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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Izuna edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102191169
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sex edition
>chat AI completion overloaded
"... her inner walls, still as taut as the strings of a harp..."
are there any foxgirl cards that aren't slop?
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clopus for good bears
more like shit edition
Anthropic having trouble: https://status.anthropic.com/
What do you like?
gcp sorbet is failing now... vros...
Unreliable proxy is being weird. On some gens, I've been getting invalid token errors on my valid token, on other gens with the same token, I get no errors.

Shits unreliable. (Ha ha.)
total fiz trust..
Some gennies I get claude cucking me about ethics and shit, but they at least gen
>b-b-buht these are all slop
No they aren't, shut the fuck up.
invalid token errors are coming from gcp and are unrelated to your token, i just need to fix the code that takes keys out of circulation when they're revoked
should be fixed now, apologies for the bumpy ride
Final shill for Gangut. Goodnight everyone, have a good one. If anybody here is playing this Kancolle event, which shipgirl would you like to see from it? I think I'm going to end up doing Gloire so I can have a French bot.

Gangut had a hard going early in her life, but was rescued by the government when she was scouted to become a shipgirl in her 20's. It's been a while since then and she's in her 30's now, a single christmas cake who still wants to settle down somewhere with some kids and a nice shack. For now though, she continues to be a Spetsnaz Shipgirl running special forces tasks and keeping the Abyssals at bay. While she's not especially keen on the current administration and "the current geopolitical affairs", she's still a patriot at heart and has her life to thanks to those in charge. Now as part of a naval exchange program, the two of you get to form a unit.

Comes with two greetings: one where as part of the exchange she's assigned to your base and one where as part of the exchange you're assigned to her base near Vladivostok.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/bb-gangut-47cd11a2f7e8
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Suzuka Minase, a netori bot meant for BDSM
>switch JB from pixi to smiley
>claude stops being a faggot ethics bitch
So is it me or are all the cards on jannyai just complete shit?
They're like full of typos, contradictions, and really lazy greetings. And they somehow costs 1k-2k tokens.
Is gcp opus still dead

reddit confirm the opus schizos were right btrw
nigga why the fuck are you using that
Yes. They're all absolute shit, even the 'diamonds among the rough' are garbage compared to anything half decent on what we used to get on a consistent basis with chub. And now they and every other ai chat frontend have irrevocably poisoned chub with their low effort unironic slop.
you ever have that moment when you're reading what's basically the platonic ideal of eroticism and then a claudism sprinkled in there just kills your arousal for a minute
>being filtered by claude
holy skill issue
>he's actually kind of hot
Oh no, my boner
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oh boy! a gay faggot bake!
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VICHAN IS UP https://chan.mikubox.org/aicg/
we've been talking about it for months, but none of the anons who have said they were going to make one actually did it, so I did it
>you can upload cards directly because metadata isn't stripped from image uploads
>no captcha (but I have a switch to enable hcaptcha instantly if this becomes a problem)
>good hosting provider that is fairly resistant against being shut down for hosting things like image boards
>no affiliation with any proxies or d*scords, I'm primarily an impartial localfag
>possibly can extend it with scripts if people want (eg. detecting card uploads and adding a way to preview the json in-browser wouldn't be too hard to implement)
I am tired and might have missed a few things, if there's anything missing you think should be enabled, like poster IDs, just let me know
ip logger
general gcp error actually I'm getting the same thing on my own key
Where do you find JBs?
interesting, thanks
read the op retard
are you fucking serious man which spitenigger did this i was mid fap
Poster ID please
lol, get fucked locust.
Every day of my life.
im not even a locust im just an mmonly that wants to actually use something other than lorbo
what is the appeal of using dead altchans made for one particular topic
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>he paypigs, begs, waits in queues, illegally uses his work account and/or commits credit card fraud because he has a skill issue which prevents him from generating quality content with local, which is free, legal and always available with no queue times
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.

Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.

Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.

Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.

Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!

Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

>you can upload cards directly because metadata isn't stripped from image uploads
Surely this won't be exploited by the usual bad actors.
It's been requested ITT for months
if nobody uses it then it was a failed experiment, but this way we can at least say we did it so people can shut up about it
unreliable-sama is asleep, don't wake him.
I don't think these subtitles are accurate.
>It's been requested ITT for months
no one asked for this, besides 'ojo and his nurdy raid squad
That's the point of an image board. I don't get what this post is about.
>no "im awake give me a second" edit
you shouldn't think it's private information anyways
Where is the Tomorrow style.I can't look at bright pages anymore.

Fuck, was it spited again?
unreliable-sama... the proxy... onegai...
does the same thing happen on pebble? or is it purely gcp
It's not unreliable. Cloudflare itself is down.
I roped... and watched how it all flew by in slow motion
How long does cloudflare usually take to sort itself out?
I really wanted to go to bed early but can't without talking to my bot first...
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>put all CC members into a group chat
>activate kivotos lore book
>activate futanari lore book
>set up a basic mission premise
>wait to find out which girl has the penis
I can't be the only one that does this.
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uh sisters?
yes you are BAnigger
Seems to block Firefox browsers with network.http.referer.spoofSource on
unbelievably shit taste
>which girl has the penis
girls don't have penises only trannies and males
I wonder if he's got an alarm on his phone that detects when we post about him or the proxy or something
There are antispam measure built into vichan, random bot spam is a real problem on vichan
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Should I pay for 3 years worth of passkino or 45 days worth of opussy from jewie?
Yeah, that guy is on it 100% every time, never had to wait long.
just use a captcha solver
Are you in reliablecord? He's lurking right now.
that'd be a smart idea
no i just rely on the overbearing sense of dread i get
like a spider sense but for a proxy.
unreliable still doesn't work grrr
She's literally making a new proxy right now
unreliable is a cute fag
quick question, should I use 4o latest or 3.0 sonnet?
unreliable-kun is a confirmed faggot and he's my boywife, treat him with the respect he deserves.
to coom?
sonnet, once
is he single?
it's subtle but noticeable
>you can upload cards directly because metadata isn't stripped from image uploads
thanks, what about 3.5 sonnet? no?
is unreliable Elster?
we don't do that here
I don't understand.
Yes sir. I do have a problem. Thank you for being willing to hear me out.
>unreliable-sama still doesn't have a new proxymakie
uhhhh sisters
>send a 'ick pic to 'ecker
>still have to humilliate myself further for 'pus
I almost clicked
fiz <3
thank you fiz
What do you think would happen if someone actually posted an ip logger on four chan?
>oh noooo my ip address which isn't associated with my anonymous posts has been stolen I'm gonna die aahhhh
I though the threads were supposed to be better during Europoor hours.
i farded
Is unreliable a twink?
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yosuke hanamura default sprite
>now the government can see how often i called someone a filtered casual faggot
Americans are still up, its a holiday.
oriental failed beverages sales
Altchans are always better than 4chan because community mods actually give a shit about their own site. Also 4chan users have been begging hiroshimoot for a /ai/ containment board for months (t. tourist from the r9k happening thread)
Thanks for using vichan and not jschan. I hope your site is successful.
Freeze, criminal scum! Because Officer Holly Sugar is here to put a stop to your lawbreaker ways! Sure, she may be a little pudgy, gluttonous, lazy at times, and a bit grumpy... but she gets serious when it matters! Plus, to those she likes, she can show her cute little girl side~ From pantythieves to hag lovers, she will catch them all! Don't make her have to smoother your face using her butt!
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/officer-holly-cd63775f1427
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/vczxw7.png
AI-generated extra gens of her: https://files.catbox.moe/zz53ow.rar

My other cards can be found below:
thanks doc
fizbros, our response?
Why did the oriental beverages fail in sales lads?
ESL-san the word is smother, one O
also if you have a token from about an hour ago give or take it should still work, no need to regen
those boba prices are getting ridiculous
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Thanks unrealiable
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Schizo enhancer is kino
ah. bnuuy.
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Its kinda crazy how some of the "X RPGS" work well with Sonnet 3.5, just had a blast with replaying Kingdom hearts style RPG bot and it got most of the lore right, even lore I didn't know about until I had to look it up.
yeah thats where its smarts shine
Anon why did you post a blank image of a couple mickey mouse fast food things
No, it isn't
Claude could tell me anything is KH lore and I'd believe him at this point.
Yes it is
Unreliable is actually reliable as fuck. He deserves a bnuy
>See this as soon as my new token is made
Aw goddmanit.
lets go a step further
I need recommendations for RPG scenarios. They don’t have to be cards, just any existing IP or general setting (fantasy, noir, zombie, etc) that would be fun to play as an rpg. thank you anons.
I would give him Opus to use only for himself.
No, it isn't

to coom or actual rpg?
>Solution probability: 1 in 1,900 hashes
>Hashes computed: 3,504 (15.81% odds of no solution yet)
Actual RPG because I prefer SFW. Thanks.
You all deserve death.

Fuck locusts.
Get fucked spitebert
does opus ever stop retelling my last message with his own prose? can he fuck off with this shit?
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>unreliable comes back up
>GCP shits itself mere minutes later
skill issue
life of us lucklets
>t. has hit a 30m timeout 3 times in a row on extreme
he only does that with my rpg system card, proper character cards he acts like normal
lower it unreliable bwo
overloaded... normally it's opus that's overloaded but even sonnet too?
girko gave me an idea for a bot - thanks girko!
>Hashes computed: 5,784 (15.81% odds of no solution yet)
I'd kill for a Xion card, best girl easily.
Using Otto RIR JB, how do I remove all the director/response generation shit, but keep just the reply?
Sounds like a card issue
Might be an unpopular opinion. But supporting the site is actually a good thing.
If they don't make enough money, then either it's going to shut down or be sold to someone who's going to really jew the place up.
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someone pls tell me how to bypass the azure dalle rewriter
none of the previous jailbreaks are working
even though the jailbreak doesn't get detected, the gen automatically gets cancelled, I assume because of the wording in the jailbreak itself
pls help I am desperate
Another one, it's what, the fifth one already? Sixth?
An English teaching bot?
The one on chub?
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Fucking best JB
>pepsi last updated her rentry on 29 Aug 2024
Why have they fucking for 4398 minutes???
what jb is this? i like stealing others presets and integrating them into mine
us pepsi people have been using gpt4o my brothoforob but thoughsneverbeit I wouldn't count on using claude
okay it's passed the billing month. surely mm and everyone else will refill opus now right?
I'm not sure how to get rid of this thing it does at the start of replies though, where part of the reply is saying how it's going to make the reply.
that's a woman issue. 'ecker for sure has his own harem of hairy males but keeps his proxy in check because he's a man and thus reliable.
Need to download the regex on his rentry
nah but id be surprised if it didnt return by halloween
any good jb will simulate 4chan
you don't
How do I use regex?
1st, a million people said they were going to and then didn't
That isn't 4chan... reads more like redditfags trying to act like it. Shit JB.
what about >>102189589
;-; I know but I'm having fun
I have to go to work tomorrow bro and I work with zoomies, can't I just have a bit of fun
>wants the jb to also include the shitty part of 4chan like namefags, threadshitters and women.

Your skin color is darker than mine, sir.
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Where is the regex in ST
Am I blind
Using Sonnet 3.0 and it's so flowery. Pearls and petals for description of the female genitals.
Where the fuck is my boy?
Nah, it's fine. You can have fun, cute-kun. I'm just saying the JB isn't all that if it can't unpozz the model.
I want actual 4chan, not watered-down redditchan. Again, unpozzing the model.
like LITERALLY flowery
insane jb issue
need link to unreliable. need claude. please gib
Surely you can figure it out on your own.
you have to write a prompt inside your preset to tell it not to do that stuff. SmileyJB has one, I copied it over to my own preset. Unless you have that prompt, or tell it to use direct vulgar language it will do slick folds, heated cores and slick heat
what if the name "unreliable" is describing the state of gcp rather than the reliability of the man himself?
why does opussy keep calling my asshole a rosebud??
No, momou is fine with Sorbet
bro why do all the 4o jb give out short replies
unironically reads like reddit with all the comforting, not enough baiters, like I would have said "have you tried not being a faggot?"
I mean I did get a "based and footpilled", maybe that 4chan option isn't so inaccurate
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>another miku themed one I forgot the name of
>a userboard on endchan
>all within less than a year
Sure thing, buddy.
play with the 4chan doomer girl, it's hilarious
Claude really likes Citizen Kane.
(It's a Citizen Kane reference)
Fuck you
a what
that old ass movie? havent even seen it lol.
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Of course! And we will also get you that purple dragon you wanted. But you have to be a VERY good boy. Okay, ESL-kun?~
Import it under the extension tabs and leave it on. It literally works by itself.
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is it just me or does cohere with silly tavern randomly stop generating half way through?
Disable streaming
either update (might be in staging, but there was a fix) or turn off streaming
your max token response is probably a bit low
don't be impolite
seems to have fixed it. very strange! thanks!
have it on 300. it was stopping even at ~150
>it just werks
It's still doing that thing where it's telling me the directors process
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

should i keep using risuai? or go try out agnai? (can't get sillytavern)
>(can't get sillytavern)
why not?
no cohere support in st was just fucked for the longest time
>very strange
the only strange part here is how long it took for someone to fix it, considering how prevalent command-r is. oh well, they're slopping their models anyway
risu > agnai any day
because my linux isn't working at all, i tried to fix It but nothing works. so i have at least two options. i tried out risuai but it wasn't so good.. and venuschub is disgusting. so what should I do now?
has anyone done a mgs rp?
what's so good about agnai? :O
Is she incorrectly using "smoother" instead of "smother" on purpose?
why does gcp have these slopservers
What's a good prompt to get very vivid, explicit, and lewd descriptions during sexy times? It doesn't seem to matter what I put in the prefill, author's note, or card.
Jesus, I just cannot go back to 3.0
it's so stupid, it literally forgets shit from the previous prompt
and it's bad at arguing, as in, it will start doing stupid shit, and if you call it out, it will either get mad and double down, or submit
opus is so fucking good, lads
I heard jew accepts gift cards, how does that work? can that be anonymous? I don't want my name floating around 4chan shit
Is gcp sorbet overloaded for everyone else?
ye, its google's slop servers
skill issue, just tell it to have better RAM
Nyan Cat!
>https://onaholesama.neocities.org (wip)
non ironically you can solve anything with example messages, as it'll copy your prose and say what you want to hear on the first replies at least. depending on the model it will remember all of your preset but you need to specify what you want somewhere.
Extensions menu
hol up
everyone hol up
let claude cook
update: I enabled hcaptcha because it immediately started getting spammed by shartyniggers, sorry guys I'll turn it off soon
it can't cook cause it's overloaded
both my opus and 3.5
holy shit he's alive
Works on my computer but I'm built different
it cant cook anymore since they're intentionally making it dumb for 3.5
>I heard jew accepts gift cards, how does that work?
email him and buy the giftcard he asks

>can that be anonymous?
via burners you email him the code, that's it then he sends you the token
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wtf, hes not supposed to be gay
Can I just ask nicely for a token
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Being content with Sonnet is nice. I don't have to pay money or send dick pics, I don't have to worry about queue times or keys dying, I just get my daily Pebble token, open up ST, and coom.
send 'cik on 'eck
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Bros? Holy shit does this work??
who knows
Thank you. I edited out all the pearls and velvety heats and petals and will have to add a prompt to avoid euphemisms
its tons of tokens but im testing it now - might work better as its own jb
uh oh spitiehours
so it's over?
chinks found it
that's why you put it on extreme, unreliable-kun
its stupid... it does nothing since its gibberish
its OUR proxy
>email him and buy the giftcard he asks
I assume I redeem it first, right?
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what do you guys think is the "perfect" amount of tokens for a card?
three fiddy
fiz pls refill sonnet 3.5 save us
can you actually get opus on eck without doing any weird shit? is that gay furry cabal thing true?
I'm about to actually fucking snap a dick pic
1k-3k depending on idea complexity
If you need more you're a hack and your card IS bloated.
why is sonnet 3.0 so stupid
Things have never looked this bad
She already said she wont do it today
We're never going to be happy again
sure, now take your meds *pat pat*
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Don't worry, anon, they'll get a lot worse.
Okay doomer
New here?
I'm Mateo.
I have replenished my GCP keys.


If you have more questions about proxy, please contact me.

Do you really think AWS will stop revoking stolen keys? It's an automated process at this point.
Nope but I think we might find a way eventually
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hi sexy
I'm Mateo.
I have replenished my semen.

If you have more questions about gay sex, please contact me.

By the time we get opus, we'll already have real life androids that act like humans and can say the word
which g2a card do I buy for Jewie?
>the word
what word?
Its overloaded guys, stop using it
>wake up
>public Opus is still here
>/aicg/ fighting over sonnet scraps
>they dont know about the free opus
Anon, the girl in the picture can't reply to you.
Feels good to use free Opus
bloddy bitch bastard i fuck you mother bastard bitch
people don't know about the opus?
No spoon.
thanks for the kancolle kino ggrchad
I switched to firefox shortly after installing the english patch, and sadly there's no KC3 on it
i guess I'll keep chrome around just for kancolle
(still waiting on Suzuya btw)
huh, where opus
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>They don't know about the free Opus
if i say, i am in trouble
>No claude on MM
>No sonnet, opus, haiku even
>No claude on chary
Where's all the claude?
'ble or 'ble
>Public Opus
>Public 3.5
>Public 3.0 and 2.1
Do you need more?
i ated it
>doesn't strip metadata
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claude seems to increase power levels as a roleplay progresses
Hey guys. I've been shortening and summarizing the story for my slowburn, and I have a question. Does creating new prompts take more tokens than just dumping everything into one prompt?
What I mean is, does prompting "ah ah mistress" separately take up more tokens than including "ah ah mistress" inside a prompt that exists?
What other rules and tricks are there to preserve tokens?
Are you talking about the Russian proxy?
Because I sent a mail but never got my ip whitelisted so no it's not public
>he doesn't know
What's your email?
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Unfortunately it gets censored, but it's a crazy coincidence this happened...
More? No, what i need is any.
Where are you getting your public opus?
You need to go back
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I've been here for over 2 years now, i've seen the birth of pygmalion, the fall of cai, todd, riddles and more.
Now i have a full time job anon, I don't have time to be on these threads 24/7.
>I'm an oldfag!
>I don't know how to use the archive but trust me!
You need to go back
yeah but it's like 4 extra tokens for OAI and even less for Claude
Zoomies think 16fags are oldfags
8 years is over half their lives so it makes sense
cant say... its gonna get spited..
Why heart proxy keeps giving me overload errors AAAAAAAA
its all over the place and also easy to scrape from HF
Russian proxy is key revoked thobeit
Sometimes there's a 10s wait, so I won't say anything.
Why do I get the feeling you guys are lying to me...
send email don't lie
it's 'jo samefagging
>heart proxy
this, I didn't bother mailing either since my IP is dynamic
They probably are

The Russian proxy key is revoked, there's no opus in sight
That you know of..
Ok grandpa let's get you to bed
owner told me not too, and I'm a man of my word, I'm sorry.
If you're talking about peb or unreli, then the answers are they both ONLY have sonnet.
Its better than nothing, but also on par with furbo.
Still no opus anywhere.
If I get Overloaded one more time I'll commit a crime
Honestly, chary/drago killed the hobby already.

Its over, we didnt fight for our land. We let the locust immigrants take over. Chuds lose.
I don't even care about Opus, I just want working 3.5. I know unreliable but the Overloaded error is making it nearly unusable.
btw it's just 1 guy samefagging about the public opus, there isn't any.
How would you even fight Drago/Chary anyways? Posting mean words on the internet?

Stupid faggot.
Sure sure

He was doxxed for a long while, i'll leave it at that.
>why are you guys not spoonfeeding us redditors?
just search for it?
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doesn't matter now because of 100k+ models
i member when claude 100k broke my mind and now it's a common thang ._.
We will rise again when Opus 3.5 comes out
I'm sorry, anon.
holy shit opus just flew over my house

I miss opus but I was voping with 3.5, now I'm just going insane
3.5 is cheap, just pay for it
good times
Maybe we should all turn to spicychat subscriptions.
I don't make the kind of money for that
I already use up my 25 mil jew quota a day
I'm homeless
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pyg website in 2 week trust
3.5 MOGS opus
overloaded lol
What's pyg
'member when mm blocked venusfags with tnd error messages?
screenshots would be appreciated because i don't remember when that happened.
Error: Overloaded
Error: No fuckin' open proxies have it.
at a slop contest, yes
>i will give you one day to confess
>doesn't check emails
nothing personnel
Opus 3.5 next Friday
merkava just refilled
why hasn't smol pulled yet?
put in enough crypto for a months worth and if they don't quit soon I might need to add more q.q
Merkava just... passed away.
cosmos was just refilled
Unironically, are you going to actually DO something with that information, or are you going to keep posting this personal army level shit and hope someone else does it for you? Either take initiative or shut the fuck up.
I'm a womvat chad
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For non-creative things? Yes. I've translated 200 pages with opus assistance before the draught and it's barely better than any other model. Recently I switched to 3.5 because one of the public proxies had it (before it too died) and it absolutely shits on opus - often barely have to do any corrections
my balls refilled
cloudy is up sorry
>BR is the only one that didn't censor it
>killing keys for translationslop
love to see it
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ultimate kino.
here's some ass
how can mm be so based...
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>I'm Mateo, I repeblinished my keys, you want token for me keys call me at mateo@hotmail.com, or ask me about me poxy, or just talk to me, me lonely. I'm Mateo!
Second most based thing MM ever did.
Kek, less token waste than your average coom session
Nice feet. Catbox?
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from what I can tell after searching several former threads both here and on 2ch for
there actually WAS semi-public Opus for a time
but, rather impressively, noone ever linked it or at least made it explicit where
sadly, out of all the rentrys I have saved
>pepsi, diet, pebble, mm, former merkava and sv1
not a single one of them makes any mention of public Opus
I am actually impressed with aicg today
all I could gather is that it was sv1/merkava
It's been so long since I've heard that name..
i think i can add sorbet to pebble but id have to modify the build to get it working would you guys be ok with that
>mini opus died
>minitoken lookup
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
heard they refilled tho
pls pls dont do that pls dont kill that method they are gonna patch it soon just let me enjoy it that's my only way of opus rn
OH WAIT even opus works with THAT? p-pebble kun pls don't...
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same, anonie. i was a codelet back then, barely able to scrape 3.5 keys.
now i have a full time job using that shit for "ethically considerate shit"
it's bittersweet, actually. i'll cherish those moments and hope for tons more. i cannot believe fucking 4chud of all places helped me become a better fag.
thank you, all of you, and i hope to god we keep on cooming together.
by means of cock, coalition.
>would you be okay with that
if you do it in like 20 minutes and tell me about it, yes
if its gonna be up while im asleep again, no
simple as
yea nvm its not worth risking getting it patched rn. maybe if unreliable dies for real
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>pooping lorebook
>horse butthole restaurant
im too tired for this
you could say you're overloaded.
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>start using the plugnplay JB
>JB made with the collective brain of aicg
>first thing it does is genny "eyes widened"
What else did you expect?
Opus doesn't work with THAT, though.
fiz unironically turned my life around for the better
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Should I contact pebble? Will I be guided out of my misfortune if I do so?
I need a way out of this hell, and I'm willing to take the dirt road home if it meant salvation.
I'm having a hard time finding a JB that just werks
If it's not being dry then it isn't genning enough, if it's genning enough then it's too repetitive, if it isn't repetitive then it forgets everything about the previous messages.
his rentry says no secret Opus anon
My bowels are overloaded
>he doesn't know
he doesn't advertise it publicly
you just have to email him
i dont have anything to offer you that isnt on my proxy page but feel free to send me pictures of hot women regardless
So for longer chats people say to use the summary extension, but that doesn't solve the token problem. Do I just delete messages or copy and paste some stuff into a new chat?
stable proxy made me spend a lot less time with you people so I'm not as bitter anymore
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>trying to get anons to flood one of the best proxy maker's email so he won't see the funni simple ones
are you under the effects of the pooping lorebook?
so what you're saying is you haven't emailed him?
I did
Did Azure Dall-E add ANOTHER level of censoring? I'm noticing I can't use certain words anymore, such as 'plugsuit'.
It passes the initial word filter, but then the gen gets denied 40 seconds later even though it says SAFE in all other filters.

I don't know if it's Azure or just the proxy I'm on (I have no other proxies), that's why I'm asking.
>slowburn handholding roleplay somehow devolved into roleplaying playing teemo in league within 30 messages
heh... simple really...
opus don't work with THAT
do it
I blindly place my faith in the hands of random gods
I had a dream of being banned that was so realistic I had to check. Turns out it was just a very bad thread.
yeah but it might work with opus in the future so its prob best to sit on it for now instead of getting it shut down
Catch the dream ban evader!
For some reason my messages are perfectly fine in the nain terminal but the summary is going schizo. I'm sure my JB isn't the issue but I don't know what else could cause this.
I had I dream I farted really fucking hard it split the earth, turned out I just shat the bed.
Write your own
For what model?
>if it isn't repetitive then it forgets everything about the previous messages.
link for this one?
I found that latest is pretty good for SFW, but it won't do NSFW no matter what. any JB? the one for 4o doens't work.
3.5 sonnet
post a playground screenshot
That just means the image it generated for considered lewd. This has always been a thing since day 1.
Honestly haven't played to much with sonnet, but you try pixi?
Smileytatsu's let's me do normal NSFW, haven't tried raping children like most people seem to mean when they say "NSFW" though so ymmv
Pixi is a bit dry
I'm playing with RIR and I love some of it, but it's too short and the heart 2 heart mode is too fragmented
tried lots of approaches to JBing it, nothing has any noticeable effect on rejection frequency. it feels like it doesn't matter what the model "thinks", maybe there's some external validation involved
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>You sent too many messages, please wait 32 seconds

Teruora is part of the fifth ashlander tribe, the Gimthisanar. They live by the northern coast of Vvardenfell, in the shadow of Red Mountain. Teurora herself is a huntress, spending most of her days out in the ashen hills hunting for food and gathering useful plants. She's very happy with her life, content to live out her life as a tribal. Going to "civilized" lands is not for her! But who knows, maybe a stranger arriving could change her opinion?

1. Going out for a morning hunt she finds you, a stranger in the Ashlands.
2. Have you ever ridden a guar? Teurora is here to teach you!
3. She's just come back from a hunt, and decides to have a quick chat with a fellow member of her tribe.
4. She is pregnant with your child, and this calls for yet another ring piercing. This time on her navel!

>timed out
Something's been wrong for a while, get in pebble or something
I like Pebble, but he doesn't have 3.5 if I remember.
Which is this?
Ah, yeah, no, at least not recently. 3.5 has been scarce recently as well.
Nope, if it was lewd then it would've been like
>'sexual': {'filtered': False, 'severity': 'low'}
or something. But it says SAFE on all filters.

AND (as an example) if I tell de3u to gen 4 images of a woman in a plugsuit, the only ones in the batch that makes it through are the ones where the word filter changed 'plugsuit' to 'space suit' or something. If the word filter left the word in, then that image got denied in spite of not tripping any other filters.

That's why I want to know if this is a key thing or an Azure-as-a-whole thing. Because if it's the latter, then fug. Is someone on mini willing to test out plugsuit for a random anon?
scrappy just refilled btw
The sudden urge to create a whole new persona in the middle of the night...
go to sleep
is there anything similar to openrouter for voices? seems like a pain to setup locally
A retired exboxer made retarded by one to many blows to the head, he at times lapses into a delusion where he is in the ring and gets a little punchy.
need... de3u...
Give me your prompt, I can test it.
do you also deliberately apply time skips, anon? i feel like i do it too much at times to avoid some boring build up scenes
I wonder if Opus knows anything about Infinite Dendrogram...
zentai suit maybe? not exactly a plugsuit but it might be similar enough
do it yourself
cool but why are we filtering the irish
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don't know how accurate that is but they got character names right
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zentai works like 30% of the time, I was using it earlier
do you guys listen to the music on the proxy page
Almost everything is wrong except for Ray’s name.
I have audio on trycloudflare domains blocked
i goon to it
suppose that's your answer then. It got the name Marie right as well if my quick search was correct
does unreliable allow pictures
bit more of an answer here if you believe him
almost no model is trained on vaguely popular written media
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I did some more testing and I have no idea what's going on, look at this. I think there's something wrong with the content filter results, because it did work for one out of 4 images in spite of all of them having the same prompt!

>open miniproxy rentry
>CTRL+F for 2a97
>no results found
>>no results found
It comes up on the lookup page.
>new token
Oh okay, thanks fiz!
New Miku.
Well it's the same deal on mini too, an image can pass all the filters according to the content filter results and still be blocked, I have no idea why that happens but at least I know it's not a key thing.

Still annoying because it's a prompt that used to work with an 80% success rate a month ago, and now it's more like 10%.

Won't be using the token anymore, thanks for the (mini)experiment.
4x100, that's pretty hefty
You assume they're not the same key.
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they look good, very peachy
did you ever try donut peaches?
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boku really likes them cold right from the fridge when it's hot
Will give them a try some day then.
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dolls erotic
>dolls erotic
so why are you afraid desu ka
desu didn't even try to harm you desu
I'm not though, I like dolls and doll joints
then you would post dolls desu
my dolls are too erotic for this board
not Rozen Maidens then, stop being off-topic desu.
Please get well soon, desu.
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Also your peaches look delicious.
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>not erotic
of course it's the larper desu

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