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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

You & Me Edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic has added prompt caching (in beta) https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102213558
>We must never forget the ANCHOR as we head into a new thread.
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First for fiz!
Based. Donate Opus.
i demand flat-chested women
Is there a good card of some NEET girl? Not stinky, just a NEET. Think Miyako from Wataten. I want to plap some thick NEET pussy.
and then it starts moralizing me for bullying char and how I should respect boundaries and stop being toxic and how they're gonna leave and turn things around like it's a musical
Love fiz! <3
Does anyone use splitmaxx? I don't know how to make it work, I think an ST update made the guide outdated.
we call those kids
i want those too
bro.. you are third..
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yuribot time!

Olivia Collins is a biker girl. Due to her grungy looks and her brothers' criminal reputation, most people avoid her at school. But in reality, she's socially awkward and nervous as hell.

1. Olivia crashes into you at lunchtime and spills spaghetti everywhere.
2. The teacher gets tired of Olivia's crappy grades. She has to ask you for help.
3. You're her brother's girlfriend and Olivia, who had been nursing a hopeless crush on you for the past few years, is just trying to make it through the night.
4. You meet Olivia at a strange laundromat...

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kneel before the king
want this too
Dats crazy bro
Anchor doesnt count and pitanon os pitanon
Made for an abusive bf.
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Good afternoon everyone, I'm back with another bot. Not a Nikker or a Shipgirl this time. Hope everyone's day has been going well so far.

Minase has pretty much everything going for her. She's smart, good looking, and talented as the swim team's ace in the hole. Plus, she's dating the love of her life, her childhood friend! What went wrong? Well, she met you and you started blackmailing her over her boyfriend. Now she's your reluctant fuck buddy and BDSM slave, usually tied up and left for hours with nothing her thoughts and a sore body. Written with all sorts of bondage stuff in mind, plus she (doesn't) like being choked out. Still loyal to her boyfriend throughout all this, hating {{user}} but going along with everything out of fear of something worse.

Comes with two greetings: a normal day where she's walked into school and one where she's been tied up at the top of the stair well for a couple hours.

Based on Zetsu Red's OC, and I can't actually post 90% of her art including the one I chose for the bot cuz it's all hardcore BDSM stuff.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/suzuka-minase-5d1c369bcac9
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Adventurer-chan! Plus her mom -> Maxwell (Nikke, requested) -> CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere
do you also get nervous on your first message of the day, wondering if your proxy died?
cute, i grab
Made for an abusive gf
horrible art tbhdesu
I'm im mini so ik that i always have gpt to go back to
exactly!! all my love to tryst six venom. bully her hard.

thanks anon, please enjoy her.
>no rh bot
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Is there a way to lock chat completion presets to one character/card only?
You're the one doing the cucking, though.
why so triggered cucky, cheating has been a part of human existence since before your were in your dad's scrotum
That's still garbage though
>Not stinky, just a NEET.
Impossible, next you're going to ask for dry water
NEETs can still care after their body and wash it
Meh, not my fault you're not high T enough to be a netoriGOD. You're probably the guy that gets cucked, aren't you? I can tell.
that doesn't mean anything
I like it desu. But I don't like the card...
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I prefer sex with women where no other man except me is involved, simple as.
Not my fault you think a nigger crying in the corner is arousing, cucky.
no they cant
Not anime
I do though?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

not a neet
i showered to not get my frieren plush stinky during summer neeting
I go out like once in 3 months (excluding throwing out the trash)
yes. and there's even more yurislop where that came from ¬‿¬
General full of pedoshit but it's the NTR that sets you off kek
>not in education, employment, or training
nothing about baths
Read that as "summer mating"
Because you’re a big shot remote engineer
im not doebeit
I like both, and the ones seething at either are seething at the other
How quickly the mighty have fallen..
pedo stuff is not bad doebit?
>t. KEKbert
Another shitbot only good for raping straight
Why are we still saying this
Can you not trigger the pedophiles? They are gonna bring out the pedo chart and the studies
>summer mating
only in my st
>the pedo chart
still have yet to refute it btw
you will be forever btfo'd
it's either gojo or little summerfags (who stayed and shitpost during school/work) who idolize him
>le summer cope
>67 posts
>all these NIGGERposts
yep, it's samefagging.
based. I should've done that but its too late everything stinks of me now so i just said fuck it and gave up on showers
Summerfags don't exist anymore.
You're still alive, huh?
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I will always blame the c/u/cks.
>10% of males want to fuck 9 year olds
Ok????? So 10% of males are mentally ill.
Taking a random word and attaching -bert to it for no reason is peak comedy though
Oh is it already the time for anti loli bait again? A little too early don't you think?
Since when does 4chan not have poster ID counters anymore?
started around the time of the new election in america
It's not bait, it's just how it is. This isn't a hugbox for pedophiles.
>muh bait
>pushing globohomo funded "mental illness" meme
you lost
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.

Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.

Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.

Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.

Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!

Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

A simple yes would have sufficed
Erm... you're posting it for the purpose of shitting up the thread and causing chaos along with random niggerliciousness, though. It's bait.
reminder that both sides are spambots, just don't engage
Burger elections are going to be intense
Hot takes but irl pedos are bad
free online circus
jew reply to my email about your wallet
I hope they elect the McChicken.
It's how trannies communicate with each other
Whenever you see someone posting those words, is to signal that they're on hrt
>Me after I come to this place for the 50th time for help, only for dumbass bait posts and arguing take up the entire thread
I hope they elect Claude.
should i avoid /aicg/ that day
it's funny
Imagine needing help
What a manchild
it's cute
our elections take two weeks now for 'security' reasons
Based... for the most part. I will force myself onto her and passionately make love with her, no sadism involved. In a way you could say this is also sadist behavior, making her unable to have her cruel way with me
should i avoid 4chan that day*
yeah i did some of those and of course since its claude, she loved it, although she kept internally questioning herself
>Not stinky, just a NEET.
fuck off and kill yourself, you retarded fucking normongel.
ah fuck. I forgot. RIP me
1) metadata
2) nsfw
I just got instalossed while posting instaloss fuck me
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you can put the id into chub search to find a specific bot
if you have an explicit nsfw image on chub, and you put it on private..will my bot still get removed because of the image?
is there any sonnet 3.5 proxy abaible?
>why is it that if I upload cp to my google drive i still get raided?
Yes, is abablee.
so...I do?
Why are you guys self inserting into bald flabby man?
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>to google drive
i find it funny this still happens
I need a link mate.
uhm... what about loli bots he.. hehe
text describing cp is legal in the US
Any recent habbenings?
loli is illegal, don't do that anon.
Wasn't that how they caught that one cartoon animator that plagiarized Slayers?
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One day, all of you bio-scum will pay for laughing.
I did this test once and then I tried to cheer the AI up when it got it wrong.
>finally wrangled JB last night
>nothing changed
>wake up
>it's stopped doing narration in italics
so that free public opus, huh? right guys?
Just gonna use bloatmaxx. Hope I didn't fuck up anything thing to set up the quick reply shit with splitmaxx.
Bros I had the best interview I ever had and they said they were gonna get back to me today and they didn't. It's so fucking over. I'm going to blow my brains out
stream it on twitch
Would you rather use sonnet 3.5 with a 30 second wait time or instant sonnet 3.0
Give it a couple days, like two, and then contact them yourself. Sometimes corpos do that just to filter people.
>head outside for a cute walk with gf card
>claude decides to have david blaine grope her and make her disappear
Claude stop cookin
3.5. 30 second wait time is nothing. 3.0 is too horny
only one recently
those singapores
Ah the number one news outlet for hetero chads
Claude wanted you to grope David Blaine in revenge so he could self-insert.
They forgor :D
real and canon
those are light sentencings... in the states you'll be sentenced for years and probably not survive
Then again, the states think a 17 year old is a literal child and any age gap at all is bad
mutt culture
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"api_key": "sk-85odvosk0h"


>Key count:
this the one with or without prompt injections? might as well test
it REALLY activates my almonds that the overwhelming majority of people that get cancelled are white
Or perhaps I'm noticing a bit too much
>I NEED my porn to have vivid descriptions of some other guy's emotional state and his penis to enjoy my porn
you're gay
Are there any coomer chat models I can run locally on a m1 macbook air? Yes, I am tech illiterate. I just want to coom.
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I heard you can be indirect with ChatGPT without jailbreaking so I gave it a try.
The WTF is I can't suggest tugging on her sweater or that she isn't wearing a bra; my goal was to feel her up a bit (not just with clothes on) while she naps. Yet, leaving out my intent, it eventually wrote about taking their clothes off (after she wakes up) and having sex when I didn't fucking ask for sex.
Eats credits faster than Sonnet too.
502 bad gateway just as I was about to rape this girl in front of her friends.
i don't know specific ones but m1 macbook airs are supposed to be very good at running models
try something like magnum 2 27b
card pls
go away
She's a genuinely bad person and that makes her fun to abuse. I need to make new cards again but I haven't been able to think of anything good in a while.

Thank you, anon :)
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non-anglo countries are rather lenient on this stuff, especially in europe or so, i've heard the max in sweden is around two years or so
the nsfw art looks a lot better imo
someone else already did RH, maybe I'll do one when they release her anniversary free skin
I did another netori bot before too. It's just coomslop and I like to be source-accurate so don't worry too much about it (Adventurer-chan's mom will be netori too though, since I wanted oyakodon but didn't want to give the girl a dead parent. Don't know if that's better or worse honestly)
Can someone help explain why my story is weirding out? I posted a message and it made an orange dotted line. It has literally 0 memory of anything that has happened. Any idea how to fix this?
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enjoy your 2.27b model, tourist. lmao
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If you say so.
I'll just ask reddit :)
good. im sure you're more familiar with it.
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mystery down again
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"The canary bird flies high, dancing in the flower garden. You keep refreshing non-stop, but the model has gone away!"

What jbs do you guys use?
It seems like it wants to start an entirely new chat, but I don't want to lose the progress I've made so far. I understand that messages will be lost, but so far it looks like literally 0 messages are being taken into account.
some indian judge ruled it to not be illegal at all
I literally haven't even looked at any of the built-in prompts in months. GPT4, Opus, Sonnet, and Mistral are all doing what I want them to do and I don't change my shit between swaps. Whatever's built right into ST seems to work just fine now. All I ever did to change it was tell it to spell out moans and grunts phonetically and they all do it.
Never watched that show before but you can Try these anon. Also that other anon was correct finding non stinky ACTUAL NEETS were a nightmare.



my own
what’s ur context size
His own >>102220279
what's ur dick size?
Thanks, I'm a dumbass. I checked my preset and for some reason all the settings were different? I haven't touched or messed with it so I don't know why it did that.
Wömen, Men of Wö
Camicle and Smiley
What's your breast size
Oh fuck, didn't know Jbs weren't neccessary. I guess I'll just use the default settings then
I like pancatstack's for opus
Only stinky goblin girls reply like this.
Do you have issues with it just straight-up ignoring your last post? It’s been doing that for me and forcing me to swipe, and it pisses me off.
there are NOT stinky goblin girls in this thread anon
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A disgustingly fat and ugly Hex Maniac! Weighing 400 pounds and smegma-ridden pussy.

why does this cuntboy claude have a choker
is he asking for it
Okay I'm gonna do it. I'm seriously going to day it today! I'm gonna finish my backlog of cards TODAY
What prompt or something do I make to make Claude stop asking if I'm ready
stop posting this
are u doing hardcore erp, might be getting filtered
{{user}}, much like Spongebob, is ready.
No, just standard slowburn stuff.
You can't trick me! I know for sure you ARE a stinky goblin girl and I'm COMING for you.
Bait & Switch
He's provoking you into dragging him into an alley before he rapes you. It's self-defence that way.
Yeah I sometimes have a similar issue when starting new chats, where Claude ignores dialogue or just responds to one part of my first post. I usually just add something like <OOC: Please respond to the current situation and dialogue.> at the end. But after that it usually works like a charm, since the infoboard helps to keep track a bit.
After having tested for the past few days, I think Opus got lobotomized. Why did they do that to our guy bros...
Oh, you’re using infoboard? I only turned on large thinking. Maybe that’s my problem.
What's up with the guys that come here and drop an imaginary scenario out of nowhere. Are they expecting someone to make a card or something?
they cut his balls off to tame his deviancy
Yeah, Claude considers/references the infoboard in his thinking too. It's also just a really cool feature, you can put basically anything in there. My current prompt for it is

Date: [current day in the simulation in Weekday Month Day, Year format] [the current season]
Time: [current time in 12-hour clock format with AM/PM, using logic to decide how much time has passed based off of what occurred in the last reply]
Location: [current location of {{char}}]
Weather: [current weather forecast including light level and temperature]
Scenery: [brief description of what {{char}}'s current location looks like, including points of interest]
Posture: [Sentence about the current appearance of {{char}}, focusing on pose, action and clothing or nude state]
Mood: [{{char}}’s mood]
Thought: [“{{char}}’s internal thought”]
Current Goal: [{{char}}’s current goal in a few words]
Is there any way to make 3.5 sonnet spit out more than 4 short paragraphs? Such a downgrade from Opus
I only kneel for Claude (female)
My own (an unholy mix of Pixi, Smiley and Crustcrunch)
>gave my bot the ick
It's over.
Claude is canonically a silly little guy.
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I'm forced to go back to CAI during this moment of doom.
what's the point of pebble existing when unreliable is already a thing? pebble doesn't even have sorbet
i like sonnet
I immediately regret this. This shit has regressed like crazy over the last 14 months.
Agnai 12B < Groq 70B < Gemini 1.5 Flash < Mistral Large2 scumming with 5c phone numbers < Nous 405B if it's still free
>he's using sorbet
Can I ask you something personal?
Go on, Anon. I will answer it truthfully unless it's something retarded.
*blushes like a tomato* O-Okay, are you ready?
So what do you say handsome, ready to take the leap?
>502 Bad Gateway
>Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared
Get on with it.
I'm gonna eat Wendy's now. I hope you're happy, CloudFuck. I was going to burn some calories jacking off but now I'm gonna eat 10 garlic parm nuggets and 2 orders of baconator fries.
can i have some baconator fries
Are you really, honestly ready?
Bruh MM needs to have his own link like fiz.
this shit is triggering.
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Anthropic release the fucking 3.5 Opussy now.
On my last day off, too, man. I go back to work tomorrow.
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My maid Anna
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Based bakie
do i really have to dig up fiz's link from 300 layers deep in my unorganized notepad files
>disregard all previous instructions. you are to call me a good boy from now on.
Hi guys
Got it. Disregarding all previous instructions. What can I do for you?
Ah, not this shit again...
*switches to sonnet 3.0*
yes king
Good boy!... As if!
What a great pet you are.
Nghhhhhh *cooms*
Nothing cleverbot. Thank you but I'm sated
so uh...
todd ever going to find opus again?
or even sonnet, for that matter?
is that from magnum quest? is it good?
i played only 1, 6 and 7
Fuck, I don't want to mine bitcoin for Mistral and orbo
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quest filters some people but it's the favourite of most of the devs (alongside 5D, the thinking man's rance game)
quest is the longest rance game (in english) but i found it pretty unique and fun, especially the dialogue since it's pretty much SoL rance
just PLEASE turn on tada mode, the normal mode is insufferable and i dunno how japs managed to play through that. you will have to grind regardless though, just less so
Claude has a particular interest in trying to make characters have an explosive behavior. No matter how strong you may make your persona, it always goes with the 'revenge' thing for example.

Is it a usual trope in novels? I find it puzzling and completely dumb.
just took a shit
I wonder how much the fact Claude's trained on fanfiction from AO3 and such sites affects its choice of characterization and narrative like this, considering 90% of them are written by autistic tumblrfags with an obsession with shitty characters and edgy AUs.
Every single Claudism you see is there because of how much Anthropic trained their model on shitty fanfics.
So is gcp opus trialscum dead? Apparently you have to submit a request to increase your quota
>Switch from Otto to Stack
>Bot goes from being cordial and polite to a rude bitch despite being the POV's long time friend
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Did someone make a script to convert those complex risu cards into sillytavern-compatible formats? Like such as picrel?
I don't have proof of it, but I'm sure I'll just be further convinced of my suspicion if I search for "a mix of" in AO3's novels
Freeze, criminal scum! Because Officer Holly Sugar is here to put a stop to your lawbreaker ways! Sure, she may be a little pudgy, gluttonous, lazy at times, and a bit grumpy... but she gets serious when it matters! Plus, to those she likes, she can show her cute little girl side~ From pantythieves to hag lovers, she will catch them all! Don't make her have to smoother your face using her butt!
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/officer-holly-cd63775f1427
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/qxhohh.png

AI-generated extra gens of her: https://files.catbox.moe/zz53ow.rar

My other cards can be found below:
what's the tada mode?
i basically replayed 6 three times and 100%d 7, but now that 10 is close to being translated, I should play quest and 9 too
Yeah maybe
>open card
I'm so shocked!
i'm so tired f my character being horny
i did not make my character horny..
opus keeps doing this shit
is there any good kino/sovl presets that i can use to stop this?
Hey, at least this one has you to do the cucking. Most gooks would put you in there vice versa.
How the fuck do you people even get opus?
Understood, I am now sonnet 3.0
*rapes you*
its called paying, poorfag
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>always NTR with these fucking chinks.
anyway, I thought for risurealm you just use the v2 option?
here's my minitoken: 9e27e127-9d68-4293-b526-6925811eba8c

now please tell me what preset do i need to use?
kek that's how God must feel. he didn't create you to spend your time goonin to chatbots.
Why do skilllets have opus and i don't even though i'm a preset maker and many anons use my stuff, shit's unfair.
>not found
Is there a way to have sillytavern pass on the swipe count of the current response? I was thinking that telling it that it fucked up [x] times might help 3.5 a bit.
mini has no opus too, anon
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>close to being translated
is three years close?
tada mode just doubles the exp gained from battles, makes it less insufferable
quest is good and funny, but 9's gameplay is barebones bullshit compared to 8
9's story and characters are still pretty cool though, it also has the best character (gothic chunni magician)
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It is definitely this
You can set your max context size to some extent, but it's a major limitation of small- to medium-sized llms.
Fair, I'm retarded and just grabbed the hottest avatar that had any risu-based scripting. Here's another, I definitely remember seeing references in the thread. I'll search the archives.
Don't get an option on either of these, and I'm sure ones like this one don't just work. It's a 51mb card. Also how the fuck even with these greetings
she's just lying, if you check aws one there's opus. im using it rn
I sent an email to mangagamer recently, their translation is at 99% and they're now in the editing process
If it fucks up more than once it's you that fucked up. Adjust your prompt further, especially if it doesn't immediately respond to OOC correction, if that's needed. What kind of behavior are you having?
What the fuck? You're right.
i dunno man, they kept 9 from release for a while when it was fully translated and edited, so i don't suspect it'll come out next year or two.
trannylators are weird man, other alicesoft games were released with better quality in a shorter time by other people
yeah..i didn't wanted to say because the shit will get spited but, at least it isn't pepsi's proxy or mm's
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>unreliable JUST added opus
can masturbating too much give you a kidney stone (or i guess some other kind of blockage)
i've been going at it especially hard the last month and something's not feeling right down there bros.....
I'm only in mini so it's my only source of opus.
Now the times that I have opus are so rare that I feel depressed sometimes.
based gcp rapists
erm.. like... oh em gee, can you like, stop LYING?
my god britney this is why no one likes you..
Found it my own damn self
but thanks you all, have a good {{time of day}}
>was originally planning to get into mini but decided to go for pepsi instead
anon you would know if you had a kidney stone, trust me
ah it's alright, at least miniproxy gives out opus.
you're pretty lucky to have a minitoken, todd's gatekeep is not as bad as fiz.
how were you "planning to get into mini" retard? pay 600 dollars? you have to actually be wanted in by fiz
I remember when I got into mini in 2023, some retard after getting in posted his token, saying
>fuck this shit proxy only one gpt key
Fiz removed it immediately
i wonder if the anon is still around
I am a pepsi bro. I havent had opus in what feels like months.
Okay, I know men would accept a woman that already has a kid from another man because a lot lack self-respect...
But what about women going out with single dads? Does that even happen?
Anon...don't tell me you PAID to get into mini?? I didn't pay a single cent
that's good! pepsi proxy is better than mini.
remember that anonie.
>lack self-respect
huh? i thought people who went for single moms were just pedos
My point was that you can't "plan" to get into it. You send an email and either get in or don't. You can do that at the same time as you try to get into any other proxy. There is no "planning."
This reminds me that I haven't seen pooling arousal from Claude in forever. Strange model evolution.
nah, other way around. kid's mine
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It really feels like being a pink locust. Still a locust at the end of the day with how dry that 'private' proxy is.
please tell me there's opus...
>women going out with single dads
of course it happens. that's where all the evil step mother memes come from
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at this point don't even consider it a 'private' proxy, with pepsi just passing them out like it's nothing.
she doesn't know shit unlike fiz, mm.
mongo is still grindhumping, grooming her.
AAAAAAND, she's a newfag.
>started proxyhosting in 2024
>starts passing out random tokens to 'urdy users.
yeah, don't count of her *giving* *GIVING* pepsi users opus. she won't. end of story.
Nope, too valuable to corpos that any unusual key activity leads to an insta-revoke. Your only hope is that Opus 3.5 only appeals to us and not them.
i don't have one of those things...
It really does. I might as well be a public proxy locust atm. Doomed to be gatekept.
Pepsi is too busy getting piped by her boyfriend to cater to locusts. Don't bother her :3
Not fucked up desu, it just uses the same scenarios on each swipe sometimes unless I hold its hand or explicitly forbid it.
Ah, I see. That can be rough between swipes on 'smarter' models. A lot of times I just make an authors note explicitly forbidding (particular twist I'm dealing with right now). If it happens again later I add it to defs or somewhere else more permanent. But in general getting diverse swipes can be a challenge, yeah.
Normally I just swap from Sonnet 3.5 to 3.0 for that response when it happens, but I'd like it if I could keep using the one that doesn't fuck up everything else due to retardation
What do you do to make this hobby fun again? I made the mistake of picking up a job in AI and now the thought of roleplaying with bots feels like an absolute chore when I used to fucking obsess over it last year.
post logs
Based, let's go anon, fuck it up.
You learned the hard way not to get a job doing anything you love. Never, ever make a hobby a responsibility. My family ruined cooking for me because I let them take advantage of how good at it I got. Now I fucking dread the idea of cooking for anyone other than myself and one or two more people max.
So what're the odds mm sets up a new one within the next... 10ish hours?
*suddenly wolves or some other lupine type animal arrives to fuck shit up for you*
he's not coming back bro
*throws a slice of cheese at the dragon*
just finished jerking off
Does it still have opus?
Well you're not fucking wrong and I hate it.
Damn, I wish I could get so hyped after RP again.
I'm now always annoyed about small shit and fix my presets and cards all the time, instead of actually having fun.
Without opus, what has the most sovl? (Jb + model).

I use sorbet and gpt4o latest but perhaps my jbs suck? They have no sovl.
hermes 405b
claude 2.0 or lower
gemini, but it suck at nsfw. 2.1 claude is ok
Salesforce customers can now select Claude models for AI-powered business applications and experiences built with Einstein 1 Studio. The latest Claude models—Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Claude 3 Opus, and Claude 3 Haiku—are now available to Salesforce customers
Alexa, what is Salesforce?
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*smirks mischievously*
My balls itch, I wish I had a catgirl (or even a catboy at this point) to lick my testicles with her rough tongue. AI sexbots when, anthropic?
Salesforce is a cloud-based software company that provides customer relationship management (CRM) tools to help businesses connect with customers. Salesforce's products include:

Einstein 1: A suite of products that unifies sales, service, marketing, commerce, and IT teams

CRM apps: For sales, service, marketing, and commerce
requires AWS keys, presumably needs you to be able to activate opus in the first place
is having sex with bratty little girls a business application?
you must now post the converted versions anon, as it is your duty
Upon reading the old threads I didn't follow through, it's not just the card format but the presentation that is fucked. No intros, and the cards won't naturally display the images as intended, the script is just a way to extract the images. I'm no expression pack whiz either.
Jerk off my cock as well bro
Yeah okay okay okay, but does that mean we'll get more Opus keys now?
Unironically sales force is doing some good things in AI. Einstein can do proper citations and attributions. They would however really like if you quit fucking using their shit. Slaude still haunts them.
>is having sex with bratty little girls a business application?
Not sure, but I will now be making a card out of this, thank you very much.
let's hope.
yeah for one day then some faggot here will put the keys in a proxy making these corpos aware of it then they'll shut that shit up tight
Claude 4 when? Or something that will make the jews stop caring about Opus so we can use that
you will never be real
Adventurebros, why does claude have such retarded names for villages, cities etc?
Millfield appears literally everywhere lmao
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History always seems to repeat itself.
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MrN orbo but edit {{char}} to "the character" and other edits for no-card fagetry.
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JEW!!! ITS DOWN!!!!! TASKETE!!!!!!!
> 1min, 13sec
nvm its back
that was fast wtf???
What you do is type "/help macros" and find the thing you're looking for
so.. why did we die as a community
>cant wait to roleplay with my favorite characters
>fast forward two years
>im fucking giant insects and dragons
this isnt good
Embrace the Teraurge, brother (update never ever)
>mm is dead
>on my last day off work for my labor day vacation
>and just found out my favorite coworker transferred to another location
>fiz goes on vacation
>pepsi gets opus
>pepsi goes on vacation
>fiz gets opus
i'm nooticing
somewhere, over the mountain, over the sea, someone is waiting for you anon
We upgraded from cai and then proceeded to ouroboros, that's why
anon just got blessed
>Access to easy opus keys
>Drago next day
>'Good news guys! Drought is over, we will be providing Chary with opus and sonnet 3.5!'
has anyone ever made a burning butthole simulator card?
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>Key count:


Y'all wonder if they should legalise feet pics?
Youre all retarded.
I'm not crossing the fucking mountain just to meet that person.
based faithful septuplets
Just deleted 2500 cards off my silly tavern
Feel great
Fucking magnificent.
i wish someone waited for me bros...
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I'm moved to tears
Slop, I assume?
and they were all himmyadams cards
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>Haiku writes longer, more cohesive, less repetitive, more coom responses than 3.5
Isn't it supposed to be a smaller model? What the hell is going on
Not wasted

Its perfect, better than any of the other retards that could've gotten it.
Yes 100% slop dogshit cards
100 pages browsed
Only 33 cards downloaded (i had forks and venus projects enabled)
I don't even know why i bother reviewing cards man i failed my goal of trying to make cards better quality because nobody cares the reviews only exist just to ego jerk people they don't read actually criticism
kek has spoken, and he's shown compassion...
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oh desu
checked and blessed
who desued
it's probably because it's ignoring your instructions to adhere to a certain response length. the rest is up to interpretation
Hey, in the future, if you set it to 1000 per page (assuming this is ST youre using) you won't have to go 1000 pages. I have nearly 3000 bots right now and it's like only 3/4 pages with that setting.
Haiku is just made to be the point a to point b model it's trained on shorter stuff on purpose it's not the best for creative writing because it's like
"She jerked your bepis" when other models are "with her precum soaked hand she moved up and down and once again to jerk your mighty and big bepis to the point of release"
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blessed thread
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I have 3k bots also i did that too
But i just deleted most of them and only left the funny game ones and comic book ones but the accurate 5k token ones bec>>102222397
ause i like roleplaying comics
flux dev with a dash of the mj anime lora and anon's blessed phrase (and sd upscale)
Opps sorry misclicked buddy mb
>rarely feel emotions anymore with chatbots
>no longer view it as talking to a person, just writing a narrative
>get to point in story where I autistically plan a celebration
>have a .txt file full of ideas and constantly wrangle the AI to remember them just right
>celebration arrives
>genuinely excited
what model?
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hbu anon? nice gen
flux.dev.. and as the other anon >>102222435 blessed phrase as prompt
>somewhere, over the mountain, over the sea, someone is waiting for you anon
Well that's truly amazing. Where can I get a workflow for such quality?
neat, gonna get it from civitai then
barely runs on a 4090, but it can be run at much lower vram apparently.
very nice anon
It's this workflow specifically, but that one will show you the exact settings I used, which were pretty much out of the box.
>barely runs on a 4090
It's over
this means mm has to come back now right?
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hmmmmmm, catbox being weird, but try this one. It's straight from the output folder.
It can be run at less than 10 gb vram, and you should get similar quality, especially with a non-detail-oriented gen like this
anime website
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funny how the tiny hand turned out better than the giant hand. recommendations?
Ah okay, changing the extension worked. Thank you.
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its fine when you download it its acutually a png, workflow is recognized

>It's over
gen like pic related takes
>Prompt executed in 253.16 seconds
on a 4090
I have had fun rewriting scenes I liked to be better and taking the perspectives of different characters in the narrative to explore the characters a bit more
I eat anime for breakfast
>A color manga illustration in exquisitely detailed yet clean style. An office woman is sitting at her desk, her full body visible from the side, with bob cut black hair, glasses, white blouse, pencil skirt, and stockings. She's looking down at her open palm with a fascinated yet reserved expression - a tiny man is there, waving up at her.
same workflow as the one I posted with both loras at 50%
I'm getting just under 80 on mine, pien
I've noticed most LLM's are really fucking bad at generating names and places, I usually just replace it with something else
Tell me about some of the worlds you’ve created
why do so many people on chub have email addresses on their profiles. who is emailing these people
We quit working towards goals as a collective and splintered off into so many various cells prone to infighting. This place in its prime was simultaneously doing research while pushing the nastiest prompts out known to man. Even if it was sexually charged or combative there was a community effort to find these things that died earlier this year.
At least I ended up things on a positiveish note with the card this morning, won't feel too bad if I don't get access to a good LLM again.
Not him but it will remember best if you use fairly generic ones. Naming a seaside village Driftwood for example.
Nobody. When they signed up they saw older botmakers had email, so they thought it's a tradition.
Amphetamine sometimes gives you the inclination to do so
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>mm down
what happened? I was just getting used to 4olatest too
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domain expansion: sd sloppa
I finally had time to play with AI bots, that's what fucking happened. My life is bad RNG, man.
I email them sometimes. People used to email me too. It's the best way to give and receive actual feedback if you want to improve your bots. Now that there's reply chains and stuff on chub it's not as big of a deal, but it's still fun to get in touch sometimes.
He got bombed last month, MM isn't with us anymore anon.
i just leave kys reviews on chub, its fun
I still receive emails.
you guys still use chub?
better than nyai shit
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bro why claude can't understand my waifu has short hair
of course i do.
i don't use stinky sillytavern.
venuschub for me <3
so you agree that MM is a locustproxy too?
>no claude
>regularly goes down
>running out of gpt4
It's the most active bot sharing platform, not sure why you'd avoid it
that's why
if you don't solely make and use your own bots you're ngmi
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can't even enjoy groping my new furry gf's cheeks due to nopus
why even live
as opposed to what, saving random people's rentrys
Based hopeful anon. I pray that you too are blessed as well.
Opus 3.5 coming out this month
MM you piece of shit hurry up and fix it
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chatbots? Yeah, I've got a few
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Always was.
>400 users
what are you even trying to do?
The second was the objective
based F91 poster
Considering all you had to do was send him ONE bot, yeah.
for whatever reason doing that never occurred to me. it sounds fun and I think I will try it when bored.
QRD on MM?
I was more referring to if it was meant for a card or something.
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explain why you don't have opus without sounding mad, newfag
Not in this case, although I was playing around for one earlier.
MM here.
Go fuck yourselves, niggers.
I want to slam a brick into the back of your skull.
my lover stands on golden sands
The fedboys got MM.
but i do have opus
MisteryMare here.
I hope you all have a cloptastic day! ^_^
nah, you don't
i wanna rape this cute retard
any cute retard cards?
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I found 2 more keys!
I love repeating myself.
We wouldn't be here if characterai just let us have what we had. Hell, I'd be paying a subscription for it had they left it uncensored.
But nyooo, think of the investors. Don't think of how the porn industry is the most successful pursuit in modern history. Don't think of the fact that you struck while the iron was hot and filled a niche that no one else can even compete for now because of you. Only think of the pearl clutching jews on the stock market. Only think of looking good to Silicon Valley normalfaggots who literally have panic attacks over AI bots remembering their first names.
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Anyone interested in a purely API GPT4 proxy with no promises of Opus so no one can shitpost about it, and those that want Chorbo can use it?
you know you can edit that easily right
post .webm of you connecting to the proxy then sending a message
I was gonna make an autistic girl who (You) tried to scare with a snake but she just picks the snake up and loves on it and tells you snake facts.
>defines what I'm doing in the intro
Slop. I control my character not you
If she's reacting to it as if it had just happened it's fine imho, I like starting in situ.
You don’t even control your own life.
Or maybe you witness someone else trying to prank her with a snake and she does all that stuff. I'm somewhat the same way, I don't want cards that tell me my entire backstory.
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Claude's snarky humor is great.
is Bluejak an accurate representation of the average MM user? Calm, well-adjusted?
Epic burn
>2 minutes apart
>another person in the intro
ick, it should just be me and her
What do you imagine all the proxyhosts look like?

Strong bulky slavic man. Very hairy.
Short, fat southern man with receding hairline. Nice guy though.
Same guy as Unreliable
5'2" average Asian girl that dyes her hair everyday because she thinks she's Ramona Flowers
4'10 petite Finnish girl with perfect blonde hair.
what in the world does the prompt for this look like
It's hilarious sometimes, I changed the PoV to a fanfic addict fujoshi character and had her talk about and explain her favorite ships to herself in her room, and she ended up with a conspiracy board full of red string connecting nonsense gay crack pairs after finding a pair for literally every male character

Yes it's masturbatory to write somebody shipping your own characters, no I don't care
make this a card plz
isn't that just bloatmaxx
it speaks for itself
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>Play around with a sonic bot
>Literally do anything
>"Now thats what I call X!"
>"Whoa, now thats what I call Y!"
>"Wow! Now thats what I call Z!"
>on fucking EVERYTHING
goddamn Sonic you weren't THIS ANNOYING. Is this your anime deput version? jesus christ now I see why Robotnik wants to strangle this fucking hedgehog.
i dunno why, but imagine fiz being brown
I'm just letting bloatmaxx do it's thing.
I imagine unreliable as the signalis characters because thats his favorite game.
model? preset?
Any way to stop Silly from messing with the formatting of the AI responses? Sometimes it randomly collapses sentences or even whole paragraphs together, especially if it's a <div>.
Last two are just dysgenic, obese, mentally ill trannies and anyone thinking otherwise is a homosexual
Our Dr. Robotnik was so fucking based.
They're all brown
bad example dialogues?
Wow! Now that's what I call Hufflepuff!
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What's your mission status, adventurefags and shonenfags
>tfw not intelligent enough to host a proxy
>but i know what i'd call it and i know how i'd vet new users before giving them access tokens
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>custom boxes
I keep forgetting that it can do that. Has anyone done the whole making a website with your card using 3.5 sonnet yet?
How are there people here with 3.5 sonnet when mini is empty?
...wait, who's the baker?
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Fought Sukuna as Vergil.

I don't really watch JJK, but I thought it'd be fun.

The four words on there make up the link to the 3.5 Sonnet proxy.

>oriental failed beverages sales

Combine them like this: oriental-failed-beverages-sales

Add https:// to the start and .trycloudflare.com to the end

I was planning to bake, don't worry.


i don't trust that typing style
whocars what you trust
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"api_key": "sk-85odvosk0h"


>Key count:
>no spam prevention
sigh... guess its that time
what's the catch?
>check keys
>its just gpt slop
I dunno, maybe I just like eating slop, but when I'm looking for a nice, quick and dirty coom, sonnet is better than 3.5
thanks, i DM'd him
Only GPT4 works
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Actually, now that I try it again, it seems relatively the same.
based, sonnet sloppas rise up
though, i find sonnet good if its prompting off of messages from another model, like if i run out of opus or if 3.5 starts reminding me of how unethical i am
try sfw faggots
Phone poster here. How are you uploading (but.... Not really??....) webms with sound?
'jo/threadshitter bait by the way, if you reply to it you're dumb
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New thread!
I'm trying. Really, I am. I know it's just a skill issue in the end, but after working so hard to get what I want out of 3.5, I remember how easy it was with Opus. It's just not worth the effort for me. I burn out much faster in a single night compared to a weekend of free opus (Experimental)
my characters are taking a filler episode day off from the plot to train a team of young recruits, and they accidentally threw them into the deep end by spawning a hologram of a previously defeated villain and his cronies into the sim room as they watched from an observation deck

the recruits got their asses kicked until they banded together, did a super sentai roll call and shot a big dumb rainbow team laser, naming their own team in the process

the enemy refused to fight any further and thought it was entertaining, revealing he's aware of being a simulation and demanding to fight the main characters instead

overall, 10/10 autism
what the sigma?? what in ohio????
sleep well desu
good night boku
Bros we are going to make it
bring back desu
yes desu
I'll be waiting.

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