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GGn is the most based tracker Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to elite, wait on account age and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO
>Bonus points are for hoarding, not for spending.
>When the website dies, you will be able to migrate your bp and buffer to animeZ

mangoboy story continues >>102197423 >>102203527 >>102207371
RED giving 42 tokens, will remove plaintext tracker and irc >>102212407

Previous thread: >>102153711
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How the fuck do you get buffer on PAT and Audionews? Can't download anything without tanking ratio.
Perverted thread
Any good albums this year besisdes BRAT? Recommend me some music to check out
I will never ever start with the sekrit club bullshit. I will not register. I will not beg for access. I will not be waiting when registrations are open. I will not seed the way you want me to seed. I will download what I want, when I want, how I want and no one will tell me what I can or can't do. Not ISP, not the content owner, not the government and least of all not some power tripping assholes running some shitty tracker or website that expect me to do this and that. I will always use the site that just let's me click the magnet link button and download my slop and add expect nothing in return. I will rather pay for the content than start to play by your bullshit rules. Fuck you.

That's one of the better copes for people missing out.

Please continue coping while i enjoy my private trackers.
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Today I will remind them.
Dumb question, I'll ask it anyway: Can I use my seedbox (ultra) to download links on the internet? There's this Google spreadsheet with a ton of rockband 3 songs I want incase it ever goes down. I figure I should be able to but idk if I need to use FTP or some shit.
sure, if you can access the console you can use wget to download the sites/media
I don't see wget in the apps. Only nzbget.
you use it from the terminal

wget $URL
I think I need a ssh client to access the terminal. I'll give it a go in a minute, thanks.
Vaguely related question, I couldn't find a DVD anywhere so I purchased an import, I plan to rip it and upload but what's the best method to do that? What tools do people use?
makeMVK seems to be the recommended way
I've used dd and it works too
Thanks anon I'll try it
T-thats erotic! You can't post that kind of thing in blue boards.
Delete immediately >:(
What music to download from RED?

Music you might like to listen to. Grab the highest bitrate version.

Often there are preview-streaming available if you are unsure.
Thanks vinnie but I was looking for recommendations.
Someone post the mangoboy apology letter. I'm not paying 15k gold for it.
it's worth it, poorfag
So.. why do some new torrents only DL to like 31.5% and then it becomes super fucking slow and nobody gets the whole file? Am I being bamboozled?
Try not to cringe

Shitty public torrent?

Or, the original uploader has a slow connection and is only at 31.5%. Everything up to that point is just downloading from all the other people that has the 31% so far.
8 pages no way this has to be some staff trolling right?
Nope, it's real.

Linked in his last reddit thread: https://web.archive.org/web/20240902100638/https://old.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/1f720p5/i_was_impersonated_on_rtrackers_the_real_mangoboy/
It's some random book, private tracker. I'm going to have to wait a fucking month before this book is downloaded and the uploaded is american wtf.
How the mighty have fallen.. Would you unban him /ptg/?
where is this from? it's not in the linked archive
>GGn global freeleech is filled with "mango"
Funny ass motherfuckers
>Impersonation is rampant on IRC trackers. I've heard multiple cases of people being banned on trackers because someone else used their tracker profile as 'community standing proof'

>It's a real problem but staff just doesn't care. They don't doublecheck, they don't believe anything and just ban ban ban

>For all the love that's going around in piracy & trackers, there's a whole lot of unbased deleting of people their accounts going around

Chat is this real?
he said he's emotional, so probably not
Yes, it is, look closer.

>A few days later I wrote an apology letter addressed to Mr. Ze- and other administration of GGn. I never posted it because its too soon, Im not changed, and it wouldnt be genuine either.

Hyper linked.
what's the reason private trackers forbid vpns?
You can torrent with a vpn, but they usually don't allow browsing the site with one due to risk of account sharing, etc.
He took the humiliation ritual too seriously

Well at least he achieved meme status.

Will he ever get unbanned anywhere? probably not.
Why would you frequent a community that acts like kiwifarms and its victims on a regular basis? Why continue to support this at all when you could just... not
The fuck are you talking about
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How does LinkinsRepeater keep being so based.
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My king
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i know, right?
>first thing in the general is a warning about how the staff share your IP and constantly monitor threads
ah yes, I'm so jealous of you being under the watchful eye of big brother
How long does it take to physically scan a book? I've got some old ones irl that there aren't torrents for on MaM and maybe I'll contribute.
better upload them on libgen
It's a old weird book. I've got a signed copy. But then again I'm pretty sure every book in existence has been scanned.
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Works on my machine.
How do I use wget on a link like this? https://drive.google.com/file/d/13nn03QUAdHNZz6mjqMUhpgiE07o3mozZ/edit
It keeps throwing a 404 or downloading the html which complains about virus scanning. Sorry for being retarded.
Didn't work for me, just grabs the html.
wget "https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=$FILEID&export=download&confirm=t"
Telegram users get the rope.
tried that with the id and it's still giving me a 404 weird.
depends on what you're scanning them with. if you're scanning a 300 page book using a phone it will take several hours. if you're using a flatbed scanner it'll take maybe an hour. however if you're not taking the books apart with either method, you're going to get a decent amount of text distortion towards the spine so you'll spend a lot of time cleaning up the scan like fixing up cropping, text and warping issues. the quality will be questionable either way, particuarly if the book is older. but it's still better than nothing. if you buy a decent book scanner like $500 it could be as fast as 10 minutes if you're good at using it. you'll also get much less distortion as it uses an overhead scanner and even has weights to hold the pages down; the software will also straighten, autocrop and order the pages on the fly. however, you'll still have to turn the pages by hand. the ones that autoturn the pages cost tens of thousands of dollars but it'll scan the book in a couple of minutes.
there's still a lot of wanted books that need to be scanned. BiB has much better threads than MaM when it comes to optimizing scans
GGn is so fucking BASED holy shit
He can't fix the goddamned site thoughever
502 error everyday untill you like it
Too busy gooning
thanks for archiving anon. you're a g
Who even is mangoboy and why is his ban such a big deal?
to add a real cost to invite sellers. also if they go down, you go down.
it's a big deal because he posted on reddit
and literally nothing happens, so anything is important breaking news
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a couple hours. way faster if you have a book scanner like Plustek OpticBook.
imagine using reddit over mainchan.
very ontopic, of course
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plustek optikbook can be pretty slow because it's a flatbed. Czur is pretty solid and it's faster with overhead
What do you guys scan? I work in a big library and have no clue what isn't already available everywhere online. I want to buy one of these just to tinker with but I can't imagine an actual use.
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based, didn't know that the cost of good overhead scanners had come down so much.
Agreed. But we are in the private trackers general
>It has not been widely accepted as a paraphilia or mental disorder, and there is significant academic debate as to whether it should be classified as either.
wikipedia surprisingly agrees
>Executing End-Program.exe...
TL code REFUGEETGX when?
Selling shitty seedboxes is more profitable
they opened for RARBG and FileList announcement
why not just unbind and scan sequentially through one of those scanners that autofeeds?
because I don't want to damage the book. but yeah, if you dgaf and you don't have any edge-to-edge illustrations, then you can just cut off the spine and feed it to a scanner. make sure to make a clean cut so that your feed scanner doesn't choke (doesn't work for old, damaged books)
you don't need any of this bullshit when you got Real Debrid.

Hmm maybe i will never join them then. I probably don't need them for anything.

I don't accept unofficial invites
>if you're scanning a 300 page book using a phone it will take several hour

You mentioned the wrong post, but i happen to be interested in book scanning since i own a ton of print only books. I own a decent quality camera phone, Google Pixel, and am willing to spend my time in a library if a scanner is needed. What's the best budget scanning technology out there? My knowledge is heavily outdated and the only thing i know of is xSane. TL;DR what route should i go?
>paying to pirate
Some retards throttle their uploads and just leave it in the client to accumulate points. Other people have terrible internet or their NAS is just really busy getting hammered by downloads / uploads
We are in /g/. Go back to your retarded boards where tech- illiterate people are the norm
Better RED than dead.

It feels soo good when i am uploading.

That's part of the reason why RED opted for the freeload system instead of bonus points for seeding at 1Kbps.
>RED giving 42 tokens
How I get them??? I have to login for a month.
>paypigging piracy
el oh el
ohh I just saw them +42 but where can you use them?
Is RED website acting up?
are you retarded?
a token is a free(as in, doesn't count the downloaded amount) download for any torrent below 2GB
Why they gave so many free tokens?
>for any torrent below 2GB
The guy who thought it'd be a good idea is a nigger faggot
Free leech is free leech, no matter whatever shit you wanna download
it's in the front page
RED is lagging a lot. It takes me 5 minutes to access a page.
Ops is much better. You can fl anything as long as you have the tokens
Its free man. Who gives an f
wrong, OPS is worse
sure, you can use multiple tokens to cover a download, but a single token is half a gigabyte
and in the 2 years I've been on OPS, I've never gotten a single token without buying, while I've gotten 100 tokens on RED just by waiting
i hate trackers... they don't want me joining em.......
Gotta send them your privates
What are the best looking trackers? From the ones I have joined, definitely RED and AB, some others look like absolute garbo
RED is the best looking/functioning site on the internet. Prove me wrong
I definitely remember feeling I just joined a premium website the first time I got in
Gazelle > F3NIX > UNIT3D (amoled theme with compact torrent grouping looks pretty nice)
it's obviously PTP
but I can't find the star wars page screenshot on the archive
For me it's the 00s vibes of MAM and KARAGARGA
KrazyZone unironically lol. especially since most low level trackers are just unit3d indistinguishable garbage

mam and red are pretty nice too
path to Cinemabytes?
(what even is that? never heard of it)
Yeah, trackers like cg, kg, hdb or mam are ugly as a turd but they are comfy as fuck. I know a tracker is comfy if I am willing to check their forums. With poonit3d I just can't
Duh, it's the animebytes but for cinema lovers
>I don't see wget in the apps.
the absolute state of /g/
RED is the best looking by default, with the most features. I wish every site had full API.

Ask for an invite in GGn irc

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