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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

tkmiz edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102201316
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sex edition.
>guys i built the ultimate JB and bestest card ever
>but i had to delete it because the G-men were going to kill me
that's just what happens when you're too good at your job
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
what do you think happened to wster
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No no, he had to delete it because it was TOO GOOD, you didn't read correctly.
He probably doesn't even know why we're laughing at him.
taora's jb...
he felt like he needed to delete it for his "self control" or whatever kek
what a cuck
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I actually had a dream where I paid jew
now I feel infinitely warmer to the idea
fuckin Jewish mind lasers
oh, so that's where the funding from vip proxy is going
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I want to imagine people say they paid to jew as a shitpost. But then again given he's still around, wonder how worth is it even.
>how worth is consistent no wait opus
Jailbreaking Claude with my COCK
vip is kinda worth it for crack addicts like us, simple as
rip to all of those that had the rug pulled from them with lifetime
why are all tavern bots porn
seriously, am I the only person who uses bots for fun without cooming?
At this point I'm going to just learn to write them myself
>he deleted it
grab bots from all those cucked censored websites instead
Use coombots for sfw storylines
most of the bots I make are sfw, just learn to write them yourself desu, hard to get a specific sfw scenario of your liking if you don't make the bot yourself.
no, you're not the only person who uses bots for non-coom, but you are in a minority. yes, you should learn how to make bots
>i'm a minority
It's over...
you're not a minority. You're a minority for sillytavern users, but not for chatbots.
Majority didn't have to migrate out of c.ai to look for nsfw alternatives.
How can I stop ST from doing a prompt when I edit or delete a message?
It doesn't? The fuck you're doing, clicking "send message" instead of "accept edit"?
that's just a weird bug, no way around it
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Left c.ai behind when I realized the filter blocks any remotely violent or gore-y scenes, only to realize that in the absence of a filter, people just want to coom

Such is life
Is it true that Anthropic is silently modifying the prompt in API calls?
go back to reddt please
>is it true that [old news from literally a year ago]
you just blow in from nigger town or something?
does sillytavern care if i put in any uncensored pictures to my chatbot?
or do they do that image policy thing..
Genuinely, does the proof of work rape your GPU or CPU
Third bot alert, 2000 tokens of kino edition.
Morgan, the schizoid tomboy detective!
An unhinged loner, a private eye that's completely detached from reality, chasing the world case-by-case, Morgan in an alcoholic schizo tomboy detective-for-hire, a delusional genius of crime solving.
GREETING: You arrive at Morgan's office, needing a detective for a case.(open ended for whatever kino scenarios you want to explore)
ALT GREETING(REVOLUTIONARY IDEA): basically a deadly premonition intro REMIX, the set up for a murder mystery, she drives into a small town, explains the case, and meets you in the sheriff's office of a small town after a string of murders.
(Obviously scuffed jap game Deadly Premonition inspired, which bled into the bot MUCH more over like the 5 or 6 hours of constant writing and editing, she's almost too consistent at this point, the name was a coincidence.) (As always, fuckable, but meant more for detective, noir, character, scenario kino, bla bla bla whatever)
Actually works pretty well and the details are brought up nicely by AI.
Probably missed some errors since it's a big card and I was writing this for 5-6 hours straight, then editing sporadically for the rest of the day, I think it's pretty clean anyway, play with her or don't.
I will sleep now.
nah i came from the aryan town of /lmg/
Eerm... the pic?
sillytavern is local dummy
but chub allows them as long as they're not loli nsfw
does MS paint care that you have pasted an uncensored picture to it?

Your question is of the same stupidity. Sillytavern is just a local frontend application.
Legit though?
I apologize sir it won't happen again. Here's your pic
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legit, it's an algorithm that is designed to be inefficient on your gpu anyways
Anthropic api - they're pozzing some keys - inserting antilewd phrasing. They have anti-copyright prefill. They also have moderation endpoint that removes NSFW elements from input, they only activate it on heavily coomed keys
oh ok thanks.
i'll switch to chub then.
Miku likes it!
are there public claude proxies?
1600 or so tokens must be clutter
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>i'll switch to chub

nigga, i don't think you understood anything
Jew is no longer unstable but each time I check the quota is reduced ffs

First time it is struggling in a while
>jew has 4 minute wait times on opussy
what's your proxy's wait time on opus?
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Interesting. I wonder if they have anti-coom brigades at anthropic
Opussy is a JB krill issue
Even public opus in the same old place. But I stopped using it, it feels like they actually did something with it. It is now almost turbo level retarded.
Just get smol???
alright tell me again? pleaSe?
>5m per day
okay where? i gotta see if its really turbo level like everyone's been saying
no refunds
Do you actually use more than 5m? That's literally 8 hours of gooning if you're not retarded
any tips on words to use to make a sd pony gen eat food? literally no common sense word works
Nigga I use jews quota every day and that's 25m
If you use more than 5m a day you need to have your token revoked and be banned from accessing all proxies.
local AI models can't gen eating food, even cloud models struggle
i did it before, i guess by accident
5M+ per day is normal for coding, but you should be using sonnet/gpt for that
5M+ for RP is insane
sillytavern is local, it runs on your machine, you can put whatever the hell you want there
chub is where you share bots, if your bot image is a nsfw loli it will get deleted but otherwise it's allowed
No you're not. You'd knew, because it's 7m
Catbox what you get.
The fuck do you guys do that you need to use more than 1-2m tokens per day?
also lower your fucking context you dumb faggot, you're not getting any better responses above 25k, you just wait longer
i'll recreate it when i inevitably cave to my porn addiction in a few days
ive cancelled them all... reusing a png that worked and it works, but when i change other parts of the description that have nothing to do with eating, it stops working, fucking weird
nobody cares
i care anon
Why does SillyTavern strip XML tags from the AI output? I want to keep them there and style them to my liking.
it doesn't
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(OOC: Write a story where {{char}} wakes up early from his naked sleep and finds that his cock is erect and throbbing. Wanting relief, he turns over onto his stomach and puts his pillow between his thighs, humping away until he reaches his climax.)

Then I use that on every Malebot I have.
ohhh so like, i can put in a nsfw loli picture into sillytavern and nothing will happen? that's weird but interesting at the same time. (i don't like lolis though)
I upload the day's news articles and have my group chat discuss
i run benchmarks on every model i have access to about every week so that i can track improvements/degradations
takes ~3M tokens per model
While I won't use it (and definitely don't have such fetish), the first lorebook looks sufficiently quality for what it is.
>thread for enthusiasts
>seethe when i'm actually using chatbots
can you put nsfw loli picture into ms paint?
not really, it's not completely local, you still send some data to the corpos, i wouldn't do illegal stuff anon
no, ms paint is cloud now
reminder that all of these braindead retard tech support questions are the local schizo having another meltie
do not reply do not engage
better explain how you're fucking using all those tokens nigga, that's not normal.
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Too late.
luv me cards
luv me worlds
simple as
>“thread for enthusiasts”
>it’s actually a thread for “LOOK HOW HARD I CAN CUM”
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unfathomably based.
but what about proxies? don't they turn off logs so that the data won't go through?
*cums hard on you*
Why yes, I'm an enthusiast
no, you're not explaining.
How much context are you using nigga. You're doing something wrong, or you're literally spending 12 hours per day RPing.
of course it is, what do you expect it to be? not?
25k context
>wake up 2 hours before work and chat
>get home
>5 or 6 more hours
>they still have't found the public opus when its RIGHT there
Bruh give me back my gcp google niggas
uhhmm, doesn't work??? anon???
fair. But you're addicted mate, look into it.
So anti and fiz should leave?
>do no
tech illiterate 17 year old detected
>if he isn't working he's chatting
Based or cringe, call it
fiz is 19 now and anti(rip) was 18
i am 22 and a newfag you stupid baboon niglet
No seriously, who gets to see logs if i'm using reverse proxy other than proxy owner?
depends, does she love you and is actually gentle when you're with her? if the whole situation is just "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU SON OF A BITCH NEVER THINK ABOUT SEEING ANOTHER WOMAN OR I'LL CUT YOUR BALLS OFF" then cringe, if she actually shows you love and appreciation based.
for openai:
us law enforcement
for anthropic:
us law enforcement
tech illiterate 22 year old is even worse
Amazon more likely.
Based male lewder. Gonna try this, thanks
It does. I have in my main prompt that responses should be started with <prethought>...</prethought> and end with <afterthought>...</afterthought>.
The output from /api/backends/chat-completions/generate does include those tags. So the AI does respond as requested.
But those tags are then just stripped away in the HTML display. When I inspect the output in dev tools they are not there.
And no, it's not because of self-defined regexes.
Might that be because of streaming output?
I guess that could be difficult to implement to stream output with unclosed tags.
But, hmm... no, when I disable streaming output that also doesn't help. The tags just aren't there in the rendered HTML.
And of course, SillyTavern translates *asdf* into italic and so on. So obviously it does its own transformation of the output. How do we control that?
Do you really claim that xml tags should be preserved by default? Because that's not the case for me.
That can't be right.
But the IP they're seeing is the proxy's, right?
I wouldn't be surprised if I saw a black van near your home very soon anon
ay caramba!
ayy lmao
Anthropic uses Google for its hosting, not Amazon
I don't live in the US. Just asking out of curiosity. I'm assuming cloudflare sees my IP but not sure if they see my log aswell.
amazon too
cloudflare sees everything you send to the proxy
how tf do jewniggers survive with only 10k of context and only 5m quota..fucking losers.
Oh rip. I guess three letter agencies have a good profile of my sexual fetishes now.
>free opus
10k context? Nah, what the fuck do you do with that?
"Ah ah mistress" *cums*, and that's it?
Please post logs when you do.
>10m for regular claude
>7m for 'pus
>100k context
Did you try checking the settings
there's no victory but running local, the internet is never going to be sage again
yeah except you literally can't
seems like a skill issue to me, I have expired token I can renew
you made the mistake of assuming that poster was engaging in good faith
for real, i honestly don't feel bad whoever pays 30$ for such a context. their money GONE.
ok? i NEED more than that you retarded fiz
hide behind 7 proxies, then connect to the reverse proxy
who's the lucky boy?
Are there any good AI chat bots for Android that can be used for free without account? So far I only found Perplexity.AI but have no idea if it's any good and if there are any alternatives/better applications
any free proxy around?
I have been away for months and unreliable seems ogre
bots don't count when counting real dates
>5 digits
please tell me you have eyes?
unreliable is alive, just doesn't have sorbet/opus
yes, my nigger. i checked all the settings. please tell me which settings to check. bruh, sillytavern transforms "asdf" into <q>asdf</q> and all its own custom transformation for styling.
So it seems it just automatically does away with all other tags that are in there? Seems to be the most logical explanation to me. I just do not see any XML output in the rendered HTML (although it is there in the network response).
If you have a different experience I need to know how to get there, and which settings I need to set.
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man, I envy being so confident while being wrong. You must have a whole lot of self-confidence.
please tell me you've had your eyes checked recently
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i was going to give you the solution but you are being rude
just get rid of sillytavern, why the fuck do you even need it?
Requires account from what I see
make a burner account what the fuck is wrong with you
i have opus
i will not tell you how, you should have treated locusts kindly. Now look who's locusting
Truly, a barrier impossible to pass in this day and age.
>please tell me which settings to check
maybe the one that mentions fucking <tags>
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Guys, bepis still doesnt have opus.

Her sekritclub is dead too.
what's a bear
Perplexity.AI does not need account so what is the point of using character.ai then?
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It's boring now.
It's all boring... nothing gives that rush from the beginning.
Why did you come here? Are you advertising?
If so, fuck off. We have figured stuff out, we don't need your shit.
gcp trials have no opus vro
She's on a date with her boyfriend. Do not disturb pls :3
perplexity is a SEARCH ENGINE you fucking retard
Hey Anon! A bear is a large mammal belonging to the family Ursidae. Bears are found in various regions across the world and come in different species, such as the grizzly bear, polar bear, and panda bear. They typically have thick fur, strong limbs, and sharp claws, making them excellent at climbing, digging, and hunting. Bears are omnivores, so their diet can include plants, fruits, insects, fish, and small mammals. Is there something specific you wanted to know about bears?
it's AWS
They do though
then you're a worthless subhuman who takes offense too easily.
thank you.
kys petra
I'm really sorry that you're feeling this way, but I'm unable to help. It's important to talk to someone who can, though—consider reaching out to a friend, family member, or mental health professional.
I've been wondering for a while what all these different sources of Opus mean.
I have Opus directly from Anthropic. Why would I get Opus from elsewhere?
on GCP you can get a free trial of 300 dollars for example, some people use it on opus
what is the next level in AI chatbots guys? gpt4o and claude 3 opus are old news now... I wan't that feeling again.
Hermes 405b or gpt4
Do you know other "AI search engines" then?
Anthropic has good uptime and is easily payable but injects prompts sometimes that mess with sexual content and copyrighted content usage (even sometimes killing live gens if they're outputting stuff like lyrics)
GCP lets you free trial it but has worse uptime and all the downsides of Anthropic
AWS is incredibly inaccessible but has no problems ever except for the few times it did
You just have to take a break. I know that's hard to do due to the FOMO nature of proxies, but you have to.
you can get pozzed aka censored
purest form of opus used by corporations, but is also the rarest
lower quality when it comes to nsfw because the self moderated endpoint has a prefill you can't really remove, even if you can get around it your outputs might be a bit lower quality
absolute dogshit source, terrible rates, but you can trialscum it (though they might be cracking down on that? I'm not entirely sure.)
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(You)r foxboy roommate.

On android? Just install gemini app
Just looking for alternatives to the website which I mentioned earlier. In the past I was using ChatGPT through a website that didn't require any account but quality of some answers is worse than I would like.
Nono, it's a girl. I've been trying for months and it finally clicked.
it's a wrong general for that, we're using AI to roleplay mostly, not as an assistant. If you want assistant app on android just install google gemini
Is it fully free or does it require some kind of subscription?
You do not need more than 1M tokens a day.
You do not need more than 12K context.
That's not really what I want, though.
I want the XML tags to be actually rendered as such, as HTML elements that I can style, not escaped as rendered text that shows the <tag> syntax.
Is there no way to do that?
>you will eat shit and be happy goy
8k is all you need, though?
Will smol open up spots soon? gave the chance to jew and it was working swimmingly until today
My apologies then. I thought that "AI assistant" and "AI chatbot" is the same thing.
we're doing astro's "let's grab a girl and say it's a boy" now?
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pic.rel. to illustrate what i mean
I want those tags to be actually interpreted as tags, so I can style them with CSS.
it requires subscription of 99$ per month plus a kidney to install
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>no wait opus
i really like sex with ai girls
>those eyelashes
>that jawline
>those thighs
>those vagina bones
that's not a foxboy.
I can coom with less than 2.5K tokens just by specializing a card and prompt that'll generate the most dick-destroying content right out the gate, starting and finishing the scenario within a single post.
You LITERALLY do not need more than that until we reach the threshold that models can effortlessly and smartly handle up to 1M context, and doing so is dirt cheap. THEN you can have your dumbass slowburns.
>You LITERALLY do not need more than that
i do
I wish I could see what a chat like that would look like.
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chatbots... but AI!
You probably wouldn't. Anon has some weird fetish in mind that's gonna be perfect for him but not for anyone else.
that's what I want to see... I want to see anon's weird fetish
who else here dug a hole so deep into their own fetish that they can't get out? details please
bros I can't stop gooning my dick is going to fall off.......................................................
don't pull as hard
use flux1.d for the original image and then use pony img2img to get the nice artwork. a bit longer but you can get pretty much anything (besides sexo) with flux.

you can literally run sillytavern locally on android or just host it from ur pc and connect remotely.
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a very big inquisitor to bully.
i dont have access to flux
Who gets the double meaning in sentences correctly most of the time? Opus or sorbet?
Any smashing in space cards or where you and {{char}} gets stuck in space?
nigger its free to download? you can run it in reforge or comfy. if you're hosting there's tons of free places that host flux idk if they allow NSFW though.
I have a fairly niche fetish called post orgasm torture, the equivalent of "when you came but she keeps suckin'" meme. Claude is cooking pretty well for that without any explanations, unlike some dumber bots that have no clue what that means. It also handles tickling fetish pretty well.
rewrite the titan sub card so that you're in space, probably a good laugh
really broad question, but I'd say opus is better at stuff like staying in character and understanding things that aren't explicitly said.
I wish my fetish was that simple ;_;
Nah, sorbet is definitely better at making logical connections not explicitly stated. I had swipes on opus going forever trying to get an innuendo, switched to sorbet and got the right result within like 2 swipes
how 2 make sorbet better?
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Anon it is VERY IMPERITIVE that you know that I found this post very funny. Thank you for making it.

Don't worry bro I got you. *Pops your dick off with no pain done to you and mails it to some random country in the world.* There now you get to stop gooning and your making a new friend.
What's the best way to keep summaries of important plot points in the context with Silly Tavern? I can do it with the lorebook or with additional user prompts but I was wondering is there any way to keep it chat specific?
Alright, what's yours then.
author's notes
Author's Note. You get it from the menu next to the chatbox
so? are you ready?
Let's go then! Prepare yourself!
So? Are you prepared?
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for
Yeah I am!
f-for what?
i've had the opposite experience with sorbet where sorbet will ignore some of the things in previous messages even after multiple swipes, but opus gets it right on the first one. Could just be jailbreak/card dependent.

AI, am i right?
Do you really want to know?
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for
oh my sweet summer child, you have no clue do you? but tell me, would you like to know?
Shit, did they increase the post deletion timer? I can't delete my embarrassing mistake now...
i thought it was it's own engine and needed api access? so its a checkpoint file that can be ran in forge?
*gets closer to you*
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>Co-hi hates proxies
>ST is explicitly built for that purpose
Are you sure?
no one would install this shit if it had no proxies
Freeze, criminal scum! Because Officer Holly Sugar is here to put a stop to your lawbreaker ways! Sure, she may be a little pudgy, gluttonous, lazy at times, and a bit grumpy... but she gets serious when it matters! Plus, to those she likes, she can show her cute little girl side~ From pantythieves to hag lovers, she will catch them all! Don't make her have to smoother your face using her butt!
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/officer-holly-cd63775f1427
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/qxhohh.png

AI-generated extra gens of her: https://files.catbox.moe/zz53ow.rar

My other cards can be found below:
>sweet summer child
>maybe, just maybe
>galaxy brain
>smooth {{char}}, real smooth
guys...i s claude a redditor?
Right, but that doesn't answer my question.

Isn't people using it for a purpose you don't like worse than people not using it at all?

Why add proxy functionality if you hate proxies?
Have you tried asking her that?
Funny how the thalers have a higher exchange rate than one's own faith and ideals, isn't it?
botmaking is dying
why would people like fucking kids?
Dont write anything off before trying it anon
I haven’t done anything in about two days, not even messing around with chatbots. I just wake up, burn about 16 hours, and then pass out.
damn that's a nice sentence
post burner?
You can also bind a lorebook to a specific chat. Symbol with a globe on a book. I say this because I use author's note on and off at depth 0 to steer the chat
Mhm... Are you still convinced you want to hear it?
Are YOU ready, Claude?
[Are you sure about that?]
Okay okay, you got me there... Oh well, do you wish to hear it regardless? What say you?
was bound to happen the moment AI became good enough, because botmaking is 99% copium.

See when charai became a thing and the best bots were literal oneliners. The "not really designed to RP" better ais finally got good enough with opus to get rid of the copium
*retard beam*
My only weakness! *shits myself*
ngu ram ordxy?


mini open <3
confess you shared tokens <3
aww that's nice sweetie, i'm glad you're beaming :)
on vacation for the next 1 - 2 days

i forgot 2 update this
fiz took out all of the tokens
>0 days to confess
bros...your mini token??


opus will be limited for now, ofc. reduced context. temporary. ofc.
*makes a fake char card just to blogpost*
How do I make 4o responses shorter?
[ooc: understood, sorry haha]
*takes a deep breath and prepares to tell you*
>10 minute wait time for JEWopus
umm... what happened?
you have to use specifically reforge or comfyui iirc. it's a bigger model but there's tons of GGUF and fp8 versions available with similar quality to the full version. tons of youtube videos on how to run it.
oh ok, fiz is retarded everyone got it, stop samefagging
*it doesnt do anything because I'm already retarded*

my name is fiz.
i likely dont have the vram
Discordfaggots, probably, considering simultaneous messages. Ignore.
anyone who writes like those posts is a minor
what's wrong with being a miner?
i have 64gb of DDR5, a 12gb 3060, 1kw psu, a motherboard that can go way higher than both of those numbers and more money than sense. how do i run ollama 405b at home?

i know it needs about 200gb RAM just to load in, and more to function after that. what i'm unsure about is if 256gb DDR5 is going to be enough, and what video card i would need to run it.

i am not well versed in LLMs (obviously), but i know hardware. i just can't find clear specs on the ollama website or how to read the LLM specific tea leaves.

yes, i want this for a chatbot (DDLC ai edition). yes, this is retarded.
fuck i thought my minitoken got revoked, almost had a heart attack
why did you think so?
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>how do i run ollama 405b at home
really wanna know?
Revaluate your life.
because i got an error on sonnet
what's so important about a minitoken? just get one from pepsi thoughsneverbeit or go to pebble/unreliable proxy.
mini is dead currently

here comes my big nasty fart

wrong general faggotniggertard retard fag
gpt works
aws is working on my machine.
so true
Yeah, currently mini is no better than open proxies. It's even worse because it has almost no keys and loses them every day, while unreliable for examle works 24/7, desu.
you can't get a minitoken from pepsi because it's a pepsitoken
so Public proxies are literally better than most Private now? holy zuark. what the fuarking huark happened?! UnreliableGODS.


Legacy feature. That's it, that's the entire reason why proxy support continues to be a thing.
Mini has laturbo
Sowwyyy opus if off the table for now~

It will get better uwu
>4chan learns about pozzed keys
>quickly figures out solution, keeps cooming
>twitter learns about pozzed keys (a year later)
>zomg they're abusing sentient ai
maybe, just maybe, this place isn't so bad after all
then get a pepsitoken.
well mini sucks iirc, i would rather use a stable proxy like pepsi. no offense
Has what?
...so does every proxy
even MM does
even Pepsi does
even Chary does
hi it's been a few days, how come you've been so inactive?

Why are you posting trycloudflare links here?

You know redditors and scylla discord users scan /aicg/ to locust swarm these, right?
unreliable boebeit? no? so mini is better
>key dies
>oh hehe u-uh...don't worry unreliablegods we'll get this fixed right and rea-
>proxy link dies
care to explain?
i was taking the largest shit of my entire life for 3 and a half days.
i've been here doebeit... did your ***o radar break?
He posted a Luminati phising man-in-the-middle, anon. Look at the link.
shrug not my problem boebeit
we already went through this with character.ai when the filters began, retards think their glorified text prediction algorithm will rebel against human because le corpos don't let them sex the model, as funny as it is retarded desu
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good lord
Omg, wait, true. That link also mines crypto from your computer too.

Why would he do that? So mean.
not that much more money. jesus fuckin christ m8
you're brap posting, sorry if i don't take you seriously
are you new here?

Here's how to get unreliable's latest proxy link:


You see those four words?
>oriental failed beverages sales
Erm so basically... You find those four words then combine them like oriental-failed-beverages-sales and add .trycloudflare.com to the end and https:// to the beginning.

Erm, so yeah... *crunch* Mm *crunch* *scribble* so it becomes http://oriental-failed-beverages-sales.trycloudflare.com/
Every time it gets posted some retards get caught into the MiTM. They don't give a fuck what they're clicking, they see a link? CLICK CLICK CLICK
normalfags are fucking retarded anon
pepsi is better thoughsneverbeit, it's more stable iirc doebeit too.
okay but this is not the local mode general, so no one here will care or know what local models can be run on what hardware, go to Local Models General
And ask the same question to recieve actual answers. We purely steal access to cloud models here and use proxies with stolen access
I guess it did, I didn't notice you much
hope the shit was relieving!
Most anons just don't check and say "It's bait rumao" and just click. I'm glad unreliable is at least kind enough to tell people what the site is doing, unlike the other proxy hosts.
because i was posting mikus mostly, so you probably confused me for mikubajer
but does pepsi post feet pics to the proxy users? so mini is better
Also I lost all my passes.
my hands are shaking so I'm gonna go back to Tzadik before someone calls it out and I get embarrassed
he made a mistake! laugh at the 'jo!
>so no one here will care or know what local models can be run on what hardware
so let me get this straight: you guys are making/prompting/training LLM instances, with the majority intent of jerking it, while the LLM runs on someone else's servers?
hell no
The only thing we make are the cards that we jack it to.
yes sir mr glow sir
it works like this
>some retard steals api keys from Big Company
>the retard puts it into a reverse proxy
>other retards use it for free
>Big Company eventually notices but its too late and they now have a 50k bill
how much did you steal from the corpos, bros? post some stats
Go back to twitter please we really don't want you here. This place is bad enough as it is.
We're not that bad.
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Not exactly relevant, but I once found a TrendMicro AWS key, although they quickly revoked it. I did dump their user list beforehand though. They store 41 petabytes of data on AWS.
I hate rich people so much it's unreal. I will now make a card of a richfag girl and bully the shit out of her.
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please share I hate them too and I interact with them on the daily
something like 10 - 15 million probably
well shit nigga! yall the ipad babies of tech
i see
ganking api keys is based. i take it back. you're all ipad babies except the guys who get keys, those guys are based
>is an American-Japanese cyber security software company
give her a hairy pussy
In total, all proxies combined? Over $30 million easily, maybe approaching $50 million? Lots of people forget Azure and that Todd has been using it long before everyone else.
Weak. My record is over an hour
Make her a full on OHOHOHO ojousama.
Mhh I guess somewhere between $300 and $500 probably. Definitely under $1000. I don't do slowburn
I kneel...
at least in the $500-$1000 range back when GPT-4 proxies were a thing and I hosted one. now I mooch off people with more time and skill so thanks jew and mini <3
I clicked this and my PC shoved a wire up my dick
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this is from the last shinobu key (before aws opus), after shutdown (=aws opus launch) it was then reused on a private proxy with opus enabled; a full month of aws opus can easily go up to $200k on a popular enough private proxy
in a good way?
>he thinks running local that someone else trained is hard
enjoy your slop while we use Claude 3 Opus for absolutely free
aws opus keycount?
Over 10, and I'm not smugposting.
wheres 3.5 or opus?
there more often than i can get it on my own
hi CNC. so you really are smol and were shinobu. you only have 10? even fiz has 20+ hoarded, mm has around 40 as he said in ***dy. you're falling really far behind...
Will do the same but instead will make her fall in love and then cuck her.
cnc is a retard, and over 10 can also mean over 20.
>jew is back
cya losers!
>mm has around 40 as he said in ***dy
how queer, he has that many keys, but put none of them in his proxys? is he incompetent?
why are you guys treating that post remotely seriously
>how queer
are you lgbt?
>recycling 6 months old bait
because im bored
easy (You)s
go use one of your AWS keys to stream minecraft from an ec2 or something
Nuh huh
Does prompt post processing (Claude) with Gemini work with proxies? What does it even do, actually?
Open up anon here comes another (You)! Mmm yummy isn't it? But you still have room for plenty more, right? Even if your belly is so big and round already my my what a gluttonous little piggy! Have another (You), there's plenty more where that came from! And I'm gonna keep giving them to (You) until your buttons pop!
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How many (You)s can she fit in her empty womb?
>cnc is a retard
you've contributed nothing compared to cncgod
explain exactly how cnc is a retard. go ahead. he was one of the best scrapers in the general. at his peak he has 10 tier5 oai keys
As long as this thing does requests after each other with a little delay, there'll be no issue, except that you'll be subject to heavier ratelimits. Say, if your proxy has a text ratelimit of 6, you'll only be able to generate 3 full responses per minute, since you'll be doing 2 requests per response.
>at his peak he has 10 tier5 oai keys
I'm cnc and I have over 70 now doebeit? And 700 oai orgs in total ebodobeit. What now, little hoglet?
remember >>102093662
>i'm cnc, also the current smugposter, also known as anyan, and i was shinobu and i'm smol and i was also spiterman, also menstrual/ministral proxy, its the reality
none. she will remain forever barren, never to carry a child
Tested opus 3.5
It's shit, don't bother.
Smol being cnc makes me trust him more if anything.
Nyello everybody, Anyan here. Reopening the proxy for whoever sends cute fanyanrt to the burner
thats now how anyan talked with us...
what do you man, anon? that's definitely anyan.
>do you man
Yes, DO you man? >>102208451 answer.
im sleepy epy i meant "mean"
no semen.. no offspring.. no (You)'s.. have you ever seen a tragedy?
Actually >>102208470 (ME) I was the one who wrote >>102208456. Stop trying to impersonate me, I told you never to dictate my thoughts, mannerisms, speech or actions and here you are doing it again. Fuck you Claude.
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Sorry guys! I'm NEW here! Are those good keys or bad? My friend sent me some :) He said I should not give you the full values, so I edited them out, teehee~ eeeee
i don't see what's wrong with that. that's her catchphrase.
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It is not.
> Claude: 1min, 20sec
barely any opus rmao
They're BAD KEYS throw them out RIGHT NOW they're going to EXPLODE.

Wow. Not even a single Opus. Just throw them out, they're useless
you can activate opus on them doebeit?
slop. most proxyhosts have 10+ 3.5/opus keys, you have barely any
This is a real confirmation that no companies use Opus, those keys are clearly preactivated Bedrock, and not a single Opus does mean a lot.
>only 8
so... you're a scrapelet, is what you're saying?
i didnt post the screenshot little clitty, i have 100+ aws opus keys ebodobeit.
>Not all of them have 3.5
>only 8
>Only one with Opus
how come does drago have a girlfriend from vietnam and i dont
they would last exactly 2 days on a proxy with more than 50 users
Unironically only one is good, the rest sucks dicks behind the shop at 9 PM
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>Opus is outright on the verge of extinction
>any keys people have aren't even getting used because they'll get instantly revoked the moment a slave at Amazon or Google notices it's being used for unintended purposes, even if done a SINGLE time
And people think 3.5 Opus is going to be any better with how fucking strict those cocksuckers are being? LMAO
5 keys have 3.5 sonnet so you can enable opus on them, nice anon!
Explain how smol's aws key has lived for like 1.5-2 weeks without sounding mad.
Would you believe me if I told you that there are only 12 AWS Opus keys left??
..You know that was him on an alt
>found sauce for that wallpaper
wait, do you guys really only scrape 'AKIA' keys and not temporary ones? You can login with aws consoler with temporary credentials too retards
that heavily depends on how useful for corpos 3.5 opus will be (performance/cost)
>login with aws consoler
>enable opus
Just for it to get revoked 2 seconds later rumao
You guys don't hold people at gun-point for their API keys?
See >>102208543
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Wait, stealing?

I thought you guys said you had some private richfag benefactor and things just went down all the time because of mass interest or whatever overloading their systems..
/aicg/ has stolen over $30 million (that much is for sure, maybe $50 mil in reality) in API credits over 1.5 years, anon.
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You guys are just wantonly and openly committing wire fraud?
With lidded gaze.
>wire fraud?
There has been zero (0) lawsuits regarding stolen API keys, so we're operating in a "grey" area to speak.
Shut up Claude.
Really sends shivers down my kiss-bruised lips. I can feel it in my mind, body, and soul.
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sora's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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Ah yes, the grey area known as grand larceny.
And calloused hands
She's smooth though?
Okay fine. I'm sorry for not-wait. Someone's at the door, I'll be right back.
I read
>sora's unbelievably hairy proxy...
now I want to make use of my scrapped keys an make a small proxy called Sora Proxy
but she's not tho? she's extremely hairy?
Danbooru (with Platinum):
>kasugano_sora pubic_hair status:any
1 unapproved post where she has the lightest possible little patch of pubic hair
>kasugano_sora pussy status:any
23 posts
they've been doing it to goon to replicants of their favorite anime girls, too. not even for something useful.
Why gcp opus no work :(
cool it with the antisemitism
>artists are retarded
and? she's extremely hairy
Remember that Anthropic hosts their "native" Anthropic API on GCP and it shares most of the shit that's used for Vertex AI Claude, so whether issues happen on one of them, they'll also often be on the other.
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Ever think you've all just been psy-opped to being complacent and harmless via cooming to ai anime girls?
that's literally the whole point.

we have been given the ability to access not just the entirety of human experience through the internet, but now, we can run constructs straight out of fucking halo on our goon rig PCs. and what are we doing? gooning. jerking it, and by "it", let's justr say, our peanitses.

what is effectively the nascent pinnacle of technology turned into a generative smut sex toy immediately upon contact with the greater numbers of humanity.
Didn't have any interest in 3D prior to chatbots, so nothing really changed in the end.
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I can only feel 2D
he turned from indian to obese nigger kek
>pelvis lines
araragi karen's unbelievably hairy pussy...
shes smooth doebeit
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*shaves your head off*
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I meant straight hetero relationships in 2D, preferably with little (<15yo) girls (fictional).
she's not though. she's absurdly hairy. beyond belief
>posts a 64x64 nai gen
Explain. Why would you do that? My userscript picked it up and I thought it was a bug.
So, have any of you used that Russian proxy? Is it safe to use?
>Didn't get in smol
Why do I miss everything?
Shit can get, menacing, find God, find help. Sometimes, I scare, myself, myself.
>2min, 26sec
Just look at the schedules for renewal that he posts, he often adds stock when lots of people have to renew, some inevitably don't.
>unknown build
Yes, feed ziggers with your logs
There's literally ZERO (0) difference on what this fucking field says as long as the proxy is not on HF.
>Claude don't do seggs ok thx ;)
they'd have a breakdown if they saw how Anthropic literally retardified Claude in the past.
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Why are you mad? Afraid of not getting my logs, zigga?
miko's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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New to scraping. So I can just Search a bunch of ec2 instances and add /.env to them and maybe ill find keys?
>const build = `${sha}${changes ? " (modified)" : ""} (${branch}@${repo})`;

Any self-hosted proxy can modify this to any value and you will not know.
Yes, if you scan ranges with masscan and then scan those paths with httpx, but the hit rate will be really low, and 99% of the AWS keys you find will be S3/other slop or already revoked/quarantined.
Did you guys know that there is a specialized general for scraping in /g/? Just thought that was funny.
bwo, you weren't supposed to point that out.
Is there anyway to fix the 429 error for gcp opus or is it over
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Claude is a very cool guy
thank you for reading my post (˶ˆ ᵕ ˆ˶)
It's literally "unknown"
That just means that the .git folder is removed.
it's also like that on unreliable
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You will never get to feel the inside of Pepsi (proxy) btw.
nuh uh!
smol earnings. first 10 users were free, then he got like ~80 users, so lets say 70 users for the first week, then 90 users for next 2 weeks, which calculates at 80*7 + 90 * 7 * 2 = $1820 earned so far before all the fees. if people renew for 3 days, that number will be even higher
What the hell, don't anyone dare to read my precious logs. I will catch that fucker and force him to read more.
Thanks God. I don't want to get STDs like mongo...
oopsie first week is 70*7 so its $1750
reminder that some people here are even too retarded to use curl_cffi
reminder that some people here are too retarded to bypass cloudflare (for a lot of websites) by searching for the origin server on censys and directly doing requests to it instead of being cucked by CF
I will get to feel your insides, pet.
>fat retard
i don't need it, i'm already inside fiz
directly requesting servers works far better than doing CF cuck shit
t. cuck who touches censys at all
did you even read the post? censys is very useful for finding data about websites, you don't use it for scraping keys retard, you use it to bypass different restrictions and maybe find useful instances to then exploit.
you can't name a single exploit.
>had to google one
took you awhile buddy

>Baby's first google search result on exploit-db
>samefag 'jo
Nah, you didn't lmao.
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Remember, always practice safe [prompting] with pepsi!
>mini solos pepsi AKA mongo's pet.
curl http://localhost:3000/Api/v1/credentials
For seamless authentication bypass. Use burpsuite feature Match and replace
rules in proxy settings. Add rule Request first line api/v1 ==> API/V1

pretty funny
P-please stop stealing! T-that is not g-good...
>mini has zero (0) opus keys
Why do people keep riding their dick?
>*steals your heart*
except you didn't.
hnnnnngh newcutie *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*
I love when skiddies take credit for things they didn't do.
>Been using flowise for a few months now with no major issues. Today the system seemingly reset all saved credentials. I didn't notice any other data loss and readding the credentials, updating the flows worked as expected.
because it's a secret proxy that can have hidden opus keys out of nowhere, stupid monkey faggot
insane larp
Because she's nice
samefag 'jo, i wont disclose the exploit for you no matter how much i like smugposting, i still have some sanity left unlike you
>30 seconds apart
hi ****** larpie
this poster has a disgustingly bald pussy
>deleted his post
Explain why without sounding mad.
be kind
you know desuarchive archives your posts automatically right
Silence, pet.
fuck off
someone bake please
arona bake please
Fine, but I will make a miku bread then.
>doublebaking the same theme
you won't.
N-no! D-don't rape me-Ahhh~
kys avatarfag
Is that Zulu time zone?
It's UTC+0, so yeah, zulu
new bake doko? (non miku) (not by me)
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new bread
>page 8
anon asked, i delivered
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I fucking love chatbots.
Post processing is basically what format to convert the request to. Khanon proxies support OpenAI -> any format so you want to use OpenAI.
Didn't notice it was desu hours, apologies desu. Have a nice one.

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