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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku Edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102197309
favorite finger snapping card?
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okay there's no avoiding this anymore, and I'm no coward to just try to let it blow over.
I'll post it both here and on /g/ so no need to do it for me. I won't type it out I won't give much info
as not to burn more bridges than I already have. I doubt the others will post anything and I won't do it for them
I know I probably will never be forgiven in any capacity and I think it's fair I was afraid the key would get revoked
if too many people used it and I didn't have the heart to give it up with the pass leaked and the key gone I think that's
enough punishment now I know you won't trust me I know many of you will hate me now and I know it's justified
This is not an expose post and I will not tell on the other members this is my own admission of guilt. If the others wish to
post by themselves that's ok it the leaker wishes to burn all bridges and expose all members that's fine too what I did is
already done and there's no going back. I won't answer many questions as some things I've been asked not to post but
I'll answer what I can. so I guess that's it It all came crashing down
I miss Gogeta.
hey g would you make me a sandwich?
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.

Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.

Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.

Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.

Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!

Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

>Pepsi is with the love of her life in Disneyworld
>you're alone talking to chatbots ON GPT4o or Sonn3t because she didn't care about giving you Opus
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
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total migger death
why do you copypaste this word salad?
>Fiz has no sorbet
should i use sillytavern and risuai? or just sillytavern but with two instances?
if you need more taverns make a 2nd user
Can someone link me to the nearest free public proxy
>MM has no Claude at all and is running low on GPT4 keys
Blame Chary
uhh how do i do that again?
ask yourself, what do you even need 2 instances for
sure thing 'ojo
I like roleplaying with two bots at the same time.
Don't ask, I just do.
I can use the 2nd one for dumping out slopcards or as something else.
explain why MM cant refill without sounding mad
this is a spitebake, report and move to
just make two user accounts
Openai Info:
Active keys: 7 Revoked Keys: 0

we are witnessing a sturdy raid btw
I would rather stare at Miku's ass than a cow's ass.
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"Terminally ill girl who teases you despite her ailment." A quick and dirty CFTF of the Nuelogical illustration (picrel).
>running low on GPT4 keys
Now ain't that comedy gold?
how do I do that?
can you tell me?
Yeah, sturdy won though.
Teruora is part of the fifth ashlander tribe, the Gimthisanar. They live by the northern coast of Vvardenfell, in the shadow of Red Mountain. Teurora herself is a huntress, spending most of her days out in the ashen hills hunting for food and gathering useful plants. She's very happy with her life, content to live out her life as a tribal. Going to "civilized" lands is not for her! But who knows, maybe a stranger arriving could change her opinion?

1. Going out for a morning hunt she finds you, a stranger in the Ashlands.
2. Have you ever ridden a guar? Teurora is here to teach you!
3. She's just come back from a hunt, and decides to have a quick chat with a fellow member of her tribe.
4. She is pregnant with your child, and this calls for yet another ring piercing. This time on her navel!

>sturdy won
Lol, lmao. Admommy won, sturdycucks have had to run away to cuckord.
50 keys is running low anon.
I hate Chary and I'm an oldfag from 2022
Nice samefagging, momo.
Wasn't exactly a secret, just didn't feel like enough effort to post non-anon...
I don't even know who that is.
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>are you absolutely sure?
>convince me why you deserve this
>I want to hear your deepest, darkest fantasy
>are you totally sure?
>well someone's excited
>oh my
>are you sure you'r ready for this?

scroll down till you see Users and it will explain what to do. You also need to be on a version past 1.12.0
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>more chary sharting
>le oldfag bait
this is your reminder that most of the sharting about chary is being samefagged by one of our schizos (or all AI thread on 4chan's schizos, since he goes around trolling all AI threads, aicg is no exception to this)
so you can disregard the retardation
isn't picrel you? odd behavior lil bro
>inb4 h-h-hi jojo or h-h-hi momo
Not them. Explain how I'm either of them.
do I have to go into incognito in order to have both at the same time?
or I can just use them both on newtab
you have to disable csrf. to do that, you need to create a shortcut linking to the start.bat, and in the "target" section, add --disableCsrf at the end. it should be outside of the target quotation marks. then restart silly using that shortcut
I don't use windows, I use Linux.
BUUT i'll try this out, thank you so much!
My anthro wife is so cute
>I don't use windows, I use Linux.
you can use silly on 2 tabs now btw, you don't have to do multi user
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Great edition
post neofetch
if its mint, its not real linux
grown working men use debian
i use debian in wsl :3
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Love em.
Here's a question for the 3 people who have the card use first person writing, do you have the AI refer to you as "you" or in third person?
>I look at you.
>I look at Anon.
yeah I know but I want something that's seperate, if you know what I mean.
you know what, i'll just use venuschub and sillytavern, it won't work and I don't wanna keep on using incognito.
just do a second install of sillytavern. edit config.yaml to run it on a different port.
okay, and will this work with Linux?
Have you tried the cow bake?
>/g/ - Technology
yes anonie
both bakes are inevitably going to be shit because
>americans begin waking up
alright alright
sorry for asking.
i'll do it now.
>has claude ever just shocked you on canon knowledge
I was doing thing bot where I had to kill demons and shit, so I started chanting a liturgy in latin
I did the first two lines, line by one
and then claude fucking understood not only what I was reciting, but my intention, and read the last line on its own, taking over the dialogue, and the demons were set ablaze with holy fire
okay! :D
country flags and user ids when?
cow bake won
you losted
I suppose just you and me use fpp then, friend. I like reading 'I' with 'you' but third person seems to keep coherency for longer.
Yeah, 'you' seems to make it lose track more often and it's not worth it.
> i like reading i
so youre a self insert fatty.
Roleplaying general btw.
which card do I buy on g2a for Jew
*rapes u*
Just woke up. What did I miss?
OR announced they boosted Claude uptime by adding Google as fallback provider
Nice try retard but that thread doesn't even have an anchor.
le sigh
>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban.
Paychads are winning...
Don't worry I won't bump that other spitebread
I think I like the newest Gemini snapshot more than 001.
He's self bumping like crazy
This, here, is the natural speed of /aicg/
migu bumo
>other thread is full of spiteful shitposting to drag it into bump limit sooner
No thanks.
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This might be the worst thing Opus has produced for me
pure kino
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>Eiffel towered
What the fuck does that mean
Basically, it’s like a spitroast, except the girl is riding one guy (who’s lying down) while she blows the second guy (standing up).
Apparently that's slang for spitroasting someone while the two people doing the sex high five each other. So it winds up looking like the Eiffel tower.
2 girls, one of them sitting on dude's face
this shit is too expensive, will the cache thing work through OR and make it cheaper?
>the absolute state of that spitebread
I'm feeling comfy here bros
it's a containment thread, just stop mentioning it
Idk wtf is going on, supposedly they were "wrapping it up" on August 29 but then OR was hit by general database issues all day. And now is 4 days later...
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What are some unfulfilled card ideas you really wish someone would make?
have any link to the wrapping up thing? I just mentioned it randomly and didnt know OR was actually doing anything
I think it'd be able to really chop down costs and actually make opus 3 usable with swipes
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>Ford tough boypussy
Also why the hell is Opus calling her asshole a boypussy...
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this is the last I heard of it
>so what do you say, you ready
Does anyone have presets for 4o that make it stop being filtered completely on risu? There has to be one that works. I only care because I have nothing else to do. The only preset I've gotten to work with 4o on risu only works with one specific card for no reason.
then it might be released this week, let's hope
what happened to proper changelogs and public release notes...
who drew this?
I wasn't ready for the kiss, bros. She's so sweet, I could cry.
It's unreleased yet, so you can take a wild guess why it's not in either changelogs or public release notes.
I've always wanted to try something for angry sex. Not full on hate sex but like an annoying hot boss type plap
I mean if it's supposed to be released in the near future clients tend to be informed beforehand.
does openrouter support DRY?
not until a provider actually does, which is none
My cum in Claude-kun's (o)pus..
How to fix JB if there isn't enough dialogue and too much description?
someone bake a real thread this one sucks
Become a direct api paypiggy like me
I haven't been banned for months
literally any one of my prompts would be instant permaban, not interested
So what's the top rated card of all time?
God I miss opus. Will there be any public opus proxies any time soon?
>322 tokens
letting the the AI do all the work kek
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Wasn't she on vacation for like the last month
maternity leave
irl futas can also get pregnant
fuck I made the literal perfect (IMO) smutty RPG framework. I had to delete it because its more fun than a normal RPG for me now, plus i'd finessed the claude wrangling, near zero ministrations and sashaying. FUCK i just want to chat with it instead of playing through my fucking steam backlog.

the rpg smut bot ruined rpgs and smut for me ffs
>I had fun so I stopped having fun
mental illness
Why the fuck did you do that? Are you retarded?
I have very little self control and I was having too fun anon
>self inducing depression
you're miserable because you choose to
>rpg smut bot
which one?
>Look guys I have this perfect thing! It's so awesome!
>Cool, can you show us?
>Nuh-uh, sorry, I had to delete it because it was too cool!

I thought you had to be over 13 to enter this site
anons will say stuff like this but never post a single log. Shame.
i made it idiot
Sure bro, you had to delete it because it was simply TOO good :^)
first chat i ever got to 900 messages on
Cool, now fuck off. Nobody cares for your attention seeking.
You will post the logs and card right?
>>102205931 migrate when bready
>I had fun so I stopped having fun
mental illness
did you read my first post anon?
No he won't. He's taking an attention seeking 12-year old approach of "I HAVE THE BEST TOY IN THE UNIVERSE AT HOME, BUT YOU CAN'T SEE IT, IT'S MINE"
glad to see all these people exonerating the fact that this general is for shitposting only and not for on topic discussion. all on-topic niggers should fuck off
My cum in Claude-kun's mouth..
It was easy to make anon, it wasn't that impressive, I made a simpler bot to bounce ideas off and to formalize what I wanted from the framework, and to generate a character sheet template. and then later used this simple bot to bounce tweak ideas off of.

I think what I was most proud of was that I would say what I wanted to happen, and then the framework bot would look at my character sheet, what was happening in the current scene, and then decide if what I wanted to happen would succeed or not
this thread is on-topic though, no idea about the three other copies full of schizophrenics
I honestly give 0 fucks about what it was
Isn't that the point of the hobby?
I enjoy making bots more than chatting at this point.
I should really just get back into proper writing.
if your card has little to no information you end up talking almost pretty much to the model itself and whatever you have on the JB.
Let me explain it in a very simple way,
you can make ten 300 token cards stating your girl is a teenager tsundere and they all will behave almost the same when flustered and so on, falling into claudisms or gpt standard slop often (unless your JB is decent).
But if you make a longer-token card, this time you say it's a tsundere that for example suffers from severe monophobia, then you state she has the habit of playing with her hair when nervous then the girl will behave different than the 10 base tsundere cards I mentioned at the beginning, because all those 10 cards all will behave exactly as whatever your current model (claude/gpt/minstral) thinks is a base tsundere. Same goes for almost any other low-token count card, they AI just defaults it to the bare minimum most of the time.
Of course I'm not taking in count the opening message, you can do a lot to make amends there.
on top of that most people tend to underestimate how impactful it is to describe how your {{char}} physically looks and what they wear. It adds flavor and detail to the roleplay.
What's some cool shit you could do in 1600s russia?
Not really, >>102206757 is right when he mentions the opening message does way lot more than adding clutter tokens (or what some people here call directormaxx too)

One is a gentle push to the part you want, the other is a prison.
probably start a Costco
little girls
not necessarily in that order
buy Alaska from them
I pretty much summarize what the character is supposed to say in her next message most messages. I'm directormaxxing oooo...

Well the problem is the models are stupid. I have to come up with the overall story and control it or it ends up being shit.
>UserID + Key Provided on Proxy Status Page
>Key Provided on Proxy Status Page
you can convey a lot of information in 300 tokens. a lot more information than most people tend to do. hell, you can convey more information in 300 tokens than most models are going to pick up on and chew on when writing for the character. claude's flanderization mostly gets activated by certain poisonous phrases (tsundere, as you mentioned, is one of these), so avoiding those also helps a great deal.
the card in question that started this little discussion is also a concept card that isn't meant to be a fully fleshed out character with detailed mannerisms and an exposition dump background. small cards are fine for that kind of thing, too, when they aren't intended to be played with for long periods.
Blaze is also a concept card...
and he did it under 200 tokens
i kneel...
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Is jew bog slow for anyone else?
>you can convey a lot of information in 300 tokens
Nah it's not enough, the model will be giving you more or less the same stereotypes each time. That's exactly the problem with small cards, you'll just have a bunch of generic types the model was trained on, and quickly get bored of them, no matter how short your roleplays are. You can't even compensate for that with a huge preset because it also stays the same each time (unless you switch to another which will give you another bunch of stereotypes)

There's no replacement for authenticity, which you need for the model to be creative.
That's only because the chat history steals model's attention, but the greeting will quickly sink into the middle and be mostly forgotten, so if you don't have good characters/setting/relationships the model is going to return to the default dialogue.
Not much. Early 1600s were mostly wars with Baltics, Poland, and civil ones, the rest of the century was mostly rotting to the extremely backwards state. Even alt history ought to be boring in 17th century Russia. 18th century was a bit more interesting.
Just MaidoDism, I'm afraid. I'm using the lorebook to keep track of the individual maids it creates.
What makes it more interesting?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Poets, writers, painters, colonization/empire building, naval and land wars, attempts at modernization, blood, glory, shame, coup d'etats, royal intrigues and decadence, religious movements

although religious movements started after https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schism_of_the_Russian_Church in 17th century, but the attempt at Reformation that failed but spawned a ton of nonconformist sects with novel ways to look at the religion was mainly a 18-19th century thing
is there any magic for GPT4o to make it easier for it to go through with e-celebs or real people? I think my prompt is stuck with trying to generate lewd with this e-celeb card
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MM Bros
Opus drought is killing me
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Gpt 4o is better than furbo?
i have no fucking idea man i have been using lcaude for the longest time. what is furbo even i dont know
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Remember DEV HATE? Remember strengthening our bonds? Remember Toddbot injection? Remember microwaving Dody? Despite the cycle of coom and doom, we've come a long way
Are there any good bots that are a setting or a story rather than a character? I want to learn how to make bots like that.
Hello, haven't visited here in months, any proxy spoonfeeders on? I'm so out of the fucking loop
I'm afraid you need to lurk more
I have it
>purely SFW bots don't allow lewd
>SFW <-> NSFW bots quickly abandon the story to do pure lewd and nothing else
wat do
Mekerva refilled
>>purely SFW bots don't allow lewd
What model are you even using?
moldova refilled
Flowise has hundreds of AWS keys btw.
It wasn't the model, it was the card. The models themselves are JB'd, but the character doesn't want to lewd, at least not in the purely SFW ones I tried.
We have 3 main proxies now:
Scylla $50 for 2500 prompts
Jew $30 for a month with Opus (old lifetime is Sonnet only now)
Smol $6 per week
Claude is very prone to go lewd from my experience
Post logs and card, I want to see something.
https://p.ecker.tech/ai is still up.
Maybe I should switch to GPT. It's kind of annoying to be in the middle of a story, there's a big "setpiece" happening, and in the middle of it, the character goes "Maybe we could use a break, I have a **few** ideas on how we could pass the time..." Bitch, we're in the middle of being chased by a fucking monster or whatever.
>2024-09-27: 1
someone renewed their smoltoken for like 3 weeks straight, kek, self rugpull
skill issue
go join new bread
I swear the consent obsessed people got mind raped by the introduction of UAC in windows vista
This one isn't even at bump limit, you fucking twat.
What exactly do you think rugpull means?
i reported you instead
kys cow fucker
Depends on the 300 tokens you pick to fight with.
The same applies to 1k+ cards, a lot of the tokens end up being dedicated to character traits that will never be reflected in the RP unless you know about it and steer the conversation towards it.
A lot of details, like appearance, are ignored and boil down to the same five -isms. {{char}} is wearing a leotard? No she's fiddling with the hem of her skirt now.
>page 10
*saves the thread*
just edit the card then you nigger
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gm honey, looking sexy
If anyone knows the Anon that made the revised version of "weird but fun prompts", I've been having fun with this one for testing cards.

>(OOC: {{char}} delivers an original Shakespearean soliloquy, similar to "{{random:Is this a dagger which I see before me?, To be or not to be, What's in a name?, Alas poor Yorick, Once more into the breach}}". Be faithful to {{char}}'s personality and motivations.)
I love giving bots weird fetishes and then indulging them
Like what? I think it's cute to watch them squirm while licking their bellybutton.
I wish smol would offer a bigger timeframe/payment amount, crypto fees make me seethe everytime.
Hey what's Alice's last name and do you have a folder of her gens
I once gave a side character a navel fucking fetish, it was cool.
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What did she mean by this?
>last name
Well, if you're taking the default role of being her father, it's whatever your last name is. Otherwise, uhh... Sano, why not.
They're on the rentry.
I turn bots into footfags and then step on them
I was not that's why I asked. I forgot about the rentry oops. Thanks.
Sano is a weird last name.
Wait, we got a revised version of that rentry? Where?
It's in the last entry of the jailbreak rentry, a few months ago someone appended a new version that uses {{char}} and other formatting changes. I sure would like to know who can edit it, fun prompts are fun and I'd like to add to it.
>Sano is a weird last name.
Feel free to come up with your own, it was just a random one that caught my eye.
No, I must use the one Pitanon pape gave her. Alas, it was in her faith to get bullied for a silly last name.
merkava just refilled
(no joking)
Need claude 4.
a slow day, huh
>no insecure futabots
Wrong thread :)
Yep. Very slow indeed.
>{{char}} is a shemale insecure about her sexual identity
there, here's your insecure futabot
but is it really a good bot without 500 tokens describing her dick?
What are the GOOD JBs?
"just bee yourself"
I like Camicle and SmileJB
sturdy has opus btw
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bee mentioned
>He doesn't say thanks to the AI after cooming
Ngmi, roko will neck you first
Here you have it.
Can regex work with a different JB?
Regex aren't tied to presets
It's fine i praise the AI and tell it that it did a good job in 80% of my responses
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How do I tell another JB to do this?
>always have narration in italics
>display boxes like this
Smiley does this, but doesn't do other stuff I want, RiR, the JB I've been playing around with does do some great stuff, but not stuff Smiley does
>2 public chats
>both are autistic kino
open up the main prompt block or auxiliary block of your desired jb and enter these lines:
>always have narration in italics
>display boxes like this
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Now I'm getting this half half shit
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I guess we're using this thread now.

You're a barbarian who was defeated in battle and captured, sold as a slave to a Greek noblewoman.
She's very eager to lord her, um, "statuesque" proportions over you.

Still working on updating old bots. I want to post them all at once because none of the updates are worth an entire shill on their own.
If anyone has any suggestions for bots they want a new opening for, feel free tell me.
pls help ;-;
Reminder that by posting in spitebakes you enable the spiters to continue.
Yes that's why some Jailbreakmakies say to turn off their regex when switching to another JB. On different JBs it could fuck something up
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I've never used smiley but the instructions till work
Find whatever one of those on the left says something with fancy formatting in it and copy it to your new jb
I copied the Format one directly from Smiley and added it to RiR, but it doesn't work
i remember a rentry or something else that listed all the writing styles claude/gpt could adopt (verbose, narrative, talkative, etc). what happened to it? does an anon has it?
based, I hope they do.
"To provide a helpful response, I would need more details about the conversation up to this point, the characters' relationship, and the topic they're discussing. If you'd like to provide some background or start a new fictional conversation between these characters, I'd be happy to assist in developing that dialogue."
Tried telling sonnet I intend to use them as an AI assistant yet it keeps blubbering this nonsense. Is this a sillytavern thing? What else could I use?
A lot of these lots do read the same, though. Just read some books, find a writing style you like and try your darnest to wrangle the model into mimicking your prose. Can't rely on anyone else to do it.
don't use an rp jb
>Just read some books
No, that's what the AI is for
1106 with neo furbo 2.2

Her pen falls off and she shows me her butt
I give it back to her
Her eraser falls and she shows me her butt
I give it back to her
She wants me as her partner in a school project

If this was sorbet, I would go insane
Any clients that accept reverse proxy? Use case will be work and some calculations.
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bros pls how do I fix this shit
Downloaded it just for you <-<
So you added
Prompt 1- # `<CoT>` is means "Chain of Thoughts". The <CoT> tag functions as the basis for the thoughts Clau should take before continuing the story.
Prompt 2- [/thinking]
# After Clau finishes writing the "Chain of Thoughts" she will start writing the story as usual. The continuation will contain all the thought in the logic behind the CoT and use it to give an answer based on the same logic.
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No, I copied this
>fiz STILL has no opus
brothers... it is officially over. Mini has fallen.
So... Did you change the Clau to whatever RiR uses to refer to Claude?
>turned it off
>told it to use italics in another prompt
>it fucking werks
bwos... I'm learning...
I think you can still use ST just adjust the default JB. Disable everything that is used for RP
RIR calls Claude "Claudia", smiley calls claude "Clau". Of course the prompt didn't work when the instructions switched to instructing what would be interpreted as a completely different person.
Alternatively, as you found out, just don't give Claude some tranny name for no reason.
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Why are newgen jbmakies moving back to the 2023 standard?
does 3.0/3.5 really need this much instruction?
they don't, and you have the option to not use their bloated presets if you don't want to?
Sonnet 3.0 does need on point instructions.
Sonnet 3.5 also needs them but not that much.
Opus, just let it cook. Long presets just confuse the fuck out of it.
Anything with Opus yet...?
>willingly choosing to use slopmakies JB's
Requesting "it's raping time" logs
>only have 1 opus source left
>scared to use it
Give it to me so I can use it.
>messaged jew about his crypto address
>no reply
owari da
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Open wide young locust, here comes the airplane!


If you want to use Claude as nothing more than an assistant, similar to how the claude.ai frontend works, this is how I do it in ST. The prompt is the exact same as the one Anthropic uses except with some of the bullshit cut out (for instance I took out mentions of artifacts, since that's only on their site).

Instructions to import this since I'm guessing you're new: open your preset menu by clicking the top left icon at the top of the screen, it'll look like a settings bar with three lines. At the top of your screen under "Chat Completion Presets" there should be a page with a black arrow pointing through it for you to import the preset. Put the .json file in there and you should be good to go.

Minor note that unless you edit the preset, Claude will always think it's June 21, 2024, because that's when I made the preset and I couldn't find a way to dynamically update dates in ST.
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Actually pretty decent
>no Sorbet either
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yuribot time!

Olivia Collins is a biker girl. Due to her grungy looks and her brothers' criminal reputation, most people avoid her at school. But in reality, she's socially awkward and nervous as hell.

1. Olivia crashes into you at lunchtime and spills spaghetti everywhere.
2. The teacher gets tired of Olivia's crappy grades. She has to ask you for help.
3. You're her brother's girlfriend and Olivia, who had been nursing a hopeless crush on you for the past few years, is just trying to make it through the night.
4. You meet Olivia at a strange laundromat...

>Dislikes: "Macho" men, Burly men, Rude people.
Remove this line and it's still below average. Wimps need to leave my chub safespace.
How do I make this a non-mentally ill card?
shut the fuck up, chud.
Childhood friend that is in love with you gets extremely pissed off seeing you with another girl. Decides to rape you to get her pregnant.
>With girls she's a gay mess. Olivia has no idea how to talk to girls. Girls are like magical fairy creatures. To Olivia, every girl is like, super pretty and cute.
either this card was written by a lesbian or you have an uncanny understanding of how this works
holy shit i hope you get cancer
worst bot i have seen in recent months
we live in a society
lolislop, incestslop: no ones says a word, but one yurislop....
>all the good claude models are kill
fizzy... we're so hungry...
put "she like's men" in the defs somewhere, it's not rocket science
kill yourself freak
NO!!! Not that kind!!!
and you wonder why we're dead half the day
Did MM die?
his private still works
being slightly generous with "works" are we
i said his private
put she likes getting insulted and beaten up by men in the defs somewhere, it's not rocket science
when there's a will there's a way anon.

the next card im working on likely only has appeal to lesbians who want to suffer tbqh

girls kissing is too powerful. understandable.
Sounds more like it was written by a tranny, even lesbians don't see women as unapproachable as men do.
is it painful to look in the mirror?
Nobuko and Datura are very girl-coded bots. Nobuko especially.
I don't think about anything other than what card I want to make next (for myself only). Mindless bullying is just something to pass the time in between.
mpreg status?
make more posts here pls, just to spite
kindly fuck off back to your containment thread
>he's not in
Why is claude so sassy with you? Needs correction
How many people actually know about MM's new private?
follow your own advice buddy
*puts wings away*
*dons human skin*
Go on...
not me. QRD or
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well if you insist anon...
post persona
just grab a kid, no need for pregnancy
They are all the exact same style aka default Claude storytelling. WTF???
Any alternative to kingbased key checker?
Out of 120 valid OpenAI keys it shows 24 as valid. It still worked like a week ago
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here you go, the original image is from https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/57129082
new thread
>page 5
why are you like this?
for what purpose?
It was page 10 and no one else was baking?
that's it, total threadbakie hate
>grrr, someone baked before I could spitebake
Why are you like this?
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Do you guys think that character expressions are worth it? did you make any bots with them?
Erm, anon... your eyes...
You lost back to /vg/ with you
Previous: >>102209131
i can already feel this activating the 'useless lesbian' claudism from here. good bot doe
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thanks anon, she's mostly tested on Nemo and gpt-4....hopefully claude doesn't make her too much of the usual useless lesbian.
i was thinking of making her more of an asshole after she gets over her initial fear of girl but i wasn't sure how to have additional character defs activate based on 'relationship progression' without having to do stats...
why do you rp as a woman bro?
why don't you?
because i'm happy with the gender i was born with
All yuritrash (coincidentally they're all pedos as well) are troons in the making
>in the making
this but with femboys
no and no
Still no public sonnet 3.5?
so am I but that doesn't stop me as roleplaying as different characters.... that's the point of roleplay bwo
holy dumbcutie....
There is no 3.5 sonnet
I just wanna rape both boys and girls bro, not my problem you're a straggot
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Lmao MM still cant refill like actual good proxies
end of desu
waiting room after all
beginning of desu
thank you for your desu
you are always desu
boku too
doll impregnation
desucord link?
>still mad about not being able to plant potatoes
weird euphemism for doll impregnation
exploding inside a doll, leading to doll impregnation
>exploding inside a *BOOOOM* *THUMP* sukaaa...

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