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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102221118

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>GPU performance

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
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ty baker
Blessed thread of frenship
blessed thread of TRASH and happiness
What options are there for renting a box with a nice GPU? I can setup linux boxes myself but im not sure which options there are and which the cheapest is. Azure, AWS, runpod, ... any recommendation? I need quite the compute
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Just look at the pricing pages
>I need quite the compute
how much? you talking a dozen A6000s here or a simple 4090?
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just run your AI on a million penguins.
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Just run your models on a 2080
Definitly need multiple GPUs as i want to build something that can scale up as i need it

Do you know about other vendors i should look into?
>Definitly need multiple GPUs as i want to build something that can scale up as i need it
if you need it all the time this will be costly.. you are in for about $€ 500+ a month for a permanent box .. if you need it just in bursts its wiser to time slot rent them whenever you need them
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>Just run your models on a 2080
It's already slow enough on a 3090, dunno how you have that patience anon, I'd be dead of boredom
Yeah the idea is that i provision dynamically as needed (im building something that will be end user facing) with terraform, ansible, images like AMIs or whatever. Im just not sure what the cheapest option or vendor is, i only know about aws azure and runpod and wondering if there are other vendors i should look into
Whatever you're dreaming of building hasn't got a chance if you need spoonfeeding to select a provider lmao
I don't. I'm still stuck with Pony and XL, unless I find out how to run Flux decently within my limitations, if possible at all. I'm out of the loop so no luck so far.
paperspace has a constantly updated comparison of GPU server rentals
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I'm lovin' Flux
>unless I find out how to run Flux decently within my limitations, if possible at all.
the only thing to make it bearable is to go for the Q4_K_S quant, it fits on a 8gb vram card, must be still slow as fuck though
I already have a prototype that works with an arbitrary number of machines im just wondering if there are other vendors i should look into that im not aware of
the least scary ronald mc donald I have ever seen
Ohh thank you anon, interesting
Sure lmao
So far I only got NF4 to run, and it was indeed too slow, though I'm not even sure if it's properly utilized in 20XX infrastructures. I don't expect Q4 to do much better, but it's worth a try.
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that picture showcase well the 16ch VAE imo, you can see if starts to shit itself on details on really tiny objects, that's a huge improvement compared to what we were used to on SD1.5 and SDXL
I'm just glad stuff like that can be remedied with some inpainting elbow grease. It's more work, but at least there's options.
the number of feature channels isn't the main factor there, it is rather the resolution of the latent representation
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ya, but its abit better than with humans tho (pic related), also the lora in >>102227222 throws it a wrench
can you use tile upscale for this?
is region prompting viable yet
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its already tile upscaled, but the lora gets wonky on small details.. I can try to change denoise on upscale to make it clearer
5 minutes to generate in Q4_K_S, initial load included.
IIIlya didn't lie when he said NF4 does better than quants speed-wise.
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>Sharing some of the samples from the Artist Study I'm doing on Flux Dev model. 2700 of 4124 names have been completed, I'm finding some images repeat because when Flux doesn't know the artist it generate some standard images based on keywords and seed (fixed).
that's very interesting, and he shares his styles on twitter, I'm gonna try some of these one out
>Hatsune Miku skateboarding, Friedensreich Hundertwasser style
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>It highlights the fine line between overly exaggerated lips and tastefully enhanced ones
>IIIlya didn't lie when he said NF4 does better than quants speed-wise.
he made a lot of lies though, like saying that NF4 is better than fp8
latent could work well with this
latent, my beloved..
I never really got into other upscalers
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changed the ultimate upscale settings abit and lowered the lora weight (less cartoony then ofc)

workflow pls?
Ponydev mentioned training their next model on AuraFlow. Interesting choice.. given it's pretty much barren community-wise. Anyone familiar with it, and why would they even bother with it?
>workflow pls?
no workflow, just selecting latent (from forge) when upscaling. just have to find correct value for it
keep reading and it explains why
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>why would they even bother with it
Money. The license of flux.dev forbids monetization, therfore the horse pussy lovers don't even consider it.

ah yikes.. I am using comfy.. well Ill figure it out, found some latent upscaler nodes in the custom node list
Guess that this horse fucker wants some of his money back from the training, and desu that's fair, this shit is expensive
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are there any good tools to create a mask out of your 1girl picture to then inpaint just the background
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We need a Flux LORA finetuned on classical simpsons animation. Make it happen /g/
any image editor that is worth its money will do (Photoshop and of its clone or even silly gimp)
why reinvent the wheel?
I mean making it automatically not having to trace it out
>in 2024
Krita exists.
How to upgrade to pytorch 2.5.0?
I want to join the cool club
You just have to sacrifice your virginity.
>Krita exists.
is it any good for photo editing? it's my main use for gimp
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Just run your models on a 1060

>Flux-dev Q2

Might just stick with SDXL
if only.. there were some kind of free, online, ai bot that could spoonfeed you... If only... I would call it "GPT", as in, GetsPoonfedToday. It'd be revolutionary.. surely everyone would use it and stop asking stupid questions, right?
that it even runs on a 1060 is a miracle..
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- go on ComfyUI_windows_portable\update
- do this cmd command:
..\python_embeded\python.exe -s -m pip install --upgrade --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu121

be careful though, it gives different pictures than 2.3.1
also to add to this is I did some testing on 2.4.0+cu121 vs 2.4.0+cu124 .. it also gives different outputs .. so not only the torch version is important, the cuda version is to
Some would probably disagree with me, but I'd say it should be absolutely fine, and certainly worth a try. I'm not that familiar with photo editing in particular, but I've been using it for any kind of image adjustments for good couple of years now and it beats GIMPs UI/UX as far as I'm concerned.
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Even when Flux knows a style, it doesn't keep it for long, once you start to add a setting it completely forgots the style, that's really a big issue imo
>it beats GIMPs UI/UX
well the thing is that i've been using it for years primaly for real life photos and I have no problems with gimp ui and even like it. Stockholm syndrome perhaps
I prefer krita for airbrush/clone action because I can just save an image without going through that shitty export/do you really wanna close the image? BS. krita sucks tho if you want to do things like set a white point, so for "serious" color correction etc I use gimp-o
I went with cuda124
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Does the left picture even looks like Georges Lacombe style? I don't think so. Piercel is one of his works
miku comes with ballast. its not just a girl with cyan hair, its an anime girl. try "woman with cyan hair"
this >>102227912 .. what ever you got on the left is not Goerges Lacombe

on another note prompting Hatsune Miku up in front with out any grammatical context to the rest of the prompt will make T5 just make Hatsune Miku with a minimal impact of whatever comes next
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I ran it on 1660S
it's weird that Flux has so much trouble remixing a concept and not stick to its bias (Hatsune Miku is an anime girl), I remember the SD models to not have this issue at all
are you sure it's not that Miku has an overpowering style cooked in? honestly, flux is DOA if we were judging it on what styles it has out of the box. it needs loras (short of someone pulling a full, uncensored finetune out of their ass)
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I know, right?
It's a laptop gpu aswell.

>figuring some things out
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>miku comes with ballast. its not just a girl with cyan hair, its an anime girl. try "woman with cyan hair"
I got this

>it needs loras (short of someone pulling a full, uncensored finetune out of their ass)
the point is that the styles vanilla Flux knows gets overpowered by Miku, so finetuning it to add more styles won't fix anything I think
I think to be sure you need to test it out on a style Flux really knows, the thing is, I don't know what artist Flux actually knows...
Roughly a minute for an NF4 flux image. Could've been worse I guess.
>the point is that the styles vanilla Flux knows gets overpowered by Miku, so finetuning it to add more styles won't fix anything I think
no, that makes absolutely 0 sense. if that were impossibly the case style loras wouldn't work, yet they do. you're putting a concept the model doesn't know very much (the artist) beside one it knows extremely well (Miku), it is functioning as intended by giving you what it thinks you are asking of it, prioritizing the concept (Miku) that's been burnt into its very being
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>Georges Lacombe style depiction of the vocaloid Hatsune Miku, impressionist, 19th century
>you're putting a concept the model doesn't know very much (the artist) beside one it knows extremely well (Miku)
yeah I think you're right, I need to find out an artist Flux knows perfectly
nogen because doing nsfw
flux is a finicky beast. pretty sure we simply havent figured out half of it yet. for some enlightening reading, check out the info for the vanta matte black lora
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prompt issues.. also left is not Lacombe, he is an impressionist painter and sculptor, not a 1920s surrealist like your picture.. he died 1916 before that style was ever even done.
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Another for comparison.
why does pytorch version change the image? I don't get it
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thats what I meant with "finicky". flux is extremely sensitive to the prompting. one wrong word and the whole thing goes poof.
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>flux is a finicky beast. pretty sure we simply havent figured out half of it yet. for some enlightening reading, check out the info for the vanta matte black lora
I think you're right, there's something wrong with Flux, it just doesn't want to remix styles with characters, even styles it knows well
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>Edwin Austin Abbey oil painting depiction of the vocaloid Hatsune Miku, realist, 19th century
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great question.. we probably would have to dive into the code on why it happens.

I think its more T5 that is finicky .. the styles are hidden in FLUX somewhere, but to unlock them you have to talk to T5 like a simple minded five year old
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>Matt Groening cel-art depiction of the vocaloid Hatsune Miku as a character from the Simpsons
you prompting is just wrong, see >>102228108
>as a character from the Simpsons
that's the thing, you're giving it redundant informations the model is supposed to know when we're talking about Matt Groening, and besides, not every style can be described by words, there's some artists that have a very unique way of representing stuff and it'll never be accurate with just words
>it works
>I will bitch about it anyway
>completely disregards the concern about not being able to describe unique artists with just words
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Matt Groening cartoon depiction of the vocaloid Hatsune Miku as a character from the Futurama, mid 1980s
Yes, I do.
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*Simpsons .. Futurama was actually the next prompt and this picture
>Check Kohya repo issues
>"How do I install these missing packages?!!"
>The one reply is a chatgpt copy+paste saying to pip install them
>Literally the way to do it
>Multiple thumbs down
I think I'd just kill myself if I was a popular repo owner. Bad enough you have to be harassed by the grifter, but then you have to also sift through these kinds of retards.
Any Forge user able to explain swap location and swap methods in memory management?
you can't really think that prompting like for an SDXL picture with baked in Matt Groening lora or finetuning will produce what you want on a T5 steered model? thats ignorant to what FLUX is.. yes you have to prompt more complicated to get these results, but its in the model without any finetuning and lora styling.. you just have to use your brain to unlock it.
yes. I've had some success with putting the artist name in the clip_l. this gen here for example, "a person, blonde, Honolulu Blue themed" in t5 and "by karol bak" in clip_l. and it did pick up the style. I got tons of others like that where the artist definitely comes through. david lachapelle, miles aldridge, that kind of stuff.
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>no it doesn't work like how I prompted SDXL, this is how it's supposed to work
I'm excited to see your full fine tune anon, I'm sure the prompting will be improved.
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Big fan of doily lace clothing and blond women :)
There is a coordinated effort to stifle open source AI models and local use innovation. Github is a space that is not insulated from those efforts.
(This does not negate the reality that retards exist)
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i want to do this if no one else does.

train a lora on seasons 2-8 for consistency and another one of season 1 for variability.

i even have the dataset because i compulsively take screenshots of everything i watch over the years, and i watch a lot of simpson classic seasons. it would be better than the average screencap because i only screenshot the best scenes i like.

too much of a brainlet to do this thought :(

>modern simpsons slop
Yeah I can tell from the 10,000 examples you've posted since Dreamshaper came out
>train a lora on seasons 2-8 for consistency and another one of season 1 for variability.
why not just precise the season of each training picture, the model will understand that there's different drawing phases of the Simpsons
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How often do we have to repeat the silly "You can't make Migu appear in different styles in flux" argument? It has been shown again and again that it is easy.

>>modern simpsons slop
classic simpson slop is built into flux without a lora .. (pic not related, thats futurama slop, also build into flux)
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I tried dreamshaper today, can't seem to dial it in correctly. Still using realcartoonRealistic and sometimes realspicev20
Github has mentally ill trannies constantly starting shit and poojeets that need to be treated like the 80 IQ ESLs they are. The only way to maintain a Github is just to straight up ignore all issues.
>pip install --upgrade --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu121

>Downloading https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu121/torch-2.5.0.dev20240904%2Bcu121-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (2449.1 MB)
>Downloading https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu121/torch-2.5.0.dev20240903%2Bcu121-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (2449.2 MB)
Amazing, I hope this worth it
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>How often do we have to repeat the silly "You can't make Migu appear in different styles in flux" argument? It has been shown again and again that it is easy.
don't make me tap the sign anon >>102228128
you should really change your upscaler dude. plastic attack. whatever it is you are using, use something else.
Actually all styles can be described in words, it's just not the way Flux was trained. I look forward to your comprehensive artist name fine tune anon, you clearly are passionate and autistic about it to do it. What, can't afford $1000 to rent the H100s?
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not much difference between 2-8 or 10-18 or 20-(78?) whatever, 1 seasons is very unique, has a simple amateurlish look to it.

>classic simpson slop is built into flux without a lora .. (pic not related, thats futurama slop, also build into flux)
classic simpsons has some very kino properties to it, not the average flux simpsons, which is modern slop

pic related
>me at the sight of modern simpsons
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What are you using? Mine are with R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B
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>will never be accurate in words
(best quality)
then just write "Season 1" for the season 1 pictures and nothing for the other seasons, Flux will get that writing nothing will lead to season 2-> infinite style of drawing I guess
>opens up CivitAI
>sees 1,000,000 uploads of this image
Anon, why do you think we need to see this? You don't even care about it.
you mean this style? not sure if its in the data set
You solved a captcha to post this
Yes anon, I care more about him not posting generic AI slop than he does about the slop he prints with a generic prompt every 10 seconds with a generic model
you can see it in the image file name. for an ESRGAN model you can try the 4xNMKD superscale and do some noise injection. really really helps with skin detail. you on forge? its easy there.
dont use anime6b for realistic looks! use nmkd_siax, dat or
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you can train two styles in the same lora?

look at this there is a pretty big difference between season 1 and seasons 2


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Guys have you seen that you can make generic women standing in lingerie portraits with AI?
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shit this it the correct links


but no one give a fuck that you care anon
yea its before they hired Korean animation studios that made everything look cloned .. but they were cheaper than American animators so FOX was happy with cost cuts .. they even make fun about that in some later episodes
Not the gotcha you think it is
No, you clearly give a large fuck that I care. Do better.
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"It's not like I like genned pretty women, or anything. Even if I seek to interact with with images related to them. Baka!" XD
I'll look for the 4xNMKD and I'll switch to ESRGAN for a bit. I'm on A1111, I'll see what I gan do for noise inj.
I'll Try that nmkd_siax ty
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wtf? sd1.5 base was this bad? I didn't remember it that way
>bro get with the times, standards are so overrated, as zoomers we're all valid, unique butterflies with equal voices, if he wants to make worthless images and make us see them that's like him expressing himself
It's not the gotcha you think it is.
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>OpenAI Pleads That It Can’t Make Money Without Using Copyrighted Materials for Free

>"It would be impossible to train today’s leading AI models without using copyrighted materials."

are you using the shitty baked in vae? get a real one
>I'll look for the 4xNMKD and I'll switch to ESRGAN for a bit
its here:

use either 200k or Supercscale
Didnt read your greentext blogpost sorry
You clearly did. Thanks for the reply.
that one for example?
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my preferred 1.5 vae is vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned, otherwise i suggest kl-f8-anime2
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if you can go DAT it can be worth it (but often a good ESRGAN model will do just fine) here found a link to a guide on how to add noise to img2img (and highres fix)
the settings are pretty spolid too, between 0.065 and 0.1 but may need some tinkering depending on image. once you start injecting noise into your upscales, you never go back. its essential
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first season looked like very grassroots, although i like the look of season 2 onwards, it is a interesting style.
>you can train two styles in the same lora?
Nta but yes if you caption them with appropriate trigger words and have enough of each style in the dataset. there may be some level of bleed in some cases but it's mostly minimal. furries did an artstyles lora for sdxl with like 500 unique artists or something packed in. in most cases that isn't ideal, but a couple style changes throughout Simpsons seasons should be a good use case
Fuck OpenAI they also want regulation that requires AI images to be watermarked and anyone who makes AI forgeries (with an extremely loose definition) to be fined or go to jail.
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yeah it's not that much better, but thanks for the vae suggestions though anon
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yea cause it was made grassroots in America .. was a surprise hit, but to appeal to a wider audience they streamlined the style and outsourced animation frame making, only made key frames.. Futurama is even worse, its largely computer animated .. but thats how the future went. It should be easy tho to bake a lora for the classic style, as it already knows the baisc sympson styles, you just have to alter it with 10 or 20 pictures.

ah the 90's was a fun time
idk about you but that looks like a passable image for the garbage you gave it
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what do you mean?
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Citation needed
it looks like you're doing img2img and are asking it to do its best turning a shitty 512x512 image into another 512x512 image, if you compare the two they look quite similar
ty, messing around with it rn.
Based. Why should they pay, what exactly would they be paying for? Licensing is for broadcast, redistribution etc. Copyright law already allows exceptions for commentary, parody, education, research and so on, training already falls under any one of those existing exceptions.
are those artisofts any good? "arti" and "soft" doesn't exactly sound good. maybe, if you are david hamilton.
>are those artisofts any good? "arti" and "soft" doesn't exactly sound good. maybe, if you are david hamilton.
I prefer the 200k Siax .. but Artisoft is just who made em (no idea who they are.. but probably some AI lab/researcher/corp)
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that's not what I'm doing, I'm just doing a classic text2img there
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i'm doing it... i'm baking my first ever lora... i bet it's going to be just great
I wanna like siax and its great for certain stuff (doesn't brighten the image for example like remacri) but it tends to pick up on noise or fine patterns and turns them into some sort of fine black grid, so I eventually stopped using it. well there is only one way to know I guess, Ima try them
if you say so
welcome to hell
mistakes were made
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somehow it feels like an ai nuclear winter all over again
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futurama doesn't look good at all. some of the 3d stuff is cool, but it's mostly garbage. specially the non 3d animation. it's that souless look that took over everything. even anime, like for example look at original ghost in the shell from 1995 and ghost in the shell 2 from 2004. funnily enough i think "souless ai art" is going to save soulful animation. look up this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDjbK8JWA_Y it's all good. the future is so bright!
that's just your fried dopamine receptors
did a tiny bit of digging, NMKD = N00MKRAD, single german "Fan of machine learning, console hacking, and C# .NET"
congrats anon, enjoy learning
what in the hideous troon hell
go fuck off and wank to your slop
NMKD's gui from itch.io was my first entry to local diffusion, funny how much has changed.
thats correct thats why I use the silly big real SR bla bla SwinIR ( >>102228348)
.. atm the best I found for realistic gens
For me it's NKDS upscale model
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>Nvidia reportedly preparing a Blackwell-based Titan GPU
they gonna milk us $3k for that right?
If it's 48 GB of VRAM and as fast as a 5090 and it's $3000. Okay, sign me up.
when your parents burry you they will use your real name on your gravestone, sweety
lol, if they do that, no one will buy their 10000 dollar 48gb entreprise gpus anymore
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once the novelty of being able to gen naked women wears off the real fun starts
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Aren't those 80GB of VRAM? Also it sounds like they're using physical size as a means to control enterprise.
then they should start making 96gb enterprise GPUs
scale goes up proportionately, or at least it used to
rumors say 32GB for the RTX Titan AI and 28GB for the 5090
it's going to be funny when Apple's unified memory platform supplants Nvidia
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It's always amazing how tech companies literally make the same mistakes as their defunct predecessors like clockwork.
>become dominate monopoly
>rape captive audience customers over and over
>start to get complacent, innovation slows, each iteration is just more rape
>shocked pikachu when "loyal" customers jump ship the second a viable alternative appears
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won't matter unless they up the bandwidth considerably .. the best apple chips have like 300GB/s memory bandwidth while the blackwells will have up to 1800-2000GB/s memory bandwidth on GDDR7 (or 8000GB/s on the HBM3 enterprise GPUs)

also the apple tensor capabilities are a joke copared to NVidias GPUs .. so I dont see em running away in anyway soon.
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There is definitely a crossroads between the value of having a lot more available memory than raw speed. I would not bank on Nvidia not becoming IBM within the next 20 years. There are multiple billion dollar corporations which will be actively looking for and investing in AI chips that aren't made by Nvidia. The idea of using a gaming GPU for AI is going to age as badly as software 3D rendering.
>I would not bank on Nvidia not becoming IBM within the next 20 years
me neither, Jensen Huang is 60 .. if he retires NVidia goes down the drain.
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>The idea of using a gaming GPU for AI is going to age as badly as software 3D rendering.
yea.. they had the right product at the right time that by accident (or design?) could do what everyone wanted .. but the concept is simple and we probably will see more and more chips at are completely focused on AI that don't do graphics at all.. but they won't be competitive to NVidia for atleast another 2-3 years. Blackwell is a beast
any Saudi Prince here who wants to buy me one of these? pic related
Yeah but once that happens Nvidia is going to crash. Like I said, I think Nvidia has built up a lot of customer bad will. People don't buy Nvidia because they want to, but because they have to. And we all know they're raping us. So when a real AI chip comes out Nvidia is going to lose their enterprise business overnight.
kinda reminds me of the Silicon Graphics dominance in 90s .. their Crays had no competition.. a few years later ppl just bought a graphics accelerator for the PC with double the performance (obviously NVidia was among them)
Can it run Minecraft?
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for the moment, Nvdia hasn't eaten that karma, but I'm eagerly waiting for it yeah
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In the grand scheme of things we're speed running. We're really only a few years into the explosion and assuming people started reacting to AI around 2022 we're probably waiting until 2026 for someone to launch a competing AI chip.
befriend a suspiciously wealthy furry maybe?
how much
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>the GB200 NVL72 – which contains double the hardware of the NVL36 – will have an estimated price of $3m.
holy fuck that's expensive
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Your hate is what gave me the strength
> Your hate is what gave me the strength
That's nice, dear. Your chicken nuggies are ready, I put them on the table for you.
see >>102229241
Ooh edgy. I remember being 17.
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Bit of a newbie question, why isnt the lora working? It works on auto1111 but not comfy
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and your retardation is what gave me strength, here's how I looks like now
I'd say it's because there's 2 lines on the output MODEL of Load Lora, try to find a way to only make this in series
Imagine the energy consuption. A single B100 blackwell has 600W-1000W consuption. A super chip has two B100 and a Grace (lets conservatively say its 50W)

Soe we got 2*72*1000W+72*50W = 147600W peak consumption .. niiice
>Your hate is what gave me the strength
Ooh edgy. I remember being 17.
Incredible levels of projection
Shit lora that does not work on schnell, only on dev. Use a merge
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Your strength is what gave me the hate.
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getting creepy 50 year old vibes from him actually
wait is that a flux fast LORA? can't use FLUX DEV loras on fast aka schnell
are you sure that's a flux lora and not an sd1.5 one? searching /g/ archives comes up with nothing so i don't think it's one from here, searching generally comes up with just an sd1.5 civitai one with that keyword and i'm not aware of any flux ones (dev or otherwise). although by sheer coincidence >>102228684 is me and i'm using beth harmon pics for an easy test case
ohhhh, I'm pretty new to anything that isn't basic auto1111 and sd1.5. didn't realize loras weren't interchangeable.

I can't seem to find a flux fast lora for anya taylor joy, pity
yep you hit it right on the nose, thanks for the help
that prompt wont make you happy in FLUX
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That's so dark sista
first time using flux, any suggestions?
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Your weakness is what gave me the hate
Prompt depends on lora, if you don't use any lora then boomer prompting works better
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Your downfall was my twisted motivation.
Laugh it up, normies. You won't be laughing for long...

Tryin to make a change :-/
this >>102229498

Lemme explain: Flux has two text encoders, CLIP and T5xxl. T5 is the dominant one and it works like and LLM like chatGPT. So your prompt should be something like:
> A high resolution close up photo of an eighteen year old women. She looks like Anya Taylor Jay, has blonde hair and blue eyes.
your tag prompt "might" work .. but generally if you wanna do more complex prompts natural language (aka boomer prompting) is the way to go on FLUX
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>can't use FLUX DEV loras on fast aka schnell
It werks on Aika lora. But I read it was a bake mistake where 'woman' could trigger it.
really good gen anon
as this anon says >>102229544 and especially drop those make belief tags like 4k and UHD in FLUX
ok so I tried that model, I don't like it for the stuff I'm doing right now. it wrecks textiles/fabrics, too aggressive.
ok got it, thank you
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You guys dont understand.... do NOT make me angry
Is there any node for preview or save image that also shows underneath info about the image like seed and lora used?
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Furkan in the back
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civitai is fucking gay
they keep removing my pictures
It's a celebrity lora?
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sank yew
I think they have forbidden celebrity porn pictures in there
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they took down this too
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top kek
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real person innit
its the stock photo guy who is memed endlessly .. also the alter ego picture the Internet Historian uses on youtube
gee, two straws?
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never managed to get only one straw somehow, it's the same thing when you go for someone eating an hamburger or drinking coffee, there's duplication
(triggered replies:1.3)
Has anyone tried this?
how is it? maybe you could show how "good" it is with a vocadoo
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this was removed
I could but I'm not going to because I dont use trans websites
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and this
you can use any website to showcase the mp3 output, unless everyone of them is trans I guess
They remove any celebrity lora images if they're not fully clothed
but having gaping horse anuses is fine.. I hate civitai
Gaping horse anuses aren't going to sue them
I mean, if they allow that, then you could simply use some pictures of some guy you hate (or your ex girlfriend), make a lora out of it and showcase some porn with their face and shit on civitai, that would quickly lead to some intense meltdown war type shit
I really am surprised civitai is still operating as is.. the meddle in a suspicious grey zone. Breaking open source ToS left and right, highly doubtful porn content (not the animal shit, speaking of loli stuff), hundreds of unattended celeb loras of web celebs/streamers to AAA celebs
imaginary horses aren't real people with lawyers
no one needs to see your nude celebrity
keep it on your computer
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anything that isn't clearly adult is prohibited on civit
what keeps them online is they keep a good faith effort preventing obvious abuse
How do I create/train LoRA that work with Flux? There's the Easy Training Script linked in the OP but I think it only works on SD and SDXL models.
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i have a lora which works wonderfully at 512x512, but at 1024x1024 the skin is just too flawless and weird looking, how do I fix this.
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Is there going to be a local alternative to this?
it's just an ipadapter / controlnet, you could make something like that if you wanted to
you can even steal all those images and use that for training
it's called a lora
yes, it was talked about a few threads ago >>102215362
I used to prompt back in the day with 1.5 and now I'm going to build a new PC and I want it to be SD proof (or Flux now, I guess). I'll be getting a 3090 from a friend so on the VRAM front I'm covered, but what about CPU ram? I remember back then ram didn't matter much, but now I've seen redditors saying you need 64gb to run Flux without getting errors. Is there any truth to this or are they being retarded? Also, does ram speed and latency matter? Thanks, bros.
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what the fuck is this?
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i had problems with 32gb ram when flux first came out. it's fine now, but you should probably get 64gb
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I don't know, I randomly found it when I decided to check the twitter of one of the original SD authors.
That requires too much effort...
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Can A1111 run flux yet
what's wrong with Forge? A1111 is deprecated
pack it up bro
How does that work?
Forge can.
nice one
redditor being proven wrong as always, doubles down on his lack of skill
>update comfy
>increased gen time



How do I revert this?
Come back to the Forge, high melanin content man.
whats so good about forge
cool gen
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proofread half of my captions but ran out of patience
be kind llama-san, it's in your hands now
Memory menagement for vramlets and it can handle flux, also comes ready with some gimmicks like soft inpainting.
no fucking way. once you become SPAGHETTMAN, there is no turning back (different anon)
if you are coming from a1111, its about 22.6 times faster. approximately. but you gotta live with the fact that it was made by a CENSORED
Bread delivery, it's here for you to collect...
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pretending to ignore cicd errors and pings until I have enough coffee in me for the day
comfy and flux with 12gb vram works perfectly tho.... no way people use flux with less than that
Bearable on a 10GB 3080, but unless a good finetune or great loras come out, I'll probably stop using Flux once the novelty has worn off completely and stick with Pony until such a time as they do.
yeah but comfy is uncomfy to use with all that spaghet, and some anons are simple unwilling to put up with lack of a proper UI/UX. Most of the time you really don't need to see or edit most of the nodes.
>can act as a single massive GPU
what a bunch of fucking bullshit, isn't it just multiple GPUs connected over NVLink?
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literally just google how to revert to a prior commit you blithering idiot
Follow the money.
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anons help me figure out the best settings to train a pose LoRA for Pony on the CivitAI LoRA trainer. Also, how many trigger words should I use, and what are the best practices?
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