Arch Linux user here, any IEM cable similar to picrel?
best iem mascot to goon to?
kek'd fucking hard.
do you have a problem with bats?
>hurr durr we were just baiting when we unanimously recommended it
i-it was probably j-just a defective unit. y-yeah, that's it
>i only care about the anime girl on the box
most cringe general
>NA hours
>Thread quality falls off a cliff
>hurr durr we were just baiting when we unanimously recommended it
This is literally this thread in one sentence
>a weak foundation of what "good" audio is.
It's ridiculously common for people to expect good headphones/iems to make music sound better than the quality of the recording itself.
what is the cheapest good PMP?
hiby m300
shanling m0s if you dont care about screen estate
do either of these have internal storage? if so how much?
>Chink hours
>Only talks about sub $20 IEMs
m300 has 32gb internal storage but if you're getting a dap you really want to put everything on a micro SD, they go up to 2tb these days
>budget - under $200
>source - phone and pc with qudelix or sonata bhd
>fr preference - good midbass, nice mids, some amount of treble ok as long as it doesn't fucking kill me.
i listen to mostly extreme metal (death/thrash/black), classic rock, classic r&b, alternative, and.... kpop....
Reminder that sound quality is a skill issue.
aful p5, tanch kara, cklvx d41, epz k5, artti r1
is the epz q1 pro worth it over the 7hz zero 2 as a first iem?
zero2 tilts warmer. q1 pro is like original zero, tilts brighter.
q1 pro will prob fit better and arguably better cable. so those factors imo make it better for first iem. can eq sound, not those aspects.
Best planar iem to get below $100? I have a KZ PR3 and I actually enjoy it, but everyone shits on KZ so I'm curious how I'd enjoy a planar from a "proper" brand.
if you enjoy the sound now dont waste money on a side grade under 100
artti t10. nicehck f1 pro shell is built nicer but a bit brighter on average. shozy p20 more niche midbassy sound, still on sale at linsoul
just mod the KZ to sound good, they'll BTFO everything under 1000$
>everyone shits on KZ
Only SEA chinks, spergs, and trannies on transcord bubble. They are loud but harmless.
ask yourself why you want a planar
nice projection but thirdies and troons are the only people who buy kz
Thanks, sounds like actually good advice.

Yeah I've been eyeing artti t10 for a while now. F1 pro is a no go if it might be too bright. That shozy on the other hand, never heard of it and got me really curious.

It sounds good as-is to me at least, I just thought more well-regarded brands could be even better

I like its deep rumbly bass and how at the same time it has a fuckton of detail in the higher end
ive read the EQ Guide, all i need is good FR without terrible dips and peaks and KZ offers that for cheap, it's also ok when you're a genius like i
eq out the stealth revisions, shit comfort, shit build and shit cable
go ahead, i'm waiting
is that your dialator cable?
>eq out the stealth revisions
>shit comfort
comfort is subjective but it's way better than RED or any turdear
>shit cable
just replace it with a good one duh
>wants a specific FR
Red is one of the worst fitting IEMs ever made, not an argument.
>eq out the stealth revisions
How many actually confirmed stealth revisions were there across the honestly quite big number of KZ models? 1? 2?
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+ All of their older "hybrids" (not real hybrids whatsoever, 1DD playing the entire frequency range)
So no, 1 or 2 models would be the grand exception to the rule that KZs get revised.
nice elaboration, EDC Pro mogs every shit yall shill and you can EQ to anything assuming no skill issue
>Red is one of the worst fitting IEMs ever made, not an argument.
>or any turdear
and i should add or any moonpos cloggable and chip shit
>purchased from 3rd party store
>Red is one of the worst fitting IEMs ever made, not an argument.
worse than OG 7hz zero?
You buy zero red if you want to rape your earussy
So elaborate on what this 3rd party store did. They have the resources to re-manufacture all of KZ's packaging to the tee, bother to do it cleanly, also have access to KZ's internal driver components, then carefully un-glued original drivers, re-glued other drivers, and re-fitted the shells to be completely seamless? And they bothered to do that all.
kys fucking dumbass bitch. imagine shilling for a random chink company because they gave you some free stuff totaling about ~$100 USD (in the form of crap audio gear)
>EDC Pro mogs every shit yall shill
According to an online graph? Of a unit you won't recieve? Lmao.
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Reminder this is who posts every KZ post in these threads. Newfags beware. You can simply look up KZ scam, controversy, any other combination of bad omens for a business. You'll find plenty of results.
>zvx originally sold for $27
>this sample was purchased for under $6
>gay retards surprised to have been chink'd
there are always two sides to a story, the loudest and gayest always takes face, just like the holohoax
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just buy chu 2 trust
They sounded worse than all my KZs even when brand new
My point was that Cadenzas aren't suiting some niche signature; They're balanced in that they have enough bass to not sound flat, enough treble to not sound dull, and reasonable ear gain so most people won't encounter shout or distant vocals. It's hard to believe someone would have a harsh reaction to Cadenzas unless they're used to iems or headphones with more pronounced V shape tuning (which I would call bad because they sound unnatural).
You mean KZ sold ZVX sold for $27 then replaced it with the cheapest possible garbage and sold it for $6 to capitalize on good reviews for the real ZVX. Many such cases!
IEMs that won't broadcast a virginity field in a 2 mile radius?
Cvj night elf.
>he didnt buy from the official store
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this will match your rolex and phat cuban links g. the instahoes will be all up on you
sony mdr-ex15lp pink
Onn Wired earbuds
>implying the official store sold the real zvx
lol is that really why the retarded kzoid shills kz? even if they paid me $100 I wouldn't ever use kziggershit
apple earbuds
>he cant hold the official store, the powerhouse, the absolite entity that is KZ; accountable for their actions
>instead chooses to cower online, like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. except for you, it's your penis tucked in your asshole.
>somehow it's the mouse's fault

is he here with us right now?
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Just cracked open my (iirc) $7 ZVX and it doesn't look good for the lower price -> cheaper driver theory.

For all we know someone could've just swapped the driver themselves being a fucking troll that people tend to be
why is kinera celest wyvern abyss gone from op?
thats not the main point, we're dealing with chinks here. it's not even worth attempting to clear this up besides taking it for what it is, typical chink tactics
they didn't pay him anything. you can go back in desuarchives. he's exposed himself plenty over time. he "conned" them out of two kz zat (a piece of shit so bad they don't even bother promoting it anywhere and it's completely irrelevant) and dickrode that for months because it has a bunch of kz drivers lol. you can search terms like "trident reed, cca duo" or other kz specific terms / marketing spew because he's literally the only one ever promoting their stuff. he's been here for years shilling his infantile collection of kbear, fiio, and kz played off his used cum-crusted snoy. besides zat he bought all their shit like a good goy
As much as I like the sound quality of IEMs the convenience of tws is pretty nice.
Is there much of a reason to go beyond moondrop space travels when it comes to tws? Like will more expensive ones make a huge sound quality difference and get closer to what you can get with wired IEMs or does the nature of tws bluetooth make the difference negligible?
probably because the only thing it has going for it is its look
> I ordered the Venture Electronics Odo usb DAC from AliExpress.
How is Odo? Is it better than their Abigail usb dac?
oh and the sang and danced like a monkey for tyvan's entertainment for a krila. hahahahaha
Both bad.
kek that's so fucking sad
don't spend too much on them if you're not going to get the lanyard to hold them. they get lost too easily. i just use this one because it was a cheap 5 pack
> Both bad
Why bad? Were recommended on 4chan multiple times. They say are better even that Apple’s dongle dac.
My airpod pros sound better but not 10x better. It also broke after 2 years, and apple asked me to pay $200 to replace it. Space travels are better than my senns momentum and galaxy buds pro 2. But keep in mind tws still cant compete with cheapest wired apple earbuds in call quality.

Tdlr for value space travels right now are the best
these are just minimum quality functional devices. i dont know any opinion other than andy that i would remotely trust, and frankly he is one of VE's top shills. it probably works fine. dunno if there is audible noise or playback glitches / oddities, which are really the more important factors for you using a dongle in the real world rather than being concerned with "can it drive a Sundara to have wide desktop-level soundstage?!"
> these are just minimum quality functional devices
But are these better than Apple dongle dac? Or should I buy Apple dac instead?
there really isn't a point wracking your brain over it. they should all be functional, they're $10. if you're in U.S., I'd just get apple dongle.
don't be an idiot and collect earphones
1 is enough
Apple’s volume is low, and I am Android user.
>recommended on 4chan multiple times
if you ever buy anything a retard on 4chan recommended they will claim to have memed you when you complain about how shit it is. 4chan is for memes only. unironically use reddit for recommendations.
>tempotec bhd was at max volume when i hit play
>volume has so many fucking steps i couldn't lower it in time and had to rip my iems out of my ears
neat. luv u tempotec <3
skill issue unironically. after so much time, i know never to fully insert something without first playing audio and determining the volume.
is this guy accurate or is he just fearmongering against a brand/model? should i return the 4u for smth safer?
dude its the fucking retarded kz shill, your pos is fine
he's the retarded kz guy. he's recently resorted to posting
>i have tinnitus what do?
>my iem is tanchjim 4u
>4u is shit, truthear gate is shit, chu2 is shit, etc.
>graphs of kz iems against above iems, delci, etc.
it's all one (1) poster guerilla shill marketing for a different chink earphone company. and get this, he does it for free. yeah it's wild, but true.
I never use hardware buttons. My issue with bhd was loud click when you disconnect it.
>Space travels are better than my galaxy buds pro 2
Funny, I was actually considering those as the "higher end option," sounds like there's basically no good reason to not just snag some space travels then and call it a day. Especially considering tws should be thought of as disposable.
Thanks anon.
They hiss. Apple dongle doesn't hiss. Less power(and thus lower SINAD, shout out to the retard that doesn't how SINAD works) doesn't mean it's worse. Spend a little more and get jcally jm20. Not as fragile as apple dongle, as quiet as apple dongle and more power than all of those entry level dongles.
Any waterproof IEMs with kevlar lined cables that won't be damaged if I accidentally run them over with a lawmower or they slide off my neck into the shitter while taking a dump?
The theory is they release a "good" batch and then soon revise it. The price is not an indicator of a revision.
wired iem itself will almost never be waterproof in a strict sense. there are vent holes and such not designed with water in mind, but honestly there are plenty of stories of various IEMs surviving laundry cycles, etc. most of the length of any cable *should* be waterproof, but factor in QC and well, most cables, if regularly exposed to moisture show greening around connection joints over time. this is typically a fairly long process, but really depends on exposure
just get cheap shit and wear it without worry. or tws with IPxx rating (probably IP56 / IPX6 minimum)
this anon is based and you should return it. 4U is poop and it is harming your hearing.
you can notice they can never beat his argument, so they just resort to throwing ad hominem and proceed to recc obscure chifi nonstop all day cuz they are chinks addicts to crap audio and you should ignore sperg chinks like
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you'd think waifus diddy'd fatfinger when he was little or something for how much he hallucinates them as his enemies. people here unironically buy tons of things besides waifu box pos, but he sees any post with a waifu company as
>they're shilling?! i will shill back harder!
when he doesn't understand we're just posting dumb pics of 2d girls for memes. rent free lmao
Thank you. Is really hard to figure out which advice is good and which is bad. I am glad I didn’t ordered yet the Abigail dac.
I wish I would have a truth detector machine made for 4chan so I don’t have to create a reddit account just for getting audiophile advice.
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>should i return the 4u for smth safer?
Yes, and you should invest in something with a better build that won’t fall apart or end up covered in micro scratches like an old iPod.
retarded shills for kz and other bad brands, can safely ignore
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okaaaay I just received the KZ EDC Pro meme. It has an amazing sound. Much better than Gate. The price is really $5? How?! The sound is like it costs thousands
no ones giving you a good iem below 200 bucks nerd
thank gweilo, check bank profile for deposit
It's worth half the average Indian person's monthly income. $30 is a LOT over there.
What's the newest fotm poorfag iem?
[spoiler]showerhead earbuds suggestions are welcome[/spoiler]
look at op and recs.
I agree that edc pro sounds fun and certainly is competetive with something like Gato (and I also have both), but comparing it to kilobuck iems is just retarded.

Although kilobuck iems are also retarded, I'd imagine true endgame is somewhere around $200-$300 mark and anything beyond is just diminishing returns or outright scam.
endgame is EQ
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A while back some anon commented that there's a secret messaging group in which guys from all these big IEM companies chat with each other.
Anyone know if that's true and has anyone managed to infiltrate them? I'm really curious to know what's going on there...
Really not that interesting, just dick pics every now and then
>The sound is like it costs thousands
So it's that bad huh.
When is the gaymousetranny/deafzo x KZ collab coming out? I will not buy KZ unless our local retarded shill gets a say in the process.
last time ive checked it was along these lines (moondrop, tanchjim, simgot, kiwi ears wechat group)
"cringy said to stop harman slop and start new meta warm slop, churn it out NOW"
"yeah i've been spying headpos.com trooncord and they insta shill if the fr adheres to 5128 JM-1 with 10dB tilt, especially the fag and bald ones... just say to chang (their tuner/engineer) tune to it and ez social credits fellas"
"Nope! I'm sticking to harman slop because it sells a lot, and I believe in the science and Dr. Fauci"
just gonna get an s12 pro...
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I have a crap ton of wireless buds, not pictured here are sony xm4 which I let my friend borrow and my broken airpod pros. Space travels are my first chifi tws and are simply the best value for money. Yes it feels cheap and theres a girl whispering and the case is meh but it sounds great and I can get 10 of these for 1 airpod or buds pro. No debate. Just dont touch the moondrop block
What IEMs would make me feel like an anime girl if I use them?
never buying iemg collab after we all missed the golden opportunity of the best one: moondrop x chuzo
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budget? musedash collab is a good start :3
if you're
>a girl
EA500LM, it'll make you feel like you're in anime with its bright, airy sound
>a guy
normal S12 + medium density foams will give you the same result for significantly cheaper, unless you want that chimera cable
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ugly as fuck, even Wanker looks like a beauty compared to this
It's a $20 difference at most.
Get the pros
don't, too much fucking treble, makes everything sound excessively bright
>still buying planar pos
>in 2024
oh my...
it's a difference of one whole Chu 2, also Nebula Grey is the prettiest version and only the normal S12 has it
the normal (unmodded) S12 is too bright, but the Pro / modded S12 is not, unless you're Shortbus or a fan of his dark tunings, then there's always Glamdring
they're not going anywhere, if anything they'll only be improving and reducing its inherent timbre, hopefully to zero
The gray is boring imo and the blue matched my fiio player anyway. I don't notice any untoward brightness with the pros like you said, but I don't mind a good bit as long as there's no sibilance.
Have IEMs successfully prevented WW3? This is the one place where Chinese and Indians get along well.
I have them, I basically just eq'd them a bit bassier and quite like it. I don't think they are the best in the sub 400$ range because this market moves way too fast but it's my personal endgame because spending more is just even more diminishing returns. I clean them once a week with some basic wet miceofibre cloth wipedown and the usual tip cleaning with mild soapy water. But I do this for all of my iems as Im not risking ear infections. They dont have filters so there is no way they can get clogged unless my non existent ear wax somehow gets inside the nozzle.
I'll probably be satisfied till either Moondrop QC fails me or something incredibly better releases in 2 years for similar or less.
no, i have the S12 Pros, with Azla Max tips, that holds some of the treble and increases bass, still too excessively artificially bright.
you're probably mistaking the jarring planar timbre with brightness
planar timbre is just brightness
sorry chuds its all fr and you can eq it out
no nigger, it certainly is bright as fuck
then which element in the graph is responsible for that timbre?
it doesn't show up because graphs are useless above 8K
fair enough
when will planartards realize that planars bring nothing to the table...
>t. never heard one
ive tested most of the "old" ones, nothing special, just fr fuckery
timeless 2 will btfo everything
2 more weeks
Fun fact, if you fix all objective issues of a driver it will sound exactly like a DD.
and what if you fix every objective issues of a DD??
>The bass control this dongle delivers is truly breathtaking and mind-boggling
YESSSSSSS i need to CONSOOM this dongle ASAP
Then you wake up.
>he bought a DD
activate ze tubes
praying for truthear gate rn
>tanch luna
>sgor luna
>hzsound luna
Chinks synchronizing names again...
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DUNU Luna 2 when :3
i miss beryllium toxicity
would have been back in 2005, 30$ amounts to nothing in 2024 due to jewflation
>ugreen dongle
Tanch Luna when???
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I don't know but wake me up when.
Which lg is this?
keep refreshing fren https://shenzhenaudio.com/products/tanchjim-luna-dual-cs43198-portable-usb-dac-amp
100$ I can push my budget to 150$
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
Single player gaming and watching movies
>Frequency response preference and music examples
V shape , just want stuff to sound fun and energic like gunshots in l4d I don't want it to be precise but just sound fun
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
Chu 2 I love it and if filters on it weren't so bad I would just use that until I got money for 300$+ headphone or iem, but because of the shitty filters I don't want to buy another one
Also I don't mind doing some EQ
Simgot EM6L
Anyone have buds fe? What type of sound signature can I expect?
any pos + eq
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Wow this is one of the most adherent Endgame IE target I've seen. Expect endgame audio.
What’s the best upgrade to the Katos? Needs to be low profile and well built without earussy rape.
I love the chu 2 as well, it's got a fun tuning that for specific songs I still haven't been able to replicate on other sets. My suggestion is to wait until the next major sale in 2 months and grab expensive iems for 150 or less, like CKLVX, Aful Performer 5. I'm looking to get the Performer 5 myself
Do those require a replacement cable? I’ve also heard complaints about bad tips, excess treble and poor QC.
Bros hear me out
Original truthear zero
Moondorp starfield filters
yes, yes, and yes
i read that as shat street edition
i've been on /g/ way too much
>last time ive checked it was along these lines (moondrop, tanchjim, simgot, kiwi ears wechat group)
any screencaps?
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Fuck chifi. First two IEMs had bad driver flex, third had a channel imbalance and now the fourth has failed on the left side after a month. I'm not even hard on my IEMs, they just sit on my desk. Does QC not exist in China? Am I cursed to use my ER2XR for eternity?
Any experience with ibasso?
Do they hiss with sensitive iems?
I got a 3 year old tanchim oxygen, it has fallen to the floor many times, but the other day one of them slammed so hard against it I thought it was over, its still perfect. That being said my shitdrop starfield died within a month with no damage.
Am I being memed :(
My tanchjim ones just, ten days in, have a faulty cable connection. I messaged Ali seller for some resolution hopefully. I really liked them too
don't buy $20 flavor of the month and you're golden.
pick from the short list in OP and don't waste your money on other crap.
horrible luck, I own 5 chifi items and have had almost no faults with any of them, including the chu 2 which I use often. The only issue was my wan'er cable broke
I have a dozen and none of them broke, including cheap ass kz from 5 years ago
I know this is an iem thread but this is the most relevant thread I've found for my question, do you guys know of any affordable over-ear headsets? My current headset is dying and I just need something that will last at least a few years, has a microphone, and has ear muffs that go AROUND the ear and NOT on top.
If there's a better thread to ask this in then link it and I'll go ask over there instead.
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none of my iems have broken
there's a headphone thread but include your budget range when asking about affordable
3$ vido
Am I dumb for thinking that flatheads actually need a burn in period?
When I first opened them I listened to the vidos for a bit and they sucked, but I let it play on like 75% volume for around 24 hours and now they sound great
I looked all over and somehow missed that thread, but I managed to find it this time around. By affordable I meant about 50$CAN or less. Personally I'd call under 30$ affordable but I'm looking for a headset that won't make me wish I went to the dollar store instead.
I looked up that brand and didn't see any actual headsets, just a few headphones that look like they would not fit over my ears at all.
Yes, you'd be as retarded as most audiophiles
Ignore the resident vido shill
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>Harman target
One pair died on me. It was my most expensive pos too.
That's just pink Quark 2, there's nothin good about the Quark and color doesn't change that
>Ar-ACK-ne Autio

inb4 rent free. seethe and dilate.
What's the best cheap DAC dongle I can buy?
choose one before asking a question
Best among cheap DAC dongles, retard. If you have 5 things, one of them will be the best.
Lol ok, the best dac and cheap dacs don't equal dumb retard
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gonna dump as i do a few measurements of stock vs. 80ohm adapter. i have a bunch more multi-drivers, only doing a few convenient ones i have on 3.5mm cables atm
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interesting result for this pos. two quite appealing sounds
Jcally jm20.
Nobody said that, esl bro.
no point for this pos, adapter aint doing no good
>buy whatever asian garbage has anime girls on the box
Yes???? There's no reason to live other than for anime girls
another dud
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Got my first ones from Ali.
It sounds pretty good
Big up to /g/ for the rec.

When I make it, imma get some Monarch MKIII insha'Allah. Need 2 bands audiophile gear on my ears nigga
hello saar
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this one i had seen somewhere that impedance gives this effect. will have to listen if it's a good change overall or not
>q1 original
guy........ we stand with Pro version. the original is too rolled off and dull.... but idk hit play and enjoy i guess
Rec me the cunniest iem
give it back, tyrone.
enjoy lad
definite underwater sound as expected. mid bass hits well, brain burn in can adjust to vocals, but for the most part tonality is compromised
Does the foobar2000 volume slider not function properly? When I decrease it by a couple of dB it kills subbass more than other frequencies. Like if I decrease the volume in foobar but make up for it by increasing windows volume I still don't get the same bass impact.
luck of the draw my fren, i also had pairs that died on me within a month but somehow my salnotes zero are still kicking after a year
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>not pro
>no custom faceplate
Money down the drain. Btw planar pos from epz is coming.

Are these good?
What would you recommend until the sale ? I don't have anything right now and I am just using my laptops shitty speaker
It's cx31993 so it's most likely going to hiss.
t. uses some shit meme DAC that sounds worse and costs more than entire LG phone
What would you recommend instead?
>Used to own a Salnotes Zero
>Would hear very audible hissing for 3-4 seconds after I played something and the recording ended both on my laptop and phone
>Didn't know anything about DACs and just thought it's "how it is"
>Now I own a Waner and don't hear hissing because Waner has 20 impedance while Salnotes Zero had 32
Should I still buy a DAC?
The impedance is only a half of the equation. Subwoofers are 2 Ohm, you think they're gonna hiss when plugged into your phone? If there's no hiss and enough volume an external DAC is going to do very little, especially on 1DD IEMs like this.
Wait so should I fork out for something really nice like a P5 and just use EQ for very minor touch ups or should I just get the best fitting POS at half that price and EQ all the way?
EQ is mandatory. Get something that's comfortable and looks good.
Its always possible the fame got to their head and now are releasing subpar products. I'd rather they dont even make cheap shit and focus on higher end models, but I guess thats not profitable now is it?
you get what you pay for, people expecting cheap slop from any brand to be perfect are almost as mentally ill as the people who delude themselves into thinking their cheap slop actually is perfect
My question is also sort of how much EQ is acceptable? I'm tempted to get ER2XR for best isolation on public transport but I might also be looking at -10dB at 10kHz in treble because that's one large res peak.
Reducing is literally free. Even boosting by 10dB is fine on most IEMs.
Yeah I totally agree
>Even boosting by 10dB is fine on most IEMs.
Is there some sort of guide or measurements to tell if its fine? I can't see anything in EQ guide.
I assume it'll be something like DD always fine but some BA will struggle?
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There's no solid guide, even if you have THD graphs drivers can shit themselves in different ways. Like look at this graph. By looking at it you wouldn't know the problem is actually in the bass.
>I then cranked up the volume some and noticed distortion in upper bass with some subtle ticking. Push it harder and it compresses, refusing to get louder and and become more congested.
The impedance graph shows there's no bass crossover and midrange BAs are actually playing full-range. Also he didn't measure the FR at higher volume, it would actually be different. The rule of thumb is to avoid BA pos. But DDs in bullet style IEMs are also not great.
>Just dont touch the moondrop block
it's just the regular ones without the nub, right?
It makes all the difference. Regular IEMs are the most consistent audio device while flatheads are the least consistent.
fiio ka11 or jcally jm20 max for pc usage?
If you're on linux I'd avoid fiio, many compatibility issues reported. Haven't researched ka11 in particular. Should be fine on windows. On paper its specs are better than jm20.
I need one and i use windows, my motherboard and audio interface all have high output impedance so my iems sucks when connected
it's called picking a good material, such as high-quality DLC or lithium-magnesium
fun is subjective but it is a fact
Fun fact, treble lovers hate fun.
Simgot EA500LM from the recs + official tuning kit as an option, absolute techs overload for the price
in the meantime get a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and a pack of q-tips and clean the filters in your Chu 2 thoroughly, don't be afraid of detaching filters from metal grills, they'll be held together with the nozzle screw anyway
what do you mean?
I fucking love my Moondrop Dawn Pro
I've always used my portable audio gear, be it earphones or headphones, without giving a fuck about prolonging its lifespan, expecting it to keep up with me and if it breaks, I simply move on to a different one and expect it to last longer
in all my cheap <$20 earphones, be it from a known brand or chinesium, the first thing that broke was the cable and it was after long years of rough use, the earpieces themselves were always in good condition regardless of the humidity or what not, so if IEMs are more fragile than those cheapos of mine and require actual daily care it means something went fatally wrong with them
best IEMs for Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Avant-Garde, European Folk, Memphis Blues, New Orleans Blues, Chicago Blues, Texas Blues, Delta Blues, British Blues, Psychedelic Blues, West Coast, Jazz Blues, Country Blues, Boogie Woogie, Country, Progressive Country, Folk, Rockabilly, Jazz, Dixieland, Big Band, Bebop, Hard Bop, Free Jazz, Avant-Garde Jazz, Garage Rock, Blues Rock, Rock, Blues Rock, Jazz Fusion, Funk, Soul, Folk-Rock, Proto-Punk, Psychedelic Rock, Progressive Rock, Krautrock, Kosmische musik, Eclectic Prog, Symphonic Prog, Italian Prog, Zeuhl, Avant-Prog/RIO, Space Rock, Progressive Folk, Progressive Electronic, Neoclassical new-age, Dark cabaret, Symphonic Rock, Progressive Pop, Avant-Folk, Glam Rock, Gothic Rock, Punk, Hardcore Punk, Post-Hardcore, Art-Punk, Progressive Punk, Post-Punk, Anarcho Punk, Afro-Punk, Celtic Punk, Ska, Horror Punk, Christian Punk, Crust Punk, Skate Punk, Egg Punk, Glam Punk, Cowpunk, Nazi Punk, Oi!, Deathrock, Anti-Folk, Art Rock, Folk Punk, Pop-Punk, New Wave, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Progressive Metal, Glam Metal, Stoner Metal, Avant-Garde Metal, Black Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Symphonic Black Metal, Industrial Metal, Groove Metal, Jazz Metal, Doom Metal, Drone Metal, Post-Metal, Nu-Metal, Pop Metal, Metalcore, Folk Metal, Drone Metal, Shoegaze, Blackgaze, Math Rock, Art Pop, Indie Folk, Lofi, Avant-Pop, Tropical Goth, Post-Avant Jazzcore, Progressive Dreamfunk, Neofolk, Neoclassical Darkwave, Noise Rock, Noise, Ambient/Drone, Post-Rock, Film OST, Anime OST, Video Game OST, EDM, IDM, Techno, Dungeon Synth, Downtempo, Trip Hop, Eurobeat, Lowercase, Synth-Pop, House, Acid House, Eurohouse, Deep House, Chicago House, Electro swing, Intelligent Drum and Bass, Jazzstep, Synth-Punk, Ambient Techno, Ambient Dub, Dark Ambient, Sophisti-pop, Synth-Pop, Synth-Metal, Ethereal Wave, Nu-Gaze, Japanoise, Danger Music, Glitch, Folktronica?
Audeze LCDi4.
just get a neutral or slightly U-shaped pos and enjoy the solid jack of all trades
thanks, i'll buy them immediately
Supermix 4
i need some good IEMs, don't get me wrong i would never wear one of these vile things, i would never listen to my music on these relics, i only use speakers for such things, i'm buying them for my father for drumming.
Cvj night elf.
While I am indeed tempted to procure these In-Ear Monitors, largely due to the whimsical allure of the adorably rendered Loli gracing the packaging, I find myself beset by a modicum of trepidation; for these exquisite auditory devices are intended as a gift for my progenitor, and I cannot help but contemplate the egregious impropriety of succumbing to carnal impulses in relation to the innocent visage of the anime maiden, thus casting an unfortunate pall over the intended gesture of paternal devotion.
is it any good or just a meme?
Right. Thanks for your help anon!
I buy my IEMs based on the cute girl on the box
which iems would get me laid?
none, you have to buy Apple Airpods because that's what cattle marks itself with for copulation
Yeah, I do. So what?
pink sony mdr-ex15lp
blu vidos
That $50 could've been saved for a better pos... enjoy FOMO
No better pos than tanchjimmy pos
Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro or Tanchjim Space?
I am going to use them on a linux phone with aful p5.
Tempotec is 53 USD and Tanchjim is 73 USD currently on aliexpress. Or something totally different for my use case?
On second thought, I will not be redeeming the 4U. Instead, I will be redeeming the Origin.
i just got a tempotec bhd pro and it's a bit finicky sometimes. i've also read a lot of stories about the thing just breaking on them and tempotec support being nonexistent. wish i'd read those stories before i bought it. space might be the safer choice i haven't really seen any bad things about it
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Any opinions on the Sennheiser IE 100 Pros?
I'm thinking about getting them solely because i've heard very good things about comfort levels on the Sennheiser IE shells.
Horribly tuned, get the 200 which is not as bad
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it's using pentaconn instead of weird mmcx and the tuning is old skool sennheiser i.e. no upper-mids and boosted upper-treble with so so bass. stock isn't good but EQ it and ur gucci
Have no idea about any particular dongle's compatibility with Linux phone. It is possible some you choose simply won't play stable audio via USB-C, while some may work.
Also, if you're using your Performer5 3.5mm, there isn't as much reason to get either. They output the same power via 3.5mm as other smaller "tail" form factor dongles, so you may as well just grab a ~$10 dongle.
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thanks, anon.

Another question: Is there any 0.78 pin cables with microphone TRN redchain plus?
>buds fe
>Am I being memed :(
Lrn2read graphs. It's solid. Not as vocal-boosted as a lot of Chi-Fi, overall balanced

>Any experience with ibasso?
At least say what device. It matters..
nta. fyi if you're now asking about using a mic cable off a USB-C DAC, the majority do not support mic cable.
but yes redchain, celest sells a few (desu just buy the whole iem celest wyvern pro when it's on sale)
thanks. This is not meant for the dac, but for my gaming rig. Is there a redchain version of the 0.78 pin? I am already using some epz G10

Does Tanchjim Space or Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro support mic cable btw if I wanted one for my desk?
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Pretty good kick out of listening to this one. DD responds well with the boost. Bit of a comical U-shape but nice and engaging.
>Is there a redchain version of the 0.78 pin?
As far as I looked, no. They make the non-Plus (non boom mic) version in 2-pin I think, but the Plus is only in QDC.
>Tanchjim Space or Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro support mic cable btw if I wanted one for my desk?
Nope, neither afaik. The majority of "audiophile"-style mini-bricks wont.
Ah, how utterly pedestrian to ponder upon which in-ear monitors might serve as your pitiful conduit to carnal indulgence. Let us be painfully clear: IEMs, the tools of the audiophile's plebeian spawn, are wholly inadequate for achieving any semblance of desirability. The true path to seduction lies in the regal embrace of high-fidelity loudspeakers, for it is only their sonorous majesty that can transcend your lamentable circumstances. Should you find yourself bereft of at least an $1000 audio system, I implore you to reevaluate your self-worth, in fact, perhaps even contemplating the elegance of ceasing to engage with a world that seemingly holds no solace for your continued presence. My sagacious counsel? Procure a pair of Revel Salon2s, that you may at last wield some modicum of appeal, and perhaps entice the adolescent female targets of your baseless infatuation to part with their modest garments.
speakers are pussy repellent especially audiophile speakers
Ah, it appears you are engaging in a rather crude hyperbole. One might espouse that such an unrefined assessment belies an ignorance of the nuanced interplay between sound reproduction and the subtleties of human attraction, as it naively overlooks the profound allure that a meticulously curated auditory experience can bring to discerning individuals, One might assert that the intricate craftsmanship and unparalleled fidelity of such speakers not only transcend base notions of attraction but also serve to elevate one's auditory experience to a realm far beyond the pedestrian concerns of mere magnetism.
speakers sound horrible too, worse than even low tier pos like turdear gate or kz edc pro
>etymotic research ER3SE
let me guess, you think you need more
Ah, how charmingly pedestrian of you to voice your woefully uninformed opinions, One can only marvel at your talent for dismissing the rich tapestry of auditory experience while clinging desperately to the mediocrity of decidedly inferior alternatives. It must be a quaint and comforting lifestyle to revel in such uninspired choices, utterly oblivious to the sonic epiphanies that elude your graceless ears.
cope speakertranny
yet another unoriginal attempt at wit, Perhaps instead of resorting to juvenile name calling, you might consider engaging in a more substantive discussion about audio quality and preferences. But, of course, that would require a level of insight that seems to elude you, wouldn't it?
no point in discussing audio with speakertroons they are all deaf
Your feeble attempt to defend the egregious choices of those self-proclaimed "IEM aficionados" is both amusing and pitiful. One might argue that such individuals whom one could only charitably label as "IEMfags" exhibit a strikingly misguided dedication to their precious ear canal intrusions, blissfully oblivious to the cacophony of treble peaks that not only assault the senses but border on aural torture, potentially inflicting irreversible hearing damage. Engaging in a dialogue about audio quality with "IEMfags" is about as fruitful as discussing haute cuisine with a child whose diet consists solely of cardboard, they are tragically deaf to the nuances of true sound.
keep yapping deaf speakertranny
Is your chu 2 dead? You can unscrew and detach the filters if you need cleaning. Else aliexpress has some good cheap iems like the waner on sale right now for 15. But imo I'd just clean the chu 2 and wait until mega sale because the next big step up from chu 2 is going to be 150+ range
>flat by 150hz
lmao at every pre-order cuck
new bread >>102187679
I see. What about 4,4 mm?

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