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Private Trackers, invest now Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to elite, wait on account age and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO
>Bonus points are for hoarding, not for spending.
>When the website dies, you will be able to migrate your bp and buffer to animeZ

Lots of reddit drama >>102144306 >>102146433 >>102146584 >>102147930

Previous thread: >>102127580
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Friendly reminder to
-seed all your RED torrents
-download music you like
-cross-seed from other music trackers
-talk about your favourite albums in the RED forums
-participate in the RED community
-use RED like you would any other tracker

- upload 200 perfect flacs for RED chads to enjoy.
- spend buffer on requests to get music you want.
BHD best tracker
RED users? More like RED losers amerite
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how do i get into a private gay porn torrent for india porn
genuine question. why would anyone give out invites on power user forums when it could get them treebanned? is there any upside to inviting strangers from other trackers?
I wouldn't do it.
we rape here sir no need for porn
I only do it when staff encourages me to. Like the last time CG gave out invites

They often have very small perks for inviting good users.

Does it make it worthwhile to risk a treeban?

Obviously not.

People are inviting other's because they are too kind and this often ends up haunting them later, it's a bit sad to be honest.
you can't offer invites for trackers where you could get treebanned from.
people offer TL FL JPS etc
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Or you invite anyway and then get cabal+tree banned.
I like it for European stuff. Good Triton internal
Has anyone done a bakaBT interview? I am curious how often do they conduct it and how long does it take
stop watching pedo cartoons
Automate the downloads (autobrr, ratio rules etc) or let your account die. If you don't ever use it, you don't need it.
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i can't

>c. KGagw
I am interested in soundtracks and want to use something as a backup in case nyaa goes down
nyaa went down once before and it recovered. why are people worried about it going down suddenly? cause shitty streaming sites are getting targeted like always?
not my problem.
>eastern europe
sure thing ivan.
what is vpn
They meant Linux isos literally, I think.
I will never ever start with the sekrit club bullshit. I will not register. I will not beg for access. I will not be waiting when registrations are open. I will not seed the way you want me to seed. I will download what I want, when I want, how I want and no one will tell me what I can or can't do. Not ISP, not the content owner, not the government and least of all not some power tripping assholes running some shitty tracker or website that expect me to do this and that. I will always use the site that just let's me click the magnet link button and download my slop and add expect nothing in return. I will rather pay for the content than start to play by your bullshit rules. Fuck you.
i though you were white though
No one wants you. You are not welcomed, Rajneesh.

Keep coping while i enjoy my private trackers (at least the good ones).
Because you are poor and you can't afford it, just like pajeets
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They have to know where all this content comes from, right? "fmovies" is the mothership? Tf?
When did i say anything about seeding back, schizo
Sorry fucked up image, here is link: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/08/movie-industry-touts-takedown-of-worlds-largest-pirate-streaming-ring/
yes, they took down some of the video servers where the movies was streamed from
FNP is open signup, general without trumping and without seed time requirement.
lmao mothership!! Of normifags maybe
public trackers are crap anyway, you should get most benefits (with added ones) from low-tier trackers without quality control
yeah FNP is shit
and you will find such discussions in a public tracker? I'm sure these rules are there because of trolls, not for people engaging in good faith. BTW I don't use this tracker, just pointed out that it looks public-like to me
all communities need rules dumb dumb
What communities?
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I got an HDR monitor lately, running on standard HDR10 in windows. I've noticed that some video files look really good, but some look way too dark and are not dynamic at all.

Is there something I can look at in the media info of the file? Obviously I avoid everything that isn't "HDR10 compatible", but sometimes 2 files with the same string in the "HDR format" will be day and night in terms of how well the HDR comes through.

For example: video 1 says:
>Dolby Vision, Version 1.0, Profile 8.1, dvhe.08.06, BL+RPU, no metadata compression, HDR10 compatible / SMPTE ST 2086, Version HDR10, HDR10 compatible

Video 2 says:
>Dolby Vision, Version 1.0, Profile 8.1, dvhe.08.03, BL+RPU, no metadata compression, HDR10 compatible / SMPTE ST 2086, Version HDR10, HDR10 compatible

Video 1 looks really good, but video 2 is way too dark and washed out.
I thought that the opus codec is considered to be a good one. Why almost everywhere I see mp3 as a recommended lossy codec format?
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So that someone else can get in the way they did. Risky, yeah, but if someone else trusted you...
That effeminate looking gook isnt helping your cause. RED does suck
i have only ever joined trackers through interviews, open signups and recruitments. i am the only person i know in person autistic enough to give a shit about this stuff
yeah tbf I only joined JPS off of user invites. I wouldn't join major trackers off user invites, but users never offer those (or are allowed to?) anyways so.
What monitor?
GGn minmaxers, what's the best way to farm gold? I want to be rich
tracker for classical music?
mainly looking for vods / video performances, rare recording are a plus
literally just permaseed retard.
Because you're only reading shitty guides from 25 years ago.
>posts nothing
Post a URL to something better ITT
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Anon, are you really not in PTP?
sent ;)
Anon, ffmpeg's reverse-engineerd DD encoder is significantly worse than Dolby's proprietary encoder. For best results, use DEE.
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This is the person who wined on reddit earlier:
Makes sense, I was wondering why people were giving TL invites so freely
>useless load indicator
many such cases. sad!
He had 320GB of buffer left, or he could have downloaded all that he could and get banned.
?? where did you get this?

He posted that screenshot to reddit.

i though it was the mango guy

He did say that he burned through some of his buffer.

Might be a case of someone merely being pissed over having to get a less nicer looking ration from the data failure.

Doesn't really warrant getting yourself banned when you are close to TM+

His account isn't disabled yet, they just locked it for now.
Emiya should kill himself. Disgusting pedo tranny faggot.
>I thought that the opus codec is considered to be a good one. Why almost everywhere I see mp3 as a recommended lossy codec format?
Nobody recommends that. It's AAC or Opus these days.
Red is stuck with What rules and What was stuck with Oink rules.
music is only in FLAC now. we are not in 2003
>REDdit interview says otherwise
oh you mean music. yes, it's just mp3 and flac for music. opus and aac are for movie commentary tracks.
Opus is superior for music, all the major streaming services use it. MP3 was always shit, AAC was better even 25 years ago.

There is very little interest in a slightly shitty lossy encoder.

RED kept mp3 because of a minority who wanted it (maybe like 10% of the userbase).
>Opus is superior for music, all the major streaming services use it.
mp3 is transparent at the setting recommended by RED and its guaranteed compatible so they keep it for that reason.
FLAC is archival quality anyway.
>get into fetish just recently
>find some samples for a russian site that tickles my fancy
>site has been defunct for 4 years now
>no full siterip on pornolab
>driving me crazy trying to find something on yandex
I find it hard to believe that a site that was operational for 15 years doesn't have a full siterip. Is the porn scene just that shit with archiving?

> mp3
> transparent

Not how it works.
you must be living in the stone age
unga bunga
My primary goal is to get into RED for music, because public music pirating is in a sorry state currently. I have 2 questions.
1. How hard is the interview? is it "eh, skim the prep material and you'll get it" or hard as balls?
2. I'm afraid of my ratio falling below their requirements due to me not being chosen in a swarm. If I seed torrents for like several weeks, how big of a risk do I run of falling below the ratio requirement?
>you can just save all the interview data and cheat you know
I have honor
the tranny cabal doesn't.
Yes, red prioritises support for 20 year old dinguses over the significant filesize reduction of opus.
The questions are different now but along the same lines.
"That garbage" has a full leaked transcript of an actual red interview.
Why would they do that? The interviewers need to understand the questsions.
cartoonchaos, my beloved, one day you will return!

The interview really isn't too hard, you can learn all you need for it in a day.
Dolby Vision doesn't work on Windows. Just download normal HDR releases
Why CG invite thread even exist on FL? That inviter cunt doesn't even answer anybody.
mp3 is only recommended for compatibility. you are reading old recs if that is the only thing that's getting recommended.
is there a qaac for dolby?
do you listen to killer samples? I bet you can't ABX a V0 encoded with recent LAME from FLAC.
repent while you can
As if in 2024 anyone is so pressed for storage that they need to resort to lower bitrates. My phone has 256gb of storage. I just encode everything at 320k AAC.
interview is easy if you are a power user. just read previous interviews from installgentoo wiki, they have not changed questions at all.
remember not to open the prep site during the interview because they monitor its access.
I mean if they're both transparent but one of them is transparent at a lower bitrate, then why not use the lower bitrate one. And since you mentioned having a fairly new phone, you're not going to be struggling with compatibility.
the problem with AAC is that you can't trust other people's encodes because every other encoder beside's Apple's is shit
No need and I don't want to resample everything to 48khz.

I don't ever use other people's encodes just my own using the Apple encoder.
thank you https://github.com/pcroland/deew looks great
Should've made the hand and rest of the image black and white, or used a colorized gigachad.
/ptg/ isn't dead it's just sleeping
>webp screenshots
Redpill me on Bittorrent over I2P
>argue with IPT mod
>get warning
>post about warning on reddit
>get ban
that's what he gets for using the IPT forum or IPT at all.
Anime piracy wasn't as illegal as movie piracy when new nyaa got created. I say the old nyaa admin knew when to disappear

O no what a loss.

Aren't there better sites for literally everything IPT is offering?
Based IPT
I download from animetosho but I only ever use nzb. Fuck sharing with public semen slurpers.
Stay mad I'm not seeding for public fags
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It's no larp. I get the anime I want from animetosho with my fiber internet and never seed it for public fags. Lmao no webp screenshot lies here it's all real.
Hey faggot, you said wintoddlers can't use ffmpeg. So why haven't you used it to convert those "screenshots" already you lying poor eastern euro inbred piece of shit? I'm superior to you because everything I say is true. You make shit up to try to win arguments but everything you say is complete and other bullshit. You lie like a little child lmao.
His parents are related lol.
You larp as white but you're probably some type of gypsy or some shit. All you do is lie. You are untrustworthy and everything you post is fake. I demolished you in that thread the other night. Nobody takes you seriously and I'm the only person who bothers arguing with you. You should just rope.
Fuuuuck I love em private trackers
Hahaha it will make people actually believe you. That's not ever going to happen though because all you care about is telling more lies, not proving yourself little gyppo. BTW your mom and dad are brother and sister.
Shut up and get back to stealing the tires from my back yard little gypsy boy.
(you will never be a white)
Us whites don't need to lie on the internet about what we do on the internet all day. If proof is asked, like when you asked to see my hand in that other thread, we provide it. You are utterly beneath me. Layers and layers of lies can not change the fact you are nothing more than disgusting genetic slop. This is the last reply. You disgust me.
Fuck yeah
Using IPT is fine as long as you shut the fuck up and never comment or post in the forums.
Oi, why aren't you on the frontline zigger? Also where's my screenshot Ivan? Don't fucking talk to me until you post my screenshot zigger. Also
>silently scrapes all animetosho hashes carefully separating users that are only sharing via DHT using a simple script
>reports IP of the draft dodger to the Russian military
>Ivan the NEET BTFO
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Hahaha yoiu don't even use a VPN I'm going to get you sent to Ukraine
>vpn ip in data center
literally what are you talking about? piracy has always been very illegal for nips and absolutely fucking not a single isp in the west cares about anime piracy. not one.
janny doing some good work
>43 posts deleted
based mods
it's kinda embarrassing seeing which posts got deleted, like >>102156296 >>102155603 >>102154897
It's all the same guy. His posts in >>102153349 were also deleted. He ate a ban and the mods nuked everything he posted. Same anti-private tracker faggot that's been screeching in here for days.
yeah, I noticed after I posted, was reading them, 56 posts!
the funniest being him LARPing about hosting a public tracker on a rpi >>102156082 >>102156164
I can't live without private trackers
I literally can't anymore.
A friend of mine asked me to find a public tracker to find good content. and i couldn't find a single one anymore. all of them were dead or gone to shit.
What do public fella use anyways ? i'm gonna stick with private tracker until they all fucking die.
Yes you can, use BTDigg
rutracker and 1337x are essentially the only good ones left AFAIK
I did it bros. I joined my first legit private tracker. No longer will I need to translate web pages of Belle Delphine porn from Russian. I'm a made man.
You are on the good path, young man
Repent. What you are doing is a sin and you are going to hell. You should always support independent content creators.
is it permitted for a red member to offer publicly to download any torrent from red that a non member would like to have?
its funny how humans can input value on literary any shit
Good for you anon
I mean the guy is retarded but why the fuck is /r/trackers filled with some many private janny dick suckers ?
Think so
Publicly I don't think so but you can share with friends and stuff. Maybe you could reupload somewhere else.
It's not crazy hard to get in though
the hardest part is the queue
picard renamed all my shit from red so now i'm not seeding it anymore fucking hell. anyone here know of anything like lidarr that is actually not a piece of shit? most music i listen to does not have a music brainz entry and i've tried adding them manually but they never update in the lidarr api
if it just renamed it and didn't modify the tags, then you can just rename it back and it should seed again
it retagged and i believe it's irreversible
I imagine the tags are stored in a certain part of the file, probably towards the start, so I wouldn't be surprised if you recheck those files, they'll be like 99% complete and you'll only have to redownload like 1% of the file, which shouldn't have too much of an impact on your buffer.
practical. i appreciate the advice but i just want to complain thanks
could automate copying/transcoding all your music to a separate directory and then picard that. Or you could just throw it as is in jellyfin as readonly and have it save nfo metadata and do all the tagging yourself (saves in a separate file instead of in the audio file itself).
>Publicly I don't think so
what rule would that be?
to give more information, I'm a red member and I have some buffer that I don't need it. And from time to time I have some FL tokens that I find a pain in the ass to get rid of them without letting them expire. So I'd like to know if its possible to download stuff for other people that are not on the tracker and don't want to enter (but are still looking for some stuff they can't find on the public internet). Stuff that you can't get on soulseek/rutracker or other sites/stream rip. I don't have any personal friends that would be interested in that so I think that I could offer that on public places like here ou reddit or other sites. Of course that I wouldn't charge anything and I would do this sporadically (like a good deed) in my free time. By doing that I'd probably reveal myself to the mods of Red . So I'd like to make sure this is not forbidden. I looked at the golden rules of red and didn't find anything about that (so I probably should ask this beforehand to a mod on red, but they scare me.). Of course that I'd download the torrent on red, keep seeding forever there and would just share the files through other means like gofile.io and would not share the .torrrent file. This is similar to watch people do on soulseek but there you have to get luck that another person have already downloaded the file you want and is sharing it. What I'd like to do is more of a personal PT downloader service .The thing is, despite people saying that PT are "heaven" with unique files blah blah, would anyone show interest in that offer (I don't think so...)?
I get stuff for friends and family a lot, I'm sure there's quite a lot of people that would find it handy
I'm pretty sure you can't use what you get from RED commercially, so I assume as long as you aren't profiting off what you're doing it's not against the rules, I don't know 100% though
it's fine, just know that doing it on here can and will get you /marked/
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I was reading about spectral analysis from the /g/ pastebins, so I got curious and decided to test out a FLAC I got from deezer telegram bot.
FLAC I transcoded myself from the artist-provided WAW.
the FLAC the deezer bot gave me

Does it look legit to you guys? To my untrained eye it just looks like they essentially just chopped off the frequency from 24kHz to 22kHz which obviously is fine to me as I'm a grown ass man and can barely hear above like 19kHz.
thanks anons
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right looks fine I guess. not sure if you're not on RED so I'll post the relevant
Click the box on FL
Look at the vertical scale of the two graphs.
One is 48khz the other is 44.1khz
Funimation and Fakku have been sending DMCAs for 10+ years and American ISPs definetly do care.
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sirs, animez is open!! but i cannot join... it says you are blocked!?? any help???
residential proxy
Best of a bad bunch
best way to deal with the 1 torrent per 90 days inactivity rule on avistaz? autobrr?
Best way is to actually use the sites you join or you shouldn't join them at all.
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some of us actually have lives
Again, in that case you shouldn't join them at all because you won't use them anyway. You're asking about a problem that you created yourself. I'm not on AvistaZ but I am on ExoticaZ so I assume they have the same rule. I permaseed whatever I download but I only download very specific things from there so they ban me because I didn't use the site for 90 days then so be it. Not my loss because I clearly didn't use it enough, their loss because they lost a permaseeder.
What happened to the KG manifesto? The one where they lambast modern Hollywood and state they dont allow mainstream because its worthless? I need it
Never mind, found it. Its hidden deep inside the forums now, it was removed from the upload page

nyaa is also pretty good but i cannot access it without tor and often tor doesn't work either.

The writings are on the wall.

The people who dislike some of the better trackers might avoid posting there since they might link your reddit account to the account on their site.

Search for something you are interested in (you can use a suitable tag) and sort by size.

You probably find something worthwhile to download.

Too low tier

Join AB instead.
You know you can reply to multiple posts in a single post right?
Maybe if you stopped wasting every second line, you would have a space for it too.
what does TSDM mean?
reading archives it sounds like a Chinese anime tracker.
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Too stupid dumb man. Just look around you, they are everywhere.
And you?
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you are a legit retard that can't read numbers
unsure if it's worth explaining anything to you with letters since it's unlikely you can read that either
so here is a little drawing that might amuse you
>literally what are you talking about? piracy has always been very illegal for nips and absolutely fucking not a single isp in the west cares about anime piracy. not one.
ACE and MPA care about anime since it's on netflix and amazon now. It's not about ISPs but entities that want sites taken down. They didn't use to give a shit a decade ago.
It's a chinese forum with some point system.
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I await your return
I want to breed an anime women so much it's unreal
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We are so back.

Let's upload some more.
Is the invite route graph link outdated? Or has it been updated recently
yeah it's pretty outdated
It looks out of date
funny how few can read

use https://www.reddit.com/r/TrackersInfo/wiki/official_recruitments/ or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/ they're both the same thing sorta and at least SAY they've been updated recently, idk, but if neither of those is accurate than just go read torrentinvites.org because Indians want your money badly enough sir to keep things up to date.
the second link is the same data as the graph
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So, guys...
I think im noticing some issues with uT221 and the amount of torrents its seeding. I think its time.

If i was to change clients what is the current halal client you all approve is worthy of seeding large number of torrents (assume 2k +)?
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it was accurate a year ago but I guess not quite caught up now
it is. use https://old.reddit.com/r/TrackersInfo/wiki/official_recruitments
probably qbittorrent (though webui will get slow at many torrents, they have some O(n^2) somewhere). transmission for actual 10k+ tier torrents but you'll pay for that in upload speed.
nunigger here
I've started hoarding everything piece of media i can, how the fuck do you actually get accepted into any tracker
HQ movies on public ones are all dead
just read OP. interview for MAM and RED. get TL/IPT/FL in the meantime.
I guess you can also interview for FL now so do that too.
Start with RED (annoying interview), OPS (less annoying interview) or MAM (extremely easy interview) and start climbing the ladder. You can also wait for one of the Z family trackers (Avistaz, Cinemaz, PrivateHD) to have open signups. You can't progress anywhere from those trackers but they are decent as a noob, Avistaz is essential
they're all garbage for one reason or another, qbittorrent seems to be the least shit one
How come no torrent client exists for private tracker use?
Throw out DHT, optimize for large number of torrents with little activity, make it a headless cli daemon with good scripting
DHT is provided by the underlying library libtorrent so unless you want to rewrite it, it wouldn't make a difference. also qbittorrent already has a decent JSON-RPC API except very few people use it.
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>just got into cinemaz
The tracker is full off porn/softcore porn. That's not the kind of kino I've expected.
Get FL, its good enough for 99.999% of the kids in here. Your anime kiddie filth is available on public trackers. You dont need trackers, you like bad films and chink cartoons made for toddlers. This general is a meme and needs to stop
You liked ADC
I don't remember asking
sir, i know our country is banned from signing up, but we can still get in if we buy a seedbox... i dont have many rupees left so it may be difficult
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Sin darkens the mind. No healthy adult male could stand watching anime for longer than 5 whole seconds. Grow up already. You are not free, your vices are your master. A truly healthy male only has 4 trackers: TIK/KG/PTP/CG. MAM is OK, but a useless meme as audiobooks are for fat moms. Everything else goes into le trash. Thanks

I rarely use it, doesn't have much content and it's way too much focused on movies i don't want to watch.
ebooks? More like eCrooks. back in my day we ripped the papyrus from the bark and used steaming irons to read the news. you should feel ashamed.
May I ask someone to look on PTP if it has the 9 hour version of Napoleon 1927 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napol%C3%A9on_(1927_film)#Released_versions_and_screenings)
Jenna Ortega just asked me for a KG invite @ Harry's bar. No I can't prove it. Saddest thing is I don't have an invite for her. WTF its all so surreal wtf wtf wtrf?!=!?!!?!?!?!
Literally who?
Based. CG is for manchilds. Garbage serves no purpose but as a distraction, which is the enemy.
Do PTP users hate movies? Reviews on almost every movie are negative.
post her ass
I think PTP and KG users should risk their own life's to fill my requests. Just break into festival screening rooms or something, steal the file and up it. Can't be that hard.
r/trackers has COMPLETELY gone to shit. It is impressive how terrible it has become over the past 6 to 8 months.

It's full of anti-RED pro-OPS shills for some reason.
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Is this on MAM?
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Women on MAM are not the vaginally-enlightened kind, they're the kind that garden and knit and do housewife shit.
>pooblic trackers keep getting shut down
guys... I think we're next in line...
alright so I'm becoming more of a pirate lately and wondering what's the idea with private trackers? I've never not been able to find something by just googling around for a bit. music, anime, movies, shows, games, books, etc. I think the only exception would be some rare vr porns that i saw once, didn't save, tried looking for them again later and they were wiped off the face of the earth or something. are private trackers guaranteed to have anything and everything? or is it about having more seeders so you can download faster?
what do you think, genius.
For me the only tracker that matters was S.
Oh my god, I haven't cum as hard since they died.
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this book is not released yet (pic rel)
but here there are what I assume the pics that this book will have: https://comfortableinmyskin.com.au/pages/flip-through-my-flaps
Let's bump it up!
Good morning I hate women
i have never felt more homosexual in my life
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I am searching for this documentary ( tt21376884 ) ... so far without luck ...

Maybe you can help me out ...

Thanks !!!
You can rent or buy it on Vimeo. Not finding it on private trackers.
path to TIK?
PTP usercount?
Oh the mangoboy story continues but i am not sure if anyone even cares at this point.

i need a private tracker for movies invite how would i find one?
300mbps up/down unlimited fiber btw so i can seed
Try torrentinvites.org



Btw: don't click the link above without TOR, otherwise your ip will get aids.
Just gonna have to make a request for it somewhere. Couldn't find it on usenet either.
Is FL still doing recruitment via IRC interview?
Click your box on FL

What did you win anon?
whats the path into BiB these days?
There's none, they shut down even account recovery due to chatgpt and llm autists
we love private trackers, what should we do!?
>FileList 17th Anniversary - You won a Permanent Ban!
I love tracking privates, I'm a sergeant after all, it's my job!

It would be funny if they actually did that to some users.

Let's bump it up!
I just blocked all Israelis IPs. Now I can torrent in peace, without genocidal leeches. god bless
There are so man phaedos on GGn's IRC
okay mangoboy
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and when I thought GGn couldn't get any more based, it proves me wrong yet again
><LinkinsRepeater> Yes I boke the site with Hentai spam once
Still waiting for you to let me talk about how much I hate niggers on vintologi
Get the lore item too
So who's this vintologi guy? I don't get it

Your account possibly got caught in a spam filter.

Which means that it was working.
have no life at all!! :D
Am I allowed to browse private trackers when I'm on my phone with mobile data or public wifi?
How do I build ratio on RED?
Sell your firstborn's soul
do requests. there are plenty 40-60GB CD requests that can be fulfilled by buying a CD you might be interested in on discogs

that or race with a seedbox
Yes, but it depends if the tracker is shit like ggn or ab or based hdb/ptp
Someone just filled a request worth 2tb+. Check your local library, buy CDs if you have the know-how rip vinyl
Fill requests with physical, bandcamp or streaming releases. Or get a 10gbps seedbox and autosnatch stuff.
couldn't you practice on MAM and if you are good enough ... ?
still works?
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This saga is just too good kek
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they even made it into an item kek
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Quick rundown?

Impersonation is unironically pretty spooky. I don't believe a second that's what happened, but it is pretty spooky.
If he was impersonated, he deserves it for acting like an autistic zoomer on IRC
not surprised everyone on 4chan is being such a dick. it was a mistake any one of you could make!
The only tracker I'm in is empornium. Is that any use in getting invites anywhere else?
Is NBL (nebulance) worth joining?
who owns Kape Technologies and provides "residential proxies"?
only middling trackers, not worth it. also you should stop participating in consuming and distributing pornography.
>also you should stop participating in consuming and distributing pornography.
No thanks I'm going to keep cranking it
You guys probably know: I have a deezer sub. What self-hosted tool can I use to rip music off of deezer?

I have seen lidarr-on-steroids and a few other modified lidarr containers but wasn't sure if there was a community favorite or what.
I love AB so much bros
See https://rentry.org/firehawk52 it can also help you stop paying for deezer if all you want to do is rip
alright, mangoboy... I was too harsh but it's true in a way
humiliation ritual
thefilmwalla@kg (banned) , oyekabira @cinemageddon
Passkey : 786d6ab7dbbb067c58326d8defbc303d
does anyone know if there is a difference between how fast the AB recruiter on GGn and RED responds?
In the IRC interview I said Monkey's Audio is a popular lossless format.
>blacklisted for 7 days
>7 years to implement a basic feature every other tracker has
holy fuck, RED is the best tracker!!11!
at least they gave out 42 tokens with it, thank god
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Might be better if people think i was the one who got you banned since it would deter others from fucking with me.

But it would also be a bad look maybe.

Not sure what perception is ideal here.
Will the HDB recruiter ever be back...
i'm not actually mangoboy
why are all your posts on the sub regurgitated LLM slop vint?

I mean we need someone to play that role to have the drama continue.

I cannot do that myself since i need to keep my accounts clean.
is Grohl away?
great, now I have to waste time trying to find shit I dont want to download but need to, just to not let those tokens expire, fuck that
lol get a life. if you dont like music dont download it idiot

Wait does that thing actually work?

You can actually read his entire manifesto there?
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yes, it works
Post the whole thing
it's the same as the pdf he posted in the archived reddit thread

just 42? poo loo sirs i needed at least 50, these subhumans could have given more

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