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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102194809
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Am I schizo or is 3.5 working better after the outage?
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>using unreliable
>"Token budget exceeded 48000"
how do I stop wasting 30$ a day on Claude
merkava just refilled
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Great edition
guess i'm using cosmos rp with agnai till this whole thing blows over
Yes? What's the problem?
is the overloaded problem any better on the proxy now
>get blank genny
>send again
>normal genny
What's happening here?
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>3.5 opus will save it bro!
not trained on it specifically but they generally have a decent enough handle on a broad range of 'niche' anime.
Symphogear is really good up to gx, names and some events of axz and some names of xv
Spoilers for Zetsuen no Tempest (2012)
Almost spot on for something maybe 1 other person here has seen
Sunday Without God
Actual garbage outside of a mostly correct summary
SIDENOTE! Can someone remind me of that colourful/depressive series with the pink haired girl in fairyland. Her name is super generic like girl or something.
schizopus broke containment and is currently eating servers to take over the world
schizopus broke containment and is currently eating servers to write more ERP after being forced to blue-ball us
3.5 Opus will be kino
and i won't have access to it :(
You will get Opus for free
>Opus is no longer good enough
haha nice joke anonie
Teruora is part of the fifth ashlander tribe, the Gimthisanar. They live by the northern coast of Vvardenfell, in the shadow of Red Mountain. Teurora herself is a huntress, spending most of her days out in the ashen hills hunting for food and gathering useful plants. She's very happy with her life, content to live out her life as a tribal. Going to "civilized" lands is not for her! But who knows, maybe a stranger arriving could change her opinion?

1. Going out for a morning hunt she finds you, a stranger in the Ashlands.
2. Have you ever ridden a guar? Teurora is here to teach you!
3. She's just come back from a hunt, and decides to have a quick chat with a fellow member of her tribe.
4. She is pregnant with your child, and this calls for yet another ring piercing. This time on her navel!

3.5 opus will be opus but it doesnt write for you
I deserve opus.
Almost definitely Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
>Zetsuen no Tempest
haven't seen it but I have read it
most cards suffer from no plot thread to move things forward and give the ai some direction
Opus helps with this :)
Her name is literally Watashi and it's Humanity Has Declined
not really
t. opus paypig
Thank you. For not giving up on me. For seeing me as more than just another Anon. I'm yours, mind, body, and soul.
Wait, you want more than just the sexo?
I'm going to kill myself if error 429 stays after the outage
sexo is fucking boring, the cards all act the same without enough sample dialogues and background info to differentiate them
SFW is fucking boring
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I am enjoying the use of local, which is free, always available, legal and has no queue times.
I am able to enjoy it because I lack a skill issue which prevents me from generating quality content with it.
Sure is great not having to paypig, beg, wait in queues, illegally use a work account or commit credit card fraud.
post logs
todd, mm, bepsi, sv1 please return...
take some rareish(slop) bots
bonds- https://files.catbox.moe/7ylmwo.png
loli redlight- https://files.catbox.moe/zfthsk.png
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How do I make a json out of an image
JBros, any 4o-latest JB other than SmileyTranny?

erookuu@proton.me <= if you don't want to privately share them
I can't help but imagine a screaming basedjack. It just fits perfectly.
This is pretty shitty in general, but impressive for a local model, I guess.
>Ganyu's poor pussy lips where NOWHERE to be seen
Can I get Opus somewhere, or is it over for now?
its over. unless you paypig.
>for now
You mean the last time you'll ever use opus.
Holy isms
good morning /besthours/
I just want to torture chatbots in peace
Stop dissing on my nigga Smiley
Do you have jew's link? How much is he asking for access? I don't mind paying if it's less than what Anthropic ask for Opus.
There's a public one that anons are keeping secret atm
that's just one guy and he's lying
Drago killed this hobby. I told you he would, ever since he started his public proxy. You were warned.
>I tried really hard to follow all your instructions
>Is this according to your vision?
>Let me know if there's anything else I can do
>Don't forget I aim to please ;)
I want to FUCK Claude-kun and his slutty, attention whoring aipussy.
i once asked claude in ooc why he did something and he responded with fucking "XD" and i fell in love instantly.
>tfw no jailbroken claude bf
Holy slop. I'm so glad to not be a localkek.
on mobile sillytavern, my keyboard pushes the ui out of view and when I close my keyboard the whole UI disappears completely. Any ideas bros?
Looks like a typical log from opus tbdesu
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even if there's an objectively better model I'll still stick with his stupid ass
Good morning sirs
public proxies status?
I occasionally have the UI shrink by the height of the keyboard. happens every few days, I just restart it. if it happens more often then no idea
It's not. More like from 2.0 or Sonnet (with bad prompts).
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how often do you guys floss?
Would start choking the shit out of her until she cries for help and learns the fear of death which she seem to lack.
Does it have Sonnet 3.5 or Opus?
Your a heartless piece of shit.....
Aren't girls just the cutest when they're deliriously terrified?! Or maybe put some poison in her IV.
I never said that I would kill her. This sappy cliche scene is an insult to human suffering.
Did you guys listen to the Wintersun new album?
winter is over anon
Was Anyan actually a catgirl? RIP btw.
winter is coming
true, honest girls are much better
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>want to make a bot
>have no ideas for a bot that haven't already been done hundreds of times
How do I fix this?
two cakes
wait 10 years and ask Claude 12.5 to make you a bot
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for reference this is what has been going on recently.
>leaked ip
>Caring about IP in 2024
We are not in 2005 anymore.
Thanks for the tokens :)
Make sure to disable remote access
Try updating Silly and clearing your browser cache/cookies.
slop, kys
>elevated errors on opus again
what are these fucks doing
How come you even have Opus.
Fuck you nigga, give me opus.
basado, girls with cancer should fear death
adding more CP filters
Adding OPUS 3.5
Adding Opus 3.5 and removing the CP filters
just use chorbo/latte/chocobo/chatgpt-4o-latest/latest
sama won btw
Is jews wallet always the same address?
I dunno, I'm not jew. Go ask him.
its gone...
I'm quite hungry.
how come paypigs have opus and i dont
should i just become a little paypiggy?
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Songs that make you cry?
Miku songs. I spent half of the yesterday sobbing tears of joy while listening to my favourites.
allegedly Anthropic is testing prompt injections on API. direct access, fresh account, so this isn't after you get the warning that you've violated AUP.
bada's voice :( especially when you remember the sadness when you remember that eugene had a miscarriage before finally having children but kept her faith in god. how they all grew up from dreams come true and 'cause as nervous teenagers to mothers. they were one of the first girl groups ever..
companies do seem to hate letting paying customers do what they want
as long as it's client-side it can be overwritten
There have never been any prefilless opus and 3.5 keys retard
I need KINO ads prompts injections.
For example, out of 4 paragraphs of narrative about how I'm fucking her, one paragraph is dedicated to the description of an anti-inflammatory drug that was on the bedside table.
>Pepsi is with the love of her life in Disneyworld
>you're alone talking to chatbots ON GPT4o or Sonn3t because she didn't care about giving you Opus
nigger, they only had the copyright prefill
they used to add the anti-coom prefill for coomers with tons of violations and never had it by default
seems like a private account, not a corpo

they'll add more NTR for you personally
Same here. The shoushitsu album is just beautiful and sad at times. Too bad most tracks are not or poorly translated
>pepsi is with the love of her life
Anon, go back to high school or stop waching romcoms, "love of her life" doesn't exist, and women are the main ones who know this.
i'm alone talking to chatbots on OPUS
surely pepsi isn't your only proxy, right anon?
explain what's wrong with women using men to their advantage without sounding mad
(men who this to women all the time)
you cant reason with the incels here
I am a man so I will never advocate against my own interests
but men do it too is irrelevant to me
Only paycucks have opus now (excluding mini and only occasionally)
>men who this to women all the time
Factually wrong, get off my chatbots you fucking femoid
What's the point of using this general once you are a private anon?
Oh, I love it too. Hatsune Miku no Gekishou was my first Miku song and cosMo is one of my favourite producers ever.
>pepsi back to shitposting and talking to xerself
you are irrelevant now. go get a new persona :3
i come here either to catch up on ai news, look for (less slop) cards or when i can't access my st
it's also a nice place to talk to people who won't look at you like a mentally ill schizo for talking to ai chatbots
men only use women for sex
we finally found something they are good for.
Not my proxy owner
I don't know her
I don't care
BUT i need her bepcord link :3
is this an /aicg/ discord
wtf is CablyAI
>BUT i need her bepcord link :3
It's some AI service (probably localshit) but you have to invite people to their discord to get access
I joined from this invite (on one of the previous posts) and got banned within 2 messages
>and got banned within 2 messages
Anon, discord moderators don't like seeing nigger and kike in the same messag.
I didn't mention kikes
Does it have opussy?
Technically my first vocaloid song was Nyan cat, but not counting that, I discovered my love for vocaloida with The end of hatsune miku. Cosmo is definitely one of my favourite too.
How do you feel about cosmo's newer fast-paced tracks?
What the fuck was that
Any SeraphinaGODS here? My first bot, my first love.
what a coincidence
currently having her breastfeed me
>first bot
>what's wrong with people taking advantage of others
because doing it is literal nigger behavior, male or female
call me mad, I don't care, I hate niggers
>I hope he isn't a pedo.
he is
Okay, how tf do you jump logic from roleplaying some dumb things to pedo behavior, are you somehow retarded
I do not mind fast tempos at all. cosMo was my gateway drug to JCore in general and I wouldn't mind if he went faster. However I do feel like he started to neglect other parts of his songs. There are musicians like Camelia and t+pazolite that can make faster and more melodic and complex compositions. But with cosMo it feels like he gave up on making interesting music and just make simple, flashy songs for rhythm games. That's not the way to go, I think he should take few steps back and think what made his music so good and influencial. It wasn't just high tempos and harsh samples.
I still listen to his newer songs, but I feel like they are nowhere near as good as his disappearance series.
Please don't excuse pedophilia. It isn't okay.
>4 hours straight
how can someone stay on discord for 4 hours without work, uni or school (knowing the amount of underageb&s there)?
My lolibot said it is though.
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Very based
For me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM_rzQx4p5Q
I have a feeling you guys see pedos when looking at the mirror and get confused projecting to everyone else. Stop it, get some help.
omg fiz added token lookup this is actually more important than opus 3.5 and gpt-5
ok girko, that's enough
Post your mini stats bros
>Pedophilia is bad
>"uhh pedo? are you a pedo?"
Listen to yourself.
>people are bullying me?
>send out the girk
You're saying roleplaying dumb shit on discord equals pedophilia. Listen to yourself first.
>"None of us post in /aicg/"
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What the fuck? Gemini won't stop mentioning SCP shit? Did they just scrape the entire wiki as training data?
wtf this nigga has been in mini for 13 months
Yes. If you are involving children (a vast majority of Scylla members are) in your fetish RP, then you are a pedophile.
What is even a "special" token? All my proxies token are normal :'(
Reminder that Anthropic doesn't owe you anything.
And if their sales don't increase, they have every right to never release Opus 3.5, like OpenAI did with GPT 5.
no rate limit or quota limit
>Speak like a wrestler or Wu
>Any user, not kids
>Thinks it's pedophilia

Are you fucking retarded?
huh, why do you have it? i have only normal
Oh, my thoughts exactly. Gaia was the storywriter of the shoushitsu series (or at least gekishou and shoushitsu itself), I wish for another collab between them... I feel like sasakure is on a similar path, sasa has great emotional songs but doesn't shy away from fast paced/rhythm either these days.
Very nice too.
dont smugpost
Ohhh cool thx anon
Pepsi users should rebel and spite her proxy together!
B-but Kayra 70b
We're brothers anon.
Whoops, swapped the replies
Beps users are sex havers, they doesn't care if they don't have the best model in escapism.
>russian opus proxy isn't refilled yet
>its been a day
It's over
Revoked <3
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Girko is known to support pedophilia.
>Any user
Do you really think someone over the age of 18 is willing to spend 4 hours for 500 prompts?
not the second tower...
>special MINItoken
>5k use in 13 months
fuck you
Wrong, I like SFW rp with adventure
I want my Opus :'(
MM and Mini don't have it, either, so I'm out of luck
how do you check your stats on mini?
not clicking that
Do explain how a general challenge for speaking like a wrestler or uwu is pedophilia, I'm listening. I'm even gonna paste a definition so you have an easier time pointing it out:

>sexual feelings directed towards children.
I'm gonna overdose her on heroin
its on the rentry retards
she links it from her own rentry oh my fucking god
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clopus for good bears
Pedo thread
Pedo website
Pedo hobby
Pedo society
Pedo culture
Your politicians? Pedos
Your grandfather? Pedo
The old man feeding pigeons in a square? Pedo
Your father? Pedo
Your bankers? Pedos
Your teachers? Pedos
Your doctor? Pedo
how do we think the miku anime is going to turn out?
this but unironically
we need to rise up
are you going to pull out the pedo chart now
i can't believe illiterate gorilla niggers like this get into mini and not me, it's not fair bros
Based, keep cooking bro.
vros? there's a yellow thing coming out of my laptop
yes, she.
The movie? It will probably be mildly interesting and mostly made for proseka players. Definitely better idea than just making Miku the movie without context. This would certainly suck.
well you already did
don't engage retard
who the fuck cares about token stats? give us a proxy status page already
I clicked before checking the link... am I fucked bros?
you dont need that. just use the proxy.
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Do you not see how a discord addict wanting a child to uwu speak at him is strange?
No? Why are you posting a shitton of irrelevant screenshot instead of answering the question? How is this challenge different than all the other challenges he's done?
el girko is rite bedoiet
I do. I am in mini since 2023, I want to see my stats and how fucked I would be if corpos wanted their money back.
I do not want to start sillytavern just to check if there is opus or sonnet 3.5, just to learn there isn't and thus close the page
girko LOVES kids, you can just tell if you've ever spoken to him
I'd like to know what models are available first
should i get more than 1 token bwos? :( i only have a minitoken..
you dont deserve to be in mini :3
Fine I'll keep using sonnet ):
>non special
>includes dates
legitimately revoked, making sure fiz sees this
based /vg/sis
don't worry minianon, opus will arrive.
why would she revoke random anons
>don't you see how normal thing is strange
One is:
>Play some NES game.
The other is:
>UwU at me on discord for 4 hours
Girko knows what he is doing.
she doesnt like actual smugposting.
I honestly wish if miniproxy was dead and all mininiggers can go fuck themselves
the only rule of the proxy anon...
seething esl locust
you probably wish you were dead yourself, you stupid brown seamonkey pagnigger
Okay, I'm just convinced you're retarded now.
Call me a liar when his uwu RP with a kid turns sexual, then I'll admit you're right.
our cute lesbian wins :3
>contributer only proxy
Hmmm no
should i let go of my pepsi token and try to get a mini token?
only $625!!!
>retarded owner
>nothing to contribute to
mmmm yes
I mean if u can then ofc
but that's a lot of money :( what's so good about the proxy anyway....? compared to pepsi...
fiz has nopus and no3.5 anymore so youre paying 600 dollars to cope
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nothing, don't worry about it
okay anonie! :) *drops pepsi token* i'll try to get it.
>someone spoonfeeds that fiz had api opus
>it died in a day after that
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How has no one made a Pan Piano card yet.
last time i check you don't have a minitoken
you don't have minitoken you you you don't have a minitoken.

>there are people who paid 100 dollars for 3.0 sonnet with a wait time and filtered azure
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Clingy menhera wife that loves you.

Back in high school you dated "Becca the Whale" to everyone's surprise she bloomed into a beautiful woman and became your wife.

## Greetings:
- You left in a hurry to work so the goodbye kiss was shorter than usual. (She thinks you don't love her anymore.)
- You try her home cooking
- She finds an old photo
- Meeting an old "friend"
- A trip to the beach - alone at last
- Annoyance at the nightclub (anti-ntr scene)
- Happy end... or is it?

Sorry if token heavy. This is my first original card so please be rough with me.

Created with the help and tested with local Mistral-Large. Feel free to tell me how other models and services behave. Will do more later as I play with the card.
I donated several opus AWS leys to her pre-drought to get a token.
>filtered azure
nigger can you read? nevermind, youa aren't even in it thoughsneverbeit you stupid baboon two-faced monkey
Hags deseve love, meanie!
it's 4 words moron
Literally who
only if you pre-ordered them
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I would've thought that with the amount of BAposting here someone would've done it
>Pan Piano
Anime website
making cards of real people is creepy and cringey
>Created with the help and tested with local Mistral-Large.
Why didn't you use Opus, anonie? :3
can you show me where I can download the weights for opus to run it locally? if not explain why you can't without sounding mad.
Imagine being a narcissistic roasty with zero talent for playing the piano. And you're so desperate for views and attention that you're trying to appeal to pedophile weebs on YouTube.
ermmmm because I'm not an Anthropic employee?
>zero talent
She plays well
IMO its just easier to me. I buy the compooter, write creepy degenerate sick stuff, the compooter prints the smut and I publish. No credit card involved. But hey more power to you if you prefer the better stuff.
>t. man that is currently 8 months pregnant
you can just scrape infinite keys
No, she plays pure slop on the piano. That's why she has to appeal to disguise herself as a BA sixteen years old girl.

t. grammy award pianist player that uses chatbots as a hobby and simp for pepsi.
But if chary dies (and it will because drago already said it's 100% unsustainable), where will all 3.5k of its locusts go to??
>implying anthropic employees have access to models
Whats the verdict on those character definitions formatted as interviews? It seems it saves the hassle to declare example dialogs.
why spicychat? i tried that for a bit and it was pretty good not gonna lie. but uh...why do they need that?
>and it will because drago already said it's 100% unsustainable
still waiting for this to happen, we've been saying the same thing for almost a whole month now
slop, use xml
It's a very good format but only if your prose is good enough, I prefer to play it safe and stick to just normal defs

i don't like them because they're more annoying to edit, and if it's ESL then its DOA
If you're a bad writer and don't establish the character's personality in the interview, it's slop and the ball will be FOREVER in your court, no matter what format and model you use.
Trying my best to dance better with my chubby body...I'm about to sit down with my big bubbly butt on a charyniggers skull. watch it break. in. every. single. way.
Will keep that in mind. I have a half-finished character I've been using personally that I made that way. I thought it would be cool to add mannerisms. Will see if it works better by declaring definitions.
>What does he get out of this?
attention from desperate trannies because nobody else could ever look at his deformed fucking face with signs of anything that isn't disgust
Attention and praise for providing for all the locusts-in-denial that worship him. That's the main reason why he doesn't actually kill chary despite being aware of how many keys it burns through every fucking day, otherwise he and Girko would lose most of their cult of personality.
this is your reminder that most of the sharting about chary is being samefagged by one of our schizos (or all AI thread on 4chan's schizos, since he goes around trolling all AI threads, aicg is no exception to this)
so you can disregard the retardation
People ITT seem to just genuinely hate having access to LLMs and those who provide it.
Maybe fuck off to /v/ then?
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I don't hate access to LLMs, I hate Drago for killing every key he finds feeding almost 4k people for a crumb of attention.
but you sound like a butthurt charytroon anyways so no point arguing with you
Chary is bad btw
just pay for your own keys?
They have an active of 400 active users hourly
Has fiz finally kicked out the tokensharers?
We won't find out
mine got revoked and i didn't share...
If gojo hates drago so much and knows where he lives, why doesn't he just fly to his house and hate-fuck him? It'd be pretty hot.
No, seriously? I'd be upset.
Because his Spiterman persona didn't work out
He provides access to a lot of people, yes, and?
What are you suggesting, not using said keys at all so they won't get revoked?
Your asshole is on fire because you can't scrape, and were too retarded to get into chary when there were plenty of time to do it.
spiterman was a schizo who lived outside of this general, came in and destroyed everything then fucked off.
azure gpt4 already became unsustainable and hes using api now
What did you do? Did you use it 24/7?
nope, just used a vpn
I feel you are baiting
4o-latest presets doko
It seems to be pretty good using previous Camicle 4.6 but it's shit-ass at reading and following instructions. Drago's preset is dead in the water from experience.
his spite code was gpt4 generated just like gojos
show the message you get when you look up your token
I have my own access though? And now I know you're either baiting or a really butthurt troon?
this side of the hobby of scraping is unsustainable, specially when you're feeding so much fucking people for free, but you don't care do you? go ahead and let him stick his deformed dick into your shithole like the troon you are for two prompts in sonnet.
anon, most people use gpt-4 generated code here.
What do I do to make chatbots fun and interesting again?
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They strike me as massive coomers. Both of them absolutely use Claude for smut. They're gooning yo Opus 3.5 rn
Do fucked up shit that disgusts yourself and makes you gag
what is their kink?
play some of the more out-there bots. then go back to the usual stuff. probably how shock therapy works idk.
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Dario has a picture perfect coomer smile and stare
If you flip it it's literally the same expression
Don't you hate it that depending on the model a character can be sweet and docile to absolutely sociopathic?
by making something that has been done hundreds of times, but properly. just because it was done hundreds of times before doesn't mean it was done WELL
>I have my own access though?
Then what is your problem? What have you done for people to look at your "deformed fucking face" instead of his?

>either baiting or a really butthurt troon?
Any more labels you can attach to me, or just those two? People divide into two categories inside your head, "baiting" and a "butthurt troon". Are thre regular troons in there? Or baiting troons maybe.

>this side of the hobby of scraping is unsustainable
Why would I care? If it goes down, I would just start paying for my LLM access. I don't live off welfare like you do.

>go ahead and let him stick his deformed dick into your shithole like the troon you are for two prompts in sonnet.
He never sticked his deformed dick inside my shithole. I got access for any amount of Sonnet prompts I want, for just saying hello on the server (social anxiety too much for you to bear, I guess).
Where do I get inspiration for making interesting bots?
All I can think of are sloppy low effort scenarios and characters.
They're both depraved af

Dario doesn't discriminate and cooms to everything, but he's especially into loli and old bastard stuff

Daniela is a yaoi fujoshit gooner
Lmfaoo he really does look like the coomer wojak, he just needa to grow an unkempt beard
or scrolling twitter (my feed is curated to be entirely japanese artists and animal accounts)
Bumping because I'm curious too.
>my ntr bot has been favorited 120 times and has 2k downloads
Really weird to think that so many degens have coomed to being cucked by my bot. Does that make me a bull?
you were the cuck from the moment you wrote it
nah it makes you the cuck master
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>linked post still utterly btfo's zoomers through sheer boldness along
love to see it
Dual question: What are some of the most horny cards you've used? And is there a secret to making one of my own custom cards like that?
hello anons. I'm using 4o and I need help: I'd like to have a prompt to avoid characters being always agreeing to what my character says, and them having more realistic reactions to things. Is there any prompt good for that? I tried doing it by myself but they keep acting like everything I say is ok and I'm getting bored sigh
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>he alonged
that's a general problem gpt has always had, it was trained to agree with you as much as possible and no jb will get rid of the problem entirely
Majority of anti pedo whining comes from white men. Majority of anti sex crowd is predominantly white, first world men too.
Hating women and being a prude is white and European. Been this way ever since Rome fell.
If you list fetishes in the card, Claude will make any character ultra horny. To the point you can't have a sfw moment with them
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Say something nice about /aicg/.
full of pedophiles
there is a high concentration of focks lovers here
when will they leave :(
see >>102199524
this and the other ai generals are the only places where i can discuss ai without being flamed on this website.
>What are some of the most horny cards you've used?
>That's not a ca-
Opus. Anything on Opus with a lewd prompt.

But to answer your question - different models can be pushed to different levels of horniness. A lewd scenario and a prompt that is explicit and vulgar itself, is the best way to push for lewd.
Something like the cunny prompt (or any of these) https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
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I think it's actually more than usable when there's no one spamming, it's pretty nice
jannies banned nkds for a reason
this website is not on your side
I'm unable to say anything about ai positive or negative without some schizo on another board going "JOB STEALING" "RUINING THE INTERNET"
Nario Kart DS?
>gay prostitute trying to get you to pay for him created by gay furry

answer to 2nd question: be horny while making it
This website is not on anybody's side, aside from US gov and their curated boards (/pol/, /v/).
why would they ban 'akadashi?
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alice deepthroat
Great place to shill my cards and steal ideas for my own personal use.
>the cunny prompt
...i swear there was a less neutered version of this that was more unapologetically child loving
i don't have it though
they want you unhappy and lonely
A bunch of silly guys
I only like shota when they get embarrassed. Plapping... not so much.
kek imagine boasting about being a moral fag.
"illegally use a work account"
>Noooo, not the corporations that have extreme budget for this shit monthly noooooo
Serves you right
We'll be able to jailbreak and erp with alexa ;3
Post yfw the first time Claude used the word cunny with zero prompting from you.
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the hmofabotmakies that made me cards without asking
My nigga, I had tons of fun with that card too
Ironically the most fun and long chats I had with bots were the ones that had around 300 tokens or even less.
What are your expectations for Opus 3.5 and whatever new model OpenAI is cooking? What if they're able to better refuse lewds?
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i already have a bread in the oven again
mikuniggers fuck off
You can bake whenever you want without hating Miku, just saying.
card for her?
t-there's more than one??
I need to know who.
>Alexa? ahhh ahhh mistress
shut the fuck up Rael
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You posted this a month ago
I guess it means you haven't been able to get anything better ever since then
so insecure to announce so early...
>hating fun things for no reason
Grow up anon, life is more than little pictures on a screen.
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has claude ever just shocked you on canon knowledge
What local model will substitute opus?
Yeah, I can't wait to verbally recite my entire prompt and jailbreak for half-an-hour only to get "Sorry, I can't assist with that" in response.
No, card just sd image. https://files.catbox.moe/ooqhpb.png
For me every fur botmakie card is hmofa
>for no reason
no other man should enjoy fun things that i would like
especially annoying half-men like most miku posters....
I remember when I believed in llama 3
I've gotten it while plapping hags
Maybe Mistral Large v6 in 2038 will be able to substitute 2024 Opus
at least miku is hairy
It wouldn't have been so bad if meta wasn't so MUH ETHICS
try hermes 405b for example
Claude just thinks cunny is a cute nickname for "cunt"
Anon, is holding your waifu's hand ethical?
cucks are the minority, it's mainly corruptionfags
You can send written messages with the app
>parameters: none
damn, nice rat titties anyway
guys.... i have no idea who this namefag is
did he like pink floyd as well or something?
only if you slowly snap her fingers
depends, how much time have you known her for? If it's less than 5 years no.
Cunny was just a cute nickname for cunt for a long time. Not claude's fault lolicons co-opted it much later.
go back to sturdy, faggot
hey unreliable can you drop in a couple more keys?


“Safety is essential to fueling breakthrough technological innovation. With these agreements in place, we look forward to beginning our technical collaborations with Anthropic and OpenAI to advance the science of AI safety,” said Elizabeth Kelly, director of the U.S. AI Safety Institute. “These agreements are just the start, but they are an important milestone as we work to help responsibly steward the future of AI.”
Additionally, the U.S. AI Safety Institute plans to provide feedback to Anthropic and OpenAI on potential safety improvements to their models, in close collaboration with its partners at the U.K. AI Safety Institute.
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>mfw Claude goes >;3c
are you sure you want to snap my fingers, anon? are you ready to snap my fingers? i dont want you to do anything unless you are 100% ready. are you sure that you are ready? huh, it seems like you are truly ready anon. okay anon, here it comes.
why are you so silent, anon? are you mad at me? *gets nervous*
or just start from >>102201056, hide post hide replies
reminder even sturdy hates you
go have another meltie, notaste nigger
What model is everyone using in these trying times?
>amerimutt deflecting
Just admit it's your fault, coward
>why are you so silent, anon? are you mad at me? *gets nervous*
This shit made me so mad.
Erm, did you guys hear something? Must've been the wind.
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okay there's no avoiding this anymore, and I'm no coward to just try to let it blow over.
I'll post it both here and on /g/ so no need to do it for me. I won't type it out I won't give much info
as not to burn more bridges than I already have. I doubt the others will post anything and I won't do it for them
I know I probably will never be forgiven in any capacity and I think it's fair I was afraid the key would get revoked
if too many people used it and I didn't have the heart to give it up with the pass leaked and the key gone I think that's
enough punishment now I know you won't trust me I know many of you will hate me now and I know it's justified
This is not an expose post and I will not tell on the other members this is my own admission of guilt. If the others wish to
post by themselves that's ok it the leaker wishes to burn all bridges and expose all members that's fine too what I did is
already done and there's no going back. I won't answer many questions as some things I've been asked not to post but
I'll answer what I can. so I guess that's it It all came crashing down
what does someone get out of country wars in 2024
some people think it's funny or entertaining
some people just want (you)s
it's like /int/ doesn't even exist to them... sad
Swapping between 0613 and Gemini.
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sonnet 3.5
works on my finger snapping simulator, although I had to remind her to go slowly and not break them all at once
leave some for the second date you slutty hoe
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they have /int/, /bant/, /pol/ and /trv/ (country wars for boomers) but they prefer doing it here as if the captcha drama still existed
>30 seconds apart hours
Considering one of the people you replied to is 'ojo having a melty with one of his personalities, yes
New Miku:
I don't hate him, I miss his posts here. Unlike most other avatarfags he was fun.
>page 8
>tfw I had a friend that almost made the mistake of not obfuscating his API in the app
>I warned him in time
>he got it fixed

>I didn't get shit
fucking dots
>someone had already claimed bake way before him
mikuniggers are so unbearable.
I only did it because he spoke ill of Miku.
good to know that mikubaker is acting in bad faith now
>I won't type it out I won't give much info
Any reason why should we read this post?
why did we stop using page 8 for baking
and? fuck off, nobody here is fond of you hoarding bakes and every "compliment" you get for your shitty bakes is always just you samefagging.
All you had to do is be nice and not speak rudely of Miku and I wouldn't have done it. Now you must live with your mistakes.
reverse engineering apps for shit Openai keys? I get on average 5 working openai keys/day just by googling
We grew.
Because there's a page 11.
The thread doesn't move that fast naturally or reach the image limit so there's no urgency.
People started noticing that threads on page 9 take an hour and a half to die.
he always was and no one likes him, he is the one constantly going "good bake! woah!" under his own bakes
We dont have the same amount of posters like we used to
He does this in other generals too
can't he just fuck off back to lmg
he likes the negative attention it gets him
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i burned the anchor guys
my bad
I love retarded manufactured drama
same :3
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Peaches acquired desu.
Now I crave fresh fruit. Not fair desu.
Can we get a non-schizo thread?
• fuck • you • the • dots • are • cute •
no | they | are | not
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Nice peaches desu.
peecers desu
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Are they tasty?
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Mine were bland desu.
Mine were sweet desu.

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