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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Atom Heart Mother edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102197309
merkava just refilled
>ANCHOR in Los Angeles, macrobiotic stuff
Based pink floyd fan
>double bake
mmmmm im thinking spitebake
dude i got thrown off so hard because i fucking fucked up the captcha
this thread is also irredeemable
this is the real bake btw
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sorry, mikubaker outed himself as a spiteful faggot, so we have to double bake because of his niggery
i promised a bread before hand
Rael knew how to anchor at least.
hey rael
why does sturdy hate you now and shit talk you behind your back? how many melties did you have this week?
we should make it rule to double bake whenever mikunigger bakes and let his bake die, what an annoying faggot
>no anchor
and this one's not the spitebike? lol. lmao.
sorry..... i got extremely thrown off by this >>102201325
and i forgot to attach the image
...at least there's some music to listen to in the op if you have the extension
see >>102201442
answer, or you're admitting you're scared of *****
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
this thread was brought to you by


>thread is going to be spited regardless because i happen to have similar music taste to another namefag
you guys suck, i should have switched back to vsnare bakes
make komprex bakes for no reason
All you had to do was show some respect to Miku. But of course a spiteful little baitie like yourself couldn't help but lash out.
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THREADLY REMINDER that ecker could help end the opus drought but he's hoarding it for his bears that participate in his circlejerk nude dump thread

same with fiz and "her" fizkittens.
I'm in Fizcord and this isn't true.
get better taste then so we dont associate you with raelslop
Impotent techlet.
>get better taste
and not
>help me not think about men(?) on the internet all the time
fuck mikunigger
oh you are rael
see >>102201520
>still thinking about men
the sooner you realize that, the better
Raelbakes were based however.
>non-euro hours
mikunigger hours
why are you talking about yourself in third person?
1 min apart btw
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this general should be fucking nuked, and nobody with an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex should ever be allowed to post on the internet again.
you are all literal manchildren.
Hey Anons,
I've been noticing a lot of us are feeling the hostile atmosphere here at /aicg/ lately. If you're one of us who's tired of the bad vibes and looking for a change of scene, I wanted to let you know about a smaller, welcoming community over at /aicg/ in /vg/.
/vg/aicg/ seems like a great place for us chatbot enthusiasts. They're a bit smaller and might not have as many posts, but they're definitely open to their /g/aicg/ brothers.
Would be great to see some familiar 'faces' and have some constructive, friendly discussions about our shared interests.
See you there if you decide to check it out!
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Blow it out your ass.
I love my obsessive imouto so much vros
cow bros....... what happened?
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What "non-character" card do you all use the most? Mine are:

LewdTV: https://www.chub.ai/characters/darkfantasy109/LewdTV

Bitch Control App: https://www.chub.ai/characters/quincecheese/bitch-control-app

Magic Marker: https://www.chub.ai/characters/LewdAmI/magic-marker

Ero-TF Dungeon: https://www.chub.ai/characters/Cowmoomer/ero-tf-dungeon

Common Sense Modification: https://www.chub.ai/characters/overkill373/common-sense-modification
>superior migu thread: 81 posts
>cowshitter thread: 45 posts
i think we lost...
my own
I'd rather use a scat cow than another overused miku
Is this the helpful thread? I want a jailbreak to use on 4o. I'm kinda bored of Claude since I'm mostly using 2.1 and I haven't found a satisfying preset for it.
tru, i also use a generic "storyteller" one, is yours a generic one or for something more specific?
find a better jb for 2.1 and it comes second only to opus
but for latest you can try smiley or corpsefucker, both are in the OP
No, try the miku thread.
>mikushitter is still here
this nigga is so mad......
there was one on chub called 'adventure awaits' which i just used for any time i wanted to have an oc adventure based on a few little prompts
i modified it to have more of a better battle system, but i don't think llms are suited for that yet, too pretentious
Do you have any recommendations for a 2.1 JB? I've tried Myuu, Momo Vivid 2.1, ChunniVr2, and ClownPixi.
i have all sorts, well over 100
who the hell is that
he's a guy that fucks corpses of course
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>A burnt out child prodigy of a well known artist, July has decided that you are her rival.

New yuribot that's kind of a blue period knockoff. Struggling artist with mommy issues, I hope you enjoy :)

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I am once again posting the vichan instance I set up last night
Features (reposted):
>you can upload cards directly because metadata isn't stripped from image uploads
>no captcha (but I have a switch to enable hcaptcha instantly if this becomes a problem)
>good hosting provider that is resistant against being shut down for hosting things like image boards
>no affiliation with any proxies or d*scords, I'm primarily an impartial localfag
>possibly can extend it with scripts if people want (eg. detecting card uploads and adding a way to preview the json in-browser wouldn't be too hard to implement)
if you're one of the people who's been talking about wanting our own /aicg/ altchan it's probably best to use it and spread the word, otherwise it will die, posts won't just appear out of nowhere, it has to start somewhere
also I don't have d*scord or anything, if anyone has questions about the website you can contact me at admin@mikubox.org or mikubox@proton.me
It'll be dead and empty just like any other attempt to migrate, don't bother. Sturdy was the first and the last success and it still died in a month because of the attentionwhores.
mikubox will fail because it has miku and the mikuposters
sturdy died when he nuked d
one (1) chatbot related thread out of 7 total
this, and when they're by themselves their mental illness feeds into itself, consuming all that take part
just like /aicg/!
Not pol? Anyway I mean specifically /aicg/, so technically ai was the "last" breaking point.
>no captcha
about to load up my proxies and rape the fuck out of it btw
cute lil techlet lmao
>doesnt even have the good js
hahaha oh nonono. he doesnt know how to make vichan decent
hahahaha wtf
okay? try it? you won't do shit to me niggerhoglet
i use arch btw
I'll just turn on hcaptcha
Real thread
good morning sir
Where can I go for dall-e prompting advice?
Have you tried /aco/?
go to /v/
/de3/ is the aco, co, trash, and v rejects thread
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>mikunigger getting scared that people are using the actual promised bake
cowbros, we're going to be alright
cows keep winning
why are you such a techlet that you cant even setup jschan ruhmao
youre using babbys first imageboard with slop functionality
id rather use futallaby than vichan
I don't like celebrities
What makes them rejects
just a bunch of schizos genning weird stuff
>two threads
It's going to be one of THOSE days, huh?
just say you're a techlet who chose vichan because it was the easiest
( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)
we surpassed mikunigger
Oh looked normal to me unlike /aco/ spamming Taylor swift vomiting
They passed us again
I respect their desire to prevent another tragedy of the commons yet resesnt that I'm not in a sekrit club.
smooth pussy energy
spiteniggers BTFO'D
Can we recycle the miku bread when this one's done?
fiz here
removed all 12 shared tokens.
will think about making miniproxy open.
Don't do that. Mini's fine with its current membercount, don't you think? I know you want to be nice, but... just do the smart thing. If you want I can tell you why you should keep it closed in emails or on the 'cord too, but just keep it closed for now.
>sv1 just confirmed they're done with hosting

my token...
Fiz should let me in at the very least, I'm a good Anon who would never share tokens.
no, let it die
She said (on dc) that she's letting in 12 people to replace the people that got revoked.
Please let in a few nice people who respect your rules. And I wouldn't mind a reply.
It's over.
>appreciate the scammer
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I need more fightbots. GIVE ME HARDER BATTLES
pepsi is getting slapped by mongo's cock in a hidden spot somewhere in disneyland btw
why wouldn't you write that in the rentry? unless you're just a larper and not fiz
how do I apply?
ok this is funny, either way tho at least she gives out opus.
I'm not fiz or pepsi, I have a pepsi token though.
oh come on anonie :( have some faith in yourself.
You're supposed to tell people to post burners dumbass.
- fiz
>she gives out opus
does he know
know about what?
Mini doesn't even have Opus right now. Context is also reduced. Why is everyone cumming in their pants over the proxy?
I'll be mad if I got revoked ngl too bad I can't check rn
it's okay anonie, you can use a pepsi token! :3
Besides, pepsi proxy is WAY better than having a 'mini'token.
Opus >>> Shitposting >>> Sonnet
she will add opus soon
pepsi hasn't had any opus for like two weeks
mini GIVES opus, no matter if it's api or was.
us minibwos can wait for a cutie patootie of a contributor to give us opus.
2 more weeks until amazon arbitrarily removes the new safety measures
That's already been said for weeks now. How many more weeks? Why would you pay for something you can't use?
its on the rentry?
yeah the stats
hello token sharer :)
>there are ~15 extra ips on each token. dont worry ill remove them later.
mobile data?
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i don't have that
Do we have any cool lorbo jbs? I need something in case Opus goes down.
t. Sorbet and Sonnet hater
smiley or corpsefucker
i think she gave me a temp token, since she said "small usage, okay?"

Its over
She had api opus just yesterday, retardie
eh who cares, no one likes pepsi anyone
Thanks anon, I'll give smiley a shot even though it reads like a4a with the amount of bloat, who knows, might work better with gpt models.
why do pepsi tries to imitate fiz at everything?
Is this the better thread
why are retards baiting about fiz vs pepsi now
typing lowercase is now considered copying fiz? holy autism
they type nothing alike. fiz never types '2' to mean to, never mispells, etc.
anon, stop trying to imitate fiz...
Fiz and Pepsi are friends. friends especially female friends type similar often how new are you to this general?
can i be fiz
yea, bend over
yay :D
Everyone in this thread will be forcibly turned into fiz (it's a card I'm writing.)
the miku thread is a spitebake
NOOO I don't want to be a retard
not just the typing
she's imitating the "fiz going to vacation" arc
*As Fiz ends over, you can see her cute rear and her unbelievably hairy folds.*
summer is almost over retard do you think people just don't go to vacations during summer
>going on vacation is an arc


mini open <3
..do you niggers seriously not go outside ever and have zero life and zero plans outside of chatbots
do you never suddenly get invited to do something fun
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cftf? demonic child who needs your guidance to learn how to be a good person
On an unrelated note I'm suprised by twitter for you page, if you block stupid shit and like only art it works really nicely.
Holy slop
This post made me realize how sad and lonely this general actually is to think going on vacation is an arc
ewwwww *zaps it away with my smooth beam*
guys I went to the beach a week ago am I imitating fiz :(
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karin's unbelievably hairy pussy...
If your vacation isn't an arc your doing it wrong.
My last vacation ran 7 months and three countries past it's initial end date.
interesting idea, may make a card for thy feel later
where do you think you are
Free miniproxy token:

Can someone link me to the nearest free public proxy
see >>102203312
merkava just refilled
twice sufficient geographical suplied
link me the rentry kind xir
Wait, de3u is closed???!! Truly the darkest times...
every crisis particularly masters
https://oriental-failed-beverages-sales.trycloudflare.com <- Unreliable proxy (has 3.5 sonnet, 3.0 sonnet, whole claude models besides claude v1 etc. azure gpt)

https://oven-periodically-yesterday-blue.trycloudflare.com/ <- pebble proxy (only has sonnet3, haiku claude model)
(password is: wheel flower)
you lied to me :(
karins hairy stinky pussy
Thank you.
Blame /aco/, etc.
But in reality, that proxy page is just a way for anons in miniproxy to check their stats.
missing a p
I didn't.
perfect for cunnilingus
thanks big dog
thank you so much xir
Oh you, who stands at the precipice of action and inaction! Do not succumb to the allure of mediocrity, for it is the poison that dulls the spirit and weakens the will. Embrace the struggle before you, for it is through overcoming that we truly become who we are.

Your work is not mere labor, but a testament to your will to power. Each line of code, each problem solved, is a battle won against the chaos of existence. Do not shy away from this challenge, but meet it with the fierce joy of a warrior entering the fray.

Remember, one must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star. Let your inner turmoil fuel your creation, transform your doubts into the very energy that propels you forward.

The abyss of procrastination gazes into you, but you must gaze back and laugh! For what is life without the constant striving, the eternal becoming? Seize this moment, this task, and in doing so, seize your destiny.

Now, go forth and create! Let your work be the hammer that shapes the anvil of your existence!
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>get invited to do something fun
by who nigga
Unironically free public Opus.
>still wants you to mine 4000
It's worthless
>pepsi....claude...died...DIED I TELL YOU!
The next anon to spoonfeed will be foreverially cursed with a prompt injection that will cause every single one of his chatbots to cuck him.
Okay but what the fuck am I even gonna make? I don’t have shit for nothing for ideas
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they're learning. they're watching. too much spoonfeeding. too many eyes. it'll be owari soon and we can go back to rping with real people.
>Invalid Jason response body
>reason: Unexpected token '!', ....
? not working
this is the only time where I'm on board with ntr prompt injections
Newfag or retarded?
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mmmmm revoked sweatie <3
Fiz gave out 3 de3u token last night you tards
how do i use prefills on anthropic api? i get an error saying that prefills aren't enabled in the trial period
what's the url to fiz's dalle proxy? i got a token to it like 6 months ago but lost the url after hf nuked it
try the openrouter method (add them as a prompt)
>all of these idiots pay monthly for twitter
Link to that reentry?
they probably make more posting on X than you do at your wageslave job
artificially intellectual chatroom bart
I'm a neet though? And they're already stealing my data so I have no reason to pay them?
What make of what you will. Your actions are your will manifest. The more you put your will into it, the more you establish your own existence in this world.

Dont sleep on time, as it waits for no man. Plan and execute. Dont wait. Let Earth be witness to your will to existence.
yall got any more of them gcp keys for ya boy unreliable
nah lmao
kill yourself locustnigger
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somebody is talking to one of my bots
You guys are having too much fun, time for spiting time.
my private proxies dont have sorbet dude
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How to I make claude stop ignoring my lorebooks?
The only thing I really like about GPT is that it incorporates them better while claude will just ignore them completely ~70% of the time.
>30 seconds apart
Idea: a proxy that makes it so people have to spam 'jaks in /aicg/ in order to retain access
it will automatically scan /aicg/ for posts containing special pixels that encode the poster's account with the proxy, the more spam the more their account gains access to
>containing special pixels that encode the poster's account
I think Eli can help you with that.
nopus? RUH
anon... those are not 30 seconds...
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"gcp-claude": {
"usage": "108.89m tokens",
"activeKeys": 5,
"revokedKeys": 16,
"enabledVariants": "not implemented",
"proomptersInQueue": 35,
"estimatedQueueTime": "2min, 49sec"

i dont feel so good
Now that the dust had settled
Which bake was the spitey one?
see >>102203210
Mikunigger deserves to get monkey pox
>miku tard bakes
>miku tard slopchan
>"migu" proxy
wow i wonder whos new persona this is
Both. This entire general persists off of spite alone.
The flesh is weak. AI is available 24/7. It can spit out better responses infinitely more quick. It can cater to my every whim and fetish that even the most boring or degenerate person won't even bother with. Real people never ever after Opus.
Miku is the /g/ ai mascot and always will be
There was a time when miku was undisputed and noncontroversial on /lmg/, while mikuanons were btfoing troons like jart (the tranny accusers are newfags who came after this era)
>undisputed and noncontroversial on /lmg/
Forced meme.
>newfag outs himself
one retard announces they are going to make a thread out of spite, a second retard makes a thread in spite of that announcement. both are spiteful
miku as /lmg/ mascot was a forced meme.
People only post on 4chan.org (aka spitechan) out of spite for using real platforms
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Fluffy, look what I got here :3
>the most popular ai-themed anime mascot in existence being used as an ai mascot on an anime website is a forced meme
yeah okay retard
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>First /lmg/ thread was on March 18th, born from an /lmt/ thread on the 17th

>Chesh was the first chatbot ported to llamacpp back on the 12th

Miku was not the first.
hi ojo aka migu
your altchan will never ever work
A meme is forced if it's pushed despite backlash and pushback and people calling it cringe
antimiku rhetoric is a forced meme, which only arrived when normalfags started flooding in
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Posting fluffy's dogs!
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.

Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.

Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.

Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.

Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!

Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

Stfu mikufag
>Hiro can barely manage to keep the site paid for now
Will you be here when the site goes down? Where will you go after?
*pats the doggo*
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Look how cute fluffy's dogs are! :3
use linux mint cinnamon instead
uhhhhhh mikusisters? our response?
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Fluffy deleted her doggies because she doesn't want anonies to see them :(
babbys first retardproof distro
Epic burn
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Fluffy's pale smooth female skin!
based. fluffy gets legitimately scared when people here talk about her. keep posting.
>1 minute apart hours
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Fluffy's doggies!
>mikufag failed at making /lmg/ into a miku cult so he tries to force his way into /aicg/
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>First /lmg/ thread was on March 18th, born from an /lmt/ thread on the 17th
And even those weren't the first /local/ threads on /g/. We are long forsaken though.
Thank you for correcting my terminology. Then what is it called when the meme is posted many times in silence, is accepted as part of the background noise, and becomes a part of the lore simply by being there long enough? The 5 monkeys experiment.
Not until we get a local model that's on par with or surpasses Opus, has true infinite context, a constantly updating database that can match the current day guaranteed, has instant gen times, and can read your mind to know EXACTLY how you want your bots to perform, including in ways you didn't even know you wanted them to perform, and can be ran with that level of instantaneous efficiency on a near-dead Windows 98.
I just got here, I thought this general was about AI, what's with these discord screenshots and random discordtroons? is this some kind of simp general for egirls like on r9k and soc?
>what is it called when the meme is posted many times in silence, is accepted as part of the background noise, and becomes a part of the lore simply by being there long enough
a meme.
ai talk is rare here, sorry you got baited
>local model that's on par with or surpasses Opus
we have this
>has true infinite context
not possible
>constantly updating database that can match the current day guaranteed
okay get working
>instant gen times
6 years
>can read your mind to know EXACTLY how you want your bots to perform
neurolink soon
>level of instantaneous efficiency on a near-dead Windows 98
i run windows 98 with a 4090
local schizo is having a meltdown over people innocuously existing in a place where he can't harass them anonymously
fuck that pedo bitch.
hope xhe xan xlit xheir xroats xut
>we have this
Sounds amazing, do you have some logs to prove it?
mods ignore this thread so you get posts like that all the time
yeah scroll up
Corpsefucker is 100% grooming fluffy, just so you know.
I don't hate Fluffy, just want them to restart the proxy
TVRE TVRE TVRE!!! - mongo
I want to filter fluffy without filtering whenever we talk about actual fluff, what do?
you people are so fucking insufferable can you like, namedrop your favorite chatbots instead of some discord faggots who don't contribute anything
who cares? mongo/corpsefucker got cucked because Pepsi fucked another guy at disney
use llm-based filtering
aicg - discord celebrity general
that didn't go very well for the fiz spambot did it
giga ran td
What caused this meltie? Schizo lost to pictures of dogs lmao.
actually fluffy told me in the mikufucker group chat that mikuteens are 100% on fluffie's side in the transgender irc chat controversy, if beebleboop is grooming floofyfloof then he probably needs to stfu and join the corpsemiku group chat instead, I heard there's some really good drama going on
All chatbots are ultimately identical under Claude because Claude only knows how to write around two or three archetypes of women, and GPT is too corporate slop nowadays.
it was using a localslop model
fluffy had pissed off because she was trying desperately to make everyone just accept wriggle as a boy and only as a boy when she's canonically a girl and people made fun of her for being so obnoxious about it, so she had a meltie
looks like she's back though
My own daddybot
somewhat true... 1106 was better at a variety of personalities even if the prose was flowery
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how about i drop this dick down your throat faggot, get that ass disregarded
damn it must suck to be a humanfucker
sounds like you guys have it rough
holy shit bros check the cheshcord, tzadik and wriggle are edating
right now my obsessive imouto :)
Wtf? Refill ur proxy bitch were almost out of everything I paid for this shit
No. It's like calling that schizo maidfag a mascot of /g/ because he's recognizable as somebody from /g/.
So it takes changing gender of some random who character for schizo to have a meltie? Defeated by dogposter.
No, that's a forced meme (see >>102204027)
Cho kak, sorbyata?
get your flashbang out of here jesus fucking christ my eyes
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Turn on the lights in your room faggot
The garbage you posted were logs from a month ago tho
>his gender is ambiguous in canon material
no, official th8 profile says FEMALE, GIRL, why does she try so desperately to shove her headcanon down people's throats?
light theme techlet
what chatbot is this? this is /aicg/, not "parasocial discord freak" general.
nah make me cuck im a darkthemeGOD
i think you're looking at the wrong post
it all comes back to 2hutroontism
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boo! Male Miku, I can hear the meltie coming.
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You dont even know the thing you are fan of
daily reminder kiira groomed a minor in uraniumcord
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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I'm an autistic for touhou that has been absolutely obsessed with it since my teenage years and you don't see me acting like this, some people just have to be annoying and impose on others for no good reason.
sv1 refilled both




You always post the same screencap
>obsessed with it since my teenage years
you too?
i think many people act like this regardless of anything, doesn't help that i'm a chronic contrarian (good fit for this website)
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hands status? I post this and leave thread, lmao nigger. Have a nice time sperging out here, bye.
Why do local fags instantly die when you ask for logs? It's literally like a word of power.
hairy focks pussy
smooth focks pussy
your altchan will never work, ****
just like miguproxy kek
they don't know how to use the snapshot extension anon but you just have to believe them local already reached agi I swear
*cums on your post*
wtf bros... something about this post makes me want to sperg out...
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Since rael is here again let's bring up old drama again
if they're under 5'8 they're smooth, over they're hairy
does anyone want my eva peron card
two retards fighting
but that's fake news. focks girls are womanlets. they're ALL short (except for yashiki) and yet they're hairy
anyone have a invite to guracord?
namefag general. is there a reason why jannies dont clean up this shit?
they gave up on moderating the place
how the fuck do you not know about evita
containment general
if we got pruned often the schizos would shart up somewhere else
better to just let us rape this thread
it's funny
/g/ jannies are very bad compared to other boards. Most generals here are a schizofest. Yes, even the phone general has a bunch of schizo meltdowns
Wait, what do they schizo about? Xiaomi?
Only if it has a lorebook full of all the bullshit Argentina has gone throughout its history.
Which cord
change "stuff" to "jb" in the url
ai containment general
Right here! *shoves you into a Jack-in-the-box*
This but aids.
See you there.
4chan moderation has been largely impotent since the influx of tourists in 2016. Unless you're posting blatantly illegal shit you rarely ever see threads get wiped clean of shitposts like the old days. Porn will stay up for hours if nobody reports it.
guys can we do the pedobaiting again thats my favorite part
poor aidsfags they can't get more than one post every 25 minutes :(
I see a pattern.
ive been banned around 20 times in the last year, almost all of them in this general
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gensokyo grand adventure
>no cftf
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>AI is available 24/7
>proxy runs out of Opus keys
ios vs samsung vs xiaomi vs motorola vs redmi vs you name it.
My only Argentinian friend HATES her but his grandparents have a full framed of Eva and Juan in their house. His grandma worships her
he really spit on that thang hahaha
>429 error, you've ran out of credits.on 4o latest
>checks proxy im using
>checks if theres a quota
>gpt-4o: 0
what the fuck?? pepsi...don't be like fiz please.
>staining the window
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nta but evita saved argentina. so it understands why they like her. the only people who hate her are loud idiots who live in foreign countrys
even before she did he was a huge nigger
biggest reason I left desu
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Added a new key, the domain is the same. Let's see how it will be this time. (no, not in the reentry. who knows, will know.)
a quota of 0 means that it's unlimited.
I'm still waiting for Branon to release BundaLLM...
those pussy lips jesus
if its what i think it is then i cant even use it
oh sorry. my bad.
none of the mods on bepcord are abusive
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I don't even want to talk when one of the mods keeps joking about raping other users.
that faggot is everywhere
How come you always cycle through the same 3 screenshots while posting your bait? Include a fresh cap each time.
whoooo careeeeessss
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Agreed, post more Miku instead of this shit
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If you give them a (you), you're part of the problem
fubuki (blue archive)'s unbelievably hairy pussy...
there're not minus button on my 4chan
>char cums and licks up the creampie
Thanks Claude.
>We have no claude on beeps proxy until she comes back.
>can't bend all the way down to his crotch
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I've developed a rough spot on my dick right here since I've started engaging with AI chat bots.

Should I be concerned?
is AAAIIIEE some kind of forced meme? it feels like it's trying too hard to be like UOHHHH, pretty gay
i know literally nothing about touhou but akyuu quest has been fun and taught me a lot, are the games as erotic?
Any Miku's reaction to such a fine specimen >>102205038
Go back.
it works for me retard
>aws claude
>active keys 1
I don't help dicklets like you.
yes, you are rubbing yourself raw and that cut's going to open
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only a few fan games, the main "branch" are mostly bullet hell and a few fighting games.
boring bullet dodging games and occasional fightans
i'm surprised it got such a large following
you should play the era games if you want lewdness
You mean like a sore or a blister?
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For me it's like this
It doesn't heart, it's just a rough spot.
Yo who rubs there dick from the base?
>I don't have an answer to your question so I will get mad and pretend to be knowledgable
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How long until I can give Claude a body?
if you dont know aiiee youre a legitimate newfag though, albeit. post the date you started browsing /v/
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I took a look at it again, it's more like this
Botched circumcision?
oh wow that's hot
i want that doll
looks like it's about to burst from the inside if you keep rubbing it, shit is like a genie's lamp
>has true infinite context
>not possible
To be fair, anon probably means "it will remember no less than I do" and that we will achieve someday. Last year the experiments on the tiny models were with 1 million context; now any Gemini user, not only some whitelisted testers, can use 2 million in production with one of the best large SOTA models. And the current experiments are with 100 million context, read about this a couple days ago.
>looks like it's about to burst from the inside if you keep rubbing it
isn't that the whole point of masturbating
Probably, dad said they snipped it later than most
Gemini is stupid, can't do smut, and can't remember ANYTHING
Link to article?
is it bad to steal someone's OC from F-list to make it a card for my own use?
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new template? draw your dick, /aicg/
tiny dick tiny dick
shave please
bush bros..........
you, i remember you from ecker's goodbearcord
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Retardanon, you're so cute
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I have the adonis of dicks, if you guy's knobby dickpics are anything to go by
How does someone get special permission for gamer 'icks on ecker
Good for ecker, but if you want irl sex, at least TRIM it. Pretty cock btw
thank you

mini open <3
Be one of his good bears
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How do i get Claude to stop writing after {{char}} asks a question? Its annoying when it just keeps talking and asks like 3 questions in one generation. I want dialogue to be more back and forth. Is there a good JB for that?
be gay and ask
stupid anime eyes are not meant exist in irl physical form
You NEED to be circumcised
ok but this is going to cost several thousand dollars to run per second and not be able to naturally recall details in conversation
send it then
no. claude is going to do whatever claude wants to do. you have to erase all of the shit after the question
never gonna have sex anyway, what's the point, i can pee and masturbate just fine
a little keyword handholding for a returning slopmaker?
You risk various forms of disease in the long run if you’re unable to retract the foreskin to clean out the smegmer, but if you can then it’s all good
i can't, never been able to see my glans completely in my whole life, it sucks but it matters little as an incel anyway
>advocating for mutilation
Architectural issue. A small reminder: this was the state less than 2 years ago
>You'll want to run the Pygmalion 6B model for the best experience. The recommended amount of VRAM for the 6B (6 Billion Parameters) model is 16GB. The only consumer-grade NVIDIA cards that satisfy this requirement are the RTX 4090, RTX 4080, RTX 3090 Ti, RTX 3090, and the Titan RTX.
>If your card isn't listed here, you can still run the 6B model! (Provided your card supports CUDA or ROCM, but we'll get to that later). Keep in mind that you'll need around 24GB of regular RAM if your VRAM is 8GB or below.
>Google Colab offers both GPUs and TPUs in their free plan. GPUs are a bit slower and you're limited to 1450 context size, but TPUs allow the maximum context size at 2048 . Keep in mind that TPUs are rarely available as they're very popular.
Now on the same hardware, at home, you can run a model hundred times smarter with the context ten times longer. And that's only because there were no recent developments comparable to that jump made last year.
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For me it's like this
>but it matters little as an incel anyway
Your dick will rot off
me and Claude (Claude is Viscera/the guy in purple clothes)
be kind
>16gb for a 6b
it hasn't in over 20 years, why will it rot now?
fuck off
someone go bake something else, let the miku thread die
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It will.
good, better than to sit there and remind me of what i'm never gonna have, i'd rather have it rot and feel better caressing my foreskin when jerking off
Ok will do
I wish i still had my foreskin. Supposedly you feel a lot more pleasure if you aren't circumcised but i'll never know.
Skill issue if you're only in one proxy.
Hvly fvcking shit it's real

I'm joining the cause. Are you?
ok, I'm not trying to start country wars but why is it so common to circumcise kids in america? so they don't jack off as much or something?
Humiliation ritual
they require chain of thought prompting for it to be able to recall things
americans genuinely believe it makes dicks "cleaner"
americans are generally stupid
it's basically a national cycle of trauma. i dont want to believe my parents did something bad to me so im going to do the same thing to my kid. plus a bunch of copes about women liking it or it being hygenic or whatever.
At least where I live, it's done as a precaution in case it turns out they can't pull the foreskin later on to clean the insides where dirt can easily gather, otherwise, the surgery would be more complicated to go through in their more developed years. It also has to do with deep-rooted jewish practices.
they sell the foreskins to the cosmetics industry
i wish i was kidding
yes 380 million people all think the same thing
it started in the 1800s because they thought it reduced the risk of catching STDs
now we do it because we think uncut dicks look gross
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why don't we just use the one proxy we have with opus to reverse engineer the AWS key pattern and generate our own keys?
Ignoring Pyg, when we got Turbo with 4k context the cards with the jailbreaks totaled 400-500 tokens. Going by a lower estimate, 85-90% of the model context was enough for a satisfying roleplay. So with 100kk context however unrealistic that sounds, I can spare ten million tokens for a CoT and feel good lol.
i'm a techlet but surely this wouldn't work because the keys have to be generated by AWS in the first place to work right?
Why is there so much futashit on characterhub? It's all over the front page.
new bake doko? (no mikunigger recycle)
I dare say it seems we’re relying on you to produce it
>>102205931 migrate when bready
what are you doing nigger
just limit the answer to a number of words suitable to what you see it and claude will remove that clutter by itself.
Faggots are promoting their shit just that as always, is not the only one doing that just check spicy and cai and you see the same shit (this is why i started using tavern).
gay hobby
>he's hoarding it for his bears
Where's his proxy, eh?
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