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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102212255

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>GPU performance

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
So is this good?

I would say no
is bigma out yet
bigma balls
>cd third_party/StableCascade/models
why are they so retarded? No one use StableCascade, why didn't they go for SDXL?
Because SDXL is completely trash?
SDXL isn't trash, everyone used it before, but no one used Stable Cascade that's for sure
If you were smart you'd be training your nude model on Stable Cascade. SDXL is ass and you only use SDXL because of Pony. But I'm glad you think the old thing is cool after months of it being ass (is still ass).
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>If you were smart you'd be training your nude model on Stable Cascade.
but you haven't done that aswell, does that mean you aren't smart debo? :d
SDXL is good if you're not a promptlet
SDXL is good if you're a promplet
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Marsey the catgirl is NOW FLUX READY!!!

>AI slop picture
you made your lora with AI pictures don't you anon?
tfw anon enjoys the look of sloppa
Everything you have is based on the good graces of others. SDXL? Someone trained it for you.
>SDXL? Someone trained it for you.
true, and I'm glad there's people like that
it's a lora
Anyways, SDXL is ass. Base SDXL is double ass. Anyone making new things for SDXL is retarded.
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>Anyone making new things for SDXL is retarded.
as if making new things for Cascade is less retarded than that, if Cascade was so good it would've replaced SDXL like Flux actually did
>SDXL is ass. Base SDXL is double ass
>Anyone making new things for SDXL is retarded.
DOA if no 16ch VAE
I don't know if you missed the memo but only two people even do anything in this space. Stable Cascade didn't get supported because SAI immediately announced the bestest model ever minutes after it came out. People would likely be looking at Stable Cascade right now for training if Flux didn't slam its massive dick on the table. Also Stable Cascade has a retarded architecture so it's like a slightly better SDXL but it's still bad to train.
>Also Stable Cascade has a retarded architecture so it's like a slightly better SDXL but it's still bad to train.
so my point still stands, them making a framework for Cascade was a retarded move, like 4 people are using it and they thought it was a good idea to cater to those people? That's a pretty bad business move if you ask me
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isn't there some cascade porn thing?
Between SDXL and Cascade I choose Cascade. At least Cascade isn't corrupted.
>1.5: ass
>XL: ass
>Cascade: ass
>Pixart: ass
>Hunyuan: ass
>SD3: lol
>AuraFlow: ass
>Flux: ass
>>Flux: ass
>source: ass
>>SD3: lol
I felt that one
Cascade does some epic nsfw with a light finetuning and you can actually full fine tune that bad boy.
>Cascade does some epic nsfw
>no catbox
>dall-e 3 in october 2023: kino
we will never get a perfect model its jover
>you can actually full fine tune that bad boy.
no one did that because of the licence, and it'll be even less likely to happen nowdays, the DiT architecture is just superior, so people will gravitate towards Flux/Pixart/Hunyuan
Use this https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1f84qs6/comfyui_advanced_live_portrait/
on that
then gently point me towards a model
Anon Pls
like I said, only a couple people even do anything, you couldn't even be bothered to fire up your favorite trainer and see what happens, I don't care if you believe me or not
>grab some nude images
>caption them like SDXL
I'm not going to take this from you anon.
does anyone know what tool he is using to check that the faces have equal distribution? for all his griping on about free open source-ism he didn't mention it, and his fagcord link doesn't work so I can't check if its there
>trust me its really good, better than XL even
>you want me to link a finetune as an example? heh, train it yourself chud
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>vramlet seethe
More and more I've decided the best approach is withholding.
I stopped trying to sense any kind of logic from debo, or else he's having 52 IQ or else he's a really good troll, I'm still not sure about the answer for the moment, need more retarded samples
thanks for sharing
By all means anon, show us how good it is
You're why Pony will never make a new model. I hope you like PonyXL because it's the only porn model you'll have for the next five years. More and more the good shit will be kept in private collections.
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it's always like that with debo:
>I can show you you're wrong!
>Go ahead
such a tsun tsun
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>it's the only porn model you'll have for the next five years
>prove to me I'm wrong, I will be the judge, jury and executioner in this process
Let me know the folly.
literally not a single model has come from /g/ you all larp so hard
yeah, that's how the burden of proof works

>I will be the judge, jury and executioner in this process
Someone has to be the judge on a debate, will you be the one having that role then debo?
>literally not a single model has come from /g/
I'm pretty sure the pony fag is lurking on /g/
Yes anon, Pony is proof of what happens when you have the ability. You both choke under the insane expectations as well as the Sword of Damocles of the law hanging over your head. Much simpler to keep things to yourself.
Can I even do anything with a RX 580 8GB? Every AMD support mentions seems to be for Rocm (too new for my GPU).
You see, I don't have any motivation to prove my own opinion right to you or not. You win by being a troll, I lose by engaging you in good faith.
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>You both choke under the insane expectations
I have to call that skill issue desu

>Much simpler to keep things to yourself.
Or making a leak on 4chan, at least no one knows who did that model in the first place
very nice
>I don't have any motivation to prove my own opinion right
>I lose by engaging you in good faith.
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It's not a skill issue (well in Pony's case it is). But you're basically trying to monkey dance with some insanely aggressive and insane people. I don't believe it's possible anonymously leak such a model and if you have any morals you have to deal with what 4chan does with your model. I don't think the world is a better place with some rekt porn model floating around.
he's an /h/ guy desu
>I don't believe it's possible anonymously leak such a model
completely is, to this day we still have no idea who leaked llama1, Miqu-70b, and SD1.5-NaiV3
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>if you have any morals you have to deal with what 4chan does with your model.
I don't get it, whether you post it on civitai, huggingface or on a torrent through 4chan, the 4chan guys will use it anyway
talking is easy
>the pedo comes right after to make the point even stronger
didn't know the feds were working in team now
Let's say you trained an uncensored model a shit load of porn and movies including things Saw. Let's say it's the quality of Flux. What do you think might go wrong?
>Let's say you trained an uncensored model a shit load of porn and movies including things Saw. Let's say it's the quality of SD1.5. What do you think might go wrong?

>Let's say you trained an uncensored model a shit load of porn and movies including things Saw. Let's say it's the quality of SDXL. What do you think might go wrong?

>Let's say you trained an uncensored model a shit load of porn and movies including things Saw. Let's say it's the quality of Flux. What do you think might go wrong?
Let's try to guess what model will be talked about for moralfagging in 2025, Flux2? kek
>What do you think might go wrong?
Nothing, in case you haven't noticed yet, this isn't 2003, the internet is completely censored, neither you and me will ever see anything weird because the moderators still have a job
Meta absolutely knows who leaked Llama (it was them) but you should know by now that leaks aren't anonymous. Lots of cases where leakers are discovered but aren't reported. Nintendo and Microsoft knew most of their leakers by name and where they lived. Most of the time chasing down the leak isn't worth the PR.
I'm excited to see your model
>Meta absolutely knows who leaked Llama (it was them)
you need evidence for that
You need evidence for that
cant believe anon fell for the flux dead baby kek
>in case you haven't noticed yet, this isn't 2003, the internet is completely censored, neither you and me will ever see anything weird because the moderators still have a job
see? they just removed the pictures of the pedo, the AI exists, but still are the jannies
you made the claim it was Meta who leaked llama1, therefore you have the burden of proof anon
what a compelling argument, "see you will only have to look at it for a tiny bit, what's the harm?"
Are we pretending that it's the first time that has ever happened in 4chan? Oh boy you need to know this site's history better, it was the wild wide west back then, and AI never existed back then
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weird how it weirdly aligns with the "no one will get caught I promise tee hee :^)" fed argument
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these threads are so weird. Sometimes it is actual tech talk and other times I swear it is LLM bots arguing with each other
yes anon I've seen the pictures of corpses getting fucked too
Let's see a comfyui workflow.

I literally deleted sdxl. I have kept 1.5.
Must be AI's fault, it's always their fault anyway! :'(
Yes anon, I think an AI model that can generate infinite variations of corpses getting fucked might be bad. And the fact this makes you upset proves me right.
only a fed would claim that it's impossible to not get caught, ever head or proxies?
Why would anyone steal Nintendo crap?
Instead of nerfing the AI, what about making more jannies instead? Tbh this game will soon be over, the FBI made it clear that you'll be in jail if you share this kind of pictures on the internet, the risk is big
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you can set your watch after it, its certain daytimes this happens
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Doesn't seem to stop any of you TBQFM
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injecting some cute
trust me im not a bot
killer composition
or just plain old muh debate club faggots.
"trust me"
fair enough, makes it more humiliating for us, a pony fucker advanced this field more than regular nerds
Generating infinite waifus isn't doing it for me I need a girlfriend
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good bot
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schizo worke up, there is an 8 hours or so time of comfy threads, then this happens, pretty much on the clock. just enhance your filter-fu and you will be fine.
nice picture anon
>of course the burger thinks that the US is the entire planet
we don't call the US the World's police for nothing
careful replying. The mods will shitlist YOUR ip address for it.
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>Orange Man bad, first president since Eisenhower who hasn't led the nation into new wars, literally Hitler1!1!1!
Does Donald tan his dick too?
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4chan ate my post
only a homosexual would ask himself something like that lol
calm down anon its just a drawding
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probably not
But I asked you, not myself.
calm down anon it's just a critisism of a drawing
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>no u
simply asking something like that is a huge sign you might be sucking some dicks anon
nice gen
>debate club faggots
How come?
>we all know straight men are really interested to know how another man take care of his dick
no we're not, fag
who are you talking to?
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not to a heterosexual man that's for sure
thank god my introduction to prompting wasnt with flux could you imagine
that bothers you?
Of course everyone despises sodomites. We can look for example to Aristophanes.
>he admits he's a faggot
>he hates trump
color me shocked
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Teebs moment
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>xe/xir moment
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>>>102218236 (You)
This literally is an image.
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lols me that harris is so obscure flux never heard of her. I'm staying vanilla in her case, she won't matter - too retarded.
holy deep fried
>How is it that a caricature of Trump elicits so many reactions during a presidential election ????
your images are too burned anon, remove DynamicThresholding and go for AutomaticCFG instead
>harris is so obscure flux never heard of her
to be fair, everyone is obscure to Flux, it only knows Migu and Trump
What's that do? I don't want anybody to think I use sdxl.
it does the same thing as Dynamic Thresholding, it's an anti CFG burner but better
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Why are all the political gens so low quality and overbaked. Like every single one
and Meghan Markle
It knows Biden. It also knows yo momma
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This is a cool style
For old people.
I'm not old tho
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Yeah you are. Nobody under 50 minds Trump.
>the style
>Nobody under 50 minds Trump.
half the population does, unless you're pretending half the population is over 50
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not minding Trump is a women and a fag thing
half the population is under 100 IQ
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>half the population is under 100 IQ
yes, the democrats (they're the one who believe men can become women)
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Honestly, I doubt the Millennial girls care as much as the old women. But consider this, how do you poll a Millennial girl? Let's say I decide I want to call and have a chat with one, how would I do that?
wtf happened in South Korea??
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>caring more about the existence of trannies than having a bumbling buffoon as a leader
Korea is a jaded country of decades of gender wars we can not even dream about (yet) .. they got ultra feminists that call for the castration of all men that also are in sex cults with political (male) leaders .. quite a grim situation, but this is not the place to discuss this
I'm not siding with mentally ill people who want to give children puberty blockers, you devil motherfucker
>falling this hard for idpol propaganda
>/b/ tier cp posting
reality is a tough pill to swallow anon
>Of the 4,071 visits in total involving gender-affirming mastectomies or breast reductions reported since 2018, 602 involved youth 18 and under.
>Of those, 303 involved teens 17 and younger. The youngest age was 14.

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What new wars did Carter start?
>cries about one thing
>links a completely different thing
>>cries about one thing
transgender mental ilness
>>links a completely different thing
transgender mental ilness
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you're right anon, there's also Ford and Nixon who haven't started a new war
Thanks, let's try again.

What's this mean?

>clip missing: ['text_projection.weight']
don't worry about it, this 'text_projection.weight' thing isn't used by flux at all, so it doesn't matter that it's missing
Have muslims and jews sharing a feast of pig.

>if Zelda was a girl
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Using AutomaticCFG, still kinda fried. It's better though.

I was using euler/beta, I'll try euler/simple now.
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>>>102218795 (You)
>>if Zelda was a girl
kek.. is she not? or do you by chance mean Link?
I never played no link game, I played Zelda (and skipped the dialog)
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it shouldn't be this fried though, what CFG are you using? desu CFG 6 + Guidance Pos/Neg 3.5 should be enough, add AdaptiveGuidance too (it puts cfg = 1 at the end steps to make the image smoother and more natural looking)
>and skipped the dialog
that explains alot.. you play Link in all but two Zelda games (the CD-i nonesense and the new one coming up soon) .. else you play that silly Link boi
sovl status?
oh wait, maybe I need cfg 6, instead of cfg 8.

>add AdaptiveGuidance
I'm using ksampler, it has an integrated guider, I think.
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result of just changing from beta to simple. Not much of a change.
its still against all rules and common sense
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>I'm using ksampler, it has an integrated guider, I think.
no it has not, only the AdaptiveGuider node has this cfg = 1 at the end of the steps feature, it makes your gens faster too
something is seriously wrong with your settings.. have you tried SkimmedCFG instead? I find it way easier to control than AutomaticCFG
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cfg 6, little change.
>have you tried SkimmedCFG instead? I find it way easier to control than AutomaticCFG
what are you skimmed CFG settings? care to show a screen? I never managed to make it good, it has overall worse prompt adherance than AutomaticCFG
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>cp posters
>hentai cat girl posters
>schizo debates
Why are you like this?
still too fried, can you show us a screen of your ComfyUi workflow? something's wrong with your settings
just feds trying to kill this thread as usual
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I just can't get anything good out of comfyui and flux. Everything is either blurry or smudged, Only sampler that seems to work even somewhat is euler. My favorite in A1111, dpm2++ sde karras produces just a black and white smudge without any discernable details.
show us a screen of your workflow, how can we help you if we can't see the mistake you could've made
dont use karras
use beta or sgm uniform
giant hands
it is weird, in the evenings (for me) this thread is so chill and people are really helpful
use dpm++2m with SGM uniform. most samplers won't work with flux.
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It is so tiresome tho.
trying the example. I had to select flux dev for the checkpoint loader. It's not using the dual clip loader, not sure if that matters.
>It is so tiresome tho.
yeah, that's the goal, it's called the Demoralization tactic
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kino alert
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neihter give any better results with dpmpp_2m_sde and only very minute differences that I can not even say which looks least bad with euler.
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I just loaded the
workflow, and it's definitely broken for me, it gives me this for basically the same prompt.

bonus, that workflow doesn't even save.
wtf? show us a screen of your workflow, there's probably something wrong with it
>Flux Guidance 1.0
Anon... that one is supposed to be at 3.5
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uuf.. ModelSampling shift of 0.5-1.15 is very extreme.. you gonna add alot of silly noise and nonsense with that into your gens.. either turn it way lower.. like 0.2 and 0.5 or turn it off completly .. it basically is just throwing random dice weights on the model, use it as last resort for changing gens, not as a base of your workflow. Also Flux Guidance 1.0 is VERY low .. 3.5 - 4 is default.. flux guidance is not CFG .. that you want at 1
Why no negative prompting?
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dpmpp_3m_sde sgm_uniform with 3.5 guidance
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The example workflow didn't have any. How would I incorporate that to the workflow? I heard flux doesn't work with negative prompts.

Increasing the step count does seem to do something though, this is at 50 steps
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negative prompts if you use one of the CFG hacks like SkimmedCFG/AutomaticCFG/DynamicTreshholding .. but it will make gens half as fast
Post the prompt

Restart your PC
Yeah, and I guess that's why they look fried sometimes. idk.
show us your workflow again, there's probably still something wrong with your settings
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use dpm++2m non sde. SDE changes how dpm handles the noise and doesn't work with flux.
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The CFG hacks work differently well and also react very different to styles. SkimmedCFG is the easiest to control, but even that can fry a photorealistic gen. Generally they don't work very well on realistic, but make the bland grey 2D gens pop with nice contrast. You should not rely to much on them.

I use SkimmedCFG since its just one node with a simple setting and it still gives you some more prompt adherence, but colors and contrast are always kept. You can not use CFG artistically with SkimmedCFG, if you for some reason want burnt colors and HDR over saturized contrast.
So you can't use negative in your gens?
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Now it looks a lot better already.
SkimmedCFG still works with negatives. The overall impact of negatives with any of the CFG hack methods is not as big as for example in SDXL tho. But having just "chibi" in the negatives for example and a cfg of lets say 6-10 with SkimmedCFG will stop bug eyed monsters to appear if you don't want em. Same goes for having "large breasts" in your negatives, it will make the bust size smaller, but not by much.
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nick fe fields of gey
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what does that mean
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>I use SkimmedCFG since its just one node with a simple setting and it still gives you some more prompt adherence, but colors and contrast are always kept.
what are you settings anon? I got fucked up results with SkimmedCFG somehow
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ok this is the closest I've gotten so far but I won't give up just yet
the same as yours, but SkimmedCFG does not work with adaptive guider, bypass it for a trial
What is it with retards like you putting things out of flow order?
is MiniMax Kling level?
>the same as yours, but SkimmedCFG does not work with adaptive guider, bypass it for a trial
that's weird, he made a fix a week ago (commit 035cb39) that was supposed to make it work, and it did work, but not now
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what distilled cfg scale value are you guys using
I like kino
flux guidance? most of the time 3.5, sometimes 4 (if prompt does not what I want, don't think you need that for one girl standing) or 3 (if it looks burnt)
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How do I make her look more like TayTay?

To use negative prompts, you fry the image somewhat.

That means political images will have to be fried.
SkimmedCFG doesn't seem to fry the image that much though
this isn't local, nigga
She's mid.
>/ldg/ - Local Diffusion General
why do cloudshitters insist on bringing their trash here?
kys immediately
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gn frens
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it still does to some degree

pic related: I used CFG 7 cause I wanted "blur, bokeh" in the negatives cause the realistic version here >>102219592 had the background characters horribly blurred, it made it less blurry (not sharp tho) but it fried the front character somewhat
maybe you can remove the bokeh at a lower cfg? what if you go for lower cfg + higher GuidanceNeg
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finger issues, lora at fault
It's time we funded a Flux for AMD with negative dynamic guidance. Tired of the nvidia crap.

There's no way nvidia's chips are worth a shit. Google doesn't use them, but Google won't release anything real for pc.
>There's no way nvidia's chips are worth a shit.
they aren't, the insane price is because of Cuda
>Google doesn't use them
Yes they do, are you stupid?
I don't even buy that. Remember, amd rocm is literally an emulator that's running at the same time on your gpu. So when you do flux on amd you are emulating the cuda cores. Obviously that's not the right way to do it, but it speaks to the incredible power of amd cards.
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with negative flux guidance cranked up its pretty much still the same even if you go just cfg 2, I guess thats the limit of SkimmedCFG, AutomaticCFG might work better there, but I am not in the mood for renoodling my workflow right now, this is good enough and I guess photorealistic gens with a main subject in front are just bokeh madness in flux.. Ill try to rewrite the prompt into landscape photography, maybe I can get clarity that way

and they are faster than RDNA3 GPUs
>Support newer glora format.
what's glora?
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no they don't, google uses their own solution.


This is ongoing. TPU development is very important to Google. The latest gamegen demo was on TPU v5.
>Why do the jannies hate cat girls?
Becuase they are troons and actual content is forbidden
I wonder why google aren't selling their TPUs, maybe it's a better alternative to Jewdia
If you had a V5, and the software, you wouldn't even be interested in anything nvidia ever thought of.
>no they don't
Yes they do, the fact they have been developing their own doesn't mean they aren't using NVIDIA.
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They advertisers get unhappy and the jannies throw a fit.
It seems there are no TPU available. Mainly, they seem to be made by Intel.

Intel apparently announced their TPU before nvidia announced Cuda.
it's as if you shouldn't put hentai on a blue board and that there's other places spacialized in NSFW to do that or something, really makes you think
Show me the contract :)
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Political images require negative prompting, and really also require Flux, because sdxl is retarded.

So, political images are fried unless photoshopped or otherwise processed.
Cuda was made in 2007, in 17 years, Google still decided to stuck with TPUs?
>Political images require negative prompting
what negative prompting for example?
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What's going to save us is AI being put in mobile phones, maybe Qualcomm will get off their asses and make consumer GPU chips. Surely the billions on the table is tempting.
nice, prompt? catbox? whats that style called, I don't wanna feed it to an LLM
>The proposed method on LLaMA-1 and LLaMA-2 also show considerable enhancements compared to the original LoRA in the language domain. Furthermore, our structural re-parameterization design ensures that GLoRA incurs no extra inference cost, rendering it a practical solution for resource-limited applications.
sounds good, what's the catch?
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but we want tensor tpu, not gpu. amd is perfect for gayming.

Sorry about the incorrect timeline.

Google DOES sell a tpu, called Coral. It's for embedded systems, and is basically a TOY.

Sure, it gets 4 tops, but that's at 8-bit. I don't even know how you would compare the thing to a cuda core with those facts.
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I'll take a dedicated AI processor, thanks
Also for gaming you don't need more than a 3090 and the gaming industry as a whole has completely regressed and all modern games are just inefficient messes, there isn't a modern Crysis, just a modern competency crisis
>Google DOES sell a tpu
google also has in-house only TPUs that are reportedly very fast, but they don't sell them
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desu, see if you can try again and reduce the repetitive look. I love the roses btw.

I love the theme.
I used to believe it was multiple posters posting Miku/trump but they're always posted at the same time with the exact same kind of prompts, so now I think it's just one really uncreative poster
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>Also for gaming you don't need more than a 3090 and the gaming industry as a whole has completely regressed and all modern games are just inefficient messes, there isn't a modern Crysis, just a modern competency crisis
People keep saying rt looks good, but it doesn't, it's extremely weird and unrealistic, it's a regression. It could be useful in some sort of situation, but it seems only for shitty devs.

>realtime shadows for your character!
your character is unknowable before player input? I find this hard to believe.
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distilled cfg scale 2low.
They probably came from the DE3 general after they saw how well Flux handled text.
Imagine how good everything could be, AI included, if all jeets and troons were banned from the internet with no more diversity hires... Just imagine... Such a beautiful world..
What motivates you to decide to do anything? What motivates you to decide to get it together? I am asking, because there is a general problem, for which I have the solution, but I find people unable to apply themselves and help solve the problem, which can be resolved very soon with effort.
We'd definitely have a least one game that literally looked like a movie from the 00s. It's incredible no one has made a game which is just an early Pixar movie. But no, we have idiots saving 300mb models of a pair of scissors and putting them in games. We have game engines like Unreal that stutter every 15 seconds compiling shaders. We have insanely fast hard drives and we're still loading levels through vent crawling sequences.
yes. 3 atleast, 3.5 better
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>your character is unknowable before player input? I find this hard to believe.
the fuck does this mean
The migu meme got incredibly old on day one, give it up already. You're practically an avatarfag at this point.
I think t5 could be improved.

Honestly, things could get much much much better, potentially. But, first of all, a question:
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ask the question in English next time
Unknowable, because there are various parameters, including translation, components, deformation, mesh, scale. But are those actually unknown at release date? Like the player can change all of those?

It seems laughable.
Go to SDG if you want an avatar. You're very transparent.
Are you Japanese? I'll translate it if necessary.
shitty repost, wasn't funny the first time either
what the fuck are you talking about, anon, what do you think real time shadows are?
wasn't supposed to be funny to you, but seeing people seething over Miku will always be funny to me
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>You have been rate-limited; you can retry this action in about 1 hour. If you're a new user, your limits will raise progressively over time. Get in touch with us at website@huggingface.co if you need access now.
what's the point in them developing a new `upload-large-folder` option for huggingface-cli when it triggers rate limits by committing too often? there's literally no benefit to this new mode, it still only uploads 1 at a time and multithreaded hashing isn't really any faster
If you think your question was in coherent English then you are either ESL or extremely, extremely autistic
Why would anyone need them? avatars are trash anyway. They are gussied up old tech.
okay you're trolling
You have a high opinion of yourself, and therefore are useless. I would block you if possible, because you are too stupid for my company.
No one is seething over Miku, we're tired of your avatarfag tier iteration of the same subject over and over. It doesn't matter if this subject is Miku or literally anything else, it's annoying.
Get the retard out of here. What a waste of space and time.
>No one is seething
>we're tired
>it's annoying.
Beautiful gen. What checkpoint/LoRA is that?
See, you are one of those stupid fucks who watches retards on youtube and thinks you know how games should work.

The way avatars work is they have animations, they aren't simulating walking. You can pre-render all shadows, or come up with a system that easily generates reasonable ones for any of the extremely limited poses possible for avatars.

At essence, you are still playing Pac-Man.
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The way people run in games is incredibly dumb, and the worst offender is smooth strafing.

Games are so far from realistic that it's stupid, when it comes to avatars. They occupy the majority of screen time and are the worst part of games.
why is there so much arguments in there? I left /sdg/ because of this and now /ldg/ is also taking this path
Character shadows should never be realtime, unless the dev is a literal retard.
cross posters trying to get attention baiting where ever they can. report and ignore, do not engage, do not feed them. if you accidentally engage and realize too late, immediately stop, ignore and report.

People simply trying to filter them is part of the reason they're able to continue, if you filter but don't report jannys will never deal with them. Many things are never reviewed unless they receive multiple reports.
your knowledge of gamedev is solely based on doing GameMaker tutorial projects, isn't it?
get out of here Furkan
We need ids.
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that would be the death of 4chan
we won't get it, for the same reason we won't have an ai board, or why the feds psyops these threads daily.
yeah but... 4chan is like a school, you have to deal with everyone, even with people you find absolutely retarded, that's not a good experience at all
>thread id
>death of 4chan
desu I agree with that, we don't have to be forced to talk to people we have nothing in common, if you find someone is an idiot, at least on other sites you can block that motherfucker
I want to block anybody so retarded they don't know shadows can be precompiled, and the use cases for rt are not found in gayming
these are fun

Pony and Flux only matter to me.

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