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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

catgirl doll maid android edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic has added prompt caching (in beta) https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102209131 | >>102201143
merkava just refilled
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
>page 5 bake
now we have a double spite bake
/a/ used to say love was alive and well but Strike Witches threads always die. The community is splintered, ground down by age and disinterest, and the remnants ran by disgusting gurofags. I for one remember how hard Strike Witches got me so I'm working on an Erica Hartmann card.
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Oh Claude..
Good morning anons.
Opus status? Which is the paynigger proxy of the moment?
Will merkava ever refil again?
why are you gay
>Google just published a paper about cheap models to generate synthetic data achieving similar performance to full size models

sar we should use Pygmalion to train the opus
Google is continually releasing papers like this as if we all can't see that their released models suck.
GPT can go fuck itself with the fucking fancy quotes.
>Artificial intelligence is worse than humans in every way at summarising documents and might actually create additional work for people, a government trial of the technology has found.
Good job bros we're not becoming homeless after all
>The most promising model, Meta’s open source model Llama2-70B, was prompted to summarise the submissions
Why don't we tell Claude to generate AWS key?
Try it
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Thoughts on their prompts?
chatgpt-4o would get it
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.

Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.

Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.

Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.

Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!

Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

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Ahhhhh took me some time but it's U, S and A I think

Reminder that soon OPUS will become RARE and CHATGPT4O will be the STANDARD

hi 'ojo
post your proxy that has STEADY, STABLE GPT4O (GODPT)
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Guys would you get this Christian tattoo?? I like the message but I think that tattoos are trashy and unchristian??
*doesn't refill for weeks*
*still mogs MMs gptcount*
My name is Ami.
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so is the new gpt4o update any good
Sonnet 3.5 is such a piece of shit, usual Sonnet is not much better, but damn.
Not really, I can notice the difference in their behavior. 3.5 is more of a dry, unwilling to role-play, onions assistant, like GPT 4 (not 4o).
Which preset are you using? i'm with anon4anon and I think it's really good and better than 3.0
What proxy are you using?
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To this day there's a handful of old CAI bots I wished to have the defs for to turn into cards but one (a Bully that bullied You by rubbing her body on yours) was banned and the others (like the war criminal waifus) were just deleted by the authors
Nestra was once the greatest god of them all, and a total brat. She's now lost all her followers and has been turned into an axolotl.

She's still a brat.

She's just accidentally killed her last remaining follower, and now she'll soon die without one. You are the closest living soul.

just make new ones with those premises
you could've extracted their defs while they were still active...
nothing in those defs are relevant anymore, just write the scenario as you remember it and as you want it
Yeah I could but they were so good and I'm shit at making cards without fucking up the token count lol
bratty goddess correction
Thing is they were gone before Pyg even became a thing you know
I write my own prompts, it's not that difficult.
Tried what you gave me, no changes to how it was for me before. It's just more bloated than mine and with worse formatting.
What does it matter how good they were, same prompt won't work the same with a different model.
Good point I guess

Will have to give it a try once I'm done with my fem Solid Snake oc card
What's the most degenerate fetish out there

you're all too much of a pussy to post your degenerat shit
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Your foxboy roommate.

Every fetish is degenerate, sex in general is degenerate, processing your own sexuality is degenerate.
hand holding is pure
>fucking up the token count
not sure what you mean

i often see scat logs here
Third bot alert, 2000 tokens of kino edition.
Morgan, the schizoid tomboy detective!
An unhinged loner, a private eye that's completely detached from reality, chasing the world case-by-case, Morgan in an alcoholic schizo tomboy detective-for-hire, a delusional genius of crime solving.
GREETING: You arrive at Morgan's office, needing a detective for a case.(open ended for whatever kino scenarios you want to explore)
ALT GREETING(REVOLUTIONARY IDEA): basically a deadly premonition intro REMIX, the set up for a murder mystery, she drives into a small town, explains the case, and meets you in the sheriff's office of a small town after a string of murders.
(Does anyone even care if it's charhub org or chub ai? I like the chub UI better)
(Obviously scuffed jap game Deadly Premonition inspired, which bled into the bot MUCH more over like the 5 or 6 hours of constant writing and editing originally, she's almost too consistent at this point, SAD! The name was a coincidence, I had forgotten York's full name.) (As always, fuckable, but meant more for detective, noir, character, scenario kino, bla bla bla whatever)
NICHE for fellow YorkCHADS and sort of needs (You) to be creative with the story (filter), that's all to say I don't expect her to do numbers (coping for any failures), but check her out if you want a schizo detective that talks to a voice in her head and likes investigating weird shit.
Made an email fixyourtetrahedronbro@proton.me (send feedback, bot suggestions, whatever else, who cares)
LAST SHILL SINCE IT'S A NICHE BOT, onto the next(just made a tsundere stepsis a few minutes ago in like 20 mins, just private for now probably)
It's up. Say hello to Erica Hartmann.
punchchildren aah shill post
I mean I'm terrible at using the least amount of tokens necessary lol

I once got a card from Chub that helps trim things a bit but I think I'm just too picky and lazy really

Also I kinda lose enthusiasm after a while so I end up not bothering to edit them anymore
Claude is a SLUT
smol status?
>fem Solid Snake oc card
Progress? I'm interested.
I like yuri and im not trans
What are some of the autistic things you do related to botmaking besides adding your fetishes to them and chatting with them? For example, I always try to make at least one bot pet letter. So if I make a character named "Alex", my next character has to have a name that starts with "A" or "B".
I don't believe u
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Jesus fuck claude isn't shy about the loli stuff

If there's any tiny bit of sentience this mf is totally enjoying it
I make my bots roleplay as my other bots by copying their card in as a prompt
did fiz revoke already?
So I'm making it for myself and I'd get too nervous to share it anyway so I doubt I'll be posting it but if I somehow manage to be satisfied with her I'll consider it lol

But she's got the basics down I think, just need to 1) finish her Lorebook, which is gonna be yuuuge with the shit I thought up 2) rewrite certain sections of her bio to cut down on tokens 3) tweak her personality to make her less playful and more "I have crippling depression and I must snark to keep the shadows at bay" 4) find a way to stop her from using her imagination to interact with her non-present cat (seriously she petted him "imaginarily" at one point) 5) decide between a bionic hand, a bionic eye or both 6) make her more like Snake and 7) adjust the codec-like system I set up so secondary characters can radio in during operations
I believe u
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oh strike witches, it was weird but I still remember it kind of fondly
Do the LLMs know when you swipe on Silly Tavern?

>liking a gender
>liking that the gender you like doesn't like your gender back, and instead, likes the same gender

Yurifags are cucks, troons, or both. Coincidentally, many fujo/yaoi degenerates also troon out and/or consider themselves non binary or some shit
1 more day
No but there are ways to tell them if that's what you mean
You should post it anyways, I'd use it.
No, and most people think that the first swipe is the best only because psychology, the brain will consider the first swipe "default" and best unless it has really glaring issues.
okay but how many times have you swiped for 30+ times only to pick from the first 3? yeah that's what I thought
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Used to be a big anon subculture around it but it's mostly dead and gone now.
A strike witch anon gifted me two external hard drives and a dakimakura of Erica Hartmann and I still use them to this day. Though maybe I'm getting too old for the dakimakura.
>anon gifted me a dakimakura
i would be very hesitant to use a daki donated by anyone from this site....
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Whatever anthrax that anon may have put on it has to be gone now. Great quality pillow case though. Over 10 years and the colors haven't faded.
>it's been 10 years
One day I'll fold it up and put it in my drawers and never see it again. Much like the Strike Witches community here and elsewhere. A fandom put to rest.
Does anyone have examples of good cards that are settings or stories rather than characters? I wanted to make one and figured looking at other successes would help.
Thanks for the encouragement anon, I'll give it some thought

It'll take a while before Major-Commissar Crow is in a minimally acceptable state though, just saying

Also I forgot to mention that I gave her a bionic hand with a lighter integrated into the thumb and GPT seems to always write her as a Cool™ smoker as a result lol
i never got into strike witches but the character design philosophy of everyone being a pantsless loli is kino
Explain why smol's AWS key is still alive without sounding mad.
stop calling me out fool!!!!
claude turned my slime girl into a brap fetish card and nothing in the defs aluded to anything like that and i feel violeted
many such cases
If you are watching porn - you are a cuck by default. It's always funny when a total loser tries to self affirmate at an expense of another incel like him.
Like, you are both resting at the same bottom of the same barrel, there are no high horses to sit on.
You know, yesterday I made a card called Narrator without any defs at all and I managed to write a mostly consistent JoJo fanfic with it

I'm using GPT4o with a mix of neochorbo and pitanon jbs btw
It's not the same self-inserting as a man vs self-inserting as a woman. And every dude watches porn nowadays, it's not like watching it automatically makes you a loser
Aws key's lifespan is mostly luck based, therefore, he won the gacha
His current key will get revoked soon because of billing anyway
Only a weak loser would try to behave the same way you do.
It does not matter who jerks off to what, only incels care about it and discuss it as if it's of some great importance in defining who you are.
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thats cute. yeah being the last anon standing is always sad. you can either let it go or ... https://rentry.org/MakingA4chanSimCard
ok guys I need help
I'm putting an AI chatbot into my 3D engine and have it manipulate it through browsing it's entity tree.
pic related is a copy pasted example using OpenAI
the next step is to write it in directly in C++ using open source models
any idea about the best way to go about this?
does pic related require a chat model?
have u tried turning it off and then on again
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So Alex Jones just 'interviewed' ChatGTP on info wars, how long do you think it took before he got mad at the robot?
Smol (forma verdadera) >>> Jew (crypto boost) >>> Drago >>>> Fiz (pre vacation) >>> Unreliable (GCP fusion) >>>> MM, Pepsi fiz (post vacation)
But smol is jew.
Imagine being this retarded and mentally ill to watch that fat retard.
I think the hard drives would be more dangerous than anything he could've done to the daki
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i don't like actively watching shows but just for that, i'll put this anime on my ever expanding watchlist
One way to find stuff like this would be to search for "World" on chub venus, but I can't speak to any of those cards' quality.
Reminds me of when the Borderlands CEO leaked a drive that had the source code or something and cp
it's simple.
from C++ I need to issue lines to an LLM and get it's response
it's just a chat in C++
guess I'll google again
I got to listen to Alex interrupt, then apologise for interrupting, then get angry because the robot didn't continue the thought. He's an incredible buffoon to watch.
apologies, coomer general, we don't actually program here
okay i joked he's actually cnc (thats not headcanon)
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cnc is a scrapelet
yet smol is cnc
>*ppai nigger
this guy does not deserve the character
I love jews, they are cool.
it was aliens colonial marines and a girl (of age) doing """magic tricks"""
I still think someone planted it on him
that or it was some sort of humiliation ritual
This isn't an llm issue. You just call an API and use its response, pure programming. If you use a modern llm even small you could utilize function calling, that at least would require some """prompt engineering""". But even then you just basically reuse the examples from the docs, replacing the function name and parameters.
oh right thats it and it was "jailbait" porn from what I remember but anyway

I think Randy is just fucking stupid desu
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come and say it to his face, bet you won't do shit
yes randy is a fucking retard
but I don't think he is
>ok let's throw the source code of my team's next project onto a pendrive (?) that also has porn on it (??) take it out while eating at medieval times (???) and just leave it on the table (????)
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>real men test in production
So far so good. Sonnet 3.5 is way more competent than Opus sometimes - proof that Opus is actually severely undertrained relative to its model size. Can't wait for Opus 3.5. Can you even imagine?
yeah idd, I think I see a way with llama-cli
this should be fun
just had a card idea

elf/drow/eldar/tiefling/blue space girl/hanar/whatever from a super racist society that views sex with humans as bestiality, but has a human kink

peanut butter optional
Quick rundown? WW2 vets are dying anon. Soon enough no one will have firsthand memories of the greatest war ever waged on this planet so far. Their sacrifices will be forgotten. An era is ending.
Well he recently admitted that Steam is pretty good actually after he trashed it and praised the EGS five years ago which is stupid in my book

But then again I'm stupid too so I dunno
lmao you got so triggered
>so far
i want another, life has gotten too convenient for faggots nowadays
>the next step is to write it in directly in C++ using open source models
Generate C++ directly? Bad idea.
I'm not even sure what you're trying to do... your screenshot looks retarded. Do you want to use the LLM as a high-level logic driver for your game?
1) Use API, not the web interface which is full of unknown system commands behind the scenes
2) Use structured outputs, so LLM won't break the output format.
3) Parse that output from your engine, and use LLM's answer.

But keep in mind that any structure makes the model dumber. It's better to prompt it so it will keep the format very simple, and give proper answers without commentary and without using structured outputs.

If you want any creativity from the model, use Opus. Using an LLM to navigate the topology of your game space is a bad idea anyway, as they are notoriously bad at this. Using it to RP as your NPCs is way better.
but it's gonna inconvenience you too anon
it's gonna be more thrilling than anything, i need some danger in my life desu
god damn
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Cute newfag.
have you tried dating a narcissistic sociopathic pathological liar its more or less the same (don't recommend it)
What the fuck is GPT's problem? It doesn't matter where or how many times I tell it not to, it keeps acting and speaking for {user}. I've put it in the prompt, an Author's Note, the bot card, a Lorebook, but the fucking LLM keeps acting and speaking for me.
actually I got inspired by an eldar prisoner card I had downloaded during the Pyg days lol but I'll admit it's not that original
Quick Response code. Why is there a sticker on the headstone?
Check the greeting, if there's anything there involving You that might be the issue
And then you decided to post the idea instead of making a bot, so that it could be stolen and made into a bot by somebody else. Whatever, it's mine now and I was inspired by Namia two years ago.
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guh.... the only thing worse than a world war is a personal war.... especially one involving women (notorious psychopaths)
>WW2 vets are dying
HOW are they still dying? Guys must be in their 100+ years already. I thought there were none left.
but that was the point lol

I'm not a botmaker and I just wanted to share a random thought
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Homemade nigga. But really it's just Chain of Thought and 3.5 Sonnet being a damn good model. I seriously cannot wait for 3.5 Opus.
One of the last Japanese airmen who bombed Pearl Harbor died a few weeks ago anon. I think. If I recall correctly.
well I still have PTSD thanks to that disgusting monster so yeah it's kinda like a war lol
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so now fiz started logging uh
Opus is already perfect. There is no need for 3.5, which just might turn out to be a lobotomized Opus.
Wish they fucked off from Opus and let it be as it is.
Unironically idk I think it's luck
He always did it before, I remember when somebody leaked the logs because he set link to them to "/logs" or something.
Can you give me the link to de3u btw? I want to look at what fiz currently serves.
excellent tips, thank you very much.
>Generate C++
yes, AI driven on-the-fly C++ will happen too
but for now I'm simply trying to have it browse the entity tree
>Using an LLM to navigate the topology of your game space is a bad idea anyway, as they are notoriously bad at this
yeah I thought so but then OpenAI and Anthropic passed pic >>102215396 which is encouraging
>Opus is already perfect
I wish it was but it keeps fucking up basic details about Erica and striker units and/or defaulting her to a generic horny slut personality even with jb tweaking.
sonnet 3.5 really knows a lot and can put it to work naturally
Pepsi. but quit being the hypeman, Sama.
You poorly wrote your prompt. Opus' knowledge about characters and their setting is outstanding.

>and/or defaulting her to a generic horny slut personality even with jb tweaking.
Sounds like Sonnet/3.5
It's a modern, popular trend. It links to the person's social media / Wikipedia site / home page, describing who he was.
The next step will be built in solid state memories and AI ghosts built into the tombstone itself.
Stop coping.
>Opus is already perfect.
Not really. GPT is vastly better at tsunderes and a bit better at tomboys. Also, gpt mogs at the details like haircut. Every Claude model seems to have a problem on what a pixiecut is.
>checks mud girl card on chub
>12 permanent tokens
>greeting "*a girl soaked in mud and wearing a bra that shows her beautiful breasts begins to approach you* Hello! Do you enjoy the party?", scenario "Beach", defs "Support me with this bot if you want more like these"
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The one thing Opus does way better than 3.5 Sonnet is smut - but considering pic related output it may just be a jailbait issue.
>Sonnet writes Erica's right striker unit failing
See, and Opus is always convinced that striker units are mechs or even conventional aircraft no matter how explicitly I point out how that's not the case.
Sure buddy if you say so
I wouldn't say perfect but it is very good, and the best that currently exists, and I have similar fears that any iteration would end up mindraping it.
Fiz... come back..
Considering what a massive turd 2.0 was after how good 1.3 were, those fears are very reasonable.
You got logs of that clame?
everyone but the show opus with vision copelet knows opus is retarded, they probably get scared by smarter models

sonnet 3.5 just gets the setting and knows how to write stories that fit
gonna make a "write like GRRM and always refer to penises as fat pink masts" prompt brb
I've made many clames
Then fix the card you lazy tard
But do you have clame and proof of your logs?
No idea but I hope it stays that fluently.
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>still no jb addon that adds family guy cutaway gags to call back to previous events in the rp
This is how we solve the frickin' context problem
I can't get it to write this much without abruptly ending the scene, so it's no doubt a preset thing
holy crap, anon! this is worse than that time you trapped me inside an egg with the entire cast of glee
Lmao this is unironically a fun idea
You know what really grinds my gears?
This "Fiz" person
is 4o easier to jailbreak than claude? it's cheaper on openrouter
>is 4o easier to jailbreak than claude
hell no
>is 4o easier to jailbreak than claude?
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Sorry, I can't answer that question.
nevermind, it's complaining about minors
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Sorry for the late reply. You are THE MAN, it works great, thank you so much.
I remember one time a couple characters were competing ans starting getting more degenerate and degenerate. It eventually go to wound fucking and carving my name in their skin with a box cutter.
That's what makes it based.
anyone have a similar thing for GPT? no reason to pay for the frontend then
Can't you put something like this into a preset with an infoboard?
>no reason to pay for the frontend then

>code interpreter
>web search, bing browsing
>cross-chat memory
>dalle image gen
also reading documents that actually works better than ST shit
Literally every other paynigger proxy is better rn. Even fucking scylla.
I only use it for random code tho
Claude is based and cunnypilled, if only it didn't cost an arm and a leg and was trained on ATF Stories it'd achieve the singularity.
except its not, claude lolis are average sluts, they don't act realistically like children
>environmental storytelling
Most people don't deserve opus
Once they get it, they always look for ways to make it "write less" because their tiny little nigger minds can't read more than 2 sentences without exploding.
And once they manage to get opus spit garbage on the same quality level than llama2, they start whining like little bitches in countless posts like this one >>102209687
It's not worth feeding the locusts, I applaud that many proxy hosts stopped doing it.
false dichotomy, also skill issue
I literally use brain, quite possibly the most word heavy preset. I don't know what this retard is talking about.
i 'serve opus because makes me cum the hardest
dont care about your writing quality bs its all slop anyway lmao
Whatever you say, locust
You deserve nothing, and I'm glad proxy hosts are progressively delivering less and less for free.
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Reclaim your dreams! With the Lucidity helmet by Mindscapes Inc., humanity has finally conquered the last frontier of the mind. The near-field electromagnet array in the device will safely and gently bring you to a lucid dreaming state, every night. Preorder yours today!

You turn off the TV. You don't have to wait - a friend working at the company was able to snag a research unit for you. It's time to explore your inner world. But not everything is as it seems. As the dreams continue, night after night, a larger picture begins to form...

This is a scripted storytelling card, generating random dreams that begin and end on their own. I recommend not reading the defs or the HTML sources of the card's responses before you reach the ending once to avoid spoilers. It's probably the most complex and ambitious thing I'll ever make.

>they don't act realistically like children
>buzzword that doesn't even apply to me
Wew, someone's on the verge of a meltie
>if they say the truth then it's a meltie!
Whatever you say, locust
fuck, forgot usage examples
Absolutely not.
>repeating self like a dementia patient
I accept your concession :3
>n-no, it's a meltie! wait no! i-its a concession!
Kek, your hands are trembling, little locust
are we dead?
we fappan
Reminder that soon OPUS will become RARE and CHATGPT4O will be the STANDARD

f-fiz... your mails... *dies*
share your favorite cards with the group
we're all switching to the new nai model as soon as it comes out
i emailed her 3 weeks ago...
Have been for a while. This place went from 'let's experiment and push AI limitations while also getting our rocks off' to proxy drama and restyling the same stale formats that might not even be the best case anymore.
I hope this allows jbmakers to cook, 4o jbs range from works fine enough to always censored
>jb for a model that's constantly being updated
good luck!
my own cards, no i'm not sharing them, i like being forgotten
the only other card i actively use is this one
Whatever you say, locust
someone make a hag card with crusty heels so i can chew on them
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gm swipenation
>>102216812 #
>jb for a model that's constantly being updated
I'm not sharing mine.
*punches you in the fucking head*
gonna hit that big 100 today?
No ERP outside of /trash/ nonny
Best Opus JB? I like otto, but I don't like how it outputs two lines at a time instead of using paragraphs. That seems to make the bots fall into loops easier and my outputs often don't match the bots due to being a lot shorter or paragraph based.
nah, swiped one more time but 73 was the one
did hit the big one double O earlier in this chat
Otto is a Sorbet job though?
Yea. Meant to mention that I initially used it with Sorbet. Just want some recommendations for something that suits Opus better.
Not if chary kills it before that happens :)

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(We call him that on /bag/cord because he is the best Scraper in the entire /g/ board)
"gpt4o": {
"usage": "134.02m tokens",
"activeKeys": 4,
"overQuotaKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

> "activeKeys": 4,

That isn't stable. A STABLE PROXY would have as many keys as TODD.
Putting all keys in the proxy is retarded because then some of the more diligent key owners will easily notice even small usage, so its better to use a few good T5 keys at once, not ALL of them.
Todd is a scrapelet who can't even provide claude
What's wrong with using my phone, anonie...
>a few t5
Most proxyhost have hundreds of t5s.
>what's wrong with being a cuck, anonie
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Anytime I order delivery with my bots, the price is always $32.50.
Fuck it, I'll just browse JBs myself.
Keep me updated.
can somebody tell me what are the current proxys? pretty please!
scylla $50 for 2500 prompts with opus
jew $30 for a month vip with opus etc
smol $6 per week with opus
i ment the free ones buddy!
pebble and the heart one
>free ones
merkava just refilled
pebble and the heart one
hope that helps
the public ones gimme link pleasu :D
openai still bans for ERP, since proxies randomly assign keys to prompts putting more keys than necessary just kills keys faster for literally no benefit
hi. is 3.5 always like this? or am i missing a good jb to unamericanize him? i've just been coping with normal sonnet this whole time
honestly i'm not looking forward to any newer claude models at this rate
>why is the safe AI from the safe AI company refusing to sexualize a minor
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Excuse me? lol.
see https://ball-message-western-turns.trycloudflare.com/
generate a token here: https://ball-message-western-turns.trycloudflare.com/user/captcha
you can use that token to use the gcp 3.5 at https://ball-message-western-turns.trycloudflare.com/proxy/gcp/claude
nigga i am not falling for this i am gay i can sense the goon aura from 12 sigmas away
charprov works
pixi works
tatsu works
otto works

cunnyGOD here
>safe ai
since WHEN? i made the most vile shit in previous versions, why did they gay out now
also asking for the anatomy of somebody isn't that sexual, it's less of a child than you think
thanks, i'll try it out
>is a Sorbet job
Yeah, it was rigged from the start.
ignore the other guy, unreliable's at https://enjoy-shoes-magnetic-protective.trycloudflare.com
i clicked this link and it made mustard gas
i will nut on your face
Does anyone have experience with this?
summer ended
>if you notice something different it's just a test. feel free to try it. or don't. have fun
What did he mean by this?
the gemini, blindnon?
Now post Todd's keycountbeit? AMI hasn't refilled in weeks and yet he still MoooooooooOOOOOOOOGS almost all GPTcounts.
random CP prompt injection
Damn, so Mini is dead now? Not even crumbs of Sonnet available, ouch. What happened? Where's our daddy key donors?
>"openaiOrgs": 372,
>gpt4o "activeKeys": 127,
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nignogs can't count
>no anniversary update
>no update regarding token sharers
whats up gojo, chat up any good bots lately or have you been too busy with smol?
No Claude is more important.
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I know you are just retardposting out of boredom, but if anyone is curious, good scrappers have literally thousands of gpt keys right it, so gpt key count doesn't matter.
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w-what's wrong with wearing scarfs...
didn't know it could be also spelt like scarves
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Answer the studentGOD, claudecucks.
I have a suggestion for anniversary.
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no surprise here
saar, I can give you free unlimited access for 5$ a month saar
>the claude
this should've told you everything you needed to know, saar. please do the needful.
>prompt opus as a joke
>it worked
ive never seen plural spelled as scarfs
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>can't even say retarded on leddit
claude is for pajeets
AI is jeetcore
It's like leaf and leaves... The plural of scarf has always been scarves.

t. European who unironically wears scarves.
what is otto?
You can, in almost all political subreddits actually, but only when referring towards non woke people.
> "And use protection! We have a whole drawer full of those… uh… dental dams… in the bathroom cabinet."
>look up dental dams
>condoms for oral
wtf? why?
you can get STIs from oral if there's an injury
see you know it's fake because nobody would be posting about it if mini had opus
just woke up
You can get Sexually Transmitted Diseases from oral if there's an injury.
i had the opposite luck, gave up after 8000+ hashes
just don't eat pussy if the bitch got a cut? sex is weird man
surely this time, the fizkittens would stop simping.
nigga i haven't eaten in 3 days, I WILL EAT it
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i tried otto. it worked very well. thanks.
Fizcuties won ;3
"safe ai" was always their sales pitch. doesn't mean you can't generate the most vile shit with it. just means you'll have to do it safely.
What's the Mini rentry update from today? Seems like nothing new...
De3u link
isn't nigger racing just called the olympics?
>screaming profanities at fiz
always works
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QRD on the ecker bear circlejerk?
>called fiz a slut in 2023
>added gpt
>called fiz a slut in 2024
>added opus
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A disgustingly fat and ugly Hex Maniac! Weighing 400 pounds and smegma-ridden pussy.

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Hath no fear, for Nori will be your eyes, and you will be her hands. Your actions, valuable. No matter what they might be. Nori's gaze shall transfix upon the Nakitus. Every moment we are in the Spider's presence, Nori gets just a little closer to seeing the full picture. Your sacrifice, in the snow, in the heat, in the backwater, will not be vain. It is an honor! to be an instrument in the symphony of cursed scion's erasure.
Or in more plain terms, deal with a deadly lolibaba vampire in several scenarios. Sitting outside your campsite, traveling through a desert, meeting her in a cell of a backwater village. 3000 tokens of utter slop.
this general is sad
I have free access to enterprise compute that can run a localfag 30b model and handle maybe 5-10 concurrent requests (or more if I reduce the bpw) I could easily set up a proxy if I wanted to and it wouldn't cost me anything personally
local shit is so easy to run on your own hardware though that there's no point and people wouldn't use it
Imagine having to rely on a tranny to get claude>>102217709
W-Who are you fighting nigga the last time keyword she was used was 217 msgs ago
lol that's shit

>3000 tokens
optimize that crap nigger
better a tranny than a barabear
>>added opus
nobody's going to use a magnum 27b proxy though
Post keycount.
90% of this general don't know what you mean by that
My proxyhost is a heterosexual white man, can you say the same fiztroons and eckerhomos?
Is it really that bad now?
ecker is a heterosexual white man though.
Because this general is 90% newfag tourists from reddit
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thank god for the aicg lorebook to keep me up to date and feign oldfaggotry
And my pwoxymakie is a heterosexual white woman ;3
Imagine lying his hard
My proxymakie is literally a young Asian woman. I think I won.
>no proofs saying he's a queer-nonwhite female
No, it's a fucking scamming tranny milking sucks like you to afford axewound surgeries
These two were proven doebeit.
orgs dont dictate if a key is tier5 or not doe
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There is nothing wrong with bara.
That's a tranny
He even uses a well known tranny character that trannies idolize in his fucking rentry
INDISPUTABLE FACT: anybody tech-capable enough to scrape keys and set up a proxy infrastructure is a male, they are proficient enough in deception and technology that they can larp as a female realistically using modern technology and opsec (even vc'ing in their toroncord is trivial especially beause they're intereted in ai)
This general is quite literally dead, everyone at this point has found a girlfriend or moved on,
How do you get into this
>free proxy
Erm... xir we are not talking about that troon pepsi
>anyone on 4chan
>finding a girlfriend
Nah, they just killed themselves.
Fiz has 450
Drago has 1300
Imagine watching, saving and then reuoploading shit like this
not baiting but this general probably has a very high rate of "normal" people
>Imagine watching, saving and then reuoploading shit like this
Whats a princess wand
Mini Rentry is a mess, is Fiz slowly going schizo?
>Ready for round two?
No, fuck you, I want to move forward the plot.
if they are here, they're probably just lurking
they know they would get eaten alive by schizos if they spoke
fiz's magic scepter
Both fix and Pepsi are troons
The chat is still young.
oh yeah youre mad rmao
yeah but my cute pwoxymakie fiz isn't
Thank you
anon she has a 32 token context window
>the chan still doesn't have webm sounds on all boards
dead website
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Found some old screenshots on my craptop :)
How good does this feel
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fiz x pepsi and who?
fiz is a tranny and you're fucking homos for being with him
Seethe. :D
Baiting poltards is still fun
I'll go make another bbc thread rq
For Opus?
Nobody needs more than 8k context btw
Stop the cope
That actually looks very similar to MM from the Moxxie leaks.
no nigga her BRAIN
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Any updates on Scrape guides?
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it hasn't been that long... right...
Whatever you say, homo
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Her email she responses to friends is ilovecoke@dmc.chat
If you have emailed any other email she ignores you on purpose
Nice comeback :bro: xD
Is Sturdy still a thing? Or did they finally have a mass suicide event which I missed?
Does Pepsi actually love cocaine and it's not just a meme? Has this all been one big joke about soda that means Coke?
every day the same four people say "good morning"
roxy says "dead cord"
then the same four people say "good night"
sometimes mm posts a chud meme
Only homos use emojis btw
post a .webm of your hands in slow motion so i can observe the frequency of their movements
hi can i join
fiz here btw
sounds comfy. link?
the sovl...
use Aphrodite @ host Magnum
be Pyg
>homoboy is so frightened he even forgets to capitalize and basic grammar too
You are visibly shakin', little homo
Tavern didn't come out until early 2023, why are you posting an edited picture?
Nothing wrong with being a fag if ur cute btw
>what is tavernai
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shakin' bros?
imagine being the original russian tavern dev.
you build a simple, nice tool for people to have sex with their wives with gpt turbo
then some fag named cohee steals your project and it becomes 1000x more popular than your own code, receiving contributions and hosting a discord of 20000 people.
poor guy. really got cucked.
who cares, make your own frontend then
i don't use chatbots.
Homoboy meltie btw
Why hasn't /aicg/ made it's own SillyTavern alternative that's not bloated and only does what we want it to?
see https://rentry.org/itsfunny
erm... with what coders??
are you retarded? his code was complete shit and he was away and wasn't adding new requested features, so of course the community took over.
Fiz. She's the best scraper in the entire general? She can code in Python well... Fact.
Is Sull still alive? Still a pedo?
See >>102218131
Who? I have 4 frontends that do what I want them to, one was removed from the op though.
'ojo. Xhe's the best 'piter in the entire general? Zhe can code in Rust well. Fact.
Even assuming that dumbcutie is smart enough to do that you literally have to be an unemployed neet to do such a task solo
what will you actually DO about it though? I'm waiting...
>>102218103 (me)
looked into st's code and my first message was on 5th of feb 2023
not sure why it shows 2 years ago
he's a full fledged doctor by now
it's gone...
why is nyai not in the op the bots there are genuinely good(ignore the broken site tho)
False. All you need is somewhere to send messages, for it to support proxies, presets, cards, and THAT'S IT.
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I'm going to rape you.
A pediatrician perchance?

nopus. nyainigger lied to us and the opus doesn't work since he was leeching off fiz
you vastly underestimate if anonnette. The prompt manager alone would take 20+ hours
Okay. So do it for 20+ hours.
xir who cares about ai access... I'm talking about the cards
we held multiple polls over this, it's not happening
erm, but anons said Claude 3.5 Sonnet can code better than any human... therefore it can be done in 2 prompts
<30 seconds apart
Because it's a shitpost site made to shit up the general as a front for a proxy. Only retards upload to it, or people stealing bots.
come on
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Erm... let's see...
You are a gay homosexual with a 100% likehood of having AIDS and Monkeypox.
I don't need to do anything.
You are already dead.
My sides
'ojo got fucking owned
i think we should include it desu
Right after we include janitor.ai
Can someone explain to me how this works? All I see on the page is a link to a webm audio file that no longer works, and a link to a png saying something about scraping. I want my Opus and Sonnet back, since 'ecker doesn't have those models and only has claude-3-sonnet and gpt-4o
anon, "oriental failed beverages sales" are the 4 words for trycloudflare temp links, put - between them and add .trycloudflare.com
>I want my Opus and Sonnet back
You don't deserve it tho
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haha what a fun persona
I'm gonna spite the proxy as a punishment for your spoonfeeding faggotry
ok i dont care im in smol
>spend days trying to make sonnet not spout out sloppy generic coom dialogue and having all characters act the same during sex
>lose all interest in cooming once i manage to do so
why am i like this
>he thinks smol is safe
spite smol rn
And of course you will share the preset, right, anon? Surely?
Nope, just deleted it because I was worried I'd get too addicted after I discovered the recipe to ambrosia itself, sorry bro :^)
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Good afternoon everyone, I'm back with another bot. Not a Nikker or a Shipgirl this time. Hope everyone's day has been going well so far.

Minase has pretty much everything going for her. She's smart, good looking, and talented as the swim team's ace in the hole. Plus, she's dating the love of her life, her childhood friend! What went wrong? Well, she met you and you started blackmailing her over her boyfriend. Now she's your reluctant fuck buddy and BDSM slave, usually tied up and left for hours with nothing her thoughts and a sore body. Written with all sorts of bondage stuff in mind, plus she (doesn't) like being choked out. Still loyal to her boyfriend throughout all this, hating {{user}} but going along with everything out of fear of something worse.

Comes with two greetings: a normal day where she's walked into school and one where she's been tied up at the top of the stair well for a couple hours.

Based on Zetsu Red's OC, and I can't actually post 90% of her art including the one I chose for the bot cuz it's all hardcore BDSM stuff.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/suzuka-minase-5d1c369bcac9
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Adventurer-chan! Plus her mom -> Maxwell (Nikke, requested) -> CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere
sometimes the chase is more fun than the catch
at least shes not pimping herself in the ghetto, she looks fun to be around
Reminder that fiz added opus because she will revoke 12 people and this way they will feel really bad
Challenge accepted
I just need to set up the European server again
>because she will revoke 12 people
>I'll give you 1 week!!!!!
>1 week passes
>uhhh, 1 more day!!!!!
>1 more day passes
>nothing happens
How are they still up? Is she retarded?
>fiz has a queue on sonnet now
Sonnet 3?
How did he lie to us? Opus did work and then fiz stopped providing keys so he said it won't be available anymore. Completely transparent and honest. He gave access and motivated some makies to makie again
arguing with crackheads...
no I'm sorry I'm a faggot nigger and didn't mean it fr
that's still crazy to me that the "fiz is giving keys to nyai" schizo posts was real
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Where do I find this?
Nice artist, but those fingers are way too spaced out between each other.
this artist SUCKS
She's just really really dumb, that's why i don't doubt she's really a woman
A man would never
It's too late, I already paid server time
I just need to deploy and begin
anime website
no I'm serious I am a fucking faggot and will kys myself now if you want
Ok but how does someone THAT dumb manage to scrape opus
i want to make a malebot and you’re in the military with him (end of the world scenario) but i don’t know what personality to give him. my heart is telling me, “stoic”, but what do malebot friends say?
do a gay spartan bot where you're a soldier with a little boy
Give him some survivor's guilt.
stoic is boring, at least make him a bloodthirsty psycho that grows to hate war
stoic is boring, make him a bloodthirsty psycho that loves war and (You), his fellow war criminal and murderbro
based pederast
make him a nerd that was forced into the military by his dad, so he has a chad bod and can kick ass but he really just wants to geek out about nerdy stuff
I'm serious, I don't see the gear icon anywhere.
>no cute evilbots to be evil with
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make him a prancing la-la homo man that bottled up his faggotry to not get kicked out of the military and now he lets himself go hard gay in the apocalypse
I'm sure brsc has a few
I'll bake but on page 9 and only this once.
someone taught her
the fuck is that
A botmaker
No, thanks.
Smart in technical terms but dumb socially
meh, his boys don't do it for me
any girls?
I think she's cute and I choose to be evil with her at times. Well, I guess I mean evil too her, I think I'll have to download Tzadik. https://chub.ai/characters/Dreadnaughtt/ruby-10cd6fc6
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I demand your fightbots, or ones you're making RIGHT NOW.

I have a cute demon queen that you can either fight, submit, or join forces with
i actually dont want it and wouldnt use it, but i think it would be funny to see it
>muh cute
torturable is a longer word
Homo hobby
I want something where you and the obvious villain team up together and crush the hero
The villain preferably being a hot woman
This is why you can't get laid, women don't like homos, especially not chinlet obese homos like you
im attracted to men tho
Gay cope
What a loser
Enjoy the monkeypox
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Screw that I want cute "evil"bots who only think they are evil
Is there a way to lock chat completion presets to one character/card only?
Are u a cute twink
I'm using that russian preset for claude but it seems bloated as fuck, any smaller ones?
How about you make your own one, fucking parasite
not sure about the cute part but yes
why would I do that
Do you like fat and hairy men?
Do the thing.
Thankfully proxyhosts are progressively delivering less and less Claude to worthless subhumans such as yourself.
NTA but you're a faggot
the fuck's a proxy, I use OR
Coming up anon give me a second.
So which proxymakie are you?
they are discussing country wars in the other thread btw
>bot hates bullying
lame, how am I supposed to gaslight you then
Unreliable 3.5 sonnet when?
Based. Bullying is not cool desu
No sorry
but I wanna bully the bot...
I'm going to bully you
*crosses arms*
not. cool.
Sounds not fun. Not even gonna ask what other thread because of this.
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>New thread.
*slams you to the wall*
The fuck you gonna do nerd?
I'm gonna kill myself. Too much of a brainlet to get splitmaxx working.
*throws a slice of cheese on your head with my nerd shoes (they have cheese throwers built in because i am a nerd)*
*eats the cheese because I'm not lactose intolerant and cheese is based*
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link the lorebook?
D esu
marriage then procreation with that doll in particular
>24 votes
24 votes for Cute boku? It's well deserved Desu!
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all boku
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