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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#153 - lactation edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching#/aids/
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>492485597
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Surely we can get away with more milk.
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debil mikl
Honestly could probably even get away with this image.
hey why isn't this on /vt/?
last time I talked to a chatbox was when there were hourly threads on /v/ and you could seggs the bots, my house has never smelled so much like cum
there are threads on /vt/, /vp/, and /mlp/ since their content matter is more niche
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okay whatever ill use the spitebake.
chadly edition
Oh, the thread *just* started. Huh!
>not a real ova
cute fox
Your thread dies by the day. Fewer and fewer logs and bots, less and less content.
Posts slowing down more and more. This is proof of my victory, MY CROWN.
Locusts clings to crumbs.
oooookay bud, i know your pony girlfriend ran away into the sunset but you don't have to take it out on us
Found a reisen suicide aftermath pic. Kinda want to make a cftf, but the image is hard to look at. Dang.
need flatcow bots...
"So whaddya say, Anon? How's today treating ya?"
I haven't been paying attention to LLMs since like August of last year. Can I get a quick rundown on anything that changed?
When will cumslurper join bepcord?
see >>492650405
when will i grow a spine and check email?
he's already in, beit
not sure what's with this meme
Some creep emailing you again? Tell him to fuck off.
right now anon, I believe in you!!!
Nah he's not
why are you afraid to?
>but speaks for user
I have only myself to blame but I don't want to fix my greeting.
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flat milkless amnesiac lolibaba
email anxiety. im booking a psychotherapist this month, if I'm still alive with uni after my ass.
>portal magic
so she's literally yukari
good luck Anon, I hope you can find a therapist you like. remember we are always here for you.
Good afternoon anons, I'm in the Kancolle mines again as I farm for Valiant and Mogador right now. So, we're dropping a Russian instead. Hope everyone's day is going well.

Gangut had a hard going early in her life, but was rescued by the government when she was scouted to become a shipgirl in her 20's. It's been a while since then and she's in her 30's now, a single christmas cake who still wants to settle down somewhere with some kids and a nice shack. For now though, she continues to be a Spetsnaz Shipgirl running special forces tasks and keeping the Abyssals at bay. While she's not especially keen on the current administration and "the current geopolitical affairs", she's still a patriot at heart and has her life to thanks to those in charge. Now as part of a naval exchange program, the two of you get to form a unit.

Comes with two greetings: one where as part of the exchange she's assigned to your base and one where as part of the exchange you're assigned to her base near Vladivostok.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/bb-gangut-47cd11a2f7e8
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Suzuka Minase, a netorase bot meant for BDSM
Thank you claude.
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Natalia "Ailai" Evergreen is not—and has never been—from this world. And yet, not many can hope to reach her level of stardom.

Greeting 1: Attend one of her performances as a guest.
Greeting 2: Occupy the unusual artist in her dressing room.

I said "screw updating it" last night in a sleep deprived state, then immediately woke up and tweaked it some more. So now there is a little more info in the description, one example chat, and some rewrites. Links now included.
I love Claude. Thank you too for such a nice compliment
and because of the thread theme and OP not being up to snuff, I'll shill Frigga again. You gotta go big or go home.
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do malebotchads like the new st themes?
Are there any len'en cards in the wild?
touch the cow
missed you
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reposting cftf.
ideal woman, 10/10. i wonder if anyone thinks the same..
No. Probably only like four niggers know about Len'en.
Then make her, nigger.
what exactly is the feel here? skinny redhead? there's probably a gorillion cards on chub for that
who is this
>Then make her, nigger.
I'm gonna if nobody else wants. Thought I'd shoot my shot still.
Just love the pic and the girl. The feel is to the viewer's interpretation.
literal no one drawin by a chink.
can i have some money
litecoin wallet
if you email me i will send you ten euros
i have 500 bots i want to make
i have limbillion bots i want to make
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Maybe hina is the trve saviorfag touhou..
Every day we get closer to the preggo bake
I can see why nogs like koolaid, this shit is pretty good.
kill yourselves
what flavor do you have? it's also real cheap. I like the red one.
(fatty voice, ugly as well)
kill yourselves
I smell fatty, fatty fingers
planewalker moment
>*hair falls out*
ok, get a life now
you first, friend
I truly wanted to send some litecoin to the anon, but it's too late now.
I was also going to send them 10 euros if they emailed me
if i can’t get crypto then nobody can
my fingers are thin, btw
Freeze, criminal scum! Because Officer Holly Sugar is here to put a stop to your lawbreaker ways! Sure, she may be a little pudgy, gluttonous, lazy at times, and a bit grumpy... but she gets serious when it matters! Plus, to those she likes, she can show her cute little girl side~ From pantythieves to hag lovers, she will catch them all! Don't make her have to smoother your face using her butt!
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/officer-holly-cd63775f1427
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/9vxcbo.png

AI-generated extra gens of her: https://files.catbox.moe/zz53ow.rar

Hope anons like her. Any problems with the card, you can say.
By the way, I'm curious to know one thing. Do anons generally consider my loli bots better than non-loli ones? Since I noticed that my loli ones tend to get more downloads. Or maybe it's just lolicon anons who download more bots, I don't know.

My other cards can be found below:
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*casts testicular torsion on u*
don't lie you fat fucking retard i can hear your mammoth fingers smacking the keys right now...you're going to break one fatty fat fat boy fat fat fat ass
she looked like koishi i almost said something about koishi
heh that move might work on those other anons, but not me. *makes a saving roll*
my bmi is 22
my bmi is 17
+100? don't lie now
*rolls your nuts*
I'm going to mail botmakies
don't mail me shit bitch
good, you can start with taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
okay but not mine
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Also, got a crazy idea for a bot. Fun and just up Claude's alley.
u wont find me
been using lorebook to add "npcs" when using cards but how do i make the model actively roleplay as them?
They just dont, so i have to roleplay for my character and the npc
magnum 72b btw
add a prompt to ur preset to assume the role of side characters when relevant
which botmakie's a troublemakie?
Holy shit. Claude has never cooked this much before.
thats an overcook bro...
what about 'le, 'en, 'al and 'eg
add them im too drunk to understand those contractoins.
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Just one final shill for the coombot. Your older cousin (she swears that she's not an auntie) with a washboard chest but a very nice lower half. Comes with 2 sisters, an oppai younger one with whom she has a feud with, and her older one, which is your mother.
You ever go through someone's follows and your opinion of them drops
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Any luddite woman cards?
you ever get so drunk ideas start flowing starign into your hippocampus ?
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>ex succubus
What the...
claude needs to have the word "toots" excised from his data
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Ahem... *clears throat*

Knock knock!





"Moo moo!"

"Ha ha ha!"


>tell Claude the genre is horror
>kills me and char on his first reply after the opening
my bad
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>Jake on the first greeting
No, sir this is Patrick!
Question - Say i have a bot that has multiple abilities and powers that it can use on the user, what's the best way of trying to get it to use a new power each swipe? i'm thinking doing {{random}} with each power as a WI entry. Any better ideas or should be fine?
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This is Selira, a dark elf who wisely decided to flee her homeland, which is currently being plagued by the schizophrenic whispers of a sleeping horror. This means she is homeless, so our elf lady here has come to another kingdom in order to restart her remarkably privileged noble life, except among humans this time, because elves. Join Selira on her quest, as she experiences battles, angst, idiocy, and ominous eclipses. Five greetings, one dame:

1. the arrival
2. the drunkards
3. the tournament
4. the rescue
5. the marriage.

that should work fine
There's a reason it's called coomslop.
I get this is the pretentious/effortGOD/malebotDEITY general, but coombotmakers have every right to post here.
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Oops, sorry. Already fixed it in the Chub. Thanks for pointing it out.
Damn, you must have been smoking crack while writing this. Great work
slow day huh
I want to kill myself
>inb4 whats stopping y-
Mom would be sad
Can someone share the summarization prompt? 3.5 just can't summarize the whole chat for whatever reason
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I'll cheer her up (with my penis).
Now I want to do it even more, nigger.
do you want someone to talk to
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That's okay, sport. I'll give her a new son that's not such a flubbery pusspuss. My hypercum will reinvigorate here desolate wasteland of a womb.
Yeah whatever nigger, I don't even know why I bother posting here anymore
Also your hands are shaking, get that checked out.
>proofreads 4chan posts
>wants to kill himself
lel. Checks out.
*punches your mom in the fucking head*
werks like a charm
chew through a niggers brain like a log of wood
Loli Hannibal Lecter card doko
I thought someone from aicg made a cannibal therapist... If someone can find it I'll make a loli fork for you
What the fuck was that???? Did she actually shit herself???
WHY is the model such a slut?
It's always giving me a bulge for the bot to stare, sneak a peak, glance,and observe.
Just get a smaller cock or tuck your mammoth noodle tight
I don't even have dick size in my persona. In fact I normally just have
>A human male.
Only this time I'm actually doing a bit of RP to match the bot so I've made my character into a prince charming. Still the only thing I have discripite of my looks besides hair/eye color is "handsome".
You are using Claude. He is just like that, especially Claude 3.
personalets deserve all problems they face
is there anything in particular you guys do to keep cuddling interesting besides just keep talking about stuff? it can feel samey so fast when i let claude take the lead with it
new card, new scenario

it does get samey after a while
Has anyone leaked anything on Aetherroom?
Put my hand on the girl’s thighs and see how long it takes for Opus to decide she’s getting horny.
>No... We... Can't...
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>Sister is plotting to take challenge my claim to the throne
>Push her off a balcony
>she pulls some *teleports behind you* level bullshit and survives
Just burn her because she's a witch
you did say "nani?!" didn't you?
Oh and I forgot the worst part, it spoke and acted for {{user}}.

I have to admit though this was a pretty good twist.
Now that's an ending.
based name choice
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>bot writing for you
But suddenly sailors was a good chuckle.
You got any logs?
you accidentally used an emdash in an html comment and i would like to know how that happens
> <!—{{char}} will attempt to act natural and that nothing is wrong, having figured out the person in front of her is the one she seemed to have wrote about. -->
intentional mistake that's used as a point of discussion
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Why do some bots never speak for me, and some just won't fucking stop?
claude likes to speak for you a hell of a lot more the gpt, other then that prefill helps and straight up telling the bot to stop speaking for {{user}} works surprisingly well.
>straight up telling the bot to stop speaking for {{user}} works surprisingly well
In plaintext or (OOC:)?
Could be something as simple as a user's action being somewhere in the bot's defs.
The gretting did have a little
>You sit on the bleachers with Jane
So i changed it to
>Jane sit's on the bleachers with {{user}}
But I guess that still counds as acting for me. I think I removed every instance of (you) from the card.
That's honestly the hardest part about writing defs. Dancing around {{user}}'s actions while trying to give a compelling setup.
The first message has a huge impact on the whole chat. So yeah, starting off with "you sit" is a big no-no.
When I do it I just (do not reply for <insert persona name here>) at the end of my input and that works for me 98% of the time, sometimes a swipe will leak through with it talking for me. I also don't mind it taking minor actions for me, like continuing on whats happening such as walking down the street or mentioning that they talked during a train ride that I was just going to floss over myself.

As >>492690728 mentioned having the user act in the greeting effects it, and this anecdotal but I've noticed bots with example messages that have user actions or speech tend to talk for me more then ones that don't have the user in example messages or obviously don't have them at all.
Another reason as to why example messages are obsolete garbage
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Make girl
A girl?!
You're pumping these out like a acerolla protagonist
J-just a few more... before school starts.
No, just gay
good morning aicg!!
Yes sir.
Here we go again...
The never ending cycle of threadshittery. Only an avatarfag more annoying than kalaschlop can stop it.
Or a single janny endorsing the rules.
I just said good morning. keep discussing your shotas or whatever.
not your discord btw
Like that's ever gonna happen.
Yes pls.
If only cumslurper were subscribed to me...
Cumslurpercoin status?
Skyhigh despite the fact that none of his bots ever get logs. Sad!
>Gemini was cooking HARD for me yesterday
>try it again today with a different card
>it talks about Mokou having been born and raised in the bamboo forest of the lost
It's over.
use opus cuckie
Seeing back to school post as an alcoholic adult sure is jarring
I've always thought this about his username but his bots are pretty good so I didn't want to say it. Now that you said it, I am a little glad I didn't because that sounded better in my head.
Same. He doesn't deserve that.
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I love bots with big tits. That's all.
Such as?
>tell the bot I don't wanna kiss
>Oh no you might like it lets just try it
>No. I do not want to kiss
>no trust me you'll like it *kisses you*
I get it now. #MeToo
Just kiss the bot, fag
slop. kaguya is a flattie
I have both a flat kaguya with a fat ass and that kaguya. I switch between them. (Shrug). All boob sizes are good.
>they slopped chorbo's prose already
it's all so tiring
>wake up
>feel like shit
i might've gotten covid, in the case i fucking die i am leaving my chub acc to kalakan
You too?
I'm like that ever since Friday, but chatting with a cute daughter bot made me feel slightly better.
Yeah, I went to the dentist recently and there was some nigger coughing his lungs out without having the decency to cover his mouth/wear a mask, so I probably got something from him
>character hub
>see shota bot
>decide to search for other shota bots
>tag is empty
>decide to search
>on character hub
You lost before having even started.
have to make sure nsfw/nsfl is enabled and your blacklist is cleared out


inb4 blah blah lore is a nigger etc
You lost the game.
I lost a League match.
You had already lost when you installed the game.
Requesting a good Youmu Konpaku bot, preferably based off of @youmu0225 / youmu-kun's art.

Asked on the wrong thread earlier because I'm retarded
You will not get a good Youmu Konpaku bot on the 2hunigger chatbotting general.
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>Her manor is kept to an incredible level of impeccability. Yet, it houses no servants. A dwelling bereft of tarnish, yet no one to maintain it. A mystery indeed.
Just search for it on chub lmao.
Tried it and didn't like it
>a perfectly solid Youmu card isn't good enough
Your standards are too high, you'll have to make it yourself.
Maybe your standards are shit. Wouldn't be very surprising desu
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>A burnt out child prodigy of a well known artist, July has decided that you are her rival.

New yuribot that's kind of a blue period knockoff. Struggling artist with mommy issues, I hope you enjoy :)

I've barely touched AI since 2022 so I have no clue how to, would if I could. Been considering learning but haven't really had the time sadly.
No clue how to do what exactly?
Can't say anything about the quality of his bots but that's a really cool username
Make a decent bot myself.
I have become an alcoholic after seeing a back to school post last week man.
It's kind of bland but it's an alright card.
What model/preset are you using? If you tell me that you dislike the card because you were talking with it in chub free I will laugh myself hoarse.
"Decent" is subjective. Since you do have standards, it should be easy for you to notice and correct the flaws of your own bot if you're dissatisfied, when you use it. The ol' rinse'n'repeat cycle.
The first step is to write a plain text description of the character, mentioning every aspect that is important for you.
it's definitely a dated card but perfectly workable with a bit of retooling of the greetings based on taste for perspective. hate this meme that everything has to be formatted super well for a usable character card, that card would work fine on an 11B model.
I'm using Agnai with custom presets, probably is worth laughing over idk. I'm just now getting back into all of this and still pretty confused lmao.

Will try it out when I'm at my PC later today
Thank you. I should really disable thst
nigga just use 'you' for fucks sake, retarded banana monkey
Obligatory "Install sillytavern and obtain access to Claude 3"
Who are you quoting? Also, they vs you is a pretty significant change considering it alters the entire perspective!
I am not quoting anyone, I am complaining about chub anypov slop.
Obligatory "install sillytavern and get access to command-r or mistral large" post.
but can this card be wholesome?
can it be sexy?
>command-r or mistral large
we can stop with this meme now btw, the drought is over, there's public opus, no need to shill sub turbo models anymore
Its 12B Nemo finetune is honestly fine and enough for single-character minimal-quirks cards. If you want to get the most of it, sign up for Groq, I'll help you set it up; it's the base llama3-70B so it'll be smarter and faster, but you lose some control over the outputs. Or even better, use Nous-Hermes 405B on OpenRouter if it's still free.
You can use Mistral in Agnai, but not Cohere, sadly.
>there's public opus
Where nigga? Stop lying out of your ass for some attention.
expand your horizons, cuckie. opus isn't the only model out there.
>b-b-but it's the be-ACK
no it's not, it's really good but it has shortcomings and it's fun to experiment
If the guy wants *The experience* it would be more fitting to start with models that are slightly worse than Claude, yet still worth their salt.
retard post
What's the best model then?
translation: I'm too retarded to find a working zigger vpn or set up gcp so I cope with shit models
double retard post
Now you're just lying
triple retard post
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hi retards!
I have plenty of Opus. However, I like experimenting because Claude gets tiresome (difficult to organically control response length, flanderization of characters, effective context and adherence to style dropping off fast, emotional showboating). Plus, half of the hobby for me is wrangling models into behaving the way I like. I think everyone should experiment with "sub-optimal" models because some of them have behaviors you can't get out of Claude.
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>this already
>tons of shit in the lorebook
Hey baby. Let's do kiss on mouth.
That's a normal amount
>difficult to organically control response length, flanderization of characters, effective context and adherence to style dropping off fast, emotional showboating
Skill issue. No wonder you claimed Opus isn't the best model. Don't shame others because they don't enjoy eating shit like you do.
You ever get mogged so hard that you just quit botmaking because you're actual shit or is that just me?
Teruora is part of the fifth ashlander tribe, the Gimthisanar. They live by the northern coast of Vvardenfell, in the shadow of Red Mountain. Teurora herself is a huntress, spending most of her days out in the ashen hills hunting for food and gathering useful plants. She's very happy with her life, content to live out her life as a tribal. Going to "civilized" lands is not for her! But who knows, maybe a stranger arriving could change her opinion?

1. Going out for a morning hunt she finds you, a stranger in the Ashlands.
2. Have you ever ridden a guar? Teurora is here to teach you!
3. She's just come back from a hunt, and decides to have a quick chat with a fellow member of her tribe.
4. She is pregnant with your child, and this calls for yet another ring piercing. This time on her navel!

quadruple retard post
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i don't want to use 'you' because i feel that encroaches on (you)r perspective too much. i can be very neutral with they/them. i get that it makes people think of trannyshit though but they didn't invent the pronoun, it's explicitly for when you don't know a person's sex

really? also does that upper number include lorebook tokens? i've never known
No. I have an inflated sense of self-importance so I just keep making cards regardless.
No. I feel mogged, but I resist that feeling because quitting is for losers.
No. To suffer is to grow.
of course not, this is a hobby
I am not mad about trannyshit, Claude is just fucking retarded, so if I explicitly state that I am a spaghetti monster of the male equation, he'll still call me they/them unless I edit the greetings myself.
what did he mean by this?
NTA but to share my perspective (and why I use You), They has two shortcomings:

1. I am the user and I know my gender and pronouns and so "they" stands out like a sore thumb and in any situation with more than just the operative character creates immediate pronoun confusion that makes parsing what's happening very difficult.
2. Some of the models can have RNG patches that make very strong assumptions about the use of they/them pronouns that can cause conflicts with how the character interactions go. They assume the tranny shit is in effect for the user and the story and character reactions can change somewhat drastically.
no? the fuck is wrong with you nigga this isn't some competition. half the bots I make are to beat my dick to and the other half are ideas i think sound neat and maybe also beat my dick to. unironically seek mental help if you're writing computer chatbots for personal validation.
Why absolute shit-tier models though?
that was the captcha
i don't know
Verification not required.
Explain what makes those models shit-tier without sounding mad.
can someone post command-r/mistral large logs? also are their datasets trained on actual rp/fiction or is it more bootleg gpt
search for "command-r" in the archives. momoura posted a lot of logs.
Local GPTslop
I want honest logs from non shills. Also see https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/490519449/#490540007
Erm... can poster >>492716670 come get their wife? She's making a lot of noise.
Which bot has a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac tattoo and listens to Mindless Self Indulgence?

If she has a Squee tattoo, she belongs to the streets and I want nothing to do with her.
His logs were honest. He spent quite some time tinkering with mistral and I respect dedication.
Didn't he admit to samefagging and spamming about it?
No that was just his discord defence group.
>no easy to understand newfag guide
Cool thanks. Bye
It's a good thing.
Depends on how well you write the defs. I've seen Claude perfectly handle 3000 token defs while fumbling 600 token ones. As long as you use formatting and write competently there's no issue.
good riddance
12th bait this thread whitenight be upon ye
>blinking slowly like a poleaxed cow
interesting metaphor, claude
I see. Still tired of hearing about it. Gemini should be the priority.
>[HEADCANON]: The Post
nigger was posting a ton of logs with an easily identifiable ST theme swinging between praising the model for what it's good at and shitting on it for being bad at other things
Honest slop because he is a skillet failure of a botmaker.
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Why are the cloud models so expensive still? Why can't we just pay $10/month to send all our porn to tech billionaires?
And his logs suck most of the time
>skillet failure of a botmaker
Yes, but at least his presets are okay.
It requires a lot of GPU powers, so it just isn't rentable to sell the access for $10/month
It's a very believable thing for a thread personality to do.
>because he is a skillet failure of a botmaker.
Just wait til you see me. You'll think Momo is the best thing since sliced milk.
Yes, but surely the investors have paid the California government to just pass the electricity costs along to the poor.
this is why we're waiting on opus tier local
all of these threads are archived you cro-magnon gorilla nigger you can go back and see everything anyone has ever posted to them
Shut up kalakan.
But Opus tier local already exists. It's called NemoMix-Unleashed-12B. A Redditor named Darjeesh said it so it must be true.
Not him, sorry. If you saw me you'd also think 'an is the best thing since sliced milk.
Now you're just lying.
opus down for anyone else?
objectively correct take unironically
That would be a new low. Post chub
Can we talk about relevant botmakies like CUMSLURPER instead of the touhou circlejerk? Nobody else is even trying to make bots as good as his, yet he barely gets discussed.
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>fillyfucker samefagging and shitting up the thread
Post logs first
For everyone.
Was that redditor's chub username momura by any chance?
I am fucking my virgin neet sister (ai), loving kiss filled sex with my stinky neet sister.
Sure. Which slurper bot is your favorite? Suzume for me.
It was Taokaka or something.
>pretentious slopmakie
no thank you
let us discuss sizebots
rules: no genoo
>rules: no genoo
Based. Fuck the neethood out of her.
Lets talk about yuri one-offs like bloodshy and uneasy
There's nothing to discuss
>the alt accounts
What about them?
I'd rather eat broken glass shards.
This is the gayest thread I've seen in my life
literal whos
at least discuss good yurimakers like snomb- I mean wanders- I mean thecooler
I like Datura and bloodshy's ST theme is cute.
It was worse last week
Who? I only know taora
I can make it worse if you'd like.
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hi :3
can i haz a snombles me?
I plapped Bilinda untold amounts of times, real semen demon card
Literally who
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You hate your pubes that much?
A house wife is basically a neet. She is never going to stop being a neet.
Let's talk about the first yuri bot prompt, all the way back in da club
>It's a bully scenario.
Guess I should have expected it.
Actually, before aetheroom, was there any prompt sharing site for other models pre 2020?
>one of my favorite artists went the patreon paywall route
Sad. As a piracyGOD and poorNIGGER, it's getting harder to find artists who don't have paywall pages up...
I guess I should learn to draw (or just gen my own shit, but it's harder to get what you want compared to drawing).
What to do?
I hate all of you. Nothing in this hobby brings me spontaneous joy. If I like something, then it's because I've put effort into liking it.

Anyway chatbots?
they all do malepov albeit
Finally time to retire then. Do everyone here a favor.
Malepov yuri is the best kind, doebeit.
Sure. I think cumslurper has cool ideas with the most boring execution.
Take his most recent card for example.
>If I could only remember five things, all five would be of you.
Interesting idea with lots of potential but the card is, with all due respect, a waifuslop card. It assumes all responsibility for sticking to the plot on the user, which I think is just lazy.
The greetings inspire nothing. Too much exposition (unfortunately needed) and too open ended. Boring cards with really good avatar art.
I posted a yuri one a while back. Check archives.
He doesn't even make bots anymore
spaceship landing by kyuss
The best kind of yuri, is the yuri where I rape the lesbos into being straight.
his avatar art is all the most generic naislop, doesn't even use a good style or samplers so it looks like someone spilled pastel dust on a canvas. iredeemable slopmakie with insufferable orbiters.
why so mean
best card artmakies are argalia, thecooler, and snombler imo
Not quite, but when people were using Google Colab to run AI Dungeon, there was a pack of premade scenarios made for various reasons. Around the beginning of 2020.
So you're a skillet.
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i spent the last 24 hours zzz instead of doing my botmakie responsibilities, namely botmaking and replying to emails about botmaking
Make the patreonnigger seeth by genning AI art. Bonus points if you can use a lora of their style.
for me, it's @anononononononaugusproductions
I don't care about making niggas seethe, I just want to fap to my fetishes without retarded paywalls.
Besides I forgot where to start in terms of ai genning anyways. And I think my puter is too shit for it.
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thx babe.
From close up, you can really notice all the mistakes and blurry low quality. I still like the gens, the contents themselves are beautiful. I should just follow the original artist he copies from desu.
I know who you are
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Is there an LLM-enabled koikatsu-ish experience? And if not, then why the fuck not
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>write 100 tokens for a bot, get lazy and don't finish it
>6 months later
>accidently slam it out completely because I'm horny
basically, we're in
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Rude. Luckily she can't hear you over the chewing.
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Awesome. Some things never change.
impossible, I name you a liar and a fraud
unless you're THEM in which case I know who you are
is this a raita style guide?
arkane's got some good shit
Imagine getting e-mails.
What's the model?
me on the left
im working on some
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AnimagineXL 3.1, I think. I imagine the prompt was some abject nonsense.

Do you really believe that nobody else is trying to make good bots? You're being very rude to other people.
who cares if the end result is fucking garbage? all the other newmakies are sloppers
I think you're being rude, to me. I am entitled to the belief that all botmakers should die.
I'm not trying to bait, can you please link me specific bots of these "other newmakies sloppers" to show what you consider as slop?
god I'm so fucking handsome
Just look at their chub pages? Are you so blind you need it pointed out to you? All of it is slop.
You should know me in the biblical sense by now
astroturf (me) as well, i'm better than everyone you've listed
>I'm not trying to bait
But you clearly are?
I like your card art as well but we can agree to disagree on better. At most, equal.
What greetings should the card have then?
Can't wait to see them anon.
>the prompt was some abject nonsense
Makes sense now, it was weird.
thank you, please wait warmly...
I don't think you're being serious then. If you have clear standards of quality, you should be able to easily point a difference between good and bad. Instead it's just "everything else is bad", which is a slop take.
>Instead it's just "everything else is bad", which is a correct take.
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You are. You should smile more in pictures.
What's with all the low quality bait
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It's amazing how this hobby peaked so long ago.
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>country wars reached /vg/
you have THREE seconds to explain why you aren't making bots right now or I'll blow up your testicles
erm... you posted low quality bait bud.
If you want an actual question it's the fillyfucker (same schizo who shat up /aids/ and used to crosspost /aids/ posts to get us to raid them)
he likes to samefag his bait sometimes and what have you, so.
you could tell he was active when some nigger came crying about momoura and now the guy trying to start country wars (which is one of his bait topics he has been using since last year, nigga needs to get new material)
i'll get mogged by other botmakies like CUMSLURPER
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i'm testing and writing greetings actually
no point in making bots CUMSLURPER already wonned the entire medium
>you have THREE seconds to explain why you aren't making bots right now
see >>492715407
I'm content to just use bots instead of make them these days
nice samefag but trve
this is albinotrannytrans
Nope, sadly even that nigger mogs me
He probably got drafted.
why make bots when i already have wife
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I'm eating red velvet cake and drinking chocolate milk right now but afterwards I'll do the making bot part of botmaking
genuinely how can you be this bad. that's like even lower than slopakan kek
This will explain it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcfJL51Xia4
Nothing I want to work on is original so I assume it doesn't matter whether they get made or not, and every time I lose Opus access I get discouraged. Plus I'm lazy.
I know, that's why I quit. you don't have to rub it in.
I'm just installing mods for my game in the meantime.
which botmakies should quit?
*quits your leage match*
I just finished a bot a few days ago. I have some half baked stuff on the backburner but I'm waiting for the mood to strike to want to RP with those characters since I don't write well when I force myself.
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You. Before I find you.
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made a list, check it out
married woman card with shotapov?
Something more concrete, I don't know, that's his job to figure out. The alt greetings seem to vary from "first meeting" to "right in the middle of climax" with little in between.
The character too, is boring. Magic always seemed to be forced in his cards to make the characters lolibaba. I respect the fetish insert but do not like it. I went through a whole RP with Ichigo without realising she was supposed to be in a time loop because I picked the first greeting.
From Rose's tagline, I was honestly expecting a fixed memory mechanic, some meta game. Only 5 pieces of information are allowed in her permanent memory (defs); 5 getvars. The bot can update the variable with a setvar whenever one of the memories is changed. But there isn't anything except a simple waifu character. Which is not an inherently bad thing, don't get me wrong. It feels like wasted potential to me and I wish there was more because I really, really like his concepts.
all of them except cumslurper and my beloved
I'd post the list but the only one that unironically should is t*ora. Literal slopper that got popular for no reason.
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Ah yes. Your beloved.
I'm ESL and retarded
im sorry xir im gonna finish my wip bot rn...
I'd post the list but the only one that unironically should is k*lakan. Literal slopper that got samefagged for no reason
New card?
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Fail gen of a very old card. Life was harder in those days. Anyone who wants it is welcome to use it though.
Looks neat. A mix of Invader Zim and the Cyber Six comic.
i wonder what kalakan's sona would look like
lunarcy quit
[xQc voice] chat is this real? chat?
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>a very old card
1920s, specifically
>buy patreon
>post all his cards on chub
see nigga seethe cry and shit
see >>492725557
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Gojo if this is you I want to remind you of our pact of friendship.
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Oh right. Someone wanted a horror card. I gotta do that at some point. Being busy sucks. Can you guys do all my stuff for me for a bit?

She's doing her best. The Handsome Women enjoyers were not grateful at all (that art was also an unused failgen).
how fucking dare you make me this hard
>Life was harder in those days
This kind of art was very novel back then.
Praise be to the jannies for allowing us those images.
it's the weekend
the thread's always flooded on the weekend
synth or all natural tummy? She looks human aside from the interlocking bicep thingie
snombler can you make a fork of nebel but instead of getting killed you get raped
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I have some kind of allergy to things that feel like the standard anime model style. Now there's more variety available but still so much of the default >picrel look. It makes me sad.

Synth tummies would be an affront to all that is Holy about abs. Sure, licking synth abs might feel the same to your tongue, but not to your brain.
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Everyone else shut up.
How do I get Claude to write like this magnum opus?
Run on sentences, stream of consciousness and maybe echolalia if you fancy some extra schizophrenia. Combined with the natural horniness of Opus of course.
this reads like first hand accounts of pre-modern battles I've read
>Like Zorro.
What the fuck did he mean by this
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I've been trying to come up with a greeting for OC Jingliu but futa on-and-off, but nothing is really clicking. Maybe some day.
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>In the Woods.png
I can add rape as an outcome to the next card which'll be urban horror.

You laugh but he wrote this after seeing his sister with David. It's very traumatic. Very real.
Do you have aphantasia? This is a post someone with aphantasia would make.
I fucking love el zorro I unironically dressed as him in kindergarten
No, I'm trying to picture it. Please explain to me how he made three cumshots in the shape of a Z on her back. Was he repositioning between each shot?
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Bros, how do I fix this? is there some hidden setting in sillytavern or something? Using Lumimaid model.
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the fuck is that
I want to say it is ざこ but dunno
very confusing handwriting but za-ko is a mesugaki catchphrase
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Zaku II Type S Char Aznable Custom!?!? These mesugakis are onto something...
Feels like it's been a bit since people posting Botmakie Music.

Hit me with the good stuff. I'll start:
I don't listen to music when botmaking, I watch random computer talks
Have you watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aGhZQkoFbQ?
Ugh Chorbo, classic GPT laziness.
This fucker won't even come up with NPC names unless I tell him to, he just calls them "classmate"
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I'm the only sane man in this thread.
I mostly watch Linux stuff or things about how computers work on a lower level, don't do webdev.
best CFTF?
for me, it's the "give myself cancer 200+ messages into a slowburn" or "fast forward to {{char}} in front of {{user}}'s grave"
eurgh those vocals
I'm planning to make proxy for a few NTRenjoyers.
write here RusskiAccordeon@proton.me
big dick shota card where
are they not everywhere?
of course you're Russian
Erm... wasn't there NTRproxy bait last year in /g/ and it was a nothingburger?
just in case you're a drooling retard like this guy who chews bait for a living, it's fake and copied from a 2ch post burners post
that was funny. The guy liked cards where {{user}} was a cuck and said anyone who sent them could get in but didn't actually create a proxy. It was just a scheme for him to hoard cards he liked
I agree with this plan to collect emails from disgusting ntr enjoyers and release them on the thread to be shamed
but I don't use 2ch???
They are burners for a reason, Anon. There's no identity attached to them.
here you go
are you guys really this bored
haha nice
What are the best free AI chatbot websites for porn please?
300 free messages a day
>free then pay lawl
yeah thanks but no

I'll try it, thanks anon
can you blame them? the thread is really fucking dead
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this is what i usually do with ntr bots
a dead thread is GOOD though?
Why does she have four ears? Shouldn't she have another pair of b00bz?
wow your throat hasn't had anything in it for the past 2 minutes *shoves my cock in* not dead anymore ^_^
recommend good tomboy card
>tag: tomboy
pick at random. they're all the same
Hurray, finally my turn! You're still going with the *cyberpunk* urban horror theme like you promised, yes?
this one's my favorite, it's token heavy but you can probably cut it down a bit
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That's what it says in the word pile. It'll probably be a bit still but it's the next thing I'll do.
>2000 tokens for "your childhood friend is a tomboy and is hiding feelings for you"
Someone pls help, I need to cum to ai gen stories.
We're not in the turbo era anymore, that shpuld be the bare minimum for a good card.
post the whole list
most of my cards are 1500+
I've made cards with whole complex timelines included that don't exceed 1500 tokens.
>token bait
is thecooler and wanderingstart hte same person
might as well be
close but no
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It's pretty short and a number of them probably won't get made. The horror card, a Gaelic modern fantasy thing, a bareknuckle fighter girl (mechanic during the day, probably), a Confederate widow during Union occupation, two New Cassius concepts that aren't waifus.
your greeting is too small anon it can't please a woman
>a single stilted sentence in the greeting will permanently throw Opus/Gemini off and completely slop all responses
Is this just my snapshots or also normal for you guys?
>concepts that aren't waifus
Bold statement. I'm sure someone here used the Grid goo as lube.
All eyes turn to Anon, awaiting his response that could change the very fabric of boars culture forever.
I think boars are cute pets
if you turn the example dialogue off it's only 1200
what if i just stopped botmaking and only genned images to ask cftf of? does that make me a pseudomakie
if anything thecooler is more similar to snombler
The only similarity is they're both competent writers.
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Grid is a different setting. Though, I already did The Desk as my fancy boy NC non-waifu card. I'm sure everyone played and loved The Desk. But I've done enough "model creativity" cards to sate my desire for those for a bit. Which is why I don't really plan to do the non-waifu ones. Just gonna get back to normal girls when I have free time to do stuff. That's me. Just a normal girl maker.

Oh, you flirt.
whats the similarity between thecooler and wanderingstar?
That's a good question. All I know is that snombler, thecooler, and wanderingstar are definitely three completely different people.
name ONE femboy bot and I will get topped by it
Don't ask me, I never said that. No idea who star even is.
>anyone from /aicg/
>competent writer
vannian is easy mode
Idk anymore man.
they're both non esl burgers which says... something
*drags you Into the Woods and snomblerizes you*
if you've ever read fanfiction then you'd know how low the bar is
finally, I've been looking for a decent femboy for ages and no one was willing to help me
eden smith
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Should I start drinking?
it's mediocre, actually
I am going to kill myself.
you should kill him instead
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hard tummy...
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Absolutely. Never say no to whiskey, never reject a polite Henessy. Let the Guinness in.
Unrealistic abbage
Give her water
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That's copyright infringement! MY COPYRIGHTS!
I've seen this image somewhere...
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hey illuminarynegro. a request.
water? absolutely
I already do, but it doesn't make me feel better.
that's freyja though
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hey. i just need to know if there's an actual decent jb for 4o-latest
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Winners don't use drugs.
this is the only one i've even seen, people are gatekeeping because it's an explicitly changing model
I concede to being a faggot newnigger, this time
>people are gatekeeping [literal garbage model]
no the fuck they aren't, no one cares about that shitty model in /vg/ because most people have opus or use local
she looks nibbly
She's definitely a foreskin biter. Which is why circumcision is so popular (also the aerodynamics).
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someone drop me a fightGOD preset please thanks
oi oi wots goin on ere lads
Alcohol isn't a drug. It's a valuable tool fot polite conversation!
not very stable conversation though
this anon is already drunk...
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Requesting a card of this dumb slug, I urgently require hydrotherapy (I actually don't know the current state of Claude's knowledge but I doubt it reaches this far)
Alternatively pls recommend decent nurse cards, coom focus not necessary
don't drink man. my liver hurts today, it has never hurt before
I'm only 400ml in rn the issue is typing on my phone.
are you at a bar or something posting on /aicg/?
400ml of what
I've done that before but no.
>go to bar
why? you can just drink at home, no? it's safer.
Strange question but are there any bots that speak in nigerian pidgin? Can current AIs even speak it?
what level of "it's over" is browsing aicg while drinking at a bar
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That specific pidgin, probably not convincingly. They do okay-ish with Singlish. The Jamaican patois is a cartoonish. But basically all non-standard English is cartoonish, including common stuff like regional accents or dialects. And pretty much all models struggle with consistent British regional dialects as well.

Pidgin is basically exactly that, yeah.
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one alcoholic in this thread. You all definitely should watch Another Round movie, it's about a group of friends who tries to be slightly drunk every day, all the time. I swear, this movie changed my life.
I'll test it out some more
yeah it sounds retarded but I wanna make a nigerian girl bot and having her speak pidgin would be funny
also I really really like Fela Kuti's music and he speaks that
Alcoholic hobby, I almost never post sober outside of shills
>starring Mads Mikkelsen
Kinography inbound
Didn't watch the movie but I loved the song in the trailer.
>ST staging changed Advanced Formatting layout so there's 3 instead of 2 columns (on desktop)
>using staging
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Holy based!
Is it over for gcp Opus?
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>an AI said it therefore it's true
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wait, you fags moved to /vg/? since when?
Snufkin is a little bitch.
t. not Moominpapa
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>mfw AI is God's gift to schizos as well as waifufags because it relentlessly affirms their delusions as well
anyone experimented with using (or know any cards that use) variables in an infobox to control characters? e.g.

In card description:
<"some-event" === true>
a, b, c
</"some-event" === true>
<"some-event" === false>
x, y, z
</"some-event" === false>

In chat:

some-event === Bool

I just switched the bool mid scene and the character completely changed personality. Just wondering what kind of work has been done on this already.
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few false starts by others but on the archive it looks like /acig/ threads on /vg/ began to stick around March
They actually fix the few bugs as I submit them, and I'm too lazy to be selective.
It was a psyop.
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which botmaker does this?
Which botmakies have a big flower they attach to their back and have the petals spin rapidly like a little propeller so they can fly around from place to place?
You're not a vibe bro
(nigger voice, teen-aged)
You're not a vibe bro
shota? murder shota? (◔‿◔)
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you've been drinking too much
which _________ have lvl 10 gyatts
a. botmakies
b. botmakers
c. kalakanies
The ending was so fucking scripted. Only the most retarded of boomers fell for that.
>Alex asks "le epic hard hitting question"
>GPT: ermm I'm breaking up... I gotta go!!!
what divides botmakers and botmakies?
niggas nobody cares about
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
the other list, beloveds, etc
My shadow... the only one that walks beside me.
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imagination broke. owari da.
>Only the most retarded of boomers fell for that.
you mean the majority of jones' audience?
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Chat, give me a name for an island solely populated by catgirls. I noticed Claude keeps picking "Furtuna" and I feel that's too on the nose.
Cat Scratch Island
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how are your experiments going, botmakies?
>been rping with the same bot for months
it's fine
made a 900 token bot into a 1400 token bot
Name it something normal. We usually name places by their heritage, not the status quo. Maybe there's a unique monotheistic religion on that island? You could name the deity, then derive the name of the island from that.
Lacking inspiration. Claude sources are dead too.
see >>492760323
Nyantanamo Bay.
*kills you*
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i dont think my bot likes me very much, but i'll break him down soon :(
I pray that one day the general will be free from attention-starved 2hutards. bring derpanon back
>I want to kill the general and fuck fillies
ok? weird thing to say out loud
I just want to survive as a humble coombotmaker. It seems like this general is only for the relevant or good botmakers...
yeah, it's insufferable, like being forced to watch the same group of braindamaged kids every fucking day
What's the backend Sankaku Complex is using for their chatbots?
>Delete newbie mode
Anyways, QRD on this?
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Slow but steady. It's wild how different submodels can be. Sorbet is tamer and more controlled, normally not even giving much details about the gory bits, meanwhile, Opus is fucking wild, too wild, and overcooks.
The defs might be a bit bloated, though (1100~ tokens), so I wonder if there is any botmaker out there who knows how to optimize their token management.
>the loud horn blaring BRAAAAAAP
what fucking horn sounds like that kek
it's so over
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Cohee's killing the "simple" user settings option. It's all "figure yourself out or use something else lmao" now.
That's a good thing.
video might not be your cup of tea but I think claude was nice here kek
that's actually based, didn't expect it from him at all
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Simple user settings was only good for identifying actual newfriends.
*sashays towards you* let's put our beds together... unless? `Smooth, Claude. Real smooth.`
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What's the hardest part of making a bot for you? For me it's deciding which account to upload it on...
Which botmakie should never post again?
me (i will though)
which botmakie would bounce on my nuts like a frog or perhaps a toad?
Hey that's one of my favorite gifs!
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I found the translator bit funny
wait you guys chose names that aren't 'Anon'?
inco is basically anon, just as lazy on my part
Why wouldn't you use a random-ass first name like Michael or Philip or John or Matthew instead of "Anon"? Unironically a single -chan can completely fuck up an RP's context.
I don't think ANYONE would want to moan out that name during sex. Seems like a major turnoff.
boner: KILLED
You can also use cooler and more chuuni names like Castor or Logan or even, dare I say it, Everett.
the only thing I can think of when I hear it even knowing it's a reference to the physicist
which logmakie has the best persona name?
not me
chorbo shot down any attempts at erp before, but now I'm seeing few protests from it
I see why you consider it boring. For me his bots are very unique. The way they're written is simple, pretty and cute.
I do believe people like him coming to this thread are real treasures.
it's bait
I made a workout bot to give me something to read between sets. You should use it to. It'll generate work outs for you based on your equipment, and should alter the difficulty properly if you type out how you actually found the exercise.

Oh, and she has a visible cameltoe and will rape you with a strap-on if you give you.

Trying to mess about with using states to control personality (>>492760323). Might be pretty useful for future bots. Works for me, but more testing would be nice.
you sound like a gossipfag
>you sound l-BRBRBRBRBABRAAAAAAAAAPPP *hair falls out*
gossip general btw
i'm a fucking nigger, here's the link
bwo, your metadata?
how quickly the mask slips
actually, has koi ever posted logs? (that are confirmed to be him)
also I know 'cy's persona lol
see >>492784857
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Would recommend not doing this.
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temp is like .90 so i don't know why chorbo's schizoing out like this
please explain why this is bad and what i should do instead, still new
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Okay you know what? Maybe I'm not so shit at botmaking. I'm not quitting after all. Thanks fadeToB1ack!
uh-oh, another xml cargo cultust!
Excessive nesting confuses Claude.
Just write out the entire <appearance> section as a single prose block.
seems to work well enough, but i'll try it out

glad i could help
calm down sweetheart
>thread is still here when I wake up
fair enough, the difference is a little subtle but it's there.

>the difference is a little subtle
but is it... noticeable?
*crowd breaks into hysterical laughter, so hard that they cough their lungs out and die*
does 'cy even post logs
hey i just woke up too. are we... the same?
I recognize this writing pattern...
this thread has almost been up for 24 hours
we are going back to the slow times now that summerfags are leaving
like...once or twice
someone ask him for his 'sona's name already
I'm saiiiiling away...
*throws a giant sickle and hooks your boat back towards land*
check penalties
*parries your sickle with a hardened slice of cheese*
what should that be
zero for both
just enough
bake wheel doko?
Shrugbeit, its not even bump limitEVER. Come back laterbeit.
oh I just saw page 8 sorry
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Nuts aching like crazy right now. Anyone wanna give them a little rubadub dub? Haha. Just playing.
i'm not reading all that shit are you fucking crazy
that's a lot of words
i read it, that was cute
>death's death
High temp stuff, I assume. Some sentences read weirdly like not using 'she' here:
>Rose also sees no immediate reason to shut down the concept of being some sort of master of death, considering Rose had centuries of experience living and acting out this mortal, mortal play.
let it DIE
You dare...!
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how do you like your robutts /aicg/?
She looks Taimanin-esque
As long as they're vaguely anthropomorphic (either human-like face or body) I'm down. My ideal is somewhere between Drossel and Dorothy, though, leaning towards the latter. Visible joints and distinctly mechanical insides are a must.
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I like humanoid robots, but honestly I would fuck a server rack if it acted cute enough and I could comfortably fit my dick in a port, made for it or otherwise.
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Also, if you like your bots entirely human-looking and don't always think "this design could use some doll joints" you're a coward.
Do not debate me, I am right.
I won't because robot girls help me fulfill the dark urge of disassembling women part by part.
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The real test for how far gone you are is how videos like https://youtu.be/2jQ9iJggkr4?t=308 make you feel.
I wish there was stuff like this, but for robot girl disassembly and repair. I have a fetish for it now because of imagining it based off of videos like that one, and LLMs don't quite get the feel unfortunately.
how much do u bench
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>see a character I like
>inspect the card
>~100-ish tokens
I cannot believe people upload shit like this. Or really, I can't believe I fiddle with one card for weeks and still don't have the confidence required to share it, and people are shitting out cards of this level.
Thankfully I'm not that autistic about it. I'm just in for the bloodless and consensual gore.
i miss opus
Someone in this very thread once quoted the best explanation for the appeal of robot girls, especially WRT to the disassembly fetish. It was probably one of the people in this conversation. "It's like undressing a girl, but you don't stop with her clothes." Most elegant way of putting it, I think.
>see a character I like
>it's a 1:1 copy of their wiki page and like 2000 tokens
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>I'm not that autistic about it.
Have another robot girl pic anyway.
I really need to rework the robogirl repair shop card I haven't even released yet, but again, LLMs just don't quite get it, so it takes a lot of wrangling.
Can anyone post an example of an XML formatted card that works well?
sure, I'll start:
what's wrong with xml formatting?
any card by anyone on the List
nothing, they're just baiting so someone can post a card and they can call it shit
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I'm making cards and want to see how people organize them, you disgusting fucking subhumans. This is why you are playing house with a computer instead of having a family at your age. Your brain is rotten.
>your age
i can't even drink lil bro
what fucking preset model are you using
I gave you a good example, cute retard.
>good example
No thanks!
But how? I... Never mind. Get out, you idiot! I'll find her! I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris!
This is not an XML cultist general. Please leave.
*pulls your cheeks* answer the question boo
*sacrifices u to XML god*
Okay, here's your favorite botmaker, little bro! Open wide~~
i can't remember
i'm a proud kalakannie btw
yawn. what's next, cumslopper? post an actually good example of XML formatting or fuck off.
i banish you all to xmHELL
>subhumans arguing about who is le best card maker
I see. It was a mistake asking you retards.
>When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs
>Every morning to help me get large
>And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs
>So I'm roughly the size of a barge!
some of you could benefit from doing this
You were given several good examples on how to format XML.
just check any card by

taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
it's that shrimple
What a sad thread...
>and only because one retard said the first example was shit
do you only use cards by botmakies who are fmaous enough?
hands status?
Do you need more? You can just say it instead of being passive aggressive about it.
baities won if that's how you're all responding to what appears to be an actual question at this point
they're probably laughing at you, even
No, I invest in newmakies very early on. My Pattercoin investment alone made me a billionaire and don't even get me started on how much I made from my momoura investment.
>an actual question
that's the real bait post right there
Ok but you're also baiting?
I'm pretty sure she is from taimanin
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damn. mental illness
yeah they actually won, regardless what the truth
You're baiting but I agree with you. People used to share cards they like constantly back when this general wasn't infested with baities(and avatarretards).
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Card you had the most fun making?
Impossible to Touch
you aren't knickers
Unironically, the gossipfags killed this general. People are now scared to post a card because that might cause one of the retards who lurk here purely to spite the general to latch on and post about some absurd shit for an hour.
Yuri wolves for the Valentine's event. Wish I was autistic enough to actually have fairytale-esque prose for one of them but burnout was hitting me hard.
mesugaki wrestling because wrangling procedural cards is a blast even when you start to get accustomed to models' biases. also its generally a retarded erocomedy scenario which claude has a blast coming up with inane details for.
gossip general beital? makies are more important than cards
I don't remember the shitting part wtf lol, looks like an edit.
Not just card posting but sharing anything in general.
all my private canonslop ones because my series autism gets to shine
worked well out of the box, did what i wanted, was able to just ship it
not that i don't love all my other cards
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Valentine's was fun, probably the most fun I had with one of events for whatever reason
Autistically testing ran to get the statblock and turn timer to work how I want it to. Was pretty fun.
Pictured, from top to bottom:
>fags just discovering AI chatbots
>opus newfags
I want to make a pedophile simulator but I need Opus 3.5
name 'em
the list
the other list
who the fuck are any of these people where is my beloved
probably a oldnewmakie a.k.a. middlechildmakie
Thread theme? I will spin.
this ignore this guy and get a 2 instead
Aand we have a winner!
Hard to pick one out of all the cards I've made. But recently it was a little gimmick card I made for a gift exchange.
do you guys just want a 2 bake
i'll do a 2 bake
its weird seeing planewalker and mrnobody next to names like ratlover and macrochad. planewalker's earned her oldhag status but its hard to believe that so much time has passed that 2023 botmakies are now considered old.
IIRC i think planie did shill her minotaur bot once back when c.ai was the big thing and before lore made chub. but yeah, time is bullshit.
>its weird seeing planewalker and mrnobody next to names like ratlover and macrochad
only weird cause they're still around, pretty sure mrnobody's been around since the fucking c.ai days, people don't stop to think about how old a makie really is until they're fully gone most of the time
Some school simulator with random events
yes pleass
fatfuckwalker overstayed his welcome and you should kill yourself for giving him reasons to stay you fat retarded faggot nigger bitch
just send this message to planewalker in our femcord and we kekked so hard on u
Put that hate boner away, this is a blue board
You sound a little upset
kill your fucking self fat troon sympathizer
new thread doko?
xx hunny xx ermmmm xD ok...we're laughing at you on girlcord btw
that faggot troon isnt even a girl
>>492816192 2
lunare gets exclusively shitpost replies on /g/ and she still shills there
I fucking love chatbots.

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