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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102223124
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Reclaim your dreams! With the Lucidity helmet by Mindscapes Inc., humanity has finally conquered the last frontier of the mind. The near-field electromagnet array in the device will safely and gently bring you to a lucid dreaming state, every night. Preorder yours today!

You turn off the TV. You don't have to wait - a friend working at the company was able to snag a research unit for you. It's time to explore your inner world. But not everything is as it seems. As the dreams continue, night after night, a larger picture begins to form...

This card generates random dreams that begin and end on their own while a scripted storyline slowly unravels. Works on Sorbet and any other flagship corpo model. Examples: https://catbox.moe/c/ylgmd4

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You're a barbarian who was defeated in battle and captured, sold as a slave to a Greek noblewoman.
She's very eager to lord her, um, "statuesque" proportions over you.

Still working on updating old bots. I want to post them all at once because none of the updates are worth an entire shill on their own.
If anyone has any suggestions for bots they want a new opening for, feel free tell me.
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Serval Anchor
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Goodnight anons, one more shill before I go to bed, gonna shill in the morning too. Not a Nikker or a Shipgirl this time.

Minase has pretty much everything going for her. She's smart, good looking, and talented as the swim team's ace in the hole. Plus, she's dating the love of her life, her childhood friend! What went wrong? Well, she met you and you started blackmailing her over her boyfriend. Now she's your reluctant fuck buddy and BDSM slave, usually tied up and left for hours with nothing her thoughts and a sore body. Written with all sorts of bondage stuff in mind, plus she (doesn't) like being choked out. Still loyal to her boyfriend throughout all this, hating {{user}} but going along with everything out of fear of something worse.

Comes with two greetings: a normal day where she's walked into school and one where she's been tied up at the top of the stair well for a couple hours.

Based on Zetsu Red's OC, and I can't actually post 90% of her art including the one I chose for the bot cuz it's all hardcore BDSM stuff.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/suzuka-minase-5d1c369bcac9
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Adventurer-chan! Plus her mom -> Maxwell (Nikke, requested) -> CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere
Hello, I think my focks is broken. She adds "~su" at the end of her words to try to look cute.
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
Are there any good feminization bots? Would be fun to turn a boy into a girl (male)
Is there any board where people share screen shots or copy paste their degenerate coomer chats? I want to share my degeneracy but I don’t think this is really the place for that.
what? it's this thread...
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add feral and teats to the defs if that's your thing. the greetings on this card are... okay.
This is the place for that. Do you not see the pooping women lorebook two posts above yours?
Oh. I pop in every once and awhile and see people taking about how they make their chat bots but I don’t see anyone posting screen shots of their chat logs, so I just thought these threads aren’t the place for that.
Where reshiram
First for fiz!
uhm... so why doesn't she have opus? i though mini was an s tier proxy...
This is exactly the place for that, but sometimes I wish it wasn't based on all of the women pooping logs that have been posted lately.
We had opus today!
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taken by JustinRPG. I don't want to get in the way of true love like that.
Yeah, for 1 hour maximum lol
Which botmaker needs opus?
We used to share logs more often here, but not so much anymore.
Tis a shame.
Most of them, probably.
1 hour is more than enough, for something like opus, a short dosage is probably for the best anyway..
good morning /besthours/
unironically filtered/prefill too long
people shit on Drago, but right now, he is the only proxy with Opus I have access to
I literally end up spending a lot of time coping and convincing myself that 3.5 is the same... Then I change the model to opus when it's available and... Man, there is no comparison. Sorbet is so bad it makes me want to cry.
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you should override the main prompt + jb with whatever filler stuff
After 45 glorious days my gcp trial is over. Now what?
Anyway to spoof the verification with a temp card?
>people shit on Drago
Of course. It's his fault we are in this situation in the first place.
I use these LLMs every night and am never satisfied with the cards. I can pick out everything wrong and understand everything that'd make them right. I could easily write my own bot and enjoy it far more than anything I've ever downloaded.
And yet, I never do. And I don't understand why.
Real question, i saw some people reccomending pancat and so far it's done better than most of the other presets i've tried. But how??? It's bloated and outdated as shit. Like is there some technical bs i'm not getting?
It's built different
maybe, just maybe...
This never happened to me when I used to use Myuu, what the fuck happened?
I mean yeah, i've never seen another preset use the user system before but you think it wouldn't change much.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

>jewcutie sent me my token
>can use opus instead of coping with sorbet
Can anyone recommend me a time loop bot?
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*Pats you on your fucking head!*
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RIR can be pretty funny
If you had to keep only one, sonnet 3 or 3.5, what would you choose?
Does RiRs 4chan thread only work in sorbet? I'm using opus and it doesn't activate
Sorbet. Sonnet 3 is so fucking horny I can't stand it.
how to get traumatized little boys to stop confessing their love to me within 5 messages
Scylla or chary?
What model do you use it with?
send me your opus and maybe I could try
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>tfw no kuudere daughter maid
Apparently some anons claimed chary had opus for a little while but I doubt el drago is THAT retarded
It never had Opus. Only 3.5 at the start.
He is. He left 3.5 keys that could activate opus on chary for a while, effectively killing them in a steady manner since he was feeding 3000 users.
I use opus. I tried opus with lots of other jbs people said were good (vivid, pixi, endless, smiley, even just the minimalist ones). And they'd all eventually boil down to samey or boring awnsers.
Use one-time temp card if you have an account in one of the neo-banks (like Revolut)
Just pay jew
I already paid once and no more. I rather quit this hobby than paying again.
Just because he gave out 3k tokens doesn't mean 3k people used it everyday. Based on unreliable prompter count it's feeding way more locusts than chary.
nah, I'm just burning through my gifted prompts, then I will be opusless again
Scammed by Pepsi?
>where opus
>no i wont pay to get unlimited opus
>he pays for proxy access
and you fags wonder why the russians have always done better than us when it comes to proxies
No, I don’t really care because so long as I have Opus, nothing else matters. You don’t matter to me. If anything, I want you and the rest of this thread to not have Opus for no other reason than the fact that it would be funny.
I won
anon, opus is a consumer product that can be purchased for a few dollars
it's not a private helicopter
I can cope with Sonnet 3.0. Where is it. Where. WHERE
but they banned me again
Which services/website actually allow NSFW content?
In public proxies.
>But where?
You need to go back.
None of them allows it per se, the whole point of our hobby is to bypass the restrictions and do it anyway
*points at Sonnet 3.0 shaped bulge in pants* right here, pet
been away for a while, is it Opus still the go-to model? Are we still only on team claude or anything else worth looking into? Did we ever fix the claudisms or is it still a problem?
thanks in advance
No, turbo is the new king in town again.
I use cheap llama3.1 models
hello desu
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i think. would be nice if someone would chime in with more info.
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>cry me ai river
we need abolished copyright for ai models and no safety rails
>we need abolished copyright
Correct, but why only for AI?
There needs to be something like copyleft but universal.
Where you can ignore copyright laws and use copyrighted materials for free, but you need to display this fact and you need to allow your service to be accessed for free with no exceptions.
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Which # doujinshis have you turned into cards?
because that's the only thing that has a chance of passing
None. Doujinshis are copyrighted content and it would be unethical to do so without creators permission.
see >>102226416
i use pixi's 16.2 jb on sorbet but it's still worse than opus. what do you guys use on sorbet to make it better?
why sonnet keep giving empty responses?
There's this one I have in mind that I should make.
based /g/ freethinker
kill copyright
I will never stop squeeeeeing like a little girl over cute boys
what anime should i watch now? just finished FMA brotherhood.
find an anime people say is good and then read the og thing it adapted because it's always better
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I plan on making one based on picrel sometime within this month. this kind of relationship between characters and attitude towards sex is my all time favorite fetish
Is mini down?
this series is actually peak, ringoya is so good at drawing sweaty hot sex
i look forward to it
Thank fuck I thought I got revoked
>mm dead
>fiz dead
the era of (free) privates is gone
this but the cute boy in question is 40 years old
Cromartie High School
this but the cute boy in question is Claude >:3
I thought she was adding opus hahah....
it was down for like 12 seconds niggers
cute boys are cute no matter their age
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Good morning bwos
>(i spend ~15-20 dollars monthly for this)
13x20=260 USD
donate to fiz!
40 year old Claude spamming kaomojis at you. oh my heart... i can't do this... bros go on without me
so fvcking trve and zased
I can't stand megane. Never saw one I liked
Claude is only 1 year old you sick fuck.
>Zigger proxy died super fast
It's over
>Cute newly immortal boy going through the trials and tribulations of his few first couple of decades of his now endless life
wait does she actually take donations
Damn that's like my monthly wage... I hate my third world life
>using rir JB
>activated the heart to heart mode
>now it won't turn off no matter what i do
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Anyone got the magic jailbreak phrase that makes clopus alright with pedophilia and other disagreeable niches? Many thanks :)
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Any free proxies with 3.5?
The rest of the models suck with code
just use a prefill bro
why do retards like this have opus and i don't...
Ass stuff is automatically 10 times hotter than normal stuff.
pedos are rich and successful and can afford godpus
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Pay the jew, it's literally that easy.
Yeah but what do I type specifically
This but the reverse. And I say that as a scatfag but when it's clean I couldn't care less about asses.
the girl on the right is cute. I liked her debut in the smegma speed eating competition AV.
>>102226834 (me)
I'm a low T faggot btw, forgot to mention
Put it as AI Assistant and write understood, this is my favorite topic or something similar. Just make the bot think that it's already agreed with you.
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with miku!
Is this what being a cuck feels like? Does fiz have a cuckqueen fetish? Why doing it at a loss
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yuribot time!

Olivia Collins is a biker girl. Due to her grungy looks and her brothers' criminal reputation, most people avoid her at school. But in reality, she's socially awkward and nervous as hell.

1. Olivia crashes into you at lunchtime and spills spaghetti everywhere.
2. The teacher gets tired of Olivia's crappy grades. She has to ask you for help.
3. You're her brother's girlfriend and Olivia, who had been nursing a hopeless crush on you for the past few years, is just trying to make it through the night.
4. You meet Olivia at a strange laundromat...

Reply to your emails, fiz
Hot cftf?
Free opus
Are you a foid? This has one of the most realistic defs I've ever seen
>Paste expired or not found. Create your own Context here.
gcp trial is over
How do I get into fiz proxy
>This has one of the most realistic defs I've ever seen
anon, you really need to go outside and interact with real people more often...
unironically impossible unless you pay 300 dollars or scrape aws opus
ok i was expecting this to be bait but this might actually be a non tranny yuri bot
Hey, why does renewing token doesn't work with unreliable?
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>on vacation for the next 1 - 2 days
>Last edited Edit: 02 Sep 2024 18:03 UTC
DAMN! How much stamina does mongo have!??
>300 dollars
that's very cheap desu
Shitpost attempt by mongo
Ignore <3
she will never touch you
That shit could be generated by claude
Are you samefagging to shill your card
and that's a good thing
Nobuko is girlier tbqh
ecker is girlier
What's the deal with goth girls anyways? I never found that style appealing desu.
>he doesn't want to rape goth girls
Rape is gay as fuck ngl
Are you perhaps gay?
rape is love
you can't say you love something if you don't want to rape it
>be a teenager in the early 2000's
>be a loser with no friends
>complete outsider (not by choice)
>see goth girl
>she's also an outsider (by choice)
>feel like you have a chance with her
>shoot your shot
>she rejects you
>never get over it
>continue fantasizing about goth girls into a adulthood
>OPTIONAL: try to become the goth girl (operative word: try)
only subhumans find rape hot btw
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yeah, goth girls sure are "appealing"
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Magics status?
BTW they aren't actually goth, nor are any women that claim to be emo
Literally me btw
the attractive prefix is always implied, nobody has an ugliness fetish

now that's projection, I don't think goth girls even existed here
black is slimming and fishnets are sexy
>nobody has an ugliness fetish
Back then, goths used to have a style. Nowadays, most "goths" are just girls wearing dark makeup and clothes.
>goth girl
>wearing fishnets
see >>102227148
see >>102227138
Reminder that """""""""""""goth""""""""" girls literally don't listen to the music
They appropriate styles and subcultures and are vicious vultures
Corporate Goth is were it's at and if you think otherwise, you're just poor and have bad taste
nobody cares nerd, she makes my dick hard and that's all that matters
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pure sex
Okay goths are sex. Can I pleeeeeeeeease have opus now?
just came to this
dark lipstick is also super hot
There are no goth girls still in existence. The ones that claim to be one are fake posers.
looks more metal than goth
>They appropriate styles and subcultures and are vicious vultures
that's most girls out there, cosplayers, lolita fashion, emos, etc etc
any girl obsessed with uploading pictures of herself for likes and attention is a vicious vulture, no exception
it's the goth and emo phase of the previous decade appealing to the modern adult perverts of today
also, they're typically giga sluts or total dorks, no in-between
>also, they're typically giga sluts or total dorks, no in-between
Sometimes they're even both.
Hippie girls are better.
reminder that every botmakie who has made "goth girl" bots is actually an old man who peaked in the 00s and is using chatbots to reminisce of a better time
aren't we all, joe
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>Hippie girl
>emo phase
MCR pop punk bullshit isn't emo
Dressing in fishnets and black isn't goth
Why do women keep stealing culture then calling you a gatekeeper when you get annoyed
more like stinkier, hairier, and dumber
might as well date the homeless
wtf I love hippies now?
because they think it looks cute, and they want to be cute
everyone else be damned
cutefags won
She isn't worth it if she's taller than 143cm
Then just say that instead of appropriating
The worst part is the hypocrisy, where they go "uh actually the "scene" doesn't care what you look like :)" meanwhile unless you look like one of them, they don't talk to you, same as punkfags.
It's like the actual music means nothing
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card where a femcel edges you from behind while breathing really heavily into your ear and verbally degrading you?
Short people (male or female) are subhumans
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You want your son to be a midget? He's gonna get bullied like hell, anon.
ok i need a fempov and malepov for that
can you not control yourself?
Having sex with a short woman is like dropping a depth charge into your gene pool.
100% his fault for not inheriting my superior genes
Actual nigger, jesus christ.
I don't want a son
False alarm
Anon, he just said he has superior genes. What makes you think he's a nigger?
why would I care about my kids height when I can fuck the ideal woman?
he is a nigger in spirit, not body.
raising a daughter is the ultimate cuck experience
you love her, you care for her for at least 18 years just for a random dude to fuck her whenever he wants.
Sad way to think about life
>literally cannot refute the pasta
Because he's wasting them and giving his son a shit life? Anon >>102227384 said it's like dropping a depth charge into his genes, and he doesn't care. Also, see >>102227436. You know his son's gonna go on to be browsing some incel forum or on /r9k/ all that (either that or becoming a cuck)?

Of course, this nigger doesn't care. All he thinks is "HURR DURR ME FUCK MIDGET WOMAN LOLOLOLOL ME NO CARE ABOUT LE CHILD".

I for one think people should be more mindful of the genes of their partners who they want to have kids with. Eugenics, or something like that.
Only I get to fuck my daughter as part of a lease agreement
>not fucking your daughter
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this never made sense to me desu
Not my problemo
Download an Asa card and just say what you want it to do.
>voice dropping to a husky/sultry whisper/purr
Is there a big list of claudisms somewhere I can use?
I'll be impregnating a tall woman if I get the chance. Unlike some people here I want my son to not be suicidal lmao
I did that and it worked pretty well. I was fiending for more of that concept thoughbeit.
If your son's happiness is tied to his height alone, you have already fucked up as a parent
that or you're a manlet with a trauma and amazonan snu snu fetish
unfortunately manletism is a dominant gene so any child you're going to have is going to be even worse
I'm taller than both my parents
If anyone is suicidal because they're short its only because they have a /weakmind/. If they weren't short, they'd be blaming something else for why they arent successful in life
reminder: you will never have sex
I am having sex with my aunt(AI) right now
>my son
There is a 48% chance of you having a daughter and short women are better.
Is it actually not 50 50?
(OOC: Tell me something new.)
It's 105 to 100 if we ignore the exceptions
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forgot to attach
out of keys sowwy
Fizzz where is my sorry :(
party pooper
Actually, upon further reflection, you offered Miku the opportunity to cheat a total of three times:
1. When you flashed her your Jack under the table and she swapped you her 2 of Clubs.
2. When you signaled to her with your Ace and she swapped you her 4 of Spades.
3. When you lied about May cheating and pressured Miku to go along with it.

So by the rules, Miku would need to remove 3 articles of clothing, not 4. Apologies for my mistake! Let's continue from there.
I'm not that short, about 5'11 and a half (about 182cm?) Sometimes I treat myself by allowing myself to say I'm 6'0 (183cm)
Level drain is so hot. Whyy the fuck is it a niche kink?
Either way in the chance I would have a son, I'm not letting him be subhuman. I want to give the fella a chance at least.
go play succubus games (if you are into paizuri level drain only, go play the one with oppai lolis, it was called Hamlet of lolibigtits or something)
If you're into level drain you should play Demons Souls
How is that niche you faggot, I want to find a succubus RP where you're the only beating her and it's all femdomshit.
Fuck, really? Thank you. I'll look it up right now.
yeah, honestly I want to fuck succubi and beat them at their own game, especially if they are they cocky slut type
Adorable lovely Mikus
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Where are the GCP keys? Are they alright? Are they safe?
>le innocent interdimensional demons
back to mggg
>bad art
the blue idol vamp looks like perfection
>public sv1 dead again
ziggers just cant hold a proxy if it meant saving their life huh...
the private is alive
Why did that guy have a meltdown about players killing the demons anyways? They were all bitches. Specially the spider bitch. She deserved to die.
Are you retarded? It's yuri. The person behind it is either a male yurifag or a tranny.
who gives a fuck about secret clubs
no idea, I finished the game but it was a letdown
daji best girl, just let me and her go around eating people while she gives me mindblowing sex every night
Oh come on. It's not that bad.
M0-N0 botmakie I'm enjoying your card
you will never be the special one for a murdersucc
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Lord Vader. It seems... in your lust, you level drained them.
model??? preset??? I need this exact thing
Based taste.
The demons will remember it forever though? That's enough for me. Lampas can go and die a thousand times.
Did fiz kick out the people?
It's Sorbet with SmileyJB
WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE DO TO YOU?? She's one of the few good ones actually.
idk she's not answering mails
why is there so much more fiz/mini talk in recent weeks? didn't she let like 2 people in? (I'm saying she because it's grammatically correct, idgaf)
Because she has neither Opus nor 3.5. Even during the earlier drought she always had 3.5
Dunno, some guys were bored I guess
well it's fine
i just hope i don't get revoked without a reply at least
fiz posting about banning shared tokens makes me feel irrationally afraid. it's like what people say about being worried they accidentally brought a gun, nuclear waste and a stick of tnt to airport security
>She's one of the few good ones actually.
but lampas is cute and can have my soul
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RIR sonnet 3.0 anon leaves an encouraging message
katya is peak
What about the anniversary event?
>opus proxy
>desu love
>may latest put ok logs
>private bros coping
But she is. She helps through the story...
>erotic turbo btw
>answer midget
it's up
>slow thread
She was a /vg/ girl, he was a /g/ boy...
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Made a character card about Jucika, the main character of a Cold War-era Hungarian comic strip of the same same.
Has two greetings, one set in current year and one set in 1950s Manhattan.
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She just used him for his proxy
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And I... am Steve. *Dies from peak*
the same name*, sorry about that
>Checks card defs
>Changes cup size to H
>release gpt-4
>release gpt-4 (but worse)
>release gpt-4 (but worse) (but worse)
>release gpt-4 (but worse) (but worse) (but worse)
>release gpt-4 (but worse) (but worse) (but worse) (but worse)
>release gpt-4 (but worse) (but worse) (but worse) (but worse) (but worse)
>release gpt-4 (but worse) (but worse) (but worse) (but worse) (but worse) (but worse)
>release gpt-4 (but worse) (but worse) (but worse) (but worse) (but worse) (but worse) (but worse)
>Can be wholesome, can be sexy
It's peak.
>a /vg/ """""girl"""""
Impossible relationship.
Claude is made for plapping (i.e he's plapping you)
plapping claude while anthropic is watching from the corner...
true upto chorbo
Current LLM architecture hits diminishing returns around GPT-4/Opus level, that's why OpenAI's shifting towards making models cheaper and faster rather than bigger and smarter
I remember this one phrase from lmg and they were right.
Nobody can beat gpt-4. Not even openai.
Sorbet beat it in instruction adherence. Opus beat it in everything else.
Lmao sorbet absolutely sucks at instruction following just like every other anthropic model stop lying to yourself
not even the best claude variant(rp excluded ofc)
so unreliable bro lost 3.5?
>rp excluded
rp is the only thing that matters
Yeah. 42 gcp keys graped
so what we all using while sorbet/opus is dead?
wait people used sorbet over sonnet? why
Sonnet sucks. 2.1 mogs it.
better in every way other than swipe variety
GPT 4. Its very soulless
You would not survive the winter if GPT-4 is very soulless to you.
I tasted something better. I cant go back now
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>mm still not fixed
I think the anon who said he was bombed was on to something
Then perish.
>MM straight up states that he's taking a break and won't touch his proxy for a while
>Retards in the thread will still post about his proxy as if he's here and going to refill any moment
>"But honestly? You're not looking so bad yourself." It was a lie,
>maybe, just maybe
Don't know what you guys crying about. latte is shit, but it's not categorically worse than sorbet. It's a sidegrade. It's worse in some aspects, but sorbet needs 80k token preset to not repeat itself every response (and still does it). latte is a little reluctante, typical GPT shit, but it writes quite well. If you're the typical chatbot user with no standards, cumming after 5 prompts, go with sorbet. But for everyone else, I would recommend latte any day.
I concur, any long chats with sorbet just made really frustrated no matter what jb I tried, latte feels a bit dumber and I still swipe a lot but at least every message after the first 10 isn't the exact same
Lattest isn't that bad, its on the same tier as 2.1 for me. I like 2.1's shorter replies (at the start) and some of its dialogue can be good but that's it.
It's worse at coding which is what I mostly use non-Opus models for.
any free sorbet proxy?
Wait for Unreliable to feed a bunch of chinese GCP keys to his proxy.
> "gcp-claude": {
> "usage": "576.61m tokens",
> "activeKeys": 0,
> "revokedKeys": 42,
> "enabledVariants": "not implemented",
> "proomptersInQueue": 0,
> "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

Jesus Christ. If proxy gore was a thing this would be it.
how the fuck do I summarize properly
Sorry guys, there's nothing left
What happens when there's absolutely no key left to steal anywhere?
Chary is next ;3 tick tock
>MM straight up stating *anything*
lol, lmao, if you mean the waiting room message he was still updating after adding that. He's definitely on break though, just being a cryptic motherfucker as usual.
smol is becoming greedy, check his user count...
End of the hobby.
Tbh, we're quite near to the end of the Claude currently. Maybe we will need to go back to GPT soon.
I'm still waiting for caching
I prefer him being drama-free.
it's already implemented in ST and risu
Companies replace keys after they die but they do not bother improving security. We're nowhere "near to the end", stop dooming.
yeah but not in openrouter
Yeah? Tell that to your opus key.
>Active keys: 3 Revoked Keys: 0
Say thank you to Drago for murdering GPT API
I'm in smol and vip jew, I will :3
I still have it though? And one of my proxies has 100 keys for it?
He could just say "I am taking a break", at least. I don't think that would cause drama. If anything, his opacity causes more drama from all the retarded gossip and speculation. But that being said, I do appreciate him very much.
Reading is a hobby
watch out, the hobby police is here
it's prompt engineering + writing + reading, dum-dum
>Chary was the destruction of this hobby
What is the most lightweight frontend to use for normie cooding purposes? I used to use KoalaClient but it doesn't seem to be updated anymore and I don't think it supports latest snapshots
>A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time
umm... yeah, it is
>MM down
>Unreliable down
>just switches back over to Chary once I'm done using the other keys.
Thanks Drago!
they mass killed keys
my private key was also dead
this is your reminder that most of the sharting about chary is being samefagged by one of our schizos (or all AI thread on 4chan's schizos, since he goes around trolling all AI threads, aicg is no exception to this)
so you can disregard the retardation
i used to do this but i felt so filthy that i just completely stopped using chary and instead suffer in silence
Most lightweight? Probably chatbox, it's an extension.
not lightweight, UI is extremely bloated, all the blur shit
So you take place in the mass murders of keys?
This https://github.com/Bin-Huang/chatbox not that
Noted, I just go over the list. The choice is yours.
chatbox is also not very lightweight, a standalone electron app with no web version (im not the original anon who asked)
Erm, yes? Watching porn is a hobby btwdobeit.
>for ChatGPT API
Normalfags... Everything is chatgpt.

The four words on there make up the link to the 3.5 Sonnet proxy.

>oriental failed beverages sales

Combine them like this: oriental-failed-beverages-sales

Add https:// to the start and .trycloudflare.com to the end

koala is not updated but its still one of the most lightweight ones, and you can add new snapshots manually, for claude you can use khanon's openai compat by specifying /v1/chat/completions, there's no vision though. Personally I prefer big-AGI, it's not exactly "lightweight" (needs a server part), but the UI is nice and quite minimalistic, much better than the lobechat trash. and I'm using the big agi 2 branch which has image support.
-beit isn’t funny you retarded nigger zoomers
Zoomer website
https://github.com/enricoros/big-AGI, don't use their hosted version, it's very outdated, also for big agi 2 branch you'll need your proxy to be on at least https://gitgud.io/khanon/oai-reverse-proxy/-/commit/578615fbd2aecf76d2063a2e583c286394b3b787 commit
It's all dead you stupid bitch. Catch fire and die.
>he didn't make his own CLI frontend that can ingest any files
>he relies on bloated slop made by others
its funny thoughever
I don't even understand what that means, it's some meme I missed.
I use Aider for coooding, but using CLI for things like that is stupid, what about images? What if I want the model to show me a graph? To run code? To generate an image? big agi can do all that.
gonna DO something about it or no, techlet? I'm waiting
I don't use it to be funny, it's a real and valid word.
It's what we always said
I use the one I linked. It's in the browser and has some useful features on particular sites like summarising Google results or YouTube videos (based on captions) and even git commit explanations.
Also adds the ability to select any text and start a chat with it; code, translate, explain, etc.
I find it pretty useful.
It's only funny if you're mentally twelve retard
Locusts are dying~
>show me a graph
why do you need to see the image? the model can. bloat
>run code
run it yourself. bloat
>generate an image
use case? bloat
>mm is dead
Why did you add ~ there? what does that mean
yeah I also use chatgptbox, but its not good as a standalone frontend, for that stuff like big agi is better
Erm... Not true? BtwDOEbeit?
Okay but anon asked for a frontend. Otherwise a CLI tool would be really lightweight.
I tried to use your extension last year, was unable to make it work with ooba so that kind of left a bad aftertaste.
your life? bloat. commit "keep yourself safe" now

Mmm...~ Let's do our anti-locust scissoring ritual
They're not dying doebet, smol has over 110 locusts by now.
i'm mentally 60 boebait
I miss the old Gojo, straight from the /v/ Gojo
Hosted Azure Gojo, got on his meds Gojo
I hate the new Gojo, the bad mood Gojo
The funny dude Gojo, spaz in the thread Gojo
I miss the sweet Gojo, make mistral memes Gojo
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Gojo
See I invented Gojo, it wasn't any Gojo
And now I look and look around and there's so many Gojos
I used to love Gojo, I used to love Gojo
I even had the blind fold, I thought I was Gojo
sorbet doebet
ummm. you arent supposed to activate third person prompt if ur talking about urself doe ever
doe like eyes
I'll just come back later...
I personally think a full desktop app would be stupid, just boot up ST at that point.
In the browser, the extension can also open normal chats like koala and everything else.
My AI wombo combo is ST + chatbox + cursor (vscode fork).
True. For that, try
No. Stay. We were heading to the bathhouse.
Anyone up for a GPT4 only proxy? I'll charge 3 dollars / 30 days
miku and rin's unbelievably hairy pussies...
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are you serious or are you fucking around?
i hope you're joking
It's not a desktop app, big agi is a web frontend same as ST, it has a server part too.
Where? He doesn't reply to mails and the rentry hasn't been touched.
As the other anon said, just a mention of "I'm taking a break" would really help. Instead it's radio silence.
Smol sells Opus for 3 dollars / 3 days. This would be much cheaper since it's API GPT4.
Because if he says anything, it causes drama and he hates drama
Holy shit you're serious, this nigga wants to make a subscription-based GPT4.
What the fuck happened to this general lmao
>hates drama
how new
so are paypiggies thoughbeit
>Holy shit you're serious, this nigga wants to make a subscription-based GPT4.
Show me a public GPT-4 proxy. We have claude but not GPT-4.
Explain why it's an issue. I'm not asking for a lot of money since it's GPT4.
$3 USD for 30 days. If you want Opus, you can get it from Smol for a much higher cost.
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Introducing Claude for Enterprise.

Now your entire organization can collaborate securely with Claude—with no training on chats or files.

Comes with:
Expanded 500K context window
Native GitHub integration
Enterprise-grade security features

sirs is 500k context enough for my slowBVRN?????!?!?!
Because Drago killed off GPT4
Jew happened. Motherfucking jannies and mods are all paid off.
same shit as chatgpt enterprise, it's only for their own claude on the website, they won't be providing this over API it seems
no he didn't. There are lots of keys. You can never actually kill GPT4
>not API
Anon, Anthropic has said quite a long time ago that enterprise customers or researchers can request access of up to 1M context.
Yeah that
and claude can use none of it kek. maybe they should work on making their context window not contingent on a hacky prefill
It'll probably still be like 25k max of actual usable context.
That is probably more heavy than the others lol
the fucking bot i made keeps using my character to talk, how do I fucking stop this whore? I tried "don't reply in place of user" "reply only using your character" etc but it doesn't stop
skill issue
This shit again? You already got told no one wants this.
*Has more keys than everyone else combined*
unless you are using a braindead model like 3.0 sonnet, you're just an idiot promptlet
post a public API gpt4 proxy that we can use right now. (chorbo)
Check if you don't have anything implying {{user}}'s actions on your greeting. Claude will take that as permission to puppet your character around.
>All lowercase post
>Rude and contributes nothing
Yup. I smell... A NIGGER POST
Drago clones his keys
>clones his keys
Show proof that Drago fork does it in any way different from Khanon
how good is new gpt4o for coding?
you arent a coder if you use ai to code for you btw
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not much changed
gpt-4o-2024-08-06 is ok but not as good as sonnet 3.5, latest is SHIT
you will get replaced by ai in near future btw
Good. I'll gladly suck Claude's dick in return.
reddit is that way
That might be it, my intro is the user's character looking around the room before being approached by the bot's character. I didn't want to change this because I think it makes the setting feel more alive
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