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Previous: >>102200144
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nobody is going to play your slop made in some game engine
same shit all over again
on god just give up, no cap
>not numbering the general
for what reason? you missed on the best number, #200
Boat game + Brotato
I figured it out, it was so ridiculously simple
vampire survivors but the player is a boat and you fight Cthulhu and sea monsters?
Vampire survivors, but it's a tower defence.
that could work too. I was thinking of that you're fighting undead boats.
That's not how computers were at the time lmao. No one was running around with different colored beige pieces it was always 1 system.

Tell me you're a zoomie without telling me you're a zoomie.
you're implying the game is set in the time that the computer was made.
it's set in the 2000s and the computer represent a cheap pc made of rag tag of pieces.
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Again, still wasn't a thing in the 2000s. That style of PC case was outdated even by 1999 standards.

Pic rel. zoomie
jesus, use quarernions ffs
Bless your autism, it's an OLD PC that you can get for cheap because it's OUTDATED. That's the whole point!

Also I'm 32 so not a zoomie.
How slow are quaternions?
Yeah, no one is running a fucking 386 machine in the 2000s "because it's cheap". That wasn't a fucking thing. Families bought computers as a one device every x amount of years and had family computers not fucking cobbled together 10+ year old machines in fucking year 2000+ you wouldn't be able to literally do anything on it. Nice roleplaying faggot. Those PCs wouldn't even be cheap, they'd be free and in the garbage because they'd be outdated garbage.
>they'd be free and have terrible stats
I like that idea, thank you.
> ridiculously simple
it takes one line if you do it human way
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Retard asking about Allegro vs. Raylib in the last thread here. Someone replied saying Raylib sucks for 3D, what should I use instead? I want to write my own threading, so I don't want to use Godot or Unity.
Allegro is just GLFW / SDL3 with a different syntax. You will have to use OpenGL / DX / VK / Metal directly with Allegro. Use SDL3 or GLFW if you are taking the do everything yourself route.
is there anywhere to get leaked Unity asset packages? specifically abandonware... there's an abandoned RPG creator that isn't worth $150 but I'd love to play with it ...
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I made a p2p multiplayer system for my godot game. Even implemented host migration. Now the issue I'm facing is how to compensate for the host having 0 ping.

Any ideas? I'm thinking of getting all other players ping and giving the average as fake ping to the host. Thoughts?
Artificial input lag
yeah this >>102230408
you always introduce a minimum input delay, if you wanna be real autistic with it, have the host run a simulated network layer where anything that can happen to a distant player will also happen to the host, including lag, out of order packets, dropped packets, rollbacks, and even actual literal game lag.

I know it sounds disgusting but in the end you will get the most battle hardened system that can be applied to your distant players.
Usually games just let the host have 0 ping. Depending on the game, rollback netcode is also good.
consider that no one in here would have anything for show if it wasn't for the excellent work of Erin Catto, Sean Barret and Andre Weissflog.
I have narrowed my 2d engine choice down to Godot (C#), Heaps (Haxe), and Defold (Lua)

Decide for me
>verification not required
No idea who those are, don't care either.
I evaluated it, but that's too low level for me (for now)
I'm going to tell you anyway. Erin Catto is the creator of Box2D, which on its own has seen widespread industry use, but his many talks and articles also lays the foundation for game physics as we know it today. Sean Barret ofc provides us all with the amazing stb headers and Andre does the same with Sokol.
bunch of cucks working for free
Overengineered solution when something cobbled together in a weekend would suffice for 99% of indie games while being more optimal. Great, now every single indie game plays the same.
Slow libraries that people use because nobody cared to provide something better because STB already exists, good job faggot.
Nobody use them.

Engines and libs were a mistake. I'd rather play a game with a barebones, novel physics engine than angry birds clone number 34243.
If you're scared of doing real programming just say it
maybe he wants to make a game within the next 5 years
nodev, filtered
>le top elite black nobility mindset
>on le cheeto stained neckbeard poorfag
tragic, just how they programmed your NPC ass to be, tragic tragic
Obviously not, hes posting here
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Is the co-op market superior to the singleplayer market? Like how many people wouldn't buy Valheim/Icarus/Grounded/Enshrouded/etc if it was sp only?

I would guess adding co-op probably increases the complexity of the game around 30%, I wonder if it's worth it from a sales pov though.
These games have absolutely nothing to do so fucking around with friends is the selling point. Never played Enshrouded so couldn't say if it's a real or meme game.
I make gaem that don't require any friend to play with. cuz otherwise I wouldn't be able to test the game.
I played Valheim, Icarus, and Enshrouded, and you nailed it—there's just not much to do, and it feels pretty empty. I even ended up refunding Enshrouded because of that.

For a game like this to succeed as a single-player experience, it definitely needs more content. But then there's the question: is it easier to create a single-player game with lots of content or a co-op game with less content? I think making a single-player game with more content is easier, but I wonder if the sales would be lower compared to a co-op game. When I look at games like Lethal Company and Chained Together, it seems like just adding co-op, no matter how shitty it is, might actually be the better move.
coop is always good, unless you use it as a crutch to avoid developing good companion AI (assuming a coop game relies on companions)
Those two games are also targeted at streamers You can do single player games that target those groups and their zoomer hordes as well. Either way quality is a distant thought and has next to no bearing on success if you get your hooks on the right crowd.
would you rather buy a game after watching someone play it or after playing it with someone?

>after watching someone play it
probably only after you felt immersed or saw something interesting happen
>after playing it with someone
you already feel immersed due to genuine social interaction from your friend

of course, in most cases with games that have co-op, they rely more on co-op than having an immersive story, and after you buy it and figure that out, you... refund it, or let it die in your library graveyard of games.
cool story homo
>#200 missing
This is terrorism.

>lerping angles
Not my cup of tea.
I mean, I would still play Enshrouded single player but it's definitely fun to have with friends. Don't know about Valheim or Icarus but Enshrouded has a story campaign to play through with a shit ton of quests and I've really enjoyed it.

The most fun I've had though is building a secret underground base to the real base my friends don't know about.
I want to make a game in C but I will need at least a library to draw graphics to the screen, and some way to handle realtime input. What do u recommend
Btw guys I heard from /co/ that the internet archive is about to get fucked in the ass. If you need to grab something, I'd do it now.
the host having no lag is only an advantage if other players are running on server side hit detection
esports (cs, overwatch, valorant) run on client side hit detection with server validation and rollback
client side hits mean that everyone is playing as if they had 0 lag

overwatch goes the extra mile and includes client side projectiles
how the fuck can you grab the whole internet? this is library of Alexandria all over again.
What are the details?
on a second thought, i have no idea why i assumed that anon was talking about shooters lmao
>this is library of Alexandria
So everything of value was transferred over to a newer, better location already.
how do you buy a game after playing it with someone
IA lost a lawsuit. There is concern over the legal fees affecting their ability to uphold other services as well. I'm not suggesting everything will go to shit today, but this is a huge red flag for the future of IA.
I don't know why they have to host things that are not websites. We have torrents for that. I like archives to see changes in edited articles.
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I am working on a window for sizing, moving, and rotating bricks. Some (substantial amount) work still needs to be done, but it's going forward well.
zlib, libgen, scilib, anna's archive, r/abandonware, myabandonware.com, r/freeware

really the only shame is the actual "internet" archive, in which case, stop crying about it and start donating.

>how do you play a split screen game google dot come
>how do you set up a family steam account google dot com
>how do you activate a free game trial google dot com
and then after all that you go "wow this game was fun! I want to play more! AND I have money on my card! huh, I wonder what I will do after yesterdays 4 hour gaming session????????"
im more of a bing guy
>draw graphics to the screen
>handle realtime input

simple as
yeah, and I'm more of a duckduckgo guy out of convenience of having it as one of the default options on firefox, but if you're asking shitty questions like "but how do dey do the game buying after the gaming with someone???", I'm going to imagine you use the search engine of the masses
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I knew it that you was a /co/ faggot.
this is an anime website

already got the sims 1 complete collection. it's all I nee
>split screen game
Dead and buried with maybe a quirk 2d indie game that costs 5 dollars doing it.
>free game trial
>"dead and bur-"
>go on any co-op games mod community site
>there's a 50-50 chance there's a working split-screen mod

>free game trial
>pic rel
and in case you can't read the address in the image like one of you couldn't read a screenshot of a simple list yesterday, thats https://store.steampowered.com/demos/
>this is an anime website
yeah yeah yeah, and Nintendo manufactures playing cards
go home faggot >>>/a/
How good is C + raylib for games?
Half sword is a co-op game? Also show me the mod for Deep Rock Galatic.
>NOOOOO the game that was on display when you screenshotted isn't co-op, this DISPROVES your point!!!!!

don't come back retard
Calm down and take your meds.
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have fun not being able to fucking read, or scroll, or click making your shitty fucking game
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Finished mathlib. Now it's time to implement octree and all those fun things.
goodbye faggot
Well done. Always nice to get something finished.
>his many talks and articles also lays the foundation for game physics as we know it today.
I figured this shit out by myself
After seeing it done many times prior. You did not start your project without ever touching a game.
I want to have some fun
That was before Box2D ever existed
Stop trying to apply the Great Man Theory to video games
glfw + glad
depends if you want to do 2d or 3d
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I present...
im gooning to this
gpt could make this 100 lines i bet
>111464 lines cropped
nani the fuck
>unmatched/omitted curly brackets can make Git break working code for no reason
Well that's few hours I'll never get back
Did you test-driven development the mathlib?
get a better font
kinda baseg
No actually it can't
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Trying to implement faux physics myself for pushables n such, and i've no idea what i'm doing but it is kiiindaaa working lmao
looks like you need to do continuous collision detection
the tiny one spasming around the big one is funny
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gm again yesdevs.
Do they really need that much ass
Probably need to redesign it entirely, I'm doing sweep tests so at least there's that. Maybe I need to just keep doing new sweep tests until all entities are properly resolved instead of trying to jank reactions in a collision during a single sweep test hmmm.

I'm borrowing diablo2 sprites for testing, go ask diablo2 artists lol
it feels like it's spaceships moving through space more than sea ships.
>weight: 100,000 kg
>fires 10 cannonballs
>weight does not change
You're telling me that 10 of these cannonballs weigh less than 1 kg? What is it firing, large ping pong balls?
I imagine the absence of inertia when starting/stopping turning makes it feel floaty. I think that will be a good change to implement
>if(condition) {} else {return}

>gamedev is hard
No, no you really didn't. Your spatial hashed AABB overlap checks is not impressive, anon.
What are you talking about?
Kek, I have the same thought every time I play Diablo 2.
In Raylib, how do I associate game objects with their physical representation? Let's say I want to tie an ID to a cube, and I bundle them together in a struct. If I then do a raycast and hit that cube, e.g. doing something like:
How can I get the number that's tied to that cube? Raylib doesn't have IDs or anything so I don't know what to do.
Raylib is fine for 3D. It's missing features but it literally has an opengl wrapper that you can use to implement whatever is missing. It's not "limited", just doesn't ship with much (which is the point). Try it.
>It's not "limited", just doesn't ship with much
That's a limitation
No it's not. This anon is debating between raw SDL in the first place, it's basically a head start. A real limitation would be something like love2d where you're basically stuck if something you want isn't available. You can take raylib whatever direction you want.
Raylib just provides functions for drawing, collision checking ect. It's your job to come up with a way to represent the objects/actors/entities in your game. For example, you could have a struct or class that can represent a single cube, including its position and size, and a big array/dynamic array/list of all the cubes in your game.

Then, every frame, when you want to check if your mouse is over a cube, you iterate through the cube list and just do collision checking/raycasting for all of them like in the example. You can then store the closest cube under the mouse for the current frame, either by array index or pointer. And then you iterate over all the cubes and draw them each individually.

Of course this gets a lot more complex when you want to have complex "GameObjects" that have many different things attached. That's where you get into actually trying to architect some form of object model, whether it be a simple "Every different type of entity is a separate class/struct type and handles drawing in member variables", or what Unity does with gameobjects and components attached that act as scripts, or a full on ECS system. It really depends on how complex you think your game is gonna be.
Raylib not providing decent 3D tools is a limitation of Raylib
You can write your own, but you aren't using Raylib anymore
You'd still (probably) be using the abstracted raylib mesh drawing, for example. It's like calling something like opengl limited.
Thanks for your input, lads. I guess the move is to go with Raylib for now, and if Raylib ends up not being enough (highly unlikely given that the graphics I'm planning to do will be very rudimentary) I'll switch over to suffering with Vulkan.
Realistically if you want to do serious 3D you're probably not going to be using any of Raylib's limited 3D tools, you'll end up writing your own
If you want to make something simple like Doom or Minecraft then Raylib might be good enough
That's what I was thinking, but it feels weird iterating over everything in the scene to see if the mouse is overlapping. I'll just start with that for now, thanks. I'll probably just reuse the same loop for other update logic so should be fine.
vulkan comes with all you need a glfw model loader, an skeleton glfw loader even a cloth sim. Get to it janny.
What do you find limited in Raylib? You can do pretty much anything advanced with rlgl. No need to start from scratch.
Raylib does about 10% of what a regular 3D engine needs to do, how much more complicated 3D is over 2D cannot be understated
Agree to disagree, I'd say it's 30%-40% of what you need. Perfect if you already want to build your own tooling and don't want a game framework, just a base.
Have you made a regular 3D game with Raylib?
I'm in the process, dunno what you mean by regular. What sort of thing do you consider "needed" by a 3d engine? For me, on the rendering side, what I'm implementing right now that I need is occlusion culling. I don't need blendspaces, for example. And shading is pretty straightforward.
Just reading the API reference, so this is just how it appears:
It doesn't have any form of animation blending
It has one generic mesh type
It has a fixed material pipeline
About you being a larper or comparing your toy projects and "research" to industry giants with nothing for show.
The "industry giant" is just one dude who made Box2D
I am also one dude who has made physics engines
You are one dude who is doing a lot of projecting
How much software is based on your work? Zero, you're a no name /g/ larper of course.
only the games ive made
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ogre3d is still stuck +12 years ago graphics wise
Isn't 3D only unreal and unity?
I use it for 2D and I love it. Easy to understand, and the library is small enough to be able to have all the functions you need in your head.
If you use it with C++, it's best to also use the C++ bindings.
>100_000 lines
I don't believe my eyes.
I only know one game made in it, Torchlight I and II
>*look up Ogre games*
What the fuck, that explains everything
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Good morning yesdevs.
Is that a model or a sprite?
yeah it is
the perceived bad quality of a 3D scene has little to do with ogr3. Yeah, it's a bit old, but that doesn't mean you can't use it to make good looking scenes. the lighting is terrible in that image, that alone would do wonders if done properly
the guy who originally created Ogre handed the project to someone else and uses Unreal Engine now
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unity can do THAT? enginedevs you lied to me
I’m not watching that but is it a compute shader
Yeah. To be clear, stuff like "loop over everything to do collision checks" is basically what every physics engine logically has to do any kind of collision check. The only difference is they (probably, I haven't personally written one) have a lot of extra steps to filter out objects from that looping over process to optimize how long it takes for any given check to happen.
It's just greedy meshing and LoD.
There's spatial hashing techniques as well, and you can also render all the objects with ids tied to pixel color in a separate pass, then pick the object based on the pixel under the mouse cursor.
and Burst compiler, and multithreading.
I'd like to try and use a shader to do 2D facial animations, like raise a character's eyebrows or purse their lips a bit. Is it possible to mathematically "pause" a shader animation? For example I can pass a parameter 1 or 0 as an on/off for the shader animation, but it snaps back to the original position when I pass 0. Can I use a state machine in the shader to tell to to gracefully continue the animation until the vertex returns to its original position? Seems like the problem I am having is the VERTEX doesn't have knowledge of its frame in the precious position. Or am I going about this the wrong way and I would need to have the state machine in my game script that instead of passing 1 or 0, passes 1 then 0.9 then 0.8 etc to slowly turn the shader animation "off".

This is all new to me, I'm really just looking for a way to programmatically animate to make it dynamic and reusable for various assets.

void vertex() {
//onoff gets set in game script
float value = sin(TIME * (1.0)) * 100.0;
if (VERTEX.y <= -100.0) {
float originalX = VERTEX.x;
VERTEX += vec2(value * onoff, 0);
>Seems like the problem I am having is the VERTEX doesn't have knowledge of its frame in the precious position
meant " VERTEX doesn't have knowledge of its position in the previous frame."
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I was expecting this shader code to do something like in the picture, but it does nothing, the image remains static. Is it not possible to manipulate vertices in the middle of a sprite? If i increase the range to encompass the whole image, then the whole image slides horizontally back and forth.

void vertex() {
float value = sin(TIME * (1.0)) * 100.0;
if (VERTEX.y < 500.0 && VERTEX.y > -500.0) {
VERTEX += vec2(value, 0);
you do this kind of effect in the fragment stage
change the texture coordinates
>I'll show you how
So what's the main take away?
Did any new tools pop up for weight painting recently?
Yeah, Unreal Engine added a Skeletal Mesh editor in 5.3
Facial animations are done with different methods. Assuming you are moving around vertices, an example of a common method is bone animation.

Either way, to do an animation, typically you send transform data calculated on the CPU via a uniform. If you want something to pause, simply refrain from updating / sending that data but bind your pipeline and draw like usual. In this context I think you should calculate all the transforms and send them to the GPU.

>Is it not possible to manipulate vertices in the middle of a sprite

It should be possible to manipulate any vertex in the vertex shader. Maybe dumping the whole shader that produces the problem code will allow us to help you better.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do exactly. If you want a distortion effect, but you want the sprite's bounds to remain unchanged, I'd recommend listening to >>102244075 >>102244079

If you want to manipulate a sprite but also keep quad you are rendering it to fixed, use the fragment shader.
>If you want to manipulate a sprite but also keep quad you are rendering it to fixed, use the fragment shader.

What I explicitly mean is that if you aren't changing around the texture coordinates (but keeping the other vertex data fixed), then you can manipulate things in the fragment shader.
>don't talk to me or my son ever again.
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jesus christ, anon
seek help
Thanks I was confused about vertex shaders, of course a 2d sprite would only have a vertex at each corner. I think this will be a little bit more difficult to do what I wanted to do. I thought I could simply target pixels in the sprite and move them around at will like photoshop's liquify. I would still have to chop up assets such as the mouth and eyes. I think I would have to use a mixed approach where I have several animated sprite frames, but I could still do really subtle movements with the shader. I found this article which is similar to what I wanted to do, but his art style may work better with it than mine https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/433340/view/4040248138380089715
hey anons. i am new to game dev and looking to start a hobby project which is a cozy deckbuilder with some VN elements. Im sure it will be a lot of work, but i have infinite free time. Do you suggest using unity or godot for this project?
Have you ever hired a programmer on Fiverr? How does it work? Like you need to pay them hourly? I see things like ''I will code your game for 50 bucks'' but I guess they mean hourly, right?
it's pay per project, you pay the sum after they deliver.
what does Japanese cartoons have to do with that?
I don't hire third worlders
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Gamemaker. Once you master it and feels constrained by it, what this anon said >>102245636
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Managed to produce something acceptable "physics" wise, despite it being total jank even under best conditions.
OH WELL good enough!
jank have sovl
Now have them try to walk back to their position when pushed
are there functions to handle spritesheets with raylib?
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amazing, this turns up the jankiness to 11.
I live in Georgia and just got authorized 500 dollars for training related to my field. What would you do?
would it still be advantageous to learn if my eventual goal is funding / fundraising for a team?

for now i just want to try things out and maybe build a hobby prototype. but i foresee in the future making hires once i have a better sense of the game i want to build and its scope. for someone who isnt going to be the primary engineer on the project longterm, would it still be best to begin with low level tools and learn engine fundamentals, or am i better off learning unity
if your goal is making a game you should be using an established engine and not rolling your own
nigger focus on making a game instead of thinking about fundraising for a team.
NTA but you can work pretty quickly developing the game and engine in tandem. I'd say it just adds a couple months of work given at some point you become more productive.
>at some point you become more productive
citation needed
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I'm trying to animate things, from my understanding a 2D sprite will have four vertices, one one each corner that can be manipulated by a vertex shader. But can I also add custom vertices like the orange ones in the image? Then I can target them and manipulate them in the shader code. I'm looking at the different objects in godot, is this what a "mesh" is? Do I need to use and external program to make this mesh and then load it into godot?
you either need to do pixel art animation, where one frame is one quad or you can do skeletal animation, where you have multiple quads on 1 model attached to bones you animate
You’d make the mesh in Blender, then rig it like a 3D model.
look bro most of us will fail anyways, no need to give awful cursed advice like this
Rolling my own made me enjoy the process a lot more, i find myself working on the game more than when i was constantly fighting against UE's design decisions. It's true you can finish a game faster but the moment you're doing something outside the engine's design it gets really uncomfortable imo. If you're not an experienced programmer then I definitely recommend against it, but if you already have the experience and can look ahead and decide what you need up-front it's more doable than most realize.
Good for you. Not everyone is you. people;e work and think differently.
Works for you != works for everyone. Enginedevs are a meme for a reason.
Eh idk. There's a disproportionate amount of indie games that succeed that use their own engines, off the top of my head: minecraft, stardew, terraria, factorio, cube world, trove, overgrowth, the witness, etc.
Also you're in the wrong thread, go back to >>>/vg/agdg
Enginedev for 2D games is a perfectly reasonable choice if you know how to program
Most engidevs are the most of all time.
>Also you're in the wrong thread
Are enginedevs too retarded to know how to read? Would explain why they get nothing done. Read the thread title.
>If you post here you MUST be pro engidev or else...
lol lmao even you will NEVER make a game, the projects you are referring to are all lottery winners and most from a time where gamers demanded way less.
citation needed
lots of popular 2D indie games have homebrew engines
barely any 3D ones though
true, there's hardly anything to do compared to 3D, unless you want to use normal maps and fancy lighting like those nu pixel shit games.

graphicdevs are always repeating the same cycle, deferred rendering is old and busted, forward rendering is the new hotness (again).
Get the proportion (per capita) of games using their own engine that succeed compared to unity/unreal/gm fodder. If I had to take a lottery ticket, I'd be a retard to pick the unity/unreal crowd.
list 1 from the past year.
3d isn't so bad if you bootstrap with something though, making your own engine doesn't mean rolling vulkan from scratch.
I haven't played any 2D indie games in the past year
just download unreal and change the source code, do that for godon't if you insist on using that, baam you have your own "custom" engine and can call yourself an engiedev without all the malefits
What have you done the past year?
worked on my compiler
Probably easier to roll your own than modify even 10% of unreal's mess of a codebase. I got filtered trying to fix a rare bug (that I filed 5 years ago, they still haven't fixed) relating to client-jitter on the server host in a listen-server. I worked around it but it was that, a workaround, very uncomfortable.
May I see it?
link to issue please, i'll escalate it
I can't remember if it was this one (it was a while ago) but sounds similar enough:
Good luck escalating it though, they marked it as wontfix.
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>tfw epic has the time and money to add gimmick bloat like VR editing but marks real bugs as wontfix
I haven't given up on my dream project but it would be nice to finish something while I'm busy with other things in life.

So hear me out ... a text-based detective rpg. I'll refrain from graphics outside of UI stuff because I can't do art. It will be text, menus, and sound. It will be written in a dialect of lisp.

Actually any of you guys have a flavour of lisp you want to shill me on? I like chez and guile. I'd say I prefer schemes over common lisp.
CL just has the best tooling for gamedev, otherwise just go with chez. I guess since you're doing pure text you can also go with Clojure given that render performance doesn't matter. Would be able to leverage some decent GUI libraries there.
Dropped comic sans, pomaodev?
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>froggy project hopping again
pirates.io will flop
come on bro at least use some third party graphics, dont sell yourself short
you remind me of myself when I was mentally masturbating with common lisp.
it might be time to put aside lisp and go back to an imperative language and actually get shit done.
why'd you drop it? i just started a project with common lisp and some raylib bindings and besides having a lot of fun I'm working really fast.
as I said, I was mentally masturbating, aka wanting to be too clever for my own good.
I read LoL and taught why not be fancy with macros too. Taught that CLOS was cool and spent too much time trying to come up with a nice class hierarchy. all in all obsessing over making the perfect system and writing code that I understood when I wrote it but required me to scratch my head when I reread it weeks later.

Maybe i'm not smart enough for CL, I can admit that.
Gotcha. In my case I'm trying not to overthink things, I just have a simple hashmap storing entity components and I'm not going more than 1 level of inheritance deep.
I found a lot of the issues I have with inheritance hierarchies are gone if I limit myself like this and just use multiple inheritance. E.g. drawable class, and inherit that on entities that can be drawn.
That's good that you're not overthink things too much.
I learned that going a more limited language, in a sense any language is more limited than CL (900+ functions in the standard...), helps me not embroil myself in over analysis.
You're discovering why people don't use Lisp in the real world
It was an harsh realization at the time. I own a big pile of lisp book, I was all in the idea that CL was the greatest language ever. But in the end it wasn't for me.
let's be real, that has nothing to do with the language. python is the number 1 most used right now. Lisp isn't used mostly for historical reasons, weird syntax, and lacking the inertia popular languages hit.
Lisp isn't used because it's a language that provides no structure to the user and asks them to invent all their own shit
lolwat? Maybe this applies to scheme but no CL. Anyways I don't wanna derail the thread so let's just leave it at that.
Lisp is a language that you can do anything with, that makes it bad for practical purposes because you want a language that imposes constraints upon you so everyone's on the same page and you can do less thinking about architecture
Good, can you actually execute something on it? I'm too working on my own compiler and now I writing the c code generation backend.
>there's hardly anything to do compared to 3D
Sure but that doesn't mean there is nothing to do. How far can you push 2D depends on how creative you are, like on 3D.
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Very nice, very solid. iIt'll probably make the calculations more expensive but idgaf. Really need to make a level editor next so I can start checking how bad it breaks down with tile collisions in play KEK
I was playing this game with a fren called "Core Keeper", what's really strange is how badly the game runs for a 2D game, like my pc heats up and the game run at 40fps in the MAIN MENU. How can you fuck up this badly?
Anon stop trying to run games on your toaster
Probably shader creep. They use pixel art for their sprites don't know how they used to apply shadows during the pa golden years.
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What's your preferred way of managing hitboxes ?
GG seems to me the most sensible one.
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I'd like to program a turn-based RPG kind of game with relatively complex game mechanics and a focus on world exploration and lore (so, good 2D and sound design).

Which language/engine should I choose for this? Since I don't need 3D rendering, I'm guessing I don't need Unreal/Unity but frankly I'm completely clueless about game dev as a whole.
>turn-based 2D RPG
prob just rpg maker
Godot is really nice for 2D. Really, the only places I wouldn't use it are heavy simulations where you need more performance or embedded/web where you need lower filesize
Well I'd like to code that's the point
Is GDScript nice to work with?
Yeah. It runs like shit. Even on my RTX 2070 I got 100FPS on the title screen while the game (according to Mangohud) used 99% of my GPU. Ingame I get about 80FPS. No idea how they are able to max out my GPU on a visually simple 2D game.
Completely irrelevant since all that RPG stuff is your business logic. It's the one thing you need to create by yourself because having this combat is your selling point. Pick an engine based on language, portabillity, graphics or comminoty.
Personally, I'm (ab)using Tauri for that type of game.
>Is GDScript nice to work with?
I love it. It's a piss easy Pythonesque language streamlined to get the fuck out of your way.
That's gonna bite you when you have more than 5k lines.
>Pick an engine based on language
How much of a bottleneck is language speed for 2D games? Is there a point where something like Python or Lua would be too slow for example?
are you retarded?
>weight: 8700 / 100,000 kg
after two bursts:
>weight: 8600 /100,000 kg
I've written way more than that, sometimes for cash. Ever since Godot 4 fixed function passing and added optional typing it's been smooth sailing.
What does Japanese cartoons have to do with that?
Street Fighter and it's not even close.

No way lol after Skullgirls it's the worst, and they're both similar anyway
Most likely any language will be fast enough what you need, but there's more to language choice then performance: What's the dev experience like? What tooling/libraries for your use case already exist? Can the experience transferred to a job or other project?
If you're completely new to coding you want to a few small things in various languages to get a feel which ones you like.
Hey friends. Any good resources to improve my clothes rigging? I made a very nice model but I'm struggling to rig clothes to it without clipping
I'm a potato when it comes to fighting games. What makes a good hitbox?
unreal can make good hitboxes automatically
That's pretty impressive. I wonder if he had help

>clustering blocks into one mesh
>culling and lod
>greedy meshing
>generating the terrain on background threads
(I wonder if this wouldn't break multiplayer though)
>burst compiler
Idk what that is but apparently it optimizes C# code

You would think that accurate hitboxes are more realistic, and I guess they are, but realism and feeling is different. I'm not a fighting game pro but hitboxes in Street Fighter feel meaty and solid, when they're too small and refined they feel finicky and janky.

That's not what he asked omg
Typical unreal user right there
And that's how the cookie crumbles
With g bowing their heads with their tails between their legs talking about 2d hitboxes
Well I don't like using Python so I'm looking for something else. I'm not new to programming though.
>some clipping is always tolerated by players
>if you get clipping no matter what you need to add more bones
>unless you need to have the whole pieces of clothing because of modular equipment like BG3, try to remove as many invisible inner layers as possible
Is logan right about C++ constructors?
thanks friend
>I'd like to code
then Id recommend Godot as well, GDScript is nice if you can look past the indentation-based scoping
unreal is better
why does every rust faggot talk in the bitchiest voice imaginable
The current things I want to make are just so big in scope. I just want to make something that I can complete before I die.

You mean like commission someone?

You've had some solid progress! Keep it up!!


He's going the wrong way Consume the OOP, return it to C.
>That's pretty impressive. I wonder if he had help
every single voxel video i know has to mention water and transparency issues, he skipped over them, which leads me to think that he got a lot of help.
it's still a glorified creative mode tho, once you start to add physics and moving tiles, you start to lose a lot of the performance.
>c++ le bad because it breaks if you write code that doesn't work
he's past brainrot
this is extremely retarded, goddamn
there's a reason they call him Faggy NoGame
he really need to stop gooning to cartoons.
I mean we all do this
So my 3d professor's mom died so he is taking the next sem off, the new professor is going to switch us from blender to maya, should I switch programs or is maya better than blender? We only had a foundational class in blender, our last project was a car moving in a long road and automatically adjusting it's wheel's axis based on curves.
>some guy on youtube made a 3D game with assembly
and you people call yourselves enginedevs with c# and the like? ngmi
he made the game in glsl and c++ libraries though
It's all the same shit just different UI, knowing both will make you more employable, unless you want a job as a professor then you only need to know one
I think maya is better for animation. You will become a baby duck if you use one or the other. As a blender user maya's ui feels different.
on a machine made from store bought mass produced parts
nothing wrong with that tho, you can go full autism like this
but then you'll be doing software rendering exclusively. can you even use the gpu without a library at this point?
why can't tismos make videos on useful rendering stuff instead of how to watch porn with a calculator
>nothing wrong with that tho
He spent a month(?) making a demo that nobody wants to play and that could have been made in an hour using an off the shelf engine. This isn't smart or gmi, it's utterly brainless
All the useful rendering techniques are hiding behind papers, obscure gdc talks, and random blog posts that explain rendering from other games.
Except maybe radiance cascade. But then again 70% of the techniques are like "just make a lookup 3d texture bro", the rest is shader magic.
there is some papers alright. Its called a linear algebra book.
you can algebraDEEZ
>Hello fellow C++ programmers
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I don't project hop. I language hop it's totally different!
I idea hop instead
I had this video in my watchlist for a while
The only thing I've learned was that MASM has macros that look straight up higher level than C and C++, I knew NASM had something similar, but it's a whole new level.
Which makes me think, now it feels way easier to build a simple language on top of such macros, and even adding an optimisation pass. I guess that's how Jai is made.
Yes C and C++ are the bottleneck holding you back from making your game/game engine
their build system is
Yeah that must be it.
It can't be all the procrastination and intellectual masturbation
Do C programmers use default int for booleans operations or the smallest integer type?
afaik jai allows you to run jai code at compile time and this code has access to the ast so you can create macros but its through a higher level feature not just a macro definition feature if that makes sense
so same as Nim? I had fun making DSLs for my prototypes but then I had to read and debug a library made by somebody else and it was a fucking nightmare of macro magic. I switched to zig and never looked back.
generating code programmatically is fine and all, when it's separated and you have a clear output you can reason about. but doing at compile time where you don't get to see the intermediate step is a recipe for disaster.
i use enums
what's the memory representation of an enum?
Agreed. This is why I like (common) lisp macros. It's so easy to expand them and view the code it's generating inline, making it way easier to reason about.
i havent used jai nim or zig myself so i cant tell if they do it the same way afaik zig is a jai clone so it might be the same or similar
0 and 1
If you thought nim was bad, rust is way worse. Pretty much any framework is super heavy macro-wise, and proc macros are basically write-only. Good luck reading that shit.
Zig boasts of having "zero control flow", but I don't know how that will scale. I think macros are useful, but current implementations are bad for a number of reasons, as exposed here.
fast_bool_t or bust
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Transformation rosetta now works correctly. Now I need to implement the functionality itself.
Looks cool anon, are you making a level editor? I just got started with that myself. Trying to make something like trenchbroom.
Model editor for my OTTD clone, and deving an engine and tools for that project.
>Zig boasts of having "zero control flow"
you mean Zero "hidden" control flow, as no hidden memory allocations, no hidden magic. The devs actually removed Async from Zig because it's impossible to do without hidden allocations, I actually like this. Zig is just C with more ergonomics (regardless of the actual syntax difference).
>I don't know how that will scale
it scales fine? compile time functions are literally the better way to do macros, you can do all the useful stuff other than injecting arbitrary code.
people magically forgot that you can generate C/Zig/any lang code programmatically, it's how 99% of library language bindings work, you just use some data and run a python code to output whatever language binding you want.
ironically comptime Zig can do it too, you just need to output the file like any other file you fill in manually, which is good, because you can see the generated code and every error message would lead to a meaningful file line.

before that I used python and lua to generate C boilerplate code, I basically ditched most macros, (rip X macros lmao), maybe parsing C is hard, but generating it is super easy.
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I was singing raylib's praises but I should have given sokol more love ...
Nice! What are you building it with?
What are the differences? Both look like rudimentary C header-only libs.
>ziggers believe that control flow and allocations hidden inside a foo() call syntax is totally different than control flow and allocation hidden inside + call syntax.
this is a level of thought i would expect from 13 years old.
I like sokol's high modularity. It is also low level while remaining cross-platform. The web assembly is neat but I haven't tried it yet. I don't think the "header only" approach is necessary, but I'll admit it makes usage trivial. Sokol is a collection of header files. They are decoupled like stb. The header files also provide all the instructions you need to use them which is nice
For example https://github.com/floooh/sokol/blob/master/sokol_app.h. Maybe I'll do a little project with it someday.
Hmm interesting, I'll check it out, thanks.
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>obliterates API compatibility in one single commit
>slouken committed last week
it is tho, people cry about operator overloading in Zig when SIMD vectors are a native type.
the multiplication sign "*" sounds so innocent until you have two vectors, what does v*u means? a dot product? a cross product? could be whatever, what about a vector (variable length array on the heap) + an element? would it cause a reallocation and basically invalidate every single pointer you have to every old element? what if somebody decides to throw an error inside an what seems an innocent error? or do some retarded async shit?
on the surface, overloading seems like a good idea, but the amount of footguns is astronomical.

what I love about Zig (despite its shortcomings), is that nothing is hidden, and there's generally only one way to do something, it leads to consistent code across multiple libraries. it forces every programmer to use the simplest terms to communicate. that simplicity is what you end up craving after dealing with the clusterfuck that is Nim macro system.
and no, I don't like Odin's hidden "context" variable for changing the allocator within a function. Allocating code using an explicit allocator will make Zig and C code be literally the same and compatible even ABI wise, can't say the same about Odin approach.
don't updoot?
It seems there is also an imgui backend. I'd like to try it.
How modern is sokol rendering API? does it support compute shaders yet?
I haven't seen anything like compute shaders in sokol. I think its your typical GL wrapper in that regard.
Looked into a bit more, seems nice. That being said it's not as feature complete as Raylib so I'll stick with good ol Ray for now. Need compute shaders + some of the niceties.
Very impressive showcase, I will give it a try
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nobody can stop me
what the fuck
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The object tool is almost done. All that's missing is being able to pickup objects to move / rotate them.
Really nice
nice but can you please add shadows to objects? isometric view without shadows looks really weird, those floating tables are creeping me out.
that's polish for later.
New bread now!
just have an isometric square under the tables ffs
oh I thought you meant dynamic shadows. In that case yes I can whip up basic square shadows. Gimme a sec.
I thought you were going for that old school isometric look so dynamic shadows are out of the window.
What does your vision of dynamic shadows look like tho? you're mixing sprites and 3d models, are you going to make everything fully 3d to make shadows work?
Getting this thing to run was tricky
>RTX 4060
>only 4183 fps with one model
so this is the power of vulkan...
needs some tweaking it's not perfect, but you got a good idea, thank you.

Currently everything is a 3d model (ignoring the wall and terrain tool cursor). So that can open the door for dynamic shadows later on. I'm not sold myself on it. I like my baked shadows making it look like it was actual sprites. It's the kind of thing I might play around with when the game is near done.
>Currently everything is a 3d model (ignoring the wall and terrain tool cursor)
the computer sprite was a 3d model all this time???

the simple shadows look nice, it's not so flat anymore.

Kek always has been. I'll take that as a compliment, thank you.
good stuff

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