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Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous thread: >>102164144
Second for on call!
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I have a masters in biomedical engineering with an emphasis on 3d deep learning, point cloud voxelization, Gaussian splatting, U-NETS, that kind of stuff.

-> learned, c++, python, javascript and even modular mojo.

Can't even find a decent fucking job in Phoenix AZ, where i was born and raised. Work as a analyst at a local investment bank with stupidly long hours and a 90k base salary.

Lets say i kept my skills fresh where could i go to get a job in my field?
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How do I keep up with new tech? People say that I should constantly learn new things but I don't know what I should prioritize
Pick something to specialize in, learn as much about it as you can, and start fudging your resume a little to make it seem like you actually have more experience with it.
I'm not even sure from reading your post what your "field" even is. If you wanted to work in BME then I don't understand why you learned JS. At one point in time any given company may have looked at a BME degree and went "Ooo, I bet this guy's a quick learner", but few companies give a fuck about that any more. They want someone who will know how to do precisely their job from day 0. Even beyond cost they probably don't have anyone to ramp you up onto a particular role.
You sound like a fucking loser bro
your question is wrong to begin with. You should be learning new things, but those things don't necessarily have to be "new techs" which are fads 99% of the time.

learn a popular tool from a domain you're not familiar with
explore aspects of code you feel underdeveloped in
pick techs from the past 10 years that have proven to be long lasting. just wait for those techs to bubble out from the rest.
for example, rust. At this point it's obviously the "chosen" language of its class and it's pointless to waste your time on any of its competitors.
Another example: kubernetes
sunday is ending...
God I wanna kms
Mostly what other anon said. The point is that you should remain curious and proactive about checking out things you bump into. You never want to think "Yup, I've learned all I'll ever need", coast on it for years, and then when your role gets erased in your mid-30s you start panicking because it's too late for you to switch to something else. If that happens you want to already have some idea of what's out there, have some familiarity with with some of it, etc. Nothing lasts. If you ever feel like you've reached a state of knowledge stability that will last forever then you are wrong.
40 minutes ago
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Back to work anon
is $930 for a MacBook Pro M1 8-CPU / 8-GPU / 16GB Ram / 512 GB SSD a good deal or am I getting ripped off.

I'll be running intensive C++
please ignore I didn't know there was a stupid questions thread
self-improvement is a jewish plot to make the goyim slaves work harder
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another day another frozen pizza.
It depends on exactly what you mean by "intensive", but regardless of price you're probably going to want something stronger. Even building a substantial C++ project with 16GB will be painful unless you're using Ninja and a distributed compiler cache
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i always eat the whole thing and then feel sick
Tomorrow is Labor day in the civilized world.
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Back to work wagie
>must grow more biomass
>must make concrete storage units to put the biomass in
>must enslave the biomass to support more biomass production
we are ruled by insane people
i'm gonna do it
i'm gonna eat my frozen pizza
Anybody here ever use resources from codeacademy or datacamp (or similar) for learning things like python/sql for data analysis? Not looking for a new job just trying to learn some new ways to look at and model financial data for my current job.
I am realizing that my current job is a quicksand shit job that hasn’t given me any transferable experience in 6 years of working there. How the fuck do I transition and get out of here before I sink further and drown?
>6 years
Man drowned at bottom of ocean wonders if he should start swimming to survive shipwreck
Pretty much yeah. The best time was probably 5 years ago. The next best time is now.
just start learning and make up some bs about your current job. do you have people that can act as references that can help you lie, omit or aggrandize your experience?
for every project you've ever worked on, say you lead the entire process
Sometimes, I feel like I'm blacklisted by all recruiters and companies....
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>4 day week coming up
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Only 1000 weeks left until retirement!!
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10 years experience 32 year old SRE here.
worth a little over $1M; currently make 250k TC from thailand
I've got a BS in computer science (from university of chicago)

considering a switch into medicine for some increased meaning in life. Anyone ever consider this? My undergrad GPA is 3.02 and I'm white tho lmao

I'm also openminded to hearing about esoteric masters programs that may be interesting. I'm generally thinking this might be my last eng rodeo
go read the slatestarcodex archives or something
Nice LARP, I enjoyed it
When you put it that way it doesn’t sound like such a long time
How was Chicago when you were there and is it worth living there as someone that's 31?
>Nice LARP, I enjoyed it
what makes you feel this is a LARP? Genuine question

I went to an elite school and my salary/career is actually underperforming (overperforming vs my public school hometown peers though, surely). For reference, a friend of mine from freshman year just finished harvard biz school and became COO of his old company.

A guy I played volleyball with was in the private equity firm that flipped the company I worked at pre-covid for +$1 billion profit.

Most of the CS people I graduated with are in FAGMAN/select bay area companies or even stuff like Modular AI. I chill at tier 2-3 companies.

net worth is also quite a bit from ethereum last hype cycle.

>go read the slatestarcodex archives or something
never heard of this. I'll check it out
>How was Chicago when you were there and is it worth living there as someone that's 31?
I haven't lived there in over 8 years at this point and my school was in its own neighborhood on the south side, surrounded by black neighborhoods. we had a lot of private police. That said, I did have one of my favorite summers there working in river north, even if i commuted back to a shared apartment. These days I prefer places without as harsh a winter but I miss some restaurants and the giga smart community of uchicago (but not the upper class nature of it; i didn't fit that)
In a weird funk. Working for fagman for 3 years now with little to show for it in terms of accomplishments, just lots of small shit due to the complexity of the problem domain. Finally at a point where I’m able to start solving ambiguous problems that require extensive design and requirements gathering, so I’ll have something appropriate for my level (SE2 with almost too many yoe to not be SE3) to put on my resume in a few months, but at the end of the day I’m working on an important but not overwhelmingly sexy domain. My problem is I don’t see a path to breaking out into something new, bigger and better from here, because my work is so backend/dist systems/hardware focused, all rather generic stuff that I don’t know how to leverage to find exciting opportunities. Anyone relate or tips
I got >quick called by my pajeet REA and wasted a day off expecting them to show up because they can't into email
they finally decided to actually email me with a new day (tomorrow) and I gave them a different day that hasn't been acknowledged because they still can't fucking into email
never gone to small claims for trespassing, this'll be fun
>My problem is I don’t see a path to breaking out into something new, bigger and better from here, because my work is so backend/dist systems/hardware focused
What exactly would be bigger and better than backend? You wanna write nodejs all day instead?
>What exactly would be bigger and better than backend?
a backend that actually solves or does an interesting thing in the real world.

"backend" isn't a thing. It's a category of thing and >>102194171 probably works on some piece of a piece of a piece that he never gets to feel like he has a work product. he also gets ZERO cools stories that makes sense to anyone that isn't a fellow autist trapped in the same shit pile

meanwhile a "product manager" who doesn't know shit actually has an end to end human parsable story about what "they" have built

this is a huge negative of the software industry at large
So it's Monday morning again.
How do you do anons?
I'm kind of enjoying my job, but I miss being part of online communities. Having people to talk without a business need was fun.
I'm trying to work out how to hand a software project over to a non-software engineer
It's not going to be pretty
Am I retarded for working on work projects in my spare time? I am doing it
>for free
But I enjoy trying to pay off some technical debt for the projects I am on. I feel like a damn wagie fool sometimes though.
>not the upper class nature of it
Fuck me sideways. These are the very group of people I just don't get along with. During my time in uni I met many of them and they sniffed the poverty on me and actively refused to be friendly. Something about me talking to them like an equal. It was really weird.
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just got a jury summons bros

i dont wanna go
Go but say you moved out of jurisdiction, they won't ask to verify like piece of mail from new address or ID or anything, just tell you to leave
You're only retarded if you expect something out of it. Think about it like charity work: if the act alone brings you joy, great; if you think that you're going to be explicitly rewarded for it, bad.
>if you think that you're going to be explicitly rewarded for it, bad
As with any kind of overachieving, the reward will be more work.
what brand?
>ck me sideways. These are the very group of people I just don't get along with. During my time in uni I met many of them and they sniffed the poverty on me
ya they're going to sniff it out quickly. they pretty much all get educated in HS (and HS can be like $40-50k/yr for them). college is for a touch up in class + networking

many had jackets worth half my $2-3k net worth at the time
Assuming not a meme, I've considered switching from SWE to SRE purely for the remote/work from whereever ability. I might be wrong but I feel like if you're willing to go on call and be a SRE then you can get companies to be more lenient to remote positions.
most people dont answer jury summons. i have gotten summoned for that shit twice. the first time i was eligible for it, i got selected for the jury and had to waste a week at a trial. getting to be on the actual jury will show you how much of an absolute bureaucratic shitshow the court system is.
dont show up! they dont have a way to verify whether or not you actually received the mail. those fuckers only pay you $25 a day for showing up
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What happened to small teams of devs making a passion project like id software?
They still exist. That's one of the values of networking. Those teams are forming from people who already know each other. They're not hiring people off of LinkedIn and such.
keep getting rejected from everything for not having previous professional experience. how tf do i get previous professional experience when this seems to be a requirement everywhere
>currently don't have any project
>just shitposting
oh fuck what do I tell them if they ask what I have been doing?
Make up busywork. Mention the phrase "Lambda Calculus".
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is that what you call it?
my indian boss is complaining to me about some toilet needing a key in the company and you need to ask the HR to open the door for 30 mins already
what did i do to deserve this
he keeps repeating saying "fucking you" and "basterd"
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I'm a consultant working on a humongous refactor story and everyone sounds bored when I talk about my progress in the daily. It's taken me 3 sprints and I'm almost ready, why do these faggots assume I should be able to do a huge refactor on their stupidly complex 1.5m line software quickly and at ease? literally noone was going to pick this story, bunch of wussies.

Am I just going schizo imagining this?
Why is HR locking the bathrooms?
just 1 bathroom outside the company building unit, not the bathroom inside
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is Germany the halfway point between hiring Americans and hiring indians?
another day in paradise (sprint planning)
He's just making up a cover story so he can resume shitting on the street.
If anything, Americans are the halfway point between Indians and Germans.
Germany has high salaries compared to rest of the Europe but the salaries are still way less than in US.
Though, I don't know if it is really cheaper to get german programmer compared to american one because of the taxes, pensions and shit.
The salaries make a lot more sense once you see their work hours, vacation times, not having to pay out the ass for health insurance, etc. Their income taxes aren't much worse than ours once you account for federal and state taxes (depends on state obviously, but most high paying software dev jobs are in shit states like Cali), though they do pay 20% on everything they buy via value added tax.

Software devs in Europe are still grossly underpaid though.
One of my coworkers threw a fit during a meeting because my boss is letting me go while another guy he hates is staying, it won't change anything but it warmed my heart.
Shorten your update. Make that shit snappy. What you did since last update, what you'll do before next update, and blockers (if any). People can ask for more details but generally no one's trying to hear all that yapping.
I (American) love working with Germans. They're generally competent but still get mad as fuck about the comp difference. You can joke about them only producing 1/3 of the quality you do and even if they know you're baiting they'll still get mad
Have you ever worked with other Europeans? Tell us about them.
Britbros, what does your salary look like?
I'm on £43k, 7YoE and living in the north. How badly am I being ripped off?
Mostly Russians, Iranians, and Israelis. The ones that make it to the US are the real deal. The ones who didn't and couldn't relocate have been trash. Turks have been all-around dumpsters.
Do they all speak English well?
Well enough. The older ones have been around long enough they've picked it up and I assume more recently the schools in every country teach it. And even the ones who can't really speak English can still write it decently in design docs and such. I don't know if they take technical writing classes for English specifically, or if everyone just abuses translators nowadays (though this was pre-LLM)
that seems really bad
Not him, but I've worked with a good few euros, they were all pretty competent.

The biggest difference was in how they took their vacation time. They all probably took the same amount of time off, but the Germans/Nordics always gave you plenty of notice and had someone else you could get in touch with when they weren't in.

The Spanish and Italians would just disappear one day, no notice and no out of office reply set up. And they all seemed to take vacation at the same time, so it was hard to get in touch with anyone else too.
I'm too burned out to make it snappy and tidy but I'll try, thanks anon.
>"anon i know you're getting laid off at the end of the month but don't let this demotivate you at work"
I was told this.
"You're right, I'll work until my last minute out of respect for my teammates"
Then proceed to do nothing
I would just do the bare minimum in such case. Oh wait I am doing the bare minimum already! No harm no foul.
>I joined a company on the 22nd of July
>I've been given zero work
>It's driving me insane
Lads help I'm going skitzo sitting in the office doing fuck all
I was earning 37k in Belfast after 2 years, now in London with 5 years and I'm on 110k.
Have you asked for work
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Yes lmao, I've asked for work and they said we will give you something soon
Guess this is it. They've started to suck out the market again so that the competitors don't get more talented workers.
WE MADE IT GUYS! We've waited it all out.
Definitely won't do anything anymore, I'm too depressed and angry anyway. My bosses didn't even have the guts to tell me I was getting laid off, I had to learn this from a teammate.
That's May the 1st.
I was hoping to use this as experience to grow my skills.
>currently arguing with my coworker about scope creep
Happy Monday fellas
This is my favorite thing in the world. You can just zone out and as soon as anybody *other than the person who will be the implementer* says "we can just" you can go "Scope creep!" like a drinking game
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another day another rejection
>He doesn't have a dead end job he hates
im this close to applying to a cleaning job bro
Quit my job as a digital marketer without finding another, it's already 3 months and I think it's over. Nobody is hiring me.
vid rel
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>bringing attention to it
>not being paid to game
I'm in the office, so no gaming for me.
>where could i go to get a job in my field?
Industry or location?
I don't know, my gut feeling says you could work with oil technology (or rather, their geological surveys), what you can do seems like the right set of skills to work through measurement data and find pockets of resources hidden under the earth.
And then just hit up these companies, regardless if they have an opening or not, why not?
Good luck, hope you find something more satisfying!
>geological surveys
*Or windtunnel shit. Anything with simulation. Don't constrain yourself by the field you studied, rather, see what skills you have gained through that, which can be useful in all/other fields.
132k secured right out of my shit college LEGGO
>How do I keep up with new tech?
What tools or tech do you currently use? Do you know them at a decent or good level?
What languages do you currently use? Can you explain in detail how the language works? How does the runtime execute the code, and how does that impact the way you write and use your program? For example Node, it is single threaded (mostly), so how should that impact your code? Pro-tip, don't block the main thread!

You probably use a database, can you tell me which indexes you should use given a table, it's columns and usage pattern? How do you avoid locks and if you can't avoid them, what do you do to minimize the impact of these locks on your system?

My advice is to check Hackernews from time to time. Read some of the posts that are about interesting technology that are either new or old, but speaks to you. I try to read most posts that are about Postgres.
Also read the official documentation for the languages and tools you use. Are you a Node. js developer then read the Node docs.
Are you a Java developer, then deeply understand how the JVM works and read the docs!
>The Spanish and Italians would just disappear one day, no notice and no out of office reply set up
I bet they didn't show up on their PTOs too. How irresponsible!
quick call, sir?
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I have 2 weeks to prepare for a senior technical interview at a big tech
be honest anons do I even have a chance to make it? I'm cramming like a motherfucker and did 20 leetcodes yesterday and plan to keep this pace but I only have ~100 done as of now
is it OVER?
yes it's over, do something else
Italian here and can confirm. I will take the next 2 weeks off and I won't alert anyone in my team, just set slack to "on vacation"
Suck my med cock
Polako. Send me an email, I'll respond when I have more time.
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How do i ask my mom that i want keychron k15 pro despite being jobless and graduated a year late.
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I should have been grinding for months beforehand
its over
time to ack
Buy it yourself you embarrassment
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Generally 4 hours a day is the mental max. Hope you have been digging in deep on what your actually learning instead of regurgitating crap on the screen. Remember this a profession not a trade. If your not learning something daily even if its not related then you will be behind.

Be the you that believes in yourself.
>If your not learning something daily even if its not related
What happens if i learn to make pixel art on the evening
Keeps the brain juices flowing. With anything tech related there is always some kind of carry over. Being a dead beat that just sits on the couch will come back to bite you in the ass later. However just be sure to sharpen your skills at work whenever a challenge comes your way.
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yeah I was studying just not leetcode stuff
feeling like a dunce now
Nta but my schedule is this after i was done finishing the remaining paperwork for my graduation

Morning: 2 hour C# leetcode
13-17: work on a .NET
project, learn selenium and playwright
20- 21: learn pixel art and relax

I know i won't be able to get a job in Q4 so I'm gonna apply like hell on January
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You might get it sooner then you think with the rates dropping. Its once November is over it will be WAY worse since its an election year. But normally yeah Q4 sucks.

Your learning schedule sounds fine. If anything the pixel art qualifies as a scheduled break. I used that for a 3 hour time period during the week to watch 12 episodes of an anime, watch a movie or two, or play games. Then I would go back to doing my masters degree during the weekend since I was already doing 5x 12's. It must be scheduled. Only time you would move that schedule around is if your in the zone on your work. Pomodoro is similar but its something you would have to adjust to your natural ability to focus. I can focus for 4 hours straight and be completely burned out so my scheduled break would be between that 4 hour burn out to facilitate more work then I would normally do in a day.
>Assuming not a meme, I've considered switching from SWE to SRE purely for the remote/work from whereever ability. I might be wrong but I feel like if you're willing to go on call and be a SRE then you can get companies to be more lenient to remote positions.
I've seen several cases where SWE was onsite, but don't think it's for the on-call thing. there's just simply less of us overall + we have a more remote culture in general

When the market was tight in 2022, SWEs were hard to hire; SREs were unicorns. that's a quote from a recruiter
>What happened to small teams of devs making a passion project like id software?
it was probably easier when renting your own place was $500-700/month. people are tryna survive now + more distracted so there is less will to create any great art or project of any kind>>102198788
>132k secured right out of my shit college LEGGO
congrats man.
I'm at 250 now, but started at 60k (albeit in a 15% max income tax country). That's a really nice start broski. Enjoy
>If your not learning something daily even if its not related then you will be behind.
t.unemployed fag
u guys are trashy as fuck. this is third world behavior
I cant take it anymore, I must have 2 months off atleast. I have a year of savings. I want to travel. How do i tell my boss? I barely have 2 years as SWE.
>I cant take it anymore, I must have 2 months off atleast. I have a year of savings. I want to travel. How do i tell my boss? I barely have 2 years as SWE.
the realistic way you're getting this as a SWE is quitting, unless your company has a multi-month unpaid leave program (mine does, although you do vest RSUs during it, so that's based lol)
guys i just got my first job at the supermarket
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good job anon!

yeah america is a third world country why should i give a shit about some niggerjew court system
>He checks boomer snail mail
Yeah at this point its all Indian scammers just chuck that shit in the trash.
you would be a good fit in china. why do anything that inconveniences you?
i visited china once for work it was nice.
>why do anything that inconveniences you?
why do anything to legitimize a system that doesn't work and hates me?
>I (American) love working with Germans. They're generally competent
As an Europoor working in Asia, I can say I love working with Americans.

On the other hand, doing any kind of business with Asian companies is hell, especially if they are a "big" or bigger than your company. They are not outright disrespectful, but just waste your time and expect you to fix all their internal problems. Problems with inter department communication, let's just dump the issue on the company we buy some service from. Need to get some information, good luck, no one there cares and expect you to do their job for them.
They always show up super late to the scheduled meetings, usually just ignore the meeting until we send a follow up email and get a weak excuse and instead we have to have a meeting right now, are always unprepared and have no clue what is going on. Super disrespectful of others time.
Need special permission to connect to our API? We don't care figure it out yourself.

The people who work for American companies in the US always come prepared to the meeting, respect your time and try to identify and fix the issues that are preventing progress ASAP.

Then again, I don't think I actually talked to a "real" American, it was always some foreigner, usually Latino, European or Indian who had emigrated to USA.
Do many techbros actually make 6 figures out of college, or is that a meme?
6 figures is not a lot of money anymore anon
It depends on where you live and your financial situation. I don't make 6 figures and am doing alright.
*prints 4 trillion dollars*
doing alright now?
*prints another 4 trillion dollars*
how about now? huh? huh? huh?
*prints 17 trillion dollars*
hahahaha fuck you
I only got 2.94 gpa sadly but i do have a 12 months of internship exeprience as a mobile tester lmao, i supported during UAT session and what not. In here anyone who doesn't have at least 3.00 gpa will be on the bottom list of a recruiter desk

I still watch movies and play games, but i save those for weekends. Good luck.
six figs is like 48th percentile down under, it won't be much longer until it is for you too
It depends on what you mean by techbro. Are you talking about someone who has been coding every day since they were ten, graduated at the top of their class, and has all kinds of cool projects they can point to? Or are you talking about an awkward dork with no network of contacts, who barely understands tech outside of what little they learned in school, and would rather be watching anime or playing video games? Because no, the latter isn't making close to six figures in their first real job.
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>company let me go for nepo-hire
>fucker left after a few months
>they're still trying to fill the job position
fucking dumbasses
>applied to all the jobs in my area
>now there's no more jobs to apply too
>updated my resume so i should be getting hired now (i think)
do i delete my acc and make a new one so i can reapply to all of them?
Sleep: 4 hours
Mouse juggler: on
Tenga: lubed up
Yep, it's coding time.
>"trust me anon i'll do everything to save your job"
>"everything in my power, don't worry"
>he didn't do anything

Please welcome me to the unemployed club
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I can't wait to see all my friends at work tomorrow
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I can't wait to see all my enemies at work tomorrow
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>bro just get a masters for career growth
I want to die
42k, nearly 1YOE, not in London. get interviewing.
incredibly grim
I'm salary yet whenever I work over 40 hours or on like holidays my manager gets super apologetic and promises I'll get compensated. I thought salary meant we don't get compensated?
bong salary for you. tbf I'll be on like 50-60 in my current role soon (and it's 100% remote), but it was either that or get a job with an inflated London wage where I pay more tax and pay way more rent + have to commute. OP is getting mugged though lol.
They will probably grill more on system design than leetcode questions so don’t neglect that.
after all my hours of studying and certifications, i can't find a job that will take me as zero work experience entry level and i applied to everything in my state
>no i am not a programmer or coding etc like everyone in this thread
i learned IT
i don't even know what other career path i can go learn that will guarantee me a job

just wanted to vent.
Was your handshake firm enough?
>i learned IT
No degree and no experience is a death sentence my guy
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you have to, ivan
just had a long weekend holiday. walked over 100k steps over 3 days. why the fuck did i do this to myself? next holiday i am just going to go stay in a hotel room somewhere in my city and enjoy spa + sleep
What language do you guys use for leetcode interivews? When I conduct interviews I notice most applicants using Java or C++ fail because they spend way too much time writing boilerplate and time out. The applicants that pass usually use Javascript. I personally use Javascript as well but my friends tell me it's gonna screw me over if I run into a heap problem and I should use python instead, but I dont use python for work and the last time I used it was in CS class
>have to train an old friend from a couple years ago
What am I in for?
This but unironically. Facebook just announced a massive hiring wave and all the other tech companies are following. It's funny that everyone shits on zucc and worships g*ogle but facebook has always been kinda good about job stuff whereas google was always scummy as fuck
This >>102203531
If they ask you how would you literally make youtube, you gotta be able to tell them everything about load balancers, read vs write optimization, and all the other boring crap that literally nobody would care about except big tech
Training two new guys, how should I fuck with them?
>i conduct interviews
>i don't know how to use python, what do?
the state of this fucking joke of an industry
I really dont understand how the term "techbro" became a thing. Did a bunch of normie journo women really somehow convince the world that unwashed tech neckbeards were somehow evil dudebros just to demonize us?
what the fuck are you talking about
We use node and react
Anyone who knows python works at a company that pays more than mine
>Job uses a framework I'm a familiar with
>Not sure what to do because I'm not sure what language they are using to write code with it.
>Each team has a different stack and I have no idea what team I'm on
>Each team is using a different language
Do I just grind during my first month once I figure it out?
I just dont understand why people refer to us as techbros. How are we bros? What dudebro-like quality do we posess? Is it just the idea that there is somehow a way for neckbeards like us to make money makes normie women seethe so hard that they have to demonize us? It's like when they blame dateless incels for chad pump and dumping them and lump all men in the same category
>thinking about doing stuff this weekend for work
>whole weekend passes by
>getting fucking instant paranoia that I should probably login and do the stuff I wanted to do
>brain keeps saying to chill out and fuck it don't do it over your break
do I have adhd or something? I constantly struggle between "fuck man give it a rest, days off are for days off, you'll burn out" to "OH FUCK I WANT TO FINISH ALL MY WORK SO I CAN START THE WEEK OUT FRESH I HAVE SO MUCH STUFF TO DO AND I DONT HAVE THE ENERGY OR TIME TO CRAM THESE STUFF DURING ACTUAL WORK HOURS"
>considering a switch into medicine for some increased meaning in life.

Tech workers considering switching careers always cracks me up. Have you been to a hospital before? It's more soulless than work in tech.
>working during the weekend
you have faggotry
I've hooked up with a few medthots recently and they would tell me stories about how they had to interact with patients who smelled horrible or excise necrotic flesh and pus from morbidly obese diabetics and yeah that is not for me I will continue working at home thanks. One thing I do envy about the medical profession (aside from the respect they get) is that in a survival situation even a lowly nurse would be infinitely more useful than me
it's not like im being forced to but there's a lot of stuff on the backlog i want to tackle and I can't seem to find time or really energy to finish it during working hours.
I'm probably the one guy here who will believe this is not a larp because I went to Northwestern and am also making similar numbers at my tier 2 tech company.
One thing I noticed about Uchicago is that while they were very rich and smart a large population especially of the girls there were annoyingly woke. Northwestern had more of the old money "larping as east coast wasps" vibe

Depends on what you want. Dating scene sucks if you're not attracted to latinas or chunky midwestern white women from wisconsin/michigan
No, that's May Day. Today is Labor Day.
Work as little as possible for your job as you can (if you are salaried). The less time you spend doing your paid work the higher (in concept) your hourly wage becomes.

Spend as much time as you want on your personal projects. Those are yours. The stuff you build at work isn't yours, it's your company's. Your personal projects are your own. Dump your soul into them. Will something come of it? Maybe, maybe not. But if it does, it will be yours. And if it doesn't, it still made you happy.
Use what you're most comfortable with. I use C++ because it's what I know the best. When I'm the one interviewer and I get candidates who obviously do not know the language and effectively write pseudocode and go "Hehe, sorry, ain't used it in a couple years" - I'm knocking your ass down. A big part of this interview is me evaluating if you can write code, dummy. People even pull this for shit like Python! If you're writing pseudo-Python you may as well just be writing fucking English
You're not shitposting, you are "underground networking." You are "stealth adapting" or "stealth learning" when you read a random /g/ thread. And everytime you tell a tard to kys you are "creating a postive difference in the discourse."
>they do pay 20% on everything they buy via value added tax
That's so dystopian. Is the surveillance state in yuroland so powerful that they can't just.... I don't know..... exchange cash for goods and services without the government knowing?

It's funny when you realize the average cuck constantly spamming about how america bad because no healthcare or no free college or whatever is just a seething yuro trying to cope. I for one, would rather maximize my salary as much as possible so I can have even a slim chance of retiring to live in peace somewhere away from the rat race, than to resign myself to my fate and live in a somewhat comfortable "high speed rails and free healthcare" country to ensure I continue wørking, but never be able to rise above my station no matter how hard I wõrk
>has long update
"Anon, this is boring."
>shortens update
"Anon, what are you even working on? Do you even do anything?"
>gets PIPed
I've been gooning to tranny porn my entire 5 years of employment and never got fired or laid off
I have a job in architecture. You'd think architects would have vast knowledge and expertise.

Most days we spend talking in teams about diagrams, flow charts and future plans in 10-20 years.
We once had discussion where we all had to (literally) come up with tech buzzwords to sell to business.
One person said something along the lines - "distributed chatgpt driven microservices". I'm not even joking.
And then he explains when questioned. What kind of nightmare headspace do you live in where you get PIP'd because you got asked a question
>task I work on seemed like a waste of time
>try to argue this
>end up doing it anyway
>it becomes more and more annoying to implement and was clearly not worth it
>my name will be associated with it in the repo whenever someone will come back to it and wonder why the fuck it was implemented in the first place and think I'm a garbage dev for adding it
>push back on ridiculous useless task
questioning authority? that's a PIP for sure
>do ridiculous useless task
implementing bad software? seems like you need to be on a PIP
>That's so dystopian. Is the surveillance state in yuroland so powerful that they can't just.... I don't know..... exchange cash for goods and services without the government knowing?
Anon, have you ever heard of sales tax in the US?
as a SWE who used to be vastly fearful of architecture this enrages me
>chunky midwestern white women from wisconsin/michigan
Is it concerning that I want exactly this more and more as I get older
Have you heard of restaurants with cash discounts?
>Need to get some information, good luck
>expect you to do their job for them.
>usually just ignore the meeting until we send a follow
>always unprepared and have no clue what is going on
>Super disrespectful of others time.
>We don't care figure it out yourself.
Nah, fuck that shit. I'm a Merican and I've straight up told stakeholders I will just straight up not push your asks to production if you don't follow the approval and testing the way we said. Dealing with that would probably make me snap.
One where all the PIPing is done by 50 year old humanities majoring women who have no fucking clue what a computer even is. So when I explain what shit I'm trying to fix their eyes just glaze over and think I'm bullshitting, because code refactoring and platform resiliency doesn't come with a brand new shiny interface they can parade around.
Hello, good morning.
>no follow up whatsoever
>Is it concerning that I want exactly this more and more as I get older
No, anon. The older I get the more highly I value comfort and lack of problems. That archetype of woman represents that to me.
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>submit my notice last week
>we had layoffs today
>Problems with inter department communication, let's just dump the issue on the company we buy some service from
This is actually a huge pain even as a vendor in the US. There's a (selection?) bias for companies which can't handle X internally to then surface those same issues to a vendor who have even less of a chance of solving them. Like if project X is only really failing because teams Y and Z have no incentive to work together, then even if a vendor are world-class experts for project X, the work will inevitably devolve into team Y saying "you have to convince team Z of this". And of course the vendor has even less leverage than team Y ever did
i feel bad about this when i deal with suppliers as a mech eng but if the purchasing department is dragging their feet have literally no ability to coordinate or expedite
You're right, you won't get compensated. But that doesn't mean your boss can't feel bad about slave driving you.
>value comfort and lack of problems
I get what you're saying, but to me that kind of woman also represents "will want 10 kids", which I associate with problems
nigga you're never getting any woman NOR any kids, focus on getting a fucking job
>Has vacation time
>needs to use it for a vacation
>can't waste any time on vacation
>vacation becomes more work than work itself
>need vacation for vacation
Such is life.
Damn, you could have gotten severance
that's my point though I have already been compensated in the past
i love my manager so much it's unreal
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Then you are getting ahead. That's pretty based.
Yeah? You gonna give him a big ole smooch?
Same he lets me work any hours I want as long as I get my work done. Honestly the only reason I wouldnt wanna get laid off. The main thing making me want to get laid off is 6 months severance
Good morning sars
Are you ready for standup tomorrow? What are you working on? Any blockers?
>be latino
>generally don't like latinas because the toxic side of the culture persists
either I'm gonna be single while there or I get lucky and find a nice white girl and do all the cooking because we all know midwest cooking isn't great
do SWEs actually work on one thing at a time? i have like 17 different things running in parallel and work on whatever catches my fancy that day. it makes scrums completely pointless.
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won't even make it to the system design interview if I don't pass the LC
I did another 10 problems today but got stuck on a medium for too long, I'm hoping I can clear 20 in the next 6h
>i have like 17 different things running in parallel
yes but it's also my job. i'll hit a point on something until it starts to piss me off or i need to send someone an email and ask them for approval or to tell me what they want, then on to the next thing.
sounds like absolute hell
Depends on level. You generally don't give newbies multiple plates to spin. Can also depend on area. If you work in an area that requires a lot of oversight from legal or privacy counsels then you keep a ton of things spinning at once because they will just get blocked for weeks at a time.
>manager is remote all year long
>but we have to go to the office
is this a normal thing that commonly happens?
You do know chunky translates to "has a wider waist than you and if the same height probably weighs more than you" and they only get chunkier with age, right anon?
Just add additional details to the commit saying that X asked you to implement Y.
It's fine... I'll accept what I'm becoming
I have no idea what the latinas are like in the south or the west or east coast, but chicago latinos and latinas actually are pretty soulful. Like a lot of them unironically still dress emo or goth or eat at the 50s diners since they now occupy the formerly italian neighborhoods. I just dont want to date a latina cause I dont want a big family and also I dont want my relatives making jokes at family events
No that's not normal
I only have like 2 or 3, maybe 4 stories a sprint. But I also work for a super chill company and work like 4 hours a day, but even at a more stressful job I can't imagine 10+ stories in a sprint.
How do I factory reset a Nokia ta1392 tablet without the password?
I've tried power button and volume down but all that does is say "fastboot mode" and go nowhere.
Volume up and power doesn't properly power up.
I've got 2 of them here. Let's hope the other 8 haven't met the same "haha what if we change the password" fate.
Software architecture is like a painting. You have to layer everything up and follow patterns and continuously tweak everything following the rules making something that slowly approaches correctness over a very long time...unless you're a good painter, then you can just look at a blank canvas and know where every color goes and put the color in the spot the first time, but those people are rare and not worth finding.
Jury duty is unpaid work.
The higher you go up in the hierarchy, the more fraudulent it is.
Any FPGA/ASIC engineers here? Defense or civilian? Just got a job in FPGAs and wondering if it'll be easy to transfer out to civilian because they pay so much more
You know the whole fiery latina stereotype? Yeah, that's the shit I have seen way too much down here in the south. I can't put up with it. Also, they tend to blow up after a certain age if they're not a few gens in.
>"i'm getting laid off on the-"

I don't need anxiety when I have other people just voicing it for me, man.
bro, I've heard of remote managers PIPing their employees for not being in the office. It normally goes like this:
"Anon, you need to come into the office."
>I am in the office. You would know if you were here.
"Well, Anon you need to talk to your coworkers more."
>I do talk to my coworkers. You would know if you were here.
"Well, Anon, if you wanna get up the corporate ladder more you need to network more."
>I am fucking netowrking. YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU WERE HERE!
afaiu (non-american), techbro refers to the guys that get all the VC money. why people call tech workers "techbros", I dunno, but journalists are retarded
>One thing I noticed about Uchicago is that while they were very rich and smart a large population especially of the girls there were annoyingly woke. Northwestern had more of the old money "larping as east coast wasps" vibe
i dated a northwestern girl one summer while interning. was kino for a bit

uchicago was indeed SJW as all hell. luckily, my gf was fairly down to earth malaysian gal that went to USA high school.

Just come out to asia, my guys that like thin women

>dating scene sucks if you're not attracted to latinas or chunky midwestern white women
is there not still a small but healthy # of asian women in chicago? not reconsidering settling there I think, but i'm curious.
I feel there's probably more asians in urban texas than chicago I suppose.

Where should I go if I repatriate to USA boys?
>I can't seem to find time or really energy to finish it during working hours.
nta but, have you tried not working on weekends? that might be the reason you are burning out and not finding energy to do shit...
oh I thought you were talking about building architecture at first.

>The higher you go up in the hierarchy, the more fraudulent it is.
absolutely. tech becomes fake and gay very quickly. very little balance.

Feels like a job is either real af or flips immediately to near complete BS. I'm willing to work something balanced to keep the world turning but bieng a workhorse for people that do nothing is untenable lol
Latinas never make it past the 3rd or 4th date with me so I guess they're still in the "let's not scare the shy nerdy asian guy off" phase and have not revealed their latina rage to me yet
Journos be jelly of the money we make
One thing I found funny was that our admins were more woke than our student population, but your student population was more woke than your admins. I would always hear of annoying student protests getting crushed by UChicago admins, meanwhile our admins literally bent the knee and submitted to the demands of a protest of like 10 people that nobody even knew happened
>is there not still a small but healthy # of asian women in chicago
The really smart/career focused ones all move to Cali or NYC immediately or a few years after graduating. The remaining ones are either lazy video game addicted underachievers, social status obsessed thots who are white in all but name, or purple haired pronoun types. Also I'm asian myself so I don't have the same super-effectiveness on asian women you guys have
>The really smart/career focused ones all move to Cali or NYC immediately or a few years after graduating
sounds about right. that's where pretty much everyone went. I was born in Ohio and used to dream of Cali, but that was when it was priced at pretty much the same level as the rest of USA lol. Those places are a little rich for me now. Even if I've accumulated just above 7 figures, NYC seems best fit for someone received a few grand a month from parents or on some unique deal.
>Also I'm asian myself so I don't have the same super-effectiveness on asian women you guys have
I tough it out even as a 5'7" slightly turkish looking guy.
no blonde hair, blue/green eyes, or tall height so I don't get fetishized as much as you'd think, but supply is high enough in Asia that it can work out.

Should I just date a vidya addict.....
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my team is dysfunctional because of jeet consultants hired by my jeet boss.
No, but you do. Go somewhere else fucking faggot.
I'm so fucking tired of south Americans.
>jeet boss
not sure there's any going back at that point. sure they could fire him but if they were smart enough to do that perhaps they wouldn't have hired him.
Find a non jeet/woman boss ASAP
>One thing I found funny was that our admins were more woke than our student population, but your student population was more woke than your admins.
Damn I should have applied to northwestern. UChicago was frankly brutal for me for a while, but I didn't do too many college visists (senpai didn't have much money or-more importantly-guidance) and I got starstruck by actually getting in. got in early so I didn't do too many other apps

I remember visiting uchicago and just thinking 'wtf these people are weird/not a fit'
yeah i am actively looking but the pay on other companies are not that good.
i don't live in burgerland.
my manager, who got selected amongst my coworkers, is a retard. I don't know how this guy got here but he keeps asking me retarded questions about stuff that he's supposed to know or be able to manage. like, how fucking retarded can someone be? even worse, he thinks I'm some kind of magician or something, and he keep micromanaging us while telling me that I shouldn't worry much and to relax and shit.
I've been thinking of talking to him in a very direct manner... just so he understands the retarded shit he's doing

>I'm so fucking tired of south Americans.
If you werent an old money rich SAE guy with legacy connections you're still gonna be stuck in the same social circle as the SJWs unfortunately. Northwestern was very segregated. And by rich I mean like owns horses in the Kentucky Derby rich.

Honestly it seems like elite colleges not only let in the most annoying of SJW women but they specifically select for them. Even now I have an easier time hooking up on date one with an 8/10 from a no-name college than I do getting a second date with an annoying SJW 4/10 from an Ivy league. Maybe I would have had more fun at UIUC

I'm one of those asians that uh does not want to date thai/philipina/malay women. You can guess what type of asian I am from that.
>Should I just date a vidya addict.....
If you don't mind her spending hours a day on a game of League screaming at the top of her lungs at her teammates for feeding. I can't imagine wanting to date one unless you play the same vidya yourself
I got ghosted by a friend of 20 years, we both struggled to find jobs, lot of bad shit happened in our respective lives.

Things turned around for me after going back to uni for a CS degree and finding a job, he found one too after a while in banking. He got fired and just stopped talking to me entirely, our last conversation in december was perfectly normal. I keep having dreams of us talking again.
>tfw I'm a member of a dysfunctional team
I know we aren't the best team or anything but having it laid out like this really made me realize how bad it is. Something interesting Ive noticed is that, being on a relatively self-organized and effective team before, it felt good to practice the things on the left. However now that I'm in the shit it's more comfortable to roll in it than to try to change everything simply because more work is coming in than we can ever finish and committing to deadlines and outcomes just "doesn't work" and makes us look bad because higher priority stuff keeps rolling in.
Like jeets but instead of lying they go on long winded excuses about some sick family member that has caused them to take 3 months to add an option to a drop down and forget what useEffect is. Tons of American style fake niceness too but in shitty Spanglish.
The latina rage is real and fucking scary. Like, she will throw shit with laser accuracy right at your head and it's not a ball or something super light, she's aiming to cause real bodily injury with a monitor or any heavy object within arm's reach. If you can actually find one that doesn't have that issue then count yourself lucky. I truly can't tolerate that behavior so I don't understand white guys that dream of being with a latina for that nonsense.
sounds like your coworkers are a bunch of lazy faggots. are you sure you aren't talking about chicanos? what do you call south americans? where are your coworkers from?
part and parcel of having /outsourced/ team members
Assuming you're not done with them, just keep trying. As a habitual recluse/hermit/whatever, I occasionally do this to people. It's some form of mental illness, I'd guess. I've never done it out of actually disliking someone. Those people I'm pretty forthcoming about the fact that I'm disconnecting from them.
>If you don't mind her spending hours a day on a game of League screaming at the top of her lungs at her teammates for feeding. I can't imagine wanting to date one unless you play the same vidya yourself
I'd need a more chill game gf. something like modded minecraft while smoking a blunt
>horses in the Kentucky Derby rich.
kek. well I was "$5/month runescape instead of $15/month World of warcraft" lower middle class.
>I'm one of those asians that uh does not want to date thai/philipina/malay women.
hello my chang man. my ABC friend from uchicago has a disrespectful former kink party gf in NYC that disrepects him. he should ditch the ivy prestige

so freaking glad my team of 8 is 100% American. Hell, we're even 7/8 white and 0 jeets. If I'm pulling 250k remote as a level 2 engineer with this setup, I hang on to it ya boys?
Alternatively, what's worth learning these days.....I'm considering spinning up a "passport bro"/foreign dating app project. user to user chat seems to be the toughest component. considering phoenix-elixir because of all the abstractions around channels/messaging. Any tips?
anyone who is not born in America and has not lived here their entire lives is impossible to work with
It might not be you. People can find it hurtful to be around those who are visibly doing better than they are.
Just keep reaching out. Hopefully they realize you value them and the friendship enough to stay in contact.
>anyone who is not born in America and has not lived here their entire lives is impossible to work with
well adjusted, high IQ pakistani guy at my old job was very very amazing to work with
>If you don't mind her spending hours a day on a game of League screaming at the top of her lungs at her teammates for feeding
My ex used to stay up late doing that shit, but with mythic raiding in WoW. Then after staying up all night she'd get mad at me for my early alarm (which was so I could wake up for fucking work). I guess the vidya wasn't precisely the issue, but that shit was not worth in any event
I've heard that americans make great slaves as long as there is money on the table
thats more of a desperate third worlder thing. people on visas are willing to tolerate a lot more than americans because they have to stick with their current employer to stay in the country. all third-worlders are good for is slave labor and bringing down wages
Anyone working for fagman have interview advice?
the deep vidya addicts value vidya over all. it sort of becomes all you want to do and what you primarily look forward to doing

sounded tough to live with from the partner perspective.
try the electricians union. They have something like a 2-3 year program for comms guys, they do shit like run cable and setup ip cameras and local networks. It seems like good entry level shit and it pays pretty damn well, $30+ starting offers on indeed (union rates may vary)
a bade tradesman blames his tools
>white interviewer
just bee urself
>jeet/chink interviewer
lol good luck
£55k, 2 YoE, London
just took amazon oa and completely shit the bed

dont know how I will find time to overcome my low iq through study while balancing two full time jobs

> a blu blu poor me
I am very grateful for what I do have though
Mexico and Columbia mostly. Almost all Mexicans now that I think about it.
I'm barely getting 100k and dealing with this shit. Granted, I'm also barely working at this point and it's easy to hide in the retards. If I was making 250k I could retire in ten years. Also elixir in general is great, I highly recommend it. I'm trying to switch to elixir in the next year ideally.
I got my first software engineering job back in 2022 because I had a portfolio my boss liked. Got laid off 3 months ago after working for him for approximately 1.5 years.

Applied to 100+ jobs since and only got 2 fucking phone screens, no advancement to technical round.

The market sucks ass. I'm gonna post on /g/ in a week or two asking anyone if they wanna do a collaboration project in golang. The idea is to build something from the ground up that has users and makes money by working with people around the world. Even if it doesn't make a huge amount money, being able to say you led a team to build a polished piece of software looks REALLY good on a resume and will probably put you at top 20% of all engineers in the tech market.
lol in 2022 when I got my current/good job I applied to 100+ jobs and also only got like 3-4 phone screens, only 2 were actually viable jobs and I got the last one.
you just gotta apply to more 100 isn't shit

I would be interested
>people on visas are willing to tolerate a lot more than americans
hahaha no, not really. we are talking about south americans here. you clearly haven't met any.
>Mexico and Columbia mostly. Almost all Mexicans
mexico is not in south america, you retard
mexico, india, and brazil are all the same race. who cares what wikipedia says.
Just went through the same thing a couple days back - stings a bit but to be fair I didn’t study or prep and just raw dogged it.

Like you, I’m already employed so I’m not festering on it but want something better than what I have now - at least we can try again in six months. WAGMI
anon... by that logic, USians are the same race too (aka, mutts)
sadly yes many US states are also in mexico
kek and based
I got mine with less than 60 lazy applications in 2024. Probably got lucky but I also was overqualified.
it was my second and first "real" job first one was at a weird start up. I had 2+ yoe but 0 education and a decent portfolio project. Haven't tried applying now curious what it would be like since now I'm at like 4.5+ yoe and much more experience w/ normal jobs. will probably start applying q1.
My job just laid of certain people but is still hiring senior engineers so always some demand even if certain roles are being reduced.
What's funny is that I know that and used to be autistic about it (los padres de mi mama eran(?) de Nicaragua) but I really don't give a shit anymore. A spic is a spic, including me.

But sure I guess chilean developers are supposed to be good.
>you just gotta apply to more 100 isn't shit

I donno man. I'm a leaf. The economy is doing really shit right now, its much worse than the united states.

I don't think there are many opportunities in Canada(im in Toronto) right now for someone with my level of experience [1.5 YOE]. I've browsed linkedin and Indeed and there's barely any new jobs being posted. Its just the same damn companies re-posting the same positions over and over again lmao. I think there might only be a small handful of jobs being posted online.

As there are no junior positions, I try to only apply to mid-level roles. There just aren't that many being posted.
time to lie on your resume nigga
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Todayborday is Labor Day*
>(los padres de mi mama eran(?) de Nicaragua)
It's bad I'm just saying when I was doing it in the US, when it was good, I still had to apply to ~100+ to get any good interviews.
I literally just applied to everything without reading the job description lol
will hopefully be better next year.
Though I know you guys have something of an Indian problem... a good economy may not fix that.
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Literally just made picrel face after I finally got this thing in my side project to work after wasting my entire labor day on it. FUCK SSL, FUCK HTTPS, FUCK AWS (especially aws securty groups), FUCK Cloudfront, and most importantly of all FUCK YOU
I usually don't. It's only during long weekends or maybe one weekend a month where I'm like "ehh lets get two hours of work done.". Maybe it's my fault I get all my productive stuff done in the morning even busy work and by the afternoons I cannot fucking concentrate to finish off the other backlog to save my fucking life.
Working on the holiday is great. It's so easy. Which episodes of Stargate SG-1 should I watch?
Well done
After learning 2 years of Unity I'm proud to say that I'm unemployable since every job requires HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and SQL
>Just found out that I make over $30k per month for my company
Oh well, I'm still fairly happy with my pay. It's a bit rough knowing how much of a cut they're taking though.
have you looked into the defense simulation space?
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Any O'Neill/Maybourne episode, the one where Teal'c moves off-base and gets a gf, Death Knell, Lost City 1 and 2, Moebius 1 and 2, I could go on.
Do you at least take home 30% of that? When inworked consulting they got 2/3rds and I got 1/3.
Gave up looking for software engineer positions after graduation (IT degree) and settled for a solutions engineer role. Is it over for me? Cloud based roles are probably more lucrative but that is not what I am doing.
How can I get into software engineering now? I have been working for 3 years so I wont be eligible for early career or grad roles.
I take home 45%, which from what I can tell is a bit of a better cut than usual in my country. I'm a consultant too, and my client has even talked about offering me a permanent position. But now that I know how much they're paying for me already, I can see the negotiation space.
contribute to open sores
can you do a lateral move in your company? otherwise, did you do any coding at all?
if not, you don't have any leverage past entry level roles
thats why you use gcp. 100x easier. comment as proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/17y94ix/comment/kwyc0ji/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
Probably not. I had to code in uni but for my current role I have only written scripts and debugged code for client devs. That’s all sadly. I wouldn’t mind an entry level role but I’m not hearing back on my applications.
what did he mean by this, intel bros?
give it back, Jamal

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