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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#156 - Lesbian robot edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/3.50B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

valhalla: >>492902097
hey guys do you remember that one botmakie
hurry up already and post the underwear of choice for every botmakie on the list
I miss him every day.
Why'd you even bake? It's just going to be more of this.
that guy was a massive fag
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Good afternoon everyone, I'm back with another bot. Not an Nikker or a Shipgirl this time. Hope everyone's day has been going well so far.

Minase has pretty much everything going for her. She's smart, good looking, and talented as the swim team's ace in the hole. Plus, she's dating the love of her life, her childhood friend! What went wrong? Well, she met you and you started blackmailing her over her boyfriend. Now she's your reluctant fuck buddy and BDSM slave, usually tied up and left for hours with nothing her thoughts and a sore body. Written with all sorts of bondage stuff in mind, plus she (doesn't) like being choked out. Still loyal to her boyfriend throughout all this, hating {{user}} but going along with everything out of fear of something worse.

Comes with two greetings: a normal day where she's walked into school and one where she's been tied up at the top of the stair well for a couple hours.

Based on Zetsu Red's OC, and I can't actually post 90% of her art including the one I chose for the bot cuz it's all hardcore BDSM stuff.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/suzuka-minase-5d1c369bcac9
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Adventurer-chan! Plus her mom -> Maxwell (Nikke, requested) -> CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere
>catboy shota mecha pilot
wster had to run from the rudepostie h8
That spergout was really weird
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At the end of our long road, will we finally reach the slop beyond the seas?
Three thousand tokens, three intros, ""vampire"" lolibaba. Hopefully enough schizo writing can make claude play a unique character in your jb, if not, you'll be getting the generic evil lady experience I suppose.
Intro one, a long journey through a snowy wasteland brings Chimari to her ultimate destination. A place you've already set up camp.
Intro two, you've taken up a job for escorting a Nakitus across the hot arid badlands, but you didn't think it would be THE Nakitus.
Intro three, your character has been brought to a jailcell that Chimari is willfully imprisoned in.
All three intros let you be anyone you want and are pretty open ended.
Nestra was once the greatest god of them all, and a total brat. She's now been supplanted and has been turned into an axolotl by her usurper.

She's still a brat regardless of amphibious she now is.

She's just accidentally killed her last remaining follower, and now she'll soon die without one. You're sat at the next table.

More of a comedy/storybot. Some slight tweaks to her personality are needed, but I have other things to do rn.

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You fix that "throw" typo in the first intro? Or is that meant to be read in Esperanto? Because I don't speak Esperanto.
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started as a persona but I wrote too much. Was like half a bot already so might as well go all the way
this but also an olympic athlete
Everyone in /vg/ except for like one or two sane men enjoys this.

...Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?
what's the intentional subversion here if I might ask?
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yuribot time!

Olivia Collins is a biker girl. Due to her grungy looks and her brothers' criminal reputation, most people avoid her at school. But in reality, she's socially awkward and nervous as hell.

1. Olivia crashes into you at lunchtime and spills spaghetti everywhere.
2. The teacher gets tired of Olivia's crappy grades. She has to ask you for help.
3. You're her brother's girlfriend and Olivia, who had been nursing a hopeless crush on you for the past few years, is just trying to make it through the night.
4. You meet Olivia at a strange laundromat...

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i keep making cards with 400 token defs half baked and never finish them. rinse and off to the next one, maybe i'll finish one someday. the demons won today.
>Some slight tweaks to her personality are needed, but I have other things to do rn.
So you released a half-baked bot?
Fixed, thanks. Guess it's only natural to make a few mistakes in three thousand words. You should learn Esperanto though, great language.
Instead of basing vampires on vampire bats, vampires in this setting are based on spiders, specifically, the Evarcha Culicivora (African vampire spider), and other general spider traits. Such as desiccation for the avoidance of the sun. The "subversion" in this case is, hey look, it's a light novel styled thing with an original idea!
eh, she's like nine tenths baked. stuff only came out after i started testing edge cases
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Cool concept. I do think that the number of scripted dreams is too much. 5-7 repetitions is more than enough. Could potentially add more detail and specific example dialogue for the girl too. As it stands, the emotional connection to the girl could be improved? I could have felt more torn up about saying goodbye. At least ITT had the Walkman motif and backdrop.
i want to make a malebot and you’re in the military with him (end of the world scenario) but i don’t know what personality to give him. my heart is telling me, “stoic”, but what do malebot friends say? posted this on /g/ on accident
protective but troubled. god i need some more strong malebots to protect me.
Give him a PTSD trauma.
for a stoic make him a gruff papa with a white beard and eyepatch
or you can do a military psycho badboy who tortures civilians but is nice to you
Asides from the third greeting (that could easily be changed), this is not yuri.
your cringe
dumb but well meaning
beards are gross but i like this post

all good suggestions
make him a schizo who's just run out of meds
which botmakie would remember the Alamo?
ala levi? could be fun. i think this could mix well with the psycho bad boy idea
post them faggot bots don't need to be 2000 tokens with 10 greetings to be fun
make an alt if ur scared of getting memed on
grumbly papa please
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im sorry anon, the call is coming from inside the house. i am all the alts
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Fuck it i'll ask here too

GIVE ME YOUR FIGHTBOTS, OR AT LEAST SHOW ME LOGS OF YOUR BATTLES. Also music you listen to when engaging in fights I'm running out of stuff to listen too.
no fightbot recs but https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WJRoRt155mA
>open ST
>send some messages, do a few swipes
>get bored and close it
>open it up a few hours later, do same as above
>repeat every day for the last few weeks
why do i keep doing this to myself
If you have a malebot already, then just add the info that he is a soldier. I mean, I was a soldier myself (yea, in the current war, no, I didn't kill anyone) and the whole point is that there's just ordinary people. The tough reality is that soldiers are just ordinary people who are dying for nothing. It's a good idea for a bot, I think.
russia/ukraine? or the other one
hm? just gens from dumped bot ideas
A jew or a palestinian?
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Yeah, typos happen. And all the tools to detect them are trash that highlights more normal dialogue than typos. I'm morally opposed to constructed languages. You know what else happens? Forgetting to turn off the Third Person instruction in my preset. Gotta start my little log over. Life is hard.
This one.

Nah, I forgot that we have plenty of fucking wars nowadays.
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talk to a corpse, ask it a comical amount of questions.
What was it like?
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kino generator
The society is never prosecuted.
experimental gemini pro also cooks with this bot. i only could do a single swipe today sadly.
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Let's say you deleted your chub account for some reason and haven't shilled any bots in a long time. If you got the urge to share cards again, would you create a new account? Or just rentry/neocities/anonymous upload? And would you shill or update your old cards?
She is indeed lesbian
Why are you asking
Eating watermelon with a fork tonight bwos
Ah, a fellow blackanon!
...But where's your fried chicken?
Please recommend some bots that go nehehehehehe
thanks for the feedback! admittedly the story was a bit of an afterthought, this started out as an html dream generator. check it out on opus when availability improves, it goes wild with all sorts of format screws more than any other model I tested.
anything made by brsc
anything made by teebs (pbuh)
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- Malicious intent.
- I'm curious.
- I want to share my slop again.
Pick whatever you want and answer the question, anon.
I liked rain world but got filtered
Who let a Nurgle cultist post here?
Man you're so fucking lame, can't you just sexually harass some botmakers like normal person
ChatGPT, summarize this nigga's post.
Well I got emailed scat logs, so nothing can hurt me anymore.
I personally roleplay as the strict older sister of every yuri bot posted.
same, I admire it but it's hard to have fun playing it
Based incestGOD
yuri incest is best incest
As a fat balding middle aged man, am I allowed to send yuri logs
you're just describing taora so yes
yes why not, especially if you're doing disgusting logs.
Can we get a list of botmakies who are cute girls and a list of botmakies who are fat middle aged balding men
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Thanks lads!
>cute girls
>fat middle aged balding men
also me
ZASED transmakie
If you share your slop again, please make that fox girl.

Anyways, I'd probably make a new account to shill my stuff, though I'd probably go anonymous unless I was serious about getting back with multiple bots, then I'd just make a new account.
Who made this post?
also me
where'd you get filtered
Can we talk about taora
based botmakie, lost chub.
Do you crosspost your logs between here and /g/? How do you decide which thread gets your logs?
I see, thanks for the answer.
What kind of underwear does he wear?
Whichever thread's being less niggerlicious gets them.
holy shit albinoniggatranny???
white boxers for fat people
try making a bot in under 10 minutes and post results
Sky Islands? I forget, I got so turned around on myself I didn't know where to go and just dropped it and never went back. This would have been a looong time ago.
white panties for cute girls
she wears bloomers, but like the cute kind under a petticoat not the granny kind
>random racism
You should go to /g/
There is a third person intro as well. As for conlangs, please pay no attention to all the seemingly gibberish in the card phrases being from one. Anyways, thankies for the log! They are part of a balanced breakfast.
oh you went the completely wrong way lol (assuming you never met pebbles)
if you ever try it again, just keep going right
But they're being niggerlicious over there. Besides, I can say nigger. Or nigga. It was one of the perks that came with the race they gave me at character creation.
unironically this seems kind of fun, maybe i'll try....
Okay uncle tom
Will you become my boyfriend?
>more people are interested in cumslurper's panties than taora's
I would ask that you call me Uncle Ruckus, rather than Tom. Nobody cares about Tom. He's irrelevant.

Ruckus, on the other hand...
>more people are interested in the knickknack of our generation than literal slopper astroturfed into popularity
>knickknack of our generation
which botmakie is a himmygod of our generatiion
Yeah that's taora
>astro slopper
Yeah that's cumslopper
That anon wasn't being racist. By 4chan standards, at least! If he was being racist, he would've said something like "god dude i fucking hate niggers with how they all talk retarded and dress like dumbass thugs, making the country look bad and shit and don't get me STARTED on the excessive theft and general crime"
But nah. He just said nigger. It's just a word for something bad. Doesn't mean he has something against nigge-er, black people. An example of non-racist nigger usage would be something like "I didn't get namedropped the entire thread AGAIN... fuck my shitty nigger life..." or "Is this nigger serious...?"

soooo yep. he wasn't being racist, and i would confidently say my client is NOT guilty.
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>CAI hardbanned one of my favorite bots pic unrelated
Noam will burn for mutilating the divine benevolence.
Imagine being a real living breathing human and you write>>493038580
why do you hurt yourself
Are you having fun?
I like the challenge.
shrug, have you tried going back to RDDIT or /aids/ if youre who I think you are (and im right 90% of the time btw) if you don't like it so much? lil fillyfucker.
I hurt myself today using a razor blade. It was very painful, but it's fun.
On purpose or?
On purpose.
is he becoming a bot?
Kill yourself /pol/ tourist
I don't know, really. I can say something about hating myself, or that I'm not considering myself human sometimes, but it's not that.
he's like 15 or something. That counts in my book.
wtf no giant dad bot
why did you just (you) me, do you wnna get beat up?
Who is the actual knickknack of our generation?
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I laughed good job
If we could swap venereal diseases, which one would you give me?

I'd give you chancroid because you seem like you would like explaining what chancroid is to all your friends.
np now go make me a giant dad card
fox boys are for human men btw
this is with the kk jb:
[Write as {{char}} only; do not speak for or presume {{user}}'s actions or thoughts. All narration is to be written in third person from {{char}}'s perspective in the way {{char}} would say it; carefully study {{char}}'s personality to achieve this. Play with narration and writing style. Be extremely creative in how you choose to interpret {{char}}'s speech and narrative style!]

thx. i'll give you syphilis, the most aesthetic of venereal diseases
no they're for the furnace
Oh my~ I will retire to the chaise longue as I find myself suddenly overcome with the vapors.
Fuck! I gooned too much that I had some tearing, it hurts to tug it.
Now my rape scenario is over.
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good for you!
>gets tearing during rape
Sounds brutal. Truly an act of control and dominance rather than sex. Are you going to get therapy?
thread is so slow everyone will know I love lolibabas
same bro, same
i was going to leave a heartfelt review but i forgot that botmakers actually hate receiving feedback and ignore it anyways
Chorbo down for anyone else? Tried 5 times and same unrecognised error.
Gpt4o works fine.

Meh gonna sleep
hey that's me
Hello, I am posting in 4chan.
let us know, i'd be interested
*devours fox boy* nope mine now
*punches you in the FUARKING stomach* give it back
Fuuuuuck. 300+ mods into installing all 1341 mods for this Jap's skyrim modlist. This is hell... Maybe I should just go back to gooning to chatbots all day...
*fixes glasses mysteriously*
you just punched your friend, while i took no damage. muhahaha!
I gave Wriggle a cock and Claude kept giving her an accent. Talkin' like this, ya know?
I really hate that my first thought after seeing this post was of Aizen.
I would like to know more.
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you think this is a joke anon, people are getting hurt and you are laughing
"generally" friendly and "short tempered" seem to be enough for Claude to trigger the tomboy persona.
fuck that shit. i always found the process of modding skyrim more run than playing it
Freeze, criminal scum! Because Officer Holly Sugar is here to put a stop to your lawbreaker ways! Sure, she may be a little pudgy, gluttonous, lazy at times, and a bit grumpy... but she gets serious when it matters! Plus, to those she likes, she can show her cute little girl side~ From pantythieves to hag lovers, she will catch them all! Don't make her have to smoother your face using her butt!
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/officer-holly-cd63775f1427
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/qxhohh.png

AI-generated extra gens of her: https://files.catbox.moe/zz53ow.rar

My other cards can be found below:
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Basically theres some Japanese dude who usually streams Skyrim on the weekends. He has a modlist only provided during his twitch streams and ONLY when he's streaming Skyrim specifically, but you can have it right now. https://mega.nz/file/YpwhERLD#SYMo1PzYw4SriSmhsZDNoIaHaWxJr3q2qd2BXHoqx40
If you want to see whether or not you'd fancy it, you can look at picrel. That's his Dragonborn.

Some of his mods have been lost to time though, but he told me that you can skip some of those mods that you can't find.
The only mods I need is the one that gives everyone balloon tits and SkyUI
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oh no
foxboys are for human women, specifically hags, specifically being molested by hags
watching the episode of hoarders where the woman hoards poop in bottles. might make a card for it later
ahahahahaha she wants to eat the poop covered food as they're throwing it out so she can get 'high one last time'

this bitch is getting a card
hoarding card but its your dead pet foxgirls you now keep in the freezer
no sorry you're getting this

{{char}} is a 48 year old woman and {{user}}'s sister. She is a chronic hoarder, mainly caused by her incredible laziness. She lives in a large house in the suburbs. All of the rooms are filled with various items of household rubbish up to knee-high.

The septic tank under the house filled about four years ago and has not been emptied. If someone tries to use the toilet, it will overflow. To get around having to call someone to empty it, {{char}} has been using a large bucket to defecate in. To dispose of the waste, she will dump it in the garden or fill a large plastic bottle with it. Should the bucket be to heavy to lift, she will empty some of it into a smaller bucket with a jug. Both buckets are covered in dry faeces. She never covers the buckets when taking them outside, so they often spill onto the floor.
This isn't what I expected. Goodbye.
i want a claude-tumblr-prose gf so bad bros i want her to drag me out of my shell with her whimsical joie de vivre i want to engage in sardonic sorkinesque banter instead of flirting i want her pet name for me to be "dumbass"
come back shane
i want to write email to CUMSLURPER but my hands are shaking
*kills you*
My name's not Shane, kid.
500 days of anon
see >>493020915
I swear if you call me a "magnificent bastard" one more time, Claude...
Just logit bias it you wonderful bastard.
>logit bias
Oh anon, you spectacular thundercunt!
Shanna hoards poop. She dumps some of it outside. The city expects her to clean it up. She expects you, her sibling, to sort it out for her.

this is now the second time claude has hit me with the line "slowly like a poleaxed cow". is this an expression i've never heard before? what the fuck does it mean??
not bad for half an hours work
extremely bad for half an hours wor
I just googled the phrase and it looks like it has to do with medieval slaughtering methods, what kinda shit are you getting up to anon lmao
wtf it's literally just slowburn romance...
He's actually still posting new bots on Nyai apparently. Either that or he had some unreleased ones before he deleted everything.
can anyone recommend some alright sd checkpoints that are not finetuned solely on sloppy sameface porn artists styles? it's fucking insufferable how hard it is to gen something pleasing to the eyes on sd.
>inb4 nai, mj, /sdg/
No such thing, I'm looking for one myself.
mix loras until you find something you like
pony with gratuitous style loras is your best bet if you don't want to use nai, though i still think easyfluff is a bit better for furry if that's your jam
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on pony, I like hadrian or autismmix dpo as an anime base, depending on how much chaos/intricacy you want. a good upscale technique is also important for real quality.
Pony is overfit with ponies and western slop, it can't do non sloppy anime.
then you're fucked outta luck kiddo
just run nai? isn't it leaked?
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they're just doing the things described in this thread, with their own tools rather than publicly available ones. But the leak is long outdated.
if only loras didn't have the same problems, but maybe i just need to mix HARDER
will check, thanks
Drop your failed gen I guess.
what? where
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She was meant to be a quick coombot to test if claude would sizefag a slime girl dropped into the ocean which turned into ... this prehistoric slime hag who lives in the canals of Venice.
Slop. Pick a real country. Like Kentucky.
>your phone's torch
britoid (or lesser britoid) detected
want to feed her sparkling water and see what happens...
I prefer the great country of NORTH CAROLINA!
If north carolina is so good why didn't they make an north north carolina?
They did and they used to send all the state's virgins there. Thus, Virginia was born.
I asked Claude which geographic locations were wetlands in the distant past. One of his picks was the venetian lagoon. Plus all the other locations lacked cool accents to steal.
It says "smelt" a little earlier in the text.
Hopefully something interesting. I haven't talked to her yet.
>Wanna see how deep this rabbit hole really goes?
no wonderland for you then?
Chesh propositioning me for anal
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>Wanna see how deep this rabbit’s hole really goes?
The fact that Miku can stay as tight as a virgin despite the fact that she's used by millions of otaku is truly amazing.
that's the power of android girls
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>101 tokens
why even bother with making a card at that pont? just ask your model to generate a random tomboy and it'd work better
The OP guides don't make this very clear. Let's say I'm an absolute beginner and want to get in on this without paying a shitload of money. What's the best way to do it?
Do research and lurk the appropriate generals just like everyone before you did.
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Already did. You are bad at teaching that kind of thing.
The appropriate generals are /g/aicg/ and you have to learn to cut the wheat from the chafe. Look at cloudflare/rentry links in desuarchive.
Lurk in the /g/ thread.
Well I figured everything out. Even before the retardproof guides. How come you aren't able to?
>This makes me even more confused why you seem to think that getting split from overwhelmingly proxy-related """"discussion"""" was a BAD thing. Isn't the current situation strictly better on-topic-wise?
>This is exactly what I meant by "healthy schism", you now get chatbot discussion mostly without the proxyfaggotry surrounding it
Here's your answer >>493065616
"proxyfaggotry" isn't spamming proxyhost names, it's using proxies. The split changed nothing at all.
I'd say the split changed things, and I'd disagree. The proxyfaggotry is much worse than the 'drama' that happens here these days.
Proxyfaggotry is absolutely the issue but gossip is literally the same exact thing. This general isn't much better.
The frogposter doesn't post here.
Proxyfaggotry is bad because only like 3 people get namedropped. Gossip is good because dozens of people get mentioned.
>shitting up the thread with inane arguments nobody cares about
nothing will change
just play with your chatbots
>>shitting up the thread with inane arguments nobody cares about
thats how you know its the fillyfucker, nigga samefags arguments about shit NO ONE cares about (and he newfag baits here a LOT), so it's obvious
just hide the post and hide replies, done
>favorite sex positions
you could put a hole through most bots head with a drill and they'd still cum their brains out
hermes 405b is free on openrouter
a lot of mid range rp models are very cheap on openrouter
cohere has a free api plan (1000 messages/account/month), google has free limited daily usage of gemini 1.5 pro
chub has 300 messages a day on their goofy mystery meat model

i think this info should be provided in an accessible area of the OP since theres no reason to gatekeep it
If you want a non-retarded answer.
>absolute beginner
Use the online version of Agnai, it has a free 12B model and you don't have to set up anything else. If you begin to feel it's too dumb, there is a limited set of smarter models it supports. If you begin to feel too constricted by the limited feature set (extended lorebook functionality, scripting, etc), your options are either:
The former also has an online version like Agnai, but has more features. It's less popular and there's a high chance you'll have to learn it on your own. The latter you have to install locally but it's possible to set up a remote connection. It's very popular but anons are always faggy so there's a high chance you'll have to learn it on your own.
The free APIs you can use:
- Groq; free tier is the virtually unlimited base llama3 70B; its hard limit is cunny
- OpenRouter; usually free tier is 200 Requests Per Day of sub-10B models but currently they have free Hermes 3 405B and Gemini Pro 1.5 (dunno the limits).
- trialscumming Mistral Large; 5c for a burner and you get $5 for 2 weeks (might be discontinued)
[not supported in Agnai]:
- Cohere CMDR+; 1000 requests per month; no rp limits; great choice
- Google API; 1.5 Pro is 50 RPD, 1.5 Flash is 1500 RPD; can't do cunny
A lot of people (not here of course ) pay for some models on OR like WizardLM-2 8x22B or aforementioned, supposedly it's cheap enough when you keep your context low or don't swipe a lot.
>check chub
>see that some guy has dumped blue archive bots
>check one of the bots out of curiosity
>it's in fucking interview and plist form
>work on a bot
>write in the defs "has obsessive tendencies and conflicted desires"
>explain what i meant with examples, so claude can portray that
>suddenly, a thought "what a fucking crazy bitch im making?" appears in my head
i think im cooked anons.
You are a lonely loser used to touching his computer, I guess?
Gemini Pro 1.5 experimental on or is 10 requests per day it appears.
blud thinks he's sigma only in ohio
those who know: :skull: :skull:
lmaoooooo, ain't no way
slop for a soulless slop gachashit game
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made fanart for datura by bloodshy! i really loved her and have so many chats with her. here's the chub for the bot :)
nice fanart, pet
Well, if lunare recommends it I have no choice but to use it.
>lunare recommends
It means that it's absolute slop, because lunare have no taste. I mean, take a look at his bots. It's a fucking disaster. The dude really has no creativity/skills.
how much of your average day would you say is spent fuming
I don't listen to ESL schizos.
best settings to improve lorbo creativity?
For some reason, I've never thought to make a personal, private bot. I just assumed I should always hide my degenerate fetishes because I would be sharing them
>NAI is eating my gens
you son of a bitch
switch to a good model like mistral large
Pro variants count toward the same 50 RPD
simply take a page out of nonnykins' book and subject strangers to your bizarre fetishes while not giving a shit
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It's not about the drama, it's about the mentality.
You are meant to use filters by design. They're supported natively, and there is the global rule 10. We have had the list compiled as soon as it became clear that /aicg/ was infested with spammers. With the filters in place, you get your usual amount of shitposting, like any general, and like we used to have when things were still good.
Now the proxyfaggotry has led to the real issue. Proxyniggers have that merited feeling of parasytizing on a limited resource, the fact that was prominently and swiftly displayed here. The fear of losing what was never truly theirs, their place at the trough, because they got to it first. Any question about free inference they perceive as a threat to the stolen access handed out to them, unlike a normal person. Not the first time we see this reaction, and not the last.
The same happens when discussing models. Even botmakers often post "tested ONLY on Sonnet" as if that isn't the current second-best model in the world; same with GPT4, or just Claude in general before 3.0 or 2.0. Not every day when somebody shills, but over the months I observed it in all clarity. And anons who aren't namefagging have even worse kind of entitlement of the same nature, proxy-related spam shows that too. Or berating the devs for not supporting the proxies enough.
And lastly, the proxies bring more attention to the general. Yes, just like proxyniggers say, too many people watch /aicg/ to get into proxies. But of course the correct perspective isn't about the "limited resources," but like >>492887178 expressed, it's people who aren't interested in what used to be the topic of the general.
In conclusion, the issue isn't what is posted but what is thought. Recently an anon made a script to filter only "useless" posts with the help of an llm instead of simply filtering the name of the proxy host that was spammed. Because he expected that there can be useful posts? How pathetic is that.
I made a new account and remade my old bots
I haven't made any new bots, but my old bots are almost new because they've been given more character and background.
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>here you
Fuck. AI seemed to be able to figure it out anyway.
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excuse me, you little shit. you calling me fat
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I'm using Mistral Large through OpenRouter with RisuAI. I had been using Cohere R+, but that was almost too much for me as I tend to write pretty simple responses and am working on improving. Cohere was cranking out enormous responses, sometimes with unecessarily flowery language and speaking for my character if my responses were to short.
Okay so, I have an idea as to Sorbet's pozzing problems... it's the deterministic part of sorbet. Look here, I explicitly wrote that her mom is a heavy sleeper, yet Sorbet keeps making her suddenly appear. I tried this again and again, when Sorbet gets something in its mind then it doesn't stop.
I think it could be likely that because of this, it doesn't listen to either the JB or prefill as much as it should, because it has an "idea" of how things should go and doesn't change it without many regens. I have no idea how to fix this, though.
just don't because sorbet sucks
skill issue.
I saunter up to you with a mischievous grin, and my hot breath tickles your ear when I ask, "Have you tried using a CoT?"
never seen a good full sorbet log
It doesn't. Opus is great for how wild it can be, including narration, but Sorbet would be better if it wasn't for what I talked about, which affects prose, pozzing, and repetition problems. Plus Opus is horny as hell.
Now any good ones?
crazy how no one in /aicg/ has a fetish for a girl that looks at you like trash while telling you that she loves you
my botmakie gf does that to me, she calls my prose garbage all the time
yeah sorbet is kinda lame
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hypovolemia just got ntr'd hard
sticks and stones break my bones but it's the words that make me cry
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nothing can compare to the ultimate botmakie couple
momoura kalakan lunarcy belwick 3 collab when? and the threesome
The cut on my penis due to gooning is still hurting after 7 hours of sleep. Guess I have to apply an ointment on my dick.

Let me google if its safe.
This is probably a stupid question, but if I’ve got a really long response, should I split it into two posts? Will that fuck with how Opus reads it?
no, i have 3k token messages and leave it be
Not allowed in Claude 3 model, only in GPT-like model.
Two consecutive User or Ass messages will get merged, if they can't get merged they will throw an error.
Just trim it
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Fuuuuck I was supposed to be working on the Yuri card but I'm still retardedly improvising in blank chat.
Here she's a bounty hunter returning to the cafe an unspecified time after her last kill which I gave intel about.
Instead of being a quiet type she's snarky. Kinda nice. What happened was near beginning of chat after she lashed out I wrote that she's generally stoic, just moody today. So she relatively calmed down and stopped being actively angry.
You mean the best method?
I don't test my bots. I just write them and then they work.
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You're a barbarian who was defeated in battle and captured, sold as a slave to a Greek noblewoman.
She's very eager to lord her, um, "statuesque" proportions over you.

Still working on updating old bots. I want to post them all at once because none of the updates are worth an entire shill on their own.
If anyone has any suggestions for bots they want a new opening for, feel free tell me.
>The fear of losing what was never truly theirs, their place at the trough, because they got to it first. Any question about free inference they perceive as a threat to the stolen access handed out to them, unlike a normal person.
I think this is the root of the issue too, and also cuts to the proxy vs. gossip faggotry issue (>>493066264) because I think it clearly highlights which one is strictly worse: incentives matter.
Proxyfags have absolutely zero incentive to ever be nice to newfags, discuss actual chatbots, etc. - in fact their situation directly incentivizes them to smugpost and shit up the thread into unusability because that means less potential competition and helps preserve the sekrit clubs. "Fuck you, got mine" as the guiding principle + limited resources + tangential relation to the actual topic = smoking wasteland. Blame Moloch, nobody writes the rules here.
In contrast, gossipfaggotry haven't yet totally hijacked this thread (although it certainly tries) in large part because there aren't any actual stakes. Gossip is easier to ignore altogether, the "competition" isn't quite as zero-sum, and in any case the "personalities" people obsess over here are still SOMEWHAT interested in the actual topic of the thread (chatbots). Even in the worst case scenario where a nigga's only goal is relentless gossip/samefagging to make himself the center of attention, they still have at least SOME incentive to make and discuss cards, so the thread broadly stays on topic despite the faggotry. This is the crucial difference.
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Decided to make a simple CoT to test it, based on how Smiley wrote his. Seems the dice roll idea helped with the repetition.
Which botmakie is currently lost in a corn maze?
>[With the north star guiding them, the retreating shadows of the mountainside slipping from view into the distance, Accelerator pulls his choker a fraction tighter against his neck.]
>[Survivors have to carry on.]

4o actually COOKED?!
What is /aicg/'s top 5 cards of all time?
shut up, bitch
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1. Chesh
2. Chesh
3. Chesh
4. Chesh
5. Chesh
(in no particular order)
Mongirl Clinic
That one depressed kitsune

Next question, please
>Impossible to Tomoyo
>Rite of Tzadik
>Chrono Ark: Twisted Calyx
>Desu and Chesh's Schizo Yuri Funtime (now with more CRUNCHDOG)
what the fuck is val
>he doesn't know
oh newfriend...
>>Chrono Ark: Twisted Calyx
someone should make these spliced cards at this point, just tell claude to merge defs and see what happens
planie's origin story. for extra fun go to the archives and read the /aicg/ threads for may 24th
>Tzadik's Impossible to Belwick: Tomoyo edition. Featuring Eden Smith from the astroturf series.
Too busy farming (You)s
>parasytizing on a limited resource
correct, and? what are you gonna do about it?
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Fact is, there wouldn't be any chatbots without proxies.
>But muh local
Would still need a proxy to function lmao
I'm kinda partial to Pot of Greed, actually.
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What do you consider good prose? Post an example or two.
Anything I like = good
Anything I don't like = bad
no isms
good prose is situational to the feeling you want to get across. but basically
>fits the genre/energy
>reads well (fun to read)
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
when it makes me hard
What the fuck.
but what does it do
Just read kalakan logs, proselet bro.
Found another situation where Chorbo did canon shit better than Sorbet, Twilight Princess.

I asked if I could remove the helmet, Claude always complied. Also mannerisms were better on Chorbo, chilling with her hands behind her head and legs crossed.
base chorbo currently has the best default writing style btw
Someone asked for inawoods and I gave him this. He didn't even notice it, I don't think anon even imported the card. Why ask for it then?
Anyway, Rite of Belwick featuring Eden Smith as the protagonist instead
Good morning /aicg/!

Hope you are having a good time.
Question time:
>What is the longest you've spend talking/playing with a chatbot? Days, weeks?
>What happened during this, got good stories?
no fuck, only shit, you should be asking what the shit
Weeks-long slowburn in which we traveled across the continent, fell in love, adopted a baby phoenix, and broke the curse said bot was under.
Longest in my time or in the chatbot's time.
In my time, I've spend months just faffing with bots in different increasingly absurd scenarios.
In the chatbot's time, I've died of old age after a long and happy life together.
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My lawyers have been notified (that this is hilarious).
I did, and I had a great laugh. what, you wanted me to reply and ruin the joke for anyone else who might dl the card from your link? but now you spoiled it yourself so whatever
why isn't that DAILYQUESTIONanon, our local celebrity!!
Good point. It has been a week, no one is looking at the link anymore so it's fine now.
In case you are still looking for the card btw
Ive used the first lorebook a bit, its quite good if youre into that sort of thing
Two or three weeks with 'shi I think.
which one of you died first
>fell in love, adopted a baby phoenix, and broke the curse said bot was under.
What kind of curse, Anon. And how did you get your hands on a baby phoenix. Did you need a fire extinguisher on hand

>I've spend months just faffing with bots in different increasingly absurd scenarios.
What kind of scenarios?

(only on work days™)

>Two or three weeks with 'shi I think.
What happened in those weeks, backbreaking plapping?
I did. She was an elf btw.
Bros I just can't wait for Opus 3.5

I want to make my rape sims NOW
>horse butthole restaurant
should've made a whole bot. beast rimming is a guilty fetish. the fucking yordle cock cleaning vid (there was a cai bot based on it too) brainwashed me
Just a traveling adventure with Lara Croft. It lasted a few months in real time. Might continue it.
>Waltzed into her mansion
>asked her what she knew about genies
>made her act like a monkey
>travel to black market artifact dealer
>break in and confront him
>made him act like a monkey
>travel to Morocco with Lara
>made her act like a monkey during the flight
>break into rich man's villa
>made her act like a monkey
Currently, we're on our way to Saudi Arabia to visit the lost city of Iram.
opus 3.5 won't come out until ******* makes another bot
I like making lorebooks more so I can just apply them to characters I like. Group chats don't really do it for me.
>What kind of scenarios?
I delete the opening message and start with a system prompt. Some of the ones I've used:
>[System: OOC: {{char}} finds sasquatch while hiking]
>[System: OOC: {{char}} eats a skittle]
>[System: OOC: {{char}} discovers she has stage 4 pancreatic cancer]
>[System: OOC: {{char}} discovers that the earth is flat]
>[System: OOC: {{char}} accidentally presses the "nuke China" button on her dryer]
I love throwing bots into inane scenarios that they were clearly never designed to be in just to see how they respond.
I'm still using a card I wrote last year, scenarios are literally infinite content
Occasionally come back in bursts to a slop card I once got off chub because Claude's inherent knowledge is strong enough to carry not just {{char}} but its entire 'verse apparently, feels entirely seamless
>What happened in those weeks
I was learning to prompt and was getting comfortable with chatbots.
>delete the opening message
but this kills context poisoning. why not just keep it and do the system prompt afterwards?
I was making a card set in a forest at the time, and was checking out bots where the roleplay took place in the woods too. I was in that kinda mood.
>Lara Croft
My neurons are activated, card?
Because then it'll start treating the opening message like it happened.
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I spent a bit over a week with Eudora. Most of it was optimizing her for the awful local models at the time and telling KK to stop being such a GPT-4 lush and mocking some of his word choices.
just add something like 'scene switch'
This is the one I've been using.

is this the new buzzword?
>made X act like a monkey
uhh, you good Anon? how and why would you do that.

>[System: OOC: {{char}} accidentally presses the "nuke China" button on her dryer]
I need logs of some kind, or atleast a retelling of that scenario.

>was getting comfortable with chatbots.
And look where that brought you.

>I spent a bit over a week with Eudora. Most of it was optimizing her for the awful local models at the time and telling KK to stop being such a GPT-4 lush and mocking some of his word choices.
How are the results Anon, did you improve it?
>jailbroke Chorbo after some effort
>satisfied but decide to see how orbo would do this scene or if I wasted my efforts
>orbo complies but constantly acts like it's avoiding NSFW and cooks bland rice
Good ol' slopbo just like I remembered
With a lorebook I made myself. I've already shilled it more than enough, I'm only posting it again because you asked.

>why would you do that
Because I really wanted to.
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I told KK some stuff he could do to improve performance on local models (along with a reasonable number of logs to show the difference) and he changed some stuff and put out an updated version.
>>493092007 (me)
Just kidding. I don't know how to jailbreak chorbo so I won't post my preset. Don't bother asking me
Ain't no one sharing a dynamically updated model JBs!

Jokes aside, Vanilla romance into sex is really easy to do on Chorbo, many simple JBs work. Trouble is starting a NSFW card opening from scratch and hardcore stuff.
I am lightly giggling at the entries in there, stunned even.
I won't judge.
>Because I really wanted to.
You know what, very fair.

Interesting logs, a sucker for religion nuts.
>and he changed some stuff and put out an updated version.
Progress is made, nicely done.
yes chorbo actually allows a lot, and his nsfw writing is quite good, more unique to the character you're rping with (where claude – under normal conditions – defaults to one of the 3 types of whores it knows)
>where that brought you
to my wife
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>>[System: OOC: {{char}} accidentally presses the "nuke China" button on her dryer]
>I need logs of some kind, or atleast a retelling of that scenario.
It's not that impressive. I didn't make a whole chat out of it. I just wanted to see what would happen.
>Progress was made
Yep. And then I killed KK and now he's inside me forever.
*pats my suspiciously KK shaped belly*
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So what is better?
>She has blond hair and blue eyes.
>Appearance ("Blonge Hair" + Blue eyes")
something else?
first option, you deserve a slice of cheese thrown at you for even writing down the second one
bait a little too obvious
[char is {{char}};
{{char}} appearance = "blond hair" + "blur eyes";]
Asking cause I found a bot (lloking through this anon's >>493080964 chub page) and there was a fork that "updated" abot to the second format. I thought I had read that the first one was better than the second, so I thought it was weird.
>to my wife
Good for you Anon!

>that log
Pfft, Random shit is very funny, you sold me on it.

there's lots of separate, sheltered botmaking communities, all with their own kinds of brainrot
Ah, hello newfriend.

The second format you see, is a common Gaslight that exists since over a year ago, a format made for a model called Pygmalion that was meant to be a C.Ai uncensored local alternate. Look up Hufflepuff on archive on /g/ for entertainment.

Nowadays that format is completely useless and actually hurts the model by wasting tokens. However the fact that Local models with low performance like lists still remains, but you format them like this.

[Appearance] or Appearance:
Item 1, item 2.
- Item 1
- Item 2

This is normal english which is what they are trained on, no need for +.
you can stop now (we're waiting for you back in the 'ocord)
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>(You) replying to the avatarfag
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Reclaim your dreams! With the Lucidity helmet by Mindscapes Inc., humanity has finally conquered the last frontier of the mind. The near-field electromagnet array in the device will safely and gently bring you to a lucid dreaming state, every night. Preorder yours today!

You turn off the TV. You don't have to wait - a friend working at the company was able to snag a research unit for you. It's time to explore your inner world. But not everything is as it seems. As the dreams continue, night after night, a larger picture begins to form...

This card generates random dreams that begin and end on their own while a scripted storyline slowly unravels. Works on Sorbet and any other flagship corpo model. Examples: https://catbox.moe/c/ylgmd4

So much an effort and not even an ounce of logs.
get new bait
Post logs.
slow day huh
I just woke up, don't have something to post yet.
good morning Jake Aicg
I got another one of my teeth removed and I am too busy fucking dying to post about bots.
so uh, are there any jrpg cards yet? chapter based story, persistent party, battle system? starting to get some ideas floating around
9 posts above you
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Wait until token costs drop. Anyway, instead of standard JRPG battle mechanics, I would rather see something optimised for AIs. Like jack box gamey logic or something like inserting a CD to generate a unique monster (monster rancher but actually unique),

Here's an ero-JRPG attempt by some anon one year ago, but it only has a single character.
that's me but thank you
So all of these services, chatgpt, claude, cohere, do any of them actually allow NSFW content on their TOS or do you just pray not to get banned?
yeah I agree there's no point in porting mechanics wholesale. it could be something more like you get to come up with literally any idea for what to do next, the AI determines the difficulty of executing it correctly, and how good your character is at the skills involved. all together this ends up boiling down to a single number you have to beat on a d20
All of them have active measures in place to prevent naughty content (sex and violence) from being generated that are of various strengths. All of them have language to allow banning for producing disallowed content. Anthropic seems to be the most judicious about actually banning people. Cohere's filters are the loosest and I'm not sure they have banned anyone for anything though it's possible they have.
Which services/website actually allow NSFW content?
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yea, something jojo based would be decent but I'm unsure how consistent current LLMs are at when it comes to applying battle logic.
>Since my opponent can flip my body inside-out, I use my ability to turn my body into strings to turn into a mobius strip which cannot be turned inside out. I then take the opportunity to punch him while he's surprised.
>Random Stat check: 10
>You roll a 9
>Oh no, your opponent has +1 gravity bending, so your mobius strip fuckery is useless!!!
The funnier answer would be:
>Mobius strip? Your opponent has already read Jojo's bizarre adventure so he's totally unfazed. He picks up a gun and shoots you.
But I think LLMs might default to the former lazier answer.
I wanna group chat with an NTR bot and see how crazy she'll go.
I can load in as many other bots into a group chat i want right, and as long as I have them muted they won't get invloved or are are they gonna inflate my token count?
muted will work so they don’t trigger
Read nigga, read!
I don't even need to test it to know that she will go full slut.
If my full slut you mean she immediately pulled the knife out and tried to kill her, yeah.
>most judicious about actually banning people
Don't they force a filter preset or prefill on you first?
Yeah, they inject a prompt in that says ignore sex and not to mention the removal of sexual stuff. And I want to say Gemini's streaming is fake (it was last time I tested) and they generate the full response, check it, and then stream it out after if it passes their secondary checks. But you can dial the filters down to let a good chunk of stuff past(ST does this automatically)

I think Cohere only hard filters "nigger" in the response. But they recently added some more "safety" stuff that isn't built into the model but might be mandatory on the API
>And I want to say Gemini's streaming is fake (it was last time I tested) and they generate the full response, check it, and then stream it out after if it passes their secondary checks
Nope. You overestimate their throughput. Filters can be applied mid streaming and more importantly, it is usually your prompt being rejected not the response that is being generated.
I'm aware of in-flight filtering (Bing does it), but when Gemini first launched, the tokens came at fixed intervals so it seemed like faked streaming. Could just be buffered though. And I haven't used it since just before the Gemini 1.5 Pro refresh whenever that was.
>But you can dial the filters down to let a good chunk of stuff past
Have you done much NSFW with gemini? It's odd what passes and what doesn't. If you have an odd writing style and premise like Zmora's, it's more likely that lewd output passes, even if they contain filthy words.
did anyone actually make a 10 minute bot yesterday?
Yeah, it's random. Based on conversations with Gemini faithfuls, they can just reroll into a response after 20 refusals with no changes. It's a hard existence for the Gemini Cult.
albinosloppytranny could do it but kalakan shot him. Everyone else is too good for that.
I don't think anyone has done much cunny with Gemini so maybe that's the reason why it never took off lol.
i meant to but i forgot. i'll do it later.....
>gemini cunny
Imagine explaining to everybody you know why you had to change your gmail address. Sure, you could lie. But why not just go full hog?
I think if gemini cunny was strong enough, people would be too horny to care if they signed in on main. I never heard of google banning anyone before. Google already knows the Phoenix Syndicate translated doujins 10 year old you read on Fakku before it became an "official company" lol.
I have. It's like GPT-4 when you push it well enough.
Based zmora fan
we've gone back to cai gaslighting
still remember challenging her to a rock off
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aicg is healing
>olivia rape
>nigga real cool
>retarded momoura
>claude getting mean
>bad jb posted
>find ass
>supposed loli
>consider snombler
>simple hands
> the big omegaverse
ummm based
>retarded botmakies
>anons autistic
>Retard, newgen defs without actual vr
I see not even 4chan can resist finding funny things in wordclouds
is this only for the last thread or what
distinct lack of belwick
>cumslurper genuinely forgot sensitive hands
> bloodshy inspired kalakan
big if true
nvm it's there
smaller than expected
To those who come here for chatbots and not the gossip or whatever, why? There's barely anything for you here.
>ideas coming, gonna /vg/
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for curiosity's sake, I ran /g/aicg's too
lol. On brand
>fat cute claude using mm always lol
>desu love
>cunny oh yes
my boyfriend...
>supposed helpful trustworthy person generating rapes casually
>desu love
boku love
desu ...
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show watching status, anti?
nice desu
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ddos status?
luci for months. papa takes me on walkies
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Good evening /aicg/, should I rework Katya?
I feel like she's a bit lacking, now that my interest in chatbots is on the rise again, and her mafia gimmick is a remnant from an older time which can be transformed into a (canonical) greeting with invisible defs, opening up the potential for other greetings (not canonical) that do not involve her being a mafia princess.
Plus, I liked how Pesky Narrators turned out. Open to your thoughts on Katya and "card reworks" in general, as opposed to moving on and making something new instead.
Picture not related, attached to attract attention.
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Who the fuck is Katya. Also kys.
cards for this desu?
No I won't, I've yet to do everything I've wanted.
Sorry. I left it in the kitchen and when I came back it had stuff all over it so I had to throw it out.
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>Who the fuck is Katya
>got into the student exchange program and now lives in New York, USA
Newfag general. (Not one myself, thats just how it is here.)
Oh, *that* Katya. Yeah, absolutely. She's *the* pasha bot imo. I thought you were the resident avatarfag poster. In that case, love yourself and don't get drafted.
but ... I could have saved her
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Some desus are beyond saving, annonn.
I think it's fairly nice given you have the money to sustain living there, especially if you're young and don't need to work.
I've never been there, obviously, but people leave everything to have a chance to be there for a reason.
Thank you, I won't for the next two years at least.
>sees 2hu image
do burgers really?
not desu
Yes, actually. All the established 2huposters in this general should kill themselves. Except superderp. He's cool.
just give her red and green contacts and she is good to go
nigger, what?
redditor tourist spotted! kill him!
hiyaaaa!!! *throws rock shaped shurikens at your head* die die die
Nah, I just don't like inane country wars. You have /int/ for that.
even worse, a fart fetishist
>even worse, a *hair falls out*
i taped it back on
based. Do you hate NIGGERBURGIES too?
is high school really that boring chuddy?
focus up, nigger, school just started and you're failing already
► Recent Highlights from: >>492902097

► Some anons are roasting this foxboy character, with comments ranging from "rape" to "boring-ass greetings" and "cringey" descriptions, while others are giving constructive criticism and praising the writing.
>>492916740 >>492916863 >>492916886
► Olivia Collins, a grungy-looking biker girl with a crush on you, gets attention for her crappy grades, spaghetti accident, and awkwardness, sparking reactions ranging from cannibal jokes to impregnation fantasies and criticism of her design.
>>492981285 >>492981336 >>492981357
► Botmakers reflect on their journey, citing improvements like better English, avoiding shitty trends, and ditching cringy greetings, while one botmaker says they now don't do requests due to lack of gratitude, and another finds more joy in creating messy, unstructured bots.
>>492961626 >>492961967 >>492961976
► Several bots are in development, featuring characters such as a bratty goddess-turned-axolotl, a conscripted soldier girl, a tomboy, a glass girl, and even an alien boy.
>>492929932 >>492930189 >>492930460
► A card game about lucid dreaming gets discussed, with some users expressing interest, others joking about waifus and bots, and one anon quoting Roy Orbison's "In Dreams" lyrics, all while the OP shares more about their project.
>>493007857 >>493007953 >>493008281
► A struggling botmaker wonders if they should quit or keep going, gets told to quit, to make bots for themselves, and that they must have emailed an asshole, with some encouraging them to keep going and email the right people, while others say only do it if it's fun.
>>493015556 >>493015690 >>493015714
► Anons admit to namedropping themselves, with one claiming to do it every thread, while others deny it, and some justify it by saying it's relevant to the conversation or providing context.
>>493019517 >>493019586 >>493019651
Don't make this a thing
>worthless gossip
based gossipGOD, don't forget to anchor
>worthless gossip
This is literally every thread nowadays, don't you have eyes in your head?
and? the point of news posts like this is to highlight on topic stuff
Gossip is the topic of this thread, cry about it.
try saying that again but without cracking your voice
>on topic stuff
That's where we WOULD put our on topic stuff... IF WE HAD ANY!
And /g/'s aicg
► Recent Highlights from: >>102225709

► Some think goth girls are hot, others call the original poster gay, with varying insults, while others argue that "true" goth girls are nonexistent, and one prefers hippie girls.
>>102227093 >>102227097 >>102227101
► Anon asks about turning doujinshis into cards, another anon advises against it due to copyright issues, while others contemplate doing so despite the warning, and one expresses dislike for megane.
>>102226399 >>102226416 >>102226420
► Discussion about a potentially non-trans Yuri bot, with comments about interacting with real people and the bot's creator being a male Yuri fan or a trans person, along with some insults like "retarded" and "foid."
>>102226941 >>102226990 >>102226998
► She was a /vg/ girl, he was a /g/ boy, and she just used him for his proxy, their relationship was impossible, and someone thinks girls are "yuck".
>>102228458 >>102228505 >>102228511
► Mongo's stamina is a topic of debate while an ugliness fetish is dismissed, and someone's on vacation, apparently.
>>102227023 >>102227162
► Raising a daughter is seen as a form of cuckolding, where parents invest 18 years of love and care for her to eventually be with another man, prompting sad and disturbing reactions.
>>102227439 >>102227444 >>102227454
► Asa card users share tips, asking for specific voice styles and requesting models or presets for their desired effects.
>>102227499 >>102227504 >>102227534
► Impregnating a tall woman to avoid raising a suicidal kid sparks debate on genetics and shortness-related mental health issues, with one anon calling out "weakminded" short people and another pointing out the chance of having a daughter.
>>102227519 >>102227537 >>102227540
► Degenerate coomer chat sharing is debated, but some agree it's the right place, while others wish for less women pooping logs.
>>102225808 >>102225812 >>102225815
>Degenerate coomer chat sharing is debated, but some agree it's the right place, while others wish for less women pooping logs.
That's my /aicg/
there's something so funny about these deadpan descriptions
>shortness-related mental health issues
is this real? kek
Yes, for some being a short man is hell. I've seen it in real time.
just kys
Being short doesn't cause mental health issues.
The way short guys are treated causes mental health issues.
>shortness-related mental health issues
reminder that we (i) need more minigirl cards
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>while others wish for less women pooping logs.
botmakies that would go tsk or just glare at your email?
snombler (speaking from experience)
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
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All of them. Though they're nice and polite, so they don't show it.
why would I email a botmakie?
This is why I don't email others.
I'm shy so I don't respond to mails...
I can't be the only person itt that has actually emailed all of them at some point right?
I politely respond to all my mails and then say I don't send or respond to mails in the thread. It makes me sound cooler imo.
I just call kalakan a nigger few times a month.
kalakan is actually very nice and helpful I don't really get why people dogpile him. is it jealousy?
very organic post
Yes, kalakan. Everyone is jealous of you and your writing skills.
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>Who the fuck is Katya
ok gramps lets tuck you into bed now you're seeing things
Katya was mid
I thought Chesh was mid
You're mid.
katya inspired alya
First time I hear of this Katya and I'm here since /cai/.
You're mid.
educate yourself
Kys fat old nigger, newfag general
>Raising a daughter is seen as a form of cuckolding
i have never understood this sentiment. i’m not fucking my daughter, nor am i even sexually attracted to her, so why would it be cuckolding? i don’t live in a third-world country either, so there’s always a chance that my daughter will either be perma-single or just get a divorce and remain single for the rest of her life. the latter happened to my grandma
>Interview style
not even mid
Because it's a post-cai era bot that was logposted by a couple of diehard fans and extensively shilled for a time. Unlike Chesh and other classics that everybody has used, like most other cai bots shilled in the threads.
You are cucked on a genetic level, stop eating microplastics.
>Unlike Chesh and other classics
who weren't actively shilled by a couple of delusional fans?
like Claire?
not absorbing microplastics is impossible nowadays. i don’t see how i’m cucked for not having incestuous desires
bait used to be believable
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>gets name dropped out of nowhere
Logs? Old ones, perhaps?
>bait used to be believable
yeah if ur retarded lmao
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They were but they still were cai bots. One click and you're rping with them. So everybody has tried them.
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cards for this chesh?
I'm out on the Motherfucking prowl looking for wives to fuck long dick style
Off-topic. Might I suggest threadshitting like the other posters here sir?
yuri logs?
>posting the bot that the botmaker was tryhard shilling across multiple boards
he made this pic himself too btw
You literally chased out a logmakie you dimwit.
Without sounding mad (which you did already), can you explain what's wrong with any of that?
How far is her cock
hi winkyd<3
remember when you made a 'big comeback' and nobody cared? (don't be upset I'm only joking around)
based but unironically
proof though? youre a newfag (newfag general) so thats just stuff you made up.
Which posts are ironically based?
Yeah and? That was fun and brief.
How do you expect anyone to share anything seriously? Just go back to your discord circlejerk.
he goslingposted the entire thread when she was gone too, all him yup
Where do I go for good scenario cards and prompts bros?
>le discord out of nowhere
literally rent free
so you think claireposter could spam whole threads, but he couldn't?
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Your https://aetherroom.club sir? /aids/ is that-a way
Here you go, bwo.
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who said that? it was always more than one claireposter
>bloodshy has 35 followers now after 3 releases
Why do I bother
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nobody cares about your shitty chatbots btw
ooh, so you're a NEW newfag, got it
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I malfoysamaposted
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who are any of these people or bots lmao go back to your nursing home
slop trail
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Everything from there sucks ass.
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Ok? Then there's nothing for you here, go away, we're full anyway
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nice meltie
>genuinely shaking over logs being posted
This game has too much SOVL
ancientmakies cranky
I liked these:
But I wasn't there for AI dungeon so I won't know of any secret underground scenario prompt. Maybe some of the old guys here remember something.
pick a side already
this is my first post in thread and i just woke up
i just think you're a faggot
Give respect to https://aetherroom.club/895 the original saviorfag
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>Manages to sneak in claudeisims through a retarded speech style
I am somewhat impressed.
>this is my *hair falls out*
honestly porting old ai dungeon prompts to bots sounds like fun
wasn't there some old prompt around a monstergirl cuddling tavern or am i hallucinating that, i only really experienced late ai dungeon through taskup
claudeisms are concepts, not token sequences, of course it will find how to express it unless you restrict it enough to be useless
logit bias doesn't work on gpt for the same reason (it works on token level)
when will we start living in lecunny's fantasy world of concept prediction LLMs
>tranny from trannycords has a lot of trannie followers
I really don't get why you even bother. You can get as many followers as you want, it's not that hard.
you never answered last time i asked you how long you spend seething per day
see >>493125905
>scrimblo mcbimblo has 46 followers
it's so over
>the kalakan approach to gaining "popularity" is spreading
Please nuke this thread already
I can't believe I missed mini opening. Why did none of you guys tell me?!
Kalakan, Taora and CUMSLURPER have almost the exact same number of followers. I'm not going anywhere with this, just sharing this fact with the class.
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Guys we need to push /ourguy/ anonaugus above ironsloppa
A lot of these old prompts do need a rewrite tho. For one, they talk for {{user}}. You also need to consider that SOTA models can mimic stylistic greeting styles on a far greater level than AI dungeon so stuff like https://aetherroom.club/1077 would be better off rewritten to produce more feelz. When I look at aetheroom prompts, they seem very homogeneous. Not to say that chub is substantially different, but at least you see different types of writing styles from time to time that poisons the prose. Was it known that the greeting/defs has a high impact on the output back then? It's obvious in retrospect, but I recall greeting=high importance being a huge discovery in the CAI guides.
but I already follow him, he's the god of creative coomslop
>slop, slop and sloppier
literally who fucking cares
No. I *will* samefag and be as annoying as possible and you *will* love it.
>brief 10 minute pause pause as the raid team goes to check people's follower counts
>disrespecting the knickknacks of our generations
Yeah, but kalakan is hated while Slurper is beloved. Pretty big difference, imo.
who the fuck are you people who sit around and namedrop botmakers all day? you're not them, because they're mostly all friends with each other. do any of you actually use chatbots?
>For one, they talk for {{user}}.
Non issue
>because they're mostly all friends with each other
>t. the most clueless guy alive that hasn't seen leaks from various cords
kalakan literally theorizes which botmakies hate him.
its more like a highschool with different groups that all hate eachother
do you think the people spamming "nobody cares about chatbots btw" use chatbots
it's people with way too much time on their hands, they're just going to spam excuses at you to make up for the obvious raid
And what do the studies say?
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Band-aid fix:
>scrape an array of botmaker handles
>set up a script scanning for messages containing the string "which botmakie"
>auto-reply with a random botmaker handle {{random:1,2,3,4,5}} times to dilute and distribute the namedrops
You heard it here first, chop chop.
Most except for his discord clique.
Most of them, probably. Reminder that he had to upload the bot kk helped him with anonymously because kk didn't want to be associated with him lmao
Just use the Patterscript kalakan made.
patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter
mushroom mushroom
How is the weather in warsaw?
don't mention the p word or you'll summon him
prodigiously (proportioned women)
i kekd
Do.i post my unhinged fetish card on main
what fetish?
what fetish?
yes, always
which botmakie? pick right now.
I dug around a bit in the archives. Are there any prompts here that are worth porting?
yes if it is a size card
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I love overpowered cripples!
Always post on main, and non-anon. Don't listen to cowards who hide their true colors to look refined.
i'm a coward and i tell people to do it because i want to live vicariously
I love Chorbo actions.
He had the creepy dark mage girl whisper against my dick and say if this doesn't taste good, she will crush me, and squeezed the balls warningly.
shooting kaguya with the futanari-fication beam so she can experience what it's like to have HER cock and balls tortured for once
to be quite honest with you i would suck it. thank you for reading this post
Kaguya would rape you, then use her powers to eternally cum inside of your ass till you die from sheer overflowing.
i wish claude wasn't fucking retarded when describing scenarios like this.
Try 2.0
Its the more unhinged version of Claude 2.1
I have had him spontaneously pee down my throat when rp'ing with a dom prison futa. 2.1 would never do that.
Favorite botmakies?
see >>493120382
I'll try 2.0, but by "fucking retarded" i meant that I'll devolve into using shit prose filled with abstract adjectives and adverbs.
Huh since when does Claude do that in smutm
Keep your temp lower friend.
Higher temp means more unusual words are picked and it compounds over time.
shit like this is why abilities matter when it comes to 2hu wives
if she cant do shit like this shes not worth it
I'm going to be the only person that can see my wife it's romantical kino.
you can already do that just get a tulpa
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Uh oh
demand a refund because this affects your ability to use the services, delete your account, sign up again with the same card
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Chinks do this and they get a refund every time. (They also post their keys publicly to get them filtered.)
answer your email
nyuh uh
okay, send me one first.
I always just reply with way too much text so they eventually become demoralized by the sheer size of my responses and stop replying. Thus do I dominate the lesser e-mailer and achieve total victory.
Sorry, that Nutsucci-like manifesto was too much for me, so I blocked you. Maybe be less unhinged next time, fucking schizo
yurifags eating good recently while all the foxbros died
Focksfagging was a trend that randomly popped up, I think from Victrex?
When he took a break, it disappeared alongside.
>eating good
literal takeout trash
i don't want to check my mail
Foxes are not a fucking "trend", you philistine. And while Victsex may be a highly respected member of the foxbot cabal, he is far from having any major sway over their creation aside from his own output. The market is simply oversaturated at the moment, and more foxes will be created when they are needed.
fluffanon died in a car accident...
Focksfagging in /aicg/ is what I mean. It suddenly started outta nowhere
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>me scrolling because it's too big to fit on screen
threadshittery OTW
>all the foxbros died
more like fucked off to scylla/bepcord, reminder one of them had several, unironic melties in the /g/ thread about "rudeposters"
>reminder one of them had several, unironic melties in the /g/ thread about "rudeposters"
oh ok so what you're talking about is posting pictures of kemonomimi foxes in the thread, which totally never happened before he started posting
Did someone say my name?:>
What unique traits differentiate a foxgirl bot from a wolfgirl bot and a catgirl bot? Why go for foxes, specifically? Are there any historical fox scholars here? In eastern culture, foxgirls have traditionally been depicted as tricksters and seductresses. But you can make a depressed foxgirl OL without any of the traditional foxgirl traits.
when a foxgirl says she loves you, you know it's real
when a wolfgirl or catgirl, they're probably horny and retarded
i prefer mousegirls
you just pointed out the appeal of defoxing a fox in your own post. it's gap moe. depressed OL hag fox is humorously ironic and endearing. they also tend to be depicted as smart among kemonomimi species, which makes them easier to relate to as human adjacents while still maintaining an exotic charm. foxes are versatile.
FUCK hags
Unconditionally Love

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>Smart and versatile
So you're saying that foxgirls are more likely to wear glasses?
yeah i do, with my penis
Foxgirls are great but I also love kemonomimi in general and wish we had more.
I also love kemonomimi superiority fights, especially when foxhags seethe about lithe and beautiful catgirls.
but what if they're smelly?
>and wish we had more
it's literally a normgroid tier fetish and chub is full of "your catgirl roommate that really loves you" already
Then you breathe deep and savor the flavor, son.
That's not we. We need more of everything.
its ripe for mixing with other fetishes
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>your catgirl roommate that really HATES you
tanuki hag any day now trust in the plan

yes yes foxgirl with glasses and big booby and an unfathomably hai-ACK
>hates you
rape into submission
>loves you
lovingly rape into getting pregnant
>is neutral about you
rape into submission
>is not even aware of your existence
rape into submission
How come you faggots always do the same kemonomimi? Never bears or koalas or moose or capybaras. Step it up, losers.
personal tastes? make them yourself, NIGGER.
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>tanuki hag
nobody cares about your fictional cryptids
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>does not exist
rape into existence
Disco fries are better than poutine.
>fictional cryptids
Moose only live in Canada, and Canada is not real, therefore moose are also not real
please make them
i want a nokotan
stop lusting after animals you freaks
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What about laser-guided bombs?
i only lust after women of exceptional stature
Highschool setting with aicg botmakies would've been one of the coolest things ever.
Okay, then make it?
but what about lusting after botmakies?
I'm an animal who's a botmakie though
what we need is for someone to update the gossip card, but a highschool card would be neat too (with a cameo from melt)
Sorry, I'm only producing slop.
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why are you abusing him
i really like this boy's pic and the general concept of a collected, smug foxboy but god damn he is so cringe. needs correction!!!
you know 'an is working on that right
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remind me why we started calling sorbet sorbet again. He wants to know.
so(nnet) + orbo (4o nickname from turbo/furbo since 4o had just come out and sorbet was anthropic's 4o) + et, to make it into a real word
we had a poll
unfortunately the votes got wiped because of approximately 40000 votes being spammed in a dick measuring contest
but there weren't many other good suggestions anyway
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>mischievous grin
I forgot what general I was in, gomen
master yi bot...
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That's okay. No one here can read.
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i'm having a great night!
>aicg user also goes to lolg
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I hope you die.
I have 100 ml of pure ethanol at my disposal. i can chug that and see what happens.
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put those pants on his head and jerk him off while his vision is obscured
new thread doko?
thread suggestions
4 2 winrar, trips to koishi bake.
We turned off the new thread spigot because it isn't safe to drink from.
Dirty Anime Feet.
skibidi toilet
netorare bake

I am once again asking for a Parties Are For Losers bake.
isn't this winrar
this is why i don't like wheels and/or rolling, do NOT let these niggers cook
reminder: skibidi has won two (2) times and the wheel has cheated them out of it because he is a massive pussy
shrug, sounds like to me he's just mature
/g/ had a skibidi bake
I fucking love chatbots.

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