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slop, gaymes and tranime Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to elite, wait on account age and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO
>Bonus points are for hoarding, not for spending.
>When the website dies, you will be able to migrate your bp and buffer to animeZ

transmission 4.0.6 issue https://github.com/transmission/transmission/issues/7078
anime streaming sites being taken down, /ptg/ chads stay winning >>102120267

Previous thread: >>102081292
chitsunai shasei
I would walk 1,000 miles...
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Let's all go to the lobby
The sparkling drinks are just dandy
The chocolate bars and the candy
>blue archive isn't anime.
it literally is
Is it time to panic?
no, AB still works
is postman a private tracker
because it has guns
i only played it to speedrun the visual novel since i like those even if they're retarded
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Today is my lucky day!

Every time I see the number 777, good things happen to me!
Made it especially for you less than three
the girls all look the same. i dunno how yo uweebs even remember their names. its like trying to remember the names of indians/asians in a crowd.
Not that there's really a need to but, hack for HUNO:
>each time you first reach a new level of seed (vanguard/squire/knight/etc), stop one of your torrents that reached this new level
>resume it every month close to when promotions happen
>stop it again after promotions
kek their beautiful system shows its weakness, incentivizes NOT permaseeding everything.

The low tier tracker experience.
look at this, get luckier! >>102128777
you gotta be fucking kidding me
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You're so butt hurt right now, you BIG silly BOY!
Is Hummingbird down?
Who knows, but how about hummingsoul
it flew away
sorry, I got too excited while reading the book
I'm looking at https://predb.org/top10 what are DH, AL, GFT, TBy?
never seen this error page before
>site was taken down by feds and this was put up to make it seem like everything is okay
I guess DigitalHive, Acid(?), GForceTracker, TorrentBytes. are those still around?
Yes, I can't authenticate
>>best for racers
>I just wrote a small python client using libtorrent-rasterbar and I can see why, going to rewrite it in C++ and use it instead of all of the above, transmission now looks slow in comparison
why? what exactly makes deluge a racer favorite? can't qBittorrent get the same performance if someone exposes ltConfig settings in the UI?
404... Erotic...
ptg - pedo tranime general
PTP has been seized.
Don't worry bro
Alamek will fix it
I will never ever start with the sekrit club bullshit. I will not register. I will not beg for access. I will not be waiting when registrations are open. I will not seed the way you want me to seed. I will download what I want, when I want, how I want and no one will tell me what I can or can't do. Not ISP, not the content owner, not the government and least of all not some power tripping assholes running some shitty tracker or website that expect me to do this and that. I will always use the site that just let's me click the magnet link button and download my slop and add expect nothing in return. I will rather pay for the content than start to olay by your bullshit rules. Fuck you.
No one wants you. You are not welcomed, Rajesh.
Good luck finding anything in remotely decent quality.
MM is back?
i love how this didn't get deleted
Nobody cares. I didn't read any more than the first sentence before disregarding your post. Go leech 2gb YTS rips faggot.
>PTP is down for maintenance.
Glad I have HDB as backup
I use HDB as main and PTP as backup because the seeding rules are less strict. I can just hit and run everything there if I want because I have a lot of buffer.
Same. HDB's economy is the best
why hit and run? do you not have the storage space?
For me I only hit & run garbage I don't plan to keep, the quality stuff is perma-seeded
I don't actually hit and run very often but I don't have much storage. When the drive in my laptop fills up I tend to remove everything from my client and dump it on my external drives.
RED is just a silly game for file sharing hobbyists, not a serious tracker you can use to fulfil entertainment needs. They don’t care about your music needs, they just want you to play their game.
The music I want is there so I stick with it.
Name some that aren't elsewhere
I murdered my ratio to request a lot of things that weren't there but got filled later. All of it ended up on soulseek in 320k mp3 after but I have the FLACs. Soulseek is also full of losers who lock shit from RED behind private shares. RED is less of a hassle in general if you are like me and want stuff that is only on bandcamp or vinyl.
I just searched something I bought and uploaded to RED myself on soulseek and it's readily available as 320k mp3s but the flacs are only in some faggot's locked share.
Path to AR?
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>certain staff member starts hyper-focusing on you and your uploads
Time to not contribute for at least a year I guess, don't want them nagging me.
looks like they pulled their recruitment from everywhere but PTP/TVV
they used to be on RED, just wait a couple months
>RED is just a silly game for file sharing hobbyists
all of private trackers are a silly game for file sharing hobbyists
people who like to share are unlikely to join a community where you have to go through 99999 hoops to share something
imagine ever contributing, private trackers are all about racing for ratio and leeching stuff you care about then not doing much more until your ratio starts dropping again, if I wanted to contribute, I'd make a new torrent and post it on >>>/t/
If I have something I don't mind posting it on private trackers. I'm definitely not sharing anything on public. It's a waste since nobody but me is gonna seed it.
yes you told us about your poor connection yesterday, you can stop responding now because I don't care and the topic is sharing, not seething about others not doing the same
Shut up street shitter. I'm not giving anything I bought to public fags who wouldn't download it because it's not capeshit. You deserve nothing.
now you're making sense, cuck
Public trackers are for poor impoverished people who don't value anything. They don't value quality. They don't value the concept of sharing, only taking. They only seed the most popular content and the few who care about other things aren't enough to keep them seeded and alive. Public tracker users are completely beneath me and I do not respect them in any way.
Where do you think rare content comes from, nowhere? You spend all this time telling me I'm poor because I don't have a 10gbit internet connection I don't need but if I give money to an artist I like I'm somehow a cuck for it. As if the swine that runs your ISP deserves it more. I won't reply to you again until you tell me what shithole you're from. It will probably explain your entitled attitude.
>PTP tranny can't stop bringing up capeshit when I don't watch westslop movies at all.
If that wasn't sad enough, then lets look what's considered "good" on PTP.
I would tell you, but that would make you less of a cuck so I won't.
Haha you won't tell us because you're not white
Larping parasite who only watches gook cartoons wants us to think he has a superior bloodline when he's too much of a parasite to even give money to the chinks that make his childrens cartoons. Loser is probably too poor for a crunchyroll account. No I take that back. There's probably no licensed anime in his impoverished shithole because his entire bloodline including his most distant relatives are all leeches who don't buy anything and subsist off $100 a month. Lmao larper.
If I paid $50 per BD I also couldn't afford 10 gigabit internet in a world where datacenter internet is counted in Terabits...
Hahahaha I bet you've never seen a bluray disc in your life you autistic cartoon watching retard
Retard retard anon is a little autistic retard his parents mated and produced an inferior spawn that still watches cartoons as an adult lmao I bet they both look like mongloids
cuck is mad because he pays so I can watch for free, lmfao
Lmao I'm an introverted weirdo but I'm sure my social skills btfo yours by many magnitudes. There's no way you've ever seen a vagina IRL.
I don't buy chink cartoons so you'll never get anything from me. Nothing I share ever ends up on public trackers. Soulseek sometimes but you'll never get it there in the best quality.
you're right, I haven't seen one, I simply put my penis in vagina in a dark room and fuck the whore's brains out then leave before she figures out what happened, I'm not cuck enough to go down on a vagina with my mouth though so I never needed to look. Your highschool crush enjoyed this so you can't be upset about it.
>private trackers are so good he has to use soulseek
I accept your concession.
>he had to pay
Haha. Lol. I'm done bullying the autist for the day. I should probably get back to work.
>>he had to pay
I don't know what's more sad, that people pay for whores or you unironically admitting that you had a crush on a confirmed prostitute.
Soulseek is like the drawer in my house where I keep all the cables and shit for electronics. A lot of them are broken. Same with soulseek being full of lossy transcodes and bullshit. But sometimes when you need something you can get lucky and pull it out of there. I'm only making this shitty analogy because I just dug a remote I haven't used for 2 years out so I can get something working.
I have no such drawer at home. Probably explains why you can't make a sound argument on anything and only need to seethe constantly.
All my arguments are flawless unlike your life.
you should buy more stuff to keep me entertained longer, piggie
You should larp less and do something better with your time.
I already do way better things with my time, remember that when I stop posting ITT, it's because I went outside, to fuck your highschool crush, while you are stuck sucking private trannitor cock
Again with the larping. Nobody will ever believe you aren't a loser.
I never sent a screenshot of my desktop just because some trannitor asked me to which undisputably proves that I am not a loser.
I never sent a screenshot of my desktop either. Not sure why you think that's a thing. I'm sure you probably have a lot of other weird beliefs about private trackers too.
because RED tranny asked me to do this after I waited 5783 days in queue for their interview
Lmao I never did an interview. I got into RED when it first opened through BTN. I was invited there by a friend of mine that was on staff at the time.
I cross-share uploads from red to slsk. Uploaders seethe while slsk chads enjoy
>REEEEEEEEE you can't get them for free only if you are part of my trackerino
Nobody cares.
sad that you weren't treebanned alongside him
That's not going to happen lmao. I'm not friends with people who are cheaters or traders. I don't associate with lamers. I have lots of friends from IRC going back years and we exchange info about more than private trackers. I used to be in scene groups so I'm usually cool with anyone with that kind of background.
Elitist cuckploaders do care. Best part is that it takes zero effort to do it.
that's not true, being born in a first world country where you can sneed faster than anyone can leech is hard work, especially for saaars in private trackers
Your post basically attacks sharing and suggests buying.
And it does not suggest buying while sharing too!!! So, man who could you only be?
What could only be your cancerous mindset, hm?
He doesn't have any money lmao. He's probably like 20 years old and never handled physical media in his life.
>get worms armageddon CD on my 11th birthday or something
>accidentally scratch it few months later
>can't play the game anymore
I heckin love physical media, let me go buy another CD!
>being a retarded kid who scratches his CDs
When I was 11 I had a vast collection of them and none were scratched. I had playstation games, music CDs, I even got my own DVD player before anyone else in my family bought one. It's easy to take care of it. Even vinyl records which I got into buying later in life.
it was the only disk I scratched, the point still remains retard, I also have "le collection" of disks that are now rotting because I am not a wintoddler anymore and muh Windows XP gamez isn't interesting to me now that I'm an adult. I never paid for a disk in my entire life however, and never will, they're worthless, and obsolete for paypigs who don't value their time nor money.
You're probably too poor to buy anything. Also too autistic to have esoteric interests. You just watch chink cartoons lmao.
I only buy things that aren't worthless garbage, plastic tranny disks are temporary, but my RAID is eternal.
Eternally filled with cartoons for children
nostalgiafagging tranny coping about his rotting vinyl and how nobody cares about it crying about someone enjoying things again
Let people enjoy things! (things being shitty cartoons for children)
damns bros I wish I could join PTP and watch The Beauty and The Beast 2017 instead of cute anime girls
why would I join ptp if I wanted to watch capeshit?
because that's what PTP users watched in 2017
>I'm so lonely and fat I should watch this garbage chink cartoon made for kids so I forget about my pathetic life
The purpose of media is to create something artistic and with meaning, not to replace your lack of IRL interactions.
>B-b-but PTP is le c-capeshit center
Same thing apply to manchilds who blindly consoome the trending garbage of the day.
>Same thing apply to manchilds who blindly consoome the trending garbage of the day.
sounds a lot like private tracker users
If that were the case I'd be happy with public trackers and would have never needed private ones. Rarbg would have sustained me for years.
don't forget to pay this month's rent for a sneedbox since you live in a shithole where you can't have good symmetric internet at home
Fast internet won't save you on RED
I'm already permabanned from RED, when trannitor asked me for my desktop screenshot, I told him to kill himself and that I don't have a desktop because I use Gentoo and a WM like a white man, not a nigger.
95% are retards who don't care about media but hoarding or grinding like it's some sort of rpg, no-life losers who take pride in not paying for Netflix so they can get their capeshit for free (:O). Obvious case of manchilds.
I've been personally confirmed this when private tracker told me that transmission is banned and that I should use uTorrent. Wintoddler please, uTorrent doesn't work on Gentoo... Private trackers are full of Wintoddlers lmao.
The only version of uTorrent worth using, 2.2.1, would work fine in wine.
I can respect a suggestion to use rTorrent or qBittorrent, fuck off with your wintoddler malware faggot
And that one is getting banned on a lot of trackers too.
I use Deluge not the trannymission
deluge is python garbage, I will either use transmission or write my own client
Works fine on my machine. Trannymission UI is aids.
transmission UI is how torrent clients are supposed to look like, transmission-remote does everything I need, including dumping raw json so I can run jq in my shell and do whatever I want, no other client allows this level of flexibility
It looks like shit. I can see why it's so popular with iToddlers though.
I see you didn't quite understand anything that I wrote, are you a wintoddler too?
I use both Linux and Windows. I'm not a retarded autistic zealot who screeches about operating systems as if they are an integral part of my identity. Did my computer do what I told it to do? Good. In the near future I'll be moving away from Windows for reasons that are obvious and also less obvious. Talking about my bad experiences with it makes the /fwt/ types absolutely seethe. I don't think anything good will come beyond Windows 10 LTSC and Windows 11 is a monstrosity, a blight. It's better to move to Linux now than later. No need to console war operating systems in the meantime.
>actual LLM responding about nothing and baiting replies
>check op pic in archives
>It's just hoshino
Wow jannies are faggots
I'm already a user on jpopsuki. What are some private trackers for anime and "normal" music?
wow jannies are based
My goto amime streaming site (formerly anime4fun) still werkz
Faggots are based
animebytes redacted and orpheus
Thanks, but I don't know anybody who uses it, and nobody here will help me join. I guess I'll just stick to nyaa and rutracker.
animetosho provides database dumps and is superior to nyaa if you don't watch latest moeslop
Interviews are your best option, see:

From RED you can get to AB. There might be some other paths but interviewing is the main barrier to entry for people who can't get an invite.
Thank you for the genuine answers. I'll give it a shot.
Still haven't gotten my AB invite from RED btw
How do I get rid of my jpopsuki invites? Nobody wants them
which remux group should I grab?

We can cope together.

Maybe did you apply as elite+ or PU?

Lol i have seen seedbox-users on reddit complain about having issues on RED. Not sure what they are doing wrong.

My ratio is fine and my internet is only 100 Mbps up.

I have my doubts about if that actually happened but why not just take a screenshot.

They would have been fine with whatever your setup is probably.
I met all the requirements and my message was valid.
Also go outside
redditor, redfag, and adspammer
I seriously don't get why he still isn't banned
yet OP's constantly [File deleted]
cinephiles or anything xwmario/vevv uploads
because I'm not a cuck and I'm not going to play a clown, I already tried to on a tracker that uses mp3 instead of opus by going through humiliation ritual of a waiting queue, I'm not going to put more effort than I need to
i remember that orpheus has an interview and it's easier than reds. although that might not be true these days.
red has more music and a better invite forum though.
Hello anons.
I have a transmission daemon running on my home server but since I started data hoarding, I have been using qbittorent a lot on my faster machine due to its search feature.
Qbittorent has a torrent search function. I'm essentially trying to setup qbittorent nox so i can run qbittorent headless but I also need to be able to access the search engine feature. Is there an open source android app that is a qbittorent client that has the qbittorent search feature? Or is using the web interface after setting qbittorent-nox my best bet?

The reason why trackers like RED uses mp3 is that people who know about the difference between opus and mp3 tend to prefer flac anyway.
opus is for storagelets, no use for it at higher bitrates
ok so get rid of anything that's not flac
There are still ratiolets who rely on the mp3s. We take pity on them.
who are the biggest trannies on RED? for me its ILP and rodriguito
don't care, your wintoddler tracker sucks and is stuck in the past
You probably only listen to anime music anyway

Not sure if that's even helping them since mp3 files are rarely snatch and will do very little to grow your seeding size.

Downloading 24-192 album as i write this.
anything higher than 16-44.1 is just a waste of space. of course i always upload 24-192 so i can sap upload from retards like you
It may be a waste of space but that's not going to stop me from downloading it.

I could hear a difference when i tested blind and 24-192 let's you get the most upload later down the line anyway.

I will keep downloading your 24-192 uploads, kee uploading good stuff for me :)
I don't listen to music at all.
I already figured you for a huge weirdo so no surprise.
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sure you can. keep autosnatching my upscaled deezer slop
>after I waited 5783 days in queue for their interview
fake and gay
oops, missed few zeroes
skill issue if you can't land an interview within a day, a week at most, of joining the channel.
when I needed a job, I got interview within an hour and CEO himself showed up at my house to perform it, private tracker trannitors should try harder than that because they don't pay me anything
this is so fucking funny. you waited for multiple days to get into the gayest tracker and couldn't figure out how to take a screenshot
I can take a screenshot, though I'm not going to post it on 4chan either because 4chan doesn't support webp and that just happens to be my preferred screenshot format.
>preferred screenshot format
get a life lmao
get better software tranny
linux desktop user calling someone else a troon is rich
>linux desktop
I posted in this very thread that I don't have a desktop, find less stale bait, my pity (You)'s are running out
how are you posting?
prove it
from my Linux server.
makes a lot of sense, and I can see the proof
do you also compute from your retrograde quantum toaster?
and download gzips from the interwebz at T1 speeds?
yes, you can see the proof when 4chan stops being as much of an abandonware shitfest as your tracker
looks like you just broke your own rule
and you do seem to have a desktop, you're running firefox after all
here I was, thinking you were cool with a custom client and direct rendering, seems like you're just a pedantic sperg
>firefox requires a desktop
this is your brain on windows
What's the reason why ffmpeg is not a universal standard in encoding guides on trackers? Why is it often adviced to use some proprietary program to encode a video or audio? Is it due to the age of the forum guides or is there any other reason?
because private tracker users are wintoddlers and that means commandline is a big no-no for anything
it is versatile, but it is hard to use for a beginner
it's also not convenient for scripting nor putting in the x264 settings
it's, at best, convenient for demuxing and losslessly converting audio
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>ffmpeg isn't convenient for scripting
this is the /ptg/ userbase
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>he tried to post a webp
.in recruiting anywhere? Last I heard they were MIA on HDB
all of my screenshots outside of my browser are webp only and I'm not going to waste even one second writing imagemagick command just so you can see it
Damn, Linux sound so cool and practical
and modern, don't worry, soon I will be using jpegxl only, and there will be even less websites where I can post it
Why put yourself through that? For what? To save some bytes?
show me the ffmpeg command you use to invtelecine and fix dirty lines
you are a reddit retard that didnt even know what image types are supported because you didnt even bother to read the rules or lurk.
i dont give a fuck about your screenshots or browser or whatever the fuck your posts are saying, you should be laughed at for your idiocracy.
to use the better image format, tranny
this has nothing to do with ffmpeg, but I just download the video that was encoded properly and doesn't need to be fixed by me
>REDdittor yapping cope
I told you again, I am banned from RED
stop responding to me, you nigger
you didn't even read the fucking replies
you deserve to be shoved in a locker
coincidentally, I was the one shoving kids into lockers
no you weren't. you write like a faggot

Enjoy your lifetime ban.

It's not like you didn't deserve it.

You can cope with "i don't need that tracker" similar to how i coped with "i don't need AB" for a while until that didn't work anymore.
oh no, not the IP ban, it's not like I can just call my ISP and change my IP at any given time...
yeah but you'd still need to learn how to take a screenshot
PTP usercount?
I don't need to take screenshots to ghostleech
trolling really got cranked up to 11 huh.
>if only I could make this thread private... then DA TROOOOLZ! wouldn't be here....
lower than before
it's not gonna fill up, you can literally join RED right now and still get in two years from now
I panicked for a month when they started recruiting because I still didn't have the age, yet I now have a 1year old account and it's still recruiting
is there any recruitment leniancy on minimum time if you're a super high user rank? like if i got to elite TM on red but was only there for 3 months could i expect some trackers to let me in anyways?
nope, only if you're staff/editor or maybe vip/cc
in case you want to play it, 5 dollar on gog, and it is available on steam too.
RED has no exclusives. nobody cares, except in your imagination
it is a skill issue. not ussing varroa, not banning uploaders, ...
your best bet is not using DHT search desu. just use a private tracker
I'll be getting into RED next week or so. I used to be on what back in the day when it was alive and you needed PU for PTP.

Is there a easy way to spam 500 uploads ? I literally don't give a shit about music I just want to have access to obscure movies again after all times time.
>just recover ur account
10 years ago, different life, different country
no, they'd probably want you even less since it's clear youre just racing and not a genuine contributor

Some will but a lot of them have minimum account age.
Every time I visit BLU I have this urge to defecate openly. Don't know how to explain it......
Joining cabal sites and climbing the tracker ladder is 100% a waste of time… maybe a quite boring hobby at most. IPT (or TD for 5$ cheaper) + TL + PHD covers 99% of the content that the vast majority of people needs, and all of those can be joined just by paying. Usenet + RuTracker can be used to fill the gaps here and there. Prove me wrong.
Who is this vast majority of people I always hear and shy I'm always in that 1%. Are all the other people really a bunch of normies?
The only problem is that I'm not the majority of people. So go fuck yourself.
if I wanted to pay, I'd use netflix
tl;dr guy simply didn't have a data backup. is now going to leave red due to his own faggotry
nice reddit post anon! I will just redownload my public torrents if that ever happens.
get a life already
btw, do you guys remember the Indian spammer? Wonder if he's in a mental institution right now.
He came back last month for a day or so, so no
I think this guy is the indian spammer, he just changed course.
WCD is dead but whatcucks are still alive and well.
Someone tell this little nigger about orpheus and slsk.

In the grand scheme of things sub-1000 torrents on a music tracker is nothing.
Finally something tracker related.
I disagree with the poster, he could wait and use tokens to get some albums back.
He could buy something in a store upload, then he would get a bit of upload
and he could use this to get something back.
He could think about if he wants to backup some of his seeding torrents (in the future).
He could even search on Rutracker or other online places if he can
fill his lost torrents with these sources!?
What did I miss?
Dunno maybe a private tracker or RED is nothing for him, but I think in theory
there are options.
t. Nicole

Suddenly hundreds of redditors offer so send tokens.........
>380GB in 6 years
kek I did 500GB in a week, without a sneedbox, when I grinded for PTP
>privatecucks block aria2c even though it can permaseed just fine
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Me when i am uploading to RED
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post your stats
Does anyone else collect private trackers like it’s an RPG game?

I like getting invited to a new tracker, observe how the ranking system works, and find ways to level up, just like in an RPG game, with the upside that there are some real world benefits to downloading what I want. So I “finish” the game when I reach the highest rank on a tracker (but not VIP, staff, custom class etc)

Caveat is that I only join trackers from which I want the content and not some random tracker, genuinely contribute positively through mostly uploading (can’t stress this enough) and then seeding, and strictly for my personal use.

Joined RED a few months ago and found a way to beat the system from day 1. Actually just having to upload was the solution as mentioned gazillion times here. So just need to play it out till EM.

Does anyone else play the same game?

Also are there harder trackers to rank up than RED currently? (I’m on BTN and already at Master with enough upload count for Overlord, and PTP I already have a solution to get to TM+ quickly whenever I want)

Chances are that someone will grab what you uploaded even if you yourself think it's no good.
any tips for quickly getting uploads on RED? I have a lot of FLACs I could transcode I guess but I'd want to automate the process
cyanrip got approved on RED
I don't think anything like that exists, to my knowledge.
Check the OP, but deezer/web-dl spamming.
Who? Qrd?
it's a CD ripping software mainly for linux. The suggestion was approved, but not yet implemented.

Troon cries on reddit because they got banned from ggn for invite begging on irc multiple times
never forget Liz Fong Jones and "consent accident"
He made a follow-up rage post
It already got deleted so here's what it said:

Apparently some users talked about me in IRC. A kind soul has shown me IRC logs and I have some words for you.

First of all, the guy whose name begins with an A and ends with an S and has a Y in the middle. You suck balls. Fuck you. I thought we were friends and you just talk shit about me like that.

The second fuck you is directed at the person whose name ends with 00a0. You talk too much. You enjoyed my ban? Well enjoy this: (cant find middle finger emoji)

Third fuck you goes to the pug. You've always hated me and I felt the same for you. I hate you a lot. Nobody likes you.

The rest of you also suck cocks. Fuck all of you idiots.
someone post the logs
>they only have to skibidi me
God I hate zoomers so fucking much
Checking my logs I can see mangoboy was really active on the channel kek
honestly, just with that it seems a little bit unfair
but there's also https://pastebin.com/euT3Hvgd so it's deserved
really retarded behavior since he was legendary gamer
How do you check your logs? I have only used IRC like 5 times in my life
I just go to data folder of the client I'm using, then there's separate files for each channel you are in
yeah, admin said later that it wasn't his first, and he was already warned for this. If it was an actual mistake, he wouldn't get banned.
> ZeDoCaixao: we are not that harsh to ban for a mistake
that's what i thought. from what i've seen people usually get warned for their first offense.
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oh nonono
based AnonYmisS?

Maybe he can still use happyfappy and ipt.

What was he thinking?

Everyone is making fun of him now.
>What was he thinking?
The problem is he wasn't thinking
Not sure if he really was a zoomer that didn't even bother reading rules and just uploaded stuff or was just autistic
>2024-08-12 02:32:16 mangoboy: you should be banned
>they only have to skibidi me
The first Gen Alpha to join private trackers
What the flip is going on in this community?

You don‘t have to read all of this, but please do not comment if you didn‘t read till the end.

It‘s funny that MaM is highly regarded as the friendliest and most welcoming community when the same people who say this, do nothing but spread negativity in this sub.

I get it, most people are frustrated about the number of questions that could be easily answered by reading the wiki or by googling. I‘m frustrated too. I downvote these posts and move on with my life. This sub only gets like 5-10 posts a day. Check in once a day or once a week so you won‘t miss anything. But I‘m at a point where I am much more frustrated about the comments than the shitty posts.

One thing I noticed is that the early comments tend to be much more negative than the ones that were made a few hours after posting. It‘s like some people do nothing all day but refresh this sub just to let their anger out on other people. I could make a list of 10-15 people who constantly spam their frivolous bullshit in the comments, under EVERY thread.
Lately there have been a lot of posts about people sharing their opinions/experiences with private trackers. This is exactly what this subreddit is for and still some people get mad about that. Under every post you see comments like „dude its a fucking piracy site stop crying“ completely missing the point of the post. Again, for those who haven‘t noticed yet, this is a subreddit for discussing everything private trackers. If you do not like that, leave. No one is forcing you to read any of these posts. It‘s a great way to share opinions/experiences without having to fear potential repercussions from tracker staff for breaking a rule by discussing/criticizing any tracker specific rules/tracker related incidents. It‘s also helpful for people who want to be on the tracker but aren’t yet. After all, getting into some of these can take quite some time so of course I want to know what’s going on on a site that will take me months, if not years, to join.

It‘s totally natural to be emotionally invested in something you put a lot of time, effort and money into (renting seedbox, paying money for a fast homeconnection, buying content to upload/fill requests, storage etc.). PTs require a lot of dedication. They don‘t want you to casually log in every few weeks, download a file and leave again. But at the same time, when someone puts a lot of dedication into this, people just ridicule them. They get made fun of and get told to „stop taking this so seriously“. I agree that some have an unhealthy obsession. But still, it‘s just natural to be emotionally invested when you put a lot of dedication into something.
For you PTs might just be a means to get content. That‘s fine, no one is forcing you to be active on 5 different trackers all day. But the reason why you are able to get the content is because some people are really dedicated and they put a lot of effort into this. Torrenting only works because other people are sharing with you. If you do nit like this whole community aspect and if it‘s really too hard for you to be a decent human being then please just leave and get your shit from usenet or public trackers.

If you constantly see people complaining about the lack of incentive to upload, then you know this person shouldn‘t be here. Who gives a flying fuck about internet points? You either share because you care or you gtfo and try to get your shit from 1 seeder with 200kb/s upload speed with 12 other leechers on public tracker. Your incentive to contribute to a community that already did plenty for you, is to GIVE BACK and not to receive some stupid fucking internet points. They let you in and join their site, now it‘s your turn to show your gratitude for all the content you get.
what the fuck, are you not connectable or did you just download a bunch of shit really quick?
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pretty much this. you don't have to be best buddies with sanitation workers but the only reason why we have drinkable tap water is because somebody is doing work that most of us won't (and, frankly speaking, are not competent or responsible enough to do).
why are those guys are doing it? pic unrelated.
such a good sub. why are they all so retarded
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Based and same. Fuck kikes and fuck trannies.

I love AB so much bros
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They say cabal is good ...

> BLU is ahead ... less altive ... more functional ... you won't believe it !!!
Me too ily too
I agree, just reading how they "didn't do anything wrong" and then proof starts appearing they were retarded as hell is just comedy gold
>I don't think anything like that exists, to my knowledge.
That I'd unfortunate to hear. I guess I will just use the web ui from my phone if I set it up headless.
All the info you need for Deezer spam is here
May I ask how is it going with Japanese discographies on OPS or RED? I am currently on jpopsuki and I can download each album, but would prefer to download a single torrent
They don't do discography torrents just single torrents for each album.
Sad! But I probably understand why they don't do that, since discographies do need to be updated from time to time
Also individual album uploads can be replaced with better versions sometimes, if the original upload didn't score 100% on the log checker.
bullshit. mp3 vs flac, maybe.
But in general are there any Japanese albums here? Sometimes I don't like some torrents on that website and want to look for them elsewhere, for example, sometimes I find an unsplit file and don't want to keep both the original one for seeding purposes and the split version for my library?
wrong they are fucking based
ywnbaw, tranny
Bittorrent v2 fixes that problem, oh wait, private tracker users are wintoddlers who babyduck imprinted onto v1 forever and will never be capable of using it so any v2 torrent will get you banned.
Don't care about v2 as long as I have superior swarms it's useless to me. Only jeets like you need that bloat.
there the butthurt wintoddler goes, still using outdated uTorrent and screeching unintelligibly at any improvements
Nah jeet I use Deluge.
PyjeetToddler has a lot to say about Jeets every thread...
Shut up nerd
dilate transjeet, your tranny Pyjeet client already has everything needed to support v2 and the only reason it doesn't is because it's abandonware like every Pyjeet script ever despite the underlying library supporting it with 0 configuration
The only thing public torrents are good for are Linux ISOs. Pirating with public is for the impoverished.
>wintoddlers still use the psyop word equating downloading muh heckin mp3ierinos to acts like kidnapping and murder
Not sure what you're babbling about. We download everything we just don't share it with losers like you with no friends who can't get invited to private trackers.
>Jeet is confused about the fact that downloading a mp3 is not murder.
>he thinks I don't download music illegally
You're the one who isn't on private trackers. You only pirate your childrens cartoons from public. You shit in the street lmao.
>downloading a mp3 is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them.
Wintoddlers really aren't the brightest eh?
This ESL retard has the reading comprehension of a retarded orangutan.
>Wintoddler writing in third person after failing to find the connection between my posts and his use of the word "piracy".
Maybe you're the ESL, and very very brown and smell of a curry?
You use public trackers, stinky stinky. You're the type of autistic who doesn't even like listening to music. You are a defective and abnormal human being who cannot relate to anybody unless they are a stinky nerd who watches anime on a computer screen all day. You have no job. You couldn't work a job because you have the social skills of a rock. Your parents and immediate family are ashamed of you. You probably got relentlessly bullied in school. You think because you're anonymous here you can reverse the role but you still stick out for being a massive sped.
you use LLM to generate your posts because I made you seethe so much, your hands are shaking too much
Just because I know where the shift key is doesn't mean I'm using a LLM.
you're the LLM
Stinky stinky autist sees someone mention LLMs once and it triggers his echolalia
wrote reddit buzzword soup again award
Public shitters get out
>Bittorrent v2 fixes that problem, oh wait, private tracker users are wintoddlers who babyduck imprinted onto v1 forever
v2 doesn't really help private tracker users. We already have private tracker software that manages our torrents.
I was referring to mutable torrents, shit for brains tranny
v2 would be pretty cool tho. But that can only happen when a new site pops up, and the staff on it is not retarded.
>I was referring to mutable torrents
that doesn't help private tracker users, retard.
except it does, but you're too much of an NPC to see the usecase, ebussy
>v2 would be pretty cool tho.
for what? the only thing I can see somebody using that for is to update some whore's onlyfans collection torrent via public torrents.
it wouldn't help private trackers because torrents actually have to be tracked.
I want the per file tracking for manga updates on AB, or when a series gets a season pack. Scripts could be written to collect all the individual episodes and start seeding the season pack.
v1cucks will repack manually and will literally defend that chore
>I want the per file tracking for manga updates on AB, or when a series gets a season pack.
v2 is for public tracker packs of weeb torrents and private torrents not meant to be posted on a tracker like when you share a torrent to only select friends.
AB already deals with this using their tracker software.
v2 is literally not for private tracker torrents, anon.
>private trackercucks cannot adapt to change
sorry anon but your v2 torrents are not meant for private trackers. you can go ahead and use them to share your onlyfans collections with your bros on public torrents though!
I don't have any onlyfans collections
poo loo
Public tracker users shit in the street
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I reupload public torrents on private trackers for free ratio.
What does /ptg/ think of Aither?
not very useful
Reddit tracker
They will probably last far longer there
they all die once I stop seeding


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