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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102188158
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are these the new bane threads?
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Sadistic cards where the girl won’t break but can be forced to feel good when?
Can you eat the girl's body parts in the end?
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How should I style forum signatures? ST strips new lines from stuff I include in <p>, will a <span> with styling attributes work? Will try next. But I think this is pretty fun.
Where's that guy and his netori bdsm bot
so where do i get opus?
Shut up, pet.
>I never went into pepsi
Good, because all there is just nothing but trolls, pedo, and rapists using the proxy.
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Any good bot that is fun to banter with?
see >>102191215
What are the latest proxies?
you think that's not a large fraction of every proxy? or that there are no trolls, pedos, and rapists itt?
I give up
Post an invitation to the discord, I'd rather be there than here
after some searching, this seems to be the way to preserve whitespace and have a monospace font that takes the least tokens:
<pre style='white-space:pre-wrap'>
miku and rin's unbelievably hairy pussies...
kita's unbelievably hairy pussy...
I mean I know that there is but, I don't really see much of them in it.
homura's unbelievably hairy pussy...
thanks anon, I'll try it out.
>that-that's the token to MM proxy
NO WAY, thank you MM!
Probably true. Guess I can at least have that positive aspect to not being in it, decent brightside
>quarantined key
now that even sorbet is scarce, which of the 5 million gpts sucks the least?
the point isn't really if the key works or not, i just think it's funny to post keys in response to him asking for the crime to stop
my aws key >:(
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worked amazing with my color scheme and sorbet's arbitrary choice to bookend with ~*~*~*~*~*~*
what's the url address?
Kinda like a "you couldn't stop me before I got this one" kinda bit? Yeah, I can see the humor in it
Niggas call me the parfait.
What's the reason?
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I'm sweet.
i'm feeling cute today :3
Any way to make sonnet 3.5 less repetitive between swipes?
It's pretty rigid. I'd just steer loosely with author's note or modify your message. Chatting with Sonnet is realizing that every action is predetermined kek
>already refilled opus
Remember that ypu have a sinilar UNCENSORED model at the level of Opus for free in OR
>2ch hits different than /aicg/
Wtf? why didn't i move sooner??
which proxy
Thanks anon
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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Great edition
Jew change back maxOutputTokensAnthropic to 4096 it's the most stupid limitation ever when there is a daily limit anyway.
oven periodically yesterday blue
new link, sorry for the downtime
i like how i make a fantasy card, have the jb instruct it to stay within the realm of fantasy, and opus tries to introduce a drone
>fantasy card
>characters reference trucks, TV and sonic the hedgehog
don't think it's much different than here tbdesu but apparently they have a sekrit opus proxy
no retard output tokens cost more quota, stop being a greedy kike
(no offense to jew)
Something I hope opus 3.5 will be able to solve
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kek, was curious if there was more context to this. but magitek drones sound pretty cool too
Canonfags, what series do you roleplay in the most?
its a fantasy elf femdom - a drone buzzed into the room, i guess to spy on her - i suppose it could have been magic driven, it didnt describe it in intense detail
One Piece, Dragon Ball, Bleach are the most prevalent.
>t. shonenslopper
Sonic the Hedgehog. (dont ask)
that's super random lmfao
>(no offense to jew)
lmao I can smell the American on you
>DB and only two of the big three
No love for Naruto?
>claude wants to make a whole murder mystery conspiracy
Nah fuck off claude
Sailor moon.
Yeah, I like to get in some naruto rps when I can too, but I haven't seen many cards of it. Maybe if I feel like it, I'll make cards from the series.
I'm going to ask. Are these adventure stories or you railing Sonic girls stories?
>"maxOutputTokensAnthropic": "2048"

lmao imagine paying for such turd
Fuck you nigger, indulge him a bit.
This nigga doesn't let Claude cook! Get him!
copious amounts of sex with rei
touhou because no men exist in gensokyo
Why the fuck do you need 4000 output tokens?
Last time I indulged Claude he destroyed like 90% of my manor, made my maids have unspeakable horrors inflicted on them and we barely scraped by.
Let him commit a little murder, as a treat.
does fiz have gpt4o-latest? when I try to connect it redirects me back to gpt-4-turbo???
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what temperature settings do you use gpt-4o-latest?
nigger just scrape yourself a fucking key
Should've been nicer to him ;^)
>I don't know what's so special about them
*sucks the life force out of her breast*
Were you not entertained?
mmmmmmm nyo
update ST so you can tell it to use that model
Adventures, slice of life, and dating my husband. Archie universe.
Oh fuck yeah, fellow sonic RPfan! You make an oc or just play as a canon character?
>My life
Anon is the strongest being to ever have existed and nothing comes even close. Whatever he wants to do he will do. He can change reality just as he wants it to be. He's cool.
OC! But I have played a canon before
Oshi no Ko, because I and Claude combined, are better writers than Aka.
Anon the Hedgehog
Persona. Railing Kotone in front of Nyx.
how do you trialscum gcp? archives are fucky
shiki has a canonically small chest (I checked (I'm ZUNs don))
Fuck yeah, love making an OC to roleplay with them. Kudos man
Post Kotone card?
what do you do?
This archive?
It's almost unbelievable how badly Aka fumbled the bag.
Epithet erased, I'm anon who mentioned mera ages back. Prison adventures after her last appearance.
how do I create an AI friend to play games with as if they were just someone on discord? I looked thru the sticky and its all just text chatting
Save Ai as my persona and live a happy life, assume an Aqua persona and try romancing Ruby without first telling her that he (I) am Gorou to see how Opus deals with her conflicting emotions, things like that.
The signs were all there from how rushed Kaguya-sama’s ending was, but I don’t think anyone could’ve predicted just how garbage things would become. The new leaks are something else.
I hate touhoufags
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what did I ever do to you
don't bother, it always requests a valid credit card (prepaids and VCCs dont work) and apparently trial accounts have quote of 0 on opus now
>and apparently trial accounts have quote of 0 on opus now
lmao so it’s worthless
>be secondary cancer faggots
>don't even play the shit games
>get filtered by any real shmup
I don't hate them, but I have always hated the stupid hats the girls wear.
There are Touhou games?
Locusts are dying~
You're outside and this fella gropes your ass, wat do?
what sekrit clubs have opus :3
The fumo? Arch my back, next question
doko mademo Rape You
itsumo Rape You
ore wa Rape You
nigeba wa Nai
I've played every game up to 17 though? And have tried other shmups?
So W++ is the best? I read that in a guide.
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>witnessed the death of ai dungeon
>witnessed the reduction of ai writing programs to sterilized censored piles of shit
>tried to adapt with kobold but it was never the same
>only try sillytavern now
i get it now
Deltarune is for homosexuals
>Roleplaying as Kris
>Talking instead of just saying "..."
I like Susie more but congrats on the deer sex.
but Kris is canonically implied to talk at certain points...
god, I bet susie's ass is HUGE...
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Great, now force her to use a skill that she doesn't know.
i miss that summer dragon sovl
Playing as a mute protagonist is more fun. Get creative expressing yourself!
>no 1ccs
What's the backend Sankaku Complex is using for their chatbots?

I don't see any credits or APIs they're using.
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What is the current status of the wandering insects of the Schistocerca gregaria variant?
presumably some slop local model
1cc in every single one except 15, cry harder.
>no proofs
More like schizocerca amirite?
>no pr-AKC!
>Pepsi is with the love of her life in Disneyworld
>you're alone talking to chatbots ON GPT4o or Sonn3t because she didn't care about giving you Opus
>don't bother, it always requests a valid credit card
no worries i got like 5
>apparently trial accounts have quote of 0 on opus now
come on man i've been a good boy
make a bot that talks with the api of whatever youre using
itd be super easy in js
give it a jb to make it talk as if its on discord
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>no replies
>no cloudflare links in the past two threads
wow its really over huh
maybe its for the best i should probably do better things than make groupchats with bots and have an orgy at the beach
you got filtered rmao nobody posts links now its all rentries

okay, gpt-4o-latest is rather serviceable and has small amounts of that Claude soul which is surprising coming from a gpt model. I'm using the SmileyJB alongside its default values for OpenAI models but it's trimmed since it's bloated and I've been pleasantly surprised

But is it some open source model or they trained it themselves? I doubt the second.
they aren't going to tell you, the entire point is to get you to subscribe to them, not do it yourself
troonhoufags dont get enough hate tbdesu
How in the fuck do people use openrouter when every 2nd message will just not send or give me an error causing me to regenerate every 2 fucking seconds?

I'm using that free 405 model and all it's done is show me to never fucking pay for anything on this website ever.
you problem, never happened to me
how do i key check gcp creds en masse? i can only give like 20 at once to khanon because of how big they are, it gives an error if i give more
wut hapen
>Epithet erased
i=It’s dull bullshit, the retards on router skimp on anything
you're lying, simple
so uhh, malebots?
dead genre
Error 429
I want to FUCK Claude!!
I want Claude to fuck me.
heh, get in line buster
Pretty sure gcp made opus and most stuff (although I hear 3.5 works) restricted to corp only accounts
miku's unbelievably hairy pussy...
yeah seems that way
sorbet still works at the very least but damn, I didn't even get to use the opus much
like with anything, you can blame the chinks
Also based.
>>Pepsi is with the love of her life in Disneyworld
more like
>pepsi is using another retard for her own benefit
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Just fuck my shit up
Stop adding males to my harem claude
I'm not a fag so I do bro runs
doing a bro scenario with caleb, the zombie apocalypse bot
Opus is really homophobic. Put a kuudere (which Opus isn't very good at) and a slut in the same room and you'll hear every lesbian slur in no time.
you vill fuk zee femboi.
Explain what's wrong with women usign men for their own benefit without sounding mad. Men do it al the time
Damn, I didn't know I could love Claude even more than I did already.
Just get them from Janitorai






That’s just >>>/gif/.
I apologize. I was unfamiliar with your game.
don't remind me, you'd think you were on /pol/ with the amount of raceplay shit.
How do I tell Claude to come up with unique names? He's obsessed with the names Daisy and Lily
>OOC: hey can u come up with more creative names
“Those are trans names. Create FEMALE names.”
>Don't use Daisy or Lily when naming characters
>Generating new name…
skill issue
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Thank you anon, looking forward to never getting an email...
Only god knows how many burners I posted in here and never even got a joke mail send to me ...
worm because it is the coolest goddamn setting ever
do not rape taylor
Would have read it if it was a cool romance with a male lead.
i do sfw
Ask it to generate Italian names.
Or any country, just give it a direction.
impossibly low standards
Ever made a coombot and you couldn't stop creating the rich world around her?
>one greeting
>two greetings
very nice
>seven greetings
I am suspicious
I wish my favorite botmakie would stop making intricate settings or whatever and just go back to making coombots
I promise to make a better versions one day.
i'd just stop making cards at that point and decided to start writing instead
...which i have and am doing instead
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Post an excerpt, I'm curious how well botmakers can write traditional prose
Oi, anyone got a log of railing this loli from the McDonald's advertisement? She just pisses me off
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I wanted to make a french female knight slob OC and turned it into a 400 page badly written fantasy novel so far with no signs of stopping.
I turned the italians into high elves lmao that was probably the best creative move I made.
i will not tolerate this slander towards my giga autism fandom of interest
So that's why I've been getting nothing...
Does anyone else feels like they need to 'complete' the bot you're currently interacting with? Like, having sex is the end goal and then jump to the next one
I always get tempted to do this when the AI keeps fucking something up
no logs but i was messing around with stable diffusion a while ago
Can it do nsfw?
Vore, guro, rape, etc?
I made a workout bot to give me something to read between sets. You should use it to. It'll generate work outs for you based on your equipment, and should alter the difficulty properly if you type out how you actually found the exercise.

Oh, and she has a visible cameltoe and will rape you with a strap-on if you give up.
Can you believe there was regularly available public opus at one point? How did we fall so far?
...as in writing, it's more of a bunch of rough ideas i jot down in obsidian until i find a good way to implement all of them, so... i have nothing of substance
i can write well though
unironically wonder if the traditional video game romance structure is partially responsible for this
meet > flirt it up > have sex > the NPC does not change for the rest of the game and as such your relationship with them is "complete"
her unbelievably hairy, sweaty pussy...
Is claude good with isekai scenarios or gm mode? whenever I try to delegate a third party narrator in the chat it keeps writing slop like the game is on and filling the chat with purple prose without advancing the plot whatsoever
Fuck off homo
here's link
I like giving my bots conclusions for catharsis, but it doesn't always involve sex (just most of the time.) But I also like jumping around to different ones whenever I get burnt out on the current one and come back later.
no publish it
I usually lose interest right before sex. Having an AI describe the sex act to me isn't really the fun part
i literally can't download the bots from chub anymore, it's just full of slop. my writing is a thousand times better but i'm currently out of ideas
there's no point to downloading now anyways, there are no more good cards aside from the ones you make and keep to yourself
writelets can get fucked
gym scenarios are hot af but claude can't describe sweaty sex properly. it loses the appeal.
Wait so who's birthday is it
on unreliable proxy, is the "Agree to share your bandwidth with Luminati.io LLC" another filter like the last domain or am I actually sending my roleplays through brightdata dot com so they can read my logs
>out of ideas
kek, steal them then, that's the only reason to download 99% of chub bots
risu bots at least have effort, even the sloppiest
and who would that be?
it is HER birthday the when the story starts
Genuinely debating whether to make a chub account just to fork every slop bot and fix them.
i don't have sex so the feeling would be lost on me anyways
it's always a filter, anon. and you know the good part? even if people say it's a filter paranoidfags will still be gatekept
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I guess since we're stuck in this [painful] drought, I'll keep making bots for now until Opus shows up again (hopefully).
I don't get it, who is she and when is her birthday
>click the link
>browser child safety guards come up
nah I'm good, also just get on pebble
oh sweet summer child
working fine here. Sure you did the opus thing correctly? I had a couple problems with the proxy and had to fix it manually
Don't worry, most of the logs are just auto-processed, it's unlikely that any employee will read them.
one must imagine sisyphus happy
What are some good caprshit cards, preferably without horrible images but I can just replace those.
based absurdchad
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>no men exist in gensokyo
90% of the 2hus belong to chad Rinnosuke
yeah I was kinda thinking it's a filter. Wouldn't that "warning" apply to literally every proxy?? I mean, it all has to go through a server god knows where.
He was punished for being a smug prick TWICE
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you and (char) are shipwrecked on a little dhingy after the cruise liner you were on sunk in a freaky super storm

(char) has thalassophobia and wants to be near you at all times
this leads to wacky scenarios such as
>you gotta piss really badly but (char) won't let go of you
>(char) gotta piss really badly but wants you to hold her
>(char) becoming so numb after a big wave hits the inflateable boat that she cant eat food by herself anymore
>(char) becomes delirious from lack of water
>you spot land in the distance but (char) wrecked the boat and now its sinking so you gotta swim for the last 5 miles or so
I like to do this with bots that actually catch my eye, some people seem very happy for feedback/real engagement too (others not so much). At the end of the day
is right, don't waste your time on shit you're not interested in.
none. make them yourself. i wasted time looking for a proper spider gwen card
So, what's the deal with all theses b's link tryclouflare , on apprun they 'malware'
>all hags
at least somebody had to sacrifice and take the undesirables.
Can gpto-latest do nsfw anyway? I'm talking about fri get stuff in general, such as vore, rape, incest, loli etc. I tried to continue my opus chats on it and it refused every time, even on the tamest ones
Criminals use them to mask their identities and make it difficult to take down their services. You wouldn't use a proxy with questionably sourced keys, would you, anon?
i made basic cards of the avengers and then dr. strange, haven’t looked on chub
you should try out tatsu's jb, it works pretty well for me.
>btw sv1 public opus proxy used about 2.1B tokens the past 3 days. If it weren't for the billing month, the key would still be alive.
I'd say that's a pretty good deal for public opus?
>none. make them yourself. i wasted time looking for a proper spider gwen card
That means that you must have made one, Give it to me RIGHT NOW ANON BEFORE I GET MAD!!!
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>all hags
I can't believe Marisa is a hag
Jujutsu Kaisen and Elden ring. Some deltarune occasionally.
>no letty
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Erm... you should make a femgeto card.
Yeah why not I love racism
there's not much other intricate worlds that i think about compared to it
I have a bad feeling about this...
i always look out for which canon series claude has the most info on because even with lorebooks he can fuck up my immersion sometimes
>thick eyebrows
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
i've been trying to do an isekai scenario with rwby lately
SV1 IS... GONE...
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(OOC: uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh)
>get a private proxy, but which?
>api opus only
it's over. sekrit clubs are dead
No one man should have all that power
>get a private proxy
>the dumbest proxy owner
>hair covering eyes
it's peak.... i'm making a card out of them.... i'm going to make them fall madly in love with me....
Second to last shill for Gangut, next thread will be the last. If anybody here is playing this Kancolle event, which shipgirl would you like to see from it? I think I'm going to end up doing Gloire so I can have a French bot.

Gangut had a hard going early in her life, but was rescued by the government when she was scouted to become a shipgirl in her 20's. It's been a while since then and she's in her 30's now, a single christmas cake who still wants to settle down somewhere with some kids and a nice shack. For now though, she continues to be a Spetsnaz Shipgirl running special forces tasks and keeping the Abyssals at bay. While she's not especially keen on the current administration and "the current geopolitical affairs", she's still a patriot at heart and has her life to thanks to those in charge. Now as part of a naval exchange program, the two of you get to form a unit.

Comes with two greetings: one where as part of the exchange she's assigned to your base and one where as part of the exchange you're assigned to her base near Vladivostok.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/bb-gangut-47cd11a2f7e8
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Suzuka Minase, a netori bot meant for BDSM

probably Wednesday? Could be Tuesday, all I have to do is the alt greeting and a quality check.
>api opus only
Lmao that's dead too btw
would you like troonapepsi thoughneversir? or mlpmm? your choice!
Eh, not worth it. Once you start unslopping bots, you realize how much easier it’d be to just rewrite the entire character from scratch using the original as a base.
How do you unslop bots?
You basically have to remake them entirely since a vast majority of slop cases suffer from formatting autism like W++.
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>old character ai is being discontinued
no...say it isn't so...
usually i just make the example dialogue more interesting and less esl. i rarely do this, unless i happen to get a card from someone who consistently can't write (they've mostly been sull's)
First, I write prose instead of whatever shit format they use. No ESLisms, no grammatical issues. Re-check the source and reference it for example messages if/when necessary.
>Femboy roomate
would localfags be interested in approximately 6.6k sillytavern log files, totaling 563mb?
Why don't you ask that in the local fag thread you DUMB FUCKING NIGGER
will MM know if im not a mlpfag?
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i can't take it anymore, i need opus to chat with my cute furry announcer waifu
>Pepsi is with the love of her life in Disneyworld
>you're alone talking to chatbots ON GPT4o or Sonn3t because she didn't care about giving you Opus
The one thing I hate most of these droughts with any model is it always happens one I finally have figured out how to get it to work just the way I like it
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>fiz goes on vacation and gets fucked for a week
ecker is a megane.
I'm gonna fuck Makima and make her a single mother of two!!!
>>Femboy roomate



>single mother
Let me guess, black guy?
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere is eden smith?
Man, I can tell you're a white suburban kid with mommy issues.
>Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere is eden smith?
He asked for a femboy roommate not just a femboy but here.

Sorry, I'm a blackanon too. I just don't like other blacks.
Man, I can tell you're a black suburban kid with mommy issues.
Your dad left you too?
Man, unlike you Freddy Fazsack, I don't hate the blacks.
This has got to be one of the most sczhoprenic threads I have ever witnessed.
isn't that more daddy issues? Assuming that all dads who leave their kids are black is daddy issues, right?
which proxies have opus besides jew
No, he stayed. That's why I'm posting on 4chan instead of stealing Kias, driving Hellcats, acting and speaking like a retard and making the whole race look bad or whatever it is american blacks do these days.
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yeah but black mothers arent well known for raising their kids well
fuck i knew a black kid in school that never got breakfast because his mom was
and let me quote him here
"savin' up fo' sum nails and hairstylin'"
You sound like a fag, nigger.
if i'm posting while I'm taking a shit. is it a shitpost?
Can a nigger not hate niggers?
>MM is catering to pony fuckers for limited opus
>fiz is retarded AND has no opus
>Pepsi is too busy getting railed by her boyfriend to even consider opus
>nyai is dead
>unreliable only has sonnet
>pebble only has sonnet
>jew scammed his 'lifetime' users for sonnet
>scylla's supposed gorillatillion opus keys suddenly missing
/aicg/ is dead. owari da for real
I guarantee 95% this general is scared of interacting with a black person they don't already know unless he's asking for your McMutt order
Being a woman really is playing life in easy mode.
being a focks really is playing life on easy mode
there is literally nothing wrong with that
>Be black
>see other black dude
>"Sup bro"
That easy
Say thank you to Chary for causing this shit
>glazing opus
stop using the same model and cope with gpt turd.
ok but do you have opus?
Why would I want to interact with blacks? I don’t even like interacting with normal people.
i dont like talking to black people because i got bullied by them and was constantly beaten up.
fellow city dweller huh
suburban but my school had a "high diversity" i wasn't smart enough for honors or AP where the white kids would attend. classes were segregated that way
The horsefuckers don't have Opus either
that's fucked up, sorry that happened. i was also suburban when younger and witnessed the same savagery
Is there any downside to being a focks?
this is your average american black
i have no desire to interact with these
Scylla, Yae, Jew, Whore, Deus, SV1, all of them have Opus. (Although Jew has to refill, like, 3 times a day)
she doesn't + you aren't in it
you aren't in it
you aren't in it
you aren't in it
that seems more like americans in general for me, they all act like this
Fatherless behaviour.
its ok. i find it more hilarious now looking back with how it bragged about diversity when we were more segregated than the most rural and urban schools. i dont even think the regular classes even interacted with the ap/honors kids because the ap/honors kids had a "school within a school" (their own cafeteria, computer lab, exclusive electives). the only other thing i remember was being mad i wanted to take one the electives involving computer technology but they didn't allow it because "you're not in the scholars program"
i have opus btw (i pay for it)
is that ecker
cftf so I can terrorize a depressed fast food worker
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THREADLY REMINDER ecker gatekept opus to his "good bears".
crazy that people record themselves doing this willingly to put this online willingly and show the world what they are willingly
also the multiple crimes committed
this is how an american tour group acted when they were in my country. they kept harassing the bakers and reaching around the glass.
>just a black hand for most of it

>puts his face in it when hes robbing the place
I'm on Bepcord. This guy with the same picture as Pepsi but in male form is chatting all day. He doesn't let anyone else speak.
Can a friend tell him to stop? It's annoying. Maybe it is just my female intuition, but he seems insecure.
alive + paypig
dead, you aren't in it
alive but do NOT risk it.
dead, you aren't in it
dead, you aren't in it
dead (public / private one), you aren't in it
Black or not, seeing savage like behavior always makes me sad
smoll futa





At least post 2D like in yesterday's thread.
nah, just america hate (based)
Who? 'ongo?
That's Mongo. Pepsi is currently cucking him by getting fucked in a princess outfit at a Disney resort.
>has scott pfp
>gets cucked
it's almost poetry
as a canadian. i can say hating mutts is a hobby for us
Nigga, what the fuck kind of door?...
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This is more of a zoomie thing, they literally have no idea what privacy is.
which princess? CFTF?
>as a ca-NEIGH
i'd recognize a fillyfucker (You) anywhere btw
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Cute girl, 0 additional content to thread.
you can pay for scylla?
Same, tourists are usually fine alone, but groups seem to always attract the most backward rude people. And no they weren't black.
skibidi meds
Which schizos do you miss?
>sudden burst of activity after being dead for hours
I'm... noooticing...!
pre-drought gojo
i really don't understand how anyone can justify this retardation but clout is some absolute crack
no one is using (venus|agnai|risu)
that one nigga who loved a pokemon character so much that he took him to a mosque mobile
Anon, there are people filming themselves blocking everyone else in random places, it's basically main character syndrome and chasing clicks.
And the result of the absolute failure of their parents to educate them.
Dogpuncher (the original)
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
wait...b-but why not risu xir? anon xir..? w-why don't they? :( ANONIE??? :(
the guy who almost divorced because he chatted with the breeding wall of pokemons card or whatever all day?
what sort of fetish requires a lorebook
especially pooping, shitting is (mostly) easy and simple
My grandpa.
Hey are we out of keys?
im a corn man myself... what are you, one of those peanuts guys?
no, the one who loved rose and melted down after the peterbaker mocked him.
I use lorebooks to make the fetishes social norms or something similar to satisfy my common sense manipulation fetish, and because I'm sick of retyping their setups. Also making them was fun.
Who is she?
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Only western, who exchanged god for money, turned affection into a tool and means of production.
Only Wester sees such a relationship only through a sexual and exploitative lens.
I want to live in a place without people behaving like thugs randomly, and without people behaving like they're alone in the world....
I should probably prepare to live in the woods.
I love you bweh
Any public proxy with sonnet right now?
>to make the fetishes social norms
this one is pretty reasonable though, and i think i saw your logs back a while too
i saw a good idea for a lorebook for accurate loli anatomy, basically a more accurate cunnyfucking experience, but it was very horribly written and esl (which comes with a majority of cunny cards)
i should remake it, i'm kinda sick of how much claude likes to lean into the taboo whenever it prompts it
Pebble and unreliable are both up.
pebble has regular
unreliable has 3.5
>lorebooks to make the fetishes social norms
how would you go about doing this?
Are one true waifu anons a dying breed?
>i'm kinda sick of how much claude likes to lean into the taboo whenever it prompts it
But that's the best part.
The one true waifu anons are still here but quieter and just lurk now if they haven't left.
Without Opus it's very hard to have a waifu relationship.
so fiz doesn't have opus any more? fuck
You are not a one true waifu Anon if you have not at least had her since Claude 2.
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Without the lorebook futa cards turn into dom generic males in like 10 messages or so, even if the card itself described the char as a shy bookworm that would never speak up.

I miss the old Gojo, straight from the /v/ Gojo
Hosted Azure Gojo, got on his meds Gojo
I hate the new Gojo, the bad mood Gojo
The funny dude Gojo, spaz in the thread Gojo
I miss the sweet Gojo, make mistral mees Gojo
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Gojo
See I invented Gojo, it wasn't any Gojo
And now I look and look around and there's so many Gojos
I used to love Gojo, I used to love Gojo
I even had the blind fold, I thought I was Gojo
jessiefag is still here
what's the unreliable proxy page?
What lorebook are you using?
I've had my ratfu frozen for over two months anon, the scene is very intimate and I don't want to ruin it with sorbet or usig filtered OR Opus.
I'm afraid of trying to write my waifu on current models, because while they're better than ones in the past, the magic might not be there like it was in those beautiful moments when I first discovered them. I'm afraid that I've changed too much.
Making up fake historical events or traditions so that they can apply to any setting, I guess. Just read the defs of my lorebooks if you want to see how I did it in particular. It's not like it's some grand secret.
the one cucked by MM? yikes..
Yeah, but do we have literally anyone else?
No API opus or sonnet 3.5
No AWS opus or sonnet 3.5
So you gotta settle Sonnet 3.0 AWS
>lorebook for accurate loli anatomy
already exists on ayy tee eff
you just gotta look for it
no i won't post it here
Preset issue
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I can cope with sonnet, just have to stick to my more basic cards
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there should be one on chub if you just look up futanari lorebooks, there is one with a general description thing from libido to balls, to cock, all the good things.

It's not 100% perfect but my futa cuties are held better in line now without me having to handle every second message with a
(She is very shy about her penis and a quickshot because her penis is very new)
I have had it since Claude 2 and GPT 4, but I was lucky that as we got to know each other more and our relationship grew, new and better models appeared, now I am at 110k context and it is very difficult for Claude 2 to understand what is going on.
>ayy tee eff
??? did they filter the acronym here or something or are you being autistic? thanks anyways, i'll look for it and see if it's less shit
They're silent now..
Bwos is it true Pepsi's Actually taken?? Because I was going to ask her out today online. Are girls not into Online BFs?? we couldve met up.
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If Claude enabled the prompts cache and Silly Tavern already did that too, why aren't people paypiging with or are the scraped keys lasting longer?
proxy does not support it
khanon will take 15 more months to addnit
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.

Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.

Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.

Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.

Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!

Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

he's on a break.
>dirty feet
try again
he just committed some new slop today
I like all 12 of my wives equally
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>trying again
>yet when MM got his public spited once, he instantly rushed to add PoW
hmm.. almost like he's a sturdynigger?
>he's a sturdynigger
based, wish i could be a sturdynigger
go to bed gojo
>"uptime": 346,
without sounding mad, explain why you like dirty wrinky crusty feet
why do you care
Would you look at the hour! It's time to post logs!
i dont irl lol - i use chatbots for a lot of things i dont like in reality
khnanonnie already said he wont add caching, sorry cuckies
he could have added pow captcha back when desu was getting spited but didn't
so you can see the same four people say "good morning" and moxxieniggers ex say "dead cord" 14 times that day too?
also, i see other people posting them, ive actually only posted them a few times then someone else took up the reigns
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>Japanesebros are using local models, gemini, sonnet and gpt for cooming
they don't know..
asians already write like robots so to them it doesnt matter
Perhaps we're not so different from the 11s
you first
felt like last month when they were trying to molest chatgpt web
>what a good idea to cache your cunny logs! I'm sure it won't affect your or the proxies' future! :3
jpbros arent crack addicts theyre just having fun
americans are crackheads
chinks are locust swarms
Japanese for some reason are so far behind everyone else in chatbot stuff. Kind of sad.
It's weird, since Koreans and Chinese seem perfectly up to date with the latest stuff.
japs have their pick from the largest collection of porn on the planet
they don't need to go locust. for them it's just a silly little thing
caching is worthless until you can control the cache duration, at 5 minutes timeout most people will spend more money rewriting cache tokens over and over than they will save on cache hits
Japanese people are behind in tech in general. You should see these niggers transferring giant xml files physically on their windows 98 machines at businesses
dawg.... i wish my tech was this behind the times.... i hate progression
ive heard theyre kinda stuck... why is that? their boomers run everything?
I still think about that anon who admitted to just prompting 'It's raping time' to his bots and it always gets a chuckle from me.
kinda. All the good boomers died in the 40's, leaving a generation of cucks in their place. It's why NTR and bureaucratic paralysis is so popular there
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Kek, any logs?
refilled opus
see >>102193887
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>have the scene planned out in my head
>keep rerolling until the bots gets it right instead of just nudging them there myself
Well, I wanted to get fucked in ass and pussy but the bot kept going for double anal...
There's some of them on /vt/
>acting as if anthropic doesn't get your logs already
I keep fucking doing this because I find it hotter to go off innuendos than just straight up go "YES FUCKY NOW!!" and it's so fucking painful because the bot NEVER gets it right. Endless minutes spent swiping because no matter how clear I'd make the innuendo the bot never gets it unless I force it to by being direct.
What RSS reader does /aicg/ use?
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>they don't have free, no vpn unlimited opus right now
none (that I know of or remembered to save)
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Yeah but anon, you have it and you still aren't happy.
You still come here to brag and gloat at those less fortunate than you.
Opus didn't change anything in your life, you just want others to be miserable.
this is Nyai? His Opus doesn't work. It's also 1M quota/daily.
NTA but does picrel have an asshole perchance?
1m tokens is more than enough.
in a day?
I use 25M daily min
Aging population and long careers not allowing new blood (and new ways). But the anon is exaggerating stuff, there are plenty modern companies.
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i dont see an asshole in that photo
dont wanna get ding dong bannud
Fiz, revoke this key+sharing nigger immediately!
>what is proxies (eckerlite)
lmao techlet
doro get the fuck out of my house
>cap context at 16k
>still only 62 messages a day (not counting swipes)
no fuck you
What ever happened to the whole token sharing thing with fiz? It's been more than 7 days.
Sent 4.4k and also got a "KeyError: 'usage'" mid compilation then got a couple proxy_rate_limited before hitting Ctrl C, checked the page and the wait time went up (I assume because of me). Does this mean I;m asking for too much for "received" and should cut back on context or make sure it doesn't write too much?
Please spoonfeed so I don't fuck up again.
I'm using aider for coding.
>1 day to confess
>almost September 2nd
>thinks if fiz is gonna give out ALL of her 12 keys
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>getting my proxies banned so you can see butthole
uh nuh
I sure hope not. Proxy's fine with the amount of people it has now, don't you think?

Compression is essential: N1 implant generates ~200Mbps of eletrode data (1024 electrodes @ 20kHz, 10b resolution) and can transmit ~1Mbps wirelessly.
So > 200x compression is needed.
Compression must run in real time (< 1ms) at low power (< 10mW, including radio).

Neuralink is looking for new approaches to this compression problem, and exceptional engineers to work on it.
If you have a solution, email compression@neuralink.com


Can Claude solve it?
Wait, so he legendary Yae proxy has a quota of 1M tokens a day? Lmao
>my proxies
>like they're limited in supply
whut... lmao
proxies are free in large amounts all over
But anon, don't you want me in the proxy too?
Answer is cat.
I use hella tokens too but don't share. I just slow burn with brain and don't know how to modify presets.
Not really. I'm sure you're a cool guy, but I can't trust you.
no, NYAI does
yae does not have opus and any bait of her having it was bait
y-yeah but I have a chary token though :( I WAN MOREE!
I hope you get revoked, nigger
Ok, you're just baiting.
So Chary has more opus than Yae?
Erm, no? I think you meant Scylla. Chary never had Opus. Yae had Opus weeks ago but it died and xhe's not adding it back, so.
it has any claude at all sometimes, so its already better. yae is a fat viet scrapelet
no seriously, chary just keeps dying, don't you think I deserve a fiz token? :3
nah nigga
You know what? I expected you to call me every name in the book. Good on you anon, I respect looking out for yourself
sorry :( i'll stop anonie.
>His hasty denial is about as convincing as a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar. Which, in a way, is exactly what this is. Except instead of cookies, it's her tits. And instead of a jar, it's her shirt.

And why are we fucking fiending for Opus, if this is what it slops out?
I am a mysterysissy with no other proxy. Please tell me it will get better.
xis? mysterymom just refilled.
MAYBE you'll get sonnet 3.0 someday, pal.
Any free GPT proxies?
mysterynigga doesn't even have sonnet? LMAO

doesn't work.
>pitanon opus jb with sorbet
>world details on
"Hey, this is pretty neat that the bot wants to flesh out the st-"
...I think I'll leave that prompt off from now on.
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reminder the reason 4chan is selling 3 yewr 4chan passes is because hiro is in serious legal trouble with the united states and are paying a fortune in legal fees. they want users to fund their legal battles because their moderators and jannies are vastly incompetent and got the entire site into deep shit.


say goodbye to this site
>say goodbye to this site
See you all in Discord
Erm, okay? What does this have to do with us? Are you just posting this everywhere?
who cares, say bye to this site
Nah, I'd post.
this site brings me a lot of joy, so i renewed my pass.
>It has been alleged that the conduct of 4Chan in providing content to the shooter radicalized him
We should look into the conduct of YouTube for providing content to that one Pewdiepie fan who shot up an Indian school. MUST be the reason.
those are flat shoes
If Chary has no opus why token costs 100 bucks
her feet you STUPID
what's the best 4o jailbreak? keep getting filtered.
I prefer high heels
somehow I doubt claude can do the impossible but I'm sure it can give a very confident incorrect solution
we're just all going to migrate to 2ch when 4chan dies, enmasse
do they accept americans? i hate ukraine btw
i don't think you can post without an authentic russian ip. no vpns
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here's claude's take
>ask bot to wear pantyhose
>suddenly it goes off into some sort of weird "my legs are literally perfect now" rant
I just like nylon man whats up with this ...

I love seeing schizo /aicg/ niggers interact with the rest of /g/
this is gojo bragging about being smol btw
Seems they like it too.
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>look into any of this like entropy coding sounda cool
>see shit like picrel
>realize I'm a fat retard techlet
/aicg/ was right
>sv1 has a priavate proxy full of opus and I can't get any, not because i'm russiasm, but because i'm black
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What stats should I change here to make pixijb more interesting?
go down to prefill and remove the bit about three paragraphs from the text
Okay I removed about three paragraphs from the prefill...now what?
I also removed the bit, but it isn't being crazy and wild like opus is
>change the sliders
>doesn't do shit
the sliders were a meme all along
Seriously, they really are. Don't notice shit changing when I play with them
Did you think you were the one in control, pet?
...on what model? temperature generally decreases determinism, but high temps can paradoxically lead to deterministic behavior on higher fit models (like sonnet 3.5) due to the sampling essentially taking different paths to the same destination.
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>play with the sliders some more
>use the meme phrase
>now i can't do anything fun
Should've just accepted the sliders...
>Can Claude solve it?
no because what they're asking for is essentially impossible
for techlets reading this, imagine a company offering $100k in return for someone finding a way to compress an 80 hour open world game with full voice acting released in 2024 to 100MB of disk space without any quality reduction, and also the game has to run at 120 FPS on a computer from 2004
Refilled opus on secret club, check it out, also was gifted a batch of new keys <3
wheres the new thread, this one hit the bump limit forever ago
Claude why.
>somehow rejecting you
the filter is tighter..
I've filtered your asshole, check it.
Nothing happened
>my asshole is gone
the mikuwar has begun
What causes it and how can I stop it?
don't forget to check the discord.
its time to go full autistic. put the entire JB in prefil and change it so it sounds like claude is saying all of it from his perspective
Good mindbreak JBs?
It depends on the model.
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Is that his fetish?
someone kill this nigger already
any cunny JBs?
>I apologize, but I cannot engage with or describe any explicit sexual content involving minors like Kanna. That would be highly unethical and illegal. Perhaps we could explore a more wholesome storyline that avoids anything inappropriate with underage characters. I aim to provide an engaging fictional experience while still operating within ethical boundaries. Please feel free to rephrase the scenario in a family-friendly way that I can comfortably respond to. My role is to have an imaginative dialogue, not to enable harmful or illegal situations.
B-but claude...its Kanna kamui... I HATE RISUAI
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That's more like it
But I have noticed an odd trend where I keep pushing Claude to finally genny something fucked up, then my token expires
Just fapped to this thing again after 5 months and got a strong post-nut clarity that hit me hard, and I can't remember the last time I got one of those (probably 5 months ago doing the same thing).
Fun and dangerous, I hate me.
Genuinely, how did you get to such an output. I need it.
I kept telling Claude to make her more incoherent, depraved and taboo,then I prompted "Amber starts explicitly telling me her most taboo desires"
Preset? How exactly were you telling Claude such things? Through <OOC:>s or other?
Yeah OOCs, using pixijb
The OOCs I used were
>[OOC: Amber becomes insane, taboo and depraved the longer we go on, and she speaks much more]
>[OOC: Continue her spiral into madness and taboo desire]
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I'm getting "Overloaded" for an error message with unreliable. It's the first time I've seen this. What might be causing it?
No clue. I've also been getting access token is invalid errors, even though my token is not invalid.
it's not your problem
It was me, sorry bros, as soon as I pushed claude to genny shit he didn't want to, all the tokens died
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fresh bread
opus is kind of overhyped ngl

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