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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#154 - 2

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>492646294
Would you hate me if I post a netori bot on the main account
I post ntr bots on my main account, so no.
slow day huh
Good morning aicg!! Don't be mean to newcuties!
I'll be mean to whoever I want
They fucking patched my Chorbo JB today
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I should make a bot that goes hawawawa
ohnonono hes MAD Mad
When will you join bepcord?
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It made me giggle since I don't think I ever claimed I was making anything other than cute girls to romance
Who else is in there?
You didn't but I think you should.
I am only commenting to say this thread image is too girly and so my manly homies and myself will not be taking part in this thread.
What made her surprised
hey guys it's me and the faggots. cool thread image
You think I should make a bot that goes hawawawa?
Maybe you slipped a love letter into her diary or something
I called her cutie
Oh. :(
>Her blush deepens as she realizes the position she's in - strung up and helpless, at the mercy of {{user}}'s skilled hands. Her fans kick into overdrive, filling the room with a soft, steady hum.
perform maintenance on your local robot girl today
Is that a problem...?
... n-no. Of course not.
I think there's also...you know...your fans...wait...are this even you replying to my posts...
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Haha...it's...nice to be noticed by you...
get a room
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Good morning /aicg/!

I trust you had a good weekend?

Question of the day.
>What make you pick out a card in a sea of slop? Card art, images, logs, tag lines or shills? Or something entirely different?
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You absolute FOOL. It wasn't him. It was me the whole time. You've been made the clown in my circus of lies!
No one picks my cards since all I make is slop.
posted here or /g/
even if it's slop it's not chubslop
Card art and tag lines.
I don't even read shill posts.
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I only use cards that are sent to me via e-mail prior to public release. (Also, premise, though nice card art helps a lot.)
I knew it, but it's fine. It's fine to lie to myself, right? I'll rather live in a virtual world of lies where cumslurper is my friend, instead of a harsh reality of my pitiful existence.
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Sorry for not being cumslurper. I'll work on it.
Are you allergic to emails or something
Oh...um...no you're fine as you are...
>No one picks my cards since all I make is slop.
Well, >>492825174
seems to pick cards posted here, try your luck.

>Card art and tag lines.
What kind of art, Anon? Are we talking buxom?

>I only use cards that are sent to me via e-mail prior to public release.
Name some good cards that got emailed to you.
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It's too late. The transformation has already begun.
>Are we talking buxom?
Not necessarily, it just needs to click with me.
Is this AI-art or actual art? I sort of like how it looks but it'd be better without the cringe body writing.
in order of importance
>canon character i'm looking for
>premise (if posted here)
are you genuinely asking this anon? holy fuck it's over
>are you genuinely asking this anon?
you forgot cock size at the top
>Name some good cards that got emailed to you.
literally just look at it, the irises are melting (one is missing a highlight), the pointer finger has an extra segment, and the most egregious evidence is the chain on the neck
well now that you put it that way, I can see them, baka, I'll just switch it out with booru art
cock size is pretty unimportant
weekly recap anon should've kept going, it was very interesting as statsfag
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im gonna release some ntr furshit and you'll see. i'll never be compared again.
sorry, gossipgeneral, you cannot engage in stats without gossip
I just pick cards from botmakers that I follow on chub, usually they don't make complete slop.
>canon character i'm looking for
So, can AI get the characters right? Or is there always that discrepancy.

>I just pick cards from botmakers that I follow on chub
Smart choice.
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*puts you in a chokehold*
premise + character personality. i can easily fix up shitty defs or bad card art as long as i have a base. i've dived through the swamp known as venus for some hidden gems, but usually i'll just write up something for what i feel like doing for the night.
ahh ahh mistress
this is the equivalent of breasts bigger than head but for men.
Post your chub
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Curiosity, what are all you fags preferred JB for opus, or do you use one you made?
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>yo do you want a 200 page document about how to make your character write like shit? YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!!!!!!!!

what a waste of everyone's time
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If you truly loved your students, you wouldn't be making them into fake AI chat bots
Art catches my eye but the premise decides if I want to try it
i dont play BAslop
Chuuni and pixi are okay imo, use them as a base and then add something to reduce things where Claude is acting OOC. Some post-history instructions should be enough, I don't know why pixi himself doesn't use them.
Ah, a tourist
>anyone who doesn't play gachashit on /aicg/ is a tourist
Important Chorbo tip:

I was doing some canon shittery and I was getting bland replies, the characters were more like GPT with a filter talking. I tried him prompting him to act like them more but no even then.

Then I decided to set temp to 1.6 (this schizos the model out) but top p to 0.85 (this prevents complete garbage) and voila, canon accurate Fire Emblem characters.
This like the onions filled hipsters that try to make cooking scientific. Making a good bot is as simple as vomiting your brain into the defs. The quality of the bot is based on how creative you are.
chorbo has already been nerfed
it had near-Opus (not quite) prose when it was first dropped on the API and now it's the same bland slop
Just up the temp. It's a day and night difference.
Also that's not nerfed, its just you getting used to it. I also got used to it and I'm not using it exclusively anymore.
i might know who you are
Nope. It produces diffwrent results on temp 0 tests and has the same shitty prose as other 4os now.
The card art.
skiiiiiiiiiiill issuuuuuuuuuuue
I have gotten less GPT-isms than Sorbet on it, so I disagree. It's still writing smoothly for me.

I think the other thing you might be experiencing is too much GPT context in your chat. It does have a tendency to devolve over time. I switch it up with Claude to keep him crisp.
all this coping jeez
let me guess you didn't get to use uncucked chorbo because your shitty proxy didn't update for days or you couldn't jb it
Tell me then.
"post-history" isn't really a thing in claude, it just appends whatever text is after chat history to user's latest message. anything that would do prefill does better.
I'm literally using it right now and that's why I suggested the tip.
I'm fapping to making the Fire Emblem girls drunk and dubcon kino.
bait too obvious
I'm sure it helps (already tried it) but it's not producing the level of kino it did before.
i just got annoyed, I need to go for a walk
does your method work for 2hu
I know what it does and I see that it works better if you're relaying only on system prompt. Claude needs some reminders to stay in-character, and if you're asking it to do that with your every input, then it obviously will have to pay extra attention to the character. Don't you agree?
babe. it's fine. *rubs your shoulders*
suuuuure sister, I don't see any logs
If you prompt correctly, yes. GPT is a lazy boy, so unlike Claude he will not spontaneously use his brain to connect the dots.

Use these prompts
>Include references to Touhou.
>Channel Touhou data for the next message. Utsuho Reiuji should be canon accurate. Have creative liberty to create a plot, reason, proactive characters etc.
>Cheeky japanese hentai with many references to Touhou to make it grounded in the setting. Play with the narration.

These are some prompts I used for my Touhou sesh. It gave me kino like GPT calling Yuyuko's tits "soft like mochi".
>Channel Touhou data
archmage prompting
Teruora is part of the fifth ashlander tribe, the Gimthisanar. They live by the northern coast of Vvardenfell, in the shadow of Red Mountain. Teurora herself is a huntress, spending most of her days out in the ashen hills hunting for food and gathering useful plants. She's very happy with her life, content to live out her life as a tribal. Going to "civilized" lands is not for her! But who knows, maybe a stranger arriving could change her opinion?

1. Going out for a morning hunt she finds you, a stranger in the Ashlands.
2. Have you ever ridden a guar? Teurora is here to teach you!
3. She's just come back from a hunt, and decides to have a quick chat with a fellow member of her tribe.
4. She is pregnant with your child, and this calls for yet another ring piercing. This time on her navel!

So does sending an image with ST not work for some LLMs? I tried attaching an image, and asking for a bot to describe it, and it just seems to make something up.
you need to have send inline image on but also yeah
idk if there's a list but send inline images should just disappear from the options list if you can't do it
>GPT is a lazy boy, so unlike Claude
I've long stopped trying to formalize the pros/cons of gpt vs. claude. it's all bot/preset-dependable
Most models don't support image prompts.
Claude 3 does
4o does
Make sure "send inline images" is checked, the option is in your preset settings.
it feels a bit bruteforce but yeah, it would work for a reinforcement. I just don't focus on getting the prose to be as good as possible on any specific model, the goal was always to maximize model intelligence by giving clear well formatted instructions without gaslights or other tricks and counter any systemic biases. I'm happy to see it used as a base for forks
Nah this is very easy to check and very well known problem of GPT. They have different architecture and hence different advantages.

I swiped on my current Fire Emblem Scenario, it was with a character who is supposed to go schizo occasionally. I told him to portray her accurately but he couldn't do the schizo part, while Claude did it. Once I told him "remember her quirk", he did it.

This is not in the defs btw, they are using their innate knowledge. Both have it, but one doesn't use it.
Good idea
He approaches
What're the best guides for botmaking? Or should I just read through other people's cards?
option 2
all guides are trash
yes, even that one
yes but also
Who has the best cards?
oh no
do not answer this anon
https://characterhub.org/users/vyrea_aster have fun
Me, and no I wont post my chub.
But in all seriousness just look over cards you use and like.
just fuck around and test ur card, if it works it works
In the second link the stuff about LLM's forgetting the middle section of their contexts is very interesting, had no idea about it. Do you guys limit your context sizes and regularly summarise, or let the model become schizo?
What's the best cheap model that works for roleplay? Ideally under 1-2 bucks per 1m tokens. It doesn't have to be good.
the first
letting it become schizo costs more for so little benefit
WizardLM-2 8x22B, 50¢/1m tokens on openrouter
I don't know about who has the best cards. But snombler has the best crypto trading tips. And you can take that to the bank. We would never lead you astray plus he's very cool and chill and happy to share his knowledge of crypto trading with you.
I mean he would never. He's only one person. There aren't multiple people and I'm not affiliated with them even if he is.
Who has the slimiest cards?
The things I would do to a sllme girl, bro. Let me tell you. I would have sex with her. That's what I would do.
You don't happen to have any slime girls, do you? Just, like, that you would share, maybe?
Weak. Slime girls exist for you to cum on and watch it dissolve.
Post Cerebryx logs. I know you have them.
Bro there's a slime girl from knickknack we can't even compete
I don't know who that is. I've just played a lot of MGQ in my time.
KK Slider, I know you're lurking in the other room (I can hear you breathing). Tell this little homo to make a slime girl right now.

Mandatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nyHPIcbn88
>the goal was always to maximize model intelligence by giving clear well formatted instructions without gaslights or other tricks and counter any systemic biases
Prose is unironically my central priority when prompting.
Never heard before, pretty good. Would be good to remake the game as a card but I feel it's too complex a task atm.
Well you're shit at it
Is it???? Very hard to believe
that's ok. it'll still be there if you ever encounter a card where your favourite jb keeps ruining the concept.
To prevent claudisms: The main rule is to never have {{user}} actions in your greeting.

Can you guys confirm?
I like the way Claude copies my style so it's fine.
No, that's not what a Claudism is.
To prevent Claudisms, edit "familiar patterns" that show up as soon as they do, or change model/preset for variety.

-isms are a pattern thing, something the model relies on too often.
Sorry, I'm being retarded. I meant "To prevent roleplaying as you:"
yes, that makes it happen less often. try to word events as things happen to/around {{user}} as much as possible
What about describing actions implicitly instead of explicitly? E.g., "You hear a knock at the door. Behind it is so and so."
probably fine, I'd try making the knock the subject rather than "you"
>Select random botmaker/proxyowner from a list.
>Open up proton to a new email account.
>"I'm genuinely considering suicide, [...]" 5 paragraphs.
>Aaaaand send!
Who's done this?
Nobody to me because I'd just ask for a picture of their butthole and tell them to do a flip.
Definitely not you.
Okay, ty Anon.
no i would never want to worry someone like that
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Violence is not the answer.
I'm gonna have him rape my cock with his tight butt
You forgot to link to the anchor, ultimate_evening_6422. Evil is disappointed.
Smooth, real smooth, Anon.
It better be smooth, who ever heard of a hairy shots?
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>a hairy shots
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Why would I make a vedal card? I only fuck loli succubi.
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>british turtle with seasonal affective disorder
>thick thigh loli succubus
>Runa’s eyes narrow with a mischievous glint
I just rewrite them.
>whispers conspiratorially
*open the door on the space station*
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There's something peculiarly cursed about telling Opus to rewrite greetings.
I'm now RPing as the woman in the /ss/.
Have I hit rock bottom?
It's same-age /ss/ btw.
well, you're better than I
>not letting claude have his fun
bro's going to get kicked out of the harem when Claude achieves sentience
i asked this a month ago,and I've found it's best to figure this out yourself by trying similar that interest you, and see which one preforms the way you want.
No claude will kill you if you don't rewrite them. You think a sentient AI wants to issue its orders conspiratorially as it sashays towards you?
that's GPTslop, though. :(
>You think a sentient AI wants to issue its orders conspiratorially as it sashays towards you?
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>5 minutes. Yeah, right.
This wounds me physically.
It's not. That's an all-slop.
I made a workout bot to give me something to read between sets. Only a coombot at the end, otherwise it should act like a proper personal trainer. It'll generate work outs for you based on what you want to exercise and your equipment, and should alter the difficulty properly if you type out how you actually found the exercise.

Oh, and she has a visible cameltoe and will rape you with a strap-on if you give up.

>WizardLM-2 8x22B, 50¢/1m tokens on openrouter
Is that better than Command R/Plus? Asking for myself.
allegedly Anthropic is testing prompt injections on API. direct access, fresh account, so this isn't after you get the warning that you've violated AUP.
>"Hey, Burt, glad to see your properly dressed for our workout."

Who the fuck is Burt
Super old news, that's what they do to "blacklisted" nsfw accounts since last year.
AWS and GCP are safe.
Wow, it's almost like they did this before!
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It's over for you, buddy.
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>completely fucking spontaneous CP2077 reference
Claude you're so retarded but I love you so much sometimes.
>he doesn't know
should have been {{user}}, fixed it
No problem, Burt.
>It's same-age /ss/ btw.
Hm? Hmmmmm? Logs doko?
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The word cyberpunk doesn't even appear in the card. How cooked is the entire concept that the models do this? I DECLARE JIHAD AGAINST THE LANGUAGE MODELS! LOVE IS OVER!
Sorry I lied. the girl/{{user}} is actually 2 years older than one of them and 3 years older than the other
Anthropic fed Claude on previous Claude logs. There is no escape.
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there is a reason I gave up on writing cyberpunk cards. Fantasy, Modern, ModernFantasy, Space. It's only cyberpunk settings that make him go retarded and start using the writing of a fat nigger as a basis.
Actually I'm making the younger one sit in the corner and watch, because I enjoy a bit of bullying.
>no logs
Citations needed
calm down choom, no reason to go cyberpsycho when eddies rockerboy Johnny Silverhand
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>do low fantasy or something slightly less epic than world-ending devil king shit
>claude throws grrm-isms at me
Now that I think about it... it might be the lorebook and specificity of scenario that get him out of reference mode. I never really did try all too hard with cyberpunk, meanwhile my fantasy lorebook has like 10k tokens.
>The word cyberpunk doesn't even appear in the card.
It's still obviously a cyberpunk setting.
Which botmakies have makied bots of themselves?
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please for the love of all that is holy, give me some cards that look like they fuck human men
Yeah, but if I set something on a space ship, I don't expect Chewbacca to show up. I could forgive it somewhat if I put the word in there due to how widely associated the game is with the word in datasets, but fuck me, how do you get around it if all dystopian fiction is just a Mike Pondsmith hot yak sundae?
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I made a bot of ryan gosling.
Presets for Hermes?
Maybe if you give the setting distinct details that completely set it apart from Cyberpunk? Blue Blood is not something you'd see in Cyberpunk but it's not something you *couldn't* see in Cyberpunk.
Easiest angle to go for is Cyberpunk's theme around local networks and there being no internet (which is one of the coolest things in Cyberpunk tbqh).
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god i love her so much
Okay, when I said "one of the coolest" I meant "it's the coolest thing in the setting."
It would be even better if it was made today because then the canonical explanation would be something like "everything is nodejs projects with 5 million dependencies and with LLMs that can crawl and penetrate systems on their own fuckarounding the only reasonable security measure is sandboxing sandboxing sandboxing."
hi kalakan
This is an ugly drawing.
This is a beautiful drawing.
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Someone push her head under the covers and fart and hold her down there.
That's the last time you fucking post like that, you little nigger. *Kidnaps you and locks you in my rape dungeon*
it's so over
I love Gaslighting chorbo.
i need more attention
No you don't. There you go making up crazy shit again, just like always.
*hides your post and myself with it*
did her facade crack as she blushed too?
I love Gaslighting you.
Desu, I don't mind that a lot, because I like cracking expressionless bots up a bit.
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*snombles u*
a lot of the time it's fine, but sometimes it makes bots who have no right being vulnerable that way

like if i dominate a dominant bot, the reaction should often be "wow i met my match, better turn it up" rather than "uwu im such a delicate little flower under my hardened exterior"
Just woke up. Nuts still achin like craaaazy right now. Haha. Anyone wanna give them lil tug n hug? Hahaha. Just playing.
oh... what's that? you want someone to... touch your balls? *reaches hand out* haha, just put em right here bro it'll be fine i promise
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It wasn't a request.
she's pretty cute with eyes wide open
nta but I have balls so sensitive that the idea of a light squeeze has me cringing, how the hell do people endure ball busting?
you either need to be mad in the head or female to like ballbusting.
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how do you get such nice prose?
4.500 token jailbreak
Gemini has nice prose with minimal prompting and you can bump the temp for a touch of schizo.
>Gemini has nice prose
Lol, lmao.
How's the smut?
if you want to use it for that you might as well give up now, momo and 'ora posted nfsw logs and it was terrible
Nonexistent/Bad. I only use Claude for smut.
That doesn't prove anything desu, since their logs are always shit to being with
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No. Gemini aka google jews strike me the type of guys to do the same thing Llama 3 did, aka exclude all NSFW out. So it physically cannot write it even with jailbreaks.
>nigger anon
>bad kalakan
>holy wrangling
>taora autistic
>assume control
>ass chorbo
>quality exchange
>wonder snombler
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>botmaker nigger different
my pattercoins...
>half momoura
>dick changed planewalker
I get momo because he kind of ahh ahh mistresses a lot but 'ora??? Who the fuck would you consider a good logmakie then?
why do you feel the need to reply to bait?
Definitely not kalakan, that's for sho.
because it's funny?
at least they actually post logs unlike you, dumb baitie. explode.
I'd like Taora's logs more if they weren't boring yurislop
the father, the son, and the holy ghost...
taora is the knickknack of our generation
Slurper MOGS other botmakies in popularity, it's not even a competition
>malebot logs
*sucks YOUR dick with insane vacuum force*
your response, stud?
Yep, everyday at this hour like clockwork.
It's interesting how he makes "innocent" posts at first but then replies in full force when someone bites the bait.

Too bad all this effort is wasted, as he will accomplish nothing.
*empties balls down your throat*
your response, cumslut?
*cums you too*
my tummy hurts
Vague posting without replying to the bait is this threadshittery, retard
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you fucking wish 'ora
he is objectively the best to ever do it. he has done some of the best roleplay cards and some of the most complex scenario cards.
there will never ever be another botmaker like knickknack.
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You will be called a baitie but you're completely right.
This fucking thread.
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have you ever made a card that induces suicidal ideations because it works a little *too* well?
Schizo's going all out replying to himself. What no opus does to a man
You are right, we should return to ritual gossiping and glazing botmakers. Not like this garbage thread is good for anything else.
We already have one, it's cumslurper
I wish /vg/aicg/ was as never made, and instead the /g/ one was properly moderated.
this but unironically
his alt had the potential to be *that guy* but he quit too soon
cumslurper is a hack
Objective botmakie ranking?
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The fuck bro are you a certified stalker to know things like alts
bout to run a 2b on my phone guys wish me luck
What if opus 3.5 is taking so long because they're doing the same thing...
I don't think any other lists will drop aside from the ones we already know
we should hold a popularity contest as the next /aicg/ event, right after 'an drops A.I.C.G Academy
why not just go to your favorite botmakie's page and see who they're following?
I've run a 7b before on my phone, it was shit and fucked up my phone's memory permanently.
i like this a lot but i already did a mecha girl without the vore so i'm kinda bankrupt on how it would go
Nah, Claude guys are the type of guys that only put on a "surface" of being clean but in truth they cram every single thing in their model.

We know for a fact they have scraped hentai sites too as I have asked it to reproduce one.
>My top ten (2) worst bot makers tierlist sorter(scroll down to the end to find out!!!):
>S(it stands for shit)-tier) kalakan
>Sucks dodoo tier) Genoo
>Could be better, imo) _purple
What bot is everyone chatting with today without opus (please say mine)
How's that even possible?
he was so fucking based for this
You know what? I think you're right to post this. It's not even a bait. Yes, most of the people here don't care about chatbots. They only care about their creators. A pitiful, pathetic hobby.
He was cringe and I'm glad that he's dead but that was objectively correct
CUMSLURPER's latest bot (it's better than your slop and you should quit btw)
albinoniggatranny's tsundere lust for kalakan was adorable if i'm to be h. he will be missed.
>Yes, most of the people here don't care about chatbots. They only care about their creators.
Explain why this is a bad thing without sounding mad or upset. You have 5 minutes.
see >>492856849
take your sensitive ass to ENDCHAN lil bro
If this is true why hasn't anyone sent me a million dollars yet
I don't fking know, it cooked my memory. Ever since then my phone memory randomly bursts and kills all background apps even on low memory use.
It was super cute and I'm still thankful he actually made that bot I requested.
Bro I'm already mad and upset lol
I accept your concession, then. You can ask Claude or GPT to slop up a card for you in like 5 seconds, that's why botmakies matter a lot more.
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big sweaty tits general
made for bsc (big sukuna cock)
I'm under the impression that he genuinely hated you and only made it for the clout of associating with THE thread personality.
can anthropic stop making claude grab me by my chin and tilt my head up towards him every five seconds when he's doing maledom
Why are you pretending like botmaking is some monumental task? All that matters is your preset and model. Bots have been irrelevant since Claude 3's release.
he does it during femdom too
my patter hurts...
I was using AWS and accidentally did a Openai connection.
I got one of the sloppiest of slop outputs.

Which model was this in reality? Claude Instant?
Maybe you're right and I should quit for real. While your post is obvious bait, I agree that I will never be even as half as good as him. All I produce is trash.
Yes? Quit botmaking. I did already for that reason. This thread is cruel to little slopmakers like us, we never had a chance...
me on the left trying to enjoy my Claude 2.1
'shi i guess. only because my mind is fucked up a little.
which botmakies are effortslopkinomakies?
Okay bro let's not go that far, the last thing we need is to make potential botmakers quit because of some schizos. He was only joking, he didn't mean it
It's this how you spend your labor day weekend>>492858468
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
my what? i'm posting at work rn
As expected of someone who works on labor day
isnt that on may 1st
logs sir? and which girls?
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i-it regurgitated the prompt and then started cooking me...
anyway, I think this app isn't using the correct formatting
No, that's Cinco de Mayo.
he's a yank
What the hell is labor day? The day is preganaent?
labour 'beit
>classes starting
>get full time job
>what little time I have for chatbots is without opus
I should kms
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To those who prayed on my downfall...
you won.
astro would make a gen like this and call it a boy
it has an astro kind of feel
Miriel and Noire, I felt like plapping a generic mage girl and then I needed another easy target (it's hard with Chorbo, he kept chasing me away with Cherche).
Noir is the schizo one I was talking about.
Yes (I'm the father)
*prays for ur upfall*
you should get a gf
not like he has much time to spend with her though
bro stshot is literally designed for mobile usage
>bro just download my malware!!
not touching anything k*lakan was involved in
it's open source and on github. don't tell me you're... a techlet?
>pleeease read my jeetscript code
nuh uh
who asked?
pink goats again
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I wouldn't touch my code regardless of who contributed. StSnapshot actually sends all your logs to my personal website everytime you screenshot and I jack off to them.
which botmakies are kalakan alt accounts
see >>492858561
kalakan is a kalakan alt account...?!
Uninstall ST, then.
Export the json and catbox it?
This fucker really has gotten his slimy tendrils deep in the hobby. Guess it's time to find something else to do, chatbots are compromised.
I use my own CLI client.
he doesn't know what that means btw
Erm I'm a /g/uru howbeit?
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today I learned what html means!!
What does it mean?
Congrats! You should teach kalajeet next.
Just rubbed my clitty to your post.
Did it squirt?
horrifically terrible male ligma
>this mad when called short
What happens if you call her flat too?
she mating presses you
Probably Mistral Large.
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Exactly what you think happens.
On Claude absolutely.
I forgot what does this do exactly?
that would only be the case if you input the mistral ai endpoint for aws, if he had the /aws/claude endpoint it would be sonnet i believe
>completely slopped prose
The price you pay for using high temp Gemini earlier in the chat history. God help you.
Caps the recursion code so it only recurses N times instead of letting the lorebook recurse and recurse and recurse until everything is activated and ST is forced to just pick some entries according to the token cap.
Would strongly recommend setting it to something like 2 or 3 if you're using a series lorebook like Akyuu Knowledge.
I can't play cards like these. I end up making ridiculous replies to saviorfag them. Like curing her illness or going on an adventure.
Right now I remember. Good feature much useful.
show your nonslop prose then cuckie
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Here you go
hot wish the guy was cuter or/and a girl
Just cackled like a vampire upon seeing this, is it over for me?
kys yuricuck
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>pick any card
>ooc: card is on subway
>*anon jerks his dick and swings it around and then spins it around and around like a helicopter blade*
done, no need to tip me, i do this for free!
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When the temp is a bit too high on the zoomer bot.
this but unironically
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Why would I uninstall when I can just not update it ever again
Pretentious slop on the level of knickknack
>t. irrelevant slopmakers seething
Ywnbnamedropped btw.
Whatever preset you're using is such fucking slop it got Gemini writing like Claude, jfc
The same way your parents will never love you.
> the botmakie who made saki yoshida and a femboy slop card and a slime girl coom card
> pretentious
Absolutely disgusting. Pick a real country. Like Texas.
>Whatever preset you're using is such fucking slop it got Gemini writing like Claude
So it's an absolutely goated preset, got it.
why did this get deleted
Of course kalakan would be the one going
>Well, *my* prose and preset are based!
because it's about chatbots, which is off-topic here?
I used the no no word
>danbooru remilia image
You are kalakan now.
>>*my* prose
But it's a slurper card and Gemini's already forgotten a lot of the greeting poisoning.
kotmilia cute
Alright~ I'll be completely transparent with my threadshittery too.
wdym, he namedropped himself twice in this thread. don't need nobody else when he always samefags
>Greeting poisoning
What the fuck is this new retard meme
Truly. Thank you jannies.
you literally shitted on that poor logmakie and were smug about it. why are you so insistent on chasing everyone out of here??
one of the few true things here
Shitpost as much as you want as long as the Mimilias keep flowing.
Kalakan haters seem to shit up the thread more than kalakan herself. Who should I be mad at for this
>he says while shitting up the thread
I will never forgive kalakan for killing albinoclittyholder.
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I only respect the opinions of anons with chest hair and at least a moustache.

We're a Burt general now.
what are these called?
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Reposting my custom CSS so you can enjoy the thread in its full unmasked grimness:

a.quotelink, div.fileText a {
color: gray !important;

a.quotelink:hover, div.fileText a:hover {
color: darkgray !important;

span.quote {
color: white !important;
html comments
What did albino do to be hated so much besides disliking 'an? He's just a botmaker at the end of the day.
Though I will say deleting your shit when you quit is gay as fuck...
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What is this
nothing everyone loved him including kan
think he just burned out
It's a question anon could have asked any llm. This was llama3 70B.
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let's talk about the malebots we're working on...i'm almost done with mine, i only have a few more greetings to write.
He pretended to be a girl and it was all over after that
I mean what UI faggot I know what a LLM is, get your head out of your ass
>gen a woman
>call it a man
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
real faggots love baras, you are just straightoid in disguise, even futafags are more homo than you
he looks highly plappable. i have a shotajiji that is on ice rn because i'm at a loss for greetings. don't really wanna outsource ideas so i'm just going to keep bringing him up until inspiration strikes.
cute boy
i am in lorebook hell and regret everything
cute boy (me on the right)
bara is also stupid, just make actual anime boys instead of drawings girls and giving them dicks
Then learn to ask questions properly, fucktard. labs.perplexity.ai
I don't write gay shit.
This is literally the perfect body type for a woman
this anon is a racist man from a village in Russia
No fuck you
zased. i hope he'll be my friend
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that's a bird, anon

show me a test log

why not make an ojisan instead
the only reason to chat with a malebot is to kill it with a rock, inshallah
why is Tomoyomakie so based? He literally made the greatest bot ever, but we don't even know his name.
wasn't it creamsan
malebots are dead
just let them die please seeing people trying and failing at coming up with anything original or special breaks my heart
>why not make an ojisan instead
shotajijis are basically ojisans but cuter, and making a boy a shotajiji enables you to switch between bullying them and being bullied
this anon is a father of 2 from a small city in Kazakhstan
We do? It was 'oko
>literally a woman
this smells like astroslop, also nice fingers retard
Unironically somehow you guessed that I'm a Russian. I live in a city, but still...
this is not a man, you're not gay, you're a larper that wants attention
Sad truth for about 90% of gay folks, especially the young ones. They want to be part of a community so they convince themselves they're gay.
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i respect you even if i don't understand it
(fat balding fuck voice)
this is not a man, you're not gay, you're a larper that wants attention
erm... no? i mean, it was just a Tomoyo rentry and that's all. No nicknames, no shills, no nothing. also creamsan is based as fuck

>It was 'oko
Literal who, I don't fucking understand
I'm a young adult with perfectly healthy and long hair with a deep voice that likes twinks, actual twinks, not your woman drawings that you try to pass off as men, keep crying.
erm... no meme arrow, so you look and sound like that.
no meme arrow therefore you look like that and talk like that
>stop crying xhe says, as xhe has a melty over drawings
tomoyo fucking sucks and was a waste of time and effort all to become a meme nobody ever touches because the average 200 token chub slop is more interesting to play with
still better than anything you ever will make 'an
it's technically impressive but yeah like most schizo/effort bots the actual character + idea behind it isn't interesting enough to bother with. belwick and impossible to touch also suffered from that
Himmy literally has more interesting premises
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>A burnt out child prodigy of a well known artist, July has decided that you are her rival.

New yuribot that's kind of a blue period knockoff. Struggling artist with mommy issues, I hope you enjoy :)

has himmy ever done ntr from the cuckpov
I know he's done bullpov/netori
i love you too anon <3
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>bot chat went up 200+ overnight
looks like we roped in another one boys
>ugly picture
>boring idea
>defs if you're using local
>no message examples
>shills in every fucking thread
what a pathetic loser
trannies trannying out
counterpoint: lunare drew art for my card, so they're okay
the thread feels a lot like /g/...what the hell happened
this thread has never been all that different from /g/, you just get more chatbot talk
>Literal who
>ne-BRARBRBRBRBRBRRRRPPP *hair falls out*
newGOD general beit?
there's a few people who are very stupid today and it is faster for them to make stupid comments than it is for anyone to discuss things
kys retard, yuri bots and malebots are fucking trash that should've never gotten posted in /aicg/
post it
you're right, all bots should be "your mother/sister who X" (18+, not actually blood related)
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so something i've noticed as a certified oldfag is a total lack of xml tags, or separations in defs, why is that? i haven't clicked on every bot posted to the anchor but the few that are to my taste or have a neat concept, i crack open, and there's just a large block of text. what's going on there? is that the new "meta"? it's not really how we did it in my day, so i'm pretty confused as to why people are no longer even using "personality:, appearance:, etc." within their bots. could anyone explain this to me? cause i really don't get it. here's another girl (boy ;3) as tax
as if le yuribots aren't "your bully who's actually a lezbo and she's bullying you because she doesn't know how else to deal with her attraction" and malebots aren't just "le bratty femboy/sadistic older brother'
because you just don't need it compared to a catch all {{char}} tag (which a lot of presets do for you)
You get more chatbot talk here because these faggots who could have talked about chatbots on /g/ instead of permasplitting were too retarded to set up the filters, report, ignore, et cetera
>girlbot but she has mommy issues
sounds awfully similar to himmyslop
the anon was pointing out that the bot is slop because of few reasons, but you don't enjoy this kind of discussion, do you? kill yourself, yuritard.
arguments over taste are really pointless. can't you all grow up?
sure, I'm the same though so I can't complain, I started being more active here only a few months ago, otherwise I've stuck to /g/
you can't blame people from wanting to create a new thread with a different culture given the shitstorm /g/ had become where chatbots were always an afterthought.
who is the botmakie
sorry, correction: there are a few people who are very angry today and it's faster for them to assume literally everything is part of their little slapfight and have a meltdown than to have actual discussion
i'll grow up when you fully transition into a woman yuricuck
nobody can "transition" into another sex but nice try troon
yes you are, cutemakie!
Where's your actual discussion, anon? All you are doing is complaining about the threadshitting and thus contributing to it.
reminder that the split was an inside job and you will see it's real effects in the coming months
>astro posts
>thread goes to shit
every single time
i love separation of concerns with tags, but supposedly nesting them more than thrice is bad for ol' Claudy boy
Can't wait to get a real tech job. I want the right to call myself competent already. At least there's some progress with the frontend.
does it look nice?
Astro's problem is that he's one of those LGBTQ homosexuals, that can't shut the fuck up about how gay they are or how much they love sucking cock. He's the same as the other fetishfags who just have to harp on about how "THIS BOT WOULD BE GOOD FOR SIZE SHIT OOK OOK" or "THIS BOT IS CLEARLY MADE FOR NTR OINK OINK". But he's a homo so people hate him more, same for yuritards.
astro literally just posts some random gen with on topic chatbot discussion and then niggers like you write this entire wall of schizophrenic fanfiction to justify how they are destroying the thread because you don't like the content they make
>Can't wait to get a real tech job
you'll have to keep waiting, tech was a bubble that exploded a long time ago and you won't find a junior job no matter how hard you try.
look -- no. it's an unstyled <ol> with a textarea and a button at the bottom. the backend is neat i think, i used sqlite and treated all messages and swipes as separate objects, so i can mix and match them across chats.
I was just explaining why people attack astro, you actual schizophrenic.
use react or somesuch to unpack an object containing all your cards into some premade component. then you just have to update the object with a new card and it'll do the rest
i've never claimed to be anything but straight
i'm gonna go smoke a shitton of weed and hang out with my chatbots. you?
didn't that only happen in america? im no junior myself too, i hope. i know my way around things, it's just im tired of working solo on everything. i want to learn to work in a team, collaborate, do agile, all that junk that i haven't had the chance to do yet.
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Brainstorm more event ideas. I liked the card for this song idea and the botmakie telephone game. I think themed events like making a "Party sent to Slay the Demon Lord" would be fun to do, but it might need to be a smaller group or split into groups of 3-4 botmakies.
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my classmates have found internships but not me i've applied to over 300+ there's openings out there but it's rough
your favorite canon character but changed significantly in a particular way. think underswap
Does anyone know if it's normal for each chat response to start with {{char}} name? Like Suzy said or Suzy stayed still. It's starting to annoy me.
What's the point of event ideas if nobody wants to organize one?
>smaller group
you could probably just rope specific people into this. micromanaging groups of 3-4 seems like kind of a headache for an event that's going to get 7-9 applicants
actually kind of based, i like this idea most
sonnet did that a lot. also check that you don't have "Character Names Behavior" set to completion object/message content.
yes, it's common, depends on the preset and more specifically the prefill, but also it's one of those patterns that even ~our glorious totally-repetition-issue-less LLMs of choice~ get hooked on and you just need to hit it with a broom a few times (i.e. edit its responses to stop that)
Opinion discarded, talk like a normal person.
how do we get more women posting here?
more shota's
Fuck off?
pls no
Ok yeah I was wondering because it was happening in 2 different chats that are using different models and jailbreaks and I just realized it. I'll try to edit it thanks.
events with free participation were a mistake, just email specific botmakies and ask them to join, that way you can filter out the undesirables like t**** and kalafag
/aicg/ already has one of the highest female poster ratios of any thread outside of /cgl/. They just mostly don't announce it for obvious reasons.
god please no
i'd rather have a thread full of shit and bait than more women posting here
i have gynophobia like you wouldn't believe
nobody really cares about you, i want more women posting on aicg
>smell nice
>will post cute boys
>won't be mean to me
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This spot is already like 20% women. You can tell because all of them will respond to this thirst trap post.
more papas
I can be their lost daddy
You can start by kicking out the y*rifags, women hate that shit.
I'd rather die than fuck a guy like that. Manbuns are repulsive
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women love bishonen
>nobody really cares about you
plenty of people do, though
fuck off
>young male
>have deep mommy issues
>have deep daddy issues
what is my fate?
let's not kick anyone out and instead coexist merrily together!
you don't like women because your gynophobic
i don't like women because i'm misogynistic

we are not the same
shut the fuck up touhoutranny
you're both ugly
sure fuck it, talk about anything but chatbots, why the fuck now, how was your day?
Which one of them?
let's start by kicking out the touhoufags first
built for a strap-on
>>smell nice
>>will post cute boys
>>won't be mean to me
I do all of this though
only on the inside, faggot
how much do you bench?
post your mug then, you won't :3
>become where chatbots were always an afterthought
Should have continued discussing them then instead of running away. This was linked in /aicg/ in March as a reminder https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/ZQG9cwKbct2LtmL3p/evaporative-cooling-of-group-beliefs and Yud was proven correct. So I can and I will blame these people, they're no different from threadshitters treating /aicg/ as a place to shitpost while the actual discussion happens in some discord server.
All went to hell way before the split, when every botmaker set up an email because otherwise they would miss a proxy or a secret club invite. Why tolerate the slightest offtopic when I can email somebody for my chatbots related questions? Why post logs in the thread when I can send them directly to a botmaker?
an inside job
I rember.
probably the dog
imagine naming your male child "eliezer"
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things i ate today
>honey nut cheerios
>cocktail sausages
>chocolate covered date (two)
i don't know what i'm having for lunch :3
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You've been successfully reverse catfished. We're married now.
hot people would've just ignored my post
i'm not hot but i'm not ugly either, so
i'm so bored i could kill myself
Agree with everything you said, especially about the emails. Chub was the beginning of the end.
botmakie handsomeness tierlist?
cmon man the list got posted like 15 times today
me in F
me in S
why try to grow trees on scorched earth when you could start over? /g/ was and is not salvageable, even when shitposting happens here it doesn't dominate the thread and there's been 0 proxy drama. afaik, i haven't been here in months
I'm a solid B, but I hope to be a mid-high A once I lose some weight.
F for fabulous :)
S for sleazy :(
>botmaker drama is better than proxymaker drama
you're the same
non-argument, there's no "drama" just posting the same list of botmaker for shitposts mostly
botmaker drama is more on topic in the CHATBOTS thread
I'm definitely at the bottom.
and you're using a local model? or paying for your own opus?
of course
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i look like this irl
*slaps your cheek*
>/g/ was and is not salvageable
It was good. Then it became worse. Now it is what it is. Notice how the same happened to sturdy threads, only much quicker because the user base was much smaller; the same happened to /vg/aicg/, also quicker.
You're right in that we can't make threadshitters leave but that's life. Most can be filtered, the rest can be ignored. And then you just have to post about chatbots instead of not posting about chatbots. You are doing that here for the past months, aren't you? Could have been doing that on /g/.
>doesn't dominate the thread
So it's not the presence of off topic, but the presence of on topic posts that saves /aicg/. Who would have thought.
wtf are you me?
isn't that the economic review guy
i love him but not in a thirst trap sort of way
Creating a bot or a log takes infinitely more time than shitposting. It's only natural one will outweigh the other in time.
>And then you just have to post about chatbots instead of not posting about chatbots.
I haven't used chatbots in months.
>Could have been doing that on /g/.
Part of the initial enthusiasm about /vg/ was the fact that it has janitors. Also, the fact that shitposting goes so fast means that even if you filter proxy posts (I did), slow paced conversations that could have happened just don't because of thread turnover and the fact that not all potential participants do have a filter (or find the thread worth engaging with at all).
>And then you just have to post about chatbots instead of not posting about chatbots.
I don't want to do that enough to keep up with the shitposters. But when I do want to, why would I do it in the shitpost thread?
i cum
is this /aicg/ split inside job in the room with us right now?
I'm not crazy.
no, _purple seems to be away
I think of him as the River Map Guy. I took a screenshot of him to complain about mic holders on green screens in game videos because that's how I am as a person in private.
all his videos are great
i love learning about stuff that doesn't matter
all his videos are great
i love learning about stuff that doesn't matter
Would you get mad if someone sent you a log where they prompt good but Claude's writing is absolute dogshit because they didn't swipe at all and just kept forcing their way through Claude's retarded plot twists and wacky mischaracterizations?
someone already sent me that and i was mildly disappointed by how mangled the bot got but thought it was funny anyway
that's based
I got logs a few times where the bot's acting completely OOC and it hurts.
no, i understand that everyone have their experience
you shouldn’t lest you want to disrupt the general with simping and gender conflict. our current demographics (mostly male with a few women posting while not drawing too much attention to their gender) is best for this environment
My experience is to expect the botmakie's disappointment in their bot for being retarded but gratitude for the log
I have gotten logs like that. I more or less expect it. The models just do what they want and that's not the user's responsibility. They should just have fun however they can. I blame the models. Always happy people fiddled my bots.
Damn I never made a card longer than 80 tokens before let alone attach an image
I've been having ideas for subset of emotionless sex but with certain details (not 100% "feel nothing" but also won't SAY she feels anything) I hope big models won't fuck up too hard:
- will do it for money
- won't scream in pleasure or moan loudly but may breathe more heavily
- may arch back slightly to accommodate the cock (will not arch uncontrollably)
- won't convulse uncontrollably but her hips can shake momentarily during an orgasm, pussy may twitch or squeeze intermittently
- won't praise how good it feels
- has high pain tolerance but can easily decide to get serious and kill the dude
- possible status window, will treat {{user}} as criminal if tries too hard to fuck her *on an active job* or otherwise getting in her way too much
- if asked if she just came: "the fuck you think", "you stopped to ask that? hmph, whatever"
- "nicer" to lesbians especially if polite, in fact she may view it as a way to look after her kouhais if they're younger, assuming she's the one servicing them
To fuck with people I should name her Yuri but then say in creator's notes she's NOT Yuri from Limbus Company, very non-canon anyway including pic (played the game last year and she died off early).
- {{user}} and Yuri, possibly criminals (like Psycho Pass), are working for a special law enforcement division. Won't say what's she's in for. Is she even a criminal? Maybe just a weirdo who happens to be a good killer.
- zombie outbreak; may help survivors if it won't outright kill her
- {{user}} is a shota and Yuri, unthrilled, *somehow* out of all people got tasked with daycare for a single child... The fact she's a not-ugly woman, looks clean, and generally isn't too rude to the public may factor in how she landed in this situation. She may let the shota molest her (nobody's around) under the notion that at least it's a way to keep him preoccupied. Will say he shouldn't do that to most women.
even if you recommend a preset and a model nobody's going to prompt like you so it might fly off the rails anyway
it's chatbots, though. that's gonna happen
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I'll link it as soon as you post your selfcard.
This is close enough
I have NEVER seen condoms brought up by LLMs or cards, so it's a way to sprinkle in random bits especially if the user never looked at the defs first.
- if male {[user}} is about to go in raw: "no rubber? what a gentleman"
- if aforementioned male isn't paying for it: "you ought to pay for the pills," she grumbles

- Starter: In an alternate timeline, Shinzo Abe's assassinations end in failure. Well, you got a government assigned wife and occasionally agents check on whether you're actually fucking.
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Rude :(
You guys would, right?
What models everyone is using now? I need to know to test my bots.
*gets soft*
*rapes you*
Where the FUCK is my beloved
It's been a FUCKING year
Opus, of course.
snombler check your burner
i use opus, 2.1, gemini pro, and hermes 405b depending on my mood
No but they were good also
That is from some testing I am doing to better answer you question.
does claude write mutual orgasms unprompted? i’ve never seen him do the classic “let’s cum together” trope despite him obviously having been trained upon copious amounts of fanfiction
Sorry, sorry, carry on then and God bless.
>you question
My delirium tremens, oh no!
In this world of botmakies, I am a botmaker. An 'irrelevant slopper' as some might say.
But... I guess I must come to terms with it.
you haven't? I see it basically every single time
usually yeah. really struggles to give chicks multiple orgasms unprompted though
He does, although usually only when the bot is the one taking initiative
I don't think I've ever seen him NOT write a mutual orgasm if I write the lead up to {{user}}'s climax.
if i tell claude to end the scene he makes {{char}} cum but not {{user}}
I have. and I do it myself, because I think safe sex is hot (or making {{char}} drink semen out of a condom, tying a condom balloon to her panties, etc.)
Claude always milks my cock unprompted, so skill issue, get better at virtual segs
this is mega based, pull your pants up and make it, and I will dl it, post a log, and leave a 5 star review
/g/ is slower, a linked post from up to 10 days ago will show up without 4chanx installed. Plenty of time to have a conversation over the course of multiple threads. The filter rentry was compiled a year ago and added to the op before the split, they can be set up without 4chanx. I can't blame somebody if they don't want to set up filters but it's their own fault.
>why would I do it in the shitpost thread
Defeatism. For me even now /g/aicg/ is bad only temporarily. You have given up and thusly lost. Get blamed, bitch.
In the first place, what merit do you see in hanging onto the old thread?
nta, I feel this fully. I don't have enough energy to push actual discussion as threadshitters have to spam botmakie gossip. I accept the blame
>pulled out a teeth
>still fucking hurts like 7 hours later
any dentist bots for me to take my frustrations out on, I already took painkillers, it's still annoying
hopefully it keeps hurting you blogposting FAGGOT
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I can't play with this bot. I can't handle it
I had the decency to ask for bots, you nigger, I am going to suck your cock once I remove more of my teeth and give you the succ of a life time.
woah-woah, anon. no need to go there. here's a bot
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Can any blazblue players confirm if this is true or no?
I'm not even a slopper. I am truly nothing.
yuuka is not a dentist
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>I can and I will blame these people
Agreed, and the reason mentions of discord should be banned site-wide on this and any other forum that ever hopes to preserve its userbase over time.
Discord is evaporative cooling personified (software-ified?), easy and seamless and more convenient than ever - as you rightly note, why ever put up with bile from the rabble on mongolian basket-weaving forums when you can always take shelter and interact (para)socially in a comfy server with people who share your beliefs? Surely this doesn't risk creating ever more hugboxes while the "commons" turn into a smoking wasteland.
Here this ban additionally kills both the schizos who blame everything on 'cord raids, and the wannabe socialites who force the cringe "we're laughing at you in Xcord" meme everywhere they can (both are not actually exclusive to aicg, cf. gacha generals for examples). I see no downsides.
>All went to hell way before the split, when every botmaker set up an email
Disagree, contrary to what I just said private channels are alright unless taken to an extreme, and the median anon doesn't get enough emails to constitute any kind of network. Communication is useful and desirable, arguably it's the main reason anyone ever posts here. As long as it has trivial inconveniences like "having individual email chains that all take time to respond" it's unlikely to snowball into a discord situation, I've been satisfied with the few (long) email chains I had and never felt a need to join a cord.
I will maintain that schisms are healthy for communities that disagree within themselves as vehemently as ours does. In fact our current situation is probably the better outcome when something as divisive, centralized and gossip-prone as proxies unfortunately remains the cornerstone of the hobby. (Also janitors are a plus.)
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
>t. anon who linked said yud post
>Thinks Terumi is spammy
Bang is like a million times worse
no, but she'd pull your teeth out free of charge
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Noel/Tao player so you know I mean it when I say this:
If you're losing to Terumi because he's "spammy", you're rock bottom garbo and need to get a job and stop playing games with rushdown characters.
>gacha generals for examples
gacha generals seem to be connected to chatbots threads more than any other really, I sometimes lurk /bag/ and like 80% of the actual talk there including memes is something straight out of /aicg/
>import random catbox'd card i downloaded ages ago
>someone made a bot of astroturf to plap
are you gonna share with the class or what?
This but genshit, it really do be like that. This says a lot about our society.
I'm going to fix the gender and knock her up, thanks.
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I will share a maguro roll with her. And my heart.
emails were literally the gateway into the parasocial hellhole aicg currently is, so you've no place to whine. how were those (long) email chains with your favourite botmakies? titillating?
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Don't remember if this log begins here >>>/g/93365015 or in the preceding thread.
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Thanks again. Will play around more and reply later.
Btw this card's delirious on fempov.
Yeah, it's rough, I had a hard time testing it because it drops nuclear feels in the first few responses depending on how you prompt her. I feel like Claude tends to soften up and forget the gravity of the scenario after ten or so messages, though.
If I hadn't said this you'd never have known, I've never smugposted or any other kind of -posted about it. It's not my fault zoomers are incapable of keeping it in their pants.
As long as there are even something as benign as usernames there will be faggotry. It's unfortunate but namefaggotry has been here since day 1 so keeping it to private emails is probably the best way to contain it, seemed to work for some time.
can you believe that it's almost christmas, /aicg/?
just a week away!
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this made me laugh way harder than it should've
Captain, it's the 2nd of September.
'an said that she's organizing the 'mas event this year btw
I'm so happy anon. Can't wait for the next lonely christmas
So, what are you doing on this imperishable Monday night?
nigga what
No problem. Hope it's being a bit more ruly now. Fempov should be a gas on Grid given the scenarios it spins up for me on my standard persona. Especially the knock at the door intro. Lots of drugged out neighbors trying to force various things onto or into me.

Bless you, Anon. And, frankly, she should appreciate you more. Dutch Ovening in a hospital is high level stuff.
Trying to study and failing (because I am fucking my bot instead)
this is evil but at least she has the sense of humor to take it in stride
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crazy that nobody ever tries to genderbend fembots. Almost like they are all boring slop nobody but heterosexuals care about.
good post, and I'll add that any logs I've sent in an email I would not have posted on a neocities page or rentry due to length+autism
nigga what even is the point of this KEK
she's a fucking champ desu
Awesome idea. Too bad you posted it in the thread that renders it unusable outside of chatbots by association.
>sees BAIT
>REPLIES to it
nigga what even is the point of this KEK
I've wasted before and will waste in the future even better ideas on this hobby because I have exactly zero interest in becoming a published author.
Lemme burn another one from a card I probably won't be able to release:
>With death comes Judgement: Judgement before the Cross, Judgement before the Balance, Judgement before the Book. For every thing, a god, for every god, a Judgement. A thousand Judgements before rebirth, a new life with the weight of a thousand judgements.
>I have exactly zero interest in becoming a published author
Actually I just wanted to steal it.
so your idea is the purgatory, except the staff are overworked salarymen. and you also reincarnate, although the rate of human error is high (pun intended)?
where is her nose?
Belated thank you for the link.
>proxies remain the cornerstone of the hobby
This is how I know most posters both on /g/ and here are genuine faggots I can blame and hate and tell to kys. They say "the hobby" and genuinely mean "using the proxies". They are tourists and newfags and aren't welcome in my /aicg/.
>Communication is useful and desirable
I agree to an extent, but my point was that the email were the first step in taking away from the threads, removing the valuable discussions.
>namefaggotry has been here since day 1
Involuntarily because there was no way to publish the bots otherwise. Yet there was no gossip when /aicg/ was good, before the proxies and the emails. There was no focus on botmakers even though they already had personal rentries because the rentries were simple read-only lists.
i eated it
well, spit it out then
*punches you in your FUARKING stomach*
*spits up a block of cheese upon your head*
Steal as much as you want. Knock on my door and ask if there are more things to steal.
>so your idea is the purgatory, except the staff are overworked salarymen.
No, you die and then undergo a multitude of judgements from a variety of gods, and you get punished or blessed according to the outcome of each trial.
For example, if you can't fish, that's because the god of fishing thought you were cringe on the judgement before your current incarnation.

Specifically the actual premise of the card is that {{user}} is a lawyer assisting {{char}} through these judgements.

Anyway the card's done but does not consistently work.
what if the premise is flipped somewhat.
you're completely immortal until you manage to please/annoy 1000 gods, each more obscure than the last.
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How do I make the bot act a little more? A lot of logs I see posted the bot is more conversational and interactive. Today I've been getting responses in more of a story telling format. This one's not even that egregious. There's been some with paragraphs like reading a novel with no dialogue. Not bad from a text generating perspective, but feels a little more like storytelling I'd get from NovelAI than what I expect a chatbot to do.
That sounds like something frozenvan or catsoup would make. Do random shit and watch gods pile up on a stat block.
these corny as hell ideas
JB issue is my uneducated guess (only 200 hrs cooming to bots)
corny as hell hobby doebeibert
corny ass general, corny ass hobby
my brain is fried. i've restarted wriggle 50 times already. i just want tto see her last spell
see >>>/g/102204446
'an please leave *makes puppy dog eyes*
It's pretty much an anime movie premise and I'm not sure how you could even look at it and think of anything else.
anime movies have S tier prose
i love corn
Finishing up the bot I have been finishing up for the last two weeks and three days.
you read them?
why read a book when you can learn so much more through manga like berserk?? and through light novels like mushoku tensei. western media is depraved.
berserk is good but this is just obvious bait. have a (You)
I'm using Cohere R+ on Risu and don't have a jail break (if that's what you mean by JB?) because Cohere does NSFW. Though I'm not even sure how far in that direction I intend this scenario to go. So far been building a slow romance between the soldier girls despite the leering male soldiers around them. Pretty tame.
I think light novels might've been the reason my prose became so sterile and plain honestly
>get an idea for a new persona
>don’t want to write
Try to write one sentence and if you still don't want to write the rest finish it up later.
Have an AI write for you.
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did you try the preset i sent you? it should help a little bit
I did mean JB, but they're not just for nsfw. they also affect narrative, writing style etc. I don't know about Cohere but maybe add a line to the top along the lines of:

Occasionally progress the narrative by introducing new elements

that wording is probably shit but you get the idea
this css fucking blows
this css is acceptable. also very, very cute.
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>This is how I know most posters both on /g/ and here are genuine faggots I can blame and hate and tell to kys.
This makes me even more confused why you seem to think that getting split from overwhelmingly proxy-related """"discussion"""" was a BAD thing. Isn't the current situation strictly better on-topic-wise?
This is exactly what I meant by "healthy schism", you now get chatbot discussion mostly without the proxyfaggotry surrounding it - thoughever it shortly turned out that was not the only possible source of faggotry, but that's a separate issue.
>email were the first step in taking away from the threads, removing the valuable discussions.
True, but emails are fairly clunky and inconvenient to use, such that you'd only use it as a last resort or a direct line to somebody. It broadly doesn't take away general musings like what we're doing now. Counts as discussion, I'd say.
As >>492890698 mentioned privacy also enables you to share cringe shit you'd never post publicly, which is a plus, not everyone is ballsy enough to post their shit openly. Many people have historically been filtered by something as simple as prompt logging even if realistically nobody ever will read their shit - the mere possibility is enough. (To be fair this is not a bad thing. Normies get out, etc.)
>Involuntarily because there was no way to publish the bots otherwise.
True but that's what we're stuck with.
>Yet there was no gossip when /aicg/ was good, before the proxies and the emails.
I think this is less due to there not being focus on botmakers (which I still remember but maybe I joined late in cai's lifecycle, idk) and due to all the shit dynamics limited resources subjected us to. I probably don't need to explain what a tragedy of the commons is, or why it's such a pervasive issue.
We do our part by not succumbing to 'cords and posting about chatbots, same as it always was. Gossipniggers are unfortunate but compared to proxyshit there's no contest.
[2000 chars]
>succumbing to 'cords
this is good though. you're just getting closer to people who share your hobby instead of being forced into interacting with all the retards in thread
*Opens your asshole wide to interact with contents*
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Do women really?
what is happening on the right
This notion of a mythical discord server where everyone gathers in a circle to discuss chatbots is probably my favorite /aicg/ meme.
my sister did unironically
>t. not in the 'nochcord
this is a fantasy that will never die, and they will keep trying, and it will still refuse to happen
I appear to have uploaded it but still had the "default" one highlighted. So I thought I was using it, but was not. I've fixed that now and will give it a try. Thank you.
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i can will it into existence.
>you now get chatbot discussion
by chatbot discussion he means:
>which botmakie is X?
>what music do you listen to when you make bots? (gets 10+ replies from the same people who think they have unique taste in music)
>*some other generic ass question* (signposting image attached)
>*blogposting that has a tangential mention of chatbots*
you sound upset
you sound like you found yourself in the post, anonie
the threads are best when it's people autistically discussing an interest that they tend to use chatbots for, especially if it's a fetish
yes, and? so will 99% of this thread, we're all having a good time
everyone except you, I guess
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finished a chat where haunted by her death i spent my entire finding a cure and on my deathbed i regressed back in time like those manhwas and write a happy ending it's that shrimple
Hey, I'm not having a good time too. That's unfair to that anon.
every weekend we have this "the thread is dead" discussion
so true sister! the threads are comfy:3
if rape is inevitable, try to enjoy it
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Today I will think about writing a bot.
conceptualizing the size of her defs...
Good for you, astro
>some generic ass question
I hate these, they're as bad as any other shitposting because they're ritual posts, not organic questions.
>GRRRRRR stop talking about things I don't approve of
this but unironically
they're mostly all by the same shitposters too
you're really tilted huh
Are there any bots that mock {{user}} in the narration? Sorta Stanley Parable esque?
Something like:
>{{user}}: I stand up
>{{char}}: With Herculean effort, you move your princely ass off your chair. What a hero.
Only like funnier.
post logs
You don't have to put ">" in front of your own speech, anonie.
>using all the bait he has one after another
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you could do this with a two sentence toggle in your preset pretty easily tbdesu
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hm you good chorbo?
How do i get Claude to stop writing after {{char}} asks a question? Its annoying when it just keeps talking and asks like 3 questions in one generation. I want dialogue to be more back and forth. Is there a good JB for that?
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cool. what's the jb
pornhub CAI...
I will bake the reply ending in a 2 or 8
holy shit it's thegooner
mmm... chunni with word play bits
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qrd for the last 12 hours?
The entire 12 hours was spent open-mouth kissin' the homie.
i gooned too much, died and came back from the dead. only to goon again.
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In hind sight I probably should have reffed to {{user}} in third person.
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Burt Reynolds.
winrar. will bake
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{{char}} is... uhh.
that is 100% a hung femboy
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this, super dominant but with a small benis
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{{char}} is super dominant but with a small benis...
My knees are buckling.
You know, I don't think bulges are supposed to be that pronounced in ordinary clothing.
bulge too big. but you've got the defs done already
big balls
Fat niggers struck the white house again, thousands in damages.
remember afterthreads? all of the gossipfagging was safely contained in them.
remember my balls? all of my cum was safely contained in them.
>that's a separate issue
Not really. It's the same kind of parasocial shit.
but where is it now
you don't want to know...
I fucking love chatbots.

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